Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 6 - Across The Pond Of SexChapter 13: All Roads Don't Lead To Rome... They Lead To Death: So Live While You Walk The free porn video

"... Well I better be going now, thanks for listening, I don't think I have to mention to watch Liz for me; we may have a mother but as you know Lana, we don't REALLY have a mother. I trust DoubleD to try to care for her and the babies but she's going to need big sisters to guide her through many things to come," her pussy gave a gush and she threw it an annoyed look saying, "I said come not CUM you stupid hole, can't you think of anything else!" Looking back at the screen she said: "Bye you two, I love you!"
Lana picked up a remote control keyboard and finally closed the video program of the computer. She continued to rub Ana's clit and kiss her on the back of the neck while occasionally petting Ana's scalp and ears. Ana was definitely not taking this well, and Lana couldn't blame her, Lana wanted to just break into tears also, but it was obvious she was going to have to be the strong one. Ana kept muttering between sobs that it was her fault and Lana finally said strongly, "Ana this was not your fault!"
"Lana how can you say that," Ana said turning her neck a little to look at her sister, "she was murdered by whoever it is that's after me, she was killed because she knew me!"
"That still in no way makes it your fault," Lana said. "At least she died peacefully; Aunt Joyce said Rita would probably have died a slow, torturous and painful death within 6 months; instead she died peacefully in her sleep. Aunt Joyce said Rita probably didn't even feel the lethal injection since the traces of Mistress gas under her nose point to her having been knocked-out first."
"It's so sad that no one got to see her at the funeral or burial; I don't understand why they had to do everything 'closed casket'. I would have liked some final pictures or a small video at least; just to at least feel like I had been with her in the end."
"You were with her in the end," Lana said trying to smile, "we both were;" looking up at the now blank computer screen she added, "in her heart anyway." Lana began massaging Ana's labia and said, "Do you think it is disrespectful to lust after the dead, because I have to tell you some of Rita's cums in that video have left me lusting for a drink of her!"
Ana half-smiled and said, "I don't know if it's disrespectful but I get the feeling it is definitely how Rita wanted us remembering her."
"That Drama Queen," Lana said rolling her eyes then decided to quickly shift the subject from the dead to the living, "we have to make a plan for dealing with Maria when we first see her; I can't believe Rita shipped her to Summer Camp so as not to know what was happening. I have to remember to talk to Sheila also, she was one of my students last year and Rita is absolutely right about her being perfect to head up the special club division."
"I guess I should try to get close to this Marlene when we get back; Cassandra and Maribel Stanford had actually talked to me about her when we were on the ship; I actually think she's one of the two girls that was on the cheerleading squad when the rest of us signed up."
Seeing Ana had controlled her emotions, at least a little, Lana felt it safe to let out a few of the tears she'd been fighting back as she said, "This is so weird, at the beginning of last summer we wanted nothing better than to see Rita quartered, now I can't think of going back and not having her there helping me with the clubs mission." Ana gave a few more sniffles and Lana tried to calm her by inserting two or three fingers and pumping in her twat, but since Lana had finally let her own tears flow, she wasn't very consoling.
Suddenly the door to the first section of the tour bus opened and DD bust in looking a little upset, "Are you two still crying," he asked annoyed, "how many times have you seen that message since Aunt Joyce uploaded it to you?"
"DD," Lana said angrily, "we're sort of grieving?"
"Yeah, well so am I, more than you two probably; Rita was your friend but she was my sister-in-law and I had come to start looking at her as my own older sister. However, though grieving is important, right now it is more important to be happy; for Lizzy's sake; which is what Rita would want us to be thinking about!"
Ana looked at DD blankly and said, "DoubleD, what are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the fact that Lizzy needs a boatload of happy pictures from us right now and at the moment pictures of you two (whom she loves almost as much as she loved Rita) would probably sink her in deeper depression.
"What do you expect us to do," Lana asked getting a little annoyed.
"I expect you to be blissfully happy by the time we pull into Rome; once we check in at the Inn we are instantly showering and changing to go out for a Horny Anderson Girl tour of Rome, everyone is going to be there and everyone will give me some shots that will make Lizzy smile!"
"DD," Ana said confused, "Aunt Joyce said that Lizzy is not depressed; as a matter a fact she said if anything she is a bit worried at how joyous and horny she seems to suddenly be?"
"Well then we'll send her pictures that will keep her joyous, horny and smiling until the day I can personally wrap my arms around her and comfort her; IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!"
"DD," Ana said sorrowfully, "we can't just force ourselves to be happy."
"Oh no," DD said with an evil grin and stepping back into section one came back with Heather and sat her in the center of the day bed ordering, "have a bit of warm milk to calm your nerves. Each of you takes a boob now; bend over and let me see those asses and pussies, NOW!"
Both Lana and Ana gave DD a shocked look and if it weren't for the fact that they liked the idea of finally getting a shot at Heather's milky boobs they might have told him a thing or two, instead they smiled as they bent over and each grabbed a Heather boob to start sucking. DD then went back to section one and instantly returned with everyone else in the tour group except for Pam (the driver). "Okay," DD told everyone, we have two hours at least before hitting the Inn at Rome. I want these two blissfully happy by then; start filling them with joy!" All the guys instantly lined up behind one of the two girls, and behind the guys the girls lined up to suck the two Anderson girls dry."
Ron, who was lined up first behind Lana said, "Okay Queen; time to smile!" and he began pile-driving his cock in her twat as she sucked Heather's milky goodness. Don was doing the same to Ana. By the time Ron and Don came, filling the girl's twats for the first time, they truly looked a lot happier.
An hour later the 'fill Lana and Ana with happiness' party was still going strong in section two, but DD had grabbed Heather and taken her into section one deciding her boobs could really use a break (or at least not wanting to be left without milk). In Heather's place he had left the Wild Kat feeding Lana some hot juices as she continued getting either fucked or sucked in either the pussy or the ass by the others; while Patty took over providing Ana's calming medicine.
"So how are you feeling," DD asked Heather.
"Horny as hell," Heather said giggling and sitting on DD's lap in a face-to-face position allowing his erect cock to slide up her twat, "how do you expect me to feel after having my boobs sucked for an hour and watching every guy and girl on here fucking and sucking Lana and Ana right in front of me?"
As she bounced on his cock Heather locked lips with DD and after kissing him passionately a while directed his lips back to one of her boobs and before taking it he said, "Didn't you promise to tell me the story of how these boobs became so full of milk in just one month of your being pregnant?"
"Later, right now just keep making love to me," she started kissing the top of his head as he sucked her boob and DD suddenly worried she was getting a little too intimate.
Separating his mouth from her boob he said, "I have to try to write to my Lizzy every single day from now on."
Heather giggled again and said, "You don't have to remind me you're married; well almost married. However it looks like I have to remind you that Liz gave us permission to be as intimate as possible; she said it'll help when we take pictures for her."
"Still we have to constantly remind ourselves that we won't be together for so long;" DD said then added sadly, "If she would give me permission to go right now I'd be with Liz where I should be this second. What happened to Rita only shows that we can't be sure how much time we have; we should therefore not be wasting any of it."
"Do you think that girl Rita killed herself," Heather suddenly said as she started to cum all over DD's cock.
DD who had closed his eyes as he started to enjoy Heather's pussy muscles contracting and expanding around his penis as she came strongly suddenly opened his eyes and looked angrily at her saying, "How can you say that!?! How can you even think that!?!"
Heather looked at him blissfully and said, "I mean; I was just wondering, I mean she left messages for all the people she cared for, she contacted the funeral home that very week to arrange for a closed-casket funeral as well as purchase a burial spot and tombstone..."
"She was sick, she knew she was going to die, she just didn't know when; she expected the disease to have totally eaten her away by the time of the funeral which is why she ordered everything closed-casket."
"Still," Heather said, "the way she died, peacefully by lethal injection; sounds more like euthanasia than the act of a psycho fire-starter, don't you think?"
"No I don't," DD said very angrily, "listen; Rita would not do that to Lizzy on purpose. She would not leave Liz until she had no choice but to leave her; so please don't talk about this anymore."
Realizing that the subject was really upsetting DD Heather jumped up and down on his cock a few more times and said, "Now as to my boobs," and she put one of them back at DD's mouth for him to suck. "The day I found out I was pregnant Faith and Heidi threw me a 'welcome to the would-be mother's club party' at the orphanage and one of the rituals was that every single child at the orphanage got to suck each of my tits for 15 minutes; with 30 kids in that section of the orphanage that meant 7 1⁄2 hours straight of sucking my tits; by the end of the all night party my tits had already started lactating and after that Faith and Heidi would spend one hour every morning and one hour every night attached to my boobs. My boobs sort of became used to making a lot of milk."
Moving his mouth from one boob to the other DD said smiling, "Well I promise to empty them out as often as I can so they don't get too full."
"Thanks," Heather said smiling, "and let me thank you by emptying your cream makers," she suddenly got up and kneeling between his legs sucked in his cock just as it exploded; Heather had felt him tensing up and knew he was close. She let his hot cream roll around in her mouth until it became so full that she had to swallow to make room for the next load, she made sure to savor the flavor as much as DD obviously savored her tits' milk. When she finally stood back up she said, "Oh, looks like we're in Rome!"
DD looked blissfully out the window and at the sites of the ancient city around him still in too much ecstasy to really appreciate what he was seeing.
The tour party checked into their Inn in record time, they dropped their luggage off at their rooms and went to the shower rooms for quick 2 to 5 minute showers; by the time the last person to shower was out, everyone was in their touring clothes raring to explore one of the oldest cities in the world.
"I downloaded some tour information," DD said as they all took seats once more in section one of the tour bus, "and I think we can get some great pictures (both normal and special) at some of the spots I've chosen." Looking around he suddenly said, "Hey, someone's missing; where's Carol?"
"She had an appointment," Pam said, "She had made it before we left France."
"An appointment," DD said a bit shocked, "An appointment where?"
"I don't know," Pam admitted, "she didn't tell me." Pam then asked, "So where are we going first?"
Pulling Heather over to him he answered with a bit of a wry grin, "Campidaglio/Capitoline Hill, I have a few very special pictures planned for there." He then gave Heather's boobs each loving kiss.
The other tour members were a little tentative about letting DoubleD control their first tour of Rome, but they were all willing to take the chance knowing that he was right about one thing, this was the only true thing they could do to give Lizzy a little comfort in her time of pain, and they all wanted to give her some comfort.
When they reached the first location they instantly began taking videos and movies of all the ancient statues and structures around; this included a more than usual percentage of special pictures, the fact that they had such a large group gave them the opportunity to completely circle and hide the subject of the pictures. There in that first location they also found one specific statue DD had seen in his information gathering and which is what had brought him there: the statue of "the Etruscan Wolf" a statue of a she-wolf feeding two human children (Romulus and Remus) her milk. DD had Heather bow down in front of this statue with her tits hanging firmly and several pictures were taken of Heather feeding different pairs such as DD and Hustler, John and Ron, Jack and Andrew and Don and Jason. When they got back to the tour bus they were all extra horny (especially those that had gotten a few drinks of Heather milk for the last set of pictures and all the guys grabbed a girl to suck clean on the ride to the next stop, "The Spanish Steps" where DD planned to give the term "up-shots" a whole new meaning.
From the Spanish Steps they passed to the Trevi Fountain and then to the Coliseum where they actually managed to get a few shot of several of the tour group in a full mini-orgy. They also stopped at some Rome streets as Pam demonstrated drinking from a fountain (there were drinking fountains all around but drinking from them wasn't as simple as pressing a button and letting the water flow); after Pam demonstrated how to skillfully place your fingers at the flowing water to make it shoot up to easily drink, Katrina got shots of several of them using gushing fountains to drink: DD used Monica, Ron used Hannah, Hustler used Vixen and Harlot used Gabrielle and you would not believe how strongly those fountains could gush.
As the day came to an end, most of the tour party seemed happy and pleased that they had taken the tour. They may have been acting all strong and undeterred by recent events, but the truth is that Rita's death had had them all upset and they needed to do something to get their minds off it. Only two people still looked very upset by the time they were rushing back home and Ron now went up them as they sat in section one.
"You know," Ron said, "there's still a nice party going on in section two; why don't you two go back there?"
"We don't really feel much like partying," Lana said sadly.
"Yeah," Ana said, "anyway we're pretty tired."
"You're not still sad are you," Ron said then added, "I mean of course what happened is still sad, but you looked like you had dealt with it; before we started the tour you were pretty blissful."
"Yeah well that tour sort of brought back a lot of thoughts," Lana said now sounding annoyed.
"Yeah," Ana said almost in tears, "do you realize that every place we saw, every statue, every building almost has a history or tells a story about death, or war or pain?"
"It was a little hard not to remember Rita when we were being reminded of death everywhere we went," Lana said her eyes tearing up a little.
Accepting this to be true Ron said, "Yeah, I guess that would be hard; however," he then added, "it just goes to show that all roads don't lead to Rome; they lead to death, and we should therefore live while we walk them! We have at least an hour before we get back to the inn anyone that would like to experience some life is welcomed to join us in the second section." He then added evilly, "I think Hannah and I will experience some life with Patty and Katy," winking at them he went back to section two.
Lana and Ana looked at each other for a minute or two then suddenly grinning mischievously leapt up and ran to section two before the Master and the Mistress could claim their soul-mates.
By the time the van pulled in front of the inn Lana was definitely looking close to her usual self, and Ana, though obviously still very upset, was at least trying to look happy with Patty. When they started getting off the bus Jen was waiting for them and there was a group of about five college aged youths with her, all obviously American. The youths however were not what first caught everyone's eyes.
"Carol," Patty said smiling, "you look a little different."
"I'm sorry," Jen said feigning confusion, "did you call me Carol? You must have me confused with someone else, my name is Jennifer Lewis." Turning to Pam she said, "Pam tell them who I am," to the rest of the group she said, "Pamela Baker has been my room mate for two years now, she should know."
Some of the tour party finally caught on that the masquerade was over. Jen and Pam had been traveling incognito in hopes of keeping anyone following them from too quickly realizing that the daughter of Dr. Randolph Lewis was with them, but now that Crawford and Harris knew this, there was no reason for them not to just be themselves. Jen was therefore standing before them golden haired (it was obviously her real hair and not a wig meaning that her appointment had probably been at a beauty salon) and blue-eyed proudly proclaiming who she was.
"By the way guys," she suddenly said, "I want to introduce you to some people." She turned to those with her and said, "These are students from NYU, they are on vacation here in Europe and they are staying at the inn also." She introduced each leaving one girl in particular for last and when she got to her she said, and this is Christine Addams, believe it or not, she's from Riverdale." The entire tour group suddenly turned extra-interested eyes at the girl, "It was through her that I met the rest."
"Christine," Patty said a little warily, "is that really you?"
"Hi Ms. Clark," the girl who was brown-haired and brown-eyed said nervously, "Umm—you're not still mad at me are you?"
"And for which of your hundred practical jokes could I possibly be angry for after two years of not seeing you," Patty said a little coldly.
Avoiding the question Christine said, "It's good to see you again, I visited home before coming on this trip and Dad still talks about you constantly; he wishes he could see you again."
Ana looked curiously at Patty and noticing it Patty explained, "Her father works on Lisa's crew; he's the plumber that worked on your family's pool."
"Oh," Ana said suddenly smiling and going over to personally greet Christine she then told her, "and you have got to tell me everything your father says about Ms. Clark here."
Smiling at her Christine said, "Well we were about to get ready to go to a party but if you'd like to CUM with me I'll tell you everything you'd like to know."
Smiling back Ana said, "Oh you are definitely from Riverdale aren't you," and she walked into the inn talking with Christine leaving Patty looking sourly after the two of them. Ana never even looked back once at Patty as she disappeared through the door with Christine.
"What's wrong Patty," Lana asked noticing the look on her face.
"Let's just say that Christine Addams is not the best person to hang around my Sugar; especially not with her still so upset and fragile."
Lana noticed that the other college kids were inviting the rest of TXLT2 and the Wilson's to the party they were going to. Lana also noticed that the majority, like her, were thinking that they had missed their regular new room and bed inauguration ceremonies and were thinking of just going to their rooms and catching up.
"I'm going to my room with Katy for a while," Lana said turning to Patty, "let me know if Ana decides to go to that party; if she does Katy and I will go keep an eye on her, okay."
"Thanks," Patty said appreciatively, "I'll feel a lot better knowing you're with her."
As they all walked in the Inn and started to go to their separate rooms Jen noticed Patty alone and going over to her asked, "Why aren't you with Ana; from what I understand everyone is going for their previously postponed bed inaugurations?"
"Well my Sugar has made a new friend," she then looked suspiciously at Jen and added, "thanks to you."
Catching both the suspicious look and tone Jen said, "Wait a minute, you don't think I set up this meeting with Christine on purpose do you; I never thought Ana would just go off with her (or anyone for that matter) and just leave you hanging."
"Well she's not herself right now; even when we were together on the bus she could hardly look at me and I don't think she really came once; I think she was faking most of her orgasms."
Jen looked shocked, "I don't get it, and I'm studying to be a sexologist, why would any grief over Rita's loss cause her to react distant or even coldly towards you?"
"Because when it comes to thinking of me and Rita there's a bad memory there she can't escape; I think she's trying to avoid thinking of her first true encounter with Rita."
Catching on Jen said, "Which would be when Rita nearly lost you your job and got you arrested." Giving a slow nod Jen agreed stating, "Yeah I can definitely see her not wanting to remember that right now." Smiling Jen said, "In the meantime however, are you planning to be all alone on that big bed in your room? I've a feeling Ana doesn't plan to be alone."
"I'd love some company but you do remember that The Mistress and the Orgasm Queen banned you from being alone with me right?"
"Not if I get Ana's permission," Jen said smiling, "go get the bed ready, I'm passing by Christine's room and having a quick talk with Ana."
Finally giving a true smile Patty said, "I'll be waiting, by the way, your hair and eyes look beautiful, never change their color again."
"I know you're going to love this party we're going to," Christine was telling Ana as they sat on Christine's bed.
"Do you think I need to change," Ana asked worried about the thought of having to return to her room and face Patty.
"Actually you look beyond hot; you are definitely the hottest girl around," Christine said looking over Ana's body.
She noticed Ana give her a strange, almost frightened look and asked, "What's wrong, don't you think you're hot?"
"It's just that I suddenly remembered something; something I don't want to be thinking about. But it's so hard not to think of some things."
"That's why we fill our minds with other things like this party and if you don't want to think about anything else until the party," she suddenly dropped her clothes to reveal nice perky boobs and a very nicely trimmed twat and said, "I know something to fill our minds until then."
Ana studied Christine's twat intensely and smiled as she reached out to touch it when someone suddenly knocked.
"DAMN," Christine said angrily, "I should have put up the 'Do Not Disturb' sign. She walked over to the door without bothering to put anything on and opening it all the way let Jen step inside.
Jen gave Christine's body a quick look over and turning away from her went and sat on the bed next to Ana. Without beating around the bush she looked Ana straight in the eye and said, "Are you alright?"
Ana seemed a little confused and said, "Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"Because every other member of the tour group is inaugurating their beds with their soul-mates and you're in here with a girl you've barely met."
Ana gave a nervous guilty look and said, "It's just that I'm going to a party in a little while to help me get over some things. I'm sure Patty understands."
"Actually she does," Jen said a little angrily, "but while you're trying to get over things Patty is trying to get used to the idea of being alone in bed. You might remember that she is still getting over things also."
Bowing her head a little shamefully Ana said in agreement, "She shouldn't be alone." She then added sadly, "but I can't be with her right now."
"Girl," Jen said slowly, "I'll be happy to keep Patty company until you're ready, but here's a tip for you; don't leave her in someone else's hands for long."
"Just stay with her until tomorrow," Ana said begging, "I promise I'll work out any dumb issues in my mind by then."
"Don't you want to come and spend the time with one of your sisters at least," Jen asked throwing Christine (who was now pulling out some vibrators) a worried look.
"Actually," Ana said throwing Christine a smile, "sometimes strangers can help even more than family; besides like you said, everyone wants to be with their honeys right now."
"At what time are you actually leaving for this party; I heard Lana and Katy want to go with you?"
Ana threw Christine a questioning look and Christine said, "We have an hour then we have to go," she then said strongly to Jen, "so if you don't mind I'd like to get to know Ana before then," she held up a large black vibrator and thin anal one as well.
Jen got up slowly and said, "Remember Christy, she's going through things, don't make them worse."
"Hey," Christine said smiling, "You remember I taught you how to act, so why don't you just give that cheer I know you're dying to give and go run into bed with your music teacher."
Jen gave an angry look and going to the door said, "Just be careful with her."
As she stepped out Christine locked the door and said, "God I thought she'd never leave us alone. Now where were we," she walked up to Ana and taking her hand said, "oh yeah, you were reaching out and about to touch something," she placed Ana's hand on her pubic area and held it against her labia for a few seconds.
Feeling the intense heat radiating from the area Ana said, "Damn, and you call me the hottest girl! Girl you could set the bed on fire with that thing!"
Pushing Ana back Christine said, "If it's so hot maybe you should try cooling it with that saliva filled mouth of yours." Christine then climbed on Ana and sat on her face facing Ana's feet.
Christine let Ana suck her for a minute or two before lying flat and attacking Ana's twat; Ana was still wearing her micro-skirt but it was in no way hindering Christine's exploration of her pussy. Christine ran her tongue up and down Ana's slit a few times before going deep in her well and when she got a real good taste of Ana she said, "Damn that has got to be the sweetest pussy I've ever tasted. Give me more girl!" They began sucking each other in earnest and truly demonstrating their cunningulus skills; for 20 minutes they sucked each other and Christine got a little annoyed when after giving Ana a second helping of her juices, Ana had still not given her one true drink.
"What's wrong with you girl, don't you like me," Christine rolled off Ana to look at her and noticed she was crying. "Hey, what's wrong, come on you can tell me."
"It's nothing really," Ana said, "it's just that some things have been adding up for a while and I just need to try to escape them; but this has always been my greatest escape," Christine understood clearly that Ana was talking about sex, "and now even it isn't working."
"You need some serious backup girl," Christine said getting up and getting a small pill case out of a dresser drawer.
"What's that," Ana asked nervous and suspicious.
"Just backup; it helps to enhance the sexual experience, and right now you need some enhancing; you need some help to forget whatever is tying your mind up and stopping you from cumming."
"Is that, is it drugs," Ana asked scared.
"Oh please;" Christine said, "this is as much a drug as birth control pills. Now come on do you want to try to feel better and just forget about whatever the hell is going on in Riverdale for a while; not to mention do you want to finally feed me seeing as I've fed you twice?" Christine gave Ana a wicked smile and leaning over kissed her passionately saying in a soothing voice, "trust me; you will thank me for the rest of your life." She placed the colored pill between her pussy lips and pushing Ana back on the bed said, "I actually feel like cumming again, so you'll have a good amount of liquid to wash down your medicine." She then climbed back on Ana's face and as she again attacked Ana's twat; she felt Ana once more sucking her pussy. Christine then began sucking Ana's clit and grabbed the vibrator she had placed on the bed to work slowly into Ana's pussy. Ana gave a loud moan and attacked Christine's pussy more furiously; Christine could still feel the pill between her labia, but she could feel Ana's resistance to try it out weakening as well. Once Christine had the first vibrator deep in Ana's pussy she grabbed the second vibrator and opening Ana's legs more directed the thin vibrator at Ana's rosebud and began pushing in deep, hard and fast; Ana gave a small scream and locking her lips around Christine's pussy sucked hard, she began running her tongue up, down around Christine's pussy excitedly, at one point she felt something pop into her mouth but since Christine was cumming strongly again she didn't give it much thought just wrapped her mouth around Christine's hole and washed whatever it was down with a lot of juice. Christine was now giving her a double pumping (pussy and ass) while at the same time sucking on Ana's clit relentlessly and Ana finally couldn't hold back anymore and finally needed to let her relief CUM. And cum she did, and cum and cum and cum. Christine had pulled the vibrator out of Ana's cunt when she first exploded and had locked her lips around Ana's twat to capture every bit of sweet nectar she could get and when the well finally dried up a bit she turned around and locked lips with Ana.

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