Bed Of Rose’s free porn video

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This is my interpretation of the song by the Statler Brothers titled Bed of Roses. Maybe it is not what the song intended, but this is mine. I hope you enjoy it.

As always, edited by Angel Love


I went down into the dark basement, looking around as I descended. I never liked it down here. It was scary and it freaked me out, but I had a job to do. I stepped onto the concrete floor and moved quickly to the stack of boxes in the corner. I didn’t turn on the light since I knew exactly where to look. I reached around behind the biggest one and felt for the bag I knew was there, I fully expected a big rat to bite my fingers but it didn’t happen. I felt the bag with relief and pulled it out. I dropped the two dollars Mrs. Johnson had given me for cleaning out her garage into the bag, twisted the top closed again and stuffed it back into its hiding place.

Back upstairs, I looked at the clock on the kitchen wall, noting it was almost six o’clock and knew that mom and dad would probably not be back until late. Probably drunk again as usual but that was OK since it meant he would ignore me. If he was drunk enough, I could probably make it through the next morning without getting smacked around. Maybe, if I was lucky. I wanted to go back down and count my money but I was afraid that he would come home unexpectedly and catch me down there. If he did, he would find my stash.

I watched TV till bedtime and then crawled onto the foldout cot that served as my bed. I pulled the covers over my head and said a silent prayer that this time it would be OK and he wouldn’t come in. I fell asleep and didn’t wake when they came home, both falling down drunk. But it was OK since he was thankfully too drunk to come at me. At least he must have been since he left me alone.

The next day was a bad one. Dad was angry about something he said mom did last night and they fought and yelled at each other until mom finally screamed at him and ran out of the house. I heard the car pull out and then nothing. I was sitting on the steps out in back when he came out. He yelled at me and grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me into the house. He was screaming about dinner and wanted to know why I hadn’t fixed him something to eat. I didn’t know how to cook and I told him that, but he didn’t buy it. When I again refused, he smacked me across the mouth and then kicked me when I fell to the floor. It hurt like hell and I began to cry. That made him more angry and he kicked me again. It went on for what seemed like hours but eventually he stormed out of the house and I heard the truck leave.

When I finally pulled myself up off the floor, I decided then and there that I had enough. I was bruised, hurting where he had kicked me and bleeding from the nose where he slapped me. I had enough! No more! I made up my mind right then and there and went downstairs to my hiding place. I pulled out the bag, not caring about the rats waiting to bite me and took my bag and went back upstairs. I pulled out all of the money and counted it. $67.45, enough for the bus ticket out of here. I was twelve years old, smart enough for my age and fed up with being smacked around by a drunk. Mom wouldn’t say anything to stop him because he would smack her around if she did. Well, OK, I was gone!

My bus ticket in hand, I boarded the huge Greyhound bound for anywhere but here. I sat by the window and watched carefully to see if he would show up. I thought I saw him several times but it wasn’t him. I was getting away! He couldn’t find me if I left and I would be safe. I held my breath as the doors closed with a hiss and the breaks released with a clicking, clanking sound and the bus began to move. I was on my way to safety. Away from both of them. I was only twelve, but I was on my own.

We left Wichita, Kansas heading south. My ticket would take me to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma but I didn’t plan on going that far. I wanted mainly to get out of town so they couldn’t find me or know where I went. So, I settled in and watched as the bus drove out of the city and into the surrounding openness. It was about an hour later when the bus stopped at a small roadside rest stop and I got out. I looked around, saw a fair sized road leading east and west and made my decision. This was it. This was where I got off. I had only my small duffel bag so I took it with me, pretending on going to the bathroom, then sneaking off to the back of the stop into a stand of trees. I settled down there to wait until the bus left again. It was twenty minutes later when I moved back to the rest stop and went in for supplies.

Fortified with five packages of cheese crackers and a carton of orange juice, I moved to the side of the road and began hitchhiking. I stood there for only fifteen minutes or so before a pickup truck stopped. The man asked me where I was going and I just said east, so he beckoned me into the back and we were off. I was going farther away by the minute and as I did, I felt more and more safe and happy. I leaned back against the cab of the truck and looked around at my new surroundings.

Stillwater. That was where I stopped to make my new home. It was a small town of about 70,000 and it was just what I wanted. I wandered around until I found a small suburb that seemed just right. It had a couple of strip malls and some individual stores that were perfect for what I wanted. I found an empty old wooden building, back off the street, that served as a hiding place for stray dogs and cats and moved in. I scraped a clear space for myself and decided on what I would need. A couple of blankets, a nice deep box with a top, and some more food. I could steal what I needed and did so over the next two days. By the end of the third day, I was set. A place to sleep, plenty of places to swipe what I needed and some store backs with trash that would yield some real treasures. Not too different from what I had come to depend on back in Wichita. Drunk parents don’t do much shopping and a fridge full of beer is a poor meal.

I became known around the little community where I settled and a lot of folks didn’t like me being there. A lot of them would yell at me when they saw me, the shop owners would shoo me out when I came in and in general they considered me a pest. Several times, I saw cop cars driving around slowly, probably looking for me but I was too small and I could hide when I spotted them. I lived this way for about six months before noticing this beautiful woman who came into my favorite store every Wednesday morning without fail. I watched her for a couple of weeks before venturing in the store when she was there.

As I sidled close to the counter while she was waiting for her purchases to be totaled, I heard the clerk, a young man named Henry, call her Miss Rose. He seemed very nervous around her and I wondered why. She was tall, very long blonde hair, a voice that reminded me of a church choir and she smelled so very nice. I watched her as she picked up her bag and started out of the store. Just as she was about to walk out the door, she turned, looked right at me and said, ‘Would you like to help me with this bag?’ I was struck dumb! How had she noticed me? I was too cool to be caught by someone like her, and anyway, she was too fine for someone like me. But she was looking right at me! I had no choice but to nod my head and run after her. Out the door and down the street, her leading and me following. We reached a very nice truck. One with all the fancy trimmings and she beckoned me to her. I went like a dumbstruck kid without a mind of his own. Maybe I was being led to the slaughter but at the time, I didn’t care. I would have followed her anywhere. She smiled at me, making my legs buckle, and just pointed to the back of the truck. I climbed up and sat back against the cab. She put the bag of groceries right next to me, telling me to hold on tight and we left.

We drove out of the little suburb, down a back road where she turned off onto a gravel drive. It wound around a little
clump of evergreens and on the other side I saw this big old house. It looked grand to me. Big columns like you see sometimes in pictures and a whole lot of windows, all with white lacy curtains blowing with the breezes. They were all open. She pulled around to the back and parked next to the large back porch. I hopped out and grabbed the bag of groceries ready to follow her inside. She never looked back but went straight to the back door and inside. As I got to the door, she pushed it open and held it for me.

Inside was a huge kitchen with lots of cabinets and a huge old stove that was bigger than any I had ever seen. She told me to put the bag down on one of the counters and I did as she instructed. I had to lift it very high since the counters were almost too tall for me to reach. But I got it safely on the counter and then stood back, my hands behind my back, waiting. I hoped she would give me a dollar for helping her but I did worry a little about hitch hiking back to where my things were. If I left now, I could get there in plenty of time, before it got dark.

Instead, she had me sit down at the table and without a word, she fixed me a sandwich of real meat and a glass of ice cold milk. It was the best meal I had since way before I ran away. Like I said, drunks don’t do a lot of shopping. As I ate, she put away the groceries and then taking a cup of coffee, she sat down across from me and watched me finish that glorious sandwich.

‘My name is Rose. What’s yours?’

I told her my name was Richard Wallace Bing and I was twelve years and three months old. I didn’t tell her where I was from but did tell her I lived close to the store. She listened, nodded her head like she believed me and just watched me finish the sandwich and milk.

‘Why don’t you tell me the real reason you’re running the streets with no one to take care of you. And don’t you lie to me. I gave you some food and a glass of milk so you owe me at least the truth. I promise I won’t turn you in or anything like that.’

There was something about Miss Rose that got to me. I just found myself wanting to tell her everything and before I had any sense, I did just that. I told her all of it. I told her about my drunken parents, my dad smacking me around, my mom looking the other way, me catching the bus and hitch hiking from the interstate to here and then finding the old building to live in. She listened so carefully to everything I told her, asking a few questions when I wasn’t too clear and then just nodding and letting me talk. I spilled my guts to her and somehow felt much better afterwards. Something about Miss Rose made me want to trust her. I had done it and now I could only wait for her to do something.

‘That’s a very sad story Richard Wallace. I do believe it is one of the saddest stories I have heard for a very long time. I need to think on it now. But I don’t think that old building is a good place for you to stay. I have an idea. Follow me.’

Miss Rose took me down a long hall leading toward the back of that grand old house and she opened the door to a large room with big windows that was full up with boxes full of who knows what. It seemed that it was just junk that had been collecting for years, or at least that’s what she told me. She asked me right out if I thought I could get those boxes moved out of that room and piled in the back of her truck. When I told her yes, for sure, thinking that she would surely give me at least two or three dollars for all that, she hit me with the first of those priceless gifts she was to give me over the coming years.

‘If you can get this room empty of this junk, I think it would be a perfect room for a boy your age to spread out in. We can find a few things, like a bed and maybe a chest of drawers that would be a nice addition. How about that, Richard Wallace?’

Well, you can believe that I got all those boxes out of that room in no time. I was very careful not to scratch her fancy truck but I got them all in, along with a few other odd pieces of furniture I found buried under those boxes. By day’s end, the room was empty and I was standing in the middle of it, just looking around, the light from those wonderful big windows shining on me and making me feel like a King in his castle. I was lost in the wonder of it when I heard a voice behind me.

‘Well, well. What have we here? Looks like a little man to me. What do you think girls?’

I tuned to find three women, dressed in what looked like see-through nighties and robes looking at my new room. They were all very beautiful and their faces were made up like they were ready to go out for the evening, none of which made any sense if they were ready for bed.

‘You girls get! This is Richard Wallace and he is off limits to you. Make no mistake, he is a guest in this house and he is working for me. Isn’t that right Richard Wallace?’

It was Miss Rose and the girls all acted like she was their boss. They all curtsied to her and moved back from the door. Miss Rose watched them go and turned to me. She looked at the room and smiled that wonderful smile of hers.

‘A very nice job, Richard Wallace. A very nice job, indeed. Let’s take a ride and get rid of those boxes and pick up the rest of your things. I do have to get back before it gets dark.’

We drove back into the center where the vacant house was and I ran in quickly to grab my few things. One look around and I said goodbye and good riddance. I piled my stuff in the truck and climbed in beside her. She drove down the block and pulled into an alley and around behind a big brick building. She went inside for a minute and returned with two very big men. They moved to the back of the truck and began to unload those boxes I had moved. I quickly grabbed my stuff and protected it from their efforts and within no time at all, the truck was empty. After Miss Rose spoke to the two men and then waved goodbye, we drove back to the house and to my new home.

I was to find out later, that the day Miss Rose took me under her wing was a Wednesday, and Wednesday’s were one of the two days a week she didn’t open for business. The other was Sunday, of course. I also found out later that Miss Rose owned and operated a bordello, or a whore house as it was commonly known around Stillwater. She had seven ladies working for her and I had already seen three of them.

on the phone

I started to go with her every Wednesday to the store and to do other chores that she saved for that day. In return, Miss Rose began to find little pieces of furniture for my room and she made sure I took meals three times a day. Miss Rose never cooked but there was a little lady who did. Her name was Ling Li and she was Chinese or something and she was a very good cook. She also worked for Miss Rose in the evenings only. There was another woman there who started to work with me on my schooling. Not that I wanted that, but Miss Rose insisted. The lady, Veronica, seemed to enjoy it and I had to admit, she made me work hard. I learned more than if I had stayed in school.

As time passed, I grew bigger and stronger and learned a lot from Veronica. She gave me some books on home repair and she suggested I learn what I could since Miss Rose thought it would be good if I could do some of the repairs around the house. I did and became quite good at most things. The older I got, the more I learned. Miss Rose once told me that the house had never been in such good repair in years. I was pleased since all I ever wanted to do was make Miss Rose proud of me. I loved Miss Rose.

I learned the names of all the girls who worked for Miss Rose. There was Veronica or Ronny, Ling Li or Lee, Pamela or Pammy, Judith or Bunny, Janet or Candy, Alice or April, Ruth or Robin and Miss Rose herself. All the girls had their second name which they used at the house. I learned their real names during the time I lived there. I later found out why they had two names. Funny thing was that Miss Rose was just known as Miss Rose.

le I eventually found out what the girls actually did at the house, I was never allowed to enter those rooms or go out to the main house during the times they were ‘open for business’. That was Miss Rose’s rule and there were no exceptions. Any girl who broke that rule would be fired on the spot, no questions asked. Miss Rose told me that too, just so I would know that someone would pay if I broke the rule by myself. I never did.

The other thing I learned was that when Miss Rose and I went into town to do the shopping, nobody would speak to her unless it was for business purposes. Like the young clerk the first time I saw her. If she was walking down the street, people would step off the curb or cross the street rather than meet her. She often spoke to someone she saw but they would never return her greetings. I wondered about it for the first several years but then later, figured it out on my own. It was both shame on the part of some of the men folk and anger or envy from the women. Miss Rose didn’t seem to mind but she was always very quiet on the way back from those trips.

On my sixteenth birthday, Miss Rose called me into her room. I had never been there before, even for a visit. It was a Sunday and the bordello was closed to business. I went with my heart in my mouth, fearing that I had done something to displease Miss Rose. She was sitting in a high backed chair next to the huge fireplace. There were plants and stuff in the fireplace so I guessed it didn’t work. I wondered for a minute if she wanted me to fix it for her. I looked around that room and it was something to see. The ceiling was almost ten foot high and was covered with metal. It was brass and it shone bright as day. The walls were papered with a wallpaper that was almost like velvet. I knew because I actually felt it with one hand when I entered. The floor had this deep, red plush carpet that felt like you sank at least a foot deep into it. The windows were floor to ceiling almost and had heavy drapes that looked like rugs. In the middle of the room was the bed.

The bed. That’s all I can say. It was the biggest thing I had ever seen, at least two or three body lengths wide and so high there was a three step platform on one side. The headboard was massive and made of a dark wood, polished to a shine. The comforter was special made because it was all one piece and covered the bed from head to foot. The pillows were big and there must have been ten of them across the head. There was a big rug behind the bed on the wall and it showed a picture of a young woman, nude, laying on a carpet of flowers. I guess it was knitted right into the rug. The whole thing was breathtaking. Even to a 16-year-old.

I stood there, made unable to speak by that room and that bed. I just stared at it like a stupid person. Miss Rose watched me with a smile on her face and gave me time for it all to sink in. Then she spoke to me as she always did, quietly, with a little laugh in her voice.

‘You are sixteen today and it’s time you learned to drive. I don’t need to make so many trips into town now that you can go on your own. Judith will begin teaching you today. You will use my truck, so see that you don’t cause me any grief by banging into something with it. Do you understand Richard Wallace?’

I was speechless, as I often was with Miss Rose so I just nodded my understanding. I was overjoyed of course. I loved that truck and I had watched Miss Rose drive it and I knew I was going to be able to do it myself with a little help. Judith and I started that day as promised and within three weeks, she determined I was ready to get my permit. We drove into the DMV on a Wednesday and I had it. I drove back legal like. We studied for the test and I got my license a month later. I could drive!

From then on, I did most of the shopping and other things that required driving. It was a ball for me, both driving that wonderful truck with all the power equipment and the bells and whistles but more so since I could see more things while I was in town. I took to going places a different route each time I went. Soon, I knew the whole area like I knew the back of my hand. But, I never stayed long. I wanted to get back to the house and my studies. I had found a new love, learning. I couldn’t get enough and Veronica encouraged me. She got whatever books I needed and finally got me a library card that I could use to get whatever I wanted. I studied, everything I could.

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Bed of roses

Picture the scene rose petals on the bed, Scented candles. Soft music playing. I would like to shower with you, then dry you off and lay you face down on the bed, then slowly start massaging your feet and legs then your thighs, and around your lower back area. Then I would work my way up to your back & shoulders and neck slowly rubbing all the muscles loosening you up. Then I would have you turn over and start moving my way down to your breasts cupping them softly in my hands, sucking on...

2 years ago
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Bedsit in London 1992

This is the story of my first one night stand. I had had 2 long term girlfriends but had split from the last one about 8 months before this incident. I had been working in London with a team of about 10 people, 2 were women. As we were all on short contracts of only 3 months and none of us lived in London (most coming from Oxford, and I from Birmingham) our employers put us up in a low quality hotel in east London for Monday-Thursday nights, with the team being driven back to oxford on Friday...

2 years ago
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Books and Roses

Jeff absently straightens his tie as he climbs the wide, glass-sided staircase to the second floor of Borders Books. It is a weekday and near closing time. Few customers remain. Finally he is going to meet his mystery lover. After weeks of exchanging steaming correspondence, fantasies, and near-pornographic propositions over the Internet, they have arranged to meet for late drinks at a nearby restaurant, a ‘blind date.’ He checks his watch again – still too early. With time to kill he has...

3 years ago
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A Bed Of roses

I arrive early at our hotel suite because I want to have things just perfect for our first meeting. I am nervous, but so very anxious to finally have a chance to enjoy all the wonderful things we’ve talked about in our letters and over the phone. Every possible scenario runs through my mind and I am getting so aroused it’s hard to keep my mind on what I am doing. I am just finishing my preparations when I hear you enter the sitting room. The lights are off and you fumble for the light switch...

4 years ago
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A Dream of Roses

We are coming home from a night out on the town, we are kissing, cuddling, and fondling with each other as we walked down the pathway to the front door. I opened the door for you and gave you a sweet sensuous kiss, on the lips as my tongue gently swiped over your lips. I lead you into the lounge room and went to make a cup of coffee for us, as I walked back in from the kitchen I see that you are slowly squirming in the seat. I watch you for a minute or two before you noticed me standing at the...

2 years ago
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Wine and Roses

Friday night traffic on the Interstate was at a crawl, and it looked as though I would be later than usual getting home. It was shaping up to be a less than perfect ending to a less than perfect week.Things had looked bright enough on Monday morning, and it seemed like I would have a good week of sales. But, on Monday afternoon, an appointment for a large account was indefinitely postponed, and things went straight downhill from there. It was a Murphy’s Law kind of week punctuated with car...

4 years ago
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It was Solstice Eve, and Queen Genevieve had a headache. It had been a long day and she wasn't really looking forward to the long tedious evening of celebrations that the Winter Solstice always turned out to be. The festivals and late night feasting were always tiresome, all the peasants and noise that the celebrations brought into the castle grounds, her head pounded with a sharp pain at the thought. The King had opened the castle to an even wider range of people this year. Her husband's...

1 year ago
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Bedpost Lovers

Samantha and Hannah were twin sisters. Both had long blonde straight hair that went all the way to their shapely behind and a body. Suffice to say that both were the sexual target of every guy where the girls worked. But each guy was turned down by both girls who really loved each other. No one knew. They had found each sexually at a young age and never looked at a boy since. They promised that they would never lose their virginity to anyone else but each other.Tonight was to be a special...

1 year ago
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Blood Red Roses

The National Weather Service was predicting a steady decline in temperature along with light snow flurries for the next five to seven days. However, as the storm that was pummeling the east coast began to worsen, so did the snow and the winds in Ohio. By Sunday evening, Akron’s snowplows had fallen so far behind schedule that only the main highways, through, in, and out of the city were plowed…. Monday was looking less and less like it was going to be either a back to work or a back to school...

3 years ago
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Coffins Roses

The gaunt, auburn-haired girl easily stood out in the small seaside village of Drumliffey, almost at the tip of the Irish mainland’s southernmost point. She kept her head bent while she walked along the street, as though she was looking for something but wanted to pretend she wasn’t. Everyone recognised her as a city girl. Only Dublin girls wore powder blue suits with short skirts and double collars. Only Dublin girls would totter along the cobbled street in six inch heels. Drumliffey women...

1 year ago
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Wine and Roses

This is a work of fiction… I love Stephen with all my heart. He is sexy and sweet. He has a cute patch of stubble, and a button nose. His voice turns me on so much that I feel moisture trickling down my thigh. He is my soul mate. He is not my boyfriend! He sits behind me in my lectures, so close that I can smell the exact brand of aftershave he is wearing. I am meant to be listening to the lecturer but I can only think about him , his body and his personality. We were meant for each other,...

2 years ago
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It's 11:45 pm and all you can hear is laughter and loud, obnoxious music that nobody in their right mind should like, yet all you can do, probably due to the booze, is dance to the beat. It's during your drunk dancing session that you finally bump back into your friend.

2 years ago
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Shower of Roses

This is the story of my best friend and how one weekend together, changed our lives forever. A friend who now I am happy to call friend and if it wasn’t for fate, you know…wifey she will be called. But as we all know fate has its way of fucking with us and as for Christin and I, it did more than fucking with our life. Christin is now married to my eldest brother while I have not found ‘the young’ and I hope soon but till I found her let me enjoy the memories with you guys of how it happened...

3 years ago
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Dandelion Memoriesof Yesterdays Roses

The day dawned bright and clear in lush green pastoral setting at the North Union Cemetery. That morning, a young boy had jumped at the chance to go with his Great Uncle Homer, a World War I soldier, to help mow and clean up the picturesque old cemetery in time for Memorial Day which is only days away. Although he would have been willing to do it for nothing, because he loved hanging around with his Uncle Homer; the old soldier wouldn't hear of it. On the way over to the cemetery, the old...

4 years ago
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All Is Not Roses

You know the old saying: If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But there are times when life gives you strawberries and the best you can come up with is sour, puckering lemon juice. That's the way I was feeling. My name is Gene Shallot — yeah, just like little onions — and I'm 27 years old. Although I'm 5'10" I weigh just 135 pounds straight out of the shower before any water drips off so I'm not big; that has always bugged me because I have a huge appetite. I've got unruly brown...

2 years ago
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Sandals and Roses

It's nice being able to finally lay back and enjoy your life. Not that I didn't enjoy it before the divorce. I just never had time. Working pretty much 7 days a week for eight years wears a body out. Especially when some of those days you go straight from one job to another. Now, that's not a problem. I don't have Sue riding me to get out and go to one of the many jobs I had. Not that we were hurting for money. She just always wanted more. Of course, I was the one that was to get it for...

2 years ago
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Eighteen Yellow Roses

"Reg, 'andy you dropped by mate, I need a little favour!" my cousin Pete said, as I killed Bonnie's engine. Pete hadn't even given me time to kick the prop-stand down, let alone climb off the bike. Bonnie by the way is my 1962 vintage Thriumph Bonneville. She's probably a little old-fashioned when compared to modern bikes, but she's the real deal, something I'd dreamed of owning since I'd first clapped eyes on one as a young man. By then I had enough money to indulge my whims; I'd...

3 years ago
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Hockey Sticks and Roses

Without question, the hardest thing I ever had to do as a mother was to tell my son that his father and I were getting a divorce because I was a lesbian. On the surface, we were a typical well-off middle-class suburban family. Josh's father and I had good careers; he was a marine draftsman, and I was a nurse. Josh was a typical boy for his time and place. He lived and breathed hockey, and sometimes it seemed little else interested him. We lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, my...

4 years ago
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Bird SongChapter 7 Ring a ring of roses

James MacLaren and his wife arrived at his parent's house and rang the bell. James' father, David, opened the door and they could both see immediately that there was something wrong with him. They pushed past into the house, Avril fussing over her father-in-law, and found his wife, Ivy, lying on the sofa covered by a duvet. If anything she looked worse than her husband, her skin pallid and her eyes looking sunken in her face. Avril busied herself putting on the kettle and looking in the...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 73 Smelling the Roses

[Like who was going to sleep with whom tonight.] That discussion was fast, furious and fun. With 9 people, 5-women, 4-guys and 3 beds it was going to be interesting. Since Sarah, Linda and Jamie would only allow one particular cock in their pussies AND demanded ALL of their guy’s deposits, they assigned themselves to whatever bed their guys were in. TJ, Janet and Mary decided to play ‘musical beds’ then planned to ‘sleep’ together. Greg and I slept with Jamie and Sarah, who both insisted on...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 10 Stop And Smell The Roses

July 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Are you OK?” Clarissa asked on Friday morning as we lay in bed together. “Why wouldn’t I be?” “You seemed a bit out of sorts last night. Did that kiss bother you?” I smiled, “Not the way you mean. It was just, well, to be blunt, fighting a reaction. And losing.” Clarissa laughed softly, “I know. I felt it when I spooned. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I liked the kiss. The other reaction is kind of involuntary. As I keep saying, testosterone knows NOTHING about...

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Disobedience Disobedience My name is Margaret. I am 24 years old, I live in the south of England and I am married to a wonderful man. I was brought up in a conservative family and I was a virgin when I got married. I did not really think that I was unworldly, but my knowledge of sex in marriage did not prepare me for the reality. I knew that couples enjoyed doing other things than straightforward intercourse. For example I had heard of oral sex. I thought that meant that I might be...

3 years ago
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Bunkbed Sex in New York

This is a true story that happened back in the summer of 2009. I had spent the summer traveling over the USA coaching at different camps over the west coast. I am 23 years old and live in England but was enjoying myself in America ”living the dream” as they say, but it all came true when me and two friends headed across to New York City on our 2 week break over the independence holidays. We stayed in a standard hostel in Harlem.   The place was vibrant with young guys and girls ranging from 18...

2 years ago
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Slowly, my fingers slide down... lower. Just the tips of my nails brushing my flesh, softly. Tracing a circle around my hardening nipples... not touching them. I think back to that day... that wonderful morning filled with making love WITH you. A soft gasp escapes my lips. I know that My Master would not be pleased to know that I was thinking of pleasing myself without His permission, but I will pay the price. The thoughts of being with Him overcome me. I am unable to resist the desires, no...

2 years ago
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Obediant Neighbor

I got home a little late and was checking my messages on the computer, when one really set me back.Where the hell have you been, I was horny all afternoon and you weren't here to fuck me. My husband will be home soon, and he just can't give me the satisfaction I need. No matter what time you read this get over here and make me cum. He'll be here, but don't let that stop you. After catching us with Milan last week, he knows you and I fuck the afternoons away. And I NEED a real orgasm so fucking...

4 years ago
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Bunkbed in the Alps part 2

... The next morning on the 4th day i woke up thinking about what i heard instantly. Which made me had again. I decided to just go in to the shower first again, so i climbed down from the bunkbed stairs again. Again with a big erection. This time Linda was still sleeping, her upper body was out of her sleeping bag and she was wearing a white t-shirt. The fact that she was a sleep gave me a chance to look at her. And then i saw the contours and color a her nipples through her t shirt. Her brests...

2 years ago
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Bunkbed in the Alps

Bunkbed in the alps.Let me start off by telling you that this story and all my future stories have happened to me in reallife, i’ve only changed some of the names and dates, the rest are all real experiences i have had.There i was, standing in the ER for my best friend Thomas, who had just had a bad skating accident. Waiting for him to come out of surgury. I was there first, because i was the one that was with him at the time of the accident. Waiting for him family to arrive, i was curious and...

3 years ago
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Bunkbed in the alps

Let me start off by telling you that this story and all my future stories have happened to me in reallife, i’ve only changed some of the names and dates, the rest are all real experiences i have had.There i was, standing in the ER for my best friend Thomas, who had just had a bad skating accident. Waiting for him to come out of surgury. I was there first, because i was the one that was with him at the time of the accident. Waiting for him family to arrive, i was curious and anxious to see if he...

3 years ago
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Bunkbed Sex in New York

This is a true story that happened back in the summer of 2009. I had spent the summer traveling over the USA coaching at different camps over the west coast. I am 23 years old and live in England but was enjoying myself in America ''living the dream'' as they say, but it all came true when me and two friends headed across to New York City on our 2 week break over the independence holidays.We stayed in a standard hostel in Harlem.  The place was vibrant with young guys and girls ranging from 18...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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ObedianceI        I am writing this by candlelight in a basement.  ?Basement? is too glorified a term; ?dungeon? would be more accurate.  There is a stone floor, a wooden bench, a pole, and a gymnastic horse.  This is not my house.  I don’t know the name of the man who owns it; I was given to him last night by another man whom I was given to by my Master earlier in the week.  My ankle is chained to the pole.  I write these words because I just had to let someone know what is happening to me.  I...

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CAUTION! This is a very dark story with an even uglier ending. It’s pretty damn sick if I’m honest. Not at all like my usual stuff; there’s no love or romance at all in this black tale of cheating, deceit and revenge. I don’t like any of the characters, and I don’t think you will either. Be warned. If you hate BTB stories, please don’t even start reading this one. And don’t then bitch at me when you do hate it – it’s your fault for not heeding this warning. My wife was killed and my...

4 years ago
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Poojabedi a Terrific Experience

Here I am Raj, aged 22 [definitely not my full name], now a professional photographer narrating about the real wonderful and terrific lovemaking session I had with Pooja Bedi, previous sex bomb of Bollywood [daughter of Kabir Bedi and Protima] that happened in 2000 November. She came to film world when she was 14 and at that time itself and she had a very sexy body. She had no objection to show that beautiful body in advertisements and in two three films. To certain extent she was an...

1 year ago
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Bed Page! The Internet is a goddamn miracle. I know I spend a lot of time going on and on about how the web has ushered in a golden age of hardcore pornography, but the net’s got other things to offer us as well. You can buy a truck, get a band together, or find somebody to recover all that porn you thought you lost off your hard drive. People say the net separates and isolates people, but you can use it to chat up broads, get a date or find a hooker to slob your knob for a while.

Escort Sites
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Hentai Bedta! Are you feeling frisky for some sexy hentai games and manga? The website has that and much more in its massive repository which is impossible to look through by anyone human. Yeah, not even two sentences into the review and I start talking about how huge this website is and how much content it has, and that speaks volumes. Like the volumes and volumes of hentai porn, games, and manga that you’ll find on this website. Jeez, I seriously can’t get over how much of it...

Free Sex Games
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Bed Page! What could be better than perusing my website, finding a really sweet porn tube full of free smut, and then furiously stroking yourself to a mind-boggling, explosive climax? How about getting some hot slut to do that stroking for you? Maybe you can even upgrade from the handy to a full-fledged, full-completion oral massage. I guess it just depends on what the erotic masseuse happens to be offering and how much cash you’ve got in your pocket. Whatever the case, BedPage can help you...

Erotic Massage Sites
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Embedy is one of those sites that doesn’t initially look like something you’d jack off to. The thing is, I’m The Porn Dude, and I try to shake my dick at every website I find. It’s pretty much how I separate the worthwhile sites I list here from the unfappable garbage your grandma likes to load up when somebody hands her an iPad. Just based on the fact that you’re reading this review here, you can probably already guess what I has been around since 2016. The landing page is...

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