A Family Betrayal Chapter 36 free porn video

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Introduction: Sorry for the long wait, hope you all enjoy I woke up the next morning feeling a body next to me. I opened my eyes to only smile seeing my mother there half on me. I placed my left hand on her right knee raising it up to my stomach. She let out a soft moan while I slid my hand up her thigh. I moved it in front to search for that certain spot. I found her clit to only slowly rub it a bit. She slowly opened her eyes before seeing me. With a smile on her face mom moved her leg up in the air giving me access.

My baby horny for one of his older women? She asks as I nod seeing her smile before she sweetly continues How you want me baby? On my back, stomach, or on all fours?

Actually on your side. I want us to slowly make out while I am inside you. I say seeing her eyes light up

She reached down to take the plug out before turning over raising her left leg up in the air. I scooted up behind her reaching down to guide my hardness into her love canal. She let out a moan as I held her close to my chest. Mom turned her head to look up in my eyes. I leaned down placing my lips on hers. We kissed as I slowly made love to her. It felt so right holding her like this. I felt her mouth open as I opened mine seeking out her tongue. We kissed deeply as she placed her left leg back on mine. I thrusted up deep into her making her break the kiss.

Oh Baby….yess….go deep in me… She says moaning as I start kissing on her neck

I started sucking on her neck making her moan as I cupped her right breast. I wanted her to know I loved her so much and thank her for loving me.

Oh Heathhhhh….make love to me.. She moaned telling me as I brought my hips against hers plunging up deeper into her

I smiled as I kept making her feel my love for her. I felt a finger hit my dick as I worked her little, tight, warm, wet pussy. I stopped fucking to look down. I guess she noticed as I saw her rubbing her clit.

Sorry baby….its just….I am….so close. Could you….wait for a…few more…minutes….oh god. She says moaning as I nod

I hold her close fondling her right nipple helping to bring her close. I started increasing my pace making her moan. It was so erotic seeing a beautiful woman play with herself like she was while having the man she loved inside her. I pulled on her nipple a bit making her moan.

Oh Heathhh babyyy….now cum….cum with me….my darling. She says as I smile giving her two more thrust before holding my manhood at her cervix

I stayed like that holding her tight. I erupted deep into her like there was no tomorrow. She let out a long moan cumming on my dick. It was at that moment that her leg slipped off mine to the bed. We laid there not moving to let our orgasms subside as I just kissed the back of her neck. I heard her purr to my kisses.

Mmmm baby you keep that up I am just going to keep you in here with me. She says turning around to face me before she lovingly continued I am so in love with you Heath. I know its wrong but I cant help it.

I know beautiful, and I love you too. I say smiling to her

So what does my baby want to do today? She asks with a curious smirk

Well we need to go see the girls today and see how they will feel about all this. I say seeing her eyes show some sadness

I know baby I am just scared they will say no. I dont want to go back to once in awhile. She says getting a kiss on the forehead

I know mom…err um Maggie. I dont think I can go back to that either. I say seeing a smile

Awww its ok baby its going to take some getting use to. So how about we get a shower then get some breakfast. She says getting a nod

Where are others anyway? I ask getting a giggle

Making sure none of the family come in except Ellie, Verna, and Kiko. She tells me as I nod before she continues Um baby how would you feel if I join you tonight with my three best friends?

I think I would very much like that as I want you always with me. I say as she shoves me on my back to only lay on me

I will always be with you my love. She says as our lips come back together

After the kiss we get up making our way to the bathroom. Mom bends over to turn the water on making it at the right temperature. I step up behind her placing my hands on her sexy firm ass. I feel myself growing as I place it at her opening. She turns to look back at me with a grin before raising up backing up against me.

Baby I will never deny you my body or love, but we need a shower and I am hungry. You wore me out last night. She says as I chuckle

Ok mama bear Ill be good for now. I say with a grin

Awww I like that baby, but I didnt say we couldnt fool around. She says reaching around grabbing my dick to lead me into the shower

We start washing one another just to kiss every so often. She concentrates on my manhood as I focus on her womanhood. I smile as she cuddles up to me squeezing her legs together having a small orgasm.

Dammit baby you made me cum. She says with a giggle

We finish taking our shower before getting out to dry off. She has me follow her back in the bedroom to get dressed. I watch her pick out some shorts and a t shirt. I ask her about a bra and panties in which she says that she wanted me to have easy access to her love spots. I asked her how was that going to happen. She said there are bathrooms. I gave her a smirk as I knew she was going to be fun to be with. She was as bad as Hannah, Tiffany, and Diamond. Once she was dressed and brushed her hair. Mom came over to me straddling my legs.

Baby I think you need to get dressed as I dont want anyone to get jealous. She says while I smile

She gets off me to check if the coast is clear. I chuckle pointing at the bathroom as it connects to the main bedroom. She shakes her head coming over to take a hold of my dick.

Ok mom what is it with leading me with my dick? I ask getting a giggle

Because I cant help it, and besides your dad loved me holding his cock. She tells me as I chuckle

I think for a moment thinking maybe that was why dad never wore shorts. We get in the bedroom to see the bed. I shake my head as mom lets go of me. She goes to the closet to look at my clothes. She picks out a pair of jeans and a shirt. Coming over to the chair that I took a seat in I see her grin.

Wear these for me baby. I love looking at your muscles. She says as I stand taking the shirt

I put the shirt on as mom surprises me. As I get the shirt on I look down to see her kiss the head of my manhood.

That is just thanking it for loving me also. She says as I playfully take my jeans in which makes her giggle

Once my jeans are on mom takes my hand to lead me out of the room. We make our way down to the living room to find the kids with some baby dolls with blue eyes. I look at mom who giggles.

Those were Jacks prank to us moms. She tells me as I step over picking up the doll on the couch

What the hell? Are these suppose to symbolize me or something? I ask getting a nod before calling out for my brother JACK!!!!

Yeah bro whats up? He asks running into the living room seeing my eyes

What is the meaning of these? I ask showing him the baby dolls

Hey I just thought it be a good joke. I mean Maggie, Ellie, Verna, and Kiko kept saying they wanted their bright eyed baby boy so I bought like 50 of them. He tells me as I shake my head

I want them gone. I say to hear gasps

Karen, Lindsey, and Serena get off the floor to only snag the doll out of my hand and the few off the couch.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! They are ours daddy. They say in unison

But they. I try to say seeing Karen shake her head

No daddy they are ours. She tells me as I sigh

Fine just put some clothes on them ok. I say seeing them nod

I watch them run up the stairs to only come back a few minutes later with the baby clothes.

Not those, them are for your new brothers and sisters. I meant the clothes that came with the dolls. I say seeing sad eyes as Jack whispers

Bro they didnt come with any. He tells me only to see my head shake back and forth

Its ok girls we will go shopping later to get them some clothes. I hear Selena say as I look to see the family smiling

I just chuckle seeing my girls and Serena smile big holding the baby dolls like a real baby.

Well how about we go see your little brothers and sisters? I say seeing them nod getting the family to laugh

I think if its anything baby they will love to hold them. Selena says as mom comes up behind me

I know the feeling. Mom says in a whisper as the other moms come over to us

I get a few hugs from my moms who are now my loves also. I get led to the kitchen for breakfast before we all go see how my wives are holding up. They would have to stay in the hospital for a few days, because each one had it rough besides Tiffany who had to have a C section for Anthony was being stubborn to come out the natural way. Once breakfast was over with we all loaded up in the cars and SUV. Like last night I drove with the moms with me. This time Faye was in the front with me holding my free hand. We talked about what to say to my wives and loves that were waiting for us. I didnt know what my wives would say, but I hope they dont say no. Once in the parking lot I found a spot near a oak tree and parked. There would be some shade in case one of us needed to come out for so air. Getting out of the SUV I noticed Tessa wore a skirt and like mom she had nothing on underneath. She caught me looking to only giggle before saying she wanted to give her man easy access in case we had a chance to be alone. I just shook my head chuckling to only take her hand and moms to lead them inside.
We made our way up to the room that the girls were moved into not waiting for the others as we had something important to talk about. Once inside we noticed them breast feeding the newborns. I went to each of my ladies seeing smiles on their faces. I gave each one a kiss in which they returned passionately. I gave Renee, Jessie, and Allison some loving kisses. The moms went to each of the wives to look upon the babies that each of my wives held. I made my way to the foot of Diamonds bed and thought that moment would be the best time as ever.

My beautiful wives and loves I need to tell you something. I stated getting each ones attention

What is it darling? Jasmine asks with concern in her eyes

Well last night on the way home some things were said. The moms brought up some things that each felt she had to say. Now I know what you told me about bringing in others to our bed, but they are sincere and well. I exclaim seeing each one looking at the four mothers

What are you trying to say baby? Diamond asks looking up at me

Diamond honey what Heath is trying to say is that each of us love him as you seven do. I know we are just to be with him every so often and be there for when you need us, but we have grown to love him to that next level. We each are in love with him and want to well sleep in the same bed everyday and night with him and you seven. Mom says getting their attention for sure

Oh I see. So last night did you commit yourselves to only him and us? Diamond asks getting nods from the moms

Each of my women looked at each of the moms before looking at one another. I didnt know what they were thinking or if they could tell what the other was thinking.

Well darlings what do you think and be honest as this is a serious matter. Diamond states in a stern tone

Well we have gotten close with them and love them also in a different way then most should. I am not going to deny that I love being with each of them. Renee says getting agreeing nods

And they do show they love all of us with all that they are or they wouldnt of let us be with Heath as we all are. They could of said no as it was wrong for seven woman to be with one man. Hannah states getting nods herself

And it was us that accepted them being with Heath in the start. Its not like we never talked it out in the beginning during Disney. Tiffany says making a point

True so are we in a agreement to them joining us and Heath on a permanent basis? Diamond asks getting nods from the others except Jasmine who is being quiet before Diamond continued A show of thumbs with up being yes and down for no.

I watched as each of my loves and wives had their thumbs up one at a time. I looked at Jasmine noticing her look at us all before she spoke.

The one thing that I am concerned about is would we get equal love and time. I mean 11 women with one man. How do each have their personal time with our love? She states getting the others to start and think

Jasmine darling we all would have our time with him. He will have no favorites as he loves us all. Thats why he wanted us to ask you before things got deeper. He cares about all of our feelings. I understand where you are coming from. I would think the same way, but know this we are not taking him away from any of you. We want to be with you all as much as Heath. You all make us feel young and that is the way I want to be when I die. I want to know I lived my life with those I loved as they loved me. Jasmine you are like my daughter and I love you so much. That night I slept with you all those years ago made me feel young again. I fell for you, but kept my feelings to myself as I knew you loved Heath. So please baby let me be with you again and all those that have your heart. Faye says holding Jasmines left hand to her breast with tears in her eyes

Oh momma I love you too. I guess I am just overwhelmed by having the babies and now knowing that four woman that are mothers to me want to have that fountain that is Heath heart also. I love you all as much as I do my wives, loves, and especially Heath. Jasmine says with tears of her own

So what will it be honey yes or no as we wont hurt any of you I promise baby girl. My beautiful Jasmine. Faye says with a pleading voice

I say yes as Heaths heart is a overflowing fountain that runs like a raging river. She says before Faye leans over to place her lips on Jasmines

They kiss for a moment until the twins start crying.

Oh sorry little one grandma didnt mean to bother you. Faye says raising up holding Jasmines hand

No your alright they been like this all morning. I think theyre wanting their daddy. Jasmine says as I chuckle

I guess daddy needs to hold them. I say moving over to pick the twins up

So how did last night go if we may ask? Hannah asks getting giggles from the moms

Well honey we had OUR baby play sex roulette. I had Faye get on top of me as Tessa had Jackie get on top of her. Heath made love to us that way. The one he came in sealed our relationship which was me. Mom explains getting smiles

Mmm maybe we should do that once our vagina heal, but a daughter on top of a mom. Jasmine says with a smile

True but it would leave three of us not doubled up. Allison says with a small smile

Thats true so those three could make a sandwich on three of us. Tiffany says as they all laughed

Ok that I would have to see a pussy sandwich. I say getting laughs to my comment
Baby you would love it and you know that. Diamond says with a smirk

I never said I wouldnt like it just would like to see that. I say as Renee and Allison come over to me

You know darling we havent had any for a few days. How about taking Allison and I in the bathroom and do us. Renee says being her horny self

I would but I would rather have a bed so you two would be comfy. I say getting grins

Always thinking of us before yourself. Allison states as I nod

Ok enough of the sex talk as I am already horny as it is. Diamond says getting laughs

Awww honey would you like momma Tessa to get between your legs while our baby fucks me? Tessa says getting a smile

I would momma but my stitches might hurt. These two ripped me good. Diamond says getting wide eyes

My poor baby can I see if the doctor stitched you right? Tessa asks getting a nod

Tessa and the moms went to the foot of Diamonds bed. Tessa lifted the sheet as they all looked at her bare crotch.

Oh damn baby you did get ripped. Are you in pain honey? Jackie asks getting a nod

Yes it hurts to pee. I have been trying to hold it as it hurts that much. Jasmine and Hannah the same way. We didnt know having twins right after the other was going to hurt that much. Hell we didnt know we were having twins. We wanted to be surprised as we were. Diamond says before each mom chose a daughter to comfort

Well next time we will be here for you all. Mom says comforting Hannah

You know were next out of us to have babies right. Renee says with a smile

Yes baby we do as is Michelle. Mom says getting nods as they all look at me

What? I ask seeing smiles from my ladies

Baby if you knocked her up as good as us she going to scream. Tiffany says getting giggles

Yeah well she wanted to experience the whole child development as Adam said. And I am sure he will be there for her as I was. I say while looking at my daughters before continuing Isnt that right Tina and Maggie May.

Awww that is so cute. Faye says before my daughters opened their blue bright eyes looking up at me

They both showed a small smile before talking gibberish.

Wow they already trying to talk to me. I say getting everyones attention

What are they says darling? Jasmine asks as I shrug

I have no earthly idea beautiful. They speaking gibberish as Lil Greg and Dakota did. I answer getting a few nods

Well if these seven are anything like their big brothers they will certainly be talking before they are one years of age. Diamond states getting a few nods

Damn that young? Tessa asks looking at me

Yep Dakota and Lil Greg were close to 7 months. I guess listening to everyone else got them to try. I say seeing Tina smile

Well what do you expect with my sexy son being smart. When he was little he walked out the front door without me knowing. Shellie and Travis came to me before I knew he was gone at a year old. Mom says looking at me smiling

Well guess we better child safe the new house then. Oh talking about that baby I think we will need a big bedroom with two or three beds stuck together. Diamond says with a sexy smile

Will get on that tomorrow as I just want to spend today with my ladies and the kids. Is that right Tina and Maggie May? It sure is daddy loves you both and your brothers and sisters. I say talking to the two bundles of joy in my arms

Awwww. All my loves say at once with smiles

Its at that moment my oldest kids come in running to see the babies. Lindsey looks at Jasmine intently.

Wheres Tina and Maggie May at? She asks as Jasmine points over at me before I see Lindsey come over to continue Daddy can I hold them please?

I look over at Jasmine who just smiles nodding her head. I get up from the chair to have Lindsey get up to sit. She does looking up at me smiling. I tell her how to have her arms before I hand her little sisters to her. She smiles once they are in her arms.

They are so cute daddy. She says getting a chuckle from me

Yes they are honey, but until they get older you have to be gentle ok. I say getting a nod

I know daddy I will be the best big sister I can be just like Karen is. Lindsey tells me as Karen gets in the chair next to Lindsey

I watch as she is given Verna and Jackie from Renee and Allison. They step to me placing their arms around my waist.

I cant wait to have our child my love. Renee says so lovingly

Me either as he or she was conceived with love. Allison says as another set of arms snake around my waist

Me either as they will be loved by everyone. Jessie says as I place my hands over hers

I cant wait either as this is going to be a adventure. I say getting giggles

We watched the girls talk to their sisters which was cute. I gave each of my ladies a kiss that held me before getting drink orders. The boys were to busy spending time with their little brothers. Lil Heath was enjoying telling his new cousins how he would teach them this and that, and how he would protect them from anyone that hurt them. Him saying those words reminded me of when I was three on how bubby said almost the exact same thing. I guess mom overheard as she came over placing her arms around me.

You thinking of when you and Travis were little? She asks while I nodded

Yeah cant help it. He was always my protector until… I say trailing off as I felt her head on my chest

I know baby until your life got turned upside down. I am so sorry darling for hurting you. She says as I place my arms around her

It wasnt your fault. Tyrone twisted Travis and Michelle. He even twisted his own kids. We should be lucky Kaye saw the truth. I say getting a nod

True baby so you want help getting drinks for all of us? She asks looking up at me with a smile

Sure we just need to get everyones order. I say as she lets go to only look for a pen and paper in her purse

She gets everyones order even the kids. Tessa volunteers to help with a seductive smile on her face. I shake my head with a chuckle as my ladies all giggle.

Whats wrong baby afraid now that we accepted things. You know we are going to get it whenever the opportunity rises. Diamond says catching my expression

No I am not afraid its just the how and when that surprises me thats all. I say as mom and Tessa come over to me

Well baby the how and when makes it more spontaneous dont you agree ladies? Tessa asks getting nods
Sissy do you know what they are talking about? Dakota asks while holding Anthony in his lap

Nope I dont Kota, but I wish daddy and the grammies would hurry I want my Cherry Limeade. Karen answers making us all laugh

Mom, Tessa, and I left the room seeing the family all waiting.

What are you all waiting out here for they are in there. I say getting giggles and chuckles

We know son just seeing who goes in first. Papa Mike says with a smile

Why dont you all go in there is plenty of room. Mom says getting smiles as my sisters, godmoms, and aunts rush to the door to see the babies

I just chuckle as mom and Tessa follow me making our way to the SUV. Once to our ride Tessa takes the keys from me to only give the to mom.

Maggie baby you drive Heath and I will sit in the back. Tessa says pulling me behind her

You horny bitch. Mom says laughing as Tessa opens the back driver door

Yep and right now I want our man to give me a ride of my life. I love riding a dick while the vehicle moves. She says having me get in first

Mom gets in the drivers seat while Tessa gets in shutting the door. She then turns with a smile to only undo my jeans.

I love you baby and want you like this right now. Tessa says pushing my pants down

I watch as she straddles me hiking up her skirt. I then feel her hand on my manhood stroking it as to get me hard.

Maggie this wont bother you while driving will it baby? Tessa asks making sure with mom

No darling you know I love watching and hear you cum and moan. She dont scream ok I dont want a ticket. Mom says as Tessa lowers down on my shaft

Mmmm…..I love this in me. Tessa says while slowly riding me

I just shake my head smiling looking between us. Her pussy lips are massaging my shaft as while Tessa goes up and down. I place my hands up her shirt to only move them in front to her breast. Tessa is moaning as mom pulls out of the parking lot. Tessa starts getting more into it taking all my manhood up into her.

You ok Tessa darling? Mom asks while giggling

Oh yess…..I feel so full….mmmm I love this cock. Tessa answers as I fondle her nipples as she adds on Yesss….play with whats yours baby……that feels so good.

Mom laughs as she drives down the street. I cant believe this is happening especially in broad daylight.

Question what we going to do when we get to Sonic and the girl brings out the drinks? I ask feeling Tessa grind hard against me

Dont worry my love just hold her down against you and slowly slide up and down in her. Mom answers as I chuckle

Oh fuck….Im cumminggg…..babyyyyy. Tessa says as I feel her pussy walls clamp down

I pull her back against me as her feet get placed on my knees. She is spread wide as I look over her shoulder seeing my mom look back in the rear view mirror.

Mmmm that looks so delicious you two. Both my loves fucking behind me. Plow her pussy baby cum deep up in her for me my darling. Mom says getting a smile as I move my hands to Tessas thighs

I lift her up a little before pounding her fast and hard.

Oh god…..yes….baby take me…..fuck me….fuck meeeeeee. Tessa cries out as I give her everything I have

I reposition us laying on our sides. I hold her close to me as I pound into her. Tessa is moaning deeply as she turns her head to look in my eyes. I see tears falling as her left hand comes to my right cheek.

I love you…..baby….Heath….never….leave me. She says having another climax as her eyes shut with head tilting backward

I wont leave…you darlin. I say with a moan as with one more thrust I cum with her

She moves her right hand back to my ass to keep me in. I feel her pussy milk my shaft for every last drop. I feel the SUV stop and mom talking to the person inside. I start whispering to Tessa.

You sure this is what you want? I dont want your family mad at me darlin. I ask telling her my thoughts

She slowly turns to look up at me.

Yes baby it is. You are the third person to complete me. Your mom being the second. I would never trade anything for either of you. If it was just us we would be in a exotic place doing nothing but love each other. Heath my love I want you always. I dont care what family say as I am happy as to how this all happened. I love you baby and please dont be scared I will never let anyone hurt you my deepest love. Tessa says before we kiss deeply as she starts working me back to hardness with her vaginal walls

I hear someone approach to slowly look up after our kiss. I see two young women handing Mom drinks in holders. I spot one looking in the back seat. I guess she can see Tessas pussy hair. I chuckle inside as her face gets flushed. I lower down whispering to Tessa telling her she made a young woman wet. She asks how and I tell her pussy hair is showing. She quietly giggles while lifting up her right leg as my dick is now visible. We hear the young woman stutter her words telling mom how much for all the drinks. Mom pays the girl before I hear them leave.

Holy crap I think you two had that poor girl blushing. She had a hard time talking. Mom says as Tessa and I laugh

Well I couldnt help it if my pussy was showing. It has a nice beautiful cock inside it growing as I speak. Tessa says grinding against me

Tessa honey I think you need to let our baby rest for a while. Mom says looking back at us

Do I really? I have cummed twice and want another one. Tessa says sounding like a teenager

Awww you didnt get enough last night baby? Mom asks with a giggle

No not really, but getting plenty right now. Tessa says with a smile

Just save some of his love for me ok darling. Mom says getting a nod

Heath my darling slowly make love to me on the way back. Tessa says looking up at me

I smile looking down in her eyes as my mom just giggles saying she had a horny wife. The way back was interesting as Tessa and I made love while mom drove. I never did have sex in a car, but I never thought I would have 11 women to love me as they did. I thought maybe everything was getting out of hand, but then again I craved that closeness that love that each one brought to my heart and soul. Tessa moaned a lot as I did feeling her love walls clamp down. She had a wild heart that wanted that love to never end. She was kinky just like Hannah, Tiffany, and Jessie. As I erupted into her again. I knew I would never change a thing regardless what the future would bring my way. Truth be told I loved all my wives and loves. And since the moms were now my lovers they fit in that category. I just knew my life has changed into one a man only dreamt about when he was a teenager. Mom alerted us we were about to pull in the parking lot. I withdrew from Tessa making her grunt to only sit up. She quickly sat up only to lean over to clean my dick. I loved her blow jobs as he mouth was so loving. Once mom parked she turned looking into my eyes. She watched also as her wife was cleaning my manhood good. Before we got out mom got in the back to take me also in her mouth to get a taste for herself. She took her mouth off my dick to only give me a big smile. Tessa helped get my jeans back up to only kiss me in the process. Once I was covered Tessa looked at mom.

Maggie you have a tampon I can use? Tessa asks as mom giggles

I watch my mother reach in her purse to only pull out a tampon. Tessa takes it pulling the wrapper off. She leans back showing me her pussy. She smiles as with two fingers she spreads her nether lips inserting the tampon into her. I see a string stick out making me chuckle.

What are you chuckling about sexy? Tessa asks as I point at her sex

Because it looks like a mouse tail poking out. I say as mom laughs

I know baby but its so I dont leak out. I forgot what it felt having a tampon in me since I dont have periods anymore. Tessa says as I shake my head

Your lucky as they suck. Mom says rolling her eyes

Talking about that when is yours mom? I ask seeing her blush

In a few days so you better get all my pussy you can or take my ass while I am on the rag. She says with a grin

I chuckle because mom loved having anal. After Tessa lowered her skirt we all got out grabbing the drinks. We made our way into the hospital going up to the 4th floor via elevator. Once to the room I go in to see everyone scattered spending time with one of the babies. I smile knowing my kids would be loved. We pass the drinks out in which my wives smile thanking us deeply with a kiss each. I see Traviss expression as Jasmine and mom kiss on the lips. I see him look at me to only get a shrug. I dont say anything as this was not the place to bring the truth out. The day goes by with the family enjoying the newborns saying how they loved them and were going to spoil them. Serena came up to me in tears. I squatted down looking in her eyes.

Whats wrong Serena honey? I ask as she hugs me with tears

I didnt get to hold one of the babies daddy Heath. She says sadly against my chest

Aww honey which one of them did you want to hold honey? I ask as she slowly looked at all of them

Can I hold one of the girls daddy Heath? She asks as I pick her up

Sure lets go see which one is awake. I say stepping over to my godmoms and godfathers

They are so adorable son. Papa Mike says getting a smile

Yeah I know, is it ok if Serena borrows one to hold she hasnt had a chance yet? I ask getting a nod

Of course. Which one you want to hold sweetie? Momma Ellie asks concerned and loving

How about her? As she been changed? Serena says getting a giggle

Yes honey she has and she is Tina. Momma Ellie says with a smile

Hello Tina I am Serena. I hope we can be sisters. Serena says in a very cute way

How about you and I go sit and Momma Ellie can let you hold Tina honey? I ask getting a nod and smile

I make my way to one of the free chairs to only take a seat while still holding Serena. Ellie follows and waits for us to get settled. Its at that moment Karen and Lindsey come over.

Shes our little sister not yours. Karen says with hands on her hips making Serena cry

Karen Summer Thompson you play nice. Serena is just as much a sister to you just as Lindsey is. I say not letting my oldest be mean

But daddy.. Karen says looking sad

No buts you love Serena as your sister right? I ask getting a nod to only continue Well she is trying to be a sister to Tina now be nice and let her. I think you owe Serena a apology.

Karen comes up to us looking at Serena who is cuddled up to me.

Serena Im sorry for making you cry. We will be big sisters together ok. Karen says as Serena sits up wiping her tears away

Ok can I hold the baby now? Serena asks getting a nod

Momma Ellie gives Tina to Serena making sure she has her good. Serena giggles while holding the little baby.

Watch out Serena if that is Tina she gets gassy. Lindsey says making Serena go wide eyed

Oh my she not going to poop on me is she? My little niece asks getting giggles

No I watched mommy Alli change her a bit ago. Karen says while stepping up to see Tina before adding Hey Tina this is Serena she like me and Lindsey. She will be a big sister too.

I smile as my daughters and niece play with Tina as three big sisters to a little baby. I look over to see my wives and loves look on with smiles of their own. Gina is holding one of the boys with Ron and Tracey standing by her. They each smile at the baby boy. I look around seeing my family enjoying this moment in all our lives. I sit here holding Serena while she holds one of my daughters.

Tina I love you baby girl. I will be the best sister I can be just like Karen and Lindsey. Serena says with a kiss to Tinas forehead making my baby daughter coo

All I could say was my life was filled with love and care from a family that would stand by me through the bad and the good.

The day went by smoothly as the the godfathers went to talk to the administrators about something. It was about 5 oclock in the evening that they came back but with takeout. The kids got happy meals which was their favorite. I asked what did they do in which they replied got dinner. I shook my head knowing they had to ask for permission. I let it go knowing they wanted to have dinner as a family. Serena sat in my lap eating cuddling up to me. I didnt know what to think how she has been clinging to me. I guess she feels safe with me then most, but I am just glad she has a family that loves her.

Around 9 oclock that night after giving my wives and loves a kiss for the night and my beautiful babies on on their fore heads. I drove home with mom on my right. We talked holding hands. She told me how nervous she was waking up this morning, but now was feeling very happy. I told her I was glad as I wanted her always happy. Mom squeezed my hand thanking me for my loving words. The other three moms stayed with the wives and loves so they could talk and help out as my wives didnt trust anyone. The family still felt Tyrone had friends still out there waiting for their turn for revenge once they knew the coast was clear. My godfathers had a big talk with the hospital board of directors stating our family would take care of our own during the births of the ladies in our family. Once mom and I were home we made our way in seeing the kids and the rest of the family all watching t.v. or chatting about this or that. Mom said she was going to bed as it was a long day. She gave me a hug then a kiss on the cheek whispering she will be in my room shortly. I just nodded before seeing her walk away. It was hard not looking at her sexy ass in which I did out of the corner of my left eye. I went to sit in my chair seeing my godmoms all looking at me with wanton eyes.I just chuckled inside before my daughters came to me crawling into my lap. They both sat on either leg looking up at me.

What is it girls? I ask getting serious looks

Daddy where are our little sisters and brothers going to sleep? Karen asks with her eyes locked on mine

Well honey in their cribs until that get older why? I answer only to ask

Oh. She says turning to her brothers who nod before looking back at me continuing Well daddy dont think bad about this, but we were wondering if us girls could have our own room.

Oh are you and your brothers fighting? I ask seeing shook heads

Oh no daddy we love each other. Its just when we play dress up we have to do it in the bathroom. There isnt enough space for Lindsey,Serena and me to play house because the boys want to play army men or Star Wars. Karen explains as I see my sisters and godmoms giggle.

Ok so you dont have enough room to all play what you want to. That is understandable and when your little brothers and sisters get bigger than there will be less room. I ask already knowing the answer

Thats right daddy and the boys throw our dresses off the bed when they play on it, or get mad when we accidently kick their toys.Lindsey says with a contorted face

Ok but you know that youll have to share for a little bit.So you all agree on this having separate rooms? Girls in one and boys in the other? I ask getting nods from my kids and Lil Heath

Yes daddy we do. Karen says as I think for a moment

Ok the cribs are in the room mommy Allison had. We will put the girls cribs in with you and Lindsey and the boys can have that room and the cribs with your brothers, but this goes for you all. If the babies start crying you come get one of us adults. Do we have a deal? I say getting smiles from them

Yes daddy we will do that. We want to help with the cute babies. Karen says smiling with a missing tooth in front

My daughters hugged me before the boys did as well after coming over to me. It was a bit later that they went to bed their last night together. I just chuckled as my family laughed.

Son comes with the territory of being a father, and just shows they are growing up being considerate and loving just like their father. Papa Mike tells me with a grin

Yes I know, but its adorable how they ask something like that. I say getting nods before I speak up continuing Well I am going to bed.

My family tells me goodnight as I make my way up to the bedroom. Once in I see the bed made with the cover pulled down. The light is dim with a pair of silk boxers on the bed. I smile knowing my mom was showing some romance for the night. I strip down thinking of a shower, but shake my head as I put the boxers on feeling myself get hard. I get on the bed and relax thinking of what this night will bring. Its about 10 minutes later that there comes a knock on the door. I tell them to come in. The door opens slowly until I see Ellie walk in followed by Verna and Kiko. Kiko shuts the door to only follow the other two over onto the bed. Ellie comes up my right as Verna my left. Kiko takes center only to straddle my legs just below my hips. She places her hands on my thighs to only massage them.

So Heath darling are you happy to see us? Momma Ellie asks with a bit of worry in her eyes

Of course why do you ask? I ask seeing them smile

Well baby we were afraid you…………..well wouldnt want us as lovers anymore. She says again with worry

Momma Ellie I love you Verna and Kiko. You all three have been there for me. Its just one thing. I say seeing them all three look at me scared

Whats…whats that baby? Verna asks as I whistle

I look over at the bathroom doorway to see my beautiful mother in just her panties. They follow my eyes before looking wide eyed.

Maggie what…whats going on hun? Ellie asks as my mom crawls onto the bed

Will Ellie a few things are going on. First is Faye, Jackie, Tessa, and I are with Heath now for good with the girls. We confessed last night on the way home. We had a deep love making session last night with Heath. Today the girls all accepted us to be their lovers as girlfriends at the same time. Mom says sitting on her feet

Wait you mean you four are like with him…with him along with his wives and loves? Kiko asks getting a nod

Yep we are and its the best decision we made. We are all in love with him and the girls. Mom says getting noticeable looks

Wow I guess we have been so worried about losing Heath that we havent been watching our surroundings. Verna says feeling hurt

Yeah guess we should go be with our husbands. Ellie says showing tears in her eyes

I will miss you Heath baby. Kiko says before scooting back

What are you saying girls? Mom asks being stunned like I was

Well with his wives, Renee, and Allison and now you four he doesnt need us. We will just go back to the way things were. Ellie says sobbing shaking her head

Ellie hun he loves us all. Now answer me what is going on with you three. We use to tell each other secrets baby love. Mom says getting them to look at her

Magpie have you ever felt you wanted more then what you have? Verna asks getting a nod

Well Maggie we want another man. Kiko says getting confused looks

Um you guys arent thinking of leaving your husbands are you? Mom asks very worried

No Maggie as we love them its just we want another man that will be ours together. Ellie says making no sense at all

Honey your confusing the hell out of me. Mom says getting sighs

Were in love with Heath. They each say at the same time

Oh my is that why you been quiet the past day and a half? Mom asks getting nods

April Fools day showed us that Heath is the man we feel is like a second husband to us. Verna says as mom looks at me smiling

Ladies that is how Faye, Jackie, Tessa, and I feel in our hearts. Look you havent lost him as the girls will understand. Mom says looking at each of them before continuing So why dont you three be with Heath and I tonight. Make love to us and dont hide what you feel any longer.

They each showed tears before they all hugged mom.

Thank you Magpie so much for making us see our stupidity. Ellie says with tears

Its at that moment mom looks at Kiko with a smile.

Kiko baby what are you waiting for get him ready for us sexy. Mom says as I see Kiko smile before getting on her stomach between my legs

Ellie lays on my right after taking her robe off. I look at her DD breast just to smile.

Baby they have missed you. Will you suck them for me. Ellie says getting a nod as she hovers her breast over my face

I feel Kiko pull my cock out through the slit of the boxers. She starts licking up and down my shaft as I feel kisses on my chest and abs. They all are making love to me as I suck on Ellies right nipple getting a moan. That night was filled with love as I made love to each of them Like the night before mom had them get two next to each other. It was Ellie on top of mom with Kiko on top of Verna. I loved the way I could see their eyes while loving them. Mom kept motioning with her eyes at Ellie who was so enjoying the way we were making love as mom fondled Ellies nipples. I was close as I gave mom a few thrust making her squirt on my cock before I replaced my cock back in Ellie. I raised Ellies legs up and spread them while pounding her pussy. It was at that moment I came deep into her.

OH HEATHHHH….OH SHITTTT….WE LOVE YOUUUU! Ellie yelled moaning as I erupted deep into her

Verna and Kiko positioned themselves to only spoon to each other. Verna was behind Kiko who had her left leg up in the air as Verna did as the rubbed each other off to climax. We all caught our breathes before I was motioned to lay between Ellie and Kiko. We all talked about what we felt. I just came out telling them to talk with my wives and loves, and not to hide how they felt. They all three nod to my suggestion. Before they leave each give mom and I a kiss. I watch them leave looking at their sexy asses. Once they are out the door mom straddles me looking down at me.

What are you thinking darling? She asks as I place my hands on her thighs

Well I never thought I would have this affect on all of you. I mean how can one man please so many? I say asking seeing a sincere look in her eyes

Well honey the best way is your heart. Heath its not all about sex baby. I love you for so many reasons. Your my son I gave birth to. I know its wrong for me to love you like this, but I cant help it. Your smart, caring, passionate, and loving. When we first made love it was so warming and still is. If I could have kids I would love to have yours, but I cant. I can only give you my love and heart. Heath you have a quality that makes us women want you its called understanding. I should of left with you baby as I was in hell. I missed you everyday wishing you were home. Every time Tyrone took me a bit of me left my heart, but when I had that dream your father gave me hope. I looked for you that night and when I did I made plans to come out here. That was the best thing I did as I got my baby back. Look life is filled with uncertainties, but I know that I certainly want this. Baby I know you probably dont want to hear this, but if I die I want it with me in your arms. I want to know that I died with the best thing that entered my life holding me in his arms. Mom tells me as we both cry

Mom please dont talk like that. I dont ever want to lose you again. I say as mom lays down on me

Baby want ever happens I will always be with you. I will never leave you as your my son, best friend, companion, and lover. I am so in love with you that it hurts. I know we cant be husband and wife, but I will take you how ever I can have you. You are my man now also. I know how Ellie, Verna, and Kiko feel as I feel the same. In my heart you are my husband. I only love two men like that your father and you. I just hope Greg isnt mad at me. Mom says while i hold her

Mom I doubt dad is mad. I think he sees this as a woman loving a man she loves. I know he wants us happy, and if this is the way then let it be. I say seeing her smile

I agree baby so what do you want to do my loving darling? She asks as I move my hands to her ass cheeks

No Maggie what do you want to do is the question? I ask seeing her eyes sparkle

Be with you as if this was our honeymoon. Make love to you with all my heart. And imagine you giving me a baby. She tells me with a warm smile

I love you Mom. I say seeing her smile

I love you baby. Your getting hard honey. She says with a grin

For you beautiful. I say grinning back

It was at that moment she reached between us lining me up before going back impaling herself on my shaft with a grunt. We made love for the rest of the night with no one bothering us. For two hours we talked and made love. She spoke her heart as I did mine until she laid down on my left side after pulling the cover up to our hips. She laid half on me with her hand on my chest and her leg against my crotch. I slept that night holding my beautiful mother in my left arm. I was in love with her and guess I have been from that first moment in Disney. Its weird at what life will throw at a person, but as I slept that night all I could say I wouldnt change a damn thing in mine.

The next morning I woke to feeling movement. I opened my eyes to see my mother sitting up with the cover over her breast staring towards the foot of the bed. I followed her gaze to see my oldest brother standing there just looking at us both.

Travis we can explain. My mother says as I see Travis shaking his head

No need mom I sort of figured out a few things the past few months. He says getting our attention

You…you have? I ask getting a nod and a grin

Yep, I may not be as intelligent as you are Champ, but Im not completely blind. I have seen how you look at mom and the way she looks at you. Plus the way the moms act all loving and touching at times when no one is watching. Travis states getting slow nods before continuing So when did this all start?

He takes a seat at the foot of the bed sipping on his coffee while mom looks at me getting a nod. She lets out a sigh before looking up at her first born son.

Since Disney hun I asked the girls if they would let me sleep with your brother. I told them I wanted him to give me a lasting memory of how it feels to be with a gentle and kind man instead of one with me getting raped by a unloving monster. Mom states with sadness in her last comment

Wait…Tyrone raped you mom? He asks wide eyed and concerned getting a nod from her

Yes hun every night he would make me get on all fours like a dog. He would force his dick in my ass. He would violate me trying in his own way to break me. Our mom explains as tears come to her eyes

I sit up to comfort her before seeing my brother look down with wide eyes.

I…I never knew. I guess I was so strung up making you hate Heath and Heath hate you that I never saw that bastard hurt you. Damn I was so stupid. He says looking up at us before a small smile comes to his face just to add. So are you happy mom?

Yes honey I am happy now. Your brother is the most caring, compassionate, and loving person to me. Mom answers as Travis looks at me

And you Champ are you happy the way things have um turned out? He asks only to get a nod before he continued Well in my book that is all that counts. Just dont flaunt and show the touchy feely stuff in front of the others until that you know if they accept you guys or not . Just know if you get knocked up I am not claiming the baby as my sibling or nephew or niece.

Once those words leave his mouth. My mother moves quickly to him giving a slap across his face.

Listen here young man if Heath could get me pregnant you would accept the baby. I love you Travis with all I am as your mother, but that hurt honey as I cant have babies. She says coming back to my side covering herself back up again

Im sorry mom I shouldnt of said that..wait what do you mean you cant? He says looking at mom concerned

Well Tyrone damaged my ability to have a baby. He hurt me so bad that its not repairable. I am just lucky my um vagina healed liked it did. Mom exclaims blushing while I saw hate in Traviss eyes

That bastard if he was alive I would kick his ass. Champ you better not ever hurt our mother you hear me. So help me god if you do I will hurt you. He tells me with deep concern for our mother

Bubby I would never hurt mom and you know that. I am not the one that kept her away from me all those years. I say noticing what I said before I added I am so sorry Bubby I said that.

No Champ I deserved it, and I know you wouldnt hurt mom. I guess this new information just got to me. He says getting nods

How do you think I felt when she told me and the girls. I wanted to rip his head of. Came close until Jaime stepped in the little fucker. I say getting a laugh from the two of them

So you ok with your brother and I Travis? I dont want us to lose you son. Mom asks with worry in her voice

He looks at us both before showing a smile.

Yeah as I know neither of you will hurt the other. All those years apart you seemed distant anyway. Then when you found where Champ was it was like a whole new you. Mom I love you and I know if Kaye and I were to get on our own you would be in safe hands. The funny thing is I think dad tried to tell me one time in a dream. My Bubby states peaking my curiosity

Oh and what did he say? I ask being intrigued

He told me never judge my mother or you. He said mom needed to be happy with the right man that her heart chose. I guess he was right. He answers getting us to smile before he continued on So what about the other moms?

Well honey they have also been with Heath. Matter of fact Faye, Jackie, Tessa, and I are well with Heath and your sisters. We are in love with him and them. I just hope you wont leave because of this. Mom answers as he shakes his head

No mom I am not leaving. Someone has to watch this families back as it has so many secrets that strangers would look down on. I just want nothing hidden as we are family as Champ says. Travis exclaims getting nods

Your godmoms fuck him too. Mom says blurting out getting a chuckle

I should of known although I had my suspicion last night after Heath went to bed. Those three gave the godfathers a kiss only to go up the stairs giggling like schoolgirls when their bedrooms are on the bottom floor. He says getting me to shake my head

Guess I need to tell them to be more discreet. Mom says giggling as Bubby and I chuckle

Yeah as I would hate to see Chris and Champ duke it out. My brother says as I agree

True so is breakfast ready? Mom asks as bubby stands up quick

Oh shit I knew I came up to tell you something. Yeah its ready so go take a shower for you both smell like sex. He says making us all laugh

Come give me a hug honey. Mom says as he comes around to give her a hug before she adds I love you Travis.

I love you and my Champ too mom. He says breaking the hug as to not spill his coffee

He starts for the door before he stops. He turns his head with his free hand on the doorknob.

Oh mom if you could have Champs kid I am sure it would be a little girl and she would be as beautiful as you with his eyes. He says with a smile before opening the door leaving shutting it behind him

Awww that was so sweet of him. Mom says cuddling up in my arms

Yes it was mom so you feeling ok? I state asking her concerned

Yes baby more then ever. Just so happy to be in your arms my love. She states answering me

Good so what does my beautiful Maggie want to do? I ask feeling her move out of my arms

Well baby I think we need to get a shower as your cum leaked out and is dry on my inner thighs and in my pussy hair. And I want you to masturbate me in the shower like you did yesterday. I love when you play with my kitty. She says on all fours facing me with her breast dangling

Are you ever satisfied beautiful? I ask with a chuckle as she giggles

Yes baby I am, but we didnt get to make love so I need my baby to play with my pussy while I play with his beautiful dick. She says before leaning in to kiss my lips

After the kiss we get up holding hands walking to the bathroom. She lets go of my hand to turn on the water. While bent over I step up behind her and start to slowly rub her swollen lips. I get a moan. She raises up stepping back against me. I feel her hands wrap around my neck as I reach in front placing my hands between her legs that she spreads a bit apart.

Yes baby play with whats yours. Mmm that feels so good. She tells me as I pinch her erect clit

The bathroom starts to steam up as she breaks my massage stepping in the shower. I step in after seeing her place her hands on the wall with her ass to me. Mom turns to look at me with a smile sway her sexy firm ass at me.

Just fuck me baby I need you in me and cum deep. She says as I slowly stroke my manhood placing the head at her entrance

I just found out mom like shower sex. So I slid in with one thrust getting her to moan. Its a erotic moment between us both as I fuck her getting her to that point of arousal that makes her cum in 5 minutes. I didnt last as I came with her. After I pulled out mom turned around stroking me getting on her knees in the shower to clean my shaft with her mouth. After she was satisfied she turned the shower on to start washing me as I washed her.

Baby I want this to be our routine for now on. I want to always shower with you. She tells me as I wash her hair

What about the others darlin? I ask seeing her smile

Well this shower is big enough for four so they can join. Just need to make the shower at the new home a big one just like the bed room. She says making a good point

After our shower, dried, and dressed mom and I made our way down to the kitchen. The family were already sat in their places. The godmoms gave us both a smile as mom and I sat in our spots. Only mom sat on my right. We all talked about the day. Michelle said she had a doctors appointment that she had to go to, and she would be by the hospital after. Adam said he was going with her so they could see how the baby was doing. I smiled telling them ok and no problem. The kids kept asking when were we leaving as they wanted to see their mommies and the babies. I just chuckled saying soon as we needed to eat. Mom had her left hand on my knee as trying to keep some physical contact to me. I just smiled after taking bites of my food. Kaye kept looking at mom and I with a grin as I guess Travis told her about seeing mom and I in bed together. I shrugged the thought away as I knew something else was on my mind meaning the godmoms. What they said last night got me to thinking were they serious, or were they just saying words to get in my boxers. I guess I would find out later if they talk to my wives and loves.

After breakfast and making our way to the hospital. I gave all my ladies a kiss. My wives and loves laughed as the moms attacked me kissing me as if I have been gone for ever. After all the kissing was over I stood between Jasmine and Hannahs beds. Each was breast feeding at that moment. I just chuckled knowing they were both struggling not to moan.

So how are my daughters and loves today? Mom asks getting smiles

Good momma we had a long talk last night and are very happy. We want this also with you and the moms. Its like coming closer between mother and daughter, but with all the love making in between. Jasmine says with a smile

Its not all about the sex baby. Its the connection between us all. I love our man with all my heart, but there are times I just want to talk and hold him. Mom states getting nods

We know momma as we want that also. We even came up with a few ideas. Tiffany says getting moms and my interest up

Oh and what are these ideas? I ask getting grins

Well baby once we are out of here and healed we want to go on a two week vacation. Just you and all of us that are your women. Jackie told us of a exotic resort that is by the beach. We can go topless there. Jasmine explains getting a few giggles

Really? We can go nude on the beach with our man? Mom asks getting a few shook heads

Actually topless as Heath and each other only see our hairy cunts. Jackie says getting nods

True I dont think I could handle another guy staring at what is our babys. So what else did you think up. Mom states asking getting a few looks

Well we want to go on dates all of us. Like go out to eat, go see a movie, then go to a hotel and have our own orgy with Heath in the middle sharing him until the sun rises. Diamond says making me blush

So basically the romance and the love? Mom asks getting smiles and nods before continuing I can understand that as I want the same.

Sweet this is going to be so cool. Faye says going to mom giving her a kiss before adding I missed you baby.

I missed you to sweetie. I made our man cum so good last night. Mom says getting laughter

Mmmm is it still inside you darling? Tessa asks getting a smile

The fresh one is from the shower. Mom says giggling as everyone looks at me

What did I do now? I asks seeing smiles

Nothing bad baby just when we get home and healed your going t have to take us in the shower. Diamond says grinning at me

I can do that darlin. I say seeing her smile with eyes sparkling

Come here baby and hold me. Diamond says as I move over to her
She has me sit on the bed before she places her back against me. I wrap my arms around her hearing her sigh.

Now I am in heaven. She says getting awes

We all talk about our new life together as the moms pick a daughter and hold them. Faye is with Jasmine, Jackie is with Tiffany, Tessa is holding Hannah as they breast feed. Renee, Jessie, and Allison hold one another sitting in a chair with Jessie and Allison in Renees lap. Its a calming and loving moment that we enjoy.

Its about 10 minutes later around 10:20 in the morning that the godmoms come in. I see their faces show nervousness.

Girls can we talk? Momma Verna asks getting concerned looks

Of course momma whats wrong? Tiffany asks with deep concern in her tone

Well baby girl we need to tell you all something that we cant hide any more. Verna says looking at her daughter then to the others

Oh did we do something wrong? Diamond asks as feeling something bad happened

No hun but Heath has. Kiko says getting wide eyes from my ladies

What did he do? Hannah asks looking at me oddly

Loving us. Momma Ellie says catching all my ladies off guard again

What do you mean? We thought you loved him and his love? What are you trying to pull now? Diamond asks sounding mad

Nothing Diamond honest, crap our words are not coming out right. Verna says being defensive all the sudden

Well just spit it out as Diamond looks like she wants to whoop some ass. Jasmine says looking over at Diamond and I

All three godmoms look at each other then at the moms that are holding their daughters and lovers.

We…we are in love with Heath just as you all are. Momma Ellie states getting dropped jaws

Wait…give me a second. You three are in love with Heath? What about your husbands? Hannah says asking those she calls mom

We feel the same for them, but with Heath we feel young again. We know this is all fucked up, but our hearts ache to be with him and you all. Were sorry for bringing this up, but we cant hide it any longer. Momma Ellie exclaims as Diamond cuddles more into me

Momma Ellie I guess we can understand as we went through this with the mothers here, but what is it you are wanting as were not giving up our man. Diamond says making her point

Oh no, no we know that Diamond baby. We just well want to ask if we can be a part of what you all have. We want Heath to be like our second husband as we wont have to deal with headaches or the occasional early morning meeting. We just feel in our hearts Heath is a second husband. Momma Verna says getting some looks that I cant read

What does the godfathers think of this or have you told them yet? Tiffany asks being concerned for her father, Nate, and Mike

Well they understand and accept that we want Heath also. They know we love them just as we love Heath. Momma Kiko says as Diamond turns to look up at me

Baby sorry to ask this but can you let us talk. Maybe you need to have a talk with the godfathers as well. My shining Diamond tells me asking as I nod

I give her a kiss before getting up helping her to lay back. I make my way out not saying anything. I make my way over to the family seeing my daughters coloring as my sons and lil Heath playing with soldier figures. My brothers and sisters all talk with Uncle William and Ron along with Aunts Debra, Gina, and Tracey. I step over to my godfathers telling them we had to talk. They suggest somewhere private in which we go making our way out of the hospital.

Once in a more private spot papa Mike looks at me with a grin.

So they finally came out and asked your women did they? He asks getting a nod

So why are we standing out here then? Papa Nate asks also with a grin

Wait you all three ok with what they want? I ask getting laughs from all three of them

Of course son why wouldnt we be. Look you try pleasing a woman that is unstatiable when you have to get up for early morning conference calls until wee hours in the morning. Mike tells me rolling his eyes

Or when you so worn out from technicians goofing up some computer you have to straighten out. Nate says shaking his head

Or the all favorite one getting a early wake up call about someone did what after a night of pleasure. Hell son we have to say we have headaches just to get sleep. Why do you think we didnt mind them having a threesome with each other. Papa Ricky tells me getting nods

So what your saying is you like getting the peace when they are in bed with me? I ask again getting nods with smiles

Yep we are son as yo

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To fully enjoy this story please read the original betrayal story at the link below.https://xhamster.com/stories/well-hung-betrayal-9690411A couple of months after our encounter with the well hung guy in the lay-by and my wife Sarah’s comment about finding her another big cock to suck soon we hadn't spoken about it and although I wasn't adverse to the idea I hadn't even begun to think about how or where to find a nice well hung guy happy for my wife to suck him off. I wasn't even that sure she...

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Betrayal and Payback

Betrayal and PaybackThe Setting:Southern California, in and around the Los Angeles area.Part 1 - The Betrayal"That's the way - suck my clit you miserable little slut - make me cum - that's it."Gail had arrived home early that day. She noticed Paula's pick-up truck in the driveway. These were the sounds she heard emanating from the back bedroom."YES - AHHH - Let me feel your tongue you little cunt."Gail recognized Paula's voice."Lick it up - slave - lick it all up."Gail froze in her tracks as...

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Face of Betrayal

A scene so familiar, a drama ubiquitous - who has not seen, from Shakespeare to soap opera, the tragedy of someone discovering his or her mate *in flagrante delicto*? But when there is no falling curtain nor rolling of closing credits to remind one that it's all just fiction and fantasy, the cold wave of shock and the wrenching in the gut seem entirely unique and unprecedented. The evidence of betrayal, in whatever form, reaches within to the very foundations of one's self- respect, sundering...

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Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal

Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal [email protected] In Tyla's harsh demi-monde, how shall she discern the betrayer from the betrayed? Cautionary Note: This is adult erotic fiction (not fantasy) and should not be read by non-adults or by adults who are offended by violence or explicit erotica involving under-aged transgendered protagonists. All persons depicted are fictional, and...

2 years ago
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Triple B or Bad Bitch Betrayal

Another contest entry, as you can tell the theme was betrayal Betrayal, a word you never think of ‘til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery. Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ‘til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing...

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They say love is blind. I can testify that at least for me it was. What nobody ever said was that the betrayal by the only thing you cherish in the world will cause more pain than any whip and cut deeper than the sharpest blade. That's where my story begins. Kat (Kathy) was my wife. We're not divorced yet, but she is no longer my wife. She knew the difference between right and wrong and she decided to do wrong again and again. I don't give a rat's ass why. For the past several weeks she...

1 year ago
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Netorare Mama My Parents Betrayal

Introduction: A son learns the truth about his mother and late fathers kinky activities over the years Definition of Netorare: A Japanese term that describes a situation where a loved one is taken away or betrays the main character. Similar to cuckolding, but is a much broader term. It involves situations between the betrayal of husband and wife, mother and son, brother and sister, friends and so on. It is very popular in the hentai/doujin market. It is designed to play with the readers...

4 years ago
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Lucindas Betrayal

Lucinda's Betrayal By: Malissa Madison This is the story of Lucinda Regent, the Half-blood Ancient also known as Janet Riggs, Betrayer of the Ancients. We know it skips around and is a bit disjointed, but then it was taken from her memories while still trying to understand that she was no longer a Loki Prisoner. It also helps to set up the next few chapters. In the unexplored wastes of the southern continent, Lucinda Regent lay trapped in Stasis....

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The Newlyweds Chapter 2 Heart Shaped Betrayal

The Newlyweds Chapter 2: Heart Shaped Betrayal The alarm sounded. I remembered Jasmin had made a promise to a new friend that we'd have brunch with them down the street at a small bistro. How could she make friends so quick? I asked myself while still lying in bed. We've been in town for about five days. Already she made a dozen friends and was on the phone or texting people like they were war buddies or childhood friends. Jasmin must have just gotten up, her pillow was still warm....

1 year ago
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The Betrayal

Her hands were trembling as she prepared for his arrival. She had never kept anything from Him. And now contemplating her fate she wasn’t sure what to do. She knew his temper; she knew he would never tolerate another touching her flesh, not since she had given herself to Him. She never intend things to go this far, it was simply a diversion during his long absences. The computer seemed like such a safe place to explore her fantasies when He was away from her. Damn his job that could take him...

Erotic Fiction
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Betrayal and Payback

Part 1 - The Betrayal "That's the way - suck my clit you miserable little slut - make me cum - that's it." Gail had arrived home early that day. She noticed Paula's pick-up truck in the driveway. These were the sounds she heard emanating from the back bedroom. "YES - AHHH - Let me feel your tongue you little cunt." Gail recognized Paula's voice. "Lick it up - slave - lick it all up." Gail froze in her tracks as she first heard Paula announce her orgasm, then the words that...

1 year ago
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Legend of Zelda Betrayal of the Triforce

Legend of Zelda: Betrayal of the Triforce by Jim Ruggeri I've been writing for almost a year now and I love reviews, please review a story or shoot me an email at [email protected] I take requests too, so if you've got any ideas floating around it would be great to hear them! Three golden treasures, once reunited, will grant the bearer one wish, an ultimate power, to be used for good... or evil. Once the wish is fulfilled, while the objects will remain beautiful, they...

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Bad Bitch Betrayal

Betrayal, a word you never think of ’til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery. Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ’til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing could be further from the truth. In her...

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Price of Betrayal 1

Introduction: What happens when you fuck over your partner and what happens next. Just a quick note to let everyone know that when I write erotica, I write a story, not just a bunch of words stuck together for someone to jack off to. If you dont want plot and character development, then my story will not be for you. What the fuck! I stared across the street and actually rubbed my eyes once to see if the image burned into my brain would disappear. It didnt. She stood there beneath a weeping...

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Amys Betrayal

Amy’s Betrayed It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was...

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Amys Betrayal

Amy’s Betrayed It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was...

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Bikini Beach Betrayal

Based in Elrod W's universe and utilizing characters created by him. Bikini Beach: Betrayal By JDG Anya smiled at the pretty red head sitting before her. She judged the woman to be in her late 30's to 40 based on the mental impressions she was getting. Based on looks she would have to be judged to be late 20's to early 30's. She obviously worked hard at keeping herself in shape. "So... what can I do for you today Mrs. Johnson?" "Well, Anya is it? Anya, I have been having a...

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The Betrayal

My girlfriend- Avni- is a very sophisticated but a simple girl. She had never been in a relationship before meeting me- Prateek; and hence, having her in my life completes my life and we love each other a lot.Though she loves me a lot, I’ve always viewed her as a sex machine. In fact, we got into a relationship because I made her drink too much one night and then fucked her in my car. Because she’s a one-man girl, she was hence compelled to enter into a relationship with me. I need a regular...

1 year ago
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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 9 The Final Betrayal

When Calyndi awoke the next morning, she was once again lying in the middle of the graveyard, the sun pounding at her eyes and her body weak from loss of blood, her sex still quivering from the many climaxes that she'd felt. But this time there was no flutter in her chest at the thought. Devin had been cruel, forcing her at first to pleasure him with her mouth while offering her nothing in return. Then, as if to further prove his power over her, he had taken her from behind, commanding her...

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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was their two...

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From Betrayal to Joy

Wanda felt that her place in King Dorn’s peace delegation was a mistake but her place was not to question orders. General Willow herself had assigned Wanda the task. Wanda understood the reason, just not her selection. She felt that an officer should represent the Sisterhood of the Moon. At least it should not have been as poor a soldier as herself. Nonetheless, here she was, marching at the head of King Dorn’s envoy. The Sisterhood of the Moon wanted peace just as desperately as King Dorn....

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Netorare Mama My Parents Betrayal 2

Introduction: Scott runs away. Netorare Mama: My Parents Betrayal 2 By Mathew Elizabeth 16-year-old Jay Roberto had all the power to do whatever he wanted to my mother and I. But not with me living under his roof! Thats right, I decided to run away for a while. Can you blame me? The first thing I did when Jay and my mother told me to go to my room was pack my things and get the hell out of there! I shoved my best clothing and other essentials into a backpack with tears in my eyes. I stomped...

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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day, and everything that could go wrong for Amy did. Just when things couldn’t feel any worse, the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad. The man she always felt was the one. Until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach, as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was their two year...

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Unintended Betrayal

She knew she was making a mistake, that the road she was about to go down would lead only to shame, regret and the end of her innocence. But thoughts like these are logical and logic is the first thing abandoned when your urges take over, when your blood runs hot and desire takes over. She gasped as his lips found her neck, his exploration of her body becoming more urgent. Warm sensations flooded her mind as he sampled her, breathing in her scent and tasting her need. His hand grasped the zip...

Straight Sex
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Betrayal in Love Chapter I

Betrayal in Love: Chapter I In quick steps and stern look on his face Rahul is walking towards a friend's house, a friend who has betrayed him, whom he had given almost everything of his in return of love. Passing through the narrow streets of old city of Delhi, he was absent of all the activity going around his path, vendors wailing, kids doing mischief and elders killing time of what they have in groups on road side corner shops. The air is filled with all the sort of sweet and sour...

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Double Betrayal

DOUBLE BETRAYAL by Long Tall MaryIt seemed like the perfect plan. Diane would have the wife of her lover for nearly two days to use as her sex slave, while hub was away on business. But something had gone terribly awry, and now Diane was the enslaved, naked and chained in the dank basement holding cell of a professional dominatrix.For nearly three years Jim had carried on an extra marital affair with Diane, his personal secretary. Jim, 49 years old, was owner and CEO of a small high tech...

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No Strings Attached The Betrayal Chapter 17

I walk down the driveway to my car with Selena following behind me. Anxiety is already coursing through me, knowing that I will have to admit to Liam about what I'm about to do when I return. Guilt will prevent me from keeping it a secret. I would have told him that Louise had contacted me already if I knew he wouldn't stop me.Casual sex isn't a problem to him, that part I'm sure about, and we are technically on a break, but he may physically try to prevent me from seeing her. He may see it as...

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RapeBetrayal 11 My Daughter my Cunt

I guess I've always had a thing for rape. Not the violent sick kind. I just like nice, normal rape stories. You know what I mean? I always thought it was cruel to pierce a woman's nipples, or cut them off, or punch her in the face and slap her around--I mean c'mon, why? I don't want to make her fuck a dog, lick a cat, or drink cum from a horse. I certainly have no desire to see her 3 yr old abused. The things I read on the internet can be quite disgusting. Beastiality, torture,...

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Picture of Betrayal

NOTE: To keep things relatively realistic, I sometimes use terms that are common to the photographic and arts industry but may not be understood by others. In this story I use, “TFP.” The literal translations is; “Time For Prints.” Now days, of course, we rarely make prints anymore, we make digital images but the term has stayed the same. It means exchanging services with others in the trade. If a model wants to update her portfolio with a certain look or revise it with new pics, she can call...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 66 The Second Betrayal

As soon as she woke up in the morning, she found that she could reflect on the previous night's activities with a clear head. Yes, Meg had broken her trust, but she decided that she wasn't going to let it bother her. Meg had obviously been sorry about what she had done, and that was the important thing. Lissa might have been angrier if it weren't for the fact that she had been touched by a woman like that before. If she had had no prior experience of this kind, it might have been...

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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was their two year anniversary...

Group Sex
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The Ultimate Betrayal

I first met my wife, Jane, when we started at the same high school together. We became friends as a part of a large group. She was friendly and funny with the ability to make people laugh. She was also empathetic. She was the one who was always there when anyone felt down. When we all went out she wasn’t the life of the party but she made sure everyone was included. Since there was usually eight or ten people in our friendship group this was at times a difficult task. She spent an equal...

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The Betrayal of Katie Ch 01

Chapter One – Katie’s New Life by BrettJ © 2012 ‘Have a wonderful time in Europe, Mommy, Daddy,’ Katie Mitchell said as her parent’s car left her at the gates of the Browning estate. She had only been there once before when Todd Browning, her father’s boss, had held his annual summer barbecue. She remembered that she had almost gotten lost, because the Browning’s estate was almost as big as a golf course. Katie couldn’t believe that she was going to be living there for the entire summer. The...

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Bryans Betrayal

I gingerly turned my head from side to side looking for the discarded clothes of last night and fighting the urge to be ill. My skimpy red outfit was missing. There was nothing in the closet or small dresser. I could feel panic creeping into me and I steadied myself on a wall to keep from falling. I wobbled back over to the bed and lay down on it trying to devise a plan and to sort through the jumble of emotions, memories, and ill fitting puzzle pieces. I felt completely foolish as I...

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Betrayal Book 03

Chapter 1- Aftermath 9 Months on Book three is all about life after divorce and my decision about a lifestyle change I soon found a one bed-roomed flat for rent and moved in within the week. I contacted my solicitor and set the wheels in motion, regarding our divorce. I also followed his advice regarding bank accounts and other shared equity items. So the wheels turned slowly. Amanda barraged me with emails and left messages for me that I refused to respond to. Eventually she must have got...

1 year ago
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Netorare Mama My Parents Betrayal 3

Introduction: Scott confronts everyone at the party. Netorare Mama: My Parents Betrayal 3 By Mathew Elizabeth Oh my god, Scotts here! I heard a girl from my grade say as I walked past, ignoring her and stride into the main door. The party was very crowded. Ear bursting music played and thudded throughout my two-story luxury home. The house had to be filled with more than 100 boys and girls between the ages of 16 and 18 there were some middle school kids there too, but not too many. I looked...

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My Bridal Betrayal Fucking the Best man

For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health and it's at this point I may as well stop.I was married and willingly submitted to these vows, a creation by men for the subjugation of their bride, only as in my case, a cruel twist on fate, as you will see, my sickness was a hidden ordeal inside my head, I was a sex addict and my poor new husband did not know that and after we kissed in front of the congregation, I turned and winked naughtily to the best man, a big...

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A Betrayal of Lust

"A BETRAYAL OF LUST"starring Victoria Justice & Madison ReedDear Diary: What a roller coaster the last few weeks have been. I had been working on another project, and getting ready to go on a trip so I had felt like my world was all coming together then all the sudden it came crashing down around me. It all started around Saturday night when word had started to spread that numerous celebrity stolen camera iCloud accounts would be posted for everyone to see. Needless to say what was once a...

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First cum kissBetrayal tastes good

This is the story of the second time I was cuckolded.This was about 8 or 9 months after my first experience as a cuckold.Me and Rylee had broken up. I had gotten kicked out of our school. She started going out with this older k** who had choked me u*********s in the hallway once during a fight.The whole school knew they were fucking. Honestly he was probably fucking her while we were dating. I was still a virgin, she hadnever let me get farther then 3rd base. The closest thing id ever gotten to...

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Trust and Betrayal Part 8211 2

Hello readers, This is the 2nd part of the story on trust and betrayal..The story begins. Please read the first part to refresh your memories. We both knew I had messed up. Ria stood still holding the door frame as if she was about to collapse. I opened my mouth to defend myself but no words came out. Then she slowly collected her senses and asked if it was her panty. I nodded a yes still frozen and sweating in shame. My one hand covering my erect penis and the other holding her panty. She...

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Transitions Part 3 Betrayal

(TG) Transitions Part 3 The Betrayal By Colleen Shepherd Chapter 13 School Daze I arrived at school and went to my assigned home room. As the class filled with other students I could feel the eyes of some of the other students on me. I knew that no one knew who I was so I had to assume they were checking out the new girl, no doubt they were wondering who I was. The teacher took attendance by calling out everyone's name. When she got to mine the whole class looked at...

2 years ago
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                                                       BETRAYAL  Pulling into the Safeway parking lot, I could barely contain my excitement. It was Friday morning and the start of a long weekend of camping and partying.  As I entered the store I made my way to the liquor section and grabbed two large bottles of Patrone tequila and two large bottles of Crown Royal. Several bags of ice, some sodas and several gallons of bottled water rounded out my purchases.    As I arrive in our drive way...

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Found The Missing Essence With My Colleague 8211 Part 3 The Betrayal

Hello all, please read the last part before proceeding with this story about the betrayal. Madhan pumped me and left horny. Mukesh had fucked around 5 times, but still, I was not satisfied. I felt incomplete, and I wanted hardcore drilling to satisfy my lust. Madhan’s dick was in my mind, and I remembered moments with him, especially ass fuck. He fucked me for a long time. His stamina is so far better than Mukesh. Madhan’s pussy licking was amazing. He kissed, licked, and sucked my pussy at a...

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Chapter 1 as told by Bill Williams Greg Benjamin and I have known each other since fourth grade. We lived across the street from each other for almost eleven years when we were kids. We had been best buddies for almost all of that time. That’s why I can’t believe what he has done to my wife and I don’t even know why! It was last Saturday I had come home early from my golf game because it rained us out on the fifteenth hole. We could have waited the shower out but Greg wasn’t there because he...

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"Don't hit me. Please, for God's sake don't hit me," Jerry Smith begged. The man Jerry was pleading with was Ben Stillman, known as Big Ben on the street. The nickname was due to Ben's size, he was 6' 6. If he'd had been shorter, he would have been called stocky; he weighed 270. Instead, he was considered muscular and not someone to mess with. Ben was holding Jerry off the ground with one of his big hands around the neck because his boss, Moe Farrell, had ordered him to collect the...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 42 Battle for Karsakini Part 6 and The Betrayal

Ken jerked his head around to the main tactical screen. "To all ships! Red alert! All hands man your battlestations!" Ken ordered. He turned and walked quickly to the main CIC panel. He looked at the hyper wake coming in. "Estimated time of arrival?" "Six minutes, Sir," replied the sensor officer. "Stack us up. I want a full broadside of weapons to bear on the targets. Launch all fighters." "Yes, Sir! Launching all fighters, stacking the ships." "Dispatch the rest of...

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DemiGodChapter 16 Betrayal

It only took a few minutes to walk to the edge of the Fount. Bright energy-laden Ether spurted up like water under high pressure from the rift in the ground in front of him. Jake saw what the others could not: the rift between the planes was only about a eighteen inches across, but the stream was nearly quarter of a mile across itself, and shot nearly ten times as high. Jake marveled at the care that must have gone into constructing such a well of power in the mortal plane. Brent had...

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Love Lust Betrayal and ConsequencesChapter 12

Deanna I’ve only seen Robbie a few times since our talk but I hear he’s still doing the international routes. He will probably find some blue eyed blonde European vixen with flawless feet and toes to keep him warm at night. He was going to ask for continental flights before I blew up our marriage so we could reconnect. Shot myself in the foot again. Me? nobody wants to date a 8 months pregnant 45 year old with pretty toes. I lost the only man that was like that through selfishness, lust and...

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The War of 2020Chapter 3 Betrayal

Sitting at the telecom station in the Center, Murph rolled in his chair, kicking his feet up on the desk. He hated waiting for others, it was a waste of his time. CGB leaned against a brick wall to his left, his bulky arms crossed as he bounced a tennis ball against the floor impatiently. “These fucks do this shit on purpose,” CGB sneered, walking over to his chair. Finally, after waiting almost ten minutes for a thirty second conversation, the red light flashed on the monitor, advising that...

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Slave to the EmpireChapter 18 Betrayal

Aerick awoke first to the chains. The surroundings confused him at first, but his eyes slowly acclimated to the dim chamber. His wrists were bound above him, and his feet brushed the bone covered floor below. A moan to his left caught his attention, and he saw the similarly dangling form of Toril against the far wall. To his right, Savren lay crumpled in a heap, covered in blood and bound in wire. Of Kieron, there was no sign, giving the ranger pause to whether the young human had evaded...

1 year ago
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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 5 The First Betrayal

Calyndi's eyes practically bugged out of her head. "Do you mean to tell me that you've been with Devin tonight?" Calyndi was surprised to find feelings of excitement and a strange sense of jealousy flittering through her. "No, not tonight," Linki said, "last night. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be so worried. But it worked! The ring protected me from his powers." "How can you be sure?" "Well, after we ... had our fun last night, he tried to claim me. He did...

2 years ago
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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 8 The Second Betrayal

Calyndi was happy to see the sun drop below the horizon. She'd regained enough of her strength to leave Linki's place following a delightful, blonde meal. Linki had thankfully not made any overt attempts to engage Calyndi sexually, instead focusing her energies on driving the young blonde girl as wild with sexual need as possible. Sometimes stealing a girl away like Linki had done with the blonde would result in a meal filled with the bitterness of fear, but with two succubi working her...

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