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In this cold and uncertain world, life is beyond difficult. For some more than others. Lately, I feel like the universe has been kicking our collective asses. Men and women, Blacks and Whites, straights and gays. We’re all feeling the pinch in this horrible economy. The world has turned upside down and most of us feel that there’s very little we can do. What can we do to hold back the chaos which invades our lives?

My name is Jacques Simon. I’m a Haitian-American police officer living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. Yesterday, I turned forty-five. Looking in the bathroom mirror, I feel every decade of my life. I stare at my reflection, and sigh. A six-foot-three, lean and wiry Black man with dark brown skin stares back at me. I inspect myself. I don’t think I look bad for forty-five. I’ve still got all my hair and all my teeth. I don’t have a beer gut. I stay in shape. And my light brown eyes haven’t lost their spark. They stare back at me in the mirror. Unflinching. It’s times like these that I wonder where the time went. I brush my teeth, then step into the shower. The burning water cascades all over my body, and I close my eyes. I love standing under the hot water. It really relaxes me for some reason. Ten minutes later, a knock on the bathroom door interrupts me. It’s my wife Nancy L’Herisson Simon and she wants to use the bathroom. I sigh. Can’t she wait? Damn.

Five minutes later, I exit the bathroom with a dark green towel wrapped around my waist. I am greeted by my wife. She’s looking gloomy this morning. Not that she’s the most chipper person on the planet. I stare at her. She’s five-foot-eleven when barefoot, a bit thick, with dark brown skin and short Black hair. Her hips are wide. Her butt is big and round. And if you ask me, it’s not a bad thing. She believes otherwise. Her face is prettier without makeup but she never believes me when I tell her that. and I like her dark brown skin but she’s been using one of those special soaps to ‘lighten up’. I hate the fact that she thinks she needs to do that to be pretty but I don’t tell her that. She says hey, then steps in the bathroom, closing the door. I stare at that closed do0r. Hey. That’s all the greetings I get these days. Things weren’t always that way, though. She wasn’t always like that. A long time ago, she used to be fun.

I go to the bedroom closet, and pick my clothes. A Black leather jacket over a red silk shirt, Black pants and Black timberland boots. The perks of being a member of the plainclothesmen at the police department. I only wear my uniform when I have to testify in court or I’m attending a friend or colleague’s funeral. I look at my reflection in the bedroom mirror, and try to smile. Last week, I got promoted. I’m now the Chief of D’s. That means Chief of Detectives. It’s about time if you ask me. I’ve been working for the police department since 1994. Before going to the police academy, I wanted to be a lawyer. Then I met a lawyer. And he forever changed my mind about the law. Many cops are crooks. Some are decent people. I’ve never met a lawyer who wasn’t at least semi-evil.

And I don’t just mean defense attorneys. I mean the whole bunch. District attorneys and judges included. It’s almost as if, in order to be a good lawyer, you’ve got to have no conscience whatsoever. Only sociopaths make great lawyers. Men and women with scruples don’t last long in that profession. Interestingly, my wife is a lawyer. She mostly handles wrongful termination cases, and cases of racially based harassment and discrimination. When we met, Nancy had a certain fire in her eyes. I was in my junior year in the Criminal Justice Program at the University of Massachusetts-Boston when I realized that law enforcement was the career for me. Nancy was this tall, vivacious young Black woman who played volleyball for Wellesley College. She was easy on the eyes, but tough on everything else. I should have stayed away from her but I didn’t. I asked her out. She turned me down. I basically became obsessed with her. She eventually relented. She liked my persistence, and we started dating. We got married. And I’ve been trapped with her ever since.

On the dresser, a picture catches my attention. The last family picture we took, all of us together. Nancy and I along with our offspring. We have two grown sons, the twins Roger and Jensen Simon. Though born only five minutes apart on the same day, they couldn’t be more different. Physically and mentally, they were nothing alike. Roger was born first, and he really looks like me. He’s well over six feet tall and very lean, with dark brown skin, ruggedly handsome features and wavy Black hair. He’s warm and friendly, easygoing and seems like the most open person in the world. He attends the University of California at Los Angeles on an athletic scholarship for Football. His brother Jensen is the problematic one. He’s around five-foot-nine, stocky and muscular, with light brown skin and curly Black hair. Being five-foot-nine in a family where the shortest person was five-eleven had to be tough for him. I sympathize with my son, I do. However, he does have his faults. I hate to say it but he’s got the fabled short man’s complex. Yeah, Napoleon Complex is what they call it. While Roger is friendly and easygoing, Jensen is loud, wild and kind of combative and antagonistic. He must always get his way, or else. He’s majoring in business administration at Boston University.

My son Jensen has the instincts and mindset of a shark. He’s ruthless and quite ambitious. He’s always excelled at everything he did. Back at Brockton Community High School, they called him Slicer. He had quite a mouth on him and would say things to other students that would cut them to the bone. Even the loud-mouthed chicks at that school acknowledged his talent for cutting people into little pieces and make them feel worthless with just a few words. And he didn’t like his brother Roger one bit. Roger played Football and after getting cut from the Basketball team, Jensen opted for the coed varsity wrestling team. To my surprise, he became a very tough wrestler, eventually winning first place at the state wrestling championships in the 189-pound weight class during his junior year. He defeated twenty eight young men and nine young women in his pursuit for the crown. Jensen wasn’t just a good wrestler. He simply wasn’t afraid of destroying other people to get what he wanted. On the mat, he was ruthless and disciplined. Patiently waiting for his opponent to make a mistake before pouncing on him or her. He now wrestles for Boston University in the NCAA Division One.

Like any good father, I loved both my sons equally. I’ve loved them ever since they came into this world. I was in the room when the doctor severed the umbilical cord. My wife had been trying for years, without success, then one day God blessed with twin sons. I planned everything down to the smallest detail. We bought a mansion on Ash Street in Brockton’s West Side. A two-story, four-bedroom house with two bathrooms, two living rooms and a kitchen. Not to mention a vast basement, and an outdoor swimming pool. I painted my sons room a bright shade of blue a week before they were born. At the hospital, I insisted on being present for everything. Nancy and I opted not to ‘alter’ our sons in any way. Like me, they were uncircumcised. It took me a while to convince Nancy that routine circumcision was nothing more than sheer cruelty and barbarism that is visited upon young men without their consent. Thankfully, she saw the light. Our sons would grow up intact. The doctors were surprised by our decision, but I didn’t give a damn. I’m neither Jewish nor Muslim. Leave my sons bodies intact, thank you very much.

The day my sons were born, I opened a bank account in their name. That’s how much I loved them. Yet for some reason Roger is closer to me and Jensen prefers to hang with his mother Nancy than to spend time with his old man. I can’t explain it but that’s life, I guess. I am snapped out of my reverie by Nancy’s voice.
She steps out of the bathroom, and smiles. She’s usually in a good mood after showering. She dries herself up, then starts to get dressed. My wife is a lovely woman. She looks really good in a silver business suit. I just wish she’d stop wearing those Granny panties! I step out of the bedroom, and head to the living room. I turn on the TV. They’re giving a Battlestar Galactica marathon on the Sci-Fi Channel. I love Sci-Fi. As does Roger. Nancy prefers watching Bravo TV and Jensen only watches Spike TV and G4, the video game network.

I was deeply engrossed in the episode, which featured a coed boxing match between two of my favorite characters when Nancy stepped out of the bedroom. She simply looked ravishing in a bright green dress, and wore a light green scarf around her neck, complete with some very stylish emerald boots. The poor gator they came from must be seething in reptile heaven…or hell. I look her up and down and smile. Nancy smiles back. She tells me I look good, and I nod and tell her she’s looking fine. For a moment, it’s almost as if we were college undergrads again. Dressing to impress. Then the moment passes. Nancy reminds me we must hurry to Logan Airport, lest our sons be kept waiting. I nod, and we leave the house. I make sure the doors are closed. Our dogs, a pair of loveable brown mutts known as Lucky and Marquis, are all the security system we’ll ever need. I love our dogs. I refused to let Nancy neuter them, based on the advice of some girlfriend of hers who was a vet. Nancy didn’t care one way or the other, so the dogs stayed natural. The way all living things should be. Some things in this world are just wrong and should be outlawed. The circumcision of men, male-oriented ‘procedures’ like vasectomies and the neutering of cats and dogs fall in that category. Only a fool would disagree.

Nancy and I get into the bright red BMW she bought last summer. She insists on driving. I sigh, and shrug. Just like that, we barrel down Ash Street. Two minutes later, we’re at the Dairy Queen on Belmont Street. We take a right and pass by the Westgate Mall before heading out of town. Nancy turns on the radio. At this hour, my favorite radio personalities, Ramiro and Pebbles, are no longer on. So we listen to some useless drivel like that ‘Put a ring on it’ song. Which I hate. Thankfully, a few minutes later, they play an oldie. The song is What I’ve Done by Linkin Park. I love it. We’re speeding down the highway, and head toward Boston. We head to Logan Airport, where our sons are waiting for us. They’ve just come back from Spring Break Vacation. And they insist on both us picking them up because they’ve got a surprise for us.

It’s tough to find parking in Boston, so we leave the car in the quiet lot before entering the airport. As usual, there are lots of people there. Men and women who are waiting for their planes to destinations unknown. Nancy and I hold hands while walking through the airport. She likes to be affectionate in public. It’s behind closed doors that she’s lukewarm, or even cold. According to the receptionist at the desk, the plane from Los Angeles arrived thirty minutes ago. I dial Roger on my cell phone. He doesn’t pick up. So I dial Jensen. Same thing. Nancy and I search through the crowd at the waiting area, and finally we find them.

Smiling, we make our way toward them. And they’re not alone. Jensen is wearing his Boston University wrestling letterman jacket. And he’s holding hands with a tall, dark-haired and bronze-skinned young woman who looks Hispanic. My eyes gravitate toward Roger, and the person who’s got his arm around his shoulders. A tall, short-haired young Asian male dressed in Black leather. Must be a friend or something. I didn’t know Jensen had biker friends. Nancy greets Jensen first, and hugs him. I wave at Jensen, and give Roger a hug. He is stiff in my arms. I look at him. Something’s wrong. Roger looks at me gravely, then points to his white male friend and introduces me to Jacob Lee. I shake hands with Jacob Lee, and tell him I’m glad to meet my son’s friend. Jacob smiles, and tells me he’s not Roger’s friend. I stare at Roger. He takes a deep breath, then tells me Jacob Lee is his boyfriend. I stare at him, stunned. Dazed. Flabbergasted. What?

Next to me, Nancy looks just as shocked as Jensen introduces her to his girlfriend, Ramona Lopez. Apparently, she’s on the women’s soccer team at Ohio State University. Standing side by side, Nancy and I stare at our sons and their significant others. Then we look at each other. I don’t know which one of us is more shocked. Am I more shocked to discover that my Roger is into men or is my wife Nancy more stunned to discover her proud Black prince Jensen is dating a Hispanic chick? Nancy isn’t a proponent of the idea of Black males dating outside their race. Doesn’t matter if they go for White women, Asian women or Latin women. Nancy doesn’t approve. She considers it an act of treachery, a betrayal of the ladies in their community and of themselves. And even though I supported the legalization of Same-Sex Marriage and consider myself open-minded, I’m not thrilled to discover that my pride and joy, my son Roger is into guys. How could he be into guys? Women have been throwing themselves at him since high school. I once caught him getting it on with some Asian chick named Miko in the basement. He begged me not to tell his mother and I kept his secret. I know in my heart that he’s not gay. Roger can’t be gay. He’s too masculine. He plays NCAA Football, for crying out loud! On the scale of manliness, he was a virtual superman! How many guys you know can claim to be both the captain of their high school Football team and the class Valedictorian? I stare into Jacob Lee’s grinning face and consider decking him. That little Asian bastard turned my Roger into a homo. I’m so going to get him for this! My eyes see red and I start breathing heavily. I can’t seem to get enough air! I feel someone’s touch on my arm. It’s Nancy. She smiles at me. I stare at her. Did she know about this? Did she know Roger was gay? Nancy nods calmly, and says we have a lot to discuss. All of us. And just like that, she herds all of us out of the airport and into the car.

Nancy and I walk at the front, while Roger and Jensen walk a few paces behind us, logging along their baggage and their significant others. I squeeze Nancy’s hand nervously. Did she know about this? She tells me that Jensen called her last month and told her his relationship with Michelle Jones, some Black chick he met at UCLA, had ended badly. Mainly because she didn’t take it too well when he told her he swung both ways. I consider this. So, my Roger is bisexual, not gay. Okay, I can work with that. All he needs to do is meet the right woman, and forget all about this Jacob Lee character. My son’s not gay or bisexual. Not really. He just hasn’t met the right lady. Must be all the artificial women in Los Angeles. So into themselves. Never paying enough attention to their men. They could turn anyone queer. Especially if the guy was confused to begin with. I ask Nancy what she thinks of Ramona Lopez, the Hispanic broad her beloved prince Jensen seems to be so into. Isn’t she disappointed that her son chose to be with a Hispanic broad instead of a beautiful Black college woman? Nancy sighs. Looking me in the eye, she tells me nobody’s perfect. I consider that. True. Wow. What a day! I shake my head as we all leave in the BMW together, one big happy frigging family. It’s going to be a long ride back to Brockton!

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Mr and Mrs America

We watched the casket go into the hole, sinking slowly out of sight to where, presumably, the conveyer belt took it to the ovens. Somber music played, Bach Suite No. 6 I think, I wasn't really paying that much attention. Strangely, I suddenly wondered why Mike hadn't taken care of the music himself. He was an organized guy – he had to be, details were everything in his life – so why hadn't he sorted this out? Or, maybe he had? Maybe we were listening to his selections. If that were true, I...

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Medarchy of America

It is strange that it only took a single generation under a new system of healthcare to spawn the new nation of "Medarchy of America" or M.O.A. It lies nestled in the heartland of the original lower 48 like a beacon of reason in a convoluted world. The East Coast was another story entirely with constant struggles to contain urban unrest and dwindling white populations all heading west to the heartland and M.O.A. The old U.S.A. structure was still hanging on in Washington D.C. like some...

1 year ago
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Voyage to America

Note : This story is completely fictional! Angus Finnegan and his Eileen were on their way to America, having left Belfast some weeks before. On the same ship were Declan and Dana O'Keefe, a brother and sister who were lovers, although they did not advertise that fact. Angus was a widower, with his wife, for whom Eileen was named, having died in childbirth with her, and he was leaving Ireland to avoid the Potato Famine of 1849. Declan and Dana were orphans, who had escaped from a Catholic...

5 years ago
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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 7 Road Trip Rules

The three weeks leading up to their vacation, Rachel had become something of a fixture at the house. She had her own car, so she didn’t have to bum rides from friends or parents. Rachel really liked coming here for she was accepted for who she was 100%. The fact that there were a multitude of holes to fuck and even a couple of real dicks to ride certainly helped. Also, one person at the house seemed to have a serious crush on her, Samantha. For her part she said it was because Rachel was a...

4 years ago
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Daris Hilton Hates Ms Americana

Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rat Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rather than by pool. That would be wrong?Daris is a creation of my own. Ms Americana belongs to Mr. X. I hope you like this ENTIRELY FICTIONAL STORY. [email protected] If you are a minor, you shouldn?t be reading this story since...

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The Family Rules

The family of my first girlfriend in college had ‘rules’ for everything. But, from my perspective, there were three that had the most impact on our relationship. The first rule was that the two daughters, Theresa (my girlfriend) and Valerie (her younger sister by a year) were not allowed to date until they were 18, coming from a very small conservative town as well as two very protective parents. Thus, even though Teri was 19 and a freshman at the local junior college when I first met her, I...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 7 New Rules and Playing DressUp

Standing up, Robin looked at her two naked siblings, and realized that, strangely, she did not feel as awkward as she thought. Her night of nudity at the party had sort of gotten her used to this ... somewhat. “I wanna wash off a bit, and go ... you know ... pee ... I will be right back ... I almost could use another shower, sheesh...” she said trying to make a joke, as she picked up a bit that had dripped from her chin to her chest... Walking across the floor naked was strangely exciting...

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The Society of the Rules

The Society of the RulesAdmission into the SocietyThe large gates opened electrically and the large limousine entered the estate. From the spacious area at the back of the vehicle, Aurelia was amazed by the wide expenses of land, as well as by the high stone wall that was circumscribing it. Everything around her was breathing out wealth. Everything belonged to the Society of the Rules. And soon, if the leaflet she had read was right, all of this would belong to her as well. She could not...

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Obey The Rules

--- The Rules --- "Don't think about it, you know the rules!" A sentence Noah heard often in the last years, this time from his secretary. After his graduation in Business Economics and Administration, his father thought, it is a good idea to give him a job in the family business. And force him to move back to their mansion in Percsworth. He hates it. His job, 'Supervisor at large', is useless. It's that kind of employment, that the people of the village don't talk, and for...

2 years ago
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Commandments and Rules of Life

Without rules the BDSM relationship is nothing more than an SM relationship that does not confess. Some will need few rules to feel bound, as opposed to others clamoring for many and complex rules, it is up to the master to find the right measure. Some are content to enact rules in the sandstone of their fantasy of the moment. It is much more coherent and therefore structuring for the submissive to set a framework of main principles, the rules of everyday life being only the application in a...

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Cyndy Rules

Cyndy Rules! by suki its like I'm looking through these stories the other day and its like hey these are all pretty good these writers. They like all have great imaginations you know. It must be great to know all those words and be able to put them all together and everything. Yeah sure but like you know I'm thinking something is missing. Something is very seriously wrong and it takes me a while and then its hit me and like its so totally obvious that i snort pepsi through...

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The Mens Movement in America

My name is Steve Maverick. A big and tall, reasonably good-looking young black man living in the great state of Massachusetts. I’m a rather unusual character. A man with many hobbies and interests. I like to write erotic fiction stories. I like to travel to different cities and meet new people. I’m kind of adventurous. Oh, and I’ve been called paranoid but whatever. So what if I don’t believe that every random man and woman I meet is nice? The world is full of psychos. Psycho men and psycho...

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Mens Rights Activism in America

The name is Gina. And I’ve got a secret to share with you. Oh, man. I don’t know if I can do this. This is one of womankind’s deepest secrets. The sisterhood might want my head if they found out I told on them. But I don’t care anymore. I’ve found a wonderful man who loves me. And I don’t care what the sisterhood says or does anymore. I’m an independent woman, free to love whoever I choose and screw however I damn well please. End of story. Womankind has many secrets which baffle even the...

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Racist White Women in America

My name is Sabrina Steelman. I’m a tall young Black woman living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. And I am deeply saddened by the state of the affairs between men and women in the Black Community. The year is 2009. A Black man is President of the United States of America. A Black man is Governor of New York. A Black man is Governor of Massachusetts. There are Black men and Black women representing various states as in the Halls of Congress. Both Republicans and Democrats. Yet there have...

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Dogging comes to America

I thought about my own past of years before when I was a single male traveling around the country. I was never in one place long enough to meet the nice girls. I also went into the army at fifteen and my formative years were spent learning how to kill other human beings. For sex I found it expedient to visit adult bookstores and adult movies where guy always gave me a blow job. I actually earned a little cash this way. One night I sucked my first cock and from then on I was hooked. For...

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Mei Suk Yoos First Trip to America

Mei awoke naked in the hotel room. She liked to sleep naked when visiting an exotic locale. This was her first business trip to America. Having just arrived the night before from Shanghai, Mei suffered from serious jet lag. Also, she was a bit grumpy because her bags had gotten lost but luckily, she still had her carry-on suit bag. She was here to make a sales presentation to a local group of Chinese merchants. Mei hoped the merchants spoke Mandarin because her English was confined to a...

4 years ago
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WELCOME TO AMERICA After eighteen years, the Company that my husband and I started when we first got married had finally struck gold, the years of going without many things, may have finally ended. Our biggest setback was my car accident, which had left me with two useless legs from mid thigh down, and confined to a wheel chair for life. We had both just accepted that and got on with our lives. Our biggest customer, an American conglomerate wanted to buy up the whole business for three...

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Slavery in America

In a not so distant future, race relations in the United States have taken a drastic turn for the worse. Repeated, unceasing race riots plagued all the major cities. Looters roamed the streets for years straight. Government employees were continually assaulted or even killed, businesses ceased to function, the complete collapse of society was imminent. In desperation, and as a response to growing racially prejudiced sentiment in this new America, an emergency Constitutional Amendment was passed...

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Nina In America

I sat at baggage claim, logged into CHYOA like an idiot. I had wanted to write more, but instead I was reading Nina's Adventures by Inked. My manhood raged inside of my jeans as I waited. I couldn't go to the bathroom because the flight would land any minute. As if on cue, the arrival/departure board flipped to show the plane I had been waiting on had landed. My guest was here. I stood up holding a sign that said LeoKnowsBest. Even still, I noticed her before she noticed me. She had on rock...

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My First Bisexual Experience In America

I have always been curious, for as long as I have seen my first porn movie. I love eating pussy for hours…but the more porn i watched…more i got curious about how the cock would feel in mouth since the actresses seem to devour it in haste… As the months and days went by…i never took any action on my part to make any of this real… Even after I came to US, I had kept this curiosity to myself for years…and one year…I was alone home as my GF went to visit her parents…after few weeks of staying...

Gay Male
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My great experience with my student in america

Hi, I’m John from Bombay. When we were growing up in Chembur, Bombay we Had lots of fun with Kamvaali baais and these are fond memories now. This story is about my sexual adventures in America back in the late 80’s When I came here to study. I came to the University of Kentucky to study my Computer Engineering and lived with An Indian family to cut down on my rent. This as a middle aged couple and they Had a 19 year old daughter. As time went by I became very good friends with all of them And...

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Sex in United States of America

Hello Friends I read many stories here and I really liked every one of them and this gave me courage to share my experiences with all of you. This is my 6th story. Now let me tell u about myself I am 26 male from Hyderabad (India). This is the story when I visited America I am good looking, 5.9 ” Height, 67 Kgs Weight, 7 ” rod. My name is Gold Guy (Name Changer). I would like to share my story. This happened when I moved to New York city for my first job. I was doing Masters earlier in a...

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The Patriarchy of America

Story inspired by Tales From The Odeipal Zone How it all began In twenty-first-century America, a group of the nation's most wealthy young men came together under a common belief that the best state of humanity's existence was under a patriarchal society. But not just any type of patriarchy, but thee Patriarchy. The Patriarchy was a social system that extended beyond the typical forms of past patriarchies. But to achieve such a state in society would require an unabundant amount of change that...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 36 The Concert for America

July 4, 2006 The day after I got back to Anaconda Three, things began to get complicated. Major Duckworth and Captain Vernier flew in on a Blackhawk early in the morning and immediately went to see Lieutenant Southerland. I didn’t see them, but everybody knew that the captain had flown in with a major nobody had seen before. You always tried to keep track of where the officers were, if for no other reason than to get ready for whatever nutty idea they came up with next. It was universally...

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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 12 America

Strawberry pancakes and maple syrup! What a thing to have for breakfast! Epic. It was incredibly serious why they were here, but Grace couldn’t help being excited. San Francisco. America. This huge hotel with all glass and so much space, including a huge swimming pool that she’d had a swim in already with Mia. It was true: everything WAS bigger over here. She was looking forward to driving down to Mountain View in their dark red ‘rental’. She played with pronouncing it ‘rennle’ in her head....

1 year ago
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Adventures of a Chinese Girl in America

I came to this country without any ideo of what sex was. I was 18 years old. I known that that sounds awful, but my parents made very sure that my sister Ching and I led a sheltered life while we lived in China. Well, they didn't care so much about me; you see, Ching was always their favorite. She was always the beautiful one, one year older and with the most perfect body you could imagine. Her breasts, thighs, legs, everything was perfect; guys would come to see her in China, but quickly...

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Crossroads RulesChapter 2

Sid stepped through the portal and gazed upon the loveliness that was Sally Caretaker. It was hard to believe that she looked even lovelier since his last visit. All thoughts and questions Sid had wanted to ask flew from his mind to be replaced by desire for this woman. He moved to her like a man possessed. Sally’s smile could have lit the night brighter than a full moon. Her translucent green gown hinted at the treasures it contained. It captivated him and drew his eyes to seek out glimpses...

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Damsels in Distress Rules

All rights reserved © 2012 by Ernest Bywater Cover Art The image of Cove Mountain Trail tn4 by Brian Stansberry is used with his permission under Creative Commons Attribution. The manipulation and adding of text is done by Ernest Bywater. All rights to the cover image are reserved by the copyright owners. 6 June 2019 version The titles in use are a Chapter, a Sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Background The Worlds The Plan The People The Rules and...

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