Choral Evenings Pt. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 13

Now obviously that throat-reverberation induced climax was not the end of the glorious Sunday Bethany and I had before her boys returned from their camping excursion – in fact, very far from it!

And although the climax she had gifted to me was undoubtedly the most strange, and perhaps even the most gut-wrenchingly powerful one I had experienced until then – making me feel that my body had been forced to draw on whatever reserves of energy it happened to have stored in any and every single part of me to power it – the sheer force of it, although leaving me feeling positively dizzyingly weak-kneed, was not the most amazing aspect of it.

The most remarkable thing – once I had re-gathered my wits sufficiently to become aware of it – was that it had not left me with the feeling of satiety and lassitude that seems to always affect nearly all men immediately after most of their orgasms. It seems Mother Nature played one of her numerous tricks with we humans – so that just when a woman is most in need of feeling her partner’s arms around her, holding her, cuddling her, gently caressing her – he is usually to be found slowly drifting off into some form of restorative slumber.

And I am the first to admit that such feelings generally wash over me too. But not that time! In fact the very last thing I wanted to do was to go off to sleep, what I wanted, needed, in fact felt a compulsion to do, was to somehow become even more ‘at one’ with Bethany than I already felt I was. Just in the way the realisation of my love for her had flooded me just after sunrise, so at that moment I experienced feelings of wanting to truly be one with her, totally swamping me.

‘Oh my darling, you’ll never know just how fabulous that was for me!’ I exclaimed huskily. ‘I’ve never, ever felt anything like that – and wouldn’t know how to even begin describe those feelings.’

‘I’m so glad Mark – even though I’ve never heard of anyone coming by just being sung to!’ she added with a grin.

I pulled her up to her feet, hugged her, then, gripping her bottom and jamming her hard up against myself, I kissed her still semen smeared lips.

We clung together, kissing deeply and passionately – but when we did eventually have to break for air, I took her down to where the picnic things were lying, spread the blanket on the softest section of the grass, then, having tugged her t-shirt up and off her and then, equally quickly, discarded her skirt, I gently eased her downward.

‘I’m going to kiss you all over.’ I whispered. ‘So you just lie there and let yourself drift off to wherever you wish to.’ I added as I used my finger-tips to tenderly close her eyes.

As always with our love-making, I completely lost track of time – time was a pure irrelevancy, all that was important was that I be the closest I could to her, to my darling Bethany, she who was the new centre of my world, my existence. And if that meant half a life-time kissing and stroking her, that would be my true happiness.

So I kissed her, kissed her just closed eyes, her ears, her nose, nuzzled my face in the curve of her neck, her shoulders – again, again, and over again.

In between my kisses I whispered to her. ‘I am the softness of a Summer’s breeze, a gentle zephyr that has been sent to caress you, to caress the consummate beauty of you. It is your beauty that has captivated the gods that summon these breezes, and it was their wish that each and every part of you be you be delighted in this way.’

Then I moved down to her breasts, those sweetly uptilted curving parts of her – and the slowly stiffening nipples that surmounted them. Kissing, licking, even nibblingly suckling them – all the time using my fingers to softly and gently caress their firm fullness.

After spending even longer on those parts of her than I had on her face and neck, I moved even lower, treating her stomach to more of those loving kissing and fondlings.

But then, if she had expected me – as she probably had done – to move to what lay nestling between her thighs, I surprised her. Pushing myself all the way down to her feet, and treating them, and her toes, and even the narrow crevices between them, to more licks, sucks and kisses.

From there I began to move slowly upwards, licking and stroking her shins, knees and thighs – and of course paying much more special attention to that ultra-soft flesh that covered the insides of them.

Only then – after she had moved her legs apart so my kisses could reach all the way down between them – only then did I begin to head towards the already nectar-laden folds I could see awaiting me at their apex.

Spreading her legs even further apart I crouched there, slipping my longest finger just within those already moistly pouting pussy-lips, and as I did so, bending low, so my tongue could add its part in providing her with the greatest possible level of pleasure.

During the time I had spent kissing and caressing her, Bethany had remained relatively silent, merely giving the occasional breathy sigh, soft moan, and every now and then – and only when I targeted some particularly tender spot – a sharply indrawn hiss of increased excitement.

But as my fingers and tongue began to stimulate her pussy and clitoris, those sounds both intensified and grew far, far more frequent. At the same time her body arched itself upwards, pushing her pussy even more firmly down on to my still probing fingers and also against what my mouth and tongue were doing for her.

Then writhing jerkily as she drove herself towards the inevitable climax.

Even so, even when that had exhausted itself, I was not finished with her. I still ached for that perfect oneness with her, with her body, with her very being – and the only way I knew to achieve that, was to continue doing more of what I had already done.

So, once the rippling waves of her orgasm seemed to be waning – I rolled her over to lie face down – and began doing exactly what I had, but to the back of her.

I doubt that I spent as much time making love to her back, as I had to the front of her – but it would have been only a matter of a minute or two less – and I, and clearly Bethany, loved every single second of it.

While I was licking and stroking her back, her shoulders, even her legs, she lay there, just moaning and occasionally gasping – but once I slid one hand beneath her and lifted her, so I could lick down in the crack between her bottom cheeks, she immediately began to react even more strongly.

For a moment I was of course tempted to either do what I had done the previous evening, or even to take the alternative route she had blushingly offered to me – but I knew that this time I needed to be able to see her face as I made love with her. So I once again rolled her over.

Then I literally buried my face back down between her thighs – that time nibbling her still stiffly swollen clitoris, then taking her entire pussy in my mouth, and sucking her.

Bethany squealed, loudly, wriggling herself even harder against me, her entire body writhing as I continued re-stimulating her still excitedly spasming pussy and clitoris.

But then – although both croaky and breathless – I heard her. ‘I want you Mark! I want you now! I need to feel you hard and deep inside me!’

By then I was certainly ready for her, my re-energised cock was once again rock-hard, quivering in anticipation of what lay in store for us. And because I had spent so much time making love to her, she not only had the secretions from her earlier climax lubricating her, but those that I had triggered as I’d licked and sucked her. So, once I had the tip of my cock in her, I then had no trouble in thrusting the entire length of the rest of it where she had called for it to be, deep, deep inside her.

But then, just as I had with everything else I had done, I pushed back and forth, slowly – plunging deeply and savouring the intensity of the s
ensations that her slick tightness produced for me. Sensations that coursed straight up my spine, sometimes jolting me with the amount of ecstatic exhilaration they gave me.

Now in spite of the power of those feelings, I obtained others from being able to see the expressions on Bethany’s face as my thrusting drove her towards yet another climax. Sometimes her big brown eyes stared fixedly up into mine, and both their wide-eyed look of amazement at my potency – and their almost insensibly glazed one of sheer rapture – thrilled me just as much as did the purely physical excitement of the feel of her pussy clutching my cock so tightly.

Bethany seemed to derive similar feelings to those I was experiencing, her previous low moans turning to more sharply emitted cries of ever increasing excitement. Cries that grew even louder and shriller when she eventually felt me verging on the brink of my orgasm.

But then, when I was about to make my thrusting both faster and much more powerful – I felt her heaving herself upwards, and lifting her legs, she curled them around me, around my waist, then locked them, tight.

‘I can’t begin to describe what it feels like – having you buried so deeply inside me darling!’ She said throatily. ‘It’s as though my body has been waiting for just you, that only you could fill that achingly empty space that’s always been inside me.’ she added.

‘And I’ve been waiting for you to come along and make my entire life whole my darling.’ I answered.

‘So now let’s take each other to that other place – please, please Mark, take me to our private paradise!’

And together we did exactly that – with her legs making sure I continued driving as deep into her as was possible, and with the combination of the tightness of both them and her pussy doing much the same thing with my cock, it was not long before I felt my climax surging upwards from within me – and, sensing that, Bethany allowed hers to take its grip of her.

Then our rapturous sounds blended, merged, became as one – and we reached a totally synchronised and perfectly harmonised, climax – together.


Once we had eventually regained at least a little of our composure, Bethany suggested we take a quick dip in the river. ‘There’s a spot just around the downstream side of this outcrop, the river’s formed a bit of a hole there, and it has nice sandy bottom, so it’s quite safe to swim in. I brought a couple of towels with me, so drying off won’t be a problem.’

Getting rid of our sweat and other stickiness, sounded a really great idea, so that’s what we did – just like a couple of exuberant teen-agers, we skinny-dipped.

Of course in addition to the cleansing swim, there was also good deal of horse-play between us, much laughing, splashing, along with a fair bit of pushing and shoving – not to mention the occasional quick grope of one or the other’s more sensitive parts… But we made the most of the isolation that enabled us to be so playful, and that time is one that has remained vividly memorable for both of us.

More out of concern for getting sunburnt, than out of modesty, once dry, we slipped back into our clothes then settled down to enjoy that fabulous picnic that Bethany had put together for us. Then when fully replete, as the combination of both it and our previous physical exertions had made us drowsy, we lay curled up together and dozed off for a while.

I’m sure that on any other day we would have made love again once we woke, but knowing that the boys would soon be back from their camping excursion, even though Bethany responded eagerly to my kisses, I could tell she was also nervously anxious – so I, with difficulty, restrained myself.

But, once clear of the difficult fire-trail, I allowed my hand to slip across – first resting lightly on her knee, then slipping under her skirt to stroke her thigh, and in time, to edge its way even higher – until its travels, and where my fingers found themselves probing, caused her steering to became just a little too erratic, and I consoled myself with merely lovingly curling them around her.

Chapter 14

Once she had dropped me off at my place – giving me a long and lingering kiss before she let me out of the car, and then saying – ‘It’s been the most wonderful day of my life Mark! I just hope it will be the first of very many of them.’ And I had assured her that I felt exactly the same way that she did, she added. ‘But I’ll have to spend some time with the boys tomorrow evening, so I won’t be able to see you again until we have our next choral practice, on Tuesday.’ Then, after one final kiss, she drove off, leaving me with the feeling that I was suddenly the most lonely man on the planet.

But of course the time between then and the Tuesday evening did pass relatively quickly and when I answered the door to let her in I saw that she not only had her regular hand-bag with her, but also a small valise.

‘Are you planning on going somewhere?’ I asked, indicating the second bag.

‘Only here – that is if you’ll have me!’ she replied, smiling broadly. ‘I had a long talk with the boys last night – explaining how you and I thought we felt about each other. Ssh!’ she added when she saw I was about to interrupt her.

‘I’ve always been very open with them about relationships – and sexuality – so they quite understood exactly what I was saying. And, although they admit they really don’t know you very well yet, they say that if you’re good enough for me, then that’s OK with them too!’ she explained. ‘So it was actually their idea that I would be wanting to spend the occasional night round here – and they also said that they wouldn’t mind too much if you spent some others around at our place.’

‘Oh Bethany, how absolutely marvellous!’ I exclaimed, reaching out and hugging her as tightly as I could.

So, having cleared spaces in both my bed-room and bath-room for the few things she had brought with her, we both decided that for once my singing practice could be forgotten, and we piled straight into bed.

Even though it had been barely forty eight hours since we had been together, the way we went at each other would have been more appropriate for a couple who had actually been parted for months!

I had a truly voracious need of her – and Bethany seemed almost totally insatiable. Certainly what we did that time could not be described as ‘making love’, we were far more like two beasts of the field – simply rutting.

Even when we were both done – some very long time later – we still clung tightly together, as though it was only the feel of each other’s flesh beneath our gripping fingers that could convince us that where we were, and what we were experiencing was more than some purely imaginary, paradisiacal dreamland.

‘I’ve truly never felt anything like this with any other man Mark!’ she managed to say in a still no more than a raspingly hissing voice.

‘Nor I my darling – I mean with any other woman!’ I added hastily. But although quite unwittingly, that did manage to break the erotically charged tension between us.

‘I’m very glad to hear that!’ she said with a barely muffled giggle. ‘But I think you’d better let me up now, because if not one of us is going to be sleeping on a very large, and very wet spot tonight.’

‘So long as you remain beside me, I wouldn’t care if I was sleeping in a swamp my darling.’ I answered. ‘But, if you’ll feel more comfortable, go – but go quickly, and return even faster please!’ I added as I released her.

As she scrambled nakedly from the bed I took a long and still lustfully loving look at her, at the tightness of her pert little bottom, its cheeks jiggling as she scooped up her hastily discarded clothes, then scampered from the room.

‘You won’t need all those!’ I called after her. ‘Just the dainty things I didn’t get a chance to have a look at!’ I added, remembering the briefest of glimpses I’d had of some silky nothingness she’
d had on under her outer things.

While she was gone I used some tissues to wipe myself clean of the residual stickiness I’d accumulated during our frantic fucking, then – as the evening was still warm enough not to really need anything, put on just a pair of white silk boxers, then headed out to the kitchen.

Bethany was not gone long and when she reappeared in the door-way I quite literally held my breath – not knowing whether I wished I had taken the earlier opportunity to look at what she was wearing, or thankful that I’d had my first look at her in it when I was in a much better condition to properly appreciate it. She looked absolutely stunning! And I said so.

She was again wearing a combination of a silk and lace camisole top, with matching panties. But it was not just the figure-hugging cut, nor the way her gorgeous body filled it, that made the outfit so breathtakingly sensual – but the skilful way the designer had combined the silk and lace parts to accentuate the most feminine parts of her.

The silk was a deep lavender colour, the lace a rich creamy white, patterned with an open-work scrolling made up of a design showing a mix of roses and a few quite tiny rose-buds. The nipple of one breast was hidden by one of those little rose-buds, but the other peeped invitingly through a space in the very centre of one of the larger roses.

The lace-work continued down from one side of her breasts, following the curve of her waist, and where it ended at her hip, was picked up by the same design trailing down one side of the improbably scanty panties. They also reflected the pattern at the bodice of the top, the open-work running across to splay down over her mons, then even appearing to continue on down between her legs. That section was also decorated with the floral motif, one of the larger, more open roses allowing the shadow of her pubic hair to clearly show through it, while beneath, nestling roughly where her clitoris would be, there was just one single, and obviously still tightly furled, little rose-bud.

‘That – no you – you’re absolutely stunning!’ I said huskily – knowing I was staring wide-eyed, but totally unable to do anything about that.

She smiled, a smile that showed she not only appreciated the genuineness of my comment – but even understood my temporary inability to express myself more comprehensively.

‘And you’re beginning to look especially good in those Mark.’ She replied as her eyes dropped to take in the shape that must have immediately started clearly showing itself through the thin covering fabric. ‘But I imagine we would both probably benefit from a bit of a rest before we start again. Don’t you think so?’

‘So long as you’re not planning on covering up anytime soon – most definitely!’ I replied. ‘Now, how about a drink?’

‘A glass of wine would be lovely, thank you.’

So, having opened a bottle of crisply chilled white, we sat there in the kitchen, in nothing but our underwear – Bethany in that erotically charged concoction of body-hugging, silk and form-displaying lace-work – and me in just a pair of plain white boxers.

‘Here’s to us my darling!’ I said, raising my glass to clink it against hers.

‘I’ll drink to that!’ she replied – then having taken the first small sip, she added. ‘But now we’re going to have to start to think about when and how we let at least some people know that they can expect to see us together much more often.’

‘I’ll put an advert in the paper.’ I suggested, not entirely facetiously – but which still made her chuckle.

‘Well that would certainly be one way – but we do need to think about it.’

‘What about the Founders’ Ball?’ I asked a few moments later, for some reason suddenly remembering the notice I’d seen in the foyer of the club I had joined as a purely social member.

‘Oh yes! Yes, that would be perfect darling – you are a clever man to think of it. And I’d love to have an opportunity to really dress-up for you.’ she added excitedly.

‘Well if I had a choice about it, I think I’d still prefer you exactly as you are now – thank you.’

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A wedding evening that we didn't want to go to until we met a couple who didn't want to be there either so we went some where else So the wedding evening was finally here and after this evening the last thing in my mind was to sit in an area of people we don’t know and small talk.. After having Steve throbbing cock forced into my mouth earlier and watching myself in the mirror being finger fucked and for the first time watching what Steve sees when he cums , No wonder that turns him omg ,...

2 years ago
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E049 Holiday Sunday evening

During the late afternoon, Donald nudges Emma a few times to roll over so not to get too much sun on either side.  He understands that after this day in the sun, and tomorrow, Emma will have tan lines from her suit which she doesn’t get when naked in the tanning bed.This thought somehow arouses him to think about seeing some of her skin, covering her most private places paler than the rest.  Like she is hiding herself from others, saving it all just for him.  He knows he is getting a bit crazy...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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special evening

It was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...

1 year ago
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Katies Begining Friday Evening

Katie went put her blazer back on to hide what she was wearing as she left the room..and the stopped. With her blazer over her arm she asked outside to the awaiting girls who were initially surprised by Katie's bravery. Bit her smile and confident talk confirmed, Katie was a girl and didn't care who saw her anymore.It was three confident girls who walked arm in arm, boarded the bus and headed for home. Once home, the school uniforms were removed, never to be worn again, except perhaps...

1 year ago
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Exhibitionist Sister Chapter 12 Friday Evening

Hello all! I apologize for yet another extremely long lapse between the release of the previous story and this one. I’ve been extremely busy. I genuinely appreciate the continued support and interest in my stories, though. I hope you all are doing well, and I very much hope you enjoy this next chapter. There are two characters in this chapter, Kristen and Jordan, who are relatively new. Both of them made an appearance in the last chapter, and they are also found in another story/series,...

2 years ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 8 Wednesday Evening

The first thing I had to do, of course, was to rush to Mr. Scott's room and deliver Tuesday's two chapters to him. And rush I did, ignoring Reasonable Requests along the way. I wanted to grant them, but there just wasn't time. I got to his room just as the warning bell rang, so I wasn't late. I gave him the chapters, asked him if he'd like a quick grope, and giggled like a little girl when he thumbed my nips. But then the Program kid for his Homeroom class came in. It was Marsha...

3 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 10 Jennifer Chancelor Saturday Evening

There is nothing in my life comparable to driving around in an antique car. They look different. They sound different. They feel different. They even smell different. People you go past turn their heads to look at the car. They look at you riding in the car and wonder, ‘Who are those people? What’s special about them that they get to drive around like that? Why are they all dressed up? What’s the special occasion?’ This particular antique car is a Holden FX. Her name is Mabel. She’s been in...

2 years ago
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Suzie Gets Even

If stories of heavy sex and incest turn you off then stop reading right now. Suzie Gets Even by Jenny Leeds Chapter 1 Jack glanced sidelong at Suzie as they rode the service elevator down to the street. She looked subdued. He guessed she was taking old man Bellows' death pretty hard. It surprised him--he would've thought she'd be glad. After all, the guy had been keeping her a slave, and he'd done--that other thing--to her. The elevator doors opened. She staggered...

3 years ago
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Tami Gets Even

There was one park in particular that she really enjoyed since it was always empty. She never saw the need to leash her two retrievers and would let them chase squirrels and birds to their hearts content. This March afternoon though she was surprised to see several cars in the parking lot. She muttered to the dogs as she walked past the parked cars to the trailhead, “Must be a walking club boys, we need to make sure we don’t spook anyone.” She knew the dogs were friendly but the last thing she...

4 years ago
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Get Even

1 The sun beat down harshly that Saturday afternoon. Jimmy thanked his lucky stars that his family had a pool. The shining water sucked the excess heat from him, and buoyed his lithe form as he glided from one end to the other. “Hey Jimmy, get over here.” He grimaced. He was not quite so thankful for his sister. “You get over here, Rachel.” “Nuh-huh,” she said. “I need you to do something for me here. Besides, I’m not getting up. Do you see my top being on?” Without thinking, he snapped...

1 year ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 34 A Weekend at Gretchenrsquos Saturday Evening

Back at Gretchen’s they carried in all the bags. Nina was about to start unpacking when Gretchen looked at her and asked, “Forgetting something?” Puzzled, Nina asked, “Did I leave something in the car?” “No, but what are slaves supposed to be in this house?” “Uh ... oh, damn. They’re supposed to be naked. I’m sorry Mistress.” Nina’s clothes came off quickly, since there wasn’t much of them. “Do I need to submit myself for punishment, Mistress?” “I’ll chalk it up to being too excited about...

2 years ago
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Wife Gets Even

Bill?" It was June again. "Yes" I replied "Now it is time for you to prepare for tonight." She continued. "First off if you truly love me and wish me to consent for you to remain my husband you better follow through with my next demands. Do you understand and agree to do as your told?" June asked. "Yes I understand and I'll comply" I meekly replied. "You are forbidden from masturbating until I tell you otherwise!" She ordered sternly. "I know you must have whacked off on my video already. I...

2 years ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 10 Thursday Evening

Botilda met me at the bike racks, and we started for Lagrange Dojo. There was an uncomfortable silence. I didn't want to say anything to set her off, and she ... well, only she knows. Finally, however, she spoke. "I'm trying to be the supportive best friend," she started, "and I'm trying to understand. Really I am." I smiled, nodded, and brushed her hand with mine. I didn't think I should speak yet, because it was clear she wasn't finished. She heaved a huge sigh. "It was easy...

2 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Evening

Friday Evening The gates disappeared behind them a few moments later. “Are you ready for class today?” “Yeah. Can I ask another serious question?” “Of course.” “How are you feeling about the conversation with my parents later?” “Well...” I can feel your nervousness. You don’t need to try to hide it. Wouldn’t you be if our positions were reversed? She smiled. Totally. It’s only natural. Honestly though, you have nothing to worry about. “I know that, but that doesn’t lessen the...

3 years ago
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A Single Evening

I couldn’t believe it. After two years, complete with absolutely no contact and not so much as a passing hello, I was preparing for a night alone with him. Now that graduation had come and gone, the age of 18 had finally been reached, I could go on freely with my life. No more parents to condemn me to a life of dull conversations with life forms that had never so much as mumbled thoughts of sexual interactions. My mother would have to find another life to stick her nose in. I had finally been...

3 years ago
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Getting Even

Bella stood before her mirror as she dressed. “I don’t know why you’re complaining. It’s your fault after all.” Grant sat on their bed with his head in his hands. “Can’t we do something else, Bella?” “Why?” she asked. “Because this is stupid!” he exclaimed. “Really? So you’d rather I call my lawyer and tell him to proceed with the divorce?” “No!” he exclaimed. “Then we proceed.” Bella slipped on a maroon dress that hugged her curves and accented her full, round breasts. “Must you wear...

4 years ago
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Janes Evening

(Thanks to Holliexx for feedback on this) Jane was bored. She had finished work for the day; another boring day in the same, boring office, taking boring messages she didn't understand and didn't want to understand. She had got home extremely tired and flopped down on her sofa, kicking off her heels and lying back. She knew she should probably change out of her work clothes but she was exhausted. She liked to make an effort with how she looked at work - it was about her only pleasure there! She...

Straight Sex
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Runner in the morning Ladyboy in the evening

To all readers: This story is meant to be read by Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading further. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening By Greta Now I am living in a new town, just having moved here a few months ago. I can?t live without my morning run so every day after I wake up I get ready for a run in the Park nearby. After a couple of days I spotted a gorgeous woman with an incredible figure, long brown hair and...

3 years ago
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Beating the Odds and the Evens

BEATING THE ODDS AND THE EVENSCHAPTER 1I always considered myself an average guy through my first thirty years.  I had some bad breaks and some good ones.  But since 1929 it's been like heaven on earth.  Everything seems to have fallen into my lap, and most of it has been serendipity. Let me explain.I come from a small farming family in Valdosta, Georgia.  I was an only child, but my folks were nice people and my childhood was normal.  Things began to change shortly after I finished high school...

4 years ago
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Dont Get Mad Get Even

Hi folks, First off, I want to say thanks for all of the wonderful e-mails I got about last month's Story (Falling in and out of Love). I was really glad to see that a lot of you understood what I was going for. This one is a different animal though. I hope that the story is worth at least what you've paid to read it. For those of you who don't like this one, just e-mail me, tell me what you didn't like and I'll send you a refund. Thanks to the legendary Barney-R for editing this one...

3 years ago
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Wife Gets Even

Six months after May and I had our brush with disaster my wife sprung a lulu on me. The intervening months had been unbelievable. Despite my catching my devoted wife in the midst of a tryst with my erstwhile best friend Ralph, we were truly a happier couple. We really did love one another more deeply and completely than we had before though I had not thought it possible at the time. And to my immense and complete surprise I actually trusted her more implicitly than I had before. Don't ask...

2 years ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 6 Tuesday Evening

Botilda and I met at the bike rack, and from there walked to the Lagrange Dojo. This dojo was founded back in the 2060's, in one of the old Island One Stanford Torus habitats, before Mendocino was even built. It's been in the Lagrange family ever since. When the grandson of the founder relocated here, he brought the dojo with him. Not just the decorations and teaching staff, but the equipment and most of the original structure. It cost him, quite a bit, but at least he wasn't trying to...

3 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 6 Bonnie Chancelor Friday Evening

Like I said last time this is all my own writing. I’m typing it into the computer and I’m going to get Jen to read it and tell me if there’s anything stupid but mostly it’s my own writing. I know how to use the spelling checker so hopefully I won’t get any words wrong but if I get some wrong then I’m sorry but I’m trying my best. And Jen says I still have to learn more about grammar so if you don’t like reading what I write ‘cause I don’t know enough grammar then I’m sorry about that too. Jen...

1 year ago
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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 8 Friday Afternoon And Evening

Amanda We walked out of the lunchroom, headed to Bio. Before we even got ten feet, we were stopped, by a kid we didn't know. Apparently, when the news about the events of the morning had spread, a bunch of kids put together a petition campaign to save The Program. The kid we ran into outside the lunchroom recognized us, and said, "I know that you two want to sign this!" We did, of course. The kid told us that they had close to half the school signed, and in only a couple of hours. So,...

2 years ago
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E085 Thursday evening

In the kitchen, Emma suggests that the sandwiches left from lunch would be fine for dinner, rather than fixing anything more.  That in itself won so many points with Dorothy and Maude.  Emma being so considerate.  They go about getting things out, setting the table, making a salad, and bringing out the seafood macaroni. All are a little worried what a repeat of lunch might arouse, but now all so sexually satisfied for the moment it is fine.Dinner on the table, bottles of wine opened to share,...

Love Stories
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Cassies Birthday Evening

She only got to see her lover on her birthday.  You see, Cassie Johnson was a mother and a wife.  She loved her husband and children dearly.  She only saw her lover on her birthday.  Her birthday was special and her lover was special to her.  Her husband was always out of town on her birthday.Her husband had no idea that she cheated on him.  She met her lover online many moons ago.  They had an emotional affair for years and a few years back met in real life.  Cassie loved making love with her...

2 years ago
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Surprise Work Evening

I’ve always been shy, very uncomfortable around people I don’t know and especially girls. I’ve mentioned my male characters’ love lives a few times and it was totally me, shy, bashful, afraid to even talk to a girl until my wife snared me at a basketball game. Even after, the bashfulness never went away, even to this day.Fast forward a few years, past the Coast Guard, working for the City in the Planning and Building Department. The City wanted to do a survey of housing units. We put together a...

1 year ago
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An erotic evening

She was gorgeous, and I always had a bit of a crush on her. She was about 5’10”, Indian, with massive smooth breasts and wide hips. Her best feature was her face though, perfect smooth skin, long black hair and a stunning smile. Every time I looked at her I would get hard. She was also a little naive though, and had been having trouble with “boyfriends” at her new school. So I made the 30 minute drive to see her one evening and buy her dinner. We decided to go to a little cafe and...

4 years ago
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Her Evening

Bill looked around the restaurant, his eyes seeking her. The candle-lit booths and dark red curtains made seeing anyone at all difficult. He had chosen this place because of the 3-piece combo that played there on Friday evenings, because the food was superb and the service impeccable, but mainly because it was her favorite place. It had been years. Would she look different? Would she have changed so much that they would not have anything at all to talk about? No matter what, he knew he...

3 years ago
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Early Evening

It is the early evening hours and we are just completing our dinner. We have eaten in that comfortable quiet that seasoned lovers do, exchanging glances of passion that are barely hidden under the surface whilst we share the minutiae of our respective days. I delight in your telling of the long walks you took with Amy in the warmth of this spring day. As you laugh with delight at the recollection of her rolling playfully in the few remaining banks of snow, I smile as I enjoy the sound of your...

3 years ago
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Sinfully Sweet Erotic Evening

Kathy and Jerry were your typical power couple. They both worked hard and played even harder. They were lucky because they had the most wonderful babysitter. Tara was her name and how the children loved her. Tara was very studious and seemed to be quiet and reserved, however, when she came to babysit, she seemed to become a different person. The children enjoyed when Tara babysat.Tara had been babysitting for the Winger's for about four years now. Recently, Tara had been accepted into an ivy...

Group Sex
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An Appetizer To Start The Evening

Amy sighed as James’ lips touched the nape of her neck. Her body involuntarily pushed against his body as she quivered from his light kisses. She felt his growing manhood against her leather skirt and she moaned. His hand squeezed her hard nipple while his other hand brushed away her golden wispy blond hair as he kissed her neck again. “Oh James,” she cooed. She longed to turn around and kiss him but her hands bound above her head prevented that. Earlier, he had bound them to a pull-up bar...

1 year ago
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my satin shemale evening

It was a usual Friday night. The bar was busy with guys as ever but nothing seemed to stand out this evening. I drank for a while then i got a pat on the shoulder, i lowered my drink and turned to see the most beautiful lady id ever seen. (or least i thought see was a lady)She asked me if i was alone, to witch i replied yes. after a few drinks we were getting along great she said, 'shall we ditch this joint and head for mine' Winking at me. I thought id hit the jackpot. The taxi ride was long...

2 years ago
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The Game Of Sex Odd Or Even

Hiya guys…This is aaxer again with a new story…Most probably a new genre…New experiences of sex…Straight indulgence in satisfaction and et cetera…Now to the story.   This is actually the story of me and my bestie…And hell yes!!! We are straight.I don’t know how to just satisfy our needs we got indulged in sex…And for sure we loved it and we need it now occasionally too. Let me describe him…He is kinda skinny guy…But not skinny…Just a bit and also he is tall and his skin tone is real white...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Sarah Gets Even

Sarah Gets Even By Ellen I can't help it if I suffer from wandering eye disease. There is a woman walking down the street in a real short skirt, or tight jeans, I can't help but look. I see an hour glass figure or a pair of very nice breasts and my appreciation usually became obvious. Especially to my girlfriend, Sarah hated that I always looked at other women. Worst of all, I would do stupid things like point out other women with her in the car with me, or if we were...

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