Elsa free porn video

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To say that this was a beautiful day would have been to understate things to a great degree … it was glorious!

In late spring, it was warm, with just a hint of a breeze, just enough to tussle one’s hair. The air smelled sweet … not overly floral … but just a general sweetness in the breeze. This day was a gift, one that makes you feel good to be alive.

She was very pretty!

She was sitting alone on the park bench, reading. I was struck by the overall look of her, her blonde hair and clear blue eyes that seemed to have captured the sky in them. She had such delicate features and was lithe of figure and limb.

The breeze would occasionally lift her hem of her yellow sundress just enough to see a flash of thigh. Her dress had thin shoulder straps, which showed just enough cleavage to give you a hint at how lovely her breasts might be. They seemed to be firm, round, and a little larger than you might expect with such a diminutive girl.

I fell in love with her instantly—I had to know her. My heart quickened as I approached her. As I sat next to her, I started with a casual comment,

‘Good morning, lovely day isn’t it.’ She said nothing, but kept her attention fixed on her reading. I frowned a little at my complete lack of success in capturing her attention.

‘May I ask what you are reading, Miss?’

Nothing! I decided to be more insistent,

‘May I ask what you are reading, Miss? I said loudly enough to catch the attention of a man fifty yards down the path. Without raising her eyes, she took out a little writing pad in a well-used leather cover, opened it and scribbled a note. It was then that she slowly raised her eyes to me, as she handed it to me with the slightest of smiles. It read,

‘There is no need to shout, but if you are patient with me, I read lips!’

Oh my God, she is deaf, I thought. But, I was too taken with her and was insistent on at least the pleasure of a simple conversation with such a stunningly gorgeous creature. So I moved in front of her, sitting on my haunches and wearing a sheepish smile as I said,

‘Hello … Miss. My … name … is … Michael!’ I said with kind of an exaggerated articulation.

She covered her mouth with her hand to hide a giggle. Then she raised an eyebrow slightly as she wrote,

‘I am deaf, not an imbecile Michael! Nice to meet you, I’m Elsa.’

A little embarrassed, and now speaking normally, as I would to anyone else I said,

‘I’m sorry Elsa. You are very pretty.’

‘She said ‘Thank you Michael, you have a nice face.’

She gestured the same message in American Sign Language (ASL) also. I was to learn that she does this so that people with whom she communicates regularly will start to recognize the signs. She uses the note pad only sparingly when she doesn’t care to speak, or is embarrassed by her voice. Non-hearing people cannot hear their own voices, and so cannot correct the sound of their voice like hearing persons can.

‘I’m glad you like it. I did inquire about the book you were reading, just as a conversation starter.

She smiled, and turned the book up to show the title. She was reading Mansfield Park by Jane Austin. I had always considered Jane Austin novels to be books for women … I think most men do. A former girlfriend insisted that I read Pride and Prejudice and I just get into the story.

What a terrifically well-defined character Elizabeth Bennett is! She was a strong and independent woman for her time. The somewhat dark and brooding Mr. Darcy was the perfect foil for her disgust at his arrogance. His pride and her prejudice against him made you wonder if they would ever get together.

I told Elsa,

‘I have read it. It is a great read … but I am certain that you have read it before. That’s the thing I learned from her novels, that you see something different in them with each reading … I have read Pride and Prejudice twice!

I saw the most beautiful smile cross her face as she said carefully,

‘Michael, I agree with you completely. I feel the same way. I have indeed read this one several times as you suggested.’

I smiled back at her and decided to go for broke,

‘I was just on my way to a nice little coffee shop down around the corner here (pointing). Would you care to join me?’

She looked me up and down, and I thought, ‘Shit! I struck out with a pretty girl … again!’ Then she smiled and nodded yes, snapped her book closed, and stuffed it in her carry bag with her notebook. I took her hand to help her up, and we walked the block and a half, with her arms wrapped around mine.

She liked me!

We had a nice little conversation over coffee and raspberry scones. She is quiet, but intelligent, and seemed to be well educated. I found out that she is twenty, and finishing her studies as a librarian, a profession where she would not have to over-use her voice.

I also found out that she has a very devilish and somewhat bratty sense of humor, and teased me when she thought I was becoming too full of myself. She does not have a boyfriend or—what is the euphemism—a ‘significant other.’

She told me that a girlfriend had given her a couple of concert tickets she couldn’t use, and asked if I was interested in going with her. It was for a concert by the local chamber orchestra, playing a Brahms and Shubert, program. I wondered why a deaf girl would be interested in concert tickets. I said,

‘Yes, sounds like fun!’

She breathed a sigh of relief with a pretty smile, and gave me a peck on the cheek. Then she lowered her eyes, and blushed. That little touch of crimson on her cheeks made her look incredibly beautiful.

She told me that she has been deaf since birth, but she has two hearing parents. She often prefers not to speak in the presence of strangers, or those who simply have difficulty understanding her, and that is the reason for the notebook. Some hearing people are ‘put off’ by the sound of her speaking voice, but I find it rather clear from someone who cannot hear what her voice sounds like. I grew to love the sound of her voice.

She told me that I instinctively did the right thing when I started to speak to her, to introduce the topic of the conversation first to give a deaf person some context to follow. She said that most common signs like ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ are relatively easy for people to understand whether they know ASL or not, so she uses a combination of speech and signing along with body language to communicate.

As we talked, I was careful to face her, since I didn’t know sign language yet, and found out that dating ‘hearing’ boys and men got to be a problem after a while. Mostly, they would give her up with the difficulty of communicating. They were sometimes gone when she didn’t ‘put out’ on the first date. I told her that I could not promise anything, but that I liked her and would try hard to communicate with her.

I walked her back to her place, which was a brownstone apartment building, and as we stood on the top step, she turned to me and said,

‘You can give me a goodbye kiss if you would like, Michael!’

My lips just melted into her soft sweet lips. I just wanted to go on kissing this pretty girl, but we had just met, and I did not want to scare her away. I brushed a strand of blonde hair from her brow, smiled and said,

‘See you Friday, Elsa.’

She smiled and nodded. As I jogged down the stairs, I thought to myself, ‘Damn! Just … damn!’ She is sweet, smart and she has a wonderful sense of humor. I vowed to try very hard with his one. I could hardly wait until Friday, but had five days to wait.

The outdoor chamber concert was great. She wore a light blue summer sundress, but carried a soft white sweater in case it got chilly. We found a seat near the back, and as we sat and listened, I found that just a slight touch on her s
houlder would get her attention. I would describe the music to her at various points, and always received a smile and nod of understanding.

I like Brahms, but chamber orchestras usually play some of the smaller, more obscure pieces. Although I was unfamiliar with most of the selections, I enjoyed them. I also enjoyed the light that played in Elsa’s eyes as she watched the musicians.

They had a local soprano singing a couple of Schubert songs (lieder) and during the first one, I used my finger to turn her face to me saying,

‘This woman is singing a song in German.’ I said, trying to let her know what was happening.

She smiled at me and giggled saying,

‘Ja! Ich verstehe!’

‘Okay, so you understand German! Thanks for making me feel like a fool!’ Her smile sweetened and she put her hand on my arm and she quickly added,

‘Not a fool, Michael, you were sweet to help me enjoy!’

She might be deaf, but she enjoyed the spectacle of the outdoor concert: the lights, the people, and gleaming instruments. I felt that she was hearing it in her own way. And, of course she understood the German singers. My face is still a little red from that one!

As the breeze picked up she started to put the sweater around her shoulders and I helped her into it, but quite accidentally bushed my hand against her breast as I did. She looked at me with a soft smile, and I mouthed the words, ‘I’m sorry,’ and she quietly said,

‘That’s okay, Michael … I rather enjoyed it!’ then she giggled as she blushed a little.

I pulled the sweater around her a little tighter as I peered down into her bosom, and put my arm around her. She cuddled up against me, wearing a satisfied smile. She casually put her tiny hand on my thigh, just above the knee, and slowly moved her fingers in a light circular massage as the musicians still captured her attention.

At one point near the end, as I watched the musicians, l caught her looking at me. I turned my head, but she did not look away, instead, she smiled sweetly and slowly turned her attention back to the stage. I have seen that look on women before and I know that it means, ‘I like you, Michael!’

I liked her too.

She could tell (somehow) that the concert was ending, and clapped when everyone else did. I love music, but was wondering how I would share it with his woman, who also seemed to love it, but could not hear it. Being with her was going to be a challenge. I was to find out that few people are completely deaf, that most can hear something, and the vibrations give them a sense of the tempo, and the rhythm.

As we got up to leave, she immediately curled her body inside of an embrace, as I put my arms around her. She reached up on tiptoes, and kissed me. We walked slowly back to the car, and drove her to a quiet and cozy little restaurant, for an après-concert snack, and maybe a drink. We shared a light meal, with wine, and had an Irish coffee to warm us up.

In the car on the way back to her apartment, I noticed her hem slide up showing a lot of thigh, and she saw me noticing. The little devil on her left shoulder must have whispered in her ear, because she pulled it up another couple of inches with a naughty smile. I didn’t dare spoil the moment by touching her, since this was our first real date. I enjoyed the sight of her shapely thighs.

At her apartment stoop, we stood by the front door talking, and I felt a little bold, and asked,

‘Aren’t you going to invite me up for milk and cookies?’

She laughed, and I saw a devilish smile flit across her face, but she said,

‘Kiss me and go home, Michael.’

She tiptoed up and gave me a very passionate kiss. Her tongue brushed lightly against my lips, and I touched the tip of her tongue with the tip of mine. She responded by sliding her tongue further into my mouth and just as I was getting into this, she withdrew and said,

‘Thank you Michael, I had a wonderful time! Please call me … i-if you would like!’

I smiled and said, looking at her directly, ‘I will Elsa, honey’

Kind of bold using that endearment on the first date, but she reacted to it with a smile. I took her key from her, opened her door for her and handed it back to her, as she disappeared inside. I skipped down the stairs and down the street to my car like a poor imitation of Gene Kelly.

We went out several times over the next month or so, before she asked me in the car after a dinner date, if she would ever get to see my place. I answered,

‘Yes. Tonight if you would like!’ she smiled and said,

‘Yes Michael that would be nice.’

She purposely waited well past our third date to bring up the topic of sex. Likely, some of her hearing boyfriends were more interested in sex, than a relationship with a deaf girl. She was just protecting herself, as someone who might be very familiar with heartache dealing with hearing boys. At twenty-three, I am really past the ‘boy’ stage.

We have had enough dates for a little closer romance to occur, ever though we had parked on our third date. She allowed me to slide my hand up her skirt, and lightly massaging her panty-covered crotch. I also became intimately familiar with her softball-sized breasts. She is a very warm and loving companion, and I could not wait to get her into my bed.

As we settled into my living room, I gave her a glass of wine, and put on a romantic movie, thinking that soft music would be lost on her. I was starting to get very good at sign language by now, and we often had wordless conversations—just signing. It wasn’t long before we were necking, and my hand found its way up her skirt once again. She turned and pulled me down on top of her as our attention to the movie faded.

I love kissing her. My face just seemed to melt into hers, and I just could not get enough of her. I slipped the straps of her dress down, and pulled the top of her dress down to expose her bra, containing her beautiful breasts. I kissed her as I massaged her large breasts with my hands. She was moaning a little from the touches to her sensitive breasts.

I slid my hands down her body, letting my fingers explore the edges of her panties. I found a place to slip my finger in and drew it across her pussy. When I slid my finger inside her pussy, she moaned louder as she pushed her lips into mine harder. After a while, she broke the kiss, pushed me away, and a little breathlessly, she signed,

‘Can we find a more comfortable place to do this Michael?’

Without a word, I picked her up in my arms and carried her up the stairs into my bedroom. She seemed to be enjoying the manly attention as she gently put her arms around my neck, and smiled sweetly into my face.

I placed her on the bed on her back as she drew her knees up giving me a nice view of her panties. She must have listened to her little devil again, because she gave me the most seductive look I have seen from her as she signed,

‘Come and get it big boy!’

The depth of passion in this seemingly innocent little girl never ceases to amaze me. Then all of a sudden, she put her hand to her side, and moaned a little as if in pain.

‘Oh my God, Elsa … are you alright?’

‘Oh yes Michael, just an old injury, I get little twinges every once in a while. Come here and make love to your Elsa!’

Her seductive smile returned almost as soon as it had faded and I moved into the bed and between her inviting thighs. I pushed her dress up a little and pulled her panties off as she lifted her hips to help me.

God she was beautiful!

She has the most perfectly formed pussy I have ever seen, lightly covered with blond hair. I moved my face between her thighs, and just took a moment to breathe in her female scent, She smelled sweet … floral … not even a hint of musk. My cock was straining at the fabric of my pants.

As I touched my lips to her mound, she gasped
loudly. Deaf girls just moan in a soft hum, as I was soon to find out when they are aroused. I tousled her soft pubic hair with my lips, just enjoying the feeling and aroma of her sex. I had to quickly reach down and rearrange my manhood to a better position as it was growing longer and harder.

She breathed in sharply as I started to lick her little clit. She held her breath, but then let it out in little huffs as my tongue explored her moist pussy lips. She shuddered with soft hums as I slid my tongue inside her.

I heard her soft sweet voice say, ‘Ohhh, Michael!!’

After her strong orgasm from my attentions to her sweet pussy, we just lay in each other’s arms. She was licking her juices from my mouth and tongue like a hungry little kitten. She was so happy, that tears started to form in her eyes. She mouthed the words, ‘I love you!’ as she looked deep, deep into my eyes.

‘Elsa, I am going to make love to you tonight … all night!’ I told her.

She slowly nodded her head, and just slowly said,

‘M’kay Michael!’

I was beginning to love the sound of her speaking voice. I was soft … kind of a natural sounding voice, completely devoid of any accent. I love the way she said ‘Michael’ in her speaking voice. With hearing girls, it was just a name, but in her voice, she made it sounded musical.

She pulled off my shirt and then went to work and my pants, unbuttoning and unzipping, she pulled them off as if she could not get them off fast enough. She started to take her dress off, but I quickly signed,

‘No honey, leave it on.’

The top of her dress was already down exposing her bra-covered breasts, so I reached behind to undo her bra, and pulled it off. She was now clothed in just her cotton summer dress, with the top pulled down and the bottom pushed up. I love the feel of flesh mixed with the soft fabric as I make love sometimes. Is that what they call a fetish? Not sure.

I pushed her dress up further over her hips, as I gently fondled her breasts, sucking her puffy nipples into my mouth. She was in ecstasy! I don’t know if she was lucid or not, but I had six and a half inches of throbbing meat wanting to be inside her. I slowly slid it in as far as I could, and I could see her vagina expanding to take in the thicker than average girth. She moaned as I pushed it into her.

She was shuddering into her second orgasm as I just held it deep inside her. I started kissing her, noisily, sloppily, open-mouthed. I was mauling her mouth as I started a slow rhythm in and out of her. She had me so turned on! She was humming and moaning louder as I picked up the pace. Being our first time I did not want to pound it into her, so I reached a nice even but urgent pace.

She grabbed my face and turning it toward her, and said in a breathless voice,

‘Oh … Michael, I … love it! Please … fuck me … good … darling!’

I never thought I would hear the ‘f-word’ escape those sweet soft little lips, but, I have to say, it turned me on. As I started to slid in and out of her sweet pussy more urgently, I decided to see how far she would go, and asked,

‘Tell me what you want me to do to you, Elsa!’

‘I want you to fuck me Michael! I want you to FUCK ME!!’

‘Tell me what a little slut you are for asking to be fucked!’

‘Oh Michael am such a little slut … I am your slut!!’

‘Tell me how you want it sweetheart!’

‘I want you to fuck your little slut hard. FUCK MY PUSSY HARD, MICHAEL!!’

She was pushing up against me like a little wild woman, flexing her hips to get me inside her as far as possible. Then she started to spasm, and screamed at the top of her lungs, as she came hard. She convulsed for a long time but I was not far behind as I stiffened, and came deep inside her, shuddering violently with each spurt.

We relaxed with my cock still deep inside her, as we both started to cool down. It turned me on greatly hearing her talk dirty to me. I looked down into her sweaty face with its attractive blush, and I said, looking her in her liquid blue eyes,

‘How is my sweet, beautiful little slut?’

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Incredible ChangesChapter 67 Why am I here

I woke in my cage to the smell of shit and piss. Looking around me I saw that all of the cages were now filled with naked boys or girls. The boys looked very similar to me. The girls seemed to fall into three different groups. One group was of tall white blonde girls with almost no tits. The second group was girls that still had a bit of baby fat, were slightly tanned brunettes, and had cone shaped breasts. Finally, the third group had fully developed tits, black hair and flared hips. The...

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My attemp at porn erotica lol

The knock at the door came right on time. Doris glanced in the mirroron the wall justbefore reaching for the knob. She smiled to herself, knowing she wasboth excited andnervous. With a swing of the door, his smile put her at ease."Hi, I'm Brian." She returned his smile."I'm Doris. Thanks for driving down.""My pleasure. Now, you said something about a cabinet door thatwouldn't shut." Dorisopened the door and motioned for him to step inside. Brian was just ashe had describedhimself. He stepped...

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Latent Passion A Lil Lisa Adventure

Latent Passions: A Lil' Lisa Adventure - By Dee Eon "Thanks, man! I love you like a brother!" "Hey, any closer and we'd have wings!" japed Erik Crandall with muted sentiments as his tenth-grade best friend. Jack Hazen rolled the Penthouse and Playboys under an arm and left Erik's bedroom nearly bumping into matronly Aunt Emma on the way out who cast a hard eye at the teenager's cargo. "Trading more filth, no, Erik??" she uttered with disdain. "You're such a disappointment,...

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Controlling The Bitch Ch 01

Intro This is one of the more recent pieces I tried to write. This was as far as I got, and im not really sure where im going with this one. Anyway, if I get time/inspiration ill attempt to write a second part to this. Enjoy? All characters are 18 or over. ————————————- Jake lent up against the glass wall partition against his classroom and looked around him. There wasn’t exactly much to see first thing on a Monday morning, just a few straggly students lent up like him, waiting for their...

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My continuing affair with my stepmom part 3 the final chapter

It had been a year since I last saw her. I graduated from college in May and started my new job (which I hated), got married in the fall to my high school sweetheart and bought our first home in the begining of the Winter. We made it through the Holidays and the New Year before we had any winter weather. It was not until the middle of January before the snow came. My wife and I woke up to a beautiful snow covered winter weekend morning. After the snow stopped, I realized that we did not own a...

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My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Jamie's grandmother parked in front of the Fabric Barn at five minutes before nine. "Are you excited?" she asked. "Your first day on the job. Probably makes you feel all grown up." Jamie looked down at himself. The brown apron covered his torso, and the hem of his jean shorts emerged just below the bottom of the apron. His smooth, nylon-encased legs shimmered, and his nylon-clad toes peeked out at the end of his open-toe sandals. He felt like he was wearing a costume....

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 67 Postscript

As she looked around the dazzling, obviously brand new surroundings in the waiting room, Carly Brewer tried to be interested in all of the photos, mounted posters and even some ballet shoes under a lit glass dome. But the truth was, all she wanted to do was move. Not dance, necessarily; she would have been perfectly content to skip around the spacious parking area atop this amazing hill? Mountain? Plateau? She had no idea. But she did know this was the go-to place on the West Coast for...

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Abducted BrideChapter 14

Kevin awoke the next morning to the loud medley of traffic and street vendor sounds that carried up through his window from the street five storys below. His head felt as though a pile- driver were crushing down on it and the thick cotton taste in his mouth almost nauseated him. He groaned, and sat up in bed, blinking his eyes at the full bright rays of sun that trickled in through the breeze fluttering curtains. It was a short moment before he could recall where he was and what he was doing...

4 years ago
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The ImamChapter 7

MUSTAFA REBELS December 9, 2014 On the next evening, a dull and cloudy evening, Mustafa found himself in his bed, his body stripped to his underwear. His head pounded from the alcohol he drank the previous night. A nausea gripped him, and although chilly in his room, he wiped beads of sweat from his brow and stumbled to the bathroom where he vomited. He had been sleeping for hours, right through the day. He remembered the previous night clearly. He wished he could forget it. He didn’t know...

3 years ago
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22. That was the magical number. 22. I was 22 years old. Not a problem in itself. Only if you took into consideration the fact that I was still a virgin. Not that I really suffered because of it; I had two healthy hands. But it somehow didn´t feel right. And avoiding the issue when I talked with my buddies became more and more tedious. I just hoped they didn´t have a clue about my stigma. But the clue hinting at the fact was obvious enough. It was right at the front of my head and was commonly...

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Ashes to Ashes

‘Don’t have any more whisky Arthur, please, you don’t want to get drunk again.’ Helen Kray spoke quietly to her husband, not wanting to attract attention. ‘Oh shut up woman!’ came the alcohol slurred reply,’I can handle my drink you know, listen, the Wilkinson’s invited us to this party and who am I to refuse their hospitality.’ Helen had been married to Arthur for close to 30 years now, she knew how difficult Arthur became under the influence of alcohol and did not discuss the matter...

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The Palo Alto Method

"So Ray, it's (ahem), real simple. You know that chime that a Mac has when it starts up? What I need is a chord like that, but distinct, it's own sound, not the Mac chime. Like one of those meditation chimes you get at the New-Age stores. But thicker, more complex. Way more complex. And unique. And warm friendly sensual, like something that you would hear on Oprah, or the Oxygen Channel. A bit more sexual than Lifetime. A bit too sexy for Hallmark. Lots of complex overtones, or something...

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Vampire LifeChapter 7

An hour later I walked up to the bar. The brunette was still working, though she looked rather tired. “Double shot of O negative and double of B positive if you have it.” I called out. The bartender nodded, slid two glasses over towards me and then handed me two water bottles. “What are these for?” I asked. “You’ve been busy tonight. Quite a show back there. You might be a vampire but you still need to hydrate on something other than blood.” She replied, giving me a slight smirk. I’d...

1 year ago
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Sensual Shorts

Looking in Your Window Standing outside the basement window had never been my intention. You forced me there, planted my feet in the small patch of grass, and commanded my eyes to remain open. Yet you never spoke to me. Yes, there was a layer of glass between us, but there was more. Sprawled across the rumpled sheets, your legs bent in a relaxed pose, you were asleep. I should have noticed the way your arm draped over your forehead, as if blocking the sunlight from your eyes. I should have...

4 years ago
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Next morning I got up early like I do every morning and cleaned the bathroom, the lounge room and the kitchen. And then I cooked some breakfast for my mistress scarlet. My ears were on the bell that rings when she presses the remote for me. I wanted to wish her good morning by kissing her feet, probably on all four. Then maybe offer her flip flop or house sandal properly on top my head and then maybe lick them clean and serve her any way she found me useful and hear her giggle. Her giggle – it...

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Amandas Continuing EducationChapter 7

I sat there and drove home, fighting the desperate need to cry all the way home. I pulled into the driveway and both boys got out and went inside leaving me to struggle in with the load of slut clothes. I managed to get my arms around them and struggled towards the front door and inside. I carried them down the hall towards the laundry room and when I came back out David was standing in the front door talking to Nathan. I saw Nathan invite him in and I got a real bad feeling about...

3 years ago
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Au Naturel Ch 03

Thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement. Suitably inspired, I wrote this third chapter just for you … ********************************* The summer passed by in dream-like fashion for the young lovers. Simon had a part-time job working as a barman, and Kate was earning extra money behind the till of a local supermarket to see her through the coming university term, but their free time was theirs alone. They spent every spare moment in each others’ company – sweating in the...

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Graduate WorkChapter 4

Jared clambered down the stairs, still damp from the shower, bare feet slapping against the wood of the stairs. For the first time in days, his dick, limp with fear, slapped against his thighs as he went. His heart pounded with fear? Anticipation? Both? He didn't know what his mom had planned, but Jared had the distinct impression that he was in trouble. If he'd been able to put on a pair of pants, at least then he'd feel somewhat more secure. Unfortunately, there had been a heavy new...

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Joyce breathed out, in. Slowly. Water slid down her neck, hair, pooling in the crevices of her collarbones. She rinsed, slowly turning in the steam, warmth. Calm now, she thought back over the evening, letting the shower run as she thought back. Concentrating, trying to find the one detail, overlooked. The answer was there, if she could remember. Concentrate. Falling leaves in the crisp air, crunching underfoot on the concrete sidewalk. Joyce walked with purpose, confidence, shoulder-length...

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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 9

In late September 1938, high in the Sierra de Montserrat above the town of Tarragona, Gustav Hoss lead his mixed German and Spanish unit along the razor ridge overlooking the Republican outpost. They had trained for weeks for this operation under instructors provided by the Wehrmacht's Alpine Korps. Their mission was to capture the passes through the Montserrat to break the deadlock on the Ebro. The batalion trudged through the snow among the high pine trees dressed in white onepiece suits...

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Unexpected Sex With Dipti

Hello, people, this is Raj again with a new story. This happened to me with a lady who was a  stranger. Her name is Dipti. (name changed) We both are from the same place. She was is in the late 30s and carry figure which you can die for. Coming to the story. This happen once when I went to a lingerie shop to buy lingerie for my wife to gift her on Valentine’s day. I used to visit the same shop with my wife but never saw Dipti. The shop was run by the saleswomen and some helpers. I saw Dipti...

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Daddy would watch me as I Fucked

There it was, the little red light blinking high above our heads, just as well the guy I was with was too interested in me to look.Our porch was secluded from the front house view so we could be left in relative peace to finish what he was desperate to finish and as my denims were down by my ankles I could only think of daddy and what he would be thinking if he saw me now.It was all over in fifteen minutes and I suddenly felt a chill, standing naked as the guy tucked himself back into his pants...

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my math teacher fucking my twink ass day 3

So I'm sitting here in some pink panties with my dick popping out but I'm not ready to jerk off just yet so I figured I would tell you about the third time I fucked my high school math teacher. So this is the day after we fucked for the first time and two days after I blew him for the first time. If you want those stories, they're on my page. Anywho! Here's the story of the first of many mornings I went in for a fuck.I was only a freshman at the time so my mom had to drive me to school earlier...

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Angels Story

Angel's StoryThis story follows on from "Dealing with Wimp Husband and Son," and tells of Angel's engagement to Adam up to and including their wedding day. The story is told by Angel herself. My thanks again go to Stefano Milanese for his input of ideas.Chapter 1I could not quite believe my ears at first. I had Adam on his knees in his bedroom, naked except for his cock cage, teasing and taunting him with my naked body. I had got him to the point where he was shedding tears of frustration, as I...

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Young Adult Group

This story is dedicated to my new friend NaughtybyNature after a NICE long NAUGHTY CHAT. I decided to write a story involving us Hope you enjoy. About a year an a half after high school I was looking for a job but nothing was available in the little town I lived in. One day my mom and her sister were talking on the phone and the subject came up. My aunt told her that my uncle was looking for help with his auto repair business. I have played around with cars and got kind of familiar with them...

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DaughterSwap Grae Stoke Abby Adams Dad8217s Divide The Equation

Abby Adams and Grae Stroke are a couple of cute girls who are not too good at math. But their concerned dads think they just need a little extra attention and tutoring. The babes try to focus, but they cannot keep from touching each other under the table as their dads go over equations. The minute these dads leave their daughters alone, they start playing with each others pussies . But when their old men stumble in to see what the girls are up to, they are furious! The only way they will keep...

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Two mature white ladies bbc weekend adventure

My white wife is, 42DD-35-41, all natural, curvy, large clearly visible pussy lips, long blonde hair, blue eyed gorgeous mature woman. Her best friend is Elaine, she's white, roughly 38DD-32-38, all natural, curvy, brown eyed beautiful brunette. Both ladies have a full bush, breasts (my wife's breast veins show through, catches most guys attention) hang down with nipples facing straight down. Wife and I have been visiting an adult nude campsite for years. My wife likes to hook up with a man...

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A Binding RelationshipChapter 43

Nick and I start the drive home. I decide that I would not allow him the pleasure of touching my foot on the way home. I want to tease him. I slip off my shoes. I watch his eyes. I see them travel down my legs to my toes. I wiggle them and laugh to myself. I look over and I can see he is hard and ready. I can tell he wants my foot in his lap badly. He goes back to watching the road. As we drive down the road the leaves from the tress are falling are cover the road. It is just starting to...

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Summer with my grandparents 3

So we went upstairs. From that night my life changed. Not mentioning that night I sucked and fucked my grandma and grandpa. Been licked and sucked numerous times. Starting next summer till my grandparents passed away I had sex with ladies and men, i haven't counted. During summer when i was 16, I had sex with most of that small village. During one of the evenings I was introduced to this lady and her family. Lady was really impressive. Really short, her boobs were hanging to her belly button....

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Caught In The Rain

She was a smart, hot, wonderful Italian twenty-something from the neighboring suburb. We met one morning while I was on my way to work and grabbing my usual latte from the neighborhood coffee shop. We exchanged numbers, chatted, texted and went out for a few friendly lunches. After a few kinda platonic/almost flirty dates, I now found myself in a movie theater on a Friday night not far from my condo, taking one for team testosterone and watching the latest chick flick starring Brad Pitt....

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first time public

My First Time In Crowded Place As Cross Dresserabout 2 months ago, i got up the courage to go to a crowded public place dressed for the first timei put a post on craigslist saying where i was going and what i was wearingthen i drove to shopping center parking lot and dressed up in the car, make up, red lip stick, red finger and toe nail polish, blond wig, ear rings, necklace, rings, watch bracelets, thigh high stocking and gatrer belt, black 5" heels, black mid thigh dressi drove to a closer...

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ElectraWoman and DynaGirl

"Disclaimer: ElectraWoman and DynaGirl and the names, titles, and backstories used in "ElectraWoman and DynaGirl" are the sole property of Sid & Marty Kroft Television Productions. The author intends no copyright infringement through the writing of this fan fiction. ElectraWoman and DynaGirl by Alana The Puppetmaster was a supervillain who had made his presence known in Metro City by robbing the First National Bank. He hadn't needed a gun; he was able to command tellers and...

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Love The Internet Ch 03

Continuation Conner took a deep breath then took in his surroundings. Getting to his feet he leaned down and lifted Annie into his arms, and headed down the small hallway to her bedroom. The room was small with a full size bed taking up most of the space. Setting her on her feet in front of the bed, he pushed the robe from her shoulders then pulled off his shirt. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her to him, groaning at the feel of her bare breasts pressed to his chest. Putting...

4 years ago
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Wedding trip

Friends and I had been invited to a wedding but the problem was it was interstate and we all had to work on Friday and Monday meaning the travel time was going to involve some lengthy night driving. Plans change and with me being newly single, Shelley and her husband Greg sat down with me the week before and hatched a plan that would simplify things. Greg and Shelley would drive up and as I didn’t drink it was only natural that I would drive back so Shelley and Greg could get a skinful at...

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