Silver Pt. 07 free porn video

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*** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately ***

This story is for adults only and contains content that is sexual in nature.

This is part 07 in the ‘Silver’ series. I urge you to please read Silver Pt. 06 first, since it is the prelude to this chapter. We continue after Michael and Misty left Marlene’s mom’s house after asking for her daughter’s hand in marriage.

*** A very special thanks to WickedInside for her editing help! ***



Misty and I returned home, stopping along the way to chat with some of my neighbors who were putting up the lights on their houses. After warming up for a bit, I picked up the phone and called Marlene’s firm. ‘Hartgrove, Cassidy, and O’Niel, how may I direct your call?’ Margie’s voice cheerfully said over the receiver.

‘You can direct it to the most beautiful woman in the world!’ I answered.

‘Hey Rocky, how are you?’

‘Very funny, Margie, is my baby there?’

‘Um, uh… No, she’s at, um, a meeting right now, Michael.’

‘Margie, are you alright?’

‘Um, yeah, I just got distracted, can I, um, have her call you back?’

‘Yes, sure, but I need to talk to you also.’

‘You do? Is everything alright?’

‘Yes, Sweetie, I was just going to ask you if you and Dianne could help me out with some shopping for Marlene,’ I explained.

‘Oh yeah, that sounds like fun, Michael, I’m sure that Dianne would certainly like to join in on the fun!’

‘Margie, call me tonight when you get a chance, but in the meantime, see if you can get some ideas from Marlene about what she wants or needs for Christmas, OK?’

‘Sure, I’ll call you at home tonight, Michael, I’ll talk to you then.’

‘OK Margie, I’ll talk to you later,’ I replied before hanging up the receiver.

I had a few things in mind that I wanted to get for Marlene, but Margie and Dianne could help me out with some other things that, well, let’s say they had more experience with!

After speaking with Margie that evening, we decided on a night when the three of us could get out to shop for Marlene without her suspecting anything. The night arrived when the girls were to pick me up to go shopping. I asked Margie to just beep the horn, and I would hurry out the door and into her car in case Marlene just happened to be driving by. It almost felt like I was breaking out of jail and running to the getaway car as I quickly made my way across the grass with Dianne grabbing ahold of me and guiding me into the back seat. I could smell the two perfumes that Dianne and Margie were wearing. I could also smell the cigarette smoke on Margie as I leaned over the seat and gave her a kiss. ‘Margie, you better stop smoking those things,’ I said, chastizing her for her bad habit.

‘I know, Michael, I’m going to quit for the New Year,’ she replied.

‘Oh Margie, you’ve been promising that for the last four years, and you only make it until the middle of January,’ Dianne sighed.

We high tailed it out of town and headed for a mall that was a bit out of the way because as my luck would have it, Marlene would be shopping at one of the local malls and see us there. Besides, the girls said that they had another store in mind where I could find a gift or two.

We had a great time shopping together and the girls were a hoot, dragging me through racks of clothes, handbags, shoes, and of course, perfume. I sometimes get indecisive when I’m shopping for just the right thing, so it was good that the girls gave me the positive reinforcement that I needed to make sure that things were just right. I picked up a couple of beautiful, soft Cashmere sweaters, and two denim skirts that I knew Marlene would absolutely love. I was thinking about buying her a leather jacket, more of a casual one, but at the girls suggestion, purchased a long brown coat which she could wear to work instead. Apparently, the one that she had been wearing for the last five years just had to go! Anyway, that is what I was told by my two cohorts in crime! My head was pounding after leaving the perfume counter. Dianne and Margie had me smelling every scent that was offered, spraying it on different parts of their wrists, necks, arms, and yes, my arms too! We finally decided on a beautiful, soft, sensual, instant hard on perfume which had the girls commenting on the buldge in my pants. ‘You two are killing me,’ I laughed. ‘I can see that you also enjoy spending my money!’

‘Oh Michael, you can’t even imagine what the two of us could do to you,’ Dianne whispered in my ear as we walked from the perfume counter.

‘Dianne, stop before I pass out,’ I commented as I held onto her arm and exited the store. ‘Now where?’ I asked.

‘Don’t worry, you’ll find out when we get there,’ Margie answered as we filled her trunk with bags of Marlene’s Christmas gifts.

Margie drove for awhile before pulling into a parking lot and winding her way through the isles of cars before finding an empty spot to park. As the girls guided me through the lot, one on each side of me, we entered a store with the ringing of a bell as the door opened. ‘Hi guys, can I help you with anything?’ a woman’s voice asked.

‘Maybe,’ Dianne answered, ‘But for right now, I think we’re alright.’

‘OK, just let me know if you need any help,’ the woman responded.

I could hear other people talking in low voices, murmurs, and whispers, with an occasional giggle.

‘Where the heck are we?’ I asked the girls.

‘In an adult toy store, Handsome,’ Dianne giggled. ‘C’mon, we’re going to find you a couple of things to put in Marlene’s stocking, and well, eventually somewhere else!’

Margie laughed at Dianne’s comment as we walked through the store. ‘You girls are seriously trying to kill me,’ I repeated for the fourth or fifth time that night.

‘We aim to please,’ Margie laughed.

‘Hmm, how about these? Oh, nevermind, she already has these,’ Dianne giggled.

‘Has what?’ I asked.

‘Restraints,’ Dianne answered.

‘Jesus, you know about that too?’ I exclaimed in embarrassment.

‘Yeah, we helped Marlene order them!’ Margie laughed. ‘Michael, why is your face so red?’ she continued as she cupped my chin in her hand.

We walked onto another isle where Dianne stopped and said, ‘Hey, how about this?’

‘How about what?’ I asked nervously, afraid of what the answer would be.

‘This,’ Dianne responded as she laid a huge dildo in my hand.

‘Jesus, Dianne, this isn’t exactly what I want to be holding. This thing would split her in half!’

‘I’m not talking about it for her,’ Dianne purred as she ran my hand down to the other end of the massive cock. Another head was connected to the opposite end. ‘What do you think, Margie?’ Dianne seductively asked.

‘Dianne, stop… Michael doesn’t know…’

‘Michael, sometimes Margie and I like to have fun together,’ Dianne said matter of factly. ‘There, he does now!’

‘Dianne…’ Margie exclaimed.

‘You mean…you…two? Oh, I’m feeling a bit light headed!’ I said as I placed my hand on my forehead. ‘You’re serious?’ I asked next.

‘Yes, we’re not real fond of men these days, well, except for you, Michael, you’re different,’ Dianne explained.

‘That’s so fucking hot,’ I said without thinking.

‘Do you think so?’ the girls said together.

‘Uh, yeah, without sounding like a dick, it’s really hot,’ I stammered.

‘Hmm, looks like we have a winner!’ Dianne said as she took the huge cock from my hand and placed it in a small cart. ‘Maybe we’ll put on a show for you and Marlene one day,’ she purred as her fingernails trailed along my jawline. ‘OK, well, let’s get shopping for Marlene…’

To say that my cock was raging in my pants wouldn’t be fair as an accurate description. The though
t of Dianne and Margie together would have me jerking myself off after I got home, and probably for the next week or two. ‘Hey Slim, are you still with us?’ Dianne asked, bringing me back to reality. ‘Thinking about something interesting?’ she asked with a giggle. ‘Oh geez, Margie, how about this too?’

‘Oh yeah, why not?’ Margie answered in an excited voice.

‘Should I even ask?’ I said.

‘No reason to ask, here, what do you think of this?’ Dianne asked as she handed me another dildo, only this one was attached to a harness.

‘You two are just fucking with me now, right?’ I replied in disbelief.

‘No, but we would like to!’ Margie giggled.

The teasing went on as we walked around the store, stopping to look at vibrating panties, smaller dildos, butt plugs, and a variety of vibrators.

‘I can’t buy those things for her,’ I said in total embarrassment. ‘That’s something that she would have to get if she wanted them, or we would at least go together to buy.’

The girls said that I was way off, and that it would be a great idea if I bought some of those things for Marlene. I couldn’t bring myself to buy those things without Marlene knowing about it. Besides, it was Christmas and Marlene was wanting a ring, not a butt plug. We finally settled on a new vibrator, KY Jelly, and a porno for her stocking.

The girls dragged me around the store a bit longer, showing me diffeerent sexual devices that they thought would be neet to try. After an hour in the store, we decided that I had enough and we paid for our, how shall I put it, things. I somehow managed not to cum in my pants before getting back to the car. ‘So, what do you think?’ Dianne asked me as we made our way out of the parking lot.

‘Think about what?’ I asked.

‘Everything…’ Dianne replied.

‘I think that I’m dreaming and will wake up with a mess in my pants,’ I laughed.

‘Mmm…’ Margie moaned from the driver’s seat.

‘Do you girls want to stop for a cup of coffee or a bite to eat? Maybe a donut or something?’

‘That sounds like a great idea!’ Dianne replied.

So, off we went, stopping in at the closest doughnut shop and sitting at a table with a wonderful toasted coconut doughnut, a cup of coffee, and two beautiful, very chatty women.

‘Michael,’ Dianne began after sipping at her coffee, ‘Marlene is so much in love with you. You have changed the empty shell of a woman that she used to be into a vibrant, glowing, beautiful woman!’

‘Thanks Dianne, I have never been more in love with a woman in my entire life,’ I replied with a smile.

Margie began to talk as she chewed on her doughnut, ‘Yeah, Slim, it was like night and day after she met you, you certainly did something to her that changed her outlook on life, and men.’

‘I just acted like I always have, Margie, I don’t know any other way.’

‘She’s a very lucky woman,’ Dianne replied with a sigh and a bit of sadness in her voice.

‘You know, I have been single for a long time now. I used to go out to that club that we went to with a buddy of mine, and I would get shot down left and right. How come the women didn’t think I was that great back then?’ I asked with a bit of annoyance to my voice. Dianne, what is your story? Marlene never told me.’

‘Michael, I don’t want…’ she began.

‘Does Margie know?’ I asked before she could finish her sentence.

‘Well, yes, she knows, why?’

‘Than you can tell me right here,’ I responded, getting somewhat tired of her flirting, then saying that she didn’t trust men, and then, sighing in front of me saying Marlene was lucky to be dating me.

‘Michael, I’m sorry, can I tell you back at your house instead of here?’

‘Yeah, sure,’ I replied, now feeling bad at snipping at her.

I changed the subject, asking the girls what they wanted from Santa this year. Of course, I received giggles and several comments from my open ended question! ‘You two are impossible,’ I said, shaking my head with laughter.

‘Oh Michael, you love us, just admit it!’ Margie laughed.

‘OK, I admit it, I love the both of you…’

After returning home and carrying all of my purchases inside the house, the girls asked if I needed help wrapping them. I thanked them, saying that I thought that I would be alright. They loved the tree as we sat on the sofa together and admired it’s beauty. Margie was busy rubbing Misty’s belly, so what else was new! I asked the girls if they would like anything to drink and they each agreed on a glass of wine. ‘Tomorrow is a work day!’ I joked, ‘So it’s only going to be one tonight!’

I handed the girls their glasses of wine before I sat down and said, ‘OK, Dianne, let’s hear it.’

‘Are you sure you want to hear it, Michael?’ Dianne questioned in a pleading voice.

‘Yep, c’mon Sweetheart, let me have it,’ I responded.

Of course, another volley of laughs and giggles were hurled my way. Dianne’s laughter turned a bit nervous as she began to tell me her story. ‘Michael…well, I don’t know… Well, I don’t know how…to…start.’

‘Dianne, come here, sit next to me,’ I suggested, trying my best to make her feel at ease. I felt her sit down against me, nervously ptapping her nails on the wine glass. I took her hand and held it in mine. I felt the tension in her soft hand release as I gently held it. ‘OK, so,’ she nervously began. ‘I was molested by my step father from the age of twelve, until I turned sixteen and ran away from home. I uh, ran away, and uh, turned to drugs and alcohol. No Michael, I wasn’t…molested, I was…raped…by…my step father,’ she trembled.

‘Oh my god, Dianne, I’m so sorry, I had no idea… I never would have asked you, Sweetheart,’ I said in a sorrowful and apologetic voice.

‘It’s OK, Michael, I want to tell you, I trust you. Your kindness and sweet nature makes me feel so comfortable. I think that is why I wish that I was Marlene.’

‘Sweetheart, you don’t have to say any more,’ I replied as I rubbed her trembling hand.

‘No, I want to tell you the rest, and how I came to know Marlene. So, as I said, I ran away from the hell which was my life, and found myself pregnant with a twenty-six year old man as the father. He forced me to abort the pregnancy after repeatedly beating me. I stayed with him for fifteen years because I was afraid that he would hunt me down and kill me if I left. I finally realized that he was going to kill me whether I left him or not, so I took up residence at a women’s shelter. I had just turned thirty-one years old, and I had nothing but the clothes on my back. After receiving medical help and counceling in the shelter, a woman visited me one day. She was beautiful, compassionate, and soft spoken. She listened to my story before telling me that i was going to be alright and that she was going to help me. The woman was Marlene. I was her very first client for the pro bono work that she agreed to perform. She told me that if I wanted her help, she would see to it that I would get my life together and be able to support myself one day. So, I agreed, I had no other option and although I was unsure of myself, I took the offer that was presented to me. Marlene guaranteed my safety as I sat in her car and left the grounds of the shelter. She brought me to a small house and told me that the man next door would look after me and assure my safety. I panicked and screamed in fright, just knowing that a man lived next door. Marlene stayed with me that night, she sat and told me about the things that she had gone through as a young woman and how she was a victem of spousal abuse herself. Early the next morning, there was a knock at the door as Marlene and I were sitting at the kitchen table having coffee. Marlene ran to the door and returned with a very large man. I froze in place as Marlene introduced him. I couldn’t move, my body wouldn’t let me. As Marlene came to comfort me, my hands began to shake uncontrollably and coffee was spilling
over the brim. The man was Mr. O’Neil. He remained in the room outside of the kitchen where I sat shaking and softly explained how he and Marlene were going to help me. They explained that I would interrn at the law firm while I enrolled in school to receive my high school equivlency. If I chose, they would assist me to enroll in college and receive a degree in the subject of my choice. So, that’s how I became a paralegal for the firm and work for Marlene, Ed, and Janet.’

‘Dianne, I don’t know what to say, Sweetheart, I’m so sorry to hear about the horrible things that you went through in order to get to this point in your life. But, it seems that you have become successful, and are one of the best paralegal’s in the firm.’

‘Michael, that is the very compact version of my whole story, but it hits the major points without revisiting the nightmarish ones. So, just to further explain my distaste, well not exactly distaste, but distrust of men, I dated a guy while I was in paralegal school who ended up abusing me and threatening me. Mr. O’Neil somehow put a quick end to that situation and I never heard another word from him afterwards. I never went near another man again, well, until I met you and well, found that kindness did indeed exist in the world.’

‘What did you just say?’ I suddenly asked.

‘I said that when I met you, i knew that kindness did indeed exist in the world, why?’

‘Oh, no reason, I must have heard you wrong.’

No, I heard her right. It was the third time I heard someone say that after meeting me. I was freaking out inside, but tried to keep a calm demeaner. ‘What is it, Michael?’ Margie asked, apparently seeing the look on my face.

I forgot that she was even in the room as Dianne told me the story of her life. ‘It’s nothing, Margie, It’s just that I’ve heard that before,’ I answered.

‘So, that’s why Margie and me, well, get together every once in awhile,’ Dianne continued. ‘We don’t have to worry about getting beaten, we are comfortable with each other, and we adore the softness of each other’s body.’

Of course, more than my ears heard that last statement and my cock surged in my pants, growing painfully against my jeans. Without thinking about it, just as a baseball player would do while he was standing at home plate on national tv, I reached down and adjusted my crotch. Margie and Dianne began to laugh hysterically as my face reddened at my action. ‘Michael, are you having a growth problem?’ Margie asked as her voice shook with laughter.

‘Shut up, Margie, it’s not funny,’ I said in an embarrassed laugh.

And that’s when the real teasing began. ‘Michael, would you like to watch me fuck Margie with our new strap on?’ Dianne asked in a low sultry tone. ‘How about if you help us insert that double headed dildo into each other?’ Margie suggested next in a sexy teasing voice.

‘C’mon you two, stop… Please, stop,’ I begged as they continued to torture me with some more sexual positions and actions that they would like me to help them with. I came in my pants as the girls verbally described what they were going to do to each other when they got home. The cum soaked the waistband of my underwear and leaked down my pelvis to my balls. I was praying that they didn’t notice anything as I made a slight adjustment on the sofa.

‘We’re sorry, Michael, we shouldn’t do that to you when Marlene isn’t here to help you,’ Margie said, still letting out a giggle now and again. ‘Maybe one day you and Marlene can join us,’ she continued, almost making me pass out as I listened to her words.

‘Yes, Michael, wouldn’t that be wild?’ Dianne asked.

‘hey,’ I began after hearing the girls bring up Marlene’s name, ‘Did either one of you and Marlene ever, you know?’

‘Michael, we don’t kiss and tell,’ Dianne teased before getting up and placing her wine glass in the dishwasher. Margie followed with her glass as I heard her empty the remaining wine that she didn’t finish into the sink before handing it to Dianne. I heard their moist lips seperate before returning to my side. ‘We better get going,’ Margie said as she yawned out loud. ‘Tomorrow is a work day as Michael reminded us earlier.’

‘Oh, I hate to leave you like this, Michael, I mean alone… I mean by yourself… I mean living by yourself,’ she stammered, trying to correct what she was attempting to say.

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Bob Jackson opened the conversation asking if there were any problems that the security department has to deal with today. Then Chancellor Nobles' ask the questions that went right to the core. Why they really came. "Well, you have been one busy beaver over the holiday. I see that you have new contracts with the government, a shootout in South America and now you have your own college-style police department. I can't remember how many times I have seen you on TV in the last month. How do...

4 years ago
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Rent GirlsChapter 3

I wasn't exactly on pins and needles waiting for Jen to call me but, after a couple days, I began to worry about what had happened. I called her. "Sorry I didn't call you. We've got a problem and Brenda and I are trying to figure out what to do." "What's up?" "Sallie moved out." She went on to tell me that, five minutes after I had left, Johnny and Sallie had shown up. The gist of it was that, after a brief discussion, with Sallie away in the bathroom, Johnny and the other two...

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The Massage 3

Maria bent over my cock, sucking me up again after I had been lying on my front while Mike fucked my ass. Her warm mouth soon got me growing and hard. She rang her tongue expertly round my head. Do you want me spurting in your mouth, I asked, because I shall do if you keep that up. I want to taste you before you fuck me, said Maria. She pushed my legs up and back then her tongue ran down over my balls to my ass where Mike’s spunk was running out of me. Mmmmm, tasty, she said. Want some...

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Twins Apart Ch 3

It was the first day of school and Shaunny had just gotten out of homeroom. It was good to see the familiar faces again but yet it was overwhelming to see them all at once. The school grounds were buzzing with activity. Students whizzing in and out of classrooms, and loitering around the corridors. Everything fell right back in sync and everyone were catching up with one another. Hot sordid summer gossips were exchanged, girls parading in their new clothes, guys scouting out the new female...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 582 Midnight Call Masti 2 Hakikat Ka Bann Raha Mazaak

Narrated by Shobha Kuch minute baad phone lekar Rakesh se boli: Sorry usne itna mast jhadwaya mujhe ki hosh udd gayi meri. Rakesh: Are tumhara ho gaya, main to abhi garam ho hi raha tha. Main: Kisne kaha mera ho gaya, abhi to khel shuru hi hua hai Mr. Main Rakesh ko sunati hui Prakash ko boli: Akash aao bed par leto. Rakesh: Ab kya karogi? Main: Ek minute earphone laga leti hun. Rakesh: Haan, fir dono hatho se khud ko maza dena ek se ungli karna aur dusre se boobs...

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Annas Shower With Mommy

The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed. As Anna walked...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 159

Laura kissed her at the door, following Yvette with her eyes to the elevator. She closed her door and about thirty seconds later heard someone knocking on it. Thinking that Yvette might have forgotten something, she opened it without checking first. It was Kendra. Since it was already evening, she was dressed casually this time in a loose-fitting cream-colored jersey and jeans. But her hard round breasts still jutted out under the jersey, and the jeans were tight around her spectacular...

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Pakistani Style with Rani

Hello everybody, first of all thanks to the kerala erotica team to upload such a site. The stories, which are published in this site, are so good and after reading these fantasy stories I decided to share my sexual experience with you readers. I am Imran, 31 years old and 6 feet tall from Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The story is all about a college girl naming “Rani” who was my neighbor. Rani’s family used to stay in next door to my home. She was hardly 19 but her physics looks to be more than her...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips MJ Fresh The Hottest Milf MJ Fresh

Johnny showed up to his friend’s house to meet up. Once inside, he called out to him but there was no answer. When he went to look for him, he accidentally saw his buddy’s hot mom totally naked and drying herself off. He could not help staring at those big beautiful tits. Suddenly, she realized she was being watched. Johnny runs off in embarrassment but the gorgeous cougar catches up with him in the living room. She tells him that she finds him attractive and then exposes her juicy jugs. The...

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Meet the Pornstars 2 Revenge of the Dominants

Meet the Pornstars Chapter 2: Revenge of the Dominantsby RuchnidsJoey Brett had just had the time of his life with Sierra Devi, Janet Jade, and Miosotis Claribel the day before. He went hope a happy and lucky man.The next day after work, he had gotten some mail with lipstick smeared on it. He opened the letter and looked at it.Dear Joey,We heard about your good time. Come meet us at the Marriott Hotel at the corner of Welcome Street tonight at 8pm. We have a surprise for you.Yours truly,Miss...

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Fucked A Reader From Hyderabad

Hey, girls and aunties, I am your beloved Pavan came up with another real incident which happened in Hyderabad. I narrated my previous stories in Telugu. I would like to write this sex story in English. I would like to thank all the readers who responded me after reading my previous stories with you valuable feedbacks. And to girls and aunties who are expecting a secret relationship can mail me at Coming to the sex story I got a mail from ISS that my sex story was submitted. Thanks to ISS for...

2 years ago
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Caught in a New Life Pt2

(Hello everyone, this is a story that has been on my Patreon a while now. It's written for a very special patron of mine and currently on part 3 on Patreon. Part 4 will be posted there shortly. If you like this story and my other stories I would certainly suggest checking out my Patreon. It has a ton more content than what is freely available. Some tiers even offer having me write a story like this for you. ) Chapter 3 While Monroe was having...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 49

For today, I had made plans with Sofie. She and her sister, together with her sister's husband, were moving into a new home that the couple recently had bought. The story that Sofie and her sister had told their parents, was that Sofie wanted to live with her sister to prepare herself for university next year. She would be living alone in a student home next year and by moving in with her sister, they would treat Sofie as a tenant, and she would learn all the things that she would need to...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Yourself for Me

It was a busy day, I looked forwards to talking to you online when I got home. When I did we got talking and I was saying how I was in desperate need of a shower after blasting through the backwoods in a 4×4 for the afternoon and needing to cum so badly after abstaining for 3 days due to a business trip with a coworker. I check to see if you’re online and smile when I notice you are. Saying hello and explaining my predicament you tell me to go use the showerhead and get off in my shower. I do...

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Kamasutra Tales

Hi, to all my dearest Indian Sex Stories readers. This is madhan again, first of all, thanks to all ISS readers for many likes and your valuable feedbacks. I have written some 10+ stories, among which some are from my life while others are as happened in my reader’s life(which I have written on their behalf as per there repeated requests). I don’t know why I always enjoy pleasuring mature housewives. Any unsatisfied or wanna have fun type of aunties/girls in and around Mysore/Bangalore can...

3 years ago
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Innocence Taken Part 1

*** Taylor raced across the court and snatched the ball from a boy on the opposing team and arrowed off toward their hoop. After zigzagging around another boy he dunked the ball, much to the other teams disappointment. His friends patted him on the back as he went to sit on the bleachers. He had been playing nonstop for a while now and was sweaty and hot. Because it was the day before Christmas break, the...

4 years ago
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Cute Ruchi 8211 My Office Colleague

This incident happened 2 years back when I joined my first company in Mumbai after my Master degree. I didn’t have much of friends and very lonely in this city. I was looking to befriend some ladies in my office. I knew that having an affair in the office would be a risky business. But it was worth the risk. The company had few good looking females. The best ones were in the HR department. There was Liz and Ruchi. Both were cute and were sexy. I would visit the HR Dept almost every day and...

1 year ago
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Claiborne HighChapter 6

"Cheryl came to the offices last Saturday," Hanna said on Monday morning. "She wanted to know why certain things were happening." "Such as the non-stop sex?" "That came up, but that wasn't her first concern. Apparently she turned trig homework in at her regular school. It was homework that she'd had in The Construct. But that wasn't all. I'd come in to finish archiving some material, and she was here. She wanted to view tapes of her experience in The Construct." "Uh oh. That...

4 years ago
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My StepGrandfather Daddy Joe Visits

I've been such a bad girl recently. My mother and step-father recently went on vacation. I’m still in high school and my step-father asked his father to come and stay with me. So technically, he’s my step-grandfather. We’re not related at all. And since we're not related, I planned on having sex with him. This was going to be a very interesting week. Although, Daddy Joe did not know what I was planning. I’ve always liked older men. There's just something so sexy about a man, when he gets...

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Control Sam Control Finale

10-16 in progress East 17th Street, any unit can deal? Unit 12 responding… The police radio chattered in the background as the two officers walked towards the warehouse. They were on a mission to prove that the Commander was right when she said the informant was a delusional but, as Susan had insisted that they check out her claims, they approached with the usual detached professionalism that marked the LCPD. All seemed quiet but the side-door had been forced, fairly recently too, and this...

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Remember That Night

Introduction: This is a story, with a little bit of sex in it, so if youre after a bonk-fest look elsewhere. I hope that you enjoy it though, should you bother to read it. Remember That Night&hellip,&hellip,. I remember that night, the first time I met him. The older lady said. The younger woman sitting alongside cocked her head to one side, and listened intently. I had taken a sabbatical from my university studies, and gone travelling. She continued Unheard of at the time, but the idea of a...

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My brown beginning part three

I could see from my position grandma fingering her pussy i saw a white slick substance on her finger,as I licked the last remains from her poop hole she suddenly started moaning loudly and her pucker opened and clamped up..Im cummmmiiinnnggg my god Im cummmmmming!!she shook so hard I couldnt keep my tongue on her ass.I glanced over at Mom who was lazily stroking her snatch and smileing dreamily.Umm Donny! you made me cumm so good its been years since Ive cumm so hard if I ever have.Grandma...

1 year ago
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Lonely Forest Filled With Her Scream And Cum

Hi, guys, this is erav again (name changed). Do not feel like ( ennada ivan thirumba thirumba varaan).Actually this the second part of sex with maid uma but as it is a separate incident. I’ll narrate it as an individual story.Please do check my previous story.Coming to the story.The heroine is Uma and she is a bombshell.She is dark creamy in colour.I am not sure about her size please apologize me.But she would look like Sneha ( Tamil actress).After sex in the kitchen with her.I didn’t even get...

2 years ago
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Our First MFM Threesome

We had been in the swinging lifestyle for a while and we found it hard to find another couple where both partners were compatible to both of us, or the other way around so we decided to try something new, include a guy for a threeway MFM experience. A little bit of a back story. All the time we had been swinging with other couples, no guy had ever fucked her. She can be very intimidating because she is very open in her sexuality and guys just couldn’t “get it up” I know sounds crazy.We logged...

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Party Service

pressed into service by Brenda My Wife/Mistress has an older lesbian friend that lives a couple miles from us. She has a lovely large private infinity style pool that we use frequently. Lana knows how our relationship is built and that I dress femme regularly. I am her "pool girl," responsible for keeping the pool spotless and the decks and equipment running well. Of course this is always done in one of my many 2 piece bikinis. And for a TV that loves being a sissy what could be...

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Making a Troubled University Vibrant Again

June 14, 2023 From: The Board of Trustees of Global World University To: The Global World University community As you know, our financial situation has been unsatisfactory for several years now. We are pleased to announce that we have hired as our new president Dr. James Smith. His wife Dr. Marian Smith will also become a research professor in the Psychology Department for no compensation, for as long as Dr. James Smith is President. September 8, 2023 From: The Research Ethics...

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Howd that happen3

Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don’t make it I can’t think of a better way to go. But we really had to...

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Night Moves

I would have bet chalk, money, or marbles that I wouldn't be here, in this place, in this situation, today. The situation is me sitting at the lounge in a big time hotel waiting for my wife. Today is our first wedding anniversary. As I said I didn't think I would ever be here. Taking my first sip of a really good bourbon I thought back over the preceding years. It all started while I was in college. I'm Jason Morgan and Stephanie Daniels is or was or hell I don't know my fiancée. Steph...

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Daughter for a Day

Daughter for a day I always knew I wanted to have children, even from a young age I had my whole future mapped out. I would meet and fall for a handsome man, we'd get married and have two children, a boy first and then a girl. We'd settle down, in a big house on the edge of town, he would go out to work and I would stay home with our children, watching them grow into beautiful human beings who I would be so incredibly proud of. As a family we'd be there for each other through the...

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Hot sex at work

On a sunny Tuesday afternoon and regular conversations about life and work turns to a more sexual nature. Let me start off by saying that I work in the auto parts industry so there is always men around but none you really want to date, marry or have a sexual encounter with! The new store manager is a funny caring guy that is easy on the eyes and very understanding I could get lost in his blue eyes and captivating smile. I noticed him the first day he was there and introduced himself to us...

2 years ago
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The Big Sleep

It was not your typical day in Los Angeles in 1940. It was raining. In fact it has just started to rain heavily, and private detective Phillip Marlowe (played by Humphrey Bogart) is trying to figure a way to stake out a store downtown. He sees a bookstore across the street, and enters. He’s standing in the window staring out across the street, rain dripping from his hat. The store attendant, a tall brunette, hair swept back, conservatively dressed, bookish looking woman (played by Dorothy...

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From A Bodybuilder To A Female Group Slave

Hello guys, Pratik here from hyderabad. I am a student in hyderabad studying my MBA and this is a real incident which happened a week back. I am a bodybuilder who loves working out and this all started from the gym. It was 10 in the morning and I was very late to my gym most of the crowd was ladies mostly housewives so I didn’t pay attention and started my workout. I was working out on my chest that day and suddenly a aunty called me for help  I  completed my set and went to help her out in...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 6 Bambis First Time

When Andrew said that he would take care of lunch, Amber figured that meant he was going to cook something or at least put out sandwich makings. When she entered the kitchen, he was sitting in the booth doing nothing. She looked around and didn't see anything even remotely like food being prepared. Curious, Amber asked, "What's for lunch?" Andrew looked up appreciating the tight sexy clothes she was wearing. It was hard for him to believe that he was going to be living with this...

2 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 13

Gabriella's Story – The Ghost Who Smiles Gabriella was only 11 years old when she had moved into a new condominium called The Wild Coyote. The Wild Coyote was a condominium located in Colorado Springs, a city within the state of Colorado. Gabriella was a native of the state of Colorado, except she was born in Denver, the capital of Colorado. She came from a family of five (including her two older siblings Jessica and Maria). The Wild Coyote was a condominium of four apartment blocks. The...

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Life of the Horny Head Cheerleader

The morning talk radio blared as her alarm clock clicked over to on. Sarah lifted her sleepy head, shaking her brunette hair away from her beautiful green eyes, to read the time. It was7am and it came very early for her. The next two days were going to be very eventful. Sarah Lanzano was the captain of the cheer squad for the Topeka College basketball team, The Huskers, and needed to get her squad ready. She had organized a fund raiser earlier today at a local car wash to support her Squad and...

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Unexpected Enjoyment With Cousin

Hello readers my name is rohit(name changed) from vijayawada here again to share my another experience with my cousin.You can read myprevious story “MY SEXY MAID LAXMI” in maid category.About my self for new readers age 20 of height 5’8″.My mail id is post your valuable comments to my mail.This is quite real which happened to me. Coming to the story main character is my cousin malavika(name changed).Her age is 23.One fine day all our family members attended a function where we met.At night...

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NotsoMortal Kombat

If anyone thinks that this story is silly, they are totally right, but once an idea comes into my mind, there is just one way to get it out of there - write it down. So I wrote it. If there are any nerds who, like me, used to play Mortal Kombat, let me know if this particular tournament should continue. What matchups would you like to see? What "powers", hits and tricks should the participants use against their opponents? Let me know, I just might write another episode. I have already published...

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