Black Harvest, White Seeding free porn video

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Here is my second story of black boys raping and dominating white women, inspired by the drawings of the artist known as “Shota” on (Shotachan dot net).

WARNING: Vast amounts of interracial bullshit is written below. Abandon reading it! I repeat, Abandon reading it!

[PROPER DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, regardless of age, or relation, sexual assault is illegal. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life.]

[You must legally be at least 18 to read about it. So if you’re not, then go away.]

Halloween is the autumn festival, Samhain, that foretells the darkening of the skys and the arrival of snow. It is the harvest festival in many lands, known by different names, but true followers believe the separation between the spirit world and the living world narrows. Gaps through that veil can be found.

Ellen Kent stood on the step ladder, helping her college friend, Patricia, put up paper bats and other decorations along the school’s corridors. Patricia was an administrator, employed to assist, evaluate, and shepherd teachers at the small, “Late-Middle” school for boys of 14 years or older.

Solomon’s Prep School, had been established by a united effort of the Scottish government and The Church of Scotland. The goal was to save boys in danger of slipping through society’s cracks. There were boys of all colours, and of all races. The main thing they had in common was, their families lived just above the poverty line.

Enrollment was optional, but the financial incentives for parents were considerable. The boys lived in the adjoining dorm, fed three healthy meals a day, and had plenty of free time and holidays to spend with their families. The dorm was packed to the ceiling with student, nearly five hundred, at last count.

The director, Amos Grant, always walked beamingly through the corridors. His white teeth brightly contrasted with his near coal black skin. “Hello, Ms. Haller. Who is this helping you, a prospective instructor?”

Patricia smiled at the handsome gentleman, her boss. “She’s a long time friend, Director, but no. Ellen here works in the anthropology department at the University of Edinburgh.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mmm-” Amos grinned while reaching for the appropriate title.

“Miss Kent, will do, Sir.” Ellen found herself nearly curtseying at the large, impressive man offering his hand. She shook it and added, “But please, call me Ellen.”

“It will be my pleasure.” He moved to kiss her hand.

“Now-now.” Patricia rebuked. “You’re technically on duty, Director. Keep to civil discourse.” The director was known to overstep the line between professionalism and personal comfort, but never very far. No one had ever complained, and Patricia had accepted the responsibility to ensure no one ever did.

“Yes of course.” Amos Grant stood to full height. The two women, tall for their sex, were a head shorter. Their combined widths were few inches wider than his broad shoulders. Neither women imagined he carried an ounce of extra fat. “By any chance, Miss K-, I mean, Ellen, are you an enthusiast for world mythologies?”

A smile of regret crossed her face. “I specialized in social psychology.”

“Aah!” Amos beamed again. “The two are more similar than most academics suspect.”

Ellen laughed. “I’m led to assume that you have a theory regarding the similarities.”

“Which...” Amos glanced at his chief of human resources who raised cautionary eyebrows. “ ... I would be happy to discuss with you after school hours.”

“If only I could today, but as soon as we finish decorating, I will be meeting my boyfriend.” Ellen reassured Patricia that she was not an item for her friend’s boss.

“Good day to both of you. I sense those bats are glaring at me, no doubt for good reason. I shall leave you to finish hanging them.” Amos strode away.

Patricia asked her friend, “Can you help during the festival?”

“Probably. Barry is working the amusement park that night, and I’ve tried the rides there too many times.”

“But not the amusement you’d like to ride?” Patricia asked slyly.

“It’ll happen. Neither of us are in a hurry.”

“Far be it, that I would prod you.”

“You’d probably enjoy a prod while you were IN the saddle.” Ellen grinned.

Patricia laughed, “I’m sorry, Madam, but I’m still clocked into my work hours. I dare not comment on that.”

The two, beautiful women laughed.

The Keepers counted the passing days. Their charges savaged each other upon an empty plain eternally in twilight. Soon, they must be extra vigilant, to bless or subdue errant souls seeking either redemption or consumption.

“The city of Edinburgh would learn a valuable lesson in racial integration, from this school.” Ellen told her friend.

All evening, the boys of Solomon’s Prep School played their pranks and took their booty (candy) and carried on like little hellions. There were no serious incidents. These were good boys. Amos Grant quickly expelled students who earned three major strikes against their honor.

“The fun will end too soon for them.” Patricia smiled. “And not soon enough for me. I’ll feel sounder when they’re wearing their school uniforms again.”

“Aw, they’re sweet.” Ellen wished her future children would be as lively and well behaved as these boys.

At the stroke of 21:00 hours, Amos spoke over the intercomm. “Students, please exit to the school grounds. Wind down your fine energies, and don’t eat too much candy. Tomorrow is another day of classes. Lights-out will be observed at 23 hundred hours.”

Patricia commented. “That’s an hour later than usual.”

A shy looking, black child walked up to the women. “Can I go to the toilet, or do I have to go outside right away?”

“It’s Master Rollins. Is that right?” Patricia smiled at the boy.

“Yes, Ma-am. I’m Eddie.” He affirmed.

“Use the toilet, Eddie, but don’t dally. The janitors have a lot of work to do tonight, to clean up after you.” Patricia grinned.

“No, Ma-am!” Eddie hurried down the corridor.

“This was so much fun!” Ellen exclaimed. “Thank you for inviting me.” She hugged her friend.

“Have a good rest, Dear. You’ve worked harder than you think.” Patricia warned. “I just have to meet with the director, and then my night is over.”

“Sleep well.” Ellen told her friend and headed to the main entrance. She walked halfway there. “Ugh! What’s that smell?” Had one of the janitors spilled bleach or a sulphur based solvent? She held her nose and walked on. Was it the smell of gas? She’d better get outside.

Upon reaching the entrance hall, the ground beneath her and the rest of the building shifted, hurling her against the wall! The school’s corridors were suddenly filled with howls and moans, as if it had been injured.

Is this some kind of joke? Ellen thought. Or could it be terrorists?

“By the Stars!” She blurted, after a look through cracked glass doors. The sky was lit up as if the sun was about to return from the west. “If that’s fire, there’s a lot of it.” The notion of a nuclear weapon crossed her mind, but she would not be alive to imagine one. Something dangerous was happening. Ellen retraced her steps, almost running, but Patricia had left their assigned station. She sought the director’s office, worried more about what was happening outside than the rank odors and agonized groans filling the halls.

“He’s DEAD!” Patricia rushed out of the director’s office, nearly bowling over two teachers enjoying tea in the administration area.

“This isn’t April Fools, Patricia.” A stern looking, older woman admonished.

Ellen heard most of it as she entered the area. “Patricia! What’s going on?”

The second teacher, a beautiful, blond American snorted. “Some of the boys must have got hold of flash bangs. More than a few of their fathers are in the armed forces.”

“I can hardly taste my tea, the odor is so strong in here.”

Patricia’s panic eased back to where she could process reality again, however terrible it was. “His body is all shriveled, and he’s naked!” Why couldn’t Gail and Cecily believe her!

“Patricia!” Ellen stormed up. “Let me see.” Her friend let her pass into the director’s office.

Worse than a dead body, the entire room was trashed. Fire burned in a metal waste bin. Amos Grant lay face down, his frame a shadow of it’s earlier might. It seemed as if wrinkles rolled across his corpse like waves. The large window to the outside was fully smashed, as if a grenade had exploded within.

“Oh my god!” The American shouted.

“Heavenly, holy father.” The older teacher crossed herself. “Spare us from evil, this night.”

“Call 999!” Patricia screeched over the building’s howls. She darted to a phone.

Ellen pulled hers out of her pocket. There was no signal. Gail and Cecily found theirs equally useless.

“Electric power is off, even the phone lines!” Patricia lamented.

“Then we hunker down like good Brits and wait for emergency services to come to us.” The older woman asserted.

“The boys, Gail!” The American wailed. “We have to help them.”

“Of course, that’s what I meant.” Gail cleared her throat. “We collect the boys and hunker down.”

The moans echoing through the corridors were slowly fading.

“How many teachers helped the festivities tonight?” Ellen feared five hundred boys would be impossible to control if they panicked.

“Forty, including other staff.” Patricia had arranged the event.

They hurried as a group, into the halls. Six women, from other areas of the school joined their expedition. Another ten were at the front doors, staring out at the expanse of grounds.

“What’s the matter?” Patricia called to the women.

“They aren’t moving.” A young teacher pointed, touching the cracked glass.

Outside, the students had gathered into a odd shape. A double line, comprised by maybe three hundred boys, formed a circle around the central building. Within the circle, at least a hundred boys stood hunched over, looking around. The strangest thing of all, by Ellen’s thinking was, the boys in the circle were all black.

Mixed races formed the line, but the blackest boys looked trapped within it.

One of them spotted the front doors. It turned and crept closer.

It’s movement caught the attention of other, black boys. They sniffed the air and followed.

Gail went through the door and called to them. “Young masters, listen to me. I’m sure what’s happened has troubled all of us, but we must keep our heads. The best place for us is the dormitory. We can sleep there, and the cafeteria is attached to it. The power is out. So we’ll have to eat the froz- AAAIIEEEEE!!!” She shrieked when two boys jumped on her. Their hands tore at her clothes! Another leaped to assist them.

“Gail!” The American screamed. Dozens more of the night skinned boys began scurrying to the entrance.

“STOP THIS!” Patricia yelled at the boys. “DON’T PANIC!”

Two of the teachers yelled and ran away. Nearly half of the boys swarmed up the entrance steps. The leading dozen glanced at the three boys pawing off Gail’s clothes while they dragged her to the ground. They saw the women standing behind the doors and gaped. Purple light seeped out of their mouths.

More women fled into the corridors.

Cecily tugged at one of the boys on her older, workmate. “Stop this! What’s gotten into you?” The next four boys leaped at her.

Ellen heard the words of Amos Grant. “The two are more similar than most academics suspect.” This wasn’t social disorder. This was a mythical incident! A devout atheist, Ellen’s empathy for metaphysics grew three sizes that night. She yelled, “I’m returning to the director’s office!”

“I DON’T UNDERSTAND!” Patricia screamed up at the sky. Six boys dragged her to the ground, tearing at her clothes.

Ellen forced her terror into submission. There were too few adults to control more than a hundred boys with purple light glinting out of their drooling mouths! There had to be a reason for this, and all signs pointed to Amos Grant. She ran.

In the next hall, between her and the administration area, a boy stood. She recognized him.

Ellen’s heart thudded, as her heels squeaked to a stop on the tile floor. “Eddie?”

The boy grinned and beckoned her with a hand.

“Uh, are you okay?”

He nodded, saying nothing.

“I have to go to the director’s office.” She walked towards him, but skirted the reach of his arm.

He nodded again when she passed him, never taking her eyes off of the boy who was likely in shock. Someone needed to wrap him in a blanket, to keep him warm.

“Come.” She beckoned him. There was a coat in the director’s room. Eddie followed.

The rack had fallen, but the coat was thick and large. She held it open for the boy who walked into it. After wrapping that around the standing child, she locked the office door behind them.

Sobs for the fate of her friend, whom Ellen could absolutely not help, overtook her. This was something she could do, she told herself, putting Eddie out of her thoughts. She had to focus and concentrate on the evidence.

The corpse was as dead, and as eerie to look at, as before. Purple flashes flickered into the gaping window, but none of the boys outside could see her. She moved squatting low. Papers had been scattered everywhere. Whole filing cabinets were overturned, their guts strewn across Asian rugs.

Swiping away entire binders, searching for anything that looked like it might belong in a ritual, Ellen noticed the rug lying before the director’s massive desk. The weavers had crafted a wild vision of the African continent. White flute players danced around it. A great mass of black people defined the shape of Africa.

Ellen turned to the body. She grimaced upon touching it. The flesh was still warm. The optical illusion of rippling wrinkles was no illusion. Her hand flew to her mouth as she gasp from fresh horror.

She noticed a bluish light seeping from under Amos’ body. Ellen knew what had to be done. She attempted to lift one shriveled shoulder, but his soul’s container was as light as cotton candy. From beneath Amos, a cell phone lit the room. Next to it lay a small, delicate looking flute. She drew it and the phone out from under the body and examined them.

He must have turned off the sleep feature. The bright screen showed a photo of an incredibly well preserved animal hide. Faint ochre symbols had once been painted across the ancient canvas.

The flute had bent at her gentle touch. It looked as if it had been carved from a bone. Perhaps it was bird’s bone. The flute was incredibly thin walled. She tested it, picking it up as carefully as possible, and fingered the holes. Her eyes were drawn to the symbols.

They must be notes but were indecipherable to her. Ellen placed her lips to the flute and blew a soft breath. A high, brief whistle sounded. She set it next to the phone. That was all that could be learned.

The first story that came to her, was the only interpretation she would believe. Amos must have played the notes, possibly repeating them, which would explain why he had turned off the sleep feature on his phone.

She looked for other clues. She noticed Eddie. Instead of staying in the warm coat, he had let it fall to the floor and had begun taking off his clothes. When Ellen’s attention returned to him, he was in the process of removing his white briefs, the last item adorning his naked body.

Eddie’s thin cock stood six inches from his walnut sized balls. It pointed at Ellen. Eddie grinned at her, purple light spilling out of his large lipped mouth. He took a step towards her.

“No, Eddie.” She whispered fiercely. “Stay away from me.”

The grin twisted on his face. His eyes were shiny coal black. He reached out, taking a second, faster step.

“If you can hear me, Eddie, fight it, whatever’s driving you.” Ellen had seen too many horror movies with happy endings.

She backed away, to the side of Amos’ desk. She looked behind, but would have had to rise up to see what was happening on the school grounds. Purple lights continued to flicker into the room, darting across the office’s walls and ceiling. The wailing of women pierced the very air.

Eddie backed Ellen into a corner.

“I’ll fight you.” Ellen’s voice intensified. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Her hands scoured through the junk, wanting a weapon of greater threat than a paper cut. Failing, she balled her fists.

Eddie closed in. She struck at his outstretched hands, batting them away. He appeared to feel no pain. He stepped closer. When Ellen punched again, she hated having to, she struck his chest with all her might.

Eddie stumbled back, but one hand latched on to the beautiful woman’s thin arm.

Ellen screamed! Pain like nothing she’d ever experienced flooded her senses. Strangely, her arm wasn’t the source of the agony, his hand was. His agony flowed into her. The torture upon its soul froze her muscles.

Tears flowed from the woman’s eyes. She could only watch, suffering the being’s intense pain, unable to breathe, while Eddie removed her clothes. His dick trembled with anticipation.

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Whiteboy Whipping Club!TJ Ryder[img][/img]    Dear Diary,     Since this is like my first installment to be published in 'Lavendar Cellblock'  I am supposed to intro myself a little forthe readers.  And nobody buys Cellblock unless theyr'e gay or at least heavily bi, and into S&M a little bit at least, so I'm taking that into consideration here.    I'm (no last names or any data that can identify me or where Iwork) a part time...

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Sacred Seedings

Brenda is a natural “high priestess”. She is a “Substantial Figure” in body and personality. Quite beautiful with dark brown eyes, full lips, more than 6 ft tall, long blond hair, a very full but shapely figure with a firm bosom equal to two average women. She exudes a strong but warm personality. It was discovered at puberty that she had congenitally absent fallopian tubes. She still had menstrual periods and a high libido. Realizing that she could not possibly get pregnant turned her loose,...

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WhiteBoy Gets a Real Man Blacken

When I answered it, Jay's voice sent a thrill of excitement through my body. "Yo, whiteboy. I got me a new piece of furniture. I need some help getting into my place. Figured, you know, since you're the landlord and all, you could help me move it in.""Um, well, sure Jay. When do you need me?""In about thirty minutes whiteboy. Get your ass over here."It was across town to Jay's place, so I got under way. In about fifteen minutes, I had pulled up in front of his apartment. There was a pickup...

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Cropping and Harvesting My Wife

Myself Jafar Ansari, I'm married since 6 years now, my wife name is Sana Ansari aged 24 now, flawless beauty, 5' 2" short heightened, plump, very fair complexion, and spotless body. She had plump body, but as it was nicely shaped it looked adorable and everyone in my locality secretly desired for her. She had thick legs, especially curved thighs, broad waist and curvy ass. Lips were thick and pink, eyes were dark and big. She has jugs instead of boobs, spongy, big brown nipples and large...

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WhiteBoy Gets a Real Man PT 2 Blacken

"Yo, man, it's Jay. Come on over. Yeah. In the bedroom. Just come on in. Front door's not locked. You bet he is. He'd say hi, but he's got his mouth full." Jay laughed. I stared up at him in shock, but unable to protest his inviting someone over while my mouth was full of his cock. I wondered if it was that guy, Bobby, who had been on the phone the other day. The thought of another young black stud making me service his cock was exciting. But then I realized it could just as easily be anyone,...

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Family Harvest Replanting seeds within the same soil Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Super Mom After this sexual incident between us, Miriam became pregnant. Not only that, but she also had a major make-over; including dropping down to 180 pounds, removing most of the wrinkles from her face; changing her eye color from brown to blue; changing her hair color from black to blonde; reducing her nose size; increasing her breast size to size D; changing her facial complexion; and changing her skin...

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Family Harvest Replanting seeds within the same soil Chapter 1

Prelude In the year of 1986, my father, Gabriel, age 25, made love to my mother, Miriam, age 25, up in the mountains of Fresno California. Before they made love, they prayed that she would get pregnant with a boy. They got naked, Miriam climbed on top of Gabriel, and he pounded his dick in her vagina over and over again while her fat breasts bounced up and down. He made a gruff moan, gripped her ass tight, and shot his load deep inside her. Miriam’s head flew backwards, and she made a load...

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Father Time IV Final Harvest

Miriam could not contain her nervousness over the events that were to transpire. Adam, for his part, showed great tenderness and compassion toward Miriam. Although shy by nature, Miriam was already in a state of excitement, mentally reliving the acts that she had watched Siren and Adam compete. Without preamble, Miriam stood and shook off her Lab coat, to reveal her fully nude body. Miriam had always been somewhat self conscious about her physical appearance, specifically about her breasts....

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A bumper harvest part 2

Hanna the little virgin bitch had gotten off lightly last night.Angie was hugging Roxanne who had abused her pussy so spectacularly.I uncurled Hanna,she wimpered pleading softly..''Please..pleeeassse..can I go home?..p.pleassse?''I stopped in my tracks the bitch had defied me!"I said no questions dammit!!'' She WAILED as I removed my belt.I started lashing her mercilesly!She curled up in a tight ball covering her face.Angie and Roxanne witnessing the thorough beating of their friend...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 05

Chapter 5 — Merry Christmas December 1973 Jim knew that life and all its events was a proposition of give and take. He strove to hold up his end by giving, lest he err in the taking. It was his last chance. It was nine in the evening and the stores would be open for anther thirty minutes. It would be no good to wait until the next day. The next day would be December 24 and he planned to use that as a travel day. Besides, as he looked around the big box store he could see that the shelves...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 02

© Copyright 2013 Chapter 2 — The Next Step July 1973 Jim liked to get a fix in his minds eye how events would go. It helped him make sure that they always went just right. Jim watched Hildy drive out of the parking lot and turn onto the main road. He started his own car and put it in gear. Soon he was headed home, to his parents’ house, which was in the opposite direction, where he stayed during his summers and school vacations. It was nearly midnight, so his parents wouldn’t be up waiting...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 10

Chapter 10 — Let’s Have a Party May 1974 They arrived late, but not too much. The fraternity house parking lot had always been undersized so Jim had a difficult time wedging the Rustmobile into a space. ‘I’m glad we took this car instead of the Duster,’ Jim said. ‘The old Rustmobile can take a few more dents and no one would notice, but the Duster doesn’t have any yet. He turned off the motor and they were about to climb the back steps of the fraternity house when a pick up truck towing a...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 04

Chapter 4 — Time of Reckoning September 1973 Jim had learned over the years that there times when he would do things and have second thoughts afterward. When that happened he would think over what he should have done and faced up to the consequences of his own acts. ‘Thunderpussy is sure mad at you,’ Rich told him as he slurped down a cup of coffee. He stretched and the muscles in his shoulders pressed at his tee shirt. ‘She came storming in to her apartment just as Chelsea and I were...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 07

Chapter 7 — A Man’s Work April 1974 The phone call at his apartment surprised him. He had been back at his apartment for about ninety minutes. He was taking a break from finishing off the report on Fluid Systems that was due in a few days and was about to pop the top on a beer. Then it would be time to fix some dinner. The surprise phone call made him glad that hadn’t quite gotten to it. ‘Wow! That was fast. Something must be cooking.’ He set down the phone and ran into his room to change...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 13

Chapter 13 — Commencement August 1974 It was four in the Saturday afternoon of August 24. Jim was in the driver’s seat and Hildy was next to him in the passenger’s bucket seat of the ’71 Mercury Cougar that Douglas Chemical had sold to him. They were in the parking lot of the Erie Canal Inn as about a dozen people surrounded the car, wishing them well. After a few moments, the small crowd stepped aside. Jim put the car in gear and it was official that he and Hildy were on their honeymoon. ...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 08

Chapter 8 — ‘…can you picnic?’ April 1974 Jim was up early the next day. It was six o’clock on that Sunday morning. He was the first in the house to shower and get dressed. His dirty clothes that he brought home were still in the laundry. His mother was planning on doing them later that day. Jim was hoping that his activity would wake the rest of the house. It wasn’t like he bounced out of bed wide awake and full of energy. It hadn’t been a good night for sleep. He rattled around in the...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 11

Chapter 11 — The Happy Times May 1974 It was Friday and it had been almost a week since Hildy returned to Rochester for her Aunt Mildred’s birthday.. Jim had just finished his last final exam and returned to his apartment. The days of Rich being his room mate were waning and Jim was thinking that the two of them might make a final tour of the bars that they had frequented throughout their academic careers. As he fixed himself a sandwich Jim was remembering the prior Sunday taking Ashley back...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 09

Chapter 9 — Passing Through May 1974 April was giving way to May. Jim turned in his final project. He thought it came out well, and Professor Stark did, too. Final exams were looming. Jim knew that he was prepared and that meant that he would do well. His wrist was healed well enough to put him back on the Track Team. It didn’t look good for a letter in his final year. Jim figured he had to get at least a third in one of the three remaining dual meets and a third in the Conference...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 12

Chapter 12 — Take a Stand June 1974 May had come and gone, and graduation, too. Jim stayed in town through it all. For one thing, he wanted to see Rich’s parents one last time and help him load his gear into the trailer they’d rented to haul it all back to New Jersey. Rich was going to have two weeks at home before beginning his new job in Illinois. Another reason Jim stayed in his apartment was that he was waiting for the Douglas Company credit card to show up in the mail. He couldn’t hope...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 01

© Copyright 2013 Chapter 1 — In the Beginning July 1973 It didn’t matter that she wasn’t pretty. He had been watching her watching him. He knew what that was all about. It was Hildy Wertz, the lobby receptionist at the Operations Center of the utility company where Jim worked his summer job while he was in college. He knew her well enough to say ‘hello’ and that was about it. Sometimes, after showering but before actual quitting time, the summer college workers would gather in the lobby to...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 03

Chapter 3 — Second Opinion September 1973 Any time Jim had a project or an assignment he tried everything he could to meet the expectations of those who expected him to perform. He tried his best every time, but he wasn’t successful on each and every occasion, of course. When that happened he felt bad and hoped for another chance. ‘Hey Rich—hey Rich, are you here?’ Jim had his arms full with two suitcases as he shouted out his roommate’s name. ‘Yeah, I’m here,’ was the muffled reply. ‘I’m...

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Sweet Harvest

Maggie sat on the window ledge and looked down at the field below. In moonlight, the ground appeared even and lush with seedlings in careful rows. She heard a soft knock at the door. Maggie glanced into the cot, saw the angelic, sleeping face of baby Jo and tiptoed to the door. ‘Hello- Oh Davis!’ she whispered, throwing her arms about his neck and feeling the hessian bag roughness of his uniform against her cheek. Davis held her firmly in his long, sinewy arms. ‘Hullo Maggie’ he said then...

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Harvest Moon Butt Roast

I have to be honest with you, it was exciting to me to be completely naked in front of strangers. As I walked down the hallway nude, with a towel over my arm and a bag over my shoulder, I was proud of myself on how far I had come in one short year. I had come to Florida a year earlier on a full swimming scholarship to a major university. I remember how excited I had been to leave my Minnesota home and escape the dark cold of northland winters. I loved competitive swimming, but I hated leaving...

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Alien Harvest

Note: I'm attempting to add variables and conditional branching to the story. For best results, please use the start game button in the panel to the right. Today started like most others. Your ship, the Terran cruise Jaeger, was patrolling the border at the edge of Confederation space. Over the course of the past 6 months, no less than 7 ships had vanished without a trace in this sector. The Jaeger's assignment was to search for the cause of these disappearances, and so far was having...

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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2a Rickys Halloween Surprise

Ricky's Halloween Surprise Part Two (a) By Angel While Ricky was in his drug assisted sleep with Nurse Fleming watching over him, Dr. Claire Roma and Julia were having a very serious conversation in Claire's office. Julia knew a few things were not right with Ricky and that is what Claire began explaining to Julia. "Julia, you know that Ricky has a few physical abnormalities that normal boys do not have. I want you to know that I have had a special interest in Ricky ever...

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TalentChapter the Thirtyfourth Harvest time

If I didn't want to sound too peevish, I would complain loudly about the way that the females I thought I controlled actually had the powers I thought were mine. But a man has to at least give the impression that he knew the answers all along. It is clear now, that the original power was always generated by the female, the male was and is only the conduit for their power. That night on Erking Hill, the coven had been completed by the arrival of my two daughters and with a member for each...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 7 A Mans Work

April 1974 The phone call at his apartment surprised him. He had been back at his apartment for about ninety minutes. He was taking a break from finishing off the report on Fluid Systems that was due in a few days and was about to pop the top on a beer. Then it would be time to fix some dinner. The surprise phone call made him glad that hadn't quite gotten to it. "Wow! That was fast. Something must be cooking." He set down the phone and ran into his room to change back into his navy...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 8 can you picnic

April 1974 Jim was up early the next day. It was six o'clock on that Sunday morning. He was the first in the house to shower and get dressed. His dirty clothes that he brought home were still in the laundry. His mother was planning on doing them later that day. Jim was hoping that his activity would wake the rest of the house. It wasn't like he bounced out of bed wide awake and full of energy. It hadn't been a good night for sleep. He rattled around in the cupboard looking for the works...

4 years ago
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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 9 Passing Through

May 1974 April was giving way to May. Jim turned in his final project. He thought it came out well, and Professor Stark did, too. Final exams were looming. Jim knew that he was prepared and that meant that he would do well. His wrist was healed well enough to put him back on the Track Team. It didn't look good for a letter in his final year. Jim figured he had to get at least a third in one of the three remaining dual meets and a third in the Conference Championship. Points earned in the...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 10 Lets Have a Party

May 1974 They arrived late, but not too much. The fraternity house parking lot had always been undersized so Jim had a difficult time wedging the Rustmobile into a space. "I'm glad we took this car instead of the Duster," Jim said. "The old Rustmobile can take a few more dents and no one would notice, but the Duster doesn't have any yet. He turned off the motor and they were about to climb the back steps of the fraternity house when a pick up truck towing a trailer ambled into the...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 11 The Happy Times

May 1974 It was Friday and it had been almost a week since Hildy returned to Rochester for her Aunt Mildred's birthday ... Jim had just finished his last final exam and returned to his apartment. The days of Rich being his room mate were waning and Jim was thinking that the two of them might make a final tour of the bars that they had frequented throughout their academic careers. As he fixed himself a sandwich Jim was remembering the prior Sunday taking Ashley back to her apartment as the...

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