Dare Me Ch. 02 free porn video

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*Sorry for the delay in getting this submitted. I really do appreciate and look forward to all of your feedback and comments on my stories. I hope you all enjoy this installment and the next one will be coming in a couple of days. The story is complete, just doing final edits. Don’t forget to let me know what you think!!!*


Chapter Two

What in the hell just happened??? Daren was lost. Stephanie just walked away and he was still standing there stunned beyond belief. Why did she just leave like that? Sure, he shouldn’t have acted the way he did. He shouldn’t have stalked up to her and demanded to know when they were leaving, but, hell, shouldn’t he know? Why didn’t she tell him? Because you never asked, jackass, Daren reminded himself.

Jake knocked him out of his stupor by punching him in the arm, ‘You are an idiot.’

Jessica poked him in the chest, ‘You arrogant bastard! This is the first time we’ve gotten Stephanie on a vacation in two years and you go and ruin it!’

Daren finally focused on Jessica’s words, ‘In two years?’

She threw her hands in the air, ‘Yes! Jeff did a number on her and she wouldn’t go anywhere!’

He was beginning to feel like a damned parrot repeating everything she said, ‘Jeff?’

Jessica poked him in the chest again, ‘It’s none of your damned business!’

Looking around for Chase, Daren realized he was gone and asked, ‘Where in the hell is Chase?’

Jake was the only one who would answer, the others turned their backs to him, ‘He followed Stephanie.’

Stephanie didn’t let the tears fall, she absolutely refused. Walking aimlessly, more or less towards the hotel, she fumed and cursed all men. Especially, sexy Navy Seals. What right did he have to talk to her like that? What was he so mad about anyway? It wasn’t like he asked when she was leaving!

She was about to stop in a little tourist shop that sold key chains, mugs, and the like when she felt like someone was following her, watching her. Picking up a pair of sunglasses, she pretended to try them on, tilting her head one way then the other, taking the opportunity to look behind her and to her sides with the mirror. Finally, she saw him.


He was behind her with his back to her now, pretending interest in a t-shirt. Fed up with overbearing jerks, Stephanie whipped off the sunglasses and stormed towards him. She hit his arm and demanded, ‘Why are you following me?’

At least Chase had the decency to look ashamed, ‘I just wanted to make sure you were OK.’

Stephanie narrowed her eyes at him, ‘Did he tell you to follow me?’

He shook his head no, ‘Last I saw, Jessica was giving him hell.’

Even though she would swear against it, Daren not coming for her hurt, but at least Jessica had her back. As Stephanie turned to walk away, Chase grabbed her arm, ‘What happened back there?’

Stephanie felt her face flush and she feigned ignorance, ‘I don’t know what you are talking about.’ She sighed when Chase arched an eyebrow at her, ‘It doesn’t matter, Chase. I’m fine. Go back to your friends. I plan to go back to the hotel and stay in my room until we leave tomorrow afternoon.’

Chase’s voice was sincere and almost soothing, ‘I know he went about it wrong, Shorty, but he wasn’t trying to upset you.’

No, Stephanie didn’t want to admit it, but she knew Chase was right. It was her fault that she overreacted. Then it dawned on her. What had she done? Like an idiot, she walked away from the only man she’d been interested in since Jeff.

Stephanie’s eyes rounded as big as saucers and she knew it. She groaned, ‘Oh shit.’

Playfully, Chase nudged her arm, ‘Don’t worry about it. If I know him, he’ll be calling me here shortly.’

She groaned, ‘He’ll hate me, Chase! After the way I acted back there…why would he even want to talk to me again? It’s not like we really know each other!’

Chase shrugged his shoulders, ‘Why don’t we go grab a drink somewhere until he calls?’

Without really thinking about it, she followed Chase mutely. The thoughts running through her head almost had her head spinning like Linda Blair’s in the Exorcist. Though she kept telling herself that not all men were like Jeff, it was hard to trust again. She wanted to be able to, but it was almost impossible. Sometimes it was hard just to open her front door and not cringe. Stephanie loved her job and working with children and that was the only thing that kept her going most days.

Who could blame her though? Living in constant fear had that affect on a person. How many people had to check their brake lines before driving their car? How many people had to make sure there wasn’t a snake in their mailbox? How many people had to make sure that someone wasn’t going to try and run them off the road while driving?

When Chase nudged her arm, Stephanie looked up to see that they were outside of a bar, ‘Yeah?’

Chase watched her face intently for a moment, ‘I hope you can tell me about what has you pale as a ghost.’

Clearing her throat, ‘I don’t know. I guess it might not hurt to tell you?’ She looked at him as they sat at a small table, ‘Why is it easy to talk to you?’

He winked at her, ‘It’s my charm.’

After she and Chase ordered a couple of drinks, she looked at Chase trying to read him. Stephanie knew she needed to talk to someone about all of the things going on, but really didn’t know where to start. It was bad enough that the police treated her like she was making up the string of mishaps that Jeff had caused over the past few months. She only hoped Chase wouldn’t feel the same way.

Taking a deep breath, she told him, ‘A couple of years ago, two now, I met a guy. At first he seemed great, but after about six months things started to change. He became extremely possessive to the point of picking out my clothes, telling me where to go and who I could be around.’ Stephanie took a drink of her Jack and Coke, ‘I thought I loved him. I wanted to make him happy, so I dumbly allowed it all to take place. I wanted to be in love and wanted to be loved so much, I would have done anything.’

Chase gripped his beer, his voice was soft and soothing as he asked, ‘What happened when you couldn’t take it anymore?’

Stephanie shrugged her shoulders, ‘It was after a school function, we’d been together for almost a year and a half. One of my student’s parents came to me and hugged me, thanking me for helping his son improve. It was completely innocent, but Jeff didn’t see it that way. I could see the look in his eyes, the rage and hatred.’ Stephanie shivered at the memory, ‘On the way home that night…’ she paused, ‘he was cold. He told me how much of a whore I was to encourage another man to touch me.’ She heard Chase curse under his breath, but continued on, ‘When we finally got home, that was the night he hit me. Several times, he’d hit me over and over. I was in shock, I know that now. By the time he was done, I had three broken ribs and my wrist was broke as well.’

Through gritted teeth he asked, ‘Did you file charges?’

‘I…I tried. The police didn’t believe me. He had already gone into the station and told them that someone had attacked us when we entered the house and filed a police report. He even convinced them that because I’d hit my head, I was confused and thought he’d done it.’ Stephanie felt the tears pool in her eyes and as they slipped down her face, ‘I moved out while he was at work. Installed an alarm system in the house that I rented and hoped he’d just leave me alone. After that, he’d show up at the school. He’d follow me and show up everywhere I went. It wasn’t like I could stop him either. I went to the police to file a restraining order and they told me I didn’t have sufficient grounds to get one.’

Chase wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight, ‘Damn, shorty. Has he stopped?’

Strangely enough, Stephanie felt some of the tension
leave her, ‘No, not completely. I found a baby copperhead in my mailbox, but there was no proof that he’d put it there. Someone tampered with the brake lines on my car and I wrecked my car when the brakes went out. The latest was almost a month ago. Someone ran me off the road and into a ditch.’ She looked up at Chase, ‘Do you believe me? The police don’t. They think I’m making it all up.’

‘Stephanie, I believe you. There is no way in hell that you’d make that up.’ Chase thought for a moment, ‘Have you thought of hiring someone to check into him, to get proof?’

She told Chase, ‘No one will do it. I’ve called three places and all three of them told me that they couldn’t or wouldn’t. He’s the county attorney. Everyone is afraid to do anything or refuses to believe that he could do this stuff.’

Chase’s cell phone rang and he glanced down at it, ‘It’s Dare. Let me answer it, ok?’

Stephanie didn’t stick around while Chase was on the phone with Daren. She went to the restroom and splashed cold water on her face. She still couldn’t believe that she told Chase everything, but was glad she did. The fact that he believed her, helped immensely, she didn’t feel alone. As she walked back to where he was sitting, Chase stood and laid a few bills on the table.

‘Are you ready to head to the hotel?’

Nodding, ‘Yeah, thank you for listening.’

On the way back to the hotel, she and Chase talked about some of the antics him and the other guys had pulled over the years. Stephanie had laughed so hard at times that her ribs even hurt. He escorted her to her room and outside the door Chase told her, ‘I wish it had been me that you fell into today.’

Stephanie could tell he meant it, but though she liked Chase, the chemistry wasn’t there. She went on tip-toes and kissed his cheek, ‘I think you are great, but I…’

‘I know, shorty. You are Daren’s.’ His voice sounded resigned, ‘Here’s my cell number, if you ever need anything…anything whatsoever, just call.’

Stephanie went into her room, closed and locked the door. She decided that a long shower was called for, as she was getting out of the shower, her cell phone rang. She let it go to voicemail. After drying her hair and throwing on a robe, she settled in on the bed and picked up her cell phone. She had three messages. The first one was from Jessica. The second one was from Jeff.

It made her skin crawl that no matter how many times she changed her number, he managed to get it. His voice was cold and mean, filled with hatred, ‘Do you really think you can leave me? I know where you are and will be waiting when you get back!’ She wanted to delete the call, but didn’t. She needed proof of what he was doing and the threats he made.

The third message was from Daren. His raspy voice was filled with concern, ‘Stephanie, please call me back. I just need to know you are OK. I need to apologize…just call me, please.’

So Chase was right. He doesn’t hate me after all, she thought to herself. After returning Jessica’s call and assuring her that they would meet for breakfast in the morning, she gathered up her courage.

Stephanie almost gave up when Daren’s phone rang for the fifth time, ‘Stephanie?’

She bit her bottom lip at the sensations that went through her body from just his voice, clearing her throat, ‘Hi, Daren.’

‘I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean…’

Stephanie cut him off, ‘Daren, its ok. I overreacted. I’m the one who’s sorry.’

Daren asked her, ‘Will you meet me somewhere? I just want to see you. I need to know you are really OK.’

‘Chase told you, didn’t he?’

When he didn’t answer right away, Stephanie knew he did, ‘Yes. Don’t blame him. He just wanted to help somehow and we found a way we could, if you want us to.’

‘I’ll think about it. What did you all have in mind?’ Stephanie asked. She still had a hard time believing in the connection she felt to Daren from the beginning. Somehow, he’d gotten through all of her walls that she built around herself.

He dropped his voice even lower, ‘Meet me for dinner. We can talk about it then.’

Stephanie took a leap of faith and suggested, ‘Why don’t you just come to my room? We can order pizza or some take out.’

‘Baby, if we are anywhere close to a bed…’

She wanted to feel him close to her. She needed to feel his lips on hers again. Stephanie felt her heart beat speed up, ‘Room 217.’

Stephanie had barely closed her phone and stood up when there was a knock on her door. She slowly walked towards the door and peeked out through the peep hole. Daren stood there looking sexy as hell even through the distorted view. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Daren’s voice died in his throat when he saw Stephanie. She opened the door wearing only a powder blue silk robe. It came to mid thigh and showed a good amount of cleavage. He felt like he was going to swallow his tongue just looking at her. No matter how much he willed it, his cock filled out and hardened behind his zipper. He clenched his fists and closed his eyes, trying not to reach for her.

‘I didn’t think you’d get here that quick.’

Daren opened his eyes and looked into hers, ‘I was afraid you’d change your mind.’ He leaned against the door frame, ‘Add to the fact that my room is only three doors down the hall…’

Her surprised laugh about did him in, ‘I didn’t realize.’

Stephanie opened the door wider in silent invitation for him to enter. Daren walked in, ‘I missed you.’

He watched as she closed the door and locked it. In a soft voice she admitted, ‘I missed you, too.’

Daren wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. Without hesitation, her arms clutched him and she buried her face into his chest. When she pushed back slightly and her hands rubbed his chest, he groaned. He closed his eyes as he felt her hands run up his chest. When her hands settled on his shoulders, he looked down at her. She licked her lips and stared into his eyes, ‘Kiss me, Daren.’

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Movie Listings 4

Silver Cinema 16 listings and show times for November 21st - November 26th ***NOTICE*** Silver Cinema Theaters will be CLOSED on Black Thursday, November 27th so our employees can spend time shopping with their families. THE SORORITY SURPRISE Comedy - Rated R - 105 Minutes - Starring: Kevin McCall, Julio Juarez, Mandy McLean Frank and Dave are 18 year old best friends who have just arrived on the campus of Greenstone College to start their freshman year. They...

1 year ago
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Great Way to Start a Weekend

Weariness was the word he was looking for. Fatigue would have worked too. Unwinding from the pressures of yet another work week, Mike was lying peacefully on his back on the king bed he shared with his lover, Jana. He didn't know whether to doze off into a blissful nap or reach down into his pants and relieve himself of the heavy throbbing coming from his stiffening cock. Either one would have felt nice. He could use the half hour of rest that a late-afternoon nap would afford but he could...

3 years ago
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Motor City TrickChapter 3

I explained to Sue that I wouldn't be stopping by tonight since I wouldn't be getting off till after midnight. She mentioned that she planned on catching up on her sleep anyway. It was a busy night. Some were still celebrating Halloween. The way some women of the night dressed, every night was Halloween. It was a busy night and we were still talking to some of the prostitutes. That along with doing our regular patrol made for a quick night. It was almost midnight when Jen and I were...

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I got a Sweet Sext (SnapSext) this morning, but it wasn’t from a girlfriend, a random Tinder hookup, or one of the pornstars I’ve banged over at PornDudeCasting. It wasn’t even from your wife, either, but let her know I said, “Hey.” No, I’m actually just getting to know this chick, and hopefully tonight I get to know her a bit more intimately. She seems just as horny as I am, plus she’s hot as hell and it seems like we share some similar interests, like hardcore pornography.Of course, my status...

Phone Sex Sites
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Kimiko Ch 01

During my senior year in high school, my economics teacher thought it would be a neat little exercise to have us students learn about the world of investments. So she had a couple of local stock brokers come in and give us a couple of presentations. Mutual funds, the stock market, penny stocks, treasury bonds, junk bonds, the works. The number of choices were mind boggling! All with different risk and reward potentials. All this had a purpose however. Our teacher then gave us an assignment to...

2 years ago
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House Maid Cum Sex 8211 Part I

I had been posted to Mumbai three month ago. I used to live in a flat in Malad with his wife Urmi. My job profile was such that I used to get 8-10 thousand rupees under the table per day. I never had a satisfactory sex life with my wife. Our maid Sarina aged 35 had been working since last 3 months. Her boobs were firm and were like juicy mangoes. I often used to peep into her blouse whenever I got chances and my wife was not around. She had seen me watching her breast and every time. She had...

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Hotel fun with Maureen part 1

Alan was working from home yesterday so Mandy and I had met up in a hotel.Maureen had made an excuse that she was meeting friends and that she would be out for most of the day. Maureen had arranged for me to meet her by the BP petrol station which was near where she lived. I had met up with her at 11am, I was parked by the car wash area and she had got in my car and we shared a kiss just before setting off. We had booked the Croydon Park Hotel which was near East Croydon Station. Once there...

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Your breeding slave

Looking down at the unconscious form lay on your examination table, you can't help but chuckle. She didn't resist that much... nor was she even hard to take into your lair. Soon, she will wake up and you can begin... Then again, why not start now? After all, she will only scream and resist when she awakes. Not that she can do much with her hands and legs tied. Perhaps you could blindfold her? Or just gag her! No matter what you choose, you're going to be breeding your new pet! After all, you...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Abbey Rain Natural Red Haired Beauty

Abbey Rain is a natural red haired beauty who loves spending time out and about in nature. From smelling fresh picked flowers, to finding the perfect blossom to place in her illustrious red hair, if it’s happening outside Abbey wants to be a part of it. A fellow outdoor lover saw her rubbing some flower petals on her pussy from a distance. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and wanted to be apart of it. He approached her skillfully and began to rub her throbbing firecrotch. They...

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An Unforgettable Journey

Hello, everyone! This is my first experience which changed my life for forever. It’s a little long but I hope you will like this sex story. I am Vaibhav, from Haryana, 23-year-old, tall, fair guy with an average body. About my dick size, I never measured it with scale but it is somewhere between 6-6.5 inches. This incident happened to me last year when I was traveling from Delhi to Howrah for my interview in an MNC. I reserved my ticket in 1AC as I like the cabin and little privacy....

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she loves it in her ass

Its me again jackmihoff!!!Lastnight I was sittin on the couch when my gurl kam up to me and sat on my lap. She jus sat there dry humping me,maken my cock hard..the harder it got the harder she wud grind. She didn't have a bra on so she ripped her shirt off n pulled my face into her titties..as I sucked and licked her beautiful nipples, she stuck her hand down her pants. Her moans tell me she's grinding her fingers now n not my cock haha.. she slides down to the floor (still 2 fingers deep) n...

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sister Sucks Best pt6 Throat Fucking Mom

Judy sat on the bed waiting for her brother. She couldn'twait to tell him what had happened with her father. Tommy rapped softly on the door and poked his head in."Judy?" "C'mon in," she said excitedly. She squirmed on the bed asTommy joined her. "What happened in the stockroom?" he asked. "I couldn't askyou at dinner. Did Dad beat you?" Judy giggled. "He fucked me," she said, looking her brotherright in the eye. "Right on the stockroom floor! It was the mostfantastic...

2 years ago
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Categories: MC, FF+, modification, reluctant.????????? ****????????? Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: the story is based on Unseen_Unread picture story that can be found here.Note_3: Darkheart, shockwave and Lady Psy are used with the artist's permission.????????? ****????????? Chapter 1: fun and games.Michelle...

3 years ago
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ASTROPRISON © 2014, 2017, 2020 By Anthony Durrant As I was watering my front lswn, I saw a small shuttlecraft drop down from the sky and touvh down on the grass nearby. Two people in black uniforms hurried toward me, then grabbed me by my arms and forced them back behind me. One of them said: "Cngratulations, Erik the Black! We've caught you at last: your days as a fugitive from the stars are now over. You will be taken to the Astroprison, where you will serve out your...

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The Dragonbone

In a world not too unlike our own, in a town you could almost recognise, a young woman sits alone in her apartment. Sitting cross-legged in her apartment in front of three different computer screens, lit only by their soft glow, she harbours a look of intense concentration. All manner of windows are open, from official-looking documents to particularly kinky pornography, while shady-looking command lines run mysterious executables and at least two different video game characters cycle through...

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Daddys Little Slut Part 2

Jessica went through picking up the remaining clutter before leaving for her weekend with the girls. The peanut butter put away, she loaded the last spoon and cup in the dishwasher. "I'm outta here, Robbie," she smiled and gave him the obligatory kiss on the cheek. "See you on Monday. Be good." Rob got up and walked her to the door and waved goodbye as she backed out of the garage. He was relieved to be rid of her for a weekend, and would probably have left her already if it wasn't for her...

1 year ago
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Forever Pregnant The Sequel

Forever Pregnant - The Sequel Synopsis: Robin and Chris continue living on campus as they note the continuing changes in Robin's body. I was sitting at the breakfast bar in our suite this morning. I had put on the Tee maternity top with the words, "Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are", on it that Chris had given me and I had pulled the bottom of it up and was examining my belly when Chris came out of her bedroom. "Find anything interesting down there?" She asked. "I've got these...

4 years ago
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Out with Ash

Ash was in the backseat. I opened the door for her, held her hand as she got into the car. The GPS told me to turn, go this far. I did not say a word, did not ask anything. Lessons had been learned, Ash owned me and i knew my place and loved it!After two hours no idea where i was. I pull the car up to a private garage door. It rolled up Ash ordered me to drive in and to the left. i will see where to park. A space said Ms.Ash. I slide her car into the space, jumped out, ran to open Ms. Ash's...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 432

Say thanks to Jimborh for this group: 1. What is Dominic Cummings’ favourite Christmas song? Driving Home for Christmas. 2. Did you hear that production was down at Santa’s workshop? Many of his workers have had to Elf isolate! 3. Why didn’t Mary and Joseph make it to Bethlehem? All Virgin flights were cancelled. 4. Why are Santa’s reindeer allowed to travel on Christmas Eve? They have herd immunity. 5. Why did the pirates have to go into lockdown? Because the “Arrrr!” rate had risen. 6....

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The Honey Dew ListChapter 16

“That was ... Harold Bird. He’s been a hostage of the Klan and their associates, including, believe it or not, Roger Harmon. Evidently, Roger provided them with a safe house, between himself and Wanda, his wife. The divorce was a smokescreen to confuse and trap you ... and her. He also let the Klan know where Tara and I ... and you, were. He somehow got his hands on a phone and sent me a picture text to prove that it was him. I’m providing the coordinates to the authorities, so they can...

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The Myth About Black Men

Sally knew her father hated Black people but she didn't dare cross him. Their father ruled the family with an iron fist. His feeling couldn't be distinguished from those of the disgraced Rebel warrior who returned to his plantation to find his wife sucking a black dick twice as big as his. Sally hated him for it. She was the true bleeding heart liberal but couldn't show it at home. Her parents wouldn't let her go away to college but she found a way to have fun anyway. The all-white, all-female...

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Do As Youre ToldChapter 7

Annie O’Dell, soon to become Annie Hunter, served a truly delicious breakfast of Belgian waffles with a choice of maple syrup or strawberry preserves, real butter, and whipped cream, plus proper Southern grits with butter and sugar, biscuits with plenty of butter and more strawberry preserves, fried eggs over easy, and crispy strips of sizzling bacon. By this point, Renee and Brittany were done with their shower and Julian had taken his with Sandy, too. In fact, Beth and Celeste were still in...

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I Will See You When I See YouChapter 10

I went in the next day, and between the utility software I had written and Glenn’s good eyes, we had the program fixed and debugged in a few hours. It was a fantastic fuck up job by Gary, but we got it. Renee, Glenn and I went to the legal department and described what had happened and they called the police and filed a complaint to have Gary arrested for his fraud and industrial espionage, and since we wrote software for some government and military applications, the Feds took interest. As...

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My New Pink Dress

My New Pink Dress Encounter by Brittney Little Many people write stories on here that they say are true. This really is a true story, every word. A few years ago, I was married (I should say not so happily). My wife and I were having problems and she was no longer coming home in the evenings. Most nights she stayed over at a friend's house. I later found out that the real reason was so that she could visit her boyfriend, but that is another story. After she stopped coming home...

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The GameChapter 13

"Yes?" said Sienna having answered the door to reveal an especially attractive short haired woman. She was staying by herself for the moment. In a week or so she would bring in two or three pets to keep her company. Sarah was sure the moment the door opened. This was Tammy Cameron. There simply couldn't be two women as beautiful as this on the same planet. "Mrs. Gwantine?" asked Sarah using the name listed on the marriage license. "Yes, I'm Sienna Gwantine." "My name is Sarah...

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