Don Trek The Black Whole
- 2 years ago
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The title ‘She Was Just Seventeen’ does not refer to a specific character in this story, but to the Beatles song of the same name. Though this is not an erotic story all of the characters are well in excess of 18.
‘Captain’s log stardate 9411.07: It turns out that even though we were able to save our last mission by converting bourbon, matter, and antimatter into fuel it did some pretty bad damage. We’ve been ordered back to Earth for repairs that could take as long as a month. I have been assigned to Starfleet Academy as a temporary instructor and my crew is either using saved up shore leave time or is working odd jobs for Starfleet.’ ~Capt. Don
Act One
‘That’s wonderful,’ exclaimed Capt. Don when he heard the news that Dr. Melanie was going to head the Federation’s new Snailological institute!
‘I know, but I won’t be able to stay with you all on the USS Bonneville,’ she sighed.
‘Actually I found it kind of odd that you didn’t stay behind when we dropped the snails off two episodes ago,’ offered Capt. Don.
‘I guess I was afraid of the future,’ replied Dr. Melanie, ‘I didn’t know what I’d find here on Earth. I also thought there might be a little chemistry between us, but…’
‘I know, I know what you’re going to say,’ Interrupted Capt. Don, ‘but I’m in love with my ship.’
‘How’d you know I was going to say that?’
‘Because as a starship captain it’s the story of my life,’ grinned Capt. Don and then he went on, ‘so Dr. Melanie do you have a place yet?’
‘Yes, it’s nice, and I’m LCDR Melanie now!’
The two officers parted ways, the starship captain that would never love anyone but his ship and the snailologist who was now a lieutenant commander in Starfleet. It might have been a sad parting of ways if not for what was to happen next.
‘Welcome to Starfleet Academy’s Practical Captaining 101 class. I’m Capt. Don of the USS Bonneville and we just kicked some Klingon ass!’
‘The whole academy is talking about how you and your crew saved Deep Space Hooters from having no wings for the cricket match and defeated a Klingon battle cruiser in space combat,’ said a sexy female cadet in the first row of class.
‘That and we were able to deliver much needed medical supplies as well,’ bragged Capt. Don. ‘Cadets, I can’t stress importance of what Starfleet does out there anymore than the narrative of that mission itself does. The need is out there, planet, space stations, and civilian ships need our help.’
‘What about the exploration aspect,’ asked a nerdy looking male cadet?
‘Yes,’ responded Capt. Don, ‘I can’t wait to do that as a Captain!’
Another geeky male cadet asked, ‘You mean you haven’t done any exploring yet?’
‘Look, it’s not like I don’t want to, it’s just that I’ve been busy saving the world,’ answered Capt. Don.
‘Fellas,’ said the sexy female cadet as she chimed in, ‘he and his crew went back in time to 1994 to get snails to repopulate the species so that we could watch the shows we love on subspace TV!’
‘That’s right,’ agreed Capt. Don, ‘and your name cadet?’
‘I’m second year Cadet Michelle.’
‘Our primary mission is to go where no man has gone before, you understand that mission Cadet Michelle, don’t you?’
‘Yes I do Capt. Don,’ swooned the young cadet.
‘But there are dangers in space, the Klingons, Romulans, and Gorn, just to name a few,’ educated Capt. Don. ‘Even when you’re on an exploration mission, death could be right around the corner!’
The buzzer went off.
‘That’s class for today,’ acknowledge Capt. Don, ‘I see you all in two days.’
‘I think it’s so awesome to have a real battle worn captain to teach our class,’ offered Cadet Michelle to Capt. Don.
‘I thought the same thing in my academy days.’
‘So back then was it OK to go to the lunar soda-pop shop to get a drink with your instructor?’ asked Cadet Michelle.
‘Sure, would you like to do that Cadet Michelle?’
‘Would I!’
Meanwhile on another part of the Starfleet Academy campus Cmdr. Mike was teaching his own class.
‘…and that’s how we fooled the 20th century Wal-Mart employee into letting us buy twice the number of rechargeable batteries than the special allowed!’
‘That’s some funny stuff Commander,’ laughed one of the cadets, ‘by the way, have you ever tried this stuff, it was popular around 20th century here on Earth.’
Cmdr. Mike went over to the student’s desk and took a cracker and dipped it in the brown creamy dip and took a bite.
‘Oh my god,’ said Cmdr. Mike, ‘what is this heavenly concoction?’
‘It’s called Nutella,’ answered the cadet, ‘and they just discovered a crap load of it in a stasis warehouse just outside of Kansas.’
Cmdr. Mike smiled real big at the thought that had just entered his mind. ‘Okay class, let’s get a shuttle, were going on a field trip to Kansas!’
Also-while at the robotic and synthetic humanoid research facility Mr. Bourbon and Lt. Camcorder were explaining the situation that led to the destruction of one of Lt. Camcorder’s internal heads.
‘I’m telling ya, it was the only way to get the fuel processed,’ offered Mr. Bourbon.
Lt. Camcorder continued, ‘one minute less and the bourbon/matter mixture would have failed.’
‘And what you’re both telling us is that even though you are 100% computer the alcohol still had an effect on you,’ asked Capt. Fill one of Starfleet head computer engineers.
‘Yes,’ Lt. Camcorder responded, ‘the longer the bourbon was in my system the more of that day I forgot.’
‘Well, I’d find it hard to believe you if one of your heads were not fried.’ Capt. Fill hit a few buttons on his desk and gave his final answer. ‘It’s clear to me that what was done had to be done and Starfleet will approve the internal recording head transplant for Lt. Camcorder. This is a risky replacement and there is a chance that it could render you inoperable. Are you sure you want to do this?’
‘Operating as I have since the head died has been very difficult, I want it done,’ confirmed Lt. Camcorder.
Act Two
‘I must admit that when you suggested a soda-pop at the lunar soda-pop shop I thought you just meant to get a soda-pop,’ laughed Capt. Don.
‘Is that bad,’ asked Cadet Michelle, ‘don’t you like zero g ‘dancing’?’
‘On the contrary cadet, I love it.’
‘So do I captain,’ she kissed him, ‘let’s dance more.’
Little did Capt. Don know that Cmdr. Mike and his class were in Kansas and he was in rich chocolaty heaven.
‘This stuff is awesome,’ Capt. Mike ran on as he finished a jar of Nutella, ‘I want to buy two cases!’
‘It vill coast you three-hundred credits,’ said the dealer.
‘You can’t spend credits around here, what good would they do you?’
‘Starfleet commander ve are alike in that ve both travel the stars,’ answered the dealer, ‘I’ll need them on countless other planets.’
‘Alright, here take my credits!’ Cmdr. Mike then asked the cadets to help him get the cases on the shuttle and they headed back to San Francisco.
Neither did any of them know that Lt. Camcorder’s surgery went fast and well, and on top of that the repairs to the USS Bonneville were completed ahead of schedule.
‘You look well,’ offered Mr. Bourbon to Lt. Camcorder.
‘Thank you Mr. Bourbon,’ she replied, ‘I’ve just received word via my internal communications monitoring device that the USS Bonneville is repaired and ready for departure.’
‘It looks like we won’t be teaching those academy classes after all,’ commented Mr. Bourbon. ‘It’s a shame, I was looking forward to it. I bet Capt. Don and Cmdr. Mike will be happy though, they weren’t look’n forward to it like we were.’
‘You are probably right,’ agreed Lt. Camcorder.
Back on the moon!
‘This has been wonderful Cadet Michelle,’ smiled Capt. Don, ‘I
thought I was going to hate this assignment.’
‘I hope you can stand having me in your class,’ Cadet Michelle moaned in his ear.
‘If they actually expected me to teach something it might be hard,’ laughed Capt. Don, ‘but telling stories? I think I can handle that.’
Cadet Michelle reached over and grabbed Capt. Don’s communicator, ‘here Cap, it’s for you.’
‘Capt. Don here, what’s up?’ then look on his face went from happy to sad in a second. ‘I thought it was going to be at least a week, maybe two!’
‘You have to go don’t you,’ asked Cadet Michelle.
‘I knew this would happen, but I thought we’d have more than one night,’ Michelle whispered.
‘Come with me to the ship, see me off,’ requested Capt. Don and they both got dressed.
Back on the shuttle from Kansas to the San Francisco the com unit chirped.
‘This is Cadet Dan on the Shuttle Avery we are on a training mission.’
‘This is Starfleet Command, we need to speak to Cmdr. Mike.’
‘This is Cmdr. Mike.’
‘As of nineteen-hundred hours you are to report to the USS Bonneville for the commencement of your mission.’
‘I understand, I’ll be there,’ responded Cmdr. Mike. ‘Well students, it looked like it was going to be fun, but its back to space for me. You guys don’t mind if I go right to the ship and you return the shuttle, do you?’
‘No sir!’
Both Capt. Don and Cmdr. Mike’s shuttles made it to Starbase one at about the same time so Capt. Don got to meet the commander’s cadets and Mike got to meet Cadet Michelle.
‘It was an honor serving with you Capt. Mike!’ said each of the cadets as they saluted him.
‘Now you guy’s better not get into any trouble with that shuttle,’ Cmdr. Mike laughed as he returned the salute.
Capt. Don stood by the shuttle with Cadet Michelle and they said their goodbyes. They embraced one last time and exchanged a passionate kiss and then parted ways as she left the deck with the shuttle.
‘So how was your time teaching at the academy Mike?’
‘Pretty good, I discovered this chocolate spread called Nutella, it’s amazing! I see you discovered something amazing too?’ asked Cmdr. Mike.
‘Yes,’ agreed Capt. Don, ‘and I never thought I would want to spend a whole week at the academy instead of on this ship…’
‘Well Don, wonders never cease to amaze,’ offered Cmdr. Mike as he patted the captain’s back. ‘Let’s just hope she doesn’t turn out to be a plot point that gets one of us killed in 20 years.’
Hello Old Friends! Your favorite writer (I guess) is back with another of her sex episode about a smoking hot German guy, which will leave you wanting more. I thank you all wholeheartedly for appreciating so much. It is because of you guys that I keep coming back to this platform to share more stories. For those who are new to my sex escapades, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, 5’7″ tall, fair-complexioned, and have big eyes always looking out for hot sex partners. I have...
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AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a...
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AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this story...
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Hello Readers! This is my first story on this platform so I request you to share your feedback. To describe myself, I am a 23 year old male working in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have been hitting the gym for a few months. I have developed a decent physique now and am working on my way to get 6 pack abs. So this story happened a couple of years back when I had gone for a trek to Manali in June. We were a mixed group of around 30 people who had signed up for it. We all met at the railway station...
This story is copyrighted to Caleb Jones 2000 A.D., and all rights are reserved, with the exception of any Star Trek related material and characters, which Paramount owns. I am just borrowing them for entertainment purposes. No one may resell this story for money. Ask me if you want to archive it. I may allow you to beam it aboard your site as well! ***** Star Trek: the original series mission continues Season Four - The New Adventures!!! StarDate: 4/19/98 - Log Updated...
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Star Trek The TNGTG. All Star Trek people here do belong to Gene Roddenberry and his estate. I only use them in fun and the spirit of Star Trek fans every where. Peace. Belle. I am Capt. Rene Saylor. Owner and Master of the good ship Little Dragon. It is a free freighter. I dont haul people or cargo for free. When I say free, it means none else but me owns the ship. Not bad for a 20th century human stuck in the 24th century. In the 20th century I was called Dave Saylor. I came to...
Ever wonder what happened to Dr Janice Lester following the events of 'Turnabout Intruder'? This is a sequel to my earlier story STAR TREK: THE FINAL FATE OF JANICE LESTER. STAR TREK: THE SECOND LIFE OF JANICE LESTER by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures * 2269: Elba II "I stole your body because I wanted to captain a starship, something Starfleet doesn't allow women to do," said Janice Lester....
Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ==================================================Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for their...
This is it, the big one, the culmination of all my Star Trek tales to date! With overwhelming firepower on its side, the Empire is finally ready to invade a Federation hollowed out by decades of Empire infiltration. And on opposite sides are two Jim Kirks, each inhabiting the body of his universe's Janice Lester.... STAR TREK: INVASION (part 1 of 3) by BobH (c) 2018 Note: This is a sequel to all...
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Top Premium Porn SitesAll comments are welcomed! All characters and Star Trek concepts belong to Paramount and are borrowed only for this story. No claim of ownership is made and the story may only be reposted at Fictionmania's, Paul 1954's and Robo's sites and sites that ask and receive permission of the author to repost them freely with no charges for reading stories at their site. (The Turned About series is recreated by Caleb Jones from an original story by Gene Rodddenberry.) Star Trek:...
This story is set in the world of the "Star Trek" television program, airing on NBC from 1966-69. "Star Trek" and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended in this not-for-profit fan fiction. This may be archived/posted anywhere; just give credit where credit is due. Thanks! Hands of an Angry Goddess By Pretzelgirl Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission:...
Andi told me the other day that she would have liked seeing Captain James Kirk, in the body of Janice Lester (i.e., played by Sandra Smith), take command of the starship _Enterprise_ and wallop a few Klingon ships. I confess that the thought of a woman sitting in the famous Captain's chair in a gold mini-dress appeals to me as well. Ah yes... "Turnabout Intruder", the last episode of ST:TOS and the great unrealised opportunity. If only it had gone differently... Janice Lester - Star...
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Ever wonder what happened to Dr Janice Lester following the events of 'Turnabout Intruder'? (corrected and amended) STAR TREK: THE FINAL FATE OF JANICE LESTER by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures * "I don't like this, I don't like it at all," grumbled Leonard 'Bones' McCoy. "You surprise me, Bones," I chuckled, familiar with the other man's temperament after years of serving alongside...
Ever wondered how the events of 'Turnabout Intruder' might have played out in the mirror universe? STAR TREK: MIRROR UNIVERSE TURNABOUT by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures -1- I beamed down to Camus II with a security team of five redshirts loyal to me, materializing in a large, recently-unearthed subterranean chamber. Janice Lester and her toady Arthur Coleman were waiting for us, as arranged. My...
Trapped in the body of Janice Lester, his real body destroyed, the Jim Kirk of the mirror universe is determined to get to the universe of the Federation to steal the body of their Jim Kirk. STAR TREK: INFILTRATION by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'Mirror Universe Turnabout' All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures - 1 - Fixing mirrors in front of treadmills has been standard...
Spock raised his hand and saw he now possessed dark skin, and slender fingers with long nails, all perfectly manicured and painted. This confirmed it. His mind was in Lt Uhura's body. "Fascinating!" he said. STAR TREK: PRISONERS by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures - 1 - Spock woke with a headache. It was the same headache that had been plaguing him since Dr McCoy had restored his brain to his body on...
Trapped in the body of Janice Lester, his real body destroyed, the Jim Kirk of the mirror universe has travelled to the universe of the Federation intending to steal the body of their Jim Kirk. Only now there's a third Jim Kirk.... STAR TREK: PLAGUE by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'Mirror Universe Turnabout' and 'Infiltration' All characters...
Jim Kirk has been Janice Lester for three decades. Now, aboard the starship commanded by her daughter, she meets the wife she never had, and the grand-daughter she never knew about. STAR TREK: FAMILY by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'The Second Life of Janice Lester'. - 1 - I'm James T. Kirk. Or rather, I used to be him. For the past thirty one years I've been Janice Lester; I've been her...
The Empire has invaded the Federation's universe! Now the captain of the USS Endurance finds herself facing the Empire fleet alone, while on Camus II her mother Janice Lester, the former Jim Kirk, discovers the terrible truth behind a conspiracy decades in the making. STAR TREK: INVASION (part 2 of 3) by BobH (c) 2018 - 7 - As we made our way to wherever Kate...
I was going west ahead of the group to lay out and get built a park for the motor homes and trailers. Besides the head doctor and his wife I took along the two male nurses to do the driving and two of the females. I thought this was as good a time as any to test these guy's resolve about what we were doing, so I told the doctors wife to get naked and meet me on the bed. "The rest of you just watch and you pay attention to the road," I told the one driving. One of the nurses had on a gray...
Group Sex“Hey, Tori!” Justina said, running up the porch steps, her breasts jiggling with every step. “Hi,” I said. She noticed me staring at her boobs and did the unthinkable. She flashed her breasts. I blushed and she winked at me as Mom came towards the door. “Hello Justina,” Mom said. “Hello, Mrs. Ryan,” Justina replied. “You girls are probably hungry, are turkey sandwiches ok with you Justina?” Mom asked. “Yes, thank you,” Justina replied. “Mom, I’m going to show Justina my room,” I told mom. “Ok...
This story is about how I first met Kate. My name is Don. Im just your average 22 year old guy. Im 5'10'' tall and around 200 pounds. I have brown hair and eyes. Nothing really special about me. I work for a company that goes all over the United States to help remodel wal mart stores. Im usally gone for about a month at a time and home for about a week or two, then Im gone again. Since Im single and dont have any kids its a good job for me. So because Im gone so much, I dont have many...
- Don - It never would have happened if Sis hadn't taken that job at summer camp. Or if Mom hadn't gone back to our old place for a week. Or maybe I was really ready for this to happen but just didn't know it yet. You see, we were just moving in to our new house. The moving van was in the driveway, a big long wide driveway with a basketball hoop off to one side. Mom had parked our own rental truck out on the street, because it was towing our car and she didn't want to try backing up...
It never would have happened if Sis hadn't taken that job at summer camp. Or if Mom hadn't gone back to our old place for a week. Or maybe I was really ready for this to happen but just didn't know it yet. You see, we were just moving in to our new house. The moving van was in the drieway, a big long wide driveway with a basketball hoop off to one side. Mom had parked our own rental truck out on the street, because it was towing our car and she didn't want to try backing up with that...
By : Vimalesh This is continuation of my story Sheeba My Neighbor – Part I Sheeba and I became very close through our messages and night calls. Most of the messages we sent between us were of ugly and dirty sexual intercourse we dreamt of. We knew that we had same likings in sex. Night calls always ended in hard masturbation. We were eagerly waiting for an occasion to explore each others naked body. Weeks passed without any progress. We couldn’t go even a step further. We relied only on our...
I'm not sure how many parts this will take, and I'm going to try and remember as much as I can, but this happened a long time ago.I had met a couple on a long-since closed adult dating website named Don and Celeste. We chatted back and forth and exchanged pictures for a while, but not much ever came of it until they were about to throw one of their swinger parties. They told me it was a bi orgy party and I should expect at least some soft bi action. I had no idea what I was going to be getting...
Don’s mistake turns to pleasure:- Chapter four:- the warehouse whoreAmber wore the outfit of a common street whore stockings short black high split skirt sheer blouse with a quarter cup bra, nipples hard and painted with bright red lipstick, her lips were painted with the same lipstick while her eyes were black has coal.She sat in the back of her husbands car, knowing where he was taking her, knowing she was going to be used again, but this time knowing she was going to be paid by whoever...
CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 12 SEVENTEEN It is the 12th June, ten days after the shopping/cinema date and Charlie has not heard from Dave. He sits in the back garden on his deck chair, staring out into the dusk sky as the sun slowly sank down behind the distant housing estate. It is a warm mid-Junes evening and the sky is painted with pinks, reds and oranges across the dark blue canvas. Even the stars were beginning to protrude through the blackest parts of the sky. It is truly...
When we left off, I had just come back from a great little oral festival with Mark, Celeste, Fox and myself to find blankets spread out in the living room, and soft jazz music playing. Tom and Don had been watching the four of us play after they had been in the living room playing themselves.We all came in and sat down on the floor except for Don who sat back down in his recliner. Tom sat to my right side slightly in front of me and Fox was on my left slightly in front of me, they were both...
Introduction: Conclusion. Justin was missing a void in his life, then something wonderful happens. For the next six months, Justin was a constant fixture at the gay bar. During that six month time frame, Justin encountered numerous sexual endeavors. He still realized that something special was missing from his life. The sex part was great, but there was an empty void eating away at him. During this time frame, the Gunny had been transfered to Okinawa and a new Gunny had taken his place. Justin...
By : Vimalesh My dear readers, I am Vimalesh. This is my sixth story in this site. All the already submitted stories were all about the sexual games I had with my maids. The Maid-Kanakamma’, ‘Again with Kanakamma’, My New Maid-Sujatha’, My Maid at Her house’ and ‘The Whore Maid Yadamma’ are the stories I‘ve already submitted. This time I share a sweet love making session I enjoyed with my sexy neighbor Sheeba and the events that led to our close friendship. Please read the story and send your...