Knight In Tarnished Armour Ch. 01 free porn video

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(The group contained has NO relation to the SCA other than the fact that they both dress up in armour. I don’t like lawsuits, so tell me BEFORE you sue, and I’ll change whatever the problem is. It’s a slow story, so be prepared for a wait for all the sex scenes. Thank you to my Story Support Team (Jacuzzigal, my editor, especially, first amongst equals, I love you all, girls),for their efforts to shine the dull brittle metal that has been buffed and polished into this work)


The girl ran through the woods, panting and jeering following close behind. She risked a quick look over her shoulder, and saw the group of men chasing her start to get closer. She ran harder, but her heart and her head knew it was only a matter of time before they caught her. She cursed the day she had bought that second hand car, and her ex boyfriend, for telling her he could fix it for her in a ‘jiffy’. The heel of her shoe finally snapped, and they were on her. Their hands closing around her. The black haired leader flicked at her blouse with his knife. She winced, and hoped that he didn’t cut her. Her blouse ripped under the knife’s edge. Her breasts, covered by her pale blue bra, drew the attention of the rapists, and the knife slid down into the hand grasping the catch of her jeans.

‘Fuck! Watch it man!’ The scream of the man caused a lapse in the attention of her assailants, and Cathy didn’t miss it. Kicking out, she managed to get away, barely ahead of the men as they regained their senses and began pursuit again. Her other heel snapped, and she screamed as her ankle turned, but kept running.

She caught a glimpse of silver through the trees, and ran for it. As she approached, her breath caught in her throat as her legs pounded the soft forest floor. Her feet caught on the upturned root of a tree, and she tumbled out into a clearing, into something she could believe. There were…..knights fighting with swords? What was that? Bagpipe music?

The clash and thrill of battle overwhelming him, facing his opponent, John raised his sword and attempted a deft slice towards the area that the warrior had exposed while blocking his last overhand swipe. The warrior responded with a quick jab towards the face. Knowing his helmet would deflect the blow, John continued the attempt, only to be rewarded with a ring as the blade struck the top of the armour. The attempt foiled, John’s opponent gave him a truly spiteful grin, then threw his whole body behind his overhand slice. Dodging inward, John raised his shield and rammed it solidly into the fighter. The blow shocked the warrior, and he stepped back, thrusting weakly at John’s right side in an attempt to buy time and recover. John started to parry, then, smiling evilly and, overwhelmed by battle lust, lashed out with a foot and caught his opponent under the breastplate, ending the fight decisively. The soldier fell over coughing. He looked around to find another opponent, then heard a shrill whistle breaking through the fog of melee. He sighed, and heard a loud voice call out.

‘Number 18! Foul! Retreat from combat! Unlawful use of body and personal combat.’ The voice stopped, then continued in a slightly more mirthful and sarcastic tone. ‘The Lords ask, for what they tell me is the 13th time, that Mastersmith John remember that, in the future, he can’t simply kick his opponent in the stomach to finish the battle, as this breaks the bloody rules!’

John raised his sword to his helm, and saluted his vanquished foe. He turned to the platform where the voice came from, and gave a somewhat less enthusiastic salute to the man with the megaphone., He removed his helmet, revealing red hair tousled and rumpled. Then, helping his opponent to his feet he asked nonchalantly.

‘So would the Lords prefer we continue the fight after Number 23 has recovered, or shall I forfeit the match, again? I keep telling you, it’s a perfectly legal maneuver if we were actually fighting for our lives!’

‘Excuses be damned, John! Match forfeited. 23 will fight number 5, after a rest to recover. The tourney will continue in half an hour. John, please come over here’ The loud voice switched off halfway through the announcement, and the crier waved cheerfully at John. As John walked over, he picked up a leather pack and slung it over his shoulder. Reaching in, he pulled out a leather skin and drank greedily.

‘Hi, Sam. Sorry. You know how I get.’ John blushed, and motioned over to a pair of minstrels playing. ‘And those gits playing MARCH OF FREAKING CAMBREADTH DOESN’T HELP!’ He threw the waterskin towards them, only to see the guitarist stop in mid-play, catch it and drink heavily, pass it to the bagpiper, then continue playing.

‘Yeahhhh…Just remember. Don’t lose your temper.’ Sam smiled down at his friend and motioned to the wooden platform. ‘Want to watch the rest from up here?’

John smiled, then motioned to a small tent at the edge of the nearby forest, a little away from the rest of the fairgrounds. It was green, and simple, lacking the banners and upthrust pikes and turrets of the other tents. A simple wooden sign, charred and pitted, read ‘John’s Armoury’.

‘Nah. I’ve got some work to do on that pair of axes that Michael wanted. They’re getting there, they just need a few more hours of tender loving care.’ He smiled, and, playfully waving his sword to the minstrels, calmly walked over and caught the loop of the wineskin with his blade, and cheerfully wandered on back to his tent.

– – –

As she tumbled to a stop, Cathy shook her head, and then screamed as the men started to reach her. The crowd gathered around the fighters obviously couldn’t hear her over the clang and the music, but a man nearby jerked his head over and, cocking his head to the side, placed something onto the iron block and started to walk over. Seeing the men in the woods, his legs sped up, his hands moved to the hammer on his belt, and he ran flat out. Cathy lashed out with her nails and feet as the men reached her, rewarded with a few yelps. The black haired man saw the leather-apron clad man, his hair and the laces from the apron flying out behind him, his short beard covering a gentle jaw clenched firmly. The man flicked out the knife, and called to his gang.

‘Guys! Leave her. Let’s take this geek down, then get her out of here before whatever the hell that is finishes. Gary. Hold her.’ His friends came nearer wielding their knives, one of them pulling a length of chain out from around his neck. They stood and waited, ominously, for the would-be rescuer, as a brown haired man pinned Cathy to the ground and twisted her arms behind her.

John flew into the line of men, the hammer slamming up into the jaw of one of the fighters. His body fought as his mind let it go, falling back into the crazed battle frenzy of his ancestors, mixed with the brains of those who had defeated that frenzy. His mind positioned the hammer to stop many of the thrusts as the gang got in each others’ way, while his feet and left hand kicked and hit, parrying blows at the cost of small cuts. His hammer slid home into the chest of one of the members, leaving three. A quick clash with one of them, and there were two. The others lay on the ground, one quite silent, the other clutching his arm and screaming. John accepted a slash across the forehead in return for an overhand blow onto the top of the remaining goon, and the leader backed away as John, dripping blood down his face, turned, and smiling, stalked forward.

‘Come on. You’re brave while chasing a helpless woman. Fight, you gutless coward!’ He grinned, and kicked out, catching the black haired man in the balls. This time, his opponent fell to the ground, puking and crying out in agony. John reached up and the hammer fell, aimed straight at the exposed neck of the prone opponent. The blow never landed. The hammer was stopped as it hit a sword blade. John whirled around, and the hammer, by reflex, flew into the shield as Sam moved in and entangled him

‘Stop! John! STOP! WHAT IN HELL IS GOING ON HERE?’ The voice of command, like a slap to the face, confronted John, and he collapsed to his knees.

‘Just….trying…to help….girl..’ John panted, the adrenaline leaving him.

‘John. Take it easy.’ Sam looked over at the people taking charge of the assailant. ‘Are they dead?’

‘Nah. One of them has been knocked out cold, one has a broken jaw, but they’ll live….’ The voice came as a relief to John and he straightened, reaching into his pocket and placing a bandana over the cut on his head, wiping the blood off, more came, but the cut was shallow, and the blood seemed to be stopping. He winced as he felt the cuts on his arms and legs finally.

Cathy looked up as Gary was forcefully yanked away from her. His astonished questions were quickly cut off as he and his friends were led away by these…

‘Who ARE you people?’ She looked over at the man with a large emblem on his shield.

‘We’re called the Knights of Fantasy, Ma’am.’ Sam answered. He looked at her, standing there, a puzzled look on her face. His eyes flicked down helplessly to her breasts, jutting forcefully outward, her shirt having been left behind. ‘Would you mind terribly if we lend you a cloak or something?’ He blushed a little, and someone went to John’s tent and grabbed a shirt off the line.

‘OH! SHIT!’ Cathy covered herself as best she could. ‘Please?’ she asked timidly. ‘And would you mind calling the police?’

– – –

John rolled his eyes at the nurse.

‘Honest! I wasn’t fighting in a tourney this time, Lily! There really WERE bad guys.’ He sighed and then winced as the needle pulled through the skin.

‘Well, there. You’ll have a few new scars for your collection. Fortunately, nothing seems to be damaged, other than your head.’ Lily looked down at John with a tired expression. ‘And honestly, if there really were bad guys, why on earth would you be STUPID enough to go and fight them?’

‘There was this girl,’ John smiled, shutting his eyes. ‘She was so pretty, too.’ He sighed. ‘Somehow I doubt she’ll ever really want to thank a guy who, by the time she saw him, looked like Dracula on a 4-day bender.’

Lily smiled, and pulled the sheet up past his body, her eyes roaming over the well built form. John wasn’t a body builder, but pounding out armour and weapons in his spare time had paid off. She remembered when his husky form had been excessively padded and not as pleasing, even to himself. But now…she smiled and patted his shoulder. Sam was a good man, and John had been perfect as his best man. Lily happily grinned down at one of her best friends.

‘Someday, Tiger. Just remember. The police want you to promise never to do that again. You really could have killed them, you know?’ Her full lips curved down into a frown.

‘Yes, Ma’am. However, the day that I stand by and refuse to help someone out is a day you won’t even have to check for a pulse. Just bury me, because I’m long gone. On the other hand, maybe I’ll stick to making armour and weapons for people, and not using it. Sam’s right. I can’t control myself in a fight.’ His face smiled, seemingly resigned to his fate. ‘Besides. You remember why I got into the Knights, right? Pretty shiny things that I wanted to acid etch…I really should get back to that. I miss it.’

‘You’re really good at it. I will never throw out my shield, John. You should feel proud. That girl was saved because of you, and some very bad men are going to jail.’ She smiled and giggled a little. ‘You made the news, you know? ‘Modern day knight in shining armour saves woman from ravishing.’ I saved the papers for you.’

‘Please tell me you’re joking.’ John’s face deepened into a frown, then winced. ‘Ow! You pulled the damn stitches too tight again! It hurts to frown!’

‘I keep telling you. You look better smiling.’ Lily smiled at him. ‘I’ll leave you to get dressed and deal with the press.’

‘Lily! NO!…You have a back way out of here, right?’ John’s blue eyes searched Lily’s face.

‘Okay, okay…eventually they will find you. They ARE the press’ She smiled, and patted his shoulder as she left.

John quickly dressed and left the hospital. A reporter was waiting at the back, and he ended up, reluctantly, doing a small interview rather than deal with the threat ‘I yell, and there will be dozens of us. You’re national news, dude.’

– – –

Thirty days later, John was sitting in his tent, contently hammering a piece of armour back into shape from an errant blow Sam had received in a recent battle, when a voice called from a distance. He ignored it, knowing all his friends by voice and figuring anyone else would read the sign posted outside, promising both no interviews and destroyed cameras to any reporters. He had paid for 3 since posting that sign, and their destroyed wreckage was displayed underneath the sign.

‘Excuse me? They told me you’re the guy that saved that girl, right?’ The voice caused him to flinch and mar a part of the polished armour. He sighed, gently wiped the scratch, and, making a mental note to re-polish the section, he hung up the hammer and started to clean up the filings and bits of scrap around the workbench.

‘Yes. I am. Now, do you want something or are you just here to annoy me? I have given all the interviews I wanted to a long time ago, and have not read anything in the papers or watched the news since.’ His voice startled even himself, harsh and annoyed.

‘Sorry. John, right? I wanted to say I thought you were very brave.’ John turned and looked. Then he looked again. The woman was wearing a beautiful midnight blue dress that was cut very low in front, displaying her cleavage to an amazing degree. Her strawberry blonde hair was curled up around a stickpin and the exposed neck was long, elegant, and awe-inspiring. The dress flared out around her hips and then ended just above her ankles. She was, in a word, gorgeous.

‘Sam set you up as a joke, right?’ He almost smiled at her. ‘I told him to leave me alone and stop sending the bar wenches…what did he do? Raid some lord’s private harem?’

‘Actually, I talked to him. I wanted to say thank you.’ Her voice cracked a little, and her eyes seemed to start to tear up.

‘Oh….god….you’re her, aren’t you?’ John blushed, then jerked as he realized how stupid he sounded. ‘I’m sorry. I -have- been paying attention to the reporters when they mentioned your name…you’re Cathy?’

‘Yes…but all my saviors of virtue can call me Catherine. Sam talked to me for a while and told me a bit about you, but I must admit his idea of the dress seemed to strike a chord.’ Her voice, deliciously sweet, seemed to float right into John’s ear, and he felt a tightening in the crotch that he vainly tried to repress by looking at her face. Her eyes were green, and they seemed to stare right through him as her mouth smiled.

‘My Lady, if you are willing to accept a slightly tarnished knight for the evening, I would like to invite you to the feast tonight. Sam is forcing me to accept some awards for the Battle of Green Meadow, as some moron decided to call it.’

‘John, I would love to go with you. Maybe you should change, though. You seem to be somewhat underdressed for a gala event, right?’ Her laughter filled the small tent, and she looked around. It seemed much bigger from the inside.

‘My Lady, no one will care what I am wearing if I’m sitting next to you, but, in your honour, I do my best to shine alongside you.’


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Knights of Amra

Please use the "Start Game" Button for the intended experience. If you don´t, many decisions will lead to unlogical results. The cause of action depends heavily on your stats. „Listen to me, my little girl, it is important that you understand: The world is a dark place. Mankind can be cruel. They don´t intend to; they just can`t help it. They are fearsome and lost, and while they constantly seek love and recognition, they do unspeakable things to each other. Don´t hate them for their mistakes,...

4 years ago
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Knights Dragons and Princesses

(feel free to add) In a fantasy land, there is a tradition to have the daughters of Kings and noblemen live in castles guarded by dragons. Anyone brave enough and skilled enough can earn the title of knight. Once they have this title they are deemed worthy of taking on the challenge of rescuing a "princess" from a dragon. The dragons come in all shapes and sizes and have a wide range of abilities, intelligence and skill. They don't only guard pretty women but also piles of treasure. Not all...

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Knightly Affections IV

Sir John had heard Prince Daniel's return before he actually saw him. It was Oroboros that gave his Prince's arrival away: the steady rhythm of the horse’s hooves on the cobbled entry of Strathmore.Several years ago, during a campaign in Greece, he found this stallion…neither a war horse, nor battle trained but an exceptionally smart equine. The two grew together as rider and steed should, their relationship slowly evolving into companionship. Giving the horse to the Prince as a gift was an...

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Knights of Minerva Saga Part 1

Eighty-six. That was the number of people killed during the most recent of raids that the country of Calmeria had endured. The enemy was crafty and had managed to avoid the country's troops as they hunted for the killers. These enemies were goblins. Standinging only half the height of an average human male, they were cunning and deadly fighters. Although cowardly alone, when they formed warbands and raiding parties under the larger Hobgoblins, they grew from minor annoyance to a problem that...

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(First Name = Your Name, Last Name = Your Love/Sex Interest's Name) There is little that gives a man greater pleasure in life than fucking a very beautiful, and very willing, woman. It is therefore unsurprising that you are as close to ecstasy as can be as the girl in front of you, who is on her hands and knees on the bed, presents her tight pussy to you beneath the perfect sphere of her ass cheeks. Kneeling behind her, you press the head of your cock against her entrance. She whimpers in...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 2 On with the Story

After Kim left I made my way to the kitchen where Alice anticipated my needs and had prepared a sumptuous lunch for me. I invited her to join me since I had something to talk with her about. She set another place at the table and sat down to eat. "Mister Sherwood, what did you want to talk with me about?" "Alice, first of all I wish you would just call me Art. You people may be paid servants but I consider you like family." "Okay Mist— oops ... Art. What's on your mind?" "Alice, I...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 3 Getting Back to Normal

The next day I had a visit from Grace. "Art, I've got something I need to ask of you." "Anything you want is yours just for the asking. You should know that." "As you are well aware I was almost raped and I need someone who cares to make love to me." "Say no more." I then kissed her, picked her up and carried her up to my master bedroom. I set her down and embraced her like a long lost lover returning home after an extended absence. We were both breathing hard as we undressed each...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 4 Field Training Lessons

Well, just as I expected, the next morning arrived right on schedule and with it a delightful little 14-year-old girl. She came in just as I was putting on the last of my rough and tumble clothes. I noticed that she was dressed, as I suggested, in jeans and a cotton long-sleeve shirt. As a matter of fact we were almost identical except she was shorter and had some interesting bulges and curves in her shirt. We sat down to breakfast and chatted while I filled her in on what I had planned for...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 5 The Disappearing Family Farm

The next day it was just like déjà vu all over again. Kim walked into the kitchen dressed in her jeans and cotton shirt with a big smile on her face that lit up the room just like daylight. I heard the front door open and close as Grace came in similarly dressed. "Art, I don't know what you did with my little girl but when she got home last night she was talking non-stop about your great adventure. She was excited and going off a mile a minute so I decided to come see what was so...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 6 Time to Unwind

When we got there and were unloading our gear I realized that we had not eaten our lunch yet so we three headed to the kitchen to refuel our tired bodies. After we sat down, I found it a little difficult to eat my sandwich since there was Kim sitting on my lap. With all the stress we had experienced, Grace decided to not say anything to Kim and let her stay on my lap. I, of course, would never object in a million years. Eating lunch with two of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen, with...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 7 Another Photo Excursion

After our quite enjoyable shower we got dried off and dressed ready to face the day. We came down to the kitchen intent on fixing some breakfast. Now, my housekeeper Alice seemed to exhibit a seventh sense since she could anticipate when I would be hungry. She would have prepared just the right repast to slake my appetite without my even having to ask. That morning was no exception as we were met with a table set for three complete with platters of pancakes, sausage, bacon, juice and coffee....

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 8 Some Serious Photography

When we had pulled in the night before, I noticed there was a car rental company right across the road from the campground. Not wanting to drive the motor home into the capital with the heavy traffic and lack of parking, I went over and rented a small SUV for our trip into the thick of things. I drove it back to our campsite where we loaded up my photo gear and we were off to the big city. Grace had not been to the capital in many years and Kim had never been there so that was going to be an...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 9 Happy Birthday

When you are a teenager looking forward to your birthday, two weeks is an eternity. When you are planning someone else's birthday, two weeks is but a moment. Time has a habit of speeding up when you have a lot to do. That was the case for Grace and me. We had some extensive plans to make in a hurry. I guess the hardest part was not letting Kim discover what was going on. We intended to make her day a big surprise. Our first task was to get Kim to make up her guest list. I told her that she...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 10 The Day After

The next morning we were up early and sat down to a delicious breakfast. Alice told me that she really enjoyed her day off. I whispered, "Was Fitzroy good to you?" She blushed and replied, "Better than good." I smiled and so did she. Grace suggested that we take a ride around the estate since she had not yet seen it all. Kim and I were all for it so after breakfast we saddled up and headed out to explore. Kim was getting the hang of controlling her horse so we had a leisurely ride. As...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 11 Disaster Strikes

The next morning, sure enough, I was awakened by the bed shaking and a warm moist feeling around my morning wood. I opened my eyes and what should I see but Kim riding me cowgirl style for all she was worth. She must have been on a hair trigger because as I reached up and caressed her lovely breasts she went off like fireworks. She collapsed on me and almost smothered me with one of her super hot kisses. Kim hopped off me and Grace immediately took her place to ride me like a bucking bronco....

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 13 Meanwhile Back At the House

When we entered the house we were met by Chris, her girls and George all looking like they had just moved the world. George asked, "Art, we have all the stuff on the truck. Where do you think we should unload it?" "What do you mean? You've had it on the truck for three days?" "I don't know what you're talking about. We only loaded it up this morning." "What did you do for three days?" "Now you have me confused. You saw us leave this morning didn't you?" "That was three...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 14 More Excitement

Grace, Kim and I overslept the next morning. It was nearly nine before we made it out of bed. Okay, so we awoke at eight but who jumps out of bed when they first wake up? I mean, you have to slowly adjust to the day and some mattress stress-testing does the job quite admirably. When we arrived down in the kitchen Chris and her girls had just finished breakfast and Alice was setting down our morning meal. Eggs, toast, bacon and OJ is my favorite and starts the day off just right. Grace...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 15 Another Encounter

Time slipped by as we all fell into somewhat of a routine existence. Chris and her girls (then three) were enjoying their new home. They don't object to the luxury lifestyle but Chris, in the back of her mind, would like to live in a home of her own. Grace and Kim feel like they are really at home and are looking forward fondly to marrying me. Kim, it seems, was not the only one with a crush on me. Cathy was showing all the signs of an infatuation. I didn't do anything to discourage her...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 16 Excitement Never Ends

Summer was drawing to a close so we decided to go on a vacation. With our Winnebago Journey we could go anywhere we wanted. We tossed around several destinations and ended up deciding to tour some of the country instead of a single destination. Since it would be a household vacation, everybody had an input on the points of interest we would visit. I wanted to see Mystic Seaport in Connecticut, Grace wanted to see Colonial Williamsburg, Kim wanted to go to Disneyland in Orlando, and Chris...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 17 Here Comes the Brides

August came along right when it was supposed to. School was going to be starting up for the fall semester in about a month so the girls were all getting excited about getting to see old friends and making new friends. Kim was going to be a sophomore in high school and would be trying out for the varsity cheerleading squad. Cathy was proudly entering high school as a freshman and was also going to try for the varsity cheerleading squad. Brittany would be attending middle school while Vicky was...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 18 The Colors of Autumn

With the mysteries of the wedding explained but not understood, we all resumed as normal an existence as we could. Hardly a day went by that there was not some form of the unexpected popping up to keep us all on our toes. I was in my den deeply involved in sorting and editing the pictures on my computer, trying to organize the thousands of images into some semblance of order. As I was reviewing the organization of my files I came across a folder I did not remember putting on my computer. It...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 19 Surprises

Chris, George, Cathy, Vicky, Brittany, Grace, Kim and I went down to the county courthouse to process adoption papers for the two older girls. My attorney, Bruce Sutherland, met us there with all the paperwork filled out. It was a simple procedure since it involved a natural parent and step-parent situation in both cases. We appeared before the judge in family court and everything went smoothly and, for the first time in my life, I then had a daughter. It would be interesting to see if and...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 20 Cathy comes of age

Jumping ahead a few years we find that Art is a grandfather to six girls and... "Wait! Hold it right there, Stepdad." "What, Art?" "Aren't you kind of jumping the gun?" "Well, my readers are getting bored and want this story to end." "In a pig's eye. Haven't you been reading the e-mails?" "No, I've been too busy." "Get your butt un-busy and read them; that's an order." "Okay, okay, stop throwing things at me. I'll read them." A short time later... "See, I told...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 21 Another Rescue

The four girls were doing quite well in school and I even got to help the older girls with their homework. Kim and Cathy bragged to their photography teacher so much about my work that they volunteered me to visit the class to show them some pictures I took and show them my techniques for getting the perfect shot. I related well to the students and found it refreshing the way they had a thirst for knowledge. I had anticipated a room full of disinterested kids just taking up space but I found...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 22 Facts Come to Light

During the first week Melissa and Bobby McIntosh were staying with us, I would hear Melissa wake up in the middle of the night screaming, "No, Uncle John! Please don't hurt me. I'll do what you say." Just as soon as that would happen, Bobby would make a mad dash to his sister's room and hold her to comfort her. He was a truly loving brother to his little sister. After a few times that happened, Grace and I suggested to Bobby that he sleep with his sister so maybe she would feel...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 24 Smile for the Camera

With our trip through the cave behind us things calmed down around Camelot. With no unusual surprises or disasters in the making, I found I had some spare time to pursue my hobby: photography. Kim and Cathy's photography teacher expressing her appreciation for the albums the girls had brought to Show and Tell, got my interest re-invigorated so I got busy in my studio setting up for some special pictures I wanted to shoot. With the cooler weather of fall upon us I decided to do most of my...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 25 Time Marches On

Fall had fallen, and the colors on the trees were magnificent. Kim, Cathy and I took advantage of every chance we got to ride around Camelot shooting pictures of the fall foliage. Okay, I admit: the trees weren't the only things I took pictures of. Even dressed in jeans and tee-shirts, they were a study in beauty. The bright yellow maple leaves even got jealous when the sun lit up the girls' hair; making it glow like pure gold. I made sure to capture every angle I could. Every once in a...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 26 Art to the Rescue

At nine the next morning, Detective Springer came to Camelot to talk with me about a case he had been assigned. It turned out that there were an inordinate number of missing girls and young women in the area. In each and every instance the girls disappeared without a single trace. Advertisements had produced a flurry of leads but Detective Springer's team had checked out every one and came up totally empty. There were no leads which did not end up in a dead end. They tried everything they...

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