- 4 years ago
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I’m back. Was very sick, but pulled through. Gotta finish this story and my series, so heaven (or hell) can wait, lol! No. Seriously, I had to go back and re-read from the beginning to get back into what was happening. Found a lot of errors and changed a bunch of stuff. I made GAbe less of a hot head so I guess (hopefully) you’ll feel that change in his personality. Abby is still in the process of developing so please be patient with her. She is a sweet, loving, giving, selfless person, and I really don’t want to take that part of her away, just make her little stronger and less of a victim, but these are things she has to learn on her own. It takes time. Anyhow, I’m really sorry for the wait you all had to endure for this chapter. Circumstances beyond my control, but here it is. Please feel free to point out any boo-boos since my eyesight and concentration isn’t what it used to be. Guess I’m really going to need your help from now on. Thank you to all the well-wishers. My hubby kept me abreast of all the comments. Thank you so much.
Gabriel sat silently outside the recording booth. Inside, Ariel played his base line, engrossed in the music. Normally, he’d be right there with the sound tech at the mixing board adjusting the sound and adding his touch to the music.
Not today.
Gabriel looked at the screen of his phone for the hundredth time. Still no answer from Abigail.
Christ. She was consuming his every thought. He wanted her with him. He wanted to sleep, eat, bathe with her. He loved the way she laughed. Loved the sound of her voice, the scent of her, the innocent way her mind worked. She was an angel. His angel…and he’d yelled at her.
He’d been so scared when she’d run out of the apartment and left her phone behind, but he shouldn’t have yelled. That was inexcusable and lately he’d been blowing up for any stupid reason.
It was those fucking pills.
Getting up with a wince, he stalked to one of the bathrooms outside their recording room.
He unscrewed the top to the bottle of pills and poured them into the toilet.
‘Christ! Are you insane? What are you doing?’ Michael exclaimed ripping the bottle of pills from his hand, but it was already too late.
The white pills floated innocently inside the porcelain bowl.
‘Clearing my head.’
‘You’ve been out of the hospital a little over a month. You need those still,’ Michael argued, watching in dismay as Gabe flushed the toilet.
‘Not when they’re turning me into an asshole.’
Michael snorted. ‘You’ve always been an asshole, don’t blame the poor pills.’
‘Thank you,’ Gabriel deadpanned.
Michael shook his head slowly as he tossed the empty bottle into the trashcan in the corner. Gabriel huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he hung his head, reliving the hurt expression on Abby’s face when he opened his big mouth.
‘She still won’t talk to you?’
Gabe shook his head. ‘She covered the cameras with something. Socks, I think.’
Michael crossed his arms over his chest, taking a deep breath, ‘Just get her some flowers, and something shiny. Always works for me.’
Gabriel frowned at Michael. ‘She’s not like that.’
Michael rolled his eyes. ‘Get her the flowers, buy her some chocolate, and grovel at her feet. They like that.’
‘I’ve never had to grovel at a woman’s feet.’
Michael grinned and slapped Gabe on the back a few times. ‘If she means anything to you, you’re going to have to start. In the meanwhile, we’re going to have to call your doctor and get a prescription for some new pain meds. You can’t get through this cold turkey, man.’
Gabriel could care less about his pain. Abigail was on his mind. The memory of the way her beautiful blue eyes had widened when he began yelling at her, the way her shoulders had hunched in ate away at him.
He wanted to kick himself. Why the fuck did he have to explode like that?
Yeah, he’d been terrified when she’d run out of the apartment, wondering if maybe he’d gone too far teasing her. He’d wanted to call, but she’d tossed the phone on the counter before racing out the door and down the steps.
He’d overreacted. Seeing her mother and sister at the apartment hadn’t helped either, especially when he suspected someone from the Montenegro household had tried to run him off the road a little more than two months ago. He didn’t know these people. Didn’t know what they were capable of. All he knew was that Abigail’s mother had played a part in keeping his parents apart so that Paulina could sink her claws into his real father and his money.
‘Look,’ Mike sighed, ‘just let her cool off. Go over to her job tomorrow, bring her a bouquet, and invite her to dinner. And then do lots of groveling.’
Abigail listened to the soft tones of some random piano piece on Pandora radio as she dug into her gallon of cookies and cream ice cream. She knew it’d go straight to her hips, but she was beyond caring. She hoped she’d get fat so Gabriel would get disgusted and walk away all the sooner.
Her heart squeezed painfully at the thought, and her eyes and nose itched as she blinked rapidly, refusing to let herself cry.
‘I just need to put my foot down. I am not letting anyone else boss me around as if I were an idiot.’
Her phone had been dinging and ringing until a few minutes ago.
He’d either gotten the hint she wasn’t speaking to him at the moment, or he was on his way back to the apartment again.
She was ready if he showed up. Abigail was going to demand he have all those ridiculous surveillance cameras removed, firstly, and secondly, she was going to give him a piece of her mind.
How dare he yell at her in front of the guys from the band. How dare he monitor her whereabouts all the time. It was stressing her out, and it had to stop.
She sighed looked down at the half-eaten gallon of ice cream. This wasn’t the answer either.
She padded into the kitchen, looking up at the sock-covered camera in the corner with a frown.
Abigail had half expected him to come back storming into the apartment for having covered all of them. The night was still young.
Putting the ice cream away in the freezer, she took her electronic tablet from the counter and walked back out into the living room.
Curling up into the corner of her couch, she typed Diavolo into the search engine in her browser.
Immediately, many results popped up, their official website, news clips and You Tube videos.
Abby hit images and pictures of the band as well as individual images of Gabriel appeared. One picture of Gabriel had her frowning. He stood, bathed in a cloud of red light and smoke onstage. His hair was plastered around his shoulders and chest, much longer than it was now. He held the microphone to his mouth, face frozen in a scream since the veins and cords of his throat stood out strongly. His upper torso was beautifully bare, but what had her gaping was the fact that his lower half was clothed in a black skirt that came to just below his knees. From there down, he wore black boots with an array of straps from knee to foot. She clicked on the image and saw that it was an image of a video.
Curiosity had her clicking on the video to watch.
It was a live performance Diavolo had done in Finland. The music swelled and the crowd went wild. Guitars wailed and the bass thundered in tune with Angelo’s drums. Gabriel strutted up and down the stage, his voice sometimes guttural and raspy, other times ringing out clear and almost operatic. He had an amazing range and unique quality that frankly had the fine hairs on Abigail’s body rising in awe.
She watched, her mouth watering as he performed. His stomach would pull in, ribs work to help him expel that powerful masculine voice, so deep and beautiful. It was mesmerizing to hear and watch him perform.
Suddenly she was missing him, craving his warmth. Giving him the silent treatment was infantile and silly. They just needed to talk.
Methodically, she went around the apartment and removed the socks from the cameras. When done, she picked up her phone and listened to his messages. Though he’d called seventeen times, he’d only left three messages.
The first made her cringe.
‘Abigail, pick up the phone, damn-it.’
The second message had her eyes welling.
‘Abby, please. Just pick up. I’m sorry okay. I just…’ he sighed. ‘Baby, just pick up, please.’
The third had tears coursing down her cheeks. ‘I don’t want to do this over the phone, but since you refuse to talk to me…’ He huffs out an impatient breath. ‘Look, I know it’s no excuse, but I was scared, okay? You just hung up on me, and ran out and left your phone. I didn’t know if you’d gotten pissed or insulted…You’re just different than what I’m used to, Abs. I do shit that wouldn’t normally bother a chick, but with you it’s different and I need to learn what my boundaries are with you. I didn’t mean to offend you with my little strip tease, baby. I mean—Jesus—we’ve showered together a couple of times already. I didn’t think it’d be a big deal, but I’m sorry, okay? Abby, come-on. Talk to me. Just call or something. I’m done trying here. I don’t want to back you into a corner so I’m leaving it up to you now. Let’s just talk, baby. I miss you and…damn,’ another heartfelt sigh. ‘I’m hurting here, baby. I…I really-really love you, Abigail Rose Brown.’
That had been about two hours ago.
Hands trembling, she marked his number. It rang and rang and just before she was about to click it off before it went into voice mail, loud music sounded on the line.
‘Hello?’ a woman’s voice laughed.
Abigail blinked in confusion and stared at the screen. It was the right number. Gabriel’s number.
‘Hello?’ the woman said again in an impatient tone.
‘Um, where’s Gabriel?’ Abigail asked wondering whom she was talking to.
‘Honey, you’re gonna have to speak a little louder. It’s a mad house here,’ the woman said loudly over the pounding heavy metal music in the background, as well as shouts and laughter.
‘Gabriel,’ Abigail all but shouted. ‘Where is he?’
‘Is this Abigail?’
Suddenly, Abby realized it was Diamond, his manager.
‘Yes. He was trying to call me earlier.’
Diamond laughed. ‘They were in the studio until about half an hour ago. We’re at Ariel’s place now. A couple of their friends came over and you know how these things go…lots of alcohol, music, and women. It’s all part of this lifestyle, Abigail.’
Abigail felt the color drain from her face. Why did Diamond have his phone? Why hadn’t he come home to her after the studio?
Had he finally gotten tired of her pious attitude? Groupies were part of his rock and roll lifestyle, though he constantly told Abigail, that bored him already. What if he’d gotten bored with her prim attitude? Would he seek relief in the arms of another? He claimed he’d been celibate since meeting her. How long could a healthy male in his prime deny his sexual urges?
Ignoring the terrible pain that thought provoked, she blurted a quick thank you and goodnight before clicking the phone off.
If he came to her smelling of another woman’s perfume…that would be devastating.
Abigail felt hurt, confused, and maybe just a tad resentful, but she refused to dwell on any of it. She wasn’t going to be one of those women who pined away after a man like an idiot. Yes, she acknowledged she was extremely attracted to Gabriel and loved him despite his domineering masculine attitude, but she was not going to allow that to turn her into a spineless, simpering female begging for his attentions.
She did allow herself a cleansing cry in the shower. Sometimes letting out all the pain in one fell swoop was good for the soul instead of just bottling it up. Afterwards, she prepared herself a cup of chamomile tea with lemon and honey, and then settled herself to sleep wearily. It had been a long week.
Visions of a raven-haired dark angel with seductive green eyes wearing a black skirt and boots filled her dreams, his deep voice pure temptation.
Abigail read in a clear voice to the children around her. Beverly Cleary’s Socks had always been a favorite of hers and the children seemed to enjoy it too.
She did her best to ignore the curious glances the other daycare workers had given her that morning after a bouquet of three dozen long-stemmed blood-red roses had arrived. The blooms were so outrageously beautiful, they’d taken her breath away.
A card, included within had read a simple ‘I’m sorry.’
Bonnie, one of the head care takers had snorted disdainfully, ‘looks like some cheater’s trying to soothe his guilt. Typical male chauvinist move. They think butchering some innocent plant will excuse their behavior. I never fall for that stupidity.’
Bonnie had never been pleasant toward Abigail. She was very stuck up and cold and totally unsuitable to work with small children. Unfortunately, her aunt owned the daycare and Bonnie was one of its managers.
Abigail just ignored her acidic barbs.
Reaching the end of the story, she closed the book and told the children they could retrieve their snacks. It was almost time for their nap, after which some of the children were picked up by their nannies.
Abigail checked on little Frankie, an autistic four-year-old boy. He sat in his usual spot, playing with blocks and humming to himself. His blond hair was overly long and he always had on some band t-shirt and jeans. Today, to mock her, he wore a Diavolo t-shirt paired with red chucks.
‘So, spill. You’ve got everyone buzzing.’
Abigail turned to look down at Pia. She was about four-foot ten with short spiky purple hair and big blue eyes behind her glasses. Pia was the first person to welcome her to the daycare and Abigail had taken an instant liking to her despite her quirky personality.
‘Well, my boyfriend and I had a bit of a disagreement yesterday,’ Abigail replied with a sigh.
Pia grinned, turning to admire the flowers. ‘And he sent flowers. How romantic. You guys been together long?’
Abigail frowned, letting her gaze go to the flowers visible through the glass door in the manager’s office. ‘Not really.’
Pia pulled her hands behind her back and cocked her head to the side. ‘Well, honey, those roses must’ve cost him a fortune. Unless he’s filthy rich, he must really be sorry, whatever he did.’
Bonnie’s words echoed in her memory though. Was Gabriel trying to soothe his guilt? Was his guilt only about having yelled at her in front of the band? Or was he feeling guilty about something else as well? Just because she didn’t want to engage in sex until she was wed, did that mean he’d adhere to a life of celibacy in the meanwhile, or would he appease his baser urges with whatever there was available until he could get his hands on her?
‘You’re not supposed to have any visitors,’ came Bonnie’s scathing whisper.
Abigail started, not having realized the girl had come up behind her.
She craned her neck around Bonnie’s angry face and Pia’s curious one to see Daniel standing at the far end of the daycare.
His hands were clasped in front of his sharp black suit as he smiled down at the children scampering around him.
Why was he here?
Abigail walked quickly over to him, a hesitant smile on her lips.
‘Hi,’ she said.
He smiled warmly at her. ‘Hello. I was walking by and saw you reading to the children. So this is where you work?’
Abigail nodded with a smile.
His brown eyes glittered warmly. ‘I was on my way to lunch. Would you like to join me?’
‘Oh, I really can’t—’
‘Go ahead,’ Pia interrupted. ‘Her highness owes you a break anyway.’
bit her lower lip and glanced at Bonnie. She had taken over Bonnie’s reading session.
‘I’ll cover for you,’ Pia insisted, her eyes dancing as she practically devoured Daniel’s tall form with her eyes.
Daniel, in turn, ignored her completely, his eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled down at Abigail.
She felt nervous going to lunch with Daniel. Gabriel would have a cow if he knew. Then again, he’d gone to a party the night before and hadn’t even told her anything aside from the calls and apologies for yelling at her.
‘Just let me grab my purse,’ Abby said turning.
What choice did she have anyway? She didn’t want to be rude or mean to Daniel. She’d tell Gabriel when he decided to come back to the apartment. As of yet he hadn’t even called her.
Swallowing down the pang of anxiety that thought caused, she walked back toward Daniel who extended his arm to her.
Exiting the daycare, which was located on the first floor of the North Star Recording company building, Daniel led her to the restaurant near the entrance to the sixty story building.
It took up the north-east corner of the building and had glass windows that looked out onto the busy Irvine cityscape beyond.
Gold linen-covered tables with white upholstered chairs filled the large restaurant. It was full, but the hostess escorted Daniel and her to a corner booth by the windows.
She really didn’t have much of an appetite, but Daniel ordered a steak dinner for the both of them and some wine despite her protests.
Abigail shifted in her seat. She was dying to check her phone, but didn’t want to be rude. Had Gabriel called her yet? She regretted not checking when she got her purse. Had she even turned it on that morning? Dread fell over her as she remembered how hasty she left the apartment after oversleeping. She’d pretty much cried herself to sleep and forgot to set her alarm.
‘Are you okay?’ Daniel asked snapping her out of her thoughts. ‘You seem distracted.’
‘Oh,’ she smiled apologetically. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…I just have stuff…on my mind, you know.’ She laughed, waving her hand.
Daniel’s expression became solemn. ‘No. I don’t know. Perhaps you can explain to me.’
Abigail had been in the process of taking a sip of her water and almost spit it out. Her face heated up as she blinked at Daniel. ‘Oh, it’s nothing, really.’ She forced a smile. ‘Just stuff. I just moved into a lovely apartment and organizing and the new job.’
Daniel’s big hand engulfed hers as he leaned in closer, eyes boring into hers. ‘Abby, if this is too much for you, just come back home.’
Abigail tried to pull her hand back but Daniel squeezed tighter. She shook her head. ‘No, Daniel. I’m actually very happy.’ She cringed inwardly when her voice caught and Daniel’s face became slightly blurry. His brows pinched tighter over his straight nose. She blinked her stupid tears and rushed on. ‘This is what I wanted. To be on my own. Honestly.’
A crease formed between his brows, and his voice was soft but stern, ‘Gabriel is pressuring you to be with him? Mikayla mentioned he was living with you.’
Abigail’s face heated some more. She finally snatched her hand away. ‘My life with Gabriel is a private matter, Daniel, but no. He isn’t pressuring me into anything.’
The chair next to her, opposite from Daniel moved back.
Abigail watched in stunned horror as Gabriel settled himself in it. His smile didn’t reach his eyes. ‘Mind if I join you?’
The waiter that had taken their order rushed back and Gabriel asked for whatever Daniel was having.
He then leaned back, grinning at his brother. ‘Fancy running into you here…with my girlfriend.’
Daniel’s lips twitched, a ghost of a smile. ‘The building is mine, dear brother.’
Gabriel let out a sarcastic chuckle. ‘And mine. Don’t forget.’
Abigail sensed this particular lunch was not going to go well.
‘Gabriel, how was the recording session last night?’
Glowing green eyes turned her way, searching. ‘The music was good. We got two tracks completely done. Still working on a third.’
Daniel frowned, looking confused. ‘So you’re not living together?’
This got him a venomous look from Gabriel.
‘Gabriel stays with me most times, but he doesn’t like to leave Anna Maria alone too much because of her health.’
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I can still remember the first time I set eyes on Sandra. I was a scruffy young man of twenty. She was a very sexy girl of 22. She came up to me as I was trying to kick start my somewhat temperamental Norton 750 Commando motorcycle. She said something about liking bikes. That was all I needed to hear. A hot looking brunette with big brown eyes in a pair of tight fitting jeans coming up to me and telling me she likes bikes. My life took a turn for the better in a heartbeat. It was as if I won...
Straight SexIt was late in Singapore, the darkness overtaking the city. You have me bound to the huge desk in the main room, my knees bent far back. I still cannot believe I am in this situation. Ropes tie my arms up high over my head, my breasts thrust out, unprotected. My legs are securely circled with the heavy, rough rope and you drew my knees up until my legs are spread obscenely. Another rope slipped under the desk and tied to my knees kept them permanently spread. Only the sound of my heavy...
I suddenly awakened, gazing silently at the ceiling of the darkened bedroom. The soft sound of Stacey's breathing came from atop the bed, but that wasn't what had roused me. I listened carefully, feeling aches in every inch of my body. Some of it was sleeping on the floor; the comforter puddled beneath me didn't do much to disguise the unyielding hardwood beneath it. I suspected I'd have felt the same way if I'd been in my usual location on the sofa; most of the damage had come from...
Introduction to ChastityCarla and I had been dating for about three months. She was unlike anyother girl I had ever known. Where most girls are rather passive andsubmissive around men, Carla was just the opposite. She wanted to be incontrol of things. She was aggressive and dominant, and she insisted Iassume the opposite role. At first I was resistant, thinking somehow mymale pride was at stake, but the sex with her was so good that Isuppressed my normal male instincts and went along with...
Vengeance is Bittersweet By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. and Bob Arnold Features characters from The Protector and Change of Course stories Angel cameos courtesy of Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1 Detective Matt Walsh was slightly surprised when the woman had called his station and requested him specifically by name. She insisted that she had important information regarding one of his cases. When he asked her which case, she refused to answer him, insisting that he meet...
My sister, who is a year older than me, always had good taste in boyfriends. I liked every one of them, but a few of them stand out.When I was sixteen she had one named Richard who was nineteen. Mom normally wouldn’t have approved because of the age difference, but she said Richard was a nice boy from a good family, which meant they had more money than us. Richard wasn’t nearly as nice as she thought, but he was gorgeous. At that time I was in my pre-jock phase and no one had any idea of the...
TabooNaa Peru srikanth Maadi kadapa lo oka ooru ,Andhra Pradesh.Madi oka joint family maa tataiah ku mugguru kodukulu ,Narayana(38),bhaskar(36) Maa tataiah peru Narsimhulu(65).Maa nanamma peru Guramma(55).Maa amma peru Munemma(38).Maa Chellalu peru aswini(18),radhika(16) Nenu 22yrs.Maa tata kooli pani cesthadu, maa nanna cotton Mill lo pani cesthadu. Maa ammaku sex yaava chala ekkuva anduku pelliki munde evadi thone lechipoyinte teesukoni vachi maa nanna icchi pelli chesaru.Maa nanna tagubothu vaddu...
And footsteps walking down the hall to your sisters' room. A door opens and then slams shut. She's mad at you. You could recognize that sequence of sounds from a mile off. The entry and retreat of an angry younger sister. Not that you can blame her, really, not after last time, when you... well. You know it was wrong. You know you shouldn't have, but it just felt so good, being inside her, feeling her walls pulse around your length, shooting your... ...Yeah, you definitely shouldn't...
I was a spoiled kid, mom gave me just about anything I wanted. I was 13 when her and dad divorced, with dad out of the picture mom really had no one to stop her spoiling me. After moms divorce mom had a string of boyfriends, most stayed 3 or 4 months and realized that even thought mom would fuck and suck at the slightest request that putting up with a undisciplined teenage boy wasn't worth it. Mom asked me what I wanted for my 18th birthday, I answered “Well Mom I'm still a virgin and...
Halftime had arrived as I pulled my futa-cock, formerly my clit, out of my fourteen-year-old sister’s newly deflowered pussy. The crowd filling Washington High School’s stands roared in excitement, loving the culmination of the first half of the football game. My fellow cheerleaders and I had put on the naughtiest performance of our life. I sprang to my feet, my cock bobbing before me, surrounded by my fellow cheerleaders. They only wore their pleated skirts, though none had futa-cocks...
> > : “You know, I was looking over the pictures you sent, I bet if you sit just right they won’t ever know you don’t have pants on. Kinda cool, right?” It was the next day, and Talia had quickly logged in and opened up a chat with ChuckBC. She had closed her door last night after dinner, and while rereading their roleplay and related chat, masturbated furiously to one of her best orgasms in a long time. To say she was eager to meet Chuck was a bit of an understatement, though she...
Well, my first job I got from campus placement was in another state and I was nervous about how I would be able to cope up there without any familiar face and friends. After training, I got into the project team, my team leader was from my own place and thus we kinda became friends as we enjoyed talking in our mother tongue. Well that day she offered to drop me to my hostel (working women’s) and I agreed happily and evening when we walked out of office, I was surprised to find out she was...
A little over a half hour before, Phillip had obediently followed Bill Dodge's wife into the same darkened room. He had wanted immediately to turn on the light so that he could again see her nakedness, to marvel at that wondrous body of hers, but she talked him out of it. He wasn't aware that her bringing him here was no accident, and that Valerie and Bill Dodge had planned all along to get him into this room with Jessica here at the same time. He had stripped his clothing from his body...
The first thing I see as I wake up is the blinding light coming through my curtains. Sadly, I couldn't afford blackout curtains due to my poorly-paying job that barely covered the bills, but I've slowly gotten used to it. I sit up and get off the sofa, stretching my back and neck. I also couldn't afford a large flat, so I had to make do with a single-room with a sofa. It served its purpose, as uncomfortable as it got. My apartment was quite small, having a kitchen, living area and toilet. There...
TeenNothing has ever thrilled you more than the prospect of displaying yourself publicly. Trips to the beach are always exciting for the tiny bikinis that you wear; even trips to more mundane locations like the mall can be made more exciting with a simple short skirt and no underwear. Each dive into the ocean is a chance that your top will become dislodged; each ride up an escalator is a chance to discreetly flash yourself. Tonight, as you sit on the balcony attached to your apartment, you feel...
By current request on my profile! ** Warning it contains watersports/pissing fetish**I start to stir from our wonderful nap. It's still very bright outside so we haven't been asleep all that long. It was still long enough though that I notice I've really got to pee. I start to move and suddenly am grabbed by you and kissed deeply. You thank me for our session earlier in the shower and I just smile. I try to get up again but you hold me close and purposely keep me there. I mention that you best...
There was a clamor for a pirate pool before we even left the New Orleans dock. Such was the reputation of the Lovely Louise that not one of our passengers feared pirates, they just wanted a pirate attack so that they would have something novel to bet on. With so much demand for betting pools, Logan showed some creativity and set up two pools, one for the date and time of the next attack and one for where the attack would take place. The prizes were increased to $100 each, and the ticket price...
Hi, all indian sex stories dot net readers.I am amit from kolkata.Mera age hay 24 years.Height 5.11″.Fit body aur lund ka size hay 7.5 inches.Mujhe, mature aunty, ya bhabi ko chodna bahut accha lagta hay.Main to sex story bahut padta hu.To socha mera life ka ek aur ghatna aapse share karu.Ye story thori lambi hay. Agar koi ladki ya bhabi mujhse milna or contact karna or chat karna chahte hain to mujhe mail kare.Mera mail id hay Ye baat hay pichle mahine ki.Main metro main travel kar raha...
I don't believe I ever looked forward to a simple lunch session in the school cafeteria as much as I did that Tuesday afternoon. I hardly slept at all that night, tossing and turning restlessly as my mind kept screaming at me: Nina is back! Nina is talking to me again! Bleary eyed I drug myself off to school and experienced a near crawl of the time continuum through first period. When the bell rang I nearly sprinted to my second class, feeling like the teenager I was charading as for perhaps...
My name is Krishna and I am 29 years old now. I write this story based on the incidents that happened in our family when I was a tee. I lost my father when I was quite young and it was my mom who took the responsibility of raising me. My mom’s name was Latha and she was 38 years old. She had a curvy figure and her measurements were 34-26-35 and she had a structure similar to Tamil actress Kasturi with a dark complexion. We lived in the outskirts of Coimbatore and my mom worked as a clerk for a...
IncestI was working in a Patna based private hospital as a resident doctor last year. Here happened this drooling story of mine. I am 30 yr old post graduate (md) doctor of average built and handsome (as per girls).my smile and gentle behavior make me attractive to most people. In hospital there was young nurse bibha, milky white, gorgeous and very very sexy. She was unmarried. Our duty often matches. Her nursing dress was medium sized white skirt and shirt. She often used to stare on me and give...
This was during my second business trip to Moscow in 2005. I had been there a few months ago. Most adjectives known to man in any language fall inadequately short of fully describing the beauty and appeal of Russian women. Walking down the streets of Moscow, one has to try hard to find a woman – young or old – who is not a sex goddess or a supermodel incarnate. Discount my personal bias and you still have a steamy lot. Well, back to my story, before leaving home in Dubai, I was checking out...
F .1 When I woke up on Friday morning, the first thing that occured to me was that I really didn't want to get up: it was warm in bed, and comfortable—for some reason more so than normal—and I didn't want to leave. I didn't hear any alarms going off, suggesting that I had time to go back to sleep... But first I wanted to see what time it actually was. When I opened my eyes, I didn't recognize the wall, and the clock wasn't where it should be. But when I tried to roll over, I felt an...
This isn't one of my better stories since my Muse has been a little lazy of late. However, I did want to at least put my two cents in for this contest so here it is. Once a Year By Morpheus Scott frowned as he looked around the dusty attic in the hopes of finding what he was looking for, though he still wasn't even sure what that something was. All Scott knew was that he needed some kind of costume for Halloween and he wasn't about to spend much money on something he...
"God damnit Greg! Not again!" exclaimed Lilly as she looked down over her pale 34G tits at the small flaccid penis of her husband as he held himself over her at arm's length.Greg sighed as he rolled off his wife to lay beside her on the bed. "I'm sorry Lil, but I'm getting older. It can't be helped." He rolled over on his side facing away from her and sighed again. "Maybe we can try again tomorrow?"Lilly glared over at her husband as she crossed her arms under her immense chest. Soon enough she...
Nancy ReturnsRick settled into the chair by the pool. He had spent most of the day snooping through Nancy's house, just as she had requested. He had been naked while he did it, again at her request. The majority of his time was spent in her bedroom, specifically on the drawer full of sex toys. Most of them he had seen before, but there were a few he planned to ask her about. At the top of the list was the strap on dildo. Rick thought Nancy would appreciate it how much time he was spending...
This happened a long time ago when I was in high school. I had been dating my girlfriend for a while (couple years) and we had begun having sex. Lots of it, and were quite adventurous for a couple of teenagers. I was lucky enough to have a car. And since we couldn't really fuck at either of our houses, unless parents happed to be gone for a while, we did a lot of car stuff. Mainly we would park in empty areas of various cemeteries. Seemed to be the best place for some private times. If it was...
I suppose that I left her for about two hours. She was, as I expected, rather agitated on my return. "Where have you been?" she demanded. "Surely you can't expect me to stay in here all this time? It's unreasonable!" It was a predictable, if disappointing response to her circumstance, I thought. I held a finger up to my lip and waved for her to turn around so that she had her back to me. She gave me a quizzical look but then finally did as I indicated. I reached through the bars of...
This is my first submission to Literotica. I also extend my sincerest apologies to NTRmaster for hijacking his ‘Reunited’ series, in my foolish attempts to offer some smidgen of resolution to the pathetic life of Terence. ***** My name is Terence, but most would just know me as the cuckold wimp that people could push around, humiliate and ruin. His name was Todd. But I just remember him as the asshole bastard motherfucker who ruined my life. Amy, Angela, and Lisa. They were beautiful women...
Andrea left work, thinking it will be nice to get home and take a bubble bath. Brandon, her boyfriend (she's to call him Sir, in private) won't be home for another hour or so. She'll still have time to make dinner after her bath. But as she made the final turn onto her street. She saw Sir's truck in the driveway, this was odd. But that's all she thought. She parked and walked in the house. Sir was standing in the middle of the living room with his arms folded in front of him. Plus, he looked...
Hi Teresa I owe you and your websight a debt of gratitude. It's because of you that I'm going to live til my golden years being waited on hand and foot by my sissy slave. Mark took me into his two bedroom condo as his roommate seven months ago. I had just been released from jail from my third drunken driving and driving on a suspended license conviction. Mark my old coworker kept in touch with me and offered me the room rent free for five months after my parole as away of...
By: Supaeman_111136 Hi friends Rahul again from Chattisgarh aapne meri pichli story adhuri pyaas bhai ne bujhai ko bahut pasand kiya aur mujhe is baare me kai mails mile please aap mujhe aise hi mails karte rahe jisse mujhe kahani likhne ki prerna milti rahe maine aapko pehli story me likha tha ki aapko jis subject pe story padhni hai mujhe bataiye main aapki wish puri karuna to aaj ki meri kahani main ek mail pe aaye hue request par likh raha hoon agar aapko bhi kisi subject par kahani padhni...
I was born in Harrogate, England, in the mid 50’s. My Mum was a housewife at the time, my Dad was in the building trade. It all started, my love of nylon that is, with my Mum, when I was about 5 or 6 years old. Like a lot of housewives of that generation she liked to wear pretty feminine, clothes, even when doing domestic duties. I don't remember my Mum wearing trousers until many years later, it was almost always skirt’s, sometimes a dress for a posh do, during the 50’s and 60’s. I often...
Chloe Cherry is chatting on the phone with her friend, giggling about how she and her boyfriend tried anal sex recently. Chloe tells her friend that even though it took some getting used to at first, she really likes it now. As Chloe continues to chat with her friend about how much she likes anal sex, her stepfather Michael Stefano walks by in the hallway. As he overhears her, his eyes go wide with excitement. But all this talk about getting fucked in the ass is making Chloe’s pussy wet,...
xmoviesforyouI was driving to a meeting with Barbara, my Boss at the office.She had asked me to meet her at a nice hotel downtown for dinner.But I knew the bitch was looking for something more. A couple times Barbara and I had been entangled in some kissing and licking action; but we had never met before in a hotel room…I thought that if I was nice to Barbara, it would help me in my job.Once at the hotel, I was told to go to the penthouse. I knocked at the door and a tall huge black man opened it and let me...