Countermove Ch. 04 free porn video

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Summary so far:

Day 1: Onyx vs. Tyger- Onyx loses for the first time ever and pays the price.

Day 2: Onyx vs. Jewel- Onyx defeats Jewel to stay alive in the tournament but realizes she is changing slowly into a bimbo.

Day 3- Onyx vs. Chaos- Onyx defeats Chaos to make it to the final 4 but discovers she has been set up.


Countermove By: Chrystal Wynd



Bambi shifted uncomfortably. Although she could now speak in regular English instead of bimbo-speak she still retained her lush bimbo body and would continue to subconsciously display her considerable assets to best advantage. She therefore actually managed to look adorable while being in obvious distress.

‘It’s true,’ said Bambi. ‘Marty brought her in before he arranged the tournament. He…well, Marty said you were getting out-of-control.’

I clenched my teeth. Out-of-control my ass. He was a lot more worried about my forty percent of the gate then me being out-of-control. I was so going to hurt the man. ‘He knew what Tyger could do when he brought her in here?’

Bambi nodded unhappily. ‘I was there. He said…he told Tyger what you could do. She just shrugged it off and said it wouldn’t be a problem. He was trying to shush her because I was there but she didn’t care. Tyger just smiled and…and…did something to me so I couldn’t talk about it. I guess…I guess she was just showing Marty what she could do.’

‘But you can talk about it now?’ I said.

Bambi nodded. ‘When you…fixed my speech it’s like it went around whatever she did.’

I figured Tyger had blocked any words pertaining to that meeting but I must have either cleared out Tyger’s block when I cleaned Bambi’s speech paths or I unconsciously rerouted Bambi’s speech paths around Tyger’s block. That wasn’t important right now, though. What was important was that tomorrow morning I was going to wring Marty’s scrawny neck.

Monday morning arrived and with it a break from the tournament. The tournament was officially half done and with it four of the eight original contenders. Jewel, FireNIce, Whirlpool and Chaos had all been eliminated and had no chance at the twenty thousand dollar first place prize. Only four of us remained…myself, the little redheaded fireball Fury, the implacable Dominatrix and the seemingly unstoppable Tyger. The tournament would resume with Day 4 on Friday when I faced Fury in the early match, Dominatrix and Tyger- the only two undefeated wrestlers in the double-elimation tournament- faced off in the late match.

Marty was going to be watching the final three days in traction. Despite stuffing my swelling boobs into a now undersized sports bra they jiggled helplessly as I stomped my way towards his office. I stopped and kicked open his office door with a satisfying explosion of splintered wood, not bothered in the least by the fact that the door had been unlocked. No, I didn’t knock, so don’t bother asking.

Marty jumped about three feet in the air when his door crashed open. He wasn’t the smartest guy in the world but he could read the subtle signs that I was upset. Pieces of the doorframe landing on his desk may have also tipped him off.

In three strides I was reaching over the desk and grabbing a double-handful of his already sweaty shirt. I yanked him forward until our faces were inches apart over his desk. ‘Hello, Marty,’ I said in the most dangerous tone I could muster through bimbo red lips. ‘Your ass is grass and I’m a lawnmower. Any final words?’

Marty squawked and wriggled in my grasp, obviously at a loss. The last time Marty had seen me I was walking out of this office right after giving the man a blowjob. ‘What the fuck, Shannon?!? Are you whacked? Broads are so fuckin’ fickle!’ he said.

I shook him. ‘Tell me about Tyger, Marty. And try the truth. I’m about to change your fucking life.’

I felt him freeze. Marty was many things, many of them not admirable, but one thing he wasn’t was stupid, particularly when cornered and trapped like a rat.

‘Shit. How much do you know?’ He asked.

‘I know enough to know your balls are going to be riding shotgun when they swell to the size of basketballs.’

His hands flew reflexively to his jewels. ‘Shit, Shannon, take it easy! We can talk about this!’

‘Then start talking.’

‘Alright, alright…just…no more dick threats, alright?’

‘Fucking convince me, then.’ I shoved Marty backward into his chair. He cupped his balls to reassure himself and then lit a cigar with shaky fingers.

‘Alright…yes, I knew what the jungle bitch could do when I brought her in. She was supposed to beat you, maybe even take your place. Hell, she could do what you do and I figured she’d work cheaper, you know? I’m sorry, Shannon, but you were getting crazy in the ring and fucking raping me at the gate.’

I snarled. ‘Beat me? That bitch is fucking up my life!’

He nodded, unexpectedly sympathetic. ‘I know. That’s why I tried to call it off.’

‘You did what?’

‘I tried to call it off. I thought you knew.’


He blew a stream of blue smoke. ‘Shit. No wonder you’re so pissed. I got nuthin’ to do with what she’s doing to you. That’s all Tyger. I’ll tell you something else. That bitch is a fucking nut job.’

‘No shit!’

‘Why don’t you get out of town? Take Bambi with you and hole up somewhere?’

‘It’s too late for that. I’m changing, remember?’ Then I paused. ‘Where the hell did you find her, anyway?’

He shrugged. ‘She wrestles over in Darkview. Someone told me about her.’

I rolled my eyes, incredulous. ‘You are dense, aren’t you? You really thought you could get someone from Darkview and everything would be fine? That town is stranger than Chrystal Heights, numbnuts!’

‘Alright, alright, I screwed up. Don’t harp on it, alright?’

Suddenly furious, I vaulted the desk and grabbed him by his shirt again. ‘You bring in some crazy gypsy wrestler to replace me so you can weasel out of our deal and she fucks up my life and you think everything is okay?!?’

Marty’s eyes widened. He knew what I was capable of. And he knew me well enough to know that now was a good time to panic. ‘Shannon, Shannon, I’m sorry, alright! I’m serious!’

I glared at him, knuckles white as I gripped his shirt. I pictured his mind in front of me and my will swelled. My blood boiled…but I hesitated. I had always reacted…why was I hesitating now? Marty had screwed me so it was time for Marty to pay.

But I had known Marty for several years. We weren’t exactly friends, but still…maybe I had been a little bit hard on him recently. And maybe he was the closest thing I had to a friend. And maybe I was in trouble now because I had alienated everybody I knew. But I couldn’t let him off scott-free either. After another few moments of thought I finally pushed my will into his brain and shoved him backwards with a snarl.

With shaking hands he relit his cigar and took a deep draw. He had felt the fluid changes in his mind and he knew I had done something. He was too scared to ask what, though.

I gave him a hard look. ‘An address, Marty. Tyger’s place. Now.’

I tucked the address away and got ready to leave. Marty still looked terrified.

‘Don’t worry, Marty. You’re still pretty much the same. You won’t be giving five dollar blowjobs or anything.’ And that was true. Hell, Marty wouldn’t be charging anything.

The drive to Darkview took just under an hour. I was wearing black stretchy sweat pants that had been snug even before my ass and hips had started to swell courtesy of Tyger. Another day had given them more lush proportions and my waist had shrunk another inch. My charcoal t-shirt was stretched tight and the excess material taken up by my swelling boobs was made obvious by my bared navel. The hem of my t-shi
rt usually reached my waistband.

Bambi was quiet as we crossed the Darkview town limits. She hadn’t actively protested the trip but I had a feeling she didn’t approve. I wasn’t entirely sure I disagreed with her since I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for.

Darkview has an unpleasant reputation. My hometown of Chrystal Heights has a strange reputation as well but Darkview tends to be…well, darker. Chrystal Heights has mystery, Darkview has secrets. It’s a place where you are careful.

The address took us down a dark roadway just off the main street. Unsavory types walked the sidewalk with their heads down, as if they didn’t want to be seen. The buildings that weren’t condemned would likely collapse from the weight of a coat of paint. It was early afternoon but people in ragged clothing were sitting against walls drinking from large bottles or rifling through various piles of trash that lined the street.

In this dark heart we finally found The Jungle, home to Tyger’s wrestling federation. The Jungle was set on the street like the dilapidated businesses surrounding it but appeared to be in better shape. I pulled into the parking lot behind the building. We got out and made our way to the front doors. I clenched my teeth as we walked, my hips were developing an embarrassingly erotic sway.

The front doors were locked. I sighed. It looked like a wasted trip. A short distance away, however, music blared from an open door. Bambi hung back as I walked over and peered inside. Two large men- apparently bouncers- were standing just inside but I could see enough to know it was a strip bar. A neon sign flashed just above the doorway proclaiming the bar as ‘The Tyger’s Lair’.

I’m not a big believer in coincidences. I glanced at Bambi but she shook her head, indicating she would wait in the car. I stared incredulously. Bambi worked in an erotic women’s wrestling club but she preferred to wait outside alone in a ghetto rather than go inside a strip bar. Some people have strange hang-ups.

I slid between the two large men at the door and let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting. Despite the early hour there were more than a few customers. The song ‘Me So Horny’ by 2 Live Crew was playing while a few girls in various stages of undress shook their asses for enthusiastic customers. One girl was twirling around a pole on a low stage while another girl appeared to be giving a lap dance to an unshaven man in a trench coat. Someone had made a token effort to give the place a jungle décor with fake jungle trees and monkeys painted on the wall. It did little to conceal the fact that this place was a real dive. There was a door on the far side of the bar with a small hand-painted sign above saying, ‘The Cave’.

I slid onto a barstool. I was in sweat pants and a t-shirt and I felt overdressed…not that I cared. I was trying to figure out who to ask questions when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and realized it the bouncers. Both of them.

The bouncer closest to me was large and beefy with a shaven head. He looked down at me and said, ‘Hey…ain’t you Onyx, that girl wrestler from Chrystal Heights?’

I gave him a look. ‘Yeah. So?’

Baldy turned to the other bouncer, who looked like a weasel and was built like a whip, and said, ‘Hey, Paul, get the lady a drink, willya? This is the girl who is gonna kick that bitch Tyger’s ass.’ He turned back to me with a gap-toothed smile. ‘That’s Paul and I’m called Tiny, on account of I’m so big and all. We are pleased to make your acquaintance, Onyx. Your drinks are on the house. Anyone who wants to kick the shit out of that crazy lady is a friend of ours.’

I relaxed slightly. We apparently shared a dislike for Tyger. This was my chance to ask some questions.

Paul soon delivered something green in a fairly clean glass and stared at my bimbo red lips as he slid the glass towards me. Creep. Whatever. I expected the green stuff to taste like paint thinner but it was worse…it tasted like licorice-flavored cold medicine. Tiny and Paul were suitably impressed that I was able to drink it straight down, however, so it served its purpose.

I made a show of looking around. ‘So what’s the deal here, anyway?’

Tiny’s voice got low. ‘This is where Tyger puts her conquests to work, Onyx. You didn’t know that?’

I shook my head. ‘No, I didn’t.’ As I watched I noticed that ‘The Cave’ seem to command a fair number of visitors…almost always a customer accompanied by a dancer. ‘And ‘The Cave’?’

Tiny and Paul shared a laugh. ‘That’s for paying customers who want a piece,’ said Tiny.

I was getting a cold knot in my stomach, though that could have been the green stuff. It was obvious that Tyger was more than just another wrestler. ‘So why…um…do you guys…work for Tigger…Tyger…in the back room…’

Tiny and Paul looked at each other and nodded. Tiny said, ‘Why don’t we take you back there and show you the back room, Onyx?’

I shook my head but that made the whole room do things I didn’t like. ‘I don’t…think so, Teeny.’ I tried to stand but my knees were too wobbly. The music seemed far away and nothing seemed to be working right. I attempted to focus my ability but my brain was mush. I felt my arms lifted and placed over two sets of muscular shoulders and I was hoisted up. The tables started to move and the door to ‘The Cave’ was getting closer and closer and suddenly I was through the door. Several heartbeats later I was in some little room where I was unceremoniously dumped onto a dirty couch. I could see and hear but my body wasn’t responding to anything and my thoughts were soggy. I knew my chin was wet with drool but I couldn’t even wipe my mouth.

Tiny stared down at me. ‘You stupid bitch. What made you think you could walk into Tyger’s bar and not be recognized?’

Paul gave a slimy laugh. ‘I guess she didn’t wanna wait to lose the tournament before coming to her new job. You gonna call Tyger?’

Tiny nodded. ‘Yeah. My cell phone is dead, though. I’m gonna use the office phone. Stay with her until I come back.’

Paul snorted. ‘Awww, she ain’t going nowhere. One sip of that green shit is enough to put ’em like that for hours. She drank the whole damn thing.’

Tiny grunted and I heard him leave the room. Almost instantly I could feel furtive hands sliding over my body. I felt my ass cupped for several heartbeats before those slimy hands rolling me onto my side, my arms flopping uselessly. Those hands then slid under my t-shirt up to my boobs. His fingers started playing with my nipples and my sensitive traitor nipples hardened. My cheeks reddened as I felt my belly muscles twitching in response to his graceless squeezing and pinching. ‘Oh, yeah, bitch, you like that, don’t you? Ohhhh, yesss, you do…’

‘Hello, Paul.’

I felt Paul freeze at the words, then back away from me. I couldn’t see the speaker.

Paul apparently knew the speaker, though. ‘Diane? What the hell are you doing here?’

There was a laugh, then the unseen Diane answered, ‘Oh, just passing through.’

‘You look great, Diane! Holy shit. What a pair of tits! Are you finally coming back to work?’

Diane laughed. ‘Not on your life, asshole.’ Then came the unmistakable sound of someone being kicked squarely in the balls. There was a short, very high-pitched squeal and then the thud of someone falling to the ground. Then nothing.

I still couldn’t move or speak and my thoughts were way too sludgy to use my ability. I had to wait until a slim hand with inch-long bimbo red fingernails turned my head so I could see my rescuer. It was Bambi.

Flopped in the front seat, my head against the passenger window, I watched the dark buildings pass by slowly because I didn’t have a choice. Bambi wasn’t speaking to me for some reason. I wasn’t thinking very clearly but it seemed we were taking a different route than the one we had used to get to The Jungle to begin with. Sure enough, we pulled into an
unfamiliar parking lot a short time later. Bambi walked around to my side and managed to get me out of the car. She silently hoisted my arm onto her shoulders and walked/dragged me inside a little shop that had a neon sign over the door reading, ‘The Dark Crayon’.

There were reams of pictures and photographs of variously tattooed and pierced people covering the walls, quickly making it apparent we were in a tattoo parlor. A woman dressed in full gypsy regalia came out from the back room and there appeared to be a reunion of sorts between Bambi and the gypsy lady. I wasn’t able to hear the conversation but a few minutes passed and the two of them moved closer. I could hear the gypsy lady talking.

‘Are you sure, Diane? It will be permanent, you know.’

‘Oh, definitely, Katya. That’s what I want.’

What the hell? Why would Bambi want to get a tattoo now of all times?

And that’s when I felt myself lifted and moved to a padded table.

I was flopped onto my belly. There was a hand on my ass as Bambi and the gypsy spoke for a moment. Then I felt my sweat pants sliding over my hips and down my thighs, followed by my panties. I knew my ass was bared to them and I tried to protest but nothing came out. I was a helpless passenger in my own body until this damn drug wore off.

I felt a wetness wiped onto my left ass cheek, then a tickling sensation which felt like Bambi or the gypsy writing. Then came the sound I had dreaded hearing…the buzzing of a tattoo gun. I screamed indignantly but no sound came out. Too soon I felt the vibrating needles working on my swelled ass and then I could only wait. Endorphins mixing with the sludge in my head made me even more dazed. After an eternity I felt the pressure of the gloved tattooing hand lifted from my ass and the buzzing vanished, leaving the room in sudden silence. I felt a hand smearing something over the burning area of my left ass cheek and then something taped over it…a bandage, I surmised. My rounded ass had gotten tattooed.

After sliding my panties and sweat pants back into place, Bambi and Katya shifted me into a sitting position and stepped away to talk together in a low murmur, giving me a chance to catch my breath. After a few minutes they returned holding what looked like a large needle and various little implements I couldn’t identify. Katya put on a new pair of rubber gloves while Bambi stepped over to me and pulled my top over my head and down my unresisting arms. Bambi then pulled my sports bra up, baring my obviously swelled breasts. My mouth was hanging open so Bambi used my top to dry my chin, though she made no effort to close my mouth. Bambi then stepped back to allow Katya room.

Katya wiped down my nipples and belly button with something that made them completely numb. She then went to work with the needle. Within minutes a ring was dangling from each nipple and another from my navel. After she had inserted the rings Katya picked up a pre-heated soldering iron and did something to the rings that I couldn’t see, though the rings became warm enough that I felt the heat despite my numbness. Finally she stepped back and admired her work, nodding to Bambi. At her nod Bambi took a small dark bottle and poured a sweet smelling liquid on top of my head, which she rubbed into my scalp. I could feel a strong tingling sensation across my entire scalp. Katya stepped up and ran her fingers through my hair, then nodded again. At long last she broke the silence.

‘It is finished,’ she said.

‘Oh, Katya. Thank you so much!’ said Bambi.

They hugged. Katya began to collect her supplies while Bambi carefully stuffed my overgrown boobs into my sports bra and slipped my t-shirt back on me. Once I was in order she slipped her arm under mine and pulled me to my feet. She walked/dragged me out to the car and flopped me into the front seat.

Bambi got back on the road and at least seemed to be heading back to Chrystal Heights. My nipples and belly button were still numb but my ass was burning. I couldn’t shift positions to relieve any discomfort, although my thoughts had cleared enough that I could try to piece together what exactly had happened. It was a slow process- my brain still felt dipped in glue- but I went over what happened at Tyger’s place in my mind.

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GirlsWay Eva Lovia Lily Labeau Dark Mirror

Wanting to get away for the weekend Lily Labeau & Eva Lovia rent a cabin for a romantic getaway. The girls can’t believe how beautiful the vacation house is: they can’t help but explore it. The master bedroom is big enough for all their naughty plans. When Eva eyes the mirror in the corner of the room, there’s something about it that just weird her out immediately. She covers it with a blanket and sits on the bed. Lily takes the opportunity to immediately tease her, as she...

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Bring the roof downhellip

It was the week preceding the weekend of my wedding to Eva, even though I am usually calm and collected I tend to catch some degree of anxiety prior to major events in my life. I had had quite a long day what with wedding preparations in their final stages and even after downing some beers to urge on some sleep none was forthcoming and that’s when I thought to go up to the roof of the flat that I stayed in. The block of flats I stayed in had one of those old type roofs where only someone that...

1 year ago
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Beths Beautiful Blackmail

100% fiction! Hey whores tonight I have a special show for you, you can meet the latest sluts to join my harem. In all my life, I had never had more fun recruiting a new lesbian to my harem. Ashley was a great runner, but had major problems taking orders from me. I quickly realized it was a race issue and decided to do something about it. Now I should say that I have almost always kept my work life and my sex life separate, but when Ashley gave me attitude day after day, I decided to do...

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AssParade Harley Jade Harley Jade Goes For a Ride

Harley Jade is back. This time we catch up with her while she’s riding a bike showing off her firm 40 inch ass. If you’ve ever seen Harley before, you’d know that she’s incredibly up beat and fun. So of course she was happy to put on a little show for us, and it’s all about that ass. She really knows how to shake her booty and show it off. Then it was time to get real. Harley sits on our lucky guys face, then it’s on to throat fucking and pussy fucking. Harley can ride a dick like a pro, and...

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Sue Serves Several

"I've been teasing my sweet wife for months that we HAD to start the new year off with a bang, several of them, but I had no idea it might come true. Especially like this. Thanks for hosting an unforgettable party." Early that morning, 12/31/2009: "Well, Sue, I hope you're still up for our soiree. The invites went out and the RSVPs came back and they all agreed to the formal attire. No more collegiate type keggers, as you wanted. This is our first formal, grown-up, adult, did I say...

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A Shocking Surprise

I lay sleeping in bed, dreaming. Dreaming of the girl that hated my guts - Natalie Harvey, who thought she was god's gift to men. I could see her in my dream vividly - long, glossy, black hair, perfectly round bosoms, slender figure with a silver dress on. She was winking at me and showing her leg. I felt myself begin to breathe heavily as I saw in my dream Natalie was touching herself and then lifting her fingers to her mouth. Suddenly my eyes burst open when I felt something strain against my...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 3 More Challenges To Help Loosen Up

Wednesday morning, Dave made it to the kitchen ahead of Alice. He was preparing some scrambled eggs for the two of them, plus toast, juice, and coffee, when Alice came into the kitchen. Alice was wearing a short skirt – mid thigh, high heels, and a see-through silk blouse over a beautiful lacy white brassiere. There was little about her wonderful figure that the clothing didn’t reveal. She had pearls on, and some jingly bracelets. Further, she’d put on eyeliner and put her long blonde hair...

1 year ago
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Stephanie Chapter 2

James’ cock was so big in my hands. I stroked it a few times before wrapping my lips around his head. My tongue danced around the tip. ‘Oh Stephie,’ he moaned. I pushed his entire cock in and down my throat, and started mouth-fucking him. His cock tasted salty. It tasted nice. I stroked and squeezed his balls, my tongue teasing his base. I pulled it all the way out, then pushed it all the way in, slowly, teasing him. ‘Oh Stephie, please, make me cum,’ he moaned. I sucked him off hard until he...

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A brother sister 12

"I don't think so Jules," Alexis said."We'll see," Julie replied, tucking her skirt up under its waist band so that her pussy remained exposed while she helped to finish off the dishes. It wasn't long until they heard approaching footsteps and Alexis hissed at Julie that enough was enough and that she should now make herself decent."As soon as you promise." Julie wondered whether Alexis would cave in or not and who was about to walk into the kitchen, Mary or John? She was finding it incredibly...

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Fantasy about nudist camps that cater to gays

Like the title says this is a purely fictional story of what I have been thinking about. About a 30 minute drive from my house is a nudist camp that caters to gays and bi`s.I learned about this place from guys posting ads on craigslist wanting to meet up at this camp. Thoughts of sex in the outdoors was getting the better of me so I thought that I would go check it out. Upon arrival I stopped at the main office and checked in paying a $5.00 fee. Drove around for a while just to see if anything...

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Post workout sex

It was a cool winter morning. I had just returned home from my daily morning 7km run. I was a little bit sweaty but it wasn't too bad considering it was only 7am. I walked in the door of my house and into my room where my boyfriend was sitting on the bed. I took my shoes and socks off and took my shirt off. Sam walked over to me and kissed me gently on the lips. I kissed back. He pushed me on the bed and lifted my legs and started worshipping my feet. He licked the soles of my feet up and...

2 years ago
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Maid Servant First Sex And Lost My Virginity

Hai… This is my first story my name is panduu. Please contact me I like to be in living relation with mostly married women. I look avg with the height of 5″10 look dick I am from atp. And I studied in vizag I just had completed my engg and now I am doing my mba when I was in the second year I was in the room alone because I like to be alone as my parents was rich they live in usa and I alone live in here. As I dont have much interest in studies I dont like to go to us. My room is double bed...

3 years ago
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My First Unexpected BiMMF Threesome

Please note: All of my stories will be written from my own perspective. Some of them will be true stories based on my own experiences with names changed, while others will be pure fiction, I'll leave it up to the reader to decide which are fantasy, and which are fiction.Up until a few years ago I had always considered myself to be a 100% straight man, I had one encounter with another guy before, a good friend of mine actually quite a few years before this story takes place but as I grew older...

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A Dirty Story

Late one evening you text me. "Are you around?" "Yes, been in Dublin with the lads, heading home in an hour. Why?" "Meet me, Bray Dart Station, 30 mins" you text back. With that I point the car south and spin out the N11, making Bray in record time. You get into the car, kiss me gently on the lips and whisper "I want to get real dirty this evening with you". Taking my hand and placing it between your thighs. You are wearing black leather knee boots, medium length skirt, no knickers, and a black...

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His View

He leaned back in his chair, arms stretched out high and wiggled his fingers that had been cramping. There was something to be said, about handwritten contracts. He enjoyed the strategies and alliances he could construct on a simple piece of paper. There was a reason of course, as to why the law world called him the master manipulator. He ensured he had time to alway double-checked and triple when needed to secure his strategies that looked like a gift horse in the mouth, but were in fact, a...

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Fun In Cabo

The sun, the beach, the pool and the ocean mixed with some drinks are just the perfect combination for a weekend of fun. Cabo, two years back, I took a trip with my girlfriend with only two objectives:- 1. Have lots of fun,  2. Fuck as many guys as we can.  This story is about the best fuck of that three-day trip. I fucked six different guys over that weekend, once with three of them together in the room.  His name was Peter. He was from Amsterdam and in Cabo with his friend to have fun. He...

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Rock Star Ch 02

Taylor woke up feeling groggy and sore, his mom was standing next to his bed. He closed his eyes, and listened to her and the doctor discussing what he should do, and not do in the following months. His mother noticed that he is awake, ‘hi darling, how are you feeling?’ His voice sounded strange to his own ears when he replied softly, ‘I’m fine mom, can you get me a glass of water please.’ The doctor moved to the side of the bed, ‘Welcome back to the land of the living Mr. Miles, we will...

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Cousin Sister Ki Mast Chudai Part II

By : Rajgupta1987 Hi I’m back. Meri pehle story bohut jano ko pasand aai ye padh kar acha laga. Jo mujhe nahi jante mai bata tu mera naam Raj Gupta hai. Meri cousin sister ka naam Payal hai aur wo 22 years ki hai. Maine apne pehle story mai bataya tha kaise maine apni cousin sister ko jorjabarjasti choda aur blackmail karne ke liye uska video banaya. Kher mai apko uske baad ka story batata hu ek bar Payal ko chod ke mera maan nahi lag raha tha to use phone lagaya to usne bola bohut dard ho...

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Anna and her sister

My name is Shawn Garlito and I am 26 years old. I am a very lucky man. I recently traveled aimlessly for six months. When I ran out of money I has to take a job in a college town. This is certainly not where I was going, but then I didn’t know where I was going. I did meet a beautiful girl and instantly fell deeply in love with her. The courtship was extremely challenging and she tested me too hard. That’s all behind us now. We are very happy together, she is blond and lithe and beautiful....

Mind Control
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The heavy girl in the bar

This is one of those stories from my past that I wouldn't consider rather astounding except for how it ends. It was a monday about 2 years ago. I was recently single and pretty horny so I figured my best bet aside from dating websites would be to go out to a bar and find a girl to hookup with. I hopped from bar to bar in town and everything was pretty empty with mostly men. I got to the last bar I would visit for the night, it was a bit more upscale than usual but there were a few women there....

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Onboard Azad Hind Express

This is an incident which happened when I was in First year of engineering. I was coming back home from college in the middle of second semester. Since we had taken a rash decision of visiting home, we were not lucky enough to get the reservations done. Two of my friends were with me. We had to board the Azad Hind Express from Nagpur, bound for Howrah. It was mid-May, so central and south central India was under intense heat waves. We had to board a general compartment in order to commence our...

Gay Male
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Welcome to your new home part 3

Carissa felt the wind blow across her exposed legs, the fishnets not offering too much protection. The parking lot was full as she walked around the SUV, and met with her Daddy. He smiled, pulled her close as they walked towards the building. Once around the corner she noticed several men and women having a smoke, Carissa felt all the eyes on her. Rodger knew the new sissy would be quite the sight and pulled her close as they walked into the store. Rodger opened the door, a bell chimed...

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Becoming Mamas Good Boy Chapter 1 MindControlled into Loving His Mama

Chapter One: Mind-Controlled into Loving His Mama A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure held up its next masterpiece. It stares at the slender, black belt adorned with a silver buckle. In the most graceful cursive possible, it had written, “Mama's Boy” on it. The words were beautiful, one letter flowing to the next. Elegant. Fitting. The Figure smiled as it headed to the mist. The portal that...

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The parcel a new direction

My door bell just went off , on opening the door it was jane , the neighbour i'd been having a fling with, hi she said, i need to talk to you she said, err come in ,sounds serious i said , she sat down on the sofa and had a drink, so whats on your mind i asked ? Well i've been thinking , thinking long and hard , i interrupted if you want to call it a day i understand, she said please allow her to finish , she went on to explain that on the day i mentioned did she want to be Anna from f.s.o.g...

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Fantasy Week End

After jerking my cock to this fantasy for months, i have to write it down.Me and my wife going on a week end trip to spend it with her lover.We arrive first so we take the hotel room, and we hew a couple of hours till her lover will arrive.I already have a hard on from the excitement, but no play time for me as she wants to get ready and very sexy for him, so she is preparing and i can only watch and touch myself.She took a long shower and i waited while jerking and trying not to come, and she...

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Two more months.She sank into the old leather couch.  Soothing piano notes floated from her little speaker onto the stale air’s unclaimed molecules, lifting the dim house’s oppression.  Turning, she brushed back the flimsy curtains to let the light in, only to notice goopy bodies of dried paint around the window.  Tiny holes in the walls glared like beady black eyes.  She looked down at the floor she’d installed while pregnant and the gaps at the bottom of the walls where preterm labor...

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Caught jerking by neighbour

This actually happened to me this summer.It was during the hot weather we had in July this year and I was at a loose end one-week day, on my own in the house, and decided to sort out the shed as it was full of rubbish and I could hardly get in the door. I was wearing just my shorts and trainers and was in the shed sweating and swearing as I moved stuff around. I picked up a box and turned to put in in another location but walked into the edge of a pile of other boxes and squashed by balls on...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 22 The Bed That We Made

The week passed slowly and somewhat agonizingly, since Gwen couldn’t rehearse again until the following weekend, and the homework was being laid on thick. I was anxious to make as much progress as we could on the set, which we still hadn’t quite settled on. Certainly as the battle approached, I was imagining more and more how it might turn out, even though I knew that daydreaming about the glories of winning was a dangerous game. Things could turn out so many different ways, surely, but in...

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The Meeting

The place, a college campus on a Wednesday afternoon...destination, staff board room for a meeting.......the mood, total intoxicating erotic passion. She is there to start a new sugar art program for the culinary arts department at the campus and is invited to the meeting to get to know the other staff members and learn the campus policies. She met him when she first arrived to take her position. He was very handsome, warm, funny, a total gentleman, sexy, strong, compassionate, dedicated, a...

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MY CONSERVATIVE WIFEI've been in the Navy for several years now, almost 10 to be exact. I met my wife, Beth, about 3 years ago when I was on recruiting duty in Idaho. She was a small town girl for sure…for those of you who know small town girls, they don't always have a lot of experience but do hold their own in the bedroom. I think she was a little shocked by the diversity she saw when we transferred to Norfolk, VA for sea duty. We had a pretty good marriage (so I thought) and were getting...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 41

I held a council of war the next day, right after breakfast. I invited Kim, Clara, Dunbar and Burton, Gogra, Rugar, and Tonko, and Penny. I had matters to discuss. The fact of life was that I had to start taking Quantum a little more seriously than I had been. I had thought that we had months to prepare to confront them, without worrying that they’d show up suddenly and unexpectedly. As their base was hundreds of miles away, I had let myself treat the problem as if we had all the time in...

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A Dream of Alice

[Author's Note: This story emerged from a recent experiment with A.I.D., an online story-generating "game" in which the software and human collaboratively write a sort of choose-your-own-adventure story. This was an early effort to learn how to use the Author's Notes and World Information of the software effectively. Intended as a short simple scene and established as a dream (to offset some of the AI's more erratic narrative shifts), it gradually evolved into something I certainly...

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Pure Magic

‘Are you sure you want to join our little group?’ Kia demanded. A smirk marring her perfect features as we looked around nervously at the woods. Angel and I exchanged glances and nodded together. Being 19, Lara was the eldest. Next came Kia at 18, me at 16, Angel at 15, and Star at 13. With an abrupt nod, Lara led the way. We climbed up a steep Cliffside. Ghostly winds shrieked and howled at us, while an icy fog played around our rapidly freezing ankles. Dressed in flowing white robes, with...

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Sorority Punishment

Sorority PunishmentA work of erotic fiction by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])The characters and events are completely imaginary. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.Twenty-year-old Janet was a student at a medium size college. Sororities and fraternities were strong on campus. Anyone who didn’t belong to one was a social outcast.She was in serious trouble. She’d broken the strongest rule by dating the boy friend of Beth who was one of her sorority sisters. Even worse,...

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It was the fall of 1966, and I signed up to take my SAT test at a nearby university. I was all of seven teen years old, and had already been designated a National Merit Scholar for my “top 10” in Kansas PSAT test my sophomore year the previous year. Nikki Cl*yc*mp, a classmate asked me if she could catch a ride with me as she also wanted to take the test.”Sure,” I said, “We’ll have to leave about 8am on Saturday to be in Emporia by 9 when the test starts. I’ll pick you up then.”Now I have to...

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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 02 Ch 02

The following morning, when Katie and Matt arrived for breakfast, they found Jane squirming around in her chair, too excited to sit still. The news just burst out of her as she whispered to Katie! I tried a test this morning and it showed that I’m approaching my fertile period! And I wasn’t the least bit nervous!’ She giggled as she added, ‘Tony is going to have to work hard for the next four days! I’m going to wear him out!’ Matt was let in on the news and breakfast took on a festive air,...

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First Incest Experience

Here I am back with another sex story of mine. I don’t like to declare I am someone with 6 feet height and 10-inch penis as many of the writers here. I am a usual guy who is working in Bangalore since 7 years. I don’t write sex stories here, just incidents of my life. For any comments and opinions, you can reach me in my email id This happened in 2002 when I was 18 and during the summer vacation time. In my home, I am the elder one. Parents and others stay on the ground floor and I stay on the...


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