Counseling Helps Occasionally free porn video

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I’d married a year out of high school. He’d been in school with me and was a big guy. I’m big, too. He’d asked me out and I might have been the only one that said yes, but I was flattered. I’d seen him playing football and he could run over most of the other guys in school. He was a jock and into jock things. He liked watching sports, fishing and going out with the guys. He also made good money. He was the first guy I’d ever made love with and that first time he’d really hurt me. He was rough during sex, but kind when he found I was bleeding. It took me more than a week to heal and I hid it from Mom.

We did it again about two weeks later and it was a little better. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested in sex, I mean I’d found Mom’s vibrator when I was still young. I was eighteen and my friend’s Mom had given me a vibrator as a birthday present. It may seem strange, but she’d given my friend one on her birthday, too, and she was kind of a cool Mom and we got along. I found that I liked the feel of it, and for awhile I thought that might be the only sex I’d ever have. Guys never asked me out.

After we were married almost two years I found out I was pregnant and was afraid to tell him. He bought all kinds of man toys. He had a new pickup truck and his folks had helped us buy a home. He was furious because he knew I was on the pill, but when I reminded him that I’d been asking him to stop and get my prescription for a month… and he never had… he cooled down. He still hollered and told me that I should have told him that I was out of pills. It was another four years before number two came along, and then we had an older daughter and a little boy. He kind of shined on our daughter, but he doted on our son, and he became more verbally abusive to me.

He always hollered at me and when it got too bad and I cried he’d just holler louder. I put on weight during that time… over forty pounds, and I felt miserable about myself. Why couldn’t I ever please him? Why was everything I did always wrong? The end finally came when he came home and found our son with dirty diapers.

I’d been sick all week and had trouble even getting up, but I was doing everything I could. I’d changed the baby just over an hour before he got home, but he wouldn’t listen. He screamed and berated me for almost two hours and called me every name he could. He accused me of being lazy and not caring, and of talking on the phone all day.

I had to leave. I was scared of him and took the kids and went to a motel. I was there for two days and then called home. He was apologetic and wanted us back, but mostly he wanted to know how the baby was. I went back and everything was okay for a few days before it started all over again. This time it was two months before I left again and I didn’t go back.

He now has a new computer, new fishing gear, another new truck, and has spent a lot of money on power tools and lawn equipment. His favorites are a portable refrigerator for the truck and a big gas barbecue for the backyard. When I filed for divorce he threatened me. He also tried to get the children, and forced me to sign an agreement that said he owed me and the kids nothing from the divorce when it became final.

I didn’t get the divorce for over a year because I couldn’t afford it. A friend told me of a legal center that would handle it for almost nothing. My sister had been taking care of the kids for most of the time so that I could work to make a living. The job I had wasn’t much and required a big person to do lifting. I hated it, but didn’t have any skills or training so I stayed.

One day a gal I knew from work asked me to go to a dance with her and told me that maybe we could meet some nice guys. I told her about my kids but she suggested that I ask Sis to watch them. I resisted for almost two weeks, but finally did ask. Sis was great. She was happy for me and my brother-in-law was great too. I stopped by on the way to the dance and they both hugged me. He was a great hugger and I wondered why I couldn’t find a great guy like Sis had.

Well, I went to the dance and it wasn’t great but I did get asked for a couple of dances and I liked a man holding me, but nothing came of it. Another month went by and she wanted to go to the dance again and again Sis watched the kids for me. She even encouraged me. This time I met a nice guy who was kind of inebriated. We danced and he even tried to feel me up. His hands kept wandering to my ass, and his arm kept rubbing my breasts while we danced. His knee seemed to find its way against me, too. It felt good to feel him against me, and know that he was interested in me although it might just have been the liquor.

He asked for my number and told me where he worked. It was just down the street from where I worked and he called me the next day. When he wasn’t drinking he was a very nice guy and it wasn’t long before we were going together and then he asked me to move in with him. Sis wasn’t sure, but after awhile she told me that it was alright and that I needed someone.

I moved in and it was almost a honeymoon for the first three months. He even insisted that I quit my job and he’d support us. He told me that I could then stay home and take care of the kids. It really sounded great, but I was afraid. My fright ended one day when my boss gave me a really bad time at work and accused me of not working hard enough. I’d been working through coffee breaks and lunch and staying over almost an hour each night. It was only a few minutes before I told him to take his job and shove it, and I walked out.

He tried to get me to come back to work and apologized, but I’d been home for two weeks without that job and I loved it. My boyfriend would leave me the car most of the time and catch a ride to work with a friend. I was really beginning to feel good about myself.

Suddenly things changed and he didn’t come home after work. I worried all evening and finally I heard him being let off out front. He’d been drinking and when he got in he threw his arms around me and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and he got mad. He dragged me into the bedroom and raped me. I was hurt and furious, but I could do nothing. The next morning he woke up with a hangover and remembered nothing.

It was only a few days and it happened again. He began drinking hard, and I found out that he’d had the problem before. I asked him to stop and he kept promising he would but it just got worse. One night he came home and threw me across the room and hit me.

I decided that I wanted to get out and take the kids with me. But, I felt like such a loser. I’d lost a husband and now a lover and I didn’t have a job. I looked but couldn’t get another job. I blamed myself. I was stupid and should have done something better. Maybe I could have gone to college, or waited to get married, or… I didn’t know.

The beatings and berating got worse. Finally my friend from the job told me about a counseling session for women that was free and lasted eight weeks. The class met on Friday nights at an elementary school about fifteen minutes away. The meetings lasted about two hours and they’d helped her. I didn’t even know she’d ever had a problem.

The counseling was devoted to women only and featured extensive help in understanding abuse and developing self worth. It was taught by a guy that seemed to really know what it was like and how to help. He was tall but not overly good looking and always seemed busy. He was devoted to his students and encouraged us to talk about our feelings. He even offered another night free every week. The classroom was donated by the city as part of an outreach program and except for expenses, he donated his time.

My boyfriend didn’t know I was going and Sis watched the kids for me when I went. The meetings were on his big drinking nights each week and I had the car so I went. It was interesting and I understood most of what he was teaching us, but I didn’t tell my story.

During the last two
weeks I’d been having trouble with the car. It wouldn’t want to start. People had helped me three different times to start it. A couple of other times it didn’t seem like it was going to start, but then it did. I told my boyfriend, although I really didn’t think of him this way anymore. He kept promising to fix it but he didn’t. It was like his drinking problem when he’d say that he was going to quit but never did.

I took a shower and dressed and then dropped the kids off. My Sis wasn’t home yet, but my brother-in-law was and he hugged me before I left. I’d never do anything with him except a sister’s kiss or a hug, but there were times that my body really yearned for him to take me into the bed and… well… enough of that I thought. The car seemed to be working okay and so I drove to the school and got there well before class started. I visited with a couple of the ladies and was amazed at the attachment some of them felt toward our instructor.

When he finally arrived and started the class I studied him. He really wasn’t that bad looking, and his butt was tight and slim. He carried himself well and was obviously sensitive and intelligent. My mind was carried away wondering what he’d really be like when he was aroused and wondering if I could arouse him. But, class was here and tonight we would discuss addictions to things like drugs, alcohol, sex and gambling. I tried my best to keep my mind on it all, but after the ladies comments before the class I found my mind constantly returning to him.

The longer I looked, the more fascinated I became. His body was more lithe than I’d thought. He was very smart. He had a way of talking to people and making you feel that he was talking to you. I blushed when I realized that I was studying a part of him below the waist and so I looked away.

When class was over I gathered my stuff and walked out with a couple of the ladies. Their cars were close and I’d parked further in case I needed a push or something to get the car started. They drove away as I got in and turned the key. The engine growled and then the growling stopped. Nothing would make it start again. I was terrified and miles from home and no way to get there. My boyfriend would really hit me now.

I got out of the car and tried to open the hood. There was only a black pickup truck parked in the lot and suddenly most of the lights went out in the lot. I could barely see and there was no phone. I started to walk back to the building to see if whoever was in the truck could help me. As I walked up to the door to knock, it opened and he was coming out.

He asked if something was wrong and I told him. He walked out to the car with me and tried it himself. Then, he asked if I had an automobile club card and I had to say no. He sat for a minute and then got out and opened the truck and took out a cell phone. He made a call and then escorted me back to the classroom.

I asked him who he’d called and he said it was just a friend. He asked if I could afford a new battery or alternator for the car. I had five dollars and no credit card. Again I had to say no and I looked at the floor. He opened the door, turned on the lights and escorted me back to the table in front of the room.

I sat where he pointed and he took the only other chair. It was next to mine and he said that his friend could help because he was a mechanic. I started to cry and he asked what was wrong. I told him again that I couldn’t afford it and I was going to be in trouble when I got home.

He asked what I meant and I told him between sobs. He asked if that was why I was in his class. I said yes that I was trying to help myself, but everything went wrong all the time. He actually smiled and reached out a knuckle and used it to wipe my tears. Then he brought it to his lips and tasted it. He said that it didn’t taste like someone who couldn’t handle a situation, and I laughed but it didn’t last.

Now he started asking a lot of questions and I heard myself answering. After a few minutes I was starting to feel like I was in counseling and enjoying it. My tears went away and I opened up. I told him about my husband and the kids and the drunk I was living with.

Nearly through one question I heard a noise and looked up. A man came in the door and he stood up and said hello to the guy. Then he excused himself and went to talk quietly. After a few minutes he came back and asked for my car keys. I tried to ask why but he just took them, walked back and gave them to the guy.

When he got back and sat down I asked him again why he gave the guy my keys. He said that the guy needed them to check out the car and that it might be an hour before he was through.

We talked more and I was really starting to like him. Forty five minutes later the guy opened the door again and he got up and walked over to meet again. My eyes followed his walk. He did have that confident walk I’d noticed earlier and I enjoyed the swing of his hips… a lot.

He came back and held out his hand with the keys and told me it was fixed. I smiled and asked how much I owed the guy as he took my arm and escorted me out again. As he turned to switch off the room lights and lock the door I noticed the tow truck pulling away.

I panicked because I knew that tow trucks were expensive. I turned and told him that I couldn’t afford a tow truck, but he just smiled and said there was no charge. Puzzled I turned back to the car and he escorted me again back to where our vehicles were. I turned as we got to the car and asked him if he thought the car would work. He jokingly replied that his brother was the best mechanic in the city and even had his own racing car team.

My mouth opened and I asked if that was his brother and he smiled and said yes. As I thought back I could remember a resemblance and so I told him what a handsome guy his brother was. Again he smiled and said yes that his wife and all four of his kids thought so, too.

I was so grateful and insisted that I needed a bill but he said that it was all taken care of. I told him that I couldn’t let him do that and then he asked if I could guess what he made every year. How could I? I didn’t even know what he did.

He smiled again and my heart melted. He replied that he was a traveling lecturer and that he gave the same classes to rich ladies and each lady paid him two hundred dollars each week to teach them. He said that he taught five classes in the daytime each week and each class averaged about forty women. I couldn’t do that without a pencil and paper and even then I wasn’t sure I could do it.

He said that he taught pro bono, whatever that meant, at our school each week and deducted his time as donated services on his taxes. Then that smile again as he said that my attending his classes was saving him money.

I wasn’t sure that I believed him but he assured me that it was all true. He said that he even sponsored his brother’s racing team. I was suddenly aware that he would be late getting home and apologized. He just said that there was no one home to worry about him and that he was single. I relaxed.

I reached out to shake his hand and tell him that I was going to pay him back. He took my hand and suddenly he bent and kissed me. My body didn’t resist the urge to kiss him back. When we parted I started to feel ashamed, but he smiled and said thank you. When I started to talk, he kissed me again.

It was only minutes and I was up against the car and his body was pressing into mine. I started to say that I wouldn’t pay him that way, but I couldn’t get the words out as I felt his thigh pressing against the dress and between my legs. He wasn’t deliberately doing it but I was wishing that he would.

I felt my stomach and then my body tighten and my breasts were tingling. I felt a dampness begin as a familiar sensation traveled from my breasts down my stomach and between my legs. I kissed back and his arms were around me holding me tight.

I moaned and his hand traveled to my skirt
and then under it and I felt the warmth of his hand and then his fingers. A pressure on my breast burned into me and I was alive with him. He pushed aside my panties and his entire hand was stroking me. His finger spread my lips and I felt delicious as he entered.

He massaged me and my nipples were hardening as he found my clitoris and touched it. I was out of breath as he pulled his face away and smiled softly at me. I could say nothing as he kneeled on the asphalt and brought his face to me. My skirt was covering him and I reached down to pull it up so that I could see him.

In all my life I’d never had a man kiss me there and touch me that way with his tongue. I started to say something and I was suddenly trembling and having trouble catching my breath. I lowered my hands to his head and felt his hair between my fingers as I clenched it and pulled him closer.

I’m not sure exactly what happened over the next few minutes because I only remember the exquisite feeling of continuing climax. I could do nothing but hold on and shake and enjoy. This was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to me and I wanted more… a lot more. I felt him pull away and stand up. I was still shaking and unable to move as he walked closer and took my hand and placed it on his hardness.

My fingers came alive and he felt so strong and so big. His cock was the best thing I’d ever touched and my hands started fumbling at his waist as I tried to bring it out. He sighed and helped me and soon I was holding him. I felt him tighten and it surged in my hand. I put both hands on him and wanted to scream at the feeling of his warmth and my desire.

I explored and teased and found his head. It was large and so soft under that stiffness. I pushed him away and wanted to return to him the way he did to me. I’d only tasted a few men and only briefly. But when my lips touched him and he surged I was committed. I closed my mouth around him and felt him lunge and then retract. He paused and my tongue was on his head and I was aware of him moaning.

For the first time ever I wanted to suck a man… his cock. I didn’t know exactly what to do, but between us I learned quickly. He was alive in my hands and in my mouth and I climaxed from the experience again. I wanted him to cum and I wanted to taste it. I felt a little sweetness at his head and my tongue savored it.

He stopped me and pulled me up. I wanted to stay just where I was and pleasure him the way he had me, but he insisted. When I was on my feet, he kissed me again and picked me up and put me on the fender of the car. My hand was still around him and he used it to guide me as he entered. I felt the glory as he spread and widened my lips.

I felt the pleasure as he teased me and then slowly entered. I’d never felt a man like this before. He was large, but pleasant and I wanted him. I felt him tease until we were lubricated and his fingers were at my clitoris again as he pushed deeper and deeper. I felt every inch of him as I widened under the pressure of his head sliding in.

I felt his cock throbbing in me and his cock jump again and again as he tightened himself. His hands opened my dress and then found my breasts. One returned to my clitoris and he kissed me. I arched to greet him and take him in deeper. I wanted as much of this as I could get. I never wanted it to end.

Our hips met again and again in savage attacks. They ground and rotated and I felt him sliding in and then out. My pussy widened and then relaxed again and again. I felt his head in a spot that I didn’t know I had and he worked on it. I felt his fingers again and he was doing something to me and my body was in ecstasy. My mind lost interest in everything except him and what we were doing.

I don’t know how long we worked, but I climaxed again and again from his fingers. I felt something different and started to pull away, but his arms wouldn’t let me. I was afraid that I was going to ruin everything. The pressure was there and I had to go.

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Eric Helps Out

I'd first like to say a big thanks to the person that gave me this idea for my story. Although I can't remember their name for the life of me, I have borrowed some ideas and situations from their original. It was from a story I read a while ago. I can't find the story now and if anyone has a clue as to who it was, please let me know so I can give them proper credit. [email protected] This story deals with adult situations and subject matter. If you are not of age, do not...

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auntie helps mummy

Auntie helps Mummy.My stepmum rang the bell and auntie opened it. We both went in and my stepmum settled herself on the couch her pregnancy bump was now forming nicely and large breasts must run in the family as she was as big as her sister. “Well go on you two off you go for your night out i’ll look after junior”. It was six months since my auntie had given birth. And she had insisted on taking me out for a meal and a drink for all my help. My auntie’s breasts pressed against her little...

4 years ago
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Mother Helps Son

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. This is my first story in Indian Sex Stories dot net, so please avoid my mistakes if u found any. Now without any late, let us go to the real incident which happened to me and also happening to me. Let me introduce my self Rahul, I’m 24 years of old. I completed my master degree in reputed university. Now I’m in job searching work and still didn’t get any job. My mother name is Vaani and she is 45 years old. I don’t know about her sizes. This story was...

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MS Mum helps son through his breakup

"Ryan!""What!""RYAN!""WHAT!""Don't you what me young man! Come out for dinner please!"Ryan rolled his eyes and jumped off his bed. He'd been sexting his girlfriend, of 3 months, Sarah.… "Ryan!""What!""RYAN!""WHAT!""Don't you what me young man! Come out for dinner please!"Ryan rolled his eyes and jumped off his bed. He'd been sexting his girlfriend, of 3 months, Sarah. He tucked his phone into his pocket and rubbed his dick through his shorts to try and hide his throbbing boner."Yes my...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 7 Sister Helps Breed Mom

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sister Helps Breed Mom By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Sean Reenburg Anger was rising in me despite the bliss that billowed through me from cumming in my sister's pussy. She was trembling against me, sandwiched between Dad and me, his cock buried in her asshole. He had a pale look on his face. He wasn't thrilled having to deal with his secretary, Vanessa, who he, apparently, was fucking. A woman who'd abused my little sister today. When I...

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Mausi Helps Me Lose Virginity 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone this is was my first story and first sex experience but not the last hopefully So I apologize for mistakes please ignore them as this is my first time Your reviews are most welcomed at Any desperate lady(aunties grandma’s ;) ) in gurgaon (ncr) can contact me I’ll give them fun that they never had in whole life contact me I am pawan stays in gurgaon(ncr) student of class 11th and of age 17 and stays with my parents and sister (narrate story with her next time she is also a...

4 years ago
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Step mom helps in having sex

Hi friends,I really have to tell you all that i have a fantastic step mom, She already allows me to screw her and she also helps me having it with others, this is what i am going to narrate it now. It was Sunday morning rather late morning i woke up with loud noise in my house someone new voice talking loudly i was already tired since having good sex last night, I saw my step mom in the living room with another lady who was her equal age, i was introduced to her, she said her name was Mythili...

2 years ago
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Michelle Helps Her Mom Seduce Me

Michelle and I are sleeping in her bedroom when her mom comes in to wake us up since it was almost 4pm..Last night we had sex on the subway Michelle got up and went to the bathroom."So you and Michelle must have had a wild night huh.! You both came home at 7 am."Her mom says to me."Why do you ask" I replied. "Because your cock is hard still. I see one of the reasons Michelle loves you your cock is pretty big”She replies as she pulls off the sheet exposing me naked. First before I continue let...

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“Your honour, my client has no desire to be divorced and requests that the court mandate counselling. She feels that the marriage is strong enough to get over this mishap with a little help.” That was her lawyer speaking. Her, being my soon to be - if I had anything to do with it - ex-wife Julie. My lawyer stood. “Your honour, a twelve-month affair with multiple men, resulting in the birth of a child is hardly a mishap, especially when the DNA proves that said child does not belong to my...

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Stepmom helps out 1

It was well past midnight when I got home from my last date with my now-ex Sarah. I had dropped her off at her house, having resisted the urge to tell her to go to hell and walk home. Getting dumped was bad, but having to drive her home was extra insult. As I pulled into the driveway I shook my head. This was the second time in a year I had been dumped, and for the same reason. I unlocked the door as quietly as I could, hoping to wake no one. I passed my stepsister Liz's door and then turned...

2 years ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 3 Fix

After a while he made an appointment to speak to Doctor Gulara again. He sat in her waiting room looking nervous as he contemplated the words he was going to say to her, he couldn’t believe what he was going to ask. “The Doctor will see you now.” Said a Nurse to Charles, he rose from his seat and entered into her office. “Nice to see you again Charles, how can I help you?” Doctor Gulara asked as he took a seat before her, his gut was in knots as he looked at her. “Doc I’ve come to ask a...

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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 3

After a while he made an appointment to speak to Doctor Gulara again. He sat in her waiting room looking nervous as he contemplated the words he was going to say to her, he couldn’t believe what he was going to ask. “The Doctor will see you now.” Said a Nurse to Charles, he rose from his seat and entered into her office. “Nice to see you again Charles, how can I help you?” Doctor Gulara asked as he took a seat before her, his gut was in knots as he looked at her. “Doc I’ve come to ask a...

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Hot MILF Helps Son After His Accident

My name is Claire, and my son, Danny, is now in his junior year of college at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, after being born and raised in Kansas City, Kansas. He has a steady girlfriend who will likely become his wife after graduation, but I am also continuing my emotional and sexual relationship with him, even though I still live with his father, my husband Frank, in Kansas City.This story chronicles the events that led to my incestuous relationship with Danny, beginning in the summer...

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Daddy helps

My name is John Ruby. I am married to a cold, but attractive woman named Beth, and have a beautiful daughter named Susan. I guess it's not a new story. Beth and I met when we were 15, fucked often, and got pregnant. We thought we were in love, well sort of, and I wanted to do the right thing. Our parents refused at first, but 3 weeks before the due date, gave their consent, and we were married. Beth and I had both planned to go to school. But we could not afford it on our own. Her parents were...

1 year ago
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Lana Helps Out

Wife tries to help friends' struggling marriage.I'm Eddie, my wife Lana and I have been happily married for 8 years - which is why I was completely floored by the question she asked me last week. She had just gone to lunch with her best friend from college, Deb.Deb had been a true knock-out, a strikingly beautiful blonde with a firm body that she kept in shape by playing 1-A singles in tennis for North Carolina, our alma matter. She was also a bitch who never paid me much attention until Lana...

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Brenda was a mother of two living in the suburbs of Chicago. She was a proud mother of two k**s. Brenda and her husband built a great home with a pool in the back yard that came complete with a pool house and a guest house. Her son Jason was the younger of the two. He was a rather quiet k**. Outside of the home he was very different. He was very introverted and wasn't very good with girls. Her daughter Amy was just finishing high school and most of the time was outside of the house partying...

3 years ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 4

Sue walked into the bathroom still naked and stood before the mirror, she looked over her breasts still covered in his cum, for the first time since her husband did she enjoy the feeling and look of cum on her body, she knew she had to wash it off, but admittedly she had no wish to, she lifted her hands up and placed her fingers into the semi transparent liquid and spread it over her bosom, she could feel a heat slowly build up inside her as she gripped her breasts with her palm and massaged...

4 years ago
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Mom helps injured son Chapter 1

Chapter 1The whole thing seems so bizarre when I think about it. I am a 53 year old women, happily married to a wonderful man. We’ve been married for over 23 years and have two c***dren, a girl 20 and a boy 18. It was a second marriage for both of us and my husband has three older c***dren from his previous marriage.My daughter Cara is a Junior in college and is living at home, but she comes and goes like the wind. My son, Tim, is a senior in high school and just the best k** you could ever...

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mdash A Mother helps her son with life lessons

As I watched my wife Sam and son Kevin horsing around in our pool, it made me smile and I couldn't help but reminisce back to a time when I was a younger man.Unlike the loving relationship I can see Sam and Kevin sharing. Mine was a bit different with my own mother. To try to explain how it came to being that way is kind of hard to do. However, I'll try my best and then maybe you'll understand.It all started almost before I was to turn 19. I lived with my Father Chris and my Mother Jenny in a...

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Curious Siblings Part 2 Mom Helps

We walked into the bathroom and paused as we saw our reflections in the mirror. Both releasing a devious smile, knowing what we had done may not have been right, but we were too young to care. I turned on the shower and watched Alice step in. She looked more beautiful in that moment than she ever had before. Her tan skin, and young curves that complimented her small frame so well. “Are you just going to keep staring at me? Or are you coming in” She playfully jabbed at me. “Sorry haha, I...

1 year ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 8 Fix

I’ve changed the ending since I posted the last chapter, it makes more sense than the old one had, I admit that I forgot he had cum in her before thus causing me to rewrite it, please note that this story is about a woman getting over a real condition, I’m not writing this as a straight erotic story, it an emotional and deep story, so if the characters are angry one moment and than sad the next it’s because they are having to fight with what has happened, made even more difficult by an...

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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 8

This is the last chapter for the moment, chap 9 is in the works but I’m busy at the moment, so I will possibly be posting some of my older stuff instead. Also I’ve realised something, to all those who dislike my style and my writing technique FUCK YOU, I will not let you or anyone else change how I do things, if you don’t like it FUCK OFF. If you don’t like how the story is progressing then stop FUCKING reading it. “It can’t be.” Sue said completely in shock, the tall yet slender...

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Wife Helps Me to Suck Cocks

My wife, Sherie, went out of town and I had two days to dress and play and play with myself. After she left, I went to my hiding spot to get my clothes. I have several pair of panties, stockings, garter belt, bras, heels and some slips but only one regular outfit. I slid on the black lacy thong panty and matching bra and then my black garter-belt holding up my black stockings. I love the feeling of my stockings on my legs and my cock in my panties. After slipping on my 4" heels and enjoying the...

3 years ago
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Mom helps injured son Chapter 2

Chapter 2Dinner was very quiet that night with the four of us, especially Tim. Will tried to engage him in conversation a couple of times, to no avail. After supper Cara went out and Will and I watched t.v. for a while before going to bed. As we lay there I told Will about what happened with Tim during the shower.“Well what do you expect?” he laughed. “Boys at that age are walking hormones! You just look at them and they get an erection”“Yea, but the problem is he can’t…you know..relieve...

4 years ago
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Servant Boy Helps For Divorce

(Dialogues are translated from Hindi to English so no problem for non Hindi readers) Anjali and her hubby were unhappy couple who spent most of their time together fighting. Anjali’s father had not bothered to look at her hubby before the marriage as he was a rich man. But on the day of the wedding she had realized that he was an ugly very black Tamilian. The marriage as expected didn’t work and after seven months they were almost at the brink of divorce when her hubby brought Ramu an eighteen...

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Robin helps out a judge and a young man too

The Judge asks a favor of Robin By Robin Young As my salon's reputation grew the first three years our clientele of wealthy women also grew. Houston has some very wealthy areas of the city where the men drive Mercedes Benz automobiles and the women stay beautiful, well dressed and perfectly coiffed. We specialize in pampering our clients with champagne and fine wines while we attended to their beauty needs. My lead stylist Andie has gained a reputation for giving the full treatment. By...

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Curious Siblings Part 2 Mom Helps

We walked into the bathroom and paused as we saw our reflections in the mirror. Both releasing a devious smile, knowing what we had done may not have been right, but we were too young to care. I turned on the shower and watched Alice step in. She looked more beautiful in that moment than she ever had before. Her tan skin, and young curves that complimented her small frame so well. “Are you just going to keep staring at me? Or are you coming in” She playfully jabbed at me. “Sorry haha, I...

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Sisters Helping Hand Chapter 01 Sis Helps My Anxiety

But when I try to hit on a girl, I freak out. My stomach tenses up into knots and my throat goes dry and raspy. Every time, without fail, when I see a girl I find attractive, it happens. I’m 18 and I wouldn’t say I’m particularly ugly. I’m not a model or anything, but I get plenty of looks from girls around campus. I play a lot of sports and hope to jump into uni on a football scholarship. But that damn vee card… I know it’s not a big deal, most guys are still virgins at my age. Well, if you...

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Sisterinlaw Helps Out

Even though he's been married for almost a year, Tim is horny most of the time and jacks off in front of his computer quite frequently. He loves his wife. They grew up together, have always been best friends and are compatible in every way, except sex. Tim has the libido of a healthy 26-year-old male, but unfortunately his wife, Sharon, was raised to believe that sex is dirty and disgusting, something only done as a monthly obligation. It was drilled into her, from the time she was old enough...

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Hailey Helps Out

Since I snuck into my neighbor Mr. Chapman’s backyard and got caught naked in his pool, my life had been a roller coaster of experiences. Who knew meeting my hunky black neighbor would turn into a sexual Renaissance for me? Not that I’m complaining, it just caught me by surprise. Now that we had forged an actual relationship, one that we officially upgraded to labeling, I wanted to do something special for him.One could argue that letting my two best friends tend to his insatiable cock a few...

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Hailey Helps Out

Since I snuck into my neighbor Mr. Chapman’s backyard and got caught naked in his pool, my life had been a roller coaster of experiences. Who knew meeting my hunky black neighbor would turn into a sexual Renaissance for me? Not that I’m complaining, it just caught me by surprise. Now that we had forged an actual relationship, one that we officially upgraded to labeling, I wanted to do something special for him.One could argue that letting my two best friends tend to his insatiable cock a few...

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Teen helps Latina MILF

Let me preface by saying I’m a skinny, white, 18 year old male. I’m not particularly tall - average height I guess? My style is kinda rocker/skater/alternative, with longish hair.I grew up and spent most of my teen years in Greenfield Massachusetts, which has a rural, small town community vibe.Anyway, last year, my dad found a new job in downtown Boston – so we moved to a suburb just outside of Boston, Winthrop. It is a nice coastal town – quiet and clean compared to other cities surrounding...

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Ask Me If Im Ready Part 4 Nora Helps Darby

PRESENT DAY *** Jake sat there, stunned at what Nate and Nora had told them. He had no idea that they had been a couple for all this time. He asked Nora, “So you didn’t plan on this?  You just wanted to tease him?”“Yes, but trying to make him want me, ended up making me want him even more. And while we were, well, having sex,” (shy Nora was back) “well, we fell in love.”“And you guys have been together for a year and a half? What about school?”Nate spoke up, “Jake, Nora’s still my daughter. The...

4 years ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 1

She has long curly hazel hair that reaches the middle of her shoulders, currently a mess from her nightly movements. Her name is Sue, she is a widower with one son, his name is Charles, her husband died during a tour over seas, he was a military man and was always being shipped all over the place, this last time he didn't come back, she still mourns for him as she places her hand on the pillow where his head would have once rested. She slowly opened her eyes giving them a waking rub with...

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Allie helps Glenn build a Road

It happened the summer I turned sixteen. I knew about sex before that, so it is more accurate to say I experienced making love the summer I turned sixteen. In the mid fifties, knowledge of sex was everywhere, so the only way you wouldn't know about it was to live in a convent and read nothing what-so-ever. I dated some during my freshman and sophomore years in school, and although the older guys suggested they teach me about it, I declined. There were several reasons, not the least of...

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A boy helps his grandmother install a new hot tub in her back yard

My grandfather died when I was teen, and my grandmother never remarried. I had always wondered why, and sometimes I wondered if she dated. She would come over, and I used to wonder what she looked like naked, if her body was still in good enough shape for a man to be interested. She wasn’t bad looking at all. She had dark, jet-black hair, and I figured the color came from a bottle. Hell, I didn’t care. A person of 59 has to do what they have to do in order to look good, I...

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