- 2 years ago
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Author’s Note: Chapter 1 has a little sex and a lot of dialog about what people are thinking and feeling. It is about a marriage in trouble because they have stupidly decided to listen to bad advice rather than talking to each other, even though they do love each other. Perhaps they can find a way to overcome their mistakes and forgive each other.
Comments to let me know if you liked it or not are always welcome and coveted.
All characters engaged in sex acts are over the age of 18. All rights reserved.
‘I put some of the leftovers into plastic containers so you can take one for a lunch if you want,’ Jon says, bopping the refrigerator closed with a hip. Sue is working at her laptop as she has been since they finished dinner, while Jon has been cleaning up.
Her therapist, Mandy, had warned her about such evenings — moments when her husband would just expect sex, expect her body to be available to him for his selfish pleasure. Men are so predictable, guided by the ‘little head’ between their legs rather than the one atop their shoulders. His transparent attempt to be extra considerate of her needs at lunch tomorrow is an indication he is hoping for a little extra something from her tonight. She knows she can shut down that notion in a hurry.
‘That funny noise is back in the front tire on the van,’ she responds, still looking intently at her laptop, a remote session into one of the servers at work lighting her face in the partially darkened dining room.
In truth, Sue is actually looking forward to a lengthy session of tender, attentive lovemaking. It is convenient that the kids are spending the night ‘camping out’ in their neighbor Lynne’s backyard, giving them a rare weekday night without the prying eyes and ears of two pre-teens. The opportunity for more ‘intimate time’ than they would normally get is not to be missed.
But his testosterone-driven gambit it is just too obvious. Of course he’ll demand sex and women worked too long and too hard to achieve independence and control over their own bodies to fall back into the script of sex on demand when it is convenient for the male.
‘That just happened today?’ Jon asks, annoyed. Life, or more accurately, their sex life, has become increasingly frustrating in the last couple of years. Somehow, sexual favors from his wife have to be ‘earned.’ It is becoming apparent that there is a reward system — certain ‘good husband’ actions earn certain pleasurable rewards. This all started years ago when she started seeing Mandy, the ‘marriage counselor. ‘ They had some trouble getting back into a rhythm after Jordan was born — when is the right time to start sex after a C-section? Jon had attended a few of these sessions early on but stopped going when it became obvious that Mandy didn’t like men in general and everything (and I mean ev-ry-thing) was the guy’s fault. The more Sue saw of Mandy, the more militant and demanding she had become in their relationship.
‘I know that you’ve been really good this week, keeping up with your half of the laundry and dishes, but the problem with the van isn’t completely solved, even though you mistakenly thought it was. I’m not sure what we’re going to do about this.’ Sue recognizes this really is a bit unfair, she is bringing up things he really has no control over but she is planning for a little bit of an upper hand tonight. When he is feeling a little guilty, he tends to be extra attentive. Some extra-long oral from him would feel really good.
‘We’ll call the shop again tomorrow. Maybe this time, they’ll be able to hear it, too,’ he says pointedly. It is obvious where this is going and he admits it is getting him pretty pissed off, although he tries his best not to show it.
Good, she thinks. He is a little edgy and off balance. He doesn’t know whether he’s going to get any tonight or not. That’s what Mandy says. Sex is a powerful tool in a relationship. A man will do anything to get it, you just need to know how to leverage that to get what you want from them. Women have all the control.
The truth is that Jon is horny. It has been more than a week since they had sex. If it wasn’t something about his chores, it was the kids staying up late or she was tired and stressed from work. Damn it! What does a man have to do around here to get laid!
The real problem for the poor chap is that through it all, he loves her. He loves her independence. He loves her quirky smile and the way she handles their social calendar. He loves the way she brings her woman’s intuition to the decisions they make and yet can still thoughtfully consider, discuss and understand a reasoned, logical argument. He loves the way she can sense the mood changes in the kids and knows when they are about to start a fight even before they know what it is they are going to argue about.
But even more importantly, he likes that she brings out the best in him. Without her, he would have died a hermit in his dorm room at college. She brings out his good qualities in social settings and has always been by his side in his career choices. Together they weathered the storms of their early marriage, when both of their grandparents were suddenly losing their respective battles with cancer, Alzheimer’s and chronic heart disease. Amidst it all, the kids were being born and they were trying to establish themselves as a family. The emotional rollercoaster had been hellacious.
And in many ways, their life now is idyllic: they both have successful careers they are happy in, the kids, despite being seven and nine, with all the mind-numbing craziness that entails, are healthy, happy and seemingly well-adjusted, for most of their marriage, they genuinely like each other and spend more time doing things with each other than they do with anybody else. Yes, in many ways, Jon is still truly, deeply in love with his bride.
But then there is this issue of sex. How did they get to this place where sex is a battleground? A power struggle over who is more indebted to the other? Who has more sexual need? Who has the upper hand and therefore the more ‘right’ to their pleasure?
‘That’s fine for next steps to solving the problem with the funny noise in the van but what are we going to do about you not really getting this task done. We agreed maintaining the cars is your responsibility,’ she continues to press her advantage.
‘Sue, cut the bullshit. What are you saying?’ Generally, Jon avoids conflict — arguments specifically — but he is just horny enough, just angry enough, just edgy enough (as Mandy might say), to not give a damn about starting a fight, even if it means risking getting sex tonight.
‘I’m just saying that there are ramifications to failing to meet your end of the bargain.’ She can sense the seething in him, the ominous undercurrent in his voice. It is something she isn’t very familiar with. There is a darkness there that is powerful, passionate, hypnotic.
‘Ramifications. Such as?’ He is willing to ignore the fact that there was never any ‘bargain,’ just a demand she enforced, about him taking care of the cars (how reverse sexist is that?) and the fact that this task he supposedly failed at, was to fix a car that only she heard a ‘funny’ noise in. If you can’t demonstrate it to the mechanic, he can’t fix it. No, he’ll let those things go for the moment in order to get her to say explicitly what their relationship has come to.
‘Oh, I think you know,’ she brings out the coy smile, so manipulative. ‘Maybe there is a thing or two you could do for me tonight to make up for it.’ She gives him a seductive wink to seal the deal.
‘So, this is what we’ve come to? I owe you certain sexual favors because nobody but you hears some phantom noise in your car?’ His frustration is making him rash — bold, assertive, risky.
There it is again, the dark dangerous side of him. She is getting to him, breaking through the nice, composed exterior and glimpsing the molten passion within. She knows
she is playing with fire but like a moth drawn to the flame, she cannot help herself baiting him.
‘If you’re going to take an attitude like that, maybe I don’t feel like sex with you.’
‘Maybe I don’t care what you feel like and I’ll just chase you down and take what I want.’
This is even more unfamiliar in her enlightened spouse. Chase her down? Take what he wants? How very typical brutish male. Can she get him to see how stereotypical Neanderthal testosterone led he is being? But at the same time she is shamed that the power in him, the dangerous passion lurking in his eyes, the very male-ness of his seething frustration is shamefully arousing to her. Would he really chase her down? Will he really unleash the beast and physically overpower her?
Can she provoke him to the point of releasing the beast within? Can she handle the fire without getting burned?
‘If you can catch me, you can have whatever you want,’ she provokes him.
Anticipating his charge around the countertop that separates the open concept kitchen from the adjoining dining room, she abandons her laptop and slips nimbly from her chair toward the stairs in the front foyer. He anticipated the move, however, and instead of directly charging toward her, he is already in motion back through the kitchen to cut off her escape upstairs where she could lock herself behind any number of doors.
Heart racing, she skids to a stop and backtracks, circling back around the table as he charges back into the dining room from the foyer. She now has a clear path to the stairs by going through the kitchen with him behind her but it is a longer path. And he is faster. Damn male hunting instincts, she fumes.
Even as she races through the kitchen doorway into the foyer, she knows he is too fast for her and has run her down. She screams as he catches her around the waist at the base of the stairs and they tumble together against the front door, panting and laughing and screaming.
She has not felt this passion from him in years, the carefully scripted formula for caring, tender, considerate lovemaking has robbed them of the raw sexual energy of the chase, the capture, the victor and the vanquished. A piece of her internally mourns the loss.
‘Okay, okay, you’ve got me. You’ve got me,’ she pants in the crumpled heap the two of them make leaned against the front door.
‘I caught you. What does that mean? Say it,’ he demands of her.
‘You get whatever you want. I am yours. You caught me fair and square,’ she acquiesces, watching the passion in his eyes, feeling it in his ragged breathing. The pure adrenaline of the chase makes him strong and powerful in her eyes. She could fall in love with a man such as this. Did, years ago.
‘Let me up for a moment,’ she gasps after a second. ‘I need to close out that remote session at work and shut my laptop down. It’ll only take a second.’
‘Okay. But be quick about it. I have plans for you tonight,’ he grins at her. This is the playful Sue that he married, that he pledged his faithfulness to, for better or for worse. This is the woman he loves, not the cold, calculating, militant feminist who manipulates their intimacy to get her way.
He climbs off her awkwardly and then offers her a hand to help her up, ever the gentleman. She gives him a shy kiss, a reward of affection for the victor from the vanquished and then steps gingerly back to the dining room towards the still glowing, still connected laptop.
‘Did I shut the garage when we came home?’ he asks stepping back through the kitchen the other way. He enters the mud room, opens the door into the garage to discover he had not and presses the button to activate the overhead door.
‘Damn!’ he growls, hearing the snap of her laptop lid and her running steps back toward the stairs. Even as he bolts back through the kitchen, he knows her head start is too great. She’ll beat him to a locking door this time.
It doesn’t deter him from trying however, bellowing his frustration as he goes, taking the steps two at a time to close the substantial gap between them.
Panic engulfs her as she scrambles down the short hall to the sanctuary of the guest bedroom, hearing his mad sprint through the house after her. There is something primal, instinctive and hot-blooded about the chase and sheer emotion washes over her. She glimpses his enraged, rushing form closing in on her through the rapidly slimming gap of the slamming door.
Shit, that was close, he very nearly caught you even as far behind as he was, she pants. Fuck he is fast, that was so close.
A heady mixture of triumph, relief and disappointment overwhelms her as she sinks to the floor, leaned against the locked door. Triumph at having tricked him, relief at having escaped and an unexpected twinge of disappointment at not having been caught and taught a lesson that at some point she wishes she would learn. What? Where did that come from?
Panting, sweaty and completely overrun with conflicting feelings, she simply leans against the door trembling, trying to sort through her thoughts, feelings and emotions.
‘You admitted it! I caught you fair and square,’ he growls at the closed door.
She is disappointed and a little angry to hear the whining in his voice. A piece of her did want to get caught but she wanted to be caught by the amazingly fast, charging hunter, not this pouty little boy. She needs a minute, she has got to sort through these thoughts and feelings before facing him. ‘I’m not very caught right now, am I?’ she taunts him.
‘What a cheater! I didn’t figure you for welching out.’
‘Aw, don’t be a sore loser. Maybe I’ll be down in a bit and we can work something out.’
‘Yeah, right,’ he scoffs, then the sound of him moving off.
He’s beaten, she gloats. I win. But it is a hollow victory. It leaves her empty inside and wanting more. She has come through this little tiff, still with the upper hand. She is still in control and he is hornier, edgier — than ever. He is right where I want him, right? This is where Mandy said he would be — a little man, controlled by his libido.
It takes minutes for her heart to slow down. She finds herself pacing the small bedroom, neatly made up and homey, ready to accept an out-of-town, unexpected guest. A welcoming quilt neatly folded at the base of the immaculate bedspread, fluffed pillows ready to welcome. Her pent-up emotions from the chase are still raw on her. Her body is achy and tense and she feels like the slightest touch could launch her out of her skin. And to top it off, she is aroused. She can feel the slippery wetness of her arousal between her folds as she paces. And empty. Empty in the pit of her stomach, in the core of her being.
A vision of that bed unmade, tossed about by a torrid, passionate coupling — pillows flung around, mattress askew — assails her imagination. That is the way this could have ended, she laments. But just as quickly, she scolds herself, What is wrong with me? I am a woman of the 21st century. I am not chased down by a Neanderthal, looking to thrust into any available prize he can capture.
She needs to sort this out. She needs to understand what she feels. She needs to talk to Mandy. Or Lynne! Yeah, Lynne will understand. Lynne’s tumultuous relationship and divorce from Chuck surely gave her the opportunity to consider such conundrums! If Sue had her phone, she’d text her right now.
She abruptly quits her pacing and presses her ear to the door, listening for any signs of life on the other side. She hears something. A voice? But far away. She recognizes it — the TV down below her in the family room. Sounds like a baseball game. Good God, how can he suffer through that drivel? And on this night! After very nearly catching her and having his way with her, he settles for that? I’ve got to go get my phone and talk with Lynne, she thinks.
Silently, she opens the door and peers out into the hall. The coast is clear. No
sign of her pursuer. The announcer’s voice on the remote TV is slightly louder. She is thrilled to be safe. And let-down that he gave up the chase so easily. Certainly she is worth pursuing. But she did leave him with nothing to pursue but a blank, locked door.
Silently, she takes a step into the hall. The adrenaline rush is back. She is out of her locked sanctuary — again vulnerable, again at risk. Even though he isn’t chasing her, even though he has abandoned the hunt for the mind numbing dullness of flickering images on a screen, the ages-old act of sneaking out of her safety zone into the unknown night brings the tension back. She is again alive, sexual, on edge.
Four more silent steps bring her to the top of the stairs, the rest of the house is darkened and she can see the flickering blue reflection of the television even from up here. It is remarkable how far light carries in the otherwise dark house. She can’t make out actual words from the announcer at this distance but from his tone, it is obviously a boring game in a sport of boring games. No cheering from the crowd, no thrill of excitement or tension in outcome of the next play. He even sounds bored of himself.
She snickers at her mental image of her powerful hunter, who moments ago had run her down at the base of these very stairs, slinking back to his lair to nurse his wounds, the excitement of the chase giving way to the boredom of a tedious ballgame. That snicker is her undoing, a quiet sound in an otherwise silent upstairs. It reveals her position in the dark.
Even before her mind registers the sound of a predator, her instincts launch her into a retreat to the sanctuary of her safe zone. And directly into the path of her pursuer, who has circled behind into one of the kid’s rooms and now closes the distance on her with alarming quickness. She is rooted to her spot in frozen terror as he bears down on her. Her mind is completely blinded in panic. And then she is once again completely his.
The once quiet house is full of screams of terror and shouts of victory as he scopes her up into his arms and throws her over a shoulder. It has been years since she has been fireman carried. Several strides later he is into the guest bedroom with his prize, kicking the door shut behind him to delay any further flight of his captured prey. He dumps her on the bed, his hands catching at the waist of her slacks, which he yanks painfully at her hips.
Throughout this she has been too overcome, too chagrined at being so easily drawn from her safe haven and captured, too stunned by the powerful, physical exhibition her normally intellectual, considerate husband is showing. She yelps as the tight fabric fails to clear her hips and she starts to rise, only to be roughly pushed back onto the bright, welcoming, cheery bedspread. She is off balance for a moment but it is enough for him to pop the button on her slacks and wrench the fabric, causing the zipper to yield.
‘Jon!’ she gasps, again surprised at his aggression, his physical presence.
Another yank on the pants and they clear her hips, dragging her panties askew in the process. She reaches to catch the slacks at mid-thigh but he corrals her wrists and pushes her hands back up. The weight of his body is on her, holding her down, her hands above her head. They are face to face — flushed, panting, hot — both flush with their exertions and their need.
It is the first time they are actually staring into each other’s eyes since they got upstairs and they pause.
‘Did I catch you?’ It is a quiet question, even though the passion of the fight still burns within him. She can still sense the anger in him, the frustration, the adrenaline of the chase and the testosterone of the victory — it is all there underneath the surface, a roiling, passionate, brooding darkness that is fueled by his lust. But she knows him, knows her man. This is a true question and she understands that if she says the word, he will stand down. He won’t force himself on her if she truly tells him ‘no.’
Author note: this is different to my other stories. It's a Fem Dom rather than a cuckold storyCHAPTER 1: MOTHERLY GUIDANCE"It's to the point that every time we make love now, it's only after she's been with him or his buddies. I-I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that the only way I'll have her to myself is after she's been used and full of some black man's cum in her. She even has the smell of semen and their cocks on her breath. I tried to get her to at least clean up some before...
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Special thanks to my Proof Reader, George Davis. Jenn and I met at a big orgy at college and started dating. We both loved sex. A lot of sex. So after two years when the subject of marriage came up, we decided to try a special model of marriage - known as 'Open Marriage'. We really put a lot of thought into this, and even wrote a paper saying what was allowed and what wasn't. Like a contract. We decided to get married because of a very common reason - we were deeply in love with each other....
Hi friends, you would be living happy and joyful life and your penis must have tasting many different kind of pussies and asses. I am pinku here. My age is 25 as already mention in my last story. I get good responses from the readers. I get mail from many girls also some want my no. and want to sex chat. So thank you all for sending me your mail. Please keep sending me mail, my email id is Your responses forced me to write another story. I am going to narrate a true incident which has happened...
IncestHi everyone, I am back with yet another story. I hope you enjoyed my last story. This is the story about how I and my teammate, Meghna, enjoyed and had fun in one of our friend’s marriage. First let me tell you about the girl Meghna, she is 26 years of age, always ready for exciting stuff and trying new things. She has a nice fair skin, and with a figure of 34d 28 34. She is one girl in our team whom everyone wants to go out with, and even my manager who is 45 years old married with 2 kids, do...
by: S. Stevenson To me there is no conflict between Romance and D/s (Domination/submission) in a marriage. At least there shouldn't be any conflict. In the examples that I am going to give in this article I hope that you will see, and agree, that a D/s marriage is not much different than a Vanilla marriage. I was going to say that the only difference is that in a D/s marriage the rolls of the partners is more defined, but that is not really true. In the vanilla marriage the rolls become very...
Introduction Recently, I'd discovered another genre of stories that are found in this site; cheating wives stories. I am amazed at the depth of feeling that these stories generate in me, even the least scored ones. I once asked myself what I would do if my loved one cheats on me. The truth is that I don't know. I've never been in love before; I don't suppose to know anything about it, except for what I'd read about it. So you can understand the kind of uphill task I set for myself. But...
She wrote Finis to her marriage. A story of cheating, regrets, pain, divorce, and forgiveness. What I did, I did of my own free will, most of the time with pre-planning. I cannot blame my drinking, I was never drunk enough not to know what I was doing. I was sober at the planning stage, some of the deeds, I did cold sober. I have no excuses for what I did. After it was over. I went in therapy. I still did not accept full responsibility for my actions at the time. I was looking for some...
Wife LoversThanks to mikothebaby for editing this story Betty Sutton scanned the bar around her nervously. Though she'd done this many times before, she was always worried that she'd run into someone she knew. The chances of that were remote since she'd picked a meeting place that was a half hour's drive away from her neighborhood, but you couldn't be too careful. Only stupid people weren't careful, but that was why stupid people got caught. Betty didn't want to run into anyone she knew. The...
I woke from my troubled sleep as tired or more tired than when I had gone to bed. I could tell from my wife's eyes that she was in the same boat. Her face was pale and her eyes red; probably from all the tears she had shed the previous evening and night. I glared at her then started to turn and enter the master bathroom. When she opened her mouth to speak I raised my hand for silence. "Jennifer, there is nothing more to be said unless you are going to tell me you have decided NOT to go to the...
466, an explosive marriage It is a fact that us stay at home Englishmen if told to stay at home get restless… perhaps we don’t like being told… anyway this poxy virus, had us all shut in so I thought I would relate to you a friends tale. He`s just your average married man, suffers from a chest complaint and his wife has diabetic tendencies, so they are on the ‘at risk’ register, and isolating which to them is simple, but inconvenient some days. they have been married five years, and in her...
I first met my wife whilst I was on a break in Durban, South Africa, five years ago. I was based in Lusaka in the final year of a four year assignment in Zambia and I needed a week or two in a somewhat-normal country, and found a small but elegant beachside guest house on the internet and booked it for a week. The owner promised to send her daughter to meet me at the airport in Durban and drive me to the guest house. There was no direct flight from Lusaka to Durban so I had to fly into...
Cuckolda big hello to all of you. My name is Deepa, a 42 year old housewife from Jamshedpur Jharkhand. I am new to this site and story writing. I used to be very innocent and very conservative Hindu lady. I am here because of my son who is now my husband too. Strange isn’t it, but it is true. I married my son under his tremendous pressure and unconditional love which I was missing since my husband’s untimely death.Now to coming to the story, which is a true story I hope you all will enjoy it. My...
A Traditional Marriage Completely devoted. On our wedding day we'd exchanged the traditional vows. Never to part and all that. But afterward we had recited our own private vows to each other. To always support each other. To be completely devoted to each others' happiness. To be completely devoted to the relationship. We left the church ready to enter into our new lives. In our families, a few modern ideas had slipped in and become accepted, but in general we believed that family and...
One Way MarriagePART ONEBy Xavier CouperinI remember the exact moment it all began; though Fiona’s take on the genesis of my fall might date from a little earlier and, now I think of it, is probably the more accurate observation of the two:?You just don’t do it for me anymore,? my wife of ten years said, settling a pair of still full breasts into a black bra; breasts that continued to defy the pull of a gravity made greater with each passing year – though not so pristine she could decline a...
My wife Nora is such an angel. She let me know that my size didn’t matter when she found out how small my penis was. She said that there was more to love and marriage than sexual dimensions. “Nolan, true love is based on emotional devotion to each other, not appendage length. Love will lets us work around and overcome such trivial things.” Her words made me feel so overly delighted to be in love with this Earth-angel. Nora never let me put it in until we were...
Helena waved off the happy couple as they departed down the rutted driveway in the somewhat old-fashioned carriage and as she went indoors she felt a sense of dread falling upon her. The preparations for her sister’s wedding, modest though the occasion was, had distracted her from the consequences of that match.She looked around the shabby drawing room, now empty of revellers as they were still outside chattering. Despite the floral tributes she had arranged in honour of the celebrations, the...
Historical“It is a shame to your family that at 23 you have no husband!” said Aunt Two “Your are causing so much distress for your poor mother” said Aunt One “As a Pakistani girl, your priority should be marriage not a career” said Aunt Two “Do you even have a boyfriend Nadia?” asked Aunt One “Please Nadia, we do not do lesbian in our culture!” said Aunt Two in disgrace “NO!!!, No Aunty I am not a lesbian, I have... a boyfriend in London!” explained Nadia “Oh, is he of good background?” asked Aunt...
Introduction: Arrangements that work out well… but for who Nadia, you should really start to settle down said Aunt One It is a shame to your family that at 23 you have no husband! said Aunt Two Your are causing so much distress for your poor mother said Aunt One As a Pakistani girl, your priority should be marriage not a career said Aunt Two Do you even have a boyfriend Nadia? asked Aunt One Please Nadia, we do not do lesbian in our culture! said Aunt Two in disgrace NO!!!, No Aunty I am not a...
LOVE IS THE BEST THING IN THE LIFE- I am looking for true, deep love and happy marriage. chat on Y.a.h.o.o! Messenger ID: egyptian_souvenirs(AT)y,a,h,o,o.c. o. m skype name: egyptianman1967 My name is Mohamed El-Sayad, I am strong Egyptian man, handsome,good looking, my birth date is 27th January, 1967, Height: I am 185 Cm.tall,or 6 feet.1 inche, my Body Type: Average, I do not gambling, I do not use d**gs, I do not smoke nor drink wine, Alcohol at all, I never make sex with all and any girls...
Follow me on instagram @raqm0900And Quemmysissy.tumblr.comFiction, Blowjob, Hardcore, i****t, Male / Female Teens, Teen Male / Female, Threesome, Virginity, YoungIntroduction:A naïve girl comes home to an unexpected adventure.Saving mommy’s marriageI came home one day a few hours earlier than I normally would and was pleased to see my mother’s car in the driveway. Usually she’d come home about an hour after I would and It was nice I wouldn’t be alone all afternoon. Mom always made tea with...
LOVE IS THE BEST THING IN THE LIFE- I am looking for true, deep love and happy marriage. chat on Y.a.h.o.o! Messenger ID: egyptian_souvenirs(AT)y,a,h,o,o.c. o. m skype name: egyptianman1967My name is Mohamed El-Sayad, I am strong Egyptian man, handsome,good looking, my birth date is 27th January, 1967, Height: I am 185 Cm.tall,or 6 feet.1 inche, my Body Type: Average, I do not gambling, I do not use d**gs, I do not smoke nor drink wine, Alcohol at all, I never make sex with all and any girls...
Hello everyone, this is Prem again. Thank you for your comments and compliments on my previous stories. Sorry guys don’t ask me any details of my queens. I am secretive of their personal details. So don’t ever ask their details. Let me introduce me myself for those who don’t know me. This is Prem from Hyderabad, aged 25. I love bike ridings and fucking a lot. If you want to know more about me feel free to mail me. Coming to my experience, this happened in November 2018 between me and my friend....
Hello, friends, this is my first story on ISS. I hope you guys like it and enjoy it. Coming to the story. I’m Rocky. This is a story about me and my college friend. Her name is Mona. We both were around the same age of 26. She was an average looking girl. Her height was small but she had an awesome figure. Her stats were 32-30-36. Her main attraction was her ass. She used to wear tight jeans which showed the perfect shape of her ass. Now let’s come to the story. We had a group of friends where...
“Charles, Cliff said to tell you he wants to take me away for the weekend, so you'll have to babysit the k**s all weekend.”“SIGH! O-Okay Carla. It-It's bad enough he gets to have his way with you the way he does, I-I just wish he would at least not wait until Thursday night to decide such things.”“You're right honey. I did mention that to him, but you know what a spur of the moment guy he is. Even though it's an imposition, I see it as still sort of romantic. Oh! Where is my mind. I...
After my sex story on Indian Sex Stories, I received a hello on my chat. The name was Aisha. She said she loved my sex story. I told I enjoyed more while doing it. Aisha:- was she the first girl you fucked. Me:- No, we didn’t have sex yet, but she was the first one with whom I did fruits and syrup Aisha:- nice to hear. Can you have sex chat with me? But I won’t give you any of my other details. I already have a boyfriend. Me:- ok. But be ready I get really horny Aisha:- even I moan a lot. So is...
Hi readers of indian sex stories dot net, I am adam, from Mumbai, It was my friends brother’s marriage, when I first saw her. She was tall, fair, long black hairs, well build, wearing an sky blue colored netted saree and a some amount of jewellery. I was wondering “who is she?” most of the time standing near the bride. I moved through the crowd towards the stage to get a closer look. My eyes were sparkling when I saw her. She was looking damn beautiful. I realized she was wearing a Mangalsutra...
warning: this story is not fiction and any character in this story does not resemble to any real character. To begin with the story first I would like to give you the introduction of myself and my chachi. I am a good looking handsome guy with 4.5inch hot rod and finished my graduation and i am working in my hometown with a handsome salary. My chachi is married since 5 years and had a happy family but she had no children. In reality I or anyone in my family didn’t knew the reason why didn’t she...
IncestChelsea begins training for marriage By Sissie Maid cuckold "Sylvia...this is Jessica..." "Yes dear, how are things going?" "Well...that's what I am calling you about. Some things have happened and I am not really sure how to handle them and I need your advice." "Oh...tell me about what's going on, nothing bad I hope?" "No nothing bad...well at least I don't think so. Well anyway Chelsea has told me he loves me and I can tell he is truly in love with me." "Does that scare...
Hi friends, I am a new reader for ISS website.. as I seen lot of stories, experience here… I too like to share my experience to the ISS friends.. my first story is in the following location Myself Priyanka Swain from Odisha I am 26 years old and I am working in a well reputed software company in Chennai, South India. two months back I got married with Raveendar. I am going to tell my sex experience in the eve of my marriage here. As our marriage is on the morning time i couldn’t able to...
My name is Jahan Ara Peerally and I am the younger daughter of Seth Ismail Azeem Peerally and his wife, Nabila Nazneen Peerally. My father is a wealthy businessman and making money is the only thing that truly interests him. My sister Ayesha Banu and I were mostly brought up by my mother.It all began when I was seventeen years old and happy with life. I was cooking in the kitchen with my mother. She was normally talkative, prattling on about anything under the sun, but this day she was...
ReluctanceI came home one day a few hours earlier than I normally would and was pleased to see my mother’s car in the driveway. Usually she’d come home about an hour after I would and It was nice I wouldn’t be alone all afternoon. Mom always made tea with cookies and she’d let me help her in the garden. I loved working in the garden, watering the plants and the flowers. I had my own little piece of the garden where I grew my own flowers, although they almost always died because mom said I gave them...
A Virus Marriage By Jillian Well, here we go again, my third story that takes place in the Virus Universe. This time the subject(s) are a middle-aged married couple, Helen and Philip Kingston whose three children are all grown and out of the nest. Here again, the subjects not only change sexes but their ages as well, losing about 35 years as a result of the virus. A twist to this particular story is the continuing reluctance of both parties to willingly accept what it inevitable and...