Hornet’s Nest Ch. 01 free porn video

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Author’s note: This is a 10 part story, with two POV characters.

The setting is very mildly futuristic, but mostly alternate dimension. My warnings would be some violence (not particularly graphic), and unlawful characters behaving badly.

I welcome all feedback, positive or negative.


I think the pettiest thing that annoyed me while growing up, was that I was supposed to be taller.

My best friend, Wesley, was taller than me at every age. My uncles were both taller than me. My dad, way taller than me.

You see it in the family photos. Of all the males, I’m the ‘short’ one. And six foot isn’t even short. I spent all my childhood thinking I would match my father’s height, then at some point I had to accept that I’d stopped growing.

Sounds like I’ve had an easy life if that’s all I had to worry about.

The war started when I was about eight or so. I’m probably supposed to talk about the things that changed, and how it affected everything. I don’t really know what to say. I don’t remember what things were like ‘before’.

The war seemed far away. It was a sequence of events seen through the TV screen. Slightly detached news stories that only told half the story. Told whatever the government deemed necessary. There was some tense cold war going on between world superpowers, and it eventually erupted.

Things did change, but they were subtle, small. Certain products slowly disappeared off the shelves of shops. Certain TV shows stopped. New movies and games stopped being regularly released. It always seemed so gradual, and I was young. In teenage years I’d turn around and wonder why something happened, swear that things used to be different when I was, like, 12.

The internet being hit was probably what started the biggest uproar. We didn’t lose it, but it closed in. We had the national grid, but they tried to shut off the rest of the world. ISP’s could block whatever the fuck they wanted, whatever the government told them to.

Our island was trying to close off from the world, losing trade with other countries, and suffering because it couldn’t support its population.

There were problems. Things definitely changed. A lot of this war was economic. I suppose I was oblivious to it because my parents, my family, were rich. And that money was not drying up any time soon.

I was one of the lucky ones.


At some point, I had to realise I was bottom of the food chain.

When it’s all you’ve known, all you’ve seen, and never had a chance to look in from the outside, it goes over your head.

You think you’re okay. You think this is normal. You’ve never known better.

We were normal people. We just did some illegal things to get by. The way I actually saw it as a child, we were smart. Adapt and survive. Are you going to starve today, or will you slip that breakfast bar up your sleeve and make a run for it?

Better run fast. The slow ones get caught. And drafted.


The second uproar came when the fighting actually started, and the law changed. They introduced the National Service.

It was a disguised conscription. You could get out of it, if you did the right things. Once turning 18 and finishing school, you had a year to get a job or enroll in higher education.

Sounds easy enough, right? Good fucking luck getting a job. Getting into university was no walk in the park, either. You needed the right grades, they could be as selective as they liked, and you’d get horribly in debt for the rest of your life anyways. Then you probably still couldn’t get a job once you were finished, so you were only delaying your drafting.

People wouldn’t be dragged into the service anymore over the age of 29, except in special cases. So there was a long time of stalling.

I was 13 when it came into full swing. There were lots of school assemblies to make sure all the kids understood. If you misbehaved enough to get expelled, you were going to be put into the youth service. If you were a little shit in society, your third arrest would see you in service.

Nobody took it seriously at first. Then those naughty kids, the ones who always answered the teachers back, the ones who were always getting sent out the classroom, the ones who got into fights… they started disappearing.

It became that bullshit thing. Don’t do this, or you’ll get drafted. Don’t do that, or you’ll get drafted.

Even if you got through school without getting drafted, the year gap was reduced to six months at some point. They needed to deal with all the youths, because the youths were a problem.

People rebelled and tried to fight it. Kids ran away from home before the system came knocking at their door. Homeless kids formed gangs. It snowballed in a few short years.

There were anti-war activists – people who blamed the government for getting involved in things it shouldn’t have, for dragging the country down. I’m sure they had some good message at the start of things, but it got marred somewhere down the line. Give people a cause, and the ones who want some way to take out their anger will taint it.

The activists struck close to home, because they targeted my family. Or more specifically, my uncle, Darren.

It built up for a while. I remember my dad coming home, swearing about the protesters he’d been chasing off company grounds again. There were conversations between him, my mother, my uncles, which usually trailed off because they thought it wasn’t suitable for us kids.

Not like they could hide it, because the media took an interest.

I was 14, and I remember it clearly. It was one of those nights where my parents were out late, so Wesley and I were at home, looking after my little sister, Hanna. We were eating in front of the TV, watching the live six o’clock news. The name of the family company came up and we paid a little more attention.

There was some commotion somewhere. A swarm of protesters. The reporter’s voice was hurriedly explaining whatever was going on, claiming it was happening because Darren Sörensen was there. It wasn’t the company complex. I wasn’t sure where it was. The cameras focused on people coming out from a building, and I took a moment to realise I was looking at my uncle on live TV.

He looked both bewildered and angry at all the commotion and harassment. Bodyguards were trying to clear a way for him to a car, alongside a few police officers.

A protester broke through and threw a bucket of blood over him.

‘Oh shit,’ Wesley said, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, staring at the screen in disbelief.

Chaos was erupting and the camera wasn’t very steady, but it still captured everything. Darren just stood there, wiped a hand down his face, and tossed blood from his hair with a flick of his head. Then he glared at the crowd with eyes of ice.

To be fair, I think he handled it well. The bodyguards were getting more aggressive, but he didn’t let them usher him away. He stayed right where he was, and unbuttoned and pulled bloody clothing off. He literally stripped down to his trousers, jacket and shirt of his suit tucked over an arm, then sauntered off to the car – ‘Do I give a fuck?’

He was pissed off and upset about it, though. Everybody was.

The long story short is that the company was producing things for the military. That’s why the money wasn’t drying up any time soon. As long as the war kept going, we kept getting rich.

According to the protesters, Darren was a murderer.


The first time I saw a dead body I was 11. I don’t know why I was there. Probably because I had to go with Mum and Dad everywhere.

There were all these angry voices of Mum and Dad’s ‘friends’. Swearing, cursing, blaming each other.

‘Fucking idiot. You expect me to clean this up?’

‘Yeah, y’k
now when I called? If you’d have listened-‘

‘Don’t fuckin’ give me this.’

I didn’t pay much attention because I cared more about the corpse, trying to edge closer and get a better look. It was laid carelessly on its stomach, still wearing the jacket and jeans it had died in. Were the eyes open or closed? Had rigor mortis set in? If I moved the arm, would it be floppy or stiff?

My mother grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back, eyes sharp and lips tight. No, I didn’t get to investigate. My father did instead. He walked around it with that typical tired, jaded look on his face, then crouched down.

‘Well, John?’ one of the other men asked.

I didn’t like it when they used that tone. I didn’t like it when I knew my parents were getting bossed around. There was never anything I could do.

My dad wasn’t a very big man. Not very tall and not very broad. He was pale as a sheet of paper, with dark hair and eyes to really enhance it. His face was always hidden behind a beard and he was good at being expressionless. He’d come from up north, and might’ve been in the south for years, but still had a bit of that Scouse accent.

I’m not sure what my mum’s heritage was. Something hispanic. She certainly wasn’t pale like my dad, but she was a Londoner, born and bred. She also usually did all the talking, so it was no surprise that she started answering when my dad had been questioned.

I watched Dad handling the body while Mum’s voice went over my head. He was careful, respectful even. He turned it over and I saw that the eyes were closed, that the clothing beneath the jacket was soaked with blood.

‘Well, maybe she can do it,’ a voice said, snapping my attention to the conversation.

‘No,’ Mum replied. ‘For fuck sake.’ Her fingers gripped my shoulder again and pulled me back a little further, against her.

The man ignored her to crouch down in front of me. He was the one with the front tooth missing, and I hated it whenever he grinned, which he always seemed to do because I was a kid and he thought it’d make him seem more friendly to me.

‘Vi, sweetie, do you want to do a little something for us?’

I blinked, then stared. I knew to agree, to keep my parents safe. They were the types of people who got in and out of situations un-noticed and unscathed, and left violence to others. My mum might disagree with this man, but then something bad could happen.

I was always getting used for things. I was the perfect decoy. Nobody suspects the cute little girl with big blue eyes and freckles.

They were probably trying to make the most of it before I hit puberty.


I don’t want to paint a horrible picture of horrific things. It was always there in the background, but we were still a normal family living a normal life. Sort of.

My sister, Hanna, was born when I was 7. There was some drama about it. My mum spent two years trying to get pregnant, then when she finally popped out they discovered she had a brittle bone disease.

She cried a lot as a baby. My parents were horrified to find out it was because she had broken bones in the cot.

It could’ve been worse. She could still walk around, but she was always very delicate and careful. There were many, many accidents, things easily broken and fractured. She was barely a wisp of a thing. We both had our father’s black hair and green eyes, but she didn’t have the tawny skin. She was white as a ghost, with a thin face.

Sometimes, my household could be loud. And to contrast it was Hanna’s little figure and shuffling gait, silently moving between rooms.

I didn’t go to a private school – Dad thought they were a load of bullshit, and that I needed to experience the ‘real world’. I suppose I did go to the most posh ones available that were state, with strict uniforms with blazers and things. My primary school was a bit of a trek across town, but by the time I was 9 I made the journey myself in the mornings. Because I wanted to. It was also around that age that I met Wesley.

He moved to the school at the start of Year 5. He was actually a year older, but he’d been held back, or something. I suppose he was that typical, lanky, funny guy. He got all the ‘new kid’ attention, and he thrived on it. I don’t know how he became best friends with me, but he did.

We were always hyper, always being loud across the classroom, especially when the teacher seated us apart. But we didn’t mean to be difficult or malicious. We always shut up when we were told to.

For two years, he often came around mine for dinner, for sleepovers. But I never went anywhere near his house. I didn’t even know where he lived. I pestered him about it all the time, but he’d go very quiet and shrug.

‘They’re like my parents, but not actually my parents,’ he said.

‘Like my uncles aren’t actually my uncles?’


At the end of Year 6, disaster struck. He had to move foster homes. He was going to have to move town. He couldn’t go to the same secondary school as me.

I cried my fucking eyes out to my parents. I was going to lose my best friend. I would never see him again. Sure, I had other friends, but none of them were Wes. It wasn’t the same. They didn’t understand. They had to do something.

And they did. They did something amazing. They decided to adopt him.

My dad went through foster homes when he was a kid. He had a soft spot. I don’t think my mum needed any convincing at all. She already loved Wesley like her own son.

It wasn’t exactly a fast process. He did still go to that other foster home for a while as things went through, but it was okay, because I was going to see him again. It’s hard to explain that absolutely explosive excitement when I was 11 years old. My best friend was about to become my brother.

He got to move to my secondary school as Wesley Keane. And we got to grow up together.


I was lucky to go to school, I think.

My parents did everything they could to make life bearable for me. When we did have money, they spent it on me. I’m lucky, in that sense. They didn’t mean to have me. I was an accident that served to make their life harder. I could’ve been treated like shit. I could’ve even been dumped somewhere.

No, despite everything, they loved me. I think I loved them, too. The problem with my childhood memories is that I remember lots of events. I remember smells, tastes, things on my skin. I don’t remember feelings.

Did I ever feel anything?

Very basic things, perhaps. I remember raw curiosity each time we moved into a new flat. Exploring every corner, every room. Pulling up the carpet to see what that lump was beneath, investigating every stain on the wall.

I remember that my primary school was somewhat of a comforting place. Other things kept changing, but that one stayed the same. I enjoyed going. I usually had a lot of fun doing my work, and I had some good teachers. There was one woman in particular, a classroom assistant, who tried very hard to understand me.

I didn’t really have issues with other kids when I was younger. Things were never complicated enough for that. I liked to be very quiet, to sit at the back and observe. I suppose that was what the lady needed to understand. I wasn’t shy. I just felt no need to fit in.

There was an incident, eventually, in Year 6. This one girl had never liked me. Apparently I was smiling at her ‘boyfriend’, and he smiled back. She started on me at lunchtime. She shouted in my face, pulled my hair, slapped me. I hit her back twice as hard, then I dragged her screeching to the school pond, and threw her in.

Most of the other kids thought it was hilarious, but the teachers and parents, not so much.

Mum had to come and pick me up on the motorbike. She told me I couldn’t behave like this, that I must be good. She also reminded me how important it was that I didn’t tell people about
the things that went on at night sometimes.


I always got along well with my mum. Our humour was almost identical – if I ever found something funny, Mum was the first person I’d tell or show. Even before Wesley.

She also thought my energy was a good thing. She encouraged my hyperactivity, much to the disdain of everyone else.

If I can’t quite explain why I got along so well with my mother, I also can’t quite explain why I clashed so much with my father.

It doesn’t really have this easy point I can think of, where it started. He just got annoyed with me a lot, and it got worse as I got older. It only took one of us to flare up, and the other would explode. Smacking was illegal as I grew up, but tell that to my dad. To be fair, I think the occasional slap on the butt or back of the head might’ve been the only thing to snap me out of it sometimes.

I didn’t mean to be difficult, I just got carried away.

I got this bad idea in my head, that when I got older, I’d ‘stand up to him’. I was probably around 12 when I was first brave enough to shout back. Wesley being there gave me a confidence boost, but Wesley never wanted to play up like I did. So I was on my own.

Dad and I argued about so many stupid things. Mum got so fed up with it, giving us looks until she verbally intervened. Wesley would let out this exaggerated, loud sigh at the dinner table. Hanna would look nervous. I was being a typical, insufferable teenager, but I swear, it was him sometimes, too. I think he had standards for me, and I wasn’t meeting them.

When I was pissed off with him, and Mum was pissed off with both of us, I went to my uncles to rant. Usually to Tyler, especially when I was under 15.

He always took my father’s side. I kept doing it, thinking that at some point he must agree with me, that I’d have some backup.


‘You know what your problem is, kid? You’re a spoilt brat.’

‘How can I be spoilt if they never spend money on me?’

‘No, you don’t get things. But you want. That’s the problem. This fucking entitlement. The sooner you realise and accept that you’re being a little shit, the sooner you’ll grow up and be a happier person.’


‘No. The world sucks. We know. Stop being difficult. Now what was that physics assignment you’ve still not handed in?’

Could always trust Tyler to say it how it was. He didn’t take bullshit. But then, neither did my father. I wonder why I listened to him and not to Dad, when they said the same things. Maybe it wasn’t a fair field to judge – whenever something fun happened during my childhood, it was because Tyler was there. Tyler got me in doses, while Dad had to put up with me all the time.

It was always ‘kid’, ‘kid’, ‘kid’, for as long as I can remember. Mum used to get so exasperated with it – ‘He has a name, Ty.’

It was a bad thing if he used my name, though. If Uncle Tyler ever barked a ‘David!’, then shit was going down. And even worse, if Uncle Darren ever got angry with me, oh boy, was I in trouble.

Darren used to scare me a little when I was younger. He could be difficult to talk to, and his eyes were just so cold. My parents always scolded me if I did the smallest thing wrong around his house. Sometimes he had these grumpy vibes, too. He was just the family’s ‘patriarch’. He was always to be respected, everybody always did as he said.

When I look back on it, I honestly think he was bad with kids and had no idea what to do with me. So he left it to Tyler. It mellowed out when I got older and more intelligent. Suddenly we held all these conversations and I was spending more time around him.

I guess some of those nights where I stayed around my uncles’ house were good for everybody. When I got older I just got too much for my grandparents to handle.

The problem was that my flare-ups with my dad were only the start. It spilled into the outside world. Things might’ve settled a bit at home, but they got worse at school. I had a lot of energy, but it just seemed to make me highly-strung and short-tempered as I grew up.

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Mom My Cousin and IChapter 6 The love nest

I lay on the bed next to Betty, "Are you sure you want to continue?" Betty, "Yes, I'm sure." I bent over and kissed Betty while again starting to caress her body. I started to nibble on her neck and ears, while gently pinching her nipples. I slowly started kissing my way down her body, kissing and licking around her breasts, but now barely grazing her nipples. Her body tightened up and relaxed as I played with her breasts. Suddenly biting one nipple and pinching the other one caused...

1 year ago
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Heart of the MountainChapter 12 Feathering the Nest

Iden rode along the white path, his horse’s hooves crunching the gravel underfoot, a mob of baying hounds following behind him. The tall, carefully-tended cypress trees that lined either side of the road cast their shadows as the rays of the setting sun bathed them, the sky painted in beautiful shades of pink and orange. There was a crossbow slung across his back, and he carried a trio of fat, fluffy rabbits over his shoulder. The terrain here was relatively flat, the rolling fields broken...

2 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 22 The Love Nest

Jack sat down on the daybed that June had put in the guest room. It wasn’t very comfortable, basically a mattress with a bunch of overstuffed pillows placed against the back. He wondered why she hadn’t gotten a real sofa. He looked around the room feeling a little puzzled by the changes. She had redecorated the guest room without telling him about it until that evening. He went over to the recliner that she had put on the other side of the room and sat down on it. It was much more...

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Academic Dishonesty

Hello Anne, I have recently reviewed your final paper, and would like to speak to you directly with some of my concerns. I understand that the semester has officially ended, but due to the nature of the matter. I expect to see you in my office tomorrow evening at 8:30. Sincerely, Prof.Carter Hmm. I reread the email that was sent yesterday. What could have been wrong with my paper? I spent weeks researching and editing on it. Sighing in frustration, and wishing I could enjoy my first night...

4 years ago
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HornetChapter 5

In case you are wondering, Dad made his living off the stock market and any number of private investments that he had made. Thus, he was able to spend as much time as he wished in his office at home. That's why I was almost always able to find him when I needed him. Dad took the time off to make a set of the brass bar armor for Tom. He also took Tom to get a chain mail shirt. Tom was much luckier than I had been because the man had a shirt in stock that would work for Tom with no...

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HornetChapter 10

The weirdest thing we encountered in Central Park that summer was on a really hot day; so hot, in fact, that we almost aborted our patrol and headed home to escape to the air conditioning. However, we did want to make one more pass through the wooded area where we had found the majority of our rapes and muggings. We came to one of those places where there was a ring of tall and thick bushes that were often used by rapists because of the clear area enclosed by the bushes. As we approached, we...

3 years ago
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Dark Amnesty

I awake from a deep sleep, dark dreams of him. I don’t see you. I am still half asleep, but can smell you. An ice cold chainmail single tail whip presses against my throat. My body pinned to the bed by yours, unable to move. Your voice growls in my ear. ‘Go ahead. Scream. No one can hear you.’ I know not to waste energy, I am going to need it. Believe it or not, I feel safest in your hands no matter what they are doing to me. This includes scaring and torturing me.

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Judy and Sylvia are lovers from No Anestheti

. Note: In the last post, I introduced Sylvia's friend Judy Chavez, a bi-sexual teen from Panama. Judy becomes her lover and she acts as the dom in their relationship. Judy got Sylvia to have sex with more than one boy or girl at a time. Sylvia loves this more than she ever thought she would` She loves being a "sub" even better. I practiced using everything I had to make the bj thing hotter and more interesting for both of us. I used my lips, especially my tongue, out there where he could see,...

1 year ago
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Silkie in Paris Part three from no Anestheti

Denis was holding Rachel's right foor by the ankle, with his other hand underneath for support. He was fucking Rachel's buttered toes the way he had been doing mine. Rachel was masturbating,her head back, her eyes closed, her red curls bouncing to her own rhythm, having herself a nice little series of cums. ....... Silkie: "Shit..........shit.....shit shit shit......how I am I going to go on without kissing you again.......................here is the story again............yes, Rachel, I did, I...

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Silkie in Paris 1991 from No Anesthet

Silkie tells this story from Paris, while at a nightclub, twenty years later....She was with her friend Denis and her sister, Rachel. It was her birthday. Silkie was so happy and excited to be performing with her sister...Rachel had finally had her Asberger's diagnosed, not that it changed anything about how she lived her life................. "It's nice to have a name for being as weird as I am." Rachel was a piano phenomenon from the age of three, composing her own pieces at age four and...

4 years ago
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Esta mañana quiero escribir un poco sobre mi verdad, sobre la realidad de mi vida que es muy distinta a lo que todos piensan.Ante los ojos de los demás, soy una joven responsable, divorciada, que lleva una vida sentimental y sexual muy normal y hasta recatada, diría yo. "No te hemos conocido un novio en años" dicen mis amigos y hasta mi familia, "no todo en la vida es trabajo" también afirman.Anoche una gran amiga paso por mi casa, a contarme que ella y su esposo habían empezado a tener ciertas...

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Newly Weds LoveNest

Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...

3 years ago
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Dark Amnesty

I awake from a deep sleep, dark dreams of him. I don't see you. I am still half asleep, but can smell you. An ice cold chainmail single tail whip presses against my throat. My body pinned to the bed by yours, unable to move. Your voice growls in my ear. "Go ahead. Scream. No one can hear you." I know not to waste energy, I am going to need it. Believe it or not, I feel safest in your hands no matter what they are doing to me. This includes scaring and torturing me. You would have to know my...

2 years ago
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Corporate Bodies Pt 01 Dishonesty

I stared at the over-sized computer monitor as if transfixed.On the screen in front of me, a strikingly pretty blonde dressed only in sheer black hold-up stockings and high heels was bent over a large, expensive hardwood desk in a large, expensive wood panelled office. Her feet were parted wide, her hips were flexed and her naked bottom with its dark, damp cleft was presented brazenly.Behind her, between her long, spread legs stood an older, unattractive, overweight but expensively tanned man,...

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Price of Dishonesty

MANY ANIMALS WERE HARMED DURING MAKING OF THIS STORY. Not because of this story though. I mean, I did not hurt any animals. Fish were fished and deer were shot, but that all happened elsewhere around the world. I'd never hurt animals. I love animals. Davis and Kari were together sitting on sofa, holding hands. They were watching a funny movie, when suddenly Davis leaned forward and kissed Kari. He moved his hand down her curves, when suddenly Kari stopped him. "What?" Davis said,...

1 year ago
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HornetChapter 3

Well, Dad shot me down. He refused to get between me and Mom just so I could go out looking for trouble. I was so frustrated that I nearly started to cry, but Dad's next comments saved both of us from that embarrassing situation. "Peaches, there is no need for you to ride the subway late at night if you are looking for adventure. All you have to do is to visit Central Park during the daytime and keep an eye out for muggers. Sure, you will have to work a little harder to find the thugs you...

3 years ago
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HornetChapter 6

The next day at school, Tom and I passed the word around that we would act as intermediary for any kids who had information for the cops but did not want to be noticed as being stool pigeons. It took three days for the word to get back to us that a counter threat had been issued over what would happen to somebody who was found talking to us. The result was a decrease in the number of kids who met at our table for lunch, but my staunchest friends, such as Sue, were still there with Tom and me....

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HornetChapter 7

Well, Mom's meeting was as explosive as I expected. She started off with, "Nancy, your father has been keeping me posted in your progress as a superhero. Well, I guess I should say as a pair of superheros. I want you both to know that I am proud of you, even though I had some great reservations at first. We were testing you in various ways. The fact that you were kept in the dark about my knowledge of your adventures was one of the tests. We wanted to know if you two had the mental...

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HornetChapter 8

During the next three weeks, we "reasoned" with some of the other pushers at school, and we were able to convince most of them that we were serious about coming down hard on drug pushers. The few that refused to cooperate and stop selling drugs were treated the same way that Ed Boson had been. When the word got around about just how painful it was to have your elbow broken, the drug supply in school dried up to the point that the only drugs brought in were by users who just had to have a...

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HornetChapter 9

Well, I had not expected that we would pick up an ally, but Helen might come up with some helpful suggestions, so I accepted her offer to help. It was obvious that Helen was really pissed off at Sean, and she was looking forward to getting even with him for what he had done to her. We started off by letting Helen cut away Sean's clothes. She started out with a knife, but I was concerned that her enthusiasm might get out of hand. I was afraid that she would kill him, and I didn't want that,...

1 year ago
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Coerced Sex At Its Finest

Coerced Sex At Its Finest A couple of months ago I accidentally stumbled onto a way to have non-consensual sex with strange women and to get away with it. I just happened to see a beautiful woman coming home from a jog. She was quite wet from sweet. She took a key from under a flowerpot, unlocked her door, and put the key back. I waited about five minutes and then let myself in. I listened carefully and heard some running water. I made my way to the back of the house and toward...

4 years ago
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(I have to thank Lewunrem for her invaluable help editing this story. I hope this turns into an enjoyable read for you folks. If it does, then we got it right. If it doesn’t, then perhaps next time.) My Dad once told me that my honesty was simply too much for most folks. Kinda dumb when you think he was the one that always said that I should never lie. He was right though, through high school I sure got into a few fights over it and as I got older, being hauled in front of the local sheriff...

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SRU Honesty

SRU: Honesty By Heather St. Claire From the time I was old enough to walk and talk, my mother and father always taught me the importance of honesty. I listened carefully, and tried to put their teachings into practice in my life. I usually have, by the way. I'm not claiming to be a saint, but can say I've lived a basically honest life. Too bad my principles deserted me when it came to the most important opportunity of my life. As a result, I almost let the chance to realize my...

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silkietells Tom her story from No Anesthetic

The Pacific current flows from Japan to keep the Pacific Northwest temperate, but that does not mean that icy cold days never happen. My little friend Sylvia was making my poor head spin. We stepped out onto the cold sidewalk outside the cafe, headed to the d**g store to buy smokes. We were kissing a lot by now. Her breasts were large, unusual for such a small woman and they were a bit wide for her body, so if you reached around to hug her, you could not help but to brush them gently. This is...

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Silkie n Paris Part2015 From No Anesthetic

This continues from the most recent story. Silkie Greene is singing in a nightclub vin Paris, twenty years after her near death experiences in Seattle. She and her sister Rachel have been lovers for their entire lives. Denis, friend and lover to both of them, is with these two women at the club "The Beetles Wing"The crowd had been enjoying themselves, and now they are taking the party out onto the street, the way it is done in Paris. Silkie, Rachel and Denis have started their love and sex...

4 years ago
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“That was a great party, Sam, but I’m exhausted.” “So am I, Gwen, but tomorrow -- today rather -- is Saturday. Let’s sleep late in the morning, and stay in bed even later.” “The man has some great ideas.” “Now, if you’d only say that publicly.” “Get the light.” “I will, but I like the view too much now.” “Well, forget your view. I’m chilly.” “Leave off the nightgown. I’ll keep you warm.” “You’re chilly! Don’t touch until you’ve warmed up” “Is this warm? Mmm.” “Mmmm. Those are...

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Tits And Ass At Its Finest

I was totally amazed when I got the Physical Education job at a private all girl’s school. I was fresh out of college and it was my first teaching assignment at only twenty-five. They were highly impressed with my Master’s Degree from Cornell University. I was to report a week early for orientation. All of the faculty reported along with me. The first day we got our room assignments in the faculty housing and put our stuff in our room. It was actually a small apartment with a bedroom,...

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AZNSWAG here in toronto , canada ! i dont even know how to start this .. because everything i can sense and feel is still so fresh .. and im by no means an author .. this story is gonna be as raw as it gets lololol .. i think what happened this week will be stuck with me for the rest of my life.. im only writing this now because it is sunday.. and now it is time for me to recover and get some rest for what remaining time i have before i end up going back out for more debauchery.... but i also...

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Nicky Akers is asked by a psychiatrist to write a very personal biography. Nicky details the slow loss of his masculinity to overwhelming feminine thoughts and describes his inevitable transformation into a woman. However, the exercise uncovers more than Nicky planned. Honesty by Dawna Tompson Nov 2019 [email protected] Rated X First, I want to be honest and open about this essay. It wasn't my idea. I have been seeing Dr. Retinar for some time now and she suggested,... ...

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Truth and Honesty

TRUTH AND HONESTY Sleazy Blonde, 2021 "I'm so sorry I'm late," she said, arriving 20 minutes late, out of breath but dressed to kill. Tammy worked at a bank in its trading department. We met working there several months ago. She was 29 as I was too. It seems we circled in the same waters from time to time and shared a few acquaintances. We hit it off and hit our stride soon after. I loved her. I knew she was the one. She sat. The waiter brought some drinks. She settled and...

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My Lucky Penny 1 Radical Honesty

Note : This story is completely fictional! *HEADNOTE* This story is not simply pornographic. Worry not, I will get into detail during sexual scenes, but I will also be concentrating on storyline as well. Enjoy the story... I don't know who intially wrote this program, but the stupid fucker ought to be fired. Hi. My name is Caleb O'Connor, and I'm a computer software programmer for a company called InaTech. Fortunately I work out of the home, meaning I never have to actually "go" to work. It's a...

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A Bullys Comeuppance Part Nine If Were Being Honest

My head was reeling as we tottered back home from Florence's house. The party had still been in full swing but we were getting tired and as the clock had ticked over to half 1 in the morning we decided to make our move for home. We'd made our goodbyes and stepped out into the cold night air, both too drunk to walk properly and propping each other up with our arms around each other's shoulders. "I can't believe you Ashley!" Abbie giggled as we walked along. "I was so certain you were...

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Power at Its Finest

I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Adrian, I'm 16, currently 5'9" and 150 lbs. My orginal hair colour was brown, but I dyed it black because I like it that way. However, my greatest feature is my crystal blue eyes. All the girls seem to be mesmerized by my eyes. The truth is, they actually are mesmerized under my control as they stare deeply into my eyes and I pick one of them to be my next victim. The power I possess to control the female mind is something I...

4 years ago
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Curiosity at its Finest

I’ve always been a little curious about my sexuality. I have a boyfriend whom I love and find very attractive. But yet I find my self wondering what it would be like to be with a girl. I have this attraction to women that I can’t get over. Don’t get me wrong, I have an extremely good sex life with my boyfriend and we always have amazing sex, but being with a girl has always sparked my curiosity. There’s just something about them that turns me on. There is just something about them that guys...

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