Kyle’s Porch Ch. 02 free porn video

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These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning.

This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up.

Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow

I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not.

Part two of eight: Birds, and a naked girl?


I vowed to take some pretty drastic actions to avoid any problems. At first I couldn’t think of any. ‘I could be gone before she came over in the morning.’ But in the afternoons it would be difficult to avoid her. Then the thought flashed in my mind that ‘I could move back home for a while. That would get some distance between us, maybe I could regain control of my feelings. I would have to level with mom though.’… I had an escape, so in the mean time I could take it one day at a time.

I unloaded her equipment in to the house for her. ‘Wow!’ I had to get to bed 4am wasn’t that far away.

My boss asked me what was wrong the next day, just after the mid break. Not that I was making bad parts or anything, I just wasn’t my normal happy self. I said simply. ‘Female problem boss, no worries.’

He slapped me on the shoulder, ‘All men got to have female problems once in a while’ He said.

I got home in the early afternoon, and parked the truck away from the house, on the ridge per instructions. I walked the rest of the way, staying away from any bushes where birds might nest. Later she would know where they were and we could be more lax about it. I quietly walked to the house and up the stairs to the porch. She was there with a spotter’s scope, laying stomach down on a blanket and occasionally taking notes. I wasn’t sure she heard me come in but she looked at me with a small smile. She was only wearing panties. So I just waved my hand slightly and went inside.

I had some catching up to do on my banking records so after getting out of the shower I sat at the computer to do so. She came in later all enthused about the birds. She proceeded to tell me what she had observed. It was interesting but I couldn’t have stood up just then. She was still only wearing panties and they were pulled up tight. I locked my eyes to only her face and listened. I even managed to ask a few questions. She dashed back out to observe some more. I wanted to watch her but talked myself out of it.

One thing didn’t quite fit the picture of her innocence of dress. In this heat, 102 or so. If she was so relaxed to walk, actually run, around in front of me like that, why had her nipples been so hard? A possibility did eventually occur to me, maybe from looking through the scope and then back to write notes, the blanket was irritating her a little.

I spent time reading, and working on the computer for the next few days, the sight of her still affected me. I ceased to be shocked by it. After dark I again had the place to myself, and sat on the porch.

Thursday it was up to 111F/44C on the porch she didn’t even have her panties on now, and she had brought in a fan from the garage to keep the air moving. I wasn’t surprised when she came in all bubbly from her work. I again locked my eyes to only her face but noticed that from when she came in to the time she left again her nipples became harder. So, maybe she finds that teasing me that way was exciting for her, whether she consciously realized it or not. I managed to separate her actions from any personal feeling for me because, as far as her body was concerned almost any male would have done the same for her. The only thing I could gain from this was that she must feel safe with me anyway. I did wonder if it was only the cooler air inside, but it wasn’t that cool.

I could not face the entire weekend around her that way. Fortunately for me she didn’t like walking home after dark. I had taken her home once as she was so deep into her studies she missed the sun setting. I promised that we would take the bike out away from the house early Saturday so she could practice riding it.

Then I had a better idea. Dad had a small 4-wheeler that he used to ride around on but it bothered his back and he didn’t ride it as much now. I called over there and asked mom about borrowing it for Kate.

Dad got on the line and said. ‘I have been thinking about sending it over so you could use to check your fences. Mother hates to see me on it anyway, so come on over Saturday morning and we can toss it in your truck.’

Mom came back on mostly hinting about Kate. I really had nothing I could say.

I asked Kate if she would rather have the use of the 4-wheel instead of the bike and she liked the idea immediately. I just wished she wouldn’t bounce on her heels when she was ecstatic.

‘Okay, I can pick it up Saturday morning around 7, and we can teach you how to ride it.’

‘Pick me up on your way out, I’ll be ready.’ She said and bounced back to her towel.

I was trying to remember where I said anything about taking her along and made the mistake of looking out the porch window. She was on her hands and knees, pulling the blanket flat. Her bottom was pointed straight at me as she stretched out.

I quickly turned away, it was too late. The vision was burned into my mind and I couldn’t get rid of it.

I had almost made two dumb mistakes today at work. I caught them and corrected them with only a little loss of time. I made that up by not taking the last break of the shift. My boss probably saw it, or at least saw me fix it. He didn’t say anything. I had to get back my concentration.

I stopped to get extra gas containers and supplies for the 4-wheeler. It was a John Deer and everything I needed was available.

It was only 95F/35C on the porch today, a light breeze and some clouds had brought it down. She was naked and stood up as I came up the steps. I noticed she was getting browner, and I asked her about it.

‘Oh sure. I go out and take pictures like this, and sometimes I lay down on the steps just to sun.’

I had also brought home a chain and a lock, and after getting her permission I brought the truck to the garage and unloaded the supplies. The John did not require premixed oil/gas like the bike did, so that was one worry off my mind. I said, ‘After I’m sure you know the basics you can take me for a ride. If you do good then, you’ll be on your own.’

Under my breath I added ‘For the whole weekend.’

I picked her up at 6:30am, It was already hot, but she was decently dressed. I drove us to my parents’ house. Dad was out tinkering with the John, he had changed and serviced it for me, so I wouldn’t have to do that when I got it home. Mom came out and introduced herself to Kate, I hadn’t told Kate that these were my parents. So I’m sure that shocked her.

Dad and I loaded the John into the back and added some more supplies, and two helmets. Then we went inside to get drinks. Mom, always on the ball, had them ready for us. I followed dad into his den and we sat down, I was grateful for the cool air.

Dad asked ‘That was Kate?’ I just nodded. ‘You didn’t go out of your way to introduce her to us. Probably your mother will have something to say about that. We raised you to have better manners.’

‘I’m sorry if it bothers you dad, but she rubs me the wrong way. I offered to make the John available for her to use. She demanded to be brought along today. I didn’t tell her where I was getting it from, so until mom came out and grabbed her, she didn’t know who you were.’

‘So why are you going out of your way to let her use the John?’

‘Two reasons, I know it’s not safe for her to be out walking at night in the desert. The dirt-bike was an other alternative. From a liability point of view the John is the better choice.’

‘Well, at least you thought that out. Will you be coming for dinner this weekend?’

‘After I get her c
hecked out on the John. I’m going out to the access gate to the park and replace the lock with a new one. That gives her the shortest ride from her place to her studies. When I get home from that I’m coming here for the weekend. Tell mom for me. I’m going to head out now.’

With that I went out and sat in the truck. A few moments later Kate came out. She got in and I waved to mom and dad. She kept quiet for a few moments before asking. ‘Why didn’t you tell me they were your parents, I like your mom she is so nice.’

‘Are you sure I didn’t say? I must have mentioned it sometime.’

‘You could have introduced me at least.’

‘You saw my dad, he had that all cleaned up and even waxed it. I was afraid he would try loading it on the truck without my help. By then mom had brought you inside and it was too late.’

‘Oh. Okay.’ Then she was bubbly and bright again all the way home.

She was fine at shifting and developed a feel for the way it handled. So I got the bag of tools and directed her to the gate. We came over a small rise and the first thing she saw was her motor home. We stopped at the gate and I cut the old lock off and installed the new chain and lock. Gave her the second key of course.

She wanted to get something from her place so she drove us there. I waited outside, she didn’t invite me in anyway. We got back to my place she parked ‘JD’ as she officially named it, near where I was to park the truck. We went into my house and she took her clothes off. It was near a hundred. I hung the spare key for ‘JD’ on an unused hook and labelled it and the spare gate key.

I had enough, I said. ‘Ok if I move my truck?’

‘Sure, slowly of course.’

I drove slowly out over the rise and past ‘JD’ and kept going. I hated to admit it, but it felt good.

Dad and I talked about the financial side of the acreage I now had to manage, I showed him the amount I was setting aside monthly for the taxes. He asked me about renting the land out for cattle, that’s what it was intended to be used for. I pointed out my agreement with Kate would stop that for this year any way.

Dad had some other things to do so I wandered out to see mom, she was just fixing drinks for us and said. ‘Set down son, I’ll be right back.’

She commented on my lack of manners, but dad must have told her how upset I was with Kate. She didn’t make an issue about it. Then she said. ‘I think she is a little sweet on you, dear.’

‘Now mom, I find that hard to believe. She was the one that told me that she already had a boyfriend and thank you but no way.’

‘You see son, that’s what’s so strange, because all she could talk about was how good you are to her. What you have done for her, and she wanted to know all about you. Just like someone who was interested in you. From the way she acted you were the only boyfriend she has.’

‘Okay mom, I wasn’t going to tell you this but. You know how hot it must get on that porch at this time of year. Right?’ She just nodded. ‘Kate wears between almost nothing to absolutely nothing there. Then every ten or fifteen minutes she comes in to the computer where I am hiding. She bubbles all over explaining her work to me. That’s fine, but she never thinks to put clothes on while doing so. I’ve promised I wouldn’t make any advances to her. That’s why I’ll be spending more time here.’

It was Monday afternoon when I got home. It was only 85F/29.4C on the porch, an approaching storm had kept it cooler. I didn’t see Kate on the porch but the cooler was running. I peaked in the bedroom, she was sleeping on top of the bed just her panties on. The cooler wasn’t working properly so I went out to look. One of the distribution tubes was clogged. I kept a wire right there to clean it out with. By the time I got back inside it was already working better.

I sat at the computer to see how, what dad and I talked about, would look on the spread sheet. Kate came out of the bedroom and into the bath without seeing me. She did see me coming out of the bath and a happy smile came to her face and was gone so quickly I wasn’t sure it had been there. She was chilled now her arms across her chest she pulled a shirt on that was lying on the couch.

She sat and asked quietly, ‘Where have you been?’

‘At my parents home, my room is still has some of my stuff. Mom likes to see me.’ I answered in a neutral tone.

‘Oh I just didn’t know. I saw the number for your parents, but couldn’t make my self call.’

She started telling me what she had discovered with the family of quails at the end of the yard. I found her interesting, her enthusiasm flowed with her speech and made the listener feel the importance of her discoveries. As she became more animated, she took off the shirt, an unconscious action I think. Then it became more difficult to follow her as she waved her arms around in the air. I did for the most part, keep my eyes on her face. I even thought of a few possibilities for her to investigate. One seemed to fire her imagination, she wrote it down in her workbook.

I said. ‘Was the bed ok to sleep on? I keep a board under the mattress. I could take it out.’

‘Oh, It’s fine just the way it is, don’t change it. I wanted to try and set up the IR system to night, can you give me a hand?’

‘Sure, no problem.’

‘Ok How about I make us something for supper then?’

‘My stomach is a little off today, I’m just going to have some crackers and water, maybe next time, OK?’

‘Oh… Okay. I guess I won’t eat much either.’

We set up the IR system. She could watch the quail family on the monitor on the porch, there was a rechargable wireless connection good for ten hours. I didn’t see much there to keep me awake, and I was hungry. So I said good night and went to bed. I heard ‘JD’ start up later, but I went right back to sleep.

Tuesday afternoon I got home to find a note from her saying, she would be back in the evening to watch the bird channel. I sat out on the porch where I really liked to be, wondering how I got into this mess.

I heard ‘JD’ stop at the corner of the house. She quietly came up on the porch and sat in her chair, the monitor in front of her. She turned it on but I don’t think she saw it. So far she hadn’t said anything.

I started to get up to go to bed. I heard her say. ‘Kyle.’

I hadn’t turned back to her. ‘Yes?’

‘Do you think I’m a bad person?’ She kept her eyes on the screen.

I sat back down. I said. ‘I really don’t know Kate. Why do you ask? Why do you care what I think about you?’

I could tell she was nearly in tears. I could see her rapidly blink in the glow from her monitor. ‘I talked to your mother today, she called here looking for me… She was rough on me.’

I’ve been on the wrong side of her a time or two, it’s not a comfortable place to be.

‘Kyle.’ She sniffed and ran her sleeve across her face. ‘I d-d-don’t h-have a b-boy friend, I lied to you.’

So, mom was right. ‘Why?’

‘At first because I didn’t know you.’ She sniffled again I handed her a paper towel, and she blew her nose. ‘And then because I was confused around you. I couldn’t think. I knew I was in trouble right from the first, when I stripped down to the way you were dressed. I’ve never done that before, really.’

I clenched the armrests, hard ‘So, Why?’

‘Why did I make you promise to leave me alone? Why did I keep throwing myself at you?’ She asked.


‘Because I don’t trust myself around you. And it made me feel good to walk around you like that. It was similar to what I imagined sex is like.’

‘Are you saying you have never had sex?’ That piqued my interest.

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Kyles first time part three

After telling Kyle about my first time with best friend Zack, Kyle promised to make me forget about that first time.Standing up to face me, Kyle wrapped his arms around me and gave me one of the most affectionate hugs I’d had in quite some time. The mixture of the scent of Polo Black and his leather jacket already had my senses alive, but as he put his arms around me, my senses became aroused and were well on the way to what promised to be an unforgettable euphoric journey. Because he was...

4 years ago
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Kyles Mom

We were f******n and Kyle was my friend and lived down the street from me. His mom, Kay, was in her 40's about 5ft 6inches tall. Blond hair, boobs not too big or small, 130lbs and a really great shape. I had spent the night several times and was able to catch her semi clothed more than once. I was going to spend the night over at Kyle's along with Ben,Jerry and Fred. We were going to drink and watch some pornos. Kyle's dad had gone hunting several nights ago and would not return for several...

1 year ago
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Kyle in Chicago

My name is Kyle Eliott. My friends call me “strummer” because I have been known to strum a mean guitar. More about that later but for now these pages will tell the story of my sex life over the last 2 years. Believe me when I tell you, ever since my divorce two years ago, it has been a wild wild ride. I married young (20) and we stayed together for 19 years. One night she said she had enough and left me for another WOMAN!!! Imagine that!!! That moment I turned my life around. I started working...

1 year ago
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Kyle fantasy 2 Bedroom encounter

So Kyle popped up at his window yesterday morning, you see his upstairs bedroom faces my downstairs bedroom, while babysitting him in his house I've explored the view he has of my bedroom, when he stands directly in front of his window he can see me at my desk, and when he looks through the lower left portion of his window he can actually get a pretty good view of my bed, for this reason I've been very careful not to roam around my room nude with my blinds are open. So he called down to me as I...

1 year ago
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kyle and the amoba lake

kyle was an 19 year old collage student in Maine and is sometimes bored about almost everything in his life and most of the time he's often lazy, he had some great hobbies like swimming, exploring, traveling, fishing and camping. today we see him wandering the woods carrying his camping supplies looking for a nice spot for him to camp out, that was until a really strange lake caught his eye and went over to investigate it. he layed down his supplies and walked over at the edge of the lake and...

3 years ago
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Kyle in Gainsville

_______________________________________________________________________ I stopped in the Hotel bar, as I always do after work, to find it pretty empty. Beside the bartender there may have been 4 other people in the joint. I like to have a few beers before I go out for dinner. This particular night the bar in downtown Gainesville, they were going to have a Comedy Show. “So what can I get you… My name is Sue.” “Well Sue a Bud would work well… and can you tell me about the show later?...

3 years ago
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Kyles first time part six Austins We

After losing my anal virginity to the stud Evan and the sexy little twink Skylar who d**gged me the night before, I went back to bed after taking some pain killers only to have the most intense, sexual dream of my life.... Three hours later my alarm went off; I shut it off, called in sick to work, and went back to bed. I ached all over from the brutal fucking I took the night before from Evan and Skylar. The pain killers I had left over from my broken finger a year ago would certainly help to...

1 year ago
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A Passionate Morning

A Passionate Morning: Love Secured This is a work of total fiction, except the girl is real as are my hopes that everything comes true for her. The names have been changed to … (you know). I’ve also departed from my usual and used some common terms for the parts and passions involved — this seems to be more popular with most of you. –Author– He was thinking about it as he lay there next to her. Was it only four years ago that they’d met on the Internet? She was about to have a Birthday...

1 year ago
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What you'll find on Tube Pleasure is what you typically expect to find on a tube website. A whole lot of hardcore (and softcore) pornographic videos is what you probably have in mind, and that's exactly what you'll get. So, the first thing that I have to mention is the fact that Tube Pleasure is minimalistic, as in, you don't get many features on this page. It's as simple as it gets. I didn't mind it. However, at least you get categories, enough categories to last you for eons and these should...

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4 years ago
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19 Vayathu Penin Kama Veri 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil 19 age teen pen udan nadantha kama anubavathai ungal idam pagirugiren. En sunni vinthai kathali vaaikul iraki kudika vaithu vitu aval kuthiyil viral pottukondu irunthen. Aval kuthiyil athigamaaga mudi irunthathaal enal naaku poda mudiya vilai. Avalidam adutha murai mudiyai shave seithu vai endru solinen, ithai soliyathum aval sari seithu vaikiren haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa endru munarinaal. Miga sexiyaaga aval kuthiyil mundru viralgalai aazhamaaga vitu...

2 years ago
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A Boys LuckChapter 2

Next two weeks were probably the best days of my life. Sheila visited me daily with Mansi. After the lunch Mansi would disappear for about an hour giving us ample opportunity to fuck our minds out. I was worried on the first day as what Mansi would be thinking about me. But when she pretended to be ignorant of things happening between Sheila and me, I got bolder. Mansi and I developed a silent understanding, and she never talked about Sheila in my presence, even at the home. One day, when...

4 years ago
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Mother and Son Girls and Men Circle of Life

He used to be at the local swing park, where we would play. he sat on the only wooden bench, and his newspaper would bounce on his lap, as we went round and round, fearful of being pulled off by the centripetal forces, so we sat down and forced our backs against the central spoke, our bums on the wooden planks, our legs apart and our skirts riding high on our thighs, the faster we spun, the more exposed we became, and the more violent his paper bounced.We knew, even at that age what he was...

3 years ago
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CD crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad pt3

Please go back and read part 1 and 2 before reading this or nothing will make any sense. I ended part two after going to the pool with my mom and dad, having sex then coming home and showing together. That was a few days ago. Not much happened between now and yesterday but I've been wearing girls clothes when at home, basically a bra and thong, heels, and normally a dress. My mom ordered me a romper and some skirts and blouses to wear too. I've also been wearing the chastity belt all the time...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Threeseome Part 2

As Michelle began removing my polo, she gave me a long, deep French kiss, interrupting only long enough to pull the shirt completely over my head.  In the meantime, Paula finished unbuckling my belt and began to ever-so-slowly remove my Dockers and  briefs, to expose my rock hard cock.  “Oh my God, Vince,” Paula said, “I didn’t know you shave your cock and balls!”Michelle looked down at my dick and smiled at me.  “I can’t wait to suck that,” she said.“Go ahead,” I replied.  “It's all...

3 years ago
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Dressing Room Creampie

While no one was looking, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dressing room with her. We were at one of the more upscale clothing stores at the mall, where the dressing rooms are down a little hallway and have full-length doors. We weren't exactly isolated, but no one could see us, and if we were quiet, probably no one would bother us. I had been following her around the mall all morning and getting pretty bored. But as she pushed me against the wall and kissed me, I realized that she...

3 years ago
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Cecilia 55 year old latina pussy

Cecilia, 55 year old latina pussyCecilia is the sister of the girl in my profile pic. She'll be turning 55 next month. She's not the hottest gilf, but I wouldn't hesitate to knock the dust off that pussy. I still see her around in the neighborhood from time to time and still looks amazing. She also broke up with her boyfriend recently so I'm trying to slide in there. Hopefully nudes to come! Her sister Eira, the one in my profile pic, I can only imagine told her about my fat 8" cock and was...

3 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 23

A prompt screen lit up, which activated the dormant android that was crammed into the box. Systems booted up, and it activated all servos, its limbs coming free of their restraints. The copy of Jaesa loaded into the android’s cortex and after a moment, she came online, taking full control of the body. Reaching up with its arms, it unlatched the inner catches of the crate before pushing the lid off. Carefully, Jaesa took hold of the lid, before carefully lifting it up and off, placing it on...

2 years ago
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Watching my stepsister

My name is Ariana and I am 18 years old. I have long dark hair and dark eyes and nice firm young figure. I have small firm breasts and a flat belly. I go to college and have my fair share of hookups with guys, but nowhere near as much as my step-sister. My step-sister is a right little whore. Isabel, my step-sister, is twenty-three, and like I said, she is a right little slut. She loves sex and tries to get with the guys as much as possible. I say guys, she is bisexual and goes with...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Paisley Rae Naked Photos

After taking a nude picture of her professor, Paisley Rae realizes he’s a lot hotter naked than in clothes and decides that having sex with him to get into her sorority isn’t as ‘gross’ as she initially thought. In the middle of his living room, Paisley evolves from a timid student into a confident, horny woman – surprising both herself and her professor with her sexual prowess. She is more than excited to offer up her tight, wet hole for her professor’s...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour 2

So as you know my neighbour Ben had first seen me naked, then dared me to walk to his house naked and then had sex with me and then my husband David. Obviously he wasn’t going to leave things at that and we all knew that, David had even agreed that I was now Ben’s sex slut. That first session had been on a Friday, that night we couldn’t wait to get the boys off to bed, before we were at each other again. David just couldn’t believe I had walked across the way in just heels and stocking and...

3 years ago
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Aunty the best teacher

Hey ISS readers. This is Sudha 32 year old house wife staying in Delhi married to a central Govt executive who is constantly on tours to abroad. Right from the beginning I am crazy about males and male body. I have a sister who is 10 years older to me. She stays in vizag and I was asked to attend my sister’s daughter’s marriage. Since she is close to me I have gone to vizag 10 days before the marriage to oversee all arrangements. My sister’s daughter is also very close to me and her name is...

2 years ago
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Moaning in next room by mine

That is fucking.... or sthrengtly a****l's copulation? Why...It means that Sonia, a new plunder girl of my son, in spite of her innocent young woman face is horny and amazing womanhood.Now I could to conclude that she is just one new sign in son's dairy collections of women fucked by him. He is young student. My son lead her in our flat this evening, four or five hours ago. Now is 2 hour passed midnight or 2 o'clock in early morning of new day. I couldn't sleep, because they are...

3 years ago
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Shanthi Been Fucked My Me

Hi friends, this is kumar from hyd. I am regular reader of ISS. I like the stories very much and I would also like to share the thing which happenend with me before 2 months with shanthi who is our family friend and I used to call her as akka but the relation was meaningless after this had happened. She use work in an mnc as a store keeping and she would like to change to another organization for higher salary and with the reference from her friend she attened to an interview in an organization...

2 years ago
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Divya My First Sex Partner

Hey frnds maine ISS m kafi story padi h then i think to narrate my first sex encounter with my first love”Divya”. Mera naam Rajesh h or m Jaipur m ek software company m work karta hu. Baat us samay ki h jab m 13 yr ka tha tab m Rajasthan pahli baar ya tha or Divya ko dhekha us waqt m sex k baaare m jyada nahi janata tha pr pata nahi. Divya ko dhekh kar mujhe wo itni pasand aai ki mane use kiss kar diya or wo waha se bhag gayi ohhh Divya mere gao ki sabse sexy ladkiyo m se ek h height-5.5 gori...

3 years ago
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Drunnk Lesbians Experience Their First Time Togeth

Drunnk Lesbians Experience Their First Time Together The strobe light flashing, lights off, me and my two drunnk friends were dancing in my bedroom. The girls were topless and Sierra was unhooking my bra while leaning over to kiss Kara as she whispered, ‘I’m so horny.’ I just didn’t care who I fucked, just as long as I was fucking somebody… Anybody… And… Damn… Body. I found myself laying on the bed, Kara was completely naked now and Sierra pushed herself on top of me, winding her tongue...

1 year ago
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Holiday Anthology

Welcome to the Holiday Anthology! From New Year's Day to Christmas Day, each and every holiday carries a feeling of happiness and magic with it! Some lose their minds to it, while some get filled so much with it, they have no choice but to grow! So come, read a tale or two and enjoy the holiday hijinks!

4 years ago
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The night before Mothers Day

My wife is not so adventurous now that she has had k**s. I still am so have to make my own excitement sometimes without her knowing. Went to visit the wife's family for Mother's Day weekend and stayed at a hotel near Dayton. Prior to going, I made arrangements for a friend I met on this site to hide in my hotel room closet to watch me fuck my wife. On Saturday morning I met him in the lobby and supplied him with a key to my room. Told him we would be back to the room around midnight after a...

2 years ago
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John doesnt wake up

"Sleep is a funny thing. It's maybe one of the funniest, strangest, and scariest things about life. Yet we pay so little attention to it these days." John couldn't recall who had told him, but somebody had, that "sleep is a funny thing". Somebody had continued that statement with; "Every human being, male or female, young or old, smart or stupid, even weak or strong, had something in common." John had tried many times, without much success, to summon the memory of who had told him this. "And...

2 years ago
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Must Like Pets

I met Christoph at the park while he was walking his dogs and I was jogging. I was scared of dogs, and I disliked almost all dog owners; but he came up and talk to me and as I got to know him, I found that he was a pretty cool guy and we shared a love for movies. When he told me that he could get me any movie I wanted from his home I didn't believe him. I didn't own a computer and thought he just wanted to take me to his place because he had realized I was into him. I didn't mind. He was...

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