Kid Flash TG superhero
- 2 years ago
- 32
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“Less than three weeks until I see you!”
“Wish it was three days,” I moaned.
“Me too. But hey, just think how good it will feel when we pull into your driveway!” Heather chirped.
“I know, I know. I’m happy that you at least convinced them to leave a day earlier from Idaho.”
Heather tittered. “We’ll have three days plus a little to ski and hang out. We’ll make the most of it, Matt. So how’s the suit?”
“It’s actually pretty cool,” I admitted evenly.
“Nice. You know you’re going to have to wear it again when I get there.”
I groaned a bit. “I will, don’t worry. I was thinking for New Year’s Eve. We usually have a minor celebration at the house with my folks.”
“That sounds great!”
“With you all being here, it’ll be a real party. I heard Frej is coming up?”
“Yeah, probably even the day before we get there. Did you get a hat, then?”
I snorted. “Yeah, Lara made me get one.”
“Ooh. It must be really cool!”
“I guess. We got one, but I never said I’d wear it. It feels a bit, I don’t know, over the top.”
“That’s why it’s a top hat?”
“Weak, Heather.”
She giggled. “Couldn’t resist.”
“Oh, Carl just pulled up. Time to rehearse.”
“Cool. Band still going well?”
“Great, actually. Everyone is really into it since the party. It’s nothing like rehearsing for the auditions. This is really fun.”
“Oh, I so wish I was going to be there! You have to find some sort of show for one of those nights I’m there, even if it’s just at your house.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
After saying goodbye, I donned a coat and went to help the guys load in their things. We got to rehearsing right away, with even Lara and Pete ignoring their relationship for the most part. After warming up with a few staples, Pete spoke up.
“So what’s our fourth song going to be?”
“I thought we already picked,” Carl said. “Start with Sunshine, then Message in a Bottle, Bruno kicks off Dazed, and then we end with Stop.”
“I really don’t want to do Sunshine,” Pete protested. “We already did that at the audition.”
“What do you want to do then?”
Pete reached down into his guitar case and pulled out some sheets of paper. He proceeded to pass them around.
“What’s this?” Bruno asked.
“Then She Did... From the Jane’s Addiction album. I want to try it. So does Lara. What do you think?”
“Pete, the show’s in less than two weeks,” Bruno remarked.
“It’s not hard. Lara already knows the words.” Pete looked at me. “I figured out all the weird chords, so I can show you, Matt, if you don’t know it.”
I shrugged. “Sure. I like that song.”
“I can’t remember which one that is,” Carl said.
Pete started playing the opening guitar riff. Carl jumped right in on the ride cymbal, nodding.
“Oh yeah, the jazzy one. Cool.”
Pete looked at Bruno. “Pretty much A and D. The bass part is really cool. At the end, you play these four notes, and then we hold it.”
I watched Pete teach some of the bass parts to Bruno, surprised at the level of effort he’d put into learning the song. He and Lara had been rehearsing, clearly. Maybe it wasn’t always sex when they were alone. I felt a little lost as the four of them started again, this time with Lara singing the laid back phrasing of the opening lines. I turned my guitar down and mimicked Pete’s left hand positions, quietly trying to figure out what the lines were. At the same time, I was wondering if some new band dynamic was suddenly in play.
“Calling again so soon?” Heather cooed after I greeted her. “I love it!”
“Missing you,” I said softly.
“Aw. Are you okay?”
“I guess.”
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, really.”
“Was rehearsal bad?”
“It wasn’t bad, but ... a bit weird.”
I hesitated. “Well, Pete wanted to learn Then She Did... “
“Wow, that’s pretty cool! But it didn’t go over well?”
“It went over great, actually. But ... And it’s not like any of us is, like, you know, the band leader or anything. I don’t know ... It’s stupid, but Pete put a lot of time into learning it and rehearsing with Lara. By themselves. I didn’t know at all. I was just kind of surprised.”
“It’s a good thing though, right?” Heather asked. “I mean, they’re into playing the music you like.”
“No, totally, and it’s really cool on that side. It’s just that, I don’t know. Pete’s changed this week.”
“How so?”
I contemplated. “He’s more confident, for one. Talks more. He was pretty on top of things in rehearsal.”
“Are you feeling threatened by him in the band?” Heather asked gently.
“No, not that. I guess I don’t know what it is. I’m just surprised by him lately, ever since we played the party.”
“Maybe he needed the boost, for his confidence. You always said he’s a really shy guy.”
“And I’m glad for him, but it’s just new. And right before I called you, I went to Lara’s room and she was working on something. For the band, she said, but she wasn’t going to show me.”
“Hmm. What do you think it was?”
“Something with Pete, obviously.”
“Well, they are together. Makes sense they’d be practicing together, between make out sessions anyway.”
I sniffed. “I know. I’m not complaining about anything in particular. I just don’t want it to become weird. I was always a little worried what would happen to the band if Pete and Lara drifted apart.”
“But you’re actually more worried about them being close.”
Her completely unexpected words seemed to reach inside me and twist up my stomach. Worried about them being close? Why the heck would Heather say that? No, that was a silly idea. I put the thought out of my head.
“I don’t know what it is,” I dismissed. “I think I’m just tired today. The suit buying expedition was totally exhausting.”
Heather laughed. “I’m sure it was! Hey, listen: nothing’s to say you can’t add to the band just because Pete stepped it up a bit. You just need to leave your mark on things. Go practice your guitar for a while, learn that song inside out, and make it awesome.”
“You’re right.” I laughed a little. “I mean, I keep wanting our band to get better and better, so why the hell am I complaining about it, when it does?”
“Exactly! You five are going to kill at the talent show, I’m sure.”
“I hope so. Thanks, Heather. I feel better already.”
“No problem. Now go practice!”
Up in the cabin, I plugged in my guitar and pulled out the paper with the notes Pete had written. He was quite detailed, which was helpful since some of the chords were not at all obvious to my ears. I settled into the work of pushing my fingers around the fretboard, learning the nuance of Mr. Navarro’s guitar magic.
It was dark outside when I took a stretch break, wandering into the darkroom. I saw the envelope from Heather, containing the Red Herring negatives she’d sent me. Oh fuck. I still had to develop those shots. The due date was Tuesday. I realized I needed to get started. As I was debating whether to spend the rest of the evening printing the photos or practicing guitar, a knock sounded on the front door of the cabin. I poked my head out of the darkroom and saw Lara letting herself in, a sheet of paper in her hand.
“Hey Matt,” she called, smiling.
“What’s up?”
“I was looking for you. What are you doing?”
“I was just practicing. But now I’m thinking about printing these photos.”
“The high heels pictures?”
“Yeah. Just got the negs from Heather yesterday.”
“Sweet. Should bring back some interesting memories, huh?” she cooed, her eyes mischievous.
I winced, remembering that she’d been let in on the hidden theme of the project when we were on Frej’s boat. “Yeah, probably will.”
“I can’t wait to see them and try to imagine what happened right before the picture!” she teased.
“I’m sure,” I replied evenly.
Lara eyed me. “Are you all right?”
“Yeah, just tired.”
I slumped down on the couch, feeling worn-out again. Lara joined me, still clutching the paper. She looked at me expectantly.
“What’s that?” I asked, gesturing at the page.
“Just some lyrics,” she answered, somewhat shyly.
“Oh. A new song you want to try? Which one?”
“Promise you won’t laugh?”
“What, is it Madonna or something?”
“No. Something I wrote.”
I gaped at her. “Really?”
“It’s probably stupid, I don’t know. I wanted to see what you thought. They’re just some lyrics I’ve been writing this week.”
The love letter, then.
I nodded toward the sheet. “Let me see. Pete’s been helping you? How does it go?”
“Pete?” she replied, handing me the page. “No, he hasn’t even seen it yet.”
I was surprised to hear this, but said nothing. I read through the lyrics, expecting some simple and saccharine girlish lyrics. As I finished the first verse, I realized that these words were anything but. I had to reread them, as they were not immediately penetrable.
“So?” Lara asked, after my eyes reached the end of the page.
I wasn’t sure what to say, so I reread some of the first verse once more.
The trees are whispering
Wondering what we’re gonna do
The snow is laughing
There’s never time for me and you
“It sucks, huh?” She reached for the page and took it back from me. “You can tell me the truth.”
“No, no, not at all. I like it,” I said slowly.
So that’s the end then
Are we to sleep and let it go
The river’s singing
I know, reach in, explode
I glanced at her. “It’s, uh, good stuff.”
Lara looked at me uncertainly, and with good reason. I was having trouble responding. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the lyrics. The truth was that I wasn’t expecting to read words like that, from her.
“So how does the music go?” I asked, getting up to stretch in the middle of the room.
“I thought you could help me with the music. But only if the words are decent.”
I nodded, feeling a mix of confusion, elation and anxiety at that idea. Not Pete?
“I think it’s a good song. I’d love to work on the music.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
“Sing the words,” I urged.
“Um, I don’t really know exactly how it should go. But maybe something like this?”
Lara sung the first verse, looking at me keenly when she finished. I picked up my guitar and sat across from her.
“Try it against this.” For lack of any other idea, I played a simple riff, a derivative of a classic rock figure.
Lara stabbed at a starting note, but couldn’t get anything going. “That’s not going to work.”
I played around with a few other options. A blues? No, of course not. A few other half-formed thoughts came out of the amp. Finally I looked up at her.
“I don’t really know what to do with it yet.”
“Hmm. Try something a bit slower, but not too slow. Something dark, but hopeful?”
That was more to go on, though still vague as hell. “Sing the first few notes again, so we can try to figure out a key.”
We eventually settled on the right starting note. Then Lara sung bits of the melody as I fumbled with the changes, trying to find something that worked. It was tedious, as her melody didn’t seem to easily latch onto anything I played.
I kept waiting for her to become frustrated with my random attempts at backing her up, but the opposite was true. As we worked on the music, she began to get more and more into the singing, nodding more often at what I was playing behind her. She moved to sit right next to me. Her note choices affected my backup, which in turn shaped her vision of the song.
After an hour, something relatively coherent began to emerge, so I wrote down the ideas we came up with. We were both startled when Melissa banged on the window to call us for dinner.
“Damn, just when we were getting somewhere,” Lara lamented.
“Yeah, maybe. Let’s work on it after dinner some more.”
“I really want to, but I have to call Johanna, first. I promised. She’s having some issues with Barry.”
“Okay, that’s cool. Leave the lyrics here. I’ll work on it while you talk to her. Then we can try it again?”
Lara smiled gratefully at me. “I really like what you’re doing on it.”
“Thanks. I’m not really sure I like it, but...”
Lara gave me a quick hug before we went to eat.
After dinner, I returned to the cabin alone while Lara went to take care of her phone call. I sat down and picked up the sheet of lyrics, reading them closely this time. Were these words a reflection of her relationship with Pete? I still had some trouble reconciling the verses with Lara’s usual mood. Usually she was lighthearted, bubbly, flirty, frisky even. But these unsettlingly dark lyrics carried a certain sensuous longing to them that instantly made me uncomfortable, but also obsessed with wanting to know more.
There’s nothing happening
The shadows merge and break apart
I thought I saw you
Heard you and your hidden heart
I wondered what these words meant about her feelings for Pete. As I read through again and again, making sense of the intimations of longing, fear and love, I started to feel that tightness in my stomach I was feeling earlier at rehearsal. I wasn’t sure why I kept feeling this. Was the song really about her and Pete? Did they really have this mysterious relationship she hinted at in the words? I thought they basically just had fun and fucked. Something was different about Pete, lately, though.
The air is stiffening
Pounding the walls until they’re set
The chance is now then
Unless, let go, forget
I mulled the song in my head, still completely blocked on what music to put to it. Distracted visions of Lara and Pete rehearsing together kept interfering with my musical sense. Finally, some unknown voice in my head offered some unexpected clarity.
She brought the song for me to work on. Me ... Pete has nothing to do with this.
But then, if...
With startling realization, I suddenly understood what that tight feeling was.
I put the words down, ignored the crazy thoughts unwinding themselves in my head, and just went on gut feeling. Guitar in hand, I started to play.
Lara returned to the cabin an hour or so later. She looked slightly drained, but her smile held an underpinning of excitement.
“Sorry!” she called out, breathing warmth into her hands. “Johanna was a bit of a wreck. I felt bad hanging up, but I’ll call her again later. Want to try the song?”
I took a deep breath and smiled nervously. “Sure. I came up with something new. See if you like it.”
Lara pulled a chair up so that she was right in front of me. She gave me a heartfelt smile.
“This is really fun,” she said.
I nodded, holding her bright gaze for a long moment. It felt like I was seeing her for the first time.
“Yeah. It is,” I said softly.
I started to play, a series of repeated, descending chords. Lara looked at me eagerly. I nodded when it was the right time to sing, breathing along with her, mouthing the words when they needed to be held longer or come quicker. She kept her gaze on me. Now that I knew the words by heart, I could read her feelings as she sang. When we got to the chorus, she smiled with widened eyes as she pushed her vocal lines against my newly written accompaniment.
Hold me near, the fall is
The point of no return
The edge of fear and all bliss
Please don’t stop, because I need you
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PLEASE ACTIVATE GAME MODE! CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! In the eternal battle between good and evil, there will always be superheroes fighting supervillains. On the side of justice are the men who have been endowed with enhanced strength, durability, intelligence, and supernatural abilities. These righteous heroes use their powers to protect the weak and helpless, and to right wrongs caused by the evil villains who seek to exploit and ruin others for their own personal benefit and power....
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Looking back a year ago, you never would have guessed you would end up here, on the Watchtower of the Justice League, awaiting your official admittance into the exclusive club of superheroes. Back then you were just a scientist working in the field of nanotechnology. Your lab was seeking to pioneer the field of medical nanobots; treating the untreatable. But to that point, you had been unable to replicate the success of your simulations when testing the real thing. Unfortunately, you were...
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The whisper was urgent and sharp, yanking me toward the surface of consciousness like a fish finding itself hooked on a nymph. A groggy net of disorientation entangled me as I awoke. As I broke the surface, I was shocked to feel the warmth of someone lying beside me. The first light of dawn picked up the features of her face as she turned toward me in her sleep. I stared, wide-eyed. Heather, in my bed? What the— Then the events of the previous night crashed into my brain. Oh shit. Who just...
I stared at Shannon for a few long seconds as I heard Alana whisper “Ouch!” from behind me. “Are you saying Pete was with another girl?” I asked, echoes of the grapevine still muddling my head. “Yeah. She found him in one of the bedrooms, getting it on with some redhead girl.” “Holy shit. Are you being serious?” “I am, Matt,” Shannon said apologetically. “Fuck. Where’s Lara now?” “In my car. I’ve been trying to calm her down for the last five minutes. I need to get back up there,...
Lara was still awake when I returned from Brian’s party. Part of me hoped to find her asleep. I considered retreating to the cabin to avoid a difficult talk, but then decided it wouldn’t be any easier to tell her about my exchange with Pete the next day. The sooner it was over, the sooner the black cloud would lift, however long it would take. After chatting with my parents and Frej for a bit, I knocked gently on her door. “Come in.” She was still reading. I let myself in and closed the...
December twenty-ninth was the latest date I’d ever started a skiing season. Early that morning, Aongus, Frej, Sarah, Heather and I ate a decent breakfast and then headed through the continuing storm to the ski resort. Sarah was going to spend the morning with Frej on the lower slopes while the rest of us headed to the summit. After lunch, if Frej was feeling it, he was going to join us to take the intermediate trail that wound down the side of the mountain. It felt great to get out on skis,...
Rather amazingly, Lara was the first one to wake up the next morning. Even in the very faint glow from dawn’s first tendrils, I could see that the night had delivered new light to her face. “Come on, get up!” she whispered. “What’s wrong? I thought we were leaving at eight-thirty today. What time is it?” “About seven. Mom’s just getting up to make breakfast. Let’s go look for those clues.” “Right now?” “Or I can go by myself.” I groaned and stretched. “All right, give me a second to...
Our band rehearsal on Saturday was spirited. Perhaps it was the prospect of playing for people at the auditions, or maybe it was the impending trip to the woods party, but either way, we played with new energy. There may have been a third cause as well: Brian was supposed to stop by with his girlfriend Elaine. I don’t know that I’d ever talked to Elaine until Brian started going out with her. In my group of friends, she was considered to be untouchably popular. Besides being a cheerleader...
Mercifully, the days started to go faster. Between band rehearsals, the photo project, and general homework and chores, the day of Heather’s visit started to feel real. Randi and her friend Mina showed up at the next practice. Ever since Pete and Lara had hooked up, Bruno and Carl were much more interested in their part-time girlfriends. I wondered if it was a reaction to Brian’s recent observation about their lack of female companionship. Although at first it was fun having the pair of...
Initials got further praise from Ms. Rawlings during the showing in class the next day. Amid a collection of generic school shots, my set was quite different. “Matt, would you like to explain your difficulties with this one?” she asked, holding up the courtyard photo. I stumbled my way through a description of the process she’d shown me, getting confused several times with the negative-to-negative aspect of the exposure. When I finished, Ms. Rawlings gave the method a name. “That’s called...
Dance is the hidden language of the soul - M.G. I got up late, preferring to stay in bed and think rather than get up and be restless in front of everyone. Sleep had done me good. I was feeling positive and excited about Heather’s arrival. She was on the road to me at that moment! After cleaning up my room, showering, and helping my parents with lunch, I decided to take a short hike in the woods to let out the pent-up energy. Lara caught up with me as I entered the trees. I wasn’t sure I...
I rode with Heather and her parents to the river the next morning. Aongus followed my mom’s car as we wound through the majesty of the Catskills. Early fall was just starting to bring splashes of color to the canopy. None of the adults were interested in fishing, so Heather and I soon found ourselves alone on the banks of the Esopus Creek, not too far from the campground where Lara and I had stayed in August. Our parents continued their scenic drive with the promise to meet back at the picnic...
When we got home, it was turning into one of those wondrous autumn nights that grace the mountains in early fall. Crisp, rarified air was descending from on high. Stars that we should not have been able to see were abundantly brilliant. A gauze of tree limbs fixed the pointillist heavens into a cracked-glass mosaic and a slender breeze swayed the leaves around us just enough to delight the ears. Heather and I bypassed the house altogether and strolled arm and arm to the backyard. “Push me on...
Band rehearsals were getting crowded. As usual, Randi and Mina showed up with Bruno and Carl that Saturday. After an hour, Shannon arrived with a huge pile of equipment. A few lights? We took a break so I could help her carry the stuff up to the cabin. Introductions went around. “So you’re here to take pictures of Matt?” Carl asked her. “Yeah, class project, you know,” she replied, as she started putting together light stands and tripods. I pretended not to be too interested in her setup,...
I finally got around to processing the negatives of Shannon’s dance that weekend. On first look, they were disappointing. Many seemed completely transparent, especially toward the end of the second roll. Apparently the gloom of the dusky studio had been too deep even for the fast film. There were some frames that looked like they might have promise, though. Admittedly, I still had a hard time translating the negative into the print in my mind, so I’d have to wait until I could use the...
By the time rehearsal rolled around on Saturday, I knew Lara was convinced. We’d spent four amazing hours the previous night practicing, letting her get comfortable with singing into the mic at high volume, learning lyrics, and listening to cuts. The only thing that kept our practice from being perfect was our shared worries about what the guys were going to say. I figured Pete was an easy ‘yes’, but I wasn’t sure about Bruno and especially Carl. When the band arrived on Saturday, Lara...
Maybe it wasn’t Pete? The next morning I considered confronting Lara about my suspicion. I was heading to her room when I realized that it was actually none of my business. I had no proof and it seemed unlikely that she wouldn’t be out with Pete, after all. Who would she have dragged to the cabin for an illicit fuck besides him? Still, her response to the whole thing had me privately wondering. Was she cheating on Pete? Or was something else going on? Nothing about her reaction to the event...
It took a bit longer than I expected to finish the clean up of Clara’s yard that evening, but eventually I shut the shed up and made my way to the back door of her house. Clara was preparing something in the kitchen. Some kind of music was audible through the door and it got louder when she waved me in. “All done?” she called, raising her voice over the music. I smiled and gave the thumbs up. “Would you mind turning down the stereo in the studio?” she requested, indicating her wet hands...
Of all the means of expression, photography is the only one that fixes forever the precise and transitory instant - H.C.B. Montauk. The furthest edge of my universe at that time in my life. The very tip of the known world. The enormous gravitational vortex of my attraction to Heather was centered there. Between was the well-traveled path, a knot of telephone wires, padded envelopes, and monotonous pavement, where hopes were always highest in both directions. Beyond was the infinite sphere...
When Heather and I eventually retreated to shore and reached the windbreak of the beach houses, it felt almost balmy. We had both been too cold to talk during the pack-up and short ride back to Heather’s place. Upon hurriedly ditching the bikes at the side of her house, we finally entered the warm cocoon of her living room. Heather turned to me as we stood there trying to remember what our extremities felt like. She beamed, a deeply satisfied smile that warmed me much faster than the heat...
Needless to say, it was a cold bike ride from Heather’s house that night. Still, the exhilaration of the evening and the ardor of that red dress seared my mind, keeping me just warm enough to get me home. Only Melissa was still awake when I let myself in the porch door. She was reading on the couch, bundled up in a warm blanket. “He returns,” she intoned with raised brow. I winced, having hoped to arrive undetected. “Sorry. Lost track of time.” “Didn’t know that the coffee house was open...
Heather, Lara, and I emerged from below when we heard the engines of the Valdemar II come down from full throttle. Frej hadn’t taken us too far, given the cold weather and the late hour. Instead, he picked one of his favorite inshore spots. Hans was like a child on his birthday, so we let him have the first line in. Sarah was up on the bridge learning to guide the boat from Frej. Part of me wanted to return to the relative warmth of the cabin down below. I was having a good time and I felt a...
A photograph is a secret about a secret The more it tells you, the less you know - D.A. I awoke with a start. It was the sound of my bedroom door squeaking open that had done it. Heather! I opened my eyes just in time to see something strange flying rapidly toward me. My hands shot up reflexively, but the foreign object landed gently on my middle. I caught a glimpse of Lara’s smiling face through the gap of the door as it closed. A paper airplane. I held up the jet and unfolded it. Lara...
Heather made a miraculous recovery from her faked illness, of course. That afternoon, my mom drove us both over to the Martins’ house. Finally able to fully drop the charade, Heather attacked me with kisses in the foyer. I pulled away after a moment. “Maybe we shouldn’t,” I teased. “I don’t want to get a sore throat too.” Heather ignored me and pressed her tongue deeply into my mouth. “The only sore throat I might get this weekend is from doing something else. But, I’m sure those lozenges...
My unexpected grumpiness from the morning mostly dissipated after Heather pulled into the driveway. Julie and I were to meet at the coffee shop in town after lunch. Heather was very glad to be able to spend some time with Lara. Almost too glad, I thought. Despite some lingering apprehension about what they might discuss, I decided to let things happen as they might. The morning was low key, but satisfying. Lara, Heather and I played some board games and listened to music, before the girls...
We dance tango because we have secrets - M.C.L. “How was school today?” Heather laughed. “Are you kidding? I didn’t go.” “Really? Why not?” “Didn’t feel like it.” “So you just didn’t go?” I asked incredulously. “Why bother? I felt like lying around, thinking of what a great weekend we just had. So I had a great day, actually! School will still be there tomorrow. It can wait. Thinking of the weekend couldn’t!” “It was pretty amazing,” I agreed. “Now we’re back to phone calls,” she...
The second set went okay. Perhaps the five of us were a bit too buzzed, tired, or both, but clearly we didn’t command the room quite like we had during the first set. We still had people cheering and dancing, but the intermission had dissipated a lot of the focused energy of the party. Our last song in the short set was Zep’s Dazed and Confused, which seemed like an apt description of the average party-goer by that point. Jocks gesticulated exaggeratedly in groups to impress unsteady girls....
I awoke to Lara’s voice, feeling like I’d just talked to her. “Wake up, bro,” she announced. I tried to make sense of things, but I was groggy as hell. “Why?” “We have to get back home. It’s getting light out.” “We’re not home?” Lara just sniggered, so I looked around. Jonah’s cabin, of course. I forced myself to sit up and looked at the two blankets that covered me. Two more were folded on the opposite couch, next to where Lara was sitting, observing me. When did I get the blankets...
Pete arrived at the cabin during the photo processing session with Shannon, calling out for Lara since he didn’t find her at the main house. The four of us took a break to refresh our high by burning another joint down to a roach. Lara and Pete then excused themselves, apparently to do some ‘homework’ together. Had Shannon not been there, I would’ve sniggered. Shannon and I still had work to do, so we returned to the darkroom. “How long have they been going out?” Shannon asked me as she...
The day after Shannon’s Nutcracker performance, I arrived at Clara’s house after an early lunch. Since dance classes had just finished at her studio for winter break, she was busy with paperwork. I got right to work, making heavy use of my Walkman. The painting was quite easy, but the job was clearly going to take the rest of the afternoon. The plan was to finish before sunset in order to catch some natural light portraits of Clara near the studio windows. If more pictures were needed after...
In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality - A.S. The talent show started out with Roy, who was quite an impressive singer. He was mixing a Bobby McFerrin-style a cappella solo with some comedy, and the audience was eating it up. We were scheduled to play in the fourth of six slots – one act had withdrawn – preceded by some kid doing magic and followed by Elaine’s brother. The evening’s other band, Green Space, was closing out the night. Shannon...
When the devil came, she was not red. She was cold and she said, “Let me in!” I jumped up and peeked out the window when I heard the light tapping. Heather was standing in the blanket of snow that had settled on the ground during the past hour. I silently slipped the window up, bracing myself against the blast of frigid air that pressed against the warmth of my room. Heather climbed through the windowpane with a little help and I quickly shut the night out. I took her into my arms so that...
The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead - R.E. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me all day?” I raised an eyebrow at my sister and smiled slightly. “Is that what you want me to do?” Lara grinned impishly before turning back toward the lively river, stepping onto the larger rocks that jutted out from the rapids. The sudden lift of her fishing rod gave away the fact that she’d settled too quickly on an unsteady stone. Her toned leg muscles twitched as they tried to make...
Lara wore the most priceless look as I approached a campsite that was now occupied by three extra girls. Alana greeted me warmly, that same honest smile on her face. For a second I imagined I had x-ray vision, since I could easily strip away her short shorts and form-fitting tank top to imagine her in her translucent underwear. Then I put the thought out of my head. Things were awkward for a bit, but once I reminded everyone that we were all hungry, we got to work. Sophie unpacked a paper...
If I’d learned the meaning of ‘stoned’ the previous evening, then the morning’s vocabulary lesson was ‘cottonmouth’. Except for this sensation, though, I felt surprisingly good as I stretched into a seated position. Lara was still locked in a deep slumber, her lower body submerged in her bag. Her awkward sprawl made her seem dead. Before I could check, she shifted to a more natural position. I looked at my watch, astonished to see how late it was. So much for fishing at dawn. Then again, I...
As we prepared dinner, Alana and her friends pulled up in their car on their way out of the campground. Alana expressed her jealousy at missing the impending meal, Megan griped about the hour, Alana rolled her eyes as she waved one last time, and then they drove off. Just like that, I knew I’d never see her again. There was a feeling of deep relief to that realization. Even if I’d done nothing wrong, I didn’t think it was wise to keep pushing the boundaries. If I made a mistake, I’d never...
I was aware of an engine rumbling near my head, but I ignored it, half-asleep. A car door opened and closed, punctuating the ever-present sounds of nature. My mom’s voice floated through the morning air, finally triggering a return to consciousness. “Matt, Lara? Don’t tell me you’re still sleeping?” Melissa called out. I peeled apart my desiccated lips, finding it hard to croak out an acknowledgement. “Hgghh...” “Oh, no! Are you sick?” I cleared my throat and spoke more normally. “No....
A couple of days after leaving Aunt Beth the phone message, she finally called back. Fortuitously, I happened to answer. “Hi, Matt. How are you? I got your call.” “I’m doing good. Find anything?” I asked, keeping my voice neutral. “I did. You left a couple of rolls on the desk.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Cool. I thought maybe I lost them!” “Do you want me to give them to Heather for you?” “Uh, sure—actually, no, wait. Can you send them to me instead?” I winced, hoping she’d agree...
“The CD comes with nude pictures!” Pete exclaimed, grinning broadly as he held the photos tight. “Give me that!” I blurted out, snatching them from his hand. I felt heat rapidly rising to my head. For a moment, there was confusion on Pete’s face. Then it changed to amusement. “Wait, are those yours? Holy shit, I thought they came with the album!” My mind raced as I stared at the pictures, keeping them turned away from my friends. How the hell did these get into Pete’s hands? I looked at...
Superman didn’t think about sex. It wasn’t in his personality to think about sex. It had never been a subject that a super hero of his ability needed to think about. Clark Kent had thought about and even had sex with Lois Lane, but when he donned the cape and tights he became Superman. The super heroes super hero. A being with no sexual thoughts. So what happened when the latest Super Villainess came on the scene? She called herself The Whore. Her powers basically consisted of being able to...
Another glorious day in Acropolis City... until, without warning, disaster strikes! It could be a fire, a bank robbery, a collapsing building, or something stranger. But even in the most hair-raising situations, the citizens of this fair city are confident that whenever the average cop on the beat can't handle matters, an amazing (and, often, quite sexy) individual will be swinging into action to set things right... assuming that exceptional individual wasn't the one who caused the problem in...
(I hope people enjoy a few of the ideas I've had kicking around in my head for a while. Feel free to add or write me with ideas...I definitely don't have any of this fully mapped out.) A superheroine's life is never dull, there's always some crook or villain to fight. In this case there are two new threats that have begun to pop up, unfortunately the biggest threats are just rumors on the streets and nothing more. Without something to stakeout or punch the only thing one can do is go undercover...
LesbianJennifer Sole was ready. She had her power's, she'd trained hard, she came up with her name (Supreme Girl), and made her suit. She was ready to start her career as a superhero. Ever since she mysteriously gained super strength, speed and flight, she was determined in her goal. And today was the day she would start. She donned her suit. She had modeled it after a cute costume she saw in a comic book. It consisted of a blue t-shirt, a red mini skirt and red knee-high boots. She had also added a...
You are May Parker AKA Spidergirl! You fight crime and (hopefully) don't cause too much collateral damage when you're doing it.
The Little Slut Reuben wasn't much for dancing and drinking. He drank very little, hardly at all and did not fancy the dance club scene with the loud thumping music and the drunk sorority girls trying to hook up with the drunk fraternity guys. It was a rare occasion that would bring them out to a place like this and tonight was one of those occasions. The party was for a couple getting married the next weekend and since they were good friends, he had relented and joined the party. Chloe however...
Quickie SexSo little bit about me !!!! To begin with, I have been a regular reader of Indian sex stories and love some of the stories posted here(mainly in English). I am not the guy that would objectify woman but actually worship their body but yes I do love beautiful woman life all guys in life…..I am 26/5-10 /well to do/fair/medium to long hair/ medium built and finally 7inches of cock from Mumbai…..I am well read as well as spontaneous at most times …However, I do become speechless on seeing and...