- 1 year ago
- 31
- 0
I couldn’t believe it. After two years, complete with absolutely no contact and not so much as a passing hello, I was preparing for a night alone with him. Now that graduation had come and gone, the age of 18 had finally been reached, I could go on freely with my life. No more parents to condemn me to a life of dull conversations with life forms that had never so much as mumbled thoughts of sexual interactions. My mother would have to find another life to stick her nose in. I had finally been let go. What would had I chosen to do with this sudden freedom? Simple. I’d finally decided to catch up with that one boy who never quite left my mind. How was I planning on doing this? Even more simple.
He had invited me to dinner at his parents’ vacation cabin in the mountains. It wasn’t really hard to hide that I was harboring some insecurities about a meeting in a secluded place. Hell, people stab bitches. After about a month of persuading, he finally changed my mind, and here I was, stepping into a slinky red dress, ready to rumble. Sure, it would be about an hours drive for a simple evening, but my heart told me that the time with him would be worth it.
I could feel the excitement growing inside me as I squatted before my closet, picking out which shoes would go with the dress I had bought for the night. My body stiffened a bit. The memories of the last day we spent together still fumbled through my mind, showed up in my dreams, and seemed to always be there when I least expected. I moved from shoes to underwear. A bra wouldn’t be necessary, so I picked out a black thong and slid it up over my hips. The promises I kept making to myself seemed valid at the time. We would go no farther than kissing, and probably not even that, the point was to catch up on two years of lost friendship.
Even I knew that most of what I continued to tell myself was bullshit. Through the entire eight years of knowing each other, we’d never been capable of carrying on one conversation without sex being brought up once. Perhaps, to most people, that aspect would become more than a bother, but to me it was comforting. Comforting to know that I could be completely open about the desires I couldn’t stop myself from having, and I had my share of discussions that told me I wasn’t alone on that one.
I stopped in front of my mirror. Originally I had never planned to put this much effort into how I appeared. When the plans had first been set, I’d figured I’d simply wear a simple t-shirt and some jeans, nothing too fancy. Where was the point in parading my body for a boy who may have completely changed? To my very limited knowledge, the boy could’ve moved on with many different girls in the two years I was completely absent from his life. The terms which we stood on still were not quite completely clear to me. For now, we were two friends who were trying to salvage some type of communication. I was fine with it being simply that. I think.
My brown hair fell over my shoulders, covering up the amount of cleavage I had permitted myself to show. Good, I thought. There was no way I was going to make it extremely obvious what exactly I had on my mind. All I was certain of at that moment was that I better get my ass into the car and get going, or I would be late.
After making one wrong left turn, ending up at three different dead ends, and almost running out of gas, I had finally made my way into the driveway of what looked like the right cabin. Picture perfect, the cabin was exactly what one would think of when imagining a mountain get away. A bit of jealousy began to grow inside me. Maybe if my parents had a secret mountain lodge, then Tyler and I could’ve gotten on with growing close again a long time ago. A deep breath. I wasn’t exactly feeling so sure that I could handle this. However, looking at the log structure in front of me, it was quite easy to feel that things had progressed to the point of ‘too late to turn back now.’
As if to confirm my thoughts, just as I began to open the door to my car, he stepped out the front door. My eyes met his almost instantly, and boy was I surprised. His brown curly hair had grown at least 5 inches since I’d last seen him, and his body wasn’t that far behind. If I had a yard stick, I’m almost certain he would’ve been a good foot taller than myself. Personally I liked a tall man, it helped with the sense of security. I’d never have days when I wouldn’t feel safe if he was near. This could work.
He walked closer, and already my head was spinning. With each step my heart was growing louder, I could almost feel it in my ears. Not hear it, but actually feel it pounding in my ear. Tyler had always had a way of doing nothing at all and still doing enough to make me sweat. It wasn’t out of the question that assuming he could give me the look of death and my heart would still melt, but that’s just an assumption. He flashed a quick smile, goose bumps rose on my arms. Instant charmer, that kid.
‘Well, don’t you look pretty?’ Maybe it was my imagination, but his voice sounded as shaky as my knees were feeling. More comfort, I thought. I wasn’t the only one here who was nervous to the point of being queasy.
I smiled sheepishly, wrapping my arms around him when he got close enough, suddenly finding myself engulfed in the heat of his skin against mine. Too many days had passed since I’d been able to feel that sensation, and now I couldn’t help but discover how much I had really missed it.
‘You don’t look so bad yourself, boy. You could do something with that mane you have hanging from the top of your head, though,’ I replied, tugging a little at his hair. Again, he smiled and laughed.
Things between us seemed to have frozen in time, they were exactly the way they were when we’d ended. Both of us were standing there, wrapped in each others arms within the first two minutes of coming in contact. We stood there warm to each other, as if no time had passed at all.
An awkward moment of just looking at each other presented itself. Soon he slid his arms from around my back and grabbed my hand in the ‘excited little kid’ fashion, and we were on our way through the front door. The smell of wood and pine hit my face as soon as I stepped in the door. A large spiral staircase stood to my left, hand-painted portraits filtered throughout the walls, and there was an odd green color shag carpet that was taking me by surprise. It was pretty to easy to see that the cabin was meant for vacations. It hadn’t quite obtained that homey feeling.
Tyler had laced his fingers with mine during the two seconds I dedicated to observing the place. Smooth. Continuing on into the house, I soon stood before a big screen T.V. mounted on the wall, and a quite adorable family space. Somehow, the typical mountain cabin had transformed into a hang out place for a bunch of teenagers. Bean bags were scattered throughout the large living area, a leather couch was set against one of the walls, and there was a closet displaying an expert collection of the latest board games. Some delicious smells were drifting from somewhere behind me.
‘So, what’s on the menu, my dear?’ I asked, turning to face him.
‘Well, I made an attempt at cooking you something, but after most of it went up in flames, I figured something a little more common might be the best solution for my lack of skills.’ He disappeared through a swinging door, but soon returned with a Papa John’s pizza box in one hand and what looked like the smoldering remains of some type of meat in the other. A small laugh escaped me. We sat on the couch and both selected our first slice after Tyler had put an unheard of movie in the DVD player. I barely felt him at all when he slid his arm around my waist, but when I noticed, I wasn’t about to object. I leaned against him, and got lost in the movie.
Thunder echoed through the house at about 9:30. The movie had long ended and we found ourselves playing twister to the best of our abilities. Tyler had his right hand on red,
left foot on blue, and I was pretty much spread across the entire board. We were both quickly learning that balance wasn’t either of our strong suits. The news was now blaring as we bickered about Tyler’s stomach coming dangerously close to making contact with the floor. Of course, He was pretty adamant that he was a good three inches from the floor, but I knew he was brushing the board. Apparently, using my foot to push him completely over wasn’t the best choice for me, because he took me down with him. Our legs entangled together, he was positioned above me.
‘We’re expecting heavy thunder storms throughout the night and into early morning tomorrow..’
The weather report seemed to come out of thin air. Neither one of us had exactly being paying attention to the storm brewing outside, but now it was hard to ignore.
Thunder again, somehow seeming closer this time. Glancing out the window at the lightning streaking through the sky, I sighed, storms had always made me uncomfortable. I think I’d always believed that I would end up becoming the one out of a million that would be struck by lightning.
‘I better get out of here before the roads get too bad.’ Even I could hear the disappointment in my tone.
Tyler was still hovering above me, so close he could’ve easily stolen a kiss. At that moment all I was really taking in was the deep blue of his eyes, the absolutely perfect smoothness of his lips, and taking in the desire I was harboring for him to just go ahead and do it already. Laying underneath him, his upper body pressed against mine, I began to doubt his nerve, until I felt his fingertips brushing up my thigh. Again I felt my heart beating in my ears. Damn the rain, damn the storm.
‘It’s not that bad, plus it’ll probably let up if you stay a while.’ Sadness crept into his eyes, and I wanted with all my heart for more time, but I knew that if I didn’t leave now, I’d end up getting stuck here, and that would be a sure fire way to lose what was forming into my freedom.
I kissed him softly, savoring for a sweet moment the feel of his lips against mine, and pushed softly against his side, giving him the cue to position himself else where.
‘Another night, maybe I can stay longer, but I don’t want to have any problems on the way home.’
He didn’t even try to hide the solemn look rising on his face, and well, I wasn’t doing too well at disguising it either.
As I rose to my feet, I could feel his eyes on me, and stayed on me until I closed the front door behind me. Rain was pouring down so hard it was almost impossible to see my car already. This was not going to be easy. After preparing myself to embrace the cold rain, I stepped off the front porch. In the time it took me to negotiate through the rain to my car, my dress was clinging to my every curve. I didn’t look forward to peeling it offer when I got home. My hands were shaking. The rain was so cold I was starting to lose feeling in most parts of my body. Why did this have to happen tonight? Of all fucking nights, it had to be tonight.
I fumbled with my keys for at least another three minutes, which did not help the clothing situation. Without a doubt, the dress was completely ruined. Drops of ice cold rain continued to slide down my legs and over my breasts. I tried not to notice my nipples becoming stiff as I finally got the key into the car. The key turned in the lock refreshingly easy, and I was as good as gone.
‘Courtney!’ Tyler’s voice called to me. The rain covered up most of his volume, and I couldn’t quite hear him completely. I glanced up, opening the driver door. He stood on the front porch, observing the rain and how severe the weather really looked.
‘Courtney!’ he called again. It was officially evident that he wasn’t going to brace the rain to tell me something. Shutting the door, I retreated back to the front porch.
Standing in front of him, his eyes took a long glance at my soaked body. The outline of my breasts wasn’t hidden at all anymore, and my nipples were peaking through the fabric with ease.
When he decided to look me in the eyes again, I almost could’ve sworn I heard the trace of lust when he spoke.
‘The roads,’ he gulped, trying to regain his composure, ‘are flooded. No one can get anywhere.’ My eyes took their turn at examining, and a bulge was beginning to be evident in his jeans. It was my turn to feel lust, now.
I sighed, and walked back inside. As Tyler opened the door for me, the cold air rushed out and hit me with an unexpected force. When I stepped inside, I found myself almost wishing I were back in the storm.
Rain dripped off of my hair and onto the carpet, as well as trailing over every inch of my skin. I wasn’t all that disappointed that I didn’t have to face a literal mountain of curvy roads in the condition the weather was currently in. I turned to face Tyler again. ‘I suppose I’m stuck here.’
Apparently, Tyler was noticing my nipples even more now that I’d stepped into good lighting. He nodded, his eyes continuing to wander.
Suddenly, I felt myself over come with a sensation of being extremely playful, I reached around and started unzipping my dress, being extremely careful to not show more skin than needed. Slipping the fabric underneath my breasts, but covering them up with my arms, I sighed and smiled. ‘It looks like this dress won’t qualify for clothing much longer.’ Beads of water were still running over my cleavage, and I almost wished for a mirror. I knew this could be more than he could take.
Tyler’s face was almost as shocked as I’d ever seen anybody be. He began stumbling with his words.
‘Uhm yeah,’ he closed his eyes and tried to calm down. ‘Let me, well, find something a little…well, uh,’ He shook his head and tried again, ‘A little more dry.’
Before he turned to walk away, I grabbed his arm, and pulled him against me. I let my hands slide down from my tits and let them press against him, and I held him in a hug. I could feel his cock pressing against my hip. Before letting him go, I covered myself and watched him turn and disappear.
I zipped my dress enough to where I wouldn’t have to hold my cleavage.
Ty didn’t return right away, and I knew it was because he had to calm himself before he went over the edge. Maybe I had gone too far, but I didn’t care. That boy had spent years being a tease to me, and I wasn’t about to let the score remain uneven.
When Tyler finally returned with a t-shirt and some boxers, the firmness of his cock wasn’t quite as evident, but it was still there.
I decided to save him too much torture, or, well, too much temptation, and went into the bathroom to change. Peeling off my dress was everything that I had dreaded. Removing that material from my skin made more goose bumps appear, and I couldn’t stop myself from shivering. I suddenly couldn’t understand why news reports had to wait until I’d gotten completely uncomfortable in the freezing rain. Well, I wasn’t completely hateful toward the situation, so far it’d given me quite a lot of entertainment.
Leaning over the sink, I attempted to ring most of the moisture from my hair. The thong I had chosen to wear was wetter than my dress had been, and was already rubbing me the wrong way. I had kind of hoped to salvage at least that much of my outfit, but it wasn’t going to happen. I slipped them off as well, picking up my dress and laying it on the counter, and stepped into the boxers I’d been provided with.
Kind of cute, I thought. Boyish, but still kind of sexy.
I added the t-shirt and walked back into the living space.
Tyler was sitting on the couch, a pillow covering his crotch. Apparently, my little game had left a longer lasting effect on him that I had originally counted on. I turned around, showing off the edited ensemble, and smiled.
‘It’s no dress, but I wouldn’t say I look completely horrible.’
He kind of grunted with a smile.
‘I’m g
oing to take that as a compliment.’ I said playfully.
I sat beside him, making sure to keep the T-shirt from covering up too much of legs.
His eyes met mine, and I simply smiled. It was almost as if he had suddenly become more confused about what had happened earlier, but damn it, perhaps if he had kept himself from running his fingers over my thigh, I wouldn’t have started my game.
I reclined on the couch and stretched.
‘So, looks like you have to put up with me for at least one night.’ I said.
‘I’ll try not to dread it too much,’ He replied, pinching me on the leg.
‘Yeah, and I’ll try to keep myself from throwing up,’ I laughed.
To my surprise, he removed the pillow from his lap and crawled on top of me, and slid his legs between mine, hovering above my face so closely that I could feel his breath. My body was back to being pressed tightly against his, and his hard on was pressing right above my pussy.
He whispered into my ear ‘Oh, I know throwing up is going to be the farthest thing from your mind.’ The light feeling of his hot breath into my ear had me growing wet quickly, and he continued to press his leg between mine.
And then, he bit my ear softly, tugging even softer with his teeth.
By then, I was completely over the edge.
Then he was gone. He went back to sitting on his side of the sofa, and left me with my breath stuck in my throat, my heart beating harder than ever, and my pussy being absolutely soaked.
Touché, kid, Touché.
An hour later, we were both wrapped up in a blanket on the couch just talking about what had happened over the time we’d been apart, who we’d seen, what we’d done. Neither one of us had the nerve to ask any sexual questions, nor was there the need to. Both of us were sitting there thinking about sex, each of us not trying to hide it, but we weren’t ready to talk about it.
‘Lets play a game.’ I said, eying the game closet.
‘Like what?’
My eyes moved from monopoly to the Titanic board game, through clue and Sorry!
Revenge formed itself quickly in my mind, and I simply said
‘Truth or dare?’
I sat up and looked him in the eyes, his look said to me ‘I’m on for this.’
His voice was almost aggressive. ‘Truth or dare, Courtney?’
Thinking, considering, I didn’t want to start this out on a bad note.
‘You’re a pussy,’ he pinched my leg again.
‘It’s the first question, we have plenty of time for the good stuff. Now, go.’ I kicked him softly.
‘What were you thinking when you were pressing your wet body against me?’
A sly smile crept onto his lips, and from then on I knew this had absolutely no potential of being boring.
I softly licked over my lips and considered my answer.
‘That’s pretty easy actually,’ I flipped my almost dry hair over my shoulder, ‘I was simply wanting to let you feel how completely wet I was.’
His glance moved straight from my eyes to the boxers I was in, and he snickered.
‘I think I got to feel a bit more than that,’ his eyes were still over my crotch, and even his gaze was getting me aroused.
I put my finger under his chin, pushing up until his eyes met mine again, and said softly ‘That was a bit of the point too, I suppose.’
He shifted.
My turn to ask the question. ‘Truth or dare, Ty?’
I laughed quite loudly at that. ‘Now who’s the pussy?’
‘Shut up and ask me the question.’ He was laughing too.
‘Hm,’ I wanted to make this good. I’d been put over the edge, and there was very little hope of me going back. ‘Well, what were you feeling when I was pressed against you?’
I simply wanted him to say it because I knew that would get him remembering it in great detail. There wasn’t a chance he wouldn’t get a little hard again.
He cleared his voice, a sign that my wishes were about to be granted.
‘Well,’ he moved a little closer to my face, ‘I felt your nipples pressing against me.’ A little shake was apparent in his voice, I hadn’t really remembered him being this shy.
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Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
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By: teufelturm© It was Friday, it was a sweltering hot day, and because I hadn't been able to concentrate on my work, I'd decided to take the rest of the day off. This wasn't hard to do because I work at home most of the time, with just a few occasional visits to the company for meetings. There was another reason for my inability to concentrate, but that would be rectified on Monday. My daughter Jenny and Anne, her friend of many years standing had retreated indoors some time ago in...
I had just divorced my husband of 10 years because of his infidelity, and the fact that he was having an affair with my best friend, certainly did not help. That was not a nice thing to find out, but it happened. We had no children together and I guess in a sense it was a blessing not to have a young child or young children feel the pain of parents separating and then a divorce. Friends of mine seem to always want to get me out of the house. Most of my girlfriends are single by choice, and...
Rochelle was up early this Friday morning even though she didn’t have to be at work until 2:00 p.m. She was making French toast, turkey sausage links, scrambled eggs with cheese, onion and bell pepper, and strawberry compote. She fixed a plate and stuck a candle in the middle of the bread. She called out for the boys to wake up.When her younger son, Jeramiah, entered the room she yelled, “Happy Birthday!” She handed him a party hat and showed him to his seat.The birthday boy’s older brother,...
“Hey, baby,” sniffled Linda Perkins.“Hey, mom! I missed your calls. I was seeing patients,” Rochelle explained.“It’s okay. I was just calling to tell you G-momma passed away in the nursing home last night.”“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, mama!”The older woman sobbed, “Thank you! I’m workin’ on the arrangements with Paul and Dianne. I’ll let you know when the service is gonna be.”“Okay! Take your time. Is Clarence around,” she inquired about her mother’s husband.“He’s mowing the lawn.”“Alright. I need...
Helped her move in the little house. Single mom about 19 and her little girl. Her mom and dad put her out and paid her rent. religious people feeling her pregnant did not look good at the church. I stopped by and talked with her. She had NO friends and family came by rarely. She was alone with her baby to talk with. Walking between her house and the neighbors I hear her moaning. In her widow I see her back arched up and finger working the clit out. She has an orgasm and lays down. Get some oil...
Hello there, this is Aakash and I’m back with another story. This story is a real incident that happened to me. It made my rather boring, lonely life filled with sex, pleasure and gave me a friend with benefits with no strings attached. Now I spent most of the time with her. The main character is in this story is Anjula (name changed), a single mother to a 4-year-old daughter, with best stats any woman can have 36d-32-36 5’6’’. She has an Indian-brownish complexion and an ass to die for. The...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
IncestHi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
IncestIts yet another Friday. The clock in my computer monitor ticks 6:30PM. My office is already empty. All fathers and mothers have left to collect their kids from day care center. All girls have left to party with their boyfriends. All good looking guys have also left to tango with their partners. Few, like me were still in the office. I locked my computer and started to leave. I reached the parking lot, got into my car and left the office. It was raining heavily. I like to drive when its raining....
by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Arriving home, I woke Julie and helped her walk to the house and then straight to her bedroom. She fell on the bed, her dress bunched up around her waist. I saw cum still oozing from her pussy. “Oh, my God,” I heard. I hadn’t realized Susan was standing next to me. “Mommy,” Susan asked, “Is that cum?” God, her questions were always straight forward. I have...
There's something sweet and personal about holding a lady in your arms whilst she sleeps; her tender breathing, her occasional snuffle, and the gentle merging of her shape with yours every time she relaxes a little more in her sleep. I met her at work. We were having an offsite meeting, and through the course of the day we'd related well; our ideas meshing and our support for each other evident. There's very little as seductive as a pretty and clever lady. And she was both; witty,...
Author's Note; This story is a dedication to Tom Petty. Song meaning to me are very subjective. I can take someone different out of song than someone else. I can even take something different out of a song depending on my mood. So with saying that this story is how I filled in the blanks of this great song. Debra Webster was an American girl who was raised on her mom and dad's promises.These promises were being able to be whatever she wanted to be in life, and their daughter would...
Anna Begins I got the inspiration for this story from the Counting Crows' "Anna Begins". I hope that I did the lyrics and music which Adam Fredric Duritz, Charles Thomas Gillingham, David Lynn Bryson, Lydia Holly, Martin David Jones, Matthew Mark Malley , Steve Bowman and Tobias Hawkins created justice. ********** My friend assures me right now it is all or nothing with Anna. My friend is worried about nothing. My friend is just being melodramatic. I have time and there is...
Sue?s surprise evening[This story was written about my then wife [now ex] in the 80s, before the internet and digital cameras, when we had to use contact magazines and Polaroid photos. I could have updated it but I have kept it authentic which I hope you prefer.]My wife Sue was often proud and haughty and was known to be aggressive and imperious and could be a big flirt and tease. Often people had muttered about wanting to see her being brought down a peg or two. Things had come to a head and I...
ONE DAMP EVENING.It was a damp Saturday evening in late November and I was feeling as hornyas hell, having just finished watching a blue video. At first I thought I'dsimply have a wank to ease my frustration but then decided to go upstairsand get dressed up instead!I opened my dressing-table drawer and picked out my black lacy basque,black satin mini-slip, a pair of black nylons and my brunette wig.Stripping my everyday clothes off, I slowly dressed myself in my undies, mycock hardening as I...
His smouldering eyes tormented me from across the room. His gaze was locked on me. Enjoying watching me suffer. I met his gaze with a glare that too quickly melted away into an aching gasp, as the vibrations drove ecstasy against my clit, and deep into my vagina. His honey-brown eyes were vindictive as he watched my outrage melt into pleasure. He loved that he had this power over me, and I hated that my body had turned traitor against me. An hour ago I had been getting ready for my...
[This story was written about my then wife [now ex] in the 80s, before the internet and digital cameras, when we had to use contact magazines and Polaroid photos. I could have updated it but I have kept it authentic which I hope you prefer.] My wife Sue was often proud and haughty and was known to be aggressive and imperious and could be a big flirt and tease. Often people had muttered about wanting to see her being brought down a peg or two. Things had come to a head and I decided that it was...
Sarah had been looking forward to the monthly "Bridge" evening. She loved to be humiliated in front of others and on these evenings there was humiliation in abundance. 'Bridge' wasn't played of course, but instead, there were normally ten or twelve mainly women split between those who were natural doms and those who were natural submissives.There was no set way of doing things. You could stick to the partner you went with, or the submissive could be passed around to various doms who could do...
SpankingShe only got to see her lover on her birthday. You see, Cassie Johnson was a mother and a wife. She loved her husband and children dearly. She only saw her lover on her birthday. Her birthday was special and her lover was special to her. Her husband was always out of town on her birthday.Her husband had no idea that she cheated on him. She met her lover online many moons ago. They had an emotional affair for years and a few years back met in real life. Cassie loved making love with her...
CheatingA wedding evening that we didn't want to go to until we met a couple who didn't want to be there either so we went some where else So the wedding evening was finally here and after this evening the last thing in my mind was to sit in an area of people we don’t know and small talk.. After having Steve throbbing cock forced into my mouth earlier and watching myself in the mirror being finger fucked and for the first time watching what Steve sees when he cums , No wonder that turns him omg ,...
WifeKathy and Jerry were your typical power couple. They both worked hard and played even harder. They were lucky because they had the most wonderful babysitter. Tara was her name and how the children loved her. Tara was very studious and seemed to be quiet and reserved, however, when she came to babysit, she seemed to become a different person. The children enjoyed when Tara babysat.Tara had been babysitting for the Winger's for about four years now. Recently, Tara had been accepted into an ivy...
Group SexWhen Ken slid his hand down the front of Alicia’s jeans, she reared, trusting her hips upward and spreading her legs to meet his invading fingertips. He eased her back to coach with the admonition, “Easy, easy, Alicia...” He laughed softly at her protesting moan. “I want this as much as you do, but...” He glanced at the hallway down which all the bedrooms lay. “Fuck,” Alicia hissed, flexing upwards to follow his gaze. She lay stretched out on the couch, propped atop assorted thin pillows. She...
Katie Jackson cut up fresh broccoli on the counter for dinner as she stared out the window of her kitchen. It had been a month since the blizzard rocked the city and the temperatures had moderated. All the snow had melted and life had returned to normal. The sexy wife was busy preparing herself for the Mrs. America pageant. She was relieved that she had paid her children’s tuition, paid down their credit card and thankfully paid for her auto insurance. However it nauseated her to think about...
It was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...
Hello all! I apologize for yet another extremely long lapse between the release of the previous story and this one. I’ve been extremely busy. I genuinely appreciate the continued support and interest in my stories, though. I hope you all are doing well, and I very much hope you enjoy this next chapter. There are two characters in this chapter, Kristen and Jordan, who are relatively new. Both of them made an appearance in the last chapter, and they are also found in another story/series,...
There is nothing in my life comparable to driving around in an antique car. They look different. They sound different. They feel different. They even smell different. People you go past turn their heads to look at the car. They look at you riding in the car and wonder, ‘Who are those people? What’s special about them that they get to drive around like that? Why are they all dressed up? What’s the special occasion?’ This particular antique car is a Holden FX. Her name is Mabel. She’s been in...
I managed to escape the office at about 5:15 as I needed to head to the Shopping Centre to meet up with Ling. I parked the car up and headed to the food area and found the fast food joint. I got myself a milk shake and found a table to the side. A few minutes later, Ling showed up. Again, we kissed with more passion than the last kiss this morning. This was going to be a successful evening; I could feel it. There was a nervousness in Ling but also a latent desire that I could feel. I asked...
Welcome readers, I am regular visitor of this site which makes me excite to write my own real story happened with my neighboring gf. I am ranvir from nepal 5 feet 9 inch age 26 and a athletic body. Heroine of the story is elisa (name changed) age 23 she is a cute and sexy girl which 34-32-34 stats, she lives opposite flat of mine as we were neighbor we use to glance each other many times. Once my parents had gone to a marriage function out of town and I was alone in home suddenly elisa came and...
Emasculating the Evening: "Do you know that most rapes occur at night?" Stacey asked me. I didn't like the way that her eyes seemed to look right through me like she could read my thoughts. Stacey was, after all, someone I really wanted to have sex with. I had never, after all, forced myself on a woman. I had no idea I told her. "Why do you think that is?" she asked me. I said I thought it was because there was a fear factor, rapists were scared of being seen and they had...
Anyone who has read "Jaq Gets Some Big Cocks" will know I promised to write about what happened the following evening, this is an account of that evening.Jaq came home from her shopping trip at a little after three in the afternoon."You know Clive and Dan are coming over this evening," Jaq barked. She handed me a bag and told me to get myself ready.Dan and Clive had fucked Jaq the previous evening and I had performed cleaning duties when she arrived home. Jaq had told me that Clive was bi and...
TrueIt was a beautiful warm summers evening and we had to attend a cocktail evening through my wife’s work. Neither of us really enjoyed these events a great deal, it consisted of some casual drinks and lots of talking to other work clients from different areas to promote businesses and products. These got to be a bit monotonous and time at these events seemed to last a life time. I wore the traditional black tuxedo and the wife had opted for the little black dress. It was a shoulder strapped...
It had been agreed between Gina Meadows and her seventeen-year-old son Ryan that Gina would tell her friend and workmate Sally Lawrence about their incestuous affair that had now been going on for just over a month.Gina and Sally were not as close as they had been, mostly because Gina had rebuffed Sally's suggestion of a full-on lesbian affair in favour of bringing up her then very young son Ryan. The two women did however go back a long way, to schooldays in fact, and each had witnessed the...
IncestBill looked around the restaurant, his eyes seeking her. The candle-lit booths and dark red curtains made seeing anyone at all difficult. He had chosen this place because of the 3-piece combo that played there on Friday evenings, because the food was superb and the service impeccable, but mainly because it was her favorite place. It had been years. Would she look different? Would she have changed so much that they would not have anything at all to talk about? No matter what, he knew he...
After adding the lunch dishes to what was already in the dishwasher, I started it, and dressed for Mass. I wasn’t sure that Steve would be at St. Michael’s on Sunday, but since he had been at a bar with his buds, I guessed that he wouldn’t be attending on Saturday evening.I didn’t need anything too fancy, a business blouse, and skirt would work. Brush the hair out, let it fall over the shoulders, and put in the silver barrette for contrast. A bit of mascara, and a quiet lipstick like “Truly...
SeductionSabrina had noticed her friend Abby had been a little down lately. The pressures of a new-born baby and sleepless nights that entailed was surely stressful for her and her husband Mark. Sabrina had suggested she take a night off and come over to hers for a meal and some much-needed girly chat. Abby agreed. Sabrina spent her Saturday afternoon preparing a nice salmon curry for them both, two bottles of white wine, and a stack of rom-com DVDs for their entertainment. Truth be told, since...
Lesbian… that evening, the girls were supposed to visit me in my hotel. At least, that’s what we had agreed on during our skype conversations. Usually, people don’t show up, but one can be hopeful. I was waiting on the third floor of the hotel, near the elevator when I heard the ‘ting’ of the elevator. There they were. I was so nervous. After some chuckles, I told them to follow me to the hotel room. I had no idea what to expect, Was this a good idea or not? I didn’t really know these two women, but...
I am on my way home from work with a smile on my face because I have a wonderful woman there who loves me and I love her. Olivia and I had been living together for about 5 months now. We seem to be the perfect match for each other. We share a love for many things. From Sci-Fi and Horror movies to rainy days which always make us extremely horny. Her beautiful laugh was the first thing I fell in love with. I swear she could brighten the darkest day with her laugh. In the bedroom we were a...
I am on my way home from work with a smile on my face because I have a wonderful woman there who loves me and I love her. Olivia and I had been living together for about 5 months now. We seem to be the perfect match for each other. We share a love for many things. From Sci-Fi and Horror movies to rainy days which always make us extremely horny. Her beautiful laugh was the first thing I fell in love with. I swear she could brighten the darkest day with her laugh. In the bedroom we were a...
LesbianAs I pull onto the highway towards home I try to call Summer. I’m a bit surprised I haven’t heard from her since she left but figure she’s just busy with her family. I begin thinking of what our reunion is going to be like next week. I can imagine her tight body against mine, the taste of her lips, the feel of her small breasts. I start to get a bit aroused thinking about kissing my way down her body, between her legs and tasting her sweet juices as they leak out of her tight pussy. I can...
Story until nowI had caught Sue cheating with Al, one of my employees. She had been warned not to do so. I had packed her off back to her mum and dad’s place in the east. Since then there had been little contact with her but I had spoken to the kids and Sue’s father at least once a week. He had told me that Sue was living it up. Going out each night and returning home late and usually quite drunk. He was concerned about the welfare of our baby that she carried and had told her so. She simply...
Wife LoversWelcome to a great wide world of possibilities! A world which a great adventurer like yourself will be able to take advantage of. this land, which shall be called henceforth... This Land, is a place of danger and hardship, but also reward. Foul magics have been released into the world from the land of spirits, the disgruntled dead walk with the living in a dark disharmony, and lay terrible magic curses upon them. You are one such cursed being, although you do not yet know it, and in truth your...
FetishTo start, I had turned eighteen in May of this year and just graduated from high school the first of June. I had planned to go to college this Fall but that all changed a few months ago.Last October my best friend and her family invited me to go on a trip to Jamaica. It was a birthday present for my friend that she had requested as an early graduation celebration.We flew down on a Saturday for a week at a very nice resort. The first day or so we did a few excursions around the area, relaxed on...
First Time