Come Sail Away With Me free porn video

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Chastity, in a long, elegant evening dress of deep green satin, whirled around the dance floor with one man after another, thoroughly enjoying the swishing sound the dress made, the way it contrasted with her flaming hair. She was the official hostess of this dinner party. Since her mother had died four years earlier, when Chastity was only fifteen, Chastity had had to assume the role of hostess at any and all the O’Doyle family’s social events. These events were necessary to secure her father’s influence with the men who made all the decisions about everything. She and her father were not wealthy, but he pulled in a sum in the low six figures, she had never wanted for anything. Her hourglass figure and flaming red hair caused many to regard her as a great beauty, but it meant nothing to her. All that panting, flapping around and messy exchange of fluids held no interest for her. The hoards of men, who had always flitted around her like bees to a blossom, were a minor irritation. Her father had always kept tight reign on her, bent on keeping her sexual condition the same as her name.

She had not exactly remained true to her name, but her involvements with the opposite sex had been few and unsatisfying: boys her own age were frightfully immature and silly, awed by her mere presence, while the men in her own sphere, (in September she would be entering graduate school) her father claimed, were too old for her. She had the social graces to keep things rolling, to assist her father in maintaining his position among men of true wealth and power, but she saw little value in hurried thrustings and fevered thrashings. She had learned to take charge herself of whatever urges manifested themselves. Her status as an academic had relegated her to a lofty position no boys her age could breach. In addition, the older men she routinely entertained for her father, saw her and treated her, as a child. She sought after and dreamed of, none of it. Her dream was to become the youngest female CEO of a fortune 500 company.

She had long ago given up hope of having any semblance of a normal life. She hated whirling around with a bunch of old coots and smiling her inane ‘flight attendant’ smile at everyone. Well, it wouldn’t be long. Three more months and she would be at Yale business school. She was dancing with George Marshall, an important business associate of her father and wealthy forty-five year old, keeping him at bay, listening to his chatter, and interjecting an encouraging phrase now and then, when she noticed a pair of dark eyes fixed on her from across the room. It was as if they bored through her, saw the soft and tender places deep within. She shook her head to dispel the eerie feeling, and went on about her business.

Later that evening, riding home with her father in the limo, she inquired, ‘Chas, (She was a modern, liberated woman who addressed her father by his given name, which was actually Chastain, but she found that cumbersome.) Who was that man at the party?’

‘Which one, hon?’

‘I don’t know, I never saw him before. He was tall, well dressed in a very nice pearl gray silk suit. But, it was his eyes I noticed, black, it looked like they were. It was the oddest thing.’

‘Oh, I know who you mean. That was Lance Tollidair. He is the CEO of IntraCon. Enormously wealthy. One of those miracle boys. Billionaire before he was twenty-five. He has kind of a reputation as a ladies man, but he’s only, er, I’m not sure, early thirties, I think. Took a small machine tool business he inherited from his dad, worth maybe two, three million, made some changes, obtained some acquisitions, bought up some failing companies, somehow turned it all into, I don’t know, some say maybe 10 billion.’

‘That figures.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘I could feel his arrogance from across the room.’

‘I hear tell he’s a great guy, nice person in general, very charitable. Don’t think he’s in the market for marriage, though.’

‘What are you trying to say? Neither am I, ‘in the market’. I have places to go and worlds to conquer. Maybe some day when I’ve amassed my own fortune, I’ll ask him out,’ Chastity laughed aloud. Several days went by. Chastity’s life went along on its day-to-day shuffle. On Wednesday, there was a knock at her door. She answered to find a messenger, hand delivering a message, the first such message she had ever received. It read like an invitation: Mr. Lance Tollidair requests the pleasure of the company of Ms. Chastity O’Doyle at dinner on Friday June 16th at 7 pm – RSVP.

Chastity was stunned. The messenger waited. If she responded in the affirmative, would it be a date? She supposed it would. Her first date in a long time. She blushed strongly, her crimson cheeks augmenting the startling color of her long tresses. ‘Just a moment please,’ she said to the messenger. From her desk, she penned a quick reply on her own custom linen stationary. ‘Ms. Chastity O’Doyle regrets she cannot accept the invitation of Mr.’ . . . she had to look at the message to find it, ‘Lance Tollidair,’ stuffing the letter in a matching envelope and scratching his name on the outside. She returned to the foyer and handed over the letter, tipping the messenger with a five for his trouble. ‘That should dismiss, Mr. Big Shot arrogant billionaire,’ she thought to herself.

On Thursday, she answered the door to find a delivery boy with three dozen American Beauty Roses and a note from Mr. Tollidair: ‘I am sorry if I have in some way offended you. Won’t you please have dinner with me? Call me.’ His phone number was scrawled below. There it was again, ‘Call me’, as if she had nothing better to do with her time. She knew what he had planned for her, didn’t they all!

Chastity put the roses in a cut crystal vase and tossed the note in the trash. She buried her face in the flowers, absorbing their calming aroma. ‘Well, flowers are always nice, no matter who sends them,’ she said to herself.

On Monday, FedEx delivered a five-pound box of Belgian chocolates, apparently directly from Belgium. There was no note attached.

On Wednesday, she received notice that a star had been named after her in the official registry.

On Friday, she received a telegram notifying her that a donation of $10,000 had been made in her name to the SPCA. This time there was a note that said simply: ‘Please call me, 987-3210.’

She had to admit, if nothing else, he was determined. Or was it stubborn? This time she crumbled up the note and shoved it in her pocket.

Late that night, as Chastity was preparing for bed, the balled up note fell from her pocket. She smoothed it out and set it on her nightstand. The next day at noon, as she was on her way to the country club for a round of doubles tennis with friends, she pulled out her keys to start her Jetta and the note fell into her lap. ‘Hmm, funny,’ she thought, but then realized she must have swept the note up from the nightstand with her keys. ‘It is starting to look as if fate is telling me to call him,’ she thought. ‘What harm could it do? Looks like it’s me that’s being stubborn. What the heck. I have to eat anyway.’ She reminded herself to call him after tennis, but of course, she forgot. She spent a delightful afternoon at the club and drove home feeling quite satisfied from the friendship and physical exercise. Her phone rang, while she was driving home about 3:45pm. She answered immediately instead of letting it go to voice mail, and without checking caller ID. For some reason a number flashed in her head, 987-3210. ‘Hello?’ She said.

‘Finally, I get to speak to you. Please don’t hang up.’ The voice was a deep warm masculine baritone. She paused, way too long.

‘Hello,’ he said, ‘Are you there?’

‘Yes, I’m here,’ Chastity finally answered. ‘What do you want?’

‘What I have wanted since I first laid eyes on you, to ask you out, take you to dinner. However, if there is something else you would like to do, somewhere else, you’d like to go, that’s ok
ay, too. I can eat anytime.’

‘When?’ she finally replied, sighing deeply, as if surrendering to a force greater than herself.

‘YOU WILL! Sorry for shouting. How about tonight? Around eight?’

‘Well, okay, yes, yes I will’

‘Great, I will pick you up at eight.’

‘I live at. . .’

‘Oh, I know where you live. I know everything about you.’

Chastity found herself blushing, even through the phone. ‘What shall I wear?’

This time it was his turn to pause a long time. ‘Wear whatever you like. Whatever you would wear if you wanted to impress a man. You can wear nothing if you wish. No one would dare question you anyway.’

‘Well, thank you, I think, er, Mr., er,’

‘Lance, it’s Lance, Chastity.’ Thinking he had better hang up while he was ahead, he said, ‘okay, great, see you at eight then. Bye.’

‘Uh, okay, er, bye.’

‘Geez,’ she thought to herself, ‘you really came across as a dodo that time, girl. Oh well, no matter, it’s only dinner, just this one time, that’s all.’ When she was almost home, a strange picture flashed through her brain. She was sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant, naked except for a striped man’s tie, across from her sat an impeccably dressed Lance Tolladair. She shook off the image and began her list. ‘I should probably wear my basic black dress, heels, but not too high, evening purse. Hmm, maybe the single strand pearls. Geez, do I have time to do my hair?’ she asked herself, looking at the dash clock. It was 4:45. ‘Just barely, if I hurry.’ She paused only a moment to ask herself, ‘if I care nothing about men, nothing about this arrogant. . . about this, this, Lance person, this date, (she had to admit it was a date), why was she so worried about her damned hair?’

*** *** ***

At exactly 7:58 pm, Lance Tollidair pulls up in front of Chastity’s Old Victorian home . He walks the ten paces or so, briskly, and raps smartly on her door. She, of course, is not ready. She is of that class of women who believe it is productive to keep a man waiting. Chastain and Lance speak for a few minutes before Chastity appears. She comes down the stairs like a princess, expecting to be bowed to, looking absolutely stunning in a tight midnight blue satin dress, cut low at the breast and flaring out below the knee. The startling blue is a perfect contrast to her flaming red tresses. The cut of the dress shows off her ample charms to their best advantage.

She is two steps down the winding staircase when his head begins to turn. His jaw does not drop as she had expected. Instead, his deep black eyes fix on her body and follow it down step by step. Chastity, disconcerted by his gaze, nearly stumbles. She knows now, instinctively, no matter what clothes she wears, his dark eyes will see through any subterfuge, catch her naked and exposed.

He presents his hand graciously to her as her foot touches the bottom step. His eyes move to catch her eye. He smiles deeply. ‘Shall we go?’ he asks lightly. ‘You look ravishing.’

‘Th, th, thank you,’ Chastity mumbles.

As they walk to his car, she is surprised she cannot tell what make or model it is. The color is a translucent pearl, the chassis low-slung, the styling bold. He opens her door for her and she slides in to soft gray leather surrounded by wood she thinks must be black teak. The sports car smells strongly of maleness, leather and wood and spice, and something that plays on the edge of her consciousness, but remains unnamed. Chastity decides she likes the smell very much.

Lance speaks little as he manipulates the little car through its paces. In minutes, they are on the expressway, his car eating the road, conquering and subduing it. Lance guides it expertly, with little apparent effort. The space in the tiny car is limited, placing them in close proximity, his fingers sometimes touching her hand or wrist as he manipulates the gears. While she still cannot identify it, she determines that the strong, pleasing male scent emanates from the man himself.

Chastity finally thinks of something to say. ‘What kind of a car is this? I’ve never seen anything like it.’

Lance laughs. ‘It’s called a Bristol Blenheim. I saw one once, then when I got, well, made my money, I decided to pamper myself and get one. The steering wheel is usually on the other side. I had to pay extra to have it changed for driving in America. Do you like it?’

‘I like it very much, but it must have been horribly expensive.’

Lance merely shrugs.

‘You know hundreds of hungry people could have eaten for what you paid for this.’

Lance looks over at her as if she were a snake. He pauses a moment to collect his thoughts. ‘You know, you shouldn’t be so quick to judge. You don’t know me at all. And if someone had paid me as much attention as I have paid you, I probably would be nicer to them.’

‘But I. . .’

Lance interrupts her, holding up one finger. ‘I bought five hundred meals for homeless persons last week. How many did you buy? It is easy enough for you to sit there and criticize. I know, I don’t deserve the enormous wealth I’ve accrued. I’ve been very lucky. Nevertheless, I have also worked damn hard to get where I am, an estimated 10,000 hours. So forgive me if I spend a bit on myself. Oh, and by the way, you’re welcome.’

For a long while Chastity sits and sulks. The atmosphere in the small car is heavy with tension. ‘Some date this is turning out to be,’ she thinks. After a few more minutes, she begins to see things in a different light. Here she is, dated by one of the most eligible men in the world, rich, handsome, famous. Why must she always be so confrontational? Why can’t she relax and enjoy herself? His square jaw is set tight, muscles bulging. The intensity his face holds is much greater than necessary to guide the graceful car. She realizes she has angered him.

She takes the opportunity to really look at him, to ‘check him out’ as it were. He is impeccably dressed. His silk suit is nearly the same shade as his car, a pearly gray. His shirt, open at the throat to allow a few wisps of his blonde chest hair to show, is a deeper steel gray. Even in the dimly lit interior of the lush car, she can see that his clothes fit his body. ‘Probably hand tailored,’ she thinks. From what she can judge, he takes good care of himself. Beneath the polished exterior, his hard body moves sensuously. Why is she so set against him? ‘Look, I. . .’

‘Why don’t. . .?’

The tension broken, they laugh lightly.

‘Ladies first,’ he says, gesturing with open hand.

‘I’m sorry,’ she says. ‘You are right. That was very unfair. You have been nothing but nice to me. Can we start over? Please?’

‘Okay, forgiven and forgotten. One more thing. Say the word and I will donate a million dollars to any charity you choose. I could easily give you a million for yourself. I have thousands of them.’

Chastity blushes a bright red. Under the red blotches, the freckles across the bridge of her nose darken to a deep brown.

‘Well, we are here,’ he says lightly, pulling over to the curb. He saunters to her side of the car, but she is already climbing out.

‘As you will,’ he says, shrugging. He turns, handing the keys to a waiting valet. ‘Be careful with my baby.’

‘I will, sir, she’s beautiful. What kind of car is she sir, if you don’t mind my asking?’

‘Not at all, I get that all the time. It’s a Bristol Blenheim. Same name as a famous British World War Two bomber, same company, too. Much more well known in the UK than here.’

‘Thank you, sir.’

What is your name, son?’

‘Uh, it’s George, sir.’

‘Well George, you’re very welcome. Have a good evening and take care of her.’

‘Oh, I will, sir. You don’t have to worry with me, sir.’

He takes her arm in the way an old-fashioned gentleman would. They walk down the carpet under the traditional awning. A uniformed doorman admits them. Inside, the atmosphere is
dark, ebony and red damask with gleaming brass, crystal and gold.

Lance stands casually waiting. In a moment, a gray haired gentleman in a short evening tux glides up. ‘Good evening Mr. Tolladair, will anyone be joining you this evening?’

‘No, only Ms.O’Doyle and myself. ‘ ‘Very good, sir. It is a pleasure meeting you miss. The back table then, sir?’

‘That would be fine Armand. Thank you.’

‘Oh, and Armand (he pronounces it Armahn, Chastity notices).’

‘Yes sir?’

‘George, the Valet?’

‘Yes sir? Is there a problem, sir?’

‘Oh, no Armand, just the opposite, rarely have I met such a fine young man. He was most respectful and helpful.’

‘Well sir, I will make sure that Mr. Litel hears of your approval.’

‘That would be great, Armand. I appreciate good service and professional behavior.’

‘Right this way, sir.’ Armand guides them through the busy, but surprisingly quiet restaurant to a small table set off from the crowd. Its two chairs set side by side, rather than across from one another, face a large field stone fireplace in which a fire gently crackles. Armand draws out Chastity’s chair for her.

‘Thank you, Armand,’ she says, making no attempt to sound French.

‘Is this all right?’ Lance asks, once Armand has gone. Gesturing to the set up of the chairs, he continues, ‘I’m always afraid to seem too intimate with women I do not know. If you would be more comfortable, I will sit with my back to the fire.’

‘Don’t be silly,’ she says, ‘I am not in the least afraid.’

Lance laughs heartily. ‘Well said. It appears that our relationship, and so far I hope it’s going to be a long one, is going to be very, uh, interesting, let’s say.’

Chastity smiles, ‘I’ll bet you say that to all the girls,’ she quips.

‘Only to the beautiful redheads,’ he replies.

‘Oh ho,’ she says coyly, ‘aren’t you the charmer?’

‘Wine or an aperitif’ before dinner?’ He asks.

‘I know nothing about wine,’ she says.

‘What’s to know?’ Lance replies. ‘It’s wet, you drink it. You like it or you don’t. Personally, I believe, like the French, that a glass of wine greatly improves a great meal.’

‘In that case, I defer to your superior knowledge. Would you mind ordering for us?’

‘Not at all. Such was my intent all along,’ Lance raises his hand, as if in school, elbow bent. In about thirty seconds, the sommelier appears. ‘Anton, have you a smooth Liebfraumilch for the young lady and myself?’

‘How about the Weber, sir, 1959? It’s a bit drier to the taste and well suited for an aperitif’.’

‘That will be fine, Anton. Thank you.’


‘Yes, Chastity?’

‘Well, first of all, call me Chas, ok?’

‘Done. Chas.’

‘I, Oh, hell. I’m sorry I acted so poorly. You are right. You did absolutely nothing that I should be angry with you for. In fact, I think it was pretty nice what you did for the car boy.’

‘If you are with me for any time at all, and I hope you will be, you will soon discover that I am a person who believes in the power of the positive. Let me give you an example. You were being, well, let’s just say a bit negative toward me in the car. I could have sucked in those negative feelings and transferred them to the valet, George. I could have said, ‘Boy take care of this car. It’s worth more than you are,’ swept on past him and basically, ignored him.

‘Here’s what would have happened. George would have said, ‘Humpf! What a pompous rich ass,’ not knowing I was taking your anger out on him. The next time I came, he would remember, ignore me, maybe even park my car in a place where it might get scratched.’ ‘But instead of letting you ruin several persons’ evening, I put myself in control. I decided to be nice, positive toward George. I asked his name, put in a good word for him. What did it cost me? A minute of my time? The next time I see George, he will say, ‘Good evening Mr. Tollidair. Nice to see you this evening.’

Moreover, he will mean it. And, he will take very good care of my car. See how it works. Positive breeds positive. I’m sorry. I guess it sounds like I am lecturing you. I’m really not. It’s just that this is something I am passionate about. I see people choosing to ruin their lives, make themselves miserable when they could choose happiness.’

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The Sailing Date

Julie glanced out the window and saw a vision walking toward the restaurant. He was tall, had long black hair, and well defined muscles with the body of a gymnast rather than that of a weight lifter. He had the dark complexion of one of the Mediterranean countries. He was the hottest guy she had ever seen.“Sally, if ‘Mr. bangable’ comes up, seat him in my section.” Julie told her coworker. She and Sally were two of the three girls on staff today. The small lake front town had a shortage of...

2 years ago
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Sailing Date

Julie glanced out the window and saw a vision walking toward the restaurant. He was tall, with long black hair, and well-defined muscles with the body of a gymnast rather than that of a weightlifter. He had the dark complexion of one of the Mediterranean countries. He was the hottest guy she had ever seen. “Sally, if ‘Mr. Bangable’ comes up, seat him in my section,” Julie told her coworker.She and Sally were two of the three girls on staff today. The small lakefront town had a shortage of...

4 years ago
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Sailing Lessons

I had taken two weeks off to vacation at the lake. It was going to be sort of a working vacation, since I would be working on Uncle Ed's cabins. Uncle Ed is my wife's uncle, who has more money than he knows what to do with. He owns a whole resort on the lake, complete with about twenty cabins. He usually sets aside ten or so cabins in the middle of the summer for all of the shirt-tail relatives to use and a sort of loose family reunion ensues every summer.This summer was a little different for...

3 years ago
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Best Sailing Crew Ever

It was another spectacular day for a sail on our boat. The wind was light, but that was fine as my wife and I had a couple of guests on board who didn't really have any sailing experience. The water was smooth with hardly a noticeable wave. I figured we could motor sail out a ways and then slowly sail around taking it easy. Onboard with us that day were two women friends of ours. Both were single; one divorced for a number of years now. While good friends, they were closer to each other than to...

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Veroniques First Time Sailing Chap 1

My parents went on their big OE to England before they got married.  Based in London, they made several trips over to France and fell in love with everything about the place.  My mother had spent her seventh form year at school billeted with a French family in Tahiti, and so was almost fluent in the French language.  On one of these visits, they promised one another that their first daughter would be named Veronique.  And as their first daughter, that is what I was named.My mother wanted to...

First Time
2 years ago
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Sailing It had been a long winter and I was looking forward to sailing my sixty foot sail boat out into the Caribbean Ocean as in the last month I had filled the water tanks, shopped for food for a three week supply and made sure all the sails were in excellent shape. I needed at least one other person to help me get the “Lucky 13” out into open water as I would use the engine to power out past the jetties. The “Lucky 13” and I went back a few years as I bought it as a project and a place to...

3 years ago
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aI Am Turned On By Wife Sharing Sailing Suprise I'm at the helm of a 60 foot racing sailboat on a bright sunny day with a gentle southwest breeze blowing across the deck and filling the sails. I have always dreamed about doing this and now here I am steering this vessel while the ships crew and captain are in the cabin having lunch. I really need to start from the beginning so you will understand the SURPRISE. Karen (wife) and I were living in PNCLA while I was in school training for a job...

3 years ago
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Drew and Teri are our neighbors. I’m Jim and my wife’s name is Linda. We’d been married for two years when these events took place. I’m an attorney and Linda worked part time at a plant nursery back then. Drew is retired from the airline industry and Teri stays home or goes and does what she wants. Sometime during our first week here, Teri and Drew appeared at our door to introduce themselves, and Teri brought us a nice apple pie. She invited us to dinner with her and Drew the following...

4 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 2

She started down the ladder and then looked back to see if I was coming. I started after her. As I stepped down into the cabin, Audrey was in the galley at the bottom of the stairs, searching through her backpack. She turned around as I reached the bottom of the stairs, which put her nose to nose with me. She looked me right in the eye and smiled.“That was really close.”“Yeah,” I said, “That might have been a little embarrassing.” (That was an understatement.)She leaned forward and gave me a...

2 years ago
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Sailing Into Adulthood

I got my love of sailing from my Dad; after he and Mum split up when I was about seven, he moved out to the coast and returned to his first love, sailing.Now I'm seventeen, for me it is perfection. An apartment on a marina complex, so you are right by the ocean. It's got a big supermarket, ship’s chandlers, a few tourist shops because it’s a local attraction and a bar-restaurant.I saw one of the other residents, Cass, staring up has her first-floor apartment.“Hi James, you don’t have a ladder...

First Time
3 years ago
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Sailing Adventure 2

The next morning Dave and Marsha get up early and drive down I-95. They start to relax as soon as they leave the interstate and take the road leading down the Northern Neck between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers.Marsha tells her husband, "It is so great to get away. I am already feeling more uninhibited."Dave replies, "I am too. This is going to be a great weekend." He glances at his wife's full breasts in her top and fantasizes about Marsha showing Kurt more of her body in her bikini.They...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Sailing to Australia

We were now the three musketeers, that would be me, David Miller, Carol my wife and our business partner Ted Williams. On this truly gorgeous spring day in southern California we walked hurriedly down the wooden dock toward the object of our desire, to the temporary slip where she awaited us We walked in hurried eager steps along what seemed to be a never ending path, until we finally rounded that last turn. And there she was. God she was beautiful, and sexy, a 51 foot Beneteau, a French built...

2 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 1

I had taken two weeks off to vacation at the lake. It was going to be sort of a working vacation, since I would be working on Uncle Ed's cabins. Uncle Ed is my wife's uncle, who has more money than he knows what to do with. He owns a whole resort on the lake, complete with about twenty cabins. He usually sets aside ten or so cabins in the middle of the summer for all of the shirt-tail relatives to use and a sort of loose family reunion ensues every summer.This summer was a little different for...

3 years ago
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Sailing Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My friend Bill and I were as close as brothers, having virtually grown up together, and we each thought we knew everything there was to know about the other. Because we rarely held a secret from each other, I felt very secure in the knowledge that I held one thing very secret to myself. Bill has a sister that is two years older than we are, and is a total pain. On the other hand, I have two sisters, Karen, and Kathy, both older than I...

2 years ago
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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 9 Sailing the Incestuous Seas

Chapter Nine: Sailing the Incestuous Seas By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Remna Excitement swelled through me. I adjusted my new tulwar that hung off...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 11

As soon as we all made it back to Mac's after the kidnapping, Sue, Mercy, and Kathy cornered me. Sue said, "You shouldn't have been involved in that. You are the father to a bunch of kids with another on the way. What in the world were you thinking?" Before I could answer, Mercy said, "I know you felt you had to help Chuck, and we all love him, but you have to be careful, Steve. We need you, we don't need you hurt." Kathy actually defended me, "Steve is a man. He has to defend his...

4 years ago
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Sailing away

Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea, close to any of the thousand Greek islands, a white silhouette breaks the waves. My old sailing boat, not too big, not too small. The sails fully extended and the wind is gentle but constant. I'm at the steering wheel and you are mixing us some drinks. I look at the horizon while you take off your dress and try to get some sun. Your white skin is too sensitive you ask me to apply some cream on your back. I put the boat automatic pilot on and proceed to grab...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sailing Quiet Romance

Sailing – Quiet Romance This is a little tale about an experience I had a while ago. But first, let me introduce myself, and also mention that all characters herein are consenting adults. The names have been changed in an effort to circumvent unnecessary persecution. I’m an ‘older’ guy, recently retired, living on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, off the southwest Florida coast. I enjoy leading an active life, and try to stay fit by walking, bike riding, swimming and sailing on the...

3 years ago
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Sailing Chapter Three

Sailing Chapter ThreeThe next morning I awoke to find Linda and Janice no longer in bed and the covers were no longer on the bed as I lay there naked in the middle of the bed. The sounds of the boat resting in harbor as the sunlight streamed through the portholes helped bring me fully awake as well as the erection between my legs. I rolled off the bed and walked out into the galley not to find them and I went topside through the cockpit and found Linda sitting spread eagle on the cushions with...

3 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 4

Judith stretched out beside me and propped her head up."So are you," she said, and leaned in to give me a kiss. And what a kiss it was! It started out a little tentative, but she turned up the heat in seconds. In no time at all, Judith had wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her warm body to mine.Instinctively, my left hand had found its way to her back and was caressing her smooth skin, sliding downward and cupping the firm cheek of her ass. I rolled a bit to my right side so I could...

1 year ago
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Summer SailingChapter 3

DAY TWO Then fell back asleep until, at about 7am I was awoken by Cheryl getting out. She tried to be quiet, but we already knew this would be difficult - that’s why I was on the outside; in case any boating emergency required a leap from the bed. I woke and looked down the bed to see her crawling to the bottom. What I saw of course was a woman on all fours crawling away from me, her nightdress had ridden up so I was looking at her panties stretched across her very nicely proportioned...

2 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 8

Holy Crap! There was a boat pulling up next to the Princess! I jumped up and pulled my shorts on and tugged the t-shirt over my head. I ran up the steps and out onto the deck to find Aunt Edna and Uncle Albert idling towards the Princess in their fishing boat.Holy Crap!In an inspired move, I grabbed both Audrey and Judith's packs without Edna and Albert seeing them and pitched them down the stairway. Then I went to the stern and waved at Aunt Edna and Uncle Albert."Hey!" I yelled. "What are you...

2 years ago
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Summer SailingChapter 12

DAY 11 “Hello sleepy heads. How’s the Greek God? We have a race to win. The honour of Aristotle Travel is at stake.” Oh dear, the ‘Greek God’ term had stuck. I was going to have to live with it, I could tell. But what was this about a race? All the skippers were to meet at 11am, I had ten minutes to wash, dress, drink a coffee, and row over to Shag. “Hi Chris, okay, all here? This is an optional event, and we all have to do it.” Craig smiled. “No, not really. It’s just for fun. You’ll...

2 years ago
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My wife rides along on a sail boat race and everybody wins

My wife and I were invited to go sailing on Lake Erie on a small 24′ cabin cruiser. It was just the captain, his first mate and the two of us. It was understood that my wife, Victoria, would play the part of “eye candy” for any on-lookers in the harbor by wearing her very small thong bikini. She was more than happy to accommodate as she has a great slim body, an outstanding ass and loves to turn on other men. Victoria did her job very well prancing around the boat until we got...

4 years ago
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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Sets Sail for the Isle of Despair Rayburn and Virginia Discuss Their Feelings

The crisp and chill morning air turned the breath of me and Virginia into streamers of fog as we sprawled together on a pile of clothing and grass. Dew had collected around us, and the enchantment that Virginia had cast to ensure we would not freeze as we lay in our natural state had worn off with the coming of the dawn. And so, the two of us were beginning to collect ice on the parts of our bodies not currently touching – a hand here, a shoulder there, bits of our legs. We were not pressed...

4 years ago
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Sailing Adventure 4

Enflamed with lust after her husband offered her pussy to the captain, Marsha tells the crew, “I know the captain wants my pussy, since this is his boat, he gets the first turn.”Marsha slides over to Kurt. "Captain do you like my pussy? Did the crew tell you I have a nice little bush? I know you felt it this afternoon. Play with my tits like you did before."Kurt starts fondling her breasts again. She is very vocal and starts talking dirty. She leans up against Kurt and spreads her legs for the...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Sailing Sweethearts

My neighbor’s two daughters have gone from giggling girls to young women during the time I’ve lived here. We’ve always been friendly since I even babysat for them when they were younger. They’re always welcome to use my swimming pool and I’ve enjoyed watching their young bodies develop, especially with the swimsuits which kept getting briefer and briefer as they matured. I’d gone half with a friend on a 35-foot sailboat in a big lake about an hour away. It had been years since I’d been able to...

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Veroniques First Time Sailing Chap 4

I came awake slowly, feeling a little seedy.  I was aware that I had been woken by someone out in the kitchen.  I was a bit disorientated, taking a minute to realise where I was.  I looked to my left and saw Aaron lying partly turned away from me, his broad bare shoulders exposed above the duvet.  Then looked I over at my phone to check the time; 6:15 am. The night before came rushing back to me.  The thrill and arousal I had felt watching Valerie being seduced and fucked doggy style in front...

First Time
3 years ago
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Summer SailingEpilogue

So I got my good degree, I got to start a PhD in ... well it doesn’t matter, you wouldn’t understand it anyway; at Lancaster University. Maybe not the best uni in the UK, but I liked it. That first summer I missed the sailing week. I had graduate school to attend. Tony, Joanne and Sarah wrote often, and we met up at holidays. Sarah went to Oxford. Joanne took a year off. At first everyone thought it was just for a gap year. I got to go to the sailing week the next year. It was great fun!...

3 years ago
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My sexy wife on a sailing boat

On Friday early afternoon I got home from my office and could not find Anita anywhere. Our house was empty…It was strange, since she had not texted me or called me to say where she would be. I went into the kitchen and found a handwritten note on the fridge. It said she was camping with some friends; I was welcome to come up but I could not stay the night there with them…I thought about it. If I go, I would be watching my wife being fucked, but if I stay at home, I would be alone; so I decided...

3 years ago
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Municipal BlondesChapter 31 Sail away

MY PHONE CHIMED about the time I finished making my statement. It had taken about two hours before I felt like I could talk but they discharged me from the hospital into Jordan’s care with Cinnamon beside me. Everything had been recorded from the wire I wore, so I was able to fill in the visual record as the voices replayed in my ears. A wake “This is Deb Riley,” I said when I answered the line. “Deb, it’s Cali Marx. I just got in. Can we meet for dinner?” “Cali, I’m so glad you’re...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 2

Chuck Sheena woke me about one forty-five with a kiss on the cheek. She said, "Time to get up so you can relieve Dewey at two." I smiled and said, "I'll be right up. Would you put some coffee on before you go to bed?" "Already put it on, Chuck. Are you going to take anyone up with you? Dewey said all of the night people should have someone up there with them. It will make the watch easier to have some company." Lisa turned and said, "I'm getting up with Chuck. I'll keep him...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 23

Chuck I woke being hugged between Julie and Brandy. The two were really hanging on, but I needed to offload pretty soon. Sliding from the grasp of the two women, I saw that Lisa was sleeping with her head on Gina's cushions. I was going to go back to bed after using the head, but saw it was five fifty already and we were going to shove off early this morning. Instead of going back to bed, I hopped back to the head, showered, shaved, and quickly dressed to go see if anyone else was up. The...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 27

Steve Oh my, I have to pee very badly. I was able to slip from the pile of bodies to stand in front of the throne for about an hour. Not really, but for a couple of minutes, at least. I was about to shake it off when long arms surrounded me to take my hands away and took hold of me. A recognizable voice said, "I'll do that. As soon as I do the same, let's use the shower real quick. This morning is going to be busy with people leaving." Long, tall Kathy sat on the pot while I turned on...

1 year ago
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Summer SailingChapter 4

DAY THREE “Drink the tea first, then we’ll face the music” was Cheryl’s solution. So, not such a worrier I think. There was a splash. I wanted to look out of the port hole, wondered what to cover myself with, shrugged – she’d seen everything already - and got out of bed naked and looked. Fred was swimming past the side of the boat. A further splash signalled that another had gone in. Cheryl came to look too, she wrapped the duvet round her, but as she went to get her clothes, I...

3 years ago
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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 3 A Sailing We Will Go

The group moved to a more comfortable sitting room. While they were there the Emperor questioned Milo about where he came from. A mapmaker was summoned and charts were made up of the area of the island world where Milo was from. The meeting went late into the night. At the end it was decided that Milo would guide Tamarilla and her friends on a journey to the Island World. The Emperor supplied a sailing ship for the journey. It had the usual shallow hull of the ships plying the inland sea,...

2 years ago
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Sailing Weekend

It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager's secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single I was forty six. She used to dress well and demurely but she obviously didn't wear petticoats under her long summer dresses and skirts. It was a real treat when she was standing in front of the windows as the outline of her body showed through her dress so that it...

3 years ago
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Karens Sailing Adventure

Karen had been saying for a while that she wanted to rent a sail boatagain and get back out onto the ocean. It has been something she hasdone before, and loved.As it was late summer, and while it was still hot, I decided it wouldbe a nice thing to setup for her. I found an advert for a boat andcaptain. The captain sounded OK on the phone and the price for anafternoon's boat hire was good. We discussed going up the coast for acouple of hours and then finding a cove to anchor in to have a...

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