A Little R&R Ch. 04 free porn video

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Reno had made himself a comfortable perch toward the back of the dance floor in a convenient place beside the bar. He was lounging in the seat, his back pressed and chilling against the block wall. Things hadn’t picked up yet, but the night was very young. He preferred to get to the club early and score a table, have a couple of drinks and loosen up to the music before things started getting crowded. He finished the drink in his hand and added it to the two empty glasses already beside him. As one of his favorite songs cued over the speakers, he leapt from the booth and made his way out onto the dance floor.

Weaving into the crowd, he chose a place near the center of the dance floor. He didn’t want to miss out when the mosh started during the chorus. He slipped around a tall, dark haired man dancing with a blonde boy, and a boy with short dark hair. One of them snagged his belt loop and pulled, catching Reno’s attention. The blonde backed away, leaving ample room for him to dance. The dark-haired boy’s face shined up at him, smiling warmly. Reno gave a quick nod that was returned with a smirk. The taller man brushed up against his backside and curled his fingers around Reno’s hip, moving against him as the shorter boy tucked himself into Reno’s chest. Reno fell back into the taller of the two boys, allowing his weight to fall back into him. He felt soft breath and a soothing voice in his ear.

‘What’s your name?’

Reno leaned back into him, tilting his face toward the other’s ear.

‘I’m Reno.’

The mosh pit started, jostling against them, bodies bouncing off of bodies from each side. His dark compatriots seemed relatively unbothered by the entire situation. The shorter of them clung to Reno, the taller planted his feet, other patrons rolling off of his back. The lyrics returned and the dance floor quieted. Somewhere in the swarm of bodies, the blonde had wandered off. Neither of the two boys seemed worried.

The taller man nodded and gestured to his friend. ‘This is Baby. You alone?’

Reno jerked his head toward Baby, who returned the motion, then leaned back again. ‘You never told me your name. And yea. I’m alone.’

‘The name’s Maki.’

They danced together, the three of them, their movements synchronizing together in an unexpressed pattern to the beat of the music. Others danced up close, then away. A few of the girls made eye contact with Reno, winking or smiling. He sighed, back in his game again as the mosh pit rallied up with the chorus reprise. They danced into the others, their bodies colliding against one another, hands touching and pushing people back into the fray. Again, the chorus flowed back into the melody and he was snagged once again to dance with Maki and Baby.

A particularly cute girl caught his eye. He reached out and snagged the hand of the pretty, curly-haired brunette and pulled her in close. Maki’s arm snaked around her back and she looked up at him with a slightly shocked expression, then relaxed into the beat of the music and wrapped her arms around Reno’s neck. He leaned in and kissed her gently and she returned it, weaving her fingers through his spiky hair and massaging his scalp. As he broke the kiss she danced away, throwing occasional glances over her shoulder toward him.

The club was already a buzz by the time Rude, Elena, and her cohorts arrived. One of the blondes cut to the front of the line that meandered about the side of the building and whispered in the bouncer’s ear. He nodded, twitching two fingers forward, welcoming them in. As Rude passed, he noticed how much broader he was compared to their security. Hell, it was his first night out in a long time, why not live a little bit of it up? As he moved to pass the door, he bumped firmly against the Entrance Gestapo.

‘Opps, sorry there.’ He hefted a heavy hand onto the guy’s shoulder with a grin. He could swear he heard a short whine.

The girls giggled and chattered excitedly as they herded Rude toward one of the very large speakers. He recognized the tune almost immediately, having heard it countless times blaring from Reno’s headset. He grimaced. The girls each started to dance, swinging to and fro while moving hands, rising and falling in time to the beats. Rude stood amongst the gyrations, wheels turning against the allure of fun and the simple annoyance that no matter where he was, Reno was haunting him. A short set of hands grabbed his hips and pushed him round.

‘Come on!’ It was the raven-haired girl again. She coaxed him into a gentle rock, her hands tugging and pushing, guiding him into some sort of dance. He caved, cracking a smile as he raised both hands up to her shoulders. More hands appeared as the pace livened up. Rude finally started to kick back and enjoy the moment until… he thought he saw a familiar shock of red hair on the other side of the room. The girls continued their swarm, bumping and touching him merrily.

He shook his head. If it is him, I’ll be damned to let him know I’m here.


The song ended and Maki’s fingers unwrapped from Reno’s left hip, trailing up his side with a smile. Reno headed through the crowd to his table and sprawled across the seat, taking up the entire side of the booth himself. The block against his back cooled him as he rested his against it. A soft touch on his leg brought his head up, eyes focusing on the pretty blues from the dance floor. He nodded and the boy nodded in return, cautiously slinking into his lap, pressing gently against Reno’s knees. He smirked and dropped his right leg off the booth, allowing Baby access to the seat, which he took gratefully. He leaned his pretty head in against Reno’s shoulder and spoke into his ear.

‘I hope you don’t mind me sitting here with you. Makiros went to get us some drinks.’

‘I don’t mind, yo.’

‘Good!’ Baby chirped, nestling into Reno, hand splaying across his heart. ‘So what brings you here?’ Maki returned, placing two drinks in front of them then chose to sit on the opposite side of the booth. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and touched it to the lighter. It crackled as he drew in a breath. Reno looked at him curiously.

‘What are those?’

‘Clove. Want to try it?’ Maki offered. Reno held out his hand and Maki slipped the cigarette into his fingers. ‘It’s the third hit that does the trick. The first is slightly odd. The second isn’t so bad, but it’s the third.’

Reno toked the cigarette, a strange flavor tracing over his lips and tongue. He choked a bit, eyeing the strange black paper with a confused expression. Maki chuckled and gestured for him to take another hit. Reno complied. He licked his bottom lip a bit, tasting the slight sweetness of the cloves. He looked to Maki expectantly.

‘See, it’s not so bad, is it?’ he chuckled, nodding as though agreeing with himself. ‘Wait for the next hit.’ Reno’s brow furrowed slightly and he took another long drag off the dark smoke, allowing it to fill his lungs. He blinked and exhaled, buzzing. Maki grinned from ear to ear. ‘Now THAT’S why I smoke these things.’ He held out his hand for the cigarette. Reno handed it back to him, slightly begrudgingly. As he brought his hand back, Baby had pushed a glass into it. He picked it up to his nose and smelled it before taking a tentative taste.

‘So what brings you here?’ Maki asked, taking a drag off his smoke, leaning forward across the table so his voice could be heard over the bass slamming into the walls around them.

‘I come here every so often when I get a chance. I work rotating shifts.’

Maki nodded silently, watching Reno’s movements with a clever eye. ‘So you don’t mind, uh…’ Reno gestured to Baby who had wrapped himself around his leg and had pressed his ear against his chest, one arm wrapped around his waist, off hand rubbing him through his pants. Maki chuckled.

‘Nah. I’m used to it. If I didn’t let the boy play with other people, he’d kill me.’

‘You mea
n that figuratively or literally?’

‘Mostly figuratively,’ Maki laughed, sipping at his drink.

The next song to play was another Reno recognized. He looked down at Baby with a sideways grin. ‘You wanna go dance?’

‘Sure,’ he answered with the same cheeriness as before. ‘Then I can sex you on the dance floor!’ He grinned and jumped up from the booth, pulling both Reno and Maki by the wrists out to the floor.

Casting a wary eye to Maki, Reno wrapped his arms around Baby and ground against him in time with the music. Maki danced alone for only just a few short moments before a pair of girls wrapped their arms around him. Reno was slightly shocked and even more impressed. He’d have to take notes from the boy who was slicker than he was.

Baby’s hands cupped Reno’s face, pulling him down into a kiss. His eyes first flicked to Maki who was smiling in a rather knowing kind of way. Reno’s hand ran through Baby’s hair, cradling his head and returning the kiss. Baby’s hand crawled along Reno’s thigh, running his fingers along the smooth leather, taking special attention around the button of his pants. Reno was nearly positive he wouldn’t actually undress him on the dance floor, but he wasn’t sure what would happen when they got back to the table.

His chest clutched at a sudden thought. He had two hot boys dancing with him, buying him drinks, giving him cigarettes, and all but fucking him on the dance floor, and all Reno could think about was Rude. He didn’t know what Rude wanted from him. While they were together, it was electric, but afterward he was colder than he had ever been before. If it was one thing Reno couldn’t stand it was having something hanging over his head. If Rude would just tell him what he wanted Reno could be anything he wanted short of female, and if it meant having someone to come home to who cared about and understood him, he was willing to change anything. He wasn’t a mind reader, although things would be a lot easier if he were.

Baby looked up at him with those beautiful blue eyes and ran his palms down Reno’s chest. Reno shook himself from his thoughts and sighed hard as he headed for the bar. He ordered a double of whatever was strong and headed back for the table. He dumped himself into the booth and downed half of his drink in one gulp.

Baby slid into the booth beside him and ran his hand along Reno’s thigh as a form of comfort. Reno’s eyes followed Baby’s hand, then watched his face. When their eyes met, Reno downed the rest of his drink and picked up the one Maki had bought for him. Baby’s eyes grew wide and he looked up at Maki, as he slid into the booth beside them.

‘What’s eating you?’

Reno snorted. It was more like what wasn’t eating him that was the problem. He looked between the two of them and shook his head as the warmth of the drink spread through his body.

‘It’s nothing.’

‘Well, if it’s nothing, what do you say to another drink?

Reno turned on the charm. ‘Sure, yo. Hook me up.’

Maki made his way to the edge of the bar and ordered another round and brought them back to the table. When he returned, he sat beside Baby who was perched between Reno’s legs.

‘Can I kiss you?’ Baby asked, leaning in close. He shifted, forcing Reno’s leg off the bench so Maki could move closer. They both leaned in and kissed him, their lips dancing over and around the other. He wasn’t sure rather it was the drinks or the fact he needed physical contact but he was beyond caring what else happened to him.

He had no intentions of going home tonight.


Rude had finally started to kick back and enjoy the moment until… He thought he saw a familiar shock of red hair on the other side of the room. The girls continued their swarm, bumping and touching merrily. He needed that strong drink he contemplated hours earlier. Dancing himself out from the group, he made his way to the bar. Rude took in the scene as he waited for his liquor, a strong shot of tequila with lime. His eyes roved the varied clusters of party goers, watching with idle interest someone getting a sound snogging. He smirked, taking the freshly poured stills and downing it in a swallow. The spirits burned, his eyes flickering painfully as he reached for the lime. Elena whirled up beside him, breathless.

‘Already hitting the bottle?’ She waved to the crew still out on the floor. Rude looked away from her, leaning both arms on the counter. An empty chair opened up next to him and Elena promptly claimed it, signaling to the bartender for another round. She scooped her head under to try and look Rude in the face, but he was having nothing of it. She sighed.

‘You’re still upset, aren’t you?’

Rude said nothing, taking the second shot quicker than the first. The first was reaching its ethylated fingers around his brain, a low buzz brewing at his cheeks.

‘Hey.’ She punched him gently in the arm. ‘It’s not really the end of the world.’ She giggled. He still gave her no response. She patted him on the back and with a tentative sip, tried the clear drink.

‘Ugh! How can you drink that stuff?!?’ she cried, half-way spewing it across the floor. She handed him the remains and grabbed a handful of napkins with the other. As she dried herself off, Rude downed the last of it. She eyed him with an amused look.

‘You are going to be so trashed by tomorrow.’ She still was cleaning the taste of the breathy goods as she waved her gil card over Rude’s head at the bartender. Whatever it’s going to take she mused, heading back to her girlfriends.

Rude returned his corner vision to the snogging couple, which in the few moments it had taken him to get a good head start on the night, had increased to one more. This was causing him to bring up memories he just wasn’t ready to undertake. He idled his finger on the small glass, keeping only a small portion of his attention to the one interest he had latched onto.


Baby wasted no time once the kiss was returned, nimbly twisting between Reno and the back of the booth. Maki slid between Reno’s knees and, with a quick flick of his fingers, unfastened the top button of Reno’s pants. He didn’t give any time for a reaction, kissing along Reno’s jaw line and throat, pulling at the zipper. He moved in a bit closer and wrapped his hand around Reno’s cock. Reno’s breath caught and his head jerked up, staring at Maki’s hand in his lap. Maki smiled and pressed his lips against those of the now trembling redhead.

‘I don’t think we should do this here, yo,’ Reno mumbled around Maki’s imploring lips.

‘I only live a couple of blocks from here,’ Baby offered, running his tongue along Reno’s ear. Reno moaned.

‘As long as you don’t mind me in your bed for the night.’ His chest panged with the words but he shoved it down again, breathing heavily against Baby’s neck.

‘I came here to dance and here you are dragging me out before I’m ready to go,’ Maki pouted, pawing at Baby. ‘It’s always like that with you. You come to the club, you find a boy, you go home with him. I’m not ready to go.’

‘An’ I’m not properly smashed yet, yo.’ Reno laughed and pulled a card from his pocket. ‘I don’t want to leave before being properly… eh, I forget what he said.’ Reno tossed his head back toward the bar. ‘Plastered is a good word.’

Maki pushed Reno’s drink across the table at him. ‘Drink this one and I can have you a steady tab of shots if you want. You want trashed, I can get you trashed.’

‘The only problem with that is I generally pass out, so don’t let me get too shit-faced.’

Maki stood from the table and nodded toward the bartender. He served the drinks off the end of the bar closest to their table so Maki could ferry them to Reno. Reno stopped them after four rounds and nodded to Baby. He laughed and pulled Reno to his feet and they headed for the door, Maki following behind.


Rude blinked several times, unsure if the red he saw flash out o
f sight was the same as before or just the tequila settling in. He followed their trail to the door. How could he have mistaken that ponytail for anyone else’s? Rude clenched the shot glass hard, the sight of his friend rolling as low as he was made his blood boil. He stood up before realizing it, and found him quickly standing right behind the small clique.

Maki turned over his shoulder, sensing the rush of movement behind him. He leaned over Reno’s shoulder.

‘Hey, you said you’re single, right?’

‘Eh, yea, why?’

‘Then you might want to do something about your wall, here.’

Reno turned over his shoulder. Rude stood a step away from him and rotated his looks between the three men. The sudden rush sent a throbbing to his head and eyes, something he was glad he could hide behind his sunglasses. His hands clenched reflexively.

Reno blinked, his vision swimming. ‘That’s not MY wall. He’s his own wall.’ He laughed stupidly.

‘Hey, yo. Party’s just getting started. Leaving already?’ Rude growled.

‘Eh, I met a couple of guys and I’m going with them,’ Reno slurred. ‘Hey, this way I won’t wake anyone up when I come home…. you know, ’cause I’m not… coming home.’

There was a small crack. Rude felt a warm tingle collect in his fist. As he unfolded his fingers, a quick pool of blood filled the small cup of his palm. He had crushed the glass, burying shards deep into the skin. He stood there, hand open to the others as he furrowed his brow, perplexed.

‘You know, he seems slightly upset that you aren’t coming home tonight,’ Maki smirked, turning to Reno. Baby chimed in, putting his hand across Reno’s chest.

‘You think maybe you guys need to talk a few things out?’

Reno snorted and laughed. ‘Yea. Talking’s not Rude’s strong suit.’ Maki’s eyes met Reno’s, roving his soul with those deep, dark eyes. He suddenly didn’t feel quite as good as he had a few moments ago, now slightly nauseous.

‘I think you need to chat. You and him. No distractions or interruptions. Go home and talk to him. You’ll thank us for it later.’

Rude turned back to the bar, wordless, applying pressure at his wrist to slow the bleeding. The bartender was quick to spot the trouble, wrapping his hand in a clean towel as he ushered him over to the sink. He was kicking himself square to the head. Why should he care who Reno goes home with? Why did this bother him, to the point of unchecked aggression? What was the matter with him? He let the bartender wash out the glass and clean off his hand. It was a deep cut, something that might take a few stitches to keep closed. He ground his teeth irritably.

Reno planted his hand flat against the wall, his head reeling. He’d overdone it and it was catching up with him. He shook his head to catch his thoughts.

‘Hey, he can’t tell me what he wants, I can’t be bothered waiting around for him. I have the two of you here now and willing. You want me, he doesn’t. Let’s go.’ He put his arm around Maki’s waist and tugged him toward the door. Maki turned his head over his shoulder, checking on Rude before wandering out with Reno.


Rude heaved a sigh and decided to call it for the night. There was just no way he could salvage any of this with entertaining merit. He let the bartender wrap some gauze and tape around his hand and swore several times he would have it checked, and that, no, he wouldn’t be holding anyone at the bar responsible. He looked over his shoulder before passing through the door, the same door he had only minutes ago gravitated to. Elena was still wrecking things up with the other girls on the dance floor. Rude chickened out and walked himself home.

The quiet was a welcome comfort, away from the bustle as Rude stretched his chest out, taking in a deep breath. His hand ached now, every pulse throbbing intently. He wiggled each finger, inspecting to see what kind of damage he had done. Satisfied the tendons and nerves were ok, he let his focus drift. He had never been so assertive over someone, at least not when he wasn’t on a case. The sheer brashness of Reno’s declaration rang clear in his ears. He’s not coming back. He turned the corner, picking up a main street that passed by headquarters.

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It had been along day, heading out this morning at 5:00 am to make my measly pay at a job that after five years was really not what I wanted, although I had ecided that fact a year prior. I made it home around 6:00 pm, living in a little studio apartment that seemed to have no room left to move around in, evev for a pet, or maybe I just couldn't find time to care for one. Tonight I figured I would treat myself to a few drinks at a club I had noticed on my way home from work the other evening,...

3 years ago
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Old Women Use Sandra

"Lick my cunt," said Veronica. Spreadeagled on the hotel bed, my vision was suddenly filled with Veronica's aged, but luscious pussy descending on to my face. She spread her pussy lips deftly, and her enflamed clit zeroed right in on my waiting tongue. She lowered her pussy down firmly on to my face, and then wrapped her hands around my head. I just knew that she was going to give me a real workout, and so was her friend Rhonda. Rhonda was kneeling between my spread, stocking clad legs. She was...

3 years ago
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Josh MurdochChapter 6

Several more dry runs gave everybody the confidence they needed to believe in themselves. All three guards were sure that they could handle any foreseeable attack and Josh agreed with them. They were ready for their first run to Rio del Oro. The relay stations had been supplied with the needed mule teams for the gold coach and Beanpole had been able to familiarize himself with the danger points between Rio del Oro and Santa Rosa. It had been decided that, temporarily, Randall and Murdoch...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Busty Aunt Again

Hello guys, I am here again with the following part of my 1st story. I am very thankful to all the readers and ISS people for there comments and encouraging me to write further stories. So here it goes After my 1st encounter with my aunt i was looking for more opportunities to come. I was fantasizing my aunt every night after that. The college started again and it was not possible for me to meet her. But still i was hoping for good. We were in contact by phone and messages though. She was...

3 years ago
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Christmas cuckold

This time of year is always more fun to me than any other. I'm a cuckold husband and have been my whole marrage. Christmas time around here is a time of secrets , My wife normaly tells me when she is going out to have sex but not around Christmas. She knows the mistery adds to the excitment for me. So Friday night when I got home from work I was greated by my wife and she was wearing a very short " Miss Santa" outfit. It was the tipical red jacket and short skirt all trimed in white fir. Her...

3 years ago
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My Hot Neighbors Part One

It had been a few months since the new neighbors had moved in, as far as I knew it was just the two women, a mother and daughter. Now I will tell you this, the mother was smoking hot, curves in all the right places, big juicy firm tits that she liked to show off with low cut tight tops, a juicy tight firm ass, and legs that seemed to never end. You would never guess she had a 17 year old daughter. Now this story is about me and her daughter, although some fun was had with the mother, but that’s...

First Time
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Niece Katys Surprise Visit

Niece Katy’s Surprise Visit By billy69boy (Sequel to “The Truth about Oral Sex Clubs”) “Bye, honey, have a great week!” I yelled to my wife, as she headed out the door to her car. It was all packed and ready for her trip to the beach house that she rented with her s****r. I was home alone for seven glorious days, and I was going to make the best of it. I sat down on the patio with my newspaper and glass of scotch, even though it wasn’t quite noon yet. The waterfall gurgled in the background,...

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Just One Night

Wednesday, November 21st 2012 – Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. "I want you to be very careful what you say to your sister Katrina when she gets home," mom instructed. Dad looked up from his paper. "Careful in exactly what way?" I asked back. "She's broken up with Philip," mom answered. "Yes!" my little sister Anna shouted as she threw her left arm up into the air. "Finally!" I said happily as I looked over at dad. A small grin had appeared on his lips. "Not one word! From any of...

2 years ago
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Wrong Side of the Camera

WRONG SIDE OF THE CAMERA I am Steve, a 22 year old television presenter, determined to get to the top as quickly as possible and don't care what I have to do to get there. I have a growing reputation for doing those things no-one would dare do, or want to do, even though it has meant over-coming a few of my own phobias, not to mention the odd black eye or broken nose. It seemed all my efforts and sacrifices were beginning to pay off when I was asked by one of the smaller satellite...

4 years ago
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Emma and Me

Emma had long black hair, it was usually in a ponytail, light tan skin, brown irises in almond shaped eyes, she has got a booty to die for that she flaunts in yoga pants all the time. Her build is athletic, I saw her in a crop top once and only once, and she had a strong set of abs, she is pretty short for our grade, at a cool 4’10”. I though stand at a average 5’10”, I am not very thin, and have no athletic ability, but am extremely strong, I have pale white skin covered in blond arm hair,...

4 years ago
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Jessinta Ch03A The Bullys Moll

Introduction: This is the continuing saga, which is Jessinta Jovanoski (Jovi to my friends). I am now sixteen and very sexually active at school and within a Motorcycle club. My attributes are, 152 (501), 45kg (93lbs) and with small breasts (32A). I have blonde reddish shoulder length hair and pasty white skin. My home life was by now non-existent, so my association with a Motorcycle club was my surrogate family. Six months have now passed since my last chapter and I am now over sixteen years...

1 year ago
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The Word

In the forefront of his mind Peyton knew it all so much mean-spirited bunk, one more in a line of petty abuses freakishly tall Sally had to endure, but at the same time the lizard contingent that kept squalid house in some far flung synaptic bunker at the back of it all whispered what ifs in a low guttural whisper, suggesting several visceral scenarios & variations on the theme that were all too plausible to hormone addled Peyt, just sprouting his first healthy crop lip hair & wielding his...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbor Part 3

Since the first time Ashley blew Tim, the two have had a few more encounters. Some involved Raylene, others didn't but none of them involved more than oral sex. Ashley wanted to improve her skills and Tim wasn't going to deny her that opportunity. But, he was anxious to take it further again. This weekend him and Raylene were going up to the mountains. They had rented a cabin and it was going to just be the two of them. A few days before they left Raylene had a thought."Ashley's parents don't...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Gifts Under the Tress

Disclaimer: This work is fiction, and my intellectual Property right. Any similarities between this story and any actual persons is both coincidental and makes me. Do not repost this elsewhere without permission. Word from the Author: Hello, and welcome to the dark silhouettes and imagery that is a piece of my mind. Although perhaps this tale isn't quite as dark as the ones you usually hear from me, I hope you enjoy. Usually I post some rules, not this time, but the next one,...

1 year ago
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Kate and Me Friendship Spilled Over

My best friend, Art, was somewhat older than I. We became friends after a temporary assignment threw us together. We quickly realized that although our personalities were very nearly opposite, that we enjoyed many of the same things, and - more importantly - genuinely liked each other's company, and were very good partners because of our combination of differences and similarities. I began to spend more and more time at Art's home, with him and his family, and got on extremely well with all...

2 years ago
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A Boys First Piss Enema

The Saturday before last, I had an amazing watersports threesome in Hong Kong with a regular fuck-buddy of mine and a "Boy" (only 19) that he'd met. The next day we met up again (just for Yum Cha) and we talked about what we should do for our next session. They were both very much wanting to be able to try piss enemas and so they proposed that we should go bareback next time.I contacted my partners back in Australia and asked how they felt about me not using condoms with Jonathan and Julian if...

3 years ago
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Rainy Day People

‘Well, at least I got a foot into the stirrup’ I thought as I looked around the crowded room. For 2 years now, since my divorce had been finalized, most of my friends on both sides of the sexual war had been urging me to get back in the saddle. This place seemed too busy and far too stressful for me to even consider staying for this speed dating party. There were more men and women here than the hotel’s safety codes would allow. People were crammed in like sardines, with barely enough room to...

3 years ago
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Good Vibes From a Big BrotherChapter 10

Beth quietly opened Lori's door and tip toed in. "I'm awake, Beth. Turn on the light on the dresser." She shut the door and turned on the small light. "You look happy." "Oh Lori, I'm really floating on air. I had no idea this might be so wonderful. Your brother is the most wonderful, gentlest, sexiest lover a girl could have." "That's a lot of 'wonderfuls' Beth. Sounds like a good time was had by all." "More than I ever dreamed possible. Thanks, Lori, thanks." "Okay,...

4 years ago
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College students fuck one of their horny mothers 8211 and then do each other too

Shit! This was crazy. I was just out of high school by a couple of years, barely 18-19. I went to study with a buddy at his place, on campus, well probably not, most likely off campus. Yeah. We were in his apartment off campus. We were studying. Then this woman crashed into the apartment, drunk as a “shit house mouse,” as daddy used to say. She was babbling like mad, in many meanings of that word. “Ah, damn it, I didn’t get fucked tonight,’ she slurred....

3 years ago
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Good Neighbors Part 4

Good Neighbors, Part 4 *** This story continues Stacey's recollections of how she came into her current situation. Please see Parts 1 - 3 for the back story. *** Martin's cock easily fit in my mouth and down my throat while only half- hard, but grew more problematic as it grew to its full ten inches. I slurped on it greedily, enjoying how it felt to feel it grow as I suckled on it and worked it with my mouth and throat. My own modest 6-inch cock--even raging hard--fit into...

3 years ago
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Shymommy fucks the contractors

Pregnant Wife Fucks the Workers It was a warm September afternoon. I was home from work and would be for a while. Being nine months pregnant makes it hard to go to work or do much else for that matter. I was a week over due and miserable. The doctor told me to have sex to help bring on the labor but my husband was not into having sex with anyone whose belly was bigger than his (it was a close call). I wanted this k** out and was willing to do any thing to make it happen. I could not even get...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 142

Jeff had suddenly remembered having visited Nat, Nicki and Whitney a few nights before they were married. After loving them, he had started to leave their bedroom as they slept. Suddenly, he had found himself in the hallway. At the time, I thought I somehow had a lapse of consciousness or something similar. I've driven home before and remembered little of the trip, my mind focused on a problem, and from what I hear, that's something that happens to people fairly often. I've heard guys joke...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 16

Mr. Bell gave me a look and I excused myself to use the restroom. He'd promised to explain everything to me after our meeting and I believed him. It looked like Beth Ann and I were about to come in to a lot of money. It might take a few months but the handwriting was on the wall. We'd have to be careful to protect it, but I was willing to bet neither of us would ever need to work, again. When I finished in the restroom, Mr. Bell and Mr. Hillman were still going at it hammer and tongs, so I...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Slutty Girlfriends Guy Friends Group Sex

Hello Friend, I am Pravin from TN, 28 years old, average guy. Trust me or not I am still a single and virgin guy. I hope you all read my previous stories. Thank you for all your support and messages. But my serious apologies, because I am not going to continue the story until you all want it. Those stories are of the past. I want to write a present timeline, if you all want me to continue those stories, tell me, I will write it. Once again I am telling this, all my stories are fake, not real...

4 years ago
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Busted 2

Carrie led me into the spare room that had been hers for the past months. It was a mess – clothes everywhere, empty cups cluttering the desk and window sill, the bin in the corner had various pieces of rubbish around it, as though she had thrown but missed. “What a dump!” she said, turning with the camera. She then faced me with a mischievous smile, “My, my, my… we simply can’t play in here – we’ll have to use your room. And I’ve always wanted to fuck you in the same bed that I know you’ve...

1 year ago
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My first time The sister3some

I still remember this as if it was yesterday. Walking up the stairs going into my 8th grade free period class. I turn the corner and I see the Martinez sisters standing at the end of the hallway. Turning into the classroom, nobody was there. They come into the doorway and sayy hey! come here. I go and they bring me to the janitor's closet and tell me to get the box off the shelf. As i reach up and I touch the box, I feel a hand grab my cock from in between my legs. I then fling the box further...

3 years ago
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hot mom 2

The moment Jodie saw her son at breakfast the next morning, she knew she had trouble. Her eyes hadn't been playing tricks on her yesterday. Dane really was as cute and sexy-looking as his father. Jodie just didn't trust herself to behave around him.She figured they'd better not be alone together any more than they had to. It would be better to get out of the house."Dane, how would you like to go on a picnic today?" she asked brightly. "There's a little lake outside of town that's really nice...

4 years ago
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Tricked into a New Experience

Tricked into a new experience Tony and i had gone out for a drink and, if we got lucky, to pick up a couple of women. We rarely struck lucky because, although we are both pretty presentable twenty year olds with clean college boy looks, Tony is 6' 2" and I am a measly 5' 6". But this particular time we scored in the first bar we visited. A couple of real lookers and we had a great evening with the prospect of an even better night. At some point, maybe in the cab back to their place,...

3 years ago
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Small Moments

Sometimes I don't know how to say things. It's always been a problem of mine, meaning the people who get close to me think that I can see the outsides of things and never the mysterious textures beneath. I can see them, the countless shapes of things inside that spiral and collide with one another and constantly form anew. I can see them and feel the energies they are made from. But the words, once formed, have trouble leaving my mouth. I think we say things in other ways, the unseen things...

Love Stories
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My Visit To Mistress Black Diamond HerrinBlackDi

This woman ROCKS a Dungeon in Berlin!!! WOW!!!With a deep breath, I stepped out of the changing room and back into the hallway. The man who had brought us to the house was standing there, looking like a German mountain with arms and legs. He looked at me from my naked feet and right up to my face. He turned to a table next to him, picked up what looked at first to be a black cloth bag and threw it at me. I caught it and he laughed. In a voice that sounded like the rumble of an ocean...

2 years ago
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Next Door Neighbour

I was about 17 when i had my first sexual encounter,I had for some reason acquired a liking for aprons when I became a teenager, full bib and waist pinnys, I grew up in the early 70's well certainly my sexual desire did, my mother had several, and when my parents went out I would strip off put on one of her aprons, walk around the house and then wank myself stupid..why? I haven't a clue..but I loved the soft feel of the material and the tightness of the apron ties around me.My mothers friends...

4 years ago
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First Time CFNM

After about 10 minutes of pretend arm injuries tummy aches and head aches,i was once again the patient and said i had an injured leg.Lauren (my sister) said that i needed to take my trousers down so she could take a look,so before doing so she went to check that nanna was still in the kitchen, and i then stood with my trousers down around my ankles, she then said that maybe i should have a full check up so i took off both my trousers and t-shirt. She did the pretend checks on my chest and arms...

2 years ago
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Going Greek

Going Greek By:Serenity (Usual disclaimers apply, please do not copy or repost without authors permission. The follow contains transgender themes, and other stuff your Christian neighbors would frown upon. Do not read if you are under 18, yadda yadda yadda, please enjoy!) Dan pulled his beat up F-150 into a parking space at the Galleria and turned off the engine. He sighed, and adjusted the rear view mirror. Looking at his own reflection he faked a smile or two and practiced...

3 years ago
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Covet Thy Neighbors Son Part 2

Co-written by Jaymal and Black Velvet “You are not going back to that woman’s house.” The statement came apropos of nothing over breakfast. Brandon paused, a forkful of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth. “Mom …” “Don’t go thinking it. I can see you are and you’re forbidden.” “Mom, I wasn’t thinking anything.” “I’m not having her open the door to me again dressed like that for all the neighbors to see …” “It was a summer’s day. So she wore a bikini.” “With my own son as good as...

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Cathy and Chris Ch 09

It was a Monday night like any other, a school night and the kids were in bed, the washing machine and dishwasher rumbled to themselves and he made her a decaf coffee before sitting down with his own tea. She was sat on one of the sofas, a blanket over waist and knees and her body drawn up. As she took the coffee from him, consciously or unconsciously, she stretched her legs out on the other large cushion and Chris sat at the end of the sofa nearest her and smiled. She noticed but didn’t make...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 40 TwentyTwo Part II

April 22, 1985, Chicago, Illinois In the morning, Sofia and I showered together. Contrary to what she’d said in the shower after the sauna, she’d only wanted that one lovemaking session. I did my utmost to make it the best, most loving act we’d ever had and Sofia had cum repeatedly. Now, we were lovingly washing each other, most likely for the last time. “Are you OK?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied with a smile. “Remember what I told you? The worst case scenario was that I would come here and...

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The address on the package said 1313 Mockingbird Lane I thought to myself that's funny because it was the same address as the Munster's in that TV sitcom back in the sixties that show was so funny I laugh at the reruns even now...So the addressee is named Miss Patricia Yang so I pretty much know that shes Asian...and single...the package is from Victoria's Secret and I wonder what sexy type of clothing she purchased I begin to imagine her in all types of naughty lingerie as I drive to her...

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