Sorrel’s Long Journey To Love Ch. 13 free porn video

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Sorrel, as a result of miraculously good timing, had escaped, at least for the time being, the eager scalpel of Hadamar’s most infamous doctor, but her safety, like all things, was ephemeral, a momentary interruption in what might still be a long painfully slow and odiously ugly submersion into the abyss.

Questions arose about Sorrel. Did she know things? Did she have secret information? Did Sorrel possess vital secret information about say ‘stuxnet’, the malware virus that had been unleashed on Iran’s nuclear machinery, or maybe she possessed knowledge of some other equally strange and equally exotic computer virus as yet to be hurled at some ‘Western’ adversary?

The answer to the question of Sorrel’s knowledge of vital secrets, secrets of any kind, was of course, she knew nothing. But under torture people have been be persuaded to confess to anything, say anything, fabricate anything.

Sorrel had been a strong woman all her life, but no one was ever strong enough when the right procedures have been applied.

Questioning techniques like water boarding, a relatively soft, though still brutal and internationally banned, torture tool had been used, secretly, inside the borders of the United States with impunity. But the real torture methodologies, the really robust measures required deportation to some friendly, though less scrupulous, third world nation.

If Sorrel were to be successfully removed from the relatively safe confines of her own home nation, one could only imagine the joys, the pleasures that might await her in say Egypt, Yemen, or even now the conspiratorially friendly Iraq. Yes the Middle East, that vast depot where Twelfth Century interrogation methods had melded with Twenty-first Century technologies and old fashioned feudalistic zeal.

Somewhere in that vast emptiness, that voiceless mindless human rights wilderness known as the Middle East there awaited an overzealous technician armed with the torture technologies of a grim forbidding past, the merciless new mechanism of the present, plus, to poor Sorrel’s chagrin, the emotional and psychological temperament of a Tomas de Torquemada, that most feared and most despicable of Sixteenth Century Inquisitors.

Oh what hellish, vicious, cruel, things awaited the beautiful and unsuspecting Sorrel Sullivan? Could it be someone had already connected the electronics of modern man to a Sixteenth Century Rack? Had some crazed maniac been sharpening the vicious scythe-like edges of a modern day Breast Ripper? Have the hinges of the Iron Maiden been sufficiently greased? Did someone remember to sufficiently hone the cruel steel tips of the Judas Cradle? What of the Wheel, how many of Sorrel’s delicate bones might be broken and woven into its pitiless spokes? Had the Judas Fork been steel tipped?

One could only imagine with utter terror the sharpened tools that awaited poor Sorrel’s anatomical cavities. What of poor innocent Sorrel’s sweet ears, her delicate nostrils, her beautiful mouth, that gorgeous peach of an anus, and oh woe, what savage terrors lurked under that dark silken cloth resting atop that broad metal table, all ready to penetrate her most secret, most personal, most sacred of places?

Then again, the waiting inquisitor might be a modernist, some pseudo-sophisticate, a contemporary ‘apparatchik’ only too willing and too ready to earn promotion and recognition through the despicable devices at his, or her, disposal. Consider the chemicals, the biological, or the neurological treats that might await our precious heroine.

Could it be something as simple as a drug that emulated the worst aspects of a serious case of influenza? Or perhaps something more innovative, say something that attacked the middle ear, imagine the excitement of watching someone as they tried to escape the thunderous drumbeat of an artificially imposed migraine headache.

All these things could be awaiting our sweet protagonist, these and many more. No one dared to mention the unlimited possibilities of permanent disfigurement. Consider the loss of the nose, an ear, the removal of an eyelid, the whisking away of those soft nipples Fletcher found so tempting, or those colorful and sensitive aureoles, all things can be made possible where no rules apply.

Thank God Sorrel had no idea what possible treats the diseased minds of her own nation might have ready for her. Give God thanks Fletcher had no clue either, for such knowledge would surely have driven him mad. Only Florence and Warren knew what might lie in store, and thankfully, it happened to be Florence who had taken on the challenge of rescuing our maiden fair.

Give it up for Florence! She’s working out a plan!

Florence knew they had to rescue Sorrel before the people who held her got her out of the United States, for once out of the country she might end up anywhere. To save her before she left the country Florence needed information. It was not a new thing, all governments all armies worked best when they knew and understood what their enemy’s plans were. She knew what they intended, she needed to know when and how, and to get that information she needed someone on the inside. The first step in that direction was going to require some negotiation with Warren.

Warren was in a deep world of shit, and he knew it. Both his brother and Florence had unraveled his subterfuge. Warren was a hapless duck, a fish out of water, a piece of odorous shit floating haphazardly in the yellow piss water of a not yet flushed toilet. He needed their benevolence, and he knew neither was feeling very benevolent. Still, he had one trump left. He had the key to the first step on the inside track to Sorrel, and without knowledge of that first step Sorrel was sunk. The question was, what was his single piece of information worth?

The very afternoon after Florence, Fletcher, and Warren had met following Sorrel’s close call at the butcher’s Warren was visited by three men in dark suits. Three agents, presumably from the SEC, were at his portal. They explained that they’d received a phone call from a reliable source wherein someone had enumerated several violations of marketing regulations and attributed them all to Warren Hanson.

Warren was taken by surprise. He was sure his trail had been thoroughly covered. He did the best he could to deflect their questions. Using bluff and bluster, he managed to gain a three day grace period before opening his records. After the agents left he called Florence. He was in a panic.

Of course, the agents who’d visited Warren weren’t SEC personnel at all. Florence had immediately hired three people to impersonate SEC investigators. Her ruse had worked. Warren would still want to negotiate, but he would be negotiating out of fear now more than ever. He would be much more amenable when it came time for them to talk.

Florence wasn’t in any hurry to get Sorrel out just yet anyway. Her first concerns regarded Fletcher, keeping him on an even keel, and in finding a way to get a message inside to Sorrel. Florence believed if they waited a few days before taking any action on Sorrel the Hadamar people might become lax, less focused on Sorrel, making it easier to free her when the time came.


Sorrel was crying hysterically. She’d felt the metal scalpel, or whatever it was, press up against the inside of her eye. She knew how close she’d come.

The nurses had fastened her in the wheelchair and taken her to yet another room. This was the fourth room she believed they’d taken her. When they reached the room one unlocked the door while the other rolled her in. The nurses didn’t tarry. They unfastened her fetters, and unceremoniously left her in the room, no discussion, no explanations, and no solace.

The nurses had discharged their patient. It was time for lunch, and the pizza was getting cold. The woman they’d left in the room could be handled later.

Sorrel looked around at her new domicile. It wa
s, more or less, what she expected, a bed, sort of, more of that cold green linoleum flooring, gray cinder block walls, no windows, two recessed fluorescent lights, that were a change from the incandescent bulbs the other rooms had all had, and there was one small chair clearly bolted to the floor.

The bed was of the same disheartening style she’d found in the first room, not very long, narrow, and a flexible metal cage that could be lowered over her once she was tucked in. There were no coverings, only a gray vinyl mattress, no pillow, no coverlets of any kind. She’d be caged in bed during sleep times, and, she believed, probably any other times they wanted her closely confined, though she couldn’t imagine anything more confining than this small room.

She took note of the door for the first time, and noticed it was different in some important ways. First this door opened outward, not inward. Though she doubted she’d ever have the opportunity, but if they ever left her to her own devices, as was the case at the moment, she wouldn’t be able to surprise anyone by hiding behind the door. It really mattered very little, hiding behind the door might have afforded a better chance for surprise and then perhaps escape, but she had no idea where she might escape to if she did get loose.

The door, she saw had a small window at just about eye level, or eye level for someone a little taller then she, just the kind of window one might have seen in some medieval castle, or an insane asylum.

Then again, from another perspective, the window was mirrored, meaning a one way aperture, like some cell in an old Soviet prison. They’d be able to see her from the outside without her being able to see them. However, it was a mirrored opening, it was her first opportunity to see herself since she’d been abducted. She used the chance to see what she looked like.

Oh! She looked awful! Dark circles under the eyes, no eyebrows, no eyelashes, hair a jumbled mess, and she was building a nice shiner where the nurse had clamped her eyelid back. She looked sallow, tired, and malnourished.

At first she thought it was awful. But wait a minute! No it wasn’t awful! It was great! She could see herself, and she knew who she was. They hadn’t lobotomized her. She still had her brain, her personality, and most of all, her sense of humor, or better, her sense of whimsy.

Sorrel went back over and sat on the bed. It was hard, uncomfortable, and she’d be caged in it when she slept. That was the worst of it, at least for the moment.

But there were other things to consider. She knew, she really knew, and she really did know, that Fletcher was hunting for her. She bet he had something to do with the stoppage of her butchery.

She thought about it. The phone had rung. Someone, somewhere had intervened. Yes! Somewhere outside, out in the free world she had a hero, a man on a brilliant white steed with a long javelin, or whatever those long spears were called knights used. Yes! Her Galahad was campaigning for her at that very moment! When he came she’d be ready.

Sorrel looked around the room, back at the door. She could handle this! She checked out the door again. There was a bracket for a door handle and there was a key hole, but no door knob or handle. So what! So she couldn’t get out. She had a hero. He’d come. He’d break the damn door down. He’d rescue her, and when he did she show her gratitude. They raise their kids together. They make some more kids. They’d overfill that damn house with so many mouths they’d need a bigger house.

She sank down on the bed and wept. It sounded good. Maybe too good, but he had to come. Would he come? God she hoped so. Of course he’d come. He just had to! Meantime she had Peter and Little Sorrel to worry about. Were they OK? She hoped so.

She got off her ass and plopped her knees on the floor. She needed to pray.


After the meeting with Florence and Warren where they agreed to turn things over to Florence Fletcher went home. He had to speak with Byron and Mary and he had to invent some kind of plausible story about Sorrel’s disappearance for the kids. It wasn’t going to be easy. Hell, Little Sorrel and Peter, Sorrel’s two kids, hadn’t even been back with their mother a week and she was gone again. His own kids were a problem too, especially Marion who’d become so attached to Sorrel so fast.

He pulled in the driveway, but didn’t go straight in the front door. He got out and slipped around the back. He was careful, he didn’t think anyone had seen him pull up. He wanted to walk down to the grove. It was in the grove where he’d made a little memorial to his first wife Diana. That’s where he went when he wanted to think, talk to his deceased wife, and sometimes pray, and today was a day he really needed help.

He got down to the grove and flopped down on the small bench he’d built. It sat beside Diana’s little memorial. He started talking, ‘Diana I really need some help right now. I know you don’t mind me and Sorrel. I know you’d like her. But now she’s in trouble, and I’m really worried.’

That’s how he started most of his conversations with his deceased wife, first a request, followed by some kind of mea culpa, and then straight prayer.

He started, ‘Diana I need an angel. I need guidance. What am I going to say to these kids? Sorrel’s little ones don’t deserve this. Mine don’t deserve it either.’

He was down on his knees, one arm resting on the bench the other holding Diana’s little marker, ‘Tell me what to do.’

From out of nowhere he felt a hand on his shoulder!

He almost jumped out of his skin. Someone had put their hand on him. He turned around half expecting to see Diana. It was his daughter Marion.

‘Dad,’ she started, ‘I love you. What wrong?’

Fletcher turned and sat on the damp ground. It was late in the day, but it was still spring time. He tried to put up a brave front, ‘Hi munchkin. I didn’t hear you come down.’

Marion sat on the bench and rested her hand on her Dad’s shoulder, ‘Don’t fool around. Sorrel’s in trouble and you’re scared.’

He looked at his fourteen year old girl. ‘Where did she get all this maturity? One day she was a little kid, and now she’s a woman.’

He answered, ‘Remember when we said we were going to punish her? Well Mildred and my brother went ahead and put the plan in motion. They didn’t know we’d figured out the truth.’

Marion got off the bench and sat on the ground with her Dad, ‘They’ve taken her someplace to kill her?’

Fletcher, still the father, ‘Let’s get off this wet ground.’ He got up and pulled his daughter up. They both sat on the bench.

He answered her, ‘They almost got her yesterday.’ He watched her reaction. He thought, ‘Why am I telling her this. She’s still a kid.’

Marion squeezed one of her father’s hands, ‘Almost, you said.’

Fletcher responded, ‘Yeah, we got a call in and stopped what would have been a devastatingly fatal surgery. Right now she’s being held at some hospital. They don’t know who she is. Florence is figuring out a way to get her out.’

Marion looked at her father. This scared her, but not so much as he thought, ‘Florence will come up with something.’ She paused, ‘Dad, you can count on me. I’ll take care of the kids and Mary.’

He was wowed. He thought, ‘she’ll take care of the kids. She’s a kid herself. He answered, ‘You’ll take care of the kids? Who’ll take care of you?’

She didn’t bat an eye, ‘You and Mom.’

He choked back a tear. He grabbed her and hugged her as tightly as he could, ‘God I love you.’

Marion reacted more than responded, ‘I love you too. Now let’s go up and tell the boys and Little Sorrel. They’ve been scared to death.’

He looked at her, what do we tell them?’

Marion was quick, ‘The truth Dad.’

He and his fourteen year old daughter got up, arm in arm, him leaning a little to get it right. They walked back up the hill
to the house. As he walked he started talking to himself, ‘Diana you’re always there when I need you. Now you’re here with me through this little girl.’

He looked at Marion, ‘You think your mom knows?’

Marion had the answer, ‘Of course she knows. She’s right here with us now. Who do you think told me what to say to you?’


The nurses had finished lunch. The pizza turned out to not be nearly as tasty as they hoped. They blamed Sorrel.

One spoke to the other, ‘What do we do with the woman?’

The other wasn’t in a very charitable mood, ‘We’ll get some manacles and restrict her arms and legs. We’ll keep her dressed in something simple, some kind of apron or smock we can tie off at the shoulders. I want to keep her room cool say 68, no 67 degrees.’

The first nurse commented, ‘You’ve really got the knife out for her, huh?’

The second answered, ‘No, I just know, and you’ll learn, who we’re working for, and what they like.’

The other nurse only nodded.

The first nurse added, ‘When we get her trussed up, you take her to the bathroom, see that she voids and showers. While you’re out I’m going to change the lighting.’

‘How so?’ asked the first.

The second replied, ‘That room has fluorescent tubing. I’m going to change the tubes, put in a lower wattage. We’re going to leave her lights on day and night. You and I, and the night nurses will check in on her at inconvenient times. I don’t want her sleeping too well.’


Florence took two days before she got around to calling Warren. Her fictitious SEC people had told her they’d given Warren three days. Two days were up. It was going to be fun watching him squirm.

The two met at a restaurant of Florence’s choosing. It was an eatery where they’d often met back when she believed he really loved her. That had been before she found out he had planned on marrying ‘Miss Moneybags’. Well he’d married Mildred, gotten the money he wanted, started a company, used Mildred’s father’s contacts, make tons of cash, bought three homes, squeezed out two ugly ungrateful kids, over extended himself, and finally broke the law.

All the while she, Florence, had hung around, hung around like a dumb bitch believing someday he’d come back. He never came back, not the way she wanted. Oh, he came back all right! Whenever he wanted a quick blow job or a night in the sack he’d show up, but never really for her.

It had taken her years to see the light, but in the end she finally had. Mildred was a cold bitch with a sand paper cunt so good ole Warren only came back for Florence when he wanted to masturbate in her mouth or her vagina.

Today was her day. This was her one and only chance to fuck the man who’d been fucking over her. Of course, she knew she had only herself to blame, but today, on this day of days, she wasn’t thinking about self guilt. All that personal angst she was leaving at the door. For once in her life she was having it her way.

Florence got to the restaurant first, and found the same table where they used to sit. When Warren arrived she sat stiffly and simply pulled him over using the crook of her finger.

She started, ‘You’ve gotten yourself into a fine mess Warren.’

He played dumb, ‘OK I made some financial miscalculations and tried to hide them, but I’ve broken no laws.’

She smiled, ‘Of course you haven’t, but you’ve got to get Sorrel free or your brother will certainly kill you.’

Warren smiled back, ‘I can help. In fact I think I know a way to get her out, but I’ll expect something in return.’

Florence kept up the pretense, ‘You mean a quid pro quo.’

Warren responded, ‘What do you propose?’

Florence gave him her most endearing, most artificial smile, ‘For starters I want you to turn over all your stocks to me.’

Warren’s eyes widened. He unconsciously pushed away from the table.

Florence didn’t let him say anything, ‘I want your bank accounts, your houses, and all your other assets.’

He interrupted, ‘That’s preposterous!’

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A Journey to the Amazon

Part 1 By: Dinomagick ([email protected]) Codes: [MF, M/F, wife, jungle, tribe, captive, cuckold, bd, nc, reluc, mc, intr, rom, preg+++] Description: “After winning the lottery on their wedding day, a newly-wed husband and wife decide to go to the Amazon to learn what it is like to live as the native tribes do. What they thought would be an epic adventure of discovery, turns into something much different than either of them could have possibly...

4 years ago
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A Journey Home Part 1

An icy wind blew in from the north. It blew across the ice hills and picked up speed as it raced down the snow covered slopes. The wind kicked up loose snow and whipped it into the air like smoke rising from a fire. Three men crouched behind a rock that jutted out of the snow, and pulled their mammoth furs around them as the chilling wind beat at them. Gunter, the older man who led their hunt, held a leather leash attached to the neck of a garg. He watched the six-legged beast as it sniffed...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Flight Journey To Sex Journey

Hi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...

3 years ago
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Journey With My 4 Darlings 8211 Part 3

Hope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 15

Hello readers, welcome back to this Beautiful journey. I am quite happy with the way people have responded the story so far. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. I was really happy with the sense of humor of my hubby when he said about that Boo. I was thinking what nonsense he is doing but later on, I realized how cleverly he is trying to bring Ayesha out of the shackles of shyness. They kissed for quite some time. The way he was kissing, I realized he is no...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 12

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I know you all have enjoyed the journey so far and hope you will enjoy the erotic journey further. I am male and the sex story is fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha was really happy after the lesbian experience. Now we have merged the gap of the mother-daughter relationship. I was treating her like a friend and now we had become really good friends. I have realized that the physical relations enhance the bonding, the same had...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 2

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I’m male and this sex story is completely a work of fiction. I can say by my experience that the journey is always more powerful than the destination. I hope you will enjoy the journey, so let’s go. As I had told earlier I had an early marriage and as my hubby has a job in an MNC, we have to move to different places so Ayesha could not enjoy the love of her grandparents. Many times it so happened that we could not provide her that pleasure...

3 years ago
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An Erotic Journey With Mom And Dad

“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever. I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...

3 years ago
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After Train Journey Effect With Nickey

Hi guys, I am (Neel) back with the next encounter here. I am sure all of you read all my previous stories “Enjoyed with Nicky the Online friend”, “My Story with Nickey Part-2” and “The Train Journey with Nicky”and who hasn’t read that, I would request you to read it. So guys, here I am with one of the next encounters. After that day, we had more encounters in the train. People could not understand anything about us. However, one person in the train asked, if we are married, to which I said we...

2 years ago
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A Strange But True Journey to Happiness

A strange but true Journey to happiness. If I begin at the beginning - my earliest memories. I knew at school I was different, I hated football, I hated rough and tumble play. I wanted to play with the girls, to look pretty like them and to enjoy their great hair, pretty clothes and games which seemed fun. Sure , I tried my mums clothes, my sister clothes but I knew that to keep them happy I would have to toe the line and be a boy.... Uch, how much I hated that. It frustrated me a...

3 years ago
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Fucking Bus Journey

Hey all…Its ritu again writing ma experience in mah new story in this site. Not wasting much time m writing my story. As u know about me in my last story m sexy girl with figure of 34-28-32 any one can fall for me. Its my cool cool journey to my native. I was in hostel and going to my home during holidays.And that time my bf told me to accompany me.I also readily agreed.My bf, akash..Handsome hunk and many classmates has fallen for him but he proposed me. And we both paired. Akash is so caring...

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Beautiful Journey To Bountiful Love 8211 Part I

Soon after my graduation I got job in neighborhood village as asst. Engineer in a company, which was 1 hr. from my town by local bus. Though the company was providing accommodation in nearby town which was only 15 min from the company, I chose to up & down every day, so that I can stay with my parents. I used to leave from my home early in the morning and used to go by private mini bus initially as it was faster than govt. bus. The journey used to be boring as most of the stations between were...

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My Sexual Journey Called Life 8211 Part VI

I am a housewife from Bangalore and my name is Parineeta. I am 44yrs old now, 5.10″ tall and my stats are 40DDD-32-36. Sorry for the delay in this post… Please refer to these links for the previous parts:

4 years ago
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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 1

A loud splash coming from the pool broke my concentration. I looked up from my book, blinking as the bright sunshine fought its way through my sunglasses.I smiled; two teenage boys were skylarking in the clear, warm water, both showing-off, each trying to appear older, stronger and more grown-up than the other. It had been the same the previous day, and the day before that, and the reason was obvious; my lovely wife Alice was sunbathing topless on the patio again.A brief flush of pride passed...

3 years ago
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My father was a mean man, and living with him was horrible. Once I started filling out, he would find any excuse to grab my tits, pull on my nipples, and slip his hand between my legs. There were 3 of us in my family…my father, my mother and me. When we ate meals at the dinner table, my father would sometimes pull me onto his lap, slipping his hands under my shirt to squeeze my tits, and even pulling his cock out of his pants and making me stroke it. Once it was hard, he’d pull my shorts down...

1 year ago
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A Journey Home

An icy wind blew in from the north. It blew across the ice hills and picked up speed as it raced down the snow covered slopes. The wind kicked up loose snow and whipped it into the air like smoke rising from a fire. Three men crouched behind a rock that jutted out of the snow, and pulled their mammoth furs around them as the chilling wind beat at them. Gunter, the older man who led their hunt, held a leather leash attached to the neck of a garg. He watched the six-legged beast as it sniffed...

3 years ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 2

A Life Long Journey, Part 2 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. By the time I was 4, Amy's momma (Mrs. Jones) had seen me wearing several of Amy's outfits. Sometimes I would...

2 years ago
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Tripletit 03 Journey to Tripletit

Journey To Tripletit Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The events in this story happen shortly after those in my stories ‘Tripletit’ and ‘Saving The Planet Tripletit’ but it can be read on its own.Introduction.Tripletit....

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A Hungry Sex Journey Inside The Train With My Milky SisterInLaw

Hi friends. I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my real life sex experience inside a moving train with my cousin sister-in-law, Janani. She is 27 years old and looks so very beautiful. Her skin complexion looks somewhat like a white foreigner, milky white and even parts of her arms looks slightly pink. She is slim, chubby arms and about 5’4” tall. She is a very hot woman and has a 1.5 year old son. She lives in hyderabad with her husband and in-laws and her parents are in...

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Hot Journey With Mom

Hi ISS readers, this is my second incest story. I have been the continuous visitor to this site. It is amazing site and i guess it is the place where we all share our experiences. I am a 23 year old boy. I am 5`7 tall and well built guy, with a shy nature. I am fond of incest. I love my mom very much she is very cute and pretty and every time I see her I get a nasty hard on. After, I have seen her nude while changing I always fantasize about her in my dreams. My mommy is 48 years old she has a...

1 year ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 6

A Life Long Journey, Part 6 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. My sixteenth birthday had arrived and I was so ready for it. I had found a part time job in a print...

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The Sexual Journey Of A Teenager 8211 Pt 2 Neighbour Aunty8217s Love

Dear friends, hope you liked the first part of my actual life experience through the title of the story, “Journey Of A Teenager”. This is the part 2 of the sequel and all these are real-life experiences. As I entered my college, I became close to a family with 2 young sisters who lived very close to our house. The aunty whose name was Kalyani, also had an unmarried young sister, Kuheli. With time, I became very close to their entire extended family. The relationship developed into such a bond...

4 years ago
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A life Long Journey

A Life Long Journey This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. Even before I was born, something seemed to be working to get me to the point I am today. While Momma was pregnant with...

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A Life Long Journey Part 5

A Life Long Journey, Part 5 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. As we got to the car, Steve opened the back door for me. As I sat down, I made sure to smooth my skirt under me but...

2 years ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 8

A Life Long Journey, Part 8 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. The next year and a half were awful for me. I hated being forced to be a boy and yet I was afraid to tell anyone,...

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The Journey

Staring out over the wastes, Val wondered what had possessed him. Sand, dust, and more sand, that’s what awaited him. He’d never been this far from the oasis, and knew that any water was days away…unless he turned back. Others had done so. It would only be a year till he had the chance to go again. Only a year. A year of sideways glances, and whispered jokes. After his strong words, his boasts, he could not go back. No, postponement was not an option. He would not learn anymore to prepare him...

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A hot train journey

My name is Seema and I am married housewife. I am 19 years old and was married off only 3months ago while I was in college. I am married to a well to do Electrical goods store owner. But don’t have a happy married life, rather I should say I am sexually not satisfied as my husband is old enough to be almost my father. Anyway this is the story of my train journey where I was fucked by a berth full of people in broad daylight. I was travelling from Delhi to Kolkata via train and had booked a...

1 year ago
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The Journey Towards Ecstasy

(Keri’s Adventures) Keri opened her eyes to a new day. Unfortunately, that new day was the same old shit that made her hate her life. She knew that she would have the same chores to do today that she had done every other day for the past four years-ever since she was fourteen. Her parents didn’t allow her to have boyfriends and rarely allowed her to leave the house. She was home-schooled, which meant that she never got to socialize with kids her age. She knew how the world was because she...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Fantastic Fifteen

It was Thursday night, one week later. The Grandparents were babysitting our two kids while my sweet, unfaithful wife and I went for what we had described to them as ‘a bit of light supper with some friends that might go on a bit late’. The truth was that it was nothing of the kind. Food was definitely a secondary consideration; the entire evening had been arranged by the She-Devil Carmen in order to allow me and our new friend Hilary to have an intimate sexual encounter in their house. For the...

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An Erotic Journey With Mom And Dad

“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever.I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...

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My journey into submission ch 12

My journey into submission (ch 1-2) The following is an account of real things that happened to me. There is nothing particularly sexual about the events of this story, the purpose of this is to express how I felt about them in order for myself to better understand my feelings and find anyone with similar experiences and thoughts. Everything in this story happened after the age of consent for everyone involved. A final warning, this is not a romantic story of any kind and I’m sure some will...

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An interesting journey true story

I recently bought a motor home and planned out my trip to the south of France, arranged to meet a friend a week after I started so that I could do the sightseeing bit all through those lovely villages, a couple of days before the trip a family crisis arrived and left us with our 4 year old granddaughter to look after. After some discussion my wife said I should carry on and do the trip and when things improved she would meet me at Perpignan by flying down. So off I went to Dover, on the boat I...

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The Night Bus Journey With A Horny Milf 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! This is Neeraj and I am back after like a year. A lot has happened over the time and I hope to share all of my stories with you here. I stay in Bangalore. Feel free to contact me anytime for feedbacks, chatting, hangouts or anything. ;) This is a multi-part story, so stay tuned for the next parts. * * * This happened some 8 months ago. I was in Bangalore and had to go to Mumbai on a short notice. Reluctantly, I booked sleeper bus tickets as flight and train tickets were not...

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Journey Of Indian Wife To Whore Part 8211 1

The heroine of the story Priya is a 26yr old Indian wife married to Arjun. They were married for a year now. They had a very wonderful one year. Priya was a bomb. She’s a show stealer right from her college days. The guys always use to imagine what it feels like to see her nude and touch those 34D firm breasts of her. She’s a modern and outgoing girl, so the jeans and t-shirts she used to wear only enhanced her 34-28-36 body size. Her height of 5ft 6in only added to her beauty. She had a few...

3 years ago
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A Train Journey To Remember

Hi, guys, This is Rahul again from Odisha, please read my previous sex story which is not linked with this one but I hope you’ll like it. Anyone interested for fun in Bangalore, reply me back on This is a real sex story which happened with me in 2015. At that time, I was working in an IT Company in Bangalore and I was returning from Bhubaneswar after the Durga Puja holidays. It was Prasanti express. I was traveling with my cousin sister that time. She is elder to me and we showed respect to...

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