A Gardener’s Touch free porn video

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Author’s Notes:

‘A Gardener’s Touch’ is a short story I wrote almost two years ago. It’s situated in the same universe as Jack Danner’s stories. I enjoyed writing it and I have no intention of writing a sequel to it.

I think it’s fine as it is.

I hope you enjoy it as well.

All characters engaging in sexual relationships or activities are 18 years old or older.


A Gardener’s Touch

Part I

Grenville McKree was born too big. The seventh son born to Margaret McKree was the final straw in her hard life. Granted, the harshness of her living conditions and the desperate circumstances she and her family found themselves in definitely played a larger role in her demise. However, as far as her sons were concerned her passing was his fault. After she gave birth to the 13 pound baby boy she simply closed her eyes and expired on the kitchen floor of the two room shack she shared with her sons.

Kyle McKree, Margaret’s oldest child at 17, was well acquainted with the face of death from his years working in the mines and took immediate charge of the others. He sent the second youngest to bring the constables. His mother’s death would need to be registered and ownership of the shack transferred to him straight away if the rest of the family was to survive. There was just the little issue of there being too many bodies living in the shack. Margaret had been a soft hearted woman and hadn’t been able to part with any of her children. The maximum occupancy of a two room shack in the Sprawl was currently six. With Margaret’s death and the latest addition to the family sent off to the state orphanage, they would be able to keep the shack and stay off the street. They’d also get some nice bonus credits for supplying the state with a warm body to press into their indentured workforce.

Once the constables arrived Kyle answered their questions as they filled out the paperwork. As per family tradition Kyle gave the newborn his name. It was all official like on the papers so everyone was satisfied. The truck arrived for his mother’s body and they took her away without ceremony. Kyle identified the account the bonus credits should be deposited into and the constables left with their new charge, all 13 pounds of him. It was the last time Grenville would ever see his brothers.

At the state orphanage the baby was given a battery of tests to see what genetic surprises might be in store for the child as he grew up. More accurately, it would determine what expenses the state might be faced with in medical bills. While there was medicine to cure almost anything these days it usually went only to the rich. If it was required for indentured servants or soldiers, like Grenville would likely become, the cost was added to their fifty year contract. Or the treatment was withheld and they found themselves transferred to an occupation which guaranteed a shortened life expectancy.

Moments after initiating the DNA test a little red icon appeared on the technician’s screen and he curled his lip in disgust. Grenville was a mixed breed. It seemed that Margaret was not as particular with what she slept with as she should have been, in the state’s opinion. Now they were left with a child which was half human and half… something else. With so many surprisingly compatible vagrant alien species now passing through Earth’s interplanetary gates, keeping track of the genetics had become next to impossible. The unrecognized parts of Grenville’s DNA made applying most of the chemical control tags they used for their servant and soldier program impossible. They’d have to use the old style cortical implants for administering his discipline. This greatly limited his suitability for most of the positions he might have been assigned. The tech flagged the child for lowest echelon, ground troops. Destined for off-planet duty in the Planetary Assembly’s Army, nicknamed ‘The Paw’, which maintained order for the planets on the Interplanetary Gate Network. Grenville was no longer the responsibility of the state as he became part of Earth’s quota for supporting the Assembly.

Grenville was quickly transferred and integrated into the Assembly’s automated crèche system with the other children assigned to his level. Once they left the infirmary with their discipline chips installed, they would spend the next fifteen years of their lives in a system which kept them fed, clean, dressed, and educated by cerebral stimulation projectors. All of the children fell within the expected response parameters except Grenville. He absorbed the lessons and stimulus perhaps a little more quickly than the other children but due to his hybrid genetics his responses didn’t register properly so the machines flagged him as intellectually and emotionally stunted.

For their earlier years surrogates were assigned a child to hold once a day for an hour. Grenville enjoyed this part of his day the most. He would look up into the eyes of his surrogate and smile. Some of the surrogates were not very good with children but his was kind to him. She had been warned that he was not as functional as the other children but she never had a problem with him. He never cried or fussed and was always happy to see her. He listened carefully when she spoke to him and gave her all of his attention. She began to wonder if the machines had made a mistake with their assessment but she knew better than to ask questions.

When the children reached eight years of age the surrogates just stopped coming. Grenville was sad for a long time but when he would get that way he would recall what it felt like to be held in her warm arms and that would make him feel better. Some of the smaller kids turned to him for the occasional hug as he was so much larger than the others. Grenville was ok with that too.

On their fifteenth year they were taken from the crèche and moved into barracks. The next day they began training to be soldiers. Six months of basic training weeded out the weak from the strong and a third of the children were moved into training for menial and dangerous service positions. Grenville never saw these kids again.

Next came physical combat training. Another six months of increasingly difficult training. As well as being physically larger, Grenville proved to be much stronger than all of the other kids and even some of the teachers. To their dismay however, they discovered he just wasn’t naturally aggressive. This meant he took more beatings than he gave. He was able to endure more abuse than anyone else and if he got a grip on his attacker he’d inevitably pin their arms and stop their attack. The trainers became incensed when he didn’t finish the practice by rendering his opponents unconscious. He tried explaining that he couldn’t hurt his team mates and they were secretly very grateful for this small mercy.

One evening the trainers discussed his failure to complete the missions and got permission from senior command to push him to extraordinary lengths to see if the will to survive would trigger the aggression they were looking for.

The following day Grenville entered the fighting gym and found himself alone. A man entered the room wearing all black with his face covered by a mask. He told Grenville he had infiltrated the school for the explicit purpose of killing the students, starting with Grenville. He went into a combat pose and Grenville instinctively responded with the counter move. The assassin’s hands shot forward and caught his shoulders and pulled him forward. His knee caught Grenville in the stomach then he threw the boy to the floor. The follow up stomp just grazed Grenville’s neck as the boy rolled away terrified. This wasn’t like any practice drill. This man really was trying to kill him. He popped up to his feet only to receive a kick to the temple. He went down again but was scrambling away the moment he hit the mat. He tried his best to elude his attacker but he was vastly outmatched. Blow after blow struck t
he boy and each time he’d roll with it and try to avoid the next blow to no avail.

He saw the savage look in the man’s eyes as he came at Grenville one more time. He knew he had no other way out.

Grenville took two more savage punches to his face to get inside the man’s attack and grab his shoulders. Yanking him forward as hard as he could, he slammed his forehead into the bridge of the man’s nose. There was a terrible cracking sound and the man dropped to the ground unconscious, his face shattered.

He was dazed by the head butt and the beating he’d taken but Grenville prepared to make the final killing blow against the man’s skull. Suddenly there was an awful pain in his head which caused him to stagger but he pushed it aside and repositioned himself.

The door burst open and he was body tackled to the floor by a teacher just as he slammed his heel downwards. His foot just missed.

It took Grenville four days to fully recover from the beating. He never learned the fate of his attacker. Sadly, one of his teachers never returned to classes and he wondered if the attacker had gotten to the teacher first. What was most confusing was the way the other teachers treated him after the ordeal. Instead of being praised for protecting the other students all of them refused to speak with him and some looked at him with open hostility. From that time on he was never asked to participate in any of the exercises. They didn’t seem to care if he needed the skills to survive so he watched extra carefully and practiced by himself.

Another third of the kids had been eliminated during the combat training so a smaller group of sixteen year olds found themselves moved to another barracks. Here they would spend the next six months in intensive weapons training using a more advanced form of cerebral stimulator. Motor memories were programmed into the kids for each type of weapon they might be expected to use of which there were hundreds.

Again, Grenville’s responses didn’t register properly with the machines so they chose to make him review the weapons directly. This should have taken longer but they discovered that even his reportedly simple mind only needed to be shown something once and he never forgot.

Soon the young recruits were dressed in combat armor, a full duffle of survival gear at their feet, as they strapped themselves into the seats of the transport pod. Thirty kids strapped to the walls of a box that was shipped through the gate system to whatever hotspot needed fresh meat. Many wouldn’t survive their first year.

Grenville’s team was luckier than most. While they were still sent to some of the worst shitholes on the fringes of the gate network, they had Grenville with them doing his best to keep his team mates alive.

Nest of snipers on a hilltop? Grenville carried the heavy mortar across the open field to a team who were pinned down. He took a bullet in the shoulder and one in the calf but the team leveled the hilltop, wiping out the nest.

Outnumbered 2-1 in an ambush, Grenville drove a truck through the enemy lines with two automatic cannons bolted down in the back firing on anything that moved. He took two in the chest and one in the thigh but nothing critical was hit and he was back with his team in two weeks.

When the enemy sent a pack of trained attack beasts after his team, Grenville fought them off with his gun until it ran dry, used it as a club until it broke, switched to his knives, and finally resorted to his bare hands to kill the last two. The slashing claws and fangs had eventually torn through his armor and he suffered several deep wounds on his face and torso. This took two months to heal but they sent him back to his platoon.

He was always leading the charge with his large body now encased in extra layers of body armour scrounged up by his team mates. He wasn’t exceptionally fast but he drew the bullets away from the others so they could take out the enemies in the safety of his shadow.

The original 30 kids in his team had been gradually whittled down to just 10 over the years as they’d been moving from battle to battle. There was no shortage of soldiers trying to get into their unit as its survival rate was twice that of any other unit. The Assembly sent its units on missions based on committee requests from its member planets. These requests were to maintain order over the vast network of planets. There always seemed to be an uprising or police action popping up at the fringes of the network. The work was bloody and dangerous and each mission could be their last. Those with an instinct for survival found their way to Grenville’s team.

He’d been a soldier for 13 years when they were shipped to a world to battle against a technologically sophisticated opponent on their home turf. His unit was directed to take the primary target, a large munitions plant which apparently housed their military think tank as well. The limited briefing they’d had simply indicated the enemy was developing a new threat and they needed to identify it, confiscate it if possible, capture or take out the scientists in the think tank, and destroy the facility.

After a fierce and bloody skirmish they gained entrance to the building and Grenville lead half of his team further in. They made it to the core of the building which looked like some kind of R&D lab. Grenville discovered the remaining scientists had locked themselves in a computer lab. His team found no prototype weapons or anything that looked like military secrets so half of the group proceeded with setting the demo charges to take out the entire building while Grenville led the rest against the computer lab.

Suddenly burning pain ripped through his entire body and Grenville witnessed his team mates screaming and clawing at themselves. Some had already fallen to the floor dead, faces frozen in a rictus of agony, eyes wide open. Through the red haze of pain he looked to the window of the lab where the scientists watched and gestured excitedly. The enemy had decrypted the signals to their discipline chips and were killing the soldiers with overloads.

This was the secret weapon.

Grenville grabbed two satchel charges and exposed their adhesive strips. Though agony poured through every nerve in his body, he pushed it aside and staggered over to the window. He glared at the terrified faces inside before he slapped the bags to the glass. He threw himself to the side over a desk and the explosives went off with a colossal thump. The shockwave tore into the room, crushing the scientists and destroying the equipment inside the lab.

The intensity of the pain immediately diminished but damage had been done. Grenville pushed himself to his feet and looked around the room. Every member of his team was dead. He set the timers on the demo charges, and ran as fast as his agonized muscled would take him back to the entrance of the building. Along the way he saw more and more of his team mates lying dead where the kill signal had caught them. He was ten feet from the door when the shockwave picked him up and fired him out of the open doors like a cannonball.

The next day the army sent in the main force of the armored soldiers, who picked their way over the twisted and tortured bodies of the ground troops who’d been killed by their own discipline chips. They found Grenville tangled in a fence but still clinging to life.

The surgeons located the melted discipline chip in his brain and removed it. There was nothing left of the area to support the implanting of another chip. His pain center was badly damaged. There was another indication that Grenville had suffered brain damage. His speaking seemed to be limited to three word sentences punctuated by a blink. As his records showed that he was considered to be in the lowest intellect percentile to begin with, they flagged him as non-recoverable and sent him back to Earth for reassignment to menial labor.

Grenville’s days as a soldier were finally o

Part II

The case worker who processed Grenville when he arrived back on Earth looked up at the big man sitting calmly in the chair across his desk. The scars of numerous battles were plain to see on his face, neck, arms, and hands. His hair was still cropped to his scalp as army regulation required and the terrible head wound from the surgery was only slightly disguised by a small gauze bandage. Several thin white scars crossed the ex-soldier’s face and a larger, angry looking purple one ran from his right temple down to his jaw. What might have once been a handsome face now showcased the violence that had been inflicted upon it. The peaceful calm of his blue eyes and the gentle smile that rested on his lips did much to soften the impact of the scarring. The corded muscles of his neck and shoulders bulged out of the tight shirt and his thick arms overstressed its seams. His big hands relaxed on his powerful legs. Everything about the young man screamed power except for the calm and amiable expression he wore.

In a rare moment of curiosity the worker pulled up Grenville’s war record. He was stunned by the length of his service and what he had achieved. As a bit of a history buff he knew Grenville would have once received a hero’s welcome home. He looked at the job the ex-soldier had been slated for. Fuel Cell Handler. Working with the spent radioactive fuel cells in the city’s power plants was a death sentence. The injustice of it stirred the man deeply. He could do something about it so he would. He decided to look for an alternative job to save the soldier. Scanning the listed job openings he saw there was a position for a base laborer in the main municipal garden in Capital City so he switched the codes on Grenville’s case file and updated the job listing as closed. For once he felt a warm glow of satisfaction from doing his job. He smiled at the big man and received one in return. Grenville was given his workers bracelet, the largest size they had, permanently attached to his right wrist and he was on his way to Capital Gardens.

Head Groundskeeper Scott was a man deeply in touch with every bit of greenery under his care. He knew how each plant needed to be treated to make it thrive and what each considered a threat. When Grenville was brought to his office he eyed the big man with some hesitation. He knew he could use the extra muscle for the heavy labor in the garden but he wasn’t about to unleash a destructive force on those in his care. And this scarred giant of a man had obviously seen some destruction.

He asked Grenville to join him in the greenhouse and brought him to the work bench where he had an orchid he was attempting to save. He pushed the pot in front of his new worker and asked him what he saw. The big man looked close and turned the pot gently this way and that. He looked back at his boss and said in a stilted way that there were pests on the undersides the leaves. The man raised his bushy eyebrows and nodded. He spent the next two hours teaching Grenville how to treat orchids. He was delighted to see that Grenville recalled everything he said with only one lesson. He was also impressed by the big man’s gentle touch with the flowers. He tried not to get too excited but he really thought he might have someone here he could train to be his successor. He immediately upgraded his position to apprentice groundskeeper.

Grenville loved working in Capital Gardens. It suited his personality far better than being a soldier. The only thing he was asked to kill now were the insects and diseases that hurt the plants. He liked the old man that taught him about the life in the garden. He absorbed everything he was told and after a year of service he knew as much about the care of the plant life as the old man. He was allowed to patrol the extent of the big garden and review the condition and state of every plant species they managed. He would return to the greenhouse and report on his findings. These reports sometimes took a long time as Grenville spoke slowly at his pace of three words and a pause. Long conversations were mentally painful to the big man so he learned to be concise. The Groundskeeper had patience with him so they got along very well.

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Final Touch

Her eyes are a field, soft and warm and green, and I imagine a sea of wildflowers growing within her corneas. Wild as the need in her gaze, a desire so far from banal only a truly demoralized slut can feed her hunger, and even then, only finitely.That’s me. The demoralized slut.I tongue my ballgag and it pacifies me. The ropes around my conjoined wrists keep me on my toes, stretched toward the ceiling. He is behind me. Slapping my ass with a thick leather strap, turning my caramel skin a...

2 years ago
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As I'm kneeling there, over my garden, stretching to grab at the last of the weeds, I feel my wet hair caress my heated cheeks. I love that feeling, especially on such a hot day as this one. I'd been working in the garden for over an hour now and the sweat was flowing freely. There was, in fact, so much of it that it has left a wide swatch of moisture between my breasts, leaving my T-shirt soaked down the front. Leaning back on my heels, I again stop to wonder if I'm crazy to be out here...

3 years ago
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Unicorn at Large Part 2 A Lawful Touch

A Lawful Touch by Andy Hollis I slammed the kitchen door behind me, dropped the bag of groceries on the counter with another bang and gave my mother my best glare. "What part of 'no' don't you understand?" I half shouted. "Now, Kimberly, there is no reason for you to behave this way," she said, grabbing the bag before it fell over. "You asked another creep of a boy to take me out?" "Justin is a nice boy, the least you could do is go out one time?...

2 years ago
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The Erotic Power of Touch

Lani had spent all day looking at cashmere samples, running her fingers through the soft fabric, thrilling to the touch of it on her skin. She was an assistant fashion designer in the studio of Henri Bechet, at one of the top design firms in Manhattan. It was her dream job, because she had what could only be called a lust for fabric. As long as she could remember she'd had this primal need to feel different textures on her skin, and it had only gotten stronger with time. Cashmere, corduroy,...

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A quick touch

Inspired by your touch last night, I couldn't help myself this morning.  I don't know if you'll ever read this but I felt like I needed to let this out.I only have a few minutes but can't resist any more.  I can feel my body begging for a quick release.  I knew when I left this morning I hadn't gotten enough of you and the wetness at just the thought of your lips on mine is enough to make me quake.  I picture you sleeping still and wish I could have stayed in bed with you imagining all the ways...

1 year ago
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A Womans Touch

I made the mistake of glancing at my watch and groaned; it was only four fifteen. Another forty five minutes before I could indulge in my weekly treat. Thinking about that treat; an hour long full body massage, was making this the longest day since, well, since last Friday! I fought to focus on the columns of numbers in front of me, but it was a losing battle. Instead my mind drifted to the thought of those soft, yet firm, hands rubbing my feet, taking away the discomfort a week in heels...

4 years ago
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The Touch

Stupid Groupon you think to yourself, as you walk in the door closes behind you and the bell of the wood door rings. You are in a small waiting room with a couple plush chairs and the tranquil small water feature in the corner. A soft calming music dances through the still air that has the faint scent of jasmine tickles your nose. It sounded good at the time when you clicked OK on the site. An hour-long massage for a great price, so it was an impulse buy. You let the months roll by and you were...

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Gardening at Mrs Chesters Ch 3

It was about a week later. Linda Crawley was on her way to see Dot about a Saturday event. At forty-two Linda was a little younger than her friend. A tangled mass of short brown hair fell over her face. She was shorter and stouter, but was still attractive as a result of her fitness programme. Unlike Dorothy, she was more sexually aware, however. She could be cheeky on occasions, even when it was a little inappropriate. Motoring along the main road towards the town centre she found herself...

3 years ago
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Garden fun

You struggled playfully at the bonds that held you. As you lay naked in our back garden with your blindfold on. Your arms and legs spread apart bound to metal stakes buried in the grass. You had been left this way by me, as part of our sexy games. You loved bondage and Sub-fantasy and I loved being dominant, so we made a good couple in the bedroom and out of it. One of our little games was to have You bound and exposed outside in our back garden. Where you would be 'forced' to give me a blowjob...

1 year ago
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Garden of Hedon

The Beginning 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and she separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness she called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. 6 And God...

4 years ago
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First Touch

First TouchBy Nicole LarsonWe pulled up to the deBoers' house half an hour before eight. We were supposed to be there at seven, but my mom had this thing about being "fashionably late." Dad parked on the street, and we all got out of the car, and headed up the block to the deBoer's well maintained front yard. Mom carried a crudites platter she'd spent all afternoon arranging, and Dad lugged a case of Schlitz. It was cool this late September Saturday evening. The nip in the air that foretold of...

2 years ago
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Tempest in a Touch

(This is my first submission and I hope you enjoy. Although the fantasies my wife and I share seem to range from mild to wild, I wanted my first story to reflect just how much I love and appreciate how beautiful she is. Let me know what you think of it. Maybe the next one will lean a little more toward the other end of the spectrum.) From the beginning of our marriage my wife and I have always slept in the nude. I love the feel of her bare skin and it sometimes seems unnatural for something to...

1 year ago
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The Touch

She noticed the warmth of the room as he kissed her bare shoulder.  The goose flesh that appeared on her naked skin was not due to coldness.  The bumps were the result of her want, desire, and lust that attempted to escape its epidural confines. “He has done everything for my comfort,”  she thinks as she presses her hand to the side of his face.  She wanted more kisses.  She wanted more teasing bites.She wanted his lips sucking and pulling at her flesh.She wanted him.The room was quiet.  No...

2 years ago
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My hands are rough and coarse, but I touch you with the softest caress I can. I know my hands against your soft skin cause sensations that shoot into your nerves. I can feel you shudder and nervously shake as my hands touch you. Little bumps raise up under my hands as they pass over your flesh. You are hot and I feel your heat emanating up into my palms. Slowly I explore your shoulders, gently wandering over them, pausing to knead your muscles and rub deeply, breaking away tensions and...

3 years ago
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Painted Touch

His phone rings in the midst of the night… ‘Hello,’ she replies in a saddened tone… ‘I need you baby, please come over,’ and hangs up. His heart for her beats so deeply… he jumps out of bed and rushes to see her. He takes out the key… and unlocks her door… opening it in a hurry to be with his love… to comfort her. Little did he know what was truly waiting behind that door! As it opens… the room is lit up with candles… her furniture pushed back making a clearing in the middle of the room…...

3 years ago
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Feel Of First Touch

Hi friends,mera aditya hai mai puna mai mba kr rha hu meri age 23 hai aur ye meri first story hai.. Mere family me mom dad and me bs hum tin log hi hai pap teacher hai.. Ye story mere 12th class ki hai.,humare side me sharma uncle rhte hai vo papa k boht ache friend hai unko 2 ladkiya hai badi ka nav sneha hai aur uski shadi ho gyi hai aur dusri ka nam avni hai last year uski bhi shadi ho gyi. Ye kahani mere 12th cls k wqt ki hai ap sb ko to pta hi hai ki ldke chote umr me kitne shaitan hote...

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 Steve “I want to stay in my own home,” I almost shouted over the phone to my granddaughter who seems to think I couldn’t handle it.“But, Gramps, you said you fell and hurt your arm. Next time it could be your head. You need help.”She was right, of course, but I was having a difficult time admitting it. After all, I used to run marathons and paddle across the lake in my very own canoe. I am still strong but almost blind from macular degeneration, if I really admitted it, I couldn’t navigate...

1 year ago
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- - - beauty-en-touch - - - Prolog Transsexualism: Transsexualism is a condition in which a person identifies with a physical sex different from the one that they were born with or assigned in cases where ambiguity of the child's sex organs led to assigning them a physical sex. Transsexualism is considered a taboo subject in many parts of the world and has become more widely known in Western nations in the late 20th century due to the sexual revolution, but remains a highly...

4 years ago
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His Touch

She didn’t know why it happened, but she fell. She changed that light bulb numerous times before without incident. However this time when she went to climb down the small ladder missed the last step and landed on her backside on the floor. The noise caused Marcus to come running in from the den. He went over and comforted her and checked for injuries. He frowned and with a scolding tone spoke. “Deana I told you I’d change that bulb, now look you fell.” She glared at him and hissed...

1 year ago
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Only a Touch

It was already dark when she arrived at the restaurant, handing the keys over to the valet absentmindedly. Aptly attired in a blue uniform trimmed in gold, the young man thanked her politely and handed back a blue ticket, which she slipped into the pocket of a small black handbag as she passed through the glass doorway. He saw her immediately, watching from his table. She wore a classic black sheath dress, fitted perfectly and split at one side almost to her thigh. Shiny black patent leather...

4 years ago
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His Touch

Deana was injured by a drunk driver, but not to the point where she was in a wheel chair or bedridden. There were some things around the house she could still do. Like change a light bulb, even if it required the small step ladder. She didn’t know why it happened, but she fell. She changed that light bulb numerous times before without incident. However this time when she went to climb down the small ladder, she missed the last step and landed on her backside on the floor. The noise caused...

Oral Sex
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The power of touch

It’s been several days since you’ve been to see me and we rest quietly on my bed. Sprawling naked and relaxed, intimately linked together by the casual placement of our bodies. You wrap your arm loosely around my shoulder, settling my head onto your chest while gently cupping the back of my head, fingers sifting through my blonde hair.I can feel your lips pressing kisses against my hair. The only sound is that of your steady heartbeat in my ear. The gentle movement of my body, as your...

Oral Sex
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Watch but dont touch

I had always fancied Sadie, but she was my best mate’s on/off girlfriend. Now after an evening of intoxicated flirtation, here we were in her bedroom.Sadie insisted that I watch but don't touch. I sat on the edge of her bed."I'm going to show you how I do myself and you're going to watch me,” she quipped, stripping down to an ivory silk G-string. She pulled it tight and snug over her cunt. She went to her dressing table, watching herself in confidence in the mirror, and rummaged deep in her...

1 year ago
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A Womans Touch

I had come here for comfort, for consoling; to talk. In the past year, I had lost three people who were very close to me; the last one, just recently. I had withdrawn, rarely leaving my home. I recognized the symptoms of depression. No motivation, no appetite. I knew I needed to talk, reconnect with people, but was not ready to do that in person. I went online and found somewhere to chat. I had always considered myself straight and loved the feel of a man inside me, but found myself drawn to...

2 years ago
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You Can Look But You Cant Touch

Copyright© Richard nudged the door open with his knee, slowly shoving forward trying not to spill the gin and tonics he held. Once he was the other side his ass swung at the door, closing it. "Here look at this for a mouthful," he walked over to where his wife was sat at the computer, putting the two glass's down he lent over her shoulder, "And what mouthful of fuck fantasy are your little perverts telling you now?" Monica took the drink from him, "Look for yourself; read what he would...

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Gardening At Mrs Chesters Ch 5

Dorothy Chester was watching again from her seat, in the shed. What a sight. Jonathan was facing her, standing about six feet away. His shorts were down around his ankles and a singular object was pointing out from him, up, hard and proud. 'Gosh,' she heard herself murmur at the sight. A firm, thick, perky, fresh, penis, was pointing directly at her. "Young and yummy,” she whispered to herself. Its dark mushroomed head alternately revealed and covered, as he stroked the flexible, but tight...

3 years ago
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OK then, Patricki-mou, you wanted a story. I've fixed my computer, so here it is.After years of looking at my garden, I have finally decided to get the lawn replaced. It is going to have to be dug up and completely re-turfed. I don't do jobs like this, of course; I get helpful little men in to do it.My neighbour, Peter, has a friend who is a landscape gardener, so I have asked him to give me the number of the firm.I am quite surprised by the voice which answered my call. It is deep, and quite...

1 year ago
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Mike Zostant wasn't all that big on flowers or plants but when he would notice his next door neighbor working in her garden on warm days, he usually made a point of giving the middle-aged woman a glance either from his bedroom window or if her attire warranted a closer look, going out to engage in conversation with Rita Cox.Mrs. Cox, the divorced mother of a couple of k**s who were a bit older than Mike and now out on the own, wasn't a ravishing beauty but Mike found her attractive. He didn't...

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© Copyright 1999 by E. Z. Riter The attached work of fiction is intended to be entertainment for adults in locations in which it is legal. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read. This is a copyrighted work. Reposting or any other use strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder, except may by posted as part of a review or posted to free-access, non-commercial archive sites. Finally. The first warm day of spring. And, it was a Saturday. I was...

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A mothers touch

One evening when I was 17 I felt more than a little punky when I got home from work. It had been a particularly hot day and I think I'd gotten a little dehydrated. I stripped off my dusty clothes in the mud room as I always did and left them by the washing machine. In my underwear, I told my mother that I felt lousy, didn't want any dinner, and was going to just take a shower and go to bed. She told me she was about to start a load of whites and to please leave my underwear by the washer....

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Mothers Touch

It's fascinating how extraordinary circumstances can spawn totally unexpected acts and deeds. In this case, a serious car crash thrust my sixteen-year-old son, Marty, and I into a situation that brought us together in a way neither of us could ever have imagined. He'd been out driving around with a couple of older boys, one of whom just got his licence, when the driver lost control and rolled it. Luckily nobody was hurt, but they all ended up in hospital for a couple of weeks with various...

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