Finding A Treasure At Winn-Dixie 2 free porn video

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Introduction: A chance encounter, draws a teenage boy to a needy girl. The two find their way through the unknown. Further down the trail. Themes: Actually Teen Male/Pre-Teen Female (Thats the young part)

This is more of a love story than a sex story, but there is sex! Sorry if you hate it. You really need to read the first part to understand this one.

As I post this story for validation, I am preparing for a trip to a medical facility. Because I do not know if Ill be here when it gets online, I add these comments here. I hope to be back before long, but I was told I might need to stay as long as thirty days. As always, when going for a long hospital visit, you run the risk of never returning. I hope that does not happen. But, be patient if I dont respond to comments or add new chapters, soon.

Finding a Treasure at Winn-Dixie 2:

Jessy Jays arms were locked around Daniels neck, her feet locked behind his lower back. Daniels arms were wrapped around her body. Both squeezing so hard they could barely breathe. Jessy Jay thought her ribs were cracking, her hole still filled with Daniels penis. She wanted to stay like that forever. Ill never let that bastard touch me again! Never! Daniels arms made her feel safe from her mothers asshole boyfriend.

The sound of an approaching train finally convinced them to separate their bodies. Reluctantly, they dressed and prepared to continue on to Jessy Jays house. She knew that even though nobody cared where she was, someone would expect her home soon. Surely, there were some chores she needed to do. Get me a beer.

Let me drive? Jessy Jay asked with an almost silent yet excited voice.

Jessy Jay piloted the AVT. Daniel might have been nervous if he wasnt consumed with his thoughts and feelings. Even at fifteen, he was no more prepared to deal with the powerful storm of emotions bombarding him, than was his young companion. If anything, her dysfunctional life probably gave her an advantage over him, she had dealt with many painful blows.

Jessy Jays hair was blowing back in his face, as he tried to look over her shoulder. He gripped her around her waist. His large hands could almost stretch completely around her skinny waist.

His driver scooted back making sure they were as close together as possible. Daniels hard cock pressed into her back. He wished it would relax, because it was sore from being hard for such a long time. Plus, he didnt want to arrive at their destination with a hardon.

Slow and cautious was how Jessy Jay navigated the trail, which was quite a contrast to the previous hour of their lives. What should I call her? Should I kiss her good bye? Do I meet her mother? Daniels thoughts were so confused, he was asking all the questions that should have already been answered. He suddenly realized he had everything out of order. He had just had sex! He had sex with a girl, he knew nothing about.

Daniel cast all logic aside and memorized the feelings. He touched her stomach as they rode. He wanted to kiss her, but now he didnt know the protocol, he had never really had a girlfriend. All the confusion came back in like a flood, as he realized he had just had sex before he even had a girlfriend. He didnt even know if that made her his girlfriend. Are we going out now?

The only part of Daniel that seemed to have all the answers was his dick! Which, was still hard. His cock would be happy to get back inside the girl in front of him, now and whenever. It felt so wonderful, it cant be wrong. Ill figure all this out later. With that thought he held Jessy Jay a little tighter.

For Jessy Jay, her need to concentrate on being a good driver, kept her mind from going where Daniels was going. She had a sore, yet satisfied place between her legs, and she felt loved. After all, he was letting her drive, he must love her.

The closer they got to the end of the trip, the greater Jessy Jays concerns grew. She was now wondering if this was going to be more than the end of the trip. What did I do? I told him I loved him! I gave him everything I have to give! Why will he ever come back, I have nothing else to give him. As soon as he sees my disgusting life, hes never coming back. Why did I let him have sex with me?

When she left the Winn-Dixie, she didnt know she still had her virginity to give. She thought she was just giving something to Daniel that had already been stolen from her. But, now she knew she had given him, her most prized possession. Does he realize he took my virginity? Does he love me for giving myself to him? Why would he ever come back to see me, I have nothing? Im a stupid, ugly kid, who will let anyone fuck her!

Daniel wiped the moisture away from his face, not knowing it was painful tear drops. His eyes scanned the area as they pulled on to the road. It was a quiet neighbor, with small houses. All the houses were spread far apart, with long driveways. Daniel tried to pay attention, so he could make sure he knew how to find his way home.

Jessy Jay turned right onto a dirt road with no visible houses. After about a half mile, Daniel realized the low class neighbor his mother had pointed out, was an upgrade from where they were now. They approached a dirt driveway, the mail box was half off the pole and its door hung by one hinge. Daniel scrutinized the mail box over Jessy Jays shoulder as they approached. The writing looked like a kid wrote it with a magic marker, except in spray paint. 47 Allison Ln Under that, just as sloppy, it said, Jay. Daniel was thrilled, he knew her name. But, past the mail box, the sight was more daunting than having to figure out what to call this girl.

The four wheeler came to rest by the mail box, not turning up the driveway. The dirt, semi-circle drive came back out to the road sixty feet past where they stopped. Trees and high weeds lined the road between the two openings. There was a ditch the length of the road filled with weeds and crap. Cans, junk and mess. The front yard was two or three feet deep with wild grass and weeds. A nineteen seventy something Ford grew out of the grass. No windows, or wheels.

Daniel stood next to his ATV, looking at a very self-conscious girl. Do you like to be called Jessy, or is that short for Jessica?

You can call me Jessy or Jess if you rather. Just never JJ. Jessy spoke to Daniel as he looked past her to the rundown, silver, rust colored trailer. It reminded him of the tin can looking campers he used to see when his parents took him to the mountains. Except, this one wasnt cool looking. It looked like it was sinking into the ground.

Daniel guessed by where Jessy had parked that she didnt plan on inviting him in. He needed to get home anyway, so he started trying to figure out how this was supposed to work. His heart said, find out when you can see her again and kiss her good bye. His brain said, just get out of here before someone shoots you for what you did with Jessy.

Can I call you? Daniels heart won out.

A very meek looking girl kicked at the dirt, looking down. We, I, um, dont have a phone.

You can come bye tomorrow, and we can go ride or something? The exuberance of the little girl that had bounced off with the margarine appear for a moment. Then, with a forced smile on her face, she thought. Or something? What other something is there? We did it all.

After a long pause, Daniel spoke, Okay, that sounds good. I can be here at twelve thirty.

A long uncomfortable minute passed before Jessy nervously laughed and started to walk up her driveway.

Daniel, Jessy called out.

Daniel turned back still hoping, Yes?

Tear streaks through the dirt on her face, what had been the best fake tattoo, now smeared with sweat and dirt, revealed the youth of the girl before Daniel. A skinny, dirty child who needed someone to call her home for her bath time.

The young girls empty face stood silent for a moment. Jessy wanted to shout out her feelings for Daniel. Her empty insides had been filled beyond anything she had ever known. Her emotions were trying to spill over and declare her love for the boy in front of her.

I, um, Can you bring some drinks tomorrow? When she finally spoke, only a superficial question spilled from her lips. Even in that glorious state of powerful emotions, her heart had to hold back any expression of her true feelings. How could she express it? Her heart was full of love, but her heart had been smashed carelessly by pitiful people, so many times, that she didnt recognize its content anymore.

Sure. Daniels answer lacked any enthusiasm for tomorrows hopes. He wasnt sure what was supposed to happen after an event as profound as the one he had just experienced. But, somehow, his heart was anticipating an expression of love. His heart felt so full he expected it could explode and cover every unpleasant thing around him with beautiful colors. He wished she would run full speed at him, smash into him, and be a part of him forever.

The two kids went their separate ways, both full, but somehow left feeling empty.

Daniel didnt really remember the ride home, as he sat on a stump in his side yard. He was so deep in thought he didnt even notice his friend Jason walking across his yard. Daniels emotional state was that of a complete lunatic. He was sure it was love, sure it was wrong, sure he would do it again as soon as he could, and sure hed never do it again, faced with the risk of burning in hell.

Hey, wake up! Jason yelled at his dazed friend.

Sorry, I was just thinking about trying to get my parents to let me go to your school next year. Daniels answer wasnt a complete lie, it was one of the thousands of thoughts he was contemplating.

Really, you want to go through that again? You know your mother is never going to go for that. But, I think its a great idea. Then, maybe you can get a girlfriend. Jason spoke, tongue in cheek, but his words ignited another firestorm of thoughts about Jessy Jay.

Hey, speaking of girls, do you know a girl named Jessy Jay? Daniel made his tone, as matter of fact, as he could, hoping not to give any emotion away.

I do, or really my little sister knows her. Shes in her grade. Shes nasty, why are you asking about her? Jason spoke flip-idly from hearsay.

Daniel almost jumped up when he heard, shes nasty. He felt his heart pounding and his face turning red. He felt like he was going to smash his good friends face into the dirt. Cool it, dont say anything, youll give it away. Then Daniel wondering if he was ashamed to say he liked her.

You dont know that about her, do you. Daniels voice trailing off, more as a statement than a question. He really wanted to condemn his friend for being so judgmental and defend the girl he knew little about. Daniel knew at that moment he was going to see her again, and he wasnt going to judge her based where she lived, or how she lived. Its not her fault where she was born.

Jason wanted to pursue the conversation, and make his point. But, Daniel shut it down, knowing he was on the verge of blurting out everything. No reason, I was just wondering because I heard her name some place. Did I tell you about the new lawn I got? It was easier to lie and change the subject, than try to explain to his friend, about sex with a girl in his sisters grade. Daniel suddenly realizing himself what grade Jasons sister was in, and what that meant about Jessys age. Maybe she got left back? He could hope.

Sleep didnt come easily that night for Daniel. He had great conflicts waging war inside his brain. He wasnt a virgin anymore, he should be trilled, proud and excited, yet he was none of those. As much as he knew the great sensation of being inside a girl, and knew there was no greater feeling, he didnt know anything else. He wanted to do it again, but he didnt know if he should expect that. Just go and see what happens, just go and see what happens. Daniel coached himself, until he finally passed out from mental exhaustion.

Daniel woke up early, a nervous excitement had replaced much of his inner conflict. He went about doing his lawns as quickly as possible. His excitement grew all morning. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Jessys blue eyes and freckles. The sound of her voice played in his ears over the sound of the lawn mower engine. I love riding on four wheelers, can you give me a ride? Yeah, that would be so much fun, can you ride me home? His penis tingled with the memory of her mouth and her insides squeezing it. A smile stretched his face all morning. His cheeks hurt, but he couldnt turn it off. As soon as he was finished mowing, he told his mother a lie and went to the store for some pop.

Daniel zoomed down the trail, only slowing down as he passed the place he lost his virginity. Maybe I should stop and build a memorial to mark the spot? He joked with himself, knowing he needed to hurry, he was late.

Once Daniel reached the street in the first neighbor, he realized he was wearing his green sneakers, green pants and probably had grass in his underwear. Why didnt I change? I should have taken a shower, I must stink!

Daniels self condemnation was quickly swept away by the sight of a girl sitting on the corner. The roar of his engine alerted her, and she rose to her feet, wildly waving her arms. Daniels heart raced ahead of his speeding transportation. But, his nervous uncertainty tried to reel his heart back. What should I do? Do I kiss her? Should I be excited? Is she my girlfriend?

Squealing rubber caused Jessy to jump back as Daniel came to the most unruly attention getting stop he could manage. Hey, what are you doing over here? Daniel yelled as he turned off his engine.

I was ready to give up and go back home. I have been here since twelve thirty. I figured you werent coming. Jessy fired off a barrage of statements in order to avoid the truth. She didnt want Daniel to be reminded of where she lived, or take a chance that her mother might not let her go.

Daniel was so thankful he knew her name, and didnt call her Jessy Jay, like it was all her first name. Why wouldnt I come? I was late because I had to get drinks. I didnt even have time to change. I have on my grass covered clothes. I bet I smell bad. Jessy seemed to have rubbed off on Daniel. All his words flowed together, never giving a chance for any reply. He gasped for air, and then felt uncomfortable with the silence. He wondered if he should have said anything about being dirty or smelly.

Other than Jessy wearing shorts today, she looked exactly the same. Even her smeared tattoo remained. She had on a different shirt, but it too came up two inches short of covering her stomach. Her belly button peeked from below the frayed edge. Her dirty feet rested atop a used-up pair of cheap flip-flops.

Daniels eyes scanned up her body, starting at her half painted toe nails. His brain was painting a mental picture for future reference as his eyes went inch by inch. Suddenly, her blue eyes sparkled, sending a calming peace to Daniels nervous system. He dismounted his machine without ever breaking their eye contact. The face before him sent two messages. The eyes shouted joy, happy joy. However, the dried up tear trails on her cheeks, told of a sad girl. A girl who had been crying five minutes earlier, sure her first love was never coming to save her.

The two youthful souls rejoiced at the reunion, but neither expressed their abundant delight outwardly. As if they were both so overwhelmed by the power of yesterdays emotions, that they didnt even know for sure it had actually happened. And, even if it had, what did it mean to them? Neither child knew how to proceed from the position their errant sex had placed them in. They had gone from just met, to the two shall become one flesh, in less than two hours. Now, as if pushed backwards in time, the two faced each other as strangers who knew the depths of each others love. What now?

What do you want to do today? I got the drinks. What should we do? Daniels nerves got the best of him again.

Were going swimming! Jessy answered as if she had it all planned out and Daniel didnt have a say.

Swimming, I dont have a swim suit. Daniel looked concerned.

With a broad, confident smile Jessy said, Neither do I. Where can I put these? She held out the plastic Winn-Dixie bag containing towels.

Daniel reached for the bag, processing what her answer implied. He felt even more nervous as he fastened the bag to the rack over the front fender. Where are we going swimming?

Well, we are going to Hells Hole, but not actually to swim in the hole. Jessys words added to Daniels many conflicts of the last day.

Daniel had been to Hells Hole two years earlier with his cousin, who was sixteen at the time. He got in big trouble later that day when his mother found out. The well known swimming spot was famous among parents for the teenage antics that took place there. Among the kids, it was best known for the folk lores. There were tales of people being cut in half by a mysterious wire that lurked somewhere under the water. There was a twenty five foot jump from the edge of a bluff and an equally daunting jump from a shore line tree. There was also the area where the water from the fall landed. The depths of which could never be determined, because it was said, The water pulls you under, and you never reappear. Nobody has ever gone deep enough to find the bottom, and those that tried were lost to the under world! Hence, the name, Hells Hole.

According to the stories, many a young jumper had been sliced in two when they landed in the wrong spot. Nobody Daniel knew had ever seen any actual body dicing, but many a drunk teenager had been hurt trying something stupid. That was enough for Daniels parents to ban him for life from the Devils pit, as his mother called it.

Daniels mind was trying to figure out if it mattered anymore. He had lied to his mother already today, and yesterday he fornicated! Should he be concerned about disobeying his parents when he had already committed the worst sin he could think of?

As if Jessy was reading Daniels face, Dont worry, we arent going to the hole, just the lake.

Daniel snapped out of his moral dilemma as Jessy spoke. Her soft voice with its energetic tone erased all from his present world, except her wonderful presence.

Fifteen minutes later Daniel and Jessy walked twenty feet from his ATV, through some trees, out into a grassy clearing next to the lake. Jessy spread her towel on the grass and then asked if he brought the drinks. He realized he hadnt and turned to go get them from the storage compartment on the ATV.

When Daniel returned to the clearing, he found a pile of clothing next to the towel. He looked out on the lake just in time to see Jessys head emerge from under the water. The tops of her shoulders stuck three inches above the water line. The girls wild hair had been tamed by the lake. Her blond curls stretched down over her shoulders, into the water. The blond color seemed purer. Daniel stood five feet from the edge imagining what was hidden by the water.

The bright sunshine glistened off the blue, green rippling lake water. Jessys blue eyes sparkled even more. She motioned with her hand for him to join her.

Daniels hands nervously unfastened his jean button. He slowly pulled the zipper down. Pausing for a second, he continued by removing his shirt. Then, he looked to Jessy, as if he was in need of encouragement. Her smile allowed him to slide his pants and underwear to his feet. He stepped out of his sneakers and then his jeans.

Daniel knew he should feel self-conscious about his nudity, but he pushed through the feelings, knowing his only onlooker had already seen everything. Cautiously, Daniel stepped over the rocky surface into the water. His mind fixated on what hid under the water before him. His cock still hung down, but it had grown stiff.

Jessy silently admired the young man walking towards her. Her insides reminded her of the wonders of Daniels flesh penetrating deep into her. She could feel him inside her, and she almost whimpered at the memory of her tearing hymen. Just twenty four hours earlier the two had shared their first sexual intercourse. She knew she would never forget that day, not as long as she lived.

The water lapped at the tops of Daniels thighs, just inches from his tightened nut sack. He shivered at the expectation of the cold water engulfing his jewels. His cock suddenly turned the corner and rose towards the sky.

As if silently counting to three, Daniel dove under the water. Jessy screamed when he suddenly brushed her body and popped up in front of her. Effortlessly, he lifted her by her ass, pulling her against his body. Her candy corn tit tops pressed into his chest. His cock pressed into her lower belly. They kissed hard like lovers reuniting after a long separation. Their hearts pounding like they had swum the length of the lake. Lust roared in them, blocking all concerns for their surroundings.

The young girl longed to be filled again like yesterday as she gripped Daniels back with all her might. She had never felt as complete as she had when Daniels sword of flesh pierced her cherry and filled her void. He had split her in two, dividing her from her painful, humiliating life, and joining her to him, completing her. Everything that seemed to be missing from her was instantly filled in when Daniels rod filled her tiny body. When their love exploded and Daniels hot fluid coated her insides, she felt happier than she could remember feeling for a long time. Maybe, ever feeling.

Jessy broke the kiss suddenly, remembering how empty she had felt when she realized she had given so much, so fast. She wanted to hold back, at least for now. Throw me in the air!

With Jessys foot in Daniels locked hands, he lifted with all his might, while Jessy straightened her leg. She arched her back and reentered the water curved backwards. For a split second as she flew, Daniels eyes saw her immature breasts, flat stomach and then the white flesh of her pubic mound. The sight sparked wonderful memories in Daniels mind.

The two, relentlessly splashed and dunked each other for a long time. Their powerful emotions gave them an endurance they could never have mustered otherwise. Finally, Jessy surrendered as a mouthful of unwanted water streamed from her lips. The water fight had ended, but neither was ready to surrender to their feelings. They floated gasping for oxygen, each wanting to shout out the love they felt for the other, but neither spoke.

Daniel knew all about love. Love God with all your heart, love your neighbor, love your enemy and love, love, love. So many Sunday school lessons, surely he should know if he loved Jessy.

Youre too young to know what love is! Both of his parents had used those words after he had exuberantly blurted out, But, I love her! Daniel had been defending his choice of Romela as his girlfriend. Too young to really be girlfriend and boyfriend, but thats what he imagined.

His parents had explained how some things didnt fit together, and he would understand when he was older. Love was more complicated than he could understand. All Daniel knew was his heart would never be the same without the feelings he felt every time he saw Romela. He never let himself feel those feeling again for fear of having to lose love again. That is until yesterday, and he already knew his parents would never accept Jessy, just like Romela. He wanted to deny his feelings, so he wouldnt have to chance losing love again. But, his heart pounded with something too strong to ignore.

Jessy knew she loved Daniel, she just wouldnt say it again. She couldnt believe she had blurted it out yesterday in the height of her emotional bliss. The last person she loved, and needed more than anyone else, left her. Two years earlier Jessys older sister left her alone to fend for herself and care for her two younger sibling. Jessy had lost her best friend, her hero and her strength all at once. She had lost her sister and her father in one day. Since the phone had been turned off she couldnt even talk to her sister anymore. Her father never even looked back. Not one call or visit in two years. She was sure he hated her, because she reminded him of her mother.

Jessy got on Daniels back with her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist. Daniel felt power surge through him as the girls warm body pressed against his back. Everything felt right, now that they were touching again. Daniel carefully climbed the rocky shoreline, easily carrying the tiny girls body.

Jessys wet body slid down Daniels back and stood in the grass behind him. He turned to face her and their nude reality fully gripped them. Jessy took in his muscular frame covered in sunshine, water drops dancing down his tan skin. She stared at his thick glistening pubic hair and his penis slumped over his heavy ball sack.

Daniels eyes scanned up and down Jessys body, head to toe. Her skin shined in the sun, her watered down curls now hung six inches further down her body. Water streamed from the locks hanging around her neck and raced down her stomach. As they passed her puffy mound, they divided. Several trails collected standing beads as they found different paths down her thighs, towards her feet. One lucky line of moisture found its way into the tiny slice between her legs, and then dripped from her pouting lips.

The girls eyes reflected the sun, drawing attention to the cute arrangement of freckles that sat on the top of her cheeks, under her eyes. When she smiled at her new savior her freckles rose on her round cheeks and her dimples opened wide, calling all attention to her beautiful face.

Without a word, the two stepped together. They wrapped their arms around each other in a simple embrace. The sun beat down on them, warming their skin, while their silent love warmed their fearful hearts.

Daniel lowered the girls limp body to the towel on the grassy surface. Holding her under her arms, her ass touched down first. Then, in one fluid motion he laid her back and laid on top of her. Their passionate kissing resumed without regard for anything around them.

The two knew nothing about love making except what came natural to their bodies. Without even planning it, Daniel found his cock pressed between them, grinding over her pussy mound. His hot dick burned her body and her inner passion yearned to be satisfied. She opened and raised her legs, trying to fill her needs. Daniels humping hips stabbed his dick into the top of her slit. It stuck for a second, but then snapped past her clit and between them.

On autopilot, Jessy rotated her hips a little more and the next thrust drove Daniels steel between her wet lips. He met a wall of resistance, until Jessy opened her legs wider. Like magic, the two became one as her flesh parted, and he sank deep inside her tender body. He saw stars as an amazing warmth swirled down his cock and throughout his whole body. Jessy groaned and held Daniel even tighter as her body opened to make room for his love.

Sexual instinct replaced logical thought as Daniels hips pushed forward until there wasnt anything left to feed the girls hole. A grunt escaped Jessys lips like the air had been forced from her by Daniels intruding shaft. Her walls convulsed from the sudden invasion and gripped tightly around Daniels flesh. Without warning his balls erupted, sending a flood of sperm inside Jessys body. The burst of hot fluid coating Jessys insides sent her into a powerful orgasm that shook her everywhere. Neither moved until the waves of joyous pleasure passed.

Daniels cock started to soften, and Jessys hole tried to squeeze it out, while Jessys tender lips kissed Daniels neck and ear. His cock reversed direction and started growing against the tight walls of Jessys tunnel. He lifted the top half of his body on his elbows, arched his back and kissed Jessy, while softly driving his cock in and out of her hole.

The faster he humped, the more sound sloshed from her wetness. She moaned and hissed as his thrusting rod drove her through another orgasm. Daniel kept going until his balls finally sprayed Jessys insides once again. He collapsed on top of her quivering body. The two youngsters breathed heavy into each others ears. Still, neither was able to express what they felt.

His hand under the side of his head, his elbow against the ground, he supported himself on his side looking at Jessy. He beamed ear to ear with an unstoppable smile, as their eyes connected in an unbreakable gaze. The young girls eyes were covered in a haze of sexual satisfaction, as she looked at Daniel like he had just pulled her from a burning building.

Her dimples, freckles, high proud cheeks and amazing blue eyes, all framed out by her curly locks. Daniel knew he was looking at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She amazed him, he loved her, but he stared silently.

Their unfamiliarity with sex had been compensated for by their basic instincts, but there was no natural force to guide them through the torrid of powerful emotion they now knew. Neither possessed the capacity to hold nor express the magnitude of feelings generated by their love making. The force of what coursed through them, threatened to tear them to pieces if not vented somehow.

The two grabbed each other, locking in a passionate kiss, followed by more love making. Each time they took each others breath away, but failed to subdue the pain of their unexpressed emotions. They fondled, they swam, they made love over and over, yet the burning firestorm of love only grew. The two exhausted heaps of flesh still gently ran their fingers over the others body, even though neither had anything left to give. They were doomed to die in sexual exhaustion if they didnt find someway to express their love verbally.

Looming darkness finally forced them to separate and prepare to end what they feared would be over if it took even a small break. Their love was so powerful and their needs so great, they almost rather endure the scary darkness and future consequences, than separate. However, Daniels sense of responsibility kicked in, and he forced himself to prepare for their trip home.

Still without breaking the unknown vow of silence, the two watched each other dress in the setting sun. Once fully clothed and ready to go, they embraced in one last kiss. The sun setting across the lake cast a long shadow of their kissing bodies over the grassy area. Daniel pointed, Look how big we are.

Jessy slowly moved her lips towards Daniels face while she watched their shadow respond. Look, we became one! She spoke excitedly as the two shadows merged completely together.

Daniel thought of his Sunday school lesson, We sure did. His voice carried the stark realization of how different everything was now. Jessy, I have got to take you home, before it is complete dark! I wish I could take you to my home, forever. I love you so much, I should say it, shouldnt I?

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I'm not sure what we each expected but we all acted almost stunned as we milled around the garage studying what appeared to be an actual pirate's treasure chest. Not that any of us had actually ever seen a real pirate's treasure chest anywhere other than the movies. The chest itself was approximately three feet by two feet by 18 inches tall. It seemed to be constructed of some type of dense wood, a wood strong enough to have withstood possibly 350 years of being buried in a hole by the...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 18 The Treasure

When Dantes returned next morning to the chamber of his companion in captivity, he found Faria seated and looking composed. In the ray of light which entered by the narrow window of his cell, he held open in his left hand, of which alone, it will be recollected, he retained the use, a sheet of paper, which, from being constantly rolled into a small compass, had the form of a cylinder, and was not easily kept open. He did not speak, but showed the paper to Dantes. "What is that?" he...

2 years ago
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Treasure Hunting

In this story you follow the adventures of a treasure hunter, but there's two. Who do you follow? Maxine, the young female treasure hunter. She's 19 years old, and has silken, raven black hair which falls to the middle of her back. Her eyes are a brilliant shade of brown. She's 5'6", and has a slim lithe body, which allows her to slip through really tight places. She actually wishes that her breasts, size 34C, were smaller, but they suit a purpose none the less. Maxine loves gold, jewels, and...

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Peg Legs Lost Treasure

Several years ago, I wrote a story, “It’s Against the Law,” where I introduced three characters, Jack, who was an investigative reporter for a major Chicago newspaper, Dalton, who was a photographer with his own studio, and Dave, a sergeant on the Arlington Hills police force. In my sequel to the story, ‘But is it Immoral,’ I used Jack and Dalton again. Since then, I have received a bunch of emails and comments asking when they would get together again for another story, so I thought I’d have...

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Treasure Of Nadia

When I first found out that this game was being made, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I learned about the developer, NLT, through his other flagship project called Lust Epidemic. At first, I thought that that game looked like ass, until I tried it and became instantly hooked. That game was a fun romp through some intricate drug-fueled sexual scenarios. You played as a young buck, stuck in between four women who are all significantly older than him, but they’re all fucking hot. Hell, one of them is...

Free Sex Games
1 year ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 36 The Treasure Box Orgy

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Treasure Box, Shilter Strait I pulled my cock out of Telesi’s pussy. The halfling captain lifted her face out of her daughter’s pussy. “On your back,...

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Land of Dixie

I was walking down the street one day and I see her a black woman and my first thought was damn nigger, but then something strange happend I felt really bad I mean she is really beautiful if she was white I'd be all over that. Then I thought occurred to me why not talk to her I could fuck one nigger pussy is pussy and it's not like anyone my friends or family will find out. Ok here goes . "Hi excuse me mame could I have a a second of your time?" I ask as I catch up to her "Umm sure what do you...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Dixie

The worst night of my life was the night I gave myself to a man other than my husband. The best night of my life was when I confessed and my husband forgave me. I've always been somewhat of a prude. When I was a teen I never kissed a boy until the fifth date, I never allowed a boy to touch my breasts and if a boy put a hand on my leg he got slapped. I had several boyfriends in college, but I made sure that every one of them knew that I was saving myself for marriage. I didn't smoke, I...

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Outrage In Dixie

I am a light sleeper, several times each night my dogs will bark and wake me. I can tell by the way they bark whether I should get up and turn the outside lights on and check. The dogs are in a chain link fenced yard that allows them to prowl all around the house except the three twelve foot wide garage doors. When the dogs woke me I could tell that they were really upset. I got my pistol and went to the far end of the house, the ranch office. From the window or the door I can see the area...

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Treasure hunt

Those of you that have read my other experiences will understand that whilst I would present as a regular mum if you see me in the street, beneath that somewhat prim exterior lurks a woman with an extremely high sex drive. Luckily I am married to a very understanding man, he is a voyeur, that gets off on me putting myself around a little. I do not consider myself a slut as I do not fuck around, other than my husband I only fuck a few people, and all with his permission. that is, unless I get...

2 years ago
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The Treasure Map

It was Christmas Eve and as our kids were well into their teens my wife and I decided to open all our gifts early. After coming home from a traditional night at our friend’s house of singing Christmas carols and cocktails we arrived home. Unknown to my wife earlier in the day I had set up a little treasure hunt for her main gift. I thought it romantic and since it was coming on our tenth wedding anniversary in the upcoming year I bought her a beautiful ten year wedding anniversary diamond ring...

3 years ago
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Treasure Hunter

Inside the tavern laughs, curses and songs filled the air as a fire blazed in the fireplace at one end of the tavern. Mugs of ale cluttered tabletops. Nikki Wolfe took another sip of her ale as a stranger sat down in the empty seat at her table. Warily she looked at him as her hand slid toward her pistol. "Nikita Wolfe?" He asked. He felt no fear even though he had heard many strange things about her. He knew she had been a crack whore in the city of Kelben, and yet she had turned twenty about...

4 years ago
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Treasure Beach for Three

I kept stealing glances at my wife's tight, black yoga pants which were clinging to the contour of her ass like a second layer of skin. A thin seam in the fabric ran down her crack toward a small cameltoe hump that was just barely visible as she bent down to check the zipper of her travel bag. The pants were on the shiny side, giving her well-rounded cheeks a sexy sheen from the punishing afternoon sun that was otherwise slowly roasting the hundred people that stood alongside us in the customs...

3 years ago
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Treasure Chest

A new store has opened in my town. It is called the Treasure Chest. It is a lingerie store. I must go check it out. I am shopping for lingerie and panties. The store has all the usual stuff, bras, panties, lingerie, adult toys, nightgowns, etc. I start looking around and a man approaches me. He introduces himself as the owner. He tells me his name is Joseph. Joseph asks me what I am looking for. I tell him I am looking for lingerie and thongs. Joseph takes me over and shows me several styles. I...

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Eerie Treasure of Eerie Chapter 3

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber Chapter 3 December 14, 1871 Mrs. Fanning brought the buckboard around, and Myra climbed aboard. Molly waved, calling out, "Lassie, let yuir aunt be taking ye home and don't make any fuss while she does it." The girl frowned peevishly back at her. Irene waved, too, and then, facing forward, she shook the reins to start the horse walking. All during the ride back, Myra sat sullenly, refusing to say a...

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Eerie Saloon Treasure of Eerie Chapter 4

The Treasure of Eerie -- Chapter 4 By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber December 16, 1871, Continued Myra was riding beside Paul, on what he understood to be Thorn's outlaw bay. He still wasn't sure what to make of her. Bandits couldn't be trusted, of course, but the Judge had put her under orders. That _should_ mean that she couldn't cause him much trouble during their short outing to the Gap. As they rode, Myra stayed silent, giving only short answers to whatever question...

4 years ago
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The Treasure of Eerie Arizona Chapter 5

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona -- Chapter 5 By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber December 17, 1871 Myra was sitting listlessly at the table, eating breakfast when she heard the hoof beats of the new posse. She walked over to the window and saw Paul Grant coming down the carriage path, followed by a tall, husky man leading the farm's two horses. Not surprising, the outlaws' saddlebags were no longer to be seen. The rest of the posse - three mounted men - remained at the edge of...

1 year ago
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Treasure worth fucking for

Treasure worth fucking forMy name is Charles Jackson or just Jackson as they called me in the Navy. I was a demolishing diver for the US Navy. I now live in key west Florida with my girl friend Jill Simpson, she is a living Barbie Doll with long jet black hair down to he small of her back and a set of 42 DD knockers to kill for. I had got her interested in scuba diving and we would go diving off the keys just for the fun. One day we came a pond one of the many old ship wrecks and Jill got...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 8 The Sphinx and the Concubine

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Incessae – The Free City of Raratha My wings fluttered with excitement as the Doge bellowed for his guards. The reputation of my sisters and me combined with the Doge’s base greed spurred him into action. He feared Angela claiming the piece of the High King’s sword. “We must be smart,” I said to the Doge. “Angela and her companions are dangerous. She has a mage.” “A Journeyman,” dismissed the Doge. “I have a Master in my employ. “Then summon him, too....

2 years ago
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Treasure hunt 2 an American sport

A few weeks after the treasure hunt and a few horny memory wanks a new opportunity arose, It was superbowl weekend and we were using it as an excuse for a few drinks, something to eat. A party kind of thing. I jumped at the chance when my mrs asked if we should do something like invite her sister round for it. We had a load of snacks and a few drinks during the day and a few times i saw my sister in law looking over at me like she wanted to say something but i was content with what I'd done and...

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Prospecting for Treasure

Arizona is a state rich in mineral deposits. People are always searching for the "Lost Dutchman Gold Mine." I knew better than to look for that mine. It was just a death wish or at least a way to waste a lot of money. After four college geology classes or rock labs, I developed a never ending desire to go "rock hounding." It was just a hobby that made some beer money. Reality television had peaked my wife, Dana's interest in my hobby. I told her that I never had found any gold or silver. I had...

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Transformation Treasure Hunt

Transformation Treasure Hunt By Jerrie526 The letter I received in the mail seemed very curious. I tried re- reading it again to decipher its true meaning. I still could not figure out what it meant. "To regain control of your life, you have to locate the answers to the following questions: 1) Discovery? 2) Exploration? 3) Settle in for the long haul? 4) Intimacy? 5) Personal pain? 6) Living? 7) Dying? 8) Choices? In order to accomplish these tasks, you will have...

4 years ago
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Colonels Treasure

Rob turned his head toward the open flap of the tent. He could see the tawny fringe of the Shewan subchief's buckskin jerkin at the fringe of the lamplight escaping the tent's doorway. And the two eagle's feathers sticking out to the side of the back of the native's head, up at the very top of the tent doorway. The savage must be at least six and a half feet tall, Rob thought. And he knows. How could he not know. The colonel was grunting that unmistakable sound of full rut.Rob twitched and...

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Eerie Saloon Treasure of Eerie Prolog

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona by Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber This new story of Eerie, Arizona concerns one of its untold tales. It carries us back to December, 1871, to a month that has been already visited in the second novel, "Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change - Autumn" and in the short story "Eerie Saloon -- Toy Soldier." Let's assume that, behind the scenes, something else was happening that we did not at that time choose to reveal, something that will now be the subject...

2 years ago
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Treasure Island

Part one I was born under a lucky star, had a fairy for a godmother, whatever. Anyway,for some reason I'm a winner. And now you expect me boasting about my successfulcareer, how I surged to the top in no time, the power I hold, the fabulousamounts of money I earn. Sorry to disappoint you. I never entered the rat race,actually I'm unemployed, permanently, never in my life had a proper job. Aha,you think, spoiled son of a wealthy family. Nope. My old man was a truck driver,who died of a heart...

3 years ago
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Treasure Chest

I am shopping for lingerie and panties and I notice this new store in town it is called the "Treasure Chest". Once inside I am greeted by a salesgirl and she asks if I have ever been here before. I said I had not. She said that a couple own the store and they try to get the latest and greatest of things. The store has all the usual stuff, bras, panties, lingerie and adult toys, nightgowns, etc. So I start looking around and then I see a gentlemen approach me and he announces he is the owner...

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Beginnings A Winnisimmet Tales story

This story was made possible with the help of Josette Du Pres, Ib12us, Nuuan, Sammi, Portia Bennett, Erin G, and Dawnfyre. All of you helped out in multiple ways with personal stories and recollections and pointed me in the right direction. It was a dreary day in mid-June as John Finn and his two elder sisters, Leslie Sylvester and Karen Smith, stood over an old, weathered grave marked only with a number in Forest Hills Cemetery in Roslindale, Massachusetts. They were alongside...

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Tatiannas Treasures

TATIANNA’S TREASURES!ByANNE GRAYPROLOGUE –?Oh come on Amy, work with me here.  I cannot put you on display for the private grand opening until you’re down to at least nineteen inches!?Amy, of course, had no choice in the matter but Tatianna liked to talk to herself as she worked the laces of the heavily boned, white kid leather, bondage corset.  Since it was taking her quite some time to get the beautiful twenty four year old girl properly fitted she was carrying on a regular one-sided...

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The Flea Market Treasure

Georgette and Ted had been to this flea market many times before. They loved to relax on a Saturday morning strolling through the aisles and aisles of junk looking for rare treasures. Ted had found some nice tools and a couple of golf clubs (including an antique mashie which he had mounted and displayed in his office). Georgette had found some wonderful items for the house and yard. She especially loved and was quite good at haggling. She prided herself on getting a great price for whatever she...

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Dangerous treasure fantasy

Orcs were much stronger than elves in every way. That doesn't mean that they are the Superior race. Elves are like snakes and can Slither away so quickly. It would be easy to lose track of them just like that. And many of them have escaped Orcs easily before. Strength isn't everything and elves were always better at agility. Truth be told Orcs has never fucked with dark elves yet. Dark elves were much stronger and faster than their counterpart. Not to mention they are malevolent and...

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Forbidden Sibling Treasure Chapter II Pearls of Wisdom

Pearl had taught Emerald every trick she knew about being with another female – and Emerald had been a fast learner! Her older sister had given her plenty of opportunity to practice, too. Emerald had found her pubic skin nearly rubbed raw from all the grinding and other attention it was receiving, but she didn’t care. It had felt too good to stop. The newfound pastime she and Pearl could share together was like a drug, and Emerald was hooked. They put the satisfaction of their bodies...

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Tragors Treasure

Tragor’s Treasure By Will Buster A cheerful and boisterous crowd had assembled in Layut town on this particular market day. Chained slaves were briskly exhibited before the impending sale. Several very strong looking guards clad in ring male were carrying leather whips to control the human and partly human chattel. Naturally, the townspeople always enjoyed the drama of purchased flesh bidding. It was far more amusing than ork hunting and a hell of a lot less dangerous. Lord Tragor went...

1 year ago
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Treasure Chest

A new store has opened in my town. It is called the Treasure Chest. It is a lingerie store. I must go check it out. I am shopping for lingerie and panties. The store has all the usual stuff, bras, panties, lingerie, adult toys, nightgowns, etc. I start looking around and a man approaches me. He introduces himself as the owner. He tells me his name is Joseph. Joseph asks me what I am looking for. I tell him I am looking for lingerie and thongs. Joseph takes me over and shows me several styles....

4 years ago
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Pirates Treasure

Pirates Treasure Lindsey enjoyed Halloween. For her, dressing up in a costume and hiding behind a mask removed all inhibitions. And nothing said Halloween more than a costume that allowed her to show off her body. An experienced motion picture sound technician, Lindsey was also a skilled seamstress. Each Halloween, she made her own costume as well as the one Steven would wear. This year, she’d decided on a pirate theme. Black is sexy, she told herself as she unrolled the bolt of soft jersey...

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You sit back in a private booth in The Grumpy Dwarf tavern. You sip your dandelion wine, and smile. It is by far the best you have had in the kingdom. People don't believe healing requires any effort from you, and more than a few have grumbled about your deity Omaraha doing all the work. What they fail to understand is the energy required to channel a deity. A channel you have widened to the point where you can cure all but death. Still there is always enough coin in the donation box for you to...

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Treasure hunt

As i got into my car after a long day at work i had a semi, I'd had it almost the whole of the day due to the fact thers a pair of plump sluts at my work place. Both of these chunky babes wear skin tight leggings and tight polo shirts. I had spent most of the time watching their fat arses jiggling up and down, occasionally bending over to pick stuff up giving a glimpse of heaving tits. So my cock was utterly teased, as i drove home my mind wondered as i thought my sister-in-law wears pretty...

2 years ago
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Hidden Treasure

Hidden Treasure----------The day started out with drizzly rain, just enough to discourage all but the most diehard visitors to the farm, giving me a bit of a break in the normal routines. I wandered around until I came to the tack room. The smell of fine leather always affected me in subtle ways. The faint scent of horse from the blankets and saddle wax filled the room as I entered. Everywhere around were the saddle racks and the saddles upon them. They were well displayed along with the...

4 years ago
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Youre a Treasure

The first time you finally get physical with a new partner is always a little surprising. Sometimes it's set up. Sometimes it just happens. But however it comes about, it's never what you expect. Take my first time with Jeremy for example. He and I had been dating for a couple months, and it was going extremely well! I had met him in my English Literature class during my sophomore year in college, and his insightful opinions had immediately caught my attention. He'd seemed to me the type of guy...

Love Stories
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Treasure hunting

I gave my wife a "White" brand metal detector for Christmas last year. It isn't one of those Radio Shack "el-cheep-o" units it's a damn nice one. She had been after me to take her out I-20 to west Georgia where there are old abandoned farm places so we could look for as she called it "treasure". Well I told her that as soon as the ground thaws we will go. We had a few days in a row that it was in the upper fourties. This saturday we'll go I told her. Friday night I got all our stuff loaded in...

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A Valentines Day to Treasure

A Valentine's Day To Treasure By Janis Elizabeth Valentine's Day is one of those special days when I get to go out and shop for pretty lingerie for my wife Valerie without having to explain my presence in those silken surroundings. It is also an opportunity to live through the sensual experiences of being surrounded by all of the silky, lacy, lingerie. While I enjoy shopping for lingerie for my wife, I really rather enjoy wearing these soft, silky garments...

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Eerie Saloon Treasure of Eerie Chapter 1

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona by Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber Chapter 1 December 13, 1871 Irene Fanning made the whip snap over the horse's back, wincing at what the bounce of the vehicle must have been doing harm to Myron's injuries. She was forcing the buggy down Riley Canyon Road with as much hast as she dared. Though only twenty-five, it had taken all of her strength to hoist him into the carriage behind the driver's seat. Since then, covered by a woolen blanket, he...

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Eerie Saloon Treasure of Eerie Chapter 2

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona by Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber Chapter 2 December 13, 1871 Irene Fanning slept fitfully. When slumber fled and left her lying awake for a long while, she climbed out from the cot. It was still dark inside the infirmary. She walked on tiptoes to Myra's bed and gazed down at the patient, seeing her face only faintly in the dim lamplight. "Oh, Myra," she whispered. "Did I do the right thing?" Boys are so proud of being boys, she knew. ...

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Pirates Treasure

Pirates Treasure Lindsey enjoyed Halloween. For her, dressing up in a costume and hiding behind a mask removed all inhibitions. And nothing said Halloween more than a costume that allowed her to show off her body. An experienced motion picture sound technician, Lindsey was also a skilled seamstress. Each Halloween, she made her own costume as well as the one Steven would wear. This year, she’d decided on a pirate theme. Black is sexy, she told herself as she unrolled the bolt of soft jersey...

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Treasure in the loft

environment with my Mum (32) and Dad (45), who were both devout Christians, and my elder sister Mary (3). We lived just outside central London in a 4 bed detached house. My Dad had a well-paid job with the civil service and was also a keen gardener, amateur photographer and DIY’er. My Mum was a housewife who worked part time for ‘pin money’ and excelled in cooking and dressmaking. As kids we always had lots of pets – cats, dogs, rabbits etc. Our idyllic life suddenly came to an...

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Kings Treasure

The legend goes that two thousand years ago an evil and corrupt king ruled and the people rose up against him. They say he tried to flee but the ship was set on fire and sank in the ocean and he swam ashore. The people caught him and tied him to a post and burned him alive ... or hung him ... or used horses to pull him apart or... There are many stories on how he died but they all agreed he was killed. Of course if you look at history, common people never stay free. They lifted up another to...

3 years ago
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Treasure Cunt

Emil strolled alone down the sunny ocean beach, his clicking metal detector swaying back and forth. He had managed to dig up few old coins and an interesting bottle cap, but not much else. So he decided to wander further up along the narrow shore to a remote area he had never explored. Emil knew that finding real treasure took effort. There was nobody around - probably miles. Only a gentle breeze and a few birds accompanied him. As he climbed over the knotty roots and rocks along the shoreline,...

4 years ago
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Summer Treasure Hunting

My first two years in the mage school I had excelled in ancient glyphs, runes and symbols. I was also very good at breaking ancient curses. The trip to the east came at the end of the school year and only one spot was open for me. Most of the rest was filled by those about to graduate or doing field work in the field of ancient studies. I was sixteen and for me it was a chance to treasure hunt. I pulled the new trunk after me and felt excited to finally be free, even if it was only for the...

2 years ago
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Buried TreasureChapter 4

Work at the mine finished early that afternoon. The weather changed and heavy rain began to fall. Before long water began to stream out of the tunnel making it at first uncomfortable and then too dangerous to continue. "I see you've been giving my bitch some training," laughed Skull regarding the red stripes Carmen's belt had painted on April's backside. "What did she do to deserve a whipping?" "You know damn well. And so do you, Max. Couldn't you resist sticking your dick in the...

3 years ago
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Buried TreasureChapter 5

The following day dawned bright and clear. Before breakfast Max freed Toni from the tree he had been chained to throughout the night. A length of chain led from the tree to a loop of chain wrapped around the young man's neck. He had just enough scope to allow him to lie down in his sleeping bag. Max said during the day a chain hobble joining his ankles would be enough to ensure he could work but couldn't run. Mirabelle had slept—between bouts of being used for rough sex—chained to April....

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 6 Catgirlrsquos Claws

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Thrak – The Free City of Raratha I eyed the raucous, rickety tavern Minx led me to. It lay on the southern edge of the harbor, the stink of the sea, a mix of salt spray and sour mud, assaulted my nose. The tavern’s entrance was a ratty sheet of cloth nailed to the door frame which may have once been white, but now was a grimy gray, the tattered bottom stained brown. “I’d tell you to be on your toes, but I feel like you’ll be the most dangerous one in...

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The Treasures Inside Her Cave

She visited them as regularly as she could. The drive in her jeep would take her through various mountainous terrain and valleys of bare rock. A place fondly remembered, far enough from main roads and remote enough from her own existence in the noisy city. She would stay usually no more than one or two nights in her cave, but the nights there were her medicine that she had to take. Her nights would rejuvenate her, recharge her, fire her hormones and detonate her sexuality. She would go away,...

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