A Place To Belong Ch. 01 free porn video

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‘What the hell am I doing here?’ was all that Marti Hampton could think. This wasn’t where she belonged. She was standing at a bar, ordering a drink, looking around her like she knew what she was doing. But Marti had no clue what she was doing and she knew it.

It had seemed innocent enough to begin with. Marti was in town for a convention with the hosiery industry. She needed a break from the conference atmosphere and had decided to go for a walk. When she had seen the bar, conveniently located in the lobby of the hotel where the convention was, Marti decided a drink was in order. After all, all of the typical executives that she knew would do just that — hit the bar and order a drink.

But Marti wasn’t typical. She was a 37 year old introvert with almost zero exposure to such practices. Avoiding looking back at the bartender, who Marti was sure could tell that she was faking it, Marti rolled her eyes at her own foolishness. She ordered her drink, quietly paid for it and headed toward a booth in the back. Yet the bartender kept staring at her, as though he knew exactly what she was up to.

The booth Marti had chosen was situated in such a way that, although she would be secluded from prying eyes, she would still be able to look out at the crowd. Marti snorted in derision as she sat down, squeezing her body onto the bench. Sighing to herself, she thought, ‘This booth was probably built here by someone with about the same amount of social energy that I have!’

As she studied the people milling about inside the bar, Marty mentally kicked herself, once again, for her intense introversion. She had spent far too many years cooped up in the hosiery mill, focused on the product and how to perfect it. Now, she was paying the price. Her father, who had always handled the personal interactions with clients and business partners, had decided to retire and take a cruise around the world with his new bride. A cruise around the world??? Who really did such a thing? Obviously a 75 year old man with a 72 year old sweetheart.

That all meant that, six months ago, Marti, who had been the technical backbone of the company for the past 15 years, was suddenly thrust into the role her father had occupied — her very extroverted, handsome father. But Marti was trying to make the best of it — after all, she was good at what she did. But sometimes it was all she could do to keep from laughing in the faces of her so called business associates who had no idea what a dropped stitch was compared to a cross stitch. How could they compete with her for contracts? The world of textiles was her world — it was where she belonged. She knew knitting machines inside and out.

But the real truth was that the others could compete with her because they had social skills. And Marti didn’t. She didn’t look the part and she didn’t know the games. In fact, just in order to buy the drink in her hand, she had literally had to hide behind a fake tree, pretending to talk on her cellphone, until she heard someone at the bar place an order for a drink that looked interesting. She didn’t even know what kind of drinks they served at bars. And she was determined not to order a coke! So when the cute girl with the short skirt batted her eyes at the bartender and asked for a gin and tonic, Marti had decided to follow suit!

And now Marti was hidden in a corner, sipping a drink that somehow tasted a lot like pine sap smelled. Why did people drink this stuff??? Wrinkling her nose in distaste, Marti watched the people walking around, mixing and flirting throughout the bar.

It was mid afternoon so the bar wasn’t too crowded. Marti watched the cute girl whose drink she had copied, twirl the straw in her glass as she laughed with an older man Marti had met at the convention. Marti wondered if the younger woman really found the man to be as exciting as she appeared. It was only a moment though before Marti saw the woman laugh just a bit too loudly and cut her eyes over to where a handsome young waiter was bent over, cleaning off a table. Ah — so it was his attention she was trying to catch. Marti laughed to herself, noting that the waiter was far more interested in the stain on his table than the cute blond trying to get his attention.

How Marti wished she could just pick up her glass and float around the room like that young woman, though – a confident butterfly. When Marti had a sudden vision of herself floating about, a rotund butterfly with short little wings attached to her ample body – she suddenly burst out laughing. At least it would have been a laugh had it not been at that very same moment that she was taking a sip of her drink. As it was, the liquid went the wrong way up her nose and, within moments, Marti was snorting and coughing like she was dying.

Grabbing at a napkin that seemed to appear out of nowhere, Marti finally manged to get her cough under control. She used the napkin to cover her mouth, wipe off her nose and absorb most of the remaining drink from her face. Realizing she was going to live, Marti momentarily wished she wouldn’t. Feeling the heat in her cheeks, she knew that it wasn’t just from the rush of alcohol into her nasal cavity, or the lack of oxygen during her coughing fit — she was feeling the flush of embarrassment at having drawn attention to herself. Hell, she was trying to hide, not cause a commotion.

Lowering the napkin from her face, Marti looked up to see who had been kind enough to offer it to her. Although she would have preferred to have been left alone during her moment of potential asphyxiation, she knew the expectation was that she should thank the person who had come to her rescue. Standing in front of her, with his eyebrows quirked in obvious amusement, stood the bartender — the same one she had only moments ago refused to meet his eyes.

‘A bit stronger than you are used to?’ he asked smugly.

Catching herself just short of rolling her eyes again, Marty lowered her head to look at her half empty glass and quietly said, ‘Ummm . . . yes. That’s what was wrong alright.’

It wasn’t that Marti was trying to be rude to the bartender. But the man was obviously trouble. Not only did he look like a Native American storybook character with his jet black hair and tan skin, but when you threw in the blue eyes and the body — well, he was more than Marti could stand to look at long.

This whole scenario caught Marti by surprise. It wasn’t that she didn’t like men. She just didn’t have much experience with men. She had been far more focused on the thread quality for the socks that had always come first in her life. Men were too complicated. So Marti always assumed an air of feigned boredom around men. Since college, she had never found any man who interested her anyway.

Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that she had never found one who she thought might be interested in her. It was a well established fact that men only liked petite, pretty girls with big . . . eyes. And Marti wasn’t petite, had never been called pretty, and her . . . eyes. . . well, they were big enough, she supposed! But that wasn’t enough to ever convince Marti to actually engage in a conversation with a man about anything other than her beloved socks. It was too difficult. Over time, her protective practice had become a part of who she was – Marti just chose to ignore men.

It came as a shock to Marti though, when she realized that her attitude wasn’t having the desired effect on this man – this bartender hadn’t walked away. She was giving the man her best dismissive attitude. Other people went away when she ignored them. Why was he still standing there?

When the bartender suddenly flipped the chair beside her booth around and straddled it, Marti’s eyes felt like they were going to pop out of her head. From the view she had with her eyes lowered, she had a clear shot of the man’s legs. His thighs strained the material of his jeans and Marti thought she was going to melt. Good God — was this guy
real or had someone created him after taping into Marti’s fantasies — ones she hadn’t even admitted to herself?

Realizing that she really needed to be looking somewhere other than the man’s thighs (and the surrounding area), Marti quickly raised her head to look the bartender in the face. But as soon as she did, she realized that it was obvious where she had just been staring. The mirth in the man’s eyes made her squeeze her own tightly shut. Her face flamed into color again.

It was the sound of his laughter that made Marti open her eyes again. She felt like a school girl staring at the first guy she had ever had a crush on. The man was simply beautiful and his laugh was perfect to her ears.

‘Well, Marti Hampton, can I interest you in a less toxic drink?’

Confusion etched Marti’s face. The man had called her by name. Questioningly, she said, ‘Do you know me?’

Again the bartender laughed, only this time is was a quiet and intimate laugh. ‘Well, I did fill your drink order, ma’am. And you did put it on your credit card. Forgive me for taking the opportunity to scope out your name. But I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity.’

‘Opportunity for what?’ Marti blurted out before she even thought about it.

‘Opportunity to know if your name fit you,’ the man answered.

‘Oh,’ was all Marti could muster as she found herself lost again in the bartender’s blue eyes.

Marti never knew how long she sat there staring at the man. She was startled out of her revelry by the sound of someone coughing discretely. She raised her eyes to see the waiter from earlier standing at the end of the table. ‘Ty, I hate to bother you, but the orders are piling up,’ the young man said hesitantly.

Marti watched as her bartender (when exactly had he become ‘her’ bartender, she wondered), stood up and nodded in her direction. ‘If you need anything, just let me know, Marti Hampton.’ Then he walked away, following the waiter back toward the bar.

‘Well, you handled that like a pro!’ Marti chided herself. Face to face with the first man who ever yanked the carpet right out from under her and she hadn’t even said anything remotely sensible. ‘Great. . . ‘ she muttered.

Deciding that she had just had about all the excitement she could handle, Marti pushed aside her drink and scooted out of the booth. ‘Well, remind me to never attempt this kind of little adventure again,’ she said out loud to no one in particular. Then she headed for the door.

Realizing that she really needed the comfort of her secure world of socks and hosiery machines, Marti opened the door back into the convention hall. She had almost made it to her display area when she became aware of a conversation going on at her kiosk.

Marti recognized the voice of one of her own salesmen, ‘Then Mammoth Marti declared that all the products were subquality to her highnesses expectations . . . I don’t know what the bitch expects. Just because she is suddenly sole owner of the entire corporation, she thinks she can use all that ‘college’ learning of hers to talk down to us. Well, I tell you what — I for one won’t do what she says. I will just stand up in her face and tell her – ‘

In all of Marti’s days, she had known herself to be a lot of things. She knew that she was a strong person, with a good mind and a strong sense of who she really was. Marti was aware that she had her flaws — the recent encounter in the bar was a prime of example of that. But she also knew what she was good at — and she was good at her business. In fact, she was the best. With a backbone that she had always known she had, but never shown to another living soul, Marti stepped around the final wall panel that separated her from her salesman and his small audience.

‘Tell me what?’ Marti’s voice was as cold as steel and her eyes were flaming.

The entire group turned, as one, to face Marti. If the subject matter hadn’t been so critical, Marti would have laughed at the comical sight of the entire group then turning, as if one again, to face her salesman. But this was no time for laughing.

It was obvious that Marti’s salesman, Mike Richardson, was trying to decide just how far he should push this and what his next step should be. Apparently realizing that he had just burned his bridges behind him, the slightly intoxicated Mike decided to go for broke. ‘Tell you, bitch, that you are going to ruin this company. You are nothing more than a daddy’s girl and this company will fail, because of you. You are so backwards you haven’t been out of that mill for ages. Wake up — people like you don’t make it in the real world!’

Silence swept over the group as everyone waited for Marti’s response. In the background, the loudspeaker announced that the convention would be breaking for the evening in 20 minutes. Marti decided that it was time for Mike’s convention to end right then. Reaching over onto the table, she pressed the makeshift button that rested on each display table. It sent a loud buzzer to the security check point, indicating that assistance was needed. The group looked questioningly at Marti as she stood with her hands on her hips, in silence.

As the security guard approached the group, Marti stepped through the few members of the group who separated her from Mike. She calmly reached up and jerked off his convention badge. Speaking over her shoulder in the direction of the officer, Marti said, ‘This man has just been fired. Please have him escorted off the premises.’

Mike stood, looking down at the spot on his shirt pocket where his badge had hung moments before. The action had been so calmly and quietly done, it was obvious that he was having trouble grasping what had just taken place. As the security officer took hold of his arm, it all seemed to click. ‘What the hell?’ was all that Mike managed to get out before the guard began pulling him toward the door. Realizing that he was being thrown out, Mike managed a few more obscenities, as the pair progressed across the room, but Marti wasn’t paying attention to them.

Instead, she was looking around the group who had been Mike’s audience. With a controlled voice that she hoped conveyed the depth of her boiling anger, Marti said, ‘Now, I have to tell you, I have never been as angry as I am at this moment. You have each one stood here and stabbed me and our company in the back by allowing that little display to have begun in the first place.

Marti continued, ‘Although this convention is scheduled to go on for two more days, our booth will be dismantled tonight and we will be going home tomorrow morning. You will each report to me in my office at 8:00 sharp on Thursday morning. If you are not there, your office will be packed up and your personal items will be at the front desk when you do show up. It is wake up and shake up time and you are all on notice as of right now. Get this display taken apart and packed up. I will be back in 30 minutes and I expect this to be taken care of.’

As quickly as possible, Marti made her way out of the convention hall. Her legs were shaking with the adrenaline rush, combined with the intensity of her emotions at that moment. She knew she had just done something she would be proud of in the days and weeks to come, but at that very moment, she was quite concerned that she was about to throw up!

Because of her state of mind, Marti wasn’t paying the best of attention when she exited the hall. It was only when she physically ran into a solid body that she realized her path was being blocked. Looking up, Marti found herself face to face with Mike Richardson. The interim few minutes had obviously added fuel to Mike’s anger, because he looked as though he were about to explode.

Pain suddenly shot through Marti’s arms. She realized that Mike’s fingers were digging into her flesh. He had grabbed her and was now shaking her. In a voice that was evidently fueled by alcohol and anger, he was screaming at her that she wasn’t going to ruin his life — that
she would pay for being such an arrogant bitch.

For Marti, Mike’s words were not really an issue at the moment. But his shaking her was. Marti had been headed toward the bathroom anyway, and when her current physical state was combined with the unexpected motion Mike was providing, it was inevitable that things were about to come to a rather unexpected resolution. With no way to give Mike any warning (and no real desire to do so anyway!), Marti closed her eyes and gave in to her stomach’s need to empty itself.

There were about twenty people milling around in the hotel lobby, mostly from the hosiery convention. Mike had drawn everyone’s attention to them when he had begun screaming at Marti. Several of the men had started toward them in order to separate them. But even they stopped in their tracks as it became apparent what was happening – the entire room watched, in fascinated horror, as Marti threw up all over Mike’s shirt and pants.

Even in his intoxicated state, the situation managed to filter into Mike’s brain. He stood staring in disbelief, first at his clothes and then at Marti. Almost in slow motion, he dropped his hands from her arms and stepped back, his face contorted into revulsion at the vomit dripping down the front of his clothes. Somehow, everything had managed to land squarely onto Mike, leaving Marti herself unmarked. As Mike struggled to pull himself together, and say something coherent, his body was suddenly jerked upright from behind.

Marti watched, wide eyed, as the man she had met earlier in the bar, lifted Mike practically into the air by his shirt collar. Spinning on his heel, the bartender half dragged, half carried Mike to the doors of the motel. Although what he whispered in Mike’s ear shortly before shoving him through the door was too low for anyone else to catch, the intent was obvious to everyone. As the door slammed behind Mike, a general sigh floated through the room. Within moments, conversations started back up, as though nothing unusual had happened.

Everyone was moving on with their day — everyone but Marti. Marti was standing, still stunned, in the middle of the room where Mike had stopped her. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. Her legs were still shaking, although her stomach had stopped churning. As she tried to figure out exactly what to do next, she found herself being gently pushed toward a soft chair at the corner of the room.

Turning her head to see who was doing this, Marti found herself looking into the eyes of a very attractive woman, about her own age. The woman whispered, ‘Over here, that’s right. Just sit down.’ Then she handed her a wet washcloth. After Marti was seated, the woman gave her a glass of water.

‘My name is Janice. I am the manager here. It’s going to be ok.’

Marti took a few sips of water and rubbed her forehead with the washcloth. Trying to make a joke, she turned to the woman and said, ‘Honestly, my dad never mentioned this part of the convention to me!’ Of course, the woman had no way of knowing anything about Marti’s dad, but she chuckled politely anyway. Marti couldn’t think of anything else to say, so she simply sat there with the woman as her body calmed down. After a few minutes, Marti took a deep breathe and sighed. ‘Well, I guess I should go see about my booth.’

At this, the woman clucked her tongue. ‘I don’t think you need to go back in there this evening. The convention is closing up right now. I really believe you should just go up to your room and rest a bit. Why don’t you let me send up room service in a bit? Go shower and take it easy.’

Marti was surprised at the woman’s generosity, but her offer was extremely appealing. Quickly pushing aside the voice inside her head that said she shouldn’t let a single responsibility slip, Marti decided to take Janice up on her offer. Thanking her, Marti pushed herself up out of the chair and headed for the elevator. Calling after her, Janice promised to send up supper in about 30 minutes.

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Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti I looked up at her smiling face. "Nice biceps, guy." Well, yes, and nice of you to have noticed. I hoisted the barbell back over my head and gently cradled it down in the supports. Maybe next time I'd break my bench press record of 235 pounds. Ah, well... One of the unforeseen side-effects of making the health club coed was the constant interruptions you had to put up with. Not that this didn't have its benefits now and again. "Thank you, my good woman, but...

2 years ago
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My Sisters SlaveChapter 2 Belonging

“I sent you the cards.” She blurted out. “Really, You have a crush on me?” I asked. “No. I love you Sara, I want you to be happy.” she said. “Love? Are you kidding me?” I asked? “You can’t be gay, you always had a boyfriend, Our parents would kill you if they knew you were gay!” “No I’m not gay, I love you, and I love boys too. I’m bisexual.” She said. “And I know you love girls too.” “How do you know I like girls?” I asked her. She was quiet for a minute she then said; “I got on your...

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This is something I wrote under a different screen name on a social media site with a journal facility. I toned the sex down in the original, but we’re all adults here right? I’ve put it in the non-erotic category, because although sex is a part of the tale, [a] it’s at homeopathic levels and [b] the story is about how lustful thoughts can keep one’s mind away from the prospect of an imminent mangling. When I put it up in the other place, both of the people who read it said it was almost not...

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Replacement Therapy III

Replacement Therapy 111 By Cheryl Lynn This is fiction and any resemblance to any person, place or thing is coincidental. Please read prior chapters before this as they are crucial to understanding this chapter. Maybe downloaded for personal use only. Other use is strictly forbidden unless approved by the author. Comments are welcome on grammar and story line; however, derogatory comments over the treatment of characters or story plot are not. Author may be contacted at...

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I found Ellie by accident, which, I think, is how all loves begin. I noticed her because she was wearing our school uniform, despite it being a Saturday, waiting for a bus to come. She had short, blonde hair, blue eyes, and her face was evenly proportioned. Se was thick in the correct places, which is something I had not noticed in a woman before, and have not noticed since. She was sucking on a lollipop so forcefully that her cheeks became concave and her lips presented themselves as if they...

2 years ago
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Displaced Part 1 Fugitive

I know this is all going to sound really strange, even unbelievable... it does even to me, but it's all true. I swear. The first sign that something was not right was the noise outside of my hotel room on that morning. The conference had taken a lot out of me, what with the non-stop seminars late into the night and the early morning meet-the-presenters sessions. It was the first morning I had a chance to actually sleep and someone was out in the hallway making a God-awful racket,...

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Displaced 2 of 2 Filly

***WARNING - This story contains elements of unconventional sex. If such things make you uncomfortable maybe skip the Epilogue *** Author's Notes: Thanks to all who read and reviewed the first part. After this foray into fantasy adventure I'm going to return to princesses and fancy balls. Enjoy and comment! So, by this point I'm sure you have a few questions, not the least of which is "so if you were trapped in the body of this bosomy centaur filly in a parallel world, how am I...

4 years ago
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Once upon a time, a person was offered a choice by a force infinitely their greater. Either they could remain as they are, continuing their life as though nothing had happened, or they could get a chance to experience a different life altogether, abandoning their old life in the process. This person, for some unknown reason, chose the latter. At this stage, you're probably thinking "Great, I'm going to get to experience another life!" and whilst that is technically true, there is one small...

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Replacement Wanted

Spells 'R Us: Replacement Wanted By Bill Hart It was a quiet night at the bar. I was sitting by myself at a table in the back near the restrooms, when he entered the bar. I don't as a rule notice other guys, but he was different. I'd seen his face on the evening news. It seems someone murdered his wife. The police had wanted to question him about it, but he'd run like a scared rabbit. Now they wanted him, not just for questioning, but for the actual murder. According to...

2 years ago
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Replacement Mannequin 5

Replacement Mannequin 5 By Paul G. Jutras The shower water stopped and a tall girl with DD breasts climbed out, reaching for a towel. The towel had an amazing resemblance to a dark curly haired man. As she wrapped the flat figure around her, she was especially careful to rub the two dimensional face against her breasts and pussy. Once dry, she unfolded the man across the living room rug. As Vickie laid naked face down on the floor she ran her trim and polished fingernail...

1 year ago
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Replacement Daughter Intro

Replacement Daughter (Intro - James' Story) Author: note: this story revolves around James' life as Hailey, as recorded in a journal read by the character in the main story. It is separate so as to inter fear the flow of the story. It also introduces several important characters in the main story. I looked around the room that was now mine. I was trapped, in a body that was radically different than the one I had known the last fifteen years, in different town in a different state...

2 years ago
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Replacement Wife

Replacement Wife - Part 1 My name is Alan Langing. My life is perfect. I had just finished my junior year of college. I have a fianc?, Faith, I loved and she loves me. I had just proposed to Faith. We are very happy together. We enjoyed each other's company. We always laugh and smile to each other. Our sex life was amazing. We just rented an apartment together. I could not imagine life getting better. I just finished a poker night with my buddies. It was a long night. It was at my b...

4 years ago
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Misplaced pixxx

My husband had bought me my first vibrator and then realistic cock-like vibrator and eventually worked me up to porn star sized cock-like dildos. The was also one called the "Natural" which is about ten inches insertable. On different occasions he has taken pixxx of me with these toys in my pussy. He always has me to look at my pussy and then at the camera and smile. With my legs spread as far apart as I can get them there may be pixxx of initial insertion then 13 of the way then a bit more...

1 year ago
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Workplace Lesbians

Well everyone im finally back! I havent written a story in a while because I havent had any out of the ordinary sexual experiences besides the usual sex with my fiancee. If you have been keeping up with my stories then you know my stories are 100% true and based off of personal expriences. so here it goes… My fiancee is bisexual and oh yeah it is great. I get to look at other women with her and talk about their tits etc. My fiancee got a job at this mall. While at the working there she found...

2 years ago
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workplace fuck

She had an infectious grin, that was the first thing. Impish, it kind of reminded me of Jack Nicholson. But there the resemblance stopped. She was petite, about 5’3, damned if she was over 105 pounds. Dark hair cut to frame her face. Small, swimmer’s body. She had a six-pack (she showed me). Deep brown eyes. It was hard to see her as a girl because of the gender-neutral hats, t-shirts and khaki pants we had to wear at the restaurant I managed. It was also hard to see her as a girl because she...

3 years ago
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Workplace adventures

I had just been transferred to a new department at work. I'd come up with a new idea, and the big wigs liked it, so I'd been given the somewhat staggering task of actually leading the project. Along with the new responsibilities came a new office in another part of the building. I decided to get a head start and came in early to move my stuff over into my new office. As I carried my things, I looked around hoping to see who I would be working with, but all I saw was a lot of windowless offices,...

4 years ago
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Workplace Medical Examination

This story happened on leaving school and starting my first ever job back in 1980.It was a Friday and I was close to finish my first week as an employee at a small printing company, I was given a few duties between departments. On the Friday I was helping out in the accounts department, which consisted of two women in their late fifties Margaret and Muriel, also working there was Tracey who was in my year at School and to be honest I had a crush on her for as long as I could remember. I was...

2 years ago
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workplace fuck

She had an infectious grin; that was the first thing. Impish; it kind of reminded me of Jack Nicholson. But there the resemblance stopped. She was petite, about 5'3, damned if she was over 105 pounds. Dark hair cut to frame her face. Small, swimmer's body. She had a six-pack (she showed me). Deep brown eyes. It was hard to see her as a girl because of the gender-neutral hats, t-shirts and khaki pants we had to wear at the restaurant I managed. It was also hard to see her as a girl because she...

Straight Sex
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Workplace Lesbians

Well everyone im finally back! I havent written a story in a while because I havent had any out of the ordinary sexual experiences besides the usual sex with my fiancee. If you have been keeping up with my stories then you know my stories are 100% true and based off of personal expriences. so here it goes...My fiancee is bisexual and oh yeah it is great. I get to look at other women with her and talk about their tits etc. My fiancee got a job at this mall. While at the working there she found...

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Workplace Crush

You decide, as you watch her smile beatifically from across the canteen, that this is the last time you do so from afar. Lifting your tray you rise, making a beeline for the table where she laughs with her friend. Your resolve is stronger than it's ever been before, you're certain that yes, this time you'll ask her. Her conversation grows louder as you approach, but for once her lovely voice spurs you on instead of scaring you off. "So what did you get up to last night?" her friend asks, eyes...

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Workplace Violations

Scene: woman in early 20s with pretty face working in a small office. She’s sitting at her desk working on a spreadsheet on a laptop. She has on a long skirt ago down to her ankles and a bulky sweater. Her skirt has a belt, but it’s under the sweater. There’s no way to tell if she has a good body or not. There’s a larger desk at the other side of the room with a laptop on it but no one sitting there.A woman in her early-to-mid 30s comes in and closes the door behind her. “I’m glad you haven’t...

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Workplace Friendship Leads To Lustful Overtime

I was working late that night when I noticed Jennifer was also working late. Jennifer is a beautiful black woman in her late thirties. Her hair was cut short in a cute pageboy, which accented her facial features. She was wearing a light colored sweater and a long black skirt. Sometimes, just from looking at her pretty face I had to control myself from getting too hard. Her dark eyes were gorgeous; her soft lips had a pout on them that made me want to jam my white cock into her mouth! It had...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 01

Chapter 1: All Our Past Times There was no ‘Bernie.’ It was just a made-up name from long ago, and no one remembered its origin. ‘Backstreet Bernie’s,’ however, was a sacred watering hole for me and a number of the locals. Nick Kleinhof was bartender during most afternoons and evenings. He was also the owner, and as you soon discovered, no one … I mean no one … messed with Nick. He was built like a brick shithouse as the saying goes, and more than once I’d watched him bounce some drunken...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 05

Chapter 5: Back in the Fold Our bedroom contained a bookcase which I had only perfunctorily examined when I first moved in. Yolanda and I were lying in bed one Sunday morning, talking about her family, or more precisely, Margaret McCarty’s family. It seems they were some of the original founders of several of the towns in the area, after the gold rush of 1849. They came from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada down onto the fertile plains of the Central Valley. They farmed, they built stores...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 02

Chapter 2: Full Speed Ahead I’d spent the good part of Friday evening organizing my thoughts about how to finish the basement room at the Michaels’ home in the most efficient way. Yolanda agreed to paint the baseboards and casings if I did all the other stuff. I had half-gallon of semi-gloss white latex in my storage unit which I retrieved before leaving for the Michaels’ house. That would look after the trim. I picked up my rubber hammer, cushioned knee pads, gloves, and safety glasses, and I...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 04

Chapter 4: The Haunted and the Hunted By the beginning of June, I was pronounced fit by my doctor. I wasn’t actually. I had been so careful not to overdo anything, that my real fitness was sadly lacking. But Yolanda had a plan, and when Yolanda wanted me to follow her plan, I had no intention of denying her. We started off with aggressive walks in the morning and after supper. They were an hour long and with the warm weather now bordering on hot some days, I was really feeling the stress of...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 03

Chapter 3: Yoyo, DeDe, and Captain Kirk Thank god it was dark when I tried to open my eyes. I was floating around in some never-never land. I could feel pain, but it wasn’t acute. It was my eyes that hurt the most. They were like two steel ball bearings, rolling around in the bottom of a tin can. Even the slightest movement of my head would set them off again. I tried to form a coherent thought. Where was I? What had happened to me? I was lying on a cool, firm surface, trying to concentrate....

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Replacement Therapy Ch 06

Chapter 6: Clearing Space The next morning I vowed to have a private session with Georgia. I intended to lay down my cards, and I was pretty certain she wasn’t going to like what I said. I had been taken advantage of by her, and I wasn’t in a very forgiving mood. I had quite a dynamic conversation with her last night … in my dreams. I was in a surprisingly good mood, considering how uptight I had been the night before. The catalyst for that mood was the children. They merged like they had...

2 years ago
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Replacement Ch 01

Merle shivered a moment, feeling the tension build up inside her. She looked down at the pretty but uncomfortable dress she was wearing, wondering if she really looked as beautiful as that strange servant said she looked. Tera opened the door in front of her and stood beside it. ‘After you, Mistress.’ Merle nodded and gave her a weak smile. She stepped through the door and looked around the dining room. The walls were panelled with wood and a few paintings hung between the thickly curtained...

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Replacement Husband Part TWO

We woke up in roughly the same position. Still cuddling not my mom and my cock was rock hard. We weren't pressed together as tightly, however, and she'd moved away from my dick. I felt her waking up, and I started to move away from her but my arm was locked down underneath her neck and I knew there was no easy way out. She yawned, and wiggled her ass back into my morning wood. We were both awake, but it was apparent neither of us wanted to talk about it.She exhaled loudly, and finally spoke,...

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Replacement Husband

My c***dhood was pretty great for the most part. When I was in middle school, my not parents perfect happy marriage started falling apart. By the time Christmas break came around, my not mom was sleeping on the couch and they fought all the time.On Christmas, my not parents watched my not sister Allison and I open presents, and then my not dad left. He didn't stay for lunch, he didn't go with us to our grandparents, nothing. He just left. The next morning, my not mom explained that her and not...

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Replacement of wife

My wife Vandana and I had been having continuous arguments for more than two years after marriage. Most of the times after the arguments Vandana ran to her parents’ house in Jaipur and often stayed there for one month or two. Our maid girl Suvidha had been watching all this right from beginning. Since Suvidha knew that Vandana and I were not having good relation, at every opportunity Suvidha tried to get close to me, trying to tell me that she will always be there for me whenever I need her in...

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Replacement TherapyChapter 2 Full Speed Ahead

I'd spent the good part of Friday evening organizing my thoughts about how to finish the basement room at the Michaels' home in the most efficient way. Yolanda agreed to paint the baseboards and casings if I did all the other stuff. I had half-gallon of semi-gloss white latex in my storage unit which I retrieved before leaving for the Michaels' house. That would look after the trim. I picked up my rubber hammer, cushioned knee pads, gloves, and safety glasses, and I was set for the day. I...

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