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The Second Year and AfterChapter 16

On Tuesday, I used a free period (when I really should have been in the library catching up on the reading I hadn't done at the weekend) to dash across to the bank to draw some cash out, and then went down town after my lectures were over, to look again at the tray purses that I had seen in the shop window. My Mum had bought Dad one for his birthday because she said she was fed up with him jiggling a pocket-full of coins whenever they went out anywhere, and he had actually found it really...

5 months ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 21 Aftermath

I don't think I was ever actually going to hit him. I did think about it, though. It was tempting, as I started to close the distance between us while Aaron pulled his eyes from Eddie, focusing on me, probably feeling very stupid for even showing up. He'd feel even stupider, after I hit him, I thought. But, somewhere over the next few steps I took, I think I started to compare the idea of hitting Aaron with the idea of hitting a girl. It just wasn't something you did. And, it wasn't that...

1 year ago
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A Sons FetishChapter 2

A few days later, Karen was relaxing on her bed after doing housework most of the day. She was reading a romance novel and enjoying a cocktail. She was feeling wonderful and happy since she and her son started their fun with each other. Danny had been servicing her daily. He gave her regular foot rubs. He even cleaned her feet regularly of sweat with his tongue and continued sucking on her toes. Karen was enjoying what her own son was doing for her and she felt honored that her own son, her...

1 year ago
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Her Uncle Made Her Cum and She Loved ItChapter 10

It was time for them to get up. Being in bed with a beautiful young teenage girl was great but they hadn’t gotten out of bed or playing with each other for over 5 hours except to eat breakfast. The day before they had gone to her bedroom immediately after her parents left for camping. From 5 to sometime in the early morning he made love to her young body until they were both were exhausted. Each had lost count of the number of orgasms K had during that time but there were many. For B he had...

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Malan MothersChapter 2

"I expect you are correct. So that if the story appeared in your paper, that would be acceptable to the authorities here?" "Unfortunately, not so, lady. You would still be bound by the agreement you signed, as long as you remain within their boundaries." "Even though the events happened in the USA?" "I would expect that to be the case, Mrs Reagan. Anywhere on Earth, you are liable to be facing these restrictions. Most governments have reciprocal agreements over many similar matters....

8 months ago
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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 16

Bobby blinked, and unconsciously licked his lips. Somehow they had gone from talking about lawsuits, to him being an outsider, to her asking if he wanted to see her breasts. He had been unprepared for her to ask him a question like that. “It’s a simple question,” she said. “The answer is simple too. It’s either yes ... or no. All you have to do is answer the question. Do you want to see my breasts or not?” She folded her arms under the breasts she was referring to, and waited. “I can’t just...

1 year ago
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A Man and His PetsSequel Sandras and Courtneys Fate

Sandra There had only been two girls that completely failed to be trainable as Jim's pets. Sandra and Courtney had both remained defiant. Unfortunately, Jim had to reject them both as pets, and remove them from the house. The first to go was Sandra. Before she was captured, she was the mother of Jim's first two pets. She had been a drunken whore of a mother who frequently cursed at and slapped her teenaged daughters for no good reason. Jim, as his ultra-ego Bill, had decided Sandra needed...

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The Gift Book IIChapter 7

I had made a little stop in a local period shop back in my when, while I was hopping around before I had come back to the mining town. I bought presents for Arthur, his wife and family, also for the lady who did the baking. I wanted a couple pies, and what better way to bribe that woman than with baking soda and baking powder? I did have a crate set aside for her though, filled with sugar, molasses, brown sugar, pounds and pounds of butter, and eggs. Eggs were scarce in town. Nothing like...

1 year ago
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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 21 The Old Emperorrsquos Palace Merpakt

“Jason, this Palace is close to two million years old,” said Ergol as he showed Jason around. It was utterly magnificent, but with a different style to the other palace he saw so briefly on Skrept. It was ornate with fine carvings everywhere, yet there were few straight lines and passageways. The rooms had domed roofs with extensive landscapes painted on the walls faintly lighted, showing scenes of the outside planet. Some walls had detailed carvings of scenes of Cockroaches going about their...

4 months ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 4 Blow Up

What have I got to do to make you love me? What have I got to do to make you care? What do I do when lightning strikes me? And I wake to find that you're not there. --Sorry Seems To Be the Hardest Word (Elton John) During the next week in school, I noticed a couple of significant changes. The first change was that Kristen seemed to withdraw into herself. Kristen's attitude worried me. During the weeks when I first met her, she had actually managed to be more animated. For the first...

6 months ago
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Big RedChapter 2 HeadOn Collision

Tamara had wandered into Brenda's dorm where she was lying on her bed in conversation with Julie, her roommate. "Hey, Tamara. How are you," Julie asked "I'm good. I got my marks for first semester and I passed everything, so that's always good." "Nice going," Brenda added. "I think we all made the grade then." "Yup," Julie agreed. "Sure makes life easier doesn't it," Brenda smiled from her reclining position, her hands behind her head on the pillow. "When's your next...

2 years ago
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A Ladys Home CompanionChapter 3

As my reputation for defending kids against bullies grew, so did my entourage at lunch. Usually, my table was full of boys whom I had saved from one or more bullies, but it was not too long before I received a surprise. There was one seat left at the table, and it was grabbed by a girl. "Tom, please let me sit here for lunch. I know that you have been stopping the boy bullies, but I am being bothered by some girls who just won't leave me alone. I need help, and I hope you can provide it. In...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 465

The Retreat ...”Sorry,” Mike responded. “But you have to admit, like Marie said, it’s a lot to swallow.” He hesitated for a second, then, to show faith in Jeff, Mike went quickly on, “So what do we do?” Jeff smiled at the two. “Whoever is going to be first, just lie back like you did before. You will sleep a bit longer this time and might hear a buzzing in your mind, but otherwise, it’s just a good nap.” Mike positioned himself again. “I guess, I’ll go first,” Marie looked at Jeff, then...

1 year ago
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The Brazilian Ambassadors WifeChapter 2

With the advent of a fast fading libido on the part of her much older husband, Gabrielle began to search out friendly cocks to satisfy her need for pussy and ash stretching. She always found older men to be sincerely appreciative of her sexual favors. Accordingly, she preferred the mature and experienced male suitors to the herd of silly young men more caught up in a celebration of their own unique superiority. Sometimes, she stooped low into the pack of admiring males and selected...

1 month ago
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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 6

Remember the first time when you went dress shopping in the nude?” asked Kevin. “That was a weird experience, shopping for clothes while nude. It was embarrassing, but in a strange way, fun,” said Kari. “While I don’t think the girls minded, I did felt uncomfortable asking them to shop in the nude with me, just to get a cheaper price on the dress.” “I think it was worth it, considering how you looked in the dress, especially without a bra and panties.” “That was the first time I had had...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 17 Teramisili

Tuesday, August 3, 1971 “Good morning, sleepyhead,” Sandy cooed in my ear. I mumbled something unintelligible and turned over, pulling the pillow over my head. “Everybody is meeting in the dining room for breakfast,” Sandy added. “Don’t you want something to eat before we go?” “Go?” I thought, her words causing something in my memory to tickle the surface of my barely functioning consciousness. “We thought you’d like to see everyone off this morning,” Hanna called from the...

2 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 29 Romantic Date

Forward troubles Illinois, Lock the front door, oh boy! Look at all the happy creatures, Dancing on the lawn! Bother me tomorrow, Today, I'll buy no sorrows. Doo doo doo, Lookin' out my back door. --Lookin' Out My Back Door (Credence Clearwater Revival) The next morning, I was sleeping in the spare bedroom with June. The two of us were in the "reverse spoon position" where June's breasts were pressed against my back. Through experience, we learned that this is a safe position...

1 year ago
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Toms DaughtersChapter 4 Jennys Back

After the girls left the room Tom sat on the side of the bed. He looked in the center, where Laura's ass had been, and saw a small amount of blood on the sheets. He then looked down at his crotch area and saw that he had splotches of blood on him from his little girl. A feeling of fear and remorse arose in him. He was disgusted with himself. He got up from the bed, retrieved his robe and underwear, and made his way back to his own bedroom. In a state of semi-shock at what he had done, Tom...

2 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 17 Practical Seduction

Another familiar awakening, Joe emerged from a sexual dream to find its cause. The source surprised him. Red hair framed a round thinned face and big green eyes glinting mischievously in the morning sun. With a wet sucking pop releasing his tumescence, Margie's mouth freed it and she crawled up and straddled his hips threatening to guide it in. "Wait!" moaned Joe. Marta moved and muttered incoherently but remained asleep. "You promised." "Roll on a rubber." "I'm ... Okay." She...

1 year ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 16

That gave us time for nice long hot shower. I had a grand ol' time washing every little "nook and cranny" on Red's delicious body. I think my balls are turning from blue to deep purple and my poor dick is suffering "cabin fever". I don't know if there is such a thing as the "Fraternal Order of Sushi Chefs but the guy knew about Joshi and a couple of minutes later I was making Saki Martinis for the five of us. Dinner was a lot of fun but also a bit of torture because I sat between...

4 months ago
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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 2

The next morning I awoke hot and sticky. I had slept in my shorts and the two women slept in their only items of clothing, the bikinis they were wearing the day before. Because of the lack of air conditioning and the humid climate the top sheets and other bed clothing had been tossed off the bed during the night. The sheet we slept on was soaked with sweat and each of us was covered by a fine sheen of perspiration. I woke first and immediately headed for the toilet and afterwards decided that...

2 months ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 8 Yes we can connect But not here please

The following week a couple of things happened. First, Heather would come home with Vicky on Friday after school and spend the weekend with us, and second, that Wednesday afternoon I phoned Clarity. I picked 4:40 pm on Wednesday as the best time to make the call because I knew my old self wouldn't be home from work yet. I couldn't think of a more bazaar thing to do than to hold a conversation with myself over the phone. Just the thought of it gave me the willies. The phone rang four times...

1 year ago
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DNAChapter 2

Anne hung up and rubbed her bleary eyes. She was getting nowhere. The DNA altering virus she had injected Jim with had resisted all her attempts to remove it. If she increased the potency of the virus any more it would destroy his entire genetic makeup and Jim would literally disolve. A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old...

1 year ago
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Money Well SpentChapter 11

Months had gone by. We were all dating, or so I thought. Lindsey found a guy she really liked. Jen spent the night in the house every once in a while, to give them alone time. She smiled for a few months, before he suddenly dumped her. She spent three days in the house, sleeping in the same bed with Jen, recovering. She didn’t talk about it much, saying he wanted something she didn’t want to give, so they went their separate ways. I got tired of everyone going out in the hall to talk to Miss...

2 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 40 Wild Weekend II

No, I can't forget tomorrow, When I think of all my sorrows, When I had you there but then I let you go. And now it's only fair That I should let you know What you should know... --Without You (Harry Nilsson) We didn't do much Friday night. Kristen suggested we order take-out Chinese and she passed an order to the main house to have somebody pick it up for us. Harry arrived about forty-five minutes later, our meals in those white cardboard cartons. Lynette and Kristen drank white...

10 months ago
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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 29

Kari was back at work at the middle school. During the summer sessions, the school district has all the summer school students in the middle school due to the low attendance. The format for this summer school was a 3 week tutoring session. Student who were falling behind in their classes, who wanted extra help or to prepare for the next semester would enroll in summer school. There were two such sessions during the summer. Due to the number of students in the classes and other...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 7

Betsy was pacing around outside the construction site. The site engineer (Stan Kubrick) and one of the foremen (Jim Franklin) were there with her, wondering why she had literally dragged them away from their homes. Chuck was standing under a palm, enjoying the shade, while George was nervously licking his lips. A man wandered by and stared at the group for a second. Finally, he approached and said, “Hey, Jim!” “Hello, Kirk.” “What are you doing here?” Kirk asked. He had been working on...

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TammyPart 3

I was having trouble sleeping anyway. Sunday night, knowing that Jenna was going to talk to Tammy the next day, I really had trouble. I knew it was probably futile--but I also knew it was probably my last shot at getting Tammy back. So, I slept fitfully. When I woke up for the thousandth time, at four-thirty in the morning, I gave up. I got out of bed, made myself a bagel and coffee, and decided to go for a walk. In downtown Burnham, there was a supermarket. Behind the supermarket was a...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 447

English humour I saw my mate Charlie this morning, he's only got one arm bless him. I shouted - "Where you off to Charlie?" He said, "I'm off to change a light bulb." Well I just cracked up, couldn't stop laughing, then said, "That's gonna be a bit awkward i'nit?" "Not really," he said. "I still have the receipt, you insensitive bastard." Angela Merkel arrives at Control in Athens airport. "Nationality?" asks the immigration officer. "German," she...

2 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 21 Another Day another Emergency

We arrived home tired and dejected. The girls had done like I asked, so the only people at home were family, though Becky and Melinda thought that if we were keeping up appearances, then it was OK for them to be here, so we had two more for dinner. The only one of my girls left was Anh, since she technically served as our housekeeper and could pretend she didn't speak English to avoid answering any questions. However, she planned to stay inside where no one could easily observe her. I'd...

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DreamweaverChapter 12 Here we go again

Jimmy, Friday Night I drifted easily into sleep and found myself somewhere I had not been in months: hiding in a closet with a young girl. The scene was poised to play out as it always had but this time there were differences. Always in the past I had witnessed this particular dream, or nightmare rather, as a sort of silent movie. I could see, somehow even sense, things that were happening. I always knew when her father was coming down the hall for instance, even though I couldn't hear his...

10 months ago
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KimberlyChapter 17

Promptly at ten o’clock a Rolls limousine rolled up the drive. By that time, Dan Douglas’s car had been garaged, and Kim had pulled hers off to the side to clear the circle. She went to the door to welcome their guests. The chauffeur had jumped out of the car and was holding the rear door as an elderly gentleman alighted followed by a much younger man. The younger appeared to be under 30 while the older appeared to be in his 70s. In spite of his age, the older man stood up very straight. He...

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Chris BeakerChapter 13 Games without Frontiers

He was back in Afghanistan, crouching behind the wreckage of his jeep hearing the moans of the others lying around while bullets were 'pinging' around them, it was only a matter of time before they were picked off by the snipers, his shoulder was also bleeding but he hadn't noticed it at the moment. He thought of something that he had seen in his dreams, it was in a book that told a spell to create what was supposed to be a shield, but it would only protect one person. He needed one that...

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James Goes WestChapter 13

When Bright Morning awoke, I kissed her and asked if she was happy with me as a lover. She looked at my smile and hugged me tight, "James, our love is strong already, but I know it will consume me before many more days." "How did you know I would love you?" I asked her. "After I knew you for a time, I could feel my heart pulling me to you. I could also feel your heart pulling you to me. I could see the look in your eyes, and I could see the care you had for me and also for Yellow...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 11

Clearing up the sex slavery in the whore houses along the USA/Mexico border was a bigger task than Fire Bringer had realized when he started the job. It took about a year to rescue the women and girls and to track down and eliminate all of the criminals involved. When he finished, he had 22 women and 13 girls that their families didn't want and had no place to go. It's amazing how stupid and cruel people can be, even to members of their own family. Oh, well, Fire Bringer realized that it...

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Blackmailed MomChapter 6

She was sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee and reading the morning paper when Patty came into the room. She looked up from the paper at Patty and then put the paper down. "Have a good time last night? It sure sounded like it. I'll bet they heard your screams down by the end of the block." "Fuck you!" "No thanks, Tony already did. He spent the night by the way; you just missed him, he had an early class." "I told you to leave him alone." "I know and that's why I had to...

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Maesons AssistantChapter 16 Daddyrsquos little girl

Upstairs, she took a good look at the credit card Maeson had given her, putting it away carefully in her purse. She took a moment to call Tropical Spa, excited to have an excuse to use her new phone, and made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. She stripped off her clothes as she was talking, leaving her short skirt and button down blouse hanging on the same hanger -- they really did go together nicely. Picking up the fancy clamshell case, she took the plug out, leaving the chain tail for...

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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 13

Katherin Heigle, already trembling at the crest, jerked and rose to an even higher peak, her prolonged orgasm growing to unknown heights, reaching peaks she had never attained before. Her cunt clenched fiercely and her cock-hungry mouth overflowed. The two wolves pounded away, pouring the lava of their lupine lust into her in torrents. Katherine's cunt sucked, pulling more cum from the wolf's cockhead as he slithered into her drenched fuck tunnel, and her lips pulled greedily on the second...

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OpportunitiesChapter 12

At seven-thirty I was shaved and showered, standing in the lobby of Delta and Trish’s dorm. They came down in jeans, and we went to breakfast where there was a pretty big contingent of our regulars. Misty and Cherry even showed up but stayed pretty far away from me. Oh well. After breakfast I gave the girls my stuff wrapped up in my sheets. I helped them carry everything to Trish’s car and then walked over to the locker room. I got ready and went out to jog and warm up. A couple of guys were...

3 years ago
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Tied Up AuntChapter 6

Martin froze in place. Lying with her head back and the jism and cunt oil, thinned by her saliva, trickling into her mouth, Jacqui wondered what was going on. The sweet fog of afterglow had abruptly vanished. She was left acutely conscious of her nakedness. "Hi... Anne," Chuck said feebly. He gulped. Anne! Jacqui's heart bounced around her ribcage like a small animal trying to get out. It was bad enough that one of Martin's friends was in on her degradation, but to have his girlfriend...

10 months ago
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PermissionChapter 6

David cried hard for some time and then showered and dressed. Called his office and signed out for the next week and dialed Clair's phone. After a shower and change he was knocking on Clair's door. He didn't beat around the bush, he was in no mood for friendly chit chat. He started off saying "Your husband fucked my wife this afternoon. I was afraid something was about to happen so I put a friend of mine, a private investigator, on the job and here are some of the pictures I got. These...

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CoriolanusChapter 7

The legion moved fast, as might be expected. I was rushing to Dondron Hill with our growing band. “Hail Caesar!” shouted General Domus “As you say.” I replied “Drink? It is not poisoned, I assure you. We do not want the legion to run amok without you.” We sat in a tent, three advisers on each side. On my side was Chieftain Bogatrix, Manubis – an Egyptian gladiator of impressive mind, and Virtua. This last was a surprise to many, but she was clever, multi-lingual and could write. She made...

2 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price21 A Couple Rolls of Quarters and A Sock

“We’re supposed to be back this afternoon,” Barbara whispered across Owen’s sleeping body to Brandy. They were both naked and had smaller girls spooning their asses. Roxxi’s drool ran down Brandy’s shoulder blade. “What’s it matter?” Barbara said. “Jacob’s in on this now. Mom and Dad spend half the year in Florida. We hang out with Jewel and Paul. She’s here and Paul’s gonna come for her.” “Eugh,” Brandy said. Then she shushed her sister terribly. “It’s OK, girls, I’m awake.” Owen...

5 months ago
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My One and Only AffairChapter 2

That night I tossed and turned and kept thinking about mark and what we had done and what he wanted to do. I realized for the first time I mean I knew now that I truly wanted this to happen. I stopped kidding myself and knew I was going to let Mark shaved my vagina completely clean of any and all hair. Then I was going to give myself to him completely. I knew I would let him eat my pussy and give me the best oral sex. That was for sure I mean I didn’t even think about that for more than two...

3 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price25 Capital Murder

Janice opened the door for Maxim le Carre. He didn’t even see her. She smiled like she was used to getting tips out of assholes. Maxim had entered last. Kirk and Katelyn sat at a small table. She had her eyes down, he had his jaw set. The coin box sat before them, nine Tyrean silver pieces sat in their recesses. Maxim’s frown showed how he counted. Giselle waited at the counter, slowly explaining orders to Roxxi who zipped about brewing the coffees. It was a small cafe of 8 tables and two...

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Service With a SmileChapter 3

Mr. Marcus's wife, Harriett, arranged for a local girl, Inga, to perform a ministry once a week while she's away. After two visits, Mr. Marcus has kept his promise of keeping his hands off the pert young woman, but she's been hands-on him, in the shower. With the pantry project incomplete, she's scheduled to make a return visit the next day, just before Mr. Marcus makes a mandatory visit to her mother, the psychotherapist. Will Mr. Marcus be able to maintain his composure and willpower...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 29 Audition

[Caution: this chapter contains violent and semi/nonconsensual sex. Uruk is the name for an Orc in the Black Speech.] ... she snapped awake, her cataclysm arrested, and instantly burst into tearless sobs. Even in my dreams I can’t reach orgasm. What have they done to me? I’m broken and cannot be mended. Once again she awoke free of bindings and entirely alone, with the door to her dungeon wide open. She was exhausted, her body a patchwork tale of abuse, and she studied the bright red...

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Escaping From a MurdererChapter 10

Annabel passed a small envelope to Margaret and she turned it over in her hand. "It's a small favour," Annabel asked and licked her lips. "If Tony ever finds me he'll kill me," she said matter-of-factly and took a deep breath. "It's for Abigail when she gets to 21, if he finds me. It explains everything." Margaret scowled. "Don't be silly, lassie," the solicitor told her. "Yer all-right up here, and why would he do that?" "No, please," Annabel said with a determination....

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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 9 Twentytwo days to Wedding

The next day rushed by and Shahnaz and Nasim were thrown together to keep Shahnaz in check and cooperate with various what she would think 'silly things'. Gulnaz was finding it harder to find right time and spot to ensure her father was not starved of sex and her body. Shahnaz was feeling frustrated as another day slipped by with out any chance of having sex with her father. Akbar and Shahnaz looked at each other longingly but the opportunities were hard to come by. Shahnaz and Nasim were...

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Jennys Favorite ColorChapter 8

Jenny had been restless from the moment she got up. She busied herself doing her housework for the first couple of hours, but finally the itching in her loins grew too intense to be ignored. She had been unable to concentrate on anything as the blissful memories of the night before flooded her thoughts. Ben had been the answer to all the boring months that had passed. The physical size of him, coupled with the raw, animal-like method of lovemaking that he enjoyed, had made her body a slave...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 113

We ran for an hour. The girlie girl had expected to run three miles and bury me, but she was shocked that I kept running. I think she felt it necessary to uphold the honor of the Swamp, most likely her arrogant attitude kept her going, when she should have stopped. Either way she was pretty worn out when we got back to the Cabin. I was so out of breath I couldn't speak. I was happy to see that the Girlie Girl was just as bad. I had worked with the female agents before, but they had always...

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OpportunitiesChapter 27

Sunday morning, I could hardly move. I was so beat up from all the extra contact that I couldn’t get going. We had some coffee and then got dressed to go to church. After church, we all went back to the country club for their big brunch. By about two in afternoon, I was starting to feel human again. The girls reminded me that we had missed studying Friday and Saturday, so we needed to catch up. We told the folks we would see them for supper and took off for the house to get our books for the...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 35

The next morning, Ally ran around the room like a mad woman trying to get ready. If she hurried, she'd have enough time to grab breakfast and stop by the English Department before her 10:00 calculus class. And somewhere along the line, she needed to go see Ben. Kaija was right; he really was a keeper. Even if he did leave her sexually frustrated at times! For once, Ally's trip to the dining commons was fairly uneventful. No Barclay hitting on her; no Erica dropping bombshells; and not even...

1 year ago
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Bellaire BellesChapter 17

"Mr. Hamilton?" called a distant voice in the darkness. "I think he's regaining consciousness." I opened my eyes a little, the light blinding them shut again. "Mr. Hamilton?" I opened my eyes a little bit again and looked up and saw bright fluorescent lights and white everywhere else. I looked for the man calling my name and saw that the voice belonged to a giant blur hovering over me. "He's awake," said the man. "Oh my God!" cried a woman in the background. "Thank God!"...

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Kija Part Of The Conquerors Reward SeriesChapter 9

Diun arrived the following day and spent time with all of them. Carl and Diun particularly hit it off. The two of them shared family photos and Diun smile as Carl raised eyebrows at the number of his children. "Ki told me about the other women, but I guess I just didn't picture that you had kids with all of them." Carl said looking at the family photos. Diun shrugged replying, "Harreden genetics." "I guess so. Should I worry about anything else?" Carl asked handing the pictures...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 120

Mel and I reached an understanding quickly. The guest bed was for her and that is where she would sleep. I wasn't real thrilled to have Andrew's main squeeze staying with me. I know I'm pretty liberal, but I didn't know too many women who had slept with old boyfriends of mine. If I had loved Andrew, I probably would have been upset staying so close to me. As it was, I just wasn't interested. I was subtle when I made that clear. After that we moved on to a good nights sleep. I heard her...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 5 The Fight

The yellow school bus pulled up to their narrow drive on the gravel road, loaded Graydon and Alex Jr, drove a hundred yards to the "Y" intersection of the Wolf Creek spur and turned around. Their house was the last stop. It was four miles to school. Graydon sat at the window with Alex Jr. beside him. He watched the sagebrush flats roll by, the rock piles and stunted apple trees and lilacs marking where earlier homestead efforts had withered from lack of water. Wolf Creek was a seasonal...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 14

“Form a line around the Mall with our vehicles. We’ll use this as our very own perimeter for now. Hopefully, we’ll get some reinforcements and soon. Lavelle, I hope that God understands, but I believe that we must kick some Nazi ass before we move further eastward. They’re an obvious threat, including to the Hagerstown community. Who knows what will happen if they’re allowed to win here in Frederick,” I asserted. “I agree, and to that purpose, I’ll do my best to create an opening in their...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 242

Many thanks to Allan for the following: My wife and I were both members of PETA, only different organizations. Mine was People Eating Tasty Animals. Anyway, early in our marriage, her doctor told her he wanted to run a test on her that involved the death of a small animal. When she didn’t think much of the idea, he asked her what she would use. She thought for a minute and responded with politicians, lawyers and convicted felons. After the doctor stopped laughing, he asked her why she saved...

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Road TripChapter 12

The Western Shoot was better than well attended ... it was crowded with tipis, lean-tos, wall tents and marquee. Marquee: Think circus tent but smaller. Baptists think revival tents. There were more cannon firing than most Civil War battles. I spent the weekend talking to the man who brought a homemade naval style carriage with an M-3 Sherman rifled barrel cut off in front of the projectile chamber and 36 inches long. Extremely accurate. He won the cannon shoot but was immediately banned...

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Runners MoonChapter 6

It was close to nine when Josh and Phil pulled into Mark's driveway; they'd taken the time to run by Rick's for breakfast. Mark was out working in the shop, on a sign support for Jackie. "Missed you last night," he said. "I wanted to tell you I heard about a couple of mobile homes up in Warsaw that I thought we might want to go look at." Josh smiled. "We went up last night and bought one." "Any good?" "I looked it over pretty good," Phil said. "It's in pretty good shape,...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 18 A Rather Odd Choir Practice

“Well, kids” began Mr Claxton, “that was a spectacular performance this morning. You guys were just awesome. Reverend Marsden was just so proud of us all and has even given permission to increase our allocated budget to help with our chances in the upcoming competitions. Like me, he reckons we stand the best chance ever of coming away with winning trophies in more than just one category. So once again thank you all and especially to you, Jessie and to you Carrie and Troy - you guys were...

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Naked in the Trailer Park 2Chapter 2

“You know those dreams where everyone is naked but you and you are going to school?” Harley joked to her little brother as she filed off the bus. She didn’t try to cover herself but she did receive a few pinches and gooses from boys who dared to risk the chance she’d turn around and smack one of them in the close quarters. “You don’t have to do this, Harley,” Rally said. “It’s Miss Harley to you, Scrote” Harley ignored his suggestion and carried on stoically as she walked out of the bus and...

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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 20 Walk this way

I was stunned. I had not sipped the serum; I had quaffed it off. My initial reaction, one of powerless rage against Albert for not briefing me properly that night at the hospital, lasted only until I reflected that the man had been dying in agony and could hardly be blamed for failing to make his meaning entirely clear. No; the responsibility was mine, and it was for me to decide what to do about it. And first of all, of course, I had to negotiate the garden party. I had made plans for this,...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 44

Friday, 25 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville The road trip to Roanoke was almost under way, but there was one performance left from my “sailor girls” as I enjoyed my final night there in Charlottesville. This meant a musical routine, the last of many performed on my behalf and in my honor. Of all songs, they chose “Sailing” by Christopher Cross, but I wasn’t going to quarrel with their choice. It fit their outfits, after all. “Pleased, my dear Prophet?”...

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Lovers ShadowChapter 7

Sweet Clover and I were ready to rebuild the Passion Mill boundary. We assembled a boundary team and squatted at our work. Passion Mill is not a large community. Even so, spreading pee around the perimeter of all the living spaces is no small task. I had assembled a wonderful team: we were silly and messy, embracing both the fun and importance of our job. Clover and I were working together between the third and fourth quarters. She said, “How about you lie on your pack. I spray you, you...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 3 Z Helps the Stross Enjoy Sex

We had a few duties after our guests left. We found the newlyweds over where the taxis parked. Stanley rode in front. We ladies rode in the back seat. When we got inside their motel Romana hung the do not disturb sign and locked the door. Everyone stripped and hugged. I announced, “Let’s all take a shower together.” Alas, their motel had only a tub shower. I whispered something to Romana. She told Stanley and Fran to shower first. We left the shower curtain open to watch. I think Romana was...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 10 Stop And Smell The Roses

July 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Are you OK?” Clarissa asked on Friday morning as we lay in bed together. “Why wouldn’t I be?” “You seemed a bit out of sorts last night. Did that kiss bother you?” I smiled, “Not the way you mean. It was just, well, to be blunt, fighting a reaction. And losing.” Clarissa laughed softly, “I know. I felt it when I spooned. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I liked the kiss. The other reaction is kind of involuntary. As I keep saying, testosterone knows NOTHING about...

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The New StartChapter 26 Tasha the Rebel

Emma had always been friends with Tasha. The two girls had been pals since they were toddlers. Em, for that was what her friends called her, had watched the metal beast that pursued them. When the other metal beast had shot it out of the sky she was thrilled. She got a closer look at it while hiding in the trees and seeing it sitting in the clearing. She was amazed when a human female climbed from it and even more impressed when she learned that it was piloted by another human. She was happy...

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Doc and the PornstarChapter 7

The ‘doctors’ alarm clocks’ worked again on Monday morning. Alan, Jake, and I were awake and moving around the boat first, preparing to serve breakfast and being sure we had an adequate supply of life-giving coffee for everyone else when they appeared. The three of us had a chance to talk to each other as we worked in the galley and laid out some of the accoutrements to breakfast. Both men expressed their gratitude for being included in Jasmine and my playtime. They really appreciated Beth...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 17 Found Out

August 7, 1983, McKinley, Ohio The phone in my room rang late Sunday afternoon while Milena and I were relaxing and listening to music. “Hi, Mikey!” “Hi, Liz! What’s up?” “Guess whose parents came home WAY earlier than expected? Three guesses, and the first two don’t count!” “«Говно». Maggie’s.” “Right the first time.” “And?” “Grounded for two centuries, I think.” “Wonderful,” I sighed. “It’s worse, Mikey.” “How could it be worse?” “Her dad found the books you gave her and the...

11 months ago
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Father in LawChapter 7

Bibi got off the gear stick which was covered in her slime. As Abdul started to drive I wiped his spunk off the car roof and shared my cum covered hand with Bibi as he drove! “Fucking hell Bibi, where did you find this slut, she’s as filthy as you!” Abdul said. Before Bibi could answer I interrupted, “are you saying you didn’t like watching me spread and finger my dirty married cunt? Judging by the amount of spunk that’s still dripping off the car roof I’d say you did.” “Of course I did,”...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 280

Laura tried not to let her disappointment and puzzlement over her experience with Joy trouble her too long. There would be time to mend it. Somehow she would think of a way to coax a shattering orgasm out of that lovely, lean, honey-gold body. Meanwhile, her 'date' with Brad Dickinson was set for the next evening. Though she had blown hot and cold about it, as the hour approached she had been unable to come up with a convincing excuse and grew more resigned. I'm sure we'll have a nice,...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 45 The Arena Upset

-Spirit District Arena- The third day of the arena battles came quickly. The number of competitors had been whittled down to only 26. Some of these competitors had managed to sneak into the top 26 only by sheer luck at having lucky draws from the box, while others had stepped into this position through a great deal of hardship. Of the 26 remaining competitors, 9 of them were from factions unaffiliated with a nation or super power and weren’t seed members. One of these people was the sword...

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Unexpected VisitorChapter 4

Over the next month, as the date for her divorce hearing approached, Kerry seemed to get more and more nervous. The night before the scheduled date of the hearing, we sat watching a movie on TV. She had her back pressed to my chest when suddenly she began to sob. She looked up at me with tears streaming from her eyes. “Oh Dave, I’m so frightened.” She sobbed. “What if that asshole changes his mind and decides to fight me over the divorce?” I hugged her tighter and replied. “Baby, that could...

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SusanChapter 11

When Barbara Anthony heard about the invitation to dine with Jeffrey Collins at his penthouse, a chill ran down her spine, although for the life of her she couldn't figure out why she reacted as she did. Normally, she would have been instructed to go to the store and buy a new dress, but these were not normal times. Simon was broke and she knew it. For some reason it didn't bother her. For that matter nothing did anymore. Wryly, she realized that for several years now, she'd been existing...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 141

I figured that he might be ready to call a truce, but I was still going to go around tooled up and looking in the shadows. When I got the box to the room, I used a wash cloth from the bathroom to clean the blood from the box. Since it was junkie blood, I should have been a little concerned, but since I already had a mouthful of junkie blood, I didn't bother to wear gloves. I did use an antiseptic mouth rinse several times. I even drank some of it. Maybe it will kill something the stomach...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 273

Say thanks to Pepere for the following: An old physician, Doctor Gordon Geezer, became very bored in retirement and decided to re-open a medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that said: “Dr. Geezer’s Clinic. Get your treatment for $500 - if not cured, get back $1,000.” Doctor Digger Young, who was positive that this old geezer didn’t know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000. So, he went to Dr. Geezer’s clinic. Dr Young: “ Dr. Geezer, I have...

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The Nature of the Game4 Inadvertent Bullying

Taylor was standing with Boomer and John Brooks, another football player, by their lockers. It was only a few minutes until the next period, when a small freshman walked by. He was focused on his schedule—marking him as a new kid—and wasn’t paying attention. He passed the three guys, crossing closer than most students did. Boomer grinned, pointing him out to his teammates. When he was directly in front of them, he stuck his foot out. The boy tumbled, his schedule flying as he tried to halt...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 174 Speech

The next weekend, we had two games. It seemed like we'd hardly been playing yet, but there would be no games the next weekend because of Thanksgiving. So we played Friday night and Saturday afternoon this weekend. Coach Hancock had come into the gym on Monday morning while Whitney and I were working out before school. It had gotten too cold and snowy to practice outside at home. We had a mat down and had moved from forms to sparring. Coach blew his ever-present whistle and we backed off,...

4 months ago
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DominionChapter 31 Bad Blood

“My, my, you’ve grown up to become a fine young man. Shall I have the maids put sandals on your feet, rings on your fingers, and a robe on your shoulders? Shall we slay the fattened calf and celebrate your arrival? Your mother took you from me, from your rightful place, but lo and behold, the prodigal son has returned.” Dominion’s voice, it was just as Sirius imagined it, deep and dark as the caverns below the sect’s temple. The insidiousness of every word he spoke, it made Sirius sick. He...

10 months ago
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Impotent HusbandChapter 2

"I wish your sister would run her own fucking errands," Bob Reed told his wife, Tina, as she dressed to go out. "I mean, Christ, love, she wanted the kid. She should take care of him." "You just want me here so you can fuck me again, don't you?" Tina smiled as she slipped into her overcoat. It was white, pure white mink, and her ebony shoulder-length hair contrasted with it as sharply as night contrasts with day. "Well of course," Bob smiled back at her. He wasn't really angry,...

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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 7

Daisy was so excited after Tyrone broke the connection that she had to call Tricia. “You’ll never guess what I did. I sent my sexy pictures to the pimp. And he said that Black men would be willing to pay money to fuck me if I got some training!” “Wow, that’s so daring Daisy.” “There’s more. I asked him to be my Daddy and he agreed and now I’m his little girl.” “How can he be your Daddy. Aren’t you anonymous?” “He’ll be my virtual Daddy. We’ll just communicate on the web. But he will...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 185 Whatever You Need to Do

I saw Rhonda slip out of the studio. Donna and her parents were talking with the others and I followed Rhonda. "Thank you," she said. "I love you." "I meant for the chocolate." "I still love you." "Please stop, Brian." We wandered to a couple chairs in the lobby. Since it was Saturday, the place was pretty deserted. We sat in silence for a minute. I was so happy to see her that I couldn't think straight, but I was still so torn up inside I wanted to throw up again. "I'm...

8 months ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 293

I’m sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It’s just been too intelligent to come here. - Arthur C. Clarke ✧ ✧ ✧ Say thanks to sbrooks103 for this one... A German prison camp Commandant’s clock breaks, and he can’t work without the sound. He has six prisoners brought in, line them up, and has them start going, “Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock...” He’s happily working until one prisoner starts going, “Tick ... Tick ... Tick ... Tick.” The Commandant gets in his face and says,...

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Second ChanceChapter 16

I loved being alone for a few weeks at Catherine's - well - my ranch. The cold air sort of perked me up, just like the warmth in Florida gave me a shot in the arm, a few months earlier. The pace, stress, and never ending worries were brutally exhausting and held back my recovery. I realized it was true when I felt myself renewed and energized by sleeping as late as I wished, eating whatever and whenever I chose, and having nothing to do but tell the workmen what I wanted done. Often at...

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Mothers Cure for ShynessChapter 3

When John woke up, he was disoriented at first. It took a few seconds before he realized that not only was he not in his own bed at home, but that he was in Betty's bed in Hawaii. "Oh shit!" he thought, as he remembered what had happened. The thought that he had fucked his beautiful hostess brought him completely awake, and also make him notice that he was alone in her king-size bed. "Well its about time you woke up. Your little nap turned into a full night of sleep, and I didn't have...

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My Former SuccubusChapter 3 My Roommates Kind of Sort of Succubus

The next morning I was awoken by Martin and Nora, walking into the bedroom hand-in-hand. My two women were still sleeping, as I carefully climbed off the bed. "Martin, could I talk to Nora for a moment?" "OK, I have to take a shower, but you better not say anything that would make her want to leave!" he warned. "Nothing he could say would make me do that, Master" smiled Nora, as she blew him a kiss and he left. "Nora, I have to ask ... what happened?" "I met Beth. She was so...

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That PhraseSylviaChapter 2

Due to the lateness of the hour, my internal clock let me sleep till 7 that Saturday morning. I was as quiet as I could be as I left the house, picked up my car from the neighbors, went to the gym, showered there after my workout, stopped at a little diner, and went to the main branch of our bank which, unlike the branch near the house that only opened the drive throughs on Saturday mornings, was open until noon. I withdrew half of the amounts in both the savings and checking accounts and...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 45

I was right. Doris gave me hell about spending that much money on someone I didn't even know. I didn't say anything until we pulled up in front of the steakhouse they had chosen to eat at. I turned in the seat so I could face Doris and still be able to see Sandra and Jimmy as I spoke. She opened her mouth to say something and I just held up my hand for silence. "You been giving me hell since I left the music store. This time you shut your mouth and let me speak. I bought the pair of...

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Hot Twilight Chapter 2

In the taxi back to her home, Darla looked at Adreana's business card again. She flashed back to the morning, and recalled how beautiful and sexy she appeared, yet Darla was afraid to call her. She had been hurt so badly with Dominique she was relationship-shy and thought she had to be very cautious making any serious commitments again. The taxi dropped her off right at the newsstand again where she had met Adreana earlier. The old geezer was still there listening to the ball game on his...

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RetreadsChapter 26

I knew something was up as soon as we got home Monday and was afraid it was bad. Mom, Jane and Gail met us in the driveway and grabbed my hand along with Tina, Angie, and Kathy. We asked what was wrong and felt relieved when They laughed. Jane said "words can't describe it. This is something you just have to see for yourselves." When we got there I had to admit they were right. The children were all over the living room table. They were talking and drawing on large sheets of paper. This...

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ChoicesChapter 13 Voices from the past

Morgan left around an hour later, after we fed each other breakfast (of the cereal and juice kind; get your mind out of the gutter), and cleaned up a bit. We kissed each other good-bye at the door, with her promising to call tomorrow--her parents had a thing tonight that she needed to attend. After the door closed behind her, I tossed the sheets into the hamper, and judiciously concluded that I should probably do my whites today before I ran out of underwear later this week. While waiting...

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Return to EdenChapter 33

"Good morning, Accorda," the colonel said as she presented herself to him immediately after breakfast, as instructed. She was standing ramrod straight at attention. "At ease." He turned to his wife, who was finishing up negotiating her own breakfast as well as feeding Meier. "Are you ready, my love?" he asked. She nodded, taking a final sip of coffee. "I think we will want a little privacy and seclusion, our quarters?" She nodded again, rose to unselfconsciously take her husband's...

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Taming of the ShrewChapter 6

Trevor groaned as his palm slid over the bed in search of the elusive cover. Coming up empty, he pulled the pillow out from under his head and smothered his face with it. His sleepy brain thought his mother was waking him for school and he was about to plead for a few more minutes. But then the nerves in his cock telegraphed a more urgent message. Slipping the pillow from his face, Trevor lifted his head slightly and looked down his body through lidded eyes. Sue saw the movement and looked...

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Buried TreasureChapter 6

"Oh, Skull, that was simply wonderful. You're a great lover with a mighty cock," cooed Carmen. And when I kill you, you murdering bastard, I'll try to cut it off while you're still breathing. "That's better," said Skull as he stood up and wiped his softening cock on the rag that had been her panties. "You're a slow learner but you'll get the message in the end. You, Little Tart, get the fucking dildo and make her happy again." Carmen groaned. Mirabelle, her eyes red and puffy...

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Eden RescueChapter 5

"An ark?" she repeated. "Yes! A spacegoing ark! We don't want to go back to study them or gloat over them or any of the stuff you said. We want to rescue them!" Her face still tear-stained, she gave him an unbelieving look. "How is that possible?" she asked. "It can be done, Amanda," he replied. "Not all of them, of course, not even very many. But enough; and they'll bring all the others with them, in their mind. Remember, you told me when you got back from the second trip,...