- 3 years ago
- 21
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With respects to James Thurber
There is no sex in this story
Administrative/personal notes. Real life has interfered with my writing. Both job and some family medical issues have been ganging up on me. You would think that a doctor’s waiting room would be a good place to write on your lap top but you would be wrong. Frankly I hate doctor’s waiting rooms-too many sick people hanging out there and you really do not know what they have. However people are feeling better and work has sort of settled down so I’m back to writing if you can call it that and I know some of you don’t judging by some of the responses I get….so I haven’t quit my day job.
A part two to A Change in the Status Quo is in progress. I still having trouble getting my square peg of an ending to fit but I am gradually getting the edges ground down to fit in the round hole. I am not going to force it so it will not be soon. It will not be in the same direction as Northlander took it in his version rest assured.
Others have request more to my version of JPB’s The Coward. I am considering giving that a shot
Tim looked at the bloody, bruised and broken form that lay curled in a fetal position groaning at his feet. The body leaving blood stains in the carpet belonged to his wife’s lover, Travis Steel. Tim had confronted Travis and his wife in at the motel where he had planned to have them served with the paper work for divorce and an alienation of affection lawsuit. Actually there were two sets of divorce papers as Travis’s wife was there to have him served also
Travis was a wealthy, arrogant, big man on campus type. An ex-jock at 6 feet 4 inches 250lbs with not a lot of fat, he towered over Tim. He was angry at Tim for interrupting him. Tim’s wife, Cynthia had sat on the bed with a smirk on her face as Travis launched himself at Tim. Compared to Travis her husband looked small and his normally mild manner reinforced her growing opinion that he was a wimp. It was about time he learned who ruled the roost she thought at the time. Now Cynthia sat on the bed in shock as her wimp husband had thoroughly beaten Travis without breaking a sweat.
What Cynthia didn’t know about her husband, and what very few others knew, was that Tim was an ex Navy SEAL who had conducted may covert operations for the US government. He could have just as easily crippled or killed Travis instead of leaving him with a broken nose, the loss of his two front teeth, a pair of black eyes, cracked ribs, a broken wrist and a well place kick to the groin.
Tim’s service in the SEALs forged a brotherhood with his fellow SEALS many who owed him their lives after many difficult missions. One such brother had became extremely wealthy. He was more than willing to bankroll Tim’s operation to gather information and get revenge on his cheating wife and her lover. Others worked in high levels of the intelligence community. Through them he was even able to get high resolution of satellite and drone photos of Cynthia and Travis going at it in the Steel’s backyard by their pool. Others obtained all the personal information Tim needed to financially take control of Travis’ business and ruin him, something Travis would find out about when he left the hospital. Tim did not even have to worry about and assault charge as, unnoticed by Travis and Cynthia, Travis’ wife and the process server were standing at the door and witnessed Tim defending himself.
With the evidence he had Tim was sure Cynthia would agree to whatever divorce terms Tim demanded. He would leave her with her clothes and custody of their children. She had managed to turn them again him and they would prefer to stay with her anyway he was sure. He would pay a fair amount in child support but nothing more. She could go live with her parents for all he cared as they had never liked him and her mom always talked about who she could have married.
There was the sound of air being released and the squeak of a door being opened. He squeezed aboard the already packed bus to begin the first stage of his two hour commute home. His slight 5′ 6′ frame only made things worse as he lacked the bulk to force himself into a more comfortable position and others, perhaps subconsciously or perhaps not, looked at his small frame as a signal to crowd in closer taking more of his space for themselves. Oh the joys of mass transit he thought. Crowed into metal container with a bunch of other people many of questionable hygiene practices and mental stability, your scheduled tied to that of the transit system. He had found this job after being a victim of downsizing at his last place of employment. He could not afford to move and needed the job so he had the up to 2 hour long commute.
Fifteen minutes on the bus got him to the train station. He was one of the first on the train and managed to grab a seat. Unfortunately one of the increasing numbers of obese Americans sat next to him, almost on top of him, squeezing him over toward the window. He began to regret not choosing the standing room only option of the club car. At least then he could ease his misery with booze. He leaned his head against the window. He felt the lurch as the train lurch as it started forward and soon there was the rhythmic clack-clack as it gained speed. He was oblivious to the passing scenery or the streaks of water on the window as it started to rain.
It had been too easy really, disposing of his cheating wife and her lover Tim thought. Maybe if she knew more about his extended family and his hidden wealth she would have began treating him with such contempt and started having an affair. Truth to be told she was never interested in his friends or family only the pay check he brought home. Perhaps disposing of was too harsh a term as their disappearance was only temporary. It went down smoothly as his wife and her lover did not pay any attention to who was in the adjoining motel room.
Tim’s family connections were pros and with commando like precision they burst into the cheaters room through the adjoining door. His wife Cynthia and her lover Travis were drugged before they could react. The quick acting drug had both asleep in seconds. The men took Cynthia and Travis’s naked bodies through the adjoining door into the next room and dumped each of them into a motel laundry cart. Two woman dressed as motel cleaning staff then exited the room 10 minutes apart taking the carts with them. The carts were then loaded into a laundry service truck.
Meanwhile the men stayed behind and sanitized the cheaters room taking everything with them to make it appear the loves had left. They even left the motel key card on the table in the room. A couple looking like Travis and Cynthia then exited the room got into Travis’ car and drove it to the airport. They left it in the long term parking lot. Using Cynthia’s and Travis’ identification they boarded a plane for Mexico. Overall it was a very well conducted operation even the motel security cameras were aimed so as not to cover the two rooms and cars parked out front of them.
Tim continued with his daily routine for a couple of weeks. He had filed a missing persons report and the police with normal civil servant efficiency had conclude that Cynthia had run off to Mexico with her lover Travis although the American Embassy in Mexico had not been able to get in contact with them. The police also could not explain why Travis would leave his business and other assets and figured the cheaters would return in time.
Cynthia’s parents were insisted that Cynthia would not abandon her children but could not come up with any other explanation when confronted with the evidence of her affair. They shared Cynthia and the children’s dislike of Tim but could not imagine how wimp him could have done anything to Cynthia. Realizing he could never have a good relationship with the kids as Cynthia had turned them
against him so effectively he allowed her parents to assume custody a month later. At the same time Tim also quit his job and went to work for his Uncle Tony looking after the family’s business interests in the Caribbean. Uncle Tony paid well so Tim still did not have to touch his trust fund. With no wife or kids he felt he had no reason not to go into the family’s businesses.
As Tim relaxed on a Caribbean beach all was not well for Cynthia and Travis. When they were disposed of they were not killed. They woke up two days later on fish processing factory ship. When they demanded to be put ashore both were shown the contracts they had signed to work on the ship and at any rate the ship would not put into port for two months. It was strongly hinted that if they did not want to end up as bait they should fulfill their contract. So Cynthia and Travis began two solid months of taking care of the most menial disgusting tasks aboard ship despite their protests that they never signed any contracts and were shanghaied. For those two months they racked their brains wondering which of Travis’ enemies could have set them up like this. They never considered in might be the wimp husband of Cynthia’s.
The sound of screeching train wheels announced his arrival at the station. He roused himself and exited the train and walked in the light drizzle to his car. The weather matched his mood perfectly as he got into his 2 door econobox with 250K miles on it. The light rain had turned normally sane drivers into idiots and more than a couple of fender benders along with the never ending road construction had added to his delay in getting home not that it bothered him that much. There had not been much motivation to hurry home for quite some time.
While stuck in traffic he listened to talk radio. The current topic was how the recession was forcing couples to stay together because they could not afford the divorce-A cheaper to keep them situation. It was a situation of which he was fully aware.
Tim thought about how much his life had changed in the two years. He had come home from work one day to find his wife had left him for her lover. She did not ask for much except for some personal items and clothing. She did max out the credit cards and emptied the saving account but he suspect that was out of spite as Travis was rich and could afford to keep inn a lifestyle she deserved according to her. Oh and the kids decided to go with her to live with their ‘new rich daddy’. The months leading up to the divorce being final were tough. Even if the companionship was disagreeable if not outright hostile it was hard getting use to coming home to an empty house but he gradually adjusted. Tim had come to realize that there had been no love between him and Cynthia for a long time but he at times he wondered what he did to turn her so hostile to him and to even turn the kids against him. Or maybe it was something about him that caused his kids to dislike him without their mother’s help.
Tim worked hard to pay off the bills his ex had stuck him with subsisting on a lot of PBJ sandwiches and Ramen soup while his former wife and kids lived in the lap of luxury. Travis’wife had signed a prenup that clearly defined who got what no matter the reason for the divorce so Travis was not hurt too bad and was able to keep my wife in a life style she thought she deserved. Travis and Cynthia married three days after the divorce was final. How things had changed.
Tim musings were interrupted by his wife asking him what he was thinking about. He and his wife were seated at one of the most exclusive restaurants in town. The waiter had left giving them time to look over the menu. She knew him better than he knew himself. It was as if he could read his expressions or his eyes. Never had he felt so in sync with someone. He hoped she felt the same way. Tim replied to her question ‘Oh just about how lucky I am to have you.’
Tim’s wife Keyra was a onetime super model turned pediatric heart surgeon practicing at one of the nation’s most prestigious hospitals. She still occasionally modeled but the income went to their favorite charities. Her modeling, like her pediatric work, were not necessary as she was worth millions. Most of the surgeries she performed were done without charge for charity cases.
Keyra was always in the top 5 of various men’s magazines 100 sexist women lists every year despite never having posed nude. Keyra simply oozed beauty, class, sex a appeal and intelligence. It was factually stated that she even made Marines field uniform look sexy. The proof was pictures of her in a combat uniform with protective vest and helmet that she wore during her USO tour of the Middle East. She made even that look sexy.
Tim and Keyra would have never met under normal circumstances so quite naturally it took unusual circumstances. One evening while driving home Tim witnessed an auto accident and while others stood around taking pictures and recording the incident on their smart phones he rushed to the smoldering vehicle and pulled her from it just before it exploded into a fiery mushroom cloud.
Tim had some brief notoriety when video of his heroics was posted on the internet but he shied away from the media and the publicity. Even Keyra’s attempts to repay him for saving her life were rebuffed. This only made her more persistent in her attempts to reward her hero. She was use to people doing almost whatever she wanted. Men were always falling all over themselves to please her because of her wealth and beauty but here was a man who risked his life saving her without knowing who she was or what she looked like and now that he knew tried to avoid her.
Tim for his part just wanted to get on with his life, such as it was. Keyra’s persistent attempts to reward him were preventing that. To put an end to the phone calls, thank you cards and flowers she kept sending to his office along with having to return the gifts she bought, although he really like the Aston-Martin, he got her to agree to do only one thing for him a call it even. Tim simply wanted a Saturday at the Park. The large city park was surrounded by various museums Art, Natural History, Air and Space , Music even a model train and manufacturing museum admission was free or very nominal fee of a couple of dollars. Tim used to like to take his wife and kids there years ago when they did not have much money, the kids were little and he thought he had a happy family. They would spend the day touring museums and getting hotdogs off the carts for lunch. His family stopped going with him years ago and even after they left him he still went occasionally but going alone was just not the same.
Tim figured that he could accomplish two things with his request. One would be that he would get to have some companion ship for a brief time. The second would be that after having to spend a boring day with a boring individual the supermodel/surgeon would consider her debt paid and they would both get on with their separate lives. Keyra almost backed out of the deal once she found out what he wanted, it did not seem like much but on reflection it did require more effort to her part. It was certainly easy for her to buy him stuff but her time was even more valuable and it would require more effort on her part because it meant ditching her various handlers, hangers on and the media.
They met at the park and both had a very enjoyable day. Tim did let her pay for the hotdogs. They parted as friends Keyra enjoyed herself so much that she arranged more ‘just friends’ dates with Tim. He was hard to convince and was afraid at first that she was just spending time with him out of a sense of obligation or that people would look at him as a gold digger. For her part Keyra really enjoyed their time together. He was so unlike all the other men she had dated. True they were younger and in better shape but what they also had was something she first thought was self confidence but later realized was arrogance. Sure Tim was older and maybe not model material. H
is mild manner was certainly different but she did not mistake that mild manner for being a wimp, the scars on his back and his neck he received when he rescued her were certainly evidence of that. When Tim looked at her he was not seeing a super model or rich woman buy just Keyra the person. When they talked it was not about who showed up at what party, who had what plastic surgery etc. but about their personal fears and desires, their hopes and dreams. This was stuff she could never talk about with her entourage for fear it would be leaked to the media. Tim did not fawn all over but treated her as a friend and buddy. She found herself calling him from wherever she was just to talk.
It took time but the just friends became much more. There was Tim’s reluctance over issues such as her money, their different social circles and his feeling that maybe she just felt indebted to him. Keyra only knew that she had found her soul mate. In time the issues had resolved and they married. They were now having an evening out celebrating Tim’s latest promotion at work. Yes, Tim still worked even though with Keyra’s wealth he did not have to and she did not even want a prenup. He insisted on both his working and the prenup saying they were necessary for his self esteem.
…. Tim replied to her question ‘Oh just about how lucky I am to have you.’ Keyra smile brightly but said ‘I know better something is bothering you.’ Tim merely shook his head, there was no fooling her. While they had been at the restaurant one of the busboys had kept glancing over at their table. Tim was use to men staring at Keyra, it took some getting use to but she was so beautiful it was just the price one pays for having such an attractive wife. But then Tim realized the busboy was not staring at Keyra but him. Tim did not return the stare but just occasionally glanced his way. He then hit him that the busboy was his son. Brian still had the excess body weight but his hair was cut , no piercing and he was more nicely dressed, probably as a condition of employment. He wondered if his estrange son recognized him. Keyra had upgraded Tim’s wardrobe and made sure to improve his diet and exercise habits so he looked younger. The busboy had just left for the kitchen hen Keyra asked him what was thinking about.
Tim explained about seeing his son working there and she asked what he wanted to do about it. Before he could answer Brian and two women dressed in the restaurant attire for food serves followed him out of the kitchen. They did not come to their section of the restaurant where Tim and Keyra sat but watch them from another section and whispered to each other before the head waiter came over and sent them off to their duties. Time recognized the two women. One was his daughter Stacy absent the purple hair and piercings and the other was his ex-wife Cynthia, more than few pounds heavier. It would seem that things with Travis had not gone all that well. He had read somewhere that Travis’ business had suffered during the recession but he was not aware how badly.
A car horn roused him from his thoughts as traffic began to move. It was dark when he finally got home with the rain alternating between light mist and a drizzle. He suppressed a desire to cuss as he saw that nobody had bothered to take in the trash cans and he knew nobody could be bothered to make the difficult trek of 50 feet from the front door to the mail box so after placing the trash cans in their HOA designated location he retrieved the mail. Four people lived in the house yet the only one with a job is stuck dealing with the mail and trash cans. He just shook his head. He entered his home and there was no greetings just the sound of the TV going in the den.
He looked through the mail, with the normal bills there was a warning from the Commissars over at the HOA about the leaves collecting along the front of the house and in their driveway. He walked in the den placing the mail on his desk and then drudged into the kitchen to be greeted by a sink full of dishes. Weariness and frustration winning out over hunger he climbed the stairs to his bedroom. He passed the kid’s bedrooms noticing that both kids were gone. Entering the master bedroom he found his wife getting dressed up.
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Day two of the 'new' cave, the water shut off. Yup ... water main break. The place dried out quickly now that the other passages seemed to be either blowing or sucking. 'Well, ' thought Wendy. 'Might as well see if there's a way for David to get in.' The first passage counter clockwise from the 'front door' led to a high velocity crawlspace. David would never fit but it had to be open on the other end. It was ... and it wasn't. After an easier belly crawl than the front door the...
Poor David, Wendy decided to flip a coin between two movies... HEADS: "Swiss Family Robinson", a Disney adventure as cheesy as the book, TAILS: "Psycho", an Alfred Hitchcock super horror thriller. Tails it was and they headed downtown to the Majestic to watch Alfred's main claim to fame. For 1960, it had all the necessary ingredients to guarantee David a severe case of the hee-bee jee-bees: ... Murder with sharp objects; much more painful than bullets. ... dual personalities; too...
The hole was getting deeper; sharp ... thin ... dripping. The ... Evil ... was palpable, nauseating ... if she didn't find a way out soon... "Oh..." Wendy sat up in different surroundings, she was terrified. "I need to tell Wanzor ... no wait, Wanzor?" Wendy visibly shifted gear, "That's me, Wanzor ... Seer to Horus "Catfish" of Hierakonpolis. The strength that was Sumer is gone. I'm in upper Egypt. I MUST tell the King." 'Sometimes I hate that damn watch!' She rushed to the...
"Well ... she looked up Government Confiscations and what they sold for in what ever year, found what she wanted, watched back and bid a dollar more ... she bought a nice boat." "What did she get?" "A 67 foot schooner." Wait for it. "For two dollars." "TWO DOLLARS!?!" "Yup. Two bucks." "There must be something wrong with it ... how bad is it?" "Perfect." "PERFECT!!??!!" "Yes ... there's more. "MORE?" "Yup ... six suits, twin diesels, radar, side scan, depth,...
"Tim, you never did tell me when she is." "It's kind of strange," Tim admitted. "She's having to stay on the east side so she doesn't meet people who know she's on the west side. She's at both places and it's just a little unusual." "I'll bet," Wendy said. "We never tried to be in the same time together ... well, except for that time when we came back from Watching it on the lake. That was different ... we blended." "She's only got to be one and one for another couple of...
"Tim, that was fun!" Wendy was laughing. "I've never tried anything like that before. Leaving your training bra was a great idea." Tim thought it was a great joke. "I thought she was going to pop a blood-vessel." Wendy wasn't concerned though, it sounded like a good idea. "Me too, I'm afraid the police are going to have a long night though." Tim was a little thoughtful. "And tomorrow ... they'll have divers under the pier by Tuesday ... the last time I remember them going...
I stared in wonder at the powder in the bottom of the kettle, and when it had cooled sufficiently transferred it carefully into a glass jar. Now came the moment of truth. Had I discovered the essence of the coca leaf or only another stage of the process? To find out which I used myself as a test subject, and took a pinch of the white powder between my fingers, inhaling the substance as one does with snuff. For a few seconds nothing happened, then a feeling of immense euphoria overwhelmed me,...
"Regions dominated by limestone have many characteristic landforms, including limestone caves, also called solution caves. The caves form as limestone rock is dissolved away over the course of many years. Water, seeping through the ground, absorbs carbon dioxide from the soil. Water and carbon dioxide react chemically to form carbonic acid, a very weak acid that slowly dissolves the limestone. The mineral is usually redeposited later as stalactites or stalagmites, characteristic formations...
I was waiting on a cold bench when I got a phone call from Jack. "Hey bud," he said into the phone, slurring his words. "I don't think I will be able to pick you up." "Your an asshole! How the fuck am I supposed to get home now?" "I don't know, take the bus.. Or call a cab, I think they have campus cars?" "Fine, what's the number?" I quickly scrambled to write the numbers down on a cocktail napkin before hanging up. A few seconds later, I called the cab company, and they...
Molly Smith was excited! She was about to start her freshman year of college, and she couldn't wait to get started! Ever since she was a junior in high school, she had been filling out applications, taking the SATs and visiting campuses. When her preferred school sent her an acceptance letter, she was delighted.Molly loved school and learning interesting new things. She began pouring over the college catalog which outlined degree requirements and described the course content of classes in...
College SexMolly Smith was excited! She was about to start her freshman year of college, and she couldn't wait to get started! Ever since she was a junior in high school, she had been filling out applications, taking the SATs and visiting campuses. When her preferred school sent her an acceptance letter, she was delighted.Molly loved school and learning interesting new things. She began pouring over the college catalog which outlined degree requirements and described the course content of classes in...
College SexSeries 5, Episode 11: Hannah Smith (21) – Newcastle We open with our beautiful shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then our cartoon version of Charley, our top heavy host appears, floating with us for a second before she waves for us to follow her as she dives down toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit to sea level over the North Sea, off the north-east coast, in just a few seconds. From here we race toward the coast, a beach,...
Jenn liked to stay in fancy hotel rooms and her next trip was no exception. She was boarding the plane to fly to Toronto for a week-long health conference. She did not often get to spoil herself but on occasions like this she liked to do so. When she had booked room where the conference was being held, she opted to upgrade her room from the standard one offered by the conference organizers. Yes, if she was going to spend days inside at a stuffy conference, she deserved to pamper herself in the...
Oral SexJames Thurbers 1939 classic "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was about an elderly inefficient husband having heroic daydreams. In 2002, Pretzelgirl published a wonderful pastiche, "The Secret Life of Willie Malter", about an elderly inefficient husband daydreaming of womanhood. But times keep changing - so I hope there is still room for another story about a quite young and efficient husband who has, nonetheless, problems which set him daydreaming in a third way... (Since here the...
Richard had always been a good student but he had a few secret desires that created constant wet dreams and erections during class, among other things. The school counselor, Mrs. Smith, was an object of sexual desire for Richard and he dreamed of having sex with her every day. School started around eight in the morning but he always made sure to get to school early so that he could be alone with that beautiful and mature, fine woman. Mrs. Smith was in her early forties but she looked pretty...
Maggie's Secret's Secret This story is purely fiction. No corporations or names represent real people or companies in any way. I appreciate all story reviews to help me become a better writer or, from a purely selfish perspective, make me want to continue writing. If you like the story I've written numerous others that you might want to read. You can search for all my stories by using the 'author search' and typing in the author, 'Want2BaGirl'. I hope you enjoy. Part One -...
Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAhhhh!! Meri payari bahn susan, timmothy ne susan ki wrists ouskay head ke ooper deewar ke saath dabatay huwe kaha. Susan ke geelay baaloun mein mojoud ouske shampoo ki mahak buht alluring thi aur tim ne literally aik long moment use kertay huwe ous scent ko inhale kiya aur ouskay asar mein mudhosh ho gaya. Susan bila shubah buht aggravated nazar aa rahi thi aur tim ki grift se bach nikalnay ke liye apnay badan ko wiggle kar rahi thi. Ousko yeh ehsaas ho raha tha keh ouskay geelay badan se...
Lounge lizards busted TIM TOLD Jenny that he wasn’t able to attend the Jones’ barbecue he had been invited to because he was too busy on that day, but it was more that he was initially worried about her flirting with him. He was less worried about fending her off, if that was the case, than the temptation to break one of his golden rules. Whether it was toys or women, he just couldn’t bring himself to share. So it was to Tim’s surprise that a couple of Saturday nights later he saw Abbey...
Party time TIM COLLECTED Patty from her mother’s house early on Friday evening. He had his raincoat over his arm and handed a bunch of flowers to Babs to brighten up his sister’s living room. Patty polished up even nicer than Tim expected, coming into the sitting room where he had waited for only about 15 minutes, although it seemed a longer time to him. When she arrived he considered the wait was well worth it. Her shoulder-length hair was piled up high, studded with sparkling cosmetic...
Tide and time together OF COURSE, Patty was keen to go with Rod for the rest of the night’s entertainment, why wouldn’t she? He seemed a nice lad, thought Tim. The boy himself was hovering in the background while Tim checked with Patty her plans for the rest of the evening and ensured she had enough cash on her for cab fare home. He always kept a twenty folded up in the recesses of his wallet for emergencies and had it ready to press into her hand. Then Tim took Rod off to one side and the...
Starting a lifetime together? TIM USED the bathroom to freshen up, clean his teeth and strip down to his boxers. He usually slept as naked as nature originally intended but he could certainly live with a little minor discomfort from his boxers for one night’s sleep. Or rather a day’s catch-up snooze, he smiled. When he emerged from the bathroom, he found that Michelle had already fully drawn the curtains to reduce the amount of bright sunny daylight creeping in from the east but had left the...
Christmas comes but once TIM HAD been up half the night preparing dips and salads for the Monroe’s carol singing party. Michelle had also helped for a while before giving up, utterly exhausted. For Michelle, she felt that she was still in information overload after the last hectic week. As well as being a cook of near-professional chef standard, it appeared that Tim was a genius businessman, with interests in small businesses all over the town. Hundreds of people relied on Tim for their...
Christmas Day SCOTTY HAD risen the earliest in the Shillingstone household, which was a miraculous event in itself, before going downstairs to help himself to a glass of milk and a handful of cookies from the jar. Clare had heard him get up and followed him downstairs a few minutes later, although she had been awake for what seemed like hours. His kitchen foraging was all too clear. He had left the lid off the cookie jar, as usual, plus deposited a trail of crumbs on the counter. Sitting on...
TWO WEEKS later, Tim’s brother Ned pulled his beat-up old pick-up truck over to the kerb and parked in the road in front of Tim’s house. When he walked up the drive he saw Tim working on his classic Jaguar sports car in the garage with the doors open. It was a nice bright sunny spring day. Tim looked up from polishing his pride and joy and waved at his younger brother. “Hi Tim,” Ned saluted back, “Just to let you know that the ... er ... scrap you wanted collecting and getting rid of has...
For the next few centuries... 'Few, my ass... 50 of the damn things.' Wendy, don't interrupt. 'Will if I want.' Wendy! 'Oh tell your damn story ... get it right. I'll be listening.' For the next few centuries ... Wendy Wanzor Austin, quit grumbling. 'Nothing quite like the full name to know when to shut up!' Well, do it then ... shut up. 'Yes, oh mighty master.' W -e -n -d -y? Laughter. Too much chatter from the peanut gallery, girl. 'Girl? GIRL? I'll have you know...
"Wendy! Wendy! Wendy!" The farmer wailed outside her window. "Fuck! TIM! Do you think he's ever gonna shut up?" Wendy complained, "he's been screaming outside my temple for three fucking days. I'm never going to get any sleep." "You could answer him." Tim explained, "how are you going to find out what he wants if you stay in here?" "You know it's the same old shit..." Wendy's voice changed to the voice of a supplicant. "'Help me! The tax collector made me pay twice.'"...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The Big Time by Michael K. Smith I was lying on a lounge chair out by the pool when my kid sisters sort-of-boyfriend scared the crap out of me. I mean, I was half asleep, just letting my mind drift and feeling the warm July sun bouncing off my body, when this piercing voice behind me suddenly said, Hi, Angela — do you know where Janie is? I nearly fell off the damn lounge, actually. My shades clattered on the patio and I found myself twisted around with my left hand and my right foot on the...
For the last week Louise Cridland and I have been busy "studying" together each afternoon after school. I've had to make less and less sugegstions to Louise because she has become a willing sex partner. A couple of nights during the week I have been visited by Karen Williams with her helping me with my sexual education, and with me continuing to make suggestions about me fucking her daughter Joanne. That was coming along very nicely. I was sitting alone enjoying my lunch break on Monday...
Our roaring summer crashed in a crescendo of tears and words and sex. I'll not forget that frozen, late summer day when my Katherine came to me and told me about her late period. I felt the days we'd spent together come crashing in on me - the nights in the hotels, the afternoons in forest clearings, stolen mornings in my marriage bed. If I had impregnated my daughter...Why hadn't we been more careful?The summer was spent in carnal lust. I felt like a teenager again, with my young wife. I felt...
IncestSeveral years ago, I was sharing a house with Tiffany Smith while I worked at the local shopping center. I was not long out of school and had decided what to do with my life. My rural upbringing had seriously cramped my style, so I moved to the city in the hope of finding adventure, excitement, and girls. Tiffany was Thirty five years old, and trying to become an actress and part time Hostess. She was slim and pretty, with long dark hair. She had a firm figure, and every morning I was treated...
Jon smith was eighty years old and still sexually very active. When he was younger he was known for having a horse size cock. It was long and thick and he loved to fuck. Now he still loved to fuck but his cock was shrunk to nine inches but still very thick. He loved young girls. The young pussy really turned him on. He searched for the girls on a site called "Young Pussy/Old Men". Today a beautiful sexy little young girl was coming over. Jon took four of cock hardener pills. He wanted to be...
I was 26 years old.A woman I worked with and grew up with invited me to an anniversary party for her Mom and Dad.While at the party her mother wanted to take me on a tour of the house.I had never been past the living room as the only time I was there was prom nights when we stopped at each others houses for pictures.They were rich and it was a big house.The last room Mrs.Smith showed me was the master bedroom.Huge bedroom with a masterbath.She told me to go look at the bathroom.When I came out...
Thursday - Langley Falls’, Stan’s Home: It was a few hours later since he learned about the problem with his son’s clone being a female, whilst it distorted Francine, Stan had other thoughts on his mind. Sure part of him was upset that his son was going to become a female now, but that part was small, thanks to the pills that he had taken over the weekend, he was mainly turned on by the idea. It meant there was another female member of the family that he could fuck once the time was right....