He Chose Me Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 2: James

I watched Kayla leave, wanting to pull her back upstairs. Once she was gone, I turned to my mom, ready to explain everything that had happened today. Well, almost everything.

‘So you finally asked her out,’ my mom said with a smile.

‘Yes, I did,’ I said sighing. She knew everything. Well hopefully not everything. ‘We are going out tonight.’

My mom pulled me in for a big hug. ‘I’m so happy for you. I know how long you’ve wanted this.’

‘Thanks, mom,’ I gasped, still squeezed against her.

‘Sorry,’ she said releasing me. ‘So I guess that means I’m on my own for dinner. You know what that means…’

‘Indian food,’ we said together.

My mom loved Indian food, but I did not. She was kind enough to only eat it when I was out of the house.

‘Please make sure to keep the windows open when you eat. I want this place aired out by the time I get home.’

‘And what time will that be?’ She asked, raising her eyebrow at me. I knew what that meant. Kayla was a nice girl, and she did not want me keeping her out too late.

‘We will respect the curfew her parents have set, okay?’

‘I was just asking. I was not implying anything.’

‘Sure you weren’t,’ I said heading back up to my room.

My relationship with my mom was a good mix of friend and parent. It had been just the two of us for my whole life. I had talked with her often about my feelings for Kayla, and she had always encouraged me to tell Kayla how I felt. It took me years, but I finally listened to her.

It was agony waiting for the hours to pass. I couldn’t wait to see her again. I loved every minute I spent with her. When the hours finally dwindled a bit, I showered and began getting dress. I was in my bedroom with my pants on, and nothing else, when I heard footsteps on the stairs. I knew my mom was in her room working, so it had to be Kayla coming 15 minutes early because she couldn’t wait to see me either. I looked towards my open bedroom door, waiting for Kayla to come in. But it wasn’t Kayla that appeared in the doorway, it was Kylie.

‘Hi Jimmy,’ she said with a smile. Her eyes traveled down my body, before slowly making their way back to mine.

‘What are you doing here Kylie?’ I said in a slightly irritated tone. She knew Kayla was going to be here soon. She was planning something.

‘I just came to talk about you and Kayla. Who thought I would ever say those words?’ She said with a laugh. ‘I know what you are doing, and I just wanted to let you know that it worked.’

‘What am I doing?’ I asked, not sure if I wanted to know the answer.

‘You are using Kayla to make me jealous. It’s a nice idea, but it wasn’t fully thought out. I know that Kayla is no real threat.’

‘Excuse me,’ I asked, gripping my shirt tighter in my hand.

‘She is no real threat when it comes to me thinking she could actually have a shot with you. You are wasting your time with her. It’s not like you are going to get anything out of it in the first place. She is never going to put out,’ Kylie said.

‘First of all, I am not going out with Kayla to make you jealous. I am going out with her because I want to. She is the one that I want, not you. Second of all, I am not interested in whether she puts out or not. I like her for who she is, not what she is willing to do sexually. And the fact that you would even say that is just wrong. She is your sister. You are supposed to make sure I treat her right, and care about her for the right reasons. I cannot believe you would say those things about her,’ I said, my voice getting louder as I got more and more upset with Kylie. I took a couple deep breaths, and then unclenched my fists a little. ‘I am not going to tell Kayla that you were here, because it would only hurt her. I think you should go, and the next time you see Kayla, you should say something nice to her, because you have just said enough hateful things for a lifetime.’ Kylie stared at me, shocked. When she didn’t turn to leave I added, ‘Now get out of my room.’

Kylie slowly turned and walked out the door. When I heard her footsteps on the stairs I went back to getting dressed. I looked at the wrinkled dress shirt in my hands, threw it back in the to be ironed pile and got a new one from my closet. As I was buttoning the shirt up, I heard more footsteps on the stairs. This time it was Kayla.

‘Hey baby,’ I said with a huge smile on his face.

‘Hey…’Kayla started. She had only walked a couple of steps into his room, before stopping and turning her head back towards the doorway. ‘I ran into Kylie downstairs.’

I almost stopped breathing. I had hoped they would miss each other. I wondered if Kylie had taken my advice.

‘Oh, yeah?’ I said, not wanting to give anything away.

‘Yeah. Kylie said you asked her over here to tell her that you had only asked me out to make her jealous. She said you weren’t interested in me at all, and would have dumped me as soon as you slept with me.’ Kayla said, her emotions were unreadable on her face.

I was glad I had already put on my shirt, because if it had still been in my hands I would have wrinkled it or ripped it. My fists clenched tighter than I thought was possible. I wanted to get my hands on Kylie and…

‘James?’ Kayla said, pulling me out of my anger induced plot on her sister. She stepped towards me. ‘I-‘

I cut her off. ‘Kayla, you can’t believe a word she says. She’s just-‘

Kayla placed her hand on my chest. ‘It’s okay. I know she is lying.’

‘You do?’ I asked. Her hand on my chest instantly calmed me. I unclenched my fists and placed my hands on her hips.

‘Of course. I know you…and I also know Kylie…and I also overheard your conversation.’ She said, pausing between each statement.

‘I’m sorry you had to hear that,’ I said pulling her against my body. I have no clue what it must be like to hear a family member say those things about you, especially a twin sister. I know that Kayla and Kylie have never been close, but you still assume a certain amount of love and respect should be present between them. I know Kayla didn’t always agree with how Kylie behaved, but she would never say the things that Kylie had just said about her. ‘Are you okay?’ I asked, not certain what the appropriate thing to say was.

‘I will be,’ Kayla said lifting her head off of my chest. She took my face in her hands and looked me right in the eyes. ‘Thank you for what you said.’

‘I meant every word,’ I said before placing a kiss to her lips.

She gave me a big smile, and then stepped back.

‘Somebody is not ready for our date,’ she said teasingly.

‘Well somebody showed up early,’ I teased back.

She went and sat on my bed. ‘Well chop chop. Time’s a wastin’.’

I quickly finished getting ready, and we headed out towards my car. I opened the door for her, and then went and got into the driver’s seat.

‘Get ready to have your socks knocked off. This is going to be the best date of your life,’ I said, feeling just the slightest bit confident.

‘I’m holding you to that mister,’ she responded.

We went to a local Italian restaurant. I had called ahead and asked for a table that was semi-private so that we would be able to talk. One of the things I loved about Kayla was that she was so easy to talk to. We used to talk about everything, but it felt like it had been a lifetime since we had had a real conversation. There were always other people around, especially other girls. Kayla acted differently when Kylie and the other girls were around. She didn’t stand or sit as close to me as she once had. She sort of hung back from the group. When it was just us and the guys, like today, she was comfortable being right in the middle of the group. It was like we were back in elementary school, just hanging out and having fun. I missed that.

As I sat across from Kayla, I couldn’t help but thin
k about how beautiful she was. Her wavy brown hair was pulled away from her face in a simple ponytail. It was her usual hair style, but tonight it looked different. She had an extra special glow about her. The dress she wore was definitely different than her usual t-shirt and jeans. It was dark green and just barely reached her knees. The dress made her caramel colored skin look irresistible. I wanted to reach across the table and stroke her bare arms. She had brought a little white sweater with her, for when it got cooler later, but she had draped it over the back of her chair when she had sat down. As I sat and looked at her, I couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky I was. She had surpassed my wildest dreams. Kayla was everything I had ever wanted and more. She was smart, funny, beautiful, and sexy as hell.

‘James?’ Kayla said pulling me out of my head.


‘Are you okay? You spaced out there for a moment,’

‘I’m fine. I was just thinking.’

‘About what?’ She asked putting her menu down.

‘You,’ I said. ‘I was thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you.’

Kayla smiled and picked her menu back up.

‘You are so silly,’ she said turning her attention to the menu. ‘What are you thinking of getting? Because I am already planning on stealing some, so you better order something I like.’

‘You act like we’ve never eaten together. I know to order something you like. I learned that the hard way at that Chinese restaurant freshman year. You gave me the dirtiest look that whole night.’

‘You ordered shrimp. You know I am allergic to shrimp. You brought that on yourself.’ Kayla said.

‘I know, and I learned my lesson. I will be getting the meat lasagna, with meat sauce.’ I said checking for her approval.

‘Sounds yummy.’ She said with a smile.

I couldn’t help but smile back at her. It was always fun sharing a meal with Kayla. She wasn’t one of those girls that didn’t eat on a date. She had told me once that any girl who wouldn’t eat in front of you should not be trusted, because who knows what else she is hiding from you.

The waiter came and took our order. Kayla ordered the Chicken Parmesan.

‘What time is your curfew? I promised my mom that I would be a good boy and have you home on time.’ I asked once the waiter had left.

‘Well actually my mom told me my curfew was lifted for tonight. She said to have fun and just make sure I didn’t wake them when I came home.’ Kayla said.

‘Are you serious? Why would she lift your curfew?’ I asked, shocked. Kayla’s parents weren’t that strict, but they had always been stricter than my mom.

‘My mom and I talked. She knew how I felt-feel about you and she told me that she wanted me to have an incredible night. She wanted me to focus on the experience of tonight and not to worry about being home at a certain time. She said she knew how much you cared about me and she trusts you to get me home safely.’

I didn’t know what to say. Kayla and I had both had feelings for each other for a while, but didn’t think the other one felt the same way. But apparently everybody else knew how we felt about each other. It felt nice to hear that her mom trusted her with me, but I wonder if she had known all that had happened today would she feel the same way.

‘My mom and I had a good long talk this afternoon. I will probably have to have another conversation with her tomorrow about Kylie.’ Kayla paused and I could tell her mind was drifting back to what she had overheard Kylie say earlier. She was definitely looking at Kylie in a different light, as was I. I knew that Kylie was mean, but I never thought her capable of such ugly words.

‘Kayla,’ I said pulling her out of her thoughts. ‘Are you okay?’

‘Yea, sorry.’ She said shaking her head, presumably shaking the thoughts away. ‘I just drifted off there. What were we talking about?’

‘Your talk with your mom,’ I said.

‘Yes, right. We had a good long talk,’ She said.

‘You said that.’

‘Right. Let’s just talk about something else.’

She was definitely distracted and it was affecting our date. I needed to do something to get her mind off of her sister and back onto us.

‘Do you want me to tell you what I have planned for this evening? Or would you like to be surprised?’ I said with what I hoped was a sly smile.

‘You know I don’t like surprises.’

‘Okay then. First we have a wonderful dinner. Then we are going to go get dessert, then maybe take a walk. Then I will take you back home and deposit you on your door step with a rather long goodnight kiss.’

‘That sounds…just about perfect.’ Kayla said.

‘Just about? How do I get that ‘just about’ to be just perfect?’

‘Well,’ she said with a devious grin on her face. ‘I was thinking we could fit in some time to do a bit more than just a long goodnight kiss.’

I instantly hardened. I noisily swallowed the saliva that had pooled in my mouth. She licked her lips seductively when she heard it.

‘I think that can be arranged,’ I managed to say.

At that moment our food arrived.

‘This smells great,’ Kayla said.

It took me a moment to pull my thoughts away from all the erotic possibilities for the evening, and turn my focus towards the plate full of the best smelling lasagna I’ve ever had.

We shifted to talking about future plans as we ate. Kayla was looking forward to Notre Dame and all the classes she would take. She was planning on majoring in mathematics, but she was planning on taking some engineering classes as well. She was ridiculously smart. While my grades were good enough to get me into Notre Dame, my athletic ability has helped me a great deal, I was a solid B+ student. I hadn’t figured out what I would major in yet, but I had always enjoyed my history classes.

‘It will be weird having all that freedom,’ Kayla said.

‘Yea,’ I replied. ‘I know that my mom gives me a lot of liberties, but I still check in with her constantly. It will be weird to have no one checking to make sure you are coming home. There will be no one there to worry if you don’t. It’s both exciting and terrifying.’

‘Well I’ll be there to worry if you don’t. It will be nice to not be completely alone when we get there,’ Kayla said looking into my eyes. She had put her fork down and had turned her attention towards me. ‘And I hope you’ll worry if I don’t come home.’

‘Always,’ I assured her.

We shifted away from such a heavy topic as we ate. We talked about plans for the rest of the summer, and all the things we wanted to do before we went to college. We weren’t going to school too far away from home, but we still wouldn’t be home.

As the waiter took away our empty plates, he asked if we wanted dessert. Since I had already planned dessert, I just asked for the check. I paid the bill and then we left.

‘Are we getting to the ‘knock my socks off’ part?’ She asked as we pulled out of the restaurant parking lot.

‘Are you saying your socks are still on after that incredible meal?’ I said feigning shock. ‘Well I am just going to have to up my game.’

I took a hold of her hand as I drove us back towards my house. She gave me a look as I parked in the driveway. She got out of the car, but kept the skeptical look on her face. I took her hand and led her into the backyard.

‘Okay, what’s going on?’ Kayla finally asked. ‘Are you taking me out here to murder me or something?’

A laugh flew out of my mouth. It was louder than I had expected.

‘Really, you think I’m going to murder you?’ I asked.

‘I don’t know. I thought you were going to take me somewhere romantic or fun, but we end up in your backyard, so I don’t know what to think.’

‘And you think my backyard is not romantic or fun? O ye of little faith.’

I pull her towards out old tree house that never actually made it into the tree. My mom had bought it for us, a
nd both of our parents were going to get together to get it up the tree, but that never happened, so it ended up being a sort of playhouse. It bothered me for a bit, because girls had playhouses, but I had so much fun with Kayla in it I stopped complaining. I had used my time wisely this afternoon and did some pre-date prep. When I opened the door to the playhouse there was a blanket on the floor with a cooler next to it. I had also bought a battery-powered candle so that we could have romantic lighting without setting the place on fire.

‘Voilá,’ I said stepping aside for her to enter.

‘Ok, I retract my statement,’ she said as she sat down.

I turned on the candle and sat down across from her. I pulled two pieces of chocolate cake out of the cooler and a bottle of water.

‘Dessert, if you want it.’

Kayla smiled at me. It was one of her special smiles that she reserved only for when she was truly happy. It reached all the way up to her eyes, which shone as bright as the stars in the sky.

‘You are beautiful,’ I heard myself saying. I know I had been thinking it, but I hadn’t intended on saying it out loud.

‘Come here,’ Kayla said almost as a command.

I shifted myself closer to her. She placed her hand on my cheek and then kissed me. It started out as a gentle kiss, but quickly turned passionate. She moved her body closer, and I took the opportunity to pull her into my lap. I pushed her dress further up her thighs so that she could straddle me. As her legs closed around my hips her fingers threaded through my hair. We moaned in unison as she brushed up against my hardening erection. My hands gripped her hips, trying to gain some control.

‘Oh shit,’ Kayla moaned against my mouth. ‘James…’

‘Yea baby?’ I asked.

‘I want you inside me,’ she whispered.

My mouth went dry. It was amazing the affect those words had on me. My body instantly heated up and hardened. I shifted Kayla off my lap to give me access to her panties. I pulled them down her legs before moving her back onto my lap. She reached between us and undid the button and zipper on my pants and pulled my erection out. She rubbed her wetness against me.

‘Oh…god…’ I groaned. I quickly grabbed a condom from my pocket and rolled it down my straining erection. I lifted Kayla’s hips up and inched her down onto me.

‘Fuck,’ She half moaned half yelled.

I gripped onto her hips and we ground against each other. Having Kayla’s body wrapped around mine was amazing. Her body fit perfectly against mine. Her head dropped against my shoulder and that put her moans right in my ear. Being able to hear every tiny sound was so erotic. Our bodies found a perfect rhythm and I could hear her getting closer and closer to her climax. Her inner muscles began clenching around me.

‘Oh shit,’ I groaned as I grew closer to my own climax. I was doing my best to hold off until Kayla came first, but it was getting more and more difficult. Just when I thought I wasn’t going to last any longer, Kayla’s inner muscles clamped down and a strangled scream escaped her lips. I was seconds behind her.

When her orgasm finally subsided, Kayla dropped her weight on me. I was having difficulty holding myself up, so I laid us down with her on top of me. We caught our breath and dozed off a little.

We spent the rest of the night talking about anything and everything. We nibbled at the chocolate cake as we talked. It was around 2am when we finally left the playhouse and I walked Kayla to her back door.

‘So…’ I prompted.

‘Socks are definitely knocked off,’ she said holding her shoes up and giving me one of her huge smiles.

‘Yea they are!’ I gloated. Kayla laughed and placed her hand on my chest.

‘Tonight was great. Thank you.’

‘Thank you for agreeing to go out with me.’

‘I should head in,’ Kayla said gesturing towards the door. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll come over around 11am and we can head to the beach together.’

‘Sounds good.’ I gave her a quick kiss. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, or later today.’

She gave me a smile and a little wave before heading inside.

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It was early Wednesday evening when Alice asked, "Judy, why don't you see if you can pry those two out of the security center? Surely they are ready for dinner." "And after all I've done for you, you want to sacrifice me to the lions?" teased Judy as she headed toward the door. "Judy," said Jill, "we can do it, after all that is what handmaidens are for." "Okay. It's time for you to be up anyway. How do you feel?" "Fine. The extra weight on our chest takes some getting used...

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 5

Toeing off her glass heels, she bit her lower lip wondering what he was going to do next. She didn’t need to wait long when he gripped her arms and hauled her out of the Viper. Zak was not very gentle when he simply gripped one arm and hauled her after him toward the tower. She could barely keep up with his long strides, and by the time they dropped into a damp hole in the ground and made their way up into her old tower room, she was sobbing. He pushed a door she never knew existed in her...

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A Long Hard Look part 2

My gait got slower as I stopped to think about what was said and done on the bus. My panties were soaked everytime he would look at me, even before that day. I always had to cross my legs together in order to avoid embarrassment and a possible orgasm on the bus. Although I've often wondered what that would be like... just to have someone's eyes glued upon me as I worked my magic (touch!). They could even be masturbating as well... as long as we would all gather in the enjoyment, perhaps even...

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Thank you, WolfGirl *Betrayed* At some point during the early morning hours, I felt Danny slid in behind me on the bed. I slowly turned around in his arms and faced him. Poor baby, he looked so tired. "Morning love." I whispered as I kissed his chin. "Goodnight, hmm morning.." He mumbled as he softly rubbed my back, pulling me closer into him. "You wen't on patrol didn't you?" I asked rubbing his neck softly. "Yes and I just got back." He whispered...

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Mistress J Part Two

FANTASY CONTINUED She was covered and crusted in cum when she headed for the shower. Hubby dispersed the men who’d made his wife a cum receptacle at his invitation. The room smelled of sex, cups of semen had a way of doing that. Ten men plus hubby and her had covered things in DNA, from spit and sweat to loads of jism. If the walls and mattress could talk, the next guest would run away screaming. As the Jacuzzi filled she stepped into the shower to get the cum out of her hair and off...

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Lip and Annie Ch 09

Their first week back they were both very anxious to hear each other’s voices on a daily basis, so their phone calls back and forth became routine. Annie was working a lot of night shifts and trying to sleep in the day, and they usually talked in the late afternoon. Robert was busy too, but he was fortunate that his business didn’t run on set hours, and he could usually make time for Annie whenever she was available. She had told him that the first available appointment with Dr. Maier would be...

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I was walking to a friend's house, who lived very near tome I was walking to a friend's house, who lived very near tome. A car stopped in front of me and someone got out. At this point I was scared, as the guy was leering at me. He told me to get in his car, and I refused. He pulled a knife out of his jacket so I got into the backseat. Two friends were sitting there grinning at me and I sat down fearfully... The ringleader (lets call him Ali)of the lot? the one who had pulled me into...

4 years ago
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My Cousin Cums Rather Than Goes To Youth Group

I was living at my folks' house after college when they decided to go on vacation. I would have the house to myself for a week. So on Saturday, I had some friends over and we partied a bit. One of my bud's from the Lacrosse team stayed over and we hung out Sunday recovering from the previous night's festivities and watched football.So we were sitting there, blowing a doob, when the doorbell rings. I go to the door and look out and It's my seventeen-year-old second cousin, Sarah. I open the...

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BBW Needs to Play

The sound of running water drew Cherry from the depths of the deep sleep. She opened one eye and groaned. The sun was not even up yet. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to will herself back to sleep. It was to no avail, especially when the hum of the razor came on. If they were home this would not be a problem, but in small hotel room, there was no escape from the noise of the morning routine. Cherry rolled to her side, to face the sink area and opened her eyes just a sliver. Karl's cycling...

Group Sex
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The Doctor is In part 1

Mrs Freeda Wilson lay naked on the examination table staring at the ceiling. According to her husband she was 'frigid' and did not enjoy marital relations. I was looking at her sweet pussy, it certainly looked like it had not been touched by a man in a long time. It would not have looked out of place on a young virgin it was that cute. She was an attractive woman of 23, married for five years with no c***dren. She had complete trust in me as a doctor specializing in female issues. Which was...

2 years ago
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Coyote HidesChapter 9

Things got resolved in Eugene. Not just seeing those I missed and who missed me, including the blonde haired, blue eyed petite former waif Mila and her lesbian girlfriend Gail whom I stayed with a few nights. And Dotty of course, who gave me the guest room of their former drug house the rest of the time. And Kenneth, who came down a few days after I arrived. But also the case of Julio and the Whitemans. Kenneth, Dotty, Tommy and Trish, Tommy’s step cousin and future bearer of his child,...

4 years ago
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An Erotic Handjob From A Mature Woman

[responsivevoice_button rate=”0.9″ pitch=”1.1″ volume=”0.8″ voice=”Australian Male” buttontext=”Listen to Story”] Hello readers and love enthusiasts, this is me Simple Guy back with another one of my true stories. Please feel free to read my other stories. to access them. As always, I only write from my own personal experience and none of my stories are fiction or made up at any point. With all due respect to fantasy writers, I find that writing from experience, or at least based on reality...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Keilani Kita The Long Dong Goodbye

Keilani Kitas mom and her stepdad are going through a nasty split up, and unfortunately, Keilani has to witness it all. According to her mom, Keilanis stepdad just needs to sign some papers and it will all be over. But when they show up at his place, Keilani and her stepdad have some things to sort out. Her mom gives them some privacy, and Keilanis stepdad tries to explain why he and her mom are breaking up. But one thing leads to another, and soon Keilani is cross examining her stepdads long,...

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ROTC slave MM

I'm a freshman in college this year, just thought I'd share with you how a3 letter athlete ended upa submissive slave to a Senior ROTC 2nd LT. It still doesn't seem real tome, except when I amcalled to report by Lt. Tim.It all started very early Saturday morning in my first semester here atthe university. I had been ajock in school but was aware that I had no outstanding talent, I wasn'tgonna be offered ascholarship. My best sport was Baseball, football was ok, and I barelygot by in...

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Young Bess Part Eight

YOUNG BESS - PART 8 By Jane Howard Although this is not the final chapter, Young Bess is drawing near to its conclusion. Since so much time has elapsed since Part Seven was posted, it would be a wise thing to do to reprise what has come before. Young James, scion of an ancient and noble British family has been charged by his uncle, Sir Isaac Newton, with the duty to discover what has become of his beloved sister Sheila, found suddenly missing. Through witchcraft, James is...

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An Accident Changed My Life0

An Accident Changed My Life Maybe accident isn’t the best way to describe what happed but it really was accidental. I signed on for a two-week trip to Branson, Missouri where I would see twelve live shows in fourteen days. All of the rooms were double occupancy to lower expenses, so I would have an unknown roommate. The evening meal was also part of the package. Well I missed my flight and after a few text messages I was on the next flight and just a couple of hours behind my...

3 years ago
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Favorite Fantasies 3

The scene is a one-room schoolhouse, somewhere out West.The teacher is about my age, thirty-five, or even older. But she isa virgin, a frustrated old maid. She has kept one of the pupilsafter school, a strong, six-foot-tall boy who isn’t too bright. Shegoes through a stern lecture with him about how he’s not beenpaying attention during class, etc. She asks him two or threetough questions, and when he can’t answer says she’s going tohave to punish him. She tells him to take down his pants;...

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Frank and Donna

Donna & Frank "You doin' alright in there, Honey?" she asked as she waited outside the closed bathroom door. "Yes, I'm fine," "Let me know if you need any help?" she said with concern in her voice. "I'm fine, really I am!" She shrugged her shoulders. "Okay," she said, "but the hardest part for me is getting the tie right!" "Yes, they are a pain in the ass, aren't they?" She chuckled to herself. There really wasn't any need to answer that obvious question....

3 years ago
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Nikki part 14

I straighten my short black pencil skirt and my clingy, translucent tights as I jump in the back of the pink London cab. I slip my stiletto heels off and stretch my tired toes, satisfied that a hard day's work is complete. "Don't let those toes get too comfortable," Viks teases as she gets in the driver's seat. "Aren't they going to be supporting your entire bodyweight later tonight?" "Ugh, don't remind me," I mock-groan. "I mean, it's not that I DON'T like ballet, it's just-...

4 years ago
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Journey into the PastChapter 24 Hard Decision

With Marjorie gone the place felt empty. Now I know how it feels to be lonely in the middle of a crowd. The three months won't be long in passing, but it will be midwinter when she returns. At least this time we have a warm home to return to. Preparation for the winter had begun a month previous, and we have been collecting wood ready cut for the fires. All the thick branches taken from the trees, which were felled for lumber, have been cut up, and distributed to each individual's home. I...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Eliza Ibarra Explosive Orgasms

Gorgeous brunette with perky tits and a slim body, Eliza Ibarra, can’t help but feel horny as soon as she sees her handsome, bearded man Alex Legend. The horny duo is immediately into each other, exchanging a passionate kiss while their hands are busy exploring each other’s bodies. Alex sucks Eliza’s small tits like a hungry baby before eating out her puffy pussy. Eliza returns the pleasure by giving Alex a sloppy blowjob until his cock becomes hard and wet. Alex then fucks...

1 year ago
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Ryans dilemma

This was an unexpected turn of events for a Friday night. I had planned on spending the evening on a wonderful date with my girlfriend. She already knew what the plans were, she never liked surprises. Me being the romantic type, this took a lot of fun out of the relationship for me. We were to begin the evening at a fantastic, and very expensive, restaurant. She had wanted to go ever since her best friend’s boyfriend took her there. I wanted to take her this evening and tell her about the...

2 years ago
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Karen Sex Slave

One Saturday she arrived home after shopping and put everything away and made herself a coffee and sat down to drink it, when the doorbell sounded, she got up to answer it and noticed as she passed the window there was a white van on the drive. She opened the door and there was two black men outside one of them was the one she noticed watching her at the store. Before she could move, they pushed her into the house She noticed one had a knife in his hand and said do not make a sound and you...

3 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Sister

Hi, friends…..Thanks for the response for the previous story…. I am back with a new incident which happened a few weeks back…. To those who are new I am Nandu 27 years from Visakhapatnam…Presently in Vizag looking for Job offers here….This is a story of how I got a chance to fuck my friends married sister..Any unsatisfied aunties can mail me on for secret relation….. Coming to the story … This all started with a facebook message….After I left my job in Banglore, I am back in Vizag and one day...

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I had desperately needed this vacation. Things hadn’t been going well with my girlfriend, seems like we are fighting all the time. So I decided that I needed to get away for some time to myself. I’d always wanted to go to Cancun, so I just went. Flying in over the Caribbean was amazing. The water is the most beautiful color I’d ever seen. If you haven’t seen it, I can’t describe it. I’d always been fascinated with the Mayan Indian area, so I had plans to see some of the old ruins. I know for...

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Fucked Both My Colleague And Her Roomie

Hi this is my first  story…l am a vivid reader of ISS ..loved all your stories guys..This story sets in hyderabad and ends there too…let me tell about myself..I m Anil..35..matured and professional guy well settled in my job in a middle management job..This story was 3 years before when I was in hyderabad and now I have shifted my base to bhubaneswar… My colleagues name is Sweety..she is 34-36-32…A sexy busy gal who works with me and stays alone…this was a Saturday off and we were getting bored...

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Astrids Choice

Astrid looked down and saw herself dressed in a long dark red dress. It was quite low cut revealing her luscious cleavage. Her dark brown hair was hanging loose with bouncy curls. Her big brown eyes widened as she saw all these beautiful people going into an elegant looking nightclub. She slowly walked in the building feeling her legs shaking and her stomach in knots. The big thick black shoes she wore made it hard for her to walk. She wasn't used to dressing this way. Usually she would wear...

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yay, my boyfriend has again become a father. He is all father to nine, his sex partners from this summer are pregnant, the mother of his first c***d is pregnant again with his c***dren. He has probably managed to make four different girls pregnant after an orgy in September. And his ex he has had a sexual relationship with, has a c***d with before and wanted another, is also pregnant again with him. 25 years and father of 16. What do I think about it? I might be weird but get incredibly horny...

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My Friend Harshita 8211 Part 6 A New Beginning

I dropped her at the hostel door and I saw her walking in a really uncomfortable way. She wasn’t able to keep her thighs close. But she slowly went inside and I left for my flight. After this point, it’s written from her point of view. I know I haven’t told my name yet so just refer me as ‘Virat’. So let’s begin. It was really difficult for me to even take a single step. I was wearing loose clothes and nothing underneath which helped me to walk freely. In my mind, I was regretting telling him...

1 year ago
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DreamweaverChapter 68 The Church

Though the offices were located on the 18th floor of a downtown high-rise, the Church of the Inner Circle itself was located on a two acre facility off Highway 582 between Vegas and Henderson. It was average size for a church, I guess. I mean it's not like I'd been to that many. A little bigger than the one where I'd met Phoebe not so very long ago. Thinking of Phoebe created a cold knot in my stomach as I paid the cab for bringing me out. Probably best not to think about it. I didn't...

2 years ago
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The Butterfly

Often times when I watered the plants in the window of my apartment, the woman in the third floor apartment across the courtyard would find a reason to come to her window and watch me.In the summer time, I would ride my stationary exercise bike by the window for the breeze, and she would watch me from the shadows of her curtained windows. After a while, I began to see flashes of her at her window, in her under wear, or sometimes completely nude, and at other time topless. She was always...

4 years ago
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An Acquired TasteChapter 5

It was high summer and Jamaker reined in the bay gelding from it’s gallop; bringing it to a halt on the green Downs overlooking the manor-house. Beyond the manor, just over in West Sussex, she could see the church-steeple of Harting; its’ weather-vane clearly glinting in the sunlight. As the horse stood recovering its wind, wonderment flooded through Jamaker; not only at the gorgeous view but also at the events that had bought her to this point in her life before her 15th birthday. Within...

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Mrs Denvers Parent Discipline Scheme

Part 1 Sally Denver , the 45-year-old Headmistress, was in her Study when the buzzer sounded. She looked at her watch. It was 2.30 pm so they were right on time. Sally pressed the button of the intercom. “Yes?” she asked sternly. Her Secretary, 25 year old Charlotte , replied, “ Mrs Carson and Emma are both here, Mrs Denver.” “Send them in please,” Mrs Denver ordered in her strict tone of voice that students knew to fear. Mrs Denver watched sombrely as 36-year-old Mrs Elizabeth Carson...

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Drug Induced Genetic Mutation DIGEM Part 2

The following document is a rough draft of a novel that has been copyrighted. Its contents are meant to be freely distrubuted and are not for publication on any pay site. I want this to remain Free to anyone unless they wish to have paper publishing rites and then only by permission of the author, Leslie Josette Gill. To anyone who reads this work, it is in progress. Much research is needed in several areas. I wrote what seemed to be correct from what I know about Television...

4 years ago
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Sibling Ribaldry

Chapter 1 It's summer and I'd had a hiking and camping trip planned for several months before school let out but it was all in the toilet now because my fucking former girlfriend dumped me like the bitch she is. Does that sound like I'm not taking it too well? Well, I'm fucking not. Life is shit right now as I try to see my way ahead to what my life might be like when I enter my senior year next year and have to see the dirty bitch again. Not that I'm holding this all inside,...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Sister

My name is John and I'm 21 and i have one sister Tiffany and shes 20. But last year she went at the college i go to, and when she was in high school i realized she was extremely hot. She grew from an ugly ducking to the beautiful woman that was standing in front of me. But i could barely contain my massive boner that was growing in my pants when i saw her double D's almost bursting out of her shirt. And when we both came home for the holidays our parents would be happy as ever to see us. On...

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Our First Threesome

This is the true story of our first threesome experience (MMF). I am Steve, and my fiancée is Diana. We are a slim and attractive couple, both in our mid-thirties. Diana is around 5ft 8ins, very attractive, slender, with brunette shoulder length hair. I am 6ft 2”, medium build with short dark hair. We had been on the swinging scene for a couple of years but due to a hectic everyday life we rarely managed to meet people or go to parties etc. Diana and I had discussed meeting a single guy for a...

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