Teen Lovers indian porn

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 6

As I walked back to where I’d left the girls, my heart sank. Why did they have two boys sat with them, chatting away like old friends? I took a detour over to where Andy was fishing. “Caught anything?” I asked him, handing him his ice cream. “Not yet,” he replied. I gestured over to the girls. “Looks like Cal and Pip have,” I said. “Hmm,” he grunted, “what’s going on there? Want me to come back over with you?” “Nah, they probably just heard Cal singing in the club last night and are...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 7

It was after two am when we arrived home, all of us so shattered that all we could do was roll into bed and sleep. When I got up the following morning, Dad was on the phone to the insurance company about the attack on the caravan. After breakfast I decided that since Cal and I would have been spending the day together anyway, there was no need to change that plan, and walked next door and let myself in through the back door. The kitchen was empty, as were the other two downstairs rooms. I...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 8

I had a horrible sinking feeling as my Mum smiled at us. “What do you mean Aunt Pat?” Cal asked. “Well, it’s all right for you to kiss each other in front of her, but no wandering hands or anything.” “Mum, are you trying to tell us something?” “No, but you’re growing up. And I know you’ll feel things, want to do things.” “Oh, you mean like sex Mum?” I asked. She blushed, I swear, I made my mother blush. “David, your sister is present.” “It’s all right Mum, I know what sex is. I just...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 9

Our goodbyes that morning were tearful. Cal in floods of tears at leaving me and even I suffered a little from leaking eyes. I was sorry to be parted from her for two months, but knew that in the long run we’d both benefit from it. Slowly I walked back next door to our house, opened the door and walked in. “Did she get off all right?” my Dad asked as I walked in. I just nodded and headed for my room. Once there I sat on my bed, and for the first time in a long time, picked up my guitar....

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 10

I was up early on Saturday morning. I had to pack for a start. We’d decided, that is Mum had decided then told me, that I wouldn’t take a lot of stuff with me. A week’s worth of clothes, my phone, a couple of books and enough toiletries to last me the same week as the clothes. I could wash the clothes in James’ washer, and dry them either in his dryer or on the line in his back yard, anything I needed over what I took, it would be easier to buy over there. I didn’t take my laptop, again...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 11

People outside the entertainment industry seem to think that making films is all action and glamour. Actually, it’s mostly sitting around waiting for the next setup. In short, it’s boring. My first day in the studio, however, wasn’t boring. Peter picked me up at seven thirty, and ran me into the studio, and I spent the morning having costume fittings, make-up tests and generally getting ready for the shoot, followed after lunch, by a read through of the entire script with the rest of the...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 12

The next few weeks flew by, we worked a lot of weekends, and as a result managed to make up a week on the schedule. Eventually, on the Thursday of our sixth week of shooting, the director said the most welcome words I’d ever heard. “Ok, folks, that’s a wrap. Thank you all for your efforts.” We were done. I was finished and had a whole week free. I couldn’t decide whether to go home a week early or be a tourist in LA. I had dinner that night with James and his family, and broached the...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 13

My room at the hotel was comfortable, and the receptionist, Britte, spoke very good English, much better than my schoolboy German. She gave me a room on the quiet side of the hotel, away from the street. I thanked her took my key and went up to the third floor and found room 312. Being Tuesday, I decided that Cal would be in lectures or whatever until late afternoon, so decided on a nap, then I’d go and scout the best way to get from where I was to the student accommodation on Ismanninger...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 14

“Do you want to talk about it?” Dad asked as we pulled out of the station car park. “No,” I replied, “but I suppose I’m going to have to, aren’t I?” “Well at some point, and to some one,” he answered,” yes. Your Mum will want to know about it. Your sister is absolutely livid, but she switches between being angry at Cal and being angry at you. And Mary is just distraught.” “Aunt Mary is distraught? Why?” “Apparently she spoke to Cal last night and Cal confessed the whole thing to...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 15

I walked straight through the kitchen and started up the stairs when I got back home. As I reached the top, I heard my father speak. “Not now Pat, leave him be, for a while.” “I think I’d better get back round home,” Mary said, then I closed my bedroom door on them. I threw myself down on the bed and wept. I don’t know how long for, but it was a long time, and I wept myself to sleep. When I woke up someone had covered me in a blanket. That was a bit silly because it was a lovely warm...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 16

On Tuesday at school, I met up with Kathy at break time and asked if she’d like to go to the regular gang cinema outing with me on Friday. She said yes (of course) but reminded me that I’d have to ask her Dad but did say that she didn’t think it would be a problem. Which is why, at seven thirty that night I walked through the doors of the Roundhill Working Men’s club in Castleford, walked up to the bar, and stood next to the club chairman. “Evening young David,” he greeted me, “what are you...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 17

From James, I found out that Steve Parkin was one to watch out for, a shark. He was interested that Parkin had got my contact details from his office, and promised to look into that. Parkin’s normal method of operation was to contact a newcomer to the business, such as me, and promise the earth, tell them he couldn’t represent them to producers unless they were under contract to his agency, bind them to a long term, high percentage contract and them put them forward for the rubbish jobs that...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 18

I got Kathy safely back home, and said a long goodnight to her, mainly reassuring her that she had neither said nor done anything wrong, but I didn’t want to feel that I was pushing her further than she wanted to go. I stressed the wanted, rather than was willing, and arranged to see her at school on Monday morning. We parted with a long and sweet kiss. I said hello to the family when I arrived home myself, then went upstairs to do at least some of my weekend homework. The maths was easy,...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 19

It was Wednesday of the following week when Cal and I got together for our talk. I’d told Kathy about it at school on Monday, and she’d thought it was a good idea to clear the air. As we left school on Wednesday afternoon, Kathy pulled me aside before I started to walk home. “David,” she said, “about tonight.” “Yes?” I queried, apprehensively. “Good luck, I hope you can figure out some way forward,” she said, “much as I like you, you’re not happy at the moment are you.” “With you yes,” I...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 20

Cal didn’t come to school on Tuesday either, or Wednesday. It was on Wednesday that I got a call from the TV production company. I listened to what they were looking for, and the twenty five thousand pounds a week fee they were offering, and asked them to ring my Dad, since the final decision lay with my parents. As soon as I arrived home, I asked dad if they’d rung. They had, and they were couriering a script over for me to read. I was due in Manchester, at their offices on Saturday at...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 21

“That’s no problem,” Cal said, “I can walk home by myself, it’s only ten minutes. “Kathy and I will walk you home, then I’ll walk Kathy,” I said, “that makes sense.” “No it doesn’t,” Kathy insisted, “the sensible thing to do is for you and Cal to walk me home, then you and Cal walk home together.” “No seriously,” Cal said, “I’ll be perfectly fine on my own.” “That is not going to happen,” Kathy said, “the rule is girls don’t walk home alone. David, tell her.” “I just don’t want to be...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 22

I looked at Cal open-mouthed. Her. My brother. What the fuck was going on? “Cal,” I blurted out, “why?” Then I ran. I bolted for the door and was through it and off down the drive, running. I didn’t know where I was headed, I didn’t care where I was headed, I just ran. I ran for ten minutes, thirty, an hour I have no idea how far or how long I ran, then it stopped. I felt a sudden searing pain in my left side and the world went black. There was a light, bright, very bright, a long way...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 23

When Cal said she had something to tell me before we talked, my thoughts immediately sprang to what she might have done that she hadn’t already confessed to. “What is it?” I asked, my voice almost trembling with worry. “I got the STI report from the doctors, they did another test, and I’m clear on everything but one.” “They didn’t manage to get rid of the Gonorrhoea?” I asked. “No, that’s cleared up fine. No, David, they did a pregnancy test. It’s positive.” As she said it, her face...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 24

I didn’t have long to wait on Friday, Kathy called in on her way home from school. I was on my own in the house, since Alison was at school hockey practice, when I heard the doorbell. I got up from the chair I was sat in and went and opened it. “Hi,” she said, a huge smile on her face, “it’s nice to see you up and about.” “Thanks,” I replied, “it’s nice to BE up and about. What’s got you so happy?” “I had a weird conversation today at school,” she said. “With Cal by any chance?” I...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 25

Thursday evening was the time set for the teachers to come and preview the film, after first completing a non-disclosure agreement that the studio had faxed over, and I’d arranged to go and spend the evening at Kathy’s house. Strange how it had stopped being Mike’s house and was now Kathy’s house. We spent the evening watching TV with her family, until it was time for me to go. She came outside with me and we took our time saying goodnight. “Tomorrow night will be our last date night for a...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 26

It was my own fault. If I hadn’t given in to my sister the night before, I wouldn’t have found myself in the middle row of the family’s people carrier, sandwiched between Aunt Mary and my Mum. It was about the least comfortable seat in the car, since it was only half as wide as a standard seat, meaning three of us were crushed into two and a half spaces. But I was too tall for the two back seats, which didn’t really have any leg room, so there I was stuck. As usual Dad had Frank Sinatra on...

4 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 2

I had begun to get a little bit of a reputation at school. I had a "steady" boyfriend of sorts, no great love, just a lad who I was seeing at the time. I had come home this particular Friday after school and as usual had my tea, and went to my bedroom. Mum and dad were going out that night and were busy getting ready, I was in my room and my 2 other brothers were downstairs. I have one older brother Tony, and 2 other younger brothers. Mum and dad duly left at about 730 and they wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 27

I stared at the stern of the boat. There, in gold lettering, in a very nice cursive script, were painted the words ‘Lady Calista’. “Dad,” I whispered, “I can’t buy that.” “Why not?” he asked. “The name,” I said pointing. He laughed. “Well, if you like the boat and buy it, you can just change the name,” he said. “I can?” I asked, “but what message would that send to Cal?” “What message do you want to send to Cal, son?” he asked. “I don’t really know,” I answered, “why does it have to...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 3

I have already shared the 1st time I used my mums vibrator and how that got me started on my love of sex toys and of watching adult films, videos at the time and now DVDs. I have also told you of my first multi cock sucking session which included my elder brother Tony. After the incident with Tony and his 2 friends, my eagerness to suck more cock was truly fired up. At school I had already got a little bit of a reputation for being a girl who would on a date "put out" so to speak. I was...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 28

After I’d showered and changed, I made a few phone calls. The first was to my Dad. “Hi son,” he said when he answered, “how come you’re ringing my mobile and not the house phone?” “I wanted to make sure it was you who answered. I met my roommate last night,” I said. “I would have expected that,” he said, “what’s he like?” “Charlie’s all right, quite nice in fact,” I replied, “except that Charlie is short for Charlotte.” “Ah,” he said, “I can see how you wouldn’t want your mother to be...

4 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 5

I was approaching the shop, having changed/modified my school uniform quickly at home on the way. I was the only one in, so changing was easy, and I had made sure of packing a bag with jeans etc in for going home later. As I got near to the shop my stomach was churning with butterflies and also my fanny was feeling decidedly damp. As I turned the corner I noticed that the shutters were already down on the windows, an unusual thing at only 4 in the afternoon. As I got nearer, Mr R came out...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 29

I awoke early on Saturday morning, took a quick shower, dressed, then got my guitar out and made sure it was roughly tuned up right. Then I gathered together my practice amplifier, and a spare set of strings and went downstairs to get myself some breakfast. Dad was already up and dressed when I got down and was already busy preparing food for us all. I enjoyed Dad’s weekend breakfasts, they consisted of bacon, eggs, sausage, hash browns, black pudding, toast, mushrooms and orange juice. He...

1 year ago
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Teen DaysChapter 6

I stood still as Mr R gently fumbled with his thumbs inside my panties. His hands caressed my legs and now he was gently, expertly, moving his thumbs in circular motions against my wet, open, young pussy lips. He very gently began probing my cunt lips with the thumb on his right hand and then began to slide his thumb of his left hand alongside it... I was moaning quite heavily by now, and my legs had spread wider as I stood atop the step ladder and balanced with my right leg on one of the...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 30

I woke on Sunday to the sun streaming through my bedroom window, and the sound of Mum shouting me for breakfast. I climbed out of bed, went across to the bathroom and relieved myself and then, still dressed only in my sleep shorts went downstairs, where, as usual, my Dad had cooked our Sunday morning fry-up for breakfast. “What time are we setting off?” I asked as I began to shovel forkfuls of food into my mouth. “Well, it opens at ten,” Dad replied, “I thought we’d set off about ten...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 31

When I walked into the rehearsal room in time to eat on Tuesday everyone stopped talking and turned to look at me. “What?” I asked, “what have I done?” Without a word, Tony threw a newspaper onto the table, folded to show the showbusiness gossip page. It showed a close-up of me and Charlie, our heads very close together looking like we were about to devour each other. ‘Seventeen year old TV starlet in secret night club tryst with new man.’ “Well, I’ve never been described as a man...

3 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 9

I promised to tell the second part of the night I spent in London with Sanjit, Dillip and Ian. I have explained how we met and of the fun we had back in my hotel room. After our first session, we all got cleaned up, showered and dressed in bath robes. We ordered some wine and champagne from room service and settled down to chat and generally have a nice time. The guys admitted that when they saw me in the hotel bar in the afternoon that they thought I may be " A fun girl". I asked what...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 32

James rang just before six pm, to tell me that the company had agreed to what I’d asked for, but that Becky had refused to apologise to what she apparently called a spoilt brat. She had been replaced as line producer on the show, and the new guy would be with us the following morning. When he asked me if that was agreeable, I said yes, I was only making a point after all. Charlie and I went to the cinema that night, to the Odeon, and saw the trailer for Star Academy, it was a funny feeling,...

3 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 10

Following on from my experiences with Tony my eldest brother.I wanted to add further details of the ongoing fun we had over the years. Whilst at home most of our fun was of the nature previously described. We would settle down with a porn video, and suck, lick and fondle each other, me normally in my school uniform, until we would both cum heavily.This was the pattern for a good year and a half or so. At the age of 20 Tony moved out of the house and began renting his own little flat. He was...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 33

Years of experience, plus the close proximity of Mum, Alison, Cal and Aunt Mary, have taught me one very valuable lesson. The girls are in charge. So when Kathy and Charlie told me to make myself scarce (or, as they put it, go find some trees to photograph), I went to find some trees to photograph. Actually I spent nearly an hour looking around for things to photograph, and found some good shots, or at least I thought them good. I took so many that I ran out of memory on the camera. When...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 11

Once I had finished licking my vibrator clean Tony approached me. He got down onto his hands and knees in front of me and I parted my stocking encased legs wide. He then proceeded to give my wet cunny a good tongue lashing for several minutes. My darling older brother used his tongue well, getting it deep into my ever soaking cunt and his licking and nibbling also brought me to my first crashing orgasm, as he expertly licked my clit hard. I came off heavily on his face, coating his lips and...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 34

By the time I turned into our street I was breathless from running all the way from Kathy’s house. I stopped dead as I turned the corner. Outside our house and Cal’s two police cars and an ambulance were parked. The sight of them there, gave me my second wind and I sprinted the rest of the way, bursting through the front door and skidding to a halt in the living room. The sight I was confronted with in the living room horrified me. Cal was lying on the floor, apparently unconscious, being...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 35

I sat, alone, in the coffee bar in the entrance to the hospital, waiting for whoever was coming to pick me up. I had a coffee and a piece of cake in front of me, both untouched, and my head in my hands, supported by my elbows on the table. I’d been sat like that for about ten minutes when I felt, rather than saw, another person sit down opposite me. “David,” Aunt Mary said, softly, “I’m sorry. It looks like she has absolutely no memory of what happened in Germany. She seems to think that...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 15

I thought I would share another experience form my younger days. This one relates to a fun time that I had with Tracey my best friend and a bouncer from a local bar. We were both 17 at the time, I know underage drinking ... shocking! We had been going to this local bar for a few weeks, with other girlfriends and also our then current boyfriends. On one of the girly nights out at the pub, one of the bouncers on the door got quite chatty with both me and Tracey.It was pretty obvious he...

3 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 16

Following on from the time with Ritchie the bouncer at a local bar. I thought I would tell everyone about the time he had fun with both Tracey and me together. After my alleyway quickie with him, I told Tracey the full details of what had happened. She was rather jealous and a little intrigued, especially when I told her how big his cock was! We continued to drink at the bar off and on for the next few weekends and sure enough he kept up the patter and chat. On one such occasion he invited...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 17

I would meet the gas repairman (Neil) and also one of his work friends two weeks after my initial bit of fun with him. The repair had been a complete success, but on coming home one day I found him at home with my mum on the pretext that he had been checking out his work and carrying out his fatal safety inspections. Mum looked a little bit flustered, but to be honest I just thought he’d probably been chatting her up a bit more while he was carried out his work. I was to find out the truth...

1 year ago
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Teen neighbor new friend

Yesterday, I was at home working on my yard, when my next door neighbors daughter, Danielle, stopped by. I've have known her, and her parents for 18years now, and she has blossomed into a totally, hot girl. She told me her car was overheating, and could I look at it. She was dressed in short, shorts, that showed a little of those perfectly, tight, ass cheeks, and a loose, spaghetti strap, top. I was in my sweat shorts, and t-shirt. Like I said, she was now 18years old, 5'2", 100pounds, long,...

First Time
1 year ago
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Teen ass beauty

Note : This story is completely fictional! My daughter, Lisa, who just turned 18, two weeks ago, called me , right after I got home from work today, about 12 noon. Now she is absolutely gorgeous, standing 4'10" , 95 pounds, short brown hair, green eyes, perky 34b tits, that would give you a black eye if she hit you, tan all over, and one of the tightest, little , bubblebutts, I've ever seen. I'm 47, 6'1" , 185 pounds, married 19 years(Not getting much sex anymore!), and always looking to get my...

First Time
1 year ago
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Teen Trilogy Part One Emily

Dedicated to LUE! This is part of a trilogy, so this is only part of the story. Poor Emily. She was one of the most beautiful girls in the world. She had shoulder-length red dyed hair. It looked as if it was on fire; incredibly cute. Her breasts stuck out proud, their glorious B cup perfectly perportionate to her body. She wasn't too chubby around the stomach; perfectly fit. Her ass was not huge, but not inexistant. She looked perfect. She was also a great person. She was incredibly kind, and...

1 year ago
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Teen 3some in a pool

We'd just finishe school for the day, it was the middle of summer here in oz, so it was hot as hell. So Bridie and Cheryl came over for a swim. We went inside and dumped our bags on the floor. The girls sat down as I poured us all a drink to cool off. We sat and talked for about 10 minutes until we decided to go for a swim, the girls slipped off into seperate bathrooms to get changed and went to my bedroom to get into my board shorts. As I got changed I kept thinking to myself how awesome it...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Runaway Lovers

We were in yet another dingy hotel room barely fit for the cockroaches, owning only whatever we could transport in the old beat-up station wagon. But at least we still had each other. I sighed with a saddened weariness as I noted the lone bed, large enough for us both but clearly about as old as the well-trampled carpet. The once-white walls were definitely stained with decades of dirt, smoke, the unblinking glare of sunlight, and — I guessed — dried streaks of well-aged semen. The table by...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Apolonia Lapiedra Foxxi Black Pussy Lovers

Apolonia Lapiedra and Foxii Black meet for their date and admire one another’s dresses. The girls have decided to stay in tonight, and although they start the evening by chatting, a single kiss leads to a much more sensual direction. As they continue to show their affection for one another, Apolonia slides her hand up Foxii’s miniskirt in a blatant invitation. Rising to her feet, Apolonia urges Foxii to see the surprise she has in store. Lifting Apolonia’s dress, Foxii sees...

2 years ago
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Conversation Between Lovers

Next week, about this time, I will sit on a beach in Tenerife with a cold beer in my hand. …Drink one for me, dear, you know I have issues. You’ll be in my mind when I drink my first, overseeing the sea. And, of course, I won’t be forgetting you afterwards…… …Can you blow me kisses, too? You know, it has been so long since I have seen the ocean. Of course I can, anything you want. I will take a picture and show you later to remind you. …You make everything sound so good. Please tell me you...

3 years ago
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my mystery lovers

I love the soft feel of my pussy the taste of my juices when they start flowing. In the shower I use baby oil and then mango butter on my body. So my skin is soft and smells of the oil and butter. Today I was laying out on the deck enjoying the hot sun and letting my fingers softly and slowly spread my juices around my pussy lips my fingers would linger on my clit and I’d pinch it gently and pull on it then rub it with feathery soft strokes. I took a strawberry and pushed it up inside me and...

1 year ago
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Teachers Make the Best Lovers

My adventure as a Bull began in Tulsa Oklahoma, while road tripping across country in route to Austin. I made a stop for the night at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Tulsa and arrived at about 8:30 in the evening or so. Before checking in I thought I would grab a burger and a beer at a nearby pub called Baxters Interurban Grill. It was Friday night and the place was hopping. I moseyed up to the bar where a friendly white couple was seated and nodded my arrival. The waitress quickly offered a...

4 years ago
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my mystery lovers

I love the soft feel of my pussy the taste of my juices when they start flowing. In the shower I use baby oil and then mango butter on my body. So my skin is soft and smells of the oil and butter. Today I was laying out on the deck enjoying the hot sun and letting my fingers softly and slowly spread my juices around my pussy lips my fingers would linger on my clit and I’d pinch it gently and pull on it then rub it with feathery soft strokes. I took a strawberry and pushed it up inside me and...

3 years ago
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Aly the Tease Ghostly Lovers

I never used to believe in ghosts or the paranormal. In fact, I’d think you were crazy for even mentioning it around me. There was no way that your spirit or soul was capable of roaming this earth once your life has ended. Either you went to heaven or straight to hell, no in between. I used to always believe that until my husband, Rick, died. Talk about an eye opener. We met when we were both twenty-three and fresh out of college. We met at a local bar and pretty much fell in love from the get...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 9 Lovers

Wednesday, May 22, 1996, Sanford Maine “Wake up, Baby!” Mmmm, it was so warm underneath the blankets, and I didn’t want to get up. Maybe if I turned over, they wouldn’t be able to see us. Poke. “Ouch!” She-devil was back. She could see me still. Poke. Poke. Poke. “Oww! Fuck! OUCH!” something sharp had just poked numerous holes into my torso. I felt like I was going to sink. Or bleed out... “Wake up, lover, we need to get in the shower,” the She-Devil cackled, er, okay, maybe it was...

1 year ago
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EroticaX Scarlit Scandal Alina Ali Swapping Lovers

Scarlit Scandal checks herself out in a mirror, wearing lingerie and heels. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, so she throws on her robe and excitedly goes to answer it, passing behind Seth Gamble, her workaholic husband. She sneaks behind Seth and opens the door to reveal Alina Ali, her lesbian lover. Seth is totally unaware as Scarlit leads Alina inside and brings her to a more private area. It turns out that Alina and Scarlit have agreed to come clean to Seth about their affair. However, just in...

2 years ago
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Sibling Lovers

"She's still screwing, we won't get any sense out of her for the next couple of hours," I looked at my sister and saw the disappointed look on her face as she peeked in through the crack in mum's bedroom door."Who's the guy?""I don't know, it's a new one.""He sure is energetic," she giggled. "They've been at it all night!"I looked over her shoulder at where our mother had both legs wrapped around the man's back. She was naked apart from her stockings and from where we stood, we could see his...

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Milky Adventure Part 16 Making Her Sons Good Lovers

(This is the continuation of my last part so please read it first before reading this one. Thank you.) Having sex with Varun made her feel used, just a receptacle for his semen. He had become a brutal lover. Over the years Riya had tried to be a good lover for him. But she sensed that he knew she was not really present with him, that she found it hard to respond to him intimately, and he seemed to resent that and became rough and insensitive with her. It was as if she had turned a switch off...

4 years ago
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This story is part reality and part fantasy, I hope you enjoy. Reality: I am a 49 year old woman, petite in great shape and have been told that I am attractive. I work out a lot and take pride in my looks. But I also work a lot of hours and don’t really have the time to date much and well, I am tired of that. I am highly sexual and using my toy is getting old. I really want the real thing. Yes I have dated men here and there but nothing has lasted too long for various reasons. I am at a point...

Straight Sex
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Demon Lovers

by Varshanka Ravyn looked in the mirror. Meghan's dad had done a wonderful job on her makeup and body paint. But that came with the territory she supposed. He was the high school art department teacher. And the makeup artist for the drama club. His payment had been being able to see Ravyn naked, and being allowed to put all her makeup on himself. Every last drop of body paint had been his pleasure. And the tent he'd been pitching the entire time had been worth it. Ravyn didn't think she...

2 years ago
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Older Lovers

Warren pulled his car into a parking space outside the McDonalds, turned off the ignition and just sat there. His hands gripped the wheel as he thought, "This is it. Do I really want to go in and meet this guy?"His mind flashed back to the beginning, to the first ad he'd ever placed on the net. "50yo, bi married man looking for another bi married for talk, friendship and whatever might follow. Felt the urges and attractions for another man for years. Write me and let's see what happens." ...

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Spies and Lovers

The phone rang as I stepped into my black heels and attached my faux pearl clip-on earrings. Hugo put his watch on and picked up the receiver; the muted voices on the other end were speaking German.“Wir haben bestätigt, dass Lotte eine Spionin ist. Bring sie herein.” (Tranlation: We have confirmed, Lotte is a spy. Bring her in.)After putting the receiver back in the cradle, Hugo didn’t turn around but just said, “We have to stop by the office before dinner.”If you could close your eyes to the...

Quickie Sex
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Office Lovers

It’s three on Friday afternoon, and I am losing my mind with boredom at work. I’m ready for the weekend and my favorite Friday treat. For the past two weeks, I’ve had a standing date at the Hilton DoubleTree hotel with my new lover. I’m lucky to have a friend to cover for me. I tell my parents I’m at her place, and they don’t ask any questions. Unfortunately, I can’t stay with him all night because he has to get home by eight. I’ve gotten used to him dropping by my office on Friday to give me...

2 years ago
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Surrogate Lovers

Chapter 4 Carl followed his twelve year old daughter into his bedroom; his eyes were glued to her as she stepped into the room. He was captivated watching her fluid movements, the way her elegantly sculpted back swayed in time with the flexing of her shapely butt muscles, down to her slim legs. She was glorious and beautiful and she was about to be his. This was the moment he'd been waiting so desperately for all these weeks. After all the cum shots he'd pumped into that crusty towel he kept...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XV 2 Sex is for friends Love is for Lovers

"Hi," Eric said the next morning as I got out of my car at school. "Hi," I echoed. "Your mom miss you so much she didn't let you come to school yesterday?" "No, nothing like that," he said looking at me with that 'I want a hug' look. I gave him the hug, finding myself needing it just about as much as he had. I could also sense something different about Eric's grief for James. The pressure inside Eric's heart had been relieved considerably, and I realized what Eric had done all...

2 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 6 Dinner Parties Orgies and Lovers

Crystal and I tried to talk three times a week: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Usually, Ellen did three-quarters of the talking, and I got a few words in. We'd agreed from almost the moment we met to not only have an open relationship, but also to share all the details of our other relationships with one another. Thus, Ellen would give her version of the details – the feminine viewpoint – and I would come on the phone and give her the shorter male version. Anyone listening would get off in...

1 year ago
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Anne And Carol Meet New Lovers

Anne is celebrating her new freedom. Her annulment is official. She and Carol are always accompanied by handsome men. If you haven't followed my story my name is Anne. I have hazel eyes. Men have told me my eyes send a message that I am fuckable. I am 22 years of age. I am petite, 5'2", large breasts, bubble butt, long brunette,blonde highlights, curly hair. I have a Masters degree in business and economics. The era is the 1970's. My husband divorced me. I am officially a liberated woman. I am...

3 years ago
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Teeny lust for Big Black Dick

In my diary I can reveal that young teeny girls also enjoy a taste of Huge Black Dicks, well not just thinking it was my older lusting!I was for once genuinely going out with the girls and have a laugh night out, Oh yes a bit of teasing with fellas in town and my frustrated girlfriends. Nearly all of us are in boring marriages, all our hubbies past being able to please us!!! You all know my little thin cocked small hubby is useless in bed!So, I called to Sue our regular baby sitter to see if...

3 years ago
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From Best Friends to Lovers

James and his best friend, Lakyrra, were on their way to a kegger. They'd grown up together, wound up at the same college - Varden University - and now they were both going to their first college party together. The two 18-year-olds knew one thing for certain—there would be enough alcohol there to fill an Olympic-sized pool. James frowned and turned his SUV left at the intersection. "So…I'll take that as a 'no,'" Lakyrra smirked. Soon she was smiling at him. They were hopelessly...

2 years ago
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Chatroom Lovers

They had met in a chat room and kept in contact over an instant messenger. She was a young girl from Texas and he was only a year older and from the east coast. He liked to keep her in suspense when it came to his specific location. He was intrigued by her and she seemed to enjoy talking to him. They had been talking for about a month when they decided to experiment with each other. Cyber sex had always interested him and she was curious as to how it would feel and if it would ruin their...

4 years ago
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Virtually Lovers

Lucy swore she hadn’t been looking for Theo…quite the opposite in fact. It was true that the sex life she now shared with her husband wasn’t exactly thrilling, the mild flicker of attraction they’d once had being almost entirely extinguished when she had become pregnant with their son. But she was resigned to her lot, for her husband had given her something infinitely more precious: the true love of her life, her four-year-old son. Some time ago, she had arrived at the decision that, for that...

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Sylvia and Judy are lovers

Judy used to look at me without clothes and tell me how lovely my pussy was:"It's just like this seam at the bottom of your body. It's so perfect. Everything is tucked away. You are so small down there."' She gently touched the cleft of my pussy. If I wasn't liking girls already I would get that way staring at you. Those curls just make me want to bury my whole face in your pussy, Sylvia. You taste so fucking good and you make these noises when you ...... I have to look for your clittie...

2 years ago
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Polly and Sebastian Leotard Lovers

I had Kev on speaker phone. His voice was lamenting how his boss had fired him and how unfair it was. ‘A-ha,’ I said disinterestedly, as I applied more mascara and ran another layer of lip gloss over my dark red lipstick. ‘Right, okay,’ I said, rolling my eyes. I smoothed my hands over my skintight, long-sleeved black leotard and checked my gleaming silver-black tights in the mirror. ‘Listen, I’m kinda in the middle of something now,’ I said impatiently. I secretly smiled, as I carefully placed...

3 years ago
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Two lovers

He awoke in his bed, naked, and restless, on a Sunday morning. He looked over, and saw Lucy sleeping naked, with her arms around him. Thoughts came to his head of how great the previous night was, but how morally wrong it was too. Step siblings are not supposed to have sex, even as they were both eighteen. Their parents left them for the weekend, and resistance against her was useless. He looked at her five foot eight body, with her b-cup boobs, and brown hair. She was a loving, but seductive...

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Debbie Her Two Lovers

Debbie pulled into the parking lot at her work place.Traffic was horrible this morning, she thought to herself as she checked out her reflection in the mirror.Debbie is 27, 5'6, 110 pounds, with long red hair, sparkling blue-green eyes, and 34c breasts.She lives in New York. She opens the door of her 2000 Black Ford Mustang and steps out onto the pavement, taking a deep breath.Debbie walks up the step and into her office building. She waves to her coworkers and goes to her desk. She sits down...

3 years ago
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High School Lovers

High school Lover By Ben Miller Chapter one Jesse was laying in his bed wondering how he let it go so far. His ribs hurt really bad and he thought he had a black eye. Feeling disgusted within he was weeping when he hurt footsteps and his bedroom door opened. He saw the slim figure of his sister Karen walk in to comfort him. He let a soft groan for he knew she had a really strange sense of humor. Whatever she had to say, he doubted it would make him feel any better at all. School had...

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Smashing Lovers

"Come on!" Andrea stood in front of the two men. The volptuous redhead was covered in cum, all over her naked body. "Round three, let's go." "Nah." Markus Creneth had already gotten dressed at this point. "Let's play some Smash." "Hell yes!" Jeremy smiled as he struggled to get his shirt back on. "That game again. I'd like for you to smash me instead. 2 vs 1. Team battle." "No." Markus pointed at the door, not even looking at his wife as he started up his switch, handing one...

3 years ago
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Old friends and new lovers

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

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Cum Lovers

It all started out when I met my girlfriend Sherry at a strip club, she was an exotic dancer and she worked the back room too. That is where I first saw her, she was down on her knees sucking a young mans cock all the way to his balls. I couldn't believe a woman could suck that much cock down her throat. See, I have a very large cock and know woman has ever sucked the whole thing into her mouth before.But this man's cock was as big as mine, if not bigger so I waited my time and set up an...

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Potential Lovers

I had met a charming man online, whose name is John, and we had been sharing daily emails. It started as friendly chitchat, and then it quickly turned hot and heavy. As our enthusiasm grew over the new online adventure, so did our desire. We had shared thoughts, secrets, and desires, and in the process, we did an incredible job of turning each other hot and lusty. I would often read and reply to his lusty letters in the nude and bring myself to orgasm with a vibrator between my legs.We were...

4 years ago
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A gentle massage between two highly sexed lovers

This is for that special someone who wants more. I walked into the room where you were awaiting your massage. You look up to see me come in. The smile on your gorgeous face is hard to miss as you notice me enter. Dressed like you wanted, I only have on a pair of loose silk shorts and nothing else. I have a good body and you don’t really notice my slight love handles since your eyes have barely left my obvious package. Clearly, I am pleasing to you. It’s difficult not to get...

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Sally s African Lovers

Playing her messages as she arrived home Sally was floored to hear the British accented baritone of Alvin. It had been a year since her trip to Denver when she encountered him at the hotel spa. Alvin was a masseur with a magnetic sexuality that drew her in and had her doing and feeling things she never thought possible. Their whole relationship lasted two hours, fewer than a couple of dozen words were spoken, and yet it was one of the most intimate times of her life. She had given herself over...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart V 1 Mother Father and My Lovers

The black limo pulled into our driveway, filling the entire drive. Even before the vehicle had been taken out of gear, I had my suitcase waiting by the trunk. I had a feeling that this was a different vehicle than the last one I had ridden in, but there were no exterior markings to indicated this. A different driver got out, came around to the right side passenger door and opened it for my father. I nearly dropped my suitcase. Not only was my father clothed, but he was all decked out in a...

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Love s MastersChapter 4 Summer Camp Lovers

That evening, Penny fucked me in the ass with the strap on while Suzi did the same to Joey. Thankfully it didn’t last very long before Penny demanded I lick her again. Joey didn’t get off as lightly, but then he got to fuck Suzi the regular way afterward which I didn’t get to do until that night in the shower. Saturday was the last full day of camp for the kiddos and it was the standard celebratory events we all remembered from when we had attended camp. There were dunking booths, tug of...

3 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 20 The Teens Try New Lovers

The AI conference ended Friday at noon. We elected to stay another day to poke around Miami, Miami Beach, and Ft. Lauderdale. I rented a car for the day and we did our tour, making sure to allow some extensive beach time. Ash and Chris wore bikinis that would have gotten them arrested in New England, but they were conservative given Miami Beach standards. We also noted that the weather in Boston was eleven degrees with snow showers. While we sat on the beach I carefully examined my two...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Angel Princess Young Lovers

Bigtit babe Angel Princess gets herself all prettied up with makeup before giving her huge knockers a big rub down. Then she wanders into the main part of the house with an open shirt and a pair of panties highlighting her stunning curves for her boyfriend Drzej Andilek. As soon as Drzej lays eyes on Angel he knows he has to have her. Leaning in, he caresses Angel’s breasts and presses open-mouthed kisses to her big areolas. Dropping to her knees, Angel opens her mouth to wrap her lips...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alexis Adams Kirsten Lee Three Lovers

Alexis Adams and Kirsten Lee are enjoying the morning after of a night of lesbian loving. Kirsten wants to keep the party going, and as she leans forward to give Alexis a sweet kiss she finds that her blonde lover a willing partner. It’s not long before Kirsten has peeled off all of Alexis’s clothes. The doorbell rings, interrupting them, and by the time Kirsten returns with Brad Sterling in tow Alexis has put her shirt back on. Strutting back to Alexis’s side, Kirsten engages...

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A first meeting for Web Lovers

‘Hi, you must be Kelly?’ said the tall guy as he approached the woman alone at the table. She looked just like in the pictures. ‘Yes, I guess that means you’re Alan, right?’ She said, thinking those photos don’t do him justice. ‘Right! Can I sit down?’ He asked politely. ‘Please do…’ She said waving to the seat opposite. Feeling his leg brush hers as he sat down, sending a tingle through out her body ’…oops sorry’ she apologised, not meaning it, but not wanting to seem too tactile. ‘No, I’m...

1 year ago
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Mother and son lovers

Note: This story is completely fictional! Saturday morning is a kinda regular affair here. My husband’s at work; my daughter’s at the pool leaving just me and my boy Josh in the house. I’m tied up doing the laundry and Josh just sits around watching TV or playing video games. Our laundry room is sort of below the house not quite a basement but due to the slope the place is built on but I have to go down about 6 steps to go down there. On one occasion I noticed that there’s quite a gap between...

2 years ago
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Thirteen Names

Thirteen Names By Morpheus Kelly Bryce scowled as she looked at her clock, though her scowl slowly turned into a smirk. It was getting close to when she would have to get going to school, but she still had time. She would have just enough time... With that Kelly glanced around, then went to the corner of her bedroom where she had the materials stored. She had originally planned on doing this later, after she got home from school, but she couldn't resist. It was too...

1 year ago
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Thirteen Year Old Beauty

Thirteen Year Old Beauty My niece just turned thirteen years old. Crystal is tall for her age and skinny as a rail but she is also gorgeous. She certainly takes after her mother, my sister. She is five feet two inches tall and weighs just eighty-five pounds. My sister tells me that Crystal is wearing a 30-A bra now too, when she can get her to wear one that is. I was there for her birthday party when she dragged me up to her bedroom to see her present. It was her very own computer,...

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Teens an Fasching

„Wir sind in anderen Dingen gut ;)“ Das war die letzte Nachricht die Sandra von ihrer Mutter gelesen hatte, es war ihre Antwort auf Sandras Gejammer über ihre abermals schlechte Mathearbeit. Und das direkt vor den Faschingsferien. Sandra fragte sich aber noch immer was ihre Mutter damit gemeint hatte. Aber erstmal kümmerte sie sich um ihr Outfit, ein rot kariertes Hemd über einem pinken T- Shirt, schwarze Shorts, eine blaue Strumpfhose und ihre grünen Lieblingssneaker, schließlich geht sie mit...

3 years ago
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The pictures to this story and are at my site here on HAMSTERS and it's a TRUE STORY!I was at a friends house and he had invited several couples over for a cookout. I knew one of the women coming and she and I have been fucking around for about two years now. Camille is married and her husband has no idea that we do! A few times, I had even been at their house and she and I would sneak off to the bathroom during parties and she would suck me off or just bend over and let me fuck her! At one...

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eighteenth birthday surprise

First encounterTo say that I was excited was an understatement. It was my eighteenth birthday and we were going to visit my uncle and aunt who had recently bought a villa in the south of France. Their son, Mark, my only cousin who is nineteen, had taken time off his work to be our guide. Mark spoke fluent French so that would be a huge asset as mum and dad didn’t speak a word of the language, and I only knew how to say, bonjour and a few other phrases that I had learnt at school.Mark was at the...

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eighteenth birthday surprise

First encounterTo say that I was excited was an understatement. It was my eighteenth birthday and we were going to visit my uncle and aunt who had recently bought a villa in the south of France. Their son, Mark, my only cousin who is nineteen, had taken time off his work to be our guide. Mark spoke fluent French so that would be a huge asset as mum and dad didn’t speak a word of the language, and I only knew how to say, bonjour and a few other phrases that I had learnt at school.Mark was at...

2 years ago
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Daily lovers

I’m LeeAnn and my husband Will and I decided to spice up our love life. First Will talked me into letting another female join us for a three some. It was great and I enjoyed eating her pussy and I was fully pleasured by Will the same as she was. A few months after that night, we decided we would like a man to spend a night in our bed with us. I got to choose the man. I chose our real true friend Alex who lives next door to us. We discussed it with Alex and he wouldn’t do it. After we asked him...

3 years ago
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Friends or Lovers

The knock came at midnight, almost to the second. I was already in my shorts and t-shirt, ready to get in bed for the night when it came. No one ever comes to my door without ringing me on my intercom first so I was a bit more than a little cautious when I went to the door. ‘Who is it?’ I called. A familiar voice rang out. ‘It’s me. Marty.’ I quickly unlocked and opened my door. ‘Marty? What the heck you doing here at this time of night.’ I became concerned. ‘Hey, is everything okay?’ I...

2 years ago
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Four Beautiful Arab Lovers

Fariyat and Fernaz want to have children, both informed me, they wanted 4 children each. JoJo and Celeste did not want any more children. JoJo and Celeste have had tubal ligation, a 100% guarantee that they will never get pregnant again. The guest houses are used for breeding Fariyat and Fernaz many times during the day. JoJo and Celeste rotate nights sleeping with me. There is always a limo available for the women to use for going to the spa and shopping. There are three chefs available, so...

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For you incest lovers

The story happened when I was at the young age of 16, I was never really popular with the girls so I was still a virgin but knew the basics of snogging fingering and the vagina. My mother had been divorced for 2 years now and I never saw my dad cause he moved to America to start a new life. My mum, Ruth, was 39 and was the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes with a slim hourglass figure. She had 36 DD tits and a lovely bum. I was a spitting image...

4 years ago
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Two lovers

We walked into the main area where the clerk was standing behind the front desk. He smiled at me, and then nodded at you. He turned around, pulled a ring of keys off a hook and said, "I'll show you to your room, Mr and Mrs Jones." We followed the clerk back out the front door and turned left. I said the numbers of the rooms in my head as we pasted by, "13... 14... 15... 16... 17..." "Here we are." The clerk smiled, unlocked the door and started back towards the main area. I walked...

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