Intoxicated Ch. 02 free porn video

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A/N: Part II of Intoxicated. And a warning to readers, since I received a complaint that the last chapter had no ‘action’, this story will be romance. Never mind the extra taboos like incest. It’s romance and as such, there will not be just sex but actual character development and a plot.



Between the calming sound of rain, the buzz of the TV set, and the blur of ink on her school papers, Naomi wasn’t sure when she fell asleep.

But when she did, she dreamed of a barren mountain covered in snowflakes and frosted grass. For hours she tried to find her way off of the mountain and out of the bone numbing blizzard that trapped her there.

But no matter how long she trudged on through the snow, she couldn’t escape. What was worse was that unlike her other dreams, she couldn’t force herself to wake up from this one.

It was an oddity for her, as the only dreams she had nowadays consisted of nightmares concerning her late mother- or the rain.

So when she found herself in a dreamscape blizzard, she was more than a little confused.

What was even more weird, was that she felt like the dream meant something yet couldn’t figure out what. All of her dreams weren’t just random pictures her mind conjured up.

They all meant something. Whether they foretold a future event or constantly brought up old ones, there was always a message.

She just didn’t know what message this dream was trying to convey.



‘Naomi! Naomi, wake up you lazy bum-‘ Lisa shook Naomi awake, the hazy eyed girl staring up at her in a confused daze.

‘Mmh?’ Naomi muttered, her gray eyes dilating as her blurry eyesight began to clear.

Eventually she had a clear view of Lisa’s freckled nose and annoyed blue eyes.

‘Don’t mmh me! You were supposed to call me last night but you didn’t!’ The brunette scolded as she dragged Naomi off the couch.

Naomi only stared at her in mild confusion as she tried to register what she was saying. After all, she wasn’t exactly a morning person. Lisa obviously didn’t notice her distant expression because she continued to complain as she led her through the house.

‘-And then I wake up early, early Naomi!, only for Prince to call me and tell me not to wait up for you? That prick! I don’t understand why you date him.’ Lisa went on as she pulled her toward the entrance, totally oblivious to the fact Naomi was only wearing a skin baring camisole and short shorts.

At her boyfriends name, Naomi’s eyes suddenly brightened. But not in happiness. She instantly remembered Prince telling her he would pick her up the next morning.

Groaning and untangling herself from Lisa’s tight grip, Naomi sped to the kitchen and checked the time on the stove.

She sighed in relief but then squeaked in panic when she realized she wasn’t late for school- but she only had thirty minutes until she would be.

‘Why didn’t you wake me up earlier!’ Naomi snapped angrily as Lisa trailed behind her into the kitchen, her arms folded over her neatly ironed school uniform.

‘Well excuse me.’ Lisa muttered, rolling her eyes as Naomi shot past her like a bullet and jumped up the stairs toward her room.

Like a tornado Naomi grabbed her uniform and ran into the bathroom to take a shower, brush her teeth, and do all the girl things she did before leaving the house. Since she was part of the Student Council, she was used to waking up early.

What she was NOT used to however, was waking up early and having to rush to school. She was never late. Never. So she was a bit sour about Lisa not coming earlier.

Of course, Naomi thought as she jumped in the shower and let the warm water roll over her skin, it wasn’t really Lisa’s fault. In fact, Naomi didn’t blame her in the least, she just needed someone to focus her ire on.

She really blamed the dream from last night. Ever since she was little she could tell the difference between reality and illusion, so she was always aware when she was in a dream.

She had learned rather quickly how to alert her body and gain consciousness whenever she wanted to, unless it was a nightmare. So she was pretty pissed that for once her mind had trapped her in an illusion, especially since it was of snow and not rain.

‘Damn cerebral cortex.’ Naomi thought irritably as she finished her shower and scurried to pull on her uniform.

By the time she was finished, Lisa was already waiting by the front porch.

When Naomi emerged from the front door, Lisa quickly pushed herself from her position against one of the porch pillars and eyed Naomi up and down.

‘Well,’ Lisa said with a wry smile. ‘You look like you just went to hell and back.’

And since Naomi had spared a quick glance in the mirror before leaving the house, she knew it was true. Her hair, which was usually worn in a neat ponytail, was now pulled into a messy bun with tendrils framing her face.

Her skin shone with sweat and moisture from her shower, and her clothes were wrinkled and mostly unbuttoned. Of course her face still had that stern and practical look to it, but the rest of her attire…kind of made it hard to take her seriously. Lisa guffawed and nudged Naomi’s shoulder, sending her a teasing look.

Naomi glared at her, but didn’t have time to respond to her earlier jab when Prince’s sleek black car pulled up to the curb.

The faint sound of music wafted towards them from the Lamborghini Veneno Roadster, and Naomi took a second to admire the expensive vehicle before the passenger window slid down, revealing Prince’s face.

His hair was greased back and was glossier than Naomi’s own hair, and the shades he wore over his eyes made it impossible to tell if he was glaring at her or not. But she didn’t dwell on it when Prince silently but coolly gestured for her and Lisa to get in.

‘Narcissistic bastard. Why cant he buy a normal car like a normal person.’ Lisa muttered for only Naomi to hear as they descended the steps of her home and approached the car.

‘You can complain when you actually OWN a car Lisa.’ Naomi replied cheekily and quickly pulled away with a grin when the brunette tried to swat her.

‘Coward!’ Lisa called out, her tone showing a hint of playfulness as she chased Naomi around the car.

‘Nerd!’ Naomi retorted, squealing when Lisa almost cornered her.

‘I am not a nerd! I’m…intellectual!’ Lisa sputtered, causing Naomi to laugh hysterically at her.

They called each other names and played cat and mouse for a few more minutes before Prince finally had enough and blew the horn of his car, startling them both.

Lisa sent him an annoyed glare, but Naomi only took a deep breath before reprimanding herself for being so immature on a school day.

When she quickly slid in the passenger seat and buckled her seat belt, she avoided Prince’s gaze. And it stayed that way the whole ride, thanks to Lisa’s bickering distracting him.

Naomi smiled inwardly. Lisa was something else. But she wouldn’t trade the sharp tongued junior for the world.


‘What the hell happened to you Williams?’ Jake, the president of the Student Council, whispered to her as they headed toward the councils meeting room.

It was the end of the school day, the student council meeting being her last school obligation before going home, and since Prince and Lisa didn’t share many classes with her she hadn’t spotted them all day.

She was very surprised that Prince hadn’t tried to catch her alone, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

She had been getting odd looks all day from students and teachers alike. And she couldn’t blame them.

Naomi had always shown a quiet elegance and professional appearance to the rest of the world excluding Lisa, even when she mourning for her mother. Never had they seen her look so…disheveled.

At least n
ot since Elle’s funeral they hadn’t.

It was embarrassing really. Prince hadn’t questioned her about it thankfully and hadn’t even acknowledged her attire beyond a simple raise of his eyebrows.

But as a member of the Student Council and having a reputation as an ice queen, well, it wasn’t good for her image. Not that she had really cared too much about what other people thought lately, but that didn’t mean she could just disregard it like it was nothing. Even Principle Bartlett had stopped her in the hallways while she was on her way to Health.

He had taken one look at her and asked if she needed to see a doctor, or even if she was on her cycle. He had said it in a partially filled hallway too.

To say she had been mortified was an understatement.

‘I’m fine Jake, I just slept in on accident. I know, it’s not like me!’ She explained hurriedly as Jake raised a light eyebrow and gave her a worried frown.

‘Well I can’t hold it against you, it’s not like you came to school in your birthday suit.’ Both laughed lightly, ignoring the looks of the departing students as they walked down the hall.

‘But,’ Jake went on, his arm now wrapped around Naomi’s shoulder. ‘I think it’d be best if you…try to…er, you know, clean up a bit and rest yourself before attending any more meetings. You’ve been acting off for the past few weeks. And don’t think I haven’t noticed.’

Naomi slowed in her tracks at his words and sent him a blank look.

‘But we have an important meeting, I can’t be late for that. I’m the vice president.’ She replied and struggled not to let the annoyance show on her face.

Despite her good poker face, some of her emotion must have gave itself away in her tone because Jake’s smile turned apologetic.

‘Missing one meeting wont be the end of the world. Not to mention there won’t even be much to miss, we’ve already covered a lot of discussions in our last one. There won’t be much to discuss today except for the upcoming dance-‘ Jake explained, but was cut off by Naomi’s raised palm.

‘Which is exactly why I have to be there, since I AM part of the dance committee as well-‘ She interjected.

‘And you’re the principles assistant, vice president, and the head of three school clubs. I know Naomi, I’ve heard this all before.’ Jake reprimanded softly as he turned and placed his firm hands on her shoulders, holding her into place.

Naomi pouted up at him as his hazel eyes met her own, shoulders sagging. Jake and her had never been particularly ‘friends’ per see. But he was a good brotherly figure and was one of the most mature people in the school.

His status as the president of the council and student body gave him authority that he handled well, and Naomi had a begrudged respect for him.

When he said something, Naomi knew to take it to heart. Because he knew what was best for her, even if they didn’t interact much outside of school matters.

‘Fine…’ Naomi murmured, her forehead creased in disdain that she was neglecting her duties, even if for one day. ‘I’ll spend the rest of the day off.’

Jake’s smile was bright and contagious and he ruffled Naomi’s already messy hair, causing the smaller girl to groan.



After grabbing her things and slugging her duffel bag over her shoulder, Naomi wasn’t surprised to find Prince waiting for her outside of the school.

He was leaning against his car, ignoring the admiring gazes of passing bystanders. The dark sunglasses he wore kept his sharp eyes out of sight, but that didn’t mean Naomi didn’t feel his gaze when it snapped to her.

Lisa must have already left thinking she would be busy with the meeting.

‘Shite.’ Naomi thought sullenly as she straightened her posture and walked steadily towards her boyfriend.

He unfolded his arms as she approached, and didn’t complain when she reached up and removed his glasses.

At seeing his heavily lashed jade eyes, Naomi smiled faintly. During their relationship she had made it clear that his eyes were her favorite feature.

When they kissed, she kept her eyes on his. When they argued, she always met his gaze head on. They were a mirror into his emotions, and she loved looking at them.

So of course she knew wearing shades was his way of getting on her nerves.

‘I see you’re out early.’ Prince muttered and paused, waiting for an explanation.

Naomi didn’t give it to him.

‘Prince, what do you really want to talk about? That phone call from yesterday was a warning, but I know Lisa prevented you from being alone with me. So spit it out.’

Naomi expertly began to change the subject, leaning on the hood and ignoring the gazes of the students walking by.

Prince tilted his chin down to look at her, part annoyance and part amusement showing in his eyes. He reached for his glasses and tucked them in the collar of his shirt before opening the passenger door for Naomi to get in.

At her questioning gaze, he explained,’I’d rather not talk out in the open, babe.’

Not bothering to remind him not to call her such an annoying nickname, Naomi readjusted her duffel bag and slid into the car, Prince shutting the door right after.

Her eyes followed him calmly as he circled the car and slid into the drivers seat. When he closed his own door, the voices from outside the car became quieter and the atmosphere became that degree colder.

He expression was serious when he turned to look at her.

‘Naomi, is there something going on?’ He asked, and to Naomi’s surprise he didn’t sound angry. Only worried.

Really, her appearance wasn’t ‘that’ bad!

At her incredulous look, Prince quickly raised hands in defense.

‘Despite what you may think, I’m not referring to your clothes. Though you do look…different.’

A smirk had formed on his lips at his last words, causing Naomi to avert her gaze and roll her eyes. Prince wasn’t put off by her attitude though, and his hand was on her shoulder a second later.

Naomi forced herself not to flinch and unconsciously tugged at the sleeve of her bruised arm.

‘You’ve been distant lately, Naomi.’ Prince murmured, trying but failing to catch her eye. ‘I’m worried about you.’

He sounded so utterly sincere. But Naomi couldn’t help but feel a spark of anger rise in her chest. The only reason she hadn’t pushed his hand away yet was because she had learned to discipline herself at an early age- she could control herself.

But that didn’t mean she had to take his bullshit. Prince with his late night practices and parties could never be truly worried about her. He was just confused with how intolerant she had become lately.

He was a good person, on some level. But he was selfish and conceited and his false acts of kindness and love were starting to make Naomi wish she hadn’t started dating him in the first place. Lisa would have a field day with that, since she had been the most against it.

Naomi had never gotten involved with anyone before, because she had too many responsibilities. But like always, Prince gets what Prince wants- and he had wanted her.

But at the moment, she didn’t want him or his false care.

Slowly Naomi turned her head to face Prince, and she forced herself not to react to the worried expression filling his jade eyes. Nor did she react to the expression of hurt that replaced it at her next words.

‘Just shut up and drive.’ Naomi muttered, brushing his hand away and turning to face to window. ‘I really don’t have time for this right now’


The ride to her house was silent and uncomfortable. Every now and then one of their phones would ring, but each time they would silently ignore it.

They didn’t look at each other. They didn’t talk to each other. Naomi would have been fine with it, if Prince’s aura didn’t make her skin crawl.

Obviously he was pissed off at her,
but he wasn’t acting on his anger. And for that she was relieved, because her own bad mood wasn’t helping the situation.

Both Prince and Jake were right. She had been acting distant lately. But that was her choice, it helped her stay sane. It helped her not to snap at people. It was her way of discipling herself.

Lisa was like her teddy bear, something to go to for comfort. She was sarcastic and witty and straight forward. But Naomi loved her for it. Because unlike everyone else, Lisa was real. She never hid her feelings behind a mask like Naomi did, she was never afraid of offending anyone.

Lisa was herself, proud of herself, and loved herself. She was the balance to Naomi’s life, and always had been. Of course Naomi had pushed her away during some stressful moments in her life, but Lisa always came back.

Her love was real.

Which was why Naomi couldn’t stand it when Prince tried to take Lisa’s place in her heart. Naomi was hurting of course. Physically, mentally, she was hurting everywhere.

She had moved on after Elle’s death, though she could never forget the pain. She had moved on from her fathers neglect, but she could never truly forget the hurt.

And now she was about to move on from Prince. She had been thinking about her decision all day, weighing and studying her advantages.

In the end, she had decided it was best to just get it over with and sever her ties with him. She had always been a patient person. Dealing with idiots her entire life had did that to her ironically.

So she had thought patience was the key to enduring Prince. He was handsome, generous, and a gentleman- at least when she had first started dating him.

Meeting him had been a coincidence really. She’d heard of him around school, especially since his father was the largest shareholder of not only the school, but most of the organizations in the town.

Of course Naomi being indifferent to money hadn’t thought much of it. Girls gossiped about him, the few guy friends Naomi knew chatted idly about him since he was the star of the soccer team. And Lisa constantly belittled him, calling Prince a prepubescent pretty boy who had earned his given name purely through his fathers work.

There were so many mixed opinions about the guy that Naomi had simply erased his name from her memory, since she had better things to do than gossip about the golden boy of Grey Village.

At the time she had still been recovering from her mothers demise, which meant she was still in her usual dazed and quiet persona.

They had met during a walk in the park. Naomi had been listening to Lisa babble on while she licked the ice cream she had bought from a nearby food stand. Prince had been walking in the opposite direction with his friends in tow.

Long story short, they hadn’t seen the other coming. Naomi’s ice cream went flying when Prince collided with her, and it splattered everywhere. On Lisa’s new silk shirt, on Prince’s hair, and on several of Prince’s friends clothes.

Naomi could only stare in mild shock as loud complaints went up. Lisa had easily defended her, despite her annoyance at ruining her expensive shirt, and surprisingly Prince had managed to calm his friends down and had even offered to buy Naomi another ice cream cone for her trouble.

One thing led to another, and somehow Prince had managed to make her smile, albeit it was a wary one, in the ten minutes they’d known each other. They ran into each other at school, and soon enough they slowly went from acquaintances to friends to a couple.

Naomi wasn’t stupid, she knew Prince and her were barely a ‘real’ couple based on societies standards.

She was pretty strict even in love. Most of their interactions with each other consisted of lunch dates, studying together, and every now and then they would stay at each others house.

Naomi was a virgin, and she wasn’t ashamed of it. Prince had more than once pressured her to sleep with him, but he didn’t try to force her in anything. They kissed, hugged, occasionally made out. But they never went too far, because Naomi would always stop them.

Naomi had been called a prude more than once by several of the student body. It wasn’t a secret to anyone that she didn’t date, Prince being her first exception, and that as one of the most authoritative people in the school she wasn’t to be messed with.

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2 years ago
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Fun at the Doctors

Today was Friday and I could not be happier. The whole week has been absolutely hell. With the change in weather and with it being warmer out, everyone seems to be coming to the doctor. And that means, all of their “issues” become my problem. I just wanted it to be Saturday so I could sleep in and not have to think about one more runny nose again. I had one patient left and I was hoping it would be another stupid self-diagnosis that I could brush off in 5 seconds. I knocked on the door and...

3 years ago
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Frankies First Chocolate Part 2

As Frankie recovered herself, her body stocking soaked from top to bottom with either her juices or champagne, Kai scooped her up in his arms and laid her on the bed, as he started to pull her arms out of the stocking, he lost his patience and started to rip at it, first he pulled it away from her breasts and as he felt it rip beneath his agile fingers he continued to tear it all the way down to her pussy, leaving her totally exposed where he wanted her to be.In her excitement at what Kai was...

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The Last Chance The Pleasures of Greece

I am in a state of turmoil as I realize that what is happening to me should not take place. I set out on this extended vacation with the intent of sharing my thoughts and impressions with a woman who is simpatico to me and with the resolution not to get into a physical relationship with her.Jan answered my advertisement in a local Boston magazine and me, poor fool, was beguiled by her candor and her sunny disposition.  I offered her the position on the spot and here we are in Venice, city of...

Love Stories
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Shifter The Sex Demoness

"If you see this girl, use extreme caution- contact law enforcment in the area as soon as possible." A lovely blonde news lady is talking on screen. To her side is an image of the "criminal" she is speaking of. A silk skinned beauty with long, jet black hair. She's not human, her skin is dark, but a beautiful shad of crimson. Her eyes are black, lips full and soft- probably hiding sharp fangs and a snake-like tongue within. Large bat-like wings extending from her back. A demon- they were...

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Meri Bdsm Ki Fantasy Part ndash 5

Hi guys, I’m Manisha this is the fifth part of my sex story, I am really delighted by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part. And one more thing I want to add is that my stories are not totally real, yeah some incidents are obviously true but rest is art of fiction just to make the stories more interesting and intriguing , so any one wanna give me more...

2 years ago
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Anna and Sam Chapter 2

Sam responded by parting her ruby lips slightly and allowing my tongue to slip between them. I moved my tongue slowly along them, tasting her lipstick and enjoying the sensation of the smooth enamel of her perfect teeth which parted slowly and allowed me access to the hot moist interior of her mouth. Her warm tongue found mine and curled around it in a loving embrace. As our lips pressed together I felt her hand move to the back of my head and pull me to her, her fingers entwined in my hair...

2 years ago
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JENNY‘S SECRET – PART 2 - LihuaA few days after her evening with Nickie, Jenny was back at the factory and went outside as usual for a smoke during her break. It was raining and she ran to a small shed next to the door leading out of the kitchen. The shed was used to store canned goods and anything the rats couldn’t eat. It was of course locked but there was a covered porch which one could use to get out of the rain. Jenny stood smoking and watching the rain when she spotted the Asian girl who...

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A Family Man Part 4 Discoveries

Melanie embraced this new dynamic instantly. Although she had always been a submissive, our relationship had opened so much more inside of her that she never realized before. She had told me that she would often imagine what other women might look like pregnant with my child and it excited her. She had mentioned her desire to see me with other women so she could see what she felt, as it happened, but she couldn't answer why. After I brought Audrey and Bonnie into our family, she finally...

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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 13

“Mark ... Wake up, my dear. You’ve slept for ten hours. If you don’t get up you’ll feel overslept.” Mark opened his eyes and smiled up at the lovely elven face that was smiling down at him from six inches distance. He slowly raised his head to kiss her, then at the last moment, gave her a quick peck on the tip of her nose. “Good morning, Dalia.” he laughed. “Aww! How did you know it was me?” Dalia asked with a playful pout. “Since the spell of Laylas chapel, I always know where Talia is....

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Christmas Holly

It was early Christmas morning; actually it was 1:30am, when Holly awoke and heard and rustle, she couldn`t place where it was coming from. Suddenly she spotted a figure emerge from around the bedroom door. She knew it wasn’t Luke as he had his firm cock nestled along the crack of her bum cheeks; Holly could tell Luke was dreaming of one of the video`s they had watched on xhamster last night.Suddenly the figure approached the edge of the bed and you Holly saw that it was Flasher974 Santa; he...

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BangBus Sisi Pesos Sisi8217s Tight Pussy

The Bangbus is looking to pick up some pussy in the hood. They help Sisi Pesos stay out of trouble and let her hide in the bus. She’s happy to be in the bus because she’s about to get dick and money. She’s a former stripper so she twerks her ass while they throw money at her. She sucks dick like a savage and even when she looks like she can’t take any more cock in her mouth she keeps going. Jovan Jordan try’s to play nice with her but she talks too much shit and he...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 13 Monumental Events

Saturday evening, the group assembled at the Winter’s house. Ty graciously acted as host and barbecue czar for the evening, accompanied by the other men. Alice escorted Pam around and again introduced her to everyone. She didn’t need to try too hard regarding any explanation of her new role; Dori had nicely paved the way through her Saturday morning visits with the others to make sure everyone knew that the Prentices had a new member in the family, and that Pam would be a full...

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Georginas Delight Chapter 2

Georgina, twenty-one-years-old, looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a short-sleeved white blouse and a dark blue pencil skirt with a hem just above her knee. It was summer so she had bare legs and wore high-heeled dark blue shoes. She looked every bit the strict school teacher; in fact much the way Miss Watson used to dress for class. She had met up with Miss Watson a few times since they first met back at the school and Georgina had spanked and caned her ex-teacher in the Punishment...

1 year ago
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A Bully in the Bathroom

Scotty Dixon sat in an empty stall in an empty bathroom, already having made up his mind. The girls in class were too much. He would rub one out and head back to class, and no one would even know. It had become his routine over the course of the school year. Twice a week, sometimes more, he would excuse himself to the school restroom and jerk off, clearing his head and calming him down enough to get through another day of high school. ……………………………………………………………………………… At 18 years old, Scotty had a...

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A good day at school

You feel a warm mouth slowly wrap itself around your rock hard cock. It starts to bob up and down, it's tongue expertly moving around your shaft, bringing you closer to climax. You try to see the owner of the mouth but you can't seem to see anything in the dark. Quickly you feel the cum building, ready to burst. Just as you're about explode, somewhere in the distance a loud blaring alarms jars you! You sit bolt up right, looking around frantically. You see the tent caused by your boner and...

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Create a Shemale

*Author’s note: This story is Public, if you have an idea, start writing!* Robots, science and chemistry have all advanced further than the public is aware of. Due to patents and trade secrets, nobody knew it was even possible to create a sex bot. They can have gravity defying shapes and sizes. They can even alter their owner with chemical cocktails. Cockbot Inc took all these ideas and added a penis. Their robots only come with a penis. You think, well, it’s better than nothing, and set to...

2 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 30

Monday morning I was still in a good mood from the wonderful weekend with Vicky and Becky. I got up with a renewed purpose and was soon on the way to the arena, early for practice but wanting to get some additional shooting and skating in. I was out on the ice quickly and did a full skating warm-up including some rushes from our blueline to the far net with the puck. I skated full out going in and full out going backwards on the way out. I finally got tired so I just did some practice...

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I have such a weakness for the throat, just the sight of someone, simply lifting their chin. Oh, I can feel myself melt inside. So soft and vulnerable, picturing my teeth held there. I like to lay my whole mouth over that little place where your pulse beats, give you a million kisses from the jaw line down to the base of your throat. Mmmmm, all warm and fuzzy just thinking 'bout it!So anyways, I'm sitting in my room which is still decorated from when I was in high school. PINK!! Excessively...

4 years ago
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Work Experience for Terri

I was in a rut - my life was totally boring. I had been divorced for four years this week. My ex-wife Mary had left me five years ago for a woman. Our sex life had been non-existent for the latter years of our marriage. My name is Frank and I am 40 years old. I’m shy and find it hard to mix with people. I’ve not dated since the divorce so I’ve had a very long sexless period of my life, except for what my hand offered by way of relief. Mary hated sex with me - complaining of my less than day...

4 years ago
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Sex With Senior

Hey, everyone, I am Hrishi, and this is my first story on Indian Sex Stories, so please don’t mind any mistakes. Feedbacks are openly welcomed on . Any girls or ladies, looking for hookups, can also contact me on the email id. So coming to our story, this is a real incident, that happened to me around 4 months ago. My name is Hrishi, I am 6ft 3in tall and have a dick size of 7in, currently in my second year, engineering, the girl of the story is Priyanka (name changed), she has a perfect...

2 years ago
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Christies tale or The third leg of the triangle pt2

She awoke the next morning to her phone buzzing, feeling relaxed and refreshed, and a little sore between her legs. Oh my God. Was that for real? Her eyes drifted around her room and settled on the picture of the two of them taken when Chris was an infant. My, you’ve certainly grown. The insistent buzzing of her phone drew her attention. What is so important on a Sunday morning??? 6 missed calls, and a dozen text messages. Jennifer, one of the varsity cheerleaders was on the...

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How I Met Your Mother Ch 04

How I Met Your Mother: Picture Perfect Newcastle City Hospital Special Burns Unit Saturday evening Beep…Beep…Beep Most of the words had gone straight over Leah’s head. She had been sitting in the hospital waiting for word on Alison’s condition for most of the day. Within an hour of receiving the phone call, Andrew had booked a hotel in the city centre and packed her and the kids in the SUV. Driving through the night, they’d arrived in Newcastle at sunrise. After dropping off the bags and...

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Under The Moonlight

She had been my girlfriend for 6 long happy years, All it took was baseless rumours and it all fell apart. She became more suspicious, paranoid, never believed a word you said. And then, that fateful argument. Everything we were feeling at spilt over. Plates were thrown, voices were raised and eventually, she grabbed her stuff and left. She was a bitch anyway, but this took the piss. So now, I'm living with my old college flatmate and work colleague Andy. He's a chill, supportive guy who always...

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Stanly Bromly Gentleman Adventurer1Chapter 3

The adventure with the two stagecoach robbers operating together convinced Stan that he needed something better than the Kentucky rifle or the throwing knives as weapons. The rifle was a single shot device which took too long and was too awkward to reload to be of much use in normal combat. On the other hand, the trowing knives were adequate in many cases, but the range was too short and too much room was required for the swing of the throwing arm. A double barreled shotgun would be...

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My Sisterinlaw BethChapter 19

We enjoyed a long weekend together but soon it was Monday, back to the old grind. I knew Jennifer had a busy week, so I was surprised to get a call from her Monday afternoon at work. She told me she had a break in her schedule and had been thinking about me. We talked for a while, until she had to get back to work. She mentioned to me that she was going to call me later in the week and try to have lunch with me. On Friday morning, Jen called and asked me if I could meet her for lunch,...

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Vacation Road Trip 2

This is a follow up to Vacation Road Trip where I met Danny. My wife and I were vacationing in Yellowstone Park and getting ready to journey back to Texas. I had driven for nine hours and was beat. I set up the RV in our campsite and Danny and my wife started making us some dinner. We ate some pulled pork sandwiches with chips and the ladies had sodas while I just had water. My wife generally spends the evening going over the next day’s route then playing Facebook for the evening. It was a...

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What Wed Do

First, I’d let you in the house and guide you to my room. Then we’d sit on my bed and start an awkward conversation. A few minutes after we get comfortable around each we’ll start kissing and cuddling. I’ll tease you and you’ll tease me. Our short and sweet pecks turn into long passionate kisses. Your hands begin to wander all over my body. First at my arms, then slowly drift down to my stomach and soon make it to my hips. You grab my ass as you start kissing my neck. I start moaning softly as...

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College life Spring semester 4

Waking about eleven the next day, Saturday, Corey was holding me still withKris lying under his sheets but his ass was shining out from under one spotin the sheet. It took a second for me to process what had occurred thenight before. Now the morning after, I had very conflicted feelings aboutit. On one hand, it was exciting and different for Corey and me to showKris the joy of gay sex. On the other, I wondered if I had overstepped theboundaries of my dear friendship with Kris and opened...

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Craig HillChapter 29

The evening came to an end. Mark said he should go. He had a busy day tomorrow. General Anthony grinned. "I'll see you home," said Victoria and then shrieked with laughter. The others joined her. Mark said his thanks and the two of them set off to his flat. At the door Mark turned to her and said with mischief, "I can hardly ask you in for coffee because we've already had it. What are we going to do?" Victoria smiled happily back. "I'm coming in; invitation or not." Mark closed...

4 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 33

Chapter Thirty-three The next morning when I awoke, I wondered if things were going to seem strange, each of us knowing what we were intending to do. Grace, for her part, seemed fine. In fact, I'd say that there was an extra bounce in her step. She woke up before me and made coffee, serving me a cup as I was getting out of bed. "Good morning!" she greeted me cheerfully as she gave me a sweet kiss on my mouth. "Did you sleep well?" In fact, I had. I felt rested. "Yes," I...

3 years ago
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Volvo Me Sexy Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hi friends, ye meri first chudai story hai jo really hai jo me apse sher karna chahta hu,apko a66i large to muje mail kare Mera mail hai Ab me apne bare me batadu mera name raj hai or gujarat me ahmadabad city she hu me akk mnc company me job karata hu,to akshar muje company me kamse bahar jana pasta hai, To me kamki vajh she gandhidham(kuchh)gaya tha or vahhase kam khtam karke me ahmedabd vapis jana tha to men’s volvo bus me meri seat book karadi or rat ko khna kahake travels ki office pe...

2 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 60

Chief Sanchez was instructing the crew on the now permanent changes to the Pretty Penny. He started in the engine room. David mentioned the space. The engine room was huge. "I always did like Rolls Royce. So we replaced the 1500 horsepower MTU diesels with twin 7,000 SHP (shaft horsepower) MT7 gas turbines." He lovingly caressed one of two titanium boxes. "The boxes are five feet long, three feet high and 30 inches wide mounted to the engine mounts. They were nearly 5000 pounds each...

3 years ago
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I8217m your wife

You are asleep, fingering my pussy. You call out a name, it’s not mine. I listen carefully, you say Sunita. I grab your cock, it is erect. You moan in your sleep and I pleasure your cock till it explodes. I catch the cum and rub it on my breasts. They are 34C and nicely browned, like my skin. Not dark, but creamy. My nipples are perfect, not to big, but quite long and erect. You love the way they poke through my blouse on summer evenings. I can’t lick them, so I wipe your cum and suck my...

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