Lacy Finds A Nubian Spear fea Lord Zaire
- 4 years ago
- 68
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The rain cloud popped up over the ridge out of nowhere, a dark cloud suddenly appearing above the treetops blocking the sun. They didn’t even have time to dig their rain jackets out before it broke loose and drenched them both to the skin.
‘The site isn’t far, let’s just keep going!’ Katie shouted over the deafening rain.
Mike nodded and followed her the last quarter mile up the ridge to the clearing. Katie was cursing her lack of preparation, but at least she had the waterproof cover on her backpack so her gear was dry even if she wasn’t. She set her bag on the stump of a fallen tree and looked around. It was still pouring so she didn’t want to try to unpack and she was already soaked so there was no point in putting on her rain jacket now.
Mike caught her eye and grinned widely.
‘If I’d known there was gonna be a wet t-shirt contest I’d have brought my camera,’ he said with an approving glance at her chest.
Katie looked down to see her black cotton tank top plastered to her body, clinging to her small breasts like it was painted on. She wondered for a second if maybe she should have worn a bra, but she almost never wore one unless she was at work, didn’t really need one with her A cups, and hadn’t even packed one for this trip. Oh well, at least it wasn’t see through. She put a hand in front each breast and flipped him off before turning and fishing one wet hand into her pack to find her rain jacket so she could cover up.
Just as she pulled it out and was shaking it loose Mike snatched it out of her hand. Her mouth dropped in astonishment as he backed away, dangling the jacket from one hand.
‘Come and get it,’ he said with a grin and then turned and ran.
Katie chased him into the woods, hurling threats and invectives as she went. Mike dodged and weaved through the trees, letting her catch up and then taking off again at the last second. Running in the rain with the wet smells of the ridge top permeating the air was exhilarating and even though she knew there was no way she could possibly catch up with Mike, her competitive nature took a back seat and she had to admit she was having fun.
Mike skidded to a stop on a wide, flat area of exposed rock overlooking the valley below. The view was breathtaking even with the grey wash of rain obscuring the far distances. He turned just as Katie emerged from the trees, scattering rocks as she slipped on the wet surface.
‘I’ve got you cornered now, buddy. Nowhere to run,’ Katie said, breathing deep from the exertion.
‘You think?’ he teased. ‘Come and get it then.’
He dangled the jacket in front of him, pulling it behind his back when she stepped forward to grab it. She reached around him and he deftly twisted away, laughing. She stepped closer and reached the other way snagging one sleeve before he had a chance to twist back. They both pulled on the jacket in opposite directions, neither willing to let go.
‘It appears we are at an impasse,’ Mike quoted, grinning down at her.
God she was gorgeous. Her dark hair was wet and slicked back into her ponytail and her cheeks were pink with exertion, eyes bright with laughter. He could feel every inch of her body pressed against him and was desperately trying to ignore the feel of her hard little nipples against his chest as she tugged on to her jacket with one arm wrapped behind him.
His body was not following the command to ignore however, hadn’t been ever since he got a look at those perfect, pointy nipples plastered with the wet fabric of her shirt earlier. He could feel himself growing hard in his pants and he knew he should move, quick, before she noticed too, but there was a line of drips along one eyebrow threatening to run into her eyes and he couldn’t help reaching out with his free hand to wipe them off with his thumb.
‘Give it back,’ she said weakly.
‘What do I get in return?’
Katie’s eyes narrowed. ‘How about I don’t knee you in the balls.’
Mike burst out laughing. ‘That’s a fair trade,’ he agreed, letting go of the jacket. But before she could move away he brought his hands up to her face and pressed his lips to hers.
He’d meant it to be a brief kiss, just to feel her out, but once he’d had a taste he found he couldn’t stop. He lightly brushed her bottom lip with his tongue and felt her jump, but she didn’t pull away. Encouraged, he took the kiss deeper, sweeping his tongue into her mouth and tangling it with hers. Just as he was telling himself he should stop Katie leaned in, her hands resting tentatively on his neck, her body heat counteracting the chill of his wet shirt. Mike dropped one hand to the small of her back and held her close as he kissed her, oblivious to the chilly rain, until a sudden clap of thunder startled them both back to awareness.
He pulled back and looked into her eyes where he was glad to see a reflection of the same desire he was feeling. At least he wasn’t the only one getting carried away. ‘That was an even better trade,’ he said, his voice husky.
‘So you’re saying kissing me is better than a sharp blow to the nuts. I’m flattered,’ she said, attempting to suppress a smile.
‘Well, I can’t say for sure,’ he said seriously. ‘You haven’t kneed me in the balls yet.’
She laughed and dropped her arms from him, feeling suddenly chilled as he stepped away. She pulled the jacket on over her wet clothes and gave him a shy smile before pulling the hood up. ‘Should we go make sure our packs haven’t been washed away?’
‘Probably,’ he said, unable to come up with a clever response. Somehow his brain was suddenly working at half capacity.
Back at the campsite Katie pulled a tarp out of a side pocket of her pack and draped it over the fallen tree, creating a small covered space underneath just big enough for the two of them to sit with their packs. The rain had slacked off some, but it was still falling and it had brought a chilly breeze to the ridge top so they’d decided they should probably make an attempt to get out of the drizzle. Katie crawled in first to change into a dry long sleeved t-shirt and took the opportunity to try and assimilate her thoughts.
He’d kissed her, no big deal. So why had she been fighting a ridiculous grin the whole way back from the overlook? Well, he was a good kisser…a really good kisser. That was enough to make a girl smile, right? But she knew that wasn’t it.
She liked him. And it had been a very long time since she’d actually liked a guy. She dated them, slept with a few of them. But she had never fallen head over heels, never even had much of a crush, unless you counted the occasional celebrity she lusted after. Sarah had accused her of holding herself back because it gave her the upper hand, which may or may not have been true. Katie felt like she just hadn’t found anyone worth putting up with.
In any case, she made no secret of it and had never lied to any of the men she dated about how she felt. They pursued her, sometimes she allowed them to catch her, but in the end either she drove them crazy or they drove her crazy so they never stuck around for long and she was fine with that. There was something different about Mike, though. He might be worth putting up with. He didn’t let her act awkward and uncomfortable and ignored her attempts to boss him around, or laughed at them. Normally that sort of thing would frustrate the hell out of her, but he seemed to be competent enough that she was surprisingly okay with it.
After a few minutes Mike ducked under the shelter and quickly changed his shirt, treating Katie to another all-too-brief look at his body before pulling a dry t-shirt over his head, much to her disappointment. He grinned at her, giving her the distinct impression that he knew exactly what she was thinking. Rather than being embarrassed Katie found herself grinning back.
‘Hopefully it stops raining at least long enough for us to get a fire going late
r,’ he said, glancing out at the sky.
‘I’m sure it will, it’s just an afternoon shower. They pop up all the time in the summer. Sucks to get wet, but it’s nice afterward when it cools everything off.’
‘Yeah? It doesn’t work like that back home. It showers in the afternoon and then it just gets all humid and muggy afterward.’
‘Where’s home?’
‘Little River, North Carolina. I’m not used to mountains, around there it’s either beach or marsh.’
‘Really? You seem awful pale for a guy who grew up on the beach.’
He raised an eyebrow at her. ‘I think I should take offence at that.’
‘I didn’t mean it as an insult,’ she said, giggling. ‘I’m not complaining.’
‘Fine, laugh at my Irish ancestry. I’ll have you know my people have a long, proud history of pasty whiteness.’
‘Oh, you have Irish in you?’
‘Yeah. You want some Irish in you?’ he asked with an evil grin.
Katie laughed out loud. ‘Nice,’ she said. ‘Does that line ever work?’
‘Oh, come on,’ he said, clapping his hand over his heart. ‘You’re killing me. That’s some of my best material, right there.’
‘Oh you poor thing, you must never get laid,’ she said, feigning sympathy.
‘I don’t,’ he pouted, which looked ridiculous on such a large man. ‘Of course, I’m not above a little sympathy sex if you’re really feeling sorry for me.’
‘Sorry bub, no sympathy here. Somehow I don’t think you have any trouble finding willing participants.’
‘Yeah well, I could probably say the same thing about you.’
Katie blushed at that, unsure how to reply, and the smile faltered on her face.
‘Hey,’ he said, nudging the toe of her hiking boot. ‘I meant that as a compliment. Did it come out wrong?’
‘No, it’s okay,’ she said, shaking off the awkwardness. ‘But for girls the problem isn’t finding willing participants, since most guys are horndogs. Usually the problem is finding a relatively sane horndog with tolerable self-hygiene.’
‘Wow, I feel like I’ve learned more about women from that one statement than I have in a decade of dating.’
‘Yes well, I’m nothing if not informative,’ Katie said, flashing him her fake newscaster-smile.
‘Informative. That’s not the first word I’d pick to describe you,’ he said, his eyes coming up to fix on her face.
She raised an eyebrow, deflecting what she feared was about to be a cheesy compliment. ‘How about anal? Controlling? Bitchy? All words I know for a fact have been used to describe me.’
‘I was going to say intriguing, but hey, you know you better than I do,’ he said with a smirk. Before she could come up with a reply he turned and stuck his head out of the tarp, looking up. ‘I think it’s just dripping from the trees, maybe we should go ahead and set up now in case it rains again.’
They got to work, quickly and efficiently setting up what they needed for the night. It was nice camping with someone who knew what he was doing and what needed to be done. Katie didn’t feel like she needed to delegate or check to make sure things had been done right. They gathered firewood first, stacking it under the tarp in case it rained again. Then Mike put up his tent while Katie started a small fire and put some water on to boil for dinner. She looked at her tent and considered putting it up, but she knew there was a small hole along one of the bottom seams and decided to wait in case it rained again.
Their fare tonight was much less fancy than Caleb’s feast. Katie had her typical backpacking meal, ramen cup o’noodles and an apple. Mike had an MRE with a surprisingly yummy-smelling glop of chicken and rice and some other random items. She gave him half the apple and he shared a gummy brownie with her as the sun sank low in the sky.
Katie was enjoying herself, but felt jumpy, unsure of how she should act around Mike ever since he kissed her. She found herself half dreading, half anticipating him doing it again at any moment. It wasn’t a feeling she was accustomed to, given that usually she was the one in control of situations like this.
She would have had a much harder time acting nonchalant if he hadn’t kept up his steady stream of teasing and silly innuendo. As it was, he kept her smiling so she never had a chance to really worry herself into the state of anxiety that she was leaning toward.
After they ate Mike built the fire up, filling the small clearing with warmth and light. He dug around in his pack for a minute and pulled out a silver flask.
‘Care for some Crown?’
‘Oh lordy, that’s hard core.’
‘That’s how I roll. Hard core all the way,’ he said, sitting down cross legged next to her.
Katie snorted and held out her hand. ‘Sure, why not?’ She took a small sip from the flask, then another slightly longer one before closing it and handing it back. Mike’s fingers brushed against hers as he took it and her hand jerked, letting the flask fall between them. ‘Sorry,’ she muttered, embarrassed, as he picked it up and dusted it off on his shorts.
‘So what kind of nursing do you do?’
‘I work in rehab. We get the patients who need time to recover from surgery or trauma before they go home. Strokes, hip replacements, heart attacks.’
‘Is it mostly elderly people then?’
‘Mostly, but also the occasional head trauma or missing limb or paralysis.’
‘Wow, that sounds rough.’
‘It can be, but not usually. The people we see are on their way back to normal, you know? At least they aren’t going downhill or they’d be in a nursing home, so most of the time it’s positive, they’re improving, and we get to send them home at the end.’
‘Sounds like you enjoy it.’
‘I do for the most part. It’s been pissing me off lately because they changed the way they bill the insurance for the physical therapy and we aren’t able to give some of our patients the kind of care they really need- You know what, that’s really boring and I don’t really want to start talking about it. The short answer is that I do like it, but I’ve been thinking about going back to school to get my masters so I can have a little bit more say in how things are run. I just have a year and a half left on my contract and if I want them to pay off my loans I have to finish it out.’
‘That’s a cool program.’
‘Yeah, it is. It’s saving me a lot of money. So what about you? Do you like being a cop?’
‘Love it. It’s what I always wanted to do, ever since I was a kid. I wish I could advance faster and move on up to more important things than giving speeding tickets and catching truants, but I gotta put in the time just like everyone else.’
‘That’s great that you’re doing something you love. I like my job, but I wouldn’t say I love it.’
By now it was full dark and stars were beginning to twinkle above the treetops. Katie stretched her legs out in front of her and leaned back against her hands to look up at them. The whiskey was warming her from the inside out, relaxing her, so when he spoke again it didn’t rattle her the way it might have otherwise.
‘So I have to ask, are you gonna let me kiss you again or are you gonna keep avoiding it all night long?’ He leaned back on his hands so he could see her better before continuing, ‘Because I figure I could either get it over with and just kiss you now, or you can go ahead and tell me that you don’t want me to and we can both stop waiting for it.’
‘Wow,’ she said, impressed and a little unnerved by his honesty. ‘Way to take all the spontaneity out of the moment.’
‘Hey, you’re the one that jumps every time I touch you,’ he said with a crooked grin.
‘I do not,’ she said, blushing at the lie.
Mike just looked at her with one eyebrow lifted. Katie, never one to refuse a challenge, reached across her body and laid her hand flat against his belly, just below his belly button. It was warm and surprisingly hard under her fingers, but she distinctly felt his muscles twitch at the contact.
‘Who’s jumping now?’
‘Oh, you play dirty,’ he said, his grin widening to a smile.
‘Damn right.’
He ran his hand up her arm, twisting toward her and pulling her close until their faces were nearly touching. The smile was still on his face as he looked in her eyes, not moving. He raised that eyebrow again and Katie realized he was waiting on her, challenging her. She lifted her face toward him and he moved back, barely. She narrowed her eyes and tried again, once more finding him just out of reach. Mike chuckled softly as she dropped her hand from his belly and turned her face away before he caught her cheek with one hand and brought her lips back to his in a soft, but insistent kiss.
Maybe it was the whisky or the gentle crackling of campfire in the night air, but for once Katie felt calm and unworried. She let herself feel and not think about what was going to happen next or what it might mean. This felt good, he felt good and for now she didn’t want it to stop. Mike’s tongue explored her mouth, tasting of whiskey, and she sighed, pressing her body closer to him in encouragement. By the time he pulled away several minutes later they were both breathless.
‘Damn,’ he said, surveying the ground around them. ‘I should have brought a blanket or something.’
‘I could grab my sleeping bag,’ she offered.
‘I’d hate for it to get all dirty. And the ground is still kind of damp. Would it be totally jumping the gun for me to suggest my tent?’
Katie craned her head around to look at his little tent. Much like hers, it was narrow and tapered at the far end, just long and wide enough for one person to lie down comfortably and tall enough to sit up only at the front near the door. But his sleeping bag was already rolled out like a big puffy cushion and with the door open to the fire it looked welcoming and cozy.
‘I don’t know,’ she said, turning back to him. ‘I’m pretty comfortable here in the cold, hard dirt.’
Mike jumped up and held a hand out to her. She took it and he pulled her up with ease, surprising her with his strength. She over-corrected and stumbled into him, catching herself against his chest at the same time he grabbed her elbows to steady her.
‘Jesus,’ she muttered, splaying her hands across the hard planes of his chest. ‘You’re like an immovable force, aren’t you?’
‘That depends.’
‘On what?’ she asked, looking up at him with a grin.
‘On who’s trying to move me.’ He walked backwards, pulling her with him toward the tent, holding her hands loosely to give her the opportunity to change her mind. They paused just outside the tent to brush the dirt off their asses, then Mike motioned her in ahead of him. She knelt awkwardly by the doorway as he crawled in and lay propped on one elbow on his side facing her, his head nearly in her lap
Katie was struck again by his size once they were in the enclosed space. But it wasn’t really his size that was overwhelming her, it was his presence, the way he was looking at her, the way her hand was already working its way up the smooth skin of his side under his t-shirt without her realizing she was doing it.
One side of his mouth came up in a crooked grin and he slid his hand up her thigh, wrapping it around to cup her ass and pulling her off her knees to sit next to him on the sleeping bag. He ran his hand up her back and into her hair, gently tugging at the rubber band until he released her ponytail, her hair, still a little damp from the rain, falling in gentle waves around her face and shoulders. He snaked his fingers up under her hair, rubbing his fingertips firmly against her scalp in little circles. Her hand fell still under his shirt, her eyes dropped closed, her head limp on her neck while he massaged her.
‘Oh my God,’ she moaned under her breath, ‘that feels amazing.’ She leaned forward slowly until her forehead was resting on his shoulder as his hand moved down to rub her neck.
‘Lay down,’ he said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet.
She blinked her eyes open and gave a little disappointed sigh before laying back and stretching out next to him.
‘On your stomach.’
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Maria was dressed in a traditional tango dress: close fitting, slit up one side. Her partner, Manuel, was dressed up too, wearing tight trousers and a brief jacket. Somehow, Pru was persuaded to abandon her pareo and put on similar traditional garb. Perhaps it had been the sense of happy anticipation that permeated their preparations, but Pru went along with it gladly. "First, dinner," Maria said, as they walked through Buenos Aires Sector. It was early evening, and they walked along the...
Doing English had become a bit of a breeze and I had become a sort of de facto leader of my own little sorority. This was a group of girls, with whom I had studied from first year. There was Emma, Jasmine and Megan and we had many a legendary party to our name. We always had pick of the hottest guys and when there was no spare cock we would invite more girls round for drunken lesbian orgies. Although I mostly called the shots, Jasmine would often take the lead, but to be fair we were all pretty...
Group SexLate night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...
Caroline summoned me to my office on Friday. My ticket for travelling the next Monday had just been arranged. I was actually discussing something with Daphne, which always takes a while, but Alice, her secretary, was quite clear: I was to report to the fourth flour at once. “Sorry about that, but I think you got the gist of it. Winston will certainly be able to flesh out the code. It will give you a chance to hang out together.” “I still want to know why you’re leaving,” said Daphne, trying...
Chapter 1. Recap and Introduction In her first encounter with the infamous follicle felon, the Hairdresser, the mutant heroine known as the Scarlet Witch, and commonly simply referred to as Scarlet though Wanda was her Christian name, had been lured into his diabolical styling salon under the premise of a beauty make over and hair coiffure. However, instead of a relaxing hair appointment to enhance her already natural beauty and provide a boost to her self-esteem, the Scarlet Witch had only...
21. It's not a mystical number by any means, its easily divisible by 3 and 7, and it doesn't hold any place in the heart of a supercomputer as the answer to everything. In fact, it's quite dull if you stare at it long enough. Still, 21 holds the key to unlocking the life hidden just beneath the surface as everyone, no matter of age or race or gender, everyone has had the thought once that maybe if they were just a bit different, if they could change just a small bit of themselves, they would be...
TranssexualGood God! How long had I been daydreaming? Where were we now? And where had all those scary black clouds come from? Last I was conscious, the sky had been a perfect dome of pure azure. Not a trace of cloud, not even the little white fluffy kind. I'd found it sort of menacing in its own way, in its utter blankness. Nothing between us and the cosmos. In fact, I was finding this whole landscape a bit disconcerting. As an East Coast kid, I'd spent my entire life near some sort of shade or...
Chapter one The old airstrip behind our neighbourhood was such a lovely place to exercise. I always loved skating on my in-liners, but after moving here it has become almost an obsession. The asphalt of the strip has held up nicely since it was closed down for airtraffic, giving me a very smooth surface - which by incident I have all to myself. The strip runs smoothly uphill from where I go onto it, and setting a hard speed uphill for a mile and a half gives me a nice sweat. Going downhill is...
I would bring this girl to climax first, leave her panting in the dirt. Taking two fistfuls of hair, I pulled her head away. My cock popped out of her mouth with a sucking sound. “M’Lord, am I not to your liking?†she asked, looking up at me with genuine concern. “You’re wonderful, my love, but I want to see to your needs first.†“But I only want to satisfy you.†“You’ll satisfy me by doing as you’re told.†Rochelle gave me a puppy dog look. “I’ll...I’ll do whatever you want.†This ravishing...
First TimeStephanie wakes up bright and early excited to get the day going. It's been a couple of months since Luis left. Being alone for the first time since they married has had her feeling a little down. She got a call last night finally and Luis told her he was finally all settled in and could finally Skype with her. He wasn't sure what time would be but promised he would be calling.Stephanie is now extremely happy. She decides to make a quick breakfast and get that out of the way. After breakfast,...
Wife LoversThese afternoon card games are getting out of hand thought Karen as her fingers slipped under the table, her cards forgotten. First one finger, then two as listened to her friend Becky. The fingers slid in easily, her pussy already wet from the visions that Becky's story conjured up. She could just see it happening to Becky as Becky described it. "I looked him up and down and saw the tent in his trousers and then I just said, "Sure honey, why not. I've never fucked a nigger before." "Oh...
ChristmasSukky phoned Joe, he was due to leave for Australia later that evening. It was a subdued conversation. He’d been up graded to first class, “thanks Lynn,” Sukky thought to herself. She would see him after the cricket, after Christmas, and after she had made yet another couple of videos. He was flying into Thailand, for two weeks, just him and her. But first Sukky had work to do. The Company called and she obeyed.The flight was booked, and her bags were packed. The Chairman would have...
"This is the last time I go camping, I swear," Toby grumbled as he hiked through the thick undergrowth around his legs. His weekend hadn't been going quite the way he had intended. It all started early Friday morning upon arriving at his girlfriend Martha's house, where he found her cooking breakfast for his friend Paul. Naked. The three of them and Paul's fiance had been planning this camping trip for weeks. Needless to say, Toby was shocked and furious. His first reaction was to kill Paul. Or...
Supernatural"Yes, Miss O'Brien, we have persuaded the Ministry of Justice to expedite its investigation into your case. They are arranging for the police to interview people at the hotel and verify the possibility of your public nudity being not entirely voluntary." "Not entirely! What are they talking about? Who in their right mind would volunteer to be frozen half to death at three in the morning? And how has it taken this long to get around to checking with the hotel?" "Yes, I know young lady,...
(C) NickB 2006 - All right reserved. Email author : [email protected] INTRODUCTION, JUNE 1993 ======================= I can't do this without going right back to the beginning, but I'll try and make it as brief as possible. I was born Paul Hammond, I'm thirty-two years old and I'm what you might call a 'rocker'. I know it's probably not fashionable to say so, but I was into Whitesnake, Foreigner, UFO, Zep, Black Sabbath, Michael Schenker and practically anything else you...
‘So then he just walked away?’ Katie nodded at her friend, biting her lip and struggling not to cry. ‘He didn’t say anything else?’ ‘No, Sarah, I told you he just said, ‘apparently I am’ and walked out the door,’ she said, a little harsher than she intended, but the flash of irritation held back her tears. Katie had been holed up in her apartment for the last week, had even called in sick to work the first few days to avoid having to see anyone. Then this morning Sarah had come banging...
Fresh friends invite me to meet them at a big beach in noman's land along the border between our two countries.I agree to meet them three at about three to shoot some fine footage for the couple and their dear daughter there.I arrive with my camera rolling and focus at the tight tiny titted teen who pretends she does not notice now me at all.Fresh friends watch with me how she dances in the waves and lets her waves flow for us as a sudden surprise!Fresh friends with no names yet to protect...
My depression had the effect of making me lose my appetite for anything. I had lost huge amounts of weight and although it meant that shopping was cheaper, it also meant that nothing I owned really fitted anymore. I had dropped from a thirty-eight waist, to a thirty-two and trousers were a definite problem. All of them hung on me like I was a wire coat hanger and without a belt to hold them up there was no way they would stay where they were supposed to. For the moment though, I didn't need...
Airtight on the Marriage BedHaving received and noted comments and feedback, I will be making some changes to the future episodes of this story. Hope readers will enjoy it more and continue to give feedback so I can make improvements to the way I tell the story. For this part, I’ve taken away most embellishments and expansions of the original story, so what you’re reading now is closer to the truth. (Unlike the rather unpopular club scene in Part 2-1 which was purely added for dramatization)...
Fresh Start By Julie O Synopsis: Dr. Liz Reid takes a job at a spa following the death of her husband. For her son Josh, the trip will result in a life changing experience. Fresh Start By Julie O Edited and with menus by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Josh Reid stared out the window of his mother's Land Rover as they drove towards their new home. He was lost in thought about how much his life had changed in the last year. His life had changed dramatically...
I have had a fantasy about eating a woman who had just been fucked by another man and then having sex with her myself. That sounds simple enough – and it sure is kinky – but finding a woman who wants to screw some other guy and then screw me right away isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do. This little situation just sort of landed in my lap a number of years ago.I got to know Ricquie through some friends. We dated for a few months, and then she moved into my condo with me. She worked for...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Haunted Forest “There’s no getting out if they don’t want you to,” Lupiz said. “We’re trapped until the flutterwings get bored and let us go. But they...
The Refresher Course - Part II By Sissie Maid Cuckold Jolene swallowed hard as he heard what his wife was saying. He knew he had to do it and with some hesitation looked back and forth a few times then slowly walked to the two men. He walked slowly partly because he was scared to death but also because he was in high heels and not only was he uncomfortable about navigating in them but they were beginning to hurt his feet. His first thought was "how do women wear these things...
After Sam moved into his home on the top floor of an apartment block, he became fascinated with his neighbours. They occupied the far end unit and he lived next door to them. The six units on each floor were mirror images of one another and Sam, therefore, shared an adjoining bedroom wall with Tex and Gail. They had a very noisy sex life and Sam would frequently hear them cavorting after two a.m.Gail worked at a nightclub from six p.m. till two a.m., and after being collected by Tex after her...
Gay MaleHe had been in the business since its early beginnings. James was more than just a repairman; he was an artist at his craft. He started as an apprentice to another master. Bruno was an excellent repairman too, but he always did things by the book. He tried to instill that in his protege James but realized early on that he was much more.It was forbidden to alter their physical structure or programming, but James loved to tinker. James would only dabble in unorthodox repairs with part units....
Fantasy & Sci-FiOnce upon a time there was a couple that was extremely bored one autumn weekend. Rich and Kat had enjoyed summer, but with the turning of the leaves and both of them running out of vacation days their options for entertainment were limited. One day while they were watching Princess Bride on Netflix there was a knock on Rich and Kat's door. "Check it out," Kat said. "Could be a package." Rich got up and grunted, "It could also be a damn door to door Cable Salesman. No, I don't want to switch to...
FantasyThough people in this story mean well, or claim they mean well, they do things you would not wish to see done in your own home at your own dinner table. Neither would I. So please protect the underaged at your dinner table from reading about such things. And if you are underaged, please protect yourself. That's what the law in its wisdom requires of you. Good luck, and bon appetit! New Hairdo by Vickie Tern I know I...
Mistress Cunt's two fairiesBy Taffy, the little sissy fairy girl My, my what a wonderfully gay time Angela and I had with our slut friend Lauren and her Mistress Cunt! Here’s a little story about that faggy time and how fairy we were for her.The weekend started the night before with Angela and I at the hotel; I had already properly dressed in my sexiest outfit, a gold sequin mini skirt with black fish net stockings. It did not take Angela long to get herself prepared and we sat to chat. Chat...
TATSU VERSUS THE FLOWER FAIRIES (Tatsu Story I) By C I. Invasion If you go driving south of San Fancisco some day, you'll soon find yourselfin the little town of Los Gatos. About the least remarkable sight in Los Gatosis Tatsu's Nursery, a jumble of huts and greenhouses on the town's main drag,just inside the city limits. Walk past the nondescript architecture, however,and you'll discover something very remarkable indeed: the lushest, most variedflower garden on earth. How can it be? you'll...
Matt wasn’t the most enthusiastic about gym class; in fact he was only taking it because he had too. He needed one more year of gym to graduate high school, and he wanted to get it out of the way during this year, his junior year. The gym class was a mixed bag when it came to the ages of the students; all four years were mixed up into one big group. Matt had been sitting on the bottom bleacher, waiting for the rest of the students to show up and class to start. He had been sitting with...
I am married to a 29 year old beautiful and sexy petite british born Bengali woman. Her older sisters husband is fresh from Bangladesh and is 47. He is dark and ugly and is quite aggressive! I have seen him stare at my wife on more then one occasion and at first it used to piss me off! I mean my wife is hot, young and educated and out of his league! He is a ugly old freshy! I saw him perving on her and then brush past her as he walked past her. She noticed and looked back at him and he just...