All Roads Lead West Ch. 01 free porn video

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He stares out across the quiet expanse of the farm. All this built with sweat and blood, not all of it his own. He took out the last letter and opened it reading it again.

Dear Hudson,

My train leaves in a week. By the time you receive this I shall be almost in Salem. How exciting it is to think we will finally meet face to face. I do hope my tintype enclosed in my previous letter was to your liking…

He folds it away and put it back in his pocket. That was a month ago and today is the day. He’d pick her up from the newspaper office and then they’d be married in the church before heading home. He almost couldn’t believe he was doing this again. Third time’s the charm. Taking off his stetson to rake his fingers back through his hair he waited outside the office. The sun was full and up with people bustling around the small town.

‘Mornin’ Hudson,’ the newspaper man says unlocking the office. ‘Waiting on a package?’

‘You could say that.’

‘Oh I see, the new Missus to arrive today is she?’ He nods wiping sweaty hands on his denims. ‘Ought to pop over to the livery to get her some flowers, some ribbon. Token of your affection you know.’ Hudson quirks an eyebrow. ‘Opens up around now and I dare say you’ve got the time,’ he says checking a pocket watch. ‘Stage won’t arrive for another hour at least.’

‘Suppose a gander will help pass the time,’ he says getting to his feet. The boards on the walk bounce and ring hollow under the heels on his boots.

A bell tings overhead as he opens the door. Instantly twenty different smells waft around him. Leather, brine, gunpowder, sugar, flowers, perfumes. Walking into Owen’s Livery and Supply was like walking into a candy store. Every shelf is crammed with tools, dishes, fabrics hanging off great rolls against one wall. Papers, pens, arts and schooling supplies. Leather belts, buckles, buttons and more clothing and denim down another aisle. From the ceiling beams hang blankets, bits of machinery, shovels and other oddities.

‘Hallo! Oh hello there Hudson, don’t expect to see you in town this time of year,’ says a short thin woman with a smile too large for her face.

‘Mrs. Owens,’ he replies tipping his hat. ‘Came to fetch a few things.’

‘Such as?’

‘My wife.’ The women puts her hand to her chest in shock. ‘Comin’ in on the stage this morning.’

‘Oh I thought for a second – nevermind. A new wife, that’s wonderful,’ she says smiling leaning across the counter. ‘The children must be pleased.’ They were actually anything but.

‘Yes ma’am.’

When he’d told them about a new mother coming they started shouting, retreated into stony silence or started crying from all the racket.

‘And where is this new wife from?’

‘Albany, New York State.’

‘My, quite far. Long way to travel.’

‘Yes ma’am.’

‘Anything in particular you were looking for Hudson?’

Dark eyes searched behind the counter. ‘Paperman said I’d be able to find flowers here.’

‘Yes, we do but they’re in the garden out back if you’ll just follow me,’ she says lifting the counter for him. ‘It was one of my ideas naturally, taking the flower seeds from back east and growing them a bit in pots here before selling them. Makes them withstand the trip better, then you can plant them in a garden at home. Any idea what kind of flower she likes?’

None. She looks back at him and laughs before opening the back door and ushering him into a small plot.

‘Over here’s the roses, just red and pink I’m afraid. And oh the morning glories over here. Have you ever seen morning glories Hudson?’

He shakes his head. ‘Oh they’re most beautiful blue and purple, a lovely vine plant for climbing up the side of a house. And these hollyhocks, such a lovely colour, like Spanish wine,’ she says holding the bloom up. ‘And just because it’s your first day meeting I’ll give you the third free for buying two.’

‘Oh Mrs. Owens-.’

‘Please I insist Hudson. ‘I’ll just dig these up for you, if you need to look around the store for anything else.’ She shoos him back into the store. He leans against the counter for a minute.

What am I doing? I never bought flowers for Mary or Elizabeth. He’s just about to tell her to never mind when she comes back. ‘Nothing else? Have you seen the new leather and fabric we got in? That new wife might want some fabric for curtain making and clothes for the children.’

By the time he escaped Hudson had been armed into buying fabric, tea for a fancy eastern wife because they surely don’t drink coffee in New York…’

Ten o’clock comes and goes and so does eleven. Hudson’s stomach starts to rumble something awful when the yapping of dogs alerted an arrival. Finally, and the first order of business will be lunch. He’d brought enough for a meal at the Salem Inn. The dust begins to kick up and he pulls his bandana up over his mouth and nose. Wagon after wagon rolls on by, likely headed for Portland or further north into Washington Territory. A few pull off onto a grassy undeveloped patch beside the postal office. Was his future bride inside one of them? More wagons pass and only a few more pull over. Taking his hat off and raking fingers back through his hair he rises and meanders over.

Most wagons contained families, children spilling hell nell out the backs and front. A few men he recognizes as bachelors or widowers hang around all of them waiting on the same thing. A woman steps out of one, then another and another. Their bonnets block their faces from view. Craning his neck Hudson tries to get a look. Nope, none of them look like her. He takes out the tintype and gives it another look over. He knows how she looks, dark hair done up, dark eyes, hint of a smile at her lips. Fairly plain but she had the qualifications he needed.

Hudson didn’t need a lover or even a companion. This was about finding someone to help on the farm and raise his children. Lord knew he’d been trying to do it with only three hired hands and his older kids long enough. He needed a cook, a stout worker and a woman that would stand by him and his family. More wagons pull up and he leans against a post watching the people unload out of them. Perhaps he should call her name? Or ask one of the other women if they’d travelled with her? Hudson takes off his hat and combs back his hair. Should have gotten it cut before meeting her.

‘Excuse me ma’am, you happen to travel here with a Lavinia?’

‘No, I can’t say I’ve heard the name,’ a blue bonneted woman says.

‘Thank you,’ he says tipping his hat.

Retreating back to his post Hudson holds the tintype in his hand keeping it ready to compare to the host of faces before him.

Maybe she hasn’t come. The thought creeps in like a drifting fog. Maybe she took the money and cashed the ticket for somewhere else. Swindled right out of his money and lord knows he wouldn’t get it back. He’d been wrong to let the ad convince him, it couldn’t be this easy, just sign up with your local newspaper for a new wife. What a load of crock. He’d wait here until dinner time and not a minute longer.

Grabbing a hunk of bread from the wagon and a lump of smoked ham he sits on the steps for a wait. He’s so lulled by the hot sun and busy activity in front of him he falls into a trance like state chin in hand. He’s startled by a gloved hand tapping him on the shoulder.

‘Excuse me but are you Mr. MacTavish?’ He takes off his hat quickly rising to his feet at the woman before him. Small and petite with hair not quite blond and not quite red.

‘I am.’ She held out a delicate white gloved hand.

‘Pleased to meet you I’m Florence Farling.’ He takes the hand and shakes it noticing it feels as a small as a child’s in his. He stands dumbstruck for a moment.

‘Did you travel here with a Lavinia Farling?’ She pulls back.

‘No, I didn’t. Didn’t you receive my letter?’

He sha
kes his head.

‘Oh dear. Lavinia died of scarlet fever before she could leave. I found her letters to you, the money and ticket so I came in her stead.’

‘You. Came,’ he repeats slowly. Oh no. Oh no, no. This was not going to work at all. This slip of a girl? She wouldn’t last a year out here. He could probably span her waist with his hands. Hudson takes off his hat and rakes his fingers through his hair. My God what have I gotten myself into?

‘Miss Farling, I think there’s been a mistake. I need a stout, strong woman to help on a farm with work, cleaning, cooking and minding children.’

‘Not to worry, my mother taught me all the duties and responsibilities of a wife Mr. MacTavish,’ she says clasping her hands in front of her.

‘Miss Farling I need a hearty woman to help me run my farm not a delicate lady used to debutantes and garden parties,’ Hudson says sweeping his hat to the side. She was pretty, he had to admit. She made something tighten in him that neither Mary nor Elizabeth had done so easily. But he couldn’t have her, no she just wouldn’t suit his purpose.

‘Excuse me Mr. Tavish but I am not some flighty delicate doll. I know how to do work,’ she says.

‘I’ll see if a carriage can be arranged to take you back to the rail line with the trail guides.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous! I’ve travelled all the way out here to meet you and now you say you don’t want me!’ He can hear the anger in her voice but also the edge of tears creeping in. ‘Mr. Tavish-

‘Mac Tavish, Hudson, it’s just Hudson.’

‘Mr. MacTavish you cannot pass judgement on me without even knowing me for the span of five minutes.’

‘I can tell you’re not suited to life out here.’

‘Well you can’t send me back, I won’t go because there isn’t anything for me to go back too!’ she says resolutely folding her arms across her chest as if that solved the matter.

He cocks his head lips pressed into a tight line waiting for her to continue. She doesn’t but stands there facing him chin cocked high. Hudson sighs and puts his hat back on his head.

‘Just how old are you Miss Farling?’

‘Nineteen,’ she says haughtily.

‘Now why would a smart girl such as yourself want to drag herself all the way out here, marry someone near a decade older than you -‘

‘In your letters you said you were only twenty-seven.’

‘Be a farm wife in the backwoods raisin’ four kids?’

‘Do you need a wife or not Mr. Tavish?’

‘I need a wife alright but she won’t be the likes of you, now come on,’ he says hooking her arm and pulling her along into the newspaper office.

‘Now see here there’s been a big mistake,’ he says laying into the newspaper man.

‘Mr. Tavish you can’t send me back there, I told you I’ve got nothing to go back too!’

‘Alright, now, alright. What seems to be the problem here,’ the typist says getting to his feet the down turned mouth looking odd below the uncurled moustache.

‘I’ve been sent the wrong woman,’ Hudson says pulling her forward.

‘Really is this anyway to treat a lady! Now you see here Mr. Mr.-‘

‘Lyles,’ he supplies.

‘Mr. Lyles, My sister was taken ill and passed away a scant week before she was to leave. So I came in her stead. It was always her plan to bring me along and find me a husband out here-‘

‘She what?’ Hudson cuts in.

‘We’d scrimped and saved but didn’t have quite enough for the passage out here for two.’

‘I don’t believe this.’

‘So I would have ended up under his care anyhow, but now that Lavinia’s gone I knew it wouldn’t be proper to be under his care without being wed. I didn’t think he’d be so disappointed with me.’

‘Mr. Lyles what I advertised for was a stout, strong woman who could handle the hard work on my farm not some city socialite.’

‘Alright now alright,’ he calls above them holding up his hand.



‘Miss Farling do you have the knowledge of housekeeping and minding children?’

‘Of course.’

‘And Mr. Tavish you’re in sore need of a wife.’

In more ways than one. His height over her gives him a view of the darkness down her bodice.’Yes sir.’

‘Well the way I see it you’re the answer to each other’s problems, but I understand the reservations. Normally in these situations we recommend a courting period where the lady remains in town and the gentleman visits her on the weekend-‘

‘I can’t be spared from the farm that often-‘

‘And I don’t have the funds for that!’

‘But since that doesn’t suit I think y’all ought to get married today,’ he says raising his voice over their protests but then give it until next spring and if it don’t work out you can always get an annulment.’

‘An annulment but that means-‘ Hudson trails off. He glances over to she Miss Farling’s cheeks a blazing pink.

‘It’s the only the two of you that can say for sure isn’t it?’ he says with a wink. ‘Besides the next waggons going back east don’t leave until next spring. So it looks like you’re stuck one way or another.’

‘I don’t believe this,’ Hudson says rooted to the spot.

‘We you better. You asked for a wife and this is the one God’s sent you, now get on over to the church,’ Mr Lyles says seating himself again.

The walk over to the church is taken in stunned silence. Florence refuses Hudson’s arm when he offers it and tries to march ahead of him. Seems God decided to give a cruel blessing. She was pretty and he desired her. Oh did he desire her. Hudson admired the way her chest expanded when she yelled at him. The red her lips turned after she bit them and pressed them together. He’d have her tonight, up against the wall then collapse on the bed to do it all over again. He could picture that long hair tumbling down her bare back as she rode him. He’d tell her all married couples did things completely nude, she wouldn’t know any different. This one he wanted to see, this one he wanted to admire.

All too soon his thoughts turn sour. She’d get sick with the fever, or get lost in the woods, be killed by a wildcat, die in childbirth. Any number of the things that could happen to a woman out here. Then it’d be all the worse when she was taken from him. Ripped right off him.

Alright, he promises himself, I’ll have her and enjoy her and ride her and cherish her for all she’s worth for now. But I won’t fall in love with her. I’ll care for her and protect and provide but I will not fall in love with Miss Florence Farling.

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Mrs West

The temperature had finally dropped into the 80’s and I had plopped down into one of the chairs. My dog Trix was playing with a stick and I sat idly watching. Her voice was behind me. “Mind if I join you?” she asked as she slid into the other chair. She was parallel to me and about two feet away. “Sure Mrs. West” She was rubbing some kind of moisturizer on her legs. I had a hard time looking away. “Call me Julie.” She said with a smile. “Mrs. West makes me feel old.” “Err…OK.” I almost...

2 years ago
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Key West

His butt was getting numb. Squirming around for relief had become an impossible endeavor. It had been hours since he left Miami in the bed of that rickety, vibrating pick-up truck. Brad’s legs ached and he desperately needed to stretch and walk around. Twisting around to look forward through the cab windows only frustrated him more. “Shit! I can’t even see the next island.” In despair, Brad drooped his shoulders and tugged on the edges of the white sailor’s cap, pulling it tighter on his head....

Love Stories
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Marg arrives in the west

Sue and I had moved to the west for me to take up an executive position in a large company. We had invited Marg to visit us in our new home. Although Sue didn’t know it I was aware that Marg intended staying. Her good friend, Cherie was coming with her.My vasectomy had been reversed before I had moved west and the operation had been successful. Sue and I planned to have our third child following the Thursday before the weekend that Marg arrived. Sue was of the belief that my sperm had taken....

Wife Lovers
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Settling in to the west

Settling in to the westWe had moved to WA from the eastern states. My motivation for the move was to try to get my wife, Sue away from the men that she had formed her cheating relationships with. I had told her she had a choice to make. She could either stay in the east and our marriage would be dissolved or come with me but only on the condition that her cheating behavior ends. Sue had chosen to come with me. I had little faith that she would reform and the first sign to me was that she agreed...

Wife Lovers
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Jericho was Wild in the West

When the cowboy rode into town everyone knew it had to be Jericho. The silver studded, hand tooled saddle glinted the bright southwest sun into the eyes of the townsfolk as they stood watching him. High in the saddle, he rode down the main street of Dawson oblivious to the eyes of those who stopped and stared. Whispers from pious matronly women went from mouth to ear to mouth and back to the ear of the next person standing on the slatted wood sidewalk. Their hushed whispers kept pace with...

3 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 5 Go West Young Man Go West

The two weeks before Dave and John went west to Calgary for the hockey playoffs were very busy. Both spent most of their time studying when they weren't practicing. They had missed almost a whole week of school when they were in the Atlantic Tournament and would miss another week for the National Championships. Dave was pleased when Katherine eventually started to talk normally to him in the hallway at school - she seemed to accept their new level of friendship. Roger and Carol took their...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 48 The Great North West

Thursday Week 21 Jill prepared a substantial breakfast to help them through the long day's driving ahead. Dave had told her that their destination was Kununurra some 512 kilometres south west, which would probably take almost seven hours of driving time plus stops. As soon as he had finished his ham omelette, Dave got the RV ready for departure, while Jill washed up and put everything away. She dressed and helped Dave with cleaning the windscreen. Dave pulled out of the caravan park at...

1 year ago
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The Bunk’d actress now in her 8th season of shooting the Disney show in 2025 being 19 now gets an audition for her ‘first ever movie…it is a Horror/Thriller where she will be paid $20 Million Dollars…more if the movie does really good, the studio wants her for the lead role saying she would be perfect for it as she reads the script reviving a long forgotten and deeply repressed memory of something that happened to her when she was 15, something so horrible and frightening she ‘blocked out the...

Mind Control
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Meine groe Schwester

Ich druckte die Daten aus, die ich brauchte, um meiner Schwester zu beweisen, was ich gegen sie in der Hand hatte, und las mir alles zufrieden noch einmal durch. Diabolisch lächelte ich. Das war es. Das musste reichen für meine geplante Erpressung. Meine Schwester Sara war sechs Jahre älter als ich, und wir hatten uns nie gut verstanden. Als ich noch klein war, hatte sie sich immer wie meine Zweitmutter aufgespielt und mich immer nur gequält und unterdrückt. Heute war es fast noch schlimmer,...

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Halloween Cheerleader Fantasy

Halloween is supposedly a good time to be a TGirl, a time of year when society seems OK with a guy dressing and acting like a girl. Several times on or around Halloween I have walked through Macys or a mall and had salesladies call out "Nice Costume". Or, I as I go into a 7-11 or supermarket, and a couple walks by, the woman will smile and say to her boyfriend, "Hey, next year, let's dress you up as a girl". What's that all about? On the other hand, if my wife and I are invited to a...

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Pallavi 8211 A Different Experience

Dealing with people is my speciality, be it in office or as an entertainer. I entertain women who seek some moments of fun and companionship. I don’t do this for money, but for pure fun as I like women. I don’t have relationship with too many; I was in constant relation only with two awesome ladies before I met Pallavi, a good looking rich lady in her late 30’s. Rachana ( my existing client ) introduced me to her, not sure what transpired between them, Pallavi was not interested as I am dark...

3 years ago
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Halle Part 2

Halle - Part 2 I got back just before five and set the table for dinner. I heard her key in the door and just stood there. She walked in and saw the flowers and the card. She looked at me, looked at the roses, picked up the card and started to read it. She stopped looked at me and had a tear in her eye. She went back to reading it, set it down, walked over to me, threw her arms around me and started kissing me deeply. I had written in the card, Halle, The past few days have...

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Halle Part 3

HALLE Part 3 "What did I do?" "You'll see. Come with me little girl!" I started upstairs, with Halle right behind me, heading for the computer room. As we walked in, I said, "Sit down." She sat at the computer desk. "Okay.", I said, "Now clear the screen saver, and tell me what you see." She moved the mouse, the screen saver cleared, and there was one of the two web sites in question. She slowly turned her head and looked at me a little frightened. "Care to explain?", I...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 194 Dinner With the Wests

Sunday, May 8, 2005 (Continued) I won't describe this small dinner party in detail. It went well, and for the most part was very predictable (e.g., Katie predictably apologized for the dinner not being up to yesterday's standard. We predictably insisted her dinner was wonderful, etc.). I'll mention some of the good parts of the evening. Early on Carson and I were chatting in the living room. To make conversation, he asked me, "How's that business idea of yours coming along?" I...

4 years ago
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HALLE (Part 1) Hi, my name is Terrie and want to tell you about meeting the most wonderful girl, Halle. First of all, a little about me. I'm a bi-sexual girl, and have been since my early teens. I'm currently attending college and working on my Masters in psychology. I enjoy going to the various gay/lesbian clubs for the obvious reasons. And, it was at one of these clubs that I met Halle. I had just arrived in town to work on my Masters at City College, and had been told by some...

2 years ago
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fun in key west

On our recent vacation to St. Thomas, we did a 2 day trip to key west for my Birthday. My wife asked what I wanted for my B-day, and I told her I wanted to wear pantyhose with shorts and sandals and walk around town with her. This is a first for me( and her) wearing hose in public. But I figured in Key west it would be OK. I was very nervous as I dressed. I wore suntan pantyhose,sandals, nylon shorts and a t-shirt. My wife wore a short denin skirt and a top with heels, no bra or...

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The Wild Wild West

Author's Introduction: For anyone looking for quick gratification from a cut-to-the-sex story, this is probably the wrong one- I'm hoping to create an engrossing, long term storytelling experience. I will update it as often as possible but often real life gets in the way (EDIT: Currently updates every friday, stay tuned!)(ANOTHER EDIT: Have been delayed by real life but will update in a few days!) As you will soon tell, I enjoy telling a good yarn as much as I enjoy writing the more NSFW...

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Latin Linda the Monster BBC from Key West

As I previously detailed on my trip to the Keys experience I briefly met a very attractive black man. He gave me his number & promptly planted a very wet & passionate kiss, not to mention placed my hand on what felt like a massive appendage!.After the trip as I was cleaning out my purse I found the napkin with his name & number. His name was Derek. I vaguely remembered him other than he was very tall, had a nice smile & probably a very large cock. I wasn't accustomed to calling...

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As all the stories I share are 100% true this one is no different. Now I have to confess some of the details were provided by one of my then fuckbuddies due to a few too many drinks. It was Memorial Day Weekend & we decided to fly to Florida, rent a convertible & drive down to Key West for the weekend. Once we checked in. around noon, we decided to waste no time & hit the bars. BTW yes. I gave him road head on the way over, LOL! He changes into long shorts & a tank top (loved...

1 year ago
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East Meets West

Josh had been to any number of Nancy Walters’ parties. They were one of the few things that he looked forward to after having lived here now for the past five years. The people that attended her parties were always interesting and rarely were the same people invited a second time. After attending the fifth consecutive party Josh had pulled his hostess aside for a chat. “Nancy,” he said, “I want you to know that I love being invited to your parties. They are always fun and I always meet...

2 years ago
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I Dominus East meets West

I Dominus: Japan – East meets West It was three in the morning, Tokyo time. I was wide awake, sitting in a leather chair in my hotel suite, looking out at the brilliant, Tokyo Tower. My eyes shifted to the shimmering, city lights that reflected off the Sumida River. Tokyo is a beautiful, modern city. Crowded, noisy and always bustling. But, if you looked past the Tokyo Tower, that rose bold and stark against the skyline, to the white, snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji, you were taken back in time....

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Eden West

I am NOT the simply sharing Lauren takes a solo vacation and meets the sexy VP she hates from workI was beat, beat, beat. This last project had taken the wind out of my sails. Too many 11pm calls with China. Too many lunches eaten over my computer keyboard. In fact I'd spilled coffee so many times I was on my third keyboard. I told my pal in California that I was taking a vacation.“ I don't care if Mark can't make it- I'm just going to take off,” I said.“ Great,” said my pal Rob. “Go...

4 years ago
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Eden West

I was beat, beat, beat. This last project had taken the wind out of my sails. Too many 11pm calls with China. Too many lunches eaten over my computer keyboard. In fact I'd spilled coffee so many times I was on my third keyboard. I told my pal in California that I was taking a vacation.“ I don't care if Mark can't make it- I'm just going to take off,” I said.“ Great,” said my pal Rob. “Go for it. Where to?”“ I've got a great spa picked out. Actually, it's down your way. Santa Barbara. Eden West,...

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Salma Hayek Enslaved and Tortured in the Old West

Salma Hayek - Enslaved and Tortured in the Old WestIt was a hot day in the Chihuahua desert...and its pride and joy Salma Hayek was travelling via stagecoach through the rugged terrain.  She had been sweeping the west with her beauty in burlesque shows all across Mexico and the US...teasing and enticing her way to fame among the sex-starved hordes of men.  She was the perfect Latina beauty, with curves like a racetrack and a seductive personality.  But while she was travelling, her stagecoach...

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A Pressing in the Old West

Okay, as I said, this takes place in the Old West.  Instead of hanging, the obscure New England techniqe of "pressing" is the execution of choice.  As you will find out, it has been modified somewhat from it's original form.  Enjoy: I was lying in my cell, miserable...hopeless, waiting for the sun to sink below the horizon and plunge my cell into gradual darkness.  This was to be the last light of day I would see before the day of my death.  OUR death, actually.  Emmie and I were both...

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East Meets West

If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. It has been said that women need a reason to have sex, while men just need a place. Like most generalities, that is generally wrong. I think that most people actually need to have a reason to have sex and if they care for each other, if they love each other, then the sex will be even better. All the participants are at...

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God of Central Park West

The building was a stone, steel, and glass spire the likes of which New York had never seen. It simply appeared out of nothingness on the Winter Solstice between the Langham and the Dakota on Central Park West. Up close, it appeared to be like every other high-rise apartment complex in the neighborhood. The farther you backed away from it, however, the more it took on the appearance of a medieval fortress tower perched atop a craggy bluff. At its appearance, everyone from the neighborhood...

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