Deepthi 8217 s Desire
- 2 years ago
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Chapter Seven: Obstruction
By the time we got to the medical center, Ted had to help me walk. I didn’t fall behind Gretchen and the paramedics, but I would’ve without help. Gretchen went straight into the first room, and the doctor consulted briefly with Sandy before he came in.
‘Miss Hawkins, I didn’t expect to see you quite so soon,’ he said blandly.
‘You’re not seeing me,’ I pointed out. ‘You’re seeing my wife. That makes me Mrs. Hawkins. So, let’s cut the chit-chat and get focused on the right patient, shall we?’
‘Oh, I will,’ he said, ‘but I’ll be checking you again before you leave. Stress can accelerate labor.’
I rolled my eyes as he helped Gretchen sit up and he gently felt her shoulder. ‘I think if I was in labor, I’d notice,’ I said dryly. ‘Focus on Gretchen, and let me worry about myself.’
‘Gretchen,’ he said, ignoring me, ‘Doctor Craig told me that she reset your shoulder. How does it feel now? Can you move your arm? Do you have any pain?’
Gretchen was able to get full motion out of her arm but her face grimaced in pain. ‘I can move it, but it hurts. My back hurts a little where I hit the railing and my ribs are sore where I hit the deck.’
‘I’ll want some x-rays to be sure you have no fractures,’ he said in the same monotone he seemed to speak in all the time. He put his stethoscope on and listened to her heart and breathing. ‘There’s no sound of fluid in the lungs. That’s good. I’m going to have the nurse come and take you to x-ray now. If there are no broken bones, you’ll still be sore all over tomorrow. Actually, you’re already starting to come up with what I suspect will be a set of spectacular bruises. I’ll have some pain medicine ready for you when you get back.’
Gretchen didn’t argue with him, and that, more than anything else, convinced me that she was in more pain than she had just implied. The fear – no, the absolute terror – I’d been feeling was changing into rage. Someone had tried to kill my wife, my lover, my best friend, and I was going to make them pay for that.
The doctor stopped me from following Gretchen as the nurse that came in and wheeled her bed out. ‘I need to check you over, Mrs. Hawkins. It will only take a few minutes.’
I ground my teeth in frustration. I didn’t have time for this. The real question was ‘would it take longer to fight about it or just to give in?’ Knowing the answer, I grudgingly gave in. ‘Fine, just please make it snappy. I have places to be and people to deal with.’ Gretchen would be happy, I thought. I’d actually said please. She’d been trying to convince me about how useful the word could be, sometimes.
As boring as the doc might be, he didn’t waste more time yapping at me. His exam told him I wasn’t in labor. Duh! Didn’t I just tell him that?
When he was done, I very politely said ‘thank you,’ walked out into the hall and started in the direction that the nurse had taken my wife. There was a waiting room on the right hand side of the hall and I saw everyone else sitting there. They weren’t alone, either. Several of the ship’s officers were asking questions of Trish, who was sitting there with all the women in support around her. Someone had cleaned the blood from her face and done something for her cut. It might not have been bad enough for stitches, though. Even minor head wounds bled like someone had taken a machete to you.
I felt a deep sense of gratitude to her. The tangle of emotions that I couldn’t readily put a name to had me all mixed up. One thing I did know was that I owed Trish big time. I’d seen the looks she’d been giving Gretchen, and I knew something would likely happen between them. That had initially raised my jealousy bar about as high as it could go. However, that wasn’t true any more. Whatever reservations I’d had about Gretchen taking her on as a trainee were gone. She could have anything I could give her, including time with my wife. Now was the right time to thank her, but I wanted to be with Gretchen, and those cops – what else could they be? – would corner me if I went in now. I hurried to try to get by unseen.
Ted, Keven and Earl intercepted me before I could slip by. Since Ted knew me, the other two deferred to him, but I could see that they all shared the same rage that burned in my heart. ‘Trish said someone tried to shove Gretchen over the side of the ship,’ Ted said grimly. ‘She said they were looking for something, so we’re going to get a light and see if we can find anything.’
‘Let the cops handle it,’ I said, taking a deep breath. ‘They have the training, and you don’t.’
Earl snorted. ‘Hellfire and damnation, woman! I don’t think those yahoos are gonna be of any help. I can tell they don’t believe the girl. They think it was some kind of accident and Gretchen is just too embarrassed to own up to it.’
The part about Gretchen making it up made my blood boil even more, but the rest matched all too well with their reaction when I brought Skip’s jacket in to them. They weren’t ready to believe someone went overboard just because someone tore up his jacket. They dismissed the blood out of hand. ‘It could’ve ended up there by accident,’ they said. The best I could get out of them was that they would call the ship behind them and have them look out for anyone in the water. Like I expected him to be still floating.
‘Fine,’ I growled, more frustrated by the events and ship’s idiots than Ted, Keven or Earl. ‘Go keep an eye on the place and get some lights, but do not go into the dark area until I get there. If these bozos won’t take care of this, then it’s my case, but we’ll give them a chance first.’
‘I don’t understand how they can be so good in everything else and then be this thick-headed about a serious crime,’ Keven complained.
I laughed humorlessly. ‘Gretchen did some research, and you’d be stunned at how often people vanish at sea. Every single cruise line seems to come up short when there’s a serious crime committed, or possibly committed. Give them something simple like contraband or theft and they’re all over it. Rape, homicide and anything else dunks them pretty fast. Add to that the facts that the lines don’t want bad publicity and that it’s happening in international waters. That provides incentive to not look too hard so that they can either avoid any hue and cry or hush up what they can’t avoid.’
They all looked pissed as hell, and I thought it just as well to get them out of here and give them something to do. With a nod, Ted led them out, and I made my way to the x-ray room. It was clearly marked and had a sign that told everyone, especially pregnant women, to stay the hell out of there. I parked my wide load in the chair by the door and waited.
My conscience nagged me. I should call Hans and let him know that his little girl was hurt. That didn’t mean I didn’t dread doing it. She was all he had left in the world, until the babies got here. He was going to freak out. I sighed and pulled out my cell phone. There wasn’t any use in avoiding the inevitable. I hit the speed-dial and waited.
‘Werner residence,’ the stilted tones of Ivan, the snooty butler answered the phone. Great.
‘Evening, Lurch,’ I drawled. ‘Is the boss in?’
Ivan sniffed disdainfully at me. I could see it in my head as if I was standing right there. I still wondered what kind of relationship the two of us had. I respected him as a man, and he loved Gretchen like his own daughter, but I just couldn’t get past the need to spar with him like this. I doubt either of us really thought the barbs we traded were serious. It had become a game by now, and I wondered if that meant we actually liked each other on some level. Where the hell these weird ass stray thoughts kept coming from was enough to drive me crazy. I only hoped to God that it was just because I was pregnant.
‘Mister Warner is always in at this hour, Detective,’ he said haughtily, thankfully interrupting my train of thought. ‘But he’s
busy with dinner and can’t be disturbed. Important guests, you see. Perhaps you should call back in a few hours.’
I sighed. It wasn’t fair to have to use the easy way through him. I wanted to make him give up, and he wanted to dominate me into backing down. I was going to violate the rules and part of me didn’t want to. ‘Not this time, Ivan. This is serious and I need to talk to him right now, no bullshit.’
His voice sharpened with worry. I never missed the chance to argue with him. Never. ‘What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with you or the children? I knew you should never have gone on this foolish trip.’
That left me speechless. He’d never shown any concern about me or the children before. Well, sure, he bitched about me never taking care of myself and doing things no normal woman ‘in my condition’ would ever consider, but I’d thought it was all a way to poke at me. I guessed I was wrong. In one minute, my world was once again tossed upside down. My desire for Keven and Earl, my jealousy about Ted, my whatever it was about Trish, the stupid puns and goofy ponderous thoughts: every time I turned around there was something there to upset the way I saw the world. Now even Lurch was concerned about me. I shook my head and forced myself to focus. I did not have time for this crap.
‘No, the three of us are fine,’ I said, avoiding the usual counter attack. ‘It’s Gretchen. She’s going to be okay, but there was an incident.’
‘Tell me,’ his commanded, his voice filled with worry.
On any other subject, I’d have reacted to that tone like a cat to a dog, but not about Gretchen. She was sacred ground for both of us.
‘I can’t go into the details – I don’t have some and don’t have the time, regardless – but she almost went over the side of the ship. I’m still waiting for the doctor to look at the x-rays, but her shoulder was dislocated and she might have cracked some ribs. Maybe I should wait until I have more information to give Hans before I worry him,’ I said with uncertainty.
‘No,’ Ivan said firmly. ‘He needs to know now. The details can come when they do. However, I do think you should cancel the trip and return home at once. Gretchen will need someone to care for her as she recovers, and you simply are not in condition to do so.’
That got my back up. ‘I can so, and if I need help I have Ted and Lisa and some other friends, right here. We’re not running away. You got that, Lurch? Get me the big cheese and go do whatever butlers do. Butle something.’
‘Ah,’ he said with satisfaction, ‘there is some kind of trouble. A simple accident wouldn’t be something the vaunted detective would be ‘running away from’, now would it? Some human agency is involved.’ The line filled with a pregnant pause. ‘And the great detective wouldn’t be afraid to leave a simple assault behind her, either. She would let the authorities have the scoundrel. There’s more, I believe, than you’ve told me.’
I’d thought I’d be the one not playing fair, but so far, Ivan was one keeping me on the defensive. He implied he cared about me, and then he deduced my real reason for wanting to stay. He was one smart son of a bitch! I felt adrift and reverted back into my ‘game’ mode with him. ‘Of course there’s more than I’ve told you. I don’t go around explaining my actions to the hired help. That and I told you up front I wasn’t going into details with you. Hello? Are you listening to me, Lurch?’
‘How could anyone avoid hearing you when you raise your voice?’ he snapped at me. ‘There’s been a killing, hasn’t there? And Gretchen is involved.’ He gets me to start playing the game again, and then he jumps back out of game mode. I was out of practice against this guy.
I thought maybe Gretchen’s ideas about winning friends and influencing people might help. ‘I’m sorry, Ivan, I said, firmly bringing my voice back to a normal tone. ‘You’re right. To answer your questions, there may have been a murder and no, Gretchen had nothing to do with it. But that’s beside the point. I need to tell her father about what happened and you’re holding me up. Get the old man on the horn and you can drag the details out him at your leisure.’
I grinned to myself. I wondered if it was shock over my apology, or a measure of his concern that Ivan didn’t argue with me. He had Hans on the phone in less than a minute.
‘Shauna, how is the cruise?’ he asked jovially. I’d tolerate that name from him and Gretchen, but I still didn’t like it. I pushed the sensation I’d felt when Gretchen used it to tell me that she loved me to the back of my mind.
‘There’s been some trouble,’ I said without preamble. ‘Gretchen’s a bit bruised and battered, but she’ll be okay.’ I filled him in on the particulars and could hear his growing fear and anger in his questions.
I’d just finished relating the basic details when I saw the two detectives coming out of the waiting room and walking up the hall toward me. ‘Hans, I’ll need to call you back. The detectives are here.’
‘No,’ he pleaded. ‘Just set the phone down and I’ll listen in. When they leave, I’ll still be here. I want to hear what they have to say.’
‘Okay,’ I agreed. ‘Hang on.’ I slipped the open phone onto the seat beside me and watched the men as they approached.
Their Italian heritage was obvious at a glance. Olive-skinned and dark haired, they might have exchanged their uniforms for those of Roman Centurions without looking out of place. Perhaps the boys were mistaken and they’d only heard the detectives making sure that there was nothing hinky going on. We’d see.
‘Miss Hawkins?’ One of them asked politely, his voice only mildly accented. ‘I’m Lieutenant de Luca and this is Lieutenant Colombo. We’d like to ask you a few questions before we speak with, ahem, your wife.’
I was about to go on the offensive when the second man’s last name threw me off. ‘Excuse me, did you say Lieutenant Colombo?’
The man in question barely restrained a sigh of exasperation. ‘Yes,’ he said, his voice surprisingly deep for his size. ‘It’s not an uncommon name in Italy. No, I’m not related in any way with the fictional television character.’
‘I know that,’ I said with a small smile. ‘It just startled me. I’m sure you get a lot of ribbing, so I won’t make any of the same tired wisecracks.’
‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘Now, Miss Hawkins…’ he started.
‘Mrs. Hawkins,’ I said firmly without rancor. ‘I’m married, as you’ve already said. She’s Mrs. Werner. I realize it’s complicated, but it’s what we decided to go with.’
De Luca nodded. ‘Of course. You came to the Passenger Safety Department with a coat you claim may have indicated that someone met with foul play?’
‘That’s basically correct,’ I agreed, ‘except I didn’t ‘claim’ that it might indicate a crime. I said it.’
‘And then your wife and her friend supposedly see someone at the scene of this ‘so called’ crime and he tries to throw her overboard?’ Colombo asked.
Their keywords were starting to steam me. ”Claim’ implies I’m making this stuff up. So does ‘supposedly’ and ‘so called.’ Are you insinuating that Trish and my wife lied? Because that would really upset me.’ I fought the growing urge to get really pissed off. ‘The jacket was definitely indicative that someone was attacked, and since I know who it belongs to, and what a jerk he is, the possibility can’t be ignored.’ I shifted my cold gaze to de Luca. ‘And if Trish said Gretchen was attacked, it happened. There’s no reason to make up that kind of shit.’
De Luca smiled, a trace of condescension in his eyes. ‘I’m sure it must seem that way to you, Mrs. Hawkins, but until we get to the bottom of what the facts tell us we cannot allow ourselves to be swayed. Perhaps your young friend and your wife got into a scuffle and now they’re embarrassed.’
‘Bullshit! That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,’ I snarled. ‘A four-year old might do that, but not these two, and you should know better.’
That wiped the smil
e right off his face. ‘I think that we have more experience in such matters than you, Mrs. Hawkins. I’m sure that this seems very complicated…’ he said before I cut him off.
‘Don’t even go there,’ I said coldly. ‘I’m not the pregnant ‘little woman’ all blown over with hormones. Let’s set the record straight, shall we? Until I got pregnant, I was a Homicide Detective in the Houston Police Department. Seventeen years as a cop and seven of those in Homicide. Most recently as a Lieutenant in said Homicide Department.’ They both recoiled in surprise. ‘I know what is and what isn’t a crime scene and I sure as hell know if someone is trustworthy or not. Let’s not compare body counts and conviction rates.’
‘I see,’ de Luca said with neutral nod, his expression closing up. ‘Be that as it may, there’s still no evidence that any homicide has occurred. As yet, there’s no body. We’ll investigate what happened and if we determine there was a crime, we’ll attempt to locate the party responsible. We’ll then deal with this situation according to the appropriate laws. Thank you for your time.’
The anger in his voice was subtle, but it was there. Rent-a-cops hated the real deal confronting them. These rent-a-cops might dress well, but I could tell that they didn’t have the experience to deal with this crisis, even if de Luca thought they did.
‘And you think you’ll find something before someone has a chance to get off the ship?’ I asked, the disbelief I felt coloring my tone against my will. ‘We dock in San Juan, Puerto Rico in just a little more than a day and a half. Three PM, the day after tomorrow, to be precise. If you dick around, whoever did this will walk off this ship, and you’ll never see them again.’
‘Mrs. Hawkins,’ he almost sneered. ‘Please don’t presume to tell us how to do our jobs. This matter will be dealt with in a speedy and efficient manner. I recommend that you focus on your wife, and your obvious condition, and we’ll deal with this issue.’
I sneered right back. ‘I’d tell you how to do your jobs, except that I doubt either of you are smart enough or humble enough to learn anything from me!’
His anger was now plainly evident and I kicked myself for not listening to Gretchen’s lessons on courtesy. I certainly hadn’t made any friends today. Whatever retort de Luca was going to make was interrupted by the sound of the x-ray room’s door opening.
The nurse was about to wheel Gretchen out when Abbott and Costello stopped her. I rose to my feet as they went in, but Colombo stopped me. Unlike de Luca, he didn’t seem quite as angry, but I could tell he wasn’t going to do me any favors, either. ‘I’m sorry, Mrs. Hawkins, but I’m sure you understand that we’ll need some privacy to question your wife. I promise that we’ll be brief.’ He closed the door in my face, and I snarled wordlessly, smashing my fist into the back of my chair, sending my phone clattering to the floor. Assholes.
I managed to pick up the phone without falling over myself and brought it to my ear. ‘Hans? Did you hear that?’
‘I certainly did,’ he said coolly, ‘and I’m not pleased about it in the least. My dear, it sounds like you have your hands full, so I should let you go. I’ll be making some calls to see if I can motivate more cooperation from the cruise line. I’m the majority shareholder and if I can’t get some action I’ll see heads roll. If Gretchen is able to, I’d like her to call me, no matter the time. If not, please call me as soon as you have a full diagnosis of her condition.’
The old man was a tough bird, I thought with a wry grin. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his next phone call. ‘Hans, she’ll be alright. One of us will call as soon as we can. And,’ I said, allowing my ‘cop voice’ to seep in, ‘one way or another, I promise you that I’ll find the scumbag that hurt my wife and make them pay.’
‘Good,’ he said with satisfaction. ‘I’ll wake some people up and see that no one tries to stop you.’ He hesitated, and for a moment, I thought he was going to simply hang up. Then he said, ‘Shauna, you probably know this, but I need to say it aloud. I’ve had my reservations about Gretchen marrying you.’
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This is Ashok back again, I earlier submitted a story deepa aunty in blue saree. This story narrates what happened after that. As in the end of first part I was seeing the sex video I shot in my handy cam. I got two more sleeping pills from my fathers drawer for today and went to deepa aunty house. She had come already from shopping. After lunch she went to sleep,may be tired due to my fucking sessions yesterday. I had same plan make her sleep at night and fuck. I felt bored and started seeing...
Hi folks..I am back with yet another experience of mine..first of all i would like to thank all of them who read my previous two stories and mailed me..thanks a lot for the compliment and support u had given me…Now here i start my next story…This happened to me when i was in my second year college.we were basically living in a our colony lived an aunty whose name was tell about her..she was very beautiful,fair,slim and very hot.her husband was working in very rarely...
Hi, readers . () . please read earlier parts to enjoy the story fully. Comments welcome from married ladies. Back to story she played with me, at the same time began to fellate my very hard cock with her left hand, I was putty in her hand, moaning and squirming constantly on the bed. “You like it” “ I love it, but be careful not to make me cum” “Cum if you want, I want to see you shoot” “ No, I want to cum inside you” “ You can’t as it is my fertile time and I am not on the pill either, you...
Hi readers. Please read part 1 and 2 if you are new to this story. In this part I have found it hard to exactly narrate all that happened between me and Deepika, , but I shall attempt it as best as possible. Question for my married lady readers (). If you were presented with a chance for an affair ( like Deepika was), would you as a supposedly conservative Indian woman go for it or not. ? or if you had an affair already what circumstances led you to it.? Your answer would be very educational...
Hello all, My name is Rahul and I live in Bangalore. Recently I came across this site thought that I should share with you what had happened to me a year back. Ok now about myself, I’m 25, tall and an extremely handsome person. I would like to narrate an experience with my cousin Deepa which happened a year back. Now about Deepa, she is 38, married with two kids, her husband works abroad and he visits India only once a year. Deepa is one of my uncle’s daughters and stays close to our house. I...
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Hi to all the ISS readers! I am RK from Chennai with my 2nd story on ISS. For feedbacks and private sex for ladies in Chennai can mail me at . This happened 2 weeks ago with my neighboring girl deepa who is 19 yrs old. She is from bengal and lives with her family. She has a perfect porn star figure, Big boobs around 42 but not too fat. She is a virgin till then. Her family and my family are good friends as our fathers worked together in office. Deepa was good friend of mine. We use to play...
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Cocksucker Blues By Linda Laving [email protected] It was open mike night in the club, and I was in the closet that passed as a dressing room on my knees as the owner, a 30-something Italian guy, grunted and I felt the warmth flood my mouth as he drained his thick musky cum onto my tongue. I sucked out the last few drops when he was done and swallowed down the mouthful, which joined the previous four I'd already consumed that evening and felt it sliding down my throat on the...
Hi my name is mathi alagan , etha matter oru 4 years back nadathatu apo na diploma padikaren deepa aunty enaku childhood la iruthu therium avaga paka kuspu mariya irupaga apadiya nala far ah irukaga avagala marriage ayaruchi but husband ku vera girl kuda affair iruthuchi poitaga enga home la one day yarum illa avagala vetula vanthu iruka soillethu bangalore poitaga my family la tat day she was wear only pant and long tops uilla onumay illa avaga nadakum pothu back apadiya transparent ah...
By: Exbacc Hi friends, this is a real story which continues to this day. The name of the character has been changed but the contents are 100% true. It is about a girl from my college, who was my junior by one year. Her name is Deepika Choudhary. She is from Andhra Pradesh but got settled in Chennai with her aunt for her schooling and college. Her aunt is a widow and she also goes to her mother’s house most of the time, leaving this girl alone many days. She is about 5 feet tall, cute round...
ello to all my dear friends, this is Sandeep from Navi Mumbai. Its being a real long time since I posted my experiences with my girl friends, it was way back in 2008. Now I m 35 years old, married man with one kid. I seldom enjoy sex with my wife, but having sex with someone else outside marriage really gives an adrenalin kick (nasha). I am sure many of my married friends would agree to this. Now coming to my experience, it was something like a time bomb waiting to explode. All in my 4+ years...
AN INDIAN CROSSDRESSING STORY- SANDEEP TO SAYALEE Hi I am Sandeep, a 27 year old guy from the city of Mumbai in India. I found this website after going through some online experiences of other people who have been subjected to the same treatment of petticoat punishment as me and I have been directed to write my story to you. This is the story of my feminization by my mother, aunt (her sister), and cousin (aunt's daughter who is 5 years younger to me). My father works for the merchant...
Hi, this is Deepak or I would rather say Deepa. This is my story about how I had sex with my friend. All this happened some years back. I am the only son of my parents. My mother died while I was very young. Dad is working, but he usually drinks and come home in a dizzy manner. I always missed mom so I started to wear her inners while sleeping or wrap her saree. By doing that I always had a hard-on. While watching porn my friends watch how sexy the girl is. But I used to admire the girl’s...
Gay MaleAs soon as he met Amanda, Brett knew that he had found the girl of his dreams. She was beautiful, sexy and clever. She could cook in seven languages, had a happy nature and was the most fun to be with, either in or out of bed. There was never any doubt in his mind, right from the outset, that this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Then she dumped him.The only explanation she offered him was that he was boring, that he didn’t do anything but play golf. That was a...
Straight SexHere on Literotica and on the internet in general, there are several stories and guides posted on the subject of giving blowjobs. Many of them are great and give various techniques and opinions on how to enhance oral sex on a guy. Once again, I'm not claiming to be an expert, especially at the young age of 22, but I do have skill, experience and above all, enthusiasm. In this post, I'm focusing on the deepthroating aspect because I feel over time I have gotten pretty good at it and want to pass...
This morning began like any other morning for me. I missed most of it. This is what comes of being a night person, you tend to miss most of the mornings, at least that part of the mornings between four and eleven. As far as I was concerned mornings ended not long after my head hit the pillow, and stuttered back to life at eleven. Whoever’s pillow it was didn’t bother me. This morning it was mine, and the one next to it was occupied by ‘Round Heels Rhonda’ who had agreed, when asked, to share my...
Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...
Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Blues Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Bluesby kinkston (On a secluded estate an hour's drive north of New York City lies a highly exclusive retreat known to its wealthy and decadent members simply as the Enclave. Here rock stars, investment bankers, potentates and plutocrats come to dominate and be dominated in privacy and safety, assisted by an elite staff of expert dominatrixes. Also in residence is a select stable of submissive...
It’s the little things I love: the warmth of your hand on the small of my back, your thigh gently bumping mine as we walk, the twinkle in your eyes when you look at me. I adore your laugh and the way your smile creases your entire face. If I nuzzle against you, your enticing scent fills my nostrils, and I love the way I quiver when your hand clasps mine.We entwine fingers now, linked together as we walk side-by-side through sunlight dappled by the dense beech canopy. Stooping, you pluck a...
Quickie SexI know you're waiting for me. Even as I come through the door, I can feel you. I don't make you wait. I'm as excited as you are. So I drop the stuff I am carrying in the living room, quickly undress down to my underwear and hurry up to the bedroom, pausing only to remove a scrap of material from the pocket of my pants.Once I cross the threshold, I pause. You're sitting on the edge of bed. You've closed the blinds and you're waiting, waiting for me. And I smile, knowing that you planned this. I...
As I mentioned in my last story, I have a nylon fetish. I love panties, slips, nightgowns and other items made from that wonderfully soft and sensuous fabric. I use them to masturbate because of how the fabric feels sliding up and down my penis, it is very intense. Sometimes when I am going at it I will put on a nightgown, slip, panties or some combination of these silky items for added stimulation. However, I am not a cross-dresser I just enjoy these items for sexual pleasure not for some need...
Fiction, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, First Time, i****t, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Teen Male / Female, YoungTaking Mom Down to the Woods__I was so proud of the fort I had made down at the woods. It was hidden in a bank by the creek. I told my mom how cool it was and how no one could see or find it. She smiled and said how her dad had built her one when she was young. A private place where dad and her could go to talk private. Talk private? I wondered what they would have to...
Her name was Becky Sheppard but all the guys called her Becky BlueBalls because that's what you went home with if you took her out! She was beautiful all right auburn hair that hung down her back in ringlets, green eyes that when you looked at them it was as though you were staring into the sea itself! Her voice is sexy too its kind of has a sexy huskiness to it! Most of the other girls had to wear lipstick but not Betty her lips were naturally a ruby red all she needed was some lip gloss to...
Hi iss readers,agar aap female hain to aapko mere lund ka sat-sat name is anket,main issk ka regular reader hun,ye iss par meri 2nd story hai.i’m a young,dashing,5’9″ 21yr old boy with 9″ i,m going to make u all familiar with my real sex baat 5th nov.2007 ki hai.main apni balcony mein khada shaving kar raha tha tab hi meri nazar ek apsara jiska nam yashwini(fig-36-27-36)par padi jo 20 saal ki hai.dheere dheere hum dono acche dost ban gaye.ab hun dono ka ek doosre k...
Blue Chew! First off, these fuckers only sell to customers located in the USA currently, so unless you're living in the land of Trump, you're out of luck. Anyways, let’s talk about the miracle of modern medicine for a second. I know I spend most of my time rambling about how much I love teen blowjobs and lesbian orgies, but for real, I have a genuine appreciation for doctors, scientists, researchers, and massive pharmaceutical companies. A couple of generations ago, men got old, and their dicks...
Male Enhancement PillsReddit Deepthroat, aka r/Deepthroat! is once again at it, and this time around, they have a really sick subreddit that ThePornDude feels is worth my time for a review. This is a pretty big community, and there’s no way any porn enthusiast would miss it, especially if you’re a sucker for Reddit NSFW sites. As you can probably figure out, the main focus of this subreddit is on ladies that really love to have massive cocks or dildos stuffed down their throats just like the cock-starved...
Reddit NSFW ListLong Gone Lonesome Blues Written and recorded by Hank Williams. Copyright, Acuff-Rose Music, Inc./Hiriam Music (BMI) Author's note: I was sipping on a scotch - Damn, I gotta stay away from that stuff - last night while working through my email. I was playing my Hank Williams playlist on iTunes, and one of the songs caught my ear. It was of course, "Long Gone Lonesome Blues." This is not as well known as many of his other songs but it has always been one of my favorites. Like many country...
Hi friends nanu e story annu kannadadalli bariyutiddene, nanna hesaru sandeep nanu irodu bengaluri nalli. Nanna vayasu 28 nodalu kattu mastagi chennagidene. Nanage 10 ne classi nindalu sex yendare thumba ishta, nanu yavagalu sex book oduvudu mathu sex films noduvudu nanna havyasa vagittu. A dinagalalli nanna mama na maduve ayitu nanna aunty nodalu thumba chennagi mathu thumba dappa iddaru, nanthara avarige 1 magu ayitu nanu mathu avaru thumba casual agirtidvi. Ondu dina magu thumba joragi...
TV Nudist Part 3: WEDDING BELL BLUES by Rachel Saunders Entertainment for adults only, please! All comments, questions, criticisms, etc. are gladly welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you! "Oh boy," I said again. Scott was still shaking my hand enthusiastically. Amy stood in the corner, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I told you she was something, didn't I?," Amy asked. Scott just answered with that...
Once again, is this realy a BDSM story? Well, not really but it has, at it's heart, a Femdom relationship and I hope you'll enjoy it.You, the reader, should share in my heartfelt thanks to Estragon, Rhonda's biggest fan, who persuaded me that it was worth my effort and, far more importantly, worth his effort to correct the innumerable errors in grammar and punctuation so that Tracy's story could be properly enjoyed. Any errors that remain are my fault, not his.L.J. Tracy's StoryI was young and...
I am not a novice when it comes to masturbation, I’d actually be very embarrassed to share with you exactly how long I’ve been tickling my own fancy. Yup. Even when there is someone occupying my bed for a time, I find that I still masturbate for various reasons. Proud accomplishments? I’ve discovered that if my mind is properly stimulated, I can orgasm in just under five minutes. I timed it and everything. Yup. Had nothing better to do. I really do like the way I taste. I’ve discovered that if...
ExhibitionismBiloxi Blues by Allyssa Davis The following is a true story to the best of my recollection The year was 1995, May as I recall. I had just spent 19 months on the road working in close quarters with other people so I unfortunately could not practice in my secret obsession. I year and 3 months prior I had broken up with a woman that taught me some points as far as dressing as a woman and taught me makeup tips. It was all in fun for her at first, indulging my secret desires,...
Casino Blues - by: Martin Y The line at the registration counter seemed endless. We walked to the far end and began our long wait. The bells, whistles, and chimes of the Casino rang through our heads as other, luckier, people gambled away their earnings. "Guess you should've listened to me when I wanted to leave early," April said. She leaned her head to get a view of the long line. "If we'd been here earlier we wouldn't have had to wait." I nodded but didn't say...
Baby Blues By Mistress X The darkness of the alleyway blinded the two men as they emerged from the slightly brighter confines of a local strip club. Cliff and Stu were a pair of collegians who rented an apartment together off campus and a couple of blocks away from this particular club. "Jeez Stu, we need some money coming in," Cliff complained. "Yeah, I guess it's going to be a while before we see the inside of this place again." Stu replied. After a long series of visits to the...
She'll call herself Baby Blue when they're desperate for a name to moan. Stole it from a billboard ad along highway 70. Thinks it was the name for a zoo's newborn seal; bit like that song... Baby Beluga? Blue Jean Baby? Can't say for sure. Doesn't really matter. All that does is the power it seems to hold over men, especially those graying at the temples. They'll whisper it with beer breath, hand on her thigh. Baby Blue. Desperate for the tight gash they no longer get at home. It’s not really...
HardcoreBackgroundRegular readers of my Jenny episodes can skip this paragraph – you already know who is real and who is fictional.Jenney (Cumslut) and Rob were ch1ldhood sweet-hearts – fucking each other’s brains out since High School. Unfortunately, now they are married to two different people and Rob’s rare army leave the opportunities for a weekend of bliss are limited. Rob’s wife Ana knows all about Jenny and hates her with a vengeance; Jenny pretends that her husband John is blissfully unaware of...
ABDUCTION BLUES. by Cassandra Anaconda Morrison This is what happened: It was late one cold and comfortless night when I first noticed the bright light in the Western Sky. It was hovering at about tree level and?for the life of me?I couldn't quite figure out what it was. It didn't seem to be an airplane?at least?not an airplane such as I had ever seen before. So I just stood there shivering on the porch and staring at it. Finally I could stand it no longer. "I'll just...
HumorSend any comments or suggestions to [email protected] Detective's Blues: Chapter One By Joeshmoe547 Has it been a year already? It seems like only yesterday that I was Bill Richmond, a well-known private investigator in the Washington DC area. My customers where politicians, blue bloods and the well heeled. Today, I'm... well, let me start from the beginning. I was born in the sprawling suburbs of Northern Virginia across the river from the US capitol. My parents were...
For me, this was the first day of school. I pulled up just as Mike did. I thought about sitting in my car until he went in, but decided I might as well tackle this now. He didn’t see me until I was right next to him. “Oh, shit!” he said as he jumped when he saw me. “Relax.” We walked in without saying a word to each other. Mike kept glancing at me, as did half the people who hung around the front of the school. I think we disappointed them when we didn’t throw down right there. Pam saw us...
Ruth and I usually watch TV for an hour or so in the evening. We were sitting on our couch in front of the TV while Blue, our two-year-old Bull Terrier, lounged on the sofa with us. Bored by the TV, he went to the door and looked back at me. I went to the sliding glass door, pulled it open, and let him out. A few minutes later, he was back at the door wanting in. I got up again and opened the door for him. Blue was almost pure white with a big black patch around his left eye. He seemed...
Wednesdays were always boring for Holly, and this one was worse than most. Her usual trade didn’t hit the streets until the end of the week when they got paid, or until the welfare checks came. This wasn’t the week for the welfare checks. It was cold, and there was a light mist falling that promised to turn into snow very soon. She could move up a few blocks to the ritzy section of town, but the cops paid more attention there, and Daddy Blue didn’t like having to pay off the uptown cops. They...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: September 6, 2010) Chapter 6 - Hospital Blues The constant hum of machinery and the intermittent beeping were the first things that I became aware of. The smell of antiseptic was next. I opened my eyes a moment later. A...
Bob had the blues so bad he figured if he was able to look in the mirror he'd look like Grover, Harry, or Cookie -- the fuzzy and blue monsters from Sesame Street, which he was currently watching because the remote had stopped working and he couldn't get out of bed to change the channel. He knew the batteries in the remote were okay; he'd just put them in last week or maybe it had been the week before. With the day he had had yesterday, it was kind of hard to remember things. He was...
‘Oh my god!’ I cried as I came home from a date to find my husband had packed his clothes and left the baby untended. The baby was choking on a bead and rolling around on the floor. I called the ambulance, just in time. I was in shock. All because I wanted a little fun out of life, my child almost lost his! It all began the day Jeffy was born. I was terribly unhappy. There I was, only 19 years old, saddled with a husband who drank so much that he couldn’t satisfy me, and now with a baby too!...
Hi! So Helplessness Blues is my first attempt to write anything like this. I actually am working on a much longer story, but I sort of dreamed this up in the last few days. Admittedly, it’s a bit fluffy with fairly one-dimensional characters. The story actually did start as a rather unpleasant dream I had recently, although I think it ended well. I don’t remember which parts were from the dream and which I made up except that the dildo was definitely not from the dream and the twins were....