Midnight Ch. 02 free porn video

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Still no sex, sorry – VirtualAtheist


Over the next couple of weeks, I saw Alan and Erica here and there. We met up for a coffee at Starbucks in the city centre and one evening, Erica and Alan had me over for dinner at her flat.

That was when I saw she had a complete DVD collection of Star Trek, The Original Series (digitally remastered), The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager. She even had the complete collection of the animated series and all the films. I thought she was a fucking freak and told her so! She challenged me to a duel with Klingon Bat’leths.

What’s saddest of all, is that she actually dug them out of her box room and showed them to me.

It was quite funny to see Alan and Erica together actually. They appeared to be joined at the hip, unless they were working, you never saw one without the other. It was hilarious to see them walking up the street holding hands, it was like watching Thumbelina with the Jolly Green Giant.

She also joined us for our usual get together at the Green Ginger Man. And it was then that I knew she was something special to Alan. I mean, in the time I’d known him, he hadn’t been living like a monk. There had been more than one piece of arm candy hanging off him from time to time. But Erica was the only one who had ever been invited to ‘our’ time.

There was another thing that happened as a result of their relationship. Gina, one of the barmaids at Romeo’s let me know that ­ as Erica was thought to have been a fag hag ­ Alan was now known as Big Gay Al… Not to his face though, at least not twice, obviously. Although the story grew over time. It was later said that Alan was to be feared because, not only would he beat you to a bloody pulp, he would also fuck you afterwards. When he heard that one, he laughed until he was crying.

That weekend, Alan didn’t join us at the end of the night as usual, he simply signed off his hours and then went straight home. I had to get a taxi home and I was far from happy. And it was the same thing on all three nights.

Steve was there on Saturday night and for once his chat with the ladies didn’t pay off, so I took him home, banged him senseless and threw him out on Sunday morning. I was limping all day and my pussy was on fire… Not in a good way. He had been particularly rough that night.

Anyway, when it was the evening for our usual get together, Alan turned up on his own at The Green Ginger Man and he looked, if not unhappy, then distracted.

I was a little concerned, ‘Where’s Erica tonight? Are you two okay?’

He took a deep pull on his beer and answered, ‘We’ve got a bit of an issue at the moment.’


‘Well what?’

‘You gonna share it with me? Maybe I can help.’

Alan rubbed his bald head and said, somewhat diffidently, ‘No… I can’t.’

That knocked me for six, ‘What? We share everything, Alan. What’s so bad that you can’t tell your bestest buddy?’

He growled, ‘You’d have to ask Erica that. It was her fucking secret!’

Alan refused to say any more, he simply stared at his pint in silence.

I was quite annoyed now, ‘Right! You’ve been in a mood since last Thursday. I’m fucked if I’m gonna spend my evening watching you sulk. I’m off!’

I stood up and marched out. Alan dashed after me and caught up outside, ‘Manni, I’m sorry… It’s just Erica dropped a bombshell on me last week and I’m having a bit of difficulty getting my head round it. Come on. I’ll give you a lift home.’

Still annoyed, I replied, ‘No. You can drop me at Erica’s. If you won’t talk, maybe she will.’

He sighed and then nodded, ‘Okay.’

When he dropped me off at the Parade, he didn’t even bid me goodbye, he simply drove away. I don’t think he was being intentionally horrible, but something was definitely weighing on his mind.

I rang the bell to Erica’s flat. After a few seconds, she opened the door and her appearance shocked me. She was wearing a white terry towelling robe and no make up. Her hair was a mess, tangled and knotted and her eyes were puffy and red from crying.

‘Hello Erica, can I come in?’

Without a word, she pulled the door open wider and then walked back up the stairs to her flat. I followed her and went straight into the kitchen. I made her a mug of Lapsang Suchong with a twist of lemon and myself a milky coffee with three sugars. I took them back into her lounge where she was sprawled on the sofa staring at a small slip of card. Placing the drinks on her oak coffee table, I sat next to her and glanced at the card. It was one of those strip photographs that you get in a booth for passports and what have you. It was four pictures of her and Alan and they were laughing heartily in three of them. The last picture was of them kissing.

I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and said, ‘Okay. Talk to me.’

She dragged her eyes from the photographs and looked at me, ‘I had a talk with Alan last week… I had something I needed him to know so that we could… could… be together,’ her eyes filled with tears and she sobbed, ‘And I’ve lost him. I think he hates me.’

Erica threw her arms around my neck and sobbed into my shoulder. I didn’t say anything, I just held her and stroked her back until she was able to regain control.

Eventually, she calmed down and pulled away, she wiped her eyes with a tissue and blew her nose, before taking a sip of her tea. Erica glanced at me and whispered, ‘I’m sorry. I’m sure you have better things to do that sit here with me.’

I grinned at her, ‘My friends have a problem. What sort of a mate would I be if I didn’t try to help?’

She smiled back sadly but didn’t say anything.

I asked, ‘You wanna share? Maybe I can help.’

Erica stared at me for a long moment. I could see that she was thinking hard. She took a deep breath and came to a decision, the she stood up and said, ‘Instead of telling you, let me show you.’

Erica pulled her robe open, slipped it off her shoulders and threw it on to the sofa next to me, ‘Look at me,’ she said, her face glowing red with nerves and embarrassment, ‘And tell me what you see.’

Even with her long, yellow hair in disarray and her face red and blotchy from tears, she was a vision. That’s the only word for it. She was beautiful. Her skin was milky white and I couldn’t see a blemish anywhere on her smooth skin. Her breasts were not small, but they weren’t big either, I’d say she was 34B­24­32 and her legs were long for her diminutive height and nicely slim. Fuck me, but I was so jealous of those legs.

She was wearing lacy yellow bra and panties, they were thin and wispy and I could just make out the pale pink of her nipples. Erica had a flat stomach with just a subtle hint of six pack that was clearly the result of time spent exercising.

‘Erica, you’re like a little china doll. I can’t see a thing wrong with you.’

She said softly, ‘Look closer.’

I shrugged and scratched my head, but then tried again. I studied her from the top of her head and worked my way slowly down her body and muttered to myself as I checked her over, ‘Face, lovely. Arms, toned. Hands, tiny… Love your nails, you gotta tell me where you get them done.’

She grinned at that one.

I continued my inspection, ‘Boobs, just right for your size. Curves in all the right places and I am so jealous of your legs, I might just break them for you. I see you decorate your toenails too.’

I shook my head slowly and my eye fell on the only place I hadn’t really inspected. I took a closer look at her panties, they were just as sheer as her bra and if I screwed up my eyes I could make out just a hint of blonde landing strip.

And then I saw it.

The gusset area was opaque. She was wearing something underneath and there was a slight bulge.

She could see where I was looking and said quietly, ‘It’s called a gaff or a cache­sex
. You wear it inside your panties to keep things tucked away.’

My eyes widened and my mouth fell open, ‘Erica… Are you… Are you a man?’

She answered sadly, ‘No, but I’m not a woman either.’


Erica retrieved her robe and put it back on before sitting down next to me. She stared into space and then said, ‘Not a Transexual no. I’m a Hermaphrodite.’

‘What’s that?’

‘I’ve got both. I’ve got women’s plumbing and men’s as well.’

Shocked, I remained silent and let her speak, ‘I was born with both sets of sexual organs. My childhood wasn’t a happy time. My mum was happy to follow the doctor’s advice and let me decide whether I wanted to be male or female when I was old enough to make my own decision.’

She took another sip of her tea and continued, ‘But my Dad wasn’t standing for that. He was desperate for a son and tried to force me to live as a boy. Football, dressing in male clothing, playing with boys toys and he wouldn’t allow a doll in the house.’

Erica blinked back tears at the harsh memories, ‘It caused no end of arguments, I remember that. School wasn’t easy either. I had a special dispensation so that I was excused games.’

‘Excused games?’

She nodded, ‘Yep. Couldn’t have me using communal showers after sports. Actually I was quite pleased about that. You see, it didn’t matter how much my Dad tried to force me into the male role, I knew… I knew from the age of seven years old that I wanted to be a girl… But there was no telling him. I went into therapy, I saw psychiatrists, psychologists and every other fucking ‘ologist’ you can think of… All of them agreed with me, I was meant to be female.’

Her shoulders started shaking and I had difficulty understanding her words as her voice was thick with emotion. I gently stroked her back, ‘Come on,’ I said, ‘Let it out.’

‘But Dad just wouldn’t listen. HE WOULDN’T FUCKING LISTEN! I lost count of the times that I’ve sat at the top of the stairs listening to my parents have knock down drag out fights for as long as I could remember. And I knew that almost all of them were about me. Do you have any idea how much guilt I carried? Knowing that the main cause of most of the fights throughout their marriage was me! And whether I was a boy or a girl.’

Erica took a deep breath, gathered her thoughts and murmured, ‘It came to a head when I was twelve. I went to my Mum when Dad was at work and told her I wanted to live as a girl, I didn’t feel like a boy and that I never had.’

She held her hands up in front of her and lifted her legs so her feet were on the coffee table, ‘See? I have women’s hands, women’s ankles. I’m not like those Frankenstein monsters you see that look like a bloke with false tits in a dress.’

‘I think you have lovely hands.’

‘Anyway, Mum gave me a hug and brushed my hair back. I always wore it long even though Dad was always shouting at me to get a nice short back and sides. Then she bundled me out of the house and dragged me down to British Home Stores and took me straight to the girls clothing section. She told me that she’d had enough and if Dad didn’t like it, he could go and fuck himself!’

Erica snorted back a laugh, ‘That shocked me more than anything. I’d never heard her swear before. Anyway, we spent two hours looking at clothing and trying things on. You have no idea how I felt, the first time I looked at myself in the changing room mirror in a summer dress. I was so happy I could have burst.’

She took another sip and found her drink was cold. I told her to wait and nipped into the kitchen to get two glasses and a bottle of white from the fridge. Once I’d poured two healthy measures, I let her continue, ‘We got some funny looks I can tell you. Some woman coming in with an effeminate looking boy and trying on the girl’s clothing. I’ll always remember my Mum being taken to one side by a shop assistant and exchanging a few quiet words. The look on that woman’s face was a picture. Then they both came back to me and the assistant asked me if I minded her joining us in the changing room. I said I didn’t mind, so back she came. I slipped the dress off and she saw for herself that I was growing little buds on my chest. She said, ‘I think you need a training bra’… I could have cried.’

Erica placed her hands on her chest, ‘See these? They’re real! I’ve never had a scalpel near them. Admittedly I had hormone injections to help, but these are home grown.’

After a swift glug of wine, she continued with her story, ‘When we got home, Mum had me put on my new underwear and a yellow dress with puffed sleeves and a nice pair of sandals. She brushed my hair out and gave it a bit of styling with her curling tongs, she helped me with makeup. When I saw myself in the mirror I couldn’t believe what I saw. I saw the girl I was always supposed to be. Mum was in tears and I’ll never forget her words… She kissed me on the cheek, held me in her arms and told me that she’d be proud to call me her daughter.’

Erica stared into space for a moment and then glanced at me with a half smile, ‘That was the first time in my life I was happy… Truly happy. The only thing was, we didn’t know how my Dad would react. Mum told me to wait in the kitchen and let her talk to him… Prepare him before I came into the living room.’

Her expression darkened, ‘I listened to Mum and Dad talking, I couldn’t hear what they were saying at first, but I could hear their voices getting louder and louder until I heard Mum shout, ‘She’s supposed to be a girl and you are just going to have to fucking deal with it! Erica (the name on my birth certificate was Eric) come out here please.’ I must admit, I was shitting myself, but I stepped into the living room to face my Dad. I didn’t know what to expect, but I didn’t think he would ever do what he did. He was furious and he slapped me so hard across the face that I fell down. He shouted that no son of his was going to be a ‘mincing fucking gay boy!”

Erica ran her fingers through her hair, ‘Mum went mad! She picked up the first thing that came to hand, which was a brass coal shovel from the fireplace and attacked Dad with it. She smacked the living shit out of him and she was screaming and screaming, ‘I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU! DON’T YOU EVER RAISE YOUR HAND TO MY DAUGHTER!’ Then she threw him out. He stormed off upstairs, packed a suitcase and left. That was the last time I ever saw him.’

‘I was screaming too. I thought it was all my fault… I was sorry… I didn’t mean to be bad. Mum just gathered me in her arms and held me…’

I watched as she sat staring at her glass, lost in her thoughts. I must admit I was misting up. I mean at least I was on the cusp of adulthood before my life went to rat shit. I took a sip of my wine and said, ‘If this is too difficult…’

Erica smiled sadly at me, ‘No, it’s good. I’ve never told anyone about this before… I think it’s helping to talk about it.’

Another sip and she went on with her story, ‘Mum kept me off school for the next couple of days and went in to speak to the headmaster. Apparently they had a meeting and agreed that it would be best for me to attend a different school. She told me that he himself had no problem with me coming to school as a girl, but he thought it best that I went somewhere where they didn’t know about my issues. Children can be fucking cruel… My words, not his.’

Erica stared at nothing for a moment and then said, ‘Anyway, that’s what happened. Mum even moved house so we lived in a new part of the city, where nobody knew me as a boy. The new school were made aware and yet again I was excused sports. It was okay I suppose, but I still couldn’t fit in… Not quite. I mean I had my circle of friends, but I couldn’t do what the other girls did. No boyfriends, no kissing and making out behind the bike sheds. It would only take one misplaced hand and my secret would be out. Once I was fully developed the surgery could start. My Adam’s apple needed
a minor readjustment to reduce it’s prominence. I was lucky actually. That and the surgery I haven’t had yet were the only ones I needed.’

A single tear made its way down Erica’s cheek, ‘I really should have been born a girl. Anyway, that was my childhood.’

I massaged the back of her neck and said, ‘So how come you haven’t had the surgery… Down there?’

‘Because I was frightened. The surgeons have told me that it could be quite risky. My plumbing is quite complicated. I thought it best to have a good reason to have it done… You know I’ve never… Done anything… With a man. I always thought that nobody would want to be with me because I was such a freak! So I didn’t go through with it. Never thought I’d have a good enough reason to take the risk.’

Erica picked up the strip of photographs and stroked Alan’s face with her thumb, ‘And then I met Alan. How does he do this to me? Three weeks I’ve known him. Three fucking weeks! I finally found someone to love and who loved me back. Yes, I fell in love with this big, ugly bastard in three short weeks. Didn’t mean to… Didn’t want to… But I did anyway. I finally found a reason to complete my surgery… And he never let me tell him. He just stormed out before I could explain.’

She dropped the photographs back on the table, put her head in her hands and whimpered, ‘And now he won’t talk to me. He hates me.’

Well, what can I tell you? We finished the wine and started another bottle. I wasn’t concerned, tomorrow was my day off from the cafe and Erica could open her shop late if she wanted, and we talked long into the night. About lots of things, she went into great detail about her condition.

Fucking complicated!

Did you know there are grades of Hermaphroditism?

S’true. Some are mostly male, some are mostly female and some are half and half. Erica was mostly female.

I was quite startled. But we also drifted off into other areas, you know, girl stuff. She put Titanic on to play on the DVD and we were gonna watch it, but as it turned out, it just became background noise while we chatted.

I asked her why she only ever went to the Pink Poodle before she knew us.

‘I never felt safe going anywhere else. You know that’s one of the things I love about Alan. I have been frightened my entire life, never felt safe, not really. And then I met you and Alan and I got two things. I got you… I got a friend. I’ve never had a friend before.’

She reached out and placed her tiny hand on my shoulder, ‘Thank you for being my friend.’

Well that set us both off. We cried, we hugged and we cried some more. After we calmed down and glugged some more of her wine, she said, ‘And then there was Alan. Apart from the love, you know what he gave me?’


‘When I’m with him I feel safe. I’m not scared… Of anything. Oh a little scared maybe, but only about my secret, about what would happen when I told him. But I wasn’t frightened of the outside world. He has this way of making you feel… Protected, you know?’

I nodded, ‘I know exactly what you mean. Trust me on this.’

Erica glanced at the clock and exclaimed, ‘Shit! Look at the time, it’s nearly 1 AM! I’m not having you walking back to your flat on your own at this hour. Do you want to stay the night?’

I looked at the sofa, it was plush leather and I knew it wouldn’t be too bad for sleeping on, ‘Sure, thanks.’

Erica blushed slightly, ‘Actually I was going to offer you one side of my bed,’ she must have seen something in my face so she hurried on, ‘Just to sleep. It’ll be more comfy than the sofa.’

I grinned, ‘You’re not gonna jump my bones in the night I hope.’

She laughed, ‘You’re safe Manni, trust me. What is it you say? I’m all about the cock… And I don’t mean mine!’

We went through to the bedroom, and got undressed. Erica saw my bra and screwed up her face, ‘Ewww! That thing looks like it’s made of scaffolding!’

It was true, it was nothing like the yellow confection she was wearing, ‘Not my fault. I can’t get lovely undies in my size. I need loads of support for these great funbags’

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Man Reminences About Youthful Obsession With sex

All through high school I was the typical horny teenager. Masturbating and having wet dreams about the hot girls at school but yet strangely drawn to looking at the other guys cocks in the boys-gym shower room. While often talking to the guys about girls and pussy, I never spoke of other guys cocks. I would not even admit to myself of having an attraction.These thoughts really manifested with me at the age of sixteen. So, for the last year and a half of high school, I was one horny dude without...

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Irsquom my Wifersquos Sissy

My story starts 2yrs ago when l retired early from work, also at that time l was having trouble with my sex life, so went to see a doctor who informed me l was going through what he described as a male menopause which l never knew existed. My scrotum had shrunk and looked like a shrivelled ping-pong ball, my penis had retreated into my balls and could only be seen if l got an erection which measured almost an inch and with a cock that size l was finding it impossible to please my wife Jolie, so...

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Spice Things Up Blacken Cuckold Creampie

"Whatcha got behind your back dear?" David quit hiding what was behind his back and held up the DVD box. "I thought we might try watching this to spice things up a bit." "David! That isn't a porn is it?" "Kinda," he said blushing bright red. "Jack, the counter guy at the sex store in lower Manhattan recommended it for married couples. He said it's triple X, but it has a plot and everything. It's sold as a couples relationship video." "I'm not sure I like this idea or the fact that you've been...

4 years ago
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Mi primera experiencia LeacutesbicoFetichista

Introduction: Norma y la belleza de sus piernas me tení,an obsesionada Como he expresado ya en relatos anteriores, soy una fogosa bisexual fetichista de pies femeninos, y si es que han leí,do mis relatos, verá,n que só,lo me habí,a limitado a narrarles acontecimientos de corte fetichista ocurridos con mis amantes varones. Hace poco tuve un reencuentro incidental con una ex amante femenina, de hecho fue la primera con quien compartí, experiencias de corte...

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Beetlesmiths Ch 12

The fear that held me fast in the city lost its grip with each mile I traveled home, and as I saw the comfortable, familiar surroundings of my neighborhood, I was finally feeling quite peaceful and content—the strange psychotic episode was all but forgotten. I got home to an apparently empty house. I called out Karen’s name a few times but got no answer. However, as I made my way to the bedroom to change clothes, I heard the distinct sound of women’s laughter. I recognized one of the voices as...

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Servant Maid Removes Sex Fears Of College Student

(This is an experience narrated to me by my friend. He also wanted this to be put in website. As per his wish I have written this. I consider his experience a good one. I also think it is a bit informative on foreskin covering the penis. I have given this in first person narration for better reading) This happened about 20 years back. We had a servant maid called Sarasu. She was 35, illiterate and married to a drunkard whose profession was cutting firewood. She had three small children. She was...

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Walt and Tom in 1960 Italy Ch 04

Finally after two weeks of guard duty, honors and working on gear all the time we would have a long weekend of liberty again. An odd thing happened to me on the 2000 to 2400 shift on Thursday. I was standing post in Command Fleet Air Mediterranean headquarters building when the Admiral’s driver and good Marine friend of mine entered. He was dressed in Summer Service A so I knew he had the Admiral’s car. He walked passed me and I greeted him as he pushed the elevator button. Right behind him was...

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She entered the room softly on bare feet, midnight blue silk of her robe skimming her curves and fluttering around her thighs with the gentle sway of her hips. She saw him sitting in the chair, candlelight glinting off the silk of his black robe. He held a crop in one hand, tapping it into the palm of the other. Their eyes met and electricity crackled in the air between them. Her arms reached up to loosen her hair, the lustrous black mane flowing about her shoulders, tumbling to her waist and...

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Slechts Groot Part two

Slechts Groot : Part 2 (translation:"Only The Large"). Please read part one first. *** M+/F, Intr, slut wife, Size, Exh, Brothel, Orgy, SM, and is Pre-Viral. Prelude: The sixth and seventh decade of the twentieth century was a time of true sexual revolution. Not just a phrase in cultural jokes, it was documented by every conceivable source, from the street tabloids, famous men's magazines, radio, television, and horrified pulpits, to the academic testing and juried scientific publishing of the...

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UniversityChapter 12

"This box came to us from the Museum," Winnie said, reading a label. "It's from north of the Baiame Cave in Milbrodale" [Excavations on that large Aboriginal site were carried out by staff from the Australian Museum]. It was nearly two weeks after the dinner. Winnie had settled Rachel with papers to be filled out and led me to a work room. "I'm hoping you can tell me what these things are." She opened the carton and I looked inside. There were a number of items, each one carefully...

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Indestructible "Steve Austin, astronaut, a man barely alive...." You can blame my grandfather for the fact I know that line. Its from a TV show from the dark ages called "The Six Million Dollar Man," He likes to tell me he worked on the show. Over and over again. Somehow, he ended up with a lot of memorabilia from it too. A whole pile of props, mostly examples of the "bionic" parts. He also has copies of all the scripts, and worst of all, copies of film he er... liberated from...

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Sister In Law

Note : This story is completely fictional! hi friends this is linelove,,, back with another story hope you like it …pls mail your comments on . LADIES AND GIRLS FROM BANGALORE CAN CONTACT ME FOR A PERSONAL MASSAGE WILL BE KEPT SECRET) Let me start this story by saying that I have been taking every chance I’ve had in the last twenty years to try and see my wife’s sister naked. I’ve had holes in walls and now I have a hidden camera with a remote receiver that I can hook up to a TV...

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Adventures of Diana and Mike Camping Trip

Every once in a while I liked to get away from it all and go camping, so one warm weekend, Mike and I decided to pack up and head for the mountains. I was so glad to be leaving town for a while and spending time with my man. I knew Mike was eager too, as work was stressful for him. We didn't really rough it like some people. I preferred a campground with some amenities, but enough privacy to enjoy some nude sunbathing or fooling around in the tent. Fortunately for us, there was such a...

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Enslaving Rico1

Enslaving Rico chapter 1 I am not a writer but if you find my work good then please email me. This is just a work of my imagination. My story is inspired by some of the stories I read in the past any similarities are purely coincidental. The Leash Rico was an average 18 year old jock who really loves basketball. He is the Fire Tiger University’s heartrob and also an outstanding student. He was really a looker together with his 8 pack abs and hard toned pecks. His height was a bit...

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Whod want to cum in their pants

Who’d want to cum in their pants?! Well, as a wanker, girl-worshipper and compulsive masturbator, I don’t have a choice. Where’s it supposed to go? You can’t just whip it out and do it on the floor. Maybe some people don’t like being wet and messy in their underpants, but I love it. When a girl makes me cum in my pants it’s fulfilment – even if She doesn’t know, which for most of my life She hasn’t. So here’s the problem. A perv like me doesn’t get to choose when he sees what he needs to see,...

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A kitty in a movie hall Part 1

Once I had to submit a project in college and then I had some exams ahead of me. So when I was done with all the exams and everything, all I could think of was about getting cocks inside my holes. It had been about 3 months since I had a cock (other than my own) touching me. The urge, the hunger, the fire were uncontrollable. So I decided to visit a movie hall a bit far from where I stay. In India there are no sex shops or adult book stores to have fun in but what we have are very old aged,...

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Such a tease

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I walked across the car park on my way to work. I knew before I opened the message who it would be from and what it was likely to say, we’d been playing this game for weeks now, teasing back and forth. We both had long term partners, and he was married, so flirting at the office was as far as it had gone until now. But instead of the usual flirty text I was expecting, I found myself looking down at a picture of the man who’d played the leading role in all of...

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Two DiariesChapter 9 Drawing Fine Distinctions

Fiona’s diary: Before I went to school, I had breakfast with my parents. They were rather impressed with Amanda, to say the least. After that uncomfortable talk we had, they were happy to see me genuinely interested in someone of substance. Mother saw how much I liked her, though I tried not to show it, and she kept smiling fondly at me, teasing me about my new girlfriend. We weren’t, though; not yet. My parents were very flexible, and didn’t try to control me, but they were awfully...

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At Last Virginity Lost

Hello Friends I am Nirakar, I’m a regular reader of ISS and I am a big fan of this website. Reading stories here influenced me to write my own story. This is not only a story but this whole incident actually happened with me. Short information about me, I am from a small town and completed my engineering. I have average height of 5’6″, fair complexion, age 25.I was interested in sex from very early age and started masturbating since the age of 12 .I don’t know how other guy here get fuck mate...

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The Blow Up Bed

This is just a fictional fanasty story about Sophie Starxxx hooking up with her favorite male pornstar* Lee Stone. Enjoy!!! Sophie Starxxx & Lee Stone In ‘The Blow Up Bed.’ An air mattress fully blown up sits in the den. Sophie Star appears wearing only shiny hot pink skin tight latex boots. Sophie rubs her pussy down with two fingers. Shes carrying a bottle of baby oil. Sophie pours the oil over her huge 36 double d’s. Her tittys shine when she rubs her nipples in the oil. Sophie moans as...

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I first became involved with Tammy as her form teacher. I taught Math's at Hazlehurst Grammar and like most young teachers the sexual provocation from the girl students seemed to be almost everlasting. Each school year brought a new crop of young girls whose hormones were doing their best to motivate the girls to seduce any eligible male within the orbit of their daily lives. I was unmarried, basically because I had not yet met the right girl. Not that I had been searching strenuously, but as...

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Sex Is Love

Hi everyone Myself Nishi with a sexy curvy body..me here to tell you all true part of my life..this story is about me and my boyfriend Ronit. My id is Let it me 1st tell you about myself….23year old sexy girl from delhi and doing mba..with a height of 5’4″ and have 38-26-36 figure (jab mein road par chalti hu to log mud mud meri sexy gaand ko hilte hue dekhte h or chodne k liye marte h..poor guys!) and a fair color and smooth skin which any boy would luv to touch..i lv giving blowjob ;-) and...

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Sex with my neighbour

My neighbours were a married couple Jim and Jo and we often visited each others bungalow fora drink and chat. Sadly, Jim was killed in a car accident a couple of years ago which made o a widow. She and I still visit each other for drinks. One sunny day I decided to clear the dead leaves from my roof gutters so I put a ladder against one of them. When I climbed up I could look over the high fence between Jo's garden and mine. I saw Jo, stark naked, lying on a lounger, obviously sun bathing. I...

Straight Sex
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Laura part 6

"Project more!" Mrs. Ingram urges me. "We want to be able to hear you all the way at the back of the class!" "I will never let you manipulate me into taking a stand against my own father!" I say in a loud, forceful voice to the girl stood opposite me. "No matter how much you threaten me!" "Oh yes you will speak out against him!" Claire- my classmate- says in a voice that I can't help but notice is a lot LESS powerful than my own. "You will do as I say, or I will see you starving on...

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Ambika 8211 Confessions of a Middle Aged Indian Housewife 8211 Part II

I have been overwhelmed by the response to my earlier posting on this site. For those of you to whom I am new, this is Ambika here and you can read about my confessions at my earlier posting on ISS titled “Confessions of a middle aged Indian Housewife” – My Sexual re-awakening. Many of you have been corresponding with me and requesting for an update. Or another “story”, as some of you call it. Rather than writing individually to many of you I felt better I share with all. My affair with Shekhar...

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HunterChapter 36

There was a sudden coup in North Korea. Weapons supplied by China had found their way into the hands of a large number of people who were tired of being hungry and living without electricity. After the initial fighting between government forces and citizens had died down, the Chinese government stepped in and established an interim government. Even the Chinese soldiers were shocked by the conditions in North Korea. Three weeks had passed since the attempted missile attack on the United...

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Sweet memories

When I was 23, I worked with a cute, petite, brunette 18-year-old girl who was unhappily married. Soon after she started, we would sneak away to a secluded area during the lunch break and fuck around. It became routine, daily almost, where she'd be up against the wall and I'd finger her while she jerked me off till we both came. She would come so hard, sometimes cutting off circulation to where my fingers would be numb temporarily. It was beautiful. I made sure she came first, and when came, ...

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Naughty stepdaughter punished

My mother and father had separated a few years ago, and I'm still getting used to the fact that my mother has recently gotten married. I hate him, and the fact that my mother is now seen as a cougar. Damian is 36 and my mother is 49 turning 50. I hate Damian, he tries to act as if he is my father but he isn't, and it's getting old. I'm eighteen and they still feel the need to treat me as a c***d. I was called to the office today for wearing our school skirt up too high, how do these people...

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Not Female Male Not Quite Part 2

Not Female, Male, Not Quite Part 2 By: Ms. Jenny Ann This story was written by me, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. The main character is based on me and I started smoking cigarettes at the age of 13, just had my 65th birthday, still a smoker; therefore, Jimmy smokes. You are forewarned not to read if smoking bothers you! Chapter 3 The Answer: Is Why Jimmy reached into the pocket of his tee-shirt, grabbed the pack of cigarettes, got one out and saw there...

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DeceptionsChapter 2

Okay, this is becoming weird, and not a little uncomfortable. After my sexy little late-night encounter with Dirk, I'd gone back to my room. J.T. was still up, while a half-sober Ray had stumbled in only moments ahead of me. Being somewhat shitfaced, Ray wasn't exactly shy in whooping it up over my tiny shorts and skimpy tank top. "Whoa! Where's the party, and how come I wasn't invited?" He literally burped it out. I just smirked. "Nice. At least your eyes still seem to work. I'm...

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Pleasure Under Knots II

This story is the culminating follow-up to Clashed Preferences, and an account of Bianca's erotic adventure with the Ryder sisters. They use physical restraints on her, thereby recovering her sexual response and giving rise to the consummation of her marriage. Author’s Note:This is the third and final part of my novella “And so, she cummed”. It portrays BDSM as the prevailing theme._________________________________________________________Cast of Characters:Bianca Floris:...

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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 15

New Friends at the PoolJeannie and I were tired from our adventurous morning, so we elected to spend the afternoon relaxing in a poolside cabana. With lunch and cool drinks already in place when we arrived, the location was simply perfect. A small air conditioned room with sofa and restroom which opened through a large wall of glass into a tent. The tent had curtains to cover the sides with just the pool side curtains open. Under the tent was a huge kingsized bed which could be adjusted to act...

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When First We Practice to Deceive

Joe Price sat at his desk and for the third time in a row tried to lift his coffee mug without spilling. The shaking of his right hand was almost unnoticeable until he had to grip the mug’s handle, then it was as if his mug had a vibrator attached. The coffee started to slosh around in the mug and once again threatened to come over the rim. With a clatter and a sigh, he put the mug back onto the now wet surface of his desk and sat back into his chair. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. All...

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My Accidental Tranny Date

About 3 years after my divorce (This was over 30 years ago); I decided it was time to get back into dating again. I finished my Masters. I had a good career. And a few good friends who helped me with my sexual desires. But it was time to try getting into a relationship. Dating online is very hit and miss. I met some really great people and some not so great. Fortunately if you’re smart; you can wade through most of the unwanted ads. One of those dating ads got by me; catching me...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 16

"Ma'am ... you can't go over there," said the man in black. "He's dead." "I know that, I'm not blind." Andrea was pissed, "I need to get in that closet." "You're upset." "You have no idea," she said. "I still need to get to that closet." "I can't let you do that." "You have to let me do that, I need to finish this." "Ok ... what's in the closet?" "My armory. I have a rifle in that closet that I can use to get him." "That's impossible ... you don't even...

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Getting a Room FChapter 3 All Nighter

Monday, she went to a drug store and bought another tube of jelly. She’d worried about some glitch -- Evanston was blue-stocking if it wasn’t blue-nose -- but there was no problem at all. The clerk rang it up as if all the coeds bought their contraception from that store. Maybe they did. Maybe she looked like a married woman -- there were plenty of married women younger than she, as Mama was always reminding her. More likely, the clerk didn’t even notice the purpose; all that interested him...

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Cabin Fever Chapter 1

The anniversary of our entering our Master/submissive relationship was soon approaching, and I wanted to do something special for pet. It had been five wonderful years since we had her Collaring Ceremony, and I hadn't regretted a single moment of it. We had shared some wild adventures, and learned things about each other that I am certain without this D/s framework we never would have known. We had both grown and grown together, and I wanted to give her a special anniversary to show her how...


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