- 3 years ago
- 31
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*Sorry for the delay in getting this submitted. I really do appreciate and look forward to all of your feedback and comments on my stories. I hope you all enjoy this installment and the next one will be coming in a couple of days. The story is complete, just doing final edits. Don’t forget to let me know what you think!!!*
Chapter Two
What in the hell just happened??? Daren was lost. Stephanie just walked away and he was still standing there stunned beyond belief. Why did she just leave like that? Sure, he shouldn’t have acted the way he did. He shouldn’t have stalked up to her and demanded to know when they were leaving, but, hell, shouldn’t he know? Why didn’t she tell him? Because you never asked, jackass, Daren reminded himself.
Jake knocked him out of his stupor by punching him in the arm, ‘You are an idiot.’
Jessica poked him in the chest, ‘You arrogant bastard! This is the first time we’ve gotten Stephanie on a vacation in two years and you go and ruin it!’
Daren finally focused on Jessica’s words, ‘In two years?’
She threw her hands in the air, ‘Yes! Jeff did a number on her and she wouldn’t go anywhere!’
He was beginning to feel like a damned parrot repeating everything she said, ‘Jeff?’
Jessica poked him in the chest again, ‘It’s none of your damned business!’
Looking around for Chase, Daren realized he was gone and asked, ‘Where in the hell is Chase?’
Jake was the only one who would answer, the others turned their backs to him, ‘He followed Stephanie.’
Stephanie didn’t let the tears fall, she absolutely refused. Walking aimlessly, more or less towards the hotel, she fumed and cursed all men. Especially, sexy Navy Seals. What right did he have to talk to her like that? What was he so mad about anyway? It wasn’t like he asked when she was leaving!
She was about to stop in a little tourist shop that sold key chains, mugs, and the like when she felt like someone was following her, watching her. Picking up a pair of sunglasses, she pretended to try them on, tilting her head one way then the other, taking the opportunity to look behind her and to her sides with the mirror. Finally, she saw him.
He was behind her with his back to her now, pretending interest in a t-shirt. Fed up with overbearing jerks, Stephanie whipped off the sunglasses and stormed towards him. She hit his arm and demanded, ‘Why are you following me?’
At least Chase had the decency to look ashamed, ‘I just wanted to make sure you were OK.’
Stephanie narrowed her eyes at him, ‘Did he tell you to follow me?’
He shook his head no, ‘Last I saw, Jessica was giving him hell.’
Even though she would swear against it, Daren not coming for her hurt, but at least Jessica had her back. As Stephanie turned to walk away, Chase grabbed her arm, ‘What happened back there?’
Stephanie felt her face flush and she feigned ignorance, ‘I don’t know what you are talking about.’ She sighed when Chase arched an eyebrow at her, ‘It doesn’t matter, Chase. I’m fine. Go back to your friends. I plan to go back to the hotel and stay in my room until we leave tomorrow afternoon.’
Chase’s voice was sincere and almost soothing, ‘I know he went about it wrong, Shorty, but he wasn’t trying to upset you.’
No, Stephanie didn’t want to admit it, but she knew Chase was right. It was her fault that she overreacted. Then it dawned on her. What had she done? Like an idiot, she walked away from the only man she’d been interested in since Jeff.
Stephanie’s eyes rounded as big as saucers and she knew it. She groaned, ‘Oh shit.’
Playfully, Chase nudged her arm, ‘Don’t worry about it. If I know him, he’ll be calling me here shortly.’
She groaned, ‘He’ll hate me, Chase! After the way I acted back there…why would he even want to talk to me again? It’s not like we really know each other!’
Chase shrugged his shoulders, ‘Why don’t we go grab a drink somewhere until he calls?’
Without really thinking about it, she followed Chase mutely. The thoughts running through her head almost had her head spinning like Linda Blair’s in the Exorcist. Though she kept telling herself that not all men were like Jeff, it was hard to trust again. She wanted to be able to, but it was almost impossible. Sometimes it was hard just to open her front door and not cringe. Stephanie loved her job and working with children and that was the only thing that kept her going most days.
Who could blame her though? Living in constant fear had that affect on a person. How many people had to check their brake lines before driving their car? How many people had to make sure there wasn’t a snake in their mailbox? How many people had to make sure that someone wasn’t going to try and run them off the road while driving?
When Chase nudged her arm, Stephanie looked up to see that they were outside of a bar, ‘Yeah?’
Chase watched her face intently for a moment, ‘I hope you can tell me about what has you pale as a ghost.’
Clearing her throat, ‘I don’t know. I guess it might not hurt to tell you?’ She looked at him as they sat at a small table, ‘Why is it easy to talk to you?’
He winked at her, ‘It’s my charm.’
After she and Chase ordered a couple of drinks, she looked at Chase trying to read him. Stephanie knew she needed to talk to someone about all of the things going on, but really didn’t know where to start. It was bad enough that the police treated her like she was making up the string of mishaps that Jeff had caused over the past few months. She only hoped Chase wouldn’t feel the same way.
Taking a deep breath, she told him, ‘A couple of years ago, two now, I met a guy. At first he seemed great, but after about six months things started to change. He became extremely possessive to the point of picking out my clothes, telling me where to go and who I could be around.’ Stephanie took a drink of her Jack and Coke, ‘I thought I loved him. I wanted to make him happy, so I dumbly allowed it all to take place. I wanted to be in love and wanted to be loved so much, I would have done anything.’
Chase gripped his beer, his voice was soft and soothing as he asked, ‘What happened when you couldn’t take it anymore?’
Stephanie shrugged her shoulders, ‘It was after a school function, we’d been together for almost a year and a half. One of my student’s parents came to me and hugged me, thanking me for helping his son improve. It was completely innocent, but Jeff didn’t see it that way. I could see the look in his eyes, the rage and hatred.’ Stephanie shivered at the memory, ‘On the way home that night…’ she paused, ‘he was cold. He told me how much of a whore I was to encourage another man to touch me.’ She heard Chase curse under his breath, but continued on, ‘When we finally got home, that was the night he hit me. Several times, he’d hit me over and over. I was in shock, I know that now. By the time he was done, I had three broken ribs and my wrist was broke as well.’
Through gritted teeth he asked, ‘Did you file charges?’
‘I…I tried. The police didn’t believe me. He had already gone into the station and told them that someone had attacked us when we entered the house and filed a police report. He even convinced them that because I’d hit my head, I was confused and thought he’d done it.’ Stephanie felt the tears pool in her eyes and as they slipped down her face, ‘I moved out while he was at work. Installed an alarm system in the house that I rented and hoped he’d just leave me alone. After that, he’d show up at the school. He’d follow me and show up everywhere I went. It wasn’t like I could stop him either. I went to the police to file a restraining order and they told me I didn’t have sufficient grounds to get one.’
Chase wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight, ‘Damn, shorty. Has he stopped?’
Strangely enough, Stephanie felt some of the tension
leave her, ‘No, not completely. I found a baby copperhead in my mailbox, but there was no proof that he’d put it there. Someone tampered with the brake lines on my car and I wrecked my car when the brakes went out. The latest was almost a month ago. Someone ran me off the road and into a ditch.’ She looked up at Chase, ‘Do you believe me? The police don’t. They think I’m making it all up.’
‘Stephanie, I believe you. There is no way in hell that you’d make that up.’ Chase thought for a moment, ‘Have you thought of hiring someone to check into him, to get proof?’
She told Chase, ‘No one will do it. I’ve called three places and all three of them told me that they couldn’t or wouldn’t. He’s the county attorney. Everyone is afraid to do anything or refuses to believe that he could do this stuff.’
Chase’s cell phone rang and he glanced down at it, ‘It’s Dare. Let me answer it, ok?’
Stephanie didn’t stick around while Chase was on the phone with Daren. She went to the restroom and splashed cold water on her face. She still couldn’t believe that she told Chase everything, but was glad she did. The fact that he believed her, helped immensely, she didn’t feel alone. As she walked back to where he was sitting, Chase stood and laid a few bills on the table.
‘Are you ready to head to the hotel?’
Nodding, ‘Yeah, thank you for listening.’
On the way back to the hotel, she and Chase talked about some of the antics him and the other guys had pulled over the years. Stephanie had laughed so hard at times that her ribs even hurt. He escorted her to her room and outside the door Chase told her, ‘I wish it had been me that you fell into today.’
Stephanie could tell he meant it, but though she liked Chase, the chemistry wasn’t there. She went on tip-toes and kissed his cheek, ‘I think you are great, but I…’
‘I know, shorty. You are Daren’s.’ His voice sounded resigned, ‘Here’s my cell number, if you ever need anything…anything whatsoever, just call.’
Stephanie went into her room, closed and locked the door. She decided that a long shower was called for, as she was getting out of the shower, her cell phone rang. She let it go to voicemail. After drying her hair and throwing on a robe, she settled in on the bed and picked up her cell phone. She had three messages. The first one was from Jessica. The second one was from Jeff.
It made her skin crawl that no matter how many times she changed her number, he managed to get it. His voice was cold and mean, filled with hatred, ‘Do you really think you can leave me? I know where you are and will be waiting when you get back!’ She wanted to delete the call, but didn’t. She needed proof of what he was doing and the threats he made.
The third message was from Daren. His raspy voice was filled with concern, ‘Stephanie, please call me back. I just need to know you are OK. I need to apologize…just call me, please.’
So Chase was right. He doesn’t hate me after all, she thought to herself. After returning Jessica’s call and assuring her that they would meet for breakfast in the morning, she gathered up her courage.
Stephanie almost gave up when Daren’s phone rang for the fifth time, ‘Stephanie?’
She bit her bottom lip at the sensations that went through her body from just his voice, clearing her throat, ‘Hi, Daren.’
‘I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean…’
Stephanie cut him off, ‘Daren, its ok. I overreacted. I’m the one who’s sorry.’
Daren asked her, ‘Will you meet me somewhere? I just want to see you. I need to know you are really OK.’
‘Chase told you, didn’t he?’
When he didn’t answer right away, Stephanie knew he did, ‘Yes. Don’t blame him. He just wanted to help somehow and we found a way we could, if you want us to.’
‘I’ll think about it. What did you all have in mind?’ Stephanie asked. She still had a hard time believing in the connection she felt to Daren from the beginning. Somehow, he’d gotten through all of her walls that she built around herself.
He dropped his voice even lower, ‘Meet me for dinner. We can talk about it then.’
Stephanie took a leap of faith and suggested, ‘Why don’t you just come to my room? We can order pizza or some take out.’
‘Baby, if we are anywhere close to a bed…’
She wanted to feel him close to her. She needed to feel his lips on hers again. Stephanie felt her heart beat speed up, ‘Room 217.’
Stephanie had barely closed her phone and stood up when there was a knock on her door. She slowly walked towards the door and peeked out through the peep hole. Daren stood there looking sexy as hell even through the distorted view. She took a deep breath and opened the door.
Daren’s voice died in his throat when he saw Stephanie. She opened the door wearing only a powder blue silk robe. It came to mid thigh and showed a good amount of cleavage. He felt like he was going to swallow his tongue just looking at her. No matter how much he willed it, his cock filled out and hardened behind his zipper. He clenched his fists and closed his eyes, trying not to reach for her.
‘I didn’t think you’d get here that quick.’
Daren opened his eyes and looked into hers, ‘I was afraid you’d change your mind.’ He leaned against the door frame, ‘Add to the fact that my room is only three doors down the hall…’
Her surprised laugh about did him in, ‘I didn’t realize.’
Stephanie opened the door wider in silent invitation for him to enter. Daren walked in, ‘I missed you.’
He watched as she closed the door and locked it. In a soft voice she admitted, ‘I missed you, too.’
Daren wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. Without hesitation, her arms clutched him and she buried her face into his chest. When she pushed back slightly and her hands rubbed his chest, he groaned. He closed his eyes as he felt her hands run up his chest. When her hands settled on his shoulders, he looked down at her. She licked her lips and stared into his eyes, ‘Kiss me, Daren.’
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the next morning i woke up and harvey was asleep on the floor but when we went to bed last night he was in my bed i got out of bed and woke harvey up i asked him "why are you on the floor" harvey said to me "because you kicked me out of bed babe" i laughted we went down stairs and had breakfast harvey went home and got changed so i decided to go have a swim when harvey came back to my house he had a lot of magazines in his hands i asked "what are they" harvey answered me with "wedding...
“Good bye virginity” I announced loudly and proudly then added “It’s been good knowing you for the last eighteen years ... but it’s time for you to go”. She laughed as she slowly lowered her wet hot pussy onto my upright hard shaft. Her pussy lips had been kissing my cockhead just a moment previously. Now they were sliding down my shaft. The pussy belonged to Erica who was the 35 year old manager of my mum’s workplace. She was carefully impaling herself on my eight inch cock. I could feel...
Maggie opened the door when Tommy arrived. She was dressed, so to speak, in a tiny thong bikini. Susan had never seen this bikini before. Her Mom never wore it at home... Earlier when Maggie pulled it our of her drawer, she also handed one just like it to Susan. It barely covered their nipples, the thong left their beautiful asses bare and their cunts was just barely covered. Maggie said, "I wear these at some of the parties your Dad and I go to." "Wow Mom... I bet you don't get to keep...
Bienvenue les amoureux.Are you eighteen years or older and like seeing a blend of sexuality and artistry? Are you the sort of person who has a penchant for pretty French models? I am sure that you like looking at lithe ladies getting licked (and dicked) up and down for an hour or more.?At least one of those must be true if you are reading this website. :)Anyway, be glad that you have found this particular paper because Dorcel Vision is a spectacular website full of fap footage, but it also has...
Premium Pornstar SitesThis is Chapter two of a story about Wendell, a recently divorced middle aged man who becomes the neighbor of a trio of exciting young college girls in an apartment complex named Thessaly Springs. In this chapter, Wendell does a little on line research about Ashley, the new object of his affections, and begins to plot her seduction.This is a work of fiction. All rights are reserved. . . . . . . . . . . .I woke around mid morning with a raging hard on and a mild headache. Sun poured through the...
It was about 3am when I heard my phone buzzing. I was receiving a new text from Hayden! “Mom wants to know if you are ready to go again?” she texted. “Right now?” I texted back. I was excited. I had so many questions but I knew texting a wall of text would only make me seem too clingy. “No, like a week from Friday,” she texted back. I could tell that was sarcasm. I checked the time and I knew I had school in the morning. It was way too late but I wanted another chance to redeem myself but...
The day was going quite good and we both were enjoying each other’s company. After the scene of the inner circle of Connaught place park she was feeling bit horny. I sensed that while brushing my elbow on her milky boobs. I saw a glimpse of hard nipples from the cleavage. We went boating and there I saw a counter. We took the ticket and sat in the boat. Boat wala asked, “Madam ap log khud hi chalayenge boat ya hum mai se koi boat chalaye or aap view enjoy karo?” I sensed a lust in the boatwalas...
Jeremy's Punishment By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization story and contains some XXX scenes. If you do not like such stories do not read and post negative comment as you have been warned. Permission to download this story is authorized for personal enjoyment. No other use or publication on pay sites is allowed and strictly prohibited. This story is copy written by the author who can be contacted at [email protected]. Jeremy's Punishment Jeremy was sitting in...
Now for the record: this happened after I had the little penis-plus-boobs-in-one-package adventure. I knew I was going to have to wash away the dirt somehow, and banging a legit female creature was the only option. Bear in mind, that's not a huuuuuuge issue when you're 6'7 and blond, but still, it had to be done. One night, I was walking through a somewhat dodgy part of Pattaya, when I spotted a girl sitting on the side of the road. I couldn't tell whether she was bored, sad, drunk,...
Discover the last scene of Tiffany the submissive. Tiffany succeeded in closing the file of the divorce in favour of her client, she proposes to him to celebrate this victory. Ricky is going to prepare her an evening of which he has the secret. The pretty blonde is going to deliver herself for the first time to three men at the same time. These last ones, used to Mr. Ricky’s parties, intend to take advantage of the generous curves of the young woman. A few months ago, Tiffany was living a...
xmoviesforyouYear 2023 Stood, bent over and slightly rattled, Abigale painfully held onto her breast as spittle dripped from her mouth, she tiredly looked up through the mess of her blonde hair towards the ravishing beast known as Solstice. Her silver and white skin tight costume ripped and battered around her body as a bead of sweat slowly dripped down around her jaw. Straightening up with a wince and deep breath, the heroine Starlight Shimmer; Abigale Greendale, focused her eyes solely on the...
FantasyI’ve been divorced for over a decade. Left my annoying as fuck wife, moved to southern Oregon, and immersed myself into the local culture; a little redneck, a little hippie, a little woo-woo, a little folks-with-money-who-don’t-flaunt-it. Most of my friends fell into the first three categories, and many of those ladies satisfied my sexual urges without any hope of anything beyond that. I also made a few friends, all happily married couples, in the latter set. It’s a particular one of those...
MatureCarol gave Bob a very passionate kiss goodbye at the door, a promise of what was in store for him that night. As he walked to his car Carol glanced at her watch. Joe should be here in just over 15 minutes. She walked to the front door and unlocked it as she watched Bob's car pull away through the living room window. Smiling to herself she shivered with anticipation as she walked to her bedroom and a quick shower. She lay propped up on the pillows on their big bed, completely nude, she could...
Check List Complete By Mary Beth Sanford Copyright © 2019 Mary Beth Sanford All rights reserved. This story or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. Mary Beth Sanford Second Draft Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious...
Judy replaced the phone on the receiver. Jane's line was still busy, after all this time... Judy had been thinking all day about the off-hand remark she'd made earlier, about it being too bad their kids were their kids, and not just the horny teenagers Judy and Jane had been reminiscing about. And the more she thought about it, the hotter she became. Bobby and Scott were such strong, handsome boys, and she knew from the number of heavily loaded tissues in their wastebaskets that they were...
I moved away for a second and considered my options for a moment. I knew with absolute certainty that it was the right thing to do and Beth would be happy about it. Beth looked up as I came to my decision. "What is it Alex? You've thought of something haven't you?" She seemed very hopeful. Body Dreams might sound pretentious but it was a very nice place to spend time. It didn't have the testosterone-driven feel of many gyms and the people here were more like family. I looked at Josh...
It was not far from Detroit to Minneapolis. Even though she was not really horny at all, thanks to a few exhausting days in bed with Alison Sax, Laura didn't want to pass up the chance to see Kim, if possible. She gave her a call. "Laura, oh god," Kim said. "What's the matter, did I interrupt something?" Kim's voice dropped a notch, and got smokier. "You interrupted me fingering my pussy and thinking of you," she breathed. "I was just about to come." "Oh, right," Laura said,...
Wife Try's a Black ManMy husband shocked me to my core when he asked me to fuck a big black cock. I couldn't believe he would ask me to do this. Didn't he want me? He told me it was just a fantasy that he wanted to try but I said "NEVER!"I thought it was over but our relationship struggled over the next few weeks. He clearly was upset with me as I was upset with him. Why did he want this so much? I started to worry about what this would do with our relationship long term. What if he never got...
Looking back, that final term felt like a continuous party. It wasn't of course. In fact, both Marty and Adoré worked hard on the books; but compared with their prior college experience, when every waking hour was spent either on Robby, books, or horses, it seemed like a wonderful vacation filled with good times and lots of beer. An active kid, Robby did well in day care, but, though he was always friendly and was well-liked, he seemed to the instructors to be basically a 'loner'....
Hey guys this is my first time writing a story tell me what you think and if should continue Angel is a young girl. She has lived in a vault her whole life, or at least she did until her father left the vault. I should slow down, Vault 101 was always secure and people were nice to each other. You and your father lived in the vault your whole lives and knew there was a world outside but didnt know what was out there. In the vault people helped each other, there was plenty of food and water, you...
It was my 19th birthday. Usually, I won’t go to college on my birthdays. But I had a test that day, so I was forced to go. Thankfully we had a few free periods on that day, so I spent most of the day roaming around the college with my friends. Just before the last class was about to end, Akash came to my bench and sat beside me. He was the nerd of our class. “What do you want?” I asked. “Are you free tonight after 8?” he asked. “That’s none of your business,” I said. “Please...