My Perfection free porn video

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I have previously posted several stories on Literotica under another pen name. For a year I have stopped writing and now feel the need to put some more words on paper, so to speak. Previously I explored certain fetishes and more ‘edgy’ topics that felt tantalizing and compelling at the time. This story, however, is less risqué, but is one of far more honestly than what I have written before. I hope you enjoy it, and always welcome critique and constructive criticism.

While based on actual, personal experience, this story is to be considered a work of fiction.


I had barely sat down when she placed the drink in front of me, a diet-Pepsi with a slice of lemon, very little ice. Perfect. It was one of the reasons I frequented this restaurant for lunch: great service. Eating here 2 to 3 times a week meant the waitress knew my name, new my beverage preference, even knew what I was likely to order.

‘Enchiladas today, right?’ Cami asked as I sipped some of my drink.

‘You know me, can’t pass up the house special!’ I replied.

I looked across the table at Mark, who rarely joined me for lunch but had come with today. He was looking over the menu but I decided to spare him the routine. ‘Bring him the same’ I told Cami, and then promised Mark he would not be disappointed. He simply shrugged and handed Cami the menu and asked for a regular cola.

I notice him look Cami, our waitress, up and down as she noted our orders on her pad and then turn to walk away. He then looked at me with a mischievous grin as if to say ‘what was that all about?’

‘I eat here a lot… she knows what I like,’ I answered his unspoken question. He only smiled in return.

Cami returned quickly with Marks drink and put chips and salsa on the table for us to share. Two bowls of salsa, with one placed in front of each of us. ‘I know you don’t like to share,’ she teased. Her smile was warm and honest and I smiled back. She walked back to the kitchen and again Mark watched her as she moved away.

‘Not the cutest waitress in the world, but she sure has the ‘hots’ for you!’ was Marks shallow remark.

I was caught off guard by his observation. Honestly dismayed initially by the idea that perhaps Cami was attracted to me, even interested in me. A pleasant rush of adrenaline made me flush inside at the thought of a romantic prospect, but was then replaced by a feeling of resentment that Mark thought she was ‘not cute’, in his judgment., but that meant not beautiful, or not sexy, or not perfect in the blonde-Barbi sense of the word ‘perfect’. I was offended. I didn’t say anything, but my mind started analyzing his verbalized opinion in contrast to what I saw when I looked at Cami.

She was certainly the actual, if unspoken reason, I spent so many lunch-hours at this particular restaurant, (that and the great Mexican food they served at such reasonable prices). Cami was young, I doubt much older than 20 or 21. She was warm, and friendly, and provided exceptional service as a waitress. No, she was not gorgeous in the traditional sense of the word, but she was beautiful. Not tall, she was probably around 5′ 3′ and while not model thin, she wasn’t fat either. Her legs where strong and tan, not long and lean as seen on the cover of fashion magazines but they were toned and well defined… no one would call them fat or even chubby. Today they were very visible as she was wearing a lose skirt that fell a few inches above her knees. Her skirt was just short enough to tempt my eyes to linger longer than normal on her smooth skinned knees and sexy calves and ankles. Normally, my eyes would travel quickly up her legs so I could take in her sensuous bottom. Without a doubt, one of her most pleasing features was the roundness of her ass and the soft, inviting feminine curve that was highlighted by almost anything she was wearing.

Her hair was a sandy brown color, giving it an almost amber tint but not quiet red and certainly not a true brunet. Her breasts were small, a b-cup at best. Her neck was longer than it should have been, given her body type. Her hair was always pulled back into a simple pony or wrapped in a loose bun, so her neck was always exposed and her hair length always a mystery. She favored earrings that hung only an inch or two below her ear-lobes that seemed perfect for her face, neck, and hair-style. They were as casual and confident as the rest of Cami’s appearance. But despite the sensual allure of her hair, neck, and jewelry, it was Cami’s face that made the sale. Her eyes were wide and warm. Deeply brown pupils, long lashes, and only moderately plucked eye-brows, her eyes felt like home. There was life in her eyes, humor in her eyes, and most of all… confidence. Her smile was accentuated by a deep dimple on the right side of her mouth that only appeared when she smiled. But her smile was generous and genuine and so there was plenty of opportunity to observe it. Not only did her smile cause her dimple to manifest, but made her nose scrunch up in a playful sort of way that made her look younger than she was. It also made her eyes explode with energy and cheerfulness. You would never know she was working a tough job, on her feet for hours, making less than idea money as a waitress. To see her smile you would think she was on a beach with a drink and a good book, enjoying the sun and sand. There was a sense of escape and easiness in her voice and face and actions.

Mark was amused by my daydreaming, and being the typical male that he was, didn’t let it slide.

‘Hey, you can do better than that!’ He said, followed by a self-congratulating laugh and shake of his head.

Maybe I could, I thought. My last girlfriend has been more stereotypical in terms of physical appearance. She has also been a spoiled pain in the ass, preoccupied with her looks, never confident enough to leave the house without make-up and perfect hair, and endlessly, but falsely, concerned about her self-appraised imperfections. No objective person to see her naked would have found fault in her flat stomach or large natural breasts or perfectly sculpted back, butt, and legs. Still, she made a show of covering herself when coming out of the shower or after sex to keep me from seeing a wrinkle here or an extra pound there. It was exhausting to deal with her obsessive need for attention and affirmation, day after day. And eventually it was the reason we broke up.

I was honest with her when we split, I simply told her I was tired of her. It probably sounded cold and was likely taken out of context, but no other phrase described how I felt. She left in a storm of obscenities, but it was over and I felt relieved. It was the very next day I made my first stop for enchiladas and the first time I saw Cami.

So, could I do better than Cami? I guess it depends on what one is measuring and whose standards are being used. Something about Cami had drawn me in over the past 6 weeks and made me obsess over the simplest details. I spent one lunch infatuated with her oddly short little toes that were visible through the end of her sandals, and the little toe ring that embellished her pinky toe. Another day I noticed the small pattern of moles on the back of her neck, three of them in an almost perfectly straight horizontal line just to the left of her spine. Hidden details like these moles, almost always hidden by her hair but occasionally revealed when she pulled her hair up, made me wonder what other treasures were to be found. I spent an entire afternoon following one of my lunch visits, trying to guess at what her last name might be. What was the perfect complimentary name for Cami? Smith? No, far too common. Christensen? Nah… that would be too obvious. Maybe Cami was not her formal name, maybe her real name was Camilla or Cameron or Camile.

I finished my lunch, half-listening to Mark talk about work and the big projects we were both working on. I take lunch to escape from work for a few minutes, so my participation in the
conversation was sparse and my real interest was in Cami and her occasional visits to our table to check on us. At one point she cleared my plate and placed her hand on my back as she bent down to grab my empty cup. It was just enough pressure to feel the warmth of her palm through my shirt. It was like I was in high school again, flirting in the hall with some emerging teenage beauty. I was surprised at the reaction I was having to Cami, given the slight chance that she might actually be interested in me. Her body language was certainly reinforcing the idea, though.

Despite my weeks of superficial flirting with Cami, not until today had I considered actually asking her out. I was 33, likely 10 years or older than her, and unfortunately starting to show some of my age. The hair line was ever so slightly receding, and despite my best efforts to stay in shape and keep active, the body was becoming soft in places. My knees hurt from basketball and jogging, and such joint pain just makes you feel older. I kept reminding myself that 33 was NOT old, but everything is relative, and in contrast to Cami’s young body and spirit, I felt old. Work was a stress factor as well, with recent projects keeping me in the office late into the evenings, and thus any exercise or social life cut into precious sleep time. Nothing like an average of 4 hours of sleep a night to make anyone look and feel older than they actually are.

I was still stinging inside from Marks comments about Cami’s appearance. I was almost defensive in my thoughts and rationale as we had eaten our lunches. Mark was finishing his soda, and we would be leaving soon. I had another sudden shift in emotion as I started to panic that I would have to leave without seeing Cami again. I rose to my feet and excused myself to the men’s room, not exactly sure what I was going to do, but proceeded in the general direction of the kitchen and wash rooms. I rounded a corner to make my way to this part of the restaurant, and thus Mark was well out of sight, but Cami was dead-ahead. My normal reserve and common sense seemed to disappear as I walked closer. She turned and asked if the meal was ok. Of course it was fantastic, and I told her so, but then paused to take a deep breath.

‘Would you consider having dinner with me sometime, Cami?’ I asked her. I was entirely regretting my boldness the second I finished my proposal, but her smile never faded and her eyes stayed intensely focused on mine. She only replied, ‘Of Course!’ as if there could be no other answer.

I should have been more prepared, but my brain failed me as I considered her answer and then realized the ball was back in my court. She shifted her stance so that her body was square to me and fully at my attention. This gal had such poise and well trained mannerisms.

I fumbled for my wallet, pulled out a business card and offered her my work number. It was my normal way of picking up a girl… don’t put the pressure on them for a phone number, let them decide if they truly want to call or not. She took the card and said she would call after her shift was over, and I told her I would be in the office at least until 6:00. Her smiled was constant and I felt myself starting to heat up to the point of perspiring, so I departed with a wave and some silly cliché’ about being excited for her call.

Mark was already at the door waiting for my return and we headed back to the office. The rest of the afternoon was a waste of my time. My ability to focus was blown and I worked all my energy towards planning a night out with Cami that would be fun and hopefully impress her. I only stayed at my desk until 6:00pm in anticipation of Cami’s call, but was broken in spirit when the hour finally arrived and she had not phoned. I shut down my computer and found my keys in order to leave. I was considering how I would deal with the rejection… two options came to mind, either hit the gym for a quick workout or hit the sports bar down the street from my apartment. Beer was winning the internal argument as I put on my jacket and headed for the door.

I had no sooner stepped into the hall when my office phone rang. I flew back to my desk to take the call just knowing it had to be Cami.

‘Karl?’ She asked as I answered the phone. ‘I am so sorry for not calling sooner. I don’t have a cell and forgot to call from the restaurant before leaving. I just got home and hoped you hadn’t left work yet!’

Despite my afternoon of planning a date, I had no good ideas and Cami took the pressure off me by suggesting that coffee would probably be a good first date, rather than a formal dinner. Neither of us felt hungry and were both tired from a long day. We settled on a local coffee and pastry shop just down the street from my place, and agreed to me there an hour later. I rushed home to shower and change.

I walked past the sports bar on my way to the coffee shop and relished the fact that I was not in there drowning my pitiful self in suds. Instead I made my to the shop next door and found Cami already sitting at a corner booth, talking to the waitress. As I approached I saw that she had exchanged her work skirt for another more casual but equally short version. She had on a simple button up blouse with ½ sleeves and a pair of fun beach sandals. I only touched her shoulder lightly as I said hi and then sat opposite of her in the booth.

I ordered a coffee, and then became dazed as our little coffee date turned into 2 hours of talk, several cups of coffee, and at least a few pasties between the two of us. It was past nine and the hours had flown by, as Cami seemed to be everything I imagined her to be.

She was only slightly older than I suspected, being 22 and on summer break from the local college. Working her way through college was a financial struggle, but she bore that burden with a grin and seemed none-to-bothered by it. She was studying anthropology and spent a considerable amount of time hiking and camping. This explained her strong legs and naturally tanned face and skin. We exchanged the usual banter, telling each other about work, school, some of our hobbies, etc. I admitted my age and she raised one eyebrow in playful shock, but she did not seem otherwise bothered by the marginal difference in our ages. Overall the conversation came easily and the time went by quickly.

Finally the conversation paused for a moment, and the awkwardness of a first date finally settled in. She finally broke the silence by admitting she was getting hungry, hungry for real food other than sugary pastries.

It was a little unfortunate that aside from the sports bar and some local fast-food places, there was no real food to be found in this part of town. Neither of us felt like doing the sports-bar scene, so I made a bold suggestion.

‘I live just down the block. You are welcome to come back to my place for some pasta or sandwiches or whatever I can dig up’ I said.

Her eyes got wide as if I was moving way too fast and I immediately started to qualify my suggestion, ‘don’t take that the wrong way…’, I started, but she interrupted me with ‘Sounds great!’.

I paid or tab and we left the coffee joint, a very hopped up on caffeine and sugar. It was getting a little chilly and Cami’s legs had to be cold, so we walked quickly. Her hair was down and the light wind was blowing from behind us, moving it into her face, which meant her hands were constantly working to pull it back behind her ears. With her arms extended upwards, the hem of her shirt rose and exposed a few inches of her belly and back, and I was immediately aware of her soft skin, tanned stomach, and adorable belly-button. I placed my hand on the small of her back in an affectionate manner and she did not object in any way. My small finger was directly on the skin of her back and I could feel her spine as we walked. I was relishing the smallest details of this girl.

Once inside my apartment, she took her sandals off in a very polite gesture before entering my living room. As
she raised one foot to undo the sandal, she lost her balance and caught herself by grabbing my shoulder. It was only a second, but her smile faded and her eyes sank into mine as she looked up to apologize. For the first time that evening I felt reciprocal passion instead of the normal happy glow that she projected. Recovered from her slip, she let go and smiled again. We made our way to the kitchen.

I banged around for a few minutes with pots and in the fridge until I had some water boiling with fettuccini. We made due with bread and lite-beer while the pasta cooked and the sauce warmed. I am no cook, but it is hard to screw up pasta.

We were both hungry, and the pasta took priority for a few minutes as we finished off the quick meal. The lack of conversation while we ate felt normal, and the date in general no longer felt like a first date. Maybe it was weeks of casual acquaintance as a customer at her place of work, or maybe we just ‘fit’ one another.

I finished my plate and took it to the sink. I turned around to help clear the table, but Cami was already headed over with her plate and she rinsed it quickly. But I noticed her smile was gone and her eyes furrowed in thought. I wondered if I had misinterpreted the connection I felt earlier. She even paused at the sink after turning off the water and I grew concerned.

‘Cami, is something wrong?’ I asked. She turned around quickly and smiled, but this time her face was conveying something else… something I could not read. Before I could even attempt to interpret the look on her face, she walked over and stood close to me, her face only a few inches from mine.

‘Thanks for dinner.’ She said in a quiet voice. She then raised on her toes to kiss me quickly on the mouth in a friendly and casual way.

I was again on the retreat, caught off guard by the ease in which this girl was able to act, speak, and keep me guessing.

‘You’re welcome, ‘I finally responded. ‘Want anything for desert? ‘ I playfully asked as I moved towards the freezer. I opened the door and looked at the box of ice-cream bars I had, but found little else. Cami walked up behind me and peaked over my bent shoulder.

‘No, I think I will pass’ she said.

I closed the freezer door but Cami didn’t move backwards after her inspection of the ice-cream. Instead she kept me crowded in the small space bordered by a wall, a fridge, and herself. I couldn’t even turn around to face her unless she moved, so I paused for a second to wait for her to back up. She didn’t. Instead I felt her press a little closer, her body now slightly pressed against my back, as she leaned close to my ear.

‘I would like to stay the night’ she whispered.

Her hand was immediately on the back of my neck, fingers playing with my hair. I caught my breath and turned around slowly to see her biting her lower lip playfully, but still smiling. Her current expression was the first time I had noticed a crack in her assured demeanor, and it made me immediately aware that this was not her typical mode of action. She was going out on a limb, acting on an impulse, and taking a leap into my arms, literally. All this swirled in my head and acted to intoxicate me even further. It is a wonderful feeling to feel wanted… desired.

I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. I looked back over my shoulder to see her trailing behind me, blushing… smiling… almost giggling. Again, memories of teenage romance flashed through my head. Once inside my bedroom I turned around to face Cami, and kissed her gently. Everything was building to an extreme level of sexual tension, and Cami sensed it as much as I, thus the reason I assume she laughed and pushed me backwards onto the bed. I feigned an angry shout, but then reached up to grab her waste and pull her next to me. She laughed again and then settled at my side. Her nipples were erect and pushing against the cotton blouse she was wearing, and her skirt was bunched up higher on her thighs. Cute and confident was giving way to erotic and alluring.

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I had just turned sixteen in the previous week and I was feeling slightly left out. It seemed like all my female friends had lost their virginity except me. They would all sit around during break and lunch times in high school discussing their sexual experiences whilst I sat quietly next to them and listened. They all expressed how good it felt, and often told me that I was missing out. I really wanted to save myself for a decent lad, but I didn’t want to feel like the odd one out anymore. ...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 42 One Year Old

February 13, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “How was San Diego?” I asked Mario as he came into the office for our Friday business development meeting. “A heck of a lot warmer than here!” he said. “At least it’s in the upper 30’s today, so it’s not so bad.” “No problems?” “No. They’re all set. I’m going to San Francisco a week from Monday. Zeke’s headed to Milwaukee next Tuesday. Cindi’s sending him to do a demo because she and I are both busy.” “Interesting,” I said. “Does she see him moving...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Atha

Hie….I am srikanth i am 18 years old i am submitting my first real story ..I got impressed by the story our here to write my story .My anthais a professor of a btech college she is in her 30’s . Every day after coming from the college she used to call to some one .But i had no thought to see that man one day i dropped her to her college she said to come after 7 pm in the night to pick her up ….But i went at 4 in afternoon her college was over she was talking to some person there as she saw me...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter21 Is Beth ready To Take Things to The Next Level

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 21 Is Beth Ready To Take Things To The Next Level? Aaron spent the rest of the break staring at the picture of Beth in her jersey and panties. He had never seen her panties before, he had only seen her bra a view times and had never seen her bare breast. They knew that some people ridiculed them for their approach to sex and for wanting to maintain some purity. But he couldn't stop thinking about that picture. He wondered what...

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Rough sex with an ugly girl

This happened in 2007We had become close friends with another couple. Their son and ours were best friends at school and with him going to their house and him coming to ours it was probably unavoidable that we'd become good friends. We'd been close for three years at the point of what happened here, she, Brenda, was ten years younger than me and she'd been married six years.Brenda and Donna became particularly close as they had a lot in common. Many times she'd come on to our house and she and...

2 years ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 09

Introduction: Wrongs are righted. David woke up early the next morning. He looked down at Samantha, who was cuddled up to him closely, her chest rising and falling gently as she slept peacefully. David kissed her, and teleported out of bed, so as not to wake her. Sleep honey&hellip, David whispered, stroking her skin. You dont have to go to work today. Just sleep. You deserve it. David then did the same thing to Jack and Molly, allowing his family the lie-in they all desperately needed. David...

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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 5

The first draft of the meeting in The Clann Chapter 3; rather crude but different from the final: BOB We could see her [Ana] coming into the living room from the hallway, so Kathleen took her first pratfall. She took one step inside, managed to tangle her cane in her legs and sprawled flat on her face while hiking her short skirt up above her waist! I hustled over to her, while Evin stepped up beside Ana. "I apologize, Mrs. Matthews. I know Bob told you she was a bit of an airhead, but...

2 years ago
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Have you seen the girls released on Girls Released lately? The site gets nearly a million visitors a month, so chances are you have. If not, well, you’re in luck because it ain’t like the nudes I scoped were a one-time thing. This is more of an ongoing collection and presentation of naked ladies. In fact, the site’s been around for a decade now, so I wonder just how many thousands of hours of productive time have been squandered, spanked away into a mountain of old tissues when you really...

Porn Pictures Sites
3 years ago
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Window ShoppingChapter 10

She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 44

Jan was not thrilled by what Herman had suggested but the pages of notes from an expert on female sex offenders swayed her opinion. She also was not happy about going around some members of the task force even though she understood the rationale behind it. Bryant went to his apartment while Jan, Holly and Cassidy went to the basketball game. He changed into a tight T-shirt and logged on to the site where he'd first met the Westlakes. An instant message popped up almost immediately. "I...

1 year ago
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Vacation 1

Ingrid felt anything like going on a vacation, but she had bought her ticket over six months ago which was non refundable, and for a working girl like her, $2,650.00 was just too much to throw away, even if she did have a broken heart!!! That lying skunk, Chris, how could he have done this to her!!! She always had a feeling that he was a little bit on the shifty side, but when she found out that he was seeing two other girls on the side, well that was just too much!!! They had been planning...

3 years ago
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Drivein Memories part Seven

I started my kissing her tenderly passionately as my hand caressed those nice breasts my thumb and fore finger tenderly pulling on her nipples as I tenderly kissed her deeper more passionately. She took off her blouse and bra as we were tenderly passionately. She opened her mouth thus letting my slide in to meet hers. I then started working my way to her neck tenderly licking and kissing her earlobe, she let out a soft moan ooooo . Just like the ones I heard that night Cumming from her...

4 years ago
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Intro to Masturbation

It all happened when i was in primary school, misbehaving again with another 2 school friends.Tristian and Bill were 2 of my closet friends i spend plenty of time with them in my later years of primary school.We were around the age of 11 and Bill came from a large catholic family with older sisters and brothers. One day we had misbehaved again and the teachers had arranged for us to clean up the music / drama room as punishment.The teacher explained that all the instruments and equipment had...

2 years ago
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Some Wednesday, around late june 2000-2001. I was home alone, given the fact that my two parents worked and my sister was either working or hanging out with friends. My sister was gone for a couple of days to Montreal, to see a few shows and meet with some friends/cousins to have a good time. My mom had just called me (it was about noon) and told me that she wouldn't come back home after work, that my dad would pick her up and that they would go to some romantic dinner and come home around...

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Babysitting a grown black guy

Victor and I had moved to The Glades on that summer. After some time there, every black man in the neighborhood thought I was a horny white married bitch and some of them for sure had fantasies with me, dreaming about fucking me as a slutty soccer mom…One afternoon, hubby and I were in the back yard sitting on our patio when a moving truck pulled up to the house that was for sale across the street from ours. We walked to the front of our house to see the new neighbors were a middle aged black...

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Roommate ask me to Clean His Cock Gay

I could hear them. Their moaning. It had been going on for about two hours now. How can people even bang for that long?I rub my forehead and shake my head at the painful ringing in my ears. Like studying wasn't hard enough anyway, now I had to put up with my roommate and his girlfriend banging."Oh, Nate!" Amy screams.Ugh.Nate is my roommate. We're pretty close, which is why I try and let these little moments slide... but recently it seems like they have been happening a lot more. He's your...

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Act of Charity

It was a dark and stormy night as Travis dropped me off at the truck stop. True to his word, he used my entire body. After that he had me change into a black mini skirt that barely covered my bikini area, a white crop top, no panties or bra, black stilettos, and a matching coin purse. My target before he'd pick me up and take me home for a few hours was to earn ten dollars - one quarter at a time. That's forty men. This was going to be fun! His goal, and mine, was to not be able to walk by...

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The Lift Encounter

Dean was 18 and an avid watcher of the reality program's, from X-Factor to I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Some of the times it would interfere with his work at the local hotel. But the following month that would all change for the better. Dean had found out a new show was about to start filming near the hotel and involve quite a few B listed celebrities, he thought one of his dreams would come true, watching a show like this being actually filmed. But his boss Mr. Jackson had other ideas...

Oral Sex
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 324

People came and went all the rest of the day on Christmas day. I walked across the street to deliver my gifts for Vlad, Anya, Leon, and the Dancer. I had a empty feeling when I passed those two empty units. I had been putting off dealing with those since my shooting. I found them a low priority, but still they sat there mocking me. When I returned to my Downtown House, I searched through the list of messages on my computer. I was looking for one from Kate the realty slut. She had messaged me...

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Bird SongChapter 40 To friendship

Jamie had listened to Sir David suggesting that he hold a press conference to expose the US President's cover up, but an idea of his own had popped into his head. He would personally go and speak to POTUS. What had been done could have led to the slaughter of all of the remaining survivors across England. Jamie felt that was a good enough reason to want to look the man who had kept it hushed up in the eye. "No Sir David, I think I know how these people work now. It might be better if I was...

3 years ago
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The Soul in The Stone

I watched her everyday through the break in the trees. She would come up to her room and take her clothes off, then sit on her bed and read, naked. Our houses backed up to one another, mine at a slight angle that allowed me to sit on my bed as she laid on hers, and with the sun set late in the afternoon, the glare didn't allow her to see me looking. I know what you'll say. You'll call me a creep or dirty for looking, but you had to see this girl to truly appreciate what I saw. I called...

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King Of The RimChapter 2Courtmartial

John grabs her by the shoulders and exclaims, "DAMN IT ALL TO HELL JANE!! MY GOOSE IS COOKED!! THE CAPTAIN HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO SEND ME TO THE PENAL PLANET!!" She looks him steadily in the eye, ready to endure his wrath, "If I had known that Jones and Walsh were involved, I'd have never involved you. The only reason that they know is that they saw me at the clinic. Because of me, that clinic is now an Imperial Clinic and all of the staff is slaves." ['John's black wavy hair and...

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Paradise lost found

Paradise groaned as her alarm clock beeped obtrusively at her. She reached out a reluctant hand, felt around on the bedside table and smashed the button on the alarm clock perhaps a bit too heavily. Quiet again. She turned over, closed her eyes and felt herself drift back off into dream world. Her eyelids heavy, her limbs numb and the sounds of the outside world far off. Just as that warm, trance like state was upon her, the alarm clock went off again. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. It had been twenty...

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I Didnt Know What I WantedPart Three

After our talk on Tuesday evening, I felt so much more comfortable about our developing hotwife/cuckold relationship. Thursday, Sarah had a date. I assumed that it was with Brad, but she wouldn't tell me any details. However, she did allow me to clean the cum from her pussy when she got home.Friday after dinner, we sat on the sofa together, and she greeted me with those words that all husbands—dominating or dominated—dread. "We need to talk.""What is it, Darling?""Didn't you give me control of...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 2 Alone At Home

Hi Friends, thank you for all the nice words and porn pics/videos of encouragement you gave me through emails. They pushed me to continue my story. I explained to you in the last part how I lost my virginity to Sharma uncle. Since then we had been having sex just about whenever we can. We found opportunities to hug and kiss and make out whenever we can. I especially loved how uncle would suddenly grab me or grope me. It was so thrilling for a man to suddenly touch my body on sensitive parts...

4 years ago
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On the road in the Philippines part 2

My previous story got a lot of views I think though sadly no comments.. Here is part two of my Skype chat story with my secret filipina lover :)As we continue our journey together down the road, we'd be laughing and joking, enjoying our trip along the coast as the day goes by. You'll be sitting beside me, no panties under your skirt, they have gone back to hanging from the rearview mirror. It's getting hot and we are sweaty as we stop by a little secluded beach, all deserted besides a few k**s...

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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 6

If Hannah had been bubbly going home that afternoon, Catherine was positively bouncy when she arrived at the apartment. She had packed a weekend bag in minutes after her mother told her the fabulous news. Truth be told, half the fun was Fiona's pout and whine, but as Catherine so sweetly pointed out (much too sweetly - she got a 'cease and desist' glare from her mother), the Ballet in Brighton was her thing. And so, less than an hour and a half after the phone call, Hannah and Catherine...

5 years ago
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My Sexy StepMom With Added Flavor

This is Sheila, sharing with you about my sexy step-mom and my experience. My mom and dad got divorced when I was in college. But we still kept our contacts with dad and his new wife (my step-mom) in good terms and visit each other occasionally. No doubt my dad was a handsome businessman with a dashing personality. I salute on his choice when he got a very sexy lady as his new life partner. My biological Mom was not less than anyone with a tall, buxom body. Still, my mom and dad could not get...

2 years ago
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Club Vice Ch 01

‘In order to know virtue we must first acquaint ourselves with vice.’ Marquis de Sade It was a sticky first day of summer. And here was Damien Nikola Gullucci Provenzano standing in a crowd of black clad mourners as they placed ‘Vic’ Vice six feet under the earth. It was a sad damn day in all respects. Not only a friend lost but also a great ally against the Genarelli. He tossed his Lucky to the dirt and ground it under a heel. ‘Best start shifting back toward the ‘mo Nunzio. I highly doubt...

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For the Weekend pt3 A Final Fuck

Kenny is the first to wake the following morning. She turns on the TV while she waits for John and Lacy to wake up. As she flips though the channels, the bedroom door opens and John walks out, closing the door behind him. "Good morning," he says to her as he passes on his way to the kitchen, "You ready for a good day?" He says with a wink and a smile as Lacy exits the bedroom to join John in the kitchen, giving him a small kiss. "Sleep well baby?" Lacy asks John as she pours herself a cup of...

5 years ago
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Dad Brings Daughter to the Dentist

She was shifting in her seat. Sighing deeply. Biting on her nails for a moment then determined to stop biting her nails she hid her hand underneath her thighs. Once she’d been my little girl, but now she was all grown-up now. A grown-up twenty two year old college student and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and her hair was wrapped in a messy bun on top of her head. ‘We’re almost there.’ I said directing the car onto the exit of the highway. ...

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Maria is initiated Part 2

Introduction: Maria gets to like fucking On the way home Maria was strangely silent, usually she chatters all the time, she lay back in her seat with her eyes closed and a wide smile on her lips, I guessed that she was thinking of what had happened, or maybe what was going to happen. I didnt say anything for a while then I apprehensively asked her again if she was still going to go ahead and invite a couple of friends over, I was hoping she would, I wanted to see her fucked again, she let out a...

4 years ago
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Dumped by Kim

Then came the night she wanted to go to the club Lips, this is a place that has a reputation for being sexually wild. I have been told stories of the place and didn't think it was the place for us. Kim said She just wanted to see what it was like for the entertainment and to satisfy her curiosity. I gave in, with strong misgiving of what the night would be like, given how brazen and aggressive many of the black men where towards white girls. That night I picked Kim up, she was...

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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 19

As far as getaways go, mine couldn't have been much smoother. Before he'd left Miami, the Foole had arranged for another disposable rental car, with lease papers under my new temporary traveling identity. Not the one I hoped to use for the long term future, but a temporary facilitator identification. Enough to get me safely anywhere but here! When I was ready to establish roots again, then I could use my better and safer false ID for a more permanent life. I had one good outfit of clothes...

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