Speechless Ch. 02 free porn video

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Well here is the second installment, a bit longer then the last one. Hope you like it and PLEASE comment or vote to let me know if you do or don’t. Well here is the second installment, a bit longer then the last one. Hope you like it and PLEASE comment or vote to let me know if you do or don’t.


I was shell shocked by the sudden slyness she showed before drying herself and going inside. She wasn’t like this before, were is that sweet shy girl he met yesterday. By the time I reached the living room, she was already upstairs. I dried myself quickly and followed suit. She was nowhere to be found, so I assumed she was in her room probably changing into something less suggestive.

I changed my shorts and pulled fresh pieces of clothing. Then met her in the couch downstairs. By the way, she had made herself comfortable in my favorite place watching TV. I stood at her side and stared at her in awe. A small smile crept it way on her features before she looked at me, morphing into a big grin. I grinned back before diving into the empty seat next to her.

‘What was that you did outside?’ I whispered. She stiffened instantly. I was overriding her personal space. She deftly scribbled a note. I was surprised where the notepad came from. It wasn’t in her hand a minute ago.

I read aloud, ‘TEASING YOU!’

She snickered at my tone. I moved a little closer, trying on my boundaries. Our sides were squished together. I played with a lock of her hair before asking, ‘And why were you teasing me.’ Right next to her ear, tickling the lobe with my breath. She gasped. Did she thought she was in charge?

She scribbled again hiding it from my prying eyes. She stopped when she finished and stare at her notepad. But before I can see it, she butchered the note with her marker then threw the note. She wrote a fresh one and handed it to me.

It said, *I was kidding. Sorry* and a really sorry smiley face.

I continued to twiddle with her hair. It was a rick dark color unlike his brown mane. The smell of jasmine was her natural odor. I knew because she hadn’t used the showers upstairs and still the fragrance was there. He tried a sniff from the nape of her neck drawing another gasp and an thoroughly irritated look. I decided not to use my luck too much.

‘You smell like Jasmine.’ I commented. She just pursed her lips and stared if asking ‘SO?’.

I looked at her incredulously. What is up with this girl?

‘It smells nice that’s it.’

I removed my look and concentrated on the TV. But I noticed the hint of a smile floating nearby.

After a hour or two, and being assaulted by her legs to make room for the millionth time, she fell asleep. On MY shoulders. I closed the TV and kept staring at her peaceful expression. Her slightly upturned nose sniffed a few time like trying to smell something. I barely held my laughter. Her eyes moved under her eye lid. Suddenly she draped her left arm over me and pulled me closer to her like a happy pillow.

I thought of Tina, my girlfriend for last three months. She was one of those blond cheerleader types you may encounter in every school. An arrogant bitch but definitely hot. Our relation was less for mutual attraction and more for student politics. I play basketball for the institute, and am the captain. Everybody expects the head cheerleader and the captain to be together. Well I can care less if get a good deal of blowjob and sex from a bust blond like Tina. Don’t get me wrong though, I fairly respect women. But not the self-righteous megalomaniac types.

I glanced back at the creature cuddled in my arms and was struck by a sudden revelation. HALLELUJAH, She is going to change everything in my life!

Gwen smiled in her dreamy state like if sensing my thoughts. I smiled back and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep with a girl, I met just tomorrow, in my arms.

God knows how many hours later, I woke up startled by a hand shaking my shoulders. I groaned and looked up to see my Mom standing beside me with a furious expression on her face. I gulped down a lump in my throat. Then I noticed the person next to me, still clung to me, her head ridiculously down on my chest, almost reaching my abdomen. And I realized how it might have looked from Mom’s POV.

Blushing to the tip of my ears, I sluggishly untangled the two of us before slowly waking her up. She, just like me woke with a start when she noticed the son and mother looming over her.

Then something awfully embarrassing happened. My stomach growled like a hungry predator. Both the women stared at me in varying expressions. Furious and amused. You do the match making.

‘Mom…’ I whispered.

‘From how long were you two ‘DOZED’ up?’ She said emphasizing on dozed, which generally leads to a Mother/Son talk for me. This wasn’t the first time I was caught with a girl in my arms on the couch.

If Mom is home then it must be at least six in the evening. I searched for the nearest wall-clock and noted the time. Oh MY GOD! It is almost half past six. We were DOZING for fucking seven hours?

A stomach growled again but this time it wasn’t me. Gwen’s eyes widened in both shock and embarrassment as she noticed the time. And we skipped lunch. Go figure.

‘SAMUEL HOWARD GRAY! I think I asked you something?’ Mom stated arms crossed.

‘See… seven hours.’

‘SEVEN HOURS!’ She shrieked her hands flowing out, ‘You mean you skipped lunch?’

‘Yeah?’ A small voice quickened which I later recognized was mine.

‘Sally… I fell asleep. I’m sorry.’ Gwen said looking down nervously.

Mom looked at her. ‘I’m not mad at you honey. I’m furious at this irresponsible brat I have given birth to.’

I gulped. Mom was seriously pissed. Gwen looked equally unnerved despite the assurance.

Mom glared at me for a minute, while I cowered in fear before declaring, ‘I’m going to prepare the dinner. Both of you take shower and come down in fifteen minutes!’

Both of us nodded and hastily obeyed. Exactly in fifteen minutes, we were downstairs, sitting on the table waiting patiently for Mom to finish cooking. Gwen passed me a note, while continuously checking my Mom’s back.


Not taking a chance to be caught conspiring behind her back, I signaled Gwen to lend me her marker then set down the note flipped back andscribbling,

*Don’t blame yourself. I fell asleep too.*

After she read the note, her shoulders lost their stiffness. Mom approached with three plated. She placed Gwen’s before her, exchanging smiles. Smoke chicken with Fried Rice and sliced eggs. My stomach growled. I looked down when Mom gave me a reproachful look. I looked up only when a plate was literally thrown at my face. Nah, I was kidding, Mom can’t be that cruel right?

But the stuff on my plate proved otherwise.

‘What? Why?’ I whined before her. She slitted her eyes and the fork at her hand slowly pointed towards me. I looked at the sharp points, looking as if drooling over my delicious neck, then at her face and resented any further protests.

Before me was sitting the same dish, minus the egg and chicken. Plain fried rice. I chewed it constantly gulping down water. Gwen, maybe out of sympathy tried to cool Mom down and to smuggle some of her chicken to me, but never succeeded. Mom was resolute on my punishment.

‘By the way, I visited Mrs. Perkins, Sam’s Principle. I told her that we wish you to join the school, and also about your… er, lack of speech. She assured me not to worry and that you’ll be welcome in the school. And that she will personally look after any sort of problem you might face there. She is a good friend of mine after all.’ Mom said after we finished. ‘So you may continue your session here from tomorrow.’

Gwen genuinely beamed that treacherous smile of hers. I tried to look away but her naturally white teeth kept me entranced. I still don’t understand
why such perfectness shall suffer so much.

My Mom leaned and gave her a quick peck on the cheeks which made her blush, before continuing to the sink.

Three hours later, the three of us decided to go back to the bedrooms. I was far from tired after that ‘nap’ and felt the same for Gwen, but it wasn’t worth to argue with Mom and ruin the mood which have mended a little. I can tell because she wasn’t giving me those cold glares anymore.

Gwen took the stairs first. When I followed her suit a few moments later, Mom cleared her throat making me stop in my tracks. I turned around.

‘Sam, we need to talk.’

I gulped. Damn, I thought she forgot.

I went back and joined her on the couch. Looking down sheepishly with my hands resting together in my arms. Every pore in my body was radiating pure, Okay, not so pure innocence. But as usual Mom was unperturbed.

‘What was that drama you pulled off with her?’ Her brows furrowed a little.

‘Mom, she was tired and then we were watching TV and then she drifted off on my shoulders…’

‘And why were YOU holding her?’

I went silent. Mom wasn’t stupid. She saw how close we were cuddled at the couch. I sighed at the thought.

‘Look honey,’ She took my hands in hers and continued with a soft voice, ‘Gwen… she is different from other girls you generally date. She is far more sensitive towards these things. Call it a weakness of her mind. You should have noticed that she feels emotions so intensely. She cannot suffer hurt anymore. Even if her dad mostly kept her away, his brother tried to hurt her in every possible way. She survived only because of her mother. By far, she was the only person in her life who showed real kindness and love to her.’ Mom’s eyes drifted towards the stairs.

‘That is why I tried to provide her with whatever she was denied till now. You see, I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted a daughter. No offence to you though, you know how much I love you. And I feel the same with her.’ She paused and looked me directly in the eyes.

‘And I don’t want you to hurt her.’

I was surprised. This is ridiculous.

‘I’ll never hurt her Mom. I can’t.’

‘Sam, she might be oblivious to you advances but I’m not. You’ve set your eyes on her from the moment she entered.’ She spoke rather sternly making the statement sting a little, ‘You already have a girlfriend so, there is only one possible conclusion to this. You want to BED HER!’

‘MOM!’ I stood up abruptly snatching my hand away from her. This was it.

‘I’m not finished.’ She said matching my glare.

‘It is finished, Mom. How could you even think I’ll try something like that. She… she is… I’ll never do anything to hurt her. I’M NOT PLAYING WITH HER!’

She went silent. I was panting heavily from my outburst. It would be a miracle if Gwen haven’t heard this banter. Then I realized what I just did. I shouted at Mom. Mom who took care of me and provided every thing I needed, alone after Dad’s death when was five. Even If she was terribly wrong, I should have known better than this.

I went back and sat beside her. She still looked perplexed. I sighed and said, ‘Sorry Mom. I shouldn’t have shouted. But you’re wrong, I know Gwen is fragile. I never thought of anything more to do to her then comfort her a little in a friendly way. You must understand.’ Okay I lied. So what? I’m not gonna tell Mom how hot I think she is or how much I have grown to crave her. It just… doesn’t feel right… not now.

She remained silent staring at the stairways.

‘Sam, I’m sorry too. But you must understand that if you work her up and then ditch her for someone else,’ She looked at my pained expression, ‘I’m not saying you will but you may, then she won’t be able to stand it. She will do something stupid and we all will dearly regret it.’

That night I rarely slept, my mind going through a thousand question. Is Mom right? Am I just physically attracted to Gwen and all this mushy crap will end the moment I get her in bed beside me? Will I dump her for the next hot ass my eyes fall on?

Even if my answer was no to every and each one of them, it didn’t solve my predicament. I was thoroughly confused. Isn’t it too early to jump into conclusions of my obsession on Gwen. Or, god forbid it, maybe it’s pity? Am I just taking pity on the mute girl who is still likely to be a virgin?

I was haunted by this incredibly frustrating questions all night and forgot something.

Next day was school.


I woke up with a knock on my door. I rubbed my eyes to make the blurriness go away. Yawning highly I stepped before the door and jerked it open.

It wasn’t Mom like I anticipated, but Gwen instead stood there, before me, in a knee long maroon skirt and a white shirt with horizontal navy blue stripes, with the open book logo on her left breast pocket bearing the words ‘G. Cavendish Institutions, Learn and Glow’, standard dressing code for my school. Quite a mouthful for a logo but it bears it anyway.

But she looked far better in it then the usual T-shirt and knickers she wore in the house. And, oh god, her breasts. I gulped down a lump at them. The shirt stretched over the ample globes perfectly, nothing too slutty mind you, but merely hinting what treasures she hid behind them.

Just in continuation on that thought, she made that strange sound which I have come to know as her ‘gasp’ reaction and the impressive blush, making her similar to a beet root, her eyes drawn down.

Only after following her line of sight, did I noticed the reason behind this reaction.

I, as usual, sleep in only my trunks. And the not-so-thick material of it, barely hid the vicious serpent twitching inside. And I’m not exaggerating. I’m fairly over the average length in that department, I’ve been told.

And this universal problem of ‘morning wood’ can really scare an innocent to no end. Seeing the only route of escape as my bedroom, I slammed the door shut on her face. Rudeness be hanged! I need a piss and some decent rags.

Two minutes later, I opened the door, finding the girl at the same position. Just a little pale. My member woke up AGAIN! I tried to restrain myself looking at her torso. Or her visible legs.

She just stood there looking at her toes.

‘Yes?’ I inquired in a small voice. She looked up but not in the eyes. She handed me a note and flew away, her skirt swishing behind her.

*Breakfast ready. Sally calling you downstairs.*

I sighed and went in and brushed and washed my mouth and face. Then I joined the duet downstairs for a streaming bowl of noodles. Rest aside we left for the school.

Me on my Yamaha and Gwen with Mom. Well I felt offended by this setup but after last night, I wasn’t sure about anything anymore.

I arrived earlier. Mom, just like most other mothers, wasn’t a speed high. Her Honda Accent followed few minutes later. Surprisingly she accompanied Gwen and me all the way declaring that she needs to talk to the principal.

As it turned out, Gwen and me shared three of the five classes we take, being English Literature, Astrology and PE. So for the first period, she will be in Mr. Crowley’s Biology class, when I will be tackling Algebra with Miss Rosewood, hottest teacher in town. She might be the reason I took Algebra. But I was sincerely good at it.

The class went uneventful, dragging on the major applications of Integrals. The only thing good about the class was Miss Rosewood who wa AGAIN wearing a knee-length red skirt and a off-white blouse, being the crush of every hot-blooded young men (and some young women whatsoever).

My mind was constantly wondering what Gwen must be going through right now. It will be hard for her between these new kids. I’ll try to make it as far easy as I can pull off. Well I do have a name and reputation after all.

I saw her face and the empty seat beside her and knew she wasn’t rece
ipted well enough. She looked… overwhelmed and pained. Her eyes lit up the moment she saw me. I made a beeline to the vacant seat next to her and smiled. She returned that shy smile of hers.

What everybody else saw was that the captain of the Basket ball team was smiling beside the new mute girl. Thank gods for small miracles, Tina was still three days due. It could have been a lot unpleasant.

At lunch, she found me sitting with four of my friends. Daniel Hitchcock a.k.a Cocky Dan, Isabella Aswald a.k.a Bella, Francis Miles a.k.a Frank and Elizabeth Smith Parker a.k.a Elle. Well for your info the are in relationships respectively since grade school, (that was an exaggeration).

When she tried to avoid my stare even after me instructing her in the last class, I tried something that she cannot reject. I called her. My friends were already set. I instructed him not to cause her any discomfort, which raised more than one eyebrows. It wasn’t needed though. I know them fine enough.

Frank pulled in another chair for her to sit next to me. (SMART BOY, EH!)

She still looked hesitant always peeking around to see the others reactions. Her conservative sitting style bothered me.

‘Guys this is Gwen Hawkins from Denver.’ I started the pre-prepared speech. Well my friends know about her already. Hell the whole school is looking for the new hot mute girl.

The four of them looked at her analytically. Gwen smiled a little but it was damn straight fake. Nothing like the ones which leave me warm and fuzzy.

‘Um… this is Dan, Bella, Frank and Elle. They are my servants.’ The four of them glared at me.

I looked surprised, ‘Sorry, did I said servants. Ah, it’s friends.’

Gwen remained as still as stone. I signaled Elle for her part with as much discretion as I could muster.

She smiled and held out her hand for Gwen.

‘Hi, Gwen.’ I choose well. Elle was one of those spring morning breeze type of girl. Cheerful and friendly.

Gwen shook her hand and did her thing. Scribbled a note.

Elle took it and smiled warmly looking at her and I knew whatever she had written ensured that they are going to be good friends.

Bella was next, followed by the boys. Well to say the least, Gwen seemed to a bit relaxed. He haunched up shoulders down to an almost normal fashion.

The rest of the day remained uneventful. Save the Gym. We have a large swimming pool as our school many times organised the Enter-state Water Sports Championship among other things. Ms. Diana Marwin, our swimming coach, literally adored Gwen after her fifth lap non-stop. Her blue swimming suit a bit more modest then the red one. But what it did was to reveal her actual breast size and to give me a hard on.

And after that, it seemed like every one wants to talk to her. No doubt she was going to be the swimming honcho for the next few months. I felt annoyance watching the other guys drooling on her. But before I can see her reaction my basketball coach pulled me out by my ears.

The day got interesting when we arrived at the parking lot. Since my mom dropped her off, and was now at her office right now, Gwen was stranded. I was the first one out and soon found myself playing a friendly trick on her. I took my bike out of the stands and him both of us behind the main lot area. A perfect vantage point.

After few seconds she came out. With Elle and Bella. Good, good. They talked for a while, giggling whenever Gwen wrote something and passed the note.

The boys weren’t far behind. They took out their bikes and nearly blew my position. I saw saw them talking about the empty stand beside theirs, witch was obviously mine. They picked the girls on but waited. Gwen was quite stricken by now as most of the students were already off and the buses were already off. Then my phone ringed and I cursed, fumbling with it and turned it to busy mode. I could almost hear the girls calling me words like ‘irresponsible’ and ‘asshole’, maybe together.

Dan said something to Gwen. She nodded and the two bikes left. Now, I decided was the time to face her. I went on to approach her from the back. I was grinning from ear to ear. I revved the engine and accelerated imagining her adorable surprised expression when she will be swept off her feet and into the back seat. Maybe that’s why I never noticed the Mustang coming down on on me from the next crossing.

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Passions of Innocents Chapter 3 Momma Spills The Beans

Chapter 3 ( Momma spills the beans ) Keith emerged from the shower feeling good and smelling a little sweeter. He slid on a pair of fresh jeans and went into the kitchen to get a beer out of the box, discovering that he only had about 4 left. 'Damn, now I gotta run into town and get some more, tomorrows Sunday and nobody around here sells beer on Sunday.' He...

2 years ago
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D is for Double

“Honey, you know how you said you wanted to have a double penetration experience?” You bring this up nonchalantly, as if it were something we spoke about on the regular. Your hand moved to rest on top of mine across the table.I looked up from my phone where I had been frantically texting a friend, my brow quirked up in surprise. I slowly set my phone down, my friend all but forgotten.“Yes, I recall this conversation we had in bed… several months ago…” My expression is bemused as to why you...

Group Sex
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Return of a HeroChapter 11

It was raining on the day they returned to Sacramento. It was coming down pretty good. The SUV was not responding the way Amy had grown accustomed to after months of constant use. She pulled into a small strip mall and checked the tires. They were looking awful swollen to her and right away she knew they had way too much air in them. She was afraid if she would kick them they would explode right in her face. "Diego, when I asked you to check the tires up in the foothills, did you happen to...

2 years ago
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Lesson Well LearnedChapter 2

January 15, 1996 Mr. Roberts called me into his office on Friday and explained that my next assignment would require me to be out of town for about a week, and that I would have to leave on Sunday instead of the usual Monday departure. Since I had now had well over seven out of town trips, Jim never gave it a second thought when I said I had to leave on Sunday, and that I would be gone the entire week. I don't know if he was that engrossed with his business, but convincing him was now...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 196

I had a rough night. I hurt like hell; the EMT was right about that. I even went over to the gym, worked out and spent plenty of time in the hot tub and ice treatment to stop the swelling. I was bruised from the top of my left shoulder across both boobs and my upper stomach and hip. The shoulder strap and seatbelt had done a number on me. I drove one of the unmarked cars to KCC and was doubly cautious. I did stop and pick up several different papers at the new 7-11. The front page of all of...

3 years ago
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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 01

Chapter One Cinderella’s Seduction Startled, Cindy looked up from her seat as the inner door opened and an incredibly beautiful young woman emerged. The girl looked miserably sad, shaking visibly, her lower lip trembling. She also looked … perfect, her blonde hair long and flowing, her eyes large and round and evenly spaced on her ideal face, her nose pert, her lips full and red. She had the figure of a supermodel, with firm bosom and hips framing an almost impossibly slender waist. The girl...

4 years ago
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Cute Nerd Gets Dominated And Ass Fucked

Hi, I am Karan. I am 5 ft 10 inches tall. I work at an MNC. Back in the college, a boy named Ronit was my junior I would joke around with him every day in the college bus. He was a nerd with big glasses and short brown hair. I would get him to sit next to me in the mornings when going to college and would talk to him about his classes and studies. Ronit was fair and was very short. One day when I saw him enter the bus, I found him very cute. So when he came to the last seat to sit with me, I...

Gay Male
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Testing the Limits

Ruby slung her beach bag over her shoulder and wandered down the paved pathway that led to her parents’ backyard. A trio of butterflies floated past while trees and lush plants overflowed from raised garden beds, creating a shady oasis from the summer sun. She drew in a breath and let it out in a contented sigh. If it hadn’t been for the two storey house looming over her, it would have felt like walking through a tropical rainforest. She pushed open the side gate and stepped from the enclosed...

2 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Ch 07

Sorry about the wait guys! As always this is my story so don’t post it, change it etc. without my permission. Feedback is always welcome! Jenna * Memories were floating through Phoenix’s head like sand through an hourglass. She knew that she had to fight, had to wake up. It was dark, everything was black, and then there was a voice. Phoenix heard it but she couldn’t make out the words, she tried to concentrate. The picture forming in front of her suddenly snapped into focus. It was Danny,...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 146

By the time I had finished checking in all the cars Marcy was nearly done with the interviews. There was just one person waiting to be interviewed. The VIN numbers and the tag numbers matched the manifest, but I also noticed that they needed gas. I noticed that there seemed to be a steady number of private jets landing and taking off. Jenny had the site looking like a car rental site. The Chamber of Commerce had stopped by and left pamphlets to put in the literature rack. There were some...

1 year ago
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Morning becomes electric

I have long been an enthusiastic participant in phone sex especially during the days when I travelled a great deal. Travel simultaneously limits and expands opportunities. On the plus side is the provision of long distance relationships and opportunities for honing one’s proclivity for talking dirty. The negative side should be obvious and flows directly from the positive. Still, the s**ttered moments of sheer exhilaration should not be denigrated. One morning of a trip, a friend called me...

4 years ago
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On the first day of attending college, my proud parents took the day off from work to partake in all the excitement. Once most of the administrative formalities had been taken care of, we finally headed toward the residence where I would be staying to see what my dorm looked like. I was pleasantly surprised to find the accommodation better than expected. I knew that I would be sharing a room with another student. Two beds, two cupboards, two desks, and two bedside tables furnished the room. As...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 4

When Ben woke up, he went to the toilet, still very sleepy. Only when exiting it, the reality of what he done the previous day, hit him. He run into the kitchen, where he was welcomed by a smile. --- "Lilly!" --- he said, with his voice breaking --- "Lilly, yesterday .... did I ..." --- "Oh, yes you did." --- she said with a giggle. --- "And then did I ..." --- "Oh, man, you sure did." --- she said gestured pulling at her collar. --- "And then ..." --- he said on the edge of...

4 years ago
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A Lovely Afternoon

I didn’t know her before we were sitting in class together. She was about my age and we both found ourselves sitting in a crowded classroom finishing our mandated class time for insurance licensing. We had stolen a few glances at one another, grinning back and forth when one caught the other. So when lunch came, we found ourselves sitting together, joking at the lack of maturity we both had. It didn’t help that in no time our conversation pushed the boundaries of appropriate conduct as double...

2 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 10 I want to see you Now

Tom, grabbing his courage with both hands, put the blanket down and sat down on the couch, facing Jennifer. Linda unwrapped herself from the towel and sat down next to him with one hand on his knee. "Now, there's no need to ask you what you were doing because, just as obviously, I was doing the same thing you were. What I don't understand is why you would want to take the risk, with Mr. Hartwell's strictures on nude bathing and especially co-ed nude bathing, of getting caught skinny...

3 years ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 9 The Hosts

After Julie left that morning, Cassie couldn't muster the motivation to do any shopping, let alone by herself. She was still feeling weepy. Instead, she had spent the day on the couch, trying to read through all of her survey results and getting them together in her head. The results were clear-cut. The women had been cheating. She wished that she could be more like Julie, and bury herself in work. It was hopeless. She'd never been through a real break-up. Not that this was a real...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Shay Evans Busty Latina

Enhanced Latina babe Shay Evans and her boyfriend Alex Legend are on a mission to clean up Shay’s apartment, but Alex can’t keep his eyes off of Shay’s ass and big boobs. Shay knows Alex is watching, so she plays up the way her tits shake in her tank top without a bra to constrain them. When she finally catches Alex staring, she gives up the pretense of cleaning and goes in for a dick grab and a kiss. Carrying Shay to the couch, Alex slides his hand beneath her shirt to rub...

2 years ago
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Rachels Debt Chapter 1 The Accident

They were doing the speed limit, but my anxiety was making me more than a little impatient. I turned on his blinker and made to pass the truck. That was when I noticed the bumper sticker affixed to the tailgate. It had been right there in front of me, almost as if I had purposely avoided reading the bright white letters set out against the purple background: Dayton HS Cheerleading. As I turned the words over, something clicked. I'm not sure where the thought had come from, but I realized I...

3 years ago
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Rescued by a Snow Angel

1971 was a pretty good year for me. I got the first real big promotion of my career as a home designer. I had worked a lot of years as a builder, an actual hammer and saw guy, when I got a somewhat private gig with a local Montana businessman, Burnett Perkins, who wanted specific perks on his new self designed home. We had met as I worked my way up the coast to Portland Oregon and Yakima and then east to Helena, Montana. I had a crew of 9 independent contractors and usually hired locals as we...

1 year ago
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I Dreamt that Night

I Dreamt that Night You ask me to take you for a ride in the car. As we were driving you put your hand on my legs and start to caress my pants. You open the zipper and insert your hand until you get hold of my dick and balls. You squeeze tightly. You keep rubbing and pulling until my cock becomes real hard. You bend your head between my knees. You take my dick out of my pants and take it all into your mouth. You take it deep into your throat and suck real hard. You keep sucking and licking...

Straight Sex
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Guardian Angel

"Friday nights here in Albany in January sure aren't what we expected are they?" Dave looks at his roommate sitting at his computer. "Friday night our last year of college and one of us is downloading some porn and the other is about to walk to the hockey game by himself in a Nor'Easter not quite what we expected. " Justin simply shrugged and said "yeah I never expected to get a full length Jenna video in an hour." Dave just smiled simple old Justin not a care in the world, he wished he could...

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gwalior mai drive sikhayi bhabhi koo

its james from gwalior in mp. Today I wanna tell you about my encounter with my bhabhi. I wanna tell this story in hindi, its just more exxxiting na? Me mp ke sheher gwalior me rehta hon, yahan par me aur mera chacha rehte hein. Meri family gujrat me rehti hai. Meri umar 23 saal hai, aur meine yahan par modelling bhi ki hai, mainly fashion modelling. Dosre sheher me mer dor ke uncle rehte hein, unki 2 bahu hein…eik ka ladka hi , but she is only 26 yrs old….je tab ka waqya hai jab woh 24 saal...

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Surrogate for My Stepmother

My name is Kimberly. I tell our family’s story not out of a sense of depravity but instead as an opportunity to share our family’s unique solution in accepting the realities of a challenging situation which required living with unconventional sexual relationships. Some other families may find themselves in the same predicament someday. To be candid and upfront, I have to say that my fiancé, Randy, agreed to become a surrogate to his father’s new wife, Margarita, in order for her to accept his...

3 years ago
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Last Date

"Last Date"A short story by GentileHe'd shown up with a combination of Old Spice & Jack Daniels Old #7 emanating from his pores & breath, respectively. "Mr. Grant." She wanted to admonish him, but, in her defense, did not. "Come in.""What's for dinner, Mary?" He wanted to embrace her, but, backed away at the last. She wanted to embrace him, but, backed away at the last."The return of Veal Prince Orloff. You'll finally have your fill, Mr. Grant." Their laughter stilted & brief.There...

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JulesJordan Athena Faris Gianna Dior BFFs Gianna Dior And Athena Faris Share A Double Dose Of Huge Cock

Athena Feris and Gianna Dior take on the task of satisfying Manuel Ferrara in this outdoor threesome directed by Jules Jordan. Athena and Gianna are donning teensy plaid skirts. They parade around the patio without any panties but wearing smiles. They plop onto an outdoor chaise lounge and begin kissing one another. After warming up, the pair are lying with their delightful asses facing upward. Manuel enters and proclaims the bubbly cheeks “birthday and xmas presents”. He takes the...

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My little secret

I am taking a quick break to regroup after the Unexpected Lover series . . . I decided to include another one of my experiences that took place a little later in life. Again, this is a true story with the names changed to protect the identities of those involved. It’s going to take a minute to get to the sex . . . but some back story is necessary to get an idea of what was going on. If someone told me a simple game of “I’ve Never” with my friends and a pitcher or four of margaritas would end...

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Finding Tammy

John knocked on the door to his friend’s house and it swung gently open. The latest chart music boomed from inside. He called out, “Hi its John?”No answer; so he went further in the house the music was coming from upstairs so John went to investigate. He needed to find someone so he could pick up the money. The music was louder upstairs and though he called out again no one answered.Then he saw his friend’s thirty year old son Tim. He was dancing around in a red lace thong to the music. Tim saw...

2 years ago
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Saturdays Alright for Blowing

The bright line in the chat box pulsed iridescently. The small, black type came through and punched me in the gut. I hadn’t expected the question. ‘Do you want to come over?’ I stared at the words, almost breathless, my heart pounding. How often did women invite men over after chatting with them online? Most women I knew were afraid online guys would turn out to be stalkers, rapists, and axe-murderers. ‘Yes,’ I responded. I left it at that. Saturday night sitting at a computer and typing...

2 years ago
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ConundrumChapter 4 A wife returns

It was no surprise to Matt that when he returned from work the next day, Beth's car was in the drive. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the act that he had to give. Beth had heard his car and was waiting for him in the kitchen where she was preparing a meal. He smiled genuinely at her and opened his arms to her. "Beth, it's so good to see you home, I've missed you." She came into his arms. Matt thought he may have caught a little hesitation at first. "It's good to be home....

1 year ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 38

Although the massive magnitude of the orgasms and sexual energy I’d absorbed from the cum-denied Emily had almost short-circuited my brain, physically, I felt like the Energizer Bunny. So, after only a few hours of sleep had given my mind a chance to recharge, I was wide awake much earlier than usual. Since it was only three am, I was missing my usual morning wake-up call of a warm, wet hole being wrapped around my cock. Instead, my early-morning wood was trapped against my stomach by Amara,...

4 years ago
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Fucking Aunty

Actually I am a male of 40 years old. When I was young I love my aunty very much. Her name is vasanthamani and she is my mom’s elder brothers wife. At that she was around 43. I love her very much since she is white in colour and sexy. She had 2 sons at that time itself. I was doing my M.Sc in one college. Since she is my relative I used to go her apartment. I don’t know much about sex since I don’t have experience. One day she went to the bathroom for pissing. Fortunately or unfortunately...

1 year ago
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The Sexy Basketball Guy

Chapter 1: Check Him Out Really?! Shadow Mark highschool, A great school with some superior intellate in which i am attending. This high school has uses of talent levels and award winning cards but really, its jus all back up shit to keep our true selfs covered up. New things happening and new beginnings of shit. Bullshit and shit are the same as they allways are. All over the school is shit. Shit and more shit happens, such as bulling, and teasing, suspenions and fights. Many things are...

2 years ago
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June Time

Yeah ... so I was out of work after leaving my government job with no current marketable skills for society. No income meant a serious problem which I band-aided by moving back in with my folks. It’s a good thing Ma loved me ‘cuz I’m sure Da would have dropped my ass at the curb within days of my arrival. I don’t think he ever spoke more than 5 words per occasion to me throughout my childhood, but he was oh so eloquent with his belt - not that I didn’t deserve it, but it still caused some...

1 year ago
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Sali Ko Choda Aur Usa Pregnant Kiya

Ye aj se 2 saal phela ki bat hai… Jo mera aur mera sali aur uske .Me bich huwa tha . Dosto kahani p ana s phela m ek bat bata du meri saali gajab ki maal hai uska figure aisa hai ki mano wo husna ki pari hai ho .Kisi bhi mard ko usko chodna ka man ho uske boobs mura milki hai mano jaise doodh ki pouch ho. Uski kamar bhi gajab kamal ki hai bhut raseli hai uski khulha ka tho jawab hi nahi bhut hi baada aur spongy hai. Uski figure ka size 34 30 36 hai. Ab ata hai kahani p ye ghatna aj s 2 saal...

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