Heirat indian porn

2 years ago
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Zeugung auf der Party

Jennifer Sanderson hielt sich für eine gute Ehefrau. Sie war jetzt sieben Jahre mit John verheiratet und im Alter von achtundzwanzig Jahren, glaubte sie alles zu haben, was sie brauchte. Als sie ihren schlanken und straffen Körper im Ganzkörperspiegel in ihrem Schlafzimmer bewunderte, überlegte sie, was sie zu der Party anziehen sollte, zu der sie von Arbeitskollegen eingeladen worden war. Sie zeigte ihren Körper gern, aber als gute katholische Frau und Pfeiler der gehobenen Klasse, in der sie...

2 years ago
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K nig Phallus

Janet und ich trafen uns bei der Arbeit. Wir waren beide erfolgreiche junge ManagerInnen und hatten beide Beziehungen, und es würde scheinbar nicht zwischen uns passieren. Wir verstanden uns sofort und in kürzester Zeit hatten wir beide unsere alten Beziehungen zugunsten der neuen Beziehung aufgegeben. Das war vor drei Jahren. Alle in unserer Firma schwärmten davon, "wie perfekt Tom und Janet zueinander passen!" Jetzt heiraten wir und in unserem Leben hat sich viel verändert. Die Hochzeit war...

4 years ago
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Frau r cht sich an untreuem Mann

Es passierte jedes Mal auf die gleiche Weise. Es war immer auf einer Party, wenn alle viel zu trinken hatten und ich eine willige Frau fand, die mit mir in's Schlafzimmer ging. Jedes Mal, wenn sie mich auf frischer Tat ertappte, gab es eine ziemlich böse Szene. Jedes Mal entschuldigte ich mich ausgiebig, sagte, ich hätte zu viel getrunken, bat sie um Vergebung und versprach, dass es nie wieder passieren würde. Dieses Mal hatte es nicht funktioniert! Sie würde sich von mir scheiden lassen! Ich...

4 years ago
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3 Schwestern

Wie schön, dass es Dreierkonferenzen gibt, und die auch zu dritt. Wie sonst ließen sich die Einschränkungen derzeit besser überwinden? Manchmal telefonieren wir uns zu dritt zusammen und manchmal zum chatten. Mit 'wir' meine ich meine beiden Schwestern und mich. Ohne die beiden könnte ich einfach nicht sein. Und nachdem uns Corona einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht hat, uns regelmäßig zu besuchen, sind wir auf Telefonate und Chat ausgewichen. Manchmal auch mit Video dabei. Auch wenn so...

4 years ago
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Mama Papa und das Sissy Baby

Ich lebe noch immer mit meiner Stiefmutter in einem Haus. F?r mich war sie immer die Mama. Mama weckte mich und mein Bett war klatsch nass. Ich kann nicht sagen ob es daran lag das wir erst vor ein paar Monaten umgezogen sind oder an was auch immer aber es war mir mehr wie peinlich, denn ich war schon 22 Jahre alt. Mama zog das Bett ab. Am Abend setzten wir uns dann zusammen aufs Sofa. Sie sagte: Also ich finde wir m?ssen was ?ndern. Dann zeigte sie mir eine Windel und legte sie auf den T...

2 years ago
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Frau Nachbarin

Kurz vor Acht. Er blickte auf die LED-Anzeige des Digitalweckers auf seinem Nachttisch. Dabei war es Sonntag und als Nichtkirchgänger hätte er eigentlich lange schlafen können. Er erhob sich, fuhr sich mit der Hand durch die verwuschelten blonden Haare und begab sich in seine Küche. Kaffee! Als er den Becher geleert hatte, machte er sich auf den Weg in den Waschraum im Keller des Mietshauses, um seine Schmutzwäsche in die Waschmaschine zu befördern. Angezogen war er nur mit einem Paar schwarzer...

3 years ago
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Flex Appeal

Flex Appeal Copyright 2012 von Stormbringer " Ich liebe diese Reise", sagte Marisa und starrte auf die vorbeiziehende Landschaft. " Ich auch", fügte ihr Ehemann John hinzu. „Hier ist die große Brücke. Nicht mehr lange. " Marisa lenkte ihre Aufmerksamkeit vom blauen Wasser und den Palmen auf die berühmte 7-Meilen-Brücke in den Florida Keys. Big Pine Key war ihr Ziel. Es war nur auf der anderen Seite der Brücke. Es war leiser als einige der Keys, aber nahe genug an Key West, brauchten sie nur...

2 years ago
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Mary Deannas Jubil umsfick

Prolog Wie viele Ehemänner hatte ich schon lange die Fantasie, meiner schönen Frau Mary Deanna zuzusehen, wie sie von einem Schwarzen gefickt wird. So lange ich mich erinnern kann, hatte ich davon geträumt, dass sie einen großen schwarzen Schwanz lutscht und von ihm gefickt wird, während ich sie beobachtete und sie vielleicht sogar mit ihrem schwarzen Liebhaber auf Video aufzeichnete. Ich hätte nie erwartet, dass sie sich jemals von einem anderen Mann als von mir ficken lässt, aber einer hat...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 24

"Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the palm of his hand ... probably like hearing the sea from a seashell ... probably not. "Ja." The...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 24B Translated

Mind the Time: 24 ... loosely translated. Very loosely. "Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," Hold on chickiepoo ... stop right there. They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the...

2 years ago
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Meine zur ckgebliebene Schwester

Als ich noch ein kleines Kind war, war noch alles gut. Unsere Mum und Dad hatten eine glückliche Beziehung und zusammen mit meiner zwei Jahre älteren Schwester Marianne waren wir eine ganz normale Familie. Doch mit den Jahren wurde es vor allem für unser Vater ein Problem, dass sich meine Schwester nicht wie ein normales Kind entwickelt. Es fällt Marianne sehr schwer zusammenhänge zu begreifen oder neue dinge zu lernen. Das sie dann auch noch auf eine "Idioten-Schule" ging, wie es unser Vater...

3 years ago
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Die Verf hrung von Holly

Mein Name ist Paul und ich arbeite seit etwa fünf Jahren bei GMAF. Ich bin 28 und habe mir den Arsch aufgerissen, um voranzukommen. Es gibt eine Stelle für einen Junior-Vizepräsidenten, und ich beabsichtige, sie zu ergattern. Es gibt natürlich andere die die gleiche Position erreichen wollen, aber ich glaube, dass ich am besten qualifiziert bin. Wenn auch nicht so qualifiziert, bin ich dann doch entschlossener. Ich verdiene sehr gut, aber da ich vor einem Jahr geheiratet habe, könnten wir das...

4 years ago
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Erste Cuckold Schritte Deutsch German

Hallo, ich will mich mal vorstellen. Ich bin der Dirk und nun schon seit über 20 Jahren mit meiner Frau Sandra verheiratet. Somit kann sich wohl jeder denken das wir beide jenseits der 40 sind. Auch wenn man mir das ansieht ist das bei meiner Frau nicht so, sie wird grundsätzlich 10 Jahre jünger eingeschätzt. Ein Umstand mit den ich sehr gut leben kann. Es störte mich auch nie das andere Männer immer wieder mit ihr Flirten, man könnte sagen das ich das wohl mehr schmeichelnd fand. Ich konnte...

1 year ago
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Sie wird zur Pfandgeb hr

Mein Name ist Richard und ich arbeite für eine große Maklerfirma in Atlanta, Georgia. Ich bin der Finanzvorstand und verdiene sehr gutes Geld. Aber egal was man mir bezahlt, ich bin immer verschuldet. Leider habe ich eine schlechte Angewohnheit: Ich spiele. Ich spiele nicht nur. Ich verliere zu oft. Ich hätte Geld für den Ruhestand weglegen sollen, aber wir sind bis über beide Ohren verschuldet. Ich arbeite seit 10 Jahren hier und halte mich für einen sehr vertrauenswürdiger Mitarbeiter. Gott...

1 year ago
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Der Aylesbury Wives Club

Viele der Häuser am Aylesbury Place gehören Familien der oberen Mittelschicht, die typischerweise junge weiße Paare sind, deren Männer in der Stadt arbeiten und pendeln. Die meisten Häuser, die die schöne, von Bäumen gesäumte Straße säumen, stehen weit ab von der Straße und auf großen Grundstücken. Von der Straße aus könnte man im Vorbeifahren und nur eine Auffahrt und vielleicht einen kurzen Blick auf eines der schönen Häuser werfen, die zu dieser Straße gehören. All diese prächtigen Häuser,...

1 year ago
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Wie ich zur Cuckold Windelsklavin wurde Teil 1

Wie ich zur Cuckold Windelsklavin wurde "Das kannst Du mir nicht antun, ich liebe Dich doch - Ich brauche Dich!" Aber Maria schaute mir in die Augen und sagte, "Frank, wir sind zwar schon lange verheiratet, aber ich habe einen Mann getroffen, der mich endlich gl?cklich macht und mich beim Sex endlich zum Orgasmus bringt. Das hast Du nie geschafft mit deinem kleinen Schw?nzchen. Tom ist gut gebaut und hat alles was du nicht hast." Ich brach in Tr?nen aus und wollte Sie umarmen, doch Sie wie...

1 year ago
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Neu Stiefschwester

Paul saß gerade auf dem Sofa und schaute Fernsehen. Seine frisch verheirateten Eltern waren alleine im Urlaub, nur Katherina seine neue Stiefschwester war da. Jetzt stand sie in der Tür. Katharina trug eine Feinstrumpfhose, einen ihrer knappen Röcke und eine Bluse, darunter vermutlich einen ihrer Schwarzen Spitzen-BHs. Ihre dunklen Haare vielen wellig über ihre Schultern. Paul seufzte. Seit er seine neue Steigschwester kannte stichelte sie gegen ihn. Sie grinste und setzte sich neben Paul. Ohne...

1 year ago
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B rgermeisterin

Anna, Ende 30, hatte schwarze schulterlange Haare und eine schlanke Figur. Auffällig war ihre große Oberweite mit 75 E. Seit 2 Jahren war sie Bürgermeisterin einer kleinen Stadt. Sie war verheiratet mit einem Unternehmer, der oft unterwegs war. Doch die Bürger der Stadt hatten mehr als genug von ihrer schlechten Politik. Immer wieder trat sie arrogant bei Vorträgen auf und machten einen Fehler nach dem nächsten. Chris Mitte 20 hatte seinen Job verloren, weil Anna bei neuen Krediten für das...

1 year ago
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Peggy wird zur Schlampe gemacht

Ron arbeitete in der Videothek für Erwachsene die seinem Bruder gehörtes. Es zahlte sich kaum aus für ihn, aber er dachte, die “Nebenverdienste” würden das Geld mehr als wettmachen. Er hatte den weißen Feiglingen dabei zugesehen, wie sie die Bücher über gemischtrassigen Sex lasen und sich die gleiche Art von Filmen ausliehen. Es musste sie vermutlich eifersüchtig machen, all diese großen, schwarzen Schwänze zu sehen, die diese kleinen weißen Fotzen dehnen. Er dachte, dass sie wahrscheinlich...

4 years ago
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Howie RandolphChapter 2

Howie waited patiently for the plane from Ireland. The television monitor listed their flight as one hour late. Howie sat totally relaxed and focused on the door. Howie thought he was patient before he met Black Eagle, now he knew how to be patient and vigilant. If he had to, he knew that he could sit and wait for as long as it took for his parents to come though the Customs terminal door. He waited, relaxed but focused. Howie's parents were very surprised when they cleared customs at BWI....

4 years ago
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Mom rsquo s Cock Jamun With Neighbor Aunty

introducing the character of my story. My mother is so hot bombshell with good asset aged 39 years. she has big boob size of 34DD. Ass is so big that any one fall in love with this big round ass. she always wear saree along with blouse and petticoat. All the society member lust on my mom whenever she goes out of house because of her sexy figure. some cheap people like watchman, milkman, driver always fantasize about her. she is housewife from conservative family. she also of funny nature as she...

4 years ago
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Bunnie Tales Riding Mr Ed

“Your face rook Ed Zachary rike your face.” Behind her, CWO4 Davis laughed and almost spilled his fresh cup of coffee. Now, if you know anything about the military, the US Navy specifically, you’ll know they take their coffee serious. Not a day will go by when a senior member of the military won’t have their forefinger entwined in their cup. When I served, we had a term for these guys: LIFER. Lazy – Inefficient – Fuck-off - Expecting - Retirement. Mr. Davis wasn’t one of them; he really was a...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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I arrived home at five-thirty having cycled from my job in the city to my house, a terraced house in a pleasant tree lined street between Clapham and Balham. However in the middle of January on a cold wet Tuesday night it looked like any other London street, bleak, with people scurrying home from the buses and the tube station about half a mile away. I started cycling to work the previous summer. At first it would take me forty minutes to cover the six miles or so but, as I got fitter, it took...

2 years ago
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Biker Gang Captive

This is a story I wrote several years ago for a men’s adventure magazine, but it folded before it got off the ground. No sex, but it has adventure and romance, and I hope you enjoy it. As always, feedback is encouraged. Thanks! * ‘Goddamn it, we don’t have time for this!’ The lieutenant’s big fist slammed down on the desk, slopping the lukewarm coffee over the lip of the styrofoam cup. Nick rubbed his temples, the pounding ache of his hangover a spike through his head. The glare of the...

1 year ago
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Nikki s Christening

Chapter 1 -- Confession "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession." "Go ahead, my child." "Well you see Father, there is this older guy in the apartment building where I live. I think he is soooo hot! Excuse me, I mean I find him very attractive. He is tall, dark and handsome, and very sweet, you know the prince charming kind of guy." "And how old is he?" "33." "That's not very old. How old are you?" "16." "Ahhh...I see. Well, you know, my child,...

3 years ago
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Milf Tails Let s Make a Deal

I awoke to the sound of my cell ringing and groaning as I rolled over to grab it from the nightstand saw it was only eight. Who the hell was calling me at eight on a Saturday morning? I'd gotten up at six to see my parents off on their weekend trip to New Hampshire and then gratefully crawled back into bed.Without dad bugging me to do chores or mom waking me up to ask if I were hungry, I'd looked forward to sleeping in. I rolled over and grabbing the phone off my night stand, saw it was a local...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Adira Allure My Best Friend Stole My Girlfriend

Adira Allure is very grateful to her boyfriend’s best friend Charles Dera for driving her home when her boyfriend gets stuck at work. Adira decides that she wants to SHOW Charles how grateful she is, and excitedly bounces up to her room while Charles grabs something in the kitchen. Whipping off her clothes and revealing her tight body, Adira gets a horny look in her eyes as she calls Charles into the room. When Charles walks in, he gets the surprise of a lifetime as Adira beckons him to...

2 years ago
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Broken Marriage Leads To Sex With Ex Part 8211 2

Hi to all those ISS readers and fans of this site. I’m Mr. Erotic and welcome to my fantasy world. The below mention story is pure fantasy, and completely fiction. Persons and names mention in this story have no relation to reality. Here is the 2nd part of the story. Those who haven’t read the previous part, I request you to read that to understand this part. Without much ado let’s head to the story………. As I took a cab to the airport, all I was thinking about how it’s going to be, it’s been...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex In Life

Dear readers,i am suma from kerala.To be very frank it is not my real name.Iam not a regular reader of this site even,but i would like to submit an incident which happend in my life some 4 years back.i was born and brought up in kerla,later had my studies in Bangalore.I got married at the age of 24,to a handsome guy named Rajeev,who is a management professional.Our married life was really a happy one and we enjoyed every moment of it.Because of his hard work,he used to get promotions one by one...

2 years ago
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The Sheets

She knew he was coming. He told her last night. He told her to wake up at 7:00, get naked, unlock the door and get back in bed. It was 6:45. She loved the tease. Rule #1 was no touching herself after midnight last night. Of course that just made her want to, but she was going to be a good girl and play b y the rules. Rule #2 was, once he arrived, no touching him until he said so. That was going to be tough. Finally the clock on her nightstand turned to 7:00. She got out of bed, peeled off...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 131 Signed Sealed Delivered I m Yours

Another problem Alan had was that he'd forgotten just how far away Stephanie's lingerie and sex shop was. It had been chosen precisely because it wasn't the closest sex shop around, so there was less of a chance of running into someone they knew. (Unfortunately, other people used that same logic, which is why even Christine had gone there.) He knew it would take about another fifteen minutes to get there, even driving fast, so he consoled himself that he should make it there by six...

2 years ago
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3 years ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 5

My Neighbor Janice Chapter 5 I was gone all week Monday to Friday so I called Janice on Thursday to tell her that I would be home late Friday night and would see her Saturday. “Just come over when ever you get home as I will be up, it doesn’t matter what the time is or call me when you are close to getting home” Janice said. I agreed and told her I would, and that was looking forward to getting home. The Weekend Friday - Monday Friday morning I woke early, I dressed, packed and checked...

4 years ago
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Indian Widow Mothers Hero Part 3

Now alone, Madhav couldn't believe what had happened. The events of the day all seemed to mesh into one outrageous orgasm of emotions. First there had been happiness at his homecoming, then rage at Ramesh, then humiliation of being aroused by his mother. Next had come the hot, steaming stimulation that it had lured both of them into an act so vile and depraved, he still couldn't believe it had happened. How would all this change their life, he wondered? He didn't know, but he did know it would...

4 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 13

I casually waved goodbye as Helen and Natasha drove off leaving me standing alongside Kirsty on the pavement outside her house. I was feeling very nervous and I'm pretty sure she was feeling the same. "Are you sure about this?" I asked, "We could always go down to the park and just hang around until your mother gets back." She shook her head negatively and reached for my hand. "Come on, I won't bite." "You might not," I said allowing her to lead me, "But I might." She giggled,...

2 years ago
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Crossdressing Fantasy Threesome With A Couple

Hello, friends its Arya Anand here with an another story. If you are looking for a hardcore sex story then this plot is not for you. I was a typical kind of boy who likes to explore a lot from childhood. All simple thinks were wonders to me… It was all about in the case of sex. For me it was a wonder and I became too much addicted to it from my childhood. I just want to explore my world. But in our society sex was a social sin, so I depressed all my wonders in my heart and explored as a good...

3 years ago
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At the Summit Ch 13

by Richard Williams Copyright 2005, All rights reserved ——————————– Contributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literotica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website without the author’s permission. ——————————– AT THE SUMMIT by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) ——————————– Part 13 – ‘Deadly Turn’ LATE IN 1997 The seasonal special had...

4 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 24

Anne was dressed to work in the overgrown kitchen garden when Moses announced that she had some visitors he had put in the front parlor. With her huge mop of red hair tied back and wearing muddy boots, her father's old trousers and an over-sized shirt that hung almost to her knees, her rope belt in her hand and, as she often was these days, corset free, Anne found three serious-looking, be-wigged men standing in the room, all three in rusty black coats of an old-fashioned cut and knee...

3 years ago
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Spiral Into OblivionChapter 2

Kim's Story — Kim awoke with a feeling of euphoria. She stretched and then opened her eyes. She was in a king size bed and lying on each side of her was two of her sex partners. What made these two so special was that they had the largest sex equipment of any of Kim's partners. One was the girls' former pediatrician, Gil Jeffries, and the other was his brother, Randy, a male stripper. They had picked her up at the house yesterday evening, taken her to Randy's apartment and fucked her...

2 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 20 Breaking the Case

Special Agent in Charge Dominique Spencer is a different person when she lets her hair down, and dinner with her and Doreen was an interesting affair to say the least. Apparently the two had met on Spencer's first case in Vegas some twenty-five years before. Spencer had been transferred away a couple years later, but the two had kept in touch. Doreen became one of Spencer's experts of choice in matters involving insurance companies. They had had a bit of a falling out five years earlier...

3 years ago
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The Green Room Behind The Stage

The decorations began. It was the festive time. School youth fest was much more than the competition. It was happiness, excitement, and fun. Classes had stopped a week before as everyone was busy with their practice. I was busy too following my girlfriend who is participating in every competition she is eligible for. She was a great dancer and used to win all her competitions. We have been in a relationship for more than 3 years but I couldn’t even hold her hands till date. I had a handsome...

4 years ago
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A St Patty s Day Visit

Despite attending a private institution, I still knew how to have a good time, especially on the eve of my spring break. And who could forget it was St. Patty’s day. The night before he came I was sure to stock up at the liquor store. I bought a handle of good vodka and a six pack along with some red bull. It had been a tough week with exams and practice climaxing before the break so I was primed to let off some steam and I was hot to get it in with any girl who was willing. The moment finally...

2 years ago
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A new adventure

Anne and I have been been married ten years next month. Like many marriages ours has hit some rough spots along the way. About four years ago our journey was dealt a severe blow involving deception and lies. It all started when I came home early, with plans to surprise her with a early anniversary dinner and romantic evening. I could hear the bath running and decided to share my plans when she got out of the tub. I grabbed a beer and noticed Anne’s laptop open on the dining table. I took a...

3 years ago
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Total Sub CD Slut

I could not wait to get home from work on Friday. My routine was the same. It was total preperation for the weekend. I was a highly placed executive with the company I worked for at the time. Nobody knew that I lived as a total sissy slut cock worshipping whore on the weekends. I was seeing a guy who was very dominate. I met him online. The first night he took me home he dressed me before having sex with me. He made it clear that I was to not only always be a ‘girl’ around him but I was to come...

2 years ago
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Somebody Had To Take The Babysitter Home

Mike’s night was falling apart.“But honey, this is supposed to be a romantic evening with,” he struggled to phrase it with finesse, “an intimate ending. How are we supposed to do that if you end up falling asleep before I get back home? Can’t we just call her a cab?”His wife, Cindy, sighed in response. “Sweetie, someone needs to bring Megan home, and I’ve had too much wine, so it’s going to have to be you,” she explained as she looked at him with a face depicting the annoyance of telling a...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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My Addiction To My Boss Chapter 7

I take a drink of my coffee as I hurry towards my office building. I'm trying to avoid the rain, but my jacket is soaked. It's supposed to rain for the next few days, and I'm honestly pretty excited. But of course, I forgot my umbrella in my haste to not be late for work. Damien and I had a late night last night... so I slept through my alarm this morning. He's going to be the death of me. I yawn my hello to Jo as I walk to my desk. I hang my jacket on the coat rack by my desk and slide my bag...

4 years ago
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The Djinn and I Chapter 10 Day 6 The rest of the day

Chapter 10 Day 6 The rest of the day "Quite the exit there Dylan," Oscar giving Dylan a shit eating grin. "Delta is ready to help you shut your mental pie hole." "How much did you hear?" an embarrassed Dylan asked. "Lot of snippets, let's just say enough to know what's going on between the two of you, not that it wasn't apparent beforehand. Dylan I would not blame you for your feelings. Bethany is intelligent, loving and when she tries down right hot. If I wasn't Djinn, I would be all...

4 years ago
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Early Days Chapter 2

When the knock happened, Jenn just yelled, “Wait!”She turned to me and said, “Okay. This is Jonas. What do you want to have him do for his punishment? I know him. He’s kinda shy and not a bad guy.”I was stuck. I hadn’t really thought of anything. I looked at Jenn and shrugged.“How about this?” she said and whispered in my ear. “Okay,“ I said, ”I’ve never done that before but it could be fun.”“Great,” said Jenn. She gave me a big kiss and headed for her chair at the side of the room. “Call him...

4 years ago
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PerfectMatch Part 2

It was almost midnight when we finally pulled up in front of Mimi's building. My building, I reminded myself with a shudder. As I climbed out of the limo, the rich man handed me "my" things. "Purse, keys, and mobile phone," he said, tucking the latter two into the former. All three were cheap-looking and garish, bedazzled with various combinations of sequins, faux leather and false gemstones. Notably absent from the collection was any kind of driver's license, passport, or other...

2 years ago
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It was the very first night of my month long North Carolina July summer vacation stay when my Aunt Meg suddenly entered the bedroom that I was temporarily sharing with my younger cousin Rudy. Being so openly effeminine in his body language,voice and looks, I had already planted such dirty thoughts into my mind! Yes quite stimulating to me forbidden sexual thoughts about making my cousin Rudy become a secret faggot for me just like openly gay Joey Parker who lived right down the road from me...

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Akhri bar

Ji to janab kya hall hain meray sexy boys N girls haan to main hazir hoon or ajj main us kahani ki real story suna thi hoon. Jo main site pochnay per meri dost k sath ho a to agay chal thay hain.us he ki zabani wo main us say roz khenay lagi k wo mujh ko b apnay bhae say chud way per us ko to mazay lagay ho e thay or khush thi or is tharhaan din guzar thay rahay or main nay b khena chor dia or sexy pic dekh kar unglian kar kay sakoon hasil kar thi rahi kuch din say us ki tabiath theek nahi lag...

3 years ago
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Kim Kardashian Cheats on Kanye goes Anal

Kim was getting dressed to go to one of her good friend’s, Amanda’s pool cum house party. She had recently moved in, and had decided to throw a party to invite a few of her friends. She had mentioned that the party will head to bar afterwards, so it was up to the guests to bring their swimmers. Kim contemplated taking a nice pair of bikini with her or wear a really revealing dress that would be perfect for the pool. She decided to go with the dress, a tight short pencil skirt dress with a very...

4 years ago
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Roopali Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hi Friends, this is Aniket from Mumbai. I read all the stories posted on this site. Some I found real some are fake. I am writing a true incident of my life. So let’s start a joy of ride with sexy salaam. Story tab ki hai jab. Bhaiya ke liye bahut rishte aane lage. Humare yaha se sab logo ne sab dekh kar ek ladki bandra ki pasand karke bhaiya ki engagement kara di. Jis ladki se engagement karai thi unka naam roopali . kyunki mujhme aur bhaiya me 4 saal ka antar tha to bhabhi lagbhag mere hi...

2 years ago
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Bharati Devir Pregnant 1

Bharati devir pode nunu dhukie pradip bollo kemon lagchhe maa, bharati devi aste aste bollen khub valo aaro jore amai chod tor babu kothai, pradip bollo baba bathroom e, bharati devi bollen ohh ki aaram tor baba ke dak na , tor baba r samne toke die chodate khub valo lage. Pradip takhon bollo etokhhon to babar samnei chudlam ekhon tomai eektu eka chudi , bole pradip oor ma mane bharati devike jore jore pod marte laglo, aar bharati devi aarame sitkaar dite laglen aaahhhhhhhh oohhhhhhh...

3 years ago
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For the nineteen year old Ben it began quite innocently enough. His Mother, Paulina, a woman in her forties with dull brown shoulder length hair had been filling out her paperwork, which had spread all over their kitchen table. Ben had been skulking around the house bored with another week's worth of revision that had become mind-numbing and so drinking tea, waiting for his Mother to go out so he could at least get on the computer and look at porn had become the norm. It was one of these grey...

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Anal Fuck Toys

Join the CHYOA Fan Server and discuss this story and many more with the community: https://discord.gg/DQn3bVH If you want to support me and my work, please check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/redragonlite This is the first and last chapter out of context. Here the premise will be explained, and all characters you may choose from are listed, each with a reference picture and a description! Premise: A new website by the name analfucktoys.vip. On it users may buy and sell anal fuck...

3 years ago
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The Harvestors

Most have seen the movie "Alien" and the scary face huggers. Like in most of nature there are more than one species of an animal. The huggers in this story are cousins to the ones shown in the movie and work a little different. They are even more terrifying as their reproductive cycle doesn't kill the host, which allows the terror to go on and on. It is said, "movies reflect reality" there is a chance that the following story may reflect a alternate reality, we can only hope not,...

2 years ago
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my brother and his master

I don't want to write this but my brother said if I write a story about him and his master I would get some thing I talked to this guy over the phone and he wanted me to come down to arizona for the weekend to visit. i got on the first plane to go see him and it was a long plane ride. I got out and to the airport and saw a guy holding a sign with the name (Rin) "Hey you the guy from the phone?" I asked the man. He was tall light brown hair and hazel eyes. He worked out a lot...

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Inside Your Essence

The name spilled from her luscious lips like warm maple syrup—Essence. Her eyes looked right through me until I felt completely naked. Essence was a slim, brown manifestation of sexuality. I had actually seen her at the stoplight and made an illegal lane change to get in behind her. I followed her into the mall and set myself up for a ‘chance’ meeting in the men’s department. Was she shopping for her dad? If she wasn’t, by the time she got to the checkout she’d be ready to exchange whomever she...

3 years ago
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Surprise In The Garage

Surprise In The Garage Hi. My name's Wayne, and I'm 19 years old. And for some reason I've had an overpowering urge to try on nylon stockings and a garter belt. Yeah, I know that sounds really weird, but it's true. Actually I've fought it for a long time but can't seem to stop thinking about it. And then about a week ago I was looking for some baseball stuff in the garage when I saw a box on a shelf that was partially hidden by some old paint cans. I wondered what it was, so decided to...

2 years ago
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Slut MILF wife Erin and 2 younger bull students

One of the extra responsibilities of Erin’s job is to teach some specialized courses for adults. This story is of an experience related to one of her teaching sessions as told by her.The course I had to teach this time is a very intense one with tons of homework and a brutal exam. For this course I keep the student size limited to 6 students because there’s a great deal of theory and practical involved. The first session was starting in half an hour and the first students started to arrive....

4 years ago
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Chacha Ne Meri Chut Choda

Hello friends, mera naam Sapna hai. Main apni ek sacchi kahani aapko batane ja rahi hu. Main kaise main apne chacha se chudi. Mujhe umeed hai ki aap logo ko meri kahani acchi lagegi. Main ek simple ladki hu lekin dikhne se main bahut sexy hu kyu ki main city mein rahti hu to main modern kapde pahanti hu. Main apne ghar mein koi bhi kaam hota hai to apne chacha se karwati hu. Mere chacha to mujhe kabhi kabhi mere office mein drop karne ke liye jaate hai. Main aur chacha hum dono log friend ki...

4 years ago
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Learning Twins Part 1

The sun came up over the hills as it did every morning in the small village that was tucked into the hills...The light from the sun travels down the main street hitting the windows of the meny shops making them shine like gems for the short time that the rays layed on them...In the town people live like another town childeren play teens hang out on the conners and the adults work...Down past the edge of the town where the main street runs into the woods there is a small brick paththat leeds...

2 years ago
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Sleigh Ride on Thanksgiving

Introduction: At the turn of the nineteenth century an open sleigh was like a convertible in the 1950s Deep in the North Woods Osborn lived miles from town on a small lake in Wisconsin. It was the early 1900s and the automobile had hardly been seen anywhere in those small isolated places. People lived there to cut lumber or work in the copper mines. He worked deep underground and took his meat pie in a bucket on the long walk before sunrise every day. He was a smart young man. Father built...

2 years ago
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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 9 A Dinner of Surprises

Pete was released from the hospital for convalescence leave Friday and dinner was set for Friday night at the Cavalla's. The wound that Pete received was nearly healed which astonished the doctors. But, DPS was adamant that a person being shot in the chest take more than a week off. Susan was Pete's designated driver when he was released from the hospital. She claimed that due to his wound healing he had limited motion. Everyone knew she was just using that as an excuse to spend time with...

1 year ago
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Kaedia Lang 20 215 000

Are you in the mood for some Asian persuasion? I don’t know about you, but I don’t need much persuading to look at Asian pussy. Such is the case over on Twitter.com/KaediaLang.This is the official Twitter account of Kaedia Lang. If you have never heard of her, you’re about to become her next biggest fan. Especially whenever you see those clips of her rubbing her tight, wet pussy up close and personally. If you want to watch her slide a set of her fingers deep inside that pulsating twat, you...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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The Boss s Wife

While I was out working one day I got a message from my boss asking me to go to his house for a meeting. It is not unusual for me to go to Jim’s house for a meeting. I had only been working for him for six months, but he really trusted me and took me under his wing.Before long I was at Jim’s door. I chapped three times and stood by patiently. Not a second too soon the door swung open and it was Jim’s wife Angie at the door.“Hi Angie, how are you?”“Jay, come in. Get out of the hot sun.”“Is...

4 years ago
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Unexpected school day

With her once again on my mind, I left home with a big grin on my face. Connie was the only beauty on my mind for months. She was what I wanted. A horny 16 year old high school student. Horny and willing to do anything.As I got off the streetcar in front of our school, I saw her arriving the opposite way. She was wearing a short, red skirt with a black, soft low-cut shirt tucked in. Sadly, she wasn't wearing tights, but I knew something lots of people don't know; she likes to wear skirts with...

Oral Sex
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 210

Three blondes walk into a building ... You’d think one of them would’ve seen it. ✧ ✧ ✧ Father O’ Malley is hearing confessions one day when he suddenly feels an attack of the Hershey squirts coming on. When Mr. Hennesy steps into the confessional he begs him to take his place hearing confessions while he runs for the men’s room. “Sorry Father, I wouldn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t know what to give for penance. How many Hail Marys? How many Our Fathers?” “It’s very simple, my son....

4 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 46

The supper was excellent, the company boisterous and it was all many of the attendees could do to curb their language because of Rachel. "So," Karen said, "Harry had gone off and gotten himself invited to one of the Psi Lambda Mu "Moo Call" parties, which were generally acknowledged to be drunken debaucheries almost on a par with what any fraternity would throw. They didn't invite frat boys or other sorority sisters, these were held off campus, generally at some rented place outside...

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Women Of My Wife 8217 s Family 8211 Part 2

Next day I woke up a bit late and my mother in law was about to go to the bath room to take bath. She gave a warm smile and facing me she raised her hands to untie her hair. That gave me an excellent vision of her big breasts, so inviting, I immediately got a hard on. She noticed that as I was not wearing an under wear beneath my dhothi and she smiled again. I got up and grabbed her breasts and removed her blouse. She was wearing a bra and naked breasts danced before my eyes. She removed her...

2 years ago
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Antonia und Juliane

Antonia und Juliane sind Mitbewohner in einer gemischten WG. Ausser den beiden wohnt noch ein Typ namens Björn in der WG Antonia ist 21 Jahre alt und Studentin. Sie ist 1,74 m groß, wiegt 62 kg, hat glatte Schwarze schulterlange Haare und eine natürlich gebräunte Haut. Sie ist eine sehr sportlich, athletische Person die so ziemlich jede Sportart nach kurzer Zeit perfekt beherrscht. Auch sonst ist sie sehr erfolgreich in ihrem Leben und dem ist sie sich mehr als bewusst. Juliane ist 22 Jahre alt...

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My Life as a Slave Chapter 2

Chapter 2The clinicOn the Friday of my first week at University, Rachel gave me some instruction before I left in the morning. I was not to come straight home, but I was to present myself at an address she gave me at 4:00 o'clock precisely. The establishment had a discreet brass plaque by the door; "family Planning Clinic"; and when I entered, the reception area was quite luxurious. A young, very attractive girl behind the desk addressed me in quite a supercilious way, but checked my...

4 years ago
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My Deranged Cousin s Hot Wife Part 3 Seducing Her

Hello everyone, this is in continuation to the previous parts of the story. Please read the previous parts to understand this story better. As Megha dozed off, first of all, I took out my phone and got a few more pictures of her and her deep cleavage. Now, I sat beside her wondering what should I do. But I didn’t want to take her by surprise and mess things up. I shut down the computer and woke her up. I asked her to sleep properly to which she declined and got up. Then the two of us had some...

4 years ago
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Fools Rush into the Gym

"Fools Rush into the Gym" by Layne Smyth Porter sat on a bench overlooking the Willamette river and smiled. It was the weekend and also his day off so he was looking to simply enjoy the lovely spring day that had graced Portland a few weeks earlier than normal. The trees were in bloom with pockets of pink, white and purple dotting the waterfront. Ducks splashed about the bank of the river while a few dogs gave chase. The sun was high in the sky, which meant that girls also came out of...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Alyssa Bounty Works Foot Fetish Magic

Foot fetish lovers will be excited to see the super sensual Alyssa Bounty working magic with her delectable feet as she turns Totti on while rubbing her perfectly pedicured toes. He massages oil into the brunette beauty’s soles prepping them for the amazing footjob he’s going to receive on both his shaft and balls. After toe-sucking and pussy licking, he finally plunges his big dick deep into her soaking wet snatch for a good fuck and then the flexy Penthouse babe coaxes the cum out...

3 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 3

They left the Burger King parking lot, the two girls laughing and Tracy crying. They drove around town for a while, with Tracy spread eagle in the back seat, totally naked. She didn’t look out, but kept her head down with shame. She was sure others saw her like this, and continued to cry. Once the girls had their thrills, they drove to Christina’s house. Once there, they ordered their new little slave out of the car. “On your hands and knees Bitch”, said Linda. Tracy fell to her hands and...

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Pumping Lois at the Local BP

The heat on Thursday made it feel like living inside a microwave oven. I wandered around my house naked all morning trying to keep cool. Sweat drenched my body, making me feel like I just stepped out of the shower. I heard a few honks and whistles from cars and trucks driving past my house on Railroad Street. This told me all I was doing was giving free looks at my big 46DD tits and pussy as I passed the windows. But I didn't mind that at all. I enjoy showing off for guys who want to see.About...

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Blacked very hard Chapter Three

“And the best is yet to come…”Whispered this huge black man; as he was putting me on my elbows and knees. He climbed up behind me and I soon felt his huge dark mushroom parting my swollen pussy lips.I just moaned in pleasure, closing my eyes and enjoying that powerful and hard intrusion.Meanwhile, Mike pulled out from Laura’s cunt and Jake grabbed her hair, dragging my girlfriend also on all fours on the other end of that king sized bed. But Mike sat down at the edge, with his legs hanging...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 14

Cindy was right about us needing a bank. My idea of, me becoming a middleman for my people making deposits to and withdrawals from their Multiverse banks was a stopgap measure that would suffice, but only for a short time. The more I thought about things, it was very evident that the Banking Guild would not establish a bank on Earth in the near future, and we needed one now. By the time I got to my office portable, I had formed a rough plan to handle this issue. My first step would be to...

4 years ago
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Our Stories Junior Prom

A week after our trip to South Carolina, Sheri and I made love for the first time. I think we’d both love to say it was fantastic, but it was what you’d expect for two seventeen year olds. It was awkward, kind of rushed, and ended way too quickly. We were in my bedroom in my parents’ house and they were sleeping about fifty feet from where we were. Even though it wasn’t as great as we’d wanted it to be, we both couldn’t wait to try again. The junior prom was mere weeks away and we both knew...

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The Fan ClubChapter 2

June and I fooled around for a good half hour or so after I caught up with her. It mostly consisted of us kissing and groping each other, not to mention a few more incidents of chasing. For some reason, I always pursued her and never vice versa. I got the impression that she had a different, playful nature at odds with her calm and professional workplace demeanor. She came across rather kinky that night, with a submissive side that she hid well from me before. By then, I craved a snack and a...

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LA FunChapter 7

My internal clock woke me and I checked the alarm next to the bed. It was six and time to get up and get going. The two girls had a little trouble coming out of their fog, but they did and dressed in workout clothes. The three of us did our half hour workout, then showered while I assisted the girls to make sure their fun parts were clean. They took a minute to make sure my pipes were also empty. Connie had to make an effort to get out of the warm bed, but Jules and Katie cajoled her into...

3 years ago
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I think I like my mom

please feel free to comment and suggest ways I can improve. Thank you and enjoy Fridays at my house usually meant 2 things, I’d be on my own for the best part of 8 hours and mum and dad would come home extraordinarily drunk, which of course meant they would have sex rather loudly in their room. Which didn’t help my sleeping pattern at all since my door was directly facing theirs, and there’s only so much noise an iPod can block out.The only difference this time was working away, he was a...

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Flight To Tomar Three 2

“I’m sorry Jim. I know it’s not you. It’s just that I’m tense… you know?” “Yeah, being in a fucked up ship in strange space does that to you.” I understood her feelings. Way back when the Minx Six incident had happened I’d seen things like this. People got weirder and weirder the longer we were seemingly out of control. It hadn’t been pleasant most of the time, and once in a while some people had gone off in unexpected ways. So far,...

2 years ago
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Wife finds out I want a BBC

It wouldn't stop. The impure thoughts wouldn't go away. Whenever he tried to ignore it, it always returned. It made him feel crazy in the head. He knew it was wrong, but his imagination continued to be more of an inconvenience in the real world.Joshua had nothing to do on a Saturday morning. Florence, his wife, had already left the house to visit her friend's place. The twenty-nine-year-old husband was now alone in the master bedroom, and he wished that he would be somewhere else other than his...

2 years ago
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Homemade Frosting

My wife is an enthusiastic baker and is always interested in making complex desserts.  So when I came home the other day to her baking I was not surprised.  I walked in the door shouted, “Hi" to her in the kitchen and went to take a shower.  I had no idea that she was cooking up something more than cupcakes.  When I got out of the shower I dried off, threw on a pair of shorts, and went to give her a kiss in the kitchen.  When I walked in my jaw almost hit the floor, she was rolling out some...

Straight Sex
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She was stunning. There was no other way to describe her. Seeing her in that tiny yellow and orange bikini caused my erection to grow painful. Water dribbled down her flawless tanned skin and slim body and over those beautiful small breasts. Her erect nipples poked through the two tiny triangles of material. Standing with her legs apart showed me the outline of her pussy. It all served to make me go weak at the knees. I almost dribbled. “Wow!” I know it was a stupid thing to say, but the only...

4 years ago
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Cabin A

I have been driving for hours, and I can’t wait to get out of the car and unpack my bags. I am so glad Jack agreed to let me go away by myself for the weekend. Well, to be fair I didn’t really leave him much choice. I told him either he let me go away for the weekend or I would go away permanently. It’s not that I don’t love my husband and kids, it’s just that sometimes I wonder if there’s more. More for me than being a forgotten wife and taxi driver to my children. The lady at the rental...

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ldquo Mom are you bisexual rdquo

Introduction: The sexiest girl in the world moved in across the street. I was pleased to see that a girl my age moved in across the street. Sixteen is a difficult age to be, you’re not really a k** anymore and you’re not quite an adult either. My hormones were raging and I jerked off a lot.I saw her bouncing a basketball on her sidewalk and went right over. I invited her to use my basketball hoop on our garage. I told her that I play in the paved driveway all the time.She introduced herself...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Memory

Something happened today, which brought back memories of my first sexual experience. Even today, that memory is one clear and sweet in my mind. I was only sixteen years old and had been brought up in a small west Texas town. The hormones that affect every young man about that age had me sneaking off every chance I got to look at an old Penthouse magazine that I had hidden in the garage. I had found the magazine in the alley that ran behind the houses on our street. It was a time before the...

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The AcademyChapter 65

Bitch (Eleanor): Once in Medical, Master had the three of them put in tubes BEFORE discussing changes with the medics. None of the three of them were going to get any input into their adjustments. From where I sat, that was fair; he hadn't asked ME, either! "So, what's the standard?" he asked the medic. "Well, adjustment of the throat and the rectum -- and maybe the vagina -- to match your penis..." the medic noted. "That's part of what we did to her..." "Ho, Bitch! What do you...

3 years ago
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Jessica s New Toy Part 2 CLICK

“Don’t cry.”The woman Jack loved and lusted over had used his worst insecurities to crush his ego like a grape and the tears had begun to flow. He deserved it for being such a little pervert, but it still felt as though his world had turned to ash.“Don't. Cry." Jack sniffed and tried to stop “You’re pathetic. I hate you and your worse than worthless bitch clit for doing this. I know it shouldn't, but it does. We had something good. We were both having fun, even if I was being a little...

2 years ago
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Innocent Wife Fucks Hotel Stranger

A few months ago my shy wife of five years, Claire and I engaged in our first "hotwife" experience. That night was only supposed to be about her teasing our limo driver by letting him see her naked and watching us fuck. Things progressed in exciting ways that night, however, and she ended up teasing AND fucking him after our nice dinner out of town. To say living out that fantasy met with our expectations is a major understatement. We shot a video of the experience and still watch it nonstop....

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RookiesChapter 16

I'd received special permission from the club to forego the hotel and stay at my parents' home while we were in Atlanta. I'd wanted to ask permission to have Shiggie and Amy stay over, too, but Amy suggested that all that would accomplish would be to have Japanese reporters invade the neighborhood. I did take both of them by the house for an afternoon get-acquainted get-together, proudly introducing Amy to my folks as the Main Squeeze I'd been incessantly telling them about over the...

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I had just sat down with a cup of coffee one Saturday morning when the phone rang. It was my neighbor Mrs. Brown calling to ask a favor of me, she said she had to go out for several hours leaving her young son Mike and his friend home alone and asked if I would mind checking in on them while she was gone. I told her I would be happy to look after them while she was gone. I finished my coffee and looked at the clock seeing that it was almost 8:30 and I figured the boys should be awake by now so...

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