A Model’s Hectic Love Life Ch. 03 free porn video

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Susie heard Jenny’s shout just as the front doorbell rang. She smiled in recognition of her friend’s exuberance as she went to her door.

Susie had dressed down a little for this momentous meeting although all she could actually think about was Craig’s beautiful cock. She was wearing a white button through blouse with a knee length navy blue skirt. She also had on a flimsy white bra that could be seen through her blouse and (unseen) a pair of practical white panties.

She thought she knew who was going to be behind the door but she did have a peek through her security peephole before opening the door. That didn’t help, as all she could see was a mountain of flowers obscuring her view of the caller. Ah well, it might just be the florist!

She opened the door a crack.


‘Miss Susie Farmiloe? I have a delivery for Miss Susie Farmiloe.’

The voice was unfamiliar. Could it be Craig or was it him playing a joke on her? Jim had told him where she was but he was stringing out her agony.

‘Thank you, I’m Susie Farmiloe,’ she said. ‘Is there a card? Do I have to sign anything?’

‘No, all you have to do is kiss the delivery man,’ boomed Craig as he removed the flowers from in front of his face with a flourish. His lips were puckered in expectation of the kiss.

Quick as a flash, Susie pecked the offered lips, grabbed the flowers and slammed the door with a giggle.

The doorbell rang again!

‘Sorry Miss,’ said Craig in his best deadpan voice. ‘There was a message as well.’

‘What was it?’

‘The gentleman said to tell you that he loves you and, er, well, will you marry him?’

Susie squealed and pulled Craig in through the door and enveloped him in her arms as she flung them around Craig’s neck.

Craig gathered Susie to him and hugged her tight. He was fully aware of what he had just said to Susie and felt strangely elated that he didn’t regret his impulse at all. He had had no idea that he was going to say that when she had opened the door.

Eventually Susie dragged Craig through to the sitting room, offering him everything from tea to brandy with bacon and eggs thrown in! He laughed and took her hands.

‘Darling Susie, if only you knew the trouble I’ve been to trying to track you down. All I want is to see you and hold you and never let you out of my sight again.’

‘I’ve been keeping track of your fucking movements,’ laughed Susie. She was beginning to take control of her emotions again. ‘I’ve had Jenny Jones, my parents, my gardener Jim and his girlfriend Mandy reporting your every move to me!’

‘Every move?’

‘Well, almost,’ giggled Susie. ‘I may have to check you over to see if any of them have damaged you. By the way, one of my spy’s is having a good time with my gardener right now. Look!’

Craig stood and looked out of the window all the way through the garden to the narrow gap in the hedge and on into the yard. All he could see was the back of a naked man that he vaguely recognised as Jim. He could also make out that Jim’s arse was flexing as he thrust forward but of a woman there was no sign. Susie giggled again.

‘Doesn’t he look funny? You can’t see Jenny at all, can you? You know Jenny, you went into the hair salon in London to ask her where I was. She creamed her panties talking to you while telling you that she didn’t know where I was. All the time she knew that she was coming here this week!’

‘The little bitch,’ growled Craig as he pulled Susie to him as they watched. He pushed his growing cock against her soft buttocks as he put his arms around her. ‘She wasted my valuable time! I’d like to give her ass a good tanning!’

‘Maybe that can be arranged, my darling,’ said Susie as she firmly placed Craig’s big hands on her breasts and ground her soft bottom into his crotch. ‘But I’ve got first claim on all of you, including your hands!’

They continued to watch the copulating couple until suddenly Jenny’s arms appeared round Jim’s neck and her legs around his waist. Jim turned around, showing Jenny’s rounded body pistoning up and down a wet shaft. The couple then stopped with Jenny eventually slipping down to her knees in front of Jim as she took his softening cock into his mouth.

‘Do that to me please Craig darling. I’m so horny. I’ve not had sex since our night together in Hollywood. My pussy seems to have closed up through lack of use.’


‘First fuck satisfactorily completed,’ smiled Jenny happily as she let Jim’s prick slip from her mouth. ‘Did you like that darling?’

‘Fuckin’ Hell yes!’ growled Jim as he lifted the naked Jenny to her feet. ‘What shall we do next?’

Jenny kissed him. ‘Well, we can’t go into the cottage today, can we? I like open air fucks but at some point can we go to your place and do it there? I would prefer an arse fuck to be indoors I think.’

‘Let’s take a little trip in the pick-up,’ said Jim. ‘I’ve got one or two jobs to do but they won’t take long. We can have a coffee somewhere by which time I should have got my strength up again.’

‘OK,’ said Jenny, ‘I wish I’d put more clothes on though, especially a pair of panties.’

‘You’ll do fine,’ said Jim. ‘I like my women to be readily available, so to speak. Get in and keep your skirt well up round your waist.’

‘Great,’ giggled Jenny. ‘I always wanted to get diddled as my guy was driving me along and, er, Jim?’

‘Yeah?’ said Jim as he stowed his big fat prick away in his jeans, he hadn’t bothered to put his pants on.

‘Next time you want a piss will you do it on me? I want to feel your hot piss on my titties and on my snatch. Will you do it for me? I’ll get us a hotel room if you want.’

‘Fuckin’ Hell Jenny, you’re a turn on and no mistake. You’re making my cock rise again already! I think I’ll piss on you straight after your arse fuck. We’ll do both of those outside then we can go back to my place for a shower and possibly another fuck!’

They got into the pick up and Jim turned it around and headed down the entry to the lane. Jim had one finger deep in Jenny’s juicy cummy cunt while she was playing with his cock as it protruded from his fly.

In the cottage Craig was carrying Susie up the stairs, kissing her fervently all the way.


Craig threw Susie on to the bed. She bounced up and down and then settled on to her back, looking up at Craig.

‘Strip!’ he snarled.

‘Yes master,’ said Susie, pretending to whimper with apprehension. ‘Can I see your lovely cock while I do it?’

Craig pulled down his zip and produced his giant half erect cock.

‘Now fucking strip, you gorgeous piece of ass!’

Susie’s hands went to her top blouse button and popped it open. She had practiced with this particular blouse. In less than five seconds it was wide open to Craig’s gaze. His cock rose higher.

‘Hurry up cock tease,’ he growled. ‘Let’s see your tits. Let me see you play with your nipples.’

Susie quickly pulled her blouse off her arms and released the front fastening bra. Her beautiful firm breasts pointed at Craig’s cock, now glistening, almost dripping with his pre-cum juice. Susie licked her lips.

She sat up and leaned into Craig until her right nipple touched his knob end, then she moved her left nipple to collect a similar drop. She fell back on to the bed with her nipples glistening with his excretions.

Craig groaned as Susie held both her breasts in her hands. Although her tits were not big she had enough substance to be able to push them upwards to enable her to lick Craig’s essence from her hard teats.

Craig couldn’t take much more. He grabbed his cock with both hands and began to fuck at the tunnel he had cr

‘Hey, not yet!’ called Susie as she raised both palms as if to stop him. ‘Don’t you want to see my lovely bare wet pussy, my delicious cunt?’

Craig stopped but didn’t release his cock. Susie smiled and reached to the left side of her skirt’s waistband. With a click and a throw of her arm the skirt was gone, thrown away over the side of the bed.

‘Let go of your prick,’ she whispered. ‘I want to see it move when I play with my tush.’

Craig complied as Susie raised her hips from the bed and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. With an athletic movement she pushed her panties over her hips and tossed them away to join her skirt. She flopped back down on to the bed, spreading her thighs to give Craig the sight he was craving to see.

‘There, what do you think? Will I do? Do you still fancy me like you did in Hollywood?’

Susie pussy crack lay open to Craig’s hungry eyes, as he looked longingly it filled with liquid and even began to overflow. Susie smiled again and allowed her hands to trail down her body from her breasts to her groin. Her fingers reached the crack first and carefully opened it wider. More liquid appeared and Craig groaned again.

‘Ah, I see that you like what you see,’ said Susie. ‘Crag darling, why don’t you see if you can drip some of your juice from the end of your cock into my tushy and then perhaps you would like to have a taste!’

Craig immediately positioned his knob end carefully above Susie’s cunt and squeezed. A large drop of his juice dropped accurately into her crack. He squeezed again and dripped some more. Susie made more juice.

Craig quickly dropped to his knees and applied his mouth and tongue to the wet juicy area around Susie’s vagina and clitoris. He began to hum with pleasure as his tongue started to agitate her nerve endings and as he drank the offering that she was making for him.

Craig’s hands reached up to cup Susie’s breasts as she put her own hands on the top of his head to keep him firmly in place on her snatch. She was allowing her juices to flow unabated. She decided not to squirt on him this time. She wanted a lovely wet relaxed come, if there was such a thing!

‘That’s lovely darling,’ she murmured. ‘You’re going to make me come soon and then you can stick that gorgeous cock in me and give me a really hard rogering until you fill me with your spunk. Then we’ll find something else to do!’


Jim pulled into the vehicle space alongside Mandy’s cottage and switched off the engine. Jenny let go of his hard cock, pulled her sweater down over her tremendous tits and opened the door. Jim looked through the rear window of his pick-up, saw no one in sight, and also got out without bothering to put his cock away. He walked around to the other side of the vehicle and grabbed Jenny by the waist. His action caused her short skirt to rise so that she felt his thick hot shaft against her bum cheeks. Jim’s big hands captured her big melons again!

‘Ohhhh Jim darling, I want you again!’ Jenny moaned. ‘It’s at least an hour since you fucked me. Where shall we do it?’

Jim fitted his cock into Jenny’s bum cleft and lifted her off her feet, still firmly grasping her tits.

‘We’ll do it right here,’ he grunted.

He bent Jenny over the front of the pick-up. The bonnet was hot but she made no complaint, she just stuck her arse out towards him. He put her feet on the front bumper.

Jim spat on his hands and smacked her fantastic round cheeks. Jenny yelped. He stroked his big right hand between her thighs from arsehole to cunt and beyond. Jenny made juice. Now that his hand was wet Jim slid fingers of both hands into her. Jenny made even more juice!

‘Oh Jim, are you going to fuck me like this in the open?’

Jim didn’t answer. Instead he threaded his now rock hard fat shaft between her thighs and pushed against Jenny’s cunt lips. She opened up for him and he slid inside her. He began to pump his cock inside as he finally answered her question.

‘I’m fuckin’ your cunt, Miss Jenny, them I’m going to pull my cock out of your hot wet hole and stick it into your tight arsehole! How does that sound?’

‘Ohhh yess, fuck me in both my holes Jim! Make me come all over your cock! Is my bumhole still wide enough for you? Can you get your cock in there?’

Jim paused with his cock deeply embedded at the top of Jenny’s cunt. The pick-up stopped rocking. Jim leaned back and pulled her bum cleft apart. Her arsehole seemed to wink at him as if to say ‘me next’!

‘I’ll get him in there all right Jenny. Just feel this!’

Jim forced his thumbs into Jenny’s arsehole and recommenced fucking her cunt. She pushed back at him and the pick-up rocked harder, its springs beginning to protest at the hammering it was taking!

Jenny reached the final sprint to the finish.

‘Owwwww Jim I’m cummminnng,’ she howled as her cunt juice flowed in rivers down Jim’s shaft. Jim collected some and plastered her arsehole with it. Her anus seemed to suck it in, he collected more.

Jim withdrew his still hard cock and quickly pushed his red knob end against Jenny’s rear entrance. With a ‘plop’ it disappeared and he pushed. His shaft totally disappeared up her arse. She howled again.

Jim was in heaven. This was even better than yesterday. An outside arse fuck! It was a good job that Mandy’s cottage was fairly isolated. No one would normally see or hear what was going on. Then he saw a flash of colour at the peripheral of his vision and Mandy herself came through the gateway.

‘Yessss, that’s it Jim! Fuck my fucking arsehole! Fuck it hard!’ Jenny had her eyes shut tight.

Mandy’s eyes opened wide at what she could see, which wasn’t a lot. She quickly dropped her bicycle and came around to the front of the vehicle. She stayed silent as she watched her boyfriend shafting the arsehole of a girl she’d never seen before.

Mandy came very close to see Jim’s cock fucking Jenny’s arse. Jim took a hand off Jenny’s bouncing cheek and squeezed one of Mandy’s generous tits. She gasped but said nothing.

‘Get your fucking clothes off!’ gasped Jim under his breath. ‘You’re next!’


Susie’s breathing slowly returned to normal and she lifted Craig’s cum smeared face from her pussy. She spoke for the first time in a while.

‘That was so lovely darling. Thank you for making me come so juicily. Now come and kiss me so that I can taste myself and then you can fuck me hard with your fantastic stiff cock.’

After about twenty seconds Susie sighed again as she guided Craig’s hot member into her waiting pussy.

‘So big, so hard, so hot,’ she murmured as he kissed her again.

Craig firmly pushed his rock hard cock deep into Susie’s cunt. Christ she was hot! His cock was burning. He had forgotten how he had loved fucking this pussy. Susie was so deep too, his cock was all the way inside her but he still couldn’t feel the top.

‘Oh God my darling!’ he gasped. ‘I had forgotten how deep your pussy goes!’

‘I’ve got plenty of room in me for your cum,’ Susie giggled. ‘Fuck me hard now and start to fill me up. We’ve lots of lost time to make up.’

Craig pulled back and rammed his cock home again. Susie felt so hot and wet that it just attracted him to thrust harder. She was groping for his arse cheeks but couldn’t reach.

Suddenly Susie bent and then lifted her legs high in the air, finally bending her knees again so that she was hooked over Craig’s shoulders. What a sight to behold!

Craig looked down as Susie took firm handfuls of his arse. His huge red cock was thrusting into her rhythmically, her juices being pulled out of her pussy as he withdrew. She was leaking down around his shaft and into her bum crack. He peeked ar
ound his shaft to see her lovely little bum hole fill with her cream. Craig groaned and thrust faster.

‘I’m going to cum soon sweetheart!’ he panted.

‘Don’t worry about it darling,’ gasped Susie in time with his thrusts. ‘I shall come too I think and then we can rest before the next fuck!’

The next fuck! The very thought did for Craig, he groaned, pushed into Susie as deep as he could and shot his first squirt of spunk far into her tunnel. His cock was out of control and squirted again and again. It was as if he hadn’t fucked a girl since Susie last time, so much did he have.

Susie squealed and released her flood without squirting. She just pulled Craig hard to her body, her fingers deep into his arse crack. She wept uncontrollable tears of pure joy.

Craig bore down on her as she hugged him to her. He regained his grip on her breasts and then he kissed her. When he found that her face was wet with tears he licked her. When he had finished there he began to lick and kiss her breasts.

Although Craig lay heavily on top of her Susie didn’t notice. His cock was still deep inside her, still fat and long although a little softer now. She gently squeezed her cunt muscles around his shaft. She ran her hands up and down his back and over his buttocks. She started to weep with happiness again and her pussy expelled more cum juice in sympathy.

Craig stopped kissing her body for a moment and raised his head.

‘Are you alright my darling? Am I too heavy for you? Shall I move?’

‘I’m fine darling and yes, you are heavy but don’t you dare move yet!’

Craig groaned with pleasure again as he felt Susie’s ministrations begin to have an effect on his cock. He was stiffening fast!

‘You’re going to have me ready again in a minute, you little minx!’ he exclaimed.

‘That’s the idea,’ smiled Susie. ‘I’m starved of sex! Trust me to meet a man who follows me halfway across the world with his cock hanging out just as I decide I want to hide myself away from everyone! That’s right darling, let’s make more cum now!’

Craig groaned and began to thrust against Susie’s clit again but it was she who took most of the initiative this time. She began to slide her cunt up and down Craig’s slimy cock, gripping him firmly with her muscles all the time. Craig almost instantly began to feel the build up towards another orgasm.

‘God Susie darling,’ he groaned into her neck as he nibbled on her. ‘You’ll be having me shoot another load soon!’

‘Ooooo, goody!’ giggled Susie, her extra body movement not helping Craig one bit as he tried to keep control of his approaching emission.

She stopped the stroking movement of her hands on his body as she reached his buttocks again. She squeezed his cheeks and then slid her fingers into his crack. Her questing fingers found his anus and circled the puckered entrance, taking great care not to scratch him with her long nails. Craig froze, waiting!

Susie eased open Craig’s anal channel and pushed one finger into the hole, closely followed by one finger from the other hand. Then she gripped Craig hard again, pulling him into her cunt and squeezing hard as she fucked him!

Craig gasped and groaned as he felt this amazing woman almost devour him with her body. With some difficulty he flexed his cock and then shot his spunk deep into her again. When he had finished he still didn’t think that he had filled her hole.


Now there was an amazing sight!

Jim Smith was in seventh heaven. He now had two naked women perched on the front bumper of his pick-up! Jenny and Mandy stood there, holding hands and facing him as he played with them.

Mandy had stripped off quickly as Jim had continued to pound Jenny’s arsehole with his mighty engine. Jenny still didn’t know that Mandy was there as she had kept her eyes shut. When Mandy was naked she stood next to Jim and he fingered her pussy. She was so turned on that his hand was soon wet with her juices.

Jim was ready to fire! He reached out and gripped Jenny’s neck and shoulder, rammed his cock to the top of her anal tunnel and stuffed his other hand, dripping with Mandy’s juice, into her mouth. He shot his load deep up Jenny’s arse, she sucked another woman’s pussy juice without realising it until later.

So now, after introductions and a little fondling they were perched on the pick-up, waiting for Jim to recover. It wasn’t going to be long but in the meantime he was playing with two pairs of big breasts and fingering two juicy cunts.

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You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

3 years ago
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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

3 years ago
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Night Skies Hotel Lovers Retreat

Night Skies Hotel: Lovers' Retreat By Wolverine I'm not Solari, but I'm decent, so give this one a shot. This story was written with permission from Solari. ******************************************************************* Lisa and William stumbled into the entrance of the Night Skies Hotel, watching carefully over their shoulders. Leroy wouldn't be too far behind and the hope he wouldn't look inside a high-class hotel such as this one was just that - a hope, a prayer, a desperate...

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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 6 Loves Nature

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Six: Love's Nature By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Love's Nature Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The room Priestess Thea led me to was surprisingly homey. It wasn't what I expected given the solemn grandeur of the rest of the Temple of Luben. An open window looked out at a small garden, lacy curtains framing it. A table set in the center, the...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

1 year ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 5 Love Life and the Power

It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making Joey a little mad at me. At least he tried to make it look like it was anger, but I knew from his body language that he was really just plain jealous. I mean, here I was holding hands with the girl we all had discussed in detail what we thought she looked like naked. Suzi and I had three classes together. As it happened, they were the odd-numbered...

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Fork Leaf Clover SHAMrock StandIn II

This story is meant for free fan distribution to TG fiction sites throughout the web. Please enjoy the story and be free with your comments or critiques! ============================================================ Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II By Dee Eon Kicking heels high after my slippers' metal taps clicked and rapped the parquet floor like a machine gun below my long legs and flouncing embroidered clover green velvet skirt, my passionate solo jig to the...

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Loves ShepherdChapter 10 Make Love to Me

As I entered the bedroom, Joey asked, “Tim, after dinner, what were you doing to Honey before you kissed her?” Surprised, I hesitated a moment to recall that moment before saying, “I shared my feelings for her with her. Why?” “It was weird but ... I swear I felt it coming from Joy.” Suzi said, “They are twins. Maybe they’re so in sync with each other they actually can feel what each other feels. You two did kiss them at the same time. They were very excited about that, by the way. They...

3 years ago
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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

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The Lifeguard

 I was 22 years old and I out of work, in the last year of college, I had to find a job to get me through the summer. The YMCA had a busy summer k**s' camp, and they needed someone with lifeguard and first-aid experience to supervise the pool. It was the typical, run-of the mill lifeguard gig… keep down horse-play, nurse a minor sc**** here or there and prevent injuries and other liabilities. It didn't pay much, but it had a perk: it gave me the chance to look at gorgeous k**s wearing...

1 year ago
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Desert Wildlife

Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...

4 years ago
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Moana and her loverboy first time fucking in the p

As some from the community asked us how it came that we enjoy taking porn photos, porn clips or even fucking in the public, we decided to write our story about how it came. Moana asked me her loverboy to write down what we experienced many years ago while we were on a holiday trip to Australia. For a few days we stayed south of Townsend on the Australian east coast. We spent our day on a remote area of a very long beach. This beach area was next to a golf course which was just behind the beach....

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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

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Interview mit PORNOLIFE

PORNOLIFE: Wann hast Du deine ersten Sex-Erfahrungen gemacht? Andrea: In der Schule lernte ich viel, aber Sex lernte ich von den Jungs. PORNOLIFE: was bedeutete dies für dich? Andrea: Das Lusterlebnis war bestimmend für mein Selbstvertrauen. Ich war begehrt und deshalb stolz auf das, was ich als junge Fickstute tat. PORNOLIFE: Und nach der Schule? Andrea: Ich hatte weiterhin sexuelle Beziehungen zu den Jungs und deren Familien aus dem Maghreb, wo ich wurde zur Hure abgerichtet wurde. PORNOLIFE:...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

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You recently moved to the big city to find a job, since unemployment is very common where you come from. Another aspect was, that you wanted to try out new stuff. Sexual stuff. But word in the small town spreads fast and you did not want to shame your Family. You like it rough, and none of your small town friends could really satisfy you. So here you are. Your name is Lena, 20 years old. You are 1,62cm short, have blonde curly hair, a slim body with nice 80c breasts and a cute small ass. It’s...

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Sissy dreamlife

Hello little sissy. Do you still remember me? You don’t do you poor thing. Allow me to refresh your memory. Last night I saw you at a bar you looked so shy and a little awkward so I approached you. We talked for a little while and I immediately came to the conclusion that you would make a great sissy, so I d**gged your drink. No stop that little sissy you won’t make it out the bondage you should embrace it, it is what you are meant to be. You must have so many questions. But since I don’t like...

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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife

My name is Greg and I have been dating my college sweetheart, Shelby, since freshman year of undergrad and now coming up on 25. We recently moved in together in a small but cozy 1 bedroom apartment close to the city. Shelby loved being in the city surrounded by people, while I enjoyed my solitude so we settled on the apartment not too far from the city but close enough to make her happy. I've been at my new job for about 4 months and have dedicated a lot of my time to my work, making our sex...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I'd just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

Group Sex
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Bad back bad sexlife

My wife had always been a horny woman and we had a great sex life. Now when we got a bit older, she was very much in control of her sexuality and her needs. We still made love at least once a day, after 20 years of marriage. I know that she often would masturbate during the day when she was home alone. She was a house wife and had raised our k**s and run the home when I went out to work. We were lucky that I could make enough money for her to stay home. When the k**s grew older she started...

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cuckold lifestyle70

We got a break from all the heat this weekend. Lower seventies beat upper ninties anyday. This short of kick started my wife's fall shopping. After doing all my chores Saturday I was told I needed to shower , shave , and lock myself up in my CB3000 because we where going shopping. Shaving my pubic area always takes me a long time. Shaving a nut sack can be tricky. It took me an hour to finish up and when I came into our room to get dressed my wife was setting on the bed already dressed and...

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I’m a guy late forties fairly fit for my age, and like to swim regularly at the local swimming baths, that’s where I meet, a hot early twenty year old girl, she is a lifeguard there and she is very friendly and extremely hot, she is an American girl from T===Ss, her accent is so hot.Anyway we often chatted and I noticed she often come up to me to chat when I’m in my swimming shorts, and I’m sure she flirted with her eyes and body, I’m older guy but do get the odd look from younger ladies...

1 year ago
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cuckold lifestyle42

Saturday night my wife wanted to go out and have some fun , but, she wanted me along. I was watching something on the TV in the den when she walked in wearing a white denim mini skirt and a red button up shirt, the top two buttons where left undone and she must have had on one of her pushup bras. Her 34 B's aren't normaly that round on top. Her legs where naked and she was wearing a high stacked strappy sandals. She said get up little dick and lets go do something. I jumped up and turned off...

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cuckold lifestyle26

Being a cuckold husband is always fun but when your wife is as crafty as mine its almost to much fun. She knows how to run the ragged edge. Buy this I mean doing her cuckolding while we have friends over or at public places , like the ZZ Top concert in story number 16. Well we had a wedding to go to one Saturday, I didn't want to go...( what guy does )? I was about to complain about having to go when my wife walked in wearing the dress she had bought to wear. It was pale blue, to her knee, and...

2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle5

Well she had working at the BBQ shack for four months , September was almost over but it was still warm here in Georgia. Someone at the shack came up with the idea to have a summer is over party. Well being that we have a house and pool my wife said they could have it here. Most of the other wait staff was made up of college aged guys and girls that lived either at home or in an apartment. So they all agreed with the idea the party was going to be here. My wife came in and told me we where...

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Why there are safety procedures when working with other lifeforms

It was in the depts of the hostile sea that covers planet SG-58231 that it was found. Though found is not the right word to describe what happened. Agnes was there, the one, lucky intern in Nasa’s most coveted crew, the crew that gets to plant an American flag in new worlds, unveils environments never before seen or touched by humans, plans and executes the initial research necessary before anything found is deemed safe enough to be shipped back to Earth for further examination. They entered...

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Salla and Savva crouched low as they worked their way through the jungle flora. The waist high bushes provided perfect cover along with the camouflage of the leopard fur shorts and bras the duo wore. The two long brown haired jungle women would not easily be seen. The tribal explorers moved stealthy and silent as a jungle cat. They edged toward the strange sounds. If the sounds were voices they were not like any voices they ever heard. These voice-like sounds had a deep tone. Never before while...

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Want to see some interactive porn at Life Selector? Looking for some "choose your own adventure" porn? Simply watching porn is great, sure. But don’t you ever wish you could be right there in the action calling the shots? Of course, you do. Who the fuck doesn’t? Now, I can’t fly you out to the best porn studios to have you take Emma Hix in the ass, but I may have the next best thing. Remember those choose-your-own-adventure books as a kid? The ones where you flipped through the pages based on...

Best Porn Games
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Real Life Cam! Just face it: you are a creepy old man. Why else would you be interested in spying on other people on reallifecam.com? You are precisely the skeevy guy that girls are warned about and told to watch out for all their lives—the stranger danger stalker, the guy offering candy to girls if they’ll just get into his windowless van, the peeping Tom lurking outside in the dark, beating his meat while a girl gets ready for bed.There is one main difference, come to think of it, between you...

Live Voyeur Cams
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SLS.com! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

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Life Under Cam! Voyeurism is a fetish old as time. For as long as people have been fucking, there has been some sad, lonely guy who has wanted to watch those people fucking. I guarantee you that, even in the days when Neanderthals ruled the earth, there was a cave woman getting fucked monkey style by her mate and some other cave man was watching, unbeknownst to the couple, jacking his dick out of sight. It’s just human nature to be curious; it’s just human nature to want to see other people...

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Life Porn Stories! I’m a big fan of the kind of stories you find in pornography. There’s a good chance any trip to the doctor or real estate viewing will erupt into a full-blown orgy, just like you always wish would happen in real life. The thing is, a lot of really sexy stories also occur in the real world. That’s the premise, or at least the pretense behind LifePornStories, a site full of amateur porn movies showing just how sexy reality can be.LifePornStories.com was registered in 2018, but...

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