Alex Ch. 03 free porn video

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If you are reading this in hopes for a stroke story, I am sorry to disappoint you.

There is very little sexual interaction and a lot of plot development that will make the subsequent chapters flow.


The next morning I awoke in absolute pain. I could not find Alex. I grabbed the crutches and hobbled to the dresser. I pulled on an aqua-colored tee-shit. I wrapped a pair of plain black satin panties and matching bra into my shorts. I threw them into the bathroom. I tossed a few of the pillows towards the couch. I went to the bathroom and got dressed. ‘I can do this by myself,’ I thought. I got dressed and hobbled to the end table where the Doctor left the pain pills, poured a glass of water and sat down to watch television. I fixed the pillows, and slowly drifted back to sleep.

I awoke to Alex gently shaking my shoulder. ‘Time to go to the doctor. I see you were able to get dressed by yourself. You are a determined one aren’t you?’

Half asleep, I stuttered, ‘I told you I would be fine by myself. I just need to think before I do things.’

‘Let’s see you get yourself something to eat or need to make an emergency exit by yourself? I would feel much better if you were with me.’

‘Let’s not start that argument again. Let’s see what the good doctor has to say,’ I said with resolve.

We made our way to Alex’s car. I don’t think I could have climbed into my truck in this shape anyways. The ride to the Doctor’s Office was quiet. I was grateful for not having to hear about how I should move in with him. I just wish the news from Doctor Meghan was as good. I had broken the Fibula and I had torn one of the ligaments. I was going to be out of commission for at least ten weeks until the ligament fully healed. To add to the already bad news I could expect my Achilles Tendon to shrink some, which in the world of riding is very bad. It would take months if not a full year for all of my muscles, tendons and ligaments to be back to normal.

The Doc gave me the option of what color cast I wanted. Great, I can still make a decision. I chose the bright red. More pain pills and just what I did not want to hear, I needed to stay off my ankle, as in not doing anything other than going to the doctors for the next two weeks, absolutely no going to the barn.

Once again, I found myself back to the same argument. If I went home, I would have to find another doctor and try to manage by myself. On the other hand, I could stay with Alex and remain under Doctor Meghan’s care. I sincerely liked her, she was gentle and kind. Martin was going to be leaving with Jezzy soon, so I had to make a decision.

Driving back to the hotel I was kicking myself squarely in the ass. I had caved. My personal convictions of going home to recover had faded. I was going to become a ‘house guest’ of Alex’s for the next ten weeks. Jill knew that I was going to stay before I did. That was an easy phone call. The next call was to my boss.

I explained that I was going to get my lap top and start working out of a friend’s house down here. I normally worked from home, so changing my location was no big deal. I just was not going to be able to attend my normal weekly meetings for the next three weeks. As usual, my boss was okay with that. I was very lucky in that regard.

I begged Alex to stop by the barn. I needed to see Jezzy and Jill. He reluctantly agreed, making me promise to be careful. Careful, yeah. I tripped on a towel and broke my ankle, but I can try. When I hobbled into the barn, Jill came running up to me, yelling at me for being there.

‘Relax, Jill. I am only here to see that Jezzy is okay, and show her that I am okay.’ As I drew closer to Jezzy’s stall, she looked out with a mouthful of hay and whinnied at me. She had missed me. Just was it as much as I missed her? How was I going to watch Jezzy be ridden by Alex? Was I going to be able to sit back and watch? This was going to kill me. At least if Jill was riding her, she would feel more at ease, and in some ways so would I.

I sat on a bail of hay talking to Jill when Alex returned. He walked up to me and tossed me the keys to a golf cart. At all the shows I have been to, I never once entertained the idea of renting one. Not only did they cost too much, but I felt the exercise was good for me. After all, the most I walked at a three or four day show was ten miles. The gesture was sweet and considerate. So much so that I agreed to ride around and watch Jill and Alex’s afternoon classes.

‘He did that to you, didn’t he? He tied you up and broke your leg? I tried to tell you he was sick, but no, you couldn’t listen to me. Well now look at you. Six weeks before you can ride again? The show season will be done by the time you can ride again. I hope you are going home and leaving this sadistic freak.’ The words from Samantha cut through the hay and sweet feed aroma like a knife in warm butter. Her tone was condescending and very loud. I just stared at her, wondering what exactly made her tick, she was definitely unique.

‘No. Actually I tripped on a towel on the slippery marble bathroom floor. I managed this dumb move all by myself. And not that it is any of your business, but Alex has been nothing but nice and supportive. He has been so supportive, in fact, that I am going to be staying with him for a few weeks till I can manage by myself. And to further add insult to injury Alex may be showing Jezzy in my place against you!’ There I thought to myself, I will show that jealous witch. Why am I finding myself defending Alex? A few moments ago I was really thinking about going back home. It must be the pain pills, they have my brain all jumbled up.

Samantha turned on her heels and left in as much of a fury as she could. I swear I saw smoke coming from her shoes. Maybe she really was a witch, just a very pretty one. I know she said something about ropes and being tied-up, but not Alex. He enjoys my touch and claw marks while we are making love. It is getting time for Jill to ride Matrix, I just hope he behaves for her.

I hobbled to my golf cart and let Jill and Alex ride down in front of me. I remembered the other reasons I hated golf carts: they can spook a horse. Gingerly I figured out the pressure I needed from my left foot to stop and start. I quickly discovered that this was fun, no, it did not go that fast, but it was still fun. At five miles per hour in an open cart, the wind can start to whip through your hair and flies still hurt when they hit your collar bone.

I parked near Arena 3 to watch Jill and Alex ride. Martin, Jill’s husband, quickly joined me. ‘I thought you went home already…’

‘No, I wanted to see Jill ride.’ Our conversation quickly turned to Alex and me. He gently warned me that maybe things were going too fast and I should slow down. Unfortunately, this leg has put me into a situation that prohibits that from happening. I knew he was sincere, but I had boxed myself into a corner. I told him the newness of the relationship should not wear off in a few weeks. By then I will be able to move around and I can come home if I need to. I was touched by his concern. We sat in silence as Jill then Alex rode.

Both rides were okay, nothing spectacular. Matrix thought the flower box in front of the judge at C was going to eat him, but Jill, the professional that she was, coaxed him passed it. Rubi saw Matrix not like the flowers and thought that mimicking him was a good idea. Except Rubi slightly reared and turned in defiance. Alex just could not get him to go all the way down. Jill beat Alex, but did not win the class. That is okay, both horses are young and with time, they will both become amazing.

I gave Martin a ride back up to the barn in my ‘Speed Racer’, I think from now on I will rent a golf cart. Back up to the barns there was a lot to be done. Alex was leaving in the morning and Jill was going tonight. I was of little help, so I sat and wrapped up polos for Jill. (Polo wraps are big soft c
otton Ace bandages, meant to give support to a horse’s leg.) Jill and Martin loaded up all the equipment and feed that we had brought. All that was left was Matrix. Poor Jezzy! She was just looking out of her stall with a look on her face that said, ‘Why am I not going, too?’ I tried to comfort her, but I knew being alone in her stall without Matrix was going to be hard.

I drove over to Alex’s barn and saw that most of his neighbors where leaving out. I asked if it was possible to place Jezzy in-between two of his horses, just so she had company. That was not a problem for him, he would move Rubi and place her between two of his students’ horses. I thanked him and started to drive back around. Samantha flagged me down. ‘Great, what does she want?’ I thought to myself.

‘Do you mind if we talk? I know I have had some serious outbursts, but that man boils my blood and I really do like you and I do not want to see you get hurt,’ Samantha said in a friendly tone.

‘Okay, but I want you to know that I am not totally comfortable with the idea of moving in with him. In the last few days he has at times taken a very dominant, almost forceful approach with me. So I am very curious as to what you have to say.’ I returned the kindness, I can be nice.

‘Have you ever heard of BDSM?’

‘Yeah. Those are those sick people that believe pain is necessary to achieve a satisfying climax,’ I said, with a hint of curiosity and disgust in my voice.

‘Right, but there is far more to that world then pain. It also involves a Dominant/submissive relationship. Alex is very much a Dom, or as he likes to call himself, the ‘stallion’, you will become, if you allow him, the ‘filly’. When you get to his house be very careful, he has two or three rooms that are always locked. He has the largest assortment of riding crops, dressage whips, and lounge whips I have ever seen in a house, in the ‘Exercise Room’.

‘Just please be careful. I am surprised he chose you. You strike me as a very strong-willed person and not the submissive type. On the plus side you will receive sexual pleasure like you have never known, but at a physical and mental price. Just please be very careful.’ She said all of this while looking over her shoulder the whole time.

I wanted to ask her so many more questions but all she did was hand me her phone number and left. I was not sure what I was getting myself into. This was all so new and very scary to me. Thankfully, I could still go home. If I could just figure out how to load Jezzy up and drive home. Maybe what Samantha was talking about was in the past with Alex, not the present or in this case, my future.

I must have been in my own little world when Jill came up to me and said that they were leaving. I hugged her and said I would call later. Keep in touch and we will see each other later. I said bye to Matrix, and had tears streaming down my cheeks as they pulled away.

‘Hey, they will be back. I asked Jill to come down and help me get accustom to Jezzy and some of her quirks. She will be back here next week. In addition, at some point we are going to have to get you home to get clothes and take care of things at your house. It will be okay, I don’t bite. Well, not too hard,’ Alex said to me, in that soothing, comforting tone. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a deep, ‘wanting you now’ kiss. I wanted to ask him about what Samantha said, but I figured it should wait.

Breaking away from his embrace, I wanted to taste him, but my head was spinning. I was starting to hate this feeling of losing control. I did not want to become someone’s bedroom slave, not now and not ever. Was Samantha right? How could I tactfully bring this subject up? The questions, the not knowing was beginning to drive me insane. What was I getting myself into? Could I stop it once it started? I needed time to think.

‘What is bothering you? You never pull away from me like that. Is it something I did or didn’t do?’ He was questioning me like I was a little child.

‘Nothing, something, oh darn, everything. I have been removed from everything I know and trust. I am hurt and cannot fend for myself. Samantha has filled my head with scary demented thoughts and I am just downright confused.’ I said, with tears streaming down my face for the second time today. ‘Good God, Sarah, get a hold of yourself,’ was being screamed in my head.

‘What did Samantha tell you?’

‘I am too tired and sore to get into it right now. Can we please just go back to the room? I really am very sleepy.’ I yawned. I really was tired and really was not in the mood to deal with anything.

‘Alright. I’ll have dinner delivered and you can get comfortable and go to sleep.’

‘Thank you so much. You have been very…’ I tried to say, but he started to kiss me deeply. I smelled the hay, he must have settled Jezzy down in her new stall. Poor defenseless horse, she is at my mercy. I hope she will be all right.

‘What is the matter with you? I have never felt you so distant. Every time I try to kiss you, you seem very distant and cold.’

‘I am just tired and these drugs have my mind out in left field,’ I said, very apologetic. The truth was I was almost scared of him. A relationship cannot work if fear is involved. I had to talk to him.

The ride back to the hotel was very quiet. I think in the five-minute ride I actually fell asleep. I really was tired. I was also not thinking straight. He helped me out of the car and up to our room. I was in need of a shower and some clean comfortable clothes. The problem was that all of my clothes were now dirty. I was planning to go home today.

‘I have no more clean clothes. Can I borrow a pair of sweat shorts and a tee-shirt, please?’ I asked, with sleep still clouding my thought process.

I decided on taking a hot bath with my leg hanging out of the tub. Alex slowly helped me down into the hot water. He placed a few drops of lavender-scented bath oil into the water. The smell was making my mind relax as the water soothed my tired arms and leg. Gently Alex started washing me, while I just leaned back and relaxed. All was going well until he started rubbing my nipples. His hands were pulling and twisting very gentle at first then he started to add more pressure. My body, that I thought was so tired and numb, was responding to his touch.

‘Don’t move, let me pleasure you,’ he said, in a very soothing tone, which transported my body to a floating sensation. I was drifting in and out of consciousness as he made my tits as hard as pebbles. The pain mixed with pleasure was making a direct path to my crotch. I could feel the blood engorging my clit as he continued to manipulate my tits.

‘I’ll be right back.’ My body was flying somewhere in subconscious, needing his return.

He returned, but I could not open my eyes. I heard him set something down on the counter, it sounded heavy and hard. I did not have the strength to turn and look. He returned to my tits, gently tugging and pulling. I could feel the euphoria of an orgasm building, with just the nipple stimulations.

My hips involuntarily pushed up towards him trying to direct his play, but to no avail. ‘Trust me?’ he whispered.

‘Mmm…’ was all I could mutter.

I heard the unmistakable buzz of a vibrator being turned on low. He traced the soft jelly like material over my belly, down each thigh and back up. His one hand started to pinch and roll my nipple, while the other moved the vibrator between my legs. Slowly the tip of the vibrator spread my lips apart. Slowly, as if on a maiden voyage, the vibrator entered my inner depths meticulously. He twirled it around, so every part of my inner depths felt the soft jelly completely. My mind was going farther into semi-consciousness when in a fast, deep, hard thrust my body bucked violently as if a bomb had exploded in my womb. I was riding high on the pleasure wave. With each thrust and tweak of my nipple I was transported higher and higher. The feel
ing was so intense that I think I lost consciousness…or I was so relaxed, I just fell asleep.

The chill of the water awoke me. I opened my eyes, which stung in the bright light. I had no idea how long I was asleep for, but I felt refreshed. My tummy was starving though. ‘Dinner will be here in a few minutes. Do you want help standing and washing your hair?’

‘Yes, and thank you so much. That was an incredible experience, and I truly thank you.’ I was still flying high from one of the more intense orgasms of my life.

I quickly finished my shower. I went into the sitting area naked, hobbling on the crutches, hoping he had clothes for me to wear. I started looking around for clothes but could not find any.

‘Here, I had one of my students go and buy this earlier today for you to wear.’ It was gorgeous, a mid-thigh length black satin button-up nightgown. The cool silky material felt sensuous against my lavender scented skin.

‘You look absolutely breathtaking in it, with your crutches.’

‘Gee, thanks. You think the crutches complete the look?’

The conversation was halted by the knock on the door. Dinner had arrived. The waiter wheeled in his cart full of various fruits. A delectable looking scalloped potatoes and pork chops that looked so tender and juicy. The whole feast was served with a delicious wine.

I was feeling better and dinner was delicious, so I decided now was the time to talk to Alex. ‘Samantha was talking to me earlier. She told me that you are involved in a world that I not only don’t understand, but one that quite frankly scares the shit out of me.’ There I had said it. I was so proud of myself.

‘She told you about the rooms in my house, also?’ Alex’s tone and demeanor was one of cautious speculation. I think he knew he had to handle this very carefully or else I was gone.

‘Yeah, she said you have more whips than some riding schools inside one of the rooms.’ I was feeling very authoritative in a curious kind of way.

‘There are many different realms to BDSM, it can range from mild to severe. On the severe side is the sadomasochist. That is where pain and pleasure are totally intertwined, needles, hot wax, severe spankings, and sometime blood. I am not interested in that, and myself do not truly understand it. It is true I do enjoy giving a good spanking, but not to such a sever degree.

‘Then there is a Dom/slave relationship. This is where I feel you are a little misdirected. I think you have a vision of a dog collar being affixed to your neck and then chained to a post. You would be forced to curl-up around at my feet, and eat and drink out of a dog bowl.

‘To relieve your anxiety, I do not care for that either. You are a very spirited person and I would never request anyone do that. Then there is another layer that involves a Dom/submissive relationship. This is

generally where I fit in. The feeling of power associated here propels me.

‘I enjoy watching a woman’s body responding to my touch. I receive an adrenaline rush from watching, let’s just say, you. Being tied up to the point that you cannot move. As I run a feather up your thigh. I can watch the wetness develop between your legs. I can run an ice cube over your nipple and watch it become hard. The feeling of power that I derive from watching your body respond to my trusted touch is what I am searching for. Not to humiliate you or watch you grovel at my feet.

‘I only indulge my fantasies with a one-hundred-percent willing partner. I sincerely enjoy your company and I do not want you to feel scared or intimidated by any lifestyle choices of mine. The

dominant/sub relationship is far more intricate, but I will elaborate more later. The relationship must be built on mutual trust and pleasure. The sub is free to come and go as she pleases in my world, I do not force anything on anyone at anytime.

‘Furthermore, I am not sure if our relationship is going to take that twist. Each relationship finds its own way. Have you ever been spanked?’

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My Hot Fuck

Hi friends, I am Vijay from Coimbatore, just now I finished my engineering. I am here to share my true sex experience with my neighbor aunty who lived in upstairs of our house for rent. I regularly read the ISS to time pass. And my first sex encounter takes place a year before with my sex angel. I’m not going to reveal her name for safety purpose. To describe her complexion she is milky white and has good pair of boobs which attracts me so much. She had structure of 36-28-32. She is very...

2 years ago
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Drive by luck

I was just driving to the beach one day, and about a block or two from the beach I noticed a woman out watering her plants in front of her apartment building. She had nothing on but a thin short nightgown, so everytime she bent over, depending on the angle, I either saw part of her ass or a great view of her breast. I circled the block to see if she would still be there, and to my surpise she was. Then I got the idea to park where I can watch her.I sat in my car watching her for about 20...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom London River 24231

Yoo-hoo, Ms. River! Lucas wanders into the home of his friend’s mom, London River, to clean the place as he does each weekend to make some extra money for his Europe trip, and when he finds her outside he can’t stop staring. Bending over in pose, the shapely blonde is unknowingly turning Lucas on as she practices yoga in the warm sun. Lucas eventually breaks from creeping and interrupts her, informing her of his arrival and readiness to get to work. The MILF tells him she’s about to prepare for...

4 years ago
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Womans Story First Time Anal

I have always been this adventurous woman when it came to sex and almost anything else, but anal sex scared me and seemed somewhat forbidden. I knew so many people who had done it before, but for some reason I remained an anal virgin until I met the right person to trust and I knew I had to try.My boyfriend and I were out one evening having a few drinks and he told me he had a surprise for me. We left the bar and he took me to the beach. As we walked around the beach, things started to heat up...

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Bhaiya8217s Gang Gangbanged Urvi

H I this is chaitali again. Presenting one more exciting, erotic, ecstacy for you.The people who read my previous stories must be remembering how much I like being banged by more than one cock. After that day I began to develop a new passion, that’s about being lesbian. Yes I began to play double role. I spent most of time with sapna and pooja. We went 3some. And enjoyed with fingerings and sucking. This was all going smooth, while bhaiya was planning another great bang. Let the story...

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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 6 Amy and Linda

Salt and Pepper. Sugar and Spice Chapter 6 Amy and Linda. With a big grin, Amy said, "No longer wishful thinking. Linda asked me to marry her. And, I said yes." "What! When were you going to tell me? Where's your ring? When?" Ronnie said. "Easy love. You're almost as excited as I was when you told me that you and Jason were getting married." Ronnie grabbed Amy, and hugged her, and kissed her on the cheek....

2 years ago
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Dr Tom and Lisa

                                                                Dr Tom and Lisa                                                                   Episode 1                                                              by roccodadom44    "Jesus Lisa everyone needs secrets" Tom moaned at his relentless wife. "Come on big boy open the vault or Ill close my snatch" half teased Lisa. The couple were coming to grips with the fact that they both adored torturing other humans. Dr Tom had helped several...

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My fav ways to masturbate

I have two ways I like to take care of my cock to give myself a short time to relax and some pleasure.I need an atmosphere as a starter, so the perfect time is when alone at home in the evening. I am using some movies of course to turn on - I am a man after all - lol. For instance the following movie works for me very well. Mostly the second girl. She is sweet and I like when she smiles during this time. this one is...

1 year ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 91 Kidnap and Rescue

Mark Something was wrong. I saw Lucas go flying through the house and out the front door without bothering to close it. Just before that, Geck, Jana, and two other security staff had hurried through every part of the living room and moved outside as they surveyed the patio, pool, gazebo, and then ran down the steps toward the beach. Each of them had binoculars and I noted the open handguns in their normally hidden holsters. I glanced around and tried to guess what they were looking for....

2 years ago
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This is my first reallife experience of my desire

Thank you to 2 special people for coming in my life and making me feel all these amazing feelings and experiences. This was the result of building a connection with 2 people I never anticipated to have.We chatted a couple of times, mostly just having fun chats without any crazy sextalk. We connected in many different levels which added to the enjoyment of eachother. This is the result of some of the teasing that started to happen over time leaving my horny in the morning before going to school....

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Village Idiot

Betty did not hear the footsteps. She was in the kitchen looking out the window, watching wild geese feeding in her back yard, but she had a creepy feeling that somebody was watching her. Slowly she turned her head, and gasped when she saw him standing there not ten feet from her. Some said he was autistic, some said crazy, but most folks just considered him just not up to speed. Billy was a handsome young man, if not too sharp, and if you didn’t dwell on the funny look on ...

1 year ago
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Equal SharesChapter 27

Denise sat in her living room, trying to collect herself. Tom. He'd made love to her — no, he'd fucked her, skilfully, but it wasn't making love. So he'd fucked her and then he'd left. Denise walked slowly, a little carefully, up the stairs to her room. She put on her bathrobe, and sat on the edge of the bed. Denise began to cry, softly at first, then with increasingly loud and violent sobs, as she threw herself onto her bed, grabbing a pillow and howling into it. Her mother hadn't...

2 years ago
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My First glory hole experience not true made up

A drunken night turns into glory hole fun I had just broken up with my girlfriend of two days. She just decided to up and leave one day and wasn't exaclty nice about it. She ended up cleaning out our entire apartment. In an attempt to cheer me up a few good friends decided it'd be a good idea for me to get out and have a couple of drinks. After a while of pounding them back I decided to just head out and drive home.As I was driving home I passed a run down looking sex shop. My drunk curiosity...

2 years ago
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The Deal

I am so in love with her, she is so beautiful to me. she can cook and she keeps the house clean. and the flavor of her cunt is to die for. I Had never tasted anything so wonderful in my life. And when I sucked on her clit she would pull my hair and fuck my face in earnest, God I love her. She sucked my cock better then any of the young girls or older women I had been with and when my balls would tighten up and my cock began to twitch she would take it all the way to my balls and swallow until...

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Day in my life

Your name is Niomi, you're a 22 year old living in sunny LA. You wake up in your beach side house looking out the window. You get out of bed and start to get ready, you walk to the mirror checking yourself out, you have long blonde hair, green eyes, medium sized breasts and a very skinny body that you work out almost every day for, walking towards the closest you open it and pick your outfit, a green bikini top with a black bikini thong bottom, ripped denim hot pants and a white crop top with a...

3 years ago
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Marcus Takes a Spouse Ch 2 Alexs Transition

Marcus Takes A Spouse ------------------------------------ Chapter 2 - Alex's Transition ------------- Marcus heard Marie's moans of pleasure, followed by footsteps. He turned around in his chair and saw Marie, walking down completely naked as if it were something she always did, cum beginning to dry on the inside of her leg. She sat down on the couch and spoke, "you wanted to see me?" "How was it? Is Alex good in bed?" "It was ok, I faked it but he had a good time," she said,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E17 Eva Ahn 33 from Motherwell

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a bright and classy business park – 2 and 3 level buildings with red and white facias, large black windows, small car parks... The car parks are mostly empty as we pan from one building to the next, and we realize that the sun is dropping in the background – it’s an evening shoot, and all of the workers have gone home for the day... We end our pan looking at the one building with cars/vans in the carpark. And then our host steps into...

3 years ago
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Foreign Exchange Part 1 of 3

Another one of my early stories...please enjoy, and gets me hot, REALLY!! :P*****************************A brief background: I'm 21, still live at home, and a sexually activebi-woman. My parents continue to believe I'm their little innocent angel. If only they knew. Anyway, this year, we've taken on a foreign student from Australia. She is staying with us while she goes to school. She's 18 and so hot! She's about 5'2" (2" taller than my height), with deep green eyes, sandy brown...

2 years ago
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Prom Night

Prom Night By Cal Y. Pygia "You look lovely," Drake told his date as they walked hand in hand to his Mustang, parked at the curb in front of her house. Sharon was wearing a frilly lavender prom dress made of silk and satin, lavender heels and a string of pearls she'd borrowed from her mother. The dress was tight around her ample bosom, and it was tight across the front and rear as well, hugging her curves. She'd pinned the white carnation corsage that Drake had given her to...

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The Encounter

As we made the plans for the first meet anticipation was building inside. Questions were racing through my mind. "What is he like? Does he look like his picture?" But I didn't let it stop me from sleeping. The day approached quickly. We began texting as we do as soon as the first persons eyes opened. He sent the final text that he would call when he was close. I lay in bed for another 45 minutes before I began to get ready. I got up picked out the perfect outfit and got in the shower. I went to...

1 year ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 13

Well, it had to happen some day! For a few months now, I went to school without my underwear. And the girls in my class knew this of course. During gym class, they sure must have seen that I put on my clothes without putting on any underwear after our shower together. Even so, they never asked or said anything about it, so they must have been cool with it. During the winter months, I only had been wearing pants, blouses and pullovers to school. That was maybe the reason they hadn't found it...

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From porn to shemales to cock

Even when young, I was always so very curious about sex. Constantly horny and so young, I quickly discovered the only outlet I could find, porn, and was instantly hooked. The beautiful girls, their gorgeous naked bodies. I would masturbate two or three times a day.It wasn’t immediate, but soon I started to notice how lust filled and passionate the ladies were about sucking their man’s cocks. They looked like they were absolutely lost in it and loved giving blowjobs. I began to watch only...

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An African Femdom story set in London

Back in the late 1980s, I took a job as a clerical officer with the DSS in central London. I was in my early 20s, and for the first time in my life found myself working in an environment where the majority of my colleagues were non-white. Indeed quite a few where from West Africa – mostly Nigerians and Ghanaians.One Nigerian lady, Adenike, was particularly friendly. She was in her late 40s, and was in a lot of ways the stereotypical big black mama. She was tall, about 5 feet 10, with large...

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Swiss teenage escort

I have read a lot of stories on the site, and I wanted to share an experience of mine.A few years ago I went to Zurich for a meeting, and spent a few days in a hotel. I had a lot of time free and some money to burn, so I looked up a few escort sites. I am not sure what led me to the one I spent a long time looking at, but the girls there were just a whole lot more fresh.They gave a variety of styles and the rates were quite reasonable, and for hotel visits too. I saw a few of the girls didn’t...

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Training Kathy 3

A man's cock swells up like that when he is about to cum! It's OK The feeling is wonderful for the man too Kathy! Now rub Lou's clit for me." She took her fingers and spread Lou pussy at the top. She pulled her clit out all the way and began to run her three fingers back and forth over it. Just like she did to herself each time she masturbated. Lou screamed out and had an orgasm almost immediately. Her pussy squeeze my cock hard and it was all I need to move me to the point where I started to...

4 years ago
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Secret Agent

“Marjorie May’s 12th Birthday,” a 1938 commercially-sponsored booklet by Mary Pauline Callender: “Come dear, let’s go up to my room where we can have a chat without being disturbed ... Up until a very few years ago, Moms and daughters did not share their secrets and companionship as we do now ... Indeed, you have noticed that Daddy and I often speak of you as our ‘young lady,’ for that is what you have grown to be ... I have not told you about it before because you have been too young to be...

2 years ago
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Tingles Eight

TINGLES EIGHT By Katharine Sexkitten I awoke Saturday morning wondering how my life could get any better. I awoke wearing panties, and a satiny cherry-red camisole. I awoke with my pussy telling me that it had been very active last night. In a good way, I assure you, since I'm becoming more and more aware each day of the physical after-effects of a lot of sex, and I know for a fact that my pussy could have felt a lot worse. I wouldn't go so far as to describe it as discomfort....

1 year ago
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The Lost Sword

This fictional story may be stored and/or redistributed by any site that is a free site. Any site that charges a fee for access to their site cannot post or redistribute this story. This story, just as all of my stories, is in the public domain for free distribution. While I've freely borrowed the descriptions/names of the main characters from the Hercules television show just as they borrowed the legend of Hercules from our fables, this story/plot/words are mine and I retain all...

3 years ago
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The Picnic was Their Undoing

Becky quickly drew the negligee out of the bag. They didn’t have any guests at the bed & breakfast tonight. It was a rare opportunity! She shook out the wrinkles and laid it upon the bed before she went to get in the shower. Tonight! Tonight perhaps things would be different. If she could only entice him. If she could stir once again the passion. If only she could ignite his desire. Things had been difficult for them for the past year. He had approached her less and less, until finally there...

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A Few Notes from Mindy

Dear Literotica Readers: Some random thoughts, in no particular order, about my story that don’t seem to fit into my narrative but should help you know me better, which should help you understand the themes of my transition stories… Thank you to all of the people that have left me positive comments. I haven’t been writing the stories for public approval, however, the positive comments do warm my heart. As to those who have left negative comments, I don’t care about you. After all I have been...

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My step dr had a sleep over pt 2

My step daughter had a sleep over pt 2.........Sophie was gently rubbing her pussy as she regained her composure after cumming all over Kim's face, my eyes kept going back to Ashley as she licked Michelle's ass hole and fingered her wet cunt. Michelle was dripping from her pussy as Ashley attacked her with her tongue and fingers. Kim was starting to cum hard now aswel as Michelle moaned into her pussy, I couldn't hold back anymore as I stroked my cock, without warning my cock erupted and shot...

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Mother Inlaw and Wife sucks my dick and more

I will start this out telling you how it all came about. My in-laws are great people and unfortunately my father in-laws health has faded some in the last few years. They use to get out allot going on trips and stuff but that has stopped. One late afternoon my wife came to me and asked if her mom could come stay with us over the weekend. With out hesitation I said sure. I asked about her dad coming too, she informed me he was staying with another family member. Not anything different than in...

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Family EnslavedChapter 7 MistressSister

"What do you think you're doing, Slave-Brother?" I asked, slapping at his hands as he tried to stuff his cock and balls into his trousers. "I'll tell you when we're finished." "Oh shit ... uh ... Mistress..." Jim stared helplessly at his penis and then at me, begging silently with his soft brown eyes. Knock knock... "Jim?" we could hear Cheryl's voice through the door, soft and slightly muffled. We were in his office at the radio station, me sitting on an old imitation...

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Chapter 3 We share our love with others

As the saying goes, all good things come to an end, and I had to be getting home as it was now around ten o’clock. I got dressed and when ready to leave, Linda walked me down to the building entrance. She took my arm and not much was said between us, we were both reluctant to leave each other. We stood in the doorway for a moment just looking at one another, I took her hand and said, ‘Thank you I had a lovely time, will I see you again?’ Oblivious of whoever might be around, Linda put a hand...

1 year ago
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Sibling RivalryChapter 7 NotsoSecret

Sunday arrived and James had big plans for his little sweetheart. The Sunday ads steered a huge number of people toward shopping centers and he had some shopping to do. He showered and ate breakfast alone. His sister and her friend were keenly avoiding him, but it was alright. He had them tethered and they knew it. He went back upstairs to find one of his desk drawers partially open. He was sure he hadn't left it that way. He quickly searched through the drawer and realized it wasn't even...

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