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NikkiChapter 3

I was still in the office when Nikki came in after her shower. She did the massage thing on my neck and shoulders again. "You need to get up and walk around every now and then," she admonished. I hadn't even turned around when she touched me. I was deep in the zone, in a world far away, filled with iron and copper and porcelain and plastic. "Look!" she said. "Turn around!" I turned, expecting to see t-shirt and pajamas. I didn't. "I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to bother...

2 years ago
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Baron Lucheise and the Foreign FemalesChapter 2

I, Baron Lucheise, having already sampled the tasty tidbits of Lady Patricia and her charming daughter-in-law Constance on the road up to my Castle estate and many vineyards was ready to vigorously reaffirm my undying affection for both of their less than virginal pussies with my enthusiastic and highly-skilled noble cock of unusual size and girth for a person of otherwise average physical presence. I was altogether fully human and in the prime of my life for one so endowed and I owed it all...

1 year ago
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New Career 1877Chapter 6

Well, this was nice, an unexpected opportunity to spend a night sleeping with my wife. Now, that is the way to live. It was not until late in the afternoon before my rifle was ready and I had checked and re-zeroed it. The gunsmith had done an excellent job. While he was working on it, I had him put in a peep-sight to replace the open "V" notch sight that the rifle came with. I much preferred the peep-sight over the notch sight as I felt that it gave me better accuracy in my aiming. I admit...

2 years ago
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CarolChapter 3

She sauntered over to him and put her hands on his chest, looking straight into his eyes and whispered in a voice we could all hear. "I am more than willing to comply with all of your wishes and all of the wishes of everyone here. You will have to promise me that you will be gentle and treat me like a lady." Having said that she slowly let her hands slide down his pecks across his flat stomach and stopped at the edge of his suit, pulling it away from his tan flesh, she reached in and...

9 months ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 47 Happy 4th of July

July 4th, 2019 Hello Everyone, I hope everyone has a safe and happy fourth. Please remember Roman Candles are not meant to be held as they are going off. A few years ago, a cousin of my wife who is in his early thirties ignored that piece of practical wisdom and it exploded on him. He was hospitalized with severe burns and bruising. The base plate slammed into his chest. Things have been a bit different. I have developed a new for me symptom. I will think of and hear myself saying one...

1 year ago
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TangentChapter 7 Escape and Evade

Tanda Havra tried not to let anything show on her face, even though her entire body ached with the need to spend a few minutes talking to Manistewa or Chief Verkan, anyone from Home Timeline at all. In the fight for her life, there hadn't been time to pay attention to small details. But in the conversation afterwards, she realized the man she'd fought carried an Out Time weapon. She realized he was just learning the language and that too was a surprise. Everyone spoke Zarthani, or one of...

1 year ago
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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 10 Gaston Sauverand Explains

Gaston Sauverand! Instinctively, Don Luis took a step back, drew his revolver, and aimed it at the criminal: "Hands up!" he commanded. "Hands up, or I fire!" Sauverand did not appear to be put out. He nodded toward two revolvers which he had laid on a table beyond his reach and said: "There are my arms. I have come here not to fight, but to talk." "How did you get in?" roared Don Luis, exasperated by this display of calmness. "A false key, I suppose? But how did you get hold of...

2 years ago
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That PhraseSylviaChapter 3

"Don, I want you to meet Rachel Connors." Mr. Fox started to introduce me to the beautiful raven haired woman standing beside one of the two armchairs in front of his desk. "Actually, I'm back to being Rachel Wells and Don and I know each other. How have you been, Don?" The woman said after my boss had introduced us. "Things could be better, but nobody wants to hear about my problems. How have you been Rachel? Crushed any men's self-esteem lately?" I asked the woman who had crushed...

1 year ago
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RebirthChapter 14

The look in Renata’s eyes was terrified and pleading, and her cheek was starting to darken with a new bruise. It would probably be a nasty purple in a few days. I started to move toward Renata more out of instinct than from any belief I would actually get to her. I felt a hand grip tight onto my shoulder, holding me fast. I was still a little shocked to see her. In the back of my mind I had already resigned myself to her being dead, as I couldn’t make it add up for the Russians to keep her...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 70 Things Have Been Looking Up

Jan. 22nd, 2022 Hello Everyone, Things have been looking up for me. I had a checkup yesterday and my A1C (it’s derived from a test that is able to measure the trend amount of blood sugar for the last few months.) was 4.3! My last one was 5.3. The one given the day I was admitted to the hospital was over 15. My doc said I didn’t need insulin but is having me take 5 units twice a day to wean my system off of it. I started at 35 units twice a day. That’s a big difference. The doc even wants...

2 years ago
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Coming of AgeChapter 7

Paul tingled with excitement as they turned off of the main highway on to the dusty road that led to his grandmother's house. They had somehow got the whole family, dog, and luggage into the van for the forty mile trip. The farm house and out buildings were just coming into view, nearly hidden by the trees and bushes that were in thick profusion. As they got closer, he could see that there were several vehicles already parked in the empty field in front of the house. Jack had grumbled at the...

5 months ago
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The PartiesChapter 4

Nhung gently eased her cunt off my still erect cock, but as she climbed off the bed, she took my hand, saying, “We wash together now Master, I make you perfect for my Mistress.” So we walked into the bath together and spent the most delightful ten minutes soaping and washing each other. Just as Nhung was going to walk out of the bath, I took her face between my hands and slipped my tongue into her mouth and kissed her deeply. When we came apart, I whispered, “I would come from London every...

7 months ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 531

This one is compliments of Gary Not a joke or giggle but some interesting comments: Interesting& Amazing Facts - Geography Alaska More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska. Amazon * The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% the world’s oxygen supply. * The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than one hundred miles at sea, off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean. * The volume of water in the...

2 years ago
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HoustonChapter 7 John Gets Some Argie Gets Some

John woke at six-thirty and discovered that Argie was home and sleeping soundly. 'She must have come in after three, ' he thought, then shaved and showered and went off to his Mc Donald's franchise to make sure things were going smoothly. Jenny, the sixteen year old he had told Doctor Gladstone about, brushed her breast against his arm as he tried to squeeze past to check on the number of sausages on the grill. His dick lurched to attention and he promptly forgot his promises to Argie of...

1 year ago
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Dreams 3 SearchChapter 3

Josh laid on deck at the bow of a sixty foot schooner trying to deepen his tan. All around him the crew were busy lifting and lowering the sails. Half the crew were beautiful blond females while the other half were muscular men, all with blond hair. They were an all Swedish crew. All were dressed down to their bare essentials the women in revealing bikinis and the men in speedos. They communicated to each other in their native tongue never bothering the two people who hired them. The boat was...

3 years ago
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Godless and Faithless 2 God RockChapter 10

While it was called a dungeon, what Axel saw around him wasn’t a cold cloistered structure. Rather, he had stepped into a cool expanse. A cavern filled with light mist that smelled of grass after a spring morning’s rain. The walls of the cave were far enough apart that Axel’s eyes strained to see them through the mist. The walls were covered in the same green moss that was beneath his feet. Vines long enough to swing from hung from a ceiling obscured by cloudy mist. Rayner stood gaping at...

2 months ago
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Her True SelfChapter 2

Rules and Punishment: (Fundamental Rules) Before moving in with him she knew what the rules were going to be, they had discussed them many times. Discuss might be too strong a word, he told her the rules and she just wanted to start following them (but there was that unbearable waiting she had to do till she turned eighteen, the longest five months of her life). The rules were the reason why she wanted to become his, and to fully devote herself to both him and what would become her new...

2 years ago
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Passions Aflame in FranceChapter 3

After Chad left, my first impulse was to rush down to David's room and partake of the forbidden fruit I had so longed for. I sat and thought for a long time. This was my big opportunity. Just a few doors down lay a chance to feel that intense sexual excitement again. Feelings that had been pent up for many months were now rising to the surface. I headed for the door with thoughts of David's young supple body pressing against mine. I opened the door and headed down the hall. I stopped at...

11 months ago
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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 7

Lexi lay floating in her lagoon when the house told her there was a little dragon trying to get in, Lexi looked and saw Mal standing at the front door, for just a moment she felt a prickle of tears, blinking them away she told the house to let him in, it had been four months since she had seen Tabby and Mal, she missed them a great deal but preferred to stay in her house. Mal appeared in the door way, with his eye’s wide he looked around then grinned widely at Lexi “can Mal come swim too?”...

2 years ago
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My Life With a Muscular CheerleaderChapter 5

Dinner that night was very strange. The four of us sat at the table having normal conversations, but all the while Arlene and I were sharing our secrets with knowing looks, smiles and facial and hand gestures. After dinner, I went up to my room as Arlene announced that she was going to call Patti on the phone in her room. My parents thought nothing was out of the ordinary, we had done this many nights before I left for school. About an hour later I heard the stair squeak and knew instantly...

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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 3

Benni hurdled from his bed with a knife in each hand when the shrieking alarm tore through Level 8. The automatic response had him blurry-eyed and barefoot but ready to take on any menace to his family. Charging out of his room into the narrow street, he discovered that the threat wasn't human — it was worse. Even as the rest of the sleeping family piled out of their beds, he was the first to arrive at the gate, where the night guards were frantically unraveling the folded plastic. The...

2 years ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 9 Being Divided

“My queen, the battle at the marketplace is over. General Pattaros surrendered to the Norgar Chieftain,” the messenger hesitantly reported. “HE SURRENDERED TO A HANDFUL OF NORGAR BRUTES? I WANT THE HEAD OF THE COWARD!” Leandris screamed. “A huge war-dog and the women who came with the Norgar Chieftain joined the fight,” the messenger added a bit sheepishly. Disgusted, Leandris stared down the messenger and then turned to her advisers. “Where is my army and who is leading it?” “General...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 23

Carl looked really shocked when he saw all of us around him. Then he had a dumbfounded look on his face when he saw my naked form. Then that look turned into a huge grin. Then Akina started going towards him screaming at him once again in Japanese. Luckily Suki grabbed hold of her and whispered something in her ear. That seemed to calm Akina. Then Suki turned to Ashley, “Sorry for my sister’s outburst. I’ll just take Carl here out of the room and keep him ... occupied for a while.” Suki had...

3 months ago
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The Mistress of Holt House Part OneChapter 2

"You've arrived just in time to see his first punishment young ladies." She looked at him with a mixed expression of grin and stern menace. "Into the parlour now; I'll show you what happens when you show reluctance!" He was led to a large leather chair and made to stand. Marcia pulled the hat and wig from him; he was now a man in women's clothing; a man with red lipstick. Belinda was asked to retrieve his key; she did so eagerly. "Lift your skirts!" He did so and a wet patch at the...

9 months ago
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Drawn to YouChapter 12

Belle and Jeffrey walked for a long time in silence before they starting talking. They managed to avoid the subject of David, shifting to talk about the town, it's architecture and the stores that they were passing. Despite the previous nagging feeling in her gut she managed to shake free from it and enjoy herself. What they shared was small-talk but it put her at ease. Maybe it was just he who seemed to put her at ease? She was sure that it mostly had to do with Jeffrey's easy demeanor...

1 year ago
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UniversityChapter 25

Rachel returned with Allison in tow. "We met on campus," Rachel said, "We're both frustrated." "That's why universities have bureaucracies. If they just let you do things, there'd be massive unemployment." They both giggled. "They want another letter from Winnie." "Why? You just gave them one." "Dated last term! So now they want one for next term! They're so-o-o dumb!" "And you, Allie?" "I still want to teach. At least I think so. I liked two of my courses. But I was...

1 month ago
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Photographic MemoryChapter 12

We stayed at the beach for the rest of the afternoon, swapping stories and sunblock. Okay, so I applied most of the sunblock, and the twins told most of the stories. I took everything they said with a grain of salt, but even if some of it was true, the two of them were unstoppable forces. I just kept listening. By the time we ran from the water for the third or fourth time we'd all had enough of the heat, and Steph decreed that it was time to go back home and get ready for the evening at...

4 months ago
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SeniorChapter 16 Back to School

It was dark when I reached the parking lot in back of the dress shop. I was still shaking, but glad to be alive. I backed into my usual spot, and went upstairs without even trying to open the trunk to retrieve my travel bag. The apartment was spotless, evidence that Gladys and Victor had been there. "What happened?" Kelley asked as soon as she heard my voice. I'd been on the road nearly double the time it should have taken to make the trip. I saw no need in trying to fool her. "The...

2 years ago
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Two Raped WivesChapter 6

Jennifer was taking a shower early the next morning when she heard Rena scream. Quickly Jennifer turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around herself. She was running down the stairs when she nearly ran into a man she'd never seen. He was a big, beefy man with a gun in his hand. "You're the other one," he said, grinning. "It's okay now. We have him." "You're a police officer," Jennifer said. "I sure am." He may have been a police officer but his eyes ran all over her...

6 months ago
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A Deceitful DaughterChapter 6

Jessica: With the death of my father, mother gave in to my longing for a dog. I was so thrilled I felt it was almost worth my father dying for! At the dog kennels on the outskirts of town, mother was charmed with some cute and cuddly pedigree pooches but I was unmoved by them. I was attracted to a handsome two-year-old brown mongrel and as soon as I stroked him, he was wagging his tail and trying to lick my snatch! I looked into his eyes and was captivated. “Oh Mom look! Isn’t he simply...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 84 Back in the saddle again

Lane watched me wash my dick really well through the glass door before we retreated to my bedroom. Neither of us wanted to have to hear Kaley getting rid of the sperm enema she adamantly insisted I give her for some reason. Seeing that Lane got embarrassed each time I caught her looking at my dick I went to put on some shorts. “Uh,” she said shyly, which was odd for miss loud mouth, putdown master Lane. “I kind of want to look and play with it some; I just don’t want Kaley to know about it....

1 year ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 7

Month -4: Terry had learned more about his patron in Central Command, whom he had learned was Vice Admiral James Hawkins, formerly of the Royal Navy. He had worked with Hawkins in a few NATO projects, but was surprised to find him so interested. When he learned that Rear Admiral Franco d'Alessandro, with whom he had worked more closely in NATO, was the naval deputy to Hawkins, he thought he understood more. D'Alessandro had been a carrier admiral in the Italian Navy, but had substantial...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 107 Spring Break Mission ndash Boldly Going Where

Tia and Tara are here. This should be fun. Never having told the place in my head to stop tracking them, from back when we were in D.C., I had no issue locating them down at the pool in front of the farthest building from the main resort building. I could hear them thinking that they still hadn’t found any boys that didn’t talk to their tits. It made me laugh thinking that if Tia got a good wax job she could go around in only a bikini top and no one would notice. Bambi was spot on with her...

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First LoveChapter 11

Jen became much more adventurous that spring. She had grown about three inches since the summer, and gained weight in all the right places as well. Part of her desperately wanted to make love with Ryan, and she held herself back every time they got together. He commented on her body all the time, how great it was, how horny it made him. She hadn't told him her desires yet. She wasn't sure yet anyway, and she knew he'd probably shove it in her before she could say another word. Plus, she...

9 months ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 122 Are we there yet

Now what? I thought I was going to driving school. Why would they drug us to make us sleep? After we came to a stop in the parking garage, the van doors were all opened. I saw some men come to take Doreen and the boys out. When they came for me and the other two girls I got another surprise. “David quit pretending to be asleep and help us get Beth up off the seat so we can carry her inside. You get Lora. She smells like a whorehouse and it is your fault. You get to clean her up and not in a...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 145

I stood in the wings at the small amphitheater and waited. Hiding had been a problem. There were a lot of people backstage and a lot of performers that were close to Liz. The Milestone Achievement in Songwriting award was the last one handed out and, by coincidence, the songs that preceded and followed the award had been written or co-written by my girlfriend. I had deftly avoided Conny and Melissa before their performance but eluding Chelsea Rome had proven a bit more difficult. It was...

4 months ago
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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 1 Narth Prime

The USS Braddock swung into orbit around one of the most mysterious worlds in the entire Universe, Narth Prime. She was the first Non-Narth vessel ever to do that in over a thousand years. Captain Mike Anderson was very aware of that. No active scanning was done. He gave strict orders not to activate any probing rays or scanners other than the passive ones needed for spaceship operations. The planet was as unusual as its inhabitants and reputation. It had no visible surface features from...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 25 Before the Storm

TheOther was injured. The wounds he received from the relentless attacks of these smaller Y’All versions were too deep and too severe for his incredible healing abilities to cope with. He regretted the fact that he opted to forego the AutoDoc adjustment, Cateria recommended for months now. The original factory-issued unit, requested a species update because this amazing piece of Union technology was deploying medical nanites and his own bodies defense mechanisms fought the nanites and...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 3

Sarah's eyes had darkened, taking on the shade of emeralds. There was a fresh bloom of color in her cheeks; and I could feel the surge of her shoulders as she began to breathe heavily. I moved the zipper until it hit the end of the track. "It's been so long," she said in a very small voice. "Do you believe that?" "I want to believe it." I was doing a deep-knee bend, my hands grasping the sodden hem of her knit dress; raising myself up again and pulling the dress...

11 months ago
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Kimberly Steeles Horror OrdealChapter 12

ONE WEEK LATER It was mid afternoon during the weekend. "Thank you for coming with me Kesha!!! Michelle!!! I really want to make it up to you guys!! To the Douglases too!!" Kim talking to Kesha next to her and Michelle behind her, while she was sat down on the driver's seat of her own car. The car was parked on a pavement that adjoined the front yard of the Douglas Residence!! They lived in a very big two-storey house. As they were more or less wealthy but good at now showing it!!! Some...

2 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 22

Mr. Bill Murchison offered to have his driver take us to the bank, then he looked at me and smiled when I asked if I could just drive his limousine there and back, since we had a couple more stops to make. “I hope you brought plenty of condoms. This is the first chance I’ve had to be alone with you, since we were dressing for the senior party.” “I brought six. If that’s not enough, tell me now, and I’ll stop at a service station and get more.” The man at the bank asked if there was a way...

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UniversityChapter 32

I had asked both sets of parents not to meet us at the airport, but at Balthazar on The Esplanade, where I'd made a reservation for eight – making it family only, excluding whoever the sibs were seeing – at 1930. I'd only been there once before, but I remembered it well. Rachel was glad I'd gotten business class and relaxed through the flight. I read a pamphlet from the Law Society of NSW and re-read Herbert's The Dragon in the Sea. We took a taxi to the Hyatt and were shown to our room....

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The Wifes DareChapter 6

The family and I spent the succeeding days skiing as a family and going snowmobiling and touring the area. At times it was just Alexis, Katrina and I, seldom just the two of us but that was okay, and I was here to meet the family and be judged and hopefully accepted. I also accompanied the family to a couple of very elaborate Christmas parties that were part ball that their friends held in very expansive mansions. Several apparently affluent young men were present that were clearly startled...

8 months ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart 2 The Group

I suppose it shouldn't have been a surprise to find the Group fighting off another voice after all the attention Central State had received about the deaths and the cover up. But I hadn't expected it and quite frankly I was annoyed by the fact I had to drive around the campus the long way just to stay out of the way. By the time I reached my apartment, I realized there was more than just a single voice involved in the attack. In fact, as I studied the scene from the roof of the apartment...

1 year ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 2

Dale went to the powder room, thinking that his clothes might still be there. He was still looking for them when Catherine found him. Wisely, she didn't say anything for a while, just looked at him with moisture in her eyes. "I guess I went too far, huh? Is it the woman, or the girl?" "You know, in our state, it's actually illegal for me to be naked with a girl her age. What is she? Eleven? Twelve?" "Lisa is twelve, and she is a prodigy. I will make her a famous artist. They are all...

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CameronChapter 2

The next thing I knew he was shaking me awake. It was almost noon and he wanted something to eat. He took me into the bathroom and we took a quick shower. But before he turned on the water he stood me inside the shower and pushed me to my knees. I thought he must want a blowjob but instead he grasped his soft cock and with and evil leer on his face he calmly stood there and pissed all over me from my breasts down. I just stood there in shock. I think my brain has been too numbed, too damaged...

4 months ago
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No FutureChapter 46

Foreign Shores Alex 2032 "I have a daughter as well," said Lakeisha while sprawled beside Alex on the double bed that dominated the bedroom of his small apartment. "She's older than Iris, your daughter. Her name's Lisa." "Does she live at home?" Alex wondered. "You could say that," Lakeisha replied. "She lives with my mother, her grandmother, in Maseru. In Lesotho." "Lesotho?" "It's a small country in Southern Africa. That's where I come from, Alex." "Oh," said...

5 months ago
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VacationChapter 73

Day Seven-three - Wednesday "You can't fall asleep on me and expect to sleep all night." "Huh?" "This is the way you're supposed to put me to sleep." Sue was sliding her pussy up and down on my very firm, very excited ego. She was moving smoothly up and down, taking me completely into her body until the head of my dick touched the end of her channel and pulled away sliding up with her pussy caressing my entire shaft. "This feels so good and you're going to fill me up with more...

2 years ago
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Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 2 Early Day in September 13th 1918

“You are getting close... , “ said an unfamiliar young male voice. “Wha? Who said that?” Toha asked. All he could see was darkness. The voice continued, “It is important that when they offer you to take the scouting assignment to go north to Fresnes...” “Who are you? I can’t see you.” The darkness prevailed. Toha could swear that he did see something that looked like a pair of eyes looking at him, but the darkness obscured him well. Suddenly his eyes opened. Toha could see the light...

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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 7

Two days later, I brought Elle and baby Olivia home – I'd realized I needed to get some cribs, so I had ordered a couple over the Internet, with Dani's help. They arrived and I quickly did the little bit of assembly, putting one in both my girls' bedrooms. There was again the sound of infants in the house, and a definite odor as well. I did the best I could helping the ladies with their newborns. Dani got back her gorgeous figure within five months of having Grant. Elle was having a time...

3 weeks ago
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Cousins by the DozenChapter 9

“I know, but sometimes, I get really frustrated, big brother. I’m only thirteen, but at times I even look at my own sisters and get hard.” “Wow, that is clearly too much information, Mike. All I can tell you is that while cousins might be OK, your own sisters might just cut off your dick, like that chick in Buffalo did to her own husband, just last year.” “Oww, just thinking about that, makes me hurt!” he said. “Remember that, the next time you think of Betty, Chris, or Jessica, OK?” “You...

5 months ago
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Nothing I Can Do About It NowChapter 10

I’m not daft; our island is a remarkably safe place to live, especially for locals and I was by that time accepted as one. But no one, should have been on my veranda at that time of night. Well, not hiding away in the dark, they shouldn’t! Leaving the key in the door, I swung around and vaulted - or rather dived - over the veranda’s balustrade all in one movement. I needed to be out in what little moonlight there was, where I could see who was coming at me and how best to defend myself....

4 months ago
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AmlieChapter 21 Samhain

[Samhain, 1678] Near Oxford, Oxfordshire THE DANCERS WERE nude. All of them, as far as Amélie could tell. Men and women, although more women than men, not a surprise, given that it was Samhain, she thought. She shivered, but not entirely because of the cool night air that became chillier with each hour. Without the bonfire that must have been twenty feet high to dance around it would have been impossible to enjoy the celebration. Beside her she felt rather than saw Sandrine moving in time...

1 year ago
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Filling HopeChapter 2

Monday, at work, I asked Paul how the rest of the weekend had gone. He said, "She won't stop. She woke me the next morning with a blow job but, before I came, wanted her cunt fucked." "Well, you wanted her to loosen up," I responded. "Yeah, it's great but she's wearing me out. What about a next time like you suggested with plenty of guys there?" "Okay. I'll set it up for this weekend." "I don't think I can last that long!" "Well, if you need help, Stella and I can come...

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JessicaChapter 2 Tabitha

"Hi! This is Jessica. I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible..." I waited for the voice mail connection and promptly forgot what I wanted to say. "Uh, hi. It's John, from last Thursday? Anyway, I was wondering if you'd be free this evening. Not free, uh ... I mean, available? For a date? Um ... Maybe I'll email you. Shoot. But if you want to call me back, my number is..." I hung up the phone feeling like...

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Avatar Naked in SchoolChapter 4b

Cindy: This time Cindy was in the back of the car, alone, as Arianwen whipped through traffic. The sisters were having an animated conversation in the front which Cindy wasn't joining, mainly because Cindy was gagged. She also had a tight nipple noose on each nipple and some sort of vibrator strapped to her body, resting right on her clit. There was another very tight belt constricting her already-thin waist. She'd been told to sit in the back, with her legs spread, a hand on each thigh,...

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Dont Change Book 2 TransmutationChapter 2 Wherersquos Joshua

Amy walks into the command room. She wears the Red Terra Warrior Armor and has her helmet under her arm. She sets it on a console. “Report,” Amy says. “It’s been pretty quiet,” Tamaya says, turning to face her from the far side of the room. Tamaya is now three months pregnant and beginning to show. She stands up. “No attacks from any of the alien forces,” Tamaya says walking over to her. “How have you been doing?” Amy asks. “Fine, I had a bit of morning sickness at the start of my...

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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 31 Rites of Passage

Karen and Cricket went into the pool hand in hand after breakfast. They were laughing and bonding as best friends. He briefly compared Cricket to his wives, and realized that it was the warmth and sense of inclusion he felt from the newcomer that made her as attractive. She had an uncanny knack to bond with people, besides being a superb lover who made him conscious of the many levels of connection they were making with one another. He really did love Cricket. Dave circulated and said hello...

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Surviving 2Chapter 12

There was a definite feeling of satisfaction amongst people on their return to Dalriada, a feeling of a job completed, unfinished business dealt with. Scott and Gabrain made their way slowly through the snow back to Inveraray and to the girls' welcome home. Scott and the two girls celebrated by christening the sunken bath, which had been finished in his absence. As he had suspected, Fiona had planned a bubble bath and her liquid soap worked perfectly. They had great fun playing around in the...

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Spell Of The BeastChapter 6

After they had eaten the evening meal, Jim, who was rapidly regaining his strength, remarked that he was in need of exercise, and walked out into the glade toward the smoldering fires. "Don't go too far away... !" Buzz warned. "Hardly... I'm not up to a hundred yard dash... yet!" he returned. Joan, whose duty it was to wash the dishes and cooking ware, looked up as he arose. Quickly, she said, "Jimmy... if you'll wait a few moments... I'll go with you..." "I'll be all right,...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 19

Thursday, June 24, 2010 Jake felt Leanne nudge his arm. He looked around. They were in the parking lot of the brothel. “Have I told you lately that you are my favorite woman in the whole world?” “Jake, you’ve just brought me to a whorehouse. Why are you sweet-talking me?” “I know this is a stretch for you, but you never fail to impress me with your strength and character. I love you for doing this.” “Don’t make me cry on the way into your whorehouse.” “I’d like you to help me...

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UniversityChapter 75

I related what had transpired to Rachel with little understood. "When you get your degree you'll be able to say you're an art historian, right?" "Yes." "But when I get my degree in law, I can't be a lawyer." "Because the state says the Law Society can decide who practices." "Correct. States have the right to regulate competition in the public interest. But they cannot blindly outsource that responsibility to professionals who stand to benefit from such...

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Depth of FieldChapter 30 Superhero

“Less than three weeks until I see you!” “Wish it was three days,” I moaned. “Me too. But hey, just think how good it will feel when we pull into your driveway!” Heather chirped. “I know, I know. I’m happy that you at least convinced them to leave a day earlier from Idaho.” Heather tittered. “We’ll have three days plus a little to ski and hang out. We’ll make the most of it, Matt. So how’s the suit?” “It’s actually pretty cool,” I admitted evenly. “Nice. You know you’re going to have to...

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25 June 2009Chapter 2

“Ahem, excuse me, earth calling Brad, earth calling Brad!” Abby kidded using her hands as a megaphone. Abby’s comment brought Brad back to his senses from a light sleep. “Off in dreamland were you?” She asked coming to him. “Only dreaming about you my love,” he smiled kissing and hugging her tightly. She shrieked as he lifted her tiny frame off the floor and hugged her tight, “I love you!” He exclaimed brightly. “I love you too,” she replied wrinkling her brow at his sudden, though often...

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VengeanceChapter 7

The first two weeks Crystal was at the resort, I was fairly busy. I left the states for eastern Europe. My first stop was Istanbul. Where I was greeted at the airport by Azra, a Turkish girl I purchased a year ago and a rare beauty to find. The rarity wasn’t her long legs or good looks but because she had a Turkish girl with a western education in business management and had a good head on her shoulders. Once she was reprogrammed at the resort, I kept her there for three months to gain...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 38

“No, I am not going to come in your pussy! “This time, anyway. We’ll fuck again, and the next time, you can sit on my cock and fuck me without a condom. If you want me to come in your pussy, you can just ride my cock until I fill your little pussy, and you’ll have my baby.” “YES! OH HELL YES! I can’t wait to fuck you like that.” Sherry told her, “You need to use a little common sense while you’re fucking, and don’t think with your pussy while you have Jerry’ cock stuffed up inside you. You...

4 months ago
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The Ultimate Living My FantasyChapter 3

Master Jim reminded me that I needed to lick his and my wife's cum from his cock, which I proceeded to do. While I was at it, his cock started to grow, again. And I sucked it down my throat. When I pulled back, I lightly dragged my lower teeth along the bottom of his penis. (I've always liked it when my wife did it to me.) It really gets me worked up and it felt like Master Jim was no different. After doing this two or three times, his cock started to expand and he started pumping load...

10 months ago
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Showing Off SusanChapter 9

Joe wasn't sure just how far he had expected the three men to go when he had turned Susan over to them. He had certainly urged them on. He watched as the clerk started unfastening his pants and he knew that they would all take her now. He was almost as excited watching them as he would have been if he were about to fuck her. But he was a patient man. He knew that he would get his turn. His biggest regret was that the innocent young wife's foolish husband was not in the room and being forced...

2 years ago
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LostChapter 12

"Australian Skydiving Association. What's Skydiving?" Sarah, Jill and Eddie were in the Jeep, heading along the freeway down to Sydney for the day, and Sarah was practicing reading all the signs as they went by. Jill leaned forward so that Sarah could hear her and explained what skydiving was, pointing to a parachute up above them as a skydiver came down. "Sounds like a lot of fun, I want to have a go some time." This time it was Eddie and Jill with the incredulous expressions on their...

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A True History Book OneChapter 26

I put Angelica down on the ground. Lance Corporal Puckett walked over to the name, then put his hands on the wall. “Thank you for your sacrifice, that my wife could come to my home, from there.” His face went blank for a second, then his jaw dropped. He turned to me. “How? How did he do that?” “There are some things that even I am not allowed to talk about. I’m sorry.” “I ... I understand.” Puckett drew himself up to attention, then saluted the wall. “Trang, do you have, in your purse,...

5 months ago
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ReplayChapter 21

Randy did ring Zoë not because there was a problem but purely and simply he wanted to hear her voice and talk with her. His parents were delighted that they were coming to stay. He said that he would not be able to get away before five on Friday. Zoë would be free at lunch time so she decided that she would go into Pitsbury in the afternoon and see if she could get a dress for the Guest Night there rather than drag Randy or his mother into Bath on Saturday. Randy said he would pick her up...

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A True History Book OneChapter 27

We woke up at a decent hour, got cleaned up, and went downstairs for breakfast. After that, the girls led me out onto the streets of New York. I thought they’d want to go shopping or something. Instead, we just walked around for about three hours, taking in the sights. At 12:30, we caught a cab back to the hotel. When we pulled up, a limo was waiting for us. “Come on, let’s go.” I got in, just thankful that I wasn’t trying to drive in this congested mess. I was content to watch out the...

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The Making of a SlutChapter 4

I woke up alone on Friday morning. After the confrontation of the night before I wondered how BJ was going to act when I saw her. I smelled coffee brewing so I knew she had not gone home. I took my shower and dressed for work and then went to get a cup of coffee. BJ was sitting at the kitchen table, eyes red and sipping a cup of coffee and she looked up at me when I came into the room. "You'll have to change whatever plans you have made for the weekend." "Why would I want to do...

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The Four SeasonsEpilogue

The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites, and to all the places nigh and thereunto, in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale, and in the south and by the sea side, to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Euphrates. Deuteronomy 1: 6-7 As Hal lay on his bed peacefully napping, he couldn't understand why all these old events crept...

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Extra Curricular StudiesChapter 2 Jennys request for extra tuition

Jennifer Perhaps I'd better introduce myself before going into my version of events. I'm Jennifer Watkins, usually known as Jenny. Twenty-three years old, and if I say it myself, not too bad looking although definitely not a glamour girl or a model. Bit on the short side and a little plump for that, I probably don't have enough in the tit department either. At school I was more or less a model student gaining four A levels and six O level GCE's. I then did a business studies course at...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 44

My black mare tugged impatiently, wanting the sweet grass at the side of the road. The four male estate guards waited patiently on their steeds as I surveyed the busy village crossroad. Hooves of mules thumped across the planks of a narrow wooden bridge like the slow beat of a drum. The short bridge, the length of a wagon, covered the width of a deep creek, creating a bottleneck for local merchant traffic on a market day. "I just want to get a feel for the traffic through the village," I...

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P I And MagicChapter 15

The date with Officer Shelton (Darla) had been going fine, until her supervisor called. Apparently one of her cases had been moved up, and she had ten minutes to get to 'night court'. She started to beg off, but I said I would be glad to go with her. Her smile seemed to light the room. We got to the court and managed to get into the courtroom prior to her being called as the arresting officer. Even before she got to the stand, the judge asked her why she was not appropriately dressed in...

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Born to SuckChapter 15

"BZZZZZT! ... BZZZZZZT!" I awoke to the sound of the alarm going off in Sven's room. I had slept like a log and never woke up once throughout the night. In fact, I felt like I was lying in the same position I was in when I first lay down last night. I'm not surprised I hadn't move during the night; Sven had fucked my boy-pussy and mouth repeatedly until I was totally exhausted. I slowly rolled over and felt my whole body aching ... but it was a good ache; like after you've exercised...

4 months ago
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A Just RewardChapter 20

Becca quietly organised everything for Rita's visit. She let Mary Witherspoon into the secret because she felt she had to have her approval for Nell to model. Mary was a little apprehensive until Becca told her that Isobel would be chaperoning them whereupon she became enthusiastic and thanked Becca profusely for what she was doing for Nell. Becca merely told Nell that she was throwing a lunch party and would be grateful for some help in the preparation. Nell was a little disconcerted to...

5 months ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 12 Cheesecake

Eons ago, Walker and I were having a Saturday lunch at the Unicorn Club. Back then it was tottering its way toward the rocky shoals of Chapter 11. Before Bear and Vanessa took over and saved us from BK ignominy. Walker and I had ordered hot dogs — butterflied and grilled. We were seated at a table in the bar section. He was at that age where he had recently noticed the woman he was living with was a living, breathing person. With boobs. Something other than just a mom. I’m sure he believed...

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The Secrets of KingsChapter 10

Marigold watched the sky darken, her countenance seeming to mimic the weather. As clouds rolled across the sky, they seemed to roll across her expression, too. At the same time as she watched the sky, she watched the summer volunteers taking a break from unloading bags of seed from the truck. When one of them rose, rubbing his lower back, to go back to work, Marigold strode down the hill she was sitting on and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Don't take any more off," she said, looking at...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 222 Swordplay

See if I try to help someone, and they want to be an ass in return. She didn’t even kiss me or thank me as she hurriedly dressed and rushed off. I’m giving her a yeast infection that a one-treatment egg won’t cure. I washed my dick off, dressed, and headed back down the stairs to the store and workshop. Just inside the door, the older woman reached out to grab my arm in a much firmer grip than I would have expected from a woman twenty years younger. She guided me into the storage room and...

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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 5

I was back selling tires and batteries at Sears. I signed up for a class on how to work for H&R Block during Tax Season. They liked my Math SAT score being over 700, and that I was enrolled in a college accounting program, so they put me on the list. In my Accounting 101 class I thought I recognized a guy from Y-Camp. After class I intercepted him and asked, “Is your name Paul Turnipseed?” “Ya, you are George Big Brain or something like that, right?” He said. “Something like that,” I...

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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 7

Well hell, what was I doing in Canada on a pretty May morning? Working, of course. While Eric's enthusiasm had waned when faced with the innumerable things it took to make a movie, I was enjoying the hell out of it. We were in Winnipeg, one of several places we were considering using as home base, and the government officials on all levels were trying to come up with a more enticing way to kiss our asses. Movies are big business in Canada, especially since costs had skyrocketed in the...

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Black List V AscensionChapter 7

In her apartment in Cheshire, England Natalya pulls her second in command, Roland, down to kiss her as they lie on top of the bed. Natalya’s fingers dig into his hair, holding him down. He reaches up to the top of her blouse and begins to undo one button at a time until the material flays open to reveal her luscious breasts and taut belly. He then pushes in and kisses her, deeper this time. Then his tongue goes deeper in and he begins to caress the skin above her breasts. As they break apart...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 8 Dees Diary Desperate Love

DEE'S DIARY SATURDAY, MAY 5th (Continued) To this day I don't know which direction we were heading. We were on a major road, but I don't even know if it was an interstate highway. Jay drove fast, weaving smoothly through the traffic. We didn't talk; the wind prohibited easy speech, and there was really no need for it. After about half an hour, he pulled into the parking lot of a very large metal building with huge, blaring letters atop its roof: ADULT BOUTIQUE - BOOKS - VIDEOS -...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 48 The Orthodox Way

February 9, 1985, Milford, Ohio “Do you mind sitting in the waiting room for five minutes while I talk to Doctor Mercer about Angie?” “That’s fine,” Elizaveta replied as we walked through the door of the building where Doctor Mercer had her office. We went upstairs and into the waiting room and Doctor Mercer greeted us. Elizaveta sat on the couch and Doctor Mercer and I went into her office. “Elizaveta will join us after we talk about Angie,” I said. “You don’t need any private...

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The Ya Ya DildohoodChapter 7

I was honestly too stunned to speak. As my orgasm disappeared smoothly down Rhonda's sweet sucking throat, I felt a thousand tiny stars fill my head and my knees buckle as the wave of pure sweet ecstasy overwhelmed me. Seconds later I collapsed. I hadn't passed out exactly, as I was vaguely aware of my surroundings. When I finally regained my composure, I found myself sitting on the loveseat with no idea how I had gotten there. I opened my eyes to the sight of Rhonda lying down amongst the...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 50 An Offer

February 16, 1985, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio “Good morning, Subdeacon,” Father Stephen said when Elizaveta and I walked into the main lobby of The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. The hospital was on Mt. Auburn, one of the highest points in the city, and offered a nice view of the city below. Father Stephen was clad in his ryasa. “Father, bless!” I said, holding my cupped hands for his blessing. “Bless you, Subdeacon,” he said, making the sign of the cross over my upturned palms. I kissed...

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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 5 Starting Over

I had the 5-J of Diamonds on the deal, and Samantha made an initial bet of two. I really wanted to get her out of her clothes, but I wasn't sure how strong my hand was yet. I called and raised 2 though. She matched me, and flopped a pair of sevens into the middle with a king. That was absolutely no help to me, but before she bet, Samantha had a proposition for me. "Why don't we both go all in on this hand? I can tell you didn't like what I just turned over, but I don't have a good hand...

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The Secrets of KingsChapter 12

Jake was awakened by a pounding on his stateroom door. He slid out of bed and was buckling on the shoulder holster as he stood by the door, "What is it?" "It's me, Koenraad," said the voice on the other side of the door. Jake scowled and glanced towards Helene, who was pulling the covers up as high as she could and still be able to see. Jake unholstered the .45 and opened the door a crack, "What is it?" he asked again. Koenraad held up an AK-47, not pointing it at Jake, but...

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SizzlePart 2

As Bill walked quickly down the gravel road leading to his house, he wanted to know if the rumour was true. Several thoughts were going through his mind at the same time. If it was true, it had to be bad genes from her mother's side of the family. No one in the Baker family tree had been cursed by MORFS. This disease had afflicted the sinful people of Earth for almost fifty years, but the Baker family had been faithful and pure. They had been spared the stigma of a cursed child, until...

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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 29

"Don't you want to say anything?" I looked up from tying my shoe. Luke Hastings and I were alone in the locker room. I'd been late. Robbie, Tami, Darlene, Mikee and I had been talking about the play. "About?" "I passed my drug test Thursday, and you never said anything." I looked back down and finished tying my shoe, then stood. "Good," I said flatly. "That's all?" "What do you want, a pat on the back? Let's be honest, the only reason I care at all is that I put my...

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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 6

Life is not all beer and skittles! “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.” – General George Patton Jr “We have had a breakthrough after three long months, Grefis. I discovered what we have been looking for while at lunch with my mother,” said Wensta. “She was angry with my father.” “So, how is the gorgeous Lady Fufa Feriff?” Smirked Grefis. “Grefis she is my mother, don’t be disgusting!” Wensta said impatiently then smiled at Grefis. “Don’t distract me from my story.”...

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LessonChapter 10

Holly sighed, snuggling up against John. He lay with his back to her, sound asleep. She gently petted him, this wonderful man who she had almost driven away. Holly could feel Marnie on the other side of John, moving in the bed. A little thrill of arousal coursed through Holly at the thought of this lovely, sensual woman, Holly's lover and John's, sharing their bed. She heard John moan slightly and looked over to see Marnie starting to perform oral sex on John. Holly spooned up against...

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5 November 2007Chapter 2

Dan parked in their driveway and noticed a different car behind Wendy’s. He entered the front door, receiving his usual excited greeting from Sarg. He smiled, seeing his two loves, Karen and Wendy, seated at the dining room table. Sitting on his usual chair was a blonde-haired woman wearing a white blouse and brown skirt. Dan walked to his two wives and kissed each one on the lips, not missing the opportunity to view their display of deep cleavage. He glanced at the woman smiling...

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The Dildo That Erased Claire Bonnevilles MemoryChapter 7

All things in life are the result of changes, big or small, that take place from one moment to the next. A man and woman who enter the same elevator, and therefore meet, and decide to go on a date, which works out to the point that they marry and have children, could have completely different lives if either of them had taken the stairs. Any time we drive somewhere, we operate a four thousand pound hunk of metal, making it hurtle down the road at high speed, while other hunks of metal just as...