Anno Viventes Mortuae Ch. 01 free porn video

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At the sound of Oingo Boingo’s ‘Dead Man’s Party’, Leer raised his eyes to give Warren a look.

Warren mustered a vaguely sympathetic expression.

‘She seems to be coping well this morning.’

Leer grunted and sipped at his coffee. The kitchen and den in reality being the fore and aft halves of one overlarge room separated only by the impression given by a difference in furnishings, Leer could see the subject of their conversation out of the corner of his eye. She seemed to be examining the contents of the bookshelf against the far wall, next to the entertainment center. Even without looking up he could tell her head was bobbing in time to the music. Well… probably emotionally burnt out from the day before. She’d be coping by ignoring certain aspects of reality until they hit home again.

‘Three cases of MREs upstairs. Whats in the fridge and pantry. Couple cases of bottled water.’ Leer said, returning his attention to Warren and matters at hand.

‘Freezer in the garage. Anything in there?’

Leer nodded. ‘A ham and a few frozen pizzas I think.’

‘And a couple dozen snickers bars, if I had to guess.’ Warren suggested.

Leer nodded again, half smiling, ‘Probably that.’

Both men glanced around when the floor in the hall creaked. Maria emerged into the kitchen still drying her raven tresses with one of Leers towels. She stopped, draping the towel over her shoulders, and struck a haughty pose. Hands on her hips, she tossed her head. Her skin, where it was showing, was a rich reddish tan, attesting to her mix of Mexican and Native American blood. And there was a lot of it showing. She had arrived in the early hours of the morning, wearing jeans, a t-shirt, black leather jacket, aviator shades and a red bandana. Now she graced the kitchen in a black bra and a pair of little green PT shorts, which Leer realized she must have liberated from his dresser. They rode rather low on her hips. This was obviously a cause worthy of donating them to, he decided.

Leer had noticed the small black scorpion tattoo on the back of her right hand when she arrived, but now saw that she bore other artwork. On her chest, roughly over her heart, was what appeared to be a many-spoked wheel.

‘She dress like this often?’ Leer asked Warren, still looking Maria up and down.

‘Occasionally she wears a long skirt.’ Warren muttered, adjusting his round rimmed spectacles.

Maria ran a hand back into her hair and looked around the kitchen.

‘Que pasa, Brujo? No breakfast?’ she asked in mock disappointment.

‘All out of cigarettes and tequila, mi perrita veneno.’ Warren replied brightly.

Maria made a sharp, dismissive noise and padded past them to inspect the contents of the fridge. There was much appreciative nodding and sipping of coffee at the table behind her. Draga suddenly appeared between the two men at the table, surprising them both. She leaned forward, setting her elbows on the table top and resting her chin in her hands.

‘Nice shorts.’

Maria turned about, curious.

‘Thank you.’ Leer deadpanned.

Warren calmly diffused the potential ‘who’s on first’ episode. ‘Draga, this is Maria, an old friend of mine. Maria, Draga. Leer and I served with her father.’

They each took in the others appearance with some interest. At five foot six, Draga was about four inches shorter. She wore a borrowed black Marine Corps Recon t-shirt and faded jeans. Her hair was cut rather short up the back, slightly longer everywhere else, with a ravens wing of dark bangs combed across to partially obscure her left eye. Her nose was slightly upturned. She wore earrings like little silver teardrops which matched the silver lebrae beneath her lower lip. A black leather collar with short stainless spikes circled her neck.

‘Good to meet you.’ Maria offered her hand across the table.

Draga gave it a firm shake, still taking in Maria’s outfit as she did. ‘You too.’ she said with a faint smirk. ‘Old friend, huh?’ she stage whispered loudly to Warren.

‘Don’t get her started.’ Warren said, suddenly sounding weary.

Draga grinned.

‘I can cook.’ she offered to no one in particular, when the grinning fit had subsided.

Dead Mans Party ended and Orgy’s rendition of Blue Monday began.

‘Really?’ Maria asked hopefully.

‘I can do omelettes. Pancakes, bacon, french toast… depending on what there is for food here.’

‘Oh, chica, what are you waiting for? I’ll go get dressed, have a smoke, you do your thing in here. Don’t let these gringos get in your way, eh?’ she smiled, gesturing toward the two men, then headed back down the hall from whence she came. Leer was draining the last of his coffee and looking at nothing particular. Warren, on the other hand, noted with some interest the expression on Draga’s face as she watched Maria leave the room.

Draga made her way over to the fridge, removing a container of eggs and a block of cheese to start with. ‘Any requests?’ she asked over her shoulder.

Leer stood, setting his mug on the table. ‘Surprise us. Anything should be an improvement over our cooking. Don’t be shy, just dig around until you know where everything is.’

At this point Maria, having added jeans and a t-shirt with the count from sesame street on, emerged from the hall at full stride. There was an unlit cigarette in her mouth. Leer spoke up for her benefit.

‘We’ll be dragging the heavy ordinance from my room and the attic into the living room. We can go through it after breakfast.’

Maria grabbed Leers mug from the table, filled it with coffee, and waved with her free hand, ‘Be back in five.’ And she was out the door.

Breakfast consisted of bologna and cheddar omelettes, peaches quartered, toast and milk or water. Or a bottle of Coors light in Maria’s case. Once she had rounded up and served the others, Draga wandered off into the den.

‘Don’t pull any triggers.’ Leer spoke up before digging into his omelette. His tone was rather more casual than one’s tone should probably be when saying such things.

Draga’s voice came back from the den, ‘What the fuck?’

All three diners smiled to themselves.

When they had all finished the dishes were piled in the sink. Maria made for the door, a cigarette having appeared between her lips as if by magic, but Leer waved her back.

‘Don’t bother Maria. Given the circumstances, I think I can lift the smoking ban for now.’

She raised her eyebrows, shrugged, and lit her cigarette. She exhaled through her nose, smiling.

‘So this is what it takes to loosen up the iceman?’

‘Give or take.’

‘You want one?’ she offered

Leer shook his head.

Warren smiled, ‘He won’t. It would lower the efficiency of his super human senses. I’ll take one, as long as you’re offering.’

Leer sighed. ‘Alright, professor,’ he imitated Warren adjusting his glasses, ‘to the war room?’

The three found Draga sitting in the middle of the couch, a seabag open between her legs. Her face was shadowed under the brim of a jungle cover tipped at a haphazard angle on her head. On the couch to her right a CZ-75 sidearm in an OD green holster lay atop a shrapnel resistant vest in desert camo. She extricated a wooly-pully from the sea bag and examined it at arms length. Maria moved an ammo can from the couch and sat down on Dragas left. Warren pulled Leers recliner closer, stifling a smokey cough. Leer began sorting through the gear on and around the long wooden coffee table in front of the couch.

‘Looks itchy.’ Draga said at length.

‘Military issue.’ Warren commented. ‘It’s efficient.’

‘Yeah…’ Draga said slowly, half turning to drape the sweater over the back of the couch. ‘I knew you guys were military, but…’ she spread her arms vaguely, indicating the tumbled mountain of gear dominating the center of the den.

Maria plucked a
CS grenade from the clutter on the table. She looked across at Warren. ‘I know you and I know what you two were up to… and even I’m a little surprised.’

‘Turned out, going freelance provided a better toy budget.’ Leer commented without looking up from what he was doing.

‘Good thing, too.’ Warren reflected, adjusting his glasses.

‘Okay, so why didn’t you just load this stuff into the truck?’ Draga directed the question at Leer.

‘Master Sergeant Locke, handle my light work.’ Leer said in mock seriousness.

‘Indeed. There are four of us. We’re going to want to pack food, water, arms, necessary clothing and bedding… hope for the best, prepare for the worst sort of thing. We’re safer together, but there’s only so much space available in any one vehicle.’

‘Oh. Right.’ Flashes of the night before pushed their way to the fore of Draga’s thoughts. She shuddered visibly before managing to temporarily push the memory form her mind. It was a nice bright day. She was with friends of the family. Friends who happened to be acquainted with destruction as an artform. Friends who, it occurred to her, seemed rather… satisfied at the prospect of a global plague of the walking dead. At any rate, a pleasant day amongst friends. And some biker chick.

She took a deep, slow breath. If you learned anything from zombie movies, it was never hesitate. Never slow down. You could cry later, if you survived long enough. She removed the boony hat and set it on the back rest of the couch next to the woolly pully.

‘I get a gun, right?’ she asked Leer, her voice quiet, lest it crack.

Leer regarded her for a long moment.


Draga waited, but had just decided that was all she’d get when he continued.

‘Maria brought a couple firearms with her, although we’ll probably bring a rifle for her. A sawed off shotgun is fine if you only have to fire once or twice at close range. We’ll take you out in the yard and let you shoot everything. Give you a taste of shooting and figure out what fits you. You’ll want these.’

She managed to catch the little plastic film case and opened it to find a pair of foam ear plugs. She nodded and stuffed the tube into a pocket.


There was some debate as to what to bring and what to leave. Warren went over the pros and cons of each piece of gear as if reading from a manual. When Leer reached the SAW, (Squad Automatic Weapon, a belt-fed machine gun operated by one man and capable of putting a hell of a lot of ammunition downrange in a hurry), at the bottom of the pile on the coffee table, Warren began reciting. Leer hefted the weapon, pointed it at Warren and racked the charging handle.

‘Enough. Yes or no?’ he asked bluntly.

Warren opened his mouth, closed it, adjusted his glasses. He noticed Draga trying to hide a smile behind her hand. Maria seemed too busy studying the massive weapon braced against Leers hip. He caught Dragas eye and winked.

‘As heavy as it is, I vote to bring it. Shares ammo with the M-16. If we have to cut a path or defend a position…’

Leer gave the weapon a critical look, then set it back on the table.


After a late lunch of frozen pizza, they loaded most of the chosen gear into Leers pickup. The SAW and two cans of chain ammunition were stowed in the bed, up against the back of the cab. There was a duffel bag loaded with an assortment of grenades. Two duffel bags heavy with loaded magazines and boxes of ammunition. Sleeping bags, a well used OD green Coleman stove, extra fuel for the stove, military mess kits, two cases of 16oz water bottles, a 10 gallon igloo water cooler, one case of MREs and three Alice packs loaded with MREs, Ammunition, extra socks, full canteens and sundry little goodies Warren and Leer had found useful in the past. All this was piled into the back. Draga put her backpack in the cab. Maria recovered her sawed off shotgun, a box of shells, a change of clothes, feminine products and two cases of cigarettes from the saddlebags of her hog and tossed them in the back. When this was done they regrouped in the kitchen.

Leer handed out beers and leaned against the fridge while the others sat, Draga on one corner of the table. It didn’t occur to him to ask if she were old enough to drink. They lounged, drinking and staring into the middle distance, each lost momentarily in their own thoughts. After a minute or so Maria lit a cigarette and tossed one to Warren, leaning across the table to light it for him. Warren took a drag, gave a little cough, exhaled. Maria leaned back in her chair, tipped her chin up in Draga’s direction.

‘Draga. That’s-‘

‘Romanian.’ Draga finished for her.

Maria nodded.

Draga smiled and tipped the mouth of her beer bottle in Maria’s direction. ‘I noticed the Romani Chakra on your chest. Are you part Romani?’ she sounded doubtful.

‘No. Not really. Not by blood.’

‘More by practice.’ Warren put in helpfully. ‘And name. Her last name, Gitano, is basically Spanish for Romani.’

‘Huh. Romani la inima, apoi.’ Draga said to herself. ‘Romani at heart,’ she translated quickly.

Maria arched an eyebrow, but smiled. ‘Maybe you teach me some of that sometime.’

Draga nodded.

‘Shall we teach the wagon girl to shoot before dinner?’ Warren asked.

Leer gave Draga a smile she wasn’t sure she liked.

‘Got those earplugs handy?’

Leer and Warren had done a quick sweep of the property with assault rifles at the ready. Leer carried a kalashnikov with a second magazine, upside down, taped to the first. Warren opted for his old, straight magazine Thompson. As expected, there were no wandering dead this far out in the woods. Not yet, anyway.

The women had waited on the back deck during the perimeter check. Maria lounged on an old, faded loveseat. She had strapped on her old fashioned leather gunbelt with its line of bullets in little leather loops. One hand held her beer and a lit cigarette. The other was continuously cocking and decocking the hammer of her heavy black Ruger .357 revolver. Draga eyed the gun warily from where she leaned on the rail.

When the men had met back on the deck, Warren told the others to carry on without him. After warning Draga not to hold any scopes against her face, he went around to stand watch in the front yard. Just in case.

Right away Draga recognized in Leer mannerisms her father had sometimes exhibited. A sort of curt, but professional demeanor. He had taken a scarecrow from his garden (Draga spared a moment from her nervousness to spend being vaguely surprised that people actually used scarecrows) and sunk it out in the middle of the backyard about thirty feet from the deck. Next he unceremoniously bid Maria ‘move’, that he might spread an array of firearms across the loveseat. He considered a moment, then picked up an HK MP5, checking the open breach as he walked over to where Draga stood.

He looked at her and tapped his left ear with his hand. Draga nodded and began to speak, ‘Yeah, I put them in-‘

Leers expression didn’t change, but he reached up and before she could properly react, was handing her the earplug from her right ear.

‘Pay attention.’

Draga’s brow furrowed in annoyance, but she payed attention. Leer went over the basic functioning of the weapon and the names of each part. He handed the HK over and gave her a moment to get a feel for the weight and shape of it before continuing the instruction. He moved around her, adjusting her stance, pulling the butt back into her shoulder tighter, reminding her how to sight the target. When he was more or less satisfied, he took the earplug from her pocket where she had put it and stuck it in back in her ear. He stood just behind her.

‘Switch the selector one click to single fire.’ he enunciated loud enough to be sure she would hear.

A pause. Click.

‘Steady your breathing. Aim for the chest. Fire one shot
at will.’

Draga sighted the scarecrows chest. Breath, she thought. Slow down.

The distinctive blast of the 9mm echoed from the woods surrounding the yard.

The bullet kicked up dirt and grass behind the target. Flinching slightly, Draga couldn’t be sure if she hit the dummy or not.

‘You tensed. Anticipating the shot. You missed just to the right of his face, which means you were aiming at his chest, but you pulled high when you tensed up. Best cure is practice.’ Leers voice from behind her.

Draga nodded slightly without turning. She could smell the oil on the gun and the smoke from the spent round. Her nervousness was slowly turning into mild exhilaration.


In all Leer had Draga fire six weapons. She started with the MP5, which Leer suspected would be a good choice for her. After that were an M-16 and Leers AK. The AK proved a bit much for her. A Glock 19 started off her experience with handguns, followed by a CZ 75. Last but not least she emptied the magazine in a Sig Sauer P228. When she was done and Leer had replaced the spent magazines in each weapon, he asked her for her preferences. She made a point of returning her earplugs to the little film tube before answering.

‘The… CZ… felt good… solid. It was a little heavier than the others though. I think the Sig Sour was most comfortable.’

Leer nodded. He slid the Sig into its black nylon holster and handed it to her. She hesitated, looked at the gun, looked at Leer.

‘Just like that?’ the corner of her mouth quirking up.

‘Try not to shoot yourself. I’ll teach you to take it apart and clean it later. Unless I can get Warlock to do it.’ he muttered the last bit to himself.

‘Warren has a nickname, huh?’ she asked, taking the Sig.

‘More a contraction. Warren Browning Locke.’ Leer answered distractedly.

‘Warren Locke. Warlock.’ Maria put in helpfully.

‘I got it, thanks. That’s cool.’

‘What about the long guns?’ Leer asked, businesslike.

‘Um… the first one… smaller and lighter than the others. Feel like I can control it better.’

Leer nodded again. Draga was sure he had anticipated her answers.

‘Not technically a ‘long gun’, though, is it?’ she asked.

‘Sub-machine gun. Close enough for you. Sit tight.’ He stepped back into the house.

Draga was busying herself working the clip of the Sig’s holster onto her belt when she heard Maria say something. Sounded like ‘ears.’

Then she very nearly wet herself. She had just enough time to realize what was happening and cover her ears before Maria fired her Ruger hand cannon again. A small cloud of straw erupted from the back of the scarecrows head.

‘As you were.’ Leer said loudly. ‘No point wasting bullets if you’re aim is that good.’

Maria gave him a look, but lowered the gun. She removed the two spent shells and thumbed in fresh rounds, holstered the gun.

Leer handed Draga the MP5, now with a nylon sling attached.

‘Wear it from now on to get used to it.’ he paused, then added, ‘So make sure the safety is on.’

He left her to it and turned his attention to Maria. He took the M-16 from the couch by the handguard and held it out in her general direction.

‘Feel like shooting, give this a try.’

She gave him a long cool look, then took the rifle. Leer carried on in training mode, instructing her on shooting positions, aiming, the safety, ejecting and replacing magazines, clearing jams and etc. Warren came back around from the front yard as the sun began to sink below the tree tops. Leer declared the basic arms training satisfactory for the moment, and the four carried the weapons back inside.

Draga was busy frying hamburgers in the kitchen while the other three sat in the den watching the news. The news was not good. The news was very bad. The plague of undeath, as many reporters had taken to calling it, was active across the entire width of the United States. The symptoms didn’t manifest until several hours after infection. If there was an exact incubation period, scientists had yet to release the information. It was apparently long enough to allow spreading by mass transportation systems.

Canada, Mexico, England, France, Japan and China were all reporting outbreaks. Several countries had shut down and quarantined all airports. It was rumored that China would shortly enforce martial law. There was panic and rioting even in countries not known to be harboring infected. In the words of one over-dramatic news anchor, ‘…and on the lips of every man, woman and child are the desperate words, ‘Why?’ ‘How did this happen?,’ ‘What will we do?,’ ‘Who will save us?”

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Introduction: A woman is dominated by an older man This story, like Shannon III part A, is a more romantic tale than the other Shannon stories, however it has some hot scenes in it and some humor as well. Shannon III the wedding part B Previously on Shannon. Shannon and I were married two week to the day from the bachelor party that I had first met Shannon. The wedding was a fiasco that resembled the bachelor party in almost every way except Shannon is now married to me and Woof a huge pure...

4 years ago
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"Alright, men, quiet down and grab some pine!" The bellowing voice of Coach Roy Dietz boomed throughout the locker room. The muscular players on the Fulsom High football team obediently gathered around their stoic leader. Coach Dietz was a big man. He stood six foot three and was a powerfully built two hundred thirty-five pounds. In his college days, he had been an all Southeastern Conference linebacker. A knee injury derailed his NFL career in only his rookie season. Many feel, he...

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Shannon III the wedding part B

Shannon III the wedding part B Previously on Shannon. Shannon and I were married two week to the day from the bachelor party that I had first met Shannon. The wedding was a fiasco that resembled the bachelor party in almost every way except Shannon is now married to me and Woof a huge pure bred mastiff. Whatever her reasons are Shannon seems to despise me and has refused to live in my house with me. She left the house full of fury and Dave had to collect her and forcibly returned her...

4 years ago
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ShannonChapter 2 The Wedding

My mouth was moving but nothing came out. Finally I was able to recover my voice and I said, "Let me get this strait, You would let marry her but not date her?" I asked incredulously. "Yes," he stated simply. I stared at him a few moments and scratched my head. I need your answer right now, yes or no." he demanded. "Right now?" I exclaimed. "You got thirty seconds he said looking at his watch. What is your decision? Fifteen seconds." OK, ... I'll marry her, but what if Shannon...

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Shannon James pt11

“James…James………JAMES!” I snapped back to reality, “Eh What?!?!” very nervous and very aware that I got caught staring. “Close ya mouth sweetie; you’re starting to drool. I want a full briefing and my usual coffee in 45 minutes” Shannon issued the command with firmness and yet just a hint of sultriness and seduction that had me wrapped around her finger from the moment she hired me 8 months ago. My name is James and I’m a 21-year-old undergraduate working on my degree in...

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I'd been married almost fifteen years. And I finally grew tired of the same bullshit. I'd been dealing with a very prude, non-sexual and vanilla behaving wife. The occasions we would have sex, it'd be over and done in ten to fifteen minutes. She'd get hers, whether I was doing her orally or using fingers, and then beg me to fuck her. The minute I'd get in, thrust a couple of times, I'd hear the same time."Oh God. I want you to cum so bad. Can you do it? Are you ready?" and if I didn't,...

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Shannon Filthy Chav Slut

Shannon was only 18 but she already had a reputation of being a bit of slapper around the estate, It had started when she was suspended from school for sucking a lad of in the school car park. and she didn't help her reputation by the skimpy, tight-fitting clothes she wore down pub on a friday and saturday night. Shannon had been with her boyfriend Nick for nearly a year now, he was nice enough and had his own car but he was fucking boring and Shannon craved a bit of excitement. It was Friday...

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Shannon looked in the bathroom mirror as her stepson fucked her from behind. Her heavy DD breasts were being clumsily groped through the blouse. A few buttons fell off and a big breast was revealed. His thick shaft stretched her mature pussy as David thrust in and out. Rapidly. His big balls slapped against her pussy. She arched her back and pushed her big ass out to meet his eager thrusts. His hands on her hips, grabbing her love handles, as his tempo increases his hard cock twitches inside...

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shannon kelly The Confession Ch 09

The Confession Ch. 09Graduation day finally came and the two boys received their diplomas, after the ceremony was over Jack's parents invited Kelly and Kevin over to the house for cake and ice cream. Kelly agreed and followed them to their home; Jack got a moment alone with Kelly out in the driveway when Kevin announced he had to use the bathroom."I think today would be a good time to tell them we are in love." Jack said."No Jack let's wait a little longer." She said as if she was...

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I never liked Dave, and I don’t think that there are many people who do. I mean, he has plenty of friends, but there are only a couple that really “liked” him. In my mind he was a bully and a braggart. He was what many might call “a man’s man”, arrogant, brash and gregarious. We were the same age and we had gone to the same high school, but I barely knew him back then. Actually, the only reason I had heard of him was because he was always getting into trouble, and his notoriety of being a...

3 years ago
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Bannons Binge

Michelle Bannon washed dishes. They were not hers, only her responsibility as a dishwasher. She puffed a white curl from her face and tried to blink stinging sweat from here left eye. Up to the elbows in suds, she thought about home. It had been months since she arrived on the Qadesh Hub Station, fleeing the boredom of a small f****y farm of a small moon of an inconsequential planet of a backwater system… The farm was all she knew, trained to work the land and care for the a****ls and just...

3 years ago
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Annomalien II Bernhard Sybille

Endlich waren die paar Tage auf dieser Insel herum. Dumpf röhrend, weil irgend ein Teil der Maschine wohl nicht mehr richtig befestigt war, trug sie der nicht einmal sehr alte Jeep durch eine karge, rauhe Landschaft die dazu angetan war nicht nur an Maschinen irgendwelche Schrauben zu lockern. Bernhard Stössel saß am Steuer und schaute konzentriert auf das, was die Einheimischen großspurig eine Straße nannten. Selbst zu Zeiten der Römer hätte diese Bezeichnung wegen Betruges für einigen...

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CannonBalls Shaughnessy

I teach sport in a private school. Mostly I teach years 12 & 13, or Sixth Form asthat is still widely known here. My office is actually co located with the boy's changing rooms and showers, not strictlyallowable, but it is how it is at this school. I inherited the job from a male teacher.teacher. On a Friday afternoon just before we broke up for the summer. I knew full well three of thethe year 13 Rugby team were out on the field practising. I stripped and went to use the boy's...

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Bannons Binge Ch 02

For now, she ignored the image of a shuddering sky, tossing up to eagerness, excitement, elation, and the awareness that soon she would be dancing, sweating, and writhing against another warm body again very soon. Rounding the corner she could already see the lines to the clubs. To the left was 3rd Street Anti-Grav Club. Usually she went without panties and wore a short skirt, but today she only had half that equation. Pass.On the right, with not nearly as big a line was New Pluto. A nonhuman...

2 years ago
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Bannons Binge

Michelle Bannon washed dishes. They were not hers, only her responsibility as a dishwasher. She puffed a white curl from her face and tried to blink stinging sweat from here left eye. Up to the elbows in suds, she thought about home. It had been months since she arrived on the Qadesh Hub Station, fleeing the boredom of a small family farm of a small moon of an inconsequential planet of a backwater system...The farm was all she knew, trained to work the land and care for the a****ls and just...

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Hannover germany fair

Read this morning that the CEBIT is on again in Hannover Germany this week, did remember an fucking episode from some time ago!I was at the Hannover fair show CEBIT in Germany 15-20 years ago. There was this porno showplace called the "Die Drehscheibe", (Turning plate), I was interested and got in late that night. The show was a simple one with the girls getting on the turning plate and then undressing and after a while spreading their legs and showing their cunt for all that were sitting...

3 years ago
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Ranno Aunty Ki Chudai

Hi iss friends, i have read lots of story on this forum, i love sex stories very much.Then i thought i have to share my sex story with you.I will share it in hindi.Main Jalandhar punjab ka rehne wala hu.Meri umar 25 hai.Mera rang gora hai, height 5’8” hai, aur mera lund kisi bhi fuddi ki aag bhujane ke liye kaafi hai approx. 6 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota.Yeh mera pehla sex experience tha jo ki aaj se 2 mahine pehle hua. Mere pados main ik aunty rehti hai Ranno, jinki umar 48 years hai, lekin...

4 years ago
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Shanno Ki Chudai

Hi mera naam shaheen hai aur mujhe pyaar sey shanno boltey hain. Mei 24 years ki shaadi shuda khoobsoorat aur kaafi sexy dikhne wali ladki hoon. Meri height 5’3” hai aur mera figure 36-28-36 hai. Rang aik dam gora. Mera face Priyanka chopra sey kaafi similar hai. Mujhe sex ka bahote shauk hai, mujhe sex karne mei bahote maza aata hai. Mai aaj aapko apne sex ki kahani sunati hoon aur hope karti hoon key aap log ko meri story pasand aayegi. Mujhe sex key baarey main shaadi sey pehle zyada nahi...

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SUZZANNOBOT The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 4

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)SUZZANNOBOT!The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 4 CHAPTER 1She rose from the surf like a Venus, the water cascading down her body giving her tanned toned skin glossy lustrous appearance in...

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Shannon and I

About one year later, I found myself no longer as close of friends with Justin, which was to blame on him and I attending different schools. I was starting to hang out with Shannon a little more, but mainly late at night when my friends and I would decide to hang out with her. One day, while txting Shannon, we began to plan hanging out and going to a movie. Since it was getting late, we couldn’t go that same night so we made these plans for another day. Finally the day arrived, and I was...

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shannon kelly Ever Notice

Ever Notice?Ever notice, while you are in the middle of doing something really stupid—usually just as you have passed the point of no return, and will have to live with the consequences anyway—that you have this moment of clarity, seeing for yourself just how boneheaded your actions were? Usually (in my case anyway) the stupidity was all about trying to impress a girl.I was sliding down the center handrail on the long set of stairs that lead up from the parking lot to the front entrance of the...

2 years ago
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Shannon Part 1

We met through an online ad, which, by today’s standards, is neither surprising nor uncommon. But this was some years ago, and I was as hesitant about answering her ad as she was about placing it. The fact that I DID was, as it turned out, nothing short of serendipity--for once I met her, I knew I had to have her. What I didn’t (and couldn’t) know, however, was how much she would risk in order to be with me. The ad said something to the effect of: Bi-curious petite blonde female, 24, mommy of...

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Shannons Little Princess

Cameron was sitting at his desk in his apartment, working on his thesis when his cell phone started ringing and vibrating across the desk. Happy for the interruption - the writing was not going well - he glanced at the phone and smiled when he saw that it was his girlfriend calling. He and Shannon had only been dating for a couple months, but things were going exceptionally well, especially compared to Cameron's past relationships. He had always struggled to lead and take charge of...

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Shannon intergalactic detective

Shannon was an officer of the Intergalactic policing agency, charged with maintaining the peace across the cosmos. She took her job very seriously, and was very young to reach detective. Being a woman also made her have to push harder then most. Though the human race had advanced far sexism had been hard to drive out, and still existed in male dominated fields like policing. Shannon also had to be more stern to be taken seriously. She was short, standing at four 11. She was in good shape, with...

1 year ago
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Shannon Kelly Welcome Biography

Shannon Kelly - Welcome BiographyHi, my name is Shannon Liza Kelly, red hair, amber eyes and I am 5 feet tall. 90 pounds of pure dynamite! 32-DD-19-29. I am a volatile combination of one half-Irish and one half-Italian. I have been modeling for about 5 years and loving every minute of it! I have appeared in various calendars, posters, and magazines, including Playboy Playmates 2000 Search! I was recently at the Ujena Bikini Jam 15 in beautiful Cancun, where I was a World Finalist, winning the...

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Shannon swallows gallons of it

One of them grabbed my head in his long, thin fingers and tilted it back over the edge of the table. He pushed his cock into my throat, I felt it push several inches into my esophagus, cutting off my breath and making me gag. He pushed further until his huge sack pressed against my nose. His cock was fourteen inches long but quite thin, just like the others. Whatever had been done to them hadn't worked. They hadn't been given the huge, throbbing cocks they'd expected, they'd ended up with...

1 year ago
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Shannon Kelly

Shannon Kelly Profession: Porn StarEthnicity: Caucasian Country of Origin: United States United States Province / State: CT - Connecticut Place of Birth: Rockville Date of Birth: November 30, 1980 (30 years old) Aliases: Shannen Kelly Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Red Height: 149 cm - 4 feet and 11 inches Weight: 41 kg - 90 lbs Measurements: 32DD-19-29Fake Boobs: Yes Career Status: ActiveCareer Start And End Unknown - PresentShoe Size: 5 (U.S. & Canada Women Size) ?Tattoos:...

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Shannons Nap

Shannon pushed the key into her apartments door know and turned it to unlock the door of the apartment that she shared with her best friend. Although the pretty twenty year old brunette missed her best friend, she was glad that she would have the apartment to herself for a few days. She kicked off the heels she wearing as she entered her apartment as she walked into the kitchen on her tights-clad feet. She set a glass on the counter and then opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine....

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Shannons Wager

I had the benefit of several editors, most of whom prefer to remain anonymous.However, I updated this story based on feedback from two writers on this site:Zeferage and Iphigenia-at-Aulis. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyedwriting it.

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Ever had a really bad day ? One that would make even the most headstrong and strong-willed person annoyed at their predicament ? In this story i aim to have some fun with some scenarios with the theme of Annoyance, in which the characters are either unfairly treated during their work day, during their school day or any other scenario of which i can think of and then taking it out on someone else, hence the "Annoyance breeds Domination" tagline. If you feel like you can add something to this...

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Announcing An Engagement

Announcing An Engagement. By Tanya H. Part One. To witness the event that started a fractured family's reconciliation you must go to the very end of Roker Pier, near Sunderland in the Northeast of England on May the 17th 2016; about 10 in the morning. There you will find a man and a woman, dressed for the stiff, spume laden wind blowing in from the North Sea and whipping up foaming waves to crash against the pier's stones. Spray even splashed the slabbed roadway, patterning the...

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Shannon Part 1

We met through an online ad, which, by today’s standards, is neither surprising nor uncommon. But this was some years ago, and I was as hesitant about answering her ad as she was about placing it. The fact that I DID was, as it turned out, nothing short of serendipity–for once I met her, I knew I had to have her. What I didn’t (and couldn’t) know, however, was how much she would risk in order to be with me. The ad said something to the effect of: Bi-curious petite blonde female, 24, mommy of...

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This is not a TG story. It was written in celebration of Dulcinea's erotic tales, now no longer being written. So like all of them, it's short and celebrates only straight vanilla married love, passionate but unadulterated (very nearly). You have been warned! As have been those who are underage and shouldn't know about such things. Abstain! Wait till you're married. Just say no! There, you too have been warned! MF rom cons Annoyed ...

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Announcement of the Winner

The Winner Will Be Announced By Rosie The voice of my mother-in-law filled her living room with a formal timbre. "Ladies, the winner of the best wife contest will now be announced," she said. There weren't that many people present, certainly not to justify the formality of the occasion, especially not this early in the afternoon, though I liked it. The more formal, the better. Beside me and Marla, my wife, it was just her mother, the referee and scorekeeper, and Janice...

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A Chairished Adventure

The carpet is rough against my knees. I struggle to keep my body open and presented for his pleasure with my back arched and my breasts out, my knees apart and open, and my hands behind my back. My arousal is given away by my hard nipples and what I am sure is a visible wet spot on my panties. I'm sure he loves the sight of his slut holding her position of obedience for his pleasure, knowing she's enjoying every second of it. The moisture between my legs deepens as my thoughts wander to what he...

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In Public With SIL

Updated from my last story.....Since our last rendezvous in the bathroom at Kroger last year, it has been pretty quiet between me and my SIL. Both our spouses have become suspicious of our private conversations and we have had to limit our interactions together alone. We have had FAM get togethers over the last 8 or 9 months but haven't been alone or in a private enough situation to do anything dirty. In June we visited a water park as a FAM, all the little ones...., sissterss and spouses...

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Daddy and the Park Walk

I had been told what to wear and where to go so there I was in the local park at 9.30pm it was dark but several street lights lit the path quite well and I had been told where to walk by my Daddy who was a right kinky bastard .... I had 'dressed' as ordered and teetered along the path in my 5'' heels holding my skirt in both hands I raised it to my waist to expose my pantied cock framed by my stockings and I clipped along the path my cock swayed lewdly infront of me hard and...

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