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This is a work of fiction, written for enjoyment and amusement, hopefully yours as well as mine. It originally formed part of what was to be a trilogy, recounting the same events from the point of view of each of the participants. Sadly, it didn’t work, so I’ve taken Meg’s part, tidied it up and present it here, hopefully for your enjoyment.

* * * * *

I met Mike at a party. Actually, he rescued me. The football jock I went with got too interested in the booze that was available and tried to get too fresh, too crudely, too soon. It was only the first time we went out together and I told him forcefully that it was the last, then slapped him as hard as I could.

‘Why, you cheap bitch…’ he’d started and lifted his hand. I think he meant to hit me, but I’ll never know for sure because his arm was stopped in its downward flow by the interception of another.

‘No, Jimmy. You don’t hit ladies.’

‘Ladies!’ Jimmy said, ‘This bitch is no lady!’

That was as much as he said, when his face went white and sweat appeared on his face. I looked curiously at my knight-errant. Tall, well-built without any excess, sandy hair, blue eyes. Quite tasty, actually. I knew his name, Mike Henderson, and that he was an engineering student, but that was all I knew. He seemed to have a hell of a grip, because Jimmy couldn’t break it.

‘Apologise, Jimmy,’ he said, ‘then fade. The lady doesn’t want your attention.’

‘It’s all right,’ I said. ‘Any apology would just be lip service. I’d rather he just got out of my life.’

‘You heard the lady, Jimmy, now blow.’ Mike let Jimmy go and he scuttled away, invective trailing behind him. I was totally pissed off. My choice in men seemed lousy, as always. Mom had married Dad when she was seventeen and they had been madly in love until the day he was killed in a car crash. I had managed no such luck in men so far in my eighteen years of living.

‘Thanks,’ I said. ‘That was getting nasty.’

‘Thank Jack,’ he said, indicating our host, apparently busy inviting Jimmy and his friends to remove themselves, forthwith. ‘He had his eye on your friend and asked me to keep a look out.’ He grinned. ‘I’m Mike Henderson. And you are?’

‘Megan Davies. Meg.’ I stuck my hand out and he shook it courteously.

‘Pleased to meet you, Megan Davies.’ He smiled, the smile lighting up his whole face and I couldn’t help smiling back at him. ‘That’s better,’ he said, ‘you’ve been far too solemn ever since you got here.’

I grimaced. ‘I suppose I had doubts about Jimmy.’ I shrugged. ‘Oh, well.’

‘Is there anything I can get you?’ asked Mike.

‘Yeah, a taxi home. It’s too far to walk and I don’t see Jimmy taking me.’

‘Do you need to go?’ he asked.

‘Not really, but the evening’s spoiled for me now. I think I’d rather just go home.’

‘I’d be honoured to give you a lift, if you like. I promise to behave.’ He grinned lopsidedly.

‘I’d be grateful.’

‘I’ll get your jacket.’ He even knew without my telling him which one.

He drove me home in his pickup. I smiled at that. Macho male transport, but it was clean and unlike the others he hadn’t rigged the exhaust so that it sounded like a race car. I had to give him directions to our house and he was obviously impressed.

‘Mom and Dad built it themselves, when I was little. We love it,’ I told him.

‘They must be proud of it.’

‘Mom is. Dad was. He was killed in a car crash.’

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t know.’

‘No reason why you should. OK, thanks for the lift, Mike. Goodnight.’

He held up his hand. ‘Wait just a moment, please, Meg. Do you like French cinema?’

‘Usually, yes,’ I replied, curious now.

‘And Italian cooking?’ he asked, eyebrows raised.

‘Definitely yes. Why?’ I asked.

‘Would you like to see the rerun of ‘Nikita’ tomorrow night, then call in at Toni’s?’

‘With you?’

‘With me. Yes. Just the two of us.’

I didn’t hesitate. ‘Yes, I would.’

‘Good. A woman who knows her mind. I’ll call for you at seven. Dress comfortable. Goodnight, Megan Davies.’

‘Goodnight, Michael Henderson. And thank you.’

That was the start. Mike was wonderful company, witty, funny, fun to be with. He didn’t even try to kiss me until our third date. It was worth waiting for. The boys I’d been out with before nearly always tried to grope me. I guess it’s because I’ve got big tits. 36B, but they look bigger because my back is narrow. A magnet for male hands. Mike was different. He kissed them.

We’d been going out together about five weeks. It was summer and warm. We’d been to watch the college football team get beaten. Again. Mike was driving me home. We have quite a piece of land and half way along our drive, approach road or whatever you want to call it, there’s a pull-off. For some reason I wanted to stop.

‘Mike, pull over. There, between the trees.’

‘OK, Meg.’ He pulled over and switched off the engine, and the lights. It wasn’t quite full dark, so there was enough light to see each other. That night I was wearing denim cut-offs and a halter top. The top was cotton and quite thin, and there was no way I could wear a bra with it, which didn’t really matter as it gave me good support anyhow.

Mike put his arm around me and I snuggled against him. He kissed me and I kissed him back with keen appreciation of his technique and a lot of affection. His hands were warm on my shoulders. He broke the kiss gently and smiled at me, then began to kiss my neck, my throat. His lips moved down and he kissed the upper slopes of my breasts, bared by the halter top, tiny kisses, light, unhurried. I leaned back contentedly. I think I expected what was coming and I was sure I was going to enjoy it.

His lips trailed down my breasts, over my halter top. I was getting excited by his gentle touch and I could feel my nipples hardening. My nipples are very sensitive and it was a keen shock to my system when his lips closed over my cloth-covered bud and sucked gently. Suddenly I wanted more, and stopped him with my hand.

‘Sorry, Meg. I thought you were enjoying it.’

‘Hush. I am. Sit up a second.’ He straightened and I reached behind me in that double-jointed fashion we women have, unfastened my halter and with a shrug of my shoulders was suddenly bare to the waist. I put my arms around his neck and kissed his nose, then leaned back.

‘Carry on, Mike. I’m sure they’ll taste nicer without the cloth.’

‘Meg, you are so beautiful,’ Mike whispered, then let his lips do the talking.

I think I came, but I’m not certain. It was an hour later before we finally carried on towards the house and I was tingling when I got into bed. I rubbed my clit before I fell asleep. I definitely came that time! I fell asleep wondering about the swelling I had felt pressing against me from the region of Mike’s groin.

We started to use the pull-in for our necking whenever Mike took me home. I’d loved his lips on my tits, and I raised no objection when he caressed me there. I took care to wear front- fastening shirts and blouses, and Mom bought me some new bras. Front fastening, of course.

That was just after Mom really surprised me. We were sitting, just the two of us, after supper.

‘Meg, sweet,’ she said.

‘Yes, Mom?’

‘You like Mike, don’t you?’

I looked at her, curious, then nodded. ‘Yeah, Mom, I do, a lot.’

‘Sweetheart,’ she said, ‘don’t think this is a license, but I think it would be a good idea if we had you on the pill.’

I was well and truly dumbfounded and opened my mouth, although goodness knows what I was going to say, because I had no idea, but Mom held up her hand to stop me.

‘Hush a moment, hon. I was only your age when I got pregnant with you.’ There was a wry look on her face. ‘Believe it or not my sweet, but it was the very first time your father and I had ever gone all the

God, what was she going to say next! ‘I did read the dates, Mom. I was born five months after your wedding.’ I loved Mom, I had loved my Dad and I hastened to reassure her. ‘I never thought bad of you, you know, ’cause you and Daddy were so obviously happy together.’

‘I never tried to hide it from you, sweetheart. That would have been stupid, with your birth and our wedding a matter of record.’ Mom was very far away for a moment.

‘I could have been premature,’ I said, smiling.

‘Not at eight pounds four ounces!’

I laughed, then turned the conversation back to Mom’s thunderbolt. ‘You think I should be on the pill? Why?’ My mind was a turmoil, although I shouldn’t really have been surprised, Mom had always answered my questions on sex and birth and whatever fully and frankly.

‘Apart from the obvious reason, I’ve seen the way you are with Mike. I don’t intend to ask you what the two of you have done,’ she said, looking at me with interest as I felt myself reddening, ‘but I don’t want you to take the same risk I did.’ She smiled at me. ‘I’m too young to be a grandmother!’

I laughed, then frowned. ‘I don’t know how it will go with Mike, Mom. I like him, I like him a heck of a lot. I like necking with him.’ Suddenly I wanted Mom to be aware of how I felt. I looked up at her, almost defying her. ‘I like him to touch me, too.’

She smiled. ‘Feel good?’ she asked gently.


‘Well, then?’

‘You’re right, Mom, perhaps I should be on the pill.’

‘I thought you’d agree. You have an appointment with Doctor Bianchi at ten tomorrow.’

I laughed, then saluted.’Yessir, ma’am, ten tomorrow. Can I use the car?’

‘If you want, but I don’t have to work tomorrow, so I thought we’d have lunch at The Lodge and do some shopping. You need some new bras, your old ones are getting too tight!’

That was when I got the front-fastening bras. Mom gave me a thoughtful look when I picked them, especially the half-cup black one, but she didn’t say anything.

Things went on the way they were for a couple of weeks. I was aware – I could hardly miss it! – of Mike’s erection. I was pleased that I could arouse him in that way, but I was scared of going any further. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I wasn’t ready to fuck. Not yet.

It was Mike that brought matters to a head, in his gentle way. We were kissing and petting, not in his truck but on a blanket on the moonlit grass. It was Saturday night, and I got Mom to let me stay out till midnight. She knew I was with Mike, she’d met him several times and liked him, so she’d raised no real objection. We’d parked at eleven-ten and it was probably about eleven-thirty now. My button-front minidress and bra were open and Mike was kissing my breasts. I loved him to do that and I know he enjoyed it, too. Because we were on a blanket rather than in his truck the position we were in was different and I could feel his erection pressing against me. I think, looking back, that Mike had pushed it up against me to see what I would do. If I had objected, I think he would have backed off. I didn’t want him to back off. I wanted to clarify the situation, sort of, so I pressed back against him, then gently touched his bulge with my hand.

I heard his intake of breath, then he kissed my ear and whispered, ‘Do you know what you’re doing, Meg Davies.’

I answered honestly. ‘No Mike, I don’t. I’m not ready to fuck, not yet, but I’m not a tease. I like you kissing my tits and I don’t think it’s fair to you to make you suffer.’

Mike laughed. ‘I only suffer ’til I get home, Meg, then Mother Thumb and her four daughters help me.’

I couldn’t help it, I giggled, then I whispered to him.’Mike, I want to touch you.’

He groaned. ‘Oh, Meg, please!’ he kissed me passionately, then put his hand on my leg, just below the hem of my minidress. ‘Meg, sweetheart,’ his voice was hoarse, ‘will you let me touch you.’

I had no hesitation. ‘Please, Mike, I’d like that,’ I whispered.

He didn’t say anything else, just kissed me, but it seemed like no time at all and I found myself virtually naked on the blanket, my dress open all the way and my panties off, Mike beside me, just as naked, and this enormous thing pointing at me!

I had never seen a real live erection before. God, I was like a rabbit with a snake, fascinated and terrified. Oh, I’d seen pictures, and Caroline Nilssen and I had watched a porno movie she’d filched from her older brother’s bedroom while he was away for the weekend, but this was real!

Mike was holding me tightly, warm against me, his fingers gently caressing my tits. Slowly, gently, his fingers wandered down until he was stroking my thigh. I took a deep breath and spread my legs apart. Mike squeezed me gently, then ever so slowly, his hand moved down until his fingers were rubbing gently at my cunt, his thumb gently stroking my clit. I nearly fainted from the sensation of someone else’s hands on my most private parts, then surrendered myself to the sensations. I came in nothing flat, shuddering to climax in Mike’s arms.

He kissed my ear. ‘You are a very sensuous lady, Megan Davies.’

‘And you have a hell of a touch, Michael Henderson.’ I stretched back and kissed him. ‘Your turn now.’

I took a deep breath and reached out tentatively to his prick, standing proud in the moonlight. It was rock-hard, with a velvety softness about it, too. And hot! Mike sucked in his breath.

‘What do I do, Mike?’

‘Wrap your hand around it, just below the head. There, that’s right. Now start pumping it gently, up and down. God, yes! Just like that, Meg. Just like that.’

I pumped gently at his prick, fascinated with it, with the way it felt. Mike’s breathing was getting hoarse. Hell, so was mine.

‘Meg, sweetheart, you are going to make me come!’

‘When, Mike?’ I asked, eager to know what happened.

‘Any moment at all! Oh, Jesus, now!’ And his prick jerked in my hand, semen flying from the end and over my leg.

‘God, Mike! That’s incredible!’

He took a deep breath, his prick still pulsing in my hand, the gush slowing to a trickle and wetting my fingers. His prick started to soften and I gently released him, wiping my fingers on the grass. Mike leaned over and kissed me.

‘Thank you, Meg. That was terrific.’

‘Did I do it right?’

His grin was wry. ‘You certainly did.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Ten to twelve, Meg. Time for Cinderella to go home.’ We dressed in companionable silence.

‘Sunday tomorrow, Meg. I promised my Uncle Bob I’d help him with the stocktaking, so I won’t be able to see you before Tuesday.’

‘That’s OK, Mike. Gives me time to get my breath back!’ And time to talk to Caroline. I knew she’d fucked. I wanted to hear what she thought of it!

Caroline was enthusiastic. ‘Meg, it was incredible! I didn’t know anything could feel like that!’

‘Weren’t you scared? I mean, is Charlie’s dick big? Sorry, that’s none of my business.’

‘No sweat. About average, I guess.’ Caroline giggled. ‘Not that I have any basis for judgement. For all I know, he might be a monster!’ She grinned companionably, then continued, ‘but from everything I’ve read, he’s average. Anyway, it’s not the size of the tool, but the skill of the craftsman.’ She laughed. ‘I read that somewhere!’

We were sitting on the grass under one of the big old oaks at school. Caroline looked around casually, then leaned conspiratorially towards me. ‘I sucked his dick as well.’

I couldn’t breathe for a moment. Mike had asked me if I’d suck his, but hadn’t pressed me when I said I wasn’t ready for that. He seemed to enjoy my hand jobs. I had to ask Caroline.

‘I don’t know if I could do that,’ I said thoughtfully. ‘What was it like?’

Caroline grimaced. ‘Hard to say. I haven’t got the biggest mouth in the world – and get that look off your face, Megan Davies – so he really filled it, but he was w
arm, and velvety, and, I don’t know, he just tasted good!’

‘Did he come in your mouth?’ I asked her, totally fascinated.

‘Yeah!’ She grinned vividly. ‘I thought I would choke!’

‘What was it like?’

‘Hot and salty and sticky. It was great!’

She certainly gave me food for thought, did Caroline.

So did Mike. We had stopped at our pull-in one evening and kissed for a while, Mike’s lips, as usual, spending at least half of the time on my tits. We had gotten into the habit of undressing, although it was usually dark, or nearly dark, so we still hadn’t properly seen each other naked We had established a sort of routine. We kissed for a while, then Mike would get me off, then I would give him a hand job.

It was becoming increasingly frustrating and I think we both knew that something else, some extra stage in our relationship, was increasingly likely.

This time, Mike encouraged me to get him off first. I didn’t mind, possibly because my power over his prick fascinated me. I always felt myself getting wetter and wetter when I rubbed him off, and once or twice when Mom had wanted to chat when I came in, I found myself hoping she couldn’t smell me.

Mike had a mutually satisfying climax and we lay for a while recovering our equilibrium, then Mike began to stroke me in his gentle, stimulating way. As usual, he kissed his way around my tits, making my nipples ache and bringing me to the brink of coming, then kissed his way down to my belly. His hand was usually stroking my cunt by now, but this time he took me by surprise. He kept on kissing his way down and suddenly I could feel his lips on my mound. God, what was he doing! Was he going to suck me off? Suddenly I desperately wanted his mouth on my twat. Mike had never done this before and I didn’t know how to respond. Hah! All of two seconds later his lips brushed my clit and I went into orbit! I could feel my belly rippling as Mike licked my clit and sucked my labia. I clutched his head in my hands and thought desperately of anything non-sexual that I could, while Mike sucked my cunt, then nibbled the inside of my thigh, then licked my clit. His rhythm was erratic and I could feel myself on the brink of exploding when suddenly he took a deep lick at the depths of my cunt then fastened his lips on my clit and sucked hard.

That was it! I came. Boy, did I come. If there was anyone within a mile radius, they probably heard me! I almost passed out, so intense was my climax. I kissed Mike fiercely when I came down to earth and told him that if he planned to do that again in the future to let me know please and I would take something in advance to calm myself.

That Saturday Mike and I went out as usual, but this time we parked at Rayner’s Crest. There were a few other cars there, but we paid them little attention, because we were concentrating on each other. I confess that Mike’s hand was inside my blouse, in fact my blouse and bra were wide open.

Mike dropped his hand to my thigh, and normally I would have welcomed his touch but I had my monthly miseries, so I stopped him gently.

‘No, Mike,’ I said regretfully, ‘it’s the wrong time of the month for me.’ I kissed him. ‘It’s only for a couple of days. Be patient, sweetheart. It’ll be worth it.’ I dropped my hand to his groin and stroked his prick through his jeans, then slid his zipper down and carefully eased him out. I almost surprised myself, but I had made up my mind that when opportunity coincided with inclination, I was going to suck Mike’s dick. I began pumping him gently, then slid down in the seat and took him into my mouth. I heard his sudden intake of breath. I licked and sucked at him. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but Mike seemed to be enjoying it, judging by the way his breathing changed. Even so, I had to know.

‘Am I doing this right, Mike?’ I asked him. ‘I’ve never done it before.’

‘Angel, you’re doing great,’ he murmured. ‘And if you keep on the way you’re going, you’re going to make me come. Is that what you want?’ he asked quietly.

‘Yes, Mike. I want to taste you!’ And I did, desperately, want to taste him. I had to know for myself.

‘I’m close, baby, very close,’ he whispered. I managed to nod without stopping what I was doing and I made my tongue get even busier.

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Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully’s side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn’t getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully’s kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...

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Michael and I (Megan) had talked about being with another girl and I had just the right one for him! I am 5' 9", 115#, 36d-24-34 Blonde, grnish eyes, VERY sexual and like to keep it shaved. Michael is 25 6ft 165# moderate build, aurburn hair, he is about 8.5" hard and he was in martial arts for 11yrs... We are both tan and healthy. I, along with my friend Lisa, am a model. She is 5' 10", 119#, 38d-24-34 very, very hot! She has [dyed] auburn hair and is shaved also. Although she has olive...

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The Overly Cute Guy

He flashed a smile at me and I melted. I talked to him about almost everything but the shoes he came in for. He was wearing a red T-shirt with white slim cargo shorts. He flipped his hair while we talked. "So Whats your name I asked? "Shane what about yours?" "Damien, so what grade are you in?" "11th its not that fun though" "No?" I laughed a little bit "I'm a senior but I'm 17 so you know how that it is" " Well I like older, I'm 16 but I’ll be 17 in less than 2 weeks...

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my name is rex

Things had been good until last year when my dad died, it was really a sad moment, things became had for us since my mom was an house wife before my dad death, we had already spent our money treating him of cancer and now we are left broke with just the house left, we had no option than to sell the house and move to our last grandparents house . It was just a three bedroom house, because of this I had to share a room with Mike, Mike has always been the lucky one with girls, he...

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PornWorld Candy Alexa Slutty Policewoman Candy Alexa Lets 3 Colleagues Fill Her Holes at Crime Scene

Shortly after arriving at the scene of a murder that took place the night before, highly professional police officers Candy Alexa, Vince, Lorenzo, and crime scene investigator (CSI) Thomas decide to take a kinky fuck break. Before theyve collected any evidence whatsoever, Candy is naked and the three men have their cocks out. From there, Candy hops on one of the guys cocks while she switches off sucking the other two off. Things really become unprofessional when they start fucking on the crime...

3 years ago
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The Fucking Machine Chapter 1

Diane and I have been married for a little over ten years now, having met while in college. For our tenth anniversary this year, I bought my loving wife a very special present. You see, my Diane loves sex - I mean she really LOVES sex. She describes herself as a nymphomaniac, although she has never been "officially" diagnosed as such. But that doesn't matter she acts like one and that's where the problem lies. Now I know on the surface most guys would be "So your wife is a nympho; I don't see...

2 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 13 Friends

They all looked to Dann to lead, now that Rand was hurt. Dann surveyed the party, and thankfully noted that there were few injuries, besides Rand’s broken leg, and his own lacerations. One of the older boys had a bruised shoulder, from being knocked aside by the bear in her blind rage, and there were minor bumps and scrapes, gotten as they had scrambled to get out of the way. Fortunately, the furious animal had been intent on the two larger hunters, and had ignored the rest in her...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 42

Elizabeth Pena found herself in the backseat of a car that smelled like stale weed and testosterone. The girl beside was the same height as Elizabeth, 5-feet-5, but she was at least 35 pounds lighter. The men in the front were large – bigger even than Andy and Paul. The car was a two-door and Elizabeth knew there was nothing she could do if Tomas and his unnamed companion decided to attack her. She had felt almost violated when Tomas had run his gaze down her torso to the gap between her...

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Behan ki Choot

Hi friends main aap ke liye ek naye storye laya hu. Ye mare or behen ki hai.aap ko kise lage batane ko mujko plz main kere id hai auntiko bhi main chodta hu koi antiy agar mujko milna chahati hai to plz aap na number mujko mail kare. Mera naam jaten hain meri do behene hain ek ki shadi ho chuki hain or abhi kanwari hain. Ye baat 1 mahine purani hain me or meri behen ghar pe akele the. Or me so raha tha to mujhe meri behen ki awaj sunai di wo bathroom me naha rahi thi mera lund waise hi tanaa...

4 years ago
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chennai to salem

true incident… That happened 1 year… I am an normal south Indian guy with dark complexion, average built with little tummy, I had a brain to get a good job in a MNC in Coimbatore with my Engineering degree… And I have a penis of average length with huge thickness…. Let me come to the story..As I work in an MNC all my journeys are planned by my company, But once I had to come to Chennai all of sudden. I came to Chennai finished my work, but couldn’t get ticket back to my place. So I came to CMBT...

1 year ago
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Doctor Patient Privilege

Doctor Patient privilege Susanna says: - It is, as always, the simple things that are the most beautiful and enjoying. I am sitting writing this story simply dressed in my PJs, my Ugg boots and my false breasts lightly attached, whilst wearing a page boy wig and some coral lipstick. I'm sipping a glass of chilled white wine and eating some fresh blackberries from the garden. I have some chill-out music in the background to relax me, whilst between my pussy lips sits a butt plug,...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 12 Dear Abi

"Aaaaand STAY OUT! You're lucky I don't call the police, you fucking weirdo !!" the lingerie store manager yelled at me, giving me a firm push between my shoulder blades. Dammit, some people are way too sensitive when it comes to public sex I mused. It was obvious to me that the lady manager never saw Abigail hidden away in the middle of one of the clothing carousels . Good thing Abi didn't have her usual neon hairdo going on, or it would have been equally embarrassing for her. More than once,...

Wife Lovers
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The New StartChapter 30 Shawna

Marie and Shawna walked along the rows of Stafford (similar to wheat) inspecting them for readiness. Marie a Shawna had become good friends at the beginning because they shared a common interest in agriculture. Shawna was a Silka and at first she had tried to get in Tani's unit but she was just not aggressive enough to be a soldier. She had then found an interest in agriculture and met Marie. She was slightly shorter than Marie, only five foot three inches. She was very quiet which was the...

2 years ago
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The Bachelorette Party Ch 02

I want to thank The Torrid Temptress for taking the time to proof read this story for me. I hope you all enjoy the story. ***** The door that led from the small room into the sanctuary was opened a crack allowing us a view of the large room. We still had twenty-five minutes to wait so as I waited for things to get started I began to reflect on how I got from the depths of my despair while driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles at four o’clock in the morning three years ago to the near state of...

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Ek Anjaan Ladki Ke Saath Zabardast Sex

Hi, mera naam Sandip hai. Main Bhopal se hu aur maine apne engineering ka padhai yehi se kia hai. Basically main Bangal se hu. Yahan par main 5 saal se reh raha hu. Meri height 5.6 feet ki hai aur mera body kaafi tight aur healthy looking hai. Mera lund ka size 7 inches ka hai. Ab jo kahani main aapke saath share karne ja raha hu woh real hai. Main jab Bhopal pehli paar aya, maine airport ke bagal me kisi college me admission lia tha. Bhopal me koi friend nahi tha to hamesha bore rehta tha. Ek...

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Your life to live

Before we begin, I'll need to know who you want to be. It all starts here: Put yourself into the same situations as different people. This will all depend on your sex, age, and orientation. There are multiple girls and two writers working on this project. If you want to join please do so.

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Sultana Chapter 1 The Nubian

The whole palace had the smell of myrrh. The myrrh was a decoy, a mask, a facade. It masked a subtle odor that one would not want to associate with such an esteemed part of the desert land. The emperor sat on his throne, leaning forward, trying to pay attention to what his vassals were saying. He didn’t really need to, nor could he hear that well. He had been a powerful man once. He stood several inches over six feet in height, and had been a great warrior. He had felled many rival claimants to...

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Tiara harris nude model

Tara harris is the most beautiful black woman in the history of ebony women living with a roommate sheena walking around her naked all the time. When she works out she wears a body suite with nothing underneith. Then of course sheena is in her presents takes it off and gets naked in front her. Whether it be the beach,gym,home are at a party tiara is always going to wind up naked infront of sheena. She in the most exhibitionist female that you have ever meant. Sheena has seen the woman tiara...

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Breast pumping and cock sucking at the park

Just a little story that happened the other day, I was at a park by me called ‘Otsiningo Park’ riding my bike; this park is a place where you can suck a lot of cock. After I was done I went back to my car (white corvette) to use my portable Breast pump for a little while, it relaxes me. I dropped my breast from my nursing bra and then started pumping; it feels so much better when I am doing it in my car then at home. It makes me feel like a dirty whore for some reason. As my nipple was pumping...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 13 Lets Get It On

NIS Day 5 – Morning - Medway High School 8:18am, Friday, November 2, 1979 “Hey, Cano. Why the Keytar and my Sweet Baby James?” I asked when I saw my ex-girlfriend come around the main hallway corner with her portable keyboard system, plus my 6-string acoustic guitar case. “Didn’t Tempe or Sammy say something to you?” Cano replied as she handed me my guitar case. “We wanted to surprise him, and all the guys,” Tempe quickly responded from beside the other three fully clothed NIS girls. “We...

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Bobbys Reward

johnstr Bobby lay looking at the ceiling of his room. His smile was plastered across his face. Who would believe that two short weeks ago he and his sister Marsha could barely be in the same house without fighting, and now they were having sex every chance they had. He thought to himself, “If I only knew, I would have been a lot nicer, a lot sooner.” It was hard to hide their new relationship from the parents. They had to put on a good act. Yesterday had been Bobby’s 15th birthday and...

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A giant neon sign flashed "XXX Adult Super Store," but it was a small handwritten sign in the corner of the window that got Jill Scott's attention. "Gloryholes!," it read. "What in the world is a gloryhole?" she asked her husband. There was a twinkle in her eye. Jill felt great, almost giddy. She and her husband, Jack, were on vacation in the big city and away from all the cares of their small town, ordinary lives. This was the first time they had ever been on a romantic vacation...

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Emily Thrashes Adam Then Rides His Cock

The morning after their latest sexual encounter Emily Bothwick-Smyth was fidgetting in the back seat of the vehicle as chauffeur Adam Crook looked at her in the rear-view mirror. Adam knew very well that the cause of her discomfort was the nine strokes with Emily's riding crop that he had applied to her bare arse before giving her a good fucking. He also knew that she had told him that she would be whipping him before their next fuck and he imagined that she would not be stopping at nine...

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Bi the Way

It has been several months since Ann and I enjoyed Aunan’s company for the weekend. Since that time Ann’s attitude towards sex has changed considerably. Whereas before she rarely instigated our love making, she now takes the lead virtually every time and far more frequently than I ever imagined she would. She is also far more adventurous about what she lets me do with her and to her. This includes mild bondage, regular use of her Rampant Rabbit vibrator and me cumming on her face and in her...

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How I Became Immortal Redux VersionChapter 2

I awoke the next morning, a bit groggy and weak still, I struggled my way to the shower, only to realize that the shower was not the one at my house. I felt a bit of a sting in my right arm and noticed a scar left behind, but I couldn’t quite place where that came from ... and then I looked down at my left hand and noticed the lack of a wedding band. Where the fuck was I and why didn’t I have my ring on my left hand? I shook myself a bit, ran the shower, anyway, and did my best to get clean...

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Manipulative Matters

You are taking a stroll one night through the backstreets of your neighbourhood. It was a tough day at work and you just needed a walk. Looking at your watch you see that it is 12:30 at night. Then you hear it a sound like a dog crying. Deciding to take action as the animal lover you are you search to help the animal. It takes about five minute for you to hear the sound again. You look around because it sounded closer this time. Then you see it come into view you were sure you had already...

Mind Control
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I Am So LuckyChapter 10

That night, when we got back, Johnny and I went up to my apartment and opened the door to a shock. Mom was sandwiched between Hank and Michael, and they were all naked and sweaty. I'd been a bit aroused all evening, thinking about thanking Johnny, and seeing Mom being fucked by two men made my arousal explode into lust. I took a couple slow steps into the room as if drawn to them, like a moth to a flame. "What are they doing?" I asked. "It's called a DP," Johnny whispered in my ear,...

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Ruined orgasms

Introduction: When a girl tells you not to come, you better listen. I was already deeply regretting how easily I had followed her lead. Now here I was, standing up against the wall, my hands secured tightly into metal cuffs. She looked me up and down, obviously feeling clever. So, you comfortable?, she asked. I scoffed. Hardly. She let out a soft hum. I stared at her breasts and felt my cock grow hard. She sank to her knees and took me in her mouth. I felt a reluctant Aah-sound force itself...

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The Chief FastDirtyv5

Dale Rogers the new chief. Mayor Laura Jamison Lester Haines Sightly heavy night officer. Mike Simpson day officer. Gym rat also a short 5’4” Lucy Kerby chubby young secretary. Jim Sloan evening officer Adams the realtor. Wesley Brown handyman. Andrew Rice my roof repairman and plumbing repairman Betty Booth the Sergeant at arms of Happy Valley Colonel Williams rep for Happy valley Diane Rogers his ex wife Sarah Rogers his daughter Wilson Thomas Daine’s bf Allison Dempsey lucy’s temp Raul,...

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There was more activity on the stair well of the apartment building then there should have been at four o’clock in the morning even for a Saturday. Most of the residents were already in from their night out, and they tended to use the elevator that was finally operating, and this was the reason the isolated alcove was chosen for a new group activity. The three people in the stairwell were, ZiZi's the zaftig resident manager, Yumiko a young coed and resident and Richie the building's resident...

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Got XX! Do you want to see a fuck ton of sexy Indian content that will make your Bolly-loving cock do backflips while you stroke yourself? Well, you may find that kind of content on GotXX. You are going to find all kinds of goddamn videos and more that are ready to make you feel like a fucking man again. Want to see what kind of hot content awaits you on GotXX?Then head over and take a look at all of the content that you can find on this unique tube site. It works great on both mobile and...

Indian Porn Sites
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159 A LITTLE LIGHT RELIEFWhen hubby gets home, he is surprised that I am sat in his living room at your invitation and you introduce me as EDDY just that, no explanation, nothing. He knew I was your on-line lover, and you could see his mind racing as to my presence “I`m going to have a very relaxing bath with my favourite bath fragrance then I'm going to present myself for a full body massage boys so amuse yourselves till I call you. It will be a pleasure to invite you into our bedroom later...

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William Redman CarterChapter 24

It was the day after Thanksgiving and William sat in his hunting stand watching the area in front of him for an older buck to appear. Several does and a young buck had passed in front of him a little after sunrise, but they were young animals that would strengthen the herd. He was waiting for an older deer to come through. There was a nip of cold in the air that was usual for that time of year. He could actually see his breath. Frost had covered the few grasses that grew along the banks of...

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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 32 Failure

Snap! Penny blinked twice as consciousness returned. Her body still tingled from the eruption of pleasure that had overtaken her before she went into trance. Her sex ached from all of the orgasms that Mistress had ripped from her body, and all of her muscles felt completely exhausted. Her nipples still ached as well, and Penny realized that the nipple clamps were still on them. It seemed that they throbbed with each beat of her pulse. Still, Penny felt wonderful. She was sexually spent,...

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Summer with Daniel

The first day of the season I recognized this one boy that had always come last year. A boy, who looked about 11, was cute as hell, blonde hair and brown eyes. His name is Daniel. I remember him from last year because he would do crazy shit on the diving board. Front and back flips, side flips, one and a half’s and all of them almost perfectly. If this kid ever goes onto the diving team in high school he is going to kill it! I told him this several times. I never really talked to him much the...

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1 November 2008Chapter 7

Dan sat sideways on a double lounger and several minutes later his girls appeared with their beach towels wrapped around their bodies, hiding their new suits. They were all smiles as they stopped and stood only inches from him. “Ready girls, to show your dad our new sexy bikinis?” “Yes Mom,” they replied in unison smiling at him. “On the count of three, one two three!” Together they dropped their towels and Dan’s eyes lit up. “Wow oh wow, do you three ever look so fucking sexy!” he...

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Cottage Wife

Every August my wife Marin and I rent a cottage for a week. When we were younger and before having k**s, this often led to a week of great sex. This summer was a return to the good old days. The place we rented was a short walk to a popular beach and a short drive to her parents place. As soon as we had dropped our bags in the cottage we headed on over to the water. We spent the afternoon playing the water with our son and people watching. My wife caught me more than once, checking out the...

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First Time Cumming

As I said previously, Ginie was a sexual deviant, for lack of a better term. But it doesn't really apply though. Sara did stuff with me because, ultimately, she would have an orgasm. Whereas, Ginie did stuff because it felt good. Sara was more of a "traditionalist" when it came to sex, she would blow you, jerk you off whatever, until you came. You would finger her, eat her, she'd dry hump you until she came, sometimes she'd keep going to orgasm again. Everything had an endgame, as it were, an...

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