- 4 years ago
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Uncomfortable Revelations
Pete’s Postal & Frames Shoppe
On a deep red piece of soft velvet cloth spread out on the glass counter, a smooth blue with black vein stone that Gems swore was ‘the Siren’s Soul’ was carefully laid out for scrutiny. Two men, Gems and Pete Ashton, standing on opposite sides of the display counter were bent over, looking at the remarkable piece with earnest eyes, their crowns nearly touching.
Pete wore a headband magnifier as he peered down at the magnificent, far-too-perfect stone. He nodded with interest. ‘Fascinating.’
‘It’s the real deal, Pete, I swear!’ Gems said. ‘I know if I can just get this darn thing to work, it’ll bring out the real Charly. I just know it!’ Gems said, feeling uneasy in Pete’s shop because of all the smiling faces framed in various picture frames looking down at him. Those things always made him feel as if they were all laughing at him, just like he knew everyone on the island were always laughing at him…and not always behind his back, either.
‘Well, I don’t know ’bout that, Gems. I do think this stone looks real strange. Never seen anything like it. I mean, it looks as perfect as if it were made by some giant clam, you know?’
‘You mean, like a pearl?’ Gems asked with big eyes.
‘Yea,’ Pete said with a nod. ‘I don’t see no seams so it ain’t made in no factory.’
Then he lifted the magnifier and flipped it back before he braced hands against the counter. He shook his head as he looked at the younger man’s scruffy face. ‘It’s real nice, Gems, but why did ya bring it here? Thinkin’ of sellin?’
Gems looked as if he’d just been slapped in the face! ‘Thinkin’ of sellin’?!’ he cried, his voice skipping. ‘Heck no, Pete! No amount of money is gonna have me part with this!’
Pete shrugged. ‘So why’d you bring it in?’
Gems shrugged. ‘Wanted me a second opinion.’
‘Uh-huh. More like your hundredth opinion.’
Gems frowned uneasily. ‘Whaddya talkin’ about?’
‘Oh come on, Gems! You know what I’m talkin’ about! People been talkin’. They’d been sayin’ that you’ve been haulin’ this stone to just about every shop on the island. Mrs. Dazzle was talkin’ about you bringin’ the stone by the flower shop the other day. Really, Gems? A flower shop?’
‘Yea, well, I just wanted to know what Mrs. Dazzle thought about it.’ He made a face. ‘She wasn’t very obliging.’
‘She’s a florist, not an appraiser. Maybe you should take it to Johnson’s Jewelry Shop? He’s a bona fide appraiser. He appraised Mrs. Dolen’s mother’s old wedding ring last year.’ Pete chuckled. ‘Who would’a thought that old piece of jewelry would be worth twenty thousand dollars? Anyways, Mr. Johnson is a real smart guy. Came from New York and did a bunch of appraisin’ there so he’s got a lot of experience. I’m sure he can tell you where this thing’s been manufactured and maybe he can even tell you by whom.’
Gems made a face. ‘Bill told me never to come down again. I don’t wanna piss him off again cuz he can get real mean, ya know?’
Pete chuckled. ‘Yea. I know.’
‘ ‘Sides, you got that eye-glass thing, too,’ Gems said as he eyed the stone. ‘So you don’t see anything that says it’s man-made?’
‘Nope. But that don’t mean it ain’t, and just because I’ve got a magnifier don’t mean I’m an expert, Gems. But if that thing’s man-made that artist sure knows his craft cuz he knew how to hide any seams and filin’.’
Gems shook his head. ‘Nah. I knows it ain’t been made by no man.’
‘Well, maybe a woman?’
‘No woman, neither,’ Gems said with confidence. ‘The only artist that’s made this here thing is the sea siren herself.’
Pete frowned with a doubtful look just when the bell over the door rang.
Both men looked up to find none other than the object of Gems’ obsession walk in. She was dressed in a man’s blue/black flannel shirt that was so oversized that she had to roll the cuffs back a couple of times just to see her hands. The damn thing hung straight down to mid-thigh and from there baggy denims continued down to bunch around solid rubber-soled boots.
‘Hi, Pete!’ Charly greeted.
‘Hey there, Charly.’
Gems pretended he wasn’t even there as he heard Charly walk up to the counter. He stole a few side-glances her way as he carefully wrapped up the stone and then held it protectively against him. When he felt her looking at him, he went red in the face.
‘Hey, Gems.’
‘Hi, Charly.’
‘Didn’t see you at Mac’s this mornin’,’ she said as she handed Pete a receipt. ‘That’s not like you.’ She smiled as she leaned her head in his direction. ‘I almost missed ya.’
Gems bobbed his head and gave a twitchy smile as Pete shook his head and took the receipt from Charly’s hand. ‘I-I was busy,’ he said uncomfortably. ‘No time to go out and do nuthin’.’
Charly smiled with unemotional eyes. ‘Okay.’
‘Your photos came out real nice, Charly. You captured the sunset off the northern black rocks perfectly. Betcha gonna get a nice sum for them,’ Pete said as he headed for a wooden slide-out cabinet and pulled open a drawer before he ran fingers over the files in the section marked with an ‘L-O’.
‘Excellent.’ Charly nodded while she stood calmly by the counter.
Gems stole another sidelong glance. ‘Have you heard anything from your Pa?’
She looked at him with unreadable turquoise eyes. ‘No.’
‘Shouldn’t he be back by now? It’s been a while.’
‘I guess he decided to take an extended vacation.’
‘You sure, Charly? Mister Meeren never takes vacations.’
‘There’s a first time for everything.’
‘You don’t think he’s, maybe, lost at sea or something like that?’
She smiled as she looked from him to the deep red cloth he was clutching at his chest. She knew he was aware that she was staring at it because his long fingers wrapped tighter around it. ‘Is that that blue stone you got there, Gems?’
Gems sniffed and fidgeted a little. ‘Maybe. Maybe not.’ He was getting more and more uncomfortable the longer she looked at him with those pretty and strange eyes. ‘And if it is, it’s mine, Charly. Found it fair and square.’
She arched an eyebrow. ‘Wasn’t gonna try and take it from you, Gems.’
‘Yea, cuz that would be theft and aggravated assault.’
She arched a surprised eyebrow. ‘Aggravated assault? Don’t know if you know it, Gems, but you’re twice my size—’
‘—But you knows, I knows you’re ten times stronger than any man.’ He gave her a quick, distrustful look before he leaned out the other way as if she was already reaching for the stone. ‘You can’t take it anyways, even if you wanted.’
She frowned with a curious smile. ‘I wasn’t planning to.’
‘Yea, cuz, once a person has the Siren Stone, the siren can’t get it back unless he says she can. She can’t even touch it without his permission.’ He eyed her suspiciously. ‘They also say the sea siren has to obey the one who has the stone.’
Pete frowned over his shoulder, his curious gaze going from Charly to Gems as he pulled out a big envelope. It contained photos that she’d brought in to develop the other day. ‘Do you know what he’s talkin’ about, Charly?’
‘Not really,’ she said as she kept her gaze steady on the scruffier and younger man. ‘But I’m sure Gems is gonna tell us whether we want him to or not.’ She looked at him without a smile on her lips. ‘Like he always does.’
‘Yea,’ he nodded as he licked his lips. ‘I’m talkin’ about people who know about these things and who write about sea sirens cuz they know all about them.’
Her eyebrows shot up. ‘You’ve been reading old Captain Steven’s log books again, haven’t you?’ She chuckled as she shook her head. ‘What did I tell you about those moldy old books? You really need to get rid of them, Gems—’
‘—They say she can’t refuse him anythin’. Sh
e’s got to obey whatever the owner of her stone tells her to do because the stone is the Siren’s soul, and the one who owns the stone—’
‘—Owns the soul,’ she finished with a smile, seeing his surprised look. ‘That kinda went without sayin’,’ she confided before she winked.
Pete came to stand in front of her and handed her the large envelope. ‘Here ya go, Charly.’
‘Thanks, Pete,’ she said with a kind smile. ‘Oh, and can you put it on my tab? I’m kinda short this month on account the Ferry’s a week late with mail and my publisher’s check for the other photographs hasn’t come in from the mainland.’
‘So you’re a little short on cash?’ Pete said with a twinkle in his eye.
Her smile faded as she cocked her head with a curious look. ‘Yea.’
‘Well, it’s your lucky day.’
‘Is it now?’
‘Yea,’ Pete nodded with a big smile. ‘I’ve got good news for you, Charly. Real good news.’
‘Good. I can use some.’
‘Yep.’ Pete nodded. ‘You’re gonna like this. I finally sold that old coin.’
She frowned, confused. ‘Coin?’
‘Your pa’s coin, the one he brought in a few years back and what’s been lying here collectin’ dust. Got a real good price for it, too.’
‘Wow. Really?’ Her eyes lit up.
‘Yep.’ Pete nodded again. ‘Sold it to that handsome mainlander the other day. Paid twice as much for it than your pa’d been askin’ for it.’ He winked as he leaned her way. ‘Well, I actually doubled the price and told him it was firm.’ He winked again. ‘He must’ve seen I was serious because he didn’t flinch and even paid cash,’ he said before he bent and pulled open a drawer under the counter.
‘Yea,’ Pete said as he pulled out a white envelope, not catching the brief drop of her smile. ‘And I took my full commission off of it since, well, you can afford it,’ he added as he set the thick envelope on the glass counter surface.
Her eyes dropped as she looked at the envelope. ‘Thanks, Pete,’ she said with a friendly smile. ‘But I was thinking,’ she lifted her eyes and smiled, ‘can you hold on to that money ’til Pa returns? It’s his, after all, and I don’t feel comfortable taking it on his behalf, know what I mean?’
He looked taken aback as his smile faded and a sympathetic gleam appeared in his eyes. ‘Yea, sure, Charly. I can do that,’ he said with a nod and returned the envelope to its drawer. ‘I’ll just put the photos on your tab then.’
‘Thanks, Pete,’ she said gratefully. Then she took her photographs and turned and left, saying her good-bye as she exited the shop.
She closed the shop door and stepped off the stone step. She suddenly had a sad look on her face, and she paused for a moment, squeezing her eyes shut. Then she opened them and they shimmered suspiciously as she proceeded to walk along the shops.
Tears burned in her eyes. She swallowed big, hoping to push them and her unstable emotions back. When she felt a single teardrop trickle down her cheek, she knew she needed some water posthaste.
She stopped by a public water fountain and had a refreshing drink. It helped to water down her suddenly thick saliva caused by her tears—a physical flaw in her genetics that could damage her through rapid dehydration if she didn’t quickly replenish herself. It was a curse to have this physical ailment—among other, equally detrimental ailments.
But she missed her father enormously. She worried deeply about him. Those tears have been threatening to fall for years now but she’d always been able to hold them at bay…until now. It still broke her inside that he’d taken her children out to sea without telling her or asking her permission. When she’d awakened that fateful morning and found that her father had taken her children, she thought it was into town. When he didn’t return for lunch, she got worried. Knowing that she couldn’t just go to the townsfolk and ask them if they’d seen her father and her children, she couldn’t do anything but wait…and wait…and wait.
She hadn’t heard from him again.
She paused with drinking, watching the arch of fresh water for a few moments. Then she closed her eyes and let out a trembling sigh. ‘Why?’ she whispered. ‘Why did you have to do it?’ She felt tears rise again and quickly took a few last gulps of water until she felt a dull sense of equilibrium take hold of her again. Then she released the button and straightened, feeling in control of her emotions again, and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. Then she paused.
Someone had come to stand by her and was now leaning a shoulder against the stone building. Her wet eyes moved up to look at an all too familiar face before her gaze dropped to watch as he let a familiar coin tumble across his knuckles. Her father’s coin. Then she looked up at him again and dropped her arm.
She didn’t say anything but side-stepped him to pass.
‘How did you do it?’
She stopped in her tracks, standing in profile to him. Then she looked at him with a quizzical frown. ‘Do what?’
‘That neat trick yesterday.’
Her gaze dropped to watch the coin flash in the sun as it rolled across his tanned knuckles. ‘Neat trick?’
‘Tossing that heavy bag of trash on my boat without being seen?’
She popped eyebrows. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’
With a light ringing sound, he flipped the coin in the air and her gaze followed its ascent before it dropped back into the palm of his hand. She watched as he slipped the coin in the pocket of his cream linen slacks before she raised her gaze and found him watching her with an earnest look.
‘Okay. So can you tell me why you’re so sad?’
That question took her aback and her long eyelashes flickered before she quickly averted her face. ‘You’re mistaken. I’m not sad—’
‘—A blind man can see you’ve shed tears.’
She was silent for a few moments. ‘You’re mistaken. I had somethin’ in my eye.’
‘You’d been crying.’
She swallowed hard before she shook her head. ‘No. I don’t cry, Mr. Masterson,’ she said before she moved to quickly walk away.
‘How did you know who I was?’
She paused. Then she raised her head and looked at him with the biggest, most wounded eyes he’s ever seen in his life. Those eyes gripped him and he found himself completely captivated by her, even to the point that he could actually feel her sadness inside his own heart.
‘This is a small island, Mr. Masterson. People talk—’
‘—Have we met before?’
‘Yea. At the lighthouse and at Mac’s diner.’
‘I mean before that…long before that.’
She felt her eyelashes flicker before she shook her head, but she didn’t look convincing. ‘I-I don’t think so.’
He walked to her and was surprised that she didn’t step away or run off. She merely followed him with those captivating eyes. ‘I believe we have,’ he said before his gaze left her eyes and roamed along her hair. Then he reached out a hand to take a swirling raven lock, but he paused when she quickly stepped out of reach, and he lowered his hand. ‘Ah, yes. I remember. You don’t like to be touched.’
Her eyelashes flickered. Then she shook her head. ‘No. I don’t.’
‘By anyone? Or just me?’
She didn’t expect that question! She glanced uneasily around, seeing that they were drawing curious looks from people. ‘I don’t know you.’ Then she set stern eyes on him. ‘Or is it common where you come from for strangers to willy-nilly touch other strangers whenever they please?’
‘But we’re not strangers, Charly.’
‘Yea, we are.’
He shook his head. ‘No, we’re not, but I can see you know that.’
She quickly looked up at him, now seeing the look of recognition in his eyes. She slowly shook her head, as if that could wipe his memory—and memory that was quickly returning to him the longer he stared at her.
‘You’ve got me confused with somebody else,’ she s
aid, shaking her head. ‘I have gotta be going—’
‘—You’re her.’
She stared up at him with a look of fright but she quickly shook her head. ‘Like I said, you’ve got me confused with somebody else—’
‘—No,’ he said quietly as he shook his head. ‘I know it was you that night.’
She popped eyebrows. ‘I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about—’
‘—Yes, you do. That night, five years ago, on my family’s boat,’ he said. ‘It was you.’
‘Again, I’ve never met you before the lighthouse and Mac’s diner—’
‘—You had longer hair back then. Much longer,’ he continued, ignoring her denials. ‘That’s what threw me off. But then I caught a glimpse of your profile in the diner the other day just as a ray of sunlight fell across your face—’
‘—You’re making me nervous and you really need to stop—’
‘—I’m making you nervous because you know I’m telling the truth,’ he said, ignoring her as she shook her head. ‘At that moment, when a ray of sunlight fell across your face, it was then when I knew it was you that night. It all came back to me in one fell swoop. You’re unmistakably my mystery lover.’
‘You’re crazy.’
‘You’re the one I made love to that night—’
‘—No!’ She finally shouted, uncaring of the curious looks cast their way. She narrowed her eyes on him. ‘How can you possibly remember anything from that night?!’
‘I don’t know, but I do.’
‘No.’ She shook her head vigorously. ‘No. That’s not possible.’ She shook a hand as she shook her head. ‘You were so drunk that you were teeterin’ and swervin’ like a buoy in the sea, so how can you remember anything?!’
He cocked his head and narrowed thoughtful eyes. ‘How did you know I was drunk?’
She froze before her jaw dropped, and then she quickly clamped her mouth shut.
‘How did you know, Charly?’
Irritated that she blabbered, she looked angrily up at him. ‘How else? You just told me.’
‘No. I didn’t.’
‘Of course you did! How would I otherwise know—?’
‘—Because you were there.’
She stared up into his eyes for a few seconds. She knew he was just guessing, probing, like that dog unwilling to give up his bone. But in those few seconds, her anger ebbed as a growing sense of empathy filled her when she saw the desperation, felt his desperation, and knew that he’s tried hide it deep inside him. She knew, then and there, that he was heading down the same path as Gems.
Her expression softened. ‘Do yourself a favor, Mr. Masterson. Let it go,’ she whispered. ‘Don’t throw everything away chasin’ a fairytale, because if you don’t stop now, you’ll rue the day you ever met me.’
‘I didn’t go out of my way to meet you,’ he corrected. ‘You came to me, Charly.’
She swallowed as she gazed up into his eyes. ‘Regardless what you want to believe,’ she said with a plea in her eyes, ‘you have to let it go.’
‘I need to see you. Alone.’
‘No.’ She shook her head. ‘I can’t.’
‘You can’t or won’t?’
‘Both,’ she said without hesitation.
‘Then I can’t and won’t ‘let it go’,’ he said with a determined gleam in his eyes.
Seeing it, Charly opened her mouth to try to persuade him again, but she was interrupted.
‘Royce! There you are!’ a familiar feminine voice rang out.
Charly lowered her eyelashes and his jaw tightened just as Sharon came up to them carrying bags of some shopping she’d done.
‘I was wondering where you went off to.’ Then she looked from Royce to Charly Meeren, and she smiled. ‘Hello again, Miss Meeren.’
Charly raised her head. ‘Hello,’ she returned with a polite smile. ‘I was just thankin’ your friend here—’
‘—My boyfriend.’
Charly looked at the woman, felt her jealousy reach out to her like a claw with sharp talons even though she was smiling. ‘That’s right. Your boyfriend,’ she corrected. ‘I was just thankin’ him for being so generous.’
‘Generous?’ Sharon arched an eyebrow as she looked up at him.
‘Yea,’ Charly said, and drew Sharon’s attention back. She smiled. ‘He bought an old coin that my pa’s been tryin’ to sell for a long time.’
‘Oh.’ Sharon looked up at the man beside her. ‘That was nice of you, Royce.’
‘Yea, it was,’ Charly said with a smile. ‘Well, I guess I’ll be…movin’ on.’ She looked at Royce as he raised his eyes to her, not missing the pause. She smiled politely. ‘I hope you have a pleasant stay on Mount Desert Island.’
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Hi, I am Kunal (name changed) who just started his first job in Pune. I am not a tall guy but my complexion is good and blessed with big dick. A few days before joining my job, I was traveling by bus as my bike had some problems. I was cursing the heated bus but had no choice. I saw one of my old classmates traveling. Anjali (name changed) left the school after 10th standard and I was seeing her after 5 years. She was a real sex bomb. She was around 6 feet tall with big boobs and hot curvy...
Twin Sister's Lingering Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! On a Saturday, a man named Dean Michaels desired to test a certain device. A mind-controlling device. It was his own creation, based off rumors he'd heard of the military researching into using ultra-high frequency sounds to mind-control individuals. Inflamed by this idea, and desiring to enjoy his two barely legal daughters, he built it. And tested it. At a park two hours drive...
Hailey christened the fortnight following her engagement as “The Weeks from Hell.” She had been hounded by photographers each time she stepped onto the street and she was positive that she had spent more time with Barton’s PR people than she had with her new fiancé. The questions they asked had ranged from insipid to intrusive. Many of the newspapers had focused on the strained relationship she had with her parents for much of her life. Her mother hadn’t contacted Hailey to offer...
This is the first in a series of stories about Andy and Amanda. Most cucking stories are told by the cuck and this one is no different. But if you want to here it all from the hot wife's perspective then read Cucking Andy - Episode 1One warm Saturday afternoon in late summer my wife Amanda and I were having friends over for a garden party to celebrate the completion of our house makeover. Both the k**s were on sleepovers so we'd made it an all adult affair and hoping to add a little spice to...
My neighbor is the true definition of a MILF. Her attitude, her stature, her build. She was a real catch for her husband. That's of course if she likes to fuck as good as she looks. From my past experiences the two rarely meet. A beautiful woman is less likely to be as wild as a plain girl. Something like an overcompensation mechanism. Still she would be worth a good look. They moved in a few years ago and we get along fine. Her husband looks good and between you and me, I think they make...
Jason could hear Ashley humming as she was in the shower. As she turned around she saw Jason standing naked. Ashley gave a small smile and she opened the shower door letting him in. "You really like being with me don't you?" Ashley asked as she began to help Jason wash his body. Jason grabbed Ashley's cock with one hand and started stroking it making it hard. Ashley began kissing Jason got down on his knees and began sucking Ashley's cock slowly as he felt her cock grow in his mouth. "I...
Vicki knew that her new relationship with her master, Dan, would be hard to explain to her father. However, at some point, she had to do it. The issue was merely one of timing. She couldn’t just bring it up out of the blue Monday morning. She had to find out just how much truth her dad could accept at the moment. After conducting some business at the bank, she went to her office and began preparations for closing shop. A leading interior décor competitor had wanted to buy her out for some time n...
FetishFour Barbara took her shopping the next night for a dress, a plum cowl neck number that made it appear as if her boobs might be a little bigger than they actually were. Friday night, Meredith invited her over for an impromptu dance lesson from Alyssa, which was when they both found out that Rick Hayden had asked Alyssa to the dance. "You ready for that?" Meredith asked. "Only one way to find out," Alyssa replied. Tina had a funny feeling that she was uneasy. "Besides, Tina and I...
This is a story of how in my working at an office in Manila, I experienced many things...My name is Bevs , 20 yr old office staffer,chubby with a steady boyfriend, filipina ... my horny boss is mr.Chu ,55 years old and married, on my first interview, i already sensed this thin little dirty old man, was a sex maniac, he kept holding my hands and rub his fingertips on my arm...few days later i got called into his office where his driver was waiting... Driver: "Boss is waiting for you in his ,...
Mamatha whimpered and panted, and then I slowed down a bit to let her catch her breath back and then thrust it again deeper inside her moist pussy. All my three fingers were roaming freely inside her pussy and feeling her vaginal walls. Mamatha let out a tremendous: “OH – UH! YES, touch and rub my clit!” I shoved my three fingers deeper and my thumb found her throbbing clit. I began to flicker it with my thumb and she loved when I did it. She eased her fingers under her saree between her legs...
The weather was cold and windy, nothing new for New England in mid-October. I just finished wiring up a hot water heater in an old triple decker apartment building in Taunton, MA. and decided to hit Hickeys diner for coffee and Danish. Hickeys is a small family diner that is big on taste. I began going there back in the early seventies while I attended Peter Thatcher J.H. also referred to as Peter Torture at times. Gosh, that has to be a good forty years ago. After my coffee break I got on my...
FetishOne day at my house my husband had invited his friend over to play xbox, get drunk, and hang out. Latter that night after going through three twelve packs of Coors Lite and countless shots of Tequila,my husband's friend crashed on our bed. Me and my husband started cleaning up and I asked him, "where are we gonna sleep? Your friend is passed out on our bed." My husband suggested I wake him up and put him on the couch. Me and my hubby began k**ding about ways to wake him up. My husband had an...
When I was nineteen, my family went to a costume party. I had always thought those were lame, and I wasn't looking forward to wearing a costume. So I was going to hide somewhere and wait the party out. But when we got to our friends' house, there were already a ton of people there. It looked like the whole neighborhood showed up.I groaned inwardly and went inside with my parents and my older sister. She was two years older than me, and was kind of a health nut. She was always watching what she...
It was July 1990. Kelly and I had returned from our weeklong trip to Spain barely two weeks before. In that time, Kelly’s pussy was on fire! She was still wildly turned on by our adventures in Spain from gang fucking on the beach to being groped and jerked off in the pub. All of it had her wanting nothing more than to orgasm at every chance she could get.She would wake up in the early hours of the morning and feel for my cock. If it was hard she’d roll me onto my back and climb on top, slipping...
ExhibitionismWorking for Andrew was far more challenging than fucking him. When I got to his office it was worse than a mess. There was nothing in the way of a filing system for his contacts. His office was a series of disorganized piles of papers with his computer lost in the midst of it all. Nobody had been keeping a calendar for him, so all of his appointments were recorded on little pieces of paper that he stuck to the receptionist's desk which, until now, no one had worked at. It took me the better...
ReluctanceChatting with Cheryl -I moved closer to Cheryl, still naked and covered in several loads of cum from her little gang bang of some young friends. She had turned from laying back on the couch to leaving sideways, propped up on the arm of the couch.“What are you doing?” She asked as she scooped a bit more of the cum off her nipple and stuck her finger in her mouth, cleaning the semen off.“Finishing a hot video of my slut wife sucking and fucking a group of horny young studs,” I added as I zoomed...
Prepare for drooling cock sucking, big tit fucking and pussy pounding the Natasha Nice way. She’s a total dime piece, a tigress in bed and a star at dirty fuck talk and moaning. Natasha did say she would be back at SCORELAND for a dick-down and asked if we are ready to see her big tits bouncing fast and furiously. She summons Rico over to the bed and gets on top of him, smashing him in the face with her tits and grinding on his junk. Rico squeezes and rubs Natasha’s breasts as she...
xmoviesforyouDriving down the dirt road in southern Minnesota heading towards the farm where my aunt and uncle are waiting for me. While I’m driving I wonder what its gonna be like working with my uncle for a year or maybe longer. I can’t wait too see everyone, my aunt and uncle and my cousins. I’m out in the middle of open fields, the sun is going down, and finally I see the big farm house and barn that was my new home for the next 3 months. I turn into the driveway just as the sun sets over the horizon,...
14 Winston Lynn faded from my life like an unfixed print exposed to direct light or as the vibrant colors of some fish dissolve into dead grayness when they are caught and pulled from the water. Her work now entailed much more travel than ever before, with trips to the west coast or New York several times each month. More and more frequently I found myself alone in our penthouse in Cambridge, resentful of what at the time I thought was her obsessive career. When she was at home, she was...
After everything had been squared away in the bunkhouse they took Brianna to the main house for supper. As Brian walked to the door Tina hollered ‘Where you going?’ Brian looked over his shoulder, ‘Deal with Leo, we’ll piggyback Brie back to the bunkhouse after supper.’ As he noticed the confused looks on Tina, Brianna, Michelle and Laria’s faces, He sighed, ‘After you are through working horses, you give them rub downs and check for sprains or scratches that have to be dealt with, if they...
I decided to change jobs and went into insurance sales. It seemed like a great opportunity. I was a pretty good talker and passed all the state tests. I put in a lot of hours but made a lot more money. Needless to say, Carol loved that part. When the kids were all in school, she got a full time job doing vending work in factories. Our life was very busy. Between the jobs and the kids, we hardly made time for ourselves. I would work all hours of the day and night, seeing I made my own...
November 2011 The tall statuesque doctoral student had come to the Greek Islands to conduct research for her thesis on mythological creatures. Her research had led her to a small mountainous island where a small temple lay in ruins high up in the mountains. This temple had provided evidence of a crossroads where Greek mythology provided a basis for later Roman mythology. The temple was originally constructed by early Greeks and then later modified by the Romans. She had packed a Mediterranean...
Leak 'Em Up! You have to thank the Internet for giving us all kinds of great porn genres. If humans had to settle for whacking off in adult movie theaters – while avoiding stray jizz splashing all over their faces – there wouldn’t be nearly as many genres as there is today. Among the many genres that wouldn’t exist is the ‘leak’ genre. And no, I’m not talking about watching fat bitches squatting and pissing down your throat. Rather, I’m referring to the kind of content that seems like it was...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesThe telephone rang in Samuel Wicks' apartment. Sam, in bed but awake, grabbed the receiver. "Yeah." "Sam? Thiz' Lester." "Yeah, Sheriff?" "Sam, we got a dead girl. Out at Ain't There Lake. Not far from the highway, off of County Line Road. I need you to go out there, right away." Lester Mickelson was the Crandall County Sheriff. Sam Wicks, his chief deputy, was accustomed to getting the hard cases. The Sunday morning call was not that unusual. But was this a murder? Not too...
I was unable to keep from thinking about what I saw the night before from the moment I woke. The images were as clear as if they were still playing on the screen in front of me... The strange woman, tugging, pulling and sucking on the mans penis. It culminating in a fountain of thick, milky-lookin white stuff and her, desperately trying to catch each bit like it was the best candy in the world. I didn't know what to make of it all but my curiosity burned. Why was my dad watching that movie?...
****************************** *** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately *** This story is for adults only and contains content that is sexual in nature. This is part 07 in the ‘Silver’ series. I urge you to please read Silver Pt. 06 first, since it is the prelude to this chapter. We continue after Michael and Misty left Marlene’s mom’s house after asking for her daughter’s hand in marriage. *** A very special thanks...
She was everything that a guy would want. Thick thighs, round hips, fat ass, big DDD breasts, and nice toned stomach. Now this doesn’t mean she was one of those skinny heffas. Not at all she reps hard for the big girls and men still wanted her. She had a mean walk and the way her dresses clung to her curves would make men break their necks to watch her walk down the street. Little did they know, she had a secret. She loved to not wear any panties or a bra under her clothes. She loved the...
My name is Jimmy, and since I recently turned forty-two years old, I’ve been thinking about my first sexual experience, that happened shortly after my sixteenth birthday. I’m happily married now, to my lovely wife, Sarah, and our daughter has just recently moved away to college. I consider myself to be a normal, heterosexual man now, but I still remember when Matt, a good family friend who was forty-two at the time, taught me the joys of being bisexual, and sucking one another’s cocks.Matt is...
TabooOne of the things I liked most about Janet was that she treated me like an equal. We made joint decisions. That's what the nightly telephone calls were for. Our need for privacy was increasing. Talking about anything personal was impossible on our way to and from school, and she flatly refused to express her innermost thoughts in e-mail. Her voice would often pause or she would change the subject in the middle of a sentence, like she was concerned that someone was listening on an...
It’s been almost 3 weeks since me and Jade had our lesbian experience, we haven’t spoken much since. I was worried did I do something wrong? Or was it just simply she was busy? Anyway I managed to phone her and we arranged to meet again to go out for a meal, everything seemed normal on the phone so I assumed everything was ok. I could never forget are lesbian experience it felt so right, she was coming over at 6.00 straight from her collage the meal wasn’t until 8.00. It was the beginning of...
A bell-like tinkling from Marie’s phone announced the arrival of a text as she pulled into her space at Kindling & Associates. Marie felt a tinge of sadness when she read the message. It was from the postal service and said her package would be arriving today.Marie sighed. It had been a little over a week since Ben had moved out. This package was supposed to be a gift for his birthday next month. She’d found it on eBay: a vintage wooden paddle. It was a relic from a high school, and it was...
SpankingA week had passed since my Mistress gave me some freedom back and allowed me to become her boyfriend again. She no longer called me hurtful names and I once more enjoyed the relationship we had in the past, as boyfriend and girlfriend. We were holding hands inside a mall, headed upstairs to where the Cinema was. As Nita and I were still holding hands we saw the posters of the movies that were playing. "Wow cool. I wanna see that," I said to her. I was looking at the poster for The Fast...
The party ran deep into the night, Mark’s usually did, though we didn’t do much. A little swimming in the pool, a little cards, a little ping pong, just chilling with friends. Ellie was there, this time she played my typical role, quiet, shy, unseen, clearly her mind was occupied with something else. At one point during the poker game, her and I were the only ones left in a hand. Our eyes locked, I was the first to look away, back at my cards, but I could feel her hold her gaze for a few...
My hands now holding my little pretty firmly by her plaits, I draw back slowly from her, her lips pulled outwards by my toy as I withdraw. Three ... four inches, with deliberate care, enchanted by the sights and sounds of my little lover impaled. I pause, hardly breathing, The black rubber looks harsh and menacing against her pale flesh, and the high-pitched whistle of desperate panting almost brings me off right there. The shudder thar passes through me, starting in my shoulders and...
I walked into the café and headed for my usual table. It was empty as always with a great view of the rest of the tables so I can people watch without being observed. I ordered my hot chocolate as always and sat down with my paper. To be honest with you I wasn't here for the hot chocolate I was here to see her. We had been making eye contact for weeks and her emerald eyes got me wet with a single glance into the green depths. I was wet at the thought of seeing her again the thought of...
I am samir from ptk and gsp and I have had sex with an aunty and a bhabhi. M not lying and its true.. So now I am gonna start story further in hindi.. Yeh ek saal pehle ki baat me apne ek dost phone kr rha tha toh wrong number mil gya aur woh ek bhabhi ka tha and she picked up my call and I asked her this number is of sahil ( sahil was my frnd who I was calling that time) and she told me this numbr was not of sahil.. So I said sorry, and cut the call.. Uske baad uss number se mujhe...