Betrayed? free porn video

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My name is Brad, I am 24 years old, I have a good job at the Chevy dealership, Sherry is my girlfriend. She’s 22. She works at the dealership as a receptionist, we’ve been going together for about two years, and we are planning on getting married in June. It’s the 20 of May, a day I will never forget. Some of the girls were throwing a bridal shower for Sherry. We are planning on buying a house, as soon as we get back from our honeymoon in the Bahamas. We haven’t gone all the way. We were saving ourselves for our honeymoon to have something special between us, like our grandparents who have been married for over sixty years, something that we wanted.

I was across the street form Sherry’s house at about eleven PM, waiting for her to come home from her shower, when Tank drove up in his pickup he was the big football jock on campus and has screwed about half of the girls there.

Sherry climbed out of his pickup she was a mess, he’s through her panties at her and said, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow,’ and sped off.

She didn’t see me and started for her house. I couldn’t see too well it was dark and my eyes were full of tears. After all our waiting and making plans, she let me down. I don’t know how she could have done it, a couple of minutes later my phone rang it was Sherry, but I didn’t answer. She kept calling me about every five minutes, but there was no way I was going to talk to her, about then my mom started calling, but I didn’t answer. I felt like I’d just been run over by a Mack truck and it hurt bad. All I could think of was I had to get away for a while and think, I loaded up all my camping gear most of my outdoor clothing, extra blankets whatever else I thought of at the time, and took off down the road.

I have a three-year old Silverado three-quarter ton four-wheel drive with a Durmax and six-speed Allison. A week and a half later I was in some remote village in the middle of nowhere in Alaska. Most of the people that came to the village were people that live somewhere out in the wilderness. A dirt road led out of town that I followed for about twenty miles until it ran out. I found a small clearing by a stream, and decided to set up camp. I camped out for about a week and decided I had nothing back home for me. Going down to the village, I contacted a real estate agent and ask about the land he said, the land up there was divided into eighty-acre partials. The parcel where I was, was parcel 110, so I bought the eighty acres for $50 an acre. In the city, I bought some lumber and plywood, a generator and a coupled power saws and some hand tools and a chainsaw with about fifty gallons of extra gas and started building a small cabin about 20 x20. Ted my neighbor who became a good friend lived 3 miles down the road and help, usually rode into town with me on trips for supplies, installation, food and a wood stove for heating and cooking a couple of chairs and other furniture that I needed for the cabin. I build three sheds one to put the pickup under, one for not too far from the house for the firewood, one for tools and a meat locker on fifteen foot stilts. The cabin was airtight and insulated very well, with two thermal pane windows. The roof had a 6-10 pitch and I covered it with metal roofing. The cabin was just one large room, in the back of it, I build a loft which extended out about 8 feet, which gave me about 6-foot clearance in the peak, which is where I put my bed.

As winter started to approach I had no idea what I was in for. I talk to my neighbor Ted to let me in on some of the ins and outs of the winter, and we visited each other’s maybe once a week. Another family lived down the road about six miles. They were the Hammons, Bill and Sarah they had four children. I usually talk to them on trips to town. During the winters, Ted trapped and said I should do the same. He told me what I would need, and I pick them up on an earlier trip to town.

Now that winter had set in, I didn’t realize how nasty it could be the night were dropping down to thirty below. There was no going to town, unless I snowshoe it and that was out of the question. Being snowed in all winners was new and something I haven’t counted on. I made a couple of trips with Ted on his trap line and learned what to do, later I started one of my own. I learned a lot that winter, learned to do things that I never thought I would have to do. One thing that was different was not being like able to run down to the market or store to buy things when you needed them, I learned to be very self-reliant, not depending on anyone or needing her anymore. It was hard to get Sherry out of my mind, and maybe I never will. However, trying to survive the winter assume most of my time it was a real learning experience.

One thing I learned especially in the little house out back was you don’t touch anything solid or smooth with bare skin when it’s cold are you might be ‘stuck’ there for a while.

Somehow I made it through the winter, and spring was coming, things begin to get easier. As the snow melted down, I could go to town when I wanted to. I put in a more supplies and food that I needed and few more things around the cabin. I did pretty well with my furs and some gold I panned from the stream. I did a lot more work on the cabin, fixing it up to be more suitable for the cold weather.

Fall was coming on it wouldn’t be long before the snow returned. I smoked about 300 pounds of sockeye. And now that it was freezing at night. I shot a young moose and put about 500 pounds of meat in the locker and made about 100 pounds of smoked jerky.

My conscience got the better of me, and I knew my parents were really worried, not hearing from me for over a year. They still didn’t know where I was, so I wrote a letter to them.

Dear mom and dad,

Sorry I haven’t been in touch. I know you’ve been worried about me, but I am okay. The night of the shower I was waiting for Sherry when she got out of Tank’s truck.

And he said, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow,’ and through some of her clothing at her.

She ripped my heart out. I don’t know how she could have done it to me with all that we had planned. Anyway, don’t worry about me, I’m fine and getting by very well. I’m learned to be by myself, that way nobody will hurt me again. Anyway, don’t worry like I said I’m ok. Take care of yourself. I promise I will write more.

Always Brad

Today I mailed the letter probably the last trip to the village this winter, I know it wouldn’t be long before I was snowed in again. Eight days later it started to snow.

I worked hard that day, cutting and splitting firewood and went to bed around eight o’clock. The next morning I headed for the outhouse, and on the way back I saw a pickup parked in my driveway and said,

‘What the heck.’

The windows were all steamed over and frozen on the inside from the condensation of somebody being in their overnight. It was still snowing and had about 2 feet of snow on the ground. It took some effort to wage through the snow to get to the pickup. I knocked on the window waited a little and knocked again. I saw someone steering inside finally getting up off the seat. Sherry opened the door and set there looking at me and all I could see was mad, in her blue eyes.

She climbed out and stood there looking at me, suddenly she swung and hit me in the nose and mouth with everything she had,’ Damn you.’

I still didn’t say anything just looked at her with blood running out of my nose and a cut lip. She was shivering really bad from the cold and was not properly dressed for the winter. I told her to come in and get warm, I put some more wood in the stove and gave her a blanket. We didn’t say anything, we just stood there looking at each other for about fifteen minutes. I was thinking, gees, she’s beautiful, I love her, no, I hate her, after seeing her, I don’t know what I meant.

I finally asked her, ‘What are you doing here,’ and she slapped me this time.

I told her to sit down I gu
essed we need to talk, we sat across from each other. It took a while to get the conversation going. We both have a lot of pent-up emotions, finally she said, ‘You go first.’

‘I was sitting across the street when you came home and got out of Tank’s truck, all messed up,’ and he said, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

And I thought, ‘Is a shower like a bachelor’s party, where they try to line the groom up with a hooker for one last fling.’

If looks could have killed I would’ve been dead.

‘You asshole. Why didn’t you answer your phone, I needed you? I had a flat tire, and I left my phone at home, Tank came by and offered me a ride. I thought it would be all right I was only a mile away. Two blocks down the street he stopped and tried to rape me, he tore my clothes and beat me really bad. The only thing I could do was grab his nuts and twist, I hope I put him in more pain, than he put me in.’

When I got out of this truck he said, ‘If you tell anyone, I’ll get you tomorrow.’

‘ I kept calling you, I needed you and needed your help. I finally got a hold of your mother, and she took me to the hospital. Tank was arrested for attempted rape, assault and battery and received 10 years.’

I should have known better for not trusting her. By this time, I was breaking down pretty bad and ran outside. The wind was bitter cold, and the tears froze on my face, I couldn’t hold them back. I was not dressed for being outside, but I didn’t care. I just sat down in a snow bank and kept thinking boy, I sure made a mess out of our lives.

I guess I sat there for fifteen minutes, and finally, the door open. Sherry wanted to know what I was doing, I was wet and cold, shaking really bad. This time she put the wood in the stove. I strip down to my long johns wrapped up in a blanket and put my clothes behind the stove to dry.

I looked at Sherry, she had been crying too, her eyes were red and puffy.

I asked her, ‘How did you find me.’

She pulled the letter out of her purse that I sent to mom and dad and showed me the postmark. She said the people down at the store told her where I was. I asked her why she hadn’t come in last night. She told me it was dark, and she couldn’t see the road anymore and she didn’t see my cabin. I remember I went to bed early.

We sat and look at each other again trying to figure out what each other thoughts were.

I finally asked, ‘What are your intentions.’

She said, ‘I don’t know, but I just had to come and find out and punching you made me feel better.’

I felt my cut lip and said,’ I’m glad you did, I mean being here. Do you think we can work things out.’

‘I don’t know. It would take some time you left when I need you, and I didn’t know why you were not there I can see now how you misunderstood, but it still wasn’t right. You should have asked me, how do you think I felt with you weren’t there, and I didn’t know why?’

All I could say is, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry.’

I came around the table, and she came into my arms, and we held each other for a long time.

We finally sat down and I said, ‘Where do we go from here.’

I made this some pancakes and eggs, and we talked for about five more hours.

She said, ‘I had better be going I need to be back home by Monday.’

I told her,’I don’t think so.’ I saw her tense up.

‘Are you going to try to hold me here?’

‘You know I wouldn’t do that, even though I’d sure like to, look outside.’

It had been snowing all day and there was now about 3 feet of snow outside. ‘We are snowed in.’

She said, ‘We can’t be, my parents and my job are expecting me. I told them, I would be back in a week when I talked to them yesterday.’

She put her coat and started for her truck. After about ten feet she turned back.

This time there was a little fear in her eyes she said, ‘I can’t stay I have to go.’

I told her to sit down, and we’ll talk about it when I come back from clearing the trail to the toilet. She’d been crying again. She said she needed to clean up looking around the cabin and give me that look like where. I took the bucket off the stove went over to the stand and poured some water in a bowl. I handed her a wash cloth and went outside and scooped up another bucket full of snow and set it on the stove. She mumbled a little about this would take some getting used to.

While she was cleaning up, I mixed up a batch of cornbread and put it in the oven and went outside, climbed up to the meat locker, selected two T-bones about two inches thick. Grab the frying pan off the nail put some butter in it dropped in the T-bones with salt and a little garlic. I’ll lit two lamps and opened a can of green beans. The steaks finished about the same time as the cornbread.

She got into her steak, and said, ‘I don’t remember you cooking.’

I told her self-survival, I had a lot of practice.

After dinner, she said she had to go. I lit two lanterns as she was putting her jacket on, I picked up mine.

She asks, ‘Your not going with me are you.’

I handed her one of the lanterns and picked up my shotgun, ‘Only outside the Bears are not in full hibernation yet.’ That got a worried look out of her.

We sat around and talked for another two hours. The tension between us was now almost gone, and our conversations flowed fairly well. Sherry look really tired seeing she had a rough night before.

I told Sherry, ‘It was about my bedtime. I’m not used to staying up late.’

As she gave a very questionable look. I told her I would sleep here in my chair, I do most of the time because I have to put wood in the stove every couple of hours, I didn’t really most of the time I just let the fire go out, I have heavy quilts on the bed. I swung the ladder down so she could get up to the loft. I let one of the lamps mounted on the wall and turned it down low and blew out the other two lamps. I kissed her tenderly on the cheek, my lip still hurt. I put some more wood in the stove, grabbed a quilt and sat down in my chair. Watching her climb the ladder, that independent feeling of not needing anyone begin to slip away.

I was up early and cleaned up and thought Sherry would have to clean up. I hung a sheet in front of the wash stand and laid out a washcloth and towel. I brought in a sirloin steak laid it on the stove to thrall out, and then I sliced it into 1/4 of inch thick strips like bacon.

I call Sherry, ‘Breakfast is almost ready.’

She answered me back and said, ‘Do I have to its warm and comfortable here.’

I answered ‘Only if you want to eat.’

That did it, she was on her way down, her hair and her clothes was a mess, but she was beautiful. She asked if I needed my shotgun this morning. I told her I didn’t think so but would be out there in the yard, while she was busy, I went to her truck and got her suitcase. While she was cleaning up, I finished breakfast, steak and eggs, homemade bread with jelly.

After I cleaned up the breakfast mess, we sat around and talked some more,

I asked, ‘How did you sleep.’

She said, ‘Like a log, I never heard anything.’

‘That’s because it’s very quiet here.’

I asked if she’d been dating anyone, but the look she gave me, that a question I should not have asked.

She asked, ‘And you.’ ‘Not after,’ I trailed off there and said, ‘No, there’s been no one.’

Sherry said again, she had to be getting back and wondered what she could do about it. About that time, we heard a motor coming up the road. It was Bill and Sarah on their snowmobile. They had seen the strange pickup to go by the house and wondered who’d it was, and if they were in trouble. The girls hit it off right away, and I think Sarah was really pleased to talk to another female something she does not get to do very often. Bill said he would be happy to take her down to the village. A bus comes through about three o’clock every day, and he had to go t
o the village on Wednesday. I could see Sherry wasn’t so worried now, and I invited Bill and Sarah for lunch.

Bill told me that after a snowmobile pack, the snow down and when it freezes you could drive a pickup on it, making it somewhat of an ice road. After lunch, we talked for about another hour, made arrangements with Bill to pick up Sherry on Wednesday morning. Sarah said they had better be going. They did not want to leave the kids alone for too long.

Sherry was happy about being able to go home. The rest of the evening, we set and talk about us, all we came up with it would take some time. Then I messed up I did a good job of it. For now all we came up with that I would come down as soon as I could, and we would continue to work on it.

On Tuesday, I took Sherry for a hike on snow shoes, about a mile up the canyon from where I live, the water comes cascading down off the mountain and at this time, it was all frozen and very pretty. Sherry was impressed with the beauty of the country, at least, it was a start.

Wednesday morning we had a late breakfast, Sherry slept in again I think she likes the quiet. About 10:30 we heard Bill coming up the trail. We looked at each other again. I slipped my arms around her and gave her a very light kiss. I carried her things out to the snowmobile. She climbed on, and Bill took off, she turned and waved. I don’t know how that Mack Truck made it up here, but it ran over me once more.

For the next two weeks, I just moped around the place and didn’t get much done. All I can think of now, was Sherry. The next day, I hiked down the road, talked to Tom for a while, then on down to Bills. I talked to Bill and Sarah for about an hour telling them I was going to go back and try to work it out with Sherry. The road to the village from Bill’s place was drivable with four-wheel drive, Bill said he would run the snowmobile up to my place a couple of times. I gave them a quarter of the moose, and they promise to watch my place. Bill said he had a tow bar, and if I get both trucks to his place, I could hook her to mine and tow it back. Tom helped me shovel out a path for the trucks and drove Sherry’s to Bills. Back at the cabin he helped me load what I was taking, including 100 hounds of smoked salmon and 25 pounds of jerky. We closed the shutters on the windows and slip the barn door across the doorway and locked everything down. I gave him the front shoulder off the moose and told him to help himself to whatever else he needed.

Six days later I was back home and received a good lecturing from both families. My folks Ryan and Mackenzie really read me the riot act my grandfather died a couple of months after I had left, and I am going to miss him, grandma had died the year before. He left his entire estate to me, dad had boxed up what he thought I would want and rented the house out. He wanted to know if I wanted to move into it. I told him, not right now I needed to think about things for a while. Over at Sherry’s house when I took her pickup home, Taylor and Allison gave me a good lecturing about how I hurt their little girl. I drove Sherry’s pickup to the dealership came in the back gate and talk to my old boss for a while. There were no jobs available right now, things are pretty tight and the economy is not good, and the business was slow.

It was time for Sherry to get off work. I drove around to the front of the dealership. When she came out she was looking for her mother and did not even recognize her own truck. I had to honk to get her attention.

She slid it on the passenger side gave me a pretty smile and said. ‘I didn’t think you would be down this quick.’

I told her. ‘I had to, I needed to know where our relationship was going.’ I did hold her hand on the way back to town.

My parents through a return party on the weekend, both families and friends were invited, it lasted about three hours, mostly consisting of a few hors d’oeuvres and a lot of questions and answers. I showed the pictures I had. I put out about 20 pounds of smoked salmon, and 10 pounds of jerky it was all gone when the party was over.

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Rachel Adjani and Private Debutants Alice Faber and Scarlett BCN are on their Erasmus year, and there is no chance that these sexy teens are going to waste any of it, they want to fuck as much as possible. The girls take advantage of Private studs Alberto Blanco and Potro de Bilbao in a disco and soon get the cock sucking underway before taking the party back to their apartment for a hardcore orgy. Watch on in Private Gold, Erasmus Orgasmus 2 as these girls, fuck, suck, ride and share a wild...

3 years ago
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The very first time

I can remember the very first time I met Bruce, Charlie and Daniel and begin my journey thru hell. Looking back over the many days, nights, weeks, months and years of their savage sexual assaults. Not to mention the many times they gave me to their friends or when others found put and black mailed me into having sex all to keep my secrete. First time I had sex with any one was when I was in high school, I was forced into the act by three of our high school bullies. I was brutally attached and...

2 years ago
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Can You See In the Dark

It was after the finale basket ball game of the season, I was working as ball boy. My duties were to help get the gear put away after the games, just like track, I was a flunky. As I gathered up the last of the gear, I loaded it on to the trolley to take them to the basement. As I went down the ramp to the storage area the lights begin to flicker. I thought that this is a fine time to have a blackout. I reached the bottom of the ramp and opened the storage area, this is something I've done...

3 years ago
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Power of Friendship

I had been the water-boy for the varsity football team all four years and was pretty damn positive I loved women. I dreamed about them and saw a fair share of porn, but never actually had a physical encounter with anyone before. There I was a virgin, a senior in high school, and surrounded by dudes all fall season. During the whole season I saw my fair share of guys and their packages. This of course, got me curious and led me to view gay porn. I wasn't so sure about myself then. I was growing...

Gay Male
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 37

I returned to the Red Keep in a hurry after that change, eager to see how quickly the news of the new Lord Reaper, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, reached King’s Landing. Of course, people would assume that it had nothing to do with me, because after all, how quickly could I have traveled to Pyke and back? Surely, not even I, the mysterious Knight Inquisitor, Master of Laws, and Lord Commander of the City Watch, could possibly have flown like a raven to a distant holdfast on a salty rock from...

2 years ago
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Spring Breakdown

Angela Whitman is a good looking 19 year old. At 5 foot 7 inches, she was well endowed, athletic and the body to show it. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she was always being approached by the jocks in her school. Her friends call her Angel, for short. Today she decided to go and surprise some friends from back home for spring break, rather than joining her friends at Fort Lauderdale. She had a four hour drive on the Interstate and things where going well. As she wasn't expecting to be on...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Sovereign Syre 25031

Mrs. Sovereign Syre comes in her living room where her sons friend, Chad is resting since he hurt his ankle. She has a “mothers touch” and wants to check it out. She says it doesn’t look swollen but your dick is getting swollen watching Mrs. Syre bend over! Mrs. Syre slips into something a little more comfortable to wrap his foot but looks like he needs a little TLC, tits, licking and cock sucking! She starts to take his cock out and loves his big cock! She is cock hungry and...

1 year ago
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Narir Moner Joubon Jala

By: SexysomcHatter Hi readers amar nam Rahul Das (name changed)bari purulia te tobe amra ekhon khagrapur e thaki amaf babar kaj er jonno.amar mail address ami ekhane oneker golpo proechi,khubi valo legeche ami tai amar ekta golpo share korbo. Purulia theke h.s korar por BSC okhan theke complete kore khagapur e korchi ami tokhon sobe purulia clg e admission niyechi okhane amar onek friend chilo sobar sathei khub friendship chilo tobe tader Modhay special ekta friend chilo tar nam...

4 years ago
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TouchdownChapter 21 Some Special Relationships

In the month following Jennifer's reappearance The Transatlantic Axis Edward Black, MI5 and Clyde Ritchie, CIA are coming to the end of one of their regular liaison meetings, something they do at least once each week, according to the progress of world 'events'. "Clyde, do you remember I asked you about what might have been a Company operation in Suffolk about a couple years ago? Two academics interrogated by people who claimed to be your people and then one of them disappeared, a...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 25 Baseball Playoffs Begin

After my run, I went to the kitchen and found Peggy looking worn out. “Are you okay?” I asked. “Coby’s waking up every couple of hours and I’m not getting much sleep.” “And you have finals coming up and your project. Do you need a break?” “I wish, but I’ve got a job that puts a roof over David’s and my head. Don’t worry about it. I’m just feeling sorry for myself,” Peggy said. “Tell you what, I’ll take them today, and you can catch up on your sleep and do whatever you want.” “I know how...

4 years ago
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Enjoying Nature

A light breeze whispers softly past your face as you walk the shady trail through the hills. The sun, though bright and hot, is softened by the thick canopy of branches from all the trees around you. You breathe in deeply, letting your lungs fill with the cool mountain air, as you feel the stress from the week start to melt away. A hawk cries in the distance drawing your attention further up the mountain trail. From a distance you can see the outline of a figure. Even from here you can see the...

1 year ago
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Holi Ne Bigad Di Deepa Ki Zindagi

Hello to all the readers, i DBB aapke samne ek aur romanchak aur ek nayi kahani le ke aya hoon. Yeh kahani mere ek reader deepa ki hai jo Kanpur se hai aur high school mai 12th mai padti hai. Toh dosto lijiye deepa ki kahani ussi ki zabani. Hi to all friends, mera naam deepa hai aur mai Kanpur mai rehti hoon. Meri umar 18 saal ki hai aur mera rang gora hai. Mera figure 34 25 32 hai. Mai dikhne mai bahat hi sundar hoon. Mere high school mai mere chahane walo ki kami nahi. Naa jaane kitne ladke...

2 years ago
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"Damn, the in-laws are coming over tonight," I thought to myself as I was driving home from work. I really didn't want to have to entertain them tonight. I just wanted to go home and get some rest, and think about the last two days. I had fucked two very hot women and not even cared about the fact that I cheated on my wife of twenty years, and the bad thing is, that I wanted to do it again. I was already thinking about how I could get more pussy at work. There were other girls that looked damn...

2 years ago
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This is not a Story About Andrew

We were having a party for ... hell, I forget who or what. It was a chance for our little crowd to dance a little, drink a little, talk a lot. A chance to drive back the encroaching solstice with noise & human warmth. As usual, Andrew arrived late, this time with a girl I didn't know. After they'd deposited their coats on the front porch, he led her over to me. "Molly, this is Vinnie, the host organism." Molly briefly squeezed my hand with her cold fingers, and her eyes lit up as she...

3 years ago
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Happy Holiday

When I was around 16 my parents decided to take me and my sister on a family holiday to a resort on one of the Spanish Islands. The day before we were due to leave, something came up in my father’s job and he had to stay behind. Ten days of sun, sea, sand and my sister and mother nagging me, and dragging me around the shops.We arrived late in the evening and had a quick look around the resort. It seemed to be your standard holiday resort, a group of buildings surrounding a large swimming pool...

3 years ago
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The Elf and the LadyChapter 13

Caroline was becoming a very popular guest. There were lots of visitors, all wanting a private audience. Initially it had been just female elves, but now males ones too were coming, hearing of some of the interesting new developments. Caroline asked An’-Krill about what was happening, was it upsetting the normal society. “Oh, well, I think the King is a little bemused, but he knows that the future cannot be controlled, only the past. Did Snta and Gibbonta succeed?” A couple, betrothed, had...

2 years ago
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Padosan Bhabhi Ki Pyas Bujhayi

Hi sabhi bhabhiyo aur aunties ki hot choot ko Vicky ke mote lund ka pranam mere sath hui sexy incident ko main first time iss par post kar raha hun… First i introduce myself i am Vicky, 30 years live in a flat at Panchkula near Chandigarh i am married; hamare sath wale flat main July 2013 main ek couple shift hui Ravi Kapoor and Anjali Kapoor, 27 years Anjali ko dekhte hi kisi ka bhi khada ho sakta hai wo hai hi aisi sexy item kya mast gand ek dum perfect chutad the aur us par wo mastani...

2 years ago
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Day to Day

Before you read this, please note, this is my first time posting on here. I suck at writing, but had the idea at 3 in the morning... You could say its a fantasy of mine, but not really... Please take it easy on me? And if you want to talk about it, message me? :*Ryan loved waking up. He honestly couldn’t figure out why he didn’t wake up this way since he first discovered how to jerk off. Really when James learned what cum is and how to produce it, it was like the best invention ever. Besides...

3 years ago
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Arctic Heat

Kevin couldn’t wait to get back home. He had been out of town for two weeks on business. Although he didn’t have a wife or a family yet, he did miss the nice weather and familiar faces. He wasn’t sure if he had made the right decision in taking the cheaper, smaller plane. He felt uneasy during the entire flight. Soon, the plane was caught in a snowstorm. It shook and the pilot lost control. The plane crashed into a mountain range. Kevin stood up and looked around. It was a truly horrific...

2 years ago
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The Girl They Called Hot

The girl they all called "Hot," stretched and smiled, feeling healthy and randy. It was early Sunday morning, her second Sunday away from home and at college, and she was lying between two fucked out hunks, her throbbing pussy eager for more action. They both had satisfied her more than once, and she had sucked them and exhausted them late last night. She crawled off the foot of the bed, looked at the pair of big young men who lay snoring with their exhausted cocks lying limply, thoroughly...

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SukiAsian, Dick Girl, Small Tit, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Risky Sex, Gang Bang, Fist, Prolapse, Cream pieSuzy had seen him come in the restaurant several times from the kitchen where she worked. She had seen the owner give him preferential treatment and knew he was somebody. She had always been kept out of site, hidden intentionally because she was a “new half”, a Japanese “lady boy” only hired because she was an excellent cook. She was small, slender, with long black hair, very pretty,...

3 years ago
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Interracial threesome in London

I decided to take a trip to London with my gf, Mina. We both love big black cock and it's a secret as we both have partners and they don't know that we both love to undress in front of each other and to kiss when we are out drinking. Sometimes we stay at a hotel when we should be out clubbing and watch porn on a laptop and drink and kiss and play with a dildo on each other. While in London in our hotel we log onto xhamster and one of your BBC friends on xhamster sends me a horny message. We...

2 years ago
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SRU The Fine Print

Spells R Us: The Fine Print by Jennifer Chapter 1 The door creaked open, and suddenly, the harsh bright lights flipped on. The figure entering the room dropped her suitcase to the floor as her eyes met mine. "Oh My God!! You guys make me absolutely sick!" the angry girl in the doorway said. "Carol!" I gasped in shock. "What are you doing here? I thought you went home for the weekend!" "I had a change of plans, and besides . . . what difference does it make?! Damn it . . ....

2 years ago
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Chemistry of Love

1. The Elements It's quite extraordinary, the places you fall in lust. I was quite happily juggling some chemicals in the first lab in the second year of my degree course, when I noticed this woman. Why, I don't know. She sort of simply came to my attention. There was nothing spectacular about her - pretty rather than beautiful, maybe a bit taller than average, and not looking particularly good in those awful plastic glasses you have to wear to keep stuff out of your eyes. She didn't even...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 6

Despite Kara's hope for a quick departure, it was 2 PM local time before the entire family headed out to Blue Spirit. They hiked as a tight group, all of them carrying small but weighty backpacks that Kalea had asked them to carry. After about twenty minutes on the trail, Tom spoke up. "Kara... Ellen and I recognize the value of your offer, but we won't come to Aina, at least not now. Let us just port these packs to Blue Spirit for you. The two of us having an evening stroll back will be...

4 years ago
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The Pleasures of Three CH 2 Bisexual threesome

Over the past few months, Deana, Mathew and John had been talking about doing a threesome. It was the kind she’d always fantasized about; two Bi males and her, it fueled many a masturbation session. In his last email John told her, he would be near their place in a couple of weeks. He confessed that he was just as anxious as they were, about wanting to experience the pleasures of three once more.Finally, the day had arrived, the day they had been waiting for, a threesome with Mathew. This time...

Straight Sex
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Family AffairChapter 8

His mouth crushed over hers, hungrily, a sudden, severe need taking hold of the boy in a way that both frightened and excited him. He seemed powerless to keep from responding to the offer of her succulent mouth, and hungrily he pressed his lips to her sweet, sensual orifice. The greed that both of them were feeling in that instant seemed to be of feverish dimensions. Billy's mouth roamed savagely, rolling over her mouth. Esther found her son's lips to be sensual and stimulating beyond her...

1 year ago
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A Wild YearningChapter 9

But could it be? Jan, her beautiful young daughter, Jan, seduced by an animal!? Cavorting like a shameless whore with that German shepherd? Yes, she could remember now the soft mewling whimpering of the dog on the other side of that bedroom door. That was some sort of explanation for the dog being in Jan's bedroom altogether. But on the other hand it was unbelievable. It was quite one thing to witness this sort of thing in a show of this kind, quite another to learn that your own...

3 years ago
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SRU ApprenticeApril Fools

SRU Apprentice - April Fools By DanielSan59 "This is gonna be great!" Dannie crowed in delight as she stirred the bubbling concoction in the huge old copper cauldron. *One final ingredient and it's done* she thought to herself as she added the sea urchin extract. There was a small hiss as the clear fluid joined the seething contents of the ruddily glowing cauldron, and a small cloud of noxious steam assaulted Dannie's gloating face. "Gaack! Why does this stuff have to...

4 years ago
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car session

After my wife gave birth her pussy was hotter and tighter than ever and her sex drive was higher than it had ever been. I was working lots and her dirty texts that she’s send me all day would make me massively hard and super horny. It became ritual for her to time our newborn’s naps so that she’d be ready for my dick the moment I got home. Often times I’d find her toying her pussy in front of our bedroom mirror, or on all fours fingering herself, expecting me to walk in and dive into her cunt...

3 years ago
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Cousin Deepthi8217s Dream Come True

Guys n girls please do mail me if u find any mistakes in my story, my email id is-rambo.star18 so that I can improve myself in the next one. Any girls or ladies from Hyderabad can also mail me to experience unforgettable sex of your life. Well it all started in my summer vacation when my cousin Deepthi who was 21 came to our place to enjoy the vacation n as well to search a job for her, I forgot to tell u about her she is 5’3 height, 34 32 34 which any man would die for and her...

2 years ago
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Dani Loses the Game

Dani wasn't overly fond of babysitting for the Clarks, but they did pay well so she would grit her teeth and bear it. Usually the three or four hours of torture was worth the money and Dani could use the extra cash, as her university costs were getting higher with each semester. She was 20 and in her third year in Business Law and now that summer holidays were over, so was the summer employment. During school months, she still managed to do babysitting around the neighborhood, as well as work...

1 year ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 11

Monday I don’t remember anything else until Juana woke me up this morning. I was still groggy but knew what she had on her mind and helped as she guided me into her welcoming sheath. “How’s our hero this morning?” she asked happily. “Half asleep and dreaming that I have a gorgeous, naked woman making love to me,” I replied, receiving an enthusiastic kiss for my answer. “Where is everyone else?” I asked, noticing that we were alone. “School, hunting, or working,” she replied. “You also...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Holiday chapter 4

Unforgettable Holiday Chapter 4I arrived at Bob and Liz's room at 9pm as agreed, Terry and Gina were already sat round the sofa with Liz sitting next to Gina , both wearing short summer dresses , showing their dark tans off to the full looking very hot, in the thin material.Liz pulled Gina up and took her out to the balcaney , whilst us guys were sat chatting on the main sofa , Liz and Gina sat opposite us in one armchair each... a mere few feet away , the heady scent of their perfumes...

3 years ago
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I look up from my cup of coffee to the guy pulling up a chair in front of me. I took a breath to tell this guy I wasn't interested, not because he wasn't cute but because I didn't want to deal with the small talk. Our eyes met and my words caught in my throat. I didn't want him to leave, but why? "Hi, my name's Conner" "Hay Conner my nam-" my voice trailed off. I have the strongest urge to tie this guy's shoe. That is the craziest thing I have ever thought. I look down to his left foot and sure...

Mind Control
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alex amy and charlie

Charlie was looking across the coffee shop longingly. God he's just SOhot! she was thinking to herself. She got off whilst thinking about himall the time, yesterday had been amazing. She had sat in her comfy greychair outside of the coffee shop, and discretely rubbed herself until shecame - right there in the middle of the school. She had managed to justifyit however - she was a 16 year old girl, she was horny all the time! Ofcourse it had to be the same for the others... didn't it? The...

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