King Leonidas Of Spa indian porn

2 years ago
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King Dong a Monster Movie ParodyAct VI

Anne came to, already moaning, on account of Dong’s tentacles slowly fucking her pussy and asshole, and gently squeezing her ample breasts. She opened her eyes, smiled, and said, “Mmmmm, baby, that feels so nice. Don’t stop.” They were in a large cave, with Dong mostly submerged in a subterranean lake that filled the area, though he was clearly being careful to keep Anne above water. Hearing her voice, Dong gurgled softly and started moving, climbing out of the water and into daylight. Anne...

3 years ago
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King Dong a Monster Movie ParodyACT VII

True to his word, a huge crowd attended the premier. “Live at the Hollywood Bowl, Dong, the Eighth Wonder of the World, XXX Adult Show” the signs promised. The people took their seats, speculating on what they were about to see. Many rumors had filtered out, some mostly accurate and some much less so. Anne and Jack waited backstage. Jack in a tuxedo, Anne wearing only a lacy matching set of bra and panties. “You nervous, Anne?” Jack asked. “Mmmm, ready to soak through my panties is more...

2 years ago
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King s Bay Ch 06

I pondered everything as I drove out to King's Bay the following morning. Did I really want to stay in California, or was I just overwhelmed with my current freedom, and Callie? Was I just caught up in the novelty in being somewhere different? I kept coming back to the fact that I wasn't sure what I had to return to. I could find a job out here, and Callie was here. Callie . . . I couldn’t sort out my feelings about her. Everything that had happened between us was always so hot and fast and...

Love Stories
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King s Bay Ch 02

We arrived at King's Bay on Saturday morning somewhere between nine and ten. It was the kind of day and place where keeping track of time just made no sense. Why limit your enjoyment, even by noting the time? King's Bay was incredible. I'm no poet, but this place almost made me wish I was. The water was a cool dark blue out to the horizon. There were mountains to the north and the sun had risen behind them so that it hung bright and yellow in the sky. The sand was soft and white and warm and I...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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King s Bay Ch 01

King's Bay I worked like a dog for that company for eight years and what happened? They fired me. Bright side? Nice severance package. So screw it. Instead of diving right back into the overcrowded pool of job hunters, I decided to take it easy for a while. I deserved it; I'd barely taken a day off for the last eight years, so I was going to take that package and use it to fund a long, lazy summer vacation to make up for all the spring breaks I never got and all the summers I'd worked...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Blacking Donna Pt 2

Blacking DonnabyLascivious_Gent©I hissed loudly, "Your cunt is soaked Donna, is that for me?" Her eyes opened and she just nodded, I slowly withdrew my finger, it glistened with a sheen of her slick clinging wetness.I kept my left hand on her hip and brought the tip of my glistening finger to my lips, as Donna watched I sucked my finger into my mouth with a sucking sound that seemed to fill the kitchen, licking it, tasting her arousal on it.Finally I removed my finger from my mouth and smiled,...

3 years ago
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First Spar

I sat slouched at my school desk. It was almost the end of the day and it couldn't come soon enough. Tiffany stood up front talking to the class. I liked Tiffany. In fact, she was my best friend, but I couldn't care less about her topic. Worst yet, I already was in two other classes with Tiffany, so I already heard her speech twice today. "So where is this class?" asked Mr. Ellis, our math teacher, to make sure the students heard it. "Right here at the school gym," answered...

1 year ago
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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter V The One In Which Cat Meets a Catspaw

Catelyn Stark was distraught. No, that wasn't quite right for how horrible she felt. Catelyn Stark was broken, as broken as her son. Her second son, Bran, was found after falling from the tallest tower in Winterfell, his back crushed and his legs useless - if he even survives this ordeal. He hasn't so much as woken up since the accident. Her beloved husband, Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and the North, and now Hand of the King, delayed his departure south as long as he could but he was...

4 years ago
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The R Virus Trespasser

Sure, there were obvious risks, but she thrived off taking risks. The idea of winding up in prison hardly scared her, her main source of income already carried that sentence. One breaking and entering charge was hardly a deterrent for a woman like her. If her hunch was correct it would all be worth it in the end. The traffic was slowly dying down around the industrial sector as the commercial buildings clustering in the area had all closed up shop for the night. The natural light of the...

2 years ago
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Su Guitarra Espanola

Special thanks to my editor, LadyCibelle (Inspired by Toni Braxton track. Mistakes in the Spanish are mine but should be minimal. If you haven’t heard the song, you won’t understand this. If you have, read on and enjoy, even better, listen as you read, and be transported.) * * * * * The cafe is small and dimly lit. Along each wall large red candles burn, accenting the wisps of smoke pushed around the room. The air is pregnant with the scent of tobacco and jasmine. As is the custom at this...

2 years ago
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Birth of a Spanko

Hi, my name’s Tim. I’m going to tell you the story of how I became interested in spanking. It was the summer between my Sophomore and Junior year in college. My girlfriend Donna and I had been going steady for about a year. Donna lived with her father, but he worked a lot, according to her. We were, well, we were teenagers with raging hormones and we went after each other every chance we could. Donna wasn’t on the pill, so we used condoms – both of us were horny, but we weren’t stupid. One...

2 years ago
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Last Train to Spanksville

The Amtrak pulled into the station and announced its arrival with a bellow of compressed steam as it came to a halt and the waiting passengers began to board. Overhead the sky was winter blue and the air was crisp as I picked up my bag and stepped up onto and into the carriage and made my way to a free seat. At that time of the evening, there were few people travelling, so there was only a smattering of fellow travellers dotted here and there in my carriage, making the journey a pleasant and...

2 years ago
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My first time showing my bulge disponible en espa

***There is no video or photos, I’m pretty bad of doing that in a crowded place without them realizing it*** This was the first time I did something like this I was in a some kind of Walmart (but it was another store from Mexico) and I decided to show my bulge to anyone in my way. I pull down a little bit my boxers so my cock could be free and people could see better my bulge. I was walking and I saw and employee. She was nice, neither ugly nor beautiful but cute with a tiny body and a nice...

2 years ago
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My New Wife and The Young Spaniards

My New Wife and The Young Spaniards. We had a wonderful summer wedding and immediately after we honeymooned in Spain were both itching to get at each other. My wife Louise was a beautifully slim, pale skinned young woman. I was 22 she was 21. She was in her twenties but her body was still that of a teenagers. Since we first met at school Louise had always been one of the worst cock teasers I had ever known. In a way that’s probably why I liked her but she had a reputation like no other and...

2 years ago
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In the depths of dispair

My first submission – hope you like Was it fear or trepidation? His tortured soul had never known love, but tonight. Tonight it may be different. Although he had never met Susan69, they had flirted over the chat rooms. He had bared his soul, told her secrets he had never told anyone else, including his therapist. Was Susan69 the person who could break him free of the maelstrom of despair? A beacon of hope to light up his darkness? The taxi pulled up at the address she had given him. He...

3 years ago
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The Trespasser

His POV It was a beautiful Summer day and I had decided to spend it working at my hunting land, cutting some trees that bent across the trails during an ice storm in the Winter. I was hiking down a trail through lush green Wisconsin woodland, listening to the songbirds and mentally apologizing to them for the ruckus I would soon be making. I had a chainsaw in hand and a hardhat on my head. But first, I had a different call of nature to answer to. I set the saw and hardhat down and stepped off...

4 years ago
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Forgive Us Our Trespasses

1994:I heard about the pool through my best friend Jess. She was one of those girls who is friends with everyone in high school. In comparison I was kind of a loner, preferring the company of books to people. I think that was what her interest in me was. I was a challenge, and she was persistent. I liked her, too, though only as friend. Sure, she was pretty, and smart, and cool, and nice, but I didn’t want to risk what was good about our relationship by pushing too hard for it to become...

1 year ago
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Mark öffnete seinen Posteingang und hörte sofort den altbekannten Ton den er auch irgendwie erwartet hatte.... "Ding - Sie haben eine neue Mail". Mark erwartete Post und da war sie. Der 20 jährige machte nach der Schuke gerade ein Jahr Pause und hing vielk herum. Er hatte keine Freundind im Moment und in den weiten des Internets geriet er desöfters in chats mit anderen leuten. Er chattete viel aber ein Chat-Partner hatte in den letzen Tagen und Wochen mehr interesse an ihm bekundet und so...

1 year ago
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Black Sparrows

Die "Black Sparrows" sind eine Organisation, eine Tradition, die tief zurück reicht, bis ins dunkelste Mittelalter, in welcher Mädchen von klein an lernen, Männern zu gehorchen. Diese Mädchen haben keinen Namen, keine Eltern, sie sind niemand. Sie werden von ihrer Geburt an in der Organisation großgezogen. Und wenn sie das richtige Alter erreicht haben und somit volljährig sind, nehmen sie an einer Zeremonie Teil, welche 9 Tage dauert. Während dieser Zeremonie werden sie in Gruppen von einer...

Group Sex
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Mein Name ist Paul, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und bin etwas aufgregt... Mein Freund Flo (Florian) hat heute Geburtstag und hat nicht nur mich, sondern auch M

4 years ago
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Es war ein schöner, lauer Sommerabend. Die Klasse 10B feierte ihre Abschlussparty am Strand auf einem idyllischen kleinen Campingplatz, der direkt am See gelegen war. Die Party hatte sich rumgesprochen, so waren neben den Schülern auch noch einige Geschwister der Absolventen, Freunde und ein paar Eltern anwesend. Es wurde gegrillt und getrunken, ein paar Jungs waren grade dabei, noch etwas mehr Holz für das Lagerfeuer zu sammeln und dieses in Gang zu bringen. Ein paar Mädchen spielten...

2 years ago
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Im Vergnügungspark Das war heute ein richtig schöner Tag. Früh morgens bist du mit deinem Freund aufgestanden und ihr habt euch richtig auf diesen Tag gefreut. Gleich um Neun wart ihr am Eingang des großen Vergnügungsparks. Den ganzen Tag über seid ihr von einer Attraktion zur andern gewandert. Riesenrutsche, Fallturm, Wildwasserfahrt – alles habt ihr hinter euch. Als Abschluß habt ihr euch noch die Fahrt in der großen Kugel aufgehoben – Eine Achterbahnfahrt in totaler Dunkelheit. Leider ist an...

3 years ago
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Die Junggesellenabschiedsparty

Die achtzehnjährige Julia fühlt sich beinahe wie im siebten Himmel. Sie kann es kaum noch erwarten, bis sie in einer Woche endlich ihren zwei Jahre älteren Freund Steffen heiraten wird. Ihre beste Freundin Melanie wird bei der Hochzeit eine ihrer Brautjungfern sein. Melanie erzählt ihr, dass Steffens Freunde am nächsten Abend eine wilde Junggesellenparty planen und dazu als Höhepunkt eine professionelle Stripperin einladen wollen. Julia starrt ihre Freundin total entgeistert an, als sie...

2 years ago
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Sausages and Spatulas

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.She watched him across the kitchen.He was naked and bent over the table, filling in the crossword in his newpaper.Keeping one eye on the pan, she sneaked over and smacked him with the hot, oily spatula.SLAP!"Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed his ass with one hand, whilst scratching his forehead with the pen in his other.She grinned."Just lubing you up for some playtime." She went back to the hob to...

3 years ago
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Ms Spalding

It was a day like any other, boring, sticky and hot. I had just finished a project and the rest of the day was mine to do as I pleased. My first thought was to go to the book store. The owner was always cool and picked the best titles for me. I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out the door. As I stepped off my porch, I could see my neighbor Ms. Spalding across the street unloading what looked to be gardening tools from her SUV. Though she was almost 56, Ms. Spalding was well put together,...

1 year ago
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Dunes of Maspalomas

I'm going to try to translate -with google translate, there must be a lot of mistakes, my apologies- my first (still there's not a second one) experience in the dunes of Maspalomas (if you don't want to read at the end there's a summary):I'm on top of a dune, I have two options: in front I have the sea and people enjoying a day at the beach, behind me the area with trees and bushes, area of vice and perversion. I doubt, what do I do, go or don't go, after I don't know how many minutes of doubt...

3 years ago
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Die geile Mittagspause

Sylvia arbeitete in einem Fotofachgeschäft in einer münsterländischen Kleinstadt und dort schließen die Läden über Mittag. Ich wusste, dass sie an diesem Tag vor- und nachmittags arbeiten würde und beschloss, sie daher zu besuchen. Natürlich war ich schon wieder mal mächtig geil. Als ich in den Laden kam, bediente sie gerade eine Kundin und ich versteckte mich hinter einem Ständer mit Postern. Als ich zu ihr rüber sah, lächelte sie mir entgegen und als die Kundin gegangen war, sagte sie, Warte...

2 years ago
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penari bispak

Sialnya, hari itu pasar agak sepi, dan sesudah dua jam saya baru dapat Rp5000 sesudah menari di pangkalan ojek. Saya nggak bisa konsentrasi, kepala penuh dengan pikiran, gimana caranya supaya nanti kalau pulang sudah punya cukup uang untuk bayar kontrakan. Belum utang-utang lainnya. Menjelang siang, saya sedang jalan di barisan toko-toko besar di samping Pasar.Dan di depan toko beras paling besar di Pasar, saya melihat Juragan sedang menghitung segepok uang. Beliau baru saja terima uang banyak,...

2 years ago
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My first time showing my bulge disponible en espa

***There is no video or photos, I'm pretty bad of doing that in a crowded place without them realizing it***This was the first time I did something like thisI was in a some kind of Walmart (but it was another store from Mexico) and I decided to show my bulge to anyone in my way. I pull down a little bit my boxers so my cock could be free and people could see better my bulge. I was walking and I saw and employee. She was nice, neither ugly nor beautiful but cute with a tiny body and a nice...

2 years ago
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Dunes of Maspalomas

Last year I returned to Maspalomas once again. I had heard about the things going on in the dunes and I was curious. Just behind the camel path I came across the first guy with backpack and no trousers. I adapted myself. High sun protection factor should make me walking for miles.The place is surreal. In sight of the big hotels a fair of sexual activities is held. Swingers don’t like to walk far. Of course there are sunbathers too, but sometimes walking around a corner, you will stumble into...

2 years ago
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Birth of a Spanko

Hi, my name's Tim. I'm going to tell you the story of how I became interested in spanking. It was the summer between my Sophomore and Junior year in college. My girlfriend Donna and I had been going steady for about a year. Donna lived with her father, but he worked a lot, according to her. We were, well, we were teenagers with raging hormones and we went after each other every chance we could. Donna wasn't on the pill, so we used condoms - both of us were horny, but we weren't stupid. One...

2 years ago
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Dominated By Master From Collarspace

An introduction about myself. I am a 27-year-old guy currently in Bangalore, but from Mumbai. I am submissive by nature and always want to be used and humiliated. This ‘real incident’ took place in May 2012. My trust with BDSM started as a kid when I stumbled across BDSM porn. A few searches on the internet and I was hooked onto it. I have not seen vanilla porn ever since. Unless it has some aspect of humiliation in it. Let’s say, like a Bukkake. So, back in 2012, I was young and horny and...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Trespasser

His POVIt was a beautiful Summer day and I had decided to spend it working at my hunting land, cutting some trees that bent across the trails during an ice storm in the Winter. I was hiking down a trail through lush green Wisconsin woodland, listening to the songbirds and mentally apologizing to them for the ruckus I would soon be making. I had a chainsaw in hand and a hardhat on my head. But first, I had a different call of nature to answer to. I set the saw and hardhat down and stepped off...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My New Wife and The Young Spaniards

We had a wonderful summer wedding and immediately after we honeymooned in Spain were both itching to get at each other. My wife Louise was a beautifully slim, pale skinned young woman. I was 22 she was 21. She was in her twenties but her body was still that of a teenagers. Since we first met at school Louise had always been one of the worst cock teasers I had ever known. In a way that’s probably why I liked her but she had a reputation like no other and since we went out together and ultimately...

3 years ago
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Devil May Cry The Lascivious Espada

The echo of footsteps filled the underground tomb's caverns. The squeak of rusted door-hinges opening for the first time in god knows how long. The screech of awakened demons. A salvo of gunshots. Dante sighed as he stepped over the now-perforated Msira bodies, paying them little heed as they flailed around in their death throws before dissolving into ash. "I never did get the idea behind using you guys to guard crypts," he muttered to the deceased demons as he holstered his pistols....

2 years ago
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The Trespasser

The Trespasser.Page 1.        'Hey, hey you.' I said, pretty well jumping out from behind a big rock, 'What are you doing here? This is a private beach. What the hell are you doing here?'        Now I gotta say, I was pretty well shocked at how beautiful she was. Turns out she was a fashion model and doing something I had never heard of. She was doing a series of 'selfies' but using a digital camera on a tri-pod utilizing the timer feature to do a photo-shoot of herself in a really sweet, sexy,...

1 year ago
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The Sparklers

The Sparklers By Pamela ([email protected]) The Finch High School Sparklers is one of the best girls cheerleading/dance teams in the state. Ten girls, ten superb, athletic, well-coordinated dancers that put on a precision show at sporting events and other high-school functions. Just a month before they're to head to the yearly state-wide competition that they have almost won a couple...

2 years ago
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Bravehunt Goes to Spacy s

Bravehunt Goes to Spacy's (revised)An Illustrated Story by C (Warning: plump girls and one brief underage episode)Bravehunt was a young male faycat, whose parents had named him more optimistically than accurately. As it turned out, he could catch what he had to in order to live, but he wasn't going to stop the kitty presses any day soon with courageous exploits. Then one day, Bravehunt saw a very special fairy indeed: a Full-Bodied Landfay of fuller than usual proportions. He was loitering in...

2 years ago
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My New Wife and The Young Spaniards

My New Wife and The Young Spaniards. We had a wonderful summer wedding and immediately after we honeymooned in Spain were both itching to get at each other. My wife Louise was a beautifully slim, pale skinned young woman. I was 22 she was 21. She was in her twenties but her body was still that of a teenagers. Since we first met at school Louise had always been one of the worst cock teasers I had ever known. In a way that’s probably why I liked her but she had a reputation like no other and...

2 years ago
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A Birthday for Spalding

A BIRTHDAY FOR SPALDING?So you’re excited about your birthday?? Maisie Tyll asked as she stroked her brother’s cock. Spalding and Maisie had a nightly ritual—they’d watch TV together, and she’d tease Spal’s dick as he sat next to her, but just during commercials. Then, of course while they were watching ?American Idol? and the commercial wasn’t on, he was totally focused on her putting her nasty little hand on his dick again.Spalding was so out of it, man. His twenty-second birthday should have...

1 year ago
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SPALDINGSpalding Tyll walked home disconsolately, his knapsack hanging off his arm. It had now been 103 days since Mother had allowed him to masturbate, and it was hanging heavy on his young balls. At school, the girls pranced past him; many of them were his good friends and gave him friendly hugs, which made Spal just crazy with lust. He wasn’t grounded, after all, and he’d actually been on a few dates where there had been lots of necking in Dad’s 2005 Acura?and when Jennifer had wanted to go...

2 years ago
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Let s Play Tresspassers

Let’s Play TrespassersAfter a late lunch out, Lisa, Ashley, Suzi and I were out walking in a park on a warm Sunday afternoon in July. The park was beautiful. There was a lush lawn and the flowers all around were in magnificent bloom. We were just walking around, talking and gossiping and giggling, probably a little too loudly. We were feeling a little hot, and decided to go walk in the nearby woods, to take advantage of the shade. The woods was mostly a pine forest. There were lots of tall pine...

3 years ago
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The Freeing of Spartacus

The Freeing of Spartacus.1 For two long years the slave war had shook Rome to the very core. Although in its all conquering peak, the Roman army had been pushed to the very edge by this huge group of renegade gladiators and slaves. At their head was the Thracian gladiator Spartacus who, though born into slavery had never bowed a knee to his enemy.Through thirty six years of slavery he had stood rebellious, ignoring the beatings and death threats which came his way. Even his masters had feared...

4 years ago
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In the depths of dispair

My first submission - hope you like Was it fear or trepidation? His tortured soul had never known love, but tonight. Tonight it may be different. Although he had never met Susan69, they had flirted over the chat rooms. He had bared his soul, told her secrets he had never told anyone else, including his therapist. Was Susan69 the person who could break him free of the maelstrom of despair? A beacon of hope to light up his darkness? The taxi pulled up at the address she had given him. He...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Accidental Hooker pt 6 The Spankery

Mistress Miller gave Kim a tug on the leash and followed her round the mezzanine. They passed what looked a lavish toilet and bathroom, outside of which a small creepy man, completely naked, was standing just holding his crotch. He looked longingly at Kim.“Your slave want to join me for a piss?” He shouted. Mistress Miller gave him a withering look and otherwise ignored him. They passed a couple of younger men, also naked, with what looked suspiciously like a mixture of blood and semen on their...

4 years ago
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Der Schwimmbadspanner

Ich wuchs als Einzelkind in einer zumindest nach aussenhin prüden Familie auf, in der Nacktheit nie ein Thema war. Als ich langsam erwachsen wurde und anfing, mich dafür zu interessieren, wie die Geschlechtorgane anderer denn so aussehen, habe ich das Spannen für mich entdeckt. Damals gab es noch in vielen Schwimmbädern sogenannte Spannerlöcher in den Umkleidekabinen, durch die man gut beobachten konnte, was so in der Nachbarkabine vor sich ging. Auch gingen viele Umkleidewände nicht bis zum...

4 years ago
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Im Wellnessurlaub entspannen

Endlich ist Urlaubszeit! Gemeinsam mit meiner besten Freundin Jessi geht es in ein Feriendorf für offene Singles. Jessi ist eine bildhübsche rothaarige Grazie, mit Ihren 1,72 m , ihren grünen Augen, den langen roten Haaren, die ihre schönen Brüste leider viel zu oft verdecken (pralles C-Körbchen ohne eigentlich nie einen BH an). Ihrem wohlgeformten prallen arsch uns ihrer ohnehin schlanken Figur ist sie definitiv eine Frau, die jeder Mann gerne nackt sehen würde. Ich bin Tom, 26, bin 1,83cm...

1 year ago
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You almost didnt believe the rumors until tonight. According to local legend, there's an underground arena where cyberpunks from all walk of life gather to fight in high-stakes battles for glory and sexual satisfaction. The latter is hard to come by in Cybercity-69 since the Corporate Overlords outlawed natural genitalia, leaving only the rich and powerful to fuck at their leisure. Lower-class citizens are free to upgrade their crotch sockets by installing genital add-ons, but even the economy...

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Nick Marius was a quiet skinny fat teen who had just graduated high school, with no real reason to go to college other than not having to deal with his parents harassment. As he got up from his bed at 8 in the morning looking around dazedly he caught his reflection in the full length mirror near his bed. Standing at exactly 5 foot 8 ( 5’8 1/2” if you ask him) and roughly 200 pounds he was a sort of skinny fat. Thin limbs and shoulders that didn’t match his protruding belly. He moved his black...

1 year ago
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12 Years Ago, High SchoolI took a deep breath before I went into my house.My dad was the first one to see me. “Hey kiddo! You’re home early, you all good?”I shrugged and nodded to Dad, then took a couple more steps into the living room and saw Mom on the couch, checking her Instagram for the latest Yorkie updates; she was obsessed with Yorkshire Terriers. Without even looking up, she addressed me. “Date didn't go so well, hmmm, Mandy?”I could just feel her judging me.“No, not so well. I won’t...

4 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of Trump Supporters Kyle Rittenhouse feat Ana Kasparian

I was deer hunting several ridges over from my new house. I had taken a position high on a hill up in the tree so I could overlook the whole valley. About 9 Am; I saw movement on the other side of the creek coming down the hill. As I looked through my scope up and down the beach for something interesting to spot. There was nothing except I could see that it was the liberal news host Ana Kasparian and their property had numerous "No Hunting" signs posted. It was over a 300 yard shot and I...

2 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of Trump Apologists Kyle Rittenhouse feat Ana Kasparian

I was deer hunting several ridges over from my new house. I had taken a position high on a hill up in the tree so I could overlook the whole valley. About 9 Am; I saw movement on the other side of the creek coming down the hill. As I looked through my scope up and down the beach for something interesting to spot. There was nothing except I could see that it was the liberal news host Ana Kasparian and their property had numerous "No Hunting" signs posted. It was over a 300 yard shot and I...

3 years ago
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TT Spalding

The Waters Case The broad walked into my office and sat down in the chair in front of my desk. She was a real looker: blond, hair cut short like a pixie, green eyes that were big and round, a figure that would make any guy stop and look back and legs that were at least ten miles long. She had a smile that said there were things she had to share that would be worth my time. All in all, she was a knockout! The description was fairly on the money but the vernacular was right out of a Sam Spade...

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Erin s Dispair

March 14, 2012 This story started out as a constructive comment to the author whose pen name is Vulvus and has written prolifically for Storiesonline I offered these changes for him to use as his. He did not seem interested. I believe he encouraged me to submit this on my own. The names of the characters and basic premise of the story are all his. I offer this story only as an alternative. I do not claim credit for any originality. You may read his story: "My boss wins, my wife and I...

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4 Part 38 INTERLUDE Somewhere in Freespace

The mysterious and dangerous companion of Swybar, who seemed to have dozens of names, faces and disguises, was not so dangerous anymore. Swybar didn’t even bother to check on the true identity as he shoved the body through the energy membrane and watched it float away. He might still have been alive, one never knew the exact effects of Shaill poisons, but his good friend swallowed enough to kill a heard of Petharian. At least that what the merchant had said and it worked. His former...

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Matt s Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 28 Sparrowhawk

Sparrowhawk The security klaxon in the bedroom jarred Matt and the girls from a deep, comfortable sleep a couple months later. Seconds later, the voice of one of the security guards came over the speaker that was installed in every room on the estate, even the bathrooms. “This is not a drill. We have a Sparrowhawk inbound from 512. Security teams one and four, take two armored vehicles and appropriate weapons to the intercept point. All other security units, report to assigned Sparrowhawk...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Maddy May Gets a sensual rubdown from the 8220 Owner 8221 of the KinkySpa

Maddy calls her masseuse to let her know that she is running late but some guy answers and tells her its ok, when she arrives Tommy a part owner lets her know that her masseuse had to leave abruptly but he can take care of her. In the middle of the massage Maddy levels with Tommy and his bullshit tactics to give her what she is paying for and get to work on her PUSSY. Tommy happily obliges filling her with his tongue & cock making her scream in pleasure, but once the massage is over Tommy...

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BangBus Roxy Ryder Happy Spanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving time, and you know what that means….it’s time for Bang Bros to get in the spirit of giving. After all, #BangBrosCares. Our wonderful Bang Bus driver, Steve, decided to make a bunch of sandwiches to pass out to homeless people on the streets. Of course, that’s a great idea and very thoughtful, but no one wants to take food from the Bang Bros, they want to take food from a hot chick. We drove around till we got lucky. We found the beautiful Roxy Ryder....

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KinkySpa Carolina Cortez Shows a client what Kinky really stands for in KinkySpa

Carolina Cortez has a very reserved client, he is so oblivious to what they do he thinks KinkySpa means they focus on muscle kinks. But this visit Carolina is going to change that, she is going to give him the full package at no charge. When her client realizes he has been getting massaged by her massive tits it finally clicks “KinkySpa” that’s when he has no problem bending her phat ass over that massage table and working her hard. Looks like her client is going to have a new massage routine...

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KinkySpa Brooklyn Gray Gets her first introduction to the KinkySpa

Brooklyn Gray is new to the Kinky Spa, she heard about it from her friends who have only glowing reviews. When she arrives, she meets Ramon a tall muscular Spanish masseuse and she likes what she sees. He brings her to the back and gives her the basic massage but then the real fun starts when he flips her over and pulls his massive cock out. Brooklyn gets fucked like she could never imagine ending with Ramon’s hot load in her mouth. Brooklyn enjoyed the massage so much she books her next visit...

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OyeLoca Lucy Sexting In Espana

Lucy is a sexy Spanish brunette who agrees to take part in a documentary about sexting. She admits that she likes to take pictures of herself and our amateur film maker has a proposition for her. He offers to snap photos of her and film her, and even offers to pay her. She strips down to her bra and panties and starts to play with herself, and he throws money on her. She then pulls out his big uncut cock and starts to suck it. When he is done shooting his load all over her face, he throws even...

1 year ago
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Spank Bang (often misspelled as Spankbank, Spangbang or Sparkbang by idiots)! We all need a great source of porn to leech from and you can bet your ass that you’ve found one here. And yeah that pun was intentional. But seeing as how this is a free site, I’m going to have to dive in deeper and see what the murky depths hold. These ass metaphors are getting out of hand, so we have to get to the BOTTOM of this. Okay, I’ll stop.Endless functionality, limitless featuresWhen you first open up...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Spank Wire! As The Porn Dude, a dude who catalogs all the best porno on the Internet, I know all about being paralyzed by choice. With so many options, how do I know what to pull up on my laptop when it’s time to grease the pipe? The safest bet is often one of the free tube sites. They don’t cost anything and usually have a ton of different content. Today we’re going to be looking at one of the classic video tubes, know some of you old-time perverts are thinking, Spank Wire?...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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The name of the page says it all, really. Pussy Space is a page that does an amazing job at stuffing lots and lots of pussies in your screen, Just take a look at the home page! As soon as you make your way inside PussySpace, you will get at least 15 great pics of pussies, and this is obviously not where the fun stops. I mean, for starters, these aren't just plain pictures, these are thumbnails of various videos that you may watch on pussy space. Did I mention that these videos are completely...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Spa Hunters! Do you want to feel the orgasmic pleasure of an erotic touch, loving caress and sensual foreplay of every sexual massage that turns your sexual fantasy into reality? Are you looking for a handjob but are probably too lazy to jack it and want the help of a hot Mamacita with soft hands who is also ready to give you the happy ending you crave at a fee? I won’t even lie, the idea of a slut with big tits giving me an oiled, sensual massage and then jerking and blowing my cock keeps me...

Erotic Massage Sites
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I’ve been watching Espa Porn all morning, which may explain my sudden craving for free tacos. Maybe I’m getting spoiled, because just yesterday, I was willing to pay for both my lunch and for my premium Latina porn. Today, I feel like I deserve the whole enchilada without having the bust out my wallet. Hey, I am the world-famous Porn Dude, after all.But even if you’re just Joe Blow off the street, there’s no good reason not to cash in on this amazing offer. Yes, ladies, gentlemen and hombres of...

Latina Porn Sites
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What exactly is Collar Space? Is it the part of your neck where a dog leash fits well, keeping your right to breathe freely in the hands of your leather-bound master? Or is it a place on the internet where you can find that dominant kink partner to take the reign and maybe bang you up the ass with a strap-on after thoroughly spanking your bare butt, balls, and back? Well, while I do review the occasional sex toy here at ThePornDude, this one’s an online thing, though maybe it’ll help you find...

Hookup Sites
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I checked out Spank Net earlier today, thinking it might be an excellent place to learn about corporal punishment. The thing is, though, I don’t think the spankings going on here are really considered punishment. “Funishment” might apply if you want to throw out some cutesy wordplay, and why not? I’m a big fan of adults having all kinds of play, including the pain-spiked pleasure you’ll find on SpankNet. Now, where did I put my paddle? is a BDSM site for meeting other kinksters...

Hookup Sites
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MotherFucking Friends

In Motherfucking Friend I told you of Elanee 69 and her 49 year old son Chester. Being Chester's best friend of 40 years, he is like a brother of mine and Elanee is a second mother for me. Seeing I have not found the right words to get my own mother to let me eat her pussy and suck on her tits, I thought my friend and his mother would love to fuck. Well, it's not like I asked them before I tied them both their chair, stripped them naked and pumped Chester full of viagra. Then watched what came...

3 years ago
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Lets be honest, a large majority of men have imagined fucking their own mother. Very few of these guys allow this secret desire to be known by anybody else. And even less number of sons can concoct a scheme that replaces his right hand with moms mouth.Speaking honestly, ladies if you have a son and he has hair on his balls, his dick will gets hard if he thinks of fucking you. If he sees you naked enough times, masturbation will not fulfill his lust for you and he will spend a life time dreaming...

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Billy s mom in gold spandex

Back in 2001 was a trip, I was glad to be out of highschool, I was in community college, new friends and no bullies, I was still a virgin, but masturbating was huge part of my life, I was odd, I didnt care for porn or even softcore, I loved women in spandex. Growing up in 80s and 90s played a huge role, I love watching the soul train dancer shake it up on camera, Salt and Pepper push it music video was probly what sparked everything, two beautiful chicks in shiny spandex dancing and rapping...

1 year ago
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Baking gone Erotic

Hi my name is Leslie, I am a pastry chef. Just so you can get a good mental picture of me…I am 5’3, I weigh 105, my eyes and hair are dark brown, I am a 34D people always tell me I should be a model (except I am too short). Everyone is so surprised when I tell them I am a chef, they always ask me how I have such a great figure, and if I eat what I make. About a year ago, I went to the grocery to pickup a few things to make some cookies. I was waiting in line to check out, when I noticed a good...

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QUEEN OF SPADES The Legend of Geraldinetg By; CY-Black The last few months were not easy for Gerald. First, his wife leaves him for a black charismatic lawyer named, Clarence T. K. Johnston. Together they successfully and legally fleece the 35-year-old of his home, his Mercedes, and especially his bank account. By the time the dust cleared, Gerald had little more than the clothes on his back. He was the laughingstock of the town and wondered if he should’ve taken Johnston up on his offer to...

4 years ago
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Jailhouse Spades

It was a quiet Friday evening at the Prescott County Jail. The inmates had already been fed dinner and were in the rec area watching TV, playing cards or dominoes, conversing, or just relaxing. At one table a group of Blacks was playing spades. The game was close and this final hand would determine the winning team of this round – even though they’d probably rematch right after this. All of them arrived due to various Class-A misdemeanor offenses. On one team was Errol, known as ‘E’, and...

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The Queen Of Spades

*** Hearts entrap you, Diamonds ensnare you, Clubs enfold you.. But... Spades enslave you. **** AN ADULT HORROR STORY WITH SERIOUSLY ADULT CONTENT... *** Four Of A Kind. Aisha reached for her glass but it was empty, just a couple of alcohol tears on the side of the glass showed that it had been full a few minutes before. Her poker hand was just as empty of hope. A nine and ace, not enough to risk, too uninspiring a flop to play the bluff. With a sigh she tossed the two cards to Chantel and...

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Kingdoms of Stink

On the Continent of Khal'ze, myriad kingdoms, tribes, republics, and empires exist. From the desert dwelling Automata of Enil, to the Witches of the northern mountains, and the Angels and Humans of D'er. One thing remains true amongst all of these multiple locations: The stinky and malodorous hold power, and those who aren't foul smelling serve. Here you will follow the lives of the varied people of the continent. Perhaps you will peer into the life of one of the foul smelling Vampire queens....

2 years ago
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Stalking Chelsea

Stalking Chelsea By Wholeman Confession I couldn't help myself. Chelsea Charm's breasts were hypnotically drawing me to them. Large breasts have always been my greatest fantasy. I grew up in a family where the females are all hugely busted, so you can imagine my disappointment when coming of age, I discovered that it wasn't normal for all women to have big breasts. I know it is an obsession but I swear I meant no harm. I just love huge breasts. One day I discovered Chelsea...

4 years ago
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Pecking Order

In human life as in the animal kingdom as a whole there's a pecking order, you obey people above you and order those about below. Now I'm not particularly a dominant person, I say 'yes sir' to my boss whenever he asks me things, but like most men, I would like to have a nice young sex slave to order about. Her name was Janice, a new girl in the pool; I noticed straight away that she always looked down shyly whenever anybody talked to her. She was quite pretty, with an innocent looking...

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Viking Fire

We were very fortunate for many years in the remote village where I grew up, because we had not been raided by the notorious Vikings that dominated the region. We always lived in fear that one day that could change, and regrettably, eighteen summers after I was born that dreaded day finally came to pass. We offered no resistance to our attackers because that would simply have been futile. They raped and plundered wantonly, and after they had sated their appetites, left with their booty and...

Gay Male
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My Sexy New Spaceship

It had taken me years, but I finally had my own space pod. I bought it free and clear, complete with an android crew, and I never had to go back to Earth again if I didn't want to. It was brand new and unused. The gravitational systems, navigation, communications, light engines, and even a few things I had yet to check out were all tested and guaranteed to work or I get my credits back. At less than 2 million credits, this mansion of a starship was a steal. It was looking like 3257 was...

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In the SpaceShip

Tabitha “Tabbi” Rawlings is so ready for her shift to end at the Mars ship building facility where she works as a computer technician on new ships for the Earth Space Fleet. She is assigned to the new spaceship “Wonder.” The first ship to leave Earth's solar system and manned. Her shift finally ends. She has been at the Mars station for a week. She is getting a week to head home to see her kids and husband. Her bags are already packed. She grabs her stuff and heads to the shuttle bay where her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Banking for BeginnersChapter 13 Ellie In Kushtia

It was hardly the best organised process. Victoria was gesticulating wildly and attempting to order Husna Hannish to prepare the girls for transfer to the Kalinin's palace while he protested that any arrangements should be made by the Kalinin's overseer as the representative of his household. Neither of them were ready to do more than bluster about what needed to be done. Finally Victoria got her way and Husna, reluctantly began to ready things. In another room Henry, oblivious to the...

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Hiking Trips 4

When they awoke 2 hours later the horses were gone much to their chagrin but they decided to take a dip in the creek to get cleaned up. Greta giggled as she dunked Tami who was washing her hair. When she resurfaced she glared playfully at Greta and splashed her before returning to rinsing her hair. “So when do you think we should move up to adults?” Greta asked washing her scarlet locks. “Not sure, I think we should practice more with the ponies and mini stallions. Then move up to...

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Hiking Trips 4

Introduction: Final installment. Sequel is on its way. The two girls lay panting in exhaustion by the creek. For the past 2 and a half hours they had been stuffed by the cock of every male pony from the Yen herd. Their cunts were so full that it was unbelievable! They slowly stood and made their way over to the lounge chair and curled again together for a nap. They would try or adults later but right now they really needed some rest. When they awoke 2 hours later the horses were gone much to...

2 years ago
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Hiking And Swimming With Daddy

DISCLAIMER: FICTIONAL WRITE UP. It’s the start of Summer and Amisha thought “what a perfect day for hiking deep in the woods”. She had called up her friends who were lazy enough to lay around and gave weird reasons to escape the offer. She also made a call to her boyfriend to see if he’s interested although she knew he would suggest going out to a resort and enjoying the day naked in the spa, but unfortunately he had to attend a wedding with his parents and felt so unlucky to not have sensual...

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Tricking My Brother

Tricking My BrotherI came home from school early this afternoon. I had told the nurse I was suffering from a severe headache and needed to go home, take my medications and try to sleep. It was a perfect excuse, even if untrue, and she dutifully signed me out and off I went home. Since it was still before lunchtime, I figured that I could slip into the house and up to my bedroom and get on the internet with no problems because Dad would be at work and both, my sister and brother, at school.I was...

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It was a cold, wet, miserable Tuesday in November last year and I got asked to take the place of a work colleague at a networking event.To say I'm not a big fan of these sorts of things is an understatement, but I liked the guy who asked so to help him out I agreed to go.As I walked into the venue a hot girl was stood outside smoking. I thought "if she's going in here I can live with this". Sure enough she followed me in and I immediately started chatting to her. She was already tipsy and very...

3 years ago
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My Despair

My Despair Synopsis: When pre-op Jerri Lynn is violently raped by the mayor's son, which caused Jerri Lynn to be ostracized by the community. When the case is dismissed due to improper handling of evidence, she plans a revenge that only her best friend's Love prevents, leading to her finding peace as she gives up her anger and embraces Love. [*][*][*] Well, here I am, in the afterglow of love with my beloved husband, Grant who has never doubted me, or our Love. But it was not always...

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I come from a decent family in Delhi. We are four in our family – Dad, mom, my younger brother and I. My dad (42) is a higher-level employee in a bank. Mom (38) is a senior staff with one of the research institutes. I (22) have just finished my engineering in Electronics and looking for a job. My brother (20) is doing his B.Sc. In short we are a happy family enjoying all the facilities available in the modern era. Even we are rich enough to have a maid,but we do not have any because we think...

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Hiking Trips 2

Introduction: Two best friends discover new things For the next three weeks Greta and Tami had gone through their usual routine of going to the valley early in the morning, hiking around for an hour or so until they reached the creek where they would give blowjobs and hand-jobs to the male horses that occupied it. A couple of times there werent any horses there so the girls would just lie down to tan, swim, or fuck each other. But most of the time a herd would come along to drink much to the...

4 years ago
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Hiking Sister

My sister asked to go on a camping and hiking trip with me. At first, I had no intention of taking her with me --- she was totally inexperienced and would very likely be a total drag. I felt kind of sorry for her, I guess. I decided that it might be fun to have her along, though I knew that she would slow me down. At first she decided that she would pack too much --- and I told her that make up and a few other items simply weren't going to be necessary. It was difficult to show her how to...

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No Trespassing

NO TRESPASSING By Nnm The battered black pick-up turned silently of the road and pulled up behind a copse of trees, hidden from the view of any other traffic which may pass, which was very unlikely on this isolated area of the moor. The two doors open and out stepped a pair of untidy passengers. One was a short, 5' 2" woman with unkempt blonde shoulder length hair. She was wearing a pair of skintight Levis and a dark t-shirt, which seemed to be a size too small for her 32b breasts...

1 year ago
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Asking To Be Spanked

  Asking To Be Spanked   by Dennis C. Lee  She is entranced to ask strangers to spank her. (mc mf md hm)_____________________________________________  If your ex-boyfriend ever studies hypnosis, I am here to tell you DO NOT go anywhere near him ever again.  This was my mistake.  Just chalk it up to me being young, pretty, female and stupid.  At least I feel stupid at this moment.   Because at this moment I am at the big store, in the sexiest little miniskirt I could find and with my cute face...

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viva sunny spain

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!Back in the good old days when everyone went to Spain for their hols, a group of us from the pub decided to go, as a group!Before you knew it someone’s mate wanted to tag along,...

2 years ago
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A sexy weekend in Spain

Ian was really looking forward to this weekend away with Susie, his daughter. As they sat side by side on the plane heading for Spain, he closed his eyes and thought back to how it had all come about.Susie was just nineteen, and liked to think that she was independent. She was just coming to the end of her first year at University. For the last couple of years, Susie had chosen not to go away on the annual family holiday with her younger brother and her parents. The previous summer, the rest of...

1 year ago
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Break up in Spain

Hello, I posted part 1 of this story a while ago. Part 2 is now, finally, ready. However, as I re-read part 1 I realised that there were some errors, so I fixed those and am now posting parts 1 and 2. Thanks for reading. Break up in Spain - parts 1 and 2 My girfriend of eight months, Sarah, and I had gone on holiday to Spain. We'd hired an isolated villa that was about forty minutes drive from the nearest beach. The isolation of the villa meant that we got it pretty cheaply...

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