Choral Evenings Pt 01
- 2 years ago
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Chapter 19
Maybe it was the scotch, maybe it was just the very long time I’d spent thinking about the possible life ahead of us for Bethany and I, or maybe it was my subconscious reluctance to end the dream of us that I had been wallowing in at the time, but for whatever reason – I woke unusually late that Sunday morning.
In fact it was only the incessant ringing of the telephone that finally stirred me.
‘Ah, you are there! I thought you must have gone out already.’ Bethany said when I eventually picked it up.
‘No, you’ve discovered my secret vice – I was actually still asleep.’ I admitted.
‘Goodness – I’ve been up for ages!’
‘Well I sat up for quite a while – thinking about us.’ I explained.
‘Nice thoughts – or doubtful ones?’ she asked with a note of hesitancy in her voice.
‘Oh nothing but the very nicest ones my darling. In fact I was busily planning some sort of future for us.’ I blurted out.
There was silence for a few moments, and I began to wonder if I had stepped across some unspoken boundary – but I was quickly reassured by both her response and the almost girlishly excited tone in her voice. ‘Well you can start talking about those things whenever you like! But before that, what plans did you have for today?’
‘Today? Nothing in particular, a few odd jobs around the place, that’s all – why?’
‘We had a phone call from the father of a couple of the boy’s school-friends, he was planning to take them out on his boat today, and rang to see of John and Jason would like to join them. And of course that was an offer they simply jumped at – I’ve just seen them off. So as you won’t have had breakfast yet, why not pop round here and let me cook one for you. Then we can decide what we want to do with the rest of our day – that is if you don’t mind spending it with me!’ she added cheekily.
‘Give me half an hour to shave and shower, and I’ll be there. If nothing else, the offer of a cooked breakfast is far too good to turn down!’ I answered in a similar tone.
She giggled. ‘I thought that might be your answer. Now as I might well still be upstairs tidying up, I’ll leave the back-door unlocked, so just come around through the garden and you can come in the back way. OK?’
‘I’ll be there soonest my darling, just start getting things warmed up for me!’ I added before we hung up.
As the forecast was for the day to be another hot one, I slipped into just shorts, a polo shirt and loafers, and in something less than half an hour was making my way back around to Bethany’s house.
The rear entry door was, as she’d said it would be, unlocked, and having gone through the deserted kitchen and into the hall-way that ran the length of the house, and remembered that she’d said she could well be upstairs, I stood at the foot of them and called upwards. ‘Bethany! Bethany, it’s me, Mark – are you up there?’
Her answering call had a strangely echoing tone to it, but she said she was, and told me to go up to her. ‘When you get to the top you’ll see that there’s an open door. I’m in there.’ she explained.
I climbed the main flight, then turned up the three or four stairs that led on to a hallway that mirrored the downstairs one – to the right all the doors were firmly shut, but to the left, and at the far end, there was one almost wide open.
I went straight in, and found myself in what was quite obviously Bethany’s room – decorated in shades of primarily old-rose and dusty pink, with glossy white paintwork that highlighted the delicacy of those shades of colour. Then, adding a couple of more dramatic colour splashes, were a few objects of either rich burgundy or muted emerald green.
The bed, an over-sized one, had a throw-over that picked up those colours, contrasting with the crisp whiteness of what were obviously freshly-laundered sheets – and both those and the coverlet were turned invitingly down.
But there was no sign of Bethany.
‘Wrong room darling!’ I heard her call – the echoing effect that I noticed from downstairs, now very much clearer. ‘I’m in the room next door.’ she added – and sure enough when I looked out, there was a second, just partially opened doorway.
Again I went in – into one of the largest bath-rooms I’d ever seen – much of one side of which was totally dominated by a simply massive, late Victorian – complete with the apparently nearly always obligatory, claw-feet – bathtub.
It wasn’t just much longer than any bath I had ever seen, but was really high-sided, so high in fact that although I could tell that Bethany was sitting bolt-upright in it, even I could see not more of her than just her head and the very tops of her shoulders.
I figured that it was quite big enough to accommodate most, if not all, of an entire brood of a Victorian family’s children at the one time – and in spite of their sometimes much-vaunted prudery about matters sexual, we all know just how many of them there tended be in those days!
Bethany grinned when she saw my astonished confusion. ‘I bet you used to play with ships when you had a bath as a small boy – well, as you see, this is a bath for grown-ups to play in! So come on – the water’s still nice and hot – join me, come on in!’
The truly dumb side of my brain must have been responsible for my initial response to her. ‘I’ve only just had a shower Bethany, just before I came around.’
She chuckled. ‘I had one too, as I said, this bath is playing in, not for washing in. Come on, don’t disappoint me I’ve been looking forward to this for an hour or more.’
Of course the moment I heard myself saying what I had, I realised just how stupid I had been, and had already started getting my things off before Bethany had time to finish her further invitation.
As I stepped nakedly forward, Bethany slid herself a little further down the bath. ‘Hop in behind me please darling, you could sponge my back for me – first!’
The water was all but crystal clear, the surface faintly glistening from something she’d added to it, and as the heat of the water vaporised that, the perfume was reminiscent of what I had smelt on her the previous evening, carrying just a hint of an underlying scent of lemon-grass.
Although I knew her big brown eyes were staring up at me, as any man would at such times, mine were staring downward, staring down at her body. At her breasts – which seemed to be floating on the very surface of the water, being supported by it – and at her nipples – which were apparently already showing signs of their early engorgement. Then at the dark, triangular shadow below them – momentarily wishing I had been invited to step in from the other end, from where I might have also seen at least a hint of the fleshy cleft beneath it.
Pausing only long enough to take in the rest of her beautiful, and oh so very sexy body, I stepped over to join her in the water.
Bethany had obviously been careful not to put too much of it in the bath, and even when I slid down behind her – stretching my legs down the outsides of hers – even though the two of us of course pushed it that much higher, there was still at least one third of the side of the bath clear of it.
When I dunked the sponge in the water so I could do what she’d asked me to, sponge her back, I realised that what Bethany had added to the water must have been some sort of oil based essence, the water itself had a decidedly slippery feel to it. So, having sponged her for a little while, I put the sponge aside, and began to use just my hands and fingers.
With both her skin and mine sheened with traces of the bath-oil, my caresses glided over her almost frictionlessly, just barely skimming her – her always smoothly soft skin feeling even more like the most ultra-fine silk.
Bethany gave a soft sigh when I slid my arms around her, and my fingers tingled as they slipped over the gentle swell of her stomach and moved up to cup her breasts. <
Just the feel of the swollen firmness of them stirred me, stirred and stimulated me, and the feelings I had felt just from looking down at her, grew even stronger. Feelings that soon became sharply focussed, in the pit of my stomach, my groin, my cock – and I felt the pressure of it twitching, then stiffening, and then far more quickly than usual, rising jerkily.
I stroked and caressed her, sometimes merely following the curving outline of her breasts, every now and then slipping either the palm of one hand, or just the soft pad of one finger-tip, back and forth across one or other of her more stiffly jutting nipples.
Using both hands on her – their actions sometimes in unison – at others harmonising, quite literally playing her, by using each one in some slightly different way. Only every now and then either rolling or tweaking each one of those delightfully sensitive little buds.
All the time my hands had been caressing her breasts, I had been using my lips and tongue to kiss and teasingly lick her neck, back and forth along the nape, and around and up and down each side, then every now and then bending so I could suck deep in the curve of where it met her shoulders.
Bethany sat there, accepting my homage to her – pressing her bottom even more firmly back against my by then quivering erection – allowing me all the time I wanted to enjoy the sensations that fondling her breasts obviously gave to both of us. Only some very long time later turning her head, so I could also kiss her.
‘You have absolutely magical hands darling.’ Bethany murmured softly when we finally broke for air. ‘And that other part of you feels equally magical.’ she added, before gasping as my hands found yet another way of stimulating her.
Then a minute or two later I felt her reaching up for one of them, urging it downwards, down between her legs. And then, with one set of fingers continuing to caress and gently squeeze her breasts and nipples, and the others thrumming sweetly against the stiffened tip of her clitoris, I soon took her to a water-thrashingly strong climax.
But it was what she did next that truly astounded me – astounded but fiercely excited me!
As the strength of what had gripped her slowly faded, she pushed herself up out of the water, and having told me to slip a little further forward, stepped in again, then turned around and, taking a firm grip of the rim of the bath, knelt.
‘There won’t be a better time for us to try this Mark. I’m totally relaxed, we’re both slippery from the bath-oil, and you’re obviously powerfully turned-on. So, as I suggested on the telephone, why not try coming in the other way, the back way!’ she explained invitingly.
Just of thought of doing it that way sent juddering ripples of excitement through me, and the fact it had been Bethany herself who had suggested it – was making herself so available to me – made them even more powerful. But, in spite of the sharp ache in my already swollen balls and the throbbing beat that was making my cock jerk up and down, I paused for a moment, looking down at her. Although my body was trembling with the pent-up need I was still able to appreciate the erotic beauty of hers. The sensuous line of her shoulders and back, the narrow waist and sudden flaring of her hips. The flawless texture of her skin.
But at that moment of course the most captivating part of her were the twin cheeks of her arse, and the position she was in dramatically tightened those fleshy globes. ‘You have the most stunningly beautiful bottom I have ever seen darling.’ I said with a catch in my voice as I bent forward and pressed my face against it.
The feel of its firm silkiness against me was thrilling, but knowing what it was she probably needed from me right then, I spread her bottom cheeks apart and slowly licked my way up the deeply plunging valley between them, using the tip of my tongue to tease and probe into the tightly wrinkled muscles that guarded that other, much darker way into her.
I felt a shivering tremor run up through her body as I did that, so repeated it several more times, then stiffened my tongue and finally probed even more deeply into her.
I could tell from the increasing strength of the tremors and the way she began to squirm herself back towards me that she was getting even more excited by me doing that so I continued, pushing my tongue deeper, and then a little later replacing it with one finger.
‘I think I’m more than ready now darling.’ she said in a muffled voice a few moments later.
But even with the sheen of oil that coated both of us, at first I thought we were both going to be disappointed. Although she was obviously doing her best to relax herself enough to help me, I just couldn’t get my cock-head inside her, she remained locked tight – but then I felt her body suddenly shudder, felt the muscles relax a little, and with a single, much stronger push, I was in.
Having got the head inside her, although getting deeper was still not easy, it did require less force, and then become progressively easier as each move spread whatever mucous lined that tunnel. But, as though the two things were somehow linked, although requiring less physical effort, each move generated progressively stronger thrills. The sheer tightness of that way into her provided most of those, but adding to them was what Bethany herself was also contributing.
Once confident that she was actually able to take me she began to move her hips, at first tentatively pushing herself a little back and forth in time with my action. But when she found that even though I was thrusting gradually deeper and deeper she was still comfortable, she began to also sway them slowly from side to side.
The combination of greater depth, plus her movements sent the intensity of the sensations I was experiencing sky-rocketing. My cock felt as though it was being squeezed down some far too narrow pipe, the lining of which was firing off every single nerve along its entire length. But each time Bethany moved the pipe flexed, as though trying to bend and twist my rigidly rock-hard cock, the resulting pleasure-pain triggering a completely different set of receptors in my brain.
But adding to the thrills coming directly from my cock were those I was getting from looking down at her. Watching the muscles in her back and shoulders flexing and seeing the glorious cheeks of her arse swaying beneath me was also exciting, knowing that those movements were all just to provide me with pleasure, doubly so.
Then it occurred to me that in fact she could get some too, and without slowing the pace of my steady thrusting I used one hand to grip her hips a little more tightly, then leaned forward and reached the other hand around and underneath her. And once I had found her still spikily jutting clitoris, while continuing to steadily thrust in and out of her arse, I began doing to it what I had just a short time earlier.
I could immediately tell from just the sounds she started making that my idea was immediately paying dividends. Until then she had said nothing, just giving occasional gasping grunts, but that quickly changed. ‘Oh Mark! Mark darling, that’s – that’s wonderful!’ she exclaimed. ‘I never knew! But is it good for you too!’
‘It certainly is darling. I couldn’t possibly describe just how good it feels. You are absolutely phenomenal my darling!’
‘And you are for me too!’ she gasped in a suddenly much louder voice. ‘And it’s starting darling! I’m coming again! Oh! Oh, I’m coming!’ she cried.
Knowing that she was gave additional impetus to what I was already feeling, and then as her body tightened from her own contractions I felt that familiar, rising, searing surge begin. ‘Oh Bethany my love!’ I heard myself cry, unable to prevent my thrusting getting both faster and more forceful as the pressure quickly rose higher.
‘Yes Mark! Yes! Ooh yeeesss! Now darling, noowww!’ she shrieked, twisting and bucking herself harder ba
ck against me as we both felt my body letting everything go.
Then we heaved and thrust together, our cries of mutual ecstasy blending as my cock exploded, then spat successive gouts of hot, sticky semen deep inside her convulsing body.
When I was done I didn’t immediately pull back out of her and when she turned her head to look back at me, and even though we did it most awkwardly, we even managed to kiss
Chapter 20
We both continued kneeling there – our bodies still locked tightly together, each of us panting, each gulping down every breath as the after-shock spasms continued surging through us – my still hard cock held tight in the fastness of her anal grip of it – my hands clutching almost claw-like at the slipperiness of her tremblingly shuddering body.
But in time – who knows how much of it, neither of us was in any condition to even think about, let alone to actually measure it – our bodies relaxed the force of what had held us together like that, and having lovingly washed each other’s just slightly chafed parts, we stepped out of that massive bath-tub, dried ourselves and slipped into the bath-robes Bethany had thought to leave waiting for us. Then, in what was for us, a continuing and quite unusual silence, made our way down towards the kitchen.
It was only once she had started preparing the eggs and bacon that Bethany finally broke that stillness.
‘So my darling, how was it? Was doing it that way exciting for you?’
I was thoughtful for several moments, and even when I did start to answer her question, it was still with extreme hesitation. ‘To answer your question – it was, as I said, absolutely phenomenal! Much, much tighter of course – and quite unlike any sex I’ve ever had before! But -‘ I continued – ‘it was also in some ways, well I know it’s quite the wrong word, but it’s the only one that comes to mind right now – it was somehow almost ‘impersonal’. ‘No, please let me finish!’ I added when I saw she was about to interrupt me.
‘I know I’m going a long way around the question but it does seem important – well at least to me it does.’ I started out. ‘And some of what I’m about to say may be just the whisky talking. At least it may have been the whisky I drank while I was thinking about me – about us – last night, I mean.’ I explained, not wanting Bethany to think I’d been boozing before I left home that morning.
‘Intertwining with all the other things I thought about, there were always the feelings I have for you. That may well be because I can honestly say that I have never, ever felt anything like the strength of these, for any other woman.’ I said, looking up and letting her see from the steady and softly loving look in my eyes that my words were as genuine as the sentiments I was expressing.
‘But the more I thought about these feelings – and I think it’s the first time I’ve tried to analyse such things – I came to the realisation that they are actually operating at a series of quite distinctly different levels. And what I said about the sex we had upstairs just now, about how it seemed to be in some ways, ‘impersonal’, well when I thought about it last night I thought that that’s how some of the most explosively powerful sex between us, usually feels. Let me try to explain it rather better my darling.’ I said when I saw she was again about to interject.
‘When I have one of those gut-wrenching orgasms you often give me, it’s as though I have somehow ceased to exist – except as being an almost unnecessary vehicle for my penis, my cock. Perhaps what happens is that the sensations generated are just so incredibly powerful that my brain needs every single neurone to register them – so there are simply not enough left to think about, or even to fully experience anything else.’
‘Oh yes darling! I know exactly what you mean!’ she exclaimed encouragingly. ‘Sometimes I feel exactly like that too – in my own case it’s as though my entire body has sort of melted down, that I have in fact become nothing but a climactically whirling orgasm!’
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The first thing I had to do, of course, was to rush to Mr. Scott's room and deliver Tuesday's two chapters to him. And rush I did, ignoring Reasonable Requests along the way. I wanted to grant them, but there just wasn't time. I got to his room just as the warning bell rang, so I wasn't late. I gave him the chapters, asked him if he'd like a quick grope, and giggled like a little girl when he thumbed my nips. But then the Program kid for his Homeroom class came in. It was Marsha...
There is nothing in my life comparable to driving around in an antique car. They look different. They sound different. They feel different. They even smell different. People you go past turn their heads to look at the car. They look at you riding in the car and wonder, ‘Who are those people? What’s special about them that they get to drive around like that? Why are they all dressed up? What’s the special occasion?’ This particular antique car is a Holden FX. Her name is Mabel. She’s been in...
If stories of heavy sex and incest turn you off then stop reading right now. Suzie Gets Even by Jenny Leeds Chapter 1 Jack glanced sidelong at Suzie as they rode the service elevator down to the street. She looked subdued. He guessed she was taking old man Bellows' death pretty hard. It surprised him--he would've thought she'd be glad. After all, the guy had been keeping her a slave, and he'd done--that other thing--to her. The elevator doors opened. She staggered...
There was one park in particular that she really enjoyed since it was always empty. She never saw the need to leash her two retrievers and would let them chase squirrels and birds to their hearts content. This March afternoon though she was surprised to see several cars in the parking lot. She muttered to the dogs as she walked past the parked cars to the trailhead, “Must be a walking club boys, we need to make sure we don’t spook anyone.” She knew the dogs were friendly but the last thing she...
1 The sun beat down harshly that Saturday afternoon. Jimmy thanked his lucky stars that his family had a pool. The shining water sucked the excess heat from him, and buoyed his lithe form as he glided from one end to the other. “Hey Jimmy, get over here.” He grimaced. He was not quite so thankful for his sister. “You get over here, Rachel.” “Nuh-huh,” she said. “I need you to do something for me here. Besides, I’m not getting up. Do you see my top being on?” Without thinking, he snapped...
Back at Gretchen’s they carried in all the bags. Nina was about to start unpacking when Gretchen looked at her and asked, “Forgetting something?” Puzzled, Nina asked, “Did I leave something in the car?” “No, but what are slaves supposed to be in this house?” “Uh ... oh, damn. They’re supposed to be naked. I’m sorry Mistress.” Nina’s clothes came off quickly, since there wasn’t much of them. “Do I need to submit myself for punishment, Mistress?” “I’ll chalk it up to being too excited about...
Bill?" It was June again. "Yes" I replied "Now it is time for you to prepare for tonight." She continued. "First off if you truly love me and wish me to consent for you to remain my husband you better follow through with my next demands. Do you understand and agree to do as your told?" June asked. "Yes I understand and I'll comply" I meekly replied. "You are forbidden from masturbating until I tell you otherwise!" She ordered sternly. "I know you must have whacked off on my video already. I...
Botilda met me at the bike racks, and we started for Lagrange Dojo. There was an uncomfortable silence. I didn't want to say anything to set her off, and she ... well, only she knows. Finally, however, she spoke. "I'm trying to be the supportive best friend," she started, "and I'm trying to understand. Really I am." I smiled, nodded, and brushed her hand with mine. I didn't think I should speak yet, because it was clear she wasn't finished. She heaved a huge sigh. "It was easy...
Friday Evening The gates disappeared behind them a few moments later. “Are you ready for class today?” “Yeah. Can I ask another serious question?” “Of course.” “How are you feeling about the conversation with my parents later?” “Well...” I can feel your nervousness. You don’t need to try to hide it. Wouldn’t you be if our positions were reversed? She smiled. Totally. It’s only natural. Honestly though, you have nothing to worry about. “I know that, but that doesn’t lessen the...
I couldn’t believe it. After two years, complete with absolutely no contact and not so much as a passing hello, I was preparing for a night alone with him. Now that graduation had come and gone, the age of 18 had finally been reached, I could go on freely with my life. No more parents to condemn me to a life of dull conversations with life forms that had never so much as mumbled thoughts of sexual interactions. My mother would have to find another life to stick her nose in. I had finally been...
Bella stood before her mirror as she dressed. “I don’t know why you’re complaining. It’s your fault after all.” Grant sat on their bed with his head in his hands. “Can’t we do something else, Bella?” “Why?” she asked. “Because this is stupid!” he exclaimed. “Really? So you’d rather I call my lawyer and tell him to proceed with the divorce?” “No!” he exclaimed. “Then we proceed.” Bella slipped on a maroon dress that hugged her curves and accented her full, round breasts. “Must you wear...
Cuckold(Thanks to Holliexx for feedback on this) Jane was bored. She had finished work for the day; another boring day in the same, boring office, taking boring messages she didn't understand and didn't want to understand. She had got home extremely tired and flopped down on her sofa, kicking off her heels and lying back. She knew she should probably change out of her work clothes but she was exhausted. She liked to make an effort with how she looked at work - it was about her only pleasure there! She...
Straight SexTo all readers: This story is meant to be read by Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading further. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening By Greta Now I am living in a new town, just having moved here a few months ago. I can?t live without my morning run so every day after I wake up I get ready for a run in the Park nearby. After a couple of days I spotted a gorgeous woman with an incredible figure, long brown hair and...
BEATING THE ODDS AND THE EVENSCHAPTER 1I always considered myself an average guy through my first thirty years. I had some bad breaks and some good ones. But since 1929 it's been like heaven on earth. Everything seems to have fallen into my lap, and most of it has been serendipity. Let me explain.I come from a small farming family in Valdosta, Georgia. I was an only child, but my folks were nice people and my childhood was normal. Things began to change shortly after I finished high school...
Hi folks, First off, I want to say thanks for all of the wonderful e-mails I got about last month's Story (Falling in and out of Love). I was really glad to see that a lot of you understood what I was going for. This one is a different animal though. I hope that the story is worth at least what you've paid to read it. For those of you who don't like this one, just e-mail me, tell me what you didn't like and I'll send you a refund. Thanks to the legendary Barney-R for editing this one...
Six months after May and I had our brush with disaster my wife sprung a lulu on me. The intervening months had been unbelievable. Despite my catching my devoted wife in the midst of a tryst with my erstwhile best friend Ralph, we were truly a happier couple. We really did love one another more deeply and completely than we had before though I had not thought it possible at the time. And to my immense and complete surprise I actually trusted her more implicitly than I had before. Don't ask...
Botilda and I met at the bike rack, and from there walked to the Lagrange Dojo. This dojo was founded back in the 2060's, in one of the old Island One Stanford Torus habitats, before Mendocino was even built. It's been in the Lagrange family ever since. When the grandson of the founder relocated here, he brought the dojo with him. Not just the decorations and teaching staff, but the equipment and most of the original structure. It cost him, quite a bit, but at least he wasn't trying to...
Like I said last time this is all my own writing. I’m typing it into the computer and I’m going to get Jen to read it and tell me if there’s anything stupid but mostly it’s my own writing. I know how to use the spelling checker so hopefully I won’t get any words wrong but if I get some wrong then I’m sorry but I’m trying my best. And Jen says I still have to learn more about grammar so if you don’t like reading what I write ‘cause I don’t know enough grammar then I’m sorry about that too. Jen...
Amanda We walked out of the lunchroom, headed to Bio. Before we even got ten feet, we were stopped, by a kid we didn't know. Apparently, when the news about the events of the morning had spread, a bunch of kids put together a petition campaign to save The Program. The kid we ran into outside the lunchroom recognized us, and said, "I know that you two want to sign this!" We did, of course. The kid told us that they had close to half the school signed, and in only a couple of hours. So,...
In the kitchen, Emma suggests that the sandwiches left from lunch would be fine for dinner, rather than fixing anything more. That in itself won so many points with Dorothy and Maude. Emma being so considerate. They go about getting things out, setting the table, making a salad, and bringing out the seafood macaroni. All are a little worried what a repeat of lunch might arouse, but now all so sexually satisfied for the moment it is fine.Dinner on the table, bottles of wine opened to share,...
Love StoriesShe only got to see her lover on her birthday. You see, Cassie Johnson was a mother and a wife. She loved her husband and children dearly. She only saw her lover on her birthday. Her birthday was special and her lover was special to her. Her husband was always out of town on her birthday.Her husband had no idea that she cheated on him. She met her lover online many moons ago. They had an emotional affair for years and a few years back met in real life. Cassie loved making love with her...
CheatingI’ve always been shy, very uncomfortable around people I don’t know and especially girls. I’ve mentioned my male characters’ love lives a few times and it was totally me, shy, bashful, afraid to even talk to a girl until my wife snared me at a basketball game. Even after, the bashfulness never went away, even to this day.Fast forward a few years, past the Coast Guard, working for the City in the Planning and Building Department. The City wanted to do a survey of housing units. We put together a...
TrueShe was gorgeous, and I always had a bit of a crush on her. She was about 5’10”, Indian, with massive smooth breasts and wide hips. Her best feature was her face though, perfect smooth skin, long black hair and a stunning smile. Every time I looked at her I would get hard. She was also a little naive though, and had been having trouble with “boyfriends” at her new school. So I made the 30 minute drive to see her one evening and buy her dinner. We decided to go to a little cafe and...
Bill looked around the restaurant, his eyes seeking her. The candle-lit booths and dark red curtains made seeing anyone at all difficult. He had chosen this place because of the 3-piece combo that played there on Friday evenings, because the food was superb and the service impeccable, but mainly because it was her favorite place. It had been years. Would she look different? Would she have changed so much that they would not have anything at all to talk about? No matter what, he knew he...
It is the early evening hours and we are just completing our dinner. We have eaten in that comfortable quiet that seasoned lovers do, exchanging glances of passion that are barely hidden under the surface whilst we share the minutiae of our respective days. I delight in your telling of the long walks you took with Amy in the warmth of this spring day. As you laugh with delight at the recollection of her rolling playfully in the few remaining banks of snow, I smile as I enjoy the sound of your...
Kathy and Jerry were your typical power couple. They both worked hard and played even harder. They were lucky because they had the most wonderful babysitter. Tara was her name and how the children loved her. Tara was very studious and seemed to be quiet and reserved, however, when she came to babysit, she seemed to become a different person. The children enjoyed when Tara babysat.Tara had been babysitting for the Winger's for about four years now. Recently, Tara had been accepted into an ivy...
Group SexAmy sighed as James’ lips touched the nape of her neck. Her body involuntarily pushed against his body as she quivered from his light kisses. She felt his growing manhood against her leather skirt and she moaned. His hand squeezed her hard nipple while his other hand brushed away her golden wispy blond hair as he kissed her neck again. “Oh James,” she cooed. She longed to turn around and kiss him but her hands bound above her head prevented that. Earlier, he had bound them to a pull-up bar...
BDSMIt was a usual Friday night. The bar was busy with guys as ever but nothing seemed to stand out this evening. I drank for a while then i got a pat on the shoulder, i lowered my drink and turned to see the most beautiful lady id ever seen. (or least i thought see was a lady)She asked me if i was alone, to witch i replied yes. after a few drinks we were getting along great she said, 'shall we ditch this joint and head for mine' Winking at me. I thought id hit the jackpot. The taxi ride was long...
Hiya guys…This is aaxer again with a new story…Most probably a new genre…New experiences of sex…Straight indulgence in satisfaction and et cetera…Now to the story. This is actually the story of me and my bestie…And hell yes!!! We are straight.I don’t know how to just satisfy our needs we got indulged in sex…And for sure we loved it and we need it now occasionally too. Let me describe him…He is kinda skinny guy…But not skinny…Just a bit and also he is tall and his skin tone is real white...
Gay MaleSarah Gets Even By Ellen I can't help it if I suffer from wandering eye disease. There is a woman walking down the street in a real short skirt, or tight jeans, I can't help but look. I see an hour glass figure or a pair of very nice breasts and my appreciation usually became obvious. Especially to my girlfriend, Sarah hated that I always looked at other women. Worst of all, I would do stupid things like point out other women with her in the car with me, or if we were...