Dante's Inferno free porn video

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“The Inferno” was an epic penned by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century and was required reading for a lot of high school students, myself included.

“Dante's Inferno”, as it has become known in the vernacular, is also the title of two relatively obscure films from 2004 and again in 2010. The 2010 version is a richly produced anime version, dark and creepy. In my opinion it is an excellent rendition visualizing what most of us can only imagine.


“Never marry a Kennedy or a Firefighter” - Chief Comfort​


Carl (Carlito) Dante hated his name all the way through school. His grandmother had named him, she and his grandfather were immigrants from Italy right after WWII. He was especially grieved when his English Lit class had to read Alighieri's Inferno.

Carl was also a paradox. A tall and muscular teenager with handsome looks, he was prone to action and would at one moment intervene on behalf of a kid being bullied and the next he'd punch someone's lights out. The last one he sent to the ER. His brown eyes which seemed full of mirth would turn almost black and he'd curse someone to tears and on the way home would risk it all to rescue a kitten from a flooded storm drain.

He was raised Roman Catholic but had no real faith. Carl would attend church twice a year for sunrise Mass on Easter Sunday and for Christmas Mass. This was to keep his mom happy whom he loved dearly.

After high school he went to college and there he met Beatrice. She too had been the victim of a grandmother's naming but she never had a reason to hold her name in disdain as she was so beautiful people loved her on sight.

Her copper tresses hung to the top of her full and heart shaped ass. Tall and elegant she moved through the world like a warm breeze. She had the gift of standing perfectly still with only a few hairs shifting in the air currents around her. Her eyes were the same copper as her hair which added to her unique and mysterious beauty.

She was attracted to Carl the first time she saw him. A dark and stormy contrast to her calm and pale beauty. Beatrice was the epitome of the virtuous but was inexplicably drawn to his rakish bearing.

For his part Carl wanted her immediately. He was stopped dead in his tracks by her easy, warm smile.

As he took in the vision of her total beauty he felt his libido surging up. He was captivated by the smiling heart shaped face and then his eyes traveled down her milky white throat to revel in her full and high breasts, perfectly outlined by the form fitting emerald blouse that was her favorite. The succulent lips that gleamed wet and soft as her smile relaxed drove Carl to near madness.

She accepted his invitation to dinner and she turned out to be a humorous and intelligent conversationalist. By the time he walked her back to the dorm, Carlito Dante knew he would marry this beautiful woman. He made up his mind that night to pursue her with all of his heart and mind; even if it meant corrupting her virtue; a thought not at all repugnant to him.

Over the rest of their college career they were rarely seen apart from one another. Carl pursued the seduction of Beatrice but every attempt to bed her was deflected with good humor and patience. For once in his tumultuous life, Carl quit the pursuit of bedding others and on their graduation day, “Bea” agreed to marry Carl.

On their wedding night Carl almost fainted when his virgin bride emerged in a floor length gown of a sheer and shimmering cloth that hung on her rich curves like a gossamer skin. Her pale pink nipples pressed on the inside of the bodice causing rippling light to cross back and forth as she trembled.

As urgent as his need was, Carl was a gentle and thorough lover that first night and by the time he entered her, she had climaxed and was ready to surrender herself to Carl's powerful sex. As he unleashed his seed deep within Beatrice she began to quietly cry, even as she kissed her husband's mouth and face. She assured Carl she was crying out her happiness and the finality of her gift to him.

That first year was the happiest Carl had ever known and his beautiful bride was a caring and loving woman that would come to him often and allow herself to be taken even if she wasn't ready for the invasion that was sometimes Carlito's aggressive and selfish fucking. She loved her husband and sacrificed her body to him again and again to his sometimes violent ravishment.

Carl joined the fire department and Beatrice was left on her own many nights throughout his training and advancement. He was an aggressive firefighter and advanced as quickly as he was eligible and was now the second youngest captain ("Cap" to his men) in the fire department. Carl had also fallen into the temptation rampant in the ranks of firefighters and policemen alike.

His first betrayal of his marriage was after he had arrived on the scene of an apartment fire. The downstairs and vacant apartment was well involved and had extended into the breezeway. He heard the voices calling from the upstairs apartment across the stairwell. It was a dad and his two young girls.

He was waiting on water to charge the 1 3/4” hose line. “Damn!” came the voice of his second driver, Virgil Dalton from over his shoulder, “we've got to do something Carl.”

“Shit!” he turned to his partner, “okay, look Virg, I'm going. You get water you put me out first, got it?” Carl took a deep breath and twisted the regulator of his Scott air pack into place and was already gone before Virg could protest. It seemed to play out in slow motion as he ducked into the swirling wall of flames and scrambled through to the upper breezeway where he was just barely able to duck under the tongues of fire as they wrapped around the railing.

Carl heard the panicked voices screaming inside. He depressed the donning switch and twisted off the regulator from his face piece, “stay away from the door!” The voices quieted, “do you hear me?” A moment and then he heard the dad's voice, “yes, help us!”

Carl removed the hand held pry bar from his turnouts' pocket and jimmied then spread the cornice apart from the door. One good shove and Carl tumbled into the family's apartment. He got on his portable and called for a ladder from the arriving truck company. He kicked out the screen, “kids first,” he commanded. He pulled off his helmet and mask calling for his partner, “Virg! Get over here.” Virgil had been moving as soon as he saw Dante enter the apartment, he lowered first one then the other into Virgil's arms and by then the truckers were setting the extension ladder. Carl climbed out and then allowed the dad to enter in front of him, the two descended to the ground as the fire was darkening and the smoke turning a light gray from the firefighters' attack.

When they had stowed their hose and gear, Carl who was riding the seat in the absence of his officer asked dispatch to place them out of service so they could followup at the hospital. They went through the ambulance entrance and were happy to see the dad and his daughters signing release papers. The dad took his hand and furiously shook it, “thank you! Dear God, thank you!” The small girls hugged his sooty legs.

He overheard Virgil talking to the battalion chief that wanted a report on the incident, “chief, he ran through hell's own fire to get to that family.” Chief Comfort's grizzled face wrinkled deeper as a grin formed, “yeah, after I chew his ass out, I'll write him up for a citation.” He breathed a sigh of relief, nothing could take the satisfaction out of trying to save someone quicker than a reprimand, he'd narrowly avoided one once before. Like this one he had violated protocol to make entry without a RIT or charged line. The difference on the last being that one wasn't successful.

It was a moment later when he heard a feminine voice behind him. He turned to find a beautiful and petite blonde, “are you Carl?” Carl nodded and she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. She dropped back down and smiled, “you saved them! My daughters, you saved them.” The feeling of her breasts pressed into his chest added with the post adrenal rush had stirred his passion and the divorced mom met him outside of the station the following morning.

She was the first in a series of nurses, scared women and even female rookies he'd taken to bed. He lost his marriage barely three years after it had begun.

The Inferno

Carl sat his empty cup down smiling at the gradation of dark rings that had grown over the years of not washing it, it was his lucky cup. It had been a busy shift already and he had needed the jolt of the viscous 2 hour old coffee. But alone he was prone to reminiscing and like the recently faded images, he didn't care for some.

“Cap?” Carl looked up, “supper's on” he rose from his desk and followed his driver Virgil Dalton into the kitchen. Virgil had been a good partner and friend since rookie school. More importantly, at least right now, he was the best firehouse cook in the state.

Carl filled his platter with the chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and verily smothered the whole thing in that brown gravy that would “make you slap your momma”. As he sat on his end of the dining bench there was a tell tale click over the station speakers. He just dropped his head and shoved back from the table, it would be another cold supper.

As Carl and Virg started for the engine the claxon sounded and the dispatcher's voice fell from the loud speakers throughout the station, “Let's go now! Engines 15, 33 26, Trucks 45 and 16, Battalion 7; structure fire reported 1441 Elm, Adam's Hat Lofts, people reported trapped, box 1548, time out 1920.” Carl hit the en route button on his engine's mobile computer and picked up the handset, “Engine 15 en route 1441 Elm.”

Station fifteen wasn't far from the former industrial area west of downtown being reinvented as an upscale residential area. Adam's Hats was a large mill that was being converted into loft apartments and was already partially occupied. The South end was still under reconstruction but several apartments were occupied on the North end. They could see the glow almost from the time they turned out of the house, “pull up your boots,” Carl shouted over his shoulder. The nod to the old days of hip boots and canvas duck coats let the backward facing men know, they had a working fire.

They pulled up in front of the building, the entire South end of the fourth floor was belching deep red flames and thick black smoke which settled in the cool evening air of this October night. The haze clinging to the ground obscured the lower levels and it already had the caustic plastic taste typical of modern fires. “Engine 15 out 1441 Elm, 5 story commercial, heavy mill construction, heavy fire on fourth floor. Transmit a second alarm. Engine 33 bring water, engine fifteen passing command, making a quick attack.”

Carl half listened to the read back from dispatch as he finished pulling his hood up around his face piece and reset his helmet. “Virg, when you get water I'll need a lot. Have Engine 33 set up a RIT and tell Truck 45 we're going up,” Virgil nodded and Carl turned his attention to their new charge John Charon who stood with his eyes white with excitement, “Rook, your with me, grab the high rise bag. We'll tie in at the center stair well.” The rookie fumbled but got the compartment opened and shouldered the 70# bag of hose and fittings.

Carl and his young charge made their way through the haze and into the front of the building, several people passed them on their way out coughing and retching. The center of the building had been carved into an atrium and the heavy timber beams that were removed now reinforced the edges of the five floor mezzanines.

Glass elevators road out of two lobby areas on the north and south sides and all had grounded properly once the alarms had sounded but the sprinkler system had been disabled while welders worked on the remodeling.

Some smoke had already infiltrated the atrium and Carl was hoping the smoke system was active. They made there way into the South fire stairs and to the third floor landing. “Okay Rook,” he had bumped face masks so he could be heard, “let's tie in here, we'll play the hose out from here.” The young firefighter nodded and they opened the bag. Carl spun the end cap off of the stand pipe while the rookie played out the hose. After he had joined the wye with the hose attached to the connection, Carl joined his rookie on the fourth floor landing. Carl keyed open his portable radio, “Virg, where's my water?”

“Comin' now Cap.” the radio crackled.

“Okay Rook, crack that nozzle and listen for the gurgling behind the air hiss.” The Rook nodded but Carl knew that if he didn't that he'd be fighting the hose as it tried to straighten itself out. The young fireman did as he was instructed and he heard the hiss of 3 stories and then 150' of air as it was pushed through the TFT nozzle and started to sputter. “Cut it!” Carl shouted and the firefighter pushed the lever forward. The hose had a satisfying rigidity. Carl knew Virg well enough to know he had at least 200 psi backing him up. It made the hose more difficult to maneuver than the prescribed 150# but it ensured a good supply of water. Carl placed his hand on the rookies shoulder, “you ready John?”

John Charon swallowed hard and nodded and then he crouched and opened the door onto the open fourth floor and his breathing quickened as he looked at the thick black wall moving towards them followed by a dim orange glow. Where the flames rolled out from behind and spilled along the grid work of heavy timbers supporting the fifth floor; it reminded Carl of the old ice trays as the water spills from one end to the other. “Let's get it John!” and the rookie pulled back on the nozzle's lever and Carl braced him against the reaction as the stream sputtered and then shot forcefully into the billowing wall. They would do all they could to contain it, buying time until more companies joined them.

Carl figured with the heavy timber construction they had some time before they had to think about backing out. The black smoke rolled inward around where the stream pierced into its heart. “Okay Rook, let's move it up a bit and they advanced until they were being wrapped in the toxic and skin melting cloud but the rookie kept the stream directed at the dim glow and was working the hose in tight circles. Carl felt a swell of pride but as he looked up he saw “snakes” of orange shoot past over their heads. “Rook, pencil it, the ceiling...and dammit, slow your breathing down!” John followed his direction but the little serpentine flames increased and there was a low groan,

“Shit!” Carl tackled the rookie and the black cloud turned into a boiling orange wall as the flash over enveloped them. It was only seconds before he dragged the nozzle away from the rookie and opened a protective cone of water over and in front of them but he could feel the skin on his neck drawing tight. “Let's get out of here Rook!” he shouted and tried to keep the water cone between them and the worst of the flaming assault. John had made it to the landing and was pulling hose back helping Carl to retreat.

Carl was almost there before he saw the flaming wall advance and a ball of hot gases morphed into a face and stared at him. Carl couldn't believe it, he'd seen strange, even bizarre things, in fires before and he wasn't prone to anthropomorphism but it definitely looked like a face. He studied the apparition as it appeared to study him, he narrowed the stream and strafed across the face with it. The face's mouth gaped as if in a scream and retreated back into the roiling liquid inferno. Carl was just stepping back when he heard a growl like a hundred distant lions and a loud cracking of timbers snapping. He was just turning to jump into the relative safety of the fire stairs when he felt the sickening sensation of of momentary weightlessness and fell, slamming into a broken timber. He tasted blood in his mouth and the stabbing pain of ribs shattering followed by a slide toward the growing lake of fire below him. Carl grappled desperately for a purchase on the collapsed flooring and watched the nearing liquid flames he suddenly remembered the most chilling line from “The Inferno”. As the hero enters Hell, the sign reads, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” Dante clung to a split between boards in the flooring and found himself suspended between life and death, struggling desperately for relief from the suffocating serum welling in his throat. Carl hung in limbo for just a moment before the sloping floor bucked and shook Carl free to finish his fall into the flaming lake.

Carlito woke as he gagged and coughed, splattering the inside of his face piece with blood and tissue. The darkness retreated from his field of vision and he started to take in his surroundings, all the while straining to through rattling gasps in his attempt to move air into whatever functioning lung tissue he had left.

His radio crackled to life and he heard what sounded like distant screams and the rookie's voice sounded the alarm, “Mayday! Mayday! Cap's down, fourth, no...third floor. It all just fell...” and the static rose to drown out the desperate call for help.

Carl looked up and chuckled at his own hopeless situation. The “lake” of fire was a sheet of flame rolling out from under the third floor timbers. From above it had looked like a swirling pool of consuming fire.


The Vibralert on Carl's mask started to buzz and rattle warning him of his air supply being nearly depleted. He pulled the offending equipment from his face and leaned forward to vomit blood between his legs. The ringing in his ears faded and he became aware of the sounds around him. Most prominent was the groaning of the timbers and stone walls as the fire continued to feed on the dying structure. Carl was suddenly distracted and fascinated by the sounds of flaming creosote dripping from the floors above. It made a zipping sound followed by a crack like a small caliber gun as it splashed into the steaming water that was gathering around him. He could also make out the thumping of master streams flailing against the burning floors above him. “Hm, they've gone defensive,” he thought realizing that no one would be entering to save him now. The whole scene was hellish, dimly lit and raining fire into a growing stew of dark and sweltering waters. Carl was racked with another violent and excruciating cough as he bent over and spat another large and gelatinous wad of blood and tissue into his lap. He sucked in air with a loud and rattling gasp and as he looked up he saw his rookie kneeling beside him.

“John!” Dante rasped, “what…?” another racking cough choked off his words.

“Cap, you're not dead yet, help is coming,” Charon rose, “I'll show them the way in; lead them to you.” The rookie left so fast Carl was wondering if he had actually seen him at all.

“I'm hallucinating,” he told himself and he leaned his head back waiting for his last breath.

“Carl? Oh God Carl, I found you!” It was Beatrice making her way towards him, he knew he was suffering the storied “life flashing before your eyes” but she was so beautiful he took comfort in her presence.

As she made his way towards him, almost floating even in the labyrinthine tangle of fallen timbers and floating rings of fire. She reached out a pale white hand as if to touch his face and screamed out in surprise and fear as Carl saw an apparition of himself grasp her swan like neck and pull her into a crushing embrace.

“No, don't!” Carl choked out his words as his phantom self began to rend her gown and grope Beatrice ignoring her protests. She was weeping and pushing against the demonic assailant as Carl could do nothing but watch himself molest and terrorize the woman he loved.

Carl watched in abject terror as Beatrice lost her fight and her pale naked flesh was raked with the teeth and ragged nails of his doppelganger. Beatrice's lithe and flawless body thrashed in the crushing arms and her head fell back with a blood curdling scream as the being's enormous sex ripped into hers. She sobbed and cried throughout the assault and he Carl's horror grew as the apparition changed into the hideous visage of a beast with the head like a bull and a serpentine tongue that lolled from it's malformed mouth to encircle a nipple before the beast bit into the soft flesh of her beautiful white tit, drawing blood and another horrifying scream from Beatrice's mouth.

Dante struggled to his feet and advanced on the beast intent on spending his last moments locked in battle to save Beatrice from this horrible rape. “Damn you! Leave her alone!” and Carl lunged at the creature only to be thrown back by and iron like forearm across his face.

The beast lunged into Beatrice one last time and threw his own head back into a chilling, growling howl as he emptied into her ravaged sex. He discarded her limp form as so much rubbish and Carl watched disheartened as she fell writhing back into the steaming water, blood oozing from her wounds and her gaping labia. The latter streaking the cum that leaked from her. The beast turned to Carl and pulled him up by the shoulder straps of his air pack. He leaned in and Carl wretched at the smell of his sulfurous and acrid breath. “Don't you see?” the beast growled, “I am you.” Carl screamed a rattling and gurgling protest as the beast let him drop back against the timber he had been leaning on.

“Carl?” a weak cry came from Beatrice. Carl sobbed as he watched helplessly while her once flawless flesh, now bruised and bleeding sank into and was swallowed by the black waters. A flaming swirl of flammable liquid filled in the final ripples as if to seal her tomb.

Fraud and Deceit

“That was me...that was me,” Carl mumbled to himself repeatedly and he wished for a chance to see Beatrice more than for life itself. He hurt and was tired but as he started to fade there was what he could best compare to the sound of someone sucking the last of their drink through a straw as he saw the water recede from around him. Suddenly he was falling again as his platform gave way and he, the flaming debris and the water fell into the concrete cellar of the old mill building.

“C'mon! Take me already!” he shouted at God or whatever was drawing out his tortuous demise. He was suffocating, he could feel it more now and he panted more than breathed; it wouldn't be long. It was dark here. He could make out shadows and he weakly fumbled for his flashlight that hung on his left shoulder harness. The beam came alive and a narrow beam speared into the darkest recesses, he saw movement again. “Oh God, no more...” he lurched in a rib crunching cough and more blood poured from his mouth.

In the midst of the circle formed where the beam of light collided with the back wall was two heavy timbers leaning together in a “X” like formation. Carl sensed movement and heard desperate and distant sobbing and protesting as he saw Beatrice's writhing and naked form being dragged into the light by shadowy but somehow feminine forms. She was still beautiful but as the “creatures” transfixed her to the “X” Carl agonized over her bruised and battered body, knowing he had done this to her. With her legs pulled taught on the cruciform her ravaged sex was prominent, still leaking the blood tinged semen. His lusts had driven him to hurt her deeply with each loveless fuck that she surrendered to even when she wasn't ready. Her eyes met his, even in the dark and they were filled with regret and yet they still showed her love for him as she surrendered herself to whatever was to come. Carl buried his head in his hands and sobbed.

He jumped as he felt a tender and feminine hand stroke the side of his face. He looked up with bleary eyes to see the pretty blonde mother he had taken in his first betrayal of his marriage covenant. She said nothing as she leaned in and kissed him, forcing her tongue into Carl's bloody mouth. She leaned back and pulled her robe from her shoulders and smeared the blood down her throat and over her small breasts.

Carl looked past her and watched as Beatrice hung her head. “Don't worry,” hissed the apparition, “you told her you were working another shift. Remember?” The stillness was split by a hissing and cracking and Carl looked up just in time to see a lash cross Beatrice's breasts and leave a searing welt. Beatrice screamed and sobbed at the tortuous blow but then returned to hanging limply against her bonds, she had given up. The apparition took Carl's right hand and pressed it to her tit and he felt it burn through the palm of his heavy glove. “Tell her you have to meet with the chief,” she hissed and another lash fell across Beatrice, this time marring her thighs and vulva. She cried out but barely lurched. The tortures had taken their toll and she was defeated.

The apparition's nude form rose to it's feet and faded into the shadows only to be passed by another shadowy figure coming towards him. “Her” features melted and defined into the young female rookie he had bedded; he had narrowly escaped a sexual harassment charge. She ripped apart her uniform's top and dropped the Dickies jeans, stepping from them without so much of a misstep. She came to Carl and knelt straddling his broken form and pressed a full tit against his mouth, “Suck it like you used to,” she hissed, “tell me you're divorcing your wife for me.” The voluptuous demon kept her tit crushed into Carl's face and cackled hideously as Carl witnessed more lashes falling against Beatrice's tortured body. She writhed as each new punishment was laid against her tender flesh but her cries were almost inaudible. The rookie's smiling face twisted into a gaping maw with needle like teeth filling the gray gums. She leaned forward and raked a scalding tongue across his blood soaked neck and then hissed in his ear, “she's taking your punishment. Lie, lie some more so we can have our fun now.” It threw its head back and let loose another chilling cackle before rising and verily fading into the dark.

Each girl he had cheated on his wife with came out of the dark in turn and each lie he had told them or told Beatrice to explain his absence resulted in the remaining feminine forms raining down repeated lashes on the only woman he had truly loved. Soon she was more welt than flesh, she barely twitched with each new lash and she didn't raise her head again.

“Stop it!” he managed to choke out, “please leave her alone!” He pleaded but nothing changed, he could just sit and look upon her ravaged and beaten body as it hung limply from her restraints; grotesquely highlighted by the cold beam from his flashlight. He really couldn't breathe now and he knew he was dead. The darkness closed in and all was blackness and silence.


“Cap! Cap, can you hear me?” the voice tore into his darkness and Carl's eyes fluttered open. There were lights crisscrossing the darkness behind the form leaning over him and something was on his face. Carl pawed at the offending object and the form leaning over him pulled his hands away. “Cap, it's oxygen, leave it be.”

“Virgil?” Carl managed to whisper.

“Yeah Cap, it's me. We're getting you out of here,” Virgil looked grim now that Carl could see his face. “But Cap...Carl, you have to stay with me, focus on your breathing.” Carl groaned and pain shot through his entire frame from a half dozen firefighters lifting him into a Stokes basket. The oxygen bottle was laid between his legs and he watched as the ropes from the corners were locked into a carabiner and the rescuer clipped himself to the rig. Soon he was lurching and swaying in the air as the top side crew started their hoist. Carl rolled his head to the side and looked at the “X” where he had watched Beatrice beaten into unconsciousness, nothing remained of her ordeal.

Once at the ground level Carl was handed along a gauntlet of firefighters until he got to the paramedics that had another stretcher waiting. Once again Carl felt his body tear and burn as he was removed to the gurney. His coat and shirt was cut from his chest and four pads were affixed to his hairy chest. Carl smiled weakly as he mused about the pain he'd endure removing the electrodes. One medic listened to his chest as another prepped his skin and inserted a 16 gauge catheter into his antecubital vein. He was loaded into the MICU again racked with pain as the stretcher's frame collapsed and folded under neath the pad. He knew it was bad and his experience as a paramedic confirmed his fears as he listened to the report that the attending medic gave.

“Biocontrol, Medic one seven five. We have a 33 year old male. Hypotensive with a BP of 86 palpable, respirations 40 and pulse is 130 and thready. Paradoxical retractions on left side and muffled heart tones. Breath sounds absent left and diminished right; suspected hemothorax with cardiac tamponade. We have started IV of normal saline wide open, non-rebreather at 15 liters and ekg showing sinus tachycardia. Were heading priority one, code three your location. Did you copy?”

“Affirmed medic one seven five. Attempt needle thoracotomy, fourth interstitial up to four insertions. Get here as soon as you can.”

“Medic one seven five received.”

Carl was aware of the medic rustling around and was surprised by the cool wetness of the provodone and alcohol being swabbed over his rib cage. It hurt as first one then two more 14 gauge needles were pressed into his side but he felt almost immediate relief as he could suddenly take in more air. The firefighter medic leaned over Carl's face, “easier to breathe Cap?” Carl nodded. “I've got what looks like almost 50ml out of that lowest needle. Just breathe, okay?” Carl nodded again as he relaxed slightly and he faded into unconsciousness.

Return From Hell

Carl's next awareness was of clamoring voices, bright sterile lights and electronic beeps and whirs. “Where am I?” he rasped which startled a nurse that had leaned across him to titrate his IV. The doctor stepped into his view and Carl became aware of his head being immobilized by a padded vice like HIS.

“Captain Dante,” the surgeon began and Carl turned his eyes to the doctor's, “you shattered three ribs and bled into your chest. We have relieved the pressure but had to remove the bottom lobe of your left lung to stem the hemorrhage. I'm optimistic that you'll have an almost complete recovery. I'm afraid marathons are out,” he finished with a sardonic grin. Carl didn't find it funny. “You have some friends here, you up to seeing them?”

“Please,” Carl rasped. The nurse finished with whatever she was doing and stepped back from his view. A tired and worn Virgil Dalton leaned into his field of view. “Virg!” Carl coughed out, “thank God for you. I was done.” And suddenly Carl had to pant for air sucking down the bag on the non-rebreather mask.

“Keep it down Carl, people might get the wrong idea,” he smiled.

“Where's the rookie? I've got to thank him,” Carl struggled to get out these words too. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to talk.

Virgil Dalton's face went grim, “John Charon is dead Cap. He was killed in the initial cave in.”

Carl struggled against the straps that held his head back, “what the fuck are you saying Virg? Damn it he called the mayday, he found me, he went to lead you guys in!” Carl was racked by another fit of coughing and wheezing.

His thrashing drew the attention of the nurse who ran over and pressed his shoulders back against the bed, “Mr. Dante, be still or I'll have to sedate you.” Carl relented and quit struggling but glared at Virgil.

“Cap, you gave the Mayday, I heard you myself. We had to knock the fire down before we could make entry. John's body was found during the overhaul, the stair runners had collapsed. Killed him instantly. I'm sorry Carl, he's dead. YOU made the radio call.”

Carl thought back on his ordeal, “no, he's wrong. John was there...my radio was lost in the fall.” The thoughts kept rushing through his tortured mind and he began to leak tears. Virgil was desperate to take Carl's mind away from the rookie, he knew that his friend would carry that death with him the rest of his life.

“Cap,” Carl looked at his friend's face as Virgil struggled to look optimistic, “I'm sorry but I have to get out of the way, someone important wants to see you.” Virgil squeezed his friend's hand and then retreated from his view leaving Carl to wonder what blustering chief needed to make an appearance.

“Carl?” came a voice more like the cooing of a dove than a person, “oh God Carl, you're awake.” Beatrice stepped into his view. Even drawn and tired with eyes that had obviously been crying, she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He studied her, anticipating to find tell tale signs of her torment, there were none. She leaned over Carl's face, looking into his tired eyes and squeezing his hands in her soft cool grasp.

“Beatrice, oh sweet Beatrice, please forgive...” his words were cut off by a tender kiss to his blood encrusted lips. Warm salty tears fell from his eyes as she laid her hand on his heart and pain ebbed from his body.

Beatrice rose from the lingering kiss but kept her hand over his heart. Carl raised his own hand and held hers close to his chest. Weakly he tried to speak and again she silenced him with a kiss, “Of course I forgive you, I always have. I have always loved you, come back to me.” She kissed him softly again and the chill bled from his frame and warmth took its place. Carl encircled her neck with his free arm and held her face to his chest. He kissed the top of her head and he wept.


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After two hours of nonstop conversation during the drive up the mountainside, we finally pull up to the cabin. Elated, I jump out of the car, the rock driveway crunching beneath my flip-flops as I take a few steps away from the car. Breathing in the clean mountain air, my head spins delightfully from the intoxication of the pine mingled with my own excitement. Home. Though I do not live here, the family cabin on the shore of the lake is the home of my heart, and bringing him here was like...

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Prom Ch 14 Inferno

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

2 years ago
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Latin Inferno

I was bored, not just bored but mind-rottenly fed up. I like Cuban music, I like the irony of its optimism and its innate rhythm. This was grating on me like fingernails down a blackboard. The bar was packed out, the lights low, the vibe was hot and heavy. Any other night, I would be having the time of my life. There were almost wall-to-wall women all looking for a man, any man that could dance Salsa. I couldn’t dance Salsa. The bar was located in a salubrious and picturesque commuter town...

4 years ago
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Latin Inferno

I was bored, not just bored but mind-rottenly fed up. I like Cuban music; I like the irony of its optimism and its innate rhythm. This was grating on me like fingernails down a blackboard. The bar was packed out, the lights low; the vibe was hot and heavy. Any other night, I would be having the time of my life. There were almost wall-to-wall women all looking for a man, any man that could dance Salsa. I couldn’t dance Salsa. The bar was located in a salubrious and picturesque commuter town full...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 47 Inferno

March 28, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Happy birthday, Kara!” I said when I returned from my run with Gina on Tuesday morning. “Happy birthday, Kara!” Jessica said as well. “Thank you both! And thank you for taking the day off!” I chuckled, “When I asked you what you wanted for your birthday, you said you didn’t need anything. So Jessica and I decided to give you what you WANT!” “And what is that?” she asked impishly. Jessica laughed, “For us to wear you out, but we’re not sure that’s...

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Dante the male succubus

Dante was sitting at the far end of the table with racheal behind him resting her big tits on the back of his head. Racheal was a huge slut she always wore tight shirts that showed off her big tits and really short skirts that showed off the fact she dosen't wear panties. She was only 5 foot tall but she had a curvy body that drove the guys nuts except dante, which drove her crazy. She had even flashed her pussy to the class trying to get dante's attention if he noticed (or cared) he didn't...

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Dante The Male succubus part 2

I look around, im laying on a red couch in what i believe is a living room. A flat screen tv mounted on the wall across the room, a coffee table with well coffee on top of it and a note. I try to make my way over to the table but i stumble and fall but befor i hit the ground somethin catches me. " Careful darlin you might get hurt." I turn my head and see Dante holding me up. " Wh...Where did you come from?" I ask stunned by his sudden appearence. "Really love, I figured this would of...

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Dante Where Are You

© dircat December 2003 Chapter 1 We had been kidnapped the night before. We'd been out for dinner together and as we left the restaurant I half saw this shadowy figure come up to me from my left and half saw an arm raised in the air. Something hit me on the back of the head and I went down like a light. Coming to was difficult. I woke up for a few moments with a splitting headache then almost immediately sank back into darkness, only to go through the same thing again later on. At one...

4 years ago
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Shopping for her Part 3

Monica was still flushed and dressed in only the half cup bra and the crotchless panties as Vicky slid the silk jacket off her shoulders and hung it up. ‘Poppet,’ Vicky said, ‘could you gather a few paper towels from the bathroom?’ She looked down at her legs and smiled. ‘I think I might need a little cleaning up.’ Vicky looked back up at Monica and grinned. It took Monica only a second to return with the towels, two of which were damp with warm water. She started to hand them to the older...

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wife fucking with servent

Recently I was watching a movie with my wife in which a girl was having fun with 2 boys. I asked in joke to my wife should we try something like that. She just gave a naughty smile a said if people we come to know then our reputation will be finished in no time. But the answer encouraged me to see my wife being fucked by others. So regularly I started teasing my wife about similar topic and ask her to have fun with others. After about one month my wife agreed but asked me to be careful. One...

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A Deal is Struck

'Aw, I love my little bitch,' She said, as she ran her hands down my pink chemise and stockings, 'Do a spin for Mistress.' Humiliated, but extremely turned on, I spun for my Mistress. She clapped her hands, 'Very good! Now curtsy. Yes, very good sissy,' She grabbed me then and revealed her power by jamming her tongue down my throat. She grabbed my buttocks and squeezed them. She pulled away and admonished me, 'Sissy! Put your arms around my neck like a girl when I kiss you!' I did and she stuck...

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ComaChapter 2

Tony took me back to my room. Annie came in and asked how things went. Tony said that I did great and would be on my feet in no time. Shortly after I was settled in, my parents came in to see me. They smiled at Annie as she left to do her rounds and both of them came over and hugged me. Mom was crying and even Dad had tears in his eyes. The last time I talked to Dad, we'd argued. It seemed like it was yesterday. It had something to do with Julie and I coming over for Christmas, but Julie...

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My high school boyfriend

I was sixteen and Mac was s*******n when we started having sex. It started when we went out in his car to park and make out and he was tongue kissing me as his hands rubbed my tits through my sweater. Then he ran his hand under my sweater and rubbed my tits over my bra. Then he slipped a hand inside my bra and I liked the feel of his hands on my tits and his fingers across my nipples. Before I knew it he had unsnapped my bra and his hands were really feeling up my tits. I liked it a lot. His...

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I guess Im a cuckold 3

I had the day off so I checked the security recording, the big titted slut I fucked was one of Bill's carers, I had seen her visit many times but paid here no attention as she was short, fat, 50 and bloody ugly; without the blindfold I probably would never had got a hard on.Later that morning I heard someone enter Bill's, it was a neighbour Julie, a married women of about 30. From an up stairs window I could see and hear her, she was saying she had heard he need help and she was prepared to...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 10 Like the School PissBoy Turning Down a Lay On the School Queen

Plans don't survive contact with the enemy, or something like that according to John-John. One might think it's the enemy who tends to not do what the plan tells them, perfectly understandable since the plan generally calls for them to die. As it happens, plans don't survive the actions of the side, which makes up the fucking plan! For instance, Ashley and Joey took out the guards on the second floors. The entire gang was up in arms, but they were heading down and out. The gang leaped...

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the library

Thursday hubby burst through the door smiling honey have some exciting news as he kisses me he then tells me we are leaving for the weekend ,we have been invited to a masquerade ball ,we leave Friday after work here is my card get what you need .Friday morning arrives I am.excited I jump out of bed ready my self for a full day of shopping ,the day is almost over hubby is due home shortly I head for the shower stripping as I go leaving a trail of clothing behind stepping into the shower washing...

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Storms Never Last Ch 02

Copyright© 2009 by Jake Rivers Author’s Note: This is my seventh semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The most recent invitational included songs written or performed by Willie Nelson. The current effort consists of stories based on song titles that have a weather term in them, such as ‘Stormy Weather, ‘Foggy Mountain Top,’ ‘Dusty Skies’, ‘Heat Wave’, ‘Summertime Blues,’ and ‘Ballad of Thunder Road.’ Song of Wyoming was...

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The Electricians HaremChapter 12

Wednesday evening is the secondary drawing for the state lottery. The Power Ball drawing is broadcast at the same time. There had been a ticket buying frenzy, and the jackpot was up to $500 Million. They did the drawing, and the numbers looked familiar. I got my ticket out of my wallet, and all the numbers matched. I called Sam and the CPA firm and asked them to come to Clarice’s house to meet with me in the morning. Later in the evening, a newscaster reported that only one winning ticket had...

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Experience With Girl In USA

Hello everyone. This is Naveen (not real name). I am hiding my real name because the story i’m about to tell is very real, and if I told my real name here, everyone would know it’s me. I am a good looking indian guy who’s been living in Baltimore, Maryland, USA for about 8 years. I am 5’8″ tall, 25 year old, fair complexion, and good looking. When I first came to USA, I found myself attaracted to indian girls, but slowly slowly I started liking white girls also. It’s more fun talking to them...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 22

The next Morning I got up careful not to wake anyone again and snuck out of the bedroom in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I walked into the galley and poured a cup of coffee, I decided that I would take a swim so I walked out the back of the boat and stopped dead, Cathy was taking a shower at the swimming shower, she had her back to me and I watched her as she was finishing up, I sat down on the lounge chair and enjoyed the view as she turned off the shower and started to dry her hair, she...

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Nightblade The Lawyer

Author's Note: This is the second in a soon-to-be open universe. Rules and some guidelines are listed at the end of the story. Any resemblance to reality, and you should think about professional help. I would really appreciate any comments regarding this story, either by using the 'Add Review' link, or by email at [email protected] This story is dedicated to its editor, whom wished to remain unnamed. Nightblade: The Lawyer By Lucretia "Court is adjourned until nine A.M....

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Copyright© 2004 "You want to what??? Change into a woman? Complete with breasts and... ? Biting off a bit more than you can chew, aren't you, my dear?" "Belle, will you lay off me with your doubts and second-guessing and above all, your damnable nagging and leave me in peace for a change!" Dressing up as a woman was nothing out of the ordinary for Frank. He had done it often enough. Transvestism was the current fashion in the academic set, and even drastic cross-gender behavior was...

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My older sisterChapter 12

The next morning, we were dressed, all packed and ready to go. I was waiting to say good-bye to Ruthie. I saw the entire family come out to the pool. Ruthie saw me and waved. Her dad held her back from coming to me. We waved and left. Saddened, we headed back to our place - letting Mom know when we were back in town. After a good long nap, I got up and dictated an article for Kami to type into the computer: NUDITY IN AMERICA In these modern days, some old-fashioned values still exist....

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 7 Life Guard Duty

Friday Got up, took my shower and had breakfast. As I sat there having my second cup of coffee and trying to read the morning paper, I could not get my mind off yesterday. In all my life, I have never had anything even close like that. I should go check the video I got. No, on second thought, this would start the day off bad in a good way. This got me start thinking about today. I tried to wipe those thoughts out of my mind. I am just going to go over and play life guard. OK lunch then on...

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Perfect Wife to Black Dick Slut Part 1

Introduction: My wife is pregnant and I blame myself that its not my child growing in her womb From Perfect Wife to Black Cock Slut – Part 1 Chris and I had just flown back from Rome, a trip Id arranged so wed be back in the UK on 15th April, which was our 10th anniversary and Chriss 35th birthday. The plan was to dine at the same restaurant that Id proposed to her exactly 11 years previously, am I a romantic at heart? The flight landed at Stanstead so I was driving up the M1/M6 heading back...

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Confessions of Lust

"Confessions of Lust " I remember the morning when they finally caught me. It was unusually cold in my native Los Angles and the police had just caught the hill side strangler. Later under interrogation I would find this exceedingly funny as this bastard stole what should have been my pivotal role in penal lore. Yes I know, he killed people and I didn’t. Not that I wanted to, but in retrospect I probably should have, or I wouldn’t be sitting here now. Listening to these two fat ass pretentious...

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New Orleans Jizz

The place is a room at an old New Orleans hotel in the French Quarter (they are quite luxurious). The french windows are open to the street and the breeze from the Mississippi river blows the white floor length curtains gently, bringing with it the sounds of the Quarter....people, traffic, and the soulful notes of the blues being played by a street band. The king-sized bed is covered in white crispy cotton sheets. We have been in the Quarter and Magazine Street seeing some of the sights of New...

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Dating A Married Woman

On our very first date, Nikki gave me a very graphic account of her relationship with her husband.  Nikki was still his wife at the time.  She focused on his sexual perversions, and her willingness to fulfill them.  Nikki relished in her submission and was eager to tell me everything.  Nikki also told me about previous sexual episodes, with other boys, before her marriage.  Nikki also admitted to having a relationship with another girl.  These stories were completely unsolicited, and Nikki was...

First Time
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Encased in Plaster

Dale's house, set back from a lonely dirt road just off I-78 out in rural Pennsylvania, was full of plaster and ceramic sculptures of wildlife. He had a workshop studio in his basement with sculpting tools and supplies, and he had long since converted his garage into a gallery and store. People would drive all the way from New York and Philadelphia to buy his works. He wasn't wealthy by any means, but his hobby provided him a modest income. Unknown to anyone but himself, Dale had a fetish of...

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Hanumangarh Ki Business Lady Ko Chandani Raat Mein Choda 8211 Part 3

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Main iti krta hun.Ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye tisri kahani hai.Koi bhabhi ya lady mujhe is id pr contact kare… Us raat hum nange hi so gaye.Sex to nahi kiya per sote samay mujhe uske boob chuse.Raat ko jaag aai to dekha wo chupchap so rahi hai.Maine uski gaand mein land dala aur dheere-dheere dakke mare. Subah wo uth chuki thi.Usne chay di.Wo mere paas baithi thi.Uski pappi li aur chay pee.Nahaker main college jane wala...

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Going Green

Sam Green finished setting up his new auction account, wondering if he had the balls to go all the way. The idea had come to him when he’d received yet another new toy that he’d ordered on the internet. The flashlight was hardly a technical marvel, but the novelty of only having to shake it for light, never having to worry about batteries, was enough to make Sam click the buy button. As soon as he shook the flashlight and turned it on for the first time, the idea lit up in his head along with...

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Buddys Little bro 2

If you read my last post you would know that I taught Ian how to jack off. If you have not read it I recommend reading itSo the rest of that summer, I would go into Ian's room before bed, and we would jack off. We never really jacked each other off. That was only the one time that I showed him. This is the story about how we went a little too far while we were playing a little game.It started off like any other normal day at Daniel's house. It was an early august day, and summer was coming to a...

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The LetterChapter 7

Christmas Eve. Matt was pretty sure it was Christmas Eve, that was what day they had on their calendar anyway. It wasn't going to compare to the other Christmases he'd known, but they'd done okay, considering. They'd found a little fake tree in the back of the party store, and hung socks from it. There wasn't anything under it, but Valerie had made gloves to put in the stockings. Well they were kind of like gloves, they were made out of socks, and had a thumb and one finger, and there...

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A Second Shot at Love

(Part One) Seductive Arrest Gabrielle Garrison was a woman on a mission and neither the cold, fog, or the wetness of this early spring night was going to deter her from its swift completion. Reaching in through her police uniform’s foul-weather coat’s unbuttoned lapel, Gabby felt the reassuring comfort of the unyielding, metallic weapon holstered there. Pulling the gleaming revolver out, she studied its polished form glinting in the muted midnight moon. One by one, she counted the six chambers...

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Lost Empire 511

0003 - Conner- Thomas                              0667 - Marco - Brown                   0097 - Ace - Zimmel                                    0778 - Jan                     0098 - Lucy                                                  0798 - Celeste  -  Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick      0908 - Tara - Mara               0125 - Lars                                                   0999 - Zan                        0200 -...

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Not OrdinaryChapter 15

“You are about to play a major part in the coronation of a God!” Those words out of the mouth of the man I considered a close friend and a mentor, while he was looming over my fallen best friend, made me reel back in shock. I still couldn’t process the fact that the traitor in the council was none than Frost. That the man who was supposed to be one of the guardians of Untethered on this planet was the one who had stabbed the entire group in its back. I don’t know what came over me but...

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The Begining

The good lady of the house quietly lets me know in that she a short while ago had made the necessary arrangements for two former associates’ to call round and basically give her the fucking she desperately needed. She did add although I was ok she wanted more satisfaction and therefore had spoken to two former special friends who knew exactly what she needed. As a special treat I was going to be allowed to sit and observe also that these two friends would be here very shortly. Surprisingly I...

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SerendipityChapter 8

We might have been an old married couple ... almost. Not long after the dawn light woke us, Grace leaned over and kissed me deeply. "I'd really like to fuck you again before breakfast, Ted, but I also want to get to sea." "Only one thing wrong with what you just said, Sweetie," I said, "we don't fuck, we make love." She froze and looked at me, eyes wide, then kissed me again, more passionately than before. Even so, she got out of bed, climbed into some clothes and disappeared in...

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A good colleague called me recently and told me to finally fight with her boyfriend. He was angry because the same day bought two tickets for mini-vacation to a cabin on the Prahova Valley and I wanted to invite him make a surprise weekend. Unfortunately, this thing was not possible because the fight was started before deconspirarii surprise.Honestly, I was with her even from this point of view, such a sadness because I had lived only a week before, when my friend told me that "no go" and...

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Suzys Holiday Service

In the weeks following our heroine's introduction to Mr. Boulton's photographic experiments, She had often found Herself standing in front of him head hung low; not for just the weekly session - which was now entered in his appointment diary in red in Miss Stewart's elegant rounded hand for the rest of the term- but also on the odd occasion when She felt a need for some guiding hand upon Her. When, all too frequently thoughts of Her headmaster sneaked into Her impish mind She could not help...

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Motel 69

Tony: My cock had been hard as a rock most of the afternoon. I wasn’t supposed to meet her today, it wasn’t in our plans, but I knew that if I called her she would come. She’d have to, because her obsession was as great as mine, perhaps worse. It was already late in the day so she’d make the weak, obligatory objections about her husband coming home and getting dinner ready for him and their two kids… But she’d be there. I knew that without a doubt. I adjusted my hard cock as I thought about...

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Asha8217s sex experiences

Asha was newly married to rajesh sinha, a young businessman, who had His own auto-parts making factory in the outskirts of delhi. They Lived in a big bungalow with rajesh’s parents. They had just returned From their honeymoon. Asha a voluptuous women had been a virgin Before marriage, although she had indulged in heavy petting with a Few boys and her house servant. Luckily before she could go any Further her marriage was fixed. She was a lusty young woman with a Big body, heavy breasts and a...

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Submission BIM2M

I had been exchanging emails with this one guy. He seemed quite intriguing however for a few weeks, I did not have the nerve to say yes to his invitation. I had always wondered what it would be like to give control over totally to another man. However, my limits of submission were usually to suck or bottom on my terms or on a more mutual basis. Finally, he wore me down and I said yes on a phone call. He asked if I was really ready to submit to being used, and his voice turned me on. He...

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The Fall And Rise Of David Beckman Chapter 4B

In the morning Erica called her office and spoke to her boss. She explained that she had a personal family emergency and had to come back home. Luckily he didn't press her for the nature of her emergency. Erica told him she needed the day off but that she would be back to work on Thursday. Erica spent the day doing some housework and grocery shopping and generally staying out of my way as much as possible. I spent the day in my office making calls as I tried to recruit employees for...

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The Beginning Of Being A Gigolo

Hello. I am back with a story after a while. I am 24 now, 6 ft tall, a little chubby with 5-inch dick. I study and work as a freelancer. This is a fictional story and not real. I moved to a new city after completing studies. With no financial support from my parents, it was hard to start with. Finding a place to live in and getting 3 square meals every day was turning out to be difficult. Moreover, I did not have a job yet. I used to wander the streets of a strange city with a resume in my hand...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 18

Ninve and Sandra were both as good (or bad, depending upon your point of view) as their word. They teased me relentlessly during my lunch, but at least I was able to rest my dick and recover by not touching it despite the constant stimulation. We had a nice, long leisurely lunch, even some dessert in the form of a great Key Lime pie, but it couldn't last forever. When I finished my beer, I led my bevy of companions to the chaise longue, where we lay and relaxed a little while longer, just to...

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Converting an Asshole to a CumSlut

Converting Mike Davenport from Asshole to Cum-SlutErotic fiction by Outsfguy10-07-2013Background:My name's Rex, and here's how ten years ago me and my buddy Bruce got even with our class, no-class, asshole bully – Mike Davenport. We're all about 25 now, so you can do the math. Here's the background on why this k** deserved to get his ass revenge-****d. First of all, Mike was a sexy mother-fucker; tall, lanky and full of nervous energy that came out in spurts of meanness. He had a moptop of...

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Nicole and her mothers boyfriends

The phone rang..... "Hello?" "Hey...Nicole?" "Yep, Hi John." "Haha I thought it was you, how you been? "Good, and you?" "Great, is your mother there?" "No, she went to the doctors, she should be back soon though." "Oh, okay, well tel her I'll give her a call, do you need anything?" "Haha no, she'd kill me, but I'll definatly tell her you called." "Okay honey, talk to ya later" "You too, bye!" --------------------------- Nicole...

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Lindsays Valentines Day Surprise Party

Lindsay's Valentine's Day Surprise Party : Sequel to Lindsay's New Year's Surprise.My girlfriend Lindsay is a sexy little thing. She's 5'4" with jet black hair (though she sometimes tints it with blonde highlights), full 34D breasts, an olive complexion, sparkling green eyes and a tight little ass. Everyone I know wants to fuck her, but I'd always managed to keep her for myself. Then everything changed. Last New Year's Eve we found ourselves at a party in Compton where dozens of big black guys...

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The Boss Needs Help

It was Kristen's first day as a newly promoted office manager and she looked the part in her sharp new jacket and skirt. For her first official act, she summoned her brother into her office. As fate would have it, her older brother was the guy who had recommended her to this company in the first place. "You wanted to see me?" Michael asked, while standing at the door.She nodded. "I did. Come in and close the door, please. We need to have a little talk."Michael was tense as he shut the door and...

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The Strangest Worst and Best Ch 03

The Strangest, Worst, and Best, Halloween I’ve Ever Had Part III ~The Disintegration When the entertainment wrapped up she kissed me and said she had to clean up and get dressed…but she wanted to get my number later. I had seen her earlier when she had arrived and knew that she was there with her boyfriend as well. But at that point I thought she was just another party guest, I had no idea they were going to have strippers. I guess it was the fire coupled with the chocolate and whip cream...

2 years ago
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Finally Getting Fucked

Ty and I grew closer since the day he invited me to his room and gave me my first oral. Even though we barely saw each other during the day, we were constantly texting each other. I grew more comfortable around him and could share much more personal things than before the pussy licking experience. Whenever Ty and I would text, the conversation would start out ordinary but would always lead to something erotic. We flirted so much but we could only get so far then retreat to the usual small...

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My New Neighbours Part 3

I didn’t have much to do today so decided to go for a walk in the nearby park, have a seat by the pavilion and watch the joggers hobble by, there is a little café to get a cold drink and an old toilet in case you need to recycle quickly.When I got to the park there was a few joggers which I had pleasure in looking at as I walked round to the pavilion, I was always intrigued as to why guys would wear tight shorts if only to show off their bulges, mind you I would probably do the same if ever I...

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Fucking My Stepdaughter

Hello, this is the tales of how I stared fucking my stepdaughter. It all started when my wife was on a business trip. I was sitting in the living room, watching my favourite show, when my stepdaughter, Jane, walked in. I looked over at her and thought to myself 'Holy shit, she's hot' when she looked over at me and said "How was your day?" I responded with "It was good, how are you?" when out of nowhere she said "I'm horny, could you help?" I said "What!? I'd be happy to help my little girl." I...

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Jack and JillChapter 114

I was awakened by the sun shining on my face. I took a deep breath through my nose for the first time in days. I smelled the smell of Jill. I felt the feel of her, too; the warmth of her body, her breasts up against my back and her mound pushing into my butt. Her left arm was draped over my side, her fingers barely touching the mattress in front of me. I took her hand in mine and pulled it into my chest. She moved a bit, settled into my butt a little closer and moaned contentedly. I felt...

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Chachi ke saath holi

Hello dost mera name anish aggarwal hai aur mein delhi ka rehne wala hun joh mein aaj aap ko khani sunane ja raha hun woh meri bilkul suchi kahani hai. Yeh us waqt ki baat hai jab mein 19 saal ka tha . Aur mein iind year mein padtha tha. Aaj meri umar 23 saal hai. Humare ghar ke saamne ek humare dur ke chacha rehte the unki 2-3 saal phele hi shaddi hui thi.lakin abhi tak unko koi baccha nahin hua tha. Ek bar ki baat thi ki holi ka din tha aur sab log holi khel rahe the mein bhi gali mein holi...

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