- 2 years ago
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This is a continuation of the story of Kathy and Ian. It will make much more sense if the chapters are read in order. Ian and Kathy meet when she tries to cross the road in the middle of a bicycle race. She is caught by a pack of riders and all of them avoid her except Ian who is trapped by the pack. After they collide Ian takes Kathy to a clinic to get their wounds treated. Then he walks her to her home where their relationship starts to grow.
Chapter 9 – Tying The Knots
About two months after my epiphany about marrying Kathy, I ran into Paul in a jewelry shop. I was picking up the engagement ring I’d picked out for Kathy. To my surprise Paul was doing the same thing for Lila. We talked for awhile and decided to take the girls out for dinner and propose together. We set it up for two weeks. Kathy would be finished with her finals and it would be a good time to celebrate.
Two weeks later on a Saturday night we were all seated in a fancy restaurant. Kathy looked amazing in the new dress I’d insisted she buy for the occasion. Her finals were over and she was relaxed. We were seated at a square table. Kathy and Lila were on adjoining sides. It made it a lot easier for the girls to talk and for us boys as well. There was the normal chit-chat and talk about Kathy’s graduation. The girls of course went to the ‘power room’ together and were talking when they left and hadn’t slowed down when they returned.
After they returned the waiter asked about dessert and I ordered for both of us. Paul followed suit for he and Lila.
As soon as the waiter left we both slid out of our chairs to one knee and proposed.
I said, ‘Kathy you are beautiful, intelligent, and incredible I don’t know how to put it into words how much you mean to me. I love you, will you marry me.’ I popped open the ring box. I have no idea what Paul said all I know is that the girls shrieked in unison and I was very busy with my arms full of sexy, eager woman. When Kathy finally let me come up for air I could see that Paul was in a similar state.
The maitre d came over and asked, ‘Sir is everything alright?’
I looked around and everyone was staring at us. I grinned, ‘Everything is fine. We just proposed to our girlfriends and I think they accepted. Would you please serve everyone a glass of champagne as an apology for interrupting their evening.’
He smiled, ‘Certainly sir. It will be our pleasure.’
Neither of the girls sat back in their seat. They sat on our laps as they fed us our deserts and helped us drink our champagne. The whole restaurant gave us a toast and applauded when they found out we were getting engaged. The whole night was wonderful, especially the lap dance Kathy gave me when we got back home.
Over the next weeks Kathy and Lila talked a lot. They must have because when we went to dinner about a month later, at the same restaurant, the girls had a surprise for Paul and I. We had just ordered dessert. When the waiter left Kathy took my hand. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lila do the same to Paul.
Kathy looked into my eyes. ‘Ian,’ she said with that special inflection that meant Master, ‘could we please have a double wedding with Paul and Lila?’
I sat back and saw Paul sitting back too. I said, ‘Ladies go to the powder room.’
Both of them stood and placed their napkins on the table and left. Paul looked at me.
I smiled, ‘It looks like they have been talking. This is something they really want. … I’ve no objection. I say we give them what they want.’
Paul grinned, ‘My take on it exactly. What say we play with them a bit before we give in.’
I nodded, ‘Sounds like fun to me. Of course it will probably cost us another round of champagne for the restaurant.’
Paul laughed, ‘Yeah but it’ll be worth it.’
We saw the girls returning and Paul and I both put scowls on our face. We watched as Lila and Kathy exchanged a look and before sitting down.
Kathy studied my face and Lila studied Paul’s. Both girls got quiet and sat down with their hands in their laps. Their faces turned down slightly watching us, looking up from their contrite pose.
I was about to speak when Paul said, ‘Lila why do you want to be married with Kathy and Ian?’
Lila looked Paul straight in the face. ‘Sir, Kathy and Ian are my best friends. Almost my only friends. They have done so much for me and for us. They hunted me down when I was in the hospital. They nurtured my submissive side. They brought us together. They helped us and taught me how to be submissive for you. Ian taught you how to dominate me.’ She gave a wicked little smile, ‘They taught me how to lap dance for you. Of course I’d love to be married to you in a double ceremony with them.’
Kathy started to speak but I held up my hand to stop her. I looked at Paul and we both broke into a big grin. I said, ‘Paul and I think it is a grand idea. Have the two of you thought about the date?’ I motioned for her to come sit in my lap.
Tears were running down her face as she slid into my lap. I could see Lila was crying as well as she slipped into Paul’s lap.
Kathy spoke, ‘We thought it would be nice if it could be the first week in June.’
I said, ‘What if June is booked. What if we can’t get a church or a hall?’
She and Lila looked at each other. Lila asked Paul, ‘What can we do if June is booked?’
Paul said, ‘Well I guess we could get married in July.’
I chimed in, ‘Or we could get married in May. It’s a very nice month.’
Kathy and Lila looked at each other and shouted, ‘MAY!’ in unison.
I said, ‘Let’s look at June first.’
The girls said, ‘Yes Ian.’ In unison.
I smiled at Paul and waved the waiter over. ‘We’d like to buy a glass of champagne for everyone here as an apology for interrupting their meals. We just decided on the date for our dual wedding.’
He looked at the two women sitting on our laps with tears streaming down their faces and huge smiles on their faces. ‘It would be our pleasure sir.’ About that time our desserts arrived.
The matri d came over smiling. ‘You four seem to be making a habit of this. Not that we mind. The customers are most generous when you have appeared. We wish you happiness and health.’
We all thanked him then turned back to our deserts.
Kathy and Lila took great pleasure in feeding Paul and I our deserts, interspersed with soft sweet kisses. The rest of the diners stood and raised their glasses to the four of us. We had a great night. Paul and Lila came home with us and the girls gave us a lap dance. It was the hottest, sexiest lap dance I’ve ever experienced. The girls pulled out all the stops. I thought Kathy was going to throw out her back or pull a muscle. I don’t ‘know’ how Lila did. After they started I never took my eyes off Kathy. I couldn’t she had me under her spell.
I talked with Paul later. He doesn’t remember anything about Kathy’s dance and remembers absolutely everything about Lila’s dance. He blushed a bit and refused to give any details of Lila’s dance but he was indecently relaxed. A lot like I was.
Things were working out for us. Kathy was hired where I worked, on my recommendation, and I was assigned to be her mentor and break her into the operation. We were straight forward with my boss. We told him we were living together and we’re going to be married.
He smiled and said, ‘Ian your work improved tremendously starting over a year ago. Then you started bringing her to work. The two of you have been innovative and proactive and saved us a lot of time and trouble. I’d be an idiot to break up you two.
Just like that Kathy had a job.
Along about mid February I asked her, ‘Kathy it’s been almost a month now, have you and Lila found a place and a date for us to get married?
She ducked her head and a small smile lit her face. ‘Yes Ian. We found a room and booked it for the 7th of May. We’ve had invita
tions sent to the printer and …’
‘Whoa, whoa. What happened to Jun. Was it already booked?’
She looked down at my feet. ‘Master we checked but we found this place we really liked and sort of quit looking. This was the best date for this place. … At the restaurant you said May would be alright. … I’ll look at more places if you wish.’
I stared at her eyes for about two minutes. ‘I’ll have to talk to Paul and see what he thinks we should do about you two.’
She sank to her knees and bowed her head. ‘As you wish Master Ian’
I went into our den. We’d moved and made the third bedroom into a den/computer room for the two of us. I called Paul and we discussed it and had a good laugh over how transparent Kathy and Lila were over the wedding. I asked them to come over for supper. Paul liked that we would let them sweat a bit before letting them off the hook.
I went back to the living room where Kathy was still kneeling. I said, ‘Paul and Lila will be over for dinner. Make roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy with green beans and broccoli. For dessert make a pineapple upside down cake.’
She looked up with tears staining her face and said, ‘Yes master.’ She rushed into the kitchen and started working on the cake. As soon as she had the cake in the oven she rushed out and started cleaning. I retreated to the den to get out of her way.
After about two hours I went out and checked on her. The place looked great and she had the cake out and the chicken cooking. She was actually looking for something else to do. I wrapped my arms around her. ‘Kathy, my lovely slave, you need to give us a bath and dress us. After all they will be here in a half hour.
She looked up at me and some of her tension dissolved. She smiled and said ‘Yes master.’
It only took us about twenty minutes to shower and dress. She looked beautiful. As she put the final touches on dinner and I mashed the potatoes to help her and we had everything ready when the doorbell rang.
We had a good but tense dinner as both girls were on edge waiting for the decision by Paul and I.
We had a good chuckle as the two girls cleaned up. When they came out they brought us each a small glass of Drambuie. Kathy knelt at my feet and Lila at Paul’s and they waited.
Finally, Paul couldn’t stand the tension any more and said, ‘May is fine girls. The place is more important than the time.’
I pulled Kathy into my lap and Paul pulled Lila into his. I said, ‘Now tell us about this place you have picked out.’
Paul and I each got a big kiss and the chattering began. Kathy and Lila were very excited and both were talking at high speed. At one point Kathy slipped off my lap and fetched all of the literature they had about the place they had chosen. She would show it to me and then pass it to Lila for Paul. I saw the same stuff about three times and so did Paul.
Paul and Lila stayed over in our guest room that night. The girls were very excited.
As I snuggled in bed with Kathy she said, ‘Ian you really had Lila and I worried. We thought you and Paul were upset with us about the date.’
I gave her a soft kiss, ‘I know sweetheart. Paul and I both have an impish streak. It was a bit cruel but we played on that and worried both you and Lila.’ I grinned and kissed her again. ‘After all what good is having a slave if you can’t play with her now and then but I want you to know that I love you. I want you to be happy. The happier you are the happier I am. I’m sorry if I hurt you.’
She gave a sigh and snuggled closer to me. ‘Ian you are the most wonderful man I’ve ever known. You didn’t hurt me or Lila. You worried us a bit but we know that you and Paul love us and care for us. Deep down below rational thought I knew, I could feel that you wouldn’t reject our choice unless you had a better one. I love you. I adore you. Please don’t ever change.’
We fell asleep in each others arms.
Talking with Paul the next morning, he and Lila had almost an identical conversation in the guest room. We concluded that we were two of the luckiest men on earth.
The next weeks were very nice for me. It seemed like Kathy couldn’t do enough for me. She was also in a tizzy most of the time. I surmised that she and Lila were busy planning the wedding. Weddings are strange things. The male has almost nothing to do once he asks the girl and provides a suitable ring. The female on the other hand has an enormous amount to do from buying her dress to seeing to the catering. Sending out invitations, altho in this case there wouldn’t be many invitations. And they love it. It appeared that both Kathy and Lila were loving every minute of it.
Paul and I would talk by phone and both had a good laugh over their antics. We also agreed that we are lucky that the two of them were enjoying this so much.
One night after a dinner at Paul and Lila’s we were talking while the girls were cleaning up. We agreed that we were the luckiest men on the planet.
Paul said, ‘Ian I don’t know how to thank you and Kathy. You’ve helped me so much with Lila. Helped me dominate her, to be what she needs me to be.’
I said, ‘Paul, I’m really still just a novice dominant. Kathy and I just seem to click. It looks like you and Lila have the same kind of connection. I still feel like I’m dreaming. Kathy does so much for me. Just being in the same room with her gives me goose bumps. I … I really can’t explain it. I just feel whole when I’m with her.’
He replied, ‘I know Ian. I’m in a constant state of amazement at being with Lila. I thought I had my life together before Lila became mine, became my slave. Now I look back and it’s like I was walking around in a fog. I’m forever in your debt. Yours and Kathy’s.’ He stopped and chuckled, ‘If for nothing else than for teaching Lila how to do a lap dance.’ He grinned and continued, ‘Seriously, you may consider yourself a novice dominant but you’ve shown remarkable insight. You’ve taught me that Lila is a precious person, one to be cherished and protected. One to be loved. That’s the base our whole relationship sits on. I didn’t know what love was until I became Lila’s master. I’m so amazed. I was attracted to her while she was in uniform but I can’t believe how much I adore her now that she can be mine.’
I nodded, ‘I know what you mean. I don’t know how I existed before Kathy. I got my promotions because of her. It started with me helping Kathy with her classes. But I learned a lot from helping her. After she was attacked and I started going everywhere with her. Together we revised some of the scripts at work and that caught some problems before they became major. My boss was really pleased. So pleased that he hired her straight out of school and kept us on the same shift.’
Paul chuckled, ‘I know what you mean. Incidentally, Lila doesn’t know but I’m going to be promoted to Captain.’
I exclaimed, ‘Paul that’s great. Congratulations.’
He smiled, ‘Thank you. I think a great deal of it is because of Lila. She has grounded me. Being with her has given me a pool of calm that I can draw from in stressful situations. There have been many since I started courting Lila. The pool of calm has let me consider situations more fully. I think I’ve made better decisions because of that. Apparently so do my bosses, that’s why I’m being promoted. … God I love her.’
I smiled and said, ‘I know exactly what you mean. Kathy is an angel and a miracle to me. I think about Donnie Boyd and wonder how anyone could be so dense as to abuse her. Abuse what she offered him. I’m so happy that she’s given herself to me.’
Paul nodded, ‘I know, I can’t imagine how I got along before Lila.’
The girls came out of the kitchen bring us new drinks. Kathy knelt at my feet and handed me my drink. ‘Ian,’ she said, ‘I’ve a confession to make. We were listening from the kitchen door. Ian my love and my maser. I’m the lucky one. You rescued me and you loved me. Because of y
ou I finished my degree, with honors I might add. I was on the quick road to being a beaten whore. You’ve made me what I’ve become. Because you took control of me, I’ve become college graduate, a systems administrator, a loving and loved slave, and most importantly a bride. Ian, I’m the lucky one.’
I pulled her up into my lap and gave her a long kiss. ‘Then we are both blessed because I can’t conceive of living without you, my lovely slave. Now that I have a life and a love that I couldn’t even imagine before I met you.’ I gave her another long kiss.
She sighed and said, ‘Yes Master, we’re both blessed.’ She snuggled her head down on my shoulder and waited for my next command.
Paul cleared his throat, ‘Jesus you two are incendiary! It seems like every time Lila and I are with the two of you, you do something like this and just take our breaths away. I feel like this with Lila but haven’t expressed it like the two of you do. I just hope I can show her the way you show Kathy.’
I noticed that Lila was sitting in Paul’s lap. She snuggled down mimicking Kathy before saying, ‘Paul I do know you feel that way about me. I feel it every time you’re near me. I feel it whenever you let me dance for you. I feel warm and safe and most of all loved. I want you to know I love you without limits.’ She then turned his head to her and started a kiss that should have set the furniture on fire.’
Kathy giggled, ‘Jesus you two are just as hot as my master and I. I’m so happy for all of us.’
I said, ‘Kathy, I want a lap dance.’
Paul spoke seconds later, ‘Lila I want a lap dance too.’
The girls scrambled out of our laps and headed for the CD player. Paul moved to the other end of the couch. The music started and Kathy was standing in front of Paul and Lila was in front of me. I almost said something but I held back, waiting to see what would happen.
The music started and the girls started dancing. Dancing a slow sexy dance. They slowly came together and started caressing each other. Nothing blatant just little touches here and there.
Suddenly I realized that Lila was stroking Kathy’s hair and kissing her neck. Kathy sighed but at the same time she was busy unbuttoning Lila’s blouse. She had one hand snaked inside and was fondling Lila’s breast. It was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen. I sneaked a look at Paul and he was mesmerized watching the two of them.
I heard rather than saw Lila slowly unzip Kathy’s dress. The two girls coordinated their actions and each peeled the others top off in unison. Neither was wearing a bra and they crushed their breasts together as they gave each other a long soft steamy kiss.
When the kiss ended they broke apart and continued dancing for Paul and I. Kathy once again concentrated on me and my pleasure and, I assume, Lila on Paul’s. I couldn’t drag my eyes away from Kathy to see. Somehow the joint dance seemed to energize Kathy.
When she was totally naked she knelt in front of me and released my straining member from the confines of my pants. She sucked it and then closed her breasts around it giving me a slow sensuous tit fuck, licking and sucking the head of my cock each time it poked up from between her breasts.
She slowly slithered up my body and gave me a kiss to rival the one she gave Lila. I was feeling her ass and felt something slick on her asshole. I ran my finger around her asshole and then shoved it in too the first knuckle.
Kathy whispered, ‘Yes Master, I’m fully prepared for you to ass fuck me if you wish.’
I answered by easing two fingers all the way up her ass.
Her response was, ‘Oh God yes Master.’
I whispered to her, ‘Get my cock good and slimy in your pussy. I want to be well lubed when I ass fuck you.’
She tilted her pelvis until I was aligned with her pussy and slipped me inside. She sighed, ‘Oh God this is so good Sir,’ as she started to move on my cock with my fingers still up her ass.
After a minute she whispered, ‘I’m ready Sir if you are.’ I used my free hand to move one of hers behind her back. She put her other wrist in my hand so I had control of both of them. I moved them up and she slid off my cock. I slowly moved them back down and aimed my cock at her asshole, withdrawing my fingers.
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The Mirror on the Door - Revised by Kristine Roland Author's Note: This is a revised version of the story I submitted last year for an All Soul's 2008 contest. At that time a number of people felt that the story needed to be fleshed out some more. I had originally conceived of the story as a campfire ghost story, and the original version of the story represented that concept. I hope you will enjoy this revised and expanded version. Thank you to Jennifer Brock and Scott Ramsey...
HorrorI was always a little jealous of her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 5’4 115 pounds, perfect ass. Prefect everything, at least that was how I saw her. Most of all she always had the perfect boyfriends. Even though I had never been with another girl, I would fantasize about her. It freaked me out a little bit. I never thought of myself as a lesbian. I had been with my fair share of guys. But Jessica was different, she was my college together, and we were going to live together...
Lesbian“Oh; hi sweetheart. Did you have a good run?” I replied as I applied the finishing touches to a pie for the evening dinner; “did you go far?” “About 10 miles I guess.” He panted as he took a carton of orange from the fridge. “Just enough to get everything pumping.” I looked up to see him grinning as he took a swig of juice. I instantly looked away but felt my face begin to blush. Lewis is my sister’s eldest son and was staying with us until he started a local University...
I know I haven’t gone in any type of order, I’m all over the place with the wife stories, hopefully they are good like pulp fiction and not too hard to follow. Anyway, I have one more, and it was the closest I think we have come to getting a different dick inside of her.Before we married, we had a period of separation while we were both finishing respective schools. I had asked Kristine to send me some naked love and towards the end of my law school she surprised me by sending me a nice...
“What the hell? You’ve humiliated me again!” Lauren shoved her auburn hair over her shoulder and threw a glance at the Scrabble board, shaking her head in confusion at the trouncing she’d just received. She turned her attention back to Josh who sat across from her at the dining table lounging in his chair. He gave her a smug look that should have annoyed her but all it did was encourage a smile. Every hour that passed by had her appreciating his company more and more. Her housemate Cindy had...
Straight SexThis is a story that happened a couple of years back when me and my wife had a little fun with a friend. Me and a mate had been out for a few beers but when the pubs closed we decided to head back to my bit and have some more cans. When we got home my wife was still awake and watching TV. Let me describe my wife she is about 5,5 with a beautiful figure 32e tits and an arse I could spend all day in. When we got back to the house she was wearing a sleeveless jumper and a mini skirt. She decided...
I’d made assumptions about Chelsea, or at least the content of her journal. She’d talk about her day, her feelings, perhaps offer a little insight into what made her tick. Anything but what it actually contained. To say that I was surprised by her first entry would be an understatement. She’d entered a description of a method for what she referred to as ‘Frozen Key’. Place key in plastic water bottle. Freeze overnight. Keys will be inaccessible until ice melts. Body warmth will speed up...
HardcoreHello friends, I came back with the second part of my story the mental sickness. Earlier you read about how the boy got sick and I helped him to overcome that. Few days after that treatment I gave him, everything seems normal to me. The boy used to come to home for food. I feel somehow happy that the problem get resolved.. A week passed and everything works fine. He used to talk to me regularly or come to my home in my absence to watch tv. I left one key with him. I informed my husband about...
Kat looked down at the large gathering of sperm that seemed to be grouping around her ankles. She thought of how she must look to the two men that had just taken her virginity. There was no reality within her thoughts, it seemed only moments before Kat was speaking with David thinking ahead to the day coming, then her thoughts looked to the picture that lay before her. Her firey red hair fell in tatters over her smooth skin, mixed with the sweaty bodily fluids from David. Kat's new clean...
Erotic***Nineteen-year-old Wendy wants to give her husband a sexy photo shoot for his Birthday. But things aren't as they appear.***This is the third story about my beautiful wife Wendy. The other two, Bachelor Party and Bachelor Part 2, have her submitting to different type of sexual games. This story precedes the other two and goes back to our early days as honeymooners. Let me first describe my beautiful wife, at the time of this story, she was 19 years old, 5'6", 108lbs, 34C and a natural redhead...
Allison Remy doesn’t often wake up in strange places. Well, there was that one time that she woke up in her good friend’s closet, which was pretty freaky. But she had been pretty wasted and there was no way he was going to let her drive back to the dorm. Besides, it was a walk-in closet, so there was plenty of room. Allison blinked twice as she roused herself. Her legs stretched out languidly and she arched her back, squeezing the sleepiness away while reveling in the feel of the luxurious...
My wife is amazing.Sometimes I forget just how amazing until I see her standing there in her bikini.We have just put our son down for a nap after being out by the pool and she looked extra sexy right now. Her long messy blonde hair and her small little bikini teased me as she went about her business. She had an amazing ass and a small waist. Most of the time just looking at her made me horny as fuck but today... I could feel the bulge in my swim trunks growing as her sun kissed legs strutted...
Quickie SexI turned around when I heard a little cough behind me. My sister Amy, stood there with a big grin on her face. "Hey, do you work all the time? I went by your house and Ellen said you were still working. I came by to see if you had your secretary bent over the desk or something." "You just missed it. She's a hot little Latino and demands it twice a day at least." Sis and I kidded each other a lot about our love lives. I was happily married. Sis and I had always discussed our dating and...
Yes, she is so wet and came hard from lip service. Emma is so ripe for more. After kissing and smiling down on her, Donald tells Emma to roll over and lift her ass. The picture before him is delightful. The stockinged legs, the bare upper thighs, and now her lovely ass cheeks before him. He leans between her legs again and licks and kisses her inner thighs, going up to her cunt and licking some of the wetness away, which is only replaced with more. Emma is now a leaking faucet which one...
Love StoriesI arrived back home via airplane from DC, then airport taxi service from the airport. I was in the Downtown House about forty five seconds before I unlocked my gun safe and put the .38 shoulder rig on. I felt better with some kind of self defense capability. The fat chick had impressed on me that I was not indestructible by any means. If someone turned me into scrap there was no guarantee they could or would salvage the computer and give me new life. I would be just as dead as the flesh and...
A few days ago I had a surprise encounter with the hottest girl I’d ever seen. Up until that encounter, I had never met her. We passed each other in the halls, but didn’t take any classes together, so I never really had the chance to speak to her. My roommate Ashton labeled her ‘Triple B’ because she was a busty, blue-eyed brunette. Ashton had objective nicknames for all the ‘7-UP girls’, anyone he considered at least a seven or better on the hot scale. What a charmer.Despite his blatant...
The life and Times of Phyliss I was six or seven when it all started I was telling my wife when she came home and found me in an evening dress with black seamed hose, black 4 in platform open toed heels. I had on my usual undies.My favorite black corset with 4 garters on each side. False 42 D breast forms and a new black gaff. I also had on my favorite slip in black of course. I had done my toe nails in a French manicure style. My legs were shaven as was all of my body hair. I...
As soon as we were clear of town I picked up our pace. Unfortunately Orlanth was not the best rider, even with instruction. On top of that, Juniper was fast; I had to make sure that we didn't end up miles ahead of the kids without even trying. Orlanth's book was wrapped up and packed on an extra horse that the stable master provided me. The new horse seemed to be more of a plow horse than a riding horse. She did occasionally want to move slower than a brisk walk; otherwise she did not have...
Hi, we are couple and we enjoy dirty and wild sex.anyone interested in us then msg us on i hope apne 1st story padhi hogi,agar nhi to padh lijiyega tabhi apko ye story achese samaz ayegi.To mai ab story pe ata hu. Meri gharelu randiya part 2 Me-24, working. Sis sammy-20, studying. Mom- 42, owner of spa and parlour. Monika – 20,studying. Mai aur monika badme pure din jake shopping ki aur rat me kaise maje krne hai uska pura saman le aye the bajar se. badme sham me hum ghar aye fresh hue aur...
Jack Sims eased his car into the company parking lot, wincing as the tires bounced roughly over a high spot in the pavement. Damn, I must have got drunk last night, he thought, trying not to move his aching head. Half remembered images of the party flickered through his mind, but much more sharp were his recollections of that sexual debacle with Angela after they got home. What the hell was the matter with him? he asked himself bitterly. Two years they had gone together, having no trouble...
"I have never even thought about kissing a girl! Are you kidding? Have you?" Kylie asked her friend. "I've done a lot more than kiss a girl, Kylie." Jessie said and waited for her best friend's response. "You're joking! I know you're not serious. There's no way. When?" Kylie was shocked. "When I was in college. It was a lot of fun, actually. Don't look at me like I'm an alien or something! I'm still the same old me!" "I just don't understand. Why? I can't imagine you ......
She was starting a new job Monday and was very excited. She would no longer be a waitress for minimum wage and her college education was finally going to pay off. Her new company gave her a bonus for signing on with them and she had spent it on a new wardrobe for work.She only had one more stop and that was to buy new shoes for work. The company was very specific that skirts and high heels were mandatory for all managers. She was going to be a manager, high heels would be fine with her.She...
That night after dinner I watched as my sexy wife pulled her black stockings up her beautiful shaped long legs…Ana looked at me and she blew me a kiss.My hardening dick started to ache inside of my trousers.She then stood up and put on a lacy black bra, cupping her beautiful round firm tits. I could see she was excited, with her hard nipples pushing against the thin material.My whole body was trembling with anticipation as I watched Ana slipping into her tight black dress.She was silent but...
AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is total fiction. The characters do not exist nor are they meant to portray anyone who does or ever did. The story is ADULT in nature. That means its porn boys and girls and therefore not meant to be read by persons under the age of at least 18 years. In fact, 20 would be better. If you don’t fall into this category, GO AWAY! NOW! Go read Dick, Jane and Sally and leave the adult stories to ADULTS! One more thing, if you don’t like descriptions...
Straight SexSo I went home for spring break with my girlfriend. The first weekend we were there, there was a small get together. It was getting wild, nothing too crazy though. My girlfriend's mother invited some of her co-workers over who was our age. One of the females was eying me from the very beginning but I thought nothing of it. We were all playing drinking games and everyone was getting pretty wasted.My girlfriend was probably the most wasted, she had her head on the table almost passed out. Well...
I enjoyed the tactile sensation of my sister's naked flesh beneath my fingers. It had been a long time since I had last caressed her like this. Three years had passed since my sister and I had last made love, two and a half since she had become Mrs. Cartright. Now I was home from college for the weekend specifically because she and Paul were visiting. If my parents or her husband could see us they would probably disapprove, even though none of them would have even a spark of an idea of what...
Victor The walk from Nicole and Alexis’s on-campus apartment to Nicole’s first class was pleasant. It was already warm outside and I could tell that it was going to be a hot day. I was keenly aware of a cool breeze traveling up the skirt I was wearing. I’m not going to lie, it was actually nice and a nice reprieve from the late summer heat. It kinda makes me wonder why skirts don’t appear in men’s wardrobes at all. I also noticed the way I walked was different. My legs were shorter...
Blake stepped into the empty elevator, pushed the button for the seventeenth floor, and waited for the car to begin its ascent. Just as the doors were beginning to close a hand shot between the doors and a thirty something man slipped on board, pressed the button for her floor and turned to face Blake, giving the twenty three year old a quick once over. The man was dressed in a dark blue business suit and would have been considered handsome, except for the fact that he had a large scar on his...
GayHi this is my first story, I am sham ,this is basically a story of me with my friend who I know from long time but had sex after many years when we get in touch again I know this girl from six years whose stats must be 36/32/38 short in height but beauty I know from first day when I meet her online that I cant marry her so we were good online friends for three years sharing each and everything then there was no contact for next three years as we got busy in our life Then one day we got in...
"Mason it;s time to get up baby." i said happily because for the past few days we have been having great morning sex and i was ready for him to pound at my wet pussy immediately. " What's for breakfast?" he said while slowly getting up. "Me." i said as i got on top of him and started sucking on his neck. " I want real food , so what's for breakfast?" "I didn't cook anything, you didn't tell me to," "Well should i really have to tell you too?, No i shouldn't get off of me i'll...
With the end of World War II, I got discharged at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and made my way to Darla's hometown in Pennsylvania. I found her house and rang the bell. Darla opened the door and almost passed out. Immediately, she began to weep with joy and happiness. "Greg, you came for me. I thought that I would never see you again and Italy was a wartime fling." "No, I always keep my promise. Would still marry me?" I asked. Darla replied, "Yes and No. Yes, I want to marry you but, I cannot. My...
HistoricalThinking If you don't like reading, don't go to law school. I'd been told that a dozen times over the past eighteen months. I'm in the "bore you to death" part of law school's three year cycle: scare you to death, work you to death, bore you to death. I began reading the Australian Indigenous Law Review online. Everything discussed seemed so sad. Every attitude since 1788, even the best-intentioned, seemed to be off. Each activity went awry. The same thing could happen that happened...
The Elemental nations is in a state of chaos. Since anyone could remember, the Elemental Countries have always been beset by these ten giant monsters. Lightning, Wind, Earth, and Water have always been attacked by them all. Often in groups. Countless ninja's have been sent out to push them back. But every attempt that was made is ruthlessly crushed one after the other. We find sixteen year old orphan, Naruto Uzumaki walking through the forest planes of Fire Country. He was on his way back to...