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The Babysitter

Mary Summers was curled up on the Anderson's massive overstuffed couch deeply immersed in a book. Clustered around her were more books, notes and half glass of fruit juice all but forgotten on the coffee table. Except for her nest of study material the house showed no signs of the chaos of the last few hours. The Anderson's children were both darlings and mostly well behaved but an evening of pizza, ice-cream and made up games of increasing complex and outlandish rules had resulted in quite a...

1 year ago
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A Wife A Husband and the Paperboy

Copyright© 1991-2003 "The seductive Dolores could lay so Well, she earned many a peso From men who walked miles To climax, with smiles. (Her ads in the papers all say so.)" -author unknown Jenny groped for her robe in the darkness of her bedroom. The door buzzer rang insistently again. Cursing, she fumbled with the arms of her bathrobe and finally closed and tied the sash around her waist. She practically ran down the stairs as the doorbell again rang. She tugged the large front...

11 months ago
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Jim and Jennifer Want Another Baby

Jim and Jennifer wanted to have another baby. They were in their late 20's and they already had three children in their home but they wanted more. So, one evening after they'd enjoyed the delicious dinner Jennifer had cooked for all of them, she bathed and put their three children to bed and then she joined her young husband, Jim, in the family room. Jennifer was very sexy and Jim had always lusted after her but being married hadn't damped his hot sexy desire for her one bit. Her having...

2 years ago
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Super Trick

©1997, All Rights Reserved Lois' voice on the telephone is an excited whisper. "Clark," she says. "Can you get in touch with Superman? I just heard on the police scanner that there's a problem." She's always doing this to me. One time, in an emergency, I pretended I had a way to contact the Man of Steel in order to explain how he arrived to intervene in a situation that only I knew about. Since then, Lois calls me every time she thinks she needs Superman. "Maybe," I sigh....

1 month ago
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Joining In

It's summer, midsummer, the thrill of being out of school has faded, the boredom of not having much to do has set in. I decide to get out of the house and go for a walk not really thinking much of what direction I'm heading. After a bit, I realize that I am only a few blocks from Kathy Conway's house, we were friends in the eighth grade and we will be going to the same high school in the fall. So, I turn down her street and go up and ring her backdoor doorbell. "Oh, hi, Maria, um, gee,...

1 year ago
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"Mr Haslam for Dr Beecham" the intercom announced and he stood carefully up and hobbled out of the waiting room, looking for consulting room 5, "three, four, ah, five" he said to himself as he counted off the doors. As he reached it, it opened. "I'm sorry, I should have come out, I just had to check a couple of details for the previous patient" said an attractive voice. He couldn't see the face in the gloom of the corridor, his eyes didn't adjust easily to changes in light levels,...

1 month ago
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Comming of Age

I was sitting watching TV in my sweats and tee shirt the other night when my positively stunning blond haired blue eyed daughter Kimmey walks in dressed in one of her night shirts (an old tee shirt of mine which she adopted) that just barely covers her girl parts. I noticed that she very strongly resembles a younger version of her mother Jean who could pass as a high society fashion model any day. Her long blonde hair virtually glowed like the finest spun golden silk and her riveting blue eyes,...

1 year ago
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California Virgin

Once again thanks to LadyCibelle for her help and encouragement. The mile markers counted down as we approached the California coast. I was dirty, hungry, and tired in no particular order. We had been driving for almost three days straight in a ten-year-old car that was barely still alive. I thought to myself that this might be the dumbest thing that I’d ever done in my life. It started a year ago. I had just finished my sophomore year at college and was home for the summer. After a...

1 year ago
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Family Affair

The camera was rolling. It was gathering awesome images. Four men restrained in a sitting position on a large green leather couch nude from the waist down. Standing facing directly in front of them were four stunning looking women, the men’s respective significant others, nude from the waist up. Let the games begin. How we got to this point. My surveillance over the past two weeks was paying off. I had discovered a very hot looking mom at the gym, found her name thanks to a talkative lady at...

9 months ago
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Sometimes I wonder how he could even be my son. Stu, god I hate that name and although I'm happy to be rid of his mother who insisted on naming him, every day I am reminded of the silly cow and the years of frustration and water treading I wasted with her. I am alone now, happily single and thriving, thank you very much. I own my own business, nothing large, mind you, but I employ several workers and sales people, to get my little invention onto the store shelves of hardware stores...

2 years ago
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Young Love

Andy continued to kiss Amber, sliding his tongue between her loosely parted lips. They were both seniors in high school and it had taken Andy ever since their sophomore year to gather enough courage to finally ask Amber out on a date. Now after two weeks of seeing each other, it was becoming their regular ritual to drive away together every afternoon and park in Andy's old beat up Toyota truck. Andy pressed his hand against Amber's back pocket as they kissed and he began to lightly caress...

2 years ago
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Eradicating Knotweed

Sometimes things once perceived as a thing of beauty are allowed into our lives; sometimes, like Fallopia Japonica: 'Japanese Knotweed' they can quickly overrun a situation-and take control. He had managed to escape the humdrum, rat-race office life of Banking and Stocks; after 30 years in which the stress had nearly killed him, he had taken advantage of redundancy to pursue his hobby of gardening and make a meagre living from it. He remembered how grown men had held their heads in their...

2 years ago
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Tactical Twister

“Twister, the Game that Ties You Up in Knots” gave new meaning to the phrase “contact sports.” Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show twist with peek-a-boob Eva Gabor goosed up the sales. A problem with Twister, however, is that once the contestants begin twisting together, a third person must be present to spin the spinner. The solution: forget the spinner and take turns making up the calls. But the Milton Bradley version is where to start. Take off your shoes and face your opponent from opposite...

1 year ago
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© 1994 - Black Angora Press Kathryn's visit to town was, of course, a welcome event. It seemed like a year since I had gone to Hartford to visit her, though it had only been two months, now it was her turn to visit me. I had picked her up at the airport and brought her back home on Thursday night, where we knoshed on fresh shrimp and dry grape soda. After that, we made passionate love and fell asleep in each other's arms. All in all, a pleasant reunion. But it was only the...

1 year ago
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Marty Misbehaves

It was a large project and it had been occupying all my time for almost a year and when I say all my time I mean just that. I worked until late at night and I brought work home with me to do on weekends. The survival of the company I worked for, and by extension, my survival, depended on the project being finished on time and on or under budget. My wife was not happy. The thing I heard most was "Bullshit. You can find a job anywhere else you want to" and that was probably true, but it would...

1 year ago
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April Morning Coffee

Another workday morning, I’m awake in the purple haze before dawn, long before I need to be to prepare for work. Is it really April already? The savory, sweet smell of my special-blend coffee woke me before my alarm, as usual, but this time before the coffee maker’s din-din-ding alert. Eyes closed, I walk my home labyrinth through my bedroom, to, and down the stairs, past my dining room, and into my kitchen as my brew’s soothing scent reaches out for me with its captivating tendrils. The time...

2 years ago
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Doriss Last Dance

Doris and her husband, Randy, were meeting two other couples at the nightclub on the Red Mile at 42nd Street. About two or three times a year, the couples went out to relax and have some fun. The men usually were quite content to just sit there all night and have as many beers as they could hold. The women on the other hand, liked to dance and were constantly on the dance floor, as there was no shortage of available men to dance with. Many of the men came back for seconds and thirds, but the...

4 months ago
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La Traviata on a Dark Night

Matt sat in the darkness of his deck, contemplating his suddenly changed future. He didn't like what he was seeing. He took a drag on his cigarette (how long had it been since he'd given them up? Eight years? More?) and winced just a little at the acrid, hot smoke as it tore through the sensitive membranes of his throat. To soothe the burn, he took a long pull from the bottle of beer in his other hand. He held the bottle by the neck, as if throttling it, and just tilted it up so the cold...

2 years ago
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Runaway Monkey

Many thanks to Techsan for editing this story. If a young man had done exactly the same thing as Melissa did in her younger days, he had been envied, admired and regarded as a popular jolly good fellow among his many friends. Everybody had regarded him as doing exactly the right thing when he collected his large number of experiences before he met "Miss Right" so he could remain faithful to her because he had learnt that "grass wasn't greener" behind the fence. But Melissa wasn't a...

8 months ago
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It was that moment when defeat showed on her face that I knew that I had won. I had won the day against a rich bitch mother and the spoiled teenage daughter who I had caught shoplifting in my employers department store. I had made the mother an offer that was just too hard to refuse. “Come around her momma” I beckoned her as she sat on the other side of my massive desk. Momma (real name Julie) was a 40 year old married rich bitch. She just exuded money, but the behavior of her daughter had...

2 years ago
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Swimming Baths

The local swimming baths were nearly empty by the time Janice and Alan finished their late evening swim. This was their first venture to the pool since moving to the area a few weeks before. Agreeing to meet near the changing rooms after they got dressed, they then proceeded to have a quiet look around the building. One of the attendants had told them that there was a viewing gallery under the pool, with thick glass windows allowing an underwater view of the pool. Small signs led them down...

1 year ago
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Hardly Any Persuasion

Copyright© 2002-2003 I dined with Lord Hughing Fitz-Bluing Who said, "Do you squirm when you're screwing?" I replied, "Simple shagging Without any wagging Is only for screwing canoeing." Mom turned into a ball away from me and sobbed loudly, "What have I done", she repeated over and over. She was hiding her face in her hands, as if hiding from the reality of my bed. Me, I was breathing deeply, trying to relax my sweaty quivering body after such a surprising and enjoyable fuck. I...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 - The Middle Pamela lay spread eagle on the four poster bed in his loft. Her hands and feet were trust to the posts by Hermes silk scarves and she had a silk mask covering her eyes. She knew what was coming next and silently she wanted him to hurry up with the preliminaries. The scarf was meant to keep her guessing, but tied around her head so softly that she could just barely see under the lower portion. This, in effect, gave her a "slit view" from her breasts to her feet. She...

2 months ago
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Father Dowling I Am Heartily Sorry

It was late on the evening of a First Friday, and St. Michael's was almost empty. Father Dowling says it wasn't like that in the old days, before Vatican II, but I wouldn't know about that. All I get in the confessional nowadays is a lot of old ladies and little kids, and none of them have much to confess. I'd just gotten through with two old ladies whose worst sins were gossiping about their neighbors -- and that wasn't what they'd come to confess, it was what they'd come to do. In...

1 year ago
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Case of Tingling Clitoris

I have brought to the readers' attention over the years the many adventures and particular demonstrations of Sherlock Holmes' remarkable, even to say, unique skills. In doing so, I must confess that I have had strong motivation to suppress, even deny, some of Holmes' abilities in the detection and solution of crimes and puzzles involving social activities between the sexes. If the reader is shocked at this revelation, coming now so late in the Autumn of his career, I beg you to realize that...

2 years ago
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House Guest

"I'm soo horny it's all I can do to keep from jumping you right here." Lucy stretched out her long tan legs and provocatively stared at me. As I shifted to try and hide the growing bulge in my crotch, I took a swig of beer while thinking up something witty to say. "I wouldn't mind," I said with a self- confidant air, "but I'd have to share you with Alice." Lucy's breath caught for a second. Just long enough for me to catch it before she also used the beer camouflage trick and then...

10 months ago
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"Arthur Reardon, You have been found guilty of aggravated mayhem by a jury of your peers. You are hereby sentenced to ten years imprisonment, that, to be served in an institution to be determined by the appropriate agency of the State Bureau of Prisons," said the judge. The gavel sounded and I was a convict. I was stood up, cuffed to a waist chain, and my ankles shackled. I glanced back at Rhena, my wife, who stood but a few feet behind me in the first row. Her face was ashen. She mouthed...

2 years ago
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The Wife and the Neighbours

What made the husband flip that morning is not known. It could have been many reasons, like the washing up not done, the bed not made or even the washing not hung out, or it could have been a bit of jealousy against the neighbour who got more consideration from his wife than he did which made him wonder if the neighbour was fucking her, a couple of times he even considered asking him but the opportunity didn't arise at the time. He knew she often got an invite into the neighbours for she had...

1 year ago
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The Small Brass Key

It was almost 6 p.m. when Patrick Dunn finally got home on Wednesday night. He had worked an extra hour and a half to finish the wiring job he had been assigned that morning by Wayne Faulk, his supervisor. By staying the extra time, he'd been able to complete the job almost half a day earlier than the estimate had allowed. Mind you, he'd worked like hell all day, and he could feel it in his sore muscles. It was almost good that his wife Glenda had left that morning for three days of seminars...

1 year ago
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The Delivery

I sprawled naked on my couch, watching a TV show which wasn't very interesting. June 15th was unusually hot. School was out for the summer and I could hear young kids playing in their yards out front. A ball bounced on the cement in the basketball court across Ancy Alley behind my house. Six black teen boys, some recent high school grads and some home for the summer from their first year in college, laughed and yelled as they played. I gave a quick thought to going out on my back porch, just...

2 years ago
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Eve Eventide

Stevie was watching, his nose almost pressed against the glass of the front window, trying to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus in the early darkness and blowing snow. In spite of myself, I smiled. He'd already had two false alarms--one from the lights of a passing airplane, the other from the red, blinking light on the top of a microwave tower that was up on the mountain every night, but tonight must be Rudolph, leading the way through the storm. I sat back on the couch, cool beer in my hand,...

9 months ago
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Mom Warms Up

Maybe it was a frigid Midwestern blizzard, but it certainly resulted in hot times for me and my Mom. And, even though the blizzard is long gone, the hot times aren't over yet. Here is how it all happened. When a January blizzard blew into our area, the schools closed early so that the buses would be able to get the students home safely. I was a junior in high school, just turned 17, a typical randy teenager who thought almost exclusively about sex but had had only a half dozen real sexual...

1 month ago
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Christines Cuckold

I am a reasonably successful lawyer with a firm that I won't name. Christine was my wife of almost ten years. I met her my first day at the firm where she also worked. She was a legal secretary and I was smitten when I took her some documents that needed to be typed and gotten ready for signature. After my first month with the firm I asked her to have dinner with me and she accepted. We got along well together, started dating each other exclusively and I eventually proposed, she accepted and...

2 years ago
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You Cant Be Serious

Mildred sat in the corner of the bar, nursing a drink. She came here when her loneliness, and the inability of her fingers and dildo to satisfy her, reached a critical point. She’d been here before but had been pretty much ignored. She just had to try it again. Most women who are trying to get picked up will make a greater effort to look attractive than she did. She hadn’t got her hair fixed or worked very hard on her makeup or even worn a top that showed off rather nice breasts. Her natural...

1 year ago
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Best Friends

I pulled back and thought to myself, 'What the hell am I doing?' Instantly the little voice inside my head said, 'You know EXACTLY what you are doing.' I smiled, and ran my hands through Laurie's hair. I heard her make a little moan of pleasure as I pulled her back to me and I leaned in to kiss her again. When I first saw Laurie Duchow, it was early November just before the end of the football season. She was walking with one of my best friends and they stopped at my locker after school....

2 years ago
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Take Me Home

“Take me home and you won’t need those” I turned round, was that aimed at me? Oh shit, one of my sixth-formers, I forgot she worked here. “Oh, Hi Chloe, what did you say?” “Those condoms you just put in your basket, you won’t need those with me.” “What do you mean?” “I’m on the pill, no need to bag up with me.” How do I reply to that? “Mmm very sensible, I’m sure your boyfriend appreciates that.” “I don’t have a boyfriend, that’s not why I’m on the pill, they’re for painful...

4 months ago
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Kates Mum on Sunday

It was Sunday morning and I was laying back in bed reliving in my mind the experience of Saturday afternoon. I had fucked the boss's daughter Kate on my office desk. She was only 18 yrs old, but she was one hell of a fuck. She came onto me with a "Show me yours, and I'll show you mine" challenge, which I naturally accepted. The elation of my fuck with this young lady was tempered when I remembered that we had been watched by her mum (my boss's wife). Me fucking her might have been more...

1 year ago
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The Squirt

© 2000 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. Hmm... just how the mind thinks is a wonder. Just how the wonder controls the mind is amazing. In answering a feedback email about my stories, I noticed her text and immediately assumed, well, you are just not doing it right. LOL "Great story, I'm not quite a squirter more of a dribbler. But I love reading about other women who can squirt. Keep up the great work." Hmm... How do you do it right? Well,...

5 months ago
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A Valentines Surprise

The emerald glowed in the sales clerk's hand. Dave reached for the chain, letting the gem dangle and shimmer in the light. It still glowed as if backlit, and Dave knew it would look fantastic against Jennifer's skin. The single stone would fall just above the valley of her breasts and catch the light every time she laughed. Will leaned in for a closer look. "Wow! That one's more beautiful than any we've seen so far." Dave turned the price tag to Will's view. "Wow again! How can that...

3 months ago
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Monica Lisa

There are few things as useless as the hobbies of a middle-aged man who has enough money to last a few generations of blatant misuse, but somehow, in my case, it all ended out very well. It all began one fine evening, on the eve of my fortieth candle-blowing occasion. I was the proud owner of a fine yacht, the Sundari, and it was decided that the momentous anniversary of my birth was to be a private affair, with just the three of us in attendance; I mean, it's all fun when someone else is the...

1 year ago
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Theyre at It Again

They're at it again. They're like rabbits. Fucking away like crazy. Every afternoon. My seventeen-year old brother and his girlfriend. In the next room to mine. Boy is she a screamer. Not just loud, she's pretty slutty when she gets laid. "Fuck me, Justin, fuck me, harder," I hear through the wall. "Cum in me, Justin, I want your cum," she yells. "Suck my pussy, Justin, harder, harder," it echos. I live in a porn flick every afternoon. Justin and his girlfriend, Kayla, are already...

1 year ago
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Her name was Alice and she was the sister of my seventeen year old daughters' best friend, only fourteen, almost an innocent, yet she drew my attention in a way that few adult women ever could. Until I first met Alice, there was no way I'd consider a young teen as a sexual object; that was for dirty old men in macs exposing themselves and more often than not getting caught too. Yes I knew there were paedophiles around, but sex with an underage girl? Sorry, not interested and definitely not...

1 year ago
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What IM Going to Do to You

You come to visit me the first time while I am staying in California just after Christmas. I rent us a hotel where can be alone and no one can bother us. I've missed you so much be have been apart so long. You had a short visit with your family for the holidays and I patiently waited for you to visit me. I meet you at the airport and watch as you come out of the terminal. You are so gorgeous and I can't wait for what will happen that night. I take you around the sights showing you the city I...

8 months ago
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To Sir With Lust

Chapter 1 October 2, 1998 Sir, I write this letter wondering if you will ever read it. Surely it will never be shared with anyone but you, just as the sensations and the emotions which I have been privileged to experience at your hands will never be repeated with another. Even if it were possible, it would be but a pallid imitation of what I have already known with you. Your voice, rich, powerful, confident, with an erotic edge, continues to ring in my ears, and I tremble with remembered...

10 months ago
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Family Tree

She was blonde, cute as a button, and fourteen years old. I took off her top and she shivered violently, erupted in goose flesh and convulsively crossed her arms and hunched her shoulders. I had a beautiful fucking hard on. "Take off your shorts," I said softly. Obediently, though reluctantly, she uncrossed her arms and undid her shorts, wiggling them down her narrow hips and bandy legs to puddle at her feet. I offered a hand and she held it while stepping out and kicking them aside. She...

11 months ago
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Jackies Life

I woke up startled with loud knocking at my front door, I still felt drunk from the night before. I tried to ignore it as I thought it must be Bob my fiancé forgotten his key. "Well" I thought to myself "there is no way I'm getting up with this hang over, he'll just have to wait it's his own fault for forgetting his key." I remember hearing many voices but I must have dropped of to sleep again. When I woke, my head was still pounding and it took a few minutes for me to get my...

2 years ago
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Rape and Romance on the Pacific Crest Trail

Andy's Story I'm a pretty typical guy. I love the outdoors but live on the eastern seaboard, so the outdoors I can get to you might not recognize as outdoors. Even so, I grew up in a small town on a non-working farm, so camping, hiking, horseback riding, pig-slopping, cow-tipping; these were all in my youth. I've never had the time to take off for a summer and have fun with nature. Well, now I have the time. I just got laid off and since I got a nice package based on my years I could...

9 months ago
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Birds of a Feather

“Damn,” the colorfully garbed crimefighter said under his breath as he spotted a solitary figure walking along the edge of Kane Reservoir. “How is it that no matter how hard you try to get the message out, there’s always someone who doesn’t get it? Or worse, just assumes that it applies to everyone but them?” The message, in this case, was that there was a homicidal maniac running loose on the streets of Gotham. Or more specifically, the woods of Middletown Park and that it wasn’t safe to be...

11 months ago
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Stand and Deliver

The call rang out clearly over the rattle of the coach, and the thunder of horses' hooves on the stony road. My sister and I were sitting inside, happily teasing each other about her impending marriage. I couldn't believe she was going to do it. She had trouble with the idea that I might have an opinion, and more trouble with the possibility that I might mention this opinion at an inappropriate time. Her concerns were not without cause. I have a loose tongue. Dora and her fiancé had...

1 year ago
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Sabahs Mother

Rod had floated happily off to town to buy supplies. "I hope I didn't fuck him so well he can't drive," Sabah thought to herself with a smirk, the young man's thick jism still leaking from her. Rod didn't get off to as early a start as Sabah at first intended, but it was her own fault. When she came back to the bedroom with breakfast for them, — she had made love to him until far into the night and decided he deserved the extra rest — he had just looked too good there in her bed, his hard...

2 years ago
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Damsel in Need Molly

Larry and Maria are a couple who have been married for 5 years. Larry is a black man of mixed race heritage, his mother was French but his father was African. Maria, on the otherhand, is a very pale skinned beauty from England. They are both 30 years old, with Maria having had a baby just six months ago. Prior to having their baby, the couple were active participants in a partner swapping group, with Maria especially liking to hook up with the other wives for some carnal delights. Larry loved...

1 year ago
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It was a typical Saturday morning. My husband Brad and I had lived next door to our best friends and neighbors for over five years now. We had just moved into our new home, young in love and excited to begin our journey in life together. Jack and Doreen had moved in just two weeks later, and we'd been the closest and best of friends ever since. Like us, Jack and Doreen had decided to hold off on having kids for a while, especially as Jack got his new business started. Brad, my husband was a...

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The Office Crush

I was eighteen, had just moved out of my parents' house after breaking up with my girlfriend of two years. I was not ready to go to college. So against my father's advice I moved to a city far away from my small home town and found a job as a mail boy at a large real estate company, which made it possible for me to rent a small flat and pay for my own car. Although I was going through many changes at once I was happy. Life was good and full of new possibilities. My job was easy and...

8 months ago
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I stood there in the shadows watching them. Stunned? Oh no, much worse than stunned, I was destroyed. My wife of twenty-six years was naked and on her knees, in front of our living room couch, sucking him off. Him? He's her boss at the William's Travel Agency. I never had a clue. I had decided to come home for lunch. Trace went home every day at noon; she only worked mornings. I had intended to surprise her, yes it's a cliché; hell it's the cliché of clichés that a cheated on spouse shows...

9 months ago
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Contemplating Mother

I don't know why, but I was blessed (cursed?) with an incredible memory of things long past with recollections of things that even happened when I was a baby. But, this particular memory goes back to when I was around 3 1/2 years old. My mother had just had another baby girl. I was the 7th child with six older sisters and now I had a seventh. My mother was 36 when I was born. Now she was 39. She breast fed everyone of us. I was born 18 months after the sister just older than I. So, based on...

2 years ago
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Beloved Daughter

Let me first tell you about the legendary Bacchantes of ancient Greek mythology. They were nymphs or even mortal women thought to be possessed. As they gathered in moonlit groves, they indulged in drinking and having sex, turning wild and murdering men, tearing the flesh off their limbs and eating it. Ah, well... Beloved daughter. A story of blood and madness. Liz. Elizabeth Carlson was almost fifteen when the first change came. It wasn’t a physical thing, like her first menstruation or...

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The Author

It was dark, rainy and cold here in New York City. I hated it. I had been living in Honolulu for the last 8 years and gotten used to the beautiful weather there. I also objected to the fact that I was sitting in the back seat of a dirty taxi making my way from Kennedy Airport to a hotel in midtown. But what the hell it was only for two weeks and then I could return to paradise. I could put up with almost anything for two weeks. I was ordered by my publisher to attend the awards ceremony and...

8 months ago
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The Sales Call

"Are you sure you won't give up that one account in the downtown area?" Janice van Woehoek asked. "It's not adjacent to anything in your territory. You mostly have small accounts in the suburbs and bedroom communities. And don't tell me they're on your way home, either. I've seen the time stamp from when you log your orders, and you have to double back to get home." Caitlinn Johnson shook her head. "I think I'll keep them. They're not a big producer, but they're steady. Besides,...

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The First Time

JT Suggs left the note on the counter and walked out of the house. He walked past nice but bland suburban houses as he left his quiet cul-de-sac and turned down the road that led into the centre of town. He walked down leafy lanes alongside a seldom-used railway line. In the centre, opposite the shining glass edifice of the local Tesco supermarket, he hopped on a bus to the neighbouring, bigger town. At the main bus station there he caught another bus that was heading out to an anonymous...

6 months ago
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The Erotic Adventures of Lois Lane

The brown tressed woman hit the brakes hard as she brought her car to a sudden stop at the corner of Bessolo Boulevard and Reeves Lane, sending her short shoulder length hair in every direction. After hearing the first reports of the jewelry store robbery on her police scanner, the Daily Planet reporter had raced across town at a speed far exceeding the posted limits. A fact that didn’t interest any of the almost fifty officers spread out in front of her along Bessolo Boulevard. Their...

1 year ago
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Golden Opportunity

"Anyone planning to go to the Bicentennial Dance at the community center tomorrow night?" Josh Riker asked as he reached for the next to last piece of pizza. "I might," Stephen Scott answered, "if Laurie wants to go." Much to the annoyance of his friends, Stephen was practically incapable of answering any question without pointing out that he was the only one of the group with a steady girlfriend. "Hey, is it true that you have to ask her permission to go to the bathroom too?" Jack...

9 months ago
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'What kind of pencil is this?' I asked her, when she came back and plunged down next to me on her bed. 'It's an eyeliner, ' she answered. 'What's an eyeliner?' 'Just what the word says. It's for making lines around the eyes, dummy, ' Annie giggled. 'Like a makeup thing?' 'Any girl over 10 would know that. It's pencil for drawing on skin, if that makes it easier to understand. Look here.' Annie pointed to her eyes. She had really pretty emerald-green eyes, which sat in a...

2 years ago
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Wes Powells Penis Perils

Wes Powell peeked down the hallway to make sure the coast was clear. The porn magazine was tucked into the back of his pants, with his shirt pulled down, concealing it completely. It was time to move. He darted down the hallway and into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind him. He only had a few short minutes to do what needed to be done before his mother would get suspicious. After locking the door, Wes laid the magazine out on the floor in front of the toilet and grabbed a bottle...

1 year ago
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The Mind Control Device Short Daddy Daughter Play Naughty Tru

Rosa and Natalie, fifteen-year-old virgins, are shopping with Rosa’s father Hector when the mind-control device is activated. Wholesome Foods is about to be despoiled as Dean Michaels makes his second test of his creation. The two virgins are bout to lose their cherries. Neither will remember the moment when Hector rams his cock into his daughter Rosa and Dean Michaels plunges through Natalie’s cherry. The debauchery was supposed to be forgotten. All evidence was supposed to be erased...

2 years ago
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Fantasies of the Unsure

Will stopped abruptly just inside the door and scanned the room. Tim almost ran right into him. "What did you stop for?" Will could hardly answer. Here were all the people he worked with day in and day out and yet he could recognize only a few faces. He probably would have stood there longer if Tim hadn't pushed him further into the room. "You're holding up traffic, bud." Tim was slightly amused by his friend's rapt expression. Will had only been working at Alliance Computers, Inc. for...

2 years ago
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Pool Boy

Winter was over and the first consistent stretch of warm days with temperatures in the 80s was here and it was time to enjoy the sun and back yard pool. Mrs Kodiak was in her new bikini by the pool waiting for the pool cleaning service to show up. Right on time there was a knock at the back gate. “It’s open - come on in” Jeremy opened the gate and came in carrying his equipment and had a younger guy with him. “I’ll be doing your pool service this year and brought my younger brother Josh to...

2 years ago
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How I Came to Love Sucking Cocks

Shortly after I graduated from high school I moved to the north and into the house my grandparents lived in. I hadn't been 'home' since moving to the south some six years earlier and to say it was good to be back would've been an understatement. While I'd lived in the south since I was thirteen I'd never really considered it to be my 'home'. I left the south the day after graduation, on a plane - my first plane trip since moving to the south six years ago and I found that the thrill...

1 year ago
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Betsys Finest Hour

We all have to die someday. I knew that, but this isn't what I had expected. I wasn't supposed to end up in the streets, naked and unidentifiable. They were behind me. They hadn't made their "official" move yet, but I knew it was coming. I could almost feel their hands on my skin and their bodies between my legs. I involuntarily shuddered with revulsion and fought to keep panicky tears from starting. I knew that if I started crying now I'd never stop. Panic is like that. Fear is like...

8 months ago
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Mr Davis

Disclaimer update April 2020: Disclaimer stuff: This story and all the stories I write are a work of fiction. Each and every story line comes from my imagination, from a world that I have built in my head. By reading my story lines you are taking a peek into my imagination. Any characters, places, businesses and/or circumstances etc. described herein are entirely fictional and are a product of my imagination. None of the following is based on real organisms or organizations, and any semblance...

1 year ago
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Black Harvest White Seeding

Here is my second story of black boys raping and dominating white women, inspired by the drawings of the artist known as “Shota” on (Shotachan dot net). WARNING: Vast amounts of interracial bullshit is written below. Abandon reading it! I repeat, Abandon reading it! [PROPER DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, regardless of age, or relation, sexual assault is illegal. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life.] [You must legally be at least 18 to...

7 months ago
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My Mothers Lover Missing Chapter Found

A note from Charlie: This wasn't in my story earlier, because I didn't notice at first that several pages of my mother's diary were stuck together. I found them later. Chapter 9.5: Lake Havelock Diary: September 5, 1973 Well, on our last day at Havelock House Charlie and I learned that we aren't the only parent and child who show their affection for each other in a sensual manner. I'm still trying to understand what I saw, or perhaps I'm kidding myself: I understand it all too...

2 years ago
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Summer of 1999

I am Chandran from Kerala and now I am 23 and working as a Chartered Accountant. My age was around 18 at that time when this beautiful incident occurred. Now I am completing my MCA also and I used to surf daily and I used to read the erotic stories also. Recently I read some stories related to actresses of Indian films like Manisha, Shilpa of Indian films. Some of those stories were fantasies. But here I am narrating a real incident so that I can't disclose the name of that actress to whom I...

1 year ago
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The mechanical voice woke Paul from an interesting and most erotic dream. He'd been dreaming about Shari the woman he was going to soon meet and all of the fantasizes they had shared on line were providing him with a wonderful dream. The intruding mechanical voice continued to instruct him to return any of his belongings he might have taken out of the storage area above his head; place his seat in the upright position and to stow away his table. He sat for a moment and thought about the...

8 months ago
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The Hangman Cometha Revisit

After I wrote the original story, I received some comments and several emails that asked or suggested that I continue the adventures of Tyler Rawlings, his younger brother John and John's wife Molly. I just reread my tale and have decided that maybe those characters haven't completed their story. Because of the suggestions and because I wanted to write another western, I've decided to add a bit more about the lives of my friends and characters. I recommend that you read the first...

2 years ago
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Jennifer and John have planned for a three week trip to Ireland for the past three years. It was the home of her ancestors. This year, their dreams would come true; they booked the tour through Magical Escapes. On the fifth of March they'd fly to Dublin, see the sites, look up distant relatives, and immerse themselves in Irish culture. She could hardly contain her excitement as they boarded Delta Airlines, destination: Dublin, Ireland. They quickly found their seat and when the plane took...

2 years ago
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Kiss Cam Ambush

I didn’t know how or why I let myself be dragged to a baseball game by Tina and her best friend Zoe, except, of course, that it was Tina’s birthday and I could never refuse my niece a treat like that on her special day. Naturally, I offered to buy my latest girlfriend, Lisa, a seat as well, even though the ones that Tina and Zoe got were really nice ones, too. I was willing and able to do that for her or for my sister, Vera, but both of them begged off, so it was just Uncle Robert, his niece...

1 year ago
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"Are you sleeping, Amy?" His voice was soft, caressing my ears like his hand moving along my spine. "Mmmm..." I just sighed, keeping my brown eyes closed and giving Sam a little smile that he probably couldn't see. My hair was all over the place, too long, too black, and just too ... Much. He liked my hair though, so I didn't mind. I was face down on his bed, the way I liked to spend my Sunday afternoons and I guessed the football game was over, or maybe it was just halftime. Yeah,...

2 months ago
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Insatiable Sisters

Grocery shopping wasn't one of my favorite things to do, but like anyone recently divorced and in their early fifties, it became a weekly past time and got me out of the house once a week at least. I wasn't really dating either. Not that I wasn't trying, but I think there's some sort of unwritten rule of the universe that says a man recently divorced less than a year is either too needy, or someone that is unapproachable until a proper period of availability is achieved. Whatever the hell...

6 months ago
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Falling for a Bear

AN: Sorry that I've been away. Chapter 11 of Born Wolf is being frustrating. I will not abandon you all, Kurt would kill me if I did. To tide you over, and yes, Born Wolf will be a real book really soon, here is a little one shot that I accidentally wrote while I was supposed to be 'relaxing' from writing. As always, you get it as it comes, no editing. This story will appear at some point in an anthology. It'll get edited then. Promise. All characters are consensual and over 18. Also,...

6 months ago
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Big Little Sister

“How’s Violet getting by?” his mother asked, inquiring about his younger sister. Josh looked at his eighteen year old sister. Except for the two bedrooms, the apartment was all one open space, so he could see her in the kitchen from where he was sitting in the living room. She was cleaning everything again, mostly out of a combination of boredom and anxiety, the way a lot of people were getting during the lockdown. The petite yet thick-curved teen had only brought enough clothes for a few...

4 months ago
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New Delhi and Agra Boys

I wheeled my suitcase out of the New Delhi Oberoi Hotel, numb from a three-day publishers’ conference and more than ready for the three days of letting down and experiencing that I’d added on to my itinerary. I was checked out of the Oberoi, though, as nice as it was. I didn’t want any of my hoped-for experiencing to be mixed in with meeting any of the people who’d attended the conference with me. I was following the whispered directions of Chet. We shared a fetish that neither of us could...

2 years ago
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Dont Try To Be The Clever Dick

Copyright© I just saw a guy who reminded me of him, funny how your mind can recall things. He had the same white flaky skin, thin blond hair, skinny body pointy face and laughing at anything just to be noticed, a real jerk, yet he was just like him all those years ago. What is it now, 40 odd years ago when I was 13 or 14, what ever, I'm Eddie, back then smart, dapper, a real James Dean whannabe, trying to get the girls with the fancy hair cut, leather jacket, tightest drain pipe trousers and...

2 years ago
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The Neighbor Girl

I sat on the front porch of my modest, two-bedroom home at 5937 Wilmington Drive, enjoying a glass of delicious ice cold lemonade, as I watched the neighbor girl across the street getting out of her car. She was twenty-three, had shoulder length, auburn brown hair, a nice slim waist, and long, lovely legs. Though I was not certain of her name, I had reason to believe she was called Jessica. Jessica Davis, her name would be, since I had spoken to her father, Mark Davis, numerous times. The...

1 month ago
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A Skinny Guy Who Fucks Big Black Women

Robert Delaney wasn’t like most college guys. Robert liked women who were on the bigger side. The term is called “BBW.” He would pretend to like hot blondes with his buddies. He never wanted his friends to really know what really turned him on. They’d probably tease him. He just wanted to fit in with his friends. On campus, he would take out girls that had blonde hair and firm bodies. He’d let them suck his dick and occasionally he’d fuck them for appearance sake. The kind of women that really...

6 months ago
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The Great Airship Race Normandy

Enzo Ferrari chuckled as he looked in the mirror he held out over the side. He saw what he expected to see, the entire field of racers bunched up behind his cone of ships. He had had this happen before, just not so many at one time. He thought about his current employer, the French Government. They had hired him and his team after the Official French team went down in flames. He never did find out what caused them to crash like they did, all twelve at the same time, and he felt it best not to...

2 years ago
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The Last Return

A continuation to an ending, of Wonder Woman's Sexual Misadventures. Princess Diana flew back to Paradise Island considering her future. She had to bring these 35 blocks of Amazonium back to the Amazon and then return to man's world and resume her duties there as Wonder Woman, the Amazon Ambassador. She had enjoyed her time on Wently Island and wished it could go on forever, but she was First Princess of the Amazon, next in line to the throne. Her duties and responsibilities to the Amazon...

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Scintillating Time With Neighbors Sisterinlaw

This happened in 1996 when I enjoyed a woman living next to my flat. I am married and me and my wife are residing in a flat in an apartments complex. Here totally 21 flats are there in two buildings. I have taken a double room flat and in my floor there are two other flats. One flat was owned by a couple both of whom were Doctors and their children were away. (Now they have sold the flat and gone away). The Doctor couple would be seldom found in their house and only one old lady (his aunty)...

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A Young Couples Forbidden Love

Late May 2003 a small town in Kansas 18 year old Chuck Wallace is in bed with his girlfriend 18 year old. Nancy Jones the daughter of Cornelius Jones a very rich and powerful businessman. “ Nancy that was incredible.” “You always say that after we have sex. Nancy that was incredible.” “Nancy sex with you is incredible. Now I have something I have to ask you. Will you please hand me my pants please.” Nancy got out of bed pulled on her panties and found Chuck’s pants then she handed them to...

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Awakened Lust

Carol heard the glass breaking at the back door. "What was that?" her daughter asked. Carol didn't answer. She cautiously approached the door to the kitchen to investigate. "Stay in the living room Kelly," Carol told her daughter. "I'm going into the kitchen." It was Friday night, Carol and her daughter were watching television when the noise occurred. The noise was loud enough to put fear in Carol, but she didn't want to show it in front of her daughter. Just as she pushed on...

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The heat on the balcony was stifling. Rivers of sweat raced down my chest and pooled around my swimming trunks, making damp marks on the material. I put down my book and, reaching down for my drink, I looked around. My wife, Julia was sitting in the canvas chair next to me, reading her book. She was looking as lovely as always, with her brown hair dampened with perspiration sticking to her face and her tanned body glistening with the suntan oil that we had enjoyed applying earlier. She was...

9 months ago
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Home Alone

Maddy cursed her husband for sneaking off to play golf. He knew her family was coming for the week. He knew the lawn needed mowing. He never plays in this sweltering heat -- unless it gets him out of work. The young woman wiped strands of stringy black hair from her perspiration-dripping face and cursed her husband aloud. The noise of the riding mower would nave covered her words from neighbors, if any lived within ear-shot. Their large, tree bordered lawn offered them at least the sense of...

3 years ago
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Watch Wizardthe Winter

I looked out the window and shuddered. Snow had fallen the night before, and it had not been cleared yet. I went back to the fireplace, and stirred the fire, then went to the iron stove and looked at the water that was boiling. Good, it was ready to brew the leaves of the drink I wanted to enjoy. I crushed seven leaves because I wanted a strong drink, and dropped them into the small pot. Instantly the smell of tea filled the air, with a hint of peppermint. I inhaled and sighed. It had been a...

1 year ago
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The Melcombe Arms

“Yes, sir, complete discretion is assured, complete privacy. Yes, it is a little more expensive than our public dining room of course, but I think you’ll find it worthwhile. You come to the door on the right hand side, the lights come on as you approach, it discourages casual visitors. Certainly sir, shall we say eight o’clock? Yes, and it’s Mr Smith; for two; certainly. We’ll look forward to seeing you. Goodbye.” Her Loveliness put the phone down. “It’s amazing the number of Mr Smith’s there...

2 years ago
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The Colorful Butterfly

I was wandering around in my favorite discount department store doing some miscellaneous shopping. Of course, as is my usual modus operandi, I was also perusing the lovely ladies as I went, mostly looking for the nice round bottoms and/or the heavy bulbous breasts that turn me on. I was in the seasonal Valentine's aisles when I spotted her. At first it was just a flash of skin that attracted me because she was wearing dull black pants and a dull black jacket, neither of which were...

1 year ago
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The Back Room

Robert flipped the local paper till he reached the adult section he was seeking a replacement for the massage and sexual arrangement that he had been experiencing over the last year, that woman had finally called it a day and trying to find a replacement for the sort of massage he wanted may not be easy. Sure there were brothels but he wanted a bit more than they offered in the time that he allotted himself that was half an hour. ‘I guess it will be like it always has been’, he muttered for he...

2 years ago
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The Girl in the Window

I was at a friend's party and stepped outside to smoke. I walked away from the patio area a little so as not to offend others with my exhaust when I noticed a faint light coming through a window of an adjacent apartment. Now I'm not a peeping tom or anything normally, but my first glance that way made me want a closer look. Feeling a little guilty, and looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, I tried to casually drift closer. Shit, my eyes weren't deceiving me. I drifted...

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A Cabin Trip With the Maid

Lucy was upset that mom insisted on taking the maid up to their cabin in the woods. It had always been their private adventure since Dad died and they normally went there once a year. She had just completed high school and wanted this to be her special trip. Besides the maid was a large black lady who was extremely bossy. Several times she had insisted that her mother fire her only to be recommended by her mother. They had arrived late that night, and the cabin was in a wreck. The maid Dora...