Episode 65 Lizzie
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Copyright Oggbashan June 2016.
The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.
This story was inspired by the 1930s song ‘Is ‘E an Aussie, Is ‘E, Lizzie?’ by Flotsam and Jetsam.
I reminded myself I mustn’t stay too long in the sun. My overall tan had faded years ago and my skin would burn even in the South Wales sunshine. Another half hour would be my limit for today.
I was enjoying the sights on this secluded nudist beach on the South Wales coast. I had forgotten how attractive some nude bodies could be, and how unselfconscious even unattractive bodies were. A few yards away was a very attractive body. She had sun-bleached hair, a tan with no bikini marks, and although she was obviously only a few years younger than me, she looked seriously fit. Her breasts had a slight downward trend, not so obvious when she was on her back, but they slumped when she sat up and turned over.
There were other younger women on the beach but for some reason my eyes kept returning to that one. She had checked me out too. Although my skin is too white I have kept fit with weekly sessions in our office gym and some running. I use the local swimming pool several times a week after work. Apart from that I have had no life beyond work for years since my divorce. I had concentrated on building my business in London partly to compensate for the sense of loss once my marriage had collapsed.
I looked away. I didn’t want to offend her by looking too much. At the edge of the bay were some tidal rocks. About a dozen children of various ages were happily exploring the rock pools. They should be safe. The tide was ebbing.
My eyes wandered over the sun-dappled sea. Suddenly I noticed a white line in the distance. It could have been the wake of a large container ship that had passed earlier, but whether that was the cause or not, a larger than normal wave was approaching. I stood up and rushed towards the lifeguard station, pointing and shouting as I ran. A hand waved while I was still fifty yards away and the warning siren sounded. I changed direction heading for the rocks. Those children were in danger and three lifeguards couldn’t save a dozen children. The woman I had been watching had sat up as I ran past. She too was running towards the rocks with an effortless stride. She and I, and the lifeguards were all too late. The wave swept over the rocks washing the children into the sea alongside.
‘Watch out for the rip!’ I shouted as I came alongside her.
‘No worries,’ she gasped as we ran as fast as we could.
We dived into the confused sea side by side. Some of the older children were beginning to swim. We passed them heading for the smaller ones who were struggling. I heard the lifeguards’ jet-ski accelerating towards us but still a long way away. I grabbed one boy who had blood streaming from his face. I held his head above water with one hand as I swum with the other hand towards a smaller boy.
She had reached two children slightly older than toddlers and was holding them up. Two other adults were in the water behind us rescuing those children close to shore. They were standing. The rest of us were being swept out to sea by the rip. It wasn’t seriously dangerous. All we had to do was swim at an angle, away from the rocks, and we would lose the pull of the rip.
‘Swim that way!’ A lifeguard shouted as he arrived on the jet-ski towing two more on surfboards. She and I were already half way across the rip about fifty yards out to sea. A few more impeded strokes only using my legs and I felt the rip’s pull diminish. I began to turn shoreward.
‘Not yet mate!’ She shouted close to me. ‘Another ten yards first!’
She was right. I resumed my seaward course. The smaller youngster was spluttering as he tried to keep his head above water. I changed my grip slightly to push him upward. The boy with the bloody face was kicking to help our progress.
Within five minutes the three of us were aground on the beach. The smaller boy was grabbed from the water by his mother. The older boy staggered as he tried to stand in the back wash from a wave. I propped him up.
‘How are you?’ I asked.
‘OK, I think,’ he said. ‘Thank you. I can swim but not well yet.’
‘What about the blood?’ I asked.
‘That? Nothing. I tried to hold my little sister as the wave caught us. Her fingernail scratched my face.’
‘Where is your sister?’ I asked.
‘Your lady friend brought her ashore,’ the boy replied. ‘My sister can’t swim at all.’
‘My lady friend’? I turned to look for the woman who had been sunbathing beside me. She was carrying the boy’s sister and had another small girl by her side. Across the beach parents were rushing towards us and the lifeguards who were unloading all the other children.
I and the boy walked across to her.
‘Are you OK, Chloe?’ the boy asked his sister.
‘Yes, Sam. I tried to hold on to you but…’ She was trying not to cry.
‘I know, Chloe. Mum and Dad are coming.’
They were. They arrived within seconds. Both were relieved but shocked. The mother lifted Chloe out of the woman’s arms. Chloe burst into tears as her mother hugged her. The father knelt down in front of Sam. He looked up at the two of us.
‘Thank you, thank you,’ he said.
‘No worries, she’ll be right,’ the woman said.
‘That’s OK,’ I said.
The family walked slowly away.
‘For a Pommie, you’re useful in the water,’ she said to me. ‘I’m Liz.’
‘Hello Liz,’ I said. ‘You’re a beaut swimmer too. I’m Alan.’
‘So you know some Australian terms, Alan?’
‘Yes, Liz…’ I might have said more but the head lifeguard came up to us.
‘Thank you for the warning, sir,’ he said. ‘If we, or you two, had been a little slower that could have been a disaster…’
His radio squawked at him. He put it to his ear.
‘Yes. Fat lot of good that is now. OK. It could have been worse.’
He turned back to us.
‘We’ve just been told that a container ship was going too fast and causing a large wave — five minutes after the wave arrived. I’d like to invite you two to the lifeguards’ office for a cup of tea. You’ll come?’
I looked at Liz. She nodded.
‘Thank you. We’ll come,’ I said.
‘We’? What we? Liz and I were strangers who had just happened to be close to each other on a nudist beach. She was tanned. I was pasty white and could feel my skin beginning to redden. I’d have to get dressed soon.
The tea was strong and sugar laden. I suppose it was meant to revive those who had been rescued but neither Liz nor I seemed particularly shaken by the event. The senior lifeguard looked at us.
‘You two knew what you were doing,’ he said almost accusingly.
‘I should bloody well hope so, mate,’ Liz answered. ‘I’m a surf lifeguard instructor.’
‘Where?’ He asked.
‘Manly Beach, north of Sydney,’ Liz replied.
‘And Manly has some awkward rips,’ the lifeguard said.
‘And you, sir?’
‘I’m out of practice. I used to be a lifeguard some years back.’
‘It seems that you remembered, except you underestimated the length of our rip.’
‘I had never been to this beach before. I read your notices but that’s not the same as experiencing the water here.’
‘Thank you, both of you. But you, sir, need to cover up.’
He looked pointedly at my erection. What did he expect when a naked Liz was beside me? I was remembering the bounce of her breasts as I ran past her.
‘You’ve had too much sun today.’ He added.
‘I know. I was about to leave the beach when I saw the wave coming.’
‘We’ll lend you a bathro
be until you get to your car. You can bring it back tomorrow.’
‘Thank you.’ I took the bright red robe with ‘Lifeguard’ written across the back.
‘I’ll come with you,’ Liz announced. ‘I should be getting back too.’
As we walked back towards where she had left her clothes she looked at the skimpy robe partly covering my assets.
‘Are you saluting me, Alan?’ she asked.
‘What do you expect when I’ve got a bonzer Aussie Sheila beside me?’ I retorted.
‘Thank you, Alan, but I’m called Liz. You’re not so bad yourself. You ran faster than me and swum past me like a wombat with its arse on fire. I didn’t expect that from a Pommie. I’ve had too many wimpy Pommies trying to chat me up.’
‘And you, Liz, have been overdoing the Aussie bit. I’m sure you don’t talk like that in Sydney.’
She laughed.
‘Pommies seem to like genuine Aussie Sheilas.’
‘I’m sure they do, if the Sheilas look and move like you do, Liz.’
We had reached her beach bag. She pulled out a shift dress and pulled it over her head.
‘That’s it?’ I asked.
‘It’s enough to walk back to the hotel. It’s only a couple of miles.’
‘I could give you a lift. My car’s at the top of the cliff in the car park. If your hotel is a couple of miles away it’s probably the same as mine.’
It was the same hotel. As we walked up the steep path to the car park Liz stumbled slightly on the loose gravel. She grabbed at my hand to stop herself falling. She continued to hold it before lifting our linked hands and looking at them.
‘You’ve got big hands, Alan,’ she said. Her delicate hand seemed lost in mine. She looked down. ‘And bloody enormous feet!’
‘They’re great for swimming,’ I said.
I hurriedly covered up with jogging bottoms and a T-shirt. Liz was delighted to have a lift. She had walked to the beach in bare feet, not realising that most of the footpaths were gravel surfaced. By the time we reached the hotel she had accepted my invitation to join me in the restaurant for the evening meal.
After I had showered and dressed properly I drove back the couple of miles back to the beach to return the bathrobe to the Lifeguards. They told me I was lucky to have missed the media who had turned up to record the drama. I and Liz had remained as anonymous heroes.
Back at the hotel I found Liz on the sun terrace with a long drink. She invited me to join her. I did, keeping out of the sun.
‘Well, Alan,’ Liz said, ‘Do you like what you see?’
‘You know I do, Liz. You saw my salute on the beach.’
‘I wish…’ she said wistfully.
‘What do you wish, Liz?’
‘I wish I was staying another week so I could get to know you better, Alan. You’re the first Pommie who has impressed me. You can run, and swim, and you have good muscle definition. It’s a shame about your too pale skin…’
‘I know. I was intending to get some tan back this holiday. I might have overdone it today but I didn’t want to move away from the beautiful woman so close to me on the beach.’
‘I noticed that you were looking more than you should, Alan.’
‘What did you expect, Liz? You’ve got a great body and you were only a few yards from me. But for all I knew your husband might turn up any minute.’
‘No husband, Alan. I divorced the lazy bastard. And you?’
‘No wife. We divorced each other four years ago. Since then I’ve been working too hard. That’s why I’ve lost my tan. Now?’
‘Now, Alan?’
‘I’m at a point where I can relax for a few months and get back to living again, instead of doing nothing but work.’
‘What do you do, Alan?’ Liz asked.
‘Run my own company. What do you do, and why are you in the UK?’
‘I’m a middle manager for a company providing serviced offices in Sydney. Our major competitor has started a UK branch and I was sent to see if I could learn anything about their methods.’
I laughed.
‘What’s so funny, Alan?’
‘How can I put it politely, Liz? I’m your major competitor. I started the London operation. What do you want to know? I don’t think even telling you all my company secrets would help your bosses.’
‘You’re probably right, Alan. I didn’t need to come to London to work out that you provide more facilities for the same price as we do, or slightly less, and have more modern office blocks. I don’t know how you do it, but you undercut us while giving more. Are you going to tell me how and why?’
‘I might ask what I’ll get from you in exchange, but I won’t…’
‘What you’ll get, Alan, if you want it, is Liz in bed with you tonight. Whether you tell me any company secrets or not.’
‘That is an offer I can’t refuse, Liz. Are you sure?’
‘Yes, Alan. I want to see what you can do with your fit body.’
‘OK. I’ll do my best even though I’m out of practice. But I’ll help you to write your report for your bosses. I know exactly what they are doing wrong but they won’t want to hear it.’
Liz and I spent the rest of the day together with me helping her to write the report for her bosses. The difference between my company and theirs was obvious. My company was customer-focused making reasonable profits and paying dividends only after investment. Their company was a family concern employing too many family members in senior positions for which they were unqualified and probably incompetent. The salaries of the family members and the dividends to the extended family shareholders were crippling their business. Their costs were too high and their reinvestment too low.
By the end of the evening meal Liz had a hard-hitting criticism of her employers. Whether she would survive as a middle manager if she gave them the report as now written? Both of us were concerned that her employers might shoot the bringer of unpleasant news.
She decided to come to my suite instead of inviting me to her lower budget room. She could always retreat if we weren’t compatible in bed, but if I was in her room she’d have to kick me out. She wasn’t sure she could. Of course, if she’d wanted me to leave, all she had to do was say so, but we didn’t know each other well enough for her to have confidence about my behaviour.
When we stripped Liz was concerned that my skin was slightly reddened. I had some after-sun lotion. She asked me to spread out on the bed as she applied it first to my back. Her small hands moved with firm confidence. I was almost purring by the time she had stroked me from neck to ankles. She gently slapped my backside, asking me to turn over. As I did, my erection was very obvious.
‘Down, Boy!’ Liz said. ‘We’re not ready for you yet.’
She leant forward to kiss my lips before applying lotion to my front. She left the area around my erection until last. I was disappointed when she gave me the lotion to complete the task.
‘If I do it,’ she explained, ‘you’ll be too eager, too soon.’
She was right. If her hands had touched my erection at that point I couldn’t have held back. Her breasts swinging above my body had been difficult to ignore.
‘Up you get, Alan,’ Liz said as I finished with the lotion. ‘I don’t need after-sun, but I do need attention.’
She replaced me on the bed, spreading her legs so I could see her trimmed blonde bush. I started to kiss her feet, gradually moving up her legs. By the time my mouth was at the inside of her thighs she had grabbed a pillow to stifle her screams of pleasure.
Suddenly one of her hands pushed my head away. She dropped the pillow.
‘Protection. Now!’ Liz gasped.
I rolled off the bed, retrieved a condom and fitted it quickly but carefully. Liz watched every move.
I resumed my position between her legs, slightly lower than when she had pushed me away. I edged slowly upwards until my lips met her labia. I extended my tongue to ease it gently inside.
‘I want you inside me, Alan, not your tongue,’ Liz said with a
real effort.
I moved up her body, kissing her mouth as I passed. Liz’s hands grabbed my hips and directed them so that my erection slid into her waiting cleft. She bucked underneath me as I penetrated.
The next few minutes were frantic. I was slamming down and into her body, she was grabbing my hips and pulling me deep. I was almost at the point of no return when I felt her trying to twist me. She was too late. I couldn’t stop. I thrust one last time as I shuddered into action.
‘Oh!’ Liz gasped as she felt me slump, spent. Her arms moved from my hips to around my back. This time she could roll me over, still held inside her. She kissed my shoulder.
‘That’s the first time ever a man has come into me from on top,’ she murmured. ‘I’ve always ridden my men — until you.’
‘You can — later,’ I said. ‘but I couldn’t have held on a moment longer. It’s been too long since…’
‘For an out of practice Pommie, that was great,’ Liz said. ‘And we have the rest of the night to improve our technique.’
We had. By the morning I was spent, sore and tired. Liz was sleeping with her head on my shoulder with a contented look on her face. I was more than contented. Liz was everything I could have wanted in a sexual partner. She had been demanding, cajoling, loving and most of all, sympathetic. She had asked for everything I could give her and happy with my performance. I wanted more of Liz, much more.
I didn’t want her to leave and be just a wonderful memory. But there was one important fact I hadn’t told her. She should have guessed. I waited until after breakfast. She told me she was leaving for London in a couple of hours and catching a flight to Sydney tomorrow morning.
‘Liz,’ I said, ‘you can’t leave like that.’
‘I have to,’ she replied. ‘I’m due back at work in three days’ time.’
‘Can I have your address and contact details?’ I asked diffidently.
‘Yes, Alan, but what use would they be? You’ll be in London. I’ll be in Sydney. I might never come back to the UK.’
‘You haven’t worked it out yet, have you Liz?’
‘Worked what out, Alan?’
‘I’ll give you a clue. I want to invite you to come to my weekend cottage next weekend. Will you come?’
‘How can I, Alan? I’ll be thousands of miles away.’
‘No you won’t, Liz. My weekend cottage is on the Barrenjoey Road.’
‘The Barrenjoey Road? But that’s…’
‘North of Sydney, Liz.’
‘You cunning bastard, Alan! You’re an Aussie too!’
‘Of course I am, Liz. How can I own your company’s competition in Sydney without being an Aussie? I learned life saving at Palm Beach. I have dual nationality because my parents were ten pound Poms, but I was born and bred in Sydney.’
‘Then it’s a date. Next weekend on the Barrenjoey Road.’
I flew to Sydney the day after Liz. That weekend in my cottage was the first of many. Liz’s report was very unpopular with her bosses. It didn’t matter that they asked her to resign because by then two Aussies were engaged to be married. A couple of years later I bought out her old employers but Liz had been working for and with me since the day after she had left them.
But I still prefer the wonderful sight of Liz’s naked body, just like it was when I first saw her on that Welsh nudist beach.
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MasturbationI was feeling a little horny the other day, much like I often do. An hour or two of xHamster usually does a pretty good job of helping me get off, so I figured why not log on for a bit. Since I didn't have any dates lined up for the weekend, I figured there'd be no harm in a little self-love.I got online and went through my normal routine; check my inbox, preview a few videos, and check on my friends' updates. While checking up on my friends, I came across a particularly interesting status...
I went to our local fire station. I was wearing one of my Aunt’s fake fur coats, one of the really big ones. I was naked underneath except for my heels. I went up to one of the open doors that they let the fire engines out of, and there were a couple men inside the garage area, sort of milling about. A few of them saw me and I could tell that they had no idea what to think. So I just spoke up and told them aloud that it was my birthday before I dropped my coat to the floor. They freaked, and...
hello sweeties! Lizzy here so yesterday, I was getting fucked by my family, and we were all having a great time. I had completely lost track of time, and realized that we hadn’t eaten in a long while. so I asked everyone what they wanted and stopped fucking for a minute to order takeout. I placed my order, hung up, and asked my parents if I could do my favorite thing. they said yes, just be careful, and I thanked them.I ran off to take a super quick shower and hose down. when I was clean, I...
I’ve had my moments I’ve had my moments, I will confess My fleeting moments of tenderness I sang of true love, I’ve played guitars Then found a new love beneath the stars This time’s the last time, this time it’s new Love as a pastime for me is through I’ve had my moments, my big bad moments, But now my one big moment is you. Walter Donaldson & Gus Kahn Cindy McCabe experienced a moment of disorientation as she came out of a deep sleep. She lay quiet for a few moments as she took in...
As Inara groggily awoke, she became aware of the presence of two men standing over her. She kept her eyes shut and assessed her situation. The companion was lying on her back on some kind of bed with her wrists bound with what felt like plastic zip ties. Her legs were bent and from the cool air on them, she was evidently naked from the waist down with her gown bunched up on her belly. From the sounds of the street outside, they were on at least the second floor of a thinly walled building....
Hi friends, this is Vishal again. I had posted before a sex story about my fun with my previous girlfriend. After our breakup I was just alone and searching for sex like a mad dog and finally I got my heroine. But it did not last long as she was shifted to her home town. So I thought to explore some new fun and finally I got that. If someone wants to spent a nice time with me then mail me on As stated in the previous story, when I was transferred to patna (bihar), I had rented a room in a...
Jack and Sally knew each other well, however time get’s the better of most people and there was definitely a tad of uncertainty in the air that night. Five years had flown by but the touch of Jack’s hands felt familiar as he brushed the hair out of her face. Sally knew something amazing was about to happen as Jack pulled her into his body. With his lips pressed tightly against hers she let out a moan that let Jack knew. Something he’d been dreaming about for so long was actually going to...
'I say, Junior ... your mom is great.' Company was raring to go but ... first there had to be an accommodation made. 'What is that? That being the cat. "Evidently ... that ... is my cat." That's not quite how I would phrase it ... you're my human. What is that? "That that is Company ... and you will get along ... both of you. Now that that is settled ... we have aircraft to move." "Meatloaf tonight, Junior. Will you be staying?" "Mashed Potatoes with a hole in the middle full...
Some things just happen. People call it fate. Others think it's luck. Me? I think some things just happen. It's not like there has to be a reason for everything. Like you're at your town's 4th of July celebration, and there are hundreds of people all sitting around on blankets. It's a warm night, maybe a little too muggy, but OK because there's a breeze. And you're walking around because you're there alone. You stop at a corner to decide where to go and you look down and lo and...
David needed some time away from game. He had flexibility with his job, but he had pushed that to the limit. Also, he needed time to take stock of where he was. The past day had been a whirlwind of activity. One real-world day ago, Ariel had started to work with real clients in the training brothel. Now, she was an initiate of the Whores Guild soon to be an apprentice. Even the David of three weeks ago would not recognize his life. The idea that it would feel natural to take a break from...
Your name is Johnny Welsh. You can change this under the Customize menu. Please select your gender. * If you enjoyed this story, please consider adding at least 1 chapter to it. Can you think of a game that could have a sexy or kinky twist to it? *
Group SexWhen I entered the dining room, Gloria and Jackie were laughing uproariously about something. ‘What’s so funny?’ I asked. Still chuckling, Gloria said, ‘I was telling Jackie about that patient of mine, and what Karen had said about screwing him until her nose bled.’ Both of them started laughing uncontrollably again. Karen finally joined us. Before sitting down she gave my hand a squeeze and mouthed ‘I’m sorry.’ I weakly smiled back at her, and nodded my head, silently telling her all was...
I have been crossdressing in private since I was young. Now in my late forties and after three failed marriages, I had decided to step outside as Jessica.So after a lot of planning over several months, the day had finally come.I stepped in the bath as JD and shaved any hairs on my body that should not be there. It did not take long as I had been preparing my body for weeks to be smooth. I stepped out of the bath as Jessica and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around myself just like any...
CrossdressingCompetitive Kristen Scott hates that her best friend Shyla Jenning is better than her at everything. When Kristen searches for the reason why she keeps hanging out with Shyla, she figures out it’s because she’s in love with her. If Kristen could finally win at something for once, she’d want it be Shyla’s love. So, she proposes a coin toss – and wins! Shyla honors their bet and agrees to get into Kristen’s bed, naked. At first, Shyla isn’t comfortable...
xmoviesforyouWe found her sitting in bed. Her eyes were open and a white sheet covered her to just below her breasts, which were naked. They didn’t hang but stood proudly from her, their nipples dark against the white of her skin. I felt Lorna’s hand on my shoulder, caressing briefly. ‘Get into bed with her.’ I pulled back the sheet and slipped into bed and pulled the sheet back over me. I looked at Lorna, then at Georgie who had not moved. To Georgie, Lorna said, ‘You can start but wait for me.’ I didn’t...
LesbianHi friends aaj main apni aapbiti sunse ja rahi hu main 2 sal ki ladki hu mera nam hai mita. Mera size hai 34c, 30 36. Main sundar bahut hu aur sexy bhi aisa sabhi kehte hai mujhse.Abhi main ek aadmi jo ki mere husband ka frnd hai uske sath reh rahi hu, uska nam altaf hai aur mujhe apni sex slave ki tarah treat karta hai. Ek din wo mujhe mele me le kar gaya tha ghumane bahut bada mela tha. Us din main ek net wali saree aur sleeveles blouse me thi, wo blouse kam bra jaisa jyada tha, piche se pura...
Hi! Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story. This incident occurred 5 to 6 years ago when I was working for a reputed company. Jumping back directly to the incident, the team had planned a night out and we had plans of partying really hard all night. Our shift ended at 5 pm and we got in the cars and left for Alibag. I was in the car with my boss and 3 other team members. We played the music loud and had fun during the drive. We had booked a nice villa that was very...
My name is Anne. On our second anniversary, my husband James paid for my breasts and ass enhancements. He loves how I look in a bikini, or denim cutoff short shorts and short halter tops. He buys translucent blouses, t-shirts, and hot styles of clothing showing my body with no bra or panties. I have had a lot of attention from guys I work with and guys my husband is friends with or his business associates. I currently have had guys call me on my cellphone that my husband is friends with....
Wife LoversEvan By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you have not yet reached adulthood where you live, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My name is Evan Light, but almost no one calls me Van. I'm almost twenty years old and not...
John returned to the bedroom and stripped, had a shower and a shave, and then dressed casually for the day. It was the first Saturday of December and the first day of his holiday, and he thought back to the last time he was planning a holiday months ago. Instead he was sent off to the Far East and Africa for months. Where was it he had planned going? Italy! That was it. It only took a glance out of the window at the leaden grey clouds parading across the sky and the rain pattering against...
It was dark, rainy and cold here in New York City. I hated it. I had been living in Honolulu for the last 8 years and gotten used to the beautiful weather there. I also objected to the fact that I was sitting in the back seat of a dirty taxi making my way from Kennedy Airport to a hotel in midtown. But what the hell it was only for two weeks and then I could return to paradise. I could put up with almost anything for two weeks. I was ordered by my publisher to attend the awards ceremony and...
Annette and I met later in life and were married at the age of forty. From the very beginning, we enjoyed a healthy sex life by trying new things. We weren't interested in adding others to our lovemaking but had become more interested in anal of late. Annette wanted to do me as much as I wanted to do her. So we drove to the local sexual aid shop and perused their wares.The saleslady approached us as we looked over their selection, saying, "Hi, I'm Caroline. Can I help you two with some...
Strap-On SexA few days later, I was making my morning scouting excursion when I heard a moan coming from a few yards off the road. I drew my pistol just in case it was a trap as I rode over there. I was surprised to find a naked White woman lying beside a burned-out wagon. There was a skeleton of an adult lying against a burned wheel as if it had been tied to the wheel at one time. The woman was tied to stakes facing down, but her ass was in the air. I could see dried blood all around her ass and pussy,...
I was afraid he might try to carry me over the threshold and break his back, but he did something even nicer. He opened the door, wrapped me in his arms, pulled me close, closer, kissed me gently and then more forcefully, his tongue meeting mine in a wet sensuous duel. My whole body, tired and worn out as I was, came alive. I pressed my body—breasts, pelvis, mouth—against him, squeezed him, ground into him, felt almost as if I might achieve orgasm right there and then. But his grip loosened,...
The following stories are short stories, meant for only having one part. No background information and made for everyone. This short story season will be one for everyone of the subjects on Lush and if you would like a personalized story just put it in my inbox. I will ask for details ECT. Please enjoy this installments of my short stories. Supernatural : Vampires. As I closed the book to my favorite story ‘Vampires the lost lovers’ there was a long chill coming down my neck. The window’s...
“What do you mean, make more?” asked Judge Tollifson. “His father was a geneticist!” said Jane. “Why didn’t I see this before? It was a genetic experiment. It was even in his journal!” “Stop!” I said. I stood up. “Listen to me. If you try to leave, Bobby will stop you. We don’t want to hurt anybody, but you have to listen to me.” I waited. “They’re scared,” said Bobby. “I would be, too,” I said. “Just listen.” Nobody moved. “I know Bobby. We’re lucky he was raised in a convent, because...
You are John Doe, a man of little talent in the real world, you're 36 and divorced with a daughter you never see or talk to, your ex-wife hates how gutless you were and that is the main reason she left you, gutting your bank account in the process. You're nothing special to look at, a little chubby, brown hair, brown eyes, glasses...But once you get below the belt that changes, you're rather well endowed, sporting a good 11 inches soft. This is your story, your actions will have consequences......
Friday June 3rd, 2011, I went out to a local bar. Not crossdressed, just the man in me. I am normal on the outside, beer drinker, hell raiser, party kinda of guy. So anyways, im sittin at the bar with my buddy sam, drinking coors light and shots of cuervo. well sam had to cut out early cause his wife was getting bitchy, so he left and i stayed and got drunk. at the other end of the bar i was eyeing this gorgous red head, id say, 5'3, slim body nice tits, drinkin beer, which is a turn on for me...
*disclaimer: This is my first time posting a story, hopefully you enjoy it, as I did. This is an event that happened in my past. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.*It’s 12:50pm, Everyone made their way into the classrooms, the halls were now empty I managed to make it into class it’s computer graphics, 30mins into the class I received a text, what are you doing? I reply in class, what about you? A few minutes later I get a text, walking the halls I skipped class but my ride...
My Father is Gerald Alan McKesson the Fourth, and I owe my not being Gerald Alan McKesson the fifth to a general tendency to disapprove of anything which 'Grandfather McKesson' proposed. Whenever my parents spoke of my grandfather they referred to him in that manner, and I could indeed hear the quote marks around the words as they spoke them. Great-Grandfather McKesson was 'Bull' McKesson, and he, as was his father, were local legends and forces of nature in the region that included...
"So let me get this straight," Peter asked, "You're going to be working off of photos while you pay me to look at topless pictures of your daughter." "Yes, that's the training plan I laid out for you last time, wasn't it?" Debbie replied "Well, yes, but I kind of expected to keep posing and then train on my own time after we were done." "This is something I asked you to do, of course I'll be paying you for it." "But you don't want me to pose?" "Well of course I want you...